Maximum Compliance as France is broken in Hearts of Iron 4

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hello everyone I am Tory are and welcome to my newest haunts of iron for video today I'm going to play as Franz and use their many many territories and their focuses that give us extra compliance to get huge amounts of factories with collaboration and governments and that idea actually comes from bully Tomek whiskey check out his channel if you haven't already he's the one who suggests that I should do a video like this so yeah we're gonna be playing front state but before we begin a message from from me there is no sponsor for this video but I did want to bring something to your attention see in the last video I made I used the power of science more specifically Zeno compatibility to crossbreed people and cats and make genetically engineered cat girls in the game stellaris if you want to see that video I will leave a link anyway I don't normally feature comments it's not my thing but this one got to me by the user random times games and stuff what if what I actually created was just cats with human years thank you for planting that idea in my brain where I can never get it out truly terrifying concept and an example of science just going too damn far okay then let's get going Raquelle difficulty i'm and most historical focuses france start let's first explain the compliance thing see in our occupied territories we're getting quite a lot of you know the factories from them and so on but if we get to 80% compliance we can release collaboration governments which are like puppets but more subservient and now is going to be just perfect for us unfortunately democracies cannot do that and then we switch governments the compliance will go down significantly no matter we have focuses that can bring it up also let's make sure to increase it by just doing local autonomy temporarily on everything so that the compiler goes up as much as possible we wanted to switch our government to a different ideology soon we might go communist we might as well go fascist well the original suggestion was to go communist so what to do it that way I don't remember if I played communist France yet there's nothing not with the new focus tree so let's explore that as France of course we have a lot of very negative modifiers at the start but we can get rid of them gradually so let's started forming the Popular Front the usual just lots and lots of infantry equipment and convoys once we're done with the ships we're making we don't really need those ships but since they already start working on the muds not waste as that production electronic mechanical engineering machine tools and and doctrine see we start with a grand battle plan doctrine which is probably the worst normally I'd go with mass assault but we're probably going to have tons and tons of factories so superior firepower might be the way to go unfortunately as France we have a very strong debuff to researching any doctrines which makes it take forever so we'll leave that for later instead construction to be of construction let's start off with some civil in factories in the regions with the most infrastructure let's get all our troops here I prefer to just use one template usually we'll be switching them over or later let's also make sure to deploy more units I'll use cavalry for that because it is the least resources we get next to no political power because of the device we have but we will fix it I'm going to be switching most of our units to just infantry but let's keep a couple of Tanks since we do have the tanks to support them so far I'm not gonna make me ones but we can use the ones we have already same for motorized and Mountaineers when we run out of equipment for the more just switch them to infantry remilitarization of the Rhineland it could be beneficial to find the Germans right now but it's not my plan so no we do want to force the issue and become communist however doing so will have political violence events happen and those are very bad so before we go down this path we have to ban other leagues that will decrease our stability significantly but it will also make sure that these events do not happen we don't care about the naval treaties at all communists in the government gladly please yes and we can start working on changing our ideology and the violent Communist ministers bringing all our Navy over here in case we decide to invade Britain they go for too many units I might have gone for too many units Spanish - the war starts I think we're not going to get involved at least of now let's do women's suffrage that will cost extra Baltic apart haven't decided if we're going after the Germans or the British first I feel the British are very vulnerable early on I think I'll just go to a for Army Group so we need a thirty more units illegal equality I really need more guns I should probably start making military factories just a moment longer they got the quality complete we can't force the issue yet we need more communist support we're currently at 45 and we need more than 45 so just a little bit more and we would be ready to force the issue I remember there's some sort of an event that will give us extra communism sure but I don't remember the details so just to be safe let's strengthen the unions we can always cancel that if we no longer need it Spain requests aid Oh see yeah that's what I was talking about made a mistake should have waited for it we could get extra communism from choosing this however we no longer need it because we did the focus so yeah if you're redoing this just do a different focus and use it this event to get extra communist support but we don't need it so no at least we'll save those 50 political power points strengthen the unions and we can force the issue now we didn't need to waste our time on this focus should reform the labor laws instead but too late now for this you look