Hearts of Iron 4 What If Germany Got Nukes In WW2?

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it is time a mass nuclear reactors where are they gonna be everywhere you thought I was joking right everywhere that's right even here even here there's a lot on my little friend boom boom boom there we go get out of here hey I'm feedback gaming and this is me playing of regular gamers Germany in heart sabayon for it's been a long time since I've done this but I'm gonna play Germany with iron man turned off and just play a good old regular game of hearts of iron for and there's been some little tricks and exploits people have told me about and I thought I just combined them into a super awesome Germany slash video and this is this video no word of a lie if you want to see a world conquest as the anarchists it will happen at 200,000 subscribers you want to see that put your money where your mouth is and subscribe I'll I there's no money it's free you can subscribe for nothing they'll play a new game in 1936 the German Reich playing on historical without iron man and regular difficulty what is the feature of this video what is the main attraction and we are gonna get nuclear as Germany what if Germany got nuclear weapons in ww2 what would be the consequences and you're probably thinking boring we've seen that before true but I'm gonna do something different there is a new decision in hearts of mine for for Germany in Norway it's pretty strong and it will allow us to get access to nuclear technology sniff acun tea earlier and we'll mess around with collaboration governments and we'll mess around with how peace conferences work because let's break the game right that's what we do right yep indeed if you knew the hearts of Rome for welcome I'm feedback gaming and I'm going to show you in much detail as possible to play Germany in the most broken fashion let's go with every game of hard sub item before we go through the notifications at the top of the screen to deal with the main issues with our nation to begin with what does Germany have issues with to begin with well let's take care of research we're gonna go for electronic mechanical engineering to get radio kisses more reinforced rate reinforced right is very important we get into battle quickly and doing lots of damage it's a way that you can get advantage against the AI like tiny amount it all adds up we're also going to feel basic machine tools which gives us more production output we'll concentrate or disperse industry we're also gonna go for construction because at the start of the game you are at peace and it is a good idea to stock as much construction as you can when you're building up so let's do that and last and definitely not least we are gonna go for submarine 3 in 1936 you are a madman Dave I know free civilian factories these are our production and our construction and what we're gonna do is focus internally on our own industry by holding shift and clicking here and here to max out the building slots on civilian factories and we're also do you as well that'll do for now military factories we are not go baking tanks tanks so out date one on motorized we're not gonna be making planes at the start of the game that might change at some point and we're gonna pump out the rest of these partially constructed submarines now these ships the bigger ones on the other hand I can't be bothered to finish them or do the subs and the destroyers one of each and then the rest which is producing regular old submarine twos that looks really good the rest of the military factory is we're gonna make some AAA we'll go for go for five of those artery five of those one more into support equipment we've got a few more factories left over we've got another four go one two three four there we go 28 of 28 national focus we're gonna go for rhymin for that political power and also control of this land that is rightfully ours by the way it will be militarized training divisions will train we'll say eight of these divisions put them low priority and unlimited amount just drop them there when they are ready under sign divisions will select all of them right click them onto an army and change them to regular infantry and move them here with a four but line I hear press see they were in to fall but line mode and then just right click and drag to drag a four but line right here and then you post control and click to assign them that pretty much it's done for now we could do with a little bit more rubber but I'll do with that minus one for the time being and take that slight production hit for motorized because I don't care that much for motorized anyway five percent I'll take that five percent F to merge up the Navy's there we go Air Force f3 like them all and move them to Bill in and we'll split them off a few times that I'll do chips left click to exercise them to level through good and we're also shift left click on the infantry to exercise them to level three as well hey we've got fifty political power let's go for a justification on the Netherlands right-click delete the orders Prezi for frontline and go right here general Rommel and we'll go for a field marshal Walter Mughal and aggressive assault is a very good perk so we will do that control B you toggle railroading and go to that frontline lovely Rhineland has been done let's go for some more naval dockyard so let's go for naval rearm lovely three naval dockyards practically but nothing let's go for free trade which gives us a load of bonuses but we lose a load of our resources and in this case we don't lose them like we're not even using them anyway because oil and rubber are not gonna be a big deal for Germany without tanks gonna go for radio next on the research side but