I Conquered the World ASAP Speedrunning the Game in Hearts of Iron 4

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hello everyone I am Tory Ireland welcome back to hearts of iron for today we're going to be doing a speedrun we are going to play as Germany and conquer the entire world as quickly as possible and I'm not going to use order 66 at all I personally love it but I don't have to use it and some of you really don't like it so it's good to do a game without order 66 from time to time and that is what this is going to be so rules I am an historical regular Germany and we need to conquer the entire world as quickly as possible now I really really hate micromanagement so I'm probably going to be using something like pure infantry and just let my generals use and the frontline orders which is not the fastest or the most efficient way of doing this so if you want to do it but actually micromanage everything you can probably shave off like two years of the time I'm gonna get honestly one of our biggest limiters is gonna be war justification times alright let's go historical focuses Ironman mode regular difficulty Germany now I came up with a pretty cool way of doing it with opposing hitter but it does rely on order 66 and we're not doing it today so we'll have an entirely in different approach no focus necessary at the start let's research some paratroopers to quickly take over France from inventory equipment because we need to move fast some generic research and a doctrine we're switching to mass assault as for construction and let's focus on military factories for now I'm going to let the metal bills expire but we might as well make a good use of them what else let's make some fighters and some transport planes just fighters transport planes and infantry equipment let's also make sure to train up as many units as possible speed the game up and go why am I not doing a focus right away well because we want to start to justifying our first war go immediately okay let's start justifying on France give me a hostile reign 50 political power 250 days 18 percent world tension yes we're starting by attacking France and our first focus is gonna be army innovations and I just need the experience and started deploying units we really don't care what these units are we just need a lot of them let's promote some generals over the ones with the brilliant strategist at rate and the innovations done time to invest in the four years plan with arm innovations done let's create a new division just infantry just battalion of infantry gonna be called tiny train lots of these right now all that matters to us is the number of units not the size or capabilities of these units so I'm gonna switch all the ones that I've already deployed to that template as well so we can recover some equipment and deploy new ones faster I am keeping this whole army of infantry unchanged why do I need to deploy that many units well because of the silly of the Matei ssin on special troops like paratroopers this is how we circumvent that easily just need to deploy lots of units I am focusing on the immediate upgrades that will boost our units right now because we need to be combat ready very soon that's high a silent workhorse autarky and the metal bills are expiring so let's focus on civilian industry now paratroopers are researched wonderful we can now use that other five experience do you create a new paratrooper template with just one paratrooper para trooper template two one is such a boring name you're going to be known as sky Germans not actually making any scary Germans yet we're going to be switching to them from other templates from one Stein our field marshal let's give him some traits progress of a sorta offensive doctrine and charismatic sixty days until we're ready to attack France I think it's time to start getting our attack plans in order let's cancel all these we have a lot of units deployed see this is important we can currently make 24 divisions of sky Germans because of how many troops we have in the field but if I quickly switch all of these guys to just infantry our limit of sky Germans is gonna go up quite a bit 134 divisions of sky Germans that's a bit much but just make 120 let's select 120 there's gonna be an entire army group of sky Germans so let's make sure that it's an elite template we need them to get full equipment now all the rest of you go back to being tiny our student our paratrooper commander and the others don't matter that much so just high-level guys the ones with the brilliant strategist to trade first because we will want to promote them to field marshals data so you guys are secure the Maginot Line I also want to take all our navies and merge them deploy our transport planes also don't need more transport planes less cattle at times also imperative the orders one paratrooper to eat of the frettin to victory points in range in the northern France just northern France because I don't want to cover too many Arizonans and this is going to be more than enough well except for the marginal line itself the order is set all the victory points in northern France plus all around Paris activate the order need air superiority in northern France and we also need air superiority in western Germany and this should be enough I think and the other paratroopers are just standing by in case we need them autarky completed let's do Hermann Goering work and hire a silent workhorse if all goes well it will only take us in days to defeat France I might not have enough planes on air superiority in the front so let's switch this around a little bit should be a bit better the Walker was ready the paratroopers are in position and that's declare war on France and then pause now I probably should have given the others in a different sequence because they would get Paris faster just slow this down a bit so that we can pause right before they surrender okay they will capitulate at midnight and then you should be at the peace conference in the next midnight so one start justifying our next war goal and I think it should be Belgium Belgium is small enough that just final them should not increase the world tension enough for France to join the hour is while they will get guaranteed by Britain and Britain is who I really intend to attack although I'm recording this while taking care of my son what do you think should we invade Britain let's wait for France to capitulate there we go and next midnight we should get our peace conference there we go peace conference now I have a few options here could pop at them I couldn't make them I think I will make a combination of the two take most of their stuff while puppeting them with just one