Hearts of Iron 4 Challenge: Peaceful Trotsky - Communist world, no attacking.

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hello everyone I am Tori and welcome to my newest hands of mine for challenge don't you sometimes worry that the world has had too much food and too much hope that things can get better well worried no longer because we're going to make the whole world communist so no more food and no more hope we're going to play as the Soviet Union and make the world communist peacefully well not exactly but essentially we're not allowed to attack anyone I'm in mode historical focuses and regular difficulty let's go what are the rules exactly well we cannot declare war on people we can justify war goals we can join wars but we cannot declare wars we can boost party popularity we can stage coos the only thing we're not allowed to do is declare a war if a civil war is going on we can and join it and what is the goal well we're not going to make the whole world communist because well there's just so many countries that it would take forever but I'm going to consider this a success if we can make all the major powers either be communists be annexed or subjugated so we need to make France Germany Italy Japan United Kingdom and the United States communists or one of the other options that I mentioned we are also going to bring Trotsky back let's start with the Stalin Constitution focus build a lot of civilian factories in the best provinces and pretty much everywhere else to produce some support equipment some artillery and tons of infantry weapons don't need any tanks motorized all planes we're also going to need a ton of convoys we start with a huge army that can take out pretty much everyone in the world but unfortunately we're not allowed to attack people let's keep the tanks keep the mountaineers and the one motorized unit we have and the rest will be switched into regular infantry but not immediately first they will only switched into cavalry why one because I need to transport them Navy and I don't have a lot of convoys so they need to be a lot even though that will reduce their experience this is unfortunate but necessary let's make sure to exercise them so they have as much experience as that they can have as for research generic stuff industry stuff and infantry stuff also the mass assault doctrine as it should be also we need to start boosting ideology right away in three countries that will be France Italy and Poland why because we want to get rid of Germany soon and for that we'll need Poland Italy and France to be on our side I will take care of the rest later and that is about it we can unpause now and speed things up let's also switch some tanks to cavalry we will not need that many and the tanks that were recovered when disbanding will be useful to reinforce the ones we have left and that is about it really we will be increasing our ideology we will be staging cooze and we will be interfering in those KU's remilitarization of the Rhineland and Stalin Constitution let's do collectivist propaganda next we need that for the extra stability and the extra political power also let's go to war economy it is going to boost our production significantly I can't really afford to do any more in terms of advisors and extra stuff here we will need that vodka power elsewhere ideally at the start of 1937 we need to start saging who's in France Italy and Poland so let's keep some political power in reserve as well focuses I'm not going to do all of them will only do down to workers culture here down to digital research salt here and socialist realism and that's it at least until the Civil War let's work on getting the extra research thought now as you can see that extra stability has increased our political power income the Spanish Civil War perfect let's help Republican Spain win I'm going to send you some volunteers how can many can I send up to five okay let's take five units of should I send tanks of mountaineers both are valid choice but all sends tanks we need a use for those tanks there you go and let's give you a look off as a general Republic in Spain here comes your salvation send volunteers yogi look off now we could multiply the government but I'm going to need us both go power later soma just save it and they have arrived okay our first course of action is Walter did you feel much of course to a desk you will do nicely I'm also going to promote a Rokossovsky to attract Sookie will delete you and become a aggressive first we are going to push here so that we can separate the bits of Republican Spain from each other and diminish their supply well we're effectively using tanks in the mountains but this should not stop them also the super aggressive private plan finished I'm at effort now there you go they're separated they should have limited supply now at this point when they're split this should already bring Republican Spain victory but yeah let's do our best to help them further mmm German volunteers well they're not going to stop the sub it might how was communist supporter doing well France has a lot of Italy has a bit and Poland same but Italy has too much stability for me to stage a coup there well maybe it's for the better it would be preferable if we could finish these are in France before we start one in Italy so we will start staging a coup in Italy a bit later much more about Poland they tend to get a guy that makes it more difficult to stage a coup it would be ideal to start doing it right before they get one extra research thought please Republican Spain is winning okay I think it's time to start working on the coos in Poland and France in Poland not to do a coup in view not this way we'll be able to bring them reinforcements immediately and in France I