next focus we're gonna go for his naval effort which for 35 days then we gained two more naval yards don't mind if I do let's elect an admiral we're gonna go for karl dönitz hold shift left click and do naval exercises for the navy machine tools is done that we can go for a production begins now and we're gonna go for disperse industry break off a few divisions from rama so he's not over stacked he gets a penalty if he's got too many divisions assigned and we'll go for feeder von bock x4 offensive order and that's why i do them so quickly because i can't be asked to press these buttons shortcuts for the Wingo's shortcuts for the win does anyone else actually use show because let me know in the comments below because i actually don't know the most part i just presume people do next focus i'm gonna go for ease army innovations because this gives us bonuses for land doctrine we're not investing in land doctrine yet but we will soon in a global construction to after construction one more civil even factories are needed new divisions going to assign them to an army and shift left-click to exercise them to level 3 gonna go per joseph goebbels gave a bonus of 10% to war support and this will pushes over the threshold so we can go for war spot once we've got the political power next national focus is gonna go for the four-year plan to give us bonuses for industry so that allow us to rush down construction three and four you want to build up as big and tall as possible as quickly as possible and while i remember let's create an agency and this will allow us to build collaboration governments which is no P method of capturing land and not having to deal with resistance it is incredibly strong radio is done we're gonna go for superior firepower now we're gonna go for lots of artillery on the ground spy agency is complete and now we need to upgrade it to gain an extra +1 spy and we need 5 upgrades to do that my advice is go for the cheap upgrades and we'll start off with the s pills which makes it less likely our ages to get caught 150 political power and now we can go for or economy and select a spy you'll do Hannah and we are going to build a spy network inside of France and we're good for dispersed industry too as well for your plan is done now go for autarky not necessarily for the bonuses but we want it to get the autobahn which is Max's infrastructure in these key four areas of Germany allow us to pump out factories at an incredibly fast rate make sure we build enough factories inside of Germany in the meantime there are justification on the Netherlands is complete and we're gonna declare war and just eat them up probably in seconds yeah that wasn't too hard just activate the plan push in and to me divisions too much firepower just just walk completely over the top of them pretty rule right they've been eaten first thing to do is to satellite a Dutch East Indies that is very important because that is part of the plan and we are going to be working on and then we annex everything else and we're going to point so we have to pass a few times you know points and then we've got other points there we go annex the Netherlands annex the atilla's here this is important for reference for later we've also puppeted the East Indies no longer the Dutch Eastern is they are German East Indies just another East Indy we have occupation issues now so we're gonna have a civilian oversight and we need to make sure this is a horse and we're gonna just double check with a horse division consists of no that won't do let's get rid of those two and we'll start building up this division hopefully with MP divisions when time goes on makes upgrade we're gonna go for intelligence and economy of civilian and Autobahn and more military factories in to guns and start adding more those to the total in training and also got an advisor captain of industry we do lose that guy later on but it's good idea to take advantage of him because we've got 10% extra construction you've not already know it's we're building lots of civilian factories lots and lots and lots lots of them move the Navy back now most of the morality trained to level three pop them right here merge them all up get the repairs done and then we'll produce that more submarines as time progresses aim for construction three and girlfriend of the agency upgrade will go for Army Department and once again just another upgrade for the spy agency we'll go full form Department we'll go for a cryptology Department the autobahn is complete we're gonna go for the most civilian factories here and we'll also start building civilian factories in the interior of Germany the ones that are already partially constructed will drop down the queue and we'll just move them to the top to get them finish them the partially constructed as it is some of might as well just getting finished let's make the artillery stronger interwar artillery when they go for another upgrade for the cryptology department for radio interception group because deciphering bunch of nation's ciphers so we'll go for France and the UK and the Soviet Union take significantly longer when you work in a more than one at the same time but it's just something I want to leave in the background eventually we'll get all three anyway right elusive gentlemen which gives us a close one spy and we've just gained the five upgrades now that means we've got the extra two spies so we're done with the cryptology Department right now we're just gonna wait for the spies pop out sign a new general we'll go for you got four attack you underneath the Field Marshal let's start producing some armored cars let's also start working on military police MP MPs increase the amount of suppression that a division has which reduces