Hearts of Iron 4 Challenge: Polish Independence

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hello everyone I'm Tori and welcome to my newest hearts of iron full video and this one isn't really so much a challenge as a celebration see I aim to release this by the 11th of November which is poland's Independence Day let me interject a little bit of post commentary here I was hoping to have this done by the 11th of November to release it on Polish Independence Day unfortunately I got a little sick and didn't manage to do it in time even though it is a little bit late we can still celebrate that independence so in this video we're going to celebrate that by playing as Poland and kicking some ass Poland was actually erased from the map for over 100 years when it was divided being Prussia Austria and Russia and exactly 100 years ago Poland has regained its independence so let's go I'm an historical regular Poland one so there is no particular plan to this I'm going to try and kick some ass if I can first things first strengthen of the Polish state as for research we're going to do fairly generic stuff and switch to superior firepower because it's better or just I like it more let's cancel all production that is not pure infantry equipment because we're going to be using two infantry for a while I saw civilian factories let's use them to build some more citizen factories and dockyards just some convoys for now and then some Marines let's get this going shall we we're going to be doing a civil war because even though Poland is a very nicely geared towards staying non-aligned we will be able to obtain more stuff and power if we switch to fascism or communism either of them would work but going towards fascism is going to be more advantageous to us early on we will probably switch the democracy later anyway alright let's train as many cavalry units as we can 71 that is a decent amount and now this band over other units why now this isn't a perfect strategy but it works a little bit in the civil war remilitarization of the Rhineland we have strengthened the Polish state that's immediately high fascist demagogue romanovski now any time I do this in the video there are some Polish people saying that this guy is not actually a fascist let me address that for a little while if you're not interested sorry I mean they can't have a point because he wasn't a fascist per se but he was definitely a fascist sympathizer and anti-semite and what I would call a religious fanatic and to evidence that we have a couple of quotes from him I will not call him and for but to summarize Poland would be better off with fascism and without Jews and Mussolini is the greatest man in Europe and also only a Roman Catholic can be a true pole so uh yeah I think fascist demagogue is kinda justified in that case so oh that's hire him as for our next focus we need to do Polish militarism and reven schism which are very very powerful focuses also let us prepare for civil war expensive the support to lower our stability and thus make a civil war possible and now we can theoretically ignite a civil war which militarism is done and so is the first a doctrine of superior fire haha what let's go to owns Polish reven schism we'll need that anyway and before we start justifying any war goes so it doesn't really delay the civil war too much when we get to fifty vodka power we will ignite another Civil War there we go good night Civil War the war has started and unfortunately most of the troops actually went to our enemies but it doesn't really matter I'm just going to deploy them here immediately split them into two armies now the unfortunate thing about the Civil War is that we lose most of our generals but we keep my favorite one for this worth unders I like him because one of my family members actually served in his army so he's gonna be our new Field Marshal and the armies will get regular generals he's gonna get it offensive doctrine and be charismatic and do organization first I should have deployed half of them here could have done that you know you go up there the rest of you stay down here also activate an order but a few of you will go directly to Krakow which has all the victory points and might be enough to win the war alright let's unpause see where the enemy deploys their units because they will deploy some units as well why are we not going in here who I said all of you for some reason is that enough to win the Civil War almost you just need a couple more victory points run towards of you know perhaps that will be sufficient oh just take a couple of normal provinces might also work and we won't see this is kind of a neat trick with the Civil War but the naval transport one is a better unfortunately we only have one port so we can't really do that one anyway we are back to owning all of Poland and then now we can justify war goals well not just yet once we're done with Polish reven schism because it makes it faster let's try some more units yes we wanted to go to two full armies that should be sufficient so how many more do we need we have 29 and we need to have 48 so need 19 more we're going to train them as cavalry because I just want to deploy them quickly then we'll switch them to infantry because inventory is great Spanish to the war not really my problem and once polish revin chisholm is complete we start to justify our first war goal who against well Lithuania why we need them for a decision let's start that we also want to work with against of Romania and that will take a moment we still need a lot more political part but I will not select a focus for now so that we can get that vodka power faster deploy all the units we are at two full armies now of course they are untrained cavalry with very little equipment no matter we'll switch them all into infantry or those we will edit the infantry template because we do have some experience but to remove the support company it is useful but we don't really have production for that and just make it a pure inventory 20 with the unit and only focus only in to entry equipment let's get all of you to the lithuanian border it's going to take time for them to you know be in a fighting condition