need a place that is a relatively close in terms of naval transport so how about a Whitman well I'm people to get military access from Republican Spain yes that will be sufficient I'm just going to station my troops are there which means you guys don't actually need to be cavalry I can switch to you to infantry and even expand that infantry a bit coup in France will needs to be centered down south all right suppose Bordeaux will be a good place to work on that there you go there's your Koo - Koo simultaneously and that is going to drain more political power which is why I needed some reserved extra research lot is done these focuses are not really worth it we're going to do workers culture next and socialist realism actually should have started with socialist realism we're going to need socialist realism to get some extra political power I am still boost in popularity in France and Poland even though I'm already staged in Coos because I'm not sure if the size of the coup is based on the popularity at the end of the stage or at the beginning so just to be safe I'm going to continue boosting communism I was Italian stability yeah it needs to be under 80 when it reaches that then we'll start working on a coup there as well we do have a lot of support equipment and towed artillery stalled let's modify our infantry template give them engineer and Recon companies end of the Spanish Civil War and we won now socialist realism and then workers culture yeh Republican Spain since we do have military access through there I can actually stationed my troops in orbit in Spain even I do have military access why can't I go there why are you not moving do I need to do it manually let's cancel the orders and move everyone to Leningrad how many armies do we want to dis ascender that I suppose I'll send five four armies will training new ones for Poland 120 units let's train some cavalry we're going to switch them into infantry later I start the coup in Italy yet not yet a couple of units are still on their way but let's take the ones that are already in then grad and send them to Spain manually socialist realism and finally workers culture and that's the last focus we're gonna do at least until our own Civil War all of you are in position there might be some supply troubles but nothing too serious how long until the coup is complete and well it's we're halfway there reportedly Emilia disappears poor Emilia like I was going on here Chiang kai-shek do we care not really I suppose mm-hmm another boudoir enemy meets his end that's fine and Germans of a tricky this is not the amount of Ribbentrop marketing yet so we can sign it we've killed Chiang kai-shek and here's work as culture let's do mass mobilization we want to get powerful quick and that's the best way to do that and no more focuses at least for a while I'm so not going to start working on the United Kingdom and Japan yet because I need to have some vodka part banked we'll do that once France and Poland are in civil war come as china joins the japanese alliance not really a problem you guys are mostly trained up I hope you don't need to exercise anymore what you need to do is divide yourself into armies the fur our first Army Group led by a toy drive ski can you guys distribute yourselves around here no not really I have to do everything manually don't I well that's a pity each army to a different port hopefully this way you can get some more supplies your way Rokoff you are going to be next to poland let's go for two full army groups should be sufficient from Spain we move to France from France to Italy speaking of Italy are you ready to be cooled yet no not yet hopefully we can deal with Italy before Germany gets them into an D axis I think it's time to start working on the United Kingdom United States and Japan and if we run out of protocol I can always pause those activities for a while let's deploy all these cavalry units Rokossovsky aggressive offensive and charismatic we will have to deal with the civil war soon but we are totally capable of doing that and this worries me a bit Oh 20 19 18 more days until the coup but make sure to have some more units already for Poland the Civil War is about the start this is a delicate operation so let's speed it down okay slow down anyway this happened Polish People's Republic has rebelled and so has the French commune this is perfectly fine I'm going to invite both of them to my faction it's important that the eyes do not get involved we'll pause for an hour they have both accepted and now I need to join their wars but I can't do that because of how low the world tension is however if I started justifying all the United States just for an hour was going to bring the world tension up significantly and now I can join with the wars join this war and join this war slow down a bit one hour has passed we have joined both those wars and now I need to cancel that war go because we don't want it the world attention to be that high because the Allies for example could get involved we wouldn't want that would we now the French troops and the Polish troops will probably do absolutely nothing to help themselves and we will have to do all to work but that's fine see in the world tension is back to 23 so nobody should cause us any trouble and the France hasn't joined the Allies yet they haven't done her with Britain so we are safe on that front as well should I make them aggressive yes yes I should now Poland can't really get any troops to Krakow and addy surrounding area now but that should not matter that much once we start our invasion from here and again this is not an offensive war we have not attacked anyone what we did is offered to help our friends all these units are cavalry so they're very weak but there's a ton