at the occupied territories see other compliance is growing very fast because of the local autonomy we are at but once we change your government form it will unfortunately go down and we'll have to bring it up again I think it's hard I'm not certain let's keep an eye on it I need more manpower fortunately soon our political power troubles will be over we will lose and this joint at a government thingy and for the first time since we started the game we now have enough political power to do something with our country and we're going to hire a silent workhorse that's usually a great investment especially early on forced Asia completes we are now communist French come in and we can actually start justifying workers if we so choose and yeah we will so choose now we're communist and we can pretty much do whatever we want in the world let's check the compliance yeah see it fell by half just do civilian oversight and we're going to devalue the franc and then develop the colonies to do that compliance thingy and once we get enough political power which is no longer problem we're getting it very quickly we will start justifying on people should we take out the Allies all got involved in Spain I think our eyes first I can't decide what to do with Britain I could try and just take them over early right now also I think I'm using a wrong temperature I should just use Brugada : yellow on everything I won't be able to get enough equipment and possibly manpower so it's done great everyone I think we should invade Britain and by attacking say Belgium is that the best course of action that is unclear but I think I would land around this area and proceed from there maybe launch some other innovations up north just to distract them I just found Belgium 1 we have enough political power and then someone else possibly Netherlands and then the Brits should guarantee them maybe I went too far just going down to the 6 unit templates but no it's gonna be fine they still have some manpower for reinforcements in Garrison's oh I'd like to go to extensive conscription but that requires 20% war support also I should prioritize Garrison's we started off with civilians which is usually good value but I need some more military ones we can get them it focuses but we should also build a few speaking of collaboration governments I should probably get it spy agency maybe we could set up one in Britain just Foyle will go on Belgium and when we have enough photic apart another one on the Netherlands 8 more and that should create enough world tension for the Brits who want to guarantee them Japan attacks China and we've devalued other franc and we'll want France indivisible for compliance so I need to go down this path and this path as well they're both very powerful well he abandons Naval Treaty we don't care about the naval treaties should probably organize my Navy probably well basically only need a moment of superiority give them a guy balance them out we will want to cover at least these two seasons because I want to launch the naval invasions from this side as well but I'm not doing it yet because I think if I do too early the Brits will muster a defense and we don't all the Brits to muster defense yeah those are not the best units but they should do also I should promote a general to Field Marshal more specifically Jean should become a field motion because he is a brilliant strategist and that is the most desired and trait for a field marshal its form the cryptology Department all right speaking of the ships I should probably pick out of the other pride of the fleet there it is and detach it no others stay in port you'll have no real relevance of and it does give me more support and I need that war support the Netherlands have been guaranteed by the British and so has Belgium perfect we don't need to hurry with the orders and everything it will take a long time to justify this and we can recruit our first operative not too special I do like linguists let's take her good spy network somewhere north once nationalize key industries just to offset the penalties from reforming the labor laws I could try and work on the collaboration government's a bit but I guess it doesn't really matter that much we'll get compliance from other sources if I go to free trade will get more factory output and research maybe we'll do that John the field marshal and some generals are phone's shuttle captain darling already and another show that'll do I will leave a one army on the Belgian border don't really matter how fast we conquer them they'll be in the Peace Conference anyway just be bad instead attack you guys will all go after Britain and only send ten of you on a naval invasion simultaneously let's make that count ideally I will take over these ports here and also send some people not okay and as it all of seven down south three of you guys will go up north yeah that is our total capacity for invasions that should do it awfully they can't see my orders we have nationalized the key industries this can wait until you've dealt with Britain so let's go down this path here how was my compliance growing okay nice so basically after we deal with Britain I'll be able to get cooperation governments everywhere in here with two businesses do compliance I don't know if these bonuses apply to territories we conquer later but I prefer to wait prepare collaboration government that's something we want to do but we don't have enough spies right now we will get another suit though let's do the better guns okay so can we do the operation and now and prepare calibration government let's try it and I do have enough war support to get my manpower up sure let's do it it'll be less it could be motor we're almost ready to attack Britain now we should tread carefully we want to defeat them fast before they can muster a defense but not too fast so that we might also annexed another puppets in this actually speaking of puppets are