province so that I retain their fleet so take States apart from Brittany it seems like a good base for their fleet and turn in the puppet and and done Yeah right stop your attack and now it's time to get ready to fight another British Belgium is guaranteed perfect now we're going to need several more armies of infantry what we're going to do exactly is do some naval invasions and Perito and trooper invasions on Britain I can only naval innovate with ten you at a time you guys are taking this port you guys are taking Dover you guys are taking Portsmouth and you guys are taking Plymouth well the rest of you just station and yeah of the area but I'm going to need about two armies to take care of Britain I'm gonna need an army securing the Polish border and it has one for Spain if we can make that go back depends if the Civil War days or not and only two more for across the packet but we can adapt to the paratroopers and you know switch to more but we won't need as there as many paratroopers later now let's relocate all our planes over here the British have good air force but it is enough if we just take one port and then I can just ferry more troops over there so I only need a moment of their superiority and we should be able to achieve that you discover we don't care all our planes are in Calais this should be enough for momentary air superiority which should let me drop at least a few paratroopers and those few paratroopers are going to the ports oh I forgot to use the glider planes although when I was invading France in reality we'll probably only have time for a few before the British you reorganize their defense I've been getting work is done cutter F a [ __ ] time we also have a Navy let's make sure they all do convoy escort in the English Channel and rebase over here that should help a little bit make sure it activate all the others we have and now we wait for our logo logo is ready but Spain has started its civil war which will make it impossible for me to quickly and easily conquer Spain oh wow let's change the target then I suppose just Rebecca is a good target for us now we could do a pose Hitler and all that but we don't need to so that's just bypass Rhineland I should probably be doing others before I started to cut their wagon but you know it doesn't really matter let's hire an army orphans expert I somehow missed that my work all completed quite a while ago okay that silly of me must have clicked it away nevermind let's just attack we already turned and immediately call in France because we can use their fleet Britain has been called in I should achieve as priority at least temporarily good my partial-birth should start going to Britain and I'm holding one port which is more than enough said you guys don't have all this right now go to that port Belgium joins the eyes also I am at war with so I can start justifying my Google's quickly they'll go Poland's 25 days how about jaws lavaca that would be also 25 days chance back is actually a good target because Romania will join the faction but let's start with Poland and the British have finally brought enough planes to prevent our day one part of drops so no more parrot drops we have our superiority just not enough of it which is unfortunate what matters is and that our troops are on their way to Britain both the naval invasions and the normal group let's make sure to connect all this territory so that we can have an easier time managing everything now I could rush London and take it but I actually don't want to take London why well it is slightly complicated essentially I don't want to win this too quickly I want to have all the important viewpoints surrounded and to be ready to win whenever I want but not just yet look it's very easily take London because there are no enemy troops there actually this army is going to garrison all of Britain but just the ports we don't want any pesky naval invasions and make sure to not go to London or Birmingham or Manchester Leeds and Sheffield we want to keep those surrounded but not taken we must make an effort to not take their most important victory points ok London has been cut off also we've gained some military experience let's get rid of the support artillery alright I forgot we don't need those planes anymore just infantry weapons from now on and it's time to do Angeles now this might seem stupid to you but there are advantages to being at war with Britain and being able to enter that war at any time we choose and that is why I am leaving these victory points not taken well we have to control them manually a little bit a justification opponent is ready I don't need to attack immediately but he'll they took Sheffield yeah that garrison order is not working out I need to switch it up fortunately they did not take Manchester or Birmingham or London which is enough to keep the United Kingdom from capitulating in the meantime time to justify the war goal on Charles lavaca that will also put us at war with Romania which is fine and meanwhile my guys are not doing too well down in the fronts because they don't have guns it really doesn't matter if we win against Belgium and Joseph I can poll and so on what matters is that we fight them and we beat the British because the Brits are the only major power in this equation which means I'll be able to index all of them if some paratroopers here how about we move them over to Denmark Italian volunteers do we want Italian volunteer is not really they might mess things up here what go against Poland is available until March we'll wait justification for chaja Slovakia is ready we'll have Poland show Sofia possibly Romania I don't really wanted to Netherlands right now because of the Dutch East Indies they can be a problem sometimes I guess we can do Hungary justify war go transdanubia that's fine the British have deployed some troops in London secured on the front lines here and here and here do not activate the orders just surround them probably should have done that to me give me but it doesn't really matter it's not like the English troops can do much over here I just don't want them to spread now when the time comes it's enough for me to activate this order and we win they're trying to land naval invasions but I have protected the ports Belgium's being super aggressive and they have volunteers not really a problem interesting though use efficient on Hungary is complete who else should we invade I'm thinking Yugoslavia then Denmark and Switzerland that kind of makes sense probably should have justified on Yugoslavia rather than Joseph a key because Joseph akka guarantees you go survivor and then on Greece because Romania guarantees Greece but it doesn't really matter Oh