unrest like here on rest map mode is here also armored cars also reduce unrest we'll go for this this is good well elope of army XP so I'm going to do is pop on an a a and pop on an artery and that's a lovely juicy 20 where I think we'll replace this with reconnaissance when we've got enough armed XP but these changes will cost 10 XP and we've not got enough to change one of the support equipment so that'll do for now you aspire to assign my favourite tray is to do sikozu it reduces the chance of getting detected and they will pop you in France new spy possibility anymore seduces sadly now we'll go for someone who's tough and build a another spy network pop you here there we go 100% spy network in France we can see what they're up to mostly anyway let's bill some collaboration governments inside of France will go for you and you will commence when ready and will repeat until it's maxed out this required guns and support equipment and military factories and time that's very important go what we'll also say is to make sure those operations go through quickly as possible put them on high priorities of the equipment we'll all go towards operations mainly support remember looks of things interwar artillery is done and we'll work towards improved artery which is the 15 cm sfh 18 that one all right good for angeles now we now have a manpower in the field over half a million so it allows us to Angeles Austria what does that mean Austria it becomes our core territory Ari Real Estate's now we've got my building slots from getting more industry we can add more billion factories which will build inside of the Autobahn we go through seiner and we get up for raiding fleet designer this gives us a boost to us submarines or the research for the submarine 3 that's currently being researched uncial us Austria is now German we get a bunch of divisions we're gonna convert them Tamar maintain plate make onto a new army and give it a general and exercise to level 3 next one we can go for is demand Sudeten is the outside of czechoslovakia military police has done so we can add that on now to our horse there we go and the resolve that will mean that our Garrison's will need less equipment and manpower to keep down suppressions he's come from 13 thousand to twelve thousand one hundred six percent down to in this case 100 percent and she's just changing the divisions over time to work on our naval doctrines we're gonna go for trade interdiction and work down this path is buffs our submarines we've got more civilian countries so we're gonna build them in all the key areas 80 80 another eight to here the 70 in Austria and there is a 80 here in the Netherlands the Sudeten has been annexed it now go for first vienna reward and then we can annex czechoslovakia completely and we can now go for construction for as well first collaboration on france is complete you click on the flag and then click on collaborations you can see how much collaborations support you've got now we have 30 percent ideally we want as much as possible because that reduces resistance it's working on our Tillery so we're for an artillery design in which speeds up research for artillery go for a prince of terror which reduces the damage to our Garrison's and we want to boost relations with Japan so we can send an attache that means we can leech some of their ex Peter they're gaining from the war and give us more army experience so we can build up our divisions there we go can send an attache cancel the improve relations and now as you can see we're gaining a tiny amount of XP per day just enough change our division templates and potentially speed up our doctrine research when we start working on improved artillery upgrade and also change this over to the more improved artillery thus improve our inventory as well as change the engineer to a light armored reconnaissance company which gives us extra reconnaissance and a bunch of other little bonuses just small ones this has has changed the division so we could have to exercise all of them again to get them to level 3 level 3 is important because it gives as you can see a 25% attack modifier the fate of Czechoslovakia okay I'm gonna go for an unusual one here I'm gonna set up the Slovakian stay and the reason why I'm doing that is it sets compliance for the rest of Bohemia the rest of Czech year to 50% which reduces on the rest so if I click this click on the compliance map mode and bottom right here then you go back look 50 percent meaning unrest is reduced by 25 percent that's pretty good it means that number is only gonna go up right second collaboration government has been set up now at 60 percent also continues to work in on our trade interdiction doctrine for our submarines next focus I'm gonna go for is u-boat effort the submarine 3 is finally done we'll check out the model check what it looks like that's all for heed the big engine which gives it more speed and less detection and also big torpedoes oh I'm gonna go big go big I'll go home right and we're gonna go big on the top pitot tubes so much torpedo damage all the damage decommission the rest and then we'll start producing those next I think we've got enough civilian factories now Oh British operative captured hmm the British doing in Germany mm-hmm we're gonna build a naval dockyard here here here here here here and here yeah we've got enough civvies now so we'll start working on our Mon military production let's go for the magnetic a detonator which gives an extra 20 percent bonus to submarine damage and send a few guns to Japan and this once again rained just a tiny little bit of army experience not a lot but just a little bit now we can go for mmm I'm gonna go with that word shaft yeah we're gonna go for that