most interested in Canada I'm gonna try and send one single naval invasion over to Canada just to make sure there is a sum of fighting between the two of us all right our justification is complete now what we do is we activate all our orders we send our ships down to the English Channel and over here as well we send our ships out to the English Channel and the North Sea I'm trying to do that other naval invasion now let's send our submarines over here and make sure they relocate to the port let's get all our planes sending to the English Channel on air superiority and naval missions I almost forgot let's give our field marshal buffs and I think that is it has declare war in either Belgium aleikum go and our naval envisions are on the way see our Navy has gone out and dominated English channel so that didn't even visions can start the Brits have a stronger Navy and they will come here and block us but we should have enough time to get our troops into their territory post myth is defended that's not great but looks like we're gonna get to Dover good South Africa has been called in are you guys on your way to Canada yes you are perfect we would like to get Canada because from kenda we can easily take out the United States oh damn it some of our invasion forces got engaged by enemy ships actually I should have told my ships to always engage and low repair priority and a detach we have our foothold on Dover let's relocate this entire army there move quickly and attack work a shortage worsens alright that's because we want to extensive conscription this is unfortunate because I can get rid of that but we have to choose between France indivisible and encourage immigration encourage immigration gets rid of the work shortage front indivisible gives us extra compliance they are not defending this area properly let's run towards London then and Birmingham maybe we can take them interesting the suit Union is inviting us to comment on let's accept we can use them against the Germans later on British Malaya hasn't called in that's fine we don't want this always joining our war and we have landed in Scotland let's make sure to connect our guys and we did take London let's check on our guy that's going to North America what are you oh bloody hell why are you there no there it's gonna take forever god damn it I might know to get Canada we'll see zucchini in there setting up lend-lease brilliant I suppose I could use a garrison order might be even more efficient we're going to destroy them from the north because they seem to have concentrated their defense in the south my situation is far from perfect but we can make it you with what you have all right you've landed let's take the ships we have give them naval invasion support is that enough for you to launch it is not okay I do have some more ships I don't think I need to focus on the channel anymore just go there immediately oh are you from capitulation I need to capitulate soon but I also need to do some fighting with Canada you guys are on your way I could probably take Bristol and Birmingham right and now and win but not having Canada would it be problematic naval invasion is launching and once we get a little bit of fight with Canada we can defeat Britain we might be defeating Britain too so let me have a look they are 90% Wars capitulation alright you know what I need to do I need to hold all of you that was just spam age its Holt so they're not invading anyone until we fight the Canadians is that enough should be Oh the collaboration government thingy didn't work well no matter we don't have enough time anyway I'll just cancel this refund the operation and we can become the spammers of the Comintern let's do that as you can prepare some cooperation governments in other place by the United States yes that seems like a great idea well I'm not sure if I want to do coalition governments in the United States just having them and the puppet might be better because they are very very aggressive and there's butter with the Canadians and that should be sufficient let's let our people and destroy the Brits I just need to stop holding them under window go take thermos and that'll be it you don't really care about their other subjects when he care about Canada that much because Canada lets us take out the United States and war is over and we can get Canada perfect now in retrospect I probably should have launched Tainan alien invasions at Australia New Zealand and South Africa and that would have been even better so if you're redoing it you might be able to take off them as well no matter it's fine now the question is do your necks in the United Kingdom all do we just annexed everything that is not on the islands older you know external territories and have them as a puppet for their Navy and their naval invasions if we go with the United Kingdom as a puppet and then the United States as a puppet as well we basically control the Seas of the world first let's pass a few times so that we have enough points we can't take a British Raj or British Malaya however I think that's due to their independence level and we can supply them from Britain like this so we'll get two puppets but let's turn one and now we're going to take all states from the Brits but I'm going to leave them with the British Isles that is all the factories yes but they will be my puppet they will be working for me anyway well this way they will participate in our Wars they can be quite efficient and most importantly their Navy is useful if I can just annexed them normally if I so choose and inherit in their Navy if I annexed in right now the Navy will be wasted and the turn puppet Britain Belgium annex Canada annex and that's it now what's next well it's 1938 I think it's about time to invade the United States the Netherlands how long until my Walker was ready forty days I think what I need to do it stands justifying on Mexico hundreds an Anki five if I wait until