of them we should be able to beat Poland make sure you're aggressive as well ok go unless he where that gets us most important bit is that our allies do not get defeated too quickly let's try and monitor both those wars at the same time you guys are on your way and so is the other group now the thing that worries me is that friends could theoretically surrender one krokov is taken let's see how many of every points of us just want a crap they might be about to surrender now crap oh no no it's actually not a problem because we're still in this war so then capitulating it doesn't really matter we can still make it work well good thing we joined the war immediately although now we have to do all of the work as fronts much better we're winning the French Civil War can I finally work on Italy yet no and I don't think I want people to do that in time no matter at least we will have Poland France is about to be defeated that it's great France was annexed by the French coming who is now part of our alliance good and all the cavalry here should probably be switched to infantry now don't really have a lot of equipment but erm they should be more effective I suppose I could work on boosting popularity in Germany as well because having a civil war in Germany could be helpful oh come on I still can't stage a coup where the February 38 we might have to just defeat them the old-fashioned way but at least now France is not going to be stupid and die are we doing in Poland well we don't we have all of equipment so we're not doing great but we're doing something oh and France is helping we're not in a rush with Poland the important bit is that we get them before Germany attacks them and that they don't join the Allies or anything like that Mongolian troops cool they have German and Italian volunteers which is why this is all progressing so slowly I think it's time to start working on some military factories we seem to have broken the Polish resistance and we're moving in quickly losing all the manpower because we don't really have equipment for those troops but it's all going to be worth it okay come on as China took two states cool and we're almost done with Poland oh I used up almost all my manpower on Poland well let's go to them did conscription then yeah that's because I didn't have equipment for all those troops so they kept dying I was a bit careless here perhaps I should have kept them as cavalry or just sent a couple of units here not all of them the Minich agreement ja slovakia is being disintegrated well we could have saved you I suppose but you might have agreed to the German demands anyway which would make all that a wasted effort we can invite Communist China to our faction we could but I do have other things to worry about we will deal with Japan in a different manner perhaps now finally okay Poland is our eye we're going to save you from Germany you know what I might instead coup Italy if we can get Trotsky quickly because Trotsky and some focuses namely NKVD and permanent revolution but you just click the button and that the coup is on the way also working on military factories now I do need those guns Chinese Empire was puppeted again oh right our communist china became Chinese Empire and that's fine we do still have quite a lot of time before the Germans attack let's use that to train up our troops and so on famines revolution yes yes we do need Trotsky come back quick a civil war will break out hopefully the troops we have here will be sufficient to win it Japan attacks in can we could gets in caring as an ally but again I have different plans for Japan come on Trotsky where are you oh we have researched the better guns for the famous pepper shop oh I'm afraid of Josefa vodka why does that count as a justification against Poland well just uh oh you're justifying on them normally doesn't expect that so not a problem it's gonna take you a long time to get that trust used to wonderful this is exactly what we want to happen good all right how many troops do I have left the Army's disintegrated but I kept all of my troops is that because they were in foreign territory possibly well that's great then let's reform our armies and get this civil war over with quickly Oh Roxy actually has a higher level than to address key and he has the logistics thing cool but I lost a roo cough that's unfortunate but not really a problem let's use a field marshal ever alter this is going to be a quick and easy walk attack and be super aggressive now the rest of you we have a hundred and twenty units in France so that's another army group I didn't realize that having them in foreign territory is going to have the same effect as having them at sea this is actually quite helpful and that stuff folks oh right my you don't pause for a moment and the great purge should get bypassed now yes we did bypass that let's do NKVD primacy Oh my political actions have stopped what's her resume them Germany Italy United Kingdom United States and Japan no I can actually invite my allies into the Civil War could be helpful but it's hardly necessary oh that's not very quick and very easy apart way okay good see essentially Trotsky doesn't have a very good skill work of power gain is reduced and so is your justification but subversive activities cost minus 30% this further reduces it by 50 which is minus 80 percent and if we do this one as well that will be minus 100 percent which makes it free and also instant during impact of Steel I think that is when they join the axis which means we won't be able to institute them or rather we will be able to do that but it won't bring our so the desired result still we can use that while we're fighting the Germans it will make it and make everything easier okay so the war is over but I started