they still need to get the manpower and equipment and all that but for now they are enough yeah and not taking your focus stones us down a bit but attacking romania early is quite important for my plans right let's start justifying and in the important note if I started a new focus no it would actually stop my justification that is because we can save up 10 points in the focus so if I select it now you can see how others do defensive focus it will go down to 2 now if I did that earlier would go to the negatives which would actually pause our justification so justify on the swinger and Romania I don't think any of them will get guaranteed we need a lot more individual equipment but infantry with little equipment is still quite effective and also we can produce it relatively quickly so now let's do the four year plan so we can move towards the extra researchers slots our units are starting to reach a reasonable level of experience anti-common two in fact let's join that see the Athenians don't really have an army so we can just walk into their victory points most probably and win that way okay justification is ready let's attack immediately you go here you go here it'll be fine and we can get the German volunteers but we don't really want to what we do want to get is an infantry expert all right that is it for this way now let's take everything and that should give us a decision a decision to reform the Commonwealth this is going to be very important because of the new Corps States we are getting okay unfortunately it's switched our flag into one I don't really unlike very much but we'll get rid of that later on time to make some more preparations you might notice that you also like actually guarantees Romania and have started just fine our goal quickly enough to offset the fact that they will abandon the guarantees later we're going to let the Romanians in here a little bit this will help us later on let's plan an attack but not activate the plan got some upgrades for infantry let's also do radio in den Berghe disaster that is unfortunate for the Hintonburg and its passengers and the 30 days until our the attack just location is ready let house attack immediately conquer Romania why am I in such a rush one because I want to fight yo Slovakia as well let's just let them attack us for a moment as I'm letting the Romanians in that is intentional let's also get an army offense expert it strikes all that is unfortunate in fact the improve relations with Germany but they don't have the points now that they have reached our fallback line let's make a normal front line there you go Japan attacked some people how about now Germany would increase the world tension would you like to help me I'm expecting them to wanted to help me if only I could improve relations all right let's wait a bit longer I hear there's German volunteers cures of the production front and should get invited to their faction come on Germany I suppose I'll just activate the order anyway unbalanced should be able to cut into Jos lavaca you come the German volunteers and an additional research slot I really thought they would invite me to their faction so you go here and you go here there you go here this will will cut off these Czech troops relocate a bit now this is not looking great but it's actually fine oh you would agree to send me lend-lease really okay come on that is amazing Thank You Germany nobody canceled it damn it I would like to join the axis but if it doesn't happen it doesn't happen see if I was able to join the axis which was my plan then Jos lavake would have to retreat summer troops to the German border to secure that which would make things much easier for me in the meantime I almost missed a nice opportunity because I was talking let's cut off the Romanian forces shall we can we do that we should be able to activate both of these orders now it would work better if I had more troops but most of them were kind of busy additional researchers slot alright let's let's not take any research for a moment and recover our political power perhaps we can still make things work with Germany I see being and the axis is actually quite important to us there's a lot of powerful Romanian troops here unfortunately they don't have any supplies and here there is invitation to the access and great see now I can actually stop this for a moment and let them regroup why am i doing that well because now hey here comes one of these and because now they will move towards the German border if I let them and I shall let them see they're moving towards here because they need to secure two borders and getting into their territory will be easier afterwards we can't let the Romanians rejoin their forces can we we wanted to join the axis but we don't want them in our war and let's research a de cyclo meter let's make sure we put some pressure on the Romanians and increase our aggressiveness to the maximum have their forces retreated well some of them have you can continue your attack now all right aggressiveness is going to pay off with Romania well because there's very few troops here and the ones here are in a dangerous situation and they're about to be slaughtered now why do we want to be part of the axis dragging away ja Slovakia's troops as just one of the reasons we also wanted to use Germany in Italy to beat up the Soviets together soon and make sure to not defeat Romania before we defeat just the vacuum if we near Bucharest we'll have to stop our troops well it's actually going well can you get the prod come on come on brave little soldier nope almost there though now there is no supply in this bit monsters of Austria not a problem and nice and a circulant but perhaps we can get Prague in the meantime maybe it's not defended anymore and it is not so that is the end of the war isn't it Oh waiting to preneur as well just a bit more now they've retaken Prague that's what the problem is yeah we're almost done anyway although you guys might want to stop I don't want to finish off Romania before I finish off Josef vodka why because Joseph Joaquim might theoretically join allies if I do that that's what happened yeah I hate when this happens as you can see our