be fine the Belgians are causing us some trouble let's make this army aggressive and here goes the Anschluss wonderful there's some extra troops I can use to invade hungry also it is time to declare war on Poland because a war role is about to expire again I don't need to win these wars so it's not a problem that I'm fighting all of them at once if I start losing I can just trigger the order over here and we'll just wait a minute eh there is no reason to do any of these right now let's do the extra research thought Poland journey is as thick another army move them over to Yugoslavia just pirate or buzzer should probably switch them to infantry same for the ones on the border with Denmark let's switch to extensive conscription and get an infantry expert another justification complete who's next time to justify a war go on Denmark also let's modify the infantry division no more engineers 20th infantry we're having problems because I don't have enough guns that will change soon and it's not really an issue right now our troops here are getting killed the sacrifice we're willing to make also time to declare war on Java Slovakia are we at war with Romania as well yes we are that's actually good we also have war goes on Hungary and Yugoslavia and we are working on being able to attack Denmark now you guys sit around a Switzerland that's gonna be our next target yeah and that was my son what do you think Switzerland's not a good target how about Greece and Bulgaria instead as my son suggested we don't really have time to waste on Switzerland we need to declare all these remaining Wars No so hungry Denmark also invite Italy into our faction what I'm gonna do is attack Spain nationalist Spain because they're more likely to win the Civil War and I could also justify owns Republican Spain I will probably not use both war goals it's not the most efficient way of doing it but you know we want to be safe now that we've declare war on Denmark Hungary and Yugoslavia we need to let our guys fight for a little bit I could wait a bit longer and attack more people but we're clearly being pushed back by Joe Slovak eeeh so let's not risk it declaring war on you Gustav is a bit problematically they will spawn Croatia and we don't really want that to stop us from you know what's going on and so we wanted to wait for Yugoslavia to beat up Croatia which should happen very quickly and before we proceed with ending the war we don't want Croatia in a fraction we want all the territory for selves I forgot about that probably should not have attacked them at all our justification on nationalist Spain is ready because we have delay we're going to cancel our justification on the Republican Spain and restarted once again it's gonna be faster that way let's do it is Autobahn and Croatia has been taken care of what basically means we can end it here I could wait a little bit longer but if Poland and Joe Slovak I get more territory they might turn into major powers which would be really problematic for me so how long until we are done with the work on Republican Spain too long so we'll continue just fine on both Spain's and start one on say Switzerland and activate as the other and be top and Britain come on take London they have surrendered and all of that is mine Oh actually I can get Romania that is surprising because I thought they wouldn't participate in the war but apparently they had enough time to get their troops here and actually participate not really a problem although if we were still at war with the Allies after this we would be able to do everything faster not a problem let's start with stealing the British Raj and Malaya from Britain Oh who called in Italy I did not no matter let's sound by satellite in British Raj and British Malaya let's pass a couple times Italy took some Yugoslavia not a problem next up United Kingdom don't you just hate one take all stays disappears and you just can't click it for no good reason earth to click all the states manually come on I'm gonna have to do that manually we're going to take everything from Britain well almost everything I'm going to puppet them with just one bit of territory so that we can steal their fleet so much clicking right that's on British territory and we're gonna leave them with Wales and turn and puppet what remains of Britain Belgium we just take Joe's Lavaca we just take Poland take and the rest we also just take and turn done thank you very much it is may 1937 interesting I have not fought a Denmark in not her will the eyes consist of Canada Denmark New Zealand South Africa and Australia and Canada is apparently considered a major country because they lead at the Allies let's send our troops over to Spain use Gibraltar as well so it's May 1937 we have 377 factories and a lot of territory going well it could be a bit faster we'll finish the World Cup on Republican Spain and we'll declare war on both of them and then after we're done with Switzerland we will attack Canada we have which I think it's about time we send some troops there Hindenburg incident and the Chinese United Front actually we could attack the Chinese United Front and use it and that for quicker war or justification however then we would have to compete with Japan at peace conferences which can become a bit problematic also German Virage and Africa we have war goals against both nationalist and Republican Spain let's declare war on both of them okay this changes things Republicans Payne joins Comintern I did not expect that but maybe I should have expected that sir what are we gonna do we're gonna send a lot of troops to the Eastern Front well don't let's get rid of all the paratroopers it's fine they are about to complete the purge and they are not and the direct target of the war so there will be much weaker than us I wonder if the Soviet Union will accept a call to arms from Spain yes they have okay we can handle them although our troops are not in position so we'll lose some territory 1002 var and Volga have been called in what will we do in that case I'm actually going to call the Italians in and the French and the British actually everyone in the meantime get into Spain also since we are at war with the Comintern we'll be able to quickly justify war goes again unfortunately we're also being pushed back because you know we were not securing the border let's go to free trade for faster research the attack on Spain is going very well also I forgot I have planes let's use them leadership purchased in the Soviet Union which is a grain because now they're gonna be very very weak then they do get in the Great Patriotic War boost which offsets the purge partially but not complete C minus 50% division organisation