one there we go deployed the last 24 and we have now five armored groups of 24 we will exercise and train some more later on for now this will do fine let's add on a a as a support onto the infantry once again we have to exercise everyone but this means they're no longer level 3 well most of them not anyway let's work a little bit more on our subs again this gives trade doctrine bonuses and this one gives cheaper subs which is always good let's get another row of submarines another collaboration and I think we're maxed out in collaborations now with France let me have a look collaborations or 90% maybe you can't go any higher oh it's in preparation never mind we are working on the next one more naval dot yards more and more and more and more submarine production - and then more steel to keep up the production to this day I don't even know if this affects submarines but I'm gonna go for it anyway increases the retreat speed for all your ships submarines baby lots and lots of naval dot yards we're gonna spam subs and go for modular construction cheaper subs more trade doctor in research and we're also gonna go for signal companies for the infantry you know what I love the value in factories build some more and then some more and then some more one of our agents has been captured we're gonna have to help him out once they're done with their mission we don't want to lose a spy at this crucial point the most ideal garrison template will consist of practically a full screen of cavalry reason why is because it scales with the support then large of the template the more efficiency you get from the military police this as much as we can afford for now and if I calculate this correctly means we should get some support equipment back that's have a look yeah we've gone from using 10 now we're only going to use 2 it's time for war reassert eastern claims and then we're gonna go for Danzig or war disperse 3 now and we've got some insane construction speed oof oh yeah I like naval dockyards lots of them Danzig or war let's get the divisions in position so we'll have you here and I'm just pressing Z and then X Z and the next don't want to drop Zed here because I'll drop it over the Slovakian border so I'm just gonna do it but I drag it myself and manually pop them where they need to be and they're all on the way all right spend I pull it compiled we go for extensive conscription for more manpower we're gonna go for imp eject expert for the firepower we're gonna go for army offense for the firepower army regrouping to recover org quicker and we're also gonna go for army logistics when we can afford it because that reduces the amount of trician and there we go we've got max collaboration now on France and we'll put the remaining spies into the UK and we will go on an operation rescue this guy Oh easy is in France okay so we need to what the spies into France build a spy network up to eventually rescue him also going to spend some political power to come to spy master and every time we have an ally as part of our faction we should get another spy I don't think that applies to puppets though though sorry some Lakhia nope I'm also gonna go for the next MP as well so our garrison templates are more efficient and we'll also add on signal companies to our infantry to a signal cookies and once again we'll have to exercise them because they're gonna lose all our experience and run to level 2 level 2 bad level 3 very good so I'm gonna do now is we've currently got 15 assigned factories into infantry equipment I'm just gonna drop that two times five and then max it out so every new factory game will drop into infantry equipment and then we'll build on you more bunch of more cities as well loads of civilian factories in all the areas i never go for army logistics now as well the Polish have refused to cede Danzig we now have a reason to go to war with them all so we're gonna go for next Focus which around imaginet allow us to declare on Belgium and Luxembourg we're gonna do now is grab all ourselves by right-clicking on this fleet and adding them into reserve merge the reserves into one big fleet we're also add this fleet secondly fully and put that in reserves two and pop it behind Denmark now these subs I'm gonna press D a few times to split them into really girthy stacks of 40 I'm also gonna make sure they break off automatically to repair an auto reinforce when available when they can we're also going to select an admiral I'm gonna go for Karl dönitz as you do and we'll go for salmon hunter torpedo expert and loading drill master all the best sub perks and now we're going to combo raid from here here here and here here and yeah is that enough it is and also we're gonna click them on engage at a high-risk the amount of firepower these guys are gonna do is gonna be insane and its really bothering my OCD it's 40 1439 let's just change that to 40 there we go beautiful let's train a bunch more divisions just in reserve in the back if we need them always good to have reserves and more train 48 which is two army groups behind in anything no we've got loads of equipment oh wait no tell alight we need AAA and artillery how we're producing that now we'll catch up anyway just gotta make sure these divisions are reserves and the main equipment will always go to the army group up front start improving our AAA as well at a time for Danzig or war go attack with all of you guys apart from you I'll say no you hold ctrl and click on the field marshal you get the option here to stop all and activate all hold shift left click activate all and I just stopped this guy that's on the maginot cuz we don't wanna bash your head against the Maginot Poland has joined the Allies I never saw that one coming we're also