frontline has automatically adjusted itself one Germany and unser lost Austria I think which is a problem none of our troops were actually participating in the fighting no matter will remedy that quickly still today or attack on Bucharest a little bit yeah I really should finish this quickly I have other stuff to attend to before mode of Ribbentrop happens that's better that should be the end and here it comes as they go States and and activate the Romanian assault just go to owns Bucharest everyone and get the last research slot now I could send the other army here as well but it will not be necessary there it goes and of Romania now it's time to justify a war goal on the Soviet Union we take course state y1 because I want to use the Germans and the Italians to win the war for me I will have to train more troops but that can wait a bit well and I can make up an infantry X but that is very useful and you as well oh and we are already up to 90 factories I wasn't really building infrastructure perhaps that is a mistake let's build it at least in the provinces that have some steel we should go to war economy unfortunately our political power leaves a lot to be desired we will get on that soon though here comes Germany mm-hmm Germany coming into Poland to help Italy joint axis perfect this is because we increased the world tension so much yeah political power is not our strong suit although don't we have an old guard guy oh crap I should have hired him almost immediately and that was a mistake that would be a lot of positive power some nice border girl going already not as Hayek so very tread netsuke old God extra 10% vodka ha should have done that earlier let's do the bomb so we can get some nice research buffs yes we question the motives of the Soviet Union and we finally have enough guns oh but not enough Steel justification is complete and let us attack immediately and call our allies activate on the balanced order we've called in Italy they've called in tano too far we have called in Germany which means we'll win after a while because Soviet Union is kinda big but we will win and as we are making nice progress that's also cool very very aggressive we do have a lot of manpower in reserve and we'll get even more because all of this is our core territory see manpower is growing as we go in the meantime let's continue doing these economic focuses and see ya emily has landed a naval invasion in Leningrad this sir is helpful improve computing machine with the bonuses from our focuses and atomic research my suppose I suppose it's time to deploy these guys they're still green but it doesn't really matter we will need a new general for them marcin a Vishnevsky that works and down towards Sevastopol France and Britain have announced an alliance and Germany is researching Eastern claims well that's not a problem we are in the same war together so they can't do anything against us even if they wanted to non-aggression pact from the United Kingdom I don't think so no uh angry is fascist let's conquer them then again if we do that they will join the Comintern just attack them quickly and aggressively and if they join the Comintern whatever that should have improve the working conditions actually I can still do that justification against Hungary is already all right you know what let's do improve working conditions and the expensive option and declare war on hungry I think it will join the Comintern almost certain yes yes it did join the Comintern no matter we'll get it taken care of quickly just get there before the Germans do and you go there finally yes we did get there before the Germans didn't perhaps now he'll give us occupation of Hungary well not all of our green but that is good enough for me it also fix the border go a bit or offensive might seem to have slowed down but it is actually progressing nicely still you know what I should probably not take any focuses and just use this to get to war economy and free trade we don't have to worry about having perfect front lines because there's German troops all around anyway sto stop all is ours Belgium joined our the Allies it was Germany justified on them yet it is although if Germany attacked the Netherlands for example right now because Belgium already joined the Allies but if they attacked set in Atlanta Luxembourg the matter she joined the Comintern which would be a curious situation see they attacked Luxembourg and Luxembourg joined Comintern well we might get a bit of Luxembourg we'll see Germany attacked Belgium Belgium is in the arse there which means the war has started but we have gotten so far into the Soviet Union even if the Germans withdrew and that shouldn't really damage our chances and the Soviets are pretty much done at this point that Leningrad attack was actually a pretty good move on the German side time for war economy finally yeah I've been delaying focus because I really need to get those laws fixed and we are about to reach Moscow though since Germany is engaged on our front it is having a hard time against the Allies that is not really our concern the important bit is that the Soviets are defeated and if Germany does well and gets to France and beats them then I'll probably join them against the ice but if they don't well then we might be beating up Germany soon oh and Republican Spain Jones calm down that might actually pose a problem oh if taking Moscow and we're about to take Stalingrad as well yeah the eyes are pushing into Germany but once the Soviet Union is defeated I think the Germans will take over the Allies of course we will join the winning side let us go to free trade yeah we don't really have enough steel right now that's not a big deal soon we'll pop up the Soviet Union because I want to take over their fleet and then you can have a lot of steel from them Germany is really not doing too well are they there's a bit of an issue with the Republican Spain joint in common turn unfortunately we won't be able to enter this war for a while our whitman's is Republican Spain not imagination if that is the case we can actually end this war soon we will have to get quite deep into their territory because there's not that many important victory