I get my work on the Netherlands that will be 120 so we will save time in the long run no the eyes still exist how do they exist when the British puppet have remained in the eyes Austria is the faction and leader we might have to fight them as well they might guarantee the Netherlands one of you attack from the south through Mexico is gonna be quite difficult to do so and we will be just fine in Mexico because we can get both of them for the price of one since the United States guarantees them attacking the United States early is quite important because later on they grow in power quite quickly but now they're very weak and the BRIT as my puppet are going to be quite as far we also got a lot of territory outside of Europe and our compliance gain that we're going to be using it is going to work on all of these territories and get us more stuff just call pop off that's a lot of options let's take him just beyond another and is ready they have not been guaranteed by the eyes which is good we can just take them out those two smarmy should suffice let's send an army to the French Malaya so they can fight the Dutch East Indies for me a little bit make sure they're involved in the Peace Conference you got on the shore I'm looking 25 days yeah that's the clap we could develop the colonies but it's gonna give us a lot of compliance but we're going next the United States soon and that's gonna be useful then as well let's do the Blum Valley proposal lend-lease from our subject sure and just the Asian Games now so that is because jamming is just finding jobs for Vecchia what Sudetenland fortunately I can just revoke our guarantee I mean we could easily take out Germany by supporting just Ibaka but we would get tangled up in a war that we would win however we can gain more by attacking other people and taking out the Germany modulator all right I should call in Britain they can be helpful as the war propaganda while we can you guys get aggressive no actually you guys don't go aggressive because I need to fight the Dutch East Indies are in position yet and if the Netherlands are about to capitulate I'm gonna need to stop because if we don't find that that East Indies and well is gonna be problematic you know what lets us stop and the attack on the Netherlands do you not advance anymore we will first make sure to engage the Dutch East Indies in a battle : op of it here Malaya none that we have fought them we can continue our conquest of the Netherlands one valid proposal complete expand the citizenship molesley's from the Soviets gladly and events have capitulated since we did fight the Dutch East Indies a bit they're also in the peace conference that's a few times so that I have enough points to everything take all states from both of them the United States almost had a bit of a defense how much manpower do you have not a lot but that is out of civilian factories very collaboration government in the United States I'm at peace and I can't afford to do work let me now let's do that now we might want to wipe out the rest of the eyes this way by attacking the United States and then calling all the eyes in by also attacking them we could make sure of that when we defeat the United States we also defeat them it's convoluted isn't it something of an invasion of Australia and New Zealand and one of the armies goes to take out South Africa as our compliance decent remember we can always boost it with focuses we will do that but the more territory we have before we use it the more territory it will affect discretion is complete let's declare war in Mexico need you think okay they call the United States which is perf should be able to crush them produce the better guns and justify welcome on one of the eyes don't really matter who let's do South Africa I guess now the perfect situation for us is if the United States join the Allies called in the Philippines oh yeah I guess I could do a naval invasion of the Philippines as well just to make sure they are involved and I should probably send a fleet down here alright attack on the United States is going quite well with Mexico not too well actually wait I mean did you lose that as many troops already I might lose New Mexico down here I mean I'll kill them from the north when the time comes but still so ya know this gives us a hold of compliance however this gets rid of the negative modifiers that we have can't make the decision okay so I'll go for the extra research slots instead let's do superior firepower if we spend army experience it's not gonna take that long better computing machine oh so any optical aberration government in say United States is good for two reasons one we can get the coercion government there faster if we're next their territory however another thing that can happen is it just reduces the surrender threshold so we have to do less fighting the United States are offering more resistance than I anticipated but still we are pushing through Mexico on the other hand is offering much more resistance than I anticipated uh United States joined ours perfect I don't need to justify the war goal anymore now the United States is going to be the only major party I think unless Australia coming as a faction leader will impede my progress I don't know we'll see hey man Navy should be on the way but it isn't cuz I ever mention I hate the Navy just move you here forcefully invest in metropolitan France and the army we sent to Mexico got completely obliterated seems like attacking Mexico might have been a mistake and Britain is invading from the south great I'm gonna do another called Russian government in the United States that operation reduces their surrender threshold which is quite helpful South Africa never got involved in the war so my counseling or justifications was apparently a mistake you try and land in the Philippines you did so that's gonna be enough to next time so let C denote the Philippines from now on like to