gonna rescue us by as well now rescue go automatically prepare Go Go Go and then the other spies now can go into the UK what does it happen is a lot of your freights will go through really bad areas such as English channel so we'll deny them by clicking here deny them by going into this area to the Bay of Biscay and then go all the way around and also avoid the Western Approaches too because this is a really bad area to go into if you click on these f8 which was awesome out you can see where they're going see the lines here he's in the Kenton your supply routes and there we go straight away we're intercepting and pushing ourselves into the enemy fleets and we're actually these are submarines that are taking on destroyers that's right we're taking on destroyers because the subs are so incredibly strong what I'm gonna do is they're intercepting our convoys here o subs vers subs a sub dual which will grab our fleets will grab our air wings move them here but the mobsters not too many yep and they go for naval strike and air security just to control this region and intercept any enemy submarines that are doing the dirty on our troops as you can see we're pushing in to Poland here with the relative ease and go for the final naval doctrine now combined operations rating very strong the next focus we are gonna go for as well where is it is really operating Westar bong that one you were gonna go for that one after I've taken out Poland is on the way subs verse destroyers destroyers lose get a little bit too hot for our subs right now so I'm just gonna send those back to base for now and then we'll send them out against once again we've got a little more breathing space well we've taken out France don't working on our basic equipment - that's right we've almost forgot about this I didn't forget I promise I'm gonna start working on signal companies - I'm gonna sign all of these guys - aggressive and that means a little push forward regardless if they're gonna attack order they just see the enemy and they will but their heads against them Poland it's gone next up as a sign our armies want four wrong willing to look Sandberg and the rest will go here here and yeah go go go alright next plan operation western bong alright so we need one army then we're gonna pop you here and here and then we'll have a naval invasion from Kiel and to Oslo here and here all right we're gonna get steal now from the Soviets whoops I moved my divisions off the frontline of the Maginot and opportunists of the French are they've to show their heads in there hmm anyway go go go boys you frontline in fat balls - it cancel all the orders Field Marshal frontline everyone go here and I'll go control be and never under the railroad forward France Strunk alright Demma you're next go go go go how'd you research something different atomic research it also go for a theorist that gives more atomic research the atomic scientist either select a secondary fleet and put them on strike force and pop them in to the Danish belts and also the lower Balkan sea and what happened is when these guys are ready to go they'll invade and take out Norway build a Intel network inside of the UK here and here and if we get the opportunity we might do a collaboration inside of the UK - if we have time Denmark is rip the bombing of subs in this area is doing quite well yeah it's not too smart when it's positioning its subs as you can see they're getting absolutely torn apart being a bad placement oh yeah this is supposed to plan all along okay I've got these divisions here I'm going to deploy them now these are meant to be reserves but it looks like they're gonna be used on the front line and we go for Irwin get those exercise to level 3 and pop them on the border of Belgium hopefully with all the French divisions here who knows maybe the frontline inside of France will be pretty naked we'll see well lots of times to exercise and build them up or there'll be a pretty aggressive force when they push Karl dönitz envoy reading efficiency genius yes the only choice for the chief of the Navy ok let's go for a treaty with the USSR to get bonuses for our doctrines all right plan is ready it's good to go everything is here moved our Air Force here and our Navy and let's take out Norway and Z have landed don't think we'll need any other divisions that would just send all of them go go go put them on aggressive and off they go and we'll snake them all the way to the ports and the British divisions have arrived move our Air Force here now and something close air support and air superiority but working on more infantry equipment no it's pretty tricky to invade there's lots of mountains it's gonna be careful where you attack but the supply is relatively low so the enemy can't pack too many divisions in and hold it for too long just capture the ports and push further north and you should be fine next focus we go for his army innovations because we want to boost our doctrines once again and capital in the north I think we'll take that and there we go secured ok I'm gonna guess the idea of preparing collaboration government in the UK because it's gonna take 175 days that's just not enough times I think we just start doing that the Soviet Union now so one in Moscow one in darling grow out and one in Leningrad then we'll build a collaboration in the service that's definitely gonna be more worthwhile Norway is finished right gonna go for war bonds go for proved working conditions and I'll do their for now alright these guys I'm going to pop them underneath the Field Marshal you'll become under the Field Marshal on you so - so these are get the bonuses of the Field Marshal I'm gonna push now in to Belgium and we'll move the Air Force over to it should be