points here and the Germans seem to be regaining their advantage down here I only hope that we can defeat the Soviets before Spain becomes a major power also they joined the commenter awfully early and the final computing machine we get bonuses from focuses which make our research amazing that is some good progress into the Soviet Union let's get rid of communism we can get improvisation experts this is actually a very good trait it speeds up your troops this around the threshold is still pretty high I wish it was a bit lower but we're almost done and we are done okay what are we going to take answer is as much as we can first things first though we need to make sure oh we can take Spain as well cool way to make sure that the Germans are not able to take anything from the Soviet Union so what we need to take is all of the coasts I suppose I could make them a puppet I suppose I could make them a puppet in the first round I would like to have them as a puppet anyway because this way we would inherit their a fleet but the most important bit is to not let the Germans have anything and we have just prevented them from taking anything now for Hungary and Spain can we take Hungary yes we can go to Luxembourg I might yes why not it gives me steel and Spain should be beneficial to puppet them and indeed we can the puppets Spain well let's end the turn see the Germans can't take anything inside here now we are going to pop at the Soviet Union in this round and because this way we will inherit at the ready fleet we will annex them later on of course but for now they are more used to us as a puppet same goes for Spain it's being of Spain let's make sure Spain and gets all other Spanish lands we need to take all the stuff that is our course because we'll get a full manpower from that and and the Peace Conference it is currently September 39 you have taken over the Soviet Union Spain Czechoslovakia Lithuania Hungary and Romania and Luxembourg must not forget Luxembourg what we should have pocketed them it would be cute what are we going to do with the Russian Empire well we're going to drain them all Amanda and then the next time of course same goes for Spain but I still haven't decided if I'm going to beat up the Allies or the axis now probably beating up the Allies would be the better choice because later it will be more difficult and we can pretty much squash the excess anytime we want but I need a break I'll continue this tomorrow I've had my break and there are a few things we can proceed to do now we finished atomic research we can fight the axis or we can fight in the eyes it is not an easy or obvious choice because the axis are weak now they have been weakened by or fight with the Soviet Union and we could easily take them out on the other hand it will become much more difficult to beat up the eyes or later and because we will not only have to invade France and the United Kingdom but also British Raj and the United States so all in all I think it will be better for us to attack as the Allies now but first we need a lot of dugouts which I'm already working on and a lot of ships let's start researching some naval invasion technology let's also relocate some of our troops to Spain from where we will attack France let's also get some more manpower through a limited conscription now we need to wait to get a huge fleet and because we'll have to beat the Allied fleet as rebase our ships over to Germany and hire some Admirals seems like asli's doing pretty well in France and I probably should have just annexed Spain rather than puppet them we will have access to more dockyards and factories and it's not like we're starving for manpower we could have annexed russia directly as well non-aggression from the UK no thank you unless you want to give me military access but you of course want do ok this is just so stupid really you will give me military access ok let's do an order 66 on them why the hell not that's so stupid ok let's just quickly put our troops in Britain before they can change their mind and they have agreed to give us military access for some reason just transport everyone there manually well that was pretty stupid of them and it would be stupid of me to not make use of that to squash them easily I will use this army to beat up France in the meantime the so very stupid of you Britain I just can't believe that we might not need all those ships after all but our let's not celebrate our victory just yet we still need to get to Britain and that and get a war go on and all I of there's like France which we should be able to do easily actually we might get a war go on Latvia because I think I have some cause here and they should get the guaranteed by the Brit so let's do that let's see if they give in to you that fear if they do is gonna make things much easier for me I might also attack Yugoslavia or France either will work and meantime let's train some more infantry that's not even an exploit that this part is just them being idiots what so transport more of you as quickly as we can and see if they have guaranteed Latvia they have a not guaranteed Latvia well I can always attack Yugoslavia and Yugoslavia well in that case join the Allies if we call Germany in and which will make things much easier I can't really do orders in British territory so I'll have to deploy them manually the cool thing about having military access is we don't even need to worry about supply or anything because we are receiving it all the time move this should do it I mean I could just deploy them all over Britain but we'll have a normal fighter this way and Franz will capitulate soon we didn't even have to lift a finger now if I were to justify war go in front how long would that take 35 days now that would be a good choice probably should have done that and know that here and still Latvia is guaranteed by Britain so that will work out nicely let's deploy all these units give them a general and send them over to take over Latvia we do have core territory is there which will make it easy on Britain what of Ribbentrop pact it would be quite funny if we actually had to give up half our territory to Russia which is our puppet currently but