preparing to fight Germany so I just made some orders and sent my troops at the front line also we are working on Trotsky's specialized focus which will let us do instant coos I'm gonna make everyone cautious and I'm not going to activate any of the attack orders why well because we want the Germans to try and attack us and lose their equipment and manpower and also I wanted to make sure I have enough guns to do whatever and whatever I need to do whatever they went through packed no thank you Italy joins access which is unfortunate but also inevitable see France can't defend themselves of course and because their funds but with our help they should have an easy time doing that same goes for Poland I hope our political power is crap but it is acceptable and Japan keeps attacking people not my problem Luxembourg joins the eyes and the Germans are at war with the Allies and they're also going to attack our so soon and we can't do lessons of war yet ok let's not do it focus perhaps we'll go to full mobilization Belgium enjoys the is being attacked by the Germans and the Germans have attacked Poland I am not involved in tour let's join it immediately they are going to need my help John wars please German British war okay so those were merged that's not a problem we are now at war with Germany and Italy we're also not participating in any attacks it's not time yet we're just going to sit here and be defensive about it with the Polish I have a different idea okay you go on the talk Germany I'm going to defend your borders in the meantime we'll do that our manpower will go down but we can always do which one is that women in the workforce 100 pots go power and we'll get that shortly and then our manpower is back to normal see I could to do an instant coup on Italy right now but my stockpile of infantry weapons is not good enough to do that we are under attack but we are holding our ground almost everywhere let's just let the Germans attack if we have to retreat a bit that's fine let's see how many troops they lost well that's not a huge amount of troops but it is increasing steadily let's just take over connects back shall we that's better the Germans are losing a lot of people and they're attacking Scot Navy as well we are good on equipment finally now once we have a big stockpile I can do an insta coup in Italy hunger joins the axis we are prepared for that why is that decision women in the workforce please they have advanced a little bit into Poland but it costs them so much well it's not exactly 40 to 1 but almost Oh Denmark is actually pushing into Germany it might be time let's start with Italy staged a coup let's make sure we have the stockpile of weapons that is necessary 40,000 infantry weapons stop ok now should we do Sicily opulent let's try and do Naples can we do that no but we could do car video you know what okay let's try and do Sicily this way they will be kind of sandwiched this will happen in one day I will then Center this army down there to help there it is there's the cool Italian Union declared war on Italy oh you got way more territory than I expected you too and you want to join my faction yes please I would also like you to I would also like to join your Wars we do participate in your Wars already doing let's make sure to call it armed so we're all in the same wars ok half of you go up here if you go down here and you also need to take care of the Germans down in this area but the Italians seem to be doing that themselves in the meantime the Second Army will try to have a naval transport down this way then we'll do a similar thing to Germany and since the Italians don't really seem to have a defense here I might want to activate these all as immediately and you guys can actually sail safely this should let us take out Italy quickly and relatively easily we are attacking them from all other sides after all yeah I'm actually going pretty well well they did have a lot of communist support I was working on that for 40 years the correct form of what I just said should have been I have been working on that for four years doesn't really matter does it anyway we're about to take over Italy it will be time to deal with Germany momentarily and move towards Rome Italy has capitulated who did that go to controller Italian a union this under British control you know it doesn't really matter the Italian union is on our side yes it's British let's make sure we can get some military acts from them and that would be the perfect opportunity to use all the 66 however we're not going to use that in this playthrough who were interesting Republican Spain was to join yes please end would you mind joining our war so you Germany doesn't really stand a chance but let's let's not activate or orders against them just yet let's make sure to converge all our troops do we want a civil war in Germany or do we just want it to be to the civil war could be more beneficial to us just have to play it smart this seems like it that's supported a start virgin Berg sure let's stage a quick cool inverting Berg we don't need to rule them we just need them to be communists let's slow the game down a bit we must make sure to have them in our faction yeah right oh cool that's a lot of territory Socialist Republic of Germany god I was expecting less great please join my faction and let's join our forces and destroy the Germans together time to rearrange our forces also we are almost done with all our doctrine research which is making us very powerful we are set on cautious we don't want to waste manpower and resources also we are not in a hurry we will win eventually the women take Luxembourg the Socialist Republic of Germany get a lot of troops they have fifty nine divisions that's quite a lot actually we're about