plus 45 it's still minus 5% even 5% helps so an our justification on Switzerland is complete or why not then again Switzerland is guaranteed by Canada we are kind of in position to kill Canada but I forgot that we need to build ports here and infrastructure so let's prioritize that and delay our attack on Switzerland okay now attacking or no France is not at the smartest move perhaps but we can handle it see we're almost done with Spain anyway the problem here is we don't have enough guns for our troops but I am working on it like salt upon is done and we can actually improve the national spirit which is very powerful and we can do that because we are in London actually I did not want to fight the Soviet Union just yet I wanted to leave that for later but you know we can manage army regrouping expert both Spain's are still holding on right nationalist dissipate as taken care of let's pass a few times if Italy wants something they can have it and take all states is there anything left unfortunately for some reason the demands don't appear here so I don't know if I'm not missing something it was annexed and we got some equipment to Republican Spain will be annexed next well they'll capitulate don't not be a next and just yet because we still need to defeat the Soviets we are working on the ports and infrastructure in Canada we're pretty much good to go that's attack Switzerland also two new armies became available to beat up the Soviets Canada Australia wait a minute Switzerland joined Comintern and called in Canada I mean it's not that Canada was guaranteeing Switzerland still they would usually join the Allies rather than Comintern no matter we'll win anyway that's justify him on Luxembourg let's call everyone in especially France and Britain because their fleet will be useful they should be able to secure our landing in Canada yeah you know our troops are already there doing their jobs this will take a long time because Canada is quite big are we doing on those guns well enough we kinda have to keep justifying and attacking people because the work of justification timer is one of our biggest obstacles also manpower could be better but we will be stealing that from France and Britain soonish ah improved national spirit wonderful let's do army innovations too so that we can boost our doctrines and Denmark did not join they were afraid of us we have deployed some of those tiny units we will be switching most of them to just regular infantry but for now I can use some of them to conquer Luxembourg and let's justify on Portugal you guys in Luxembourg yet yes you are let's declare war Luxembourg joins Comintern we are leaving the Netherlands for a bit later because you know Dutch East Indies can be a problem lots of guns from Luxembourg so something should be covered relating perfect it's your turn to conquer Portugal army logistics expert are we ready to declare war on Portugal yes we kind of are let's declare I really could use some more manpower so it would be ideal to next France for example through case Anton but unfortunately if you do case Anton as far as I know you don't actually get their manpower which is kind of crap so we'll do that the normal way which means I have to wait for more political power look at that Vania through Italy no reason to waste our resources on that Spain is trying to retake stuff down here I have to send some troops there mm I guess I'll do this way yeah Denmark has been called in well finally and we're getting through Canada we mostly need Canada to get to the United States early and playtime for the mp38 i want to go to service by requirement to actually more more support for that so let's do war propaganda against Denmark Portugal taken care of I guess I'll take up the bit of Spain here yeah I kind of screwed up with Republican Spain and the Soviet Union I mean will win is just wasting time justification for this way a complete let's do that fair German war economy and then why capitulate good that frees up an army for us you guys will be going after hmm about Iraq we can attack the Soviet Union from the south as well that will be quite helpful just five on Estonia and Claire on this way yeah we have enough for support to go to service by requirement let's do that yeah the one with the Soviet Union is draining our manpower quite a lot into pity we'll go understand you're ready and let's justify on Iraq military theorist Portugal is invading in German or Raj justification on Iraq complete let's attack that's just the [ __ ] Saudi Arabia or will go on life is about to expire let's attack them are we finally pushing back against the Soviets we might be all right let's hired gabbles that's gonna increase our stability and war support as look there on Estonia so our war doesn't expire Saudi Arabia then Yemen and then Omaha Portugal holds some territories in Africa let's send our troops to eliminate that element the war in Canada so slow infantry have been designer we have wasted so much manpower on the Soviet Union already that's a pity I'm gonna have to steal French and British manpower soon we're in position to attack Saudi Arabia let's attack next focus do we need anything else here I don't think so let's do construction repair because there's stuff getting damaged constantly justifications for Yemen and Oman are completed I think it's time we went after Iran but I will need to attack it from two sides for it to be effective I was hoping to use this army to attack Iran from the other side unfortunately it looks like this is gonna take them a while so we're going to need to procure another one or more precisely make another one at which two infantry take up positions in and german-irish now we've broken through down here nice war goal on Iran is complete I think we should now do someone easier like Putin ice have to keep going and justifying and attacking people because the justifications do take quite a lot of time industrial concern time to attack Yemen it would be more effective if we had the troops here but you know we can be everywhere these guys are essential earth way no we don't really need them there you are going to the Raj it takes so then long to get through Canada doesn't it actually one army will be more than enough here but let's leave them where they are July time to declare war on oman justification on bhutan is complete let's do nepal next Oh actually South Africa is involved as well ok then this army will take care of them - I really don't want the war go against Iran to expire but we're not quite ready for the attack so let's cancel the orders on these guys and uses a lemon for Iran and you guys do some capital rushing Saudi Arabia capitulate it's a great