we do intend to annex them so it doesn't really matter and our golden stuff is ready let us attack and call Britain in retake Core State go now Britain should join immediately they have and as you can see they have stupidly given me military access for no good reason and we now we're now in their territory we already do hold Portsmouth and Dover so we will be receiving supplies from the stupidest move I've seen written do in this game that means Britain will be done for in no time I should also attack France now so we are actually you know what I should just join the other Germany's war but let's make sure the game autosave is before I do why well because if I join a war against some people that I'm already at war with the course quash to them quickly and the game might crash France has joined yes but I'm more interested in Canada I actually needed them to beat up the United States well that's why I joined Allah as yes that was to be expected we are about to beat them up completely anyway oh we already participate in all the wars but Sir I am not at war care in with Canada am i I know it seems like I am let's find that I'm let's call everyone in you guys take Gibraltar you guys take France and you guys take lots of here and it's not even an exploit imagine if France gave military access to Italy right before fighting the Germans yeah that's what would have happened let's participate a little bit more in the conquest of France so we can get a little bit more war score it doesn't matter that much how much we get and but we do want a decent amount so we can take Canada for example taking Canada is of course crucial because you can easily attack the United States from there but I capitulate I mean I suppose I could justify some more war goes 10 days on Estonia sure why not and then I suppose we could take you this night afterwards United Kingdom has capitulated now the more that France capitulate the war is over so let's try and make sure to get some more war goes after that 100% okay at midnight it's gonna be over so let's use the fact that we are at war with the major power for some easier local justifications I suppose let's do Yugoslavia you know seven has annexed Bulgaria so they have a decent amount of stuff what if I want to attack Greece as well that's way too long let's just do these two okay that should be the end of the war let's see how much we can take France has capitulated and that goes at the peace conference Germany has a lot of war score so they took most stuff now it doesn't matter that much what I'm gonna do in the first round is just take a bit of territory in Canada so we can have access to United States and take our course on Latvia why well because I think if we puppet at the United Kingdom right now British Raj becoming our satellite will stop being an option at our next course of action and we satellite Raj and I would like to puppet a Briton with a very small province somewhere just in order to take over and their fleet I'll do that in the next round we've entered the turn and now Raj is our puppet what the Germany do did you just puppets Britain no yes crap they have puppeted Britain I wanted to do that and that is a pity but our next course of action is to beat up the Germans so this is not really a problem at least we got a rush out of that yeah we didn't really have a lot of war scram but we managed to acquire provinces of strategic importance which is all that we needed to do and to eliminate the Allies early let's have a look at the result now Germany's of course much bigger now but Germany is also exhausted by the war that just happened Dewey a beat up the United States on be turned against Germany they're still at war with Dutch East Indies and so am i and the goal of this war was not really to take over a lot of stuff although we could have taken a bit more if we did it better but we did get polish Wragge so it's something and the goal wants to eliminate in the eyes as a faction justification is ready - declare war on Estonia just to crush their capital and they're taken care of let's take all states no am I technically still at war with a faction because that East Indies we're still a member of the allies aren't they if I am technically still in such a war I should be able to go in to justify quickly nope no I'm not Dutch East Indies are invading polish rog i should send some troops there but i really can't be bothered italy is doing it already so let's just let them take care of that I will continue producing submarines you never know when you'll need your Navy our justification is complete right House attack troops are already on their way also we can start justifying another one should go should I go against the United States now not yet we have a lot of easier targets let's do Greece and Turkey 90 days about turkey 155 but I don't have enough product of power that's wait a bit and then do turkey as well advanced computing machine complete and we do have the best research now Yugoslavia will be taken care of soon I'll just annex everything we don't need any more puppets and this is China I should now invest in adding support companies to our units will need to research some good ones and I should also humble some naval bases here and some infrastructure so we can have a good supply throughput once we start fighting the United States of America we are growing nicely and we can now reduce the independence of Spain I should gather up some possible pawn because annexation unfortunately costs 300 if they attack the Greece oh no I'm I'm working on attacking Greece god damn it Haley mmm would you like me to join your war you would not want me to join your war well that is unfortunate how long until my Olga was ready five days okay I might still be able to take a bit for myself justification is ready let us attack go very aggressively please come on get to Athens before Italy can do that how is polish rush and the Dutch East Indies are quite well we're going to be winning that soon oh and I forgot I took bits of Australia and Greece has been taken care of took a lot of equipment who's next Turkey you know what I think I might do Poland first internationalism can be cool it can give