enough firepower to punch through Belgium Belgium has gone bro your frontline again for the two extra divisions that were meant to be reserve end up being frontline fighting troops and then we push into France and what I'm also gonna do is attack with all these guys and they decide to depend them in place so the French divisions don't start moving to this frontline a few of them are already moved but it should be significantly less than it would have been if I didn't do this Rance we don't need to take a few cities because building a collaboration reduces the slender army by 30% so surrenders - 30% - an additional 50% though they surrender significantly easily I think we might even be able to do it without even taking Paris by don't know if we do take parties definitely over anyway they'll talk about doctrines that's right we've forgotten about those whoops Paris is an open goal go boys take it oh my goodness there are 96% we've not even taken parish yet they would definitely sever if they take Paris and ooh it go on establish BC France never you guys go here and we've got Luxembourg we're not thinking about you look Sandberg of course you're gonna be part of the pie gonna go here you guys go here here yeah here on for the most part they'll just move around automatically and do the damage create the provisional government of free France it's not technically BC France no look at collaboration 99% beautiful resistance 1% ooh all right let's make this relatively short and relatively sweet grab this army and we're gonna go from yeah to Hull go go go exercise everyone to level 3 get them up you know add on the rest of the cavalry what we might even be able to do is I don't some armored cars as well let's just see how many we can add on Almont cars the cost probably had about one row one two three four five we could probably add more and probably add two rows armored cars are bad because there was slightly more suppression so it makes the use of them more efficient and stop that off as well they've got more hardness and hardness reduces the overall damage that partisans can do to your equipment and those divisions that are doing this oppression and we'll go for this we're only down a thousand cars now so that should keep all the suppression in check what do you think you're doing UK what do you think you're doing hungry would like to join the axis what a great idea get back UK just get back we've also got some more divisions and might as well sign those as well I love how many divisions the Allies are putting in this one area so actually I would normally push it to this and push them back and encircle them but you know what I'm gonna let them do this because when I land into the UK now they're gonna have a big surprise right we've got our Navy here so we can put these guys on strike force strength cause he in here and we've got all the submarines to which we put them on strike force or here and here you guys can go now and off they go 10 divisions on a heroic Commission we have landed move everyone here one division here just to spread out when you grab your beachhead you miss you've got to spread out to capture as much land as possible are you gonna run into problems got a bunch of divisions at home as well or search some guns and we'll bring them along for the ride as well yeah go go go make sure we capture whole whole is the primary target and there we go now we have a little bit more control of our breathing space and we shouldn't start pushing out pushing back pushing down the country where all the easy gains sometimes pushing all this river is a bit hard so I'm just gonna move out a little bit more got enough supply so keep going and also got the infantry expert to give X we've got a bit of firepower and we've got enough command pallets because I've got an attache in Japan we'll get that back and get 50 a manpower back there we go infantry expert bring our planes over frontline go here go go go now what we could probably do is try and take Greenland at some point possibly and I might be easy to take out the UK at this point and there we go push down on every part of the UK you know the divisions at home we'll bring them as forward and we'll do some more firepower I've got an extra spy now so he can go for any of these guys they're all good and we could start building a colaboration government in the Soviet Union collaboration you and you repeat over and over again and so we'll get full collaboration good there we go and we are gonna take the lot but this day I don't really fully understand this game why I'm at war with Canada why is Canada or a major what what what is even happening anymore anywho if you get the first research for atomic research you can begin heavy water production and you can see here it takes one year to complete but when it is complete you get x to 200% boosts for nuclear technology so let's go for that and if for some reason it's free you just press this button and it's nothing yeah that's the way that works yeah so we're at war with Canada surprisingly that interesting colors here isn't we've got this there's free France we have Belgium and India yeah questions can we move these divisions over to here quick enough before Canada moves its troops over that's the question build a port here and build the infrastructure I've got too many armed cars now so we're gonna drop a few of these down to cavalry we're gonna go for air innovations down the rock and tree and then we got the Wonder waffle I love that name and this will give us the final boosts for nukes which typically should be better hopefully fingers crossed and what we'll do we start researching now even though we're gonna get the bonus will add the bonus on top of the bonus to get the bonus