when we get enough political power and on the next France justification form the part is complete um Tibet next Yemen capitulate so ok we're very close to taking out the entire Peninsula in three days we lose our war goal on Iran so it's time to attack on maan kappa choice we keep getting inventory equipment for all these capitulating countries which is quite convenient now go to Bhutan are you against the Soviets slowly progressing we are about to be able to next the French so let's stop lend-lease and send them a lot of convoys that will reduce their independence sufficiently for me to annex them of course we were going to steal their manpower first justification on Tibet is complete let's do Liberia wonderful human wave events if you're going to get some extra manpower from that also it's time to attack Bhutan oh come on Canada there's just a brush when Coover Bhutan capitulates time to attack Nepal vision of Iran going well and we've researched the better guns wonderful let's switch all our production to them so we're kind of out of Steel because of that we'll have to switch our economy soon but now the focus on the necks in France it's time to use up their manpower they have 300,000 that's quite a lot but I'm gonna give them back all their territory oh and let's switch to gentle on all our occupation I don't want to waste a political power on it France Rita and territory 400,000 men part that's not great but it's also not nothing let's create the colonial template for the French troops let's switch all this inventory to French template and now we drain the Frenchman part that way we have drained the French manpower we can index them boom and that saves us quite a bit of manpower now you guys can go back to the regular German template soon we're gonna do the same thing to the British we'll go on a Liberia complete I guess we'll do Afghanistan next Nepal capitulates good we have won against Canada perfect South Africa index Canada annex men's turn pass pass and X and done and we are now perfectly positioned to take out the United States now you might say it's not the best moment because we're fighting the Soviet Union still but you know we're trying to do this as quickly as possible so we're going to attack the United States next but I am going to need some more troops for that see the u.s. is still weak if I give them like two more years they're going to grow strong and become a problem I am a bit worried about taking the United States right now it is risky but I feel like we have to do it for of Kiev cool also let's declare war to bed before the world will expires I keep forgetting that I have planes let's send them over here that's a bit better Oh will you done good let's switch to limited exports cuz I need that steel hmm we should have done export focus instead it doesn't really matter and declare war on Liberia I think we're gonna need some more troops by Buick a visual aids which of course is a great and that's justify and who how about the Guatemala small easy to conquer and the United States will defend them and from there we can take out Mexico now three armies is a bit of a little detour for the United States but I'm confident in my troops Iran has capitulated oh no so it's four armies I did send one to Alaska with Iran having capitulated we can focus on attacking the Soviet Union from down south and when you guys are done with Portugal int bet you'll take care of Afghanistan Lithuania capitulates finally work alone Guatemala is complete our next justification Salvador yeah the Soviets are in retreat kind of declare all against them hey that's a capitulates of course we could be more effective with encirclements and stuff like that but micromanagement index justification under us alright I think we're good to go where's the Quarren Guatemala and trigger the United States core eyes go tomorrow James comment on which means the United States might also join Comintern which is very weird but there you go no they have not they have called in the Philippines though so how we doing against the United States we are already progressing good but Amana capitulates I actually should have started with Honduras because Salvador has a lot of troops so let's leave Salvador alone for now and start here Soviet Union is slowly giving way to superior German troops let's do some more war propaganda and improve working conditions ok this is actually going better than I expected the United States have nothing on the German infantry justify on Nicaragua declare on Honduras under us of course joins the Comintern if you wonder in Comintern actually comes from constitution in Taurasi now something like that oh so photo wants to send me volunteers clever because if I accept them I won't be able to attack Roz capitulates Jacques submits to Italy yeah will be conquering Italy and later so just to take all that stuff that was out of a daughter sorry but it is time for you to be defeated always remember to give you guys traits time to declare war on Salvador it means I'm doing against the United States actually very well and the Soviet Union seems to have finally given up so it's time to switch everyone to aggressive justification for Nicaragua is ready continuing to Costa Rica and finally human wave offensive reduced infantry width and extra manpower we can show use that extra manpower follow of Washington and the Soviet Union is not long for this world Salvador taken care of next Nicaragua March 1939 fall of New York was the very warm Nicaragua you're gonna justify on the Panama but we're not going into calm but not yet first I want to finish off the United States in Mexico that is a lot of Russian troops that are about to be destroyed let's take these guys send them over to conquer Ireland for me and then we can take on turkey Afghanistan capitulates good declare Costa Rica apparently when the suela wants to join my faction I mean it's an interesting proposition it would make conquering Colombia and Brazil a bit easier you know what yes we'll just kick them later like Italy Costa Rica capitulates Panama and declare war and justify all in Mexico Dominican Republic and Peru also want to join my faction then we can attack Colombia from three sides hey you know what I'm gonna accept yes they still hold Moscow but not for long that looks like that we are the thing from the Moomin cartoons but if not something like that at least that's what they were called in Poland well we're halfway there we so need a California and all that I love Hitler angered by Mexican posturing I'm a capitulation and justification on Mexico biz already who should we strike at next let's do Ireland and then probably Colombia other Germany like declare