eat the naval invasion seems like having Britain as a puppet is worth it if we can't conquer port we'll just build them you know those states should be capitulating really soon fate of jostle account it does not look like I'm going to succeed in making in those ports they seem to be busy with us down south whatever you launch it quickly invasion of their port applause Britain is doing great it was a good decision to get them as a puppet these guys are gonna die oh I managed to build a port but they took it from me that's a pity we've decrypted the cipher for the United States so that's activated they are on their own last legs but we can always speed the process up you advise I don't get an illusive gentlemen and despise are proving quite useful of our other united states from copulation not to form two more operations and I'll surrender with what we have now so yeah spies can help you know in South Africa declare war once we're done with South Africa this entire army is going to help out in Australia I think Italy joins the axis fortunately they're not my enemy yet extra research stop please well operation complete just render great and that does it for the United States of America their compliance has gone up quite a lot some manual management seems to be necessary here userland capitulates perfect I still have to do Australia I think they'll invasion plan of Australia complete looking quite pretty especially you had the upper two like flowers flowers of communism I'll defuse German ultimatum we got an extra research thought Germany attacked Poland and are you just fine on me they seem to be yes which means I need to fortify my border with Germany they must between the rod Maggio now which will give them a focus walk on just on Luxembourg I have tons of factories just get some forts on the German border and future German border so the board would Luxembourg yeah I'll deploy some more armies that are going to defend it we can handle both the axis and the others at the same time I think and we are in the Comintern so the Germans might be reluctant to attack us because before might offer the Soviet Union will come crashing down on them and because of a motive Ribbentrop I'm not sure they will be able to declare war on us look at some war propaganda and then a captain of industry maybe German pressure towards the banners which pretty much means they're gonna take Luxembourg but they're not doing the focus that lets them attack us because I don't see the justification notification Germany annexed Poland will you honor motive Ribbentrop wait a minute Paulin survived yes I was you this this sometimes bugs out the Poland exists in the meantime we have a firm foothold on Australia is it time to crush the axis he right or should we attack some neutral countries I guess I can attack some neutral countries about the Guatemala we are not fascist so the world or justification takes quite a long time even if we're at war with a faction could be beneficial to take Turkey I'm sure I guess I'll just find Turkey no actually that's a wrong course of action not just a fan Switzerland instead German cypher decrypted excellent let's do it away so we can declare war in Finland if and enjoys the access that can be a problem well they usually don't time for the best comes justification only Guatemala is complete declare war let's do Ireland got Amara joins eyes not a problem gotta mike appetites and we have another port the Australians have not secured there are other ports where's the clever ones returned immediately join the Allies tell in ciphers decrypted oh good yes finally yeah I dragged it out for far too long so here comes at the end of the war I can just safely pass as many times as I want because I did not call in the Soviet Union nobody's gonna steal my stuff so since we aren't doing those provisional government's I'm just gonna take all states from everyone and I'm doing the compliance focuses so I'll be able to get cooperation government's going quickly the cooperation and governments are great because you get a lots more factories it's an army to take over Ireland I am justifying on them already see I'm is gonna be our target after Ireland original government of the United States are finally me as create a core version government in the United States hopefully that only happens to the core territories and not all the colonies French America when are 7 million thank you very much man power is not going to be a problem for me anymore I'm just gonna use us man power also I should go down from conscription from excessive to limited conscription that will ease off some of the problems we have essentially if the worker shortage will be removed I want to use Coney Island arrange America now let's copy an infantry division and edit it to use artillery it was a different symbol what do the Americans like they like Eagles that will do it and now all of my troops are going to be using American manpower do I really need to use artillery in my line units maybe support will be sufficient let's edit that gets rid of that artillery here from now just use support instead yeah that changes it quite drastically I will still need artillery just not as much and soon we'll have lots and lots of puppets that will be giving us all the factories involved the colonies complete we're gonna get a lot of provisional government's in a moment original government of Senegal yes ok and yes Morocco yes Gabon Lebanon Mali in easia see there is a lot of them just gonna accept all of these they're gonna take a while because there's tons of them and each of these takes a moment to process that's better isn't it now why is it this good what is good for me well let's look at one of our countries they get a generic focus tree each of them gets a generic focus tree and they're very likely to do the industrial effort and tree connected to that and with them they will get one two three four five six seven