to take Munich and then a lot of forces will be free to intervene and a dove is about to be taken care of since this is essentially one already let's check on the commune support in the United Kingdom United States and Japan yeah we're gonna need to wait some more for this to work unquote is that correct I don't know I I learned a German for a long time it's combat sir haven't really used it in many many years and hungary has surrendered okay why is Germany NOT capitulating yet do I need a Vienna probably tnf Berlin has been taken a long time ago Germany has capitulated okay what happened here why can't they take anything from Germany is that because it's a civil war will Socialist Germany automatically get everything here let's pass a few times so we have enough points to do what we need to do papa sulukim and poppy Hungary that's it for now that does it so what happens with Germany Italy was annexed by the Italian Union and Germany was annexed by the Socialist Republic of Germany so we're not there overlord they're not our puppet but they are communists and they are in our faction so we have flipped Germany Italy and France the communism we still need United Kingdom United States and Japan let's have a look at the factions bad mood cool we rule Europe essentially the United States are still neutral perhaps we can have them flip to communism peacefully but they are going to have an election soon Leon Trotsky's world revolution this is how you do it more or less we could of course do more countries but we don't need to switch everyone to communism just the majors ah the officers purged the thing has expired charles la vega has been released and is democratic but you will have a harder time surviving here but i'm going to allow this feeling generous today you know what we should probably deal with japan now because if we don't they're going to attack people soon let's send all of you down here you're going to suffer some attrition but that's not really a big problem now i forgot to give them skills well that was a bit of a mistake but not a huge one let's take all of our navy which is not very big and send it over here again the coup is going to be instant so we have to be prepared in carl ii abdicates do we care not really we're not concerned with Romania in this game our troops have arrived and the rest we should probably prepare because if we're told them we might need to at least hold the border here let's send you all to the Sea of Japan to do convoy escort at least all of you that can actually reach it we want to do something that will have a nice port that we can enter for example Kansai this has a perfect port for our purposes good let's do it slow the game down we need to invite them to a faction immediately and then join the war but we can actually join the war after we transport our troops there the qu Japanese People's Republic I hope you have a lot of troops soon because you surely don't have a lot of territory let's invite you to our faction and pause for an hour perfect how many choice do you have enough you have enough troops to secure the area until my troops card everyone here please and since we are not at war with Japan at the moment we should not be harassed when trying to transport call to arms yes they have all joined but of course going to accept this call to arms once we transport our troops onto their territory yes Soviet soldiers in Japan nothing to worry about just a couple hundred thousand people right they have arrived it is time to join this war sure I will accept all these course to arms because I mean it's the same call to arms doesn't really matter so don't have ski will take care of the land don't be too aggressive we don't want to lose too many troops and the ROK osofsky will take care of the home islands you can actually easily defeat the Japanese with nukes in this game but we don't need to do such a horrible thing a lot of Russian troops is just as good as a couple of nukes activate all the orders and this number what you were going to make you aggressive you don't really have good supply so you need to act fast Oh logistics wizard that seems like a really entire attack the Japanese please shouldn't take you too long Yunnan has capitulated how are things on the continent good then leave Thank You Micah sake is almost ours this is going quickly a little slower over here it's a better defendant but be honest there's absolutely no chance they can stand against our might let's see how many troops the three sent to Japan total manpower 1 million and just a million Russians in Japan that should do the trick see we're not really taking over any territory oh all we are doing is making them our friends our hungry communist friends Tokyo is taken Japan capitulates ok cool this is automatically taken over by our new Japanese friends because it's a civil war but we can actually take some territory do we want to I suppose actually the best thing to do would be to shut up up at everyone and then take all the territory and released Communist China let's do that Donald what's this xiangjian State not a problem now I could release China and have infinite manpower I already have a lot of manpower we could do that though and now Japan is our friend of course hopefully and they will not attack our other friends the friends that we want to flip to our ideology but if it happens we'll deal with it somehow is it time to stage a communist rebellion in Los Angeles and you know and all that American freedom stuff the election happened and they did not become convinced oh I can't stage a coup because they have too much stability let's send you to northern France so we can be ready to invade from Britain when that becomes an option Japan doesn't exist so they won't be able to