on Ireland oh I know Iceland if we do attack them hopefully it'll you will learn some troops and take care of Iceland for us and our guys are at the Mexican border so it's time to declare a little capitulates you guys a rush of the coast oh I should do research better naval invasions anyway you guys do a naval invasion of Iceland let's cancel that order just use two units it's not like Iceland is gonna put up a fight both Moscow and bother the attack on Mexico turns out to be more difficult than I anticipated I think it might be time to get the Netherlands involved let's justifier seems like we've broken the united states 1939 the Soviet Union should be capitulating relatively soon very even other six months maybe less Los Angeles is now did capital of the United States of America weird also we're breaking the Mexican resistance you go have a nice land well naval invasion of Iceland go on take it a cubic and I think it might be time for Colombia justify it's just a rush from Los Angeles and that should end the war we're going to have to puppet the United States they are an excellent source of manpower when they finally get their manpower laws in order yay for improved computing machine and that's it for the United States can I please Salvage Philippines yes I can and puppet the United States and give them all their territories the numbers don't match now whatever free american empire 3.6 million men part men they will get more why am i puppeting them um well for manpower and for the fleet also they tend to aggressively naval the invade sometimes you got as get another lens at that columbia and we are currently allied to the Dominican Republic so let's take Haley from their territory that's the Claire on the Netherlands Bulgaria wants to join my faction sure why not whoops sorry wrong button you can use them to conquer Greece and Turkey easier career warfare and that completes our doctrine what here is it 39 encryption and decryption time Helens capitulate right now with Britain Italy and the United States and France up next we are essentially the only ones with the fleet well there is still Japan but they can't really match our strength and and the Soviet Union is weaker in fleet than any of these countries that we mentioned speaking of the Soviet Union about to capitulate I'm not justifying on anybody that's a mistake Finland here we go Iceland is taken care of you guys go take on Finland we have a work on Columbia but my troops have still not arrived there who we have defeated the Soviet Union and the entirety of the Comintern cool so what do we want to do how much men parted Mexico have I don't remember is it worth it to puffer them probably not we should pop at the Soviet Union though ok I'm going to pass a few times hopefully Italy doesn't do anything stupid take Eastern Switzerland you're welcome there are a lot of countries yeah I'm just going to next everyone who is not the Soviet Union and puppet of the Soviet Union and satellite the Dutch East Indies which is great because they are a very useful puppet that is a rather sizable war isn't it lots of clicking yeah we just in we could liberate Morocco from Spain no should I pop at Luxembourg another time Bhutan and finally we puppet and the Soviet Union and turn thank you so it is 1939 and we have conquered everyone apart from Scandinavia South America and this whole region here I think that's pretty good Russia how's a man power said he million perfect we still have more gold and we're still justifying war goals now we're no longer at war with a faction so our justification is slow anyway who's the leader of the eyes Australia if they guarantee Finland that's a good if they don't we'll just attack China next after we're done with the war in Finland of course oh yes we have bypassed at least and claims we're long past that let's declare war on Colombia also if we want to have a successful campaign against Brazil we're going to have to build up our infrastructure and ports in the area now it is about to be invade China o clock so you just go to this area and we're gonna have to deploy a lot more troops to make full use of the Soviet men more justification on Finland is complete let's declare now theoretically it's possible that the countries we've attacked will form a faction but it didn't okay then time to attack China 30 days the problem is that I think China is that we will get a common peace conference with the Japanese which means the Japanese will still land all over the place but we can handle other Japanese invasion of Colombia going smoothly right I forgot we need to call in a Russia to attack Finland let's do that just occasionally chana is complete now should I declare or should I wait until we finish off Finland if I don't wait to Finland will join the Chinese United Front which could be slightly problematic now it's fine let's attack China but we're not at all with the whole Chinese United Front just China itself let's call everyone in so I'm at war with them major now we should be able to justify war goes quickly how about Norway yep and Columbia joined the Chinese United Front but I don't sound right but it works think yang is still not involved it should be soon right you guys go to Xiang she go - she waits on my I think that's how that's pronounced I'm not sure does cover sinking then we don't actually want to win this too quickly we just care about being at all with them so that we can justify war goes quickly Columbia capitulates what the hell the Russian Empire and Finland have signed the white piece well okay it might be useful to put a restriction on this event if they're a puppet let's do Sweden that next Oh Finland never joined them okay well just the next everyone where's the claro norway sir not in position yet but they soon will be invasion of Norway progressing nicely oh they switch to Confederated states of america crap man part went down that's a pity but I'm mostly interested in them for their fleet justification for Sweden is complete but I'm going to delay attacking a little bit that's good some military factories going just on Haiti next I think it's time to Nexis some people know about smother one and a half thousand convoys yeah we do have a lot of them unfortunately we are also making a lot of political power everyday I'm delaying my attack on Sweden because one of the armies has not fully arrived yet no this is my research and just the important stuff nothing else all right most of the troops have arrived as declare war in Sweden Sweden joins the Chinese United Front justification for Haiti is already I think we should attack Brazil because it's gonna take a while to defeat them so it's good to start early just 10 