you extra manpower for example but I will want to be switching my ideology again so let's just do Poland first for extra stability oh don't you think these are dad can I get something I don't think so there's anything left some bits somewhere alright I'll own let's take it let's attack Turkey they Claire warmer I don't need to call anyone else in and I suppose don't justify on Finland 90 days and on Sweden 165 days how's the attack on Turkey very well thank you only has 200,000 men part which is not a lot but I will want to steal it anyway I was Russia Russia has 3 million which is a bit better turkey should be surrendering any minute now but not improved working conditions unfortunately I can't really afford that right now I need to save points for mmm for Spain for the annexation of Spain let's prepare some troops that will steal Spanish manpower for us yay best guns now we could the next spain now if we had the point which is why i'm not going to take focuses after this at least for a while justification on finland is complete allowed to do Norway next head attack finland of course they might be able to defend against the soviet union but not against us here comes finland take all states let's add some support companies artillery engineers a recon and others a bit later we also got some spanish expeditionary forces that I'm going to send out immediately because if you are next someone while you have Expeditionary Forces from them things get weird and now we have enough points to the next spain so look how much manpower do you have one hundred and fifty three thousand that is not a lot but it owes also not insignificant so let's steal that these guys should now be using spanish manpower as well Lerman power is at zero let's annex Spain here we go just occasional Sweden is done let us attack and start another one who else do we have to conquer here I suppose I'll go for Denmark while we're at it 35 only what is so quick what does it count as fighting a major nation no yes it does ok that's great don't beat Sweden too quickly this is going to be very useful to me and just fine more goals actually I should probably consult it just occasional Norway yeah let's do that and cancel the justification on mark start again in Norway ten days I'm actually going to pull back this army and focus on attacking Iran with it right that's another justification ready and let's attack and do Denmark ten days already have the war goal in Denmark all right let's do Iran ten days justification ready attack and justifier ten days and that one complete and guaranteed by Sweden well that's not going to help you let's do Afghanistan next Oh Confederate Middle Eastern nations with Denmark and Sweden and some other people and that's fine not a problem for me Sweden has joined the Confederate Middle Eastern nations she's weird but whatever not my problem justifying on Afghanistan right now we're perfectly capable of attacking all those people it's more tiny asleep another justification ready who should we go after next how about Saudi Arabia Oh Germany attack Switzerland moves what Saudi Arabia and the justification is already let's do almond next and the war of course no I still haven't done Portugal Oman is ready to attack was do yemen declare war on oman let's modify our template had signal and logistics companies justification on Yemen is complete unfortunately I don't really have an army I could send to Portugal unless I retreat one from Scandinavia let's go to extensive conscription just efficient on Portugal is ready but we're not yet ready to attack them let us instead do mm-hmm how about Tibet Nepal and Bhutan Saudi Arabia capitulates and we're nearing Stockholm Japan attacks Philippines not my problem justification on Tibet is ready let's proceed to do Nepal and Bhutan also declare on Tibet already we're not bothering them we'll get there through polish Raj but it doesn't stop us from attacking now in any way okay I think we're about to capitulate Sweden which will probably end the war it could be slightly unfortunate because we did not have done yet but said to Claire Warren Nepal and declare war on Portugal Portugal joins the Middle Eastern coalition Oman is about to be taken care of Norway capitulates all right we still have Sweden to take care of but let's not rush things crap they've surrendered and that was too early for me will I still be at war with Tibet Nepal and Bhutan I don't know I don't know all right let's surpass a few times and annex everyone who we can annex take all states take all states done okay am I still at war with people I am NOT I could attack them again waymond it's Denmark still alive oh damn it I didn't reach that mark so they are indeed still alive I could start a new war against them but I don't think it's worth it and we'll just let them live why not I suppose I think I can attack Bhutan I'm about to have a war on them anyway let's declare war on them perhaps and they will join an alliance that hates me okay know what I think I'll take Bhutan and leave the others alone it's about time we talk the United States anyway yeah let's leave them alone move over to the US all right since our people are already on Putin's border let's call in the Polish Arash Haeckel states of course now Canada is in the axis and so am I so they should see article II garrison the Canadian border as well which will draw some of their forces away from me thus making things slightly easier Jame the Global War on German East Indies oh that means Japan's war with Germany which you don't see often anyway what we need to do now is justify a war go on the United States of America why are the American troops in Canada I do United States about to join the axis that is possible they're both at war with Japan after all okay we can now lower the autonomy of Russia and let's do that justification only United States is complete unless attack them now they can't join the axis even if they want to we are green all across the world we should start getting offers and breakthroughs in a moment well we are progressing I probably should be using a bit more artillery so we will be progressing faster but progress is happening which is the important