makes sense right hey and we've landed just in the nick of time but to do with a bunch of supply problems nice hey I'm not done this before pushing myself to Canada building infrastructure having supply problems in Canada this isn't new right I just totally forgot about the submarines - I'm not gonna micro them I'm just gonna split them up put them on high risk and then do some serious farming of the Atlantic and the Cape of Africa go go go okay Romania would like to join the axis now the berth in the axis with me so what I'm gonna do now is go for integrate war economies there you go those have been skipped integrate war economies they get a bunch of factories for free and they become my puppet States Canada what are you doing what are you doing buddy what do you think you're doing but we're still getting begin heavy water production so I don't care that we'll just make sure by combo rating Canadian Norway they can't get in on can't leave so yeah Romania is now a puppet and so is hungry I always thought this was an incredibly Opie there you go now there are satellite states of ours Germany's so stronk the Allies are no longer just allies they are Germany's buddy yeah buddy you know what's coming right then let's plan for it right lots and lots of infrastructure a Kay supply Canada yep you're the only major dick Canada done okay free France mine Luxembourg mine or Belgium mine India honor points mine Australia Canada Malaysia done beer beautiful right beautiful our white now New Zealand still exists bring all the boys home exercise two little three how was a puppet of Romania able to give away land can eclipse my land alright the heavy water production is done we can go for again I don't think it double stacks but you know what why not the kid again is free actually what we need to do now is dip off new tech though I say guess computing machine and then just hop on to nuclear reactor well have a 200 set bonus as well as the 100 percent bonus or Wonder waffle all right let's make some divisions that gonna put everything to shame now that's right boys we're doing 40 widths white Worth's elites go and the poor engineers onto gold away right is where we were now of equipment for a very long time Oh surprisingly it's just artillery interesting okay in that case we do that and then that and then that good I was always worried that Japan of entry would declare war on me through the Indies but then I saw this and then I saw this whoof and everyone is now gonna get infantry expert but they're able to anyway most unable to okay we have to change our trade laws so I'm gonna with a limited exports and hopefully should balance out these issues yet it has here we go boys army groups seven in tall yes I'm over the limit for the field marshal I'm aware of that but a guy I'm using right now he's very close to getting skilled staffers so I'll be cool there we go yep he's he's over halfway so that'd be good so be able to go for expert delegator to get the extra two armed groups without the penalty and control be railroad you build about a bunch of AAA as well over our area just to make sure that we've got full air control I have not bought any planes because I just can't be bothered to make planes because this is how easy this can potentially be I might have to go up in logistics wizard but I've only got one trait so I want to save it for expert delegator so we'll just sit on that one for a while bro grass and building collaborations in the Soviets has been hit and miss but we're very close to completing it fully means if we take all the key cities in Europe they'll probably collapse I'm gonna have to push into Siberia good to recap on what I'm working on research we're gonna go for my soft attack for the doctrines which behind on go finishing off our artillery tech because that's not attack is I mean firepower completing the reactor tech and military police 3 and finally the research because we're just stacking all of it we should have gone for that one a lot earlier and what lessons have been learnt and we could probably go for some oil tech as well so we'll build a bunch of refineries but so many civilian factories so why not right compliance other hand has got up incredibly quickly why because I was keeping that resistance nice and low nuclear Tech is finished and we can now go for 20 bombs in 551 days so that is nukes in just the beginning of 1944 that's cool and the Soviets have declared war on me interesting that was quicker than I expected alright okay are they gonna move anything they're gonna attack anything and they're gonna do anything but list of things we actually have the advantage let's go and we might as well use our submarines too so let's completely encircle the Soviets there we go done and we're also gone by rating them practically immediately and we're pushing and with south-african operative captured I don't even know South Africa still existed yeah I was expecting to scroll down to see nothing all right okay fair enough the first push was a little bit hit and miss we will go again and again and again I'm very brave I'm gonna exercise literally on the front line of the Soviets yes I live on the edge okay well I'm gonna go for it's dispersed industry for m5 that will give all building slots and with the building slots I can build nuclear reactors AEI is doing this expert tactic where it puts its head against my front line over and over and over again how successful will it be I don't know my looks of things to Millie and dad not so much okay time for the second wave go looking pretty good the big advantage we've got right now is that we have signal companies and our reinforce rate is probably gonna be significantly higher if we can find a battle here that's got