Toler factories for civilian three military as a cooperation government they give me 75% of all of their factories which means until they have four factories of each type that give me all of them provided each of them completes his focus tree they will each give me six total factories at least how many subjects do we have it's only just beginning we will get more but for now we have this many that is quite a lot of factories isn't it and we'll see this number go up quite quickly soon I guess president invested in West Africa I should be continuing the blonde violet proposal so that we can get all of the corporations you need to field let's do that instead from indivisible that we don't need the French Union but we do need the extra compliance from this and we now have enough Spiner to extract the Provera collaboration government in Germany make sure we have all the collaboration governments ready on the axis before we start fighting them we'll do sum up we have enough in this man part from America and we're gonna get tons and tons of factories from all the provisional government's justification on Ireland is ready new justifications will start with cm cm has a modifier that'll make the justification longer that's not really a problem it's usually the best choice to do two justifications simultaneously let's attack taking older if they will be a useful puppet in fighting because if you just puppet the United States and they do great as you know with naval invasions and stuff like that and right now they don't even have any troops so maybe I wasted their potential by annexing them and denigrating of collaboration government we are almost in control of the world so it's fine maybe it could have been better a lot of stuff is happening in Italy attacks Greece that's fine youth origin is the access and we finished at the focus which increases compliance everywhere which should give us some more collaboration governments in a moment yes they have our blessing yes they have our blessing and so on there's gonna be a lot of those we shipped by the style you should make like this it takes a moment to create the country and so on so this is a lengthy lengthy process Greece joins the Chinese United Front that is interesting that will put the axis at ward China which is all weird and now I can add axiom I know you look how our factories have grown we're also just fine on Turkey there are some truths there I will bring in more it's about the Goodman from this of its Joseph you seem to be a very good Ally oh he is one of the most evil men that ever lived however in this game it's a great oh I see I'm capitulates of course we take everything we will set up a collaboration government when the time comes this frees up three armies now who else should we conquer Portugal it's tempting but we would need to go through Spain to do it go to Iraq possibly Afghanistan once I will go on turkeys complete justification on Turkey is complete declare war yeah I really made a mistake with the United States if we have them not as a collaboration government but as a puppet they would be very useful just like Brittany's so yeah that was the one mistake I made was it the rack 160 just found around those guns ready how we doing here well enough come with me to Istanbul Germany doctor so between an interesting no I could join in a right now but that would be not to our benefit I need to be prepared and let them fight it out so that they are weakened when I start sweating them now changes things Germany just attacked me fortunately I do have troops in position do I still want to justify on Iraq and Iran yes I suppose so as they decided to attack me I'm just gonna go cautious on everyone that's all the exercise activate all the others that we have now it's gonna be fun turkey Chinese access not the problem Hungary has been called in Italy has territory here can be a bit problematic going quite well although taking some time as well turkey kept to it good well she's captain darling to secure this area Italy does have some territory here but if we just tell our guys to secure the ports that might be sufficient we're doing great in factories 700 equipment well enough our agency is fully upgraded nothing to do here in my own that they have to contend with us and so it's at the same time and they don't have the extra factories from having conquered France because they haven't conquered France I really messed up with America it would be so helpful 381 factories carpenter killed over western Germany I thought that was like an actual carpenter and for a moment I was wondering what he's doing over Germany troops are already on the Iraqi border let us declare war just stop my guys it's not like they're making any progress and I am wasting some resources yeah let's stop them with these the ones that are attacked in Germany you know the Soviet Union is taking bits of Iran for me that's a pity German interested in Scandinavia Germany takes Denmark Denmark joins the Comintern more front lines more exhaustion for the Germans better for us I wonder if the fact that they have a hundred puppets is making the game run slowly canceling all of these don't want to join distribution for Salvador is complete some more factories we don't we have almost a thousand but you can always get more is that we can assume leadership of the Comintern let's do that takeover faction Thank You Joseph I'll take it from here and once we have enough vodka power we're going to start just the violence pain so we have 45% cooperation in Spain and Italy great somehow the Germans got through here that is weird so I do have extra troops on the Spanish border I can repurpose for this thousand factories all right I'm getting annoyed my troops can't seem to hold the line not sure why they're just going to abandon Spain for now and use my forces to increase the pressure on the Germans and castle the justification on Spain for now yeah we're not doing