Hearts of Iron 4 Challenge: Artillery Only Actually Worked

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artillery sucks hello everyone I am Tauron - welcome to another one of my hands of mine for challenges and it seems like artillery only is all of the rage this week and you asked me to do that too and everyone is doing it is P he's doing it I think spiffing Brit is doing it too everyone is doing artillery only so I'm gonna do that too I'm going to need to set some arbitrary rules so that I can exploded them later so essentially we're going to play as Germany quite obviously and we have to capitulate the Comintern and the Allies let's start yeah I had to delete some saves right we're only allowed to use the basic artillery battalion this one it's for support companies those can be whatever what else we can have other units we just can't use them why is that well because I do start with some units and many German focuses depend on having a lot of units it's just gonna be more convenient I mean I could just deploy a lot of artillery out of time but I didn't even have the army experience to do this so training some other units should help with that we can only use artillery battalions when we're fighting someone before we're fighting someone this should be fine and of course we can use Air Force and Navy as well but for the ground forces only artillery battalions now this challenge the artillery only challenge is designed to torture youtubers why well because artillery sucks on its own it has no organization and no hit points let me show you if we just put one artillery battalion sorry not entire and just one artillery battalion here hit points zero point six organization and zero what we're going to have to do is boost it through support companies so see now we have some organization as well as through buffing the battalions themselves also we'll have to use a lot of support from Air Force and so on there are essentially three ways to do this challenge one is get super lucky to get very frustrated and three put a lot of work in and actually make it work I'm going to try the last option I'm going to actually make it work but it's going to take a very long time and yeah this is going to be a game in which for the most of the time I'm just building myself up and then attack later also do some political meddling hopefully that will be helpful we are going to need a lot of political power which is what I'm going to let the Emmy fo bills expire and they do have a nice effect on military factory construction building but I think will benefit more from the extra political power if we just let them expire I know we can reduce the cost through Joe Clark and Yugoslavia but that will not be necessary all right let's start we're going to first do Rhineland for the extra political power and if you open up other paths we'll also need to do the four-year plan and some stuff connected to that but for now yes let's start with the Rhineland also we'll need a lot of manpower in the field so let's get all our troops is selected and switch them all to tanks why well because then we will free up a lot of infantry equipment before we do that though I need to train as many cavalry units as possible why cavalry well because we need to get a lot in the field quickly so that we can use the nice focuses now all of you will switch to Panzer divisions why well so that we can free up the infantry equipment to deploy we're just going to be playing the long game so all the stuff that boosts our research and our construction will be welcomed as for doctrines we need to go with superior firepower doctrine for two reasons for this path to do organization and soft attack boosts and for this paratha because at the end here we get all frontline battalions organization plus 5 which is going to be huge for artillery battalions I know it's not much but they have almost nothing so yeah we're going to need to be doing other doctrine as well let's make sure to make some convoys all the time they'll be useful as well as some submarines submarines are great contrary to popular belief they just they're just great for one strike usually but now strange enough I'm just going to focus on infantry equipment for a moment because I'm going to need to deploy a lot of units then we'll switch to almost or all artillery production after aerial stuff as for our factories we're going to need to a lot of civilian industry and makes infrastructure with just maxing out civilian stuff all civil and factories before now and let's start boosting our ideology in the United States immediately why well because we don't want them in the house we could try and do the same thing to France but there's just so much fun conquering them so let's let's leave it as is I think we are good to unpause now I need to switch them back to infantry this way we'll have a lot of manpower in the field our early priority is to get all the manpower in the field that we can so that the nice focuses will unlock now we wait and hire certain silent workhorses others deploy these immediately and train some more cavalry it is going to be switched to infantry immediately so that we can have a lot of manpower in the field we're not going to be using them for anything because we're not allowed to because they're not artillery which is a pity because all right they're just so much better alright national Spain declared war on Spain now we're going to send some lend-lease to nationalist Spain to make sure they're going to be victorious essentially this game is going to be a very very long build-up and then finally we attack with all artillery and take out everyone hopefully or we get destroyed I could go straight to Angeles but austra is doing construction efforts and such what you are going to be quite helpful to us so let's not go straight to Angeles let's do for your plan instead doing not in a hurry and let's hire a silent workhorse and then another one we do have a lot of infantry if I use it to fight anyone then we failed the challenge so I'm not going to of course another advisor available let's get another silent workhorse and research gross gross armed Viet soft I'm gonna I'm gonna let this expire I'm going to have more useful the political power than for the bonuses from this let's do our turkey we got rid off of the bills that was intentional let's get the captain of industry to build up stuff faster I'm purposely delaying the youngsters because Austria is doing all the nice efforts that are going to be very helpful to us that makes me think I might want to give the extra research thought before we do any of those things yeah let's let them develop on their own usually doing all these focuses early it's a good idea but in that case don't really think so industrial concern we don t research dot it's time for the answers I'm doing all the research boosting technologies even though they are so very much at the time Angeles is done we take everything and continue to Sudetenland as well as finally switch to war economy we can start enforcing some of the countries start with the Netherlands in Belgium Bulgaria in 2000 China things happened seems like national Spain is trying