bit how is Russian independence it's still pretty high they are selling us a lot of resources which is keeping their independence high and we've taken New York you know what I should probably call them the Germans would you join my war Japanese American War you wouldn't not because you like the United States not much is happening we're slowly gaining ground also there are American troops inside Germany waiting to attack me Bob they won't be able to have 2.3 million that's not a lot but it will be useful switch all these guys to the Russian and division let's see if that drains all their manpower it doesn't arrive let's expand that division a bit more so add some infantry to it right da drains all your manpower now theoretically I could return territory to them but I have cause on some of that and I'm not sure if those cause would it remain intact so I'm not going to instead I'm going to annex Russia Russia has been annexed polish Lithuanian Empire we still need to beat up the United States and Germany and I suppose on the next polish Raj because why not well now what I will do is edit my generic template to include some art because we do need some more soft attack and keep it at 20 with at least for now we do have enough artillery to make this happen so and should not be a problem unfortunately that raise is a problem with steel so I'm going to have to switch my economy to limited exports and now steel should no longer be a problem how well will you guys do with extra artillery wait a minute did I finish doing doctrine research oh crap that's why I was a week I forgot to do doctrine research dad is a problem it's still gonna take a while before we beat up the United States completely and then we still have to take care of Germany so we still have a bit of a long way ahead of us progressing nicely into the United States but we can also NX India let's do that they didn't have any free manpower so I'm not gonna do any tricks with that the map is looking a bit better now can you get rid of that somehow I just want all my armies visible at the same time okay anyway let's switch all you guys into infantry divisions we'll need a lot to beat up the Germans so let's see if we have enough manpower and equipment for all of that China's capitulated to Germany that is interesting news but not really a problem how far are the United States from capitulation not that far once we reach our Los Angeles in San Francisco that should be sufficient well the United States have surrendered that was quicker than I expected but yeah it's all good can I take all states not all of them but I can take most done that is it we have defeated the United States we have defeated the allies and we have defeated the Comintern of the axis are the only ones that stand in our way to world domination I think I accidentally created the theater by clicking something and I just can't get rid of it now I really don't like them disband theater on battle plans will be deleted I don't want to disband your armies I don't know to get rid of the armies I just want to get rid of the division into theatres let me try it if I disband theater does it disband all the units oh no it does disband the theater but keeps the unit's all right let's disband this one as well I hate theatres finally that's better Oh armies have been deleted as well and we automatically just created a new theater it's fine as long as it's just one I wish you could just disable this feature hmm interesting when sy is in the axis but there's not the puppet of Germany so we'll be able to do all the sixty-six on Italy in Germany if we so choose let's do that Rico's why not I actually liked order 66 let's send our guys to garrison this area that should work out nicely and the rest will just be a setup with normal orders right now we're gardening all the victory points belonging to Germany and Italy so the classic order 66 but without you can do it in a better way but just there something everything completely also let's exercise our troops in the meantime because why not non-aggression pact with Japan sure and we swore would someone aren't we Philippines also utilizing some of the Soviet troops we have inherited they should do nicely as well seems like our guys have reached to their designated position so I suppose we can now stop the exercise and start the actual conquest how are we going to do that well first we need to exit the faction but keep all those guys where they currently are how do we do that we'll need to slow things down a bit do leave faction fortunately we are not together in the war against the Philippines otherwise we wouldn't be able to do that and now these guys will try to return at home we need to stop them by spamming the H key which holds them in place and soon they will stop trying to read it at home Philippines joined axis oh crap that's actually not so bad for me because I won't need to justify anyone cause we can just started the fight if that is the case cool let's activate all our orders if Philippines indeed joined as the axis Germany might be joining a war against us and at any moment now which is actually good for us so let's continue spamming H so that all the 66 may happen so also I should cancel your orders well you don't want to garrison anything right now you just stay where you are seems like they have regained enough organization to not try and return home anymore so we don't need to spam H anymore yeah let's speed things up Venezuela has joined the Philippines as our enemy and the polish for the peens war that is completely fine by me so let's make sure everyone is aggressive now we just wait for Germany to join the war against us and we should win Italy has been called in and order 66 is in progress we have not seized a lot of territory but we did seize some territory you guys attack here you guys attack here I'll just wait for Germany to join as well and Germany has Jordan as well okay how many victory points did we take we took about half of German victory points and 1/4 of battalion victory points that's fine I already have armies working towards their demise it will be much easier to manage this army if it is actually following a garrison order