days for justification cope and declare war on Haiti recapitulates declare on Brazil and justify on Cuba yeah the attack on Brazil is gonna take some time and we can in ex-mother do they have any significant vampire no so that's just an ex them and here are my convoys back who's next these guys are doing nationalism focus which means they'll get a lot more manpower soon let's leave them for later above the Russians yeah let's exploit all that Russian manpower here you don't have the convoys justification on Cuba is complete declare war next Ecuador Ecuador justification complete let's do Greece I could wait for Italy to attack them but that can take some more time Japan is getting closer to destroying China we can an X of Russia now let's make sure to not waste their manpower the boy all these guys have been training that's one and a half thousand good copy a Russian template this is a big one let's copy the infantry template switch all these to it now actually I should also modify my own template because we have reduced size of units that's add to I mean we don't have to stay under 20 but it's supposed to be the optimal with apparently so russian manpower should drain almost immediately there it goes all went into my units that's annex brusha it's gonna take a moment did I crash the game ok it's done you guys can switch back to the small template all that manpower I think German nirvash is gonna be next have the convoys oh I forgot to activate the other against Ecuador that's better Stalingrad and then Ingrid will be renamed to hindenburg and ludendorff hindenburg and ludendorff i could all capitulates and so that's Sweden next up in Greece well we justify on Bolivia the attack on Greece is going smoothly as expected we're gonna need to kick a lot of people out of our faction soon we can an X of the German for our job let's do that and I think it's time for Britain did you change your mind power loss you did not there's no hope for that then here I have two deadly convoys of annexation can you guys manage to that and here do I have to learn somewhere else this won't work well at least there was fighting so when the whole war ends won't be able to take Cuba even without landing there oh did I miss Walker yes I did let's justify on Chile and declare war on Bolivia let's modify this order this will work better much better declare war in Chile and who's next Paraguay who forty days I add the Communist takes longer where is Britain there you are returned territory not gonna be a lot of entire liberation of London well that's temporary and power went up a little bit let's wait until it goes to the units an expert in ER and Norway capitulated and a through you can wait a bit longer Greece capitulate China capitulates time is running out we better hurry now it would be a perfect opportunity to just execute all the sixty-six on Japan because we're in the same war they would give us military access and invading Japan is quite bothersome however I have promised to not do that so I will not do that attack Paraguay just a gentle if he complete declare war let's plot some more naval invasions from here it meant yeah next in America Wow oh yeah I build some factories for them that's why it was ready to be next they have zero units and 300 ships that looks like ready to be next ok then let's get that American manpower switch to American template wait for the manpower to be sent out and necks and switch back with a template let's select all of our many many fleets just make one big one merge we cannot merge navies one of them is in combat all right which one of you is in combat maybe it's also combat merge and your new order is going to be assist invasions in the Caribbean and here area Argentina and we're only left with Uruguay down here because I thought that's invading Cuba so much work and they've capitulated good I just realized I wasn't paying attention to Turkey and they're almost done conquering them well that's called trusting your generals turkey capitulates there we go require who is the left in the world a serum they normally join a Japanese faction but you know they don't have to because we killed them first so yeah there we go the axiom we're just left with Japan and his puppets Australia and New Zealand well and South America yeah well I guess it's time to find the hours again maybe it'll you will deal with them for us and we ran out of stuff to build ok some more factories everywhere see I'm capitulates what is my participation anyway Japan has more participation well although his ridiculous of course to destroy in Japan now what I think it might be better for us to declare war on Japan and before this was finished because even if they take something in the Peace Conference that way they can take stuff that I occupy justification for Australia is complete let's declare and justify on Japan I think it's time so entry party back no does not risk antagonizing and the world justification on Japan is complete time to attack sorry Japan I think we are at war with everyone who's not in our faction which means I can activate all the orders not a problem if we defeat China now no we're not at war would sink he and he did not join in the fight so let's do them next I'm also I forgot to send any troops here I am tired I'm doing this whole in one day I should have sent some troops into this area but I did not no matter we'll lose some territory temporarily oh you guys also did not join of the war we'll get right on that we do have a huge Navy don't worry I think I should send it over to Japan pretty sure they'll be able to handle it better landing crafts looking won't be over before I can finish that yeah whatever your nan has not joined yet let's just find them where is that fleet of mine the world fleet so that's pretty much it isn't it I guess we can cover the next the Philippines down you guys are gonna do an aphid invasion of Japan and you go for this port up north also we should annex the German East Indies let's start Lindley's and send them the convoys of annexation getting closer to wiping out South America okay here's my naval dominance you know there we go and we're still not at war with the Jung Shi quick and I think that's everyone apart from our allies sinking capitulates no we pretty much just have to beat up Japan village of China and then kill our allies there's a capitulates we can annex German East Indies once triggered the invasion of China is progressing very swiftly see I was holding back on that because I wanted to keep justifying quickly Oh finally the best gun let's switch to that Japan is very much like Britain they do very well abroad but they tend to not to defend their own to well so I'm