the rich shows a reinforced rate their reinforced rate is I'll actually no it's not because they've got masses all so in a one on one bow they're gonna have the advantage oh I never thought of that okay it is time amass nuclear reactors where are they gonna be everywhere you thought I was joking right everywhere that's right even here you thought I was joking right even here demolished and we were doing our last collaboration operation it's gonna complete in 73 days and that means we'll have max collaboration and reduce their surrender limit by I think 25 percent it's time for the third wave which is better than the first and second wave because this one has added mod it just seems to be in the north I guess there we go max collaboration okay Leningrad Moscow and Stalingrad and done hey let's put spies in America open to wine mmm I wonder why I think this is over reducing surrender lemon by 30% good woof that is a big encirclement and it is definitely putting up a fight before it dies that it done enough yeah the divisions are melting now and are they gonna collapse and they've collapse brutal Moscow's fallen over 50% 52 Leningrad has fallen and now they are at 84 percent so that's Kiev Stalingrad Moscow the major cities and then we've got Stalingrad I think when that Falls it is well and truly over nevermind actually never mind it am i I should be able to do if I take Sevastopol now I buy % I can't believe how easy this is a hundred percent that is insane there you go voice if there's one thing the spires can do well well I'll admit they do a lot of things really badly one thing they do well is collaboration governments they are brutal Oh yep just all of it Oh in one go and now a hundred percent collaboration crazy form the greater German Reich provisional government for the Soviet Union now I'll pass on that oh look at this German yeah of course of course The Tale of Two Cities let us honor the heroes at the last war following the stunning victory of the German forces the time has come to destroy the last vestiges of volge service to rule in europe even now the names of Stalin and Lenin disgraced two major cities in the new German leba Sturm mocking the soldiers who give their lives to take them let us honor the heroes of the last war in de Burgh linden thought all right with all the divisions you hear move all the divisions apart from we'll say one and two linear and the rest will move here I've just realised I need to get air security if I want to drop nukes and I'm not gonna be able to do that am i boy there's like a very late time stop making planes but nuclear bombs we currently have four reactors that's actually not very good the United States demands transfer of American holdings the American ambassador handed over a note with an ultimatum from the President to hand overall control of our American Holdings to the United States they want everything they even want Canada now all right we have to go for logistics wizard I've waited so many problems with supply here are we ready for the ultimate garrison division no garrison division like it before that's right lots of armored cars make a little adjustment to the template we'll get rid of the engineer and go for logistic Abaddon logistics we've got our troops position here we're building or supports just enough for defensive purposes this is a weak spot right here so just making sure this is fortified making the reactors we now have a total of 74 reactors and we need air support to be able to get air superiority so we're on the right track making progress ok these pop-ups or provisional government's again slightly annoying I've had one for pretty much the entirety of Africa now let's go justification boom I look away from the screen for one minute and we've got a bunch of collaboration stage why did they default to creating them when I don't want them and they cost 300 political power to eat as well I just can't be bothered ok the end did you oh hello North American coalition they heard lot on my little friend boom and then we push oh my goodness we're completely shredding them in these two areas we're not so nukes we've got 121 nukes so I wish there was a hotkey for this but now I have to manually click over and over again yay boom boom Washington otras Washington need a few nukes just a few there we go get out of here damn that was incredibly easy nukes and collaboration governments what a beautiful combination get out of here done I know what you're probably thinking world conquest yes sure I do word conquest 200,000 subscribers that's a sub goal you can work towards right you want to see it hit subscribe boy anyway we have an awesome day and I'll see you guys next time peace out boys see you soon currently guys ad revenue has tanked lockdown as totally frozen YouTube economy if you want to help you out the best thing you do in these dire times is become a patreon the link is in the description below thank you boys and girls probably [Music]
Channel: FeedBackGaming
Views: 199,295
Rating: 4.9386559 out of 5
Keywords: Hearts of Iron IV, HOI4, hoi4 guide, hoi4 tutorial, hoi4 la resistance, hoi4 la resistance guide, hearts, of, iron, feedback, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron, hearts of iron 4 guide, hearts of iron 4 tutorial, la resistance hoi4, hearts of iron 4 la resistance, hoi4 funny, cheats hoi4, hoi4 cheats, hearts of iron 4 cheats, hoi4 exploit, exploit, break, hoi4, cheat, cheats, multiplayer, hearts of iron iv gameplay, germany, nukes, nuke, nuclear bomb, hearts of ironn 4 germany, hoi4 germany
Id: aUuV6QgKv1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 48sec (2508 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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