rather than creating a lot of small frontlines so that's a reinstate of that garrison order we want all the enemy Corps territory to be affected by it alright that will do it I think they went here in the meantime normal armies are doing and their best to just beat our enemy up and I can join either Japanese fashion as do so hmm we've joined the co-prosperity sphere I wonder if the garrisoning armies can actually do something about this I mean it would be more effective if I managed them manually but it would also be tedious and as you can see it's not going half bad we're actually making nice progress German East Indies not a problem Italy should be surrendering soon we've taken Rome and a lot of important victory points and here it goes that is the end of Italy British Empire has capitulated alright they only had your browser apparently that's fine it looks like everything is going according to plan it was probably being more effective if I use this army for a frontline rather than the garrison order so I suppose I can cancel the garrison orders on these and though I'll proceed to Germany and we are blameless were just we were just walking through their territory it is the Germans who decided to allow the Philippines into their faction and join them against us we did not even attack here so Germany you have made your bed now die in it or something like that Berlin is taken how much more do we need nothing else because that is the end of Germany German Malaya is a major nation really German Malaya let's see if it ends the war or not it doesn't end the war I just need to beat up German male apparently alright alright here have another army if it turns out to be necessary I hope I won't have to do naval invasions how's our progress in Malaya not great but perhaps we can rush Singapore I thought this would be painless apparently I was wrong perhaps we can build a quick naval base in the area alright it seems like we're about to take Singapore finally which might mean the end of this bloody war we'll see in a moment I also had to send an army to kill that because they somehow became a great power but I didn't show it because it wasn't very interesting well I thought this would be sufficient Oh Kuala Lumpur I think if I take what a lump or and that will be enough but it is heavily heavily garrisoned right we're about today Kuala Lumpur which should be finally at the end and they have capitulated come on give me a peace conference seriously seriously now Australia I wonder who will become a great power next once I'm done with dealing with Australia seeing how more and more countries are becoming major major countries and this is taking forever I've decided to in the meantime work on becoming democratic so um let's discredit government and I suppose how expensive will support as well we want to do a referendum do we have any communism we have zero communism what will ban communism nonetheless and finally there it comes here is the Peace Conference okay then let's take some land shall we no puppeting this time no shadow puppet Inge just straight up taking stuff Japan took a bit more than I anticipated but that's fine I could beat them up now if I wanted to but I don't really want to get away to us the polish-lithuanian empire spends most of the world I still do want to switch my ideology to democracy so let's stay a little bit longer also Denmark somehow survived perhaps it's not a real country should I prepare for civil war as well I was hoping that some of these options would increase our support but let's keep expanding civil support that will ruin our stability but we don't really care well going to improve it this way have I banned communism I don't remember let's ban communism that's always a good choice all right democracy is growing can we get some events please finally democratic opposition forming I also hire the Communist revolutionary because I'm reducing command support in other ways I thought that will chip away and the fascist support I'm not sure if that was a good choice or not probably not oh look we have actually produced enough inventory quipment to go over the limit essentially the numbers that store the amount of equipment you have are limited so if you have too much you flip over to the negatives or if you have too little you flip over to the positives which is one of the exponents you can theoretically use to get infinite equipment I've never used it myself but sometimes it happens even without exponents as you can see we are producing thousands of every day so many in fact that the game can't track it all and put us into other negatives we went over to million stores gums and boom it dropped down we are in the negatives now Thank You Boris waffle set Sookie but we have had enough of the Polish of the Klingon Empire ruled by a fascist party it's no time for some democracy which means we're going to hold a national referendum fascism defeated and we are now the polish-lithuanian the Federation led by Vincente vetoes looks a bit better okay I'm going to end it here now we could theoretically file Japan and conquer all the remaining neutral countries but we don't really have to we are the most powerful country on earth we've defeated the axis of the Comintern and the eyes so uh let's end it here thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed this little video and I will see you again soon goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 591,316
Rating: 4.8970876 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 poland, annex germany, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hoi4 poland 1939, hearts, hearts of iron 4 fail, four, hearts of iron 4 poland challenge, hoi4 poland world conquest, hoi4, hoi4 annex germany, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hoi4 meme, hearts of iron 4 ironman poland, hoi4 gameplay, hoi4 ironman gameplay, hoi4 challenge, of, hearts of iron 4 poland 1939, iron, hearts of iron 4, world conquest, hoi4 polish empire, hoi4 poland challenge, taureor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 29sec (3089 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 13 2018
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