attack Japan anymore we do exist and they should be able to thank us however this requires us to be fighting Germany so that's not gonna work either how about this one the UK wouldn't need to not be democratic so essentially the United States can't do anything to us the United States do have the pre-emptive intervention focus though if they do that that would put them at war with Venezuela in that case their stability will go down and and I can start doing my cool and I think we can do a similar thing with at the United Kingdom because they do have some focus that will put them at war with for example Iraq well eventually they will do a focus that will put them at war and I think it is true for both United Kingdom in the United States so yeah we'll be fine you just need some patience hungry demands stuff do we care not really our friends here have a lot of troops that is great news I might have a use for those of later there's another thing I could do I could stage a coup in another country within the Allies and then help the people that are you know affected by the coup that would put me to war with Britain that's not necessarily something we want to do but it is an option let's see who we could affect with that not a lot of people honestly perhaps Belgium if we increased community support there repro claims greater Hungary greater than what I wonder we're almost in 1944 maybe they will just flip to communism through elections that would be cool but it should work in Belgium rebellions in the Americas okay cool good to know president Socialist Republic I didn't do that it's a pity they don't want to join me oh oh when did that happen cool it won't be friends we are now brothers in communism okay and that worked out didn't expect it to but it did can we have the same happen in the United Kingdom they're about to have an election and there's more communist support than you know Democratic support so this might actually work out of course if it doesn't we do have a back-up plan in place you can do war plan of red now which one is that United Kingdom oh they are going to attack the United Kingdom that is perfect because the UK will be at war and that means we will be able to mm-hmm to do a coup there then Ally the new country that is created and then probably also invite other communist States of America to our faction completing communist world domination well just wait for the elections what happens let's research nuclear bombs know that I'm gonna need them but it's good to be able to build nuclear weapons option number one is they just flip peacefully at the next election which might happen because they have 51% communist support and only 45 Democratic support if that doesn't happen then I think the communist States of America will attack them because they can follow this path it's going to take them a while to finish the focus and if that doesn't happen for some reason we can stage a coup when one of their allies and get involved that way or finally if that doesn't happen we can wait for them to attack some people like for example Dirac in order for them to be able to attack Iraq Iraq needs to have some support for other parties you know what I am going to actually increase party popularity of communism in the rack does that count for them to be able to attack Iraq yes yes it does okay so this is our plan D well mine is just a bit of patience and we will defeat them okay well happened here come on States of America declared war and Chile not my problem legionary Romania seeks to join to come to shore yes not a problem okay the election happened and they have flipped to communism well I didn't expect that to work but great they still have the allies faction so we cannot invite them to our own faction okay we did it okay and then the last part was not as exciting as the first part but that was a clear goal also now let's wait a bit longer because now all the other countries should start leaving as the allies since their ideology is no longer in line some countries should start leaving iliza see the eyes have this integrated our only ID with other puppets and Brazil we have actually achieved our objective because the objective was to turn all the major power communist we have Socialist Republic of Germany we have Japanese People's Republic French common Italian Union Soviet Union of course Union or Britain and the Communist States of America all the major powers in the world now follow the ideology of communism success things are now horrible everywhere we have achieved our goal thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed this little challenge it's a bit different no conquering stuff let me know how you like this type of video and yeah that is it for today also make sure to let me know what challenge I should do next in the comments because I don't think I have any good ideas for next week well I have one but it's one I keep in reserve so if you have something cool to suggest make sure to let me know ok as I said that is it for today and I will see you soon good bye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 461,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iron, hoi4 challenge, of, hearts of iron iv ussr challenge, hoi4, hoi4 russia, hearts, hoi4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron 4 fail, four, world conquest, hearts of iron 4 russia challenge, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hoi4 soviet union, taureor, hoi4 ussr, hoi4 stage coup, hoi4 trotsky, hoi4 soviet trucks challenge, hearts of iron iv soviet union challenge, hoi4 meme, ironman
Id: 6i5b0nht2KM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 36sec (2256 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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