hoping these naval invasions will pretty much end them quickly Argentina and Chile are still resisting I should probably be do the olders to make them more efficient base and market elites and my naval invasion should be launching now well they had an undefended pot well that was stupid wasn't it here's a big attack order frontline orders are more efficient in attacking but turn if you want to make sure that you don't lose the ports just use the garrison and if we combine the two that's a win-win Argentina has capitulated that leaves us with just Chile in South America and here goes the war which one no this one is Japan in the Peace Conference no not that's great because you know sometimes if you have two factions fighting a third faction the peace conference get all wonky and sometimes you can just get one side than a peace conference I'm not sure how that works exactly but it does let's pass a lot of times let's take all states in everything we can afford I'm actually doing two puppets Communist China by poverty in communist China of course we can you know feed them stuff and get under sentence manpower they go state's disappeared as usual I am going to give it all back to Communist China and determine done Japan still holds some of this territory but not for long it's time to start kicking people from our faction Dominican Republic kick from faction you guys are gonna take on Venezuela you guys take half of Peru Bulgaria let's kick Bulgaria you reinforce my attack on Japan northern part of Peru also kick Peru and kick Venezuela that takes care of the American continent I still need to conquer Australia but we can do that after Japan that starts just fine on Bulgaria Adolphe and the betrayer war on Bulgaria is ready troops in Bulgaria are already also we saw the truce next Dominican Republic are you in Japan we're slowly progressing could be better but it's not declare war on Bulgaria really sorry but I do need to take everything doesn't do that Italy it's not about you know also let us annex of the Philippines here have some magical convoys justify um Venezuela writers will take care of Bulgaria very soon you were a good Ally but you know shouldn't trust artists and their girls Japan all right let's pass a few times in the next everything many of our guys are now free to pursue other interests like for example invading what's left of the eyes now I could make this more efficient by splitting it into multiple invasions and then they would prepare quicker but we don't have to do that Bulgaria take all states please or under Dominican Republic yeah that's a very shitty move on our part wait a minute do I still get quick justification well I'm as what with the allies yes I do now I need to find China on this list it's not easy Ritter and territory I don't need more manpower but you know if it's there I'll take it how much manpower is that fifteen nine million I think I can find a use for that a new work always complete Venezuela there we go and Peru declare and the next Philippines and finally there's just Italy sorry easily my oldest friend we have a need of your territory this would be so much faster with all 266 Dominican Republic has been taken them tego states of course and back to planning of the attack on Italy do we have enough troops against Peru in Venice well yes it looks like we do Venezuela is taken and we can now deploy another thousand of these guys the gains barely running at this point almost a three thousand year switch to the Chinese template now this should drain all of the remember will it finally it does okay now we are next now you go back to the tiny tonight lots of jobs coming back into our reserves in the meantime all the rest of them will still be using the Chinese template because it's pretty good infantry ten plates seven but let's remove the support companies we don't have the equipment for them I mean I could make it but I can't be bothered them so let's call it big make sure you're all using that template that's justify war goal in Italy I'm sorry whether it is time taking out Peru there you go states so we just have Italy Australia and New Zealand left go invade New Zealand for me there you go on the board is ours and if the port is ours everything's ours my troops have arrived time to attack Italy we have divisions and doctors at with we're here why are you in Italian territory okay how about now we can okay sorry Italy we just you know need everything yeah ah beautiful green I just need to naval invade Australia New Zealand Australia and idli the last three standing they are putting up a fight New Zealand capitulates and we've landed in Australia Italy how you doing actually I think we're gonna need some naval invasions to speed things up around here so for small ones that plan really fast you guys attack from here here it goes Italy Oh States please the last one standing is Australia how far are you from capitulation just a few provinces and there we go New Zealand take on States Australia take all states thank you very much and we are the only country in the world countries we have annexed of the world ok I'm tired now I did it all in one day and I feel like my words are not coming out properly anymore anyway I hope you enjoyed this little video I wanted to prepare a special treat for those of you that don't really like all the 66 that much I still love it but you know don't have to use it always and the 19th of January 1942 and we have annexed the world I'm not claiming that's a great result you can do it faster but you know I don't like micromanagement if you try speedrunning under these circumstances let me know in the comments what your time was also let me know if you enjoyed in this kind of video and one more thing I installed minecraft I have no idea what I'm doing so you may or may not see a video still don't know ok that's it for today thank you for watching and I will see you again soon
Channel: Taureor
Views: 632,047
Rating: 4.9461718 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 speedrun, ironman, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 meme, hoi4 germany, hearts of iron 4 challenge, taureor, hoi4, hoi4 german empire challenge, hearts of iron 4 germany challenge, iron, hearts, world conquest, hearts of iron iv speedrun, hoi4 annex everything, four, hoi4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, of, hearts of iron iv germany challenge, hoi4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 fail, hoi4 ironman speedrun, hoi4 fastest world conquest
Id: 0Eb_1GmmCO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 18sec (3198 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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