to an infantry equipment that might be the problem my greatest mistake was to not pop at the United States they would do some naval invasion so that I just can't be bothered to do and help us out tremendously like Britain is doing now yay for Britain I might want to send an army here don't be stupid don't leave the port they've left the port well that was silly no they're gonna die we haven't we back significantly because I neglected the production of infantry weapons I am on it and you know they kind of pushed us back too much and we'll probably defeat Italy in the meantime oh how did I miss that see I stopped paying attention for a moment and Turkey we took its territory well this might become a problem for the Soviets it isn't really a problem for us since the guys down south are just not involved in this war starboard auto capitulates we might be running out of man because America is at least we're doing pretty well in Italy let's try another cooperation government against Italy if we could launch and succeed in this operation that might just make it the capitulate southern Italy is ours I kind of messed up in Turkey I stopped paying attention and they you know retook the territory so if we can crush Italy and Germany in the meantime it will all be fine the Americans are a ton manpower we need to switch to my own manpower did you guys go into the sea you guys went to the sea you idiots I am catching up on the production I made a small mistake and I just openly traded most of my troops wanna know how see I was using : all templates the American ones and they are very good but the Americans started running out of manpower so I decided I'll use my own manpower and I switched at the unit so unfortunately turns out that they were using 100% American manpower I think or 90% some like that and the transition wasn't immediate the Americans from those units immediately departed not waiting for reinforcements from us and for a brief moment so these units had no manpower at all and if they were engaged in combat they just disappeared oh that is a mistake nothing that can be salvaged I have over a million manpower and I can easily flip that to a much higher value immediately I have all the factories I might need so all I would need to do for this to work and I think my equipment got refunded don't remember having that much of it anyway oh I would need to do now is just deploy new units switch them to my own no more into a tree template mean for the frontlines I could do that and we're not losing although I have run into some trouble but the thing is look at how slowly the game runs I know for some of you would smaller systems this is acceptable and normal but I just can't go back like this so I'm going to have to end this video soon but first let's have a look at something the original concept of this was to see how much we can gain with collaboration governments and you still haven't set up all of them which their focuses to get more collaboration and now we have tons and tons of subjects everywhere and most of those subjects get at the generic focus tree let's take a chat for example Chad got the generic focus tree they have done the industrial effort construction effort construction haveth construction effort that's for certain factories three armament FS that's three military total of seven we get six of the it shows that they only have one of each but that's one of each they have left for themselves the rest and just went to me which is why we have a thousand and sixty three factories in 1943 which i think is a decent amount so yeah that's why compliance is important I did make some mistakes managing the war with Germany it is not ideal so but too sure of myself and I'm very tired so I missed a few things like Turkey retaking its territory was the conclusion from this conclusion one compliance is awesome and you get lots and lots of factories conclusion number two you should just pop at some countries outright like the United States or Britain because they do naval invasions and are generally useful conclusion number three if you have so many puppets the game can run a bit slowly sometimes conclusion number four maybe don't play when you're very tired which is what I did which is why Turkey to get stuff back and Germany's on the brink of victory now I can still push them back that's not really a problem but it can be annoying but ultimately I can't stand the game running so slowly so I have to end it here this was more of a proof of concept than never get that video so let me know what you think I know many of you would like me to continue this until I achieve victory and see me recover from this unfavorable situation but I'm just not going to torture myself with the game running this as slowly forgive me but to make it up to you I'll try to think of something very interesting for the next video so what do you do to just conquer territory do you focus on compliance or do you take puppets I usually prefer to take puppets like I did with Britain they can be very very helpful anyway thank you for watching and thank you putting your mic whiskey for the idea for this video and that is it for today I will see you again soon goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 196,061
Rating: 4.9321136 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 france, hoi4 defeat usa, hoi4, hoi4 ironman gameplay, iron, hoi4 meme, hoi4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 fail, taureor, hoi4 france world conquest, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 ironman france, world conquest, hoi4 gameplay, hoi4 continent, hoi4 good france, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 democratic world, hoi4 annex usa, hoi4 intelligence, hoi4 la resistance
Id: WPcw0KOi1Ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 58sec (2218 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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