to push back hopefully that'll be successful influencing ideologies in some countries so that learned is ours must continue to fight off Jaeho Slovakia extensive conscription you can see I'm researching a lot of stuff ahead of time which doesn't seem like the best choice but once we have all the businesses for research done all the research that we're not doing now will just swiftly be completed we're gonna take everything in my opinion the best way to handle this is to just release the vaca and then release your Slovakia as well but in this game I'm going to need to take quite a lot of territory peacefully I'm gonna need to space for my factories so I'm gonna take everything and say more unfortunately have to go for Yugoslavia speaking of which that's demands Lavinia open I shouldn't say Spain wanna I didn't notice that stop that lend-lease then we've demanded Selenia next first Ljubljana award let's hire mr. Heisenberg the nuclear scientist yes we want to go with nukes if all goes well we'll get some fascists in the government in the next election now we do a fate of that Yugoslavia fate of Yugoslavia the next all of Yugoslavia yeah we could really benefit from having Serbia Montenegro and Croatia as puppets but as I mentioned before I'm going to need all of the land I can get our next move has to be aligned Romania I'm going to do this now for two reasons we need to get Hungary and Romania as puppets and before on the Soviet Union you know decides to maybe attack Romania and we need Romania to stop there guarantee of Greece so we can get Greece as a puppet as well we've aligned Romania now we aligned Hungary let's get the up of company align hunger is done and Hungary will now accept an invitation to our faction let's do that and we need to get Romania as well but that will take a moment who will provide government that's not good no but they just can't enjoin because the world is just too low all right world tension should go up soon in the meantime we need to do the most of Ribbentrop pact we can invite Romania our faction let's do that and integrate war economies which is going to make Hungary and Romania our puppets we're going to have to send them some lend-lease to lower their autonomy and artillery design company I can invite Bulgaria to our fraction already well I'm surprised but yes please and after we do this focus we could do Greece however we might need to Russia Ribbentrop more I'm not sure probably Greece first is better the great war economies is done and we can invite Italy to our fraction let's do that sir carve up Greece now let's get more involved in our area of production we're going to need to be making close air support heavy fighters fighters and strategic bombers now that we have Romania as a puppet we can get some oil on the cheap rubber is a different story unfortunately start working on switching ideology in Turkey I'm leaving one spot empty in each province why one because we want to build nuclear reactors everywhere carve up Greece well I'll give a bit to Bulgaria sure the last focus and this path fate of Greece they're gonna become our puppet it should be it should we turn Luxembourg fascists and make it join our faction yes let's do it free submits and we have a Greek puppet great our faction grows now it's time to take care of Poland now we could befriend put on the Batwa actually benefit more from not attacking them but having the motive Ribbentrop pact now once we do motive Ribbentrop and the soviet union attacks poland we will get half of poland and i start researching nuclear reactors I know this is way ahead of time but we're gonna need some nukes no we're not gonna do alliance with the USSR that's where is heard Eastern claims maybe we'll get a memo for free Soviet Union attacked Finland we can invite them to our faction well that's a very bad idea let's not do that let's instead start boosting party popularity in Denmark we have to closely monitor the Soviet Union so that we can maneuver them into a war with the allies soon we'll be able to reduce the independence of Hungary and Romania and then start building stuff in their territory in sending them guns like Autobahn is done next order of business plan is Z and befriending all this Canadian countries we can lower the autonomy of Hungary wonderful we'll start building stuff in their territory in Castle delenn please momentarily unfortunately I forgot that I won't be able to deploy ships without manpower and wasted so many years of production as disband some units also Lord you tell me of Romania oh oh we've switched the ideology of the Americans he a wonderful let's Castle Blues popularity they will not be joining the eyes anymore great I don't even need them in my faction I just didn't want the others to have them interaction the Soviet Union has finished its focus that gives us will go on Poland well they haven't attacked yet so hopefully I can still make this happen and what am I going to make happen well I'm going to make the eyes guarantee Poland and before the Soviets attack it and thus put the Soviets at war with the eyes let's see if that works out yes there goes the guarantees cancel justification now when the Soviet Union attacks Poland and it will own because it has a war goal we'll have a war between the Allies and the Soviets well we just sit and wait well maybe they want to attack but they probably will and there you go they've attacked Poland they're gonna win I'm gonna get half but they're also going to be at war with the Allies which is going to be helpful to me especially since America is not going to be in the eyes and the meantime we've managed to change the ideology in Switzerland let's cancel boosting popularity there and get working on Sweden and Norway the Americans attacked Chile you know this might actually be quite useful to us hmm oh that's a boost Portugal as well we want to get as many allies as we can from NZ we can befriend Denmark Sweden in all the way and the Netherlands help us get some more friends who Rex is Belgium should be able to invite them to our faction once we start deploying all the planes and the like which will make us much more powerful see when the Russians are done with Poland I should receive a large chunk of the territory but probably some will be left to the Allies because still have it garrisoned still will get some territory for let's get our writin on our side as well we've done befriend Denmark is do Netherlands next because they are at risk of joining the are as we've befriended the Netherlands hopefully we can get them entire fraction soon that was the no in Sweden and then you can focus on boosting our air force a bit let's start preparing a template for our final artillery divisions we're gonna need to be using support companies I haven't researched all of them yet and just artillery here for now well let's make it tiny template so we can get on making it the way we want to and I'll be modifying it as we go along and you unlock some support companies yeah this is the this is the initial template for this now we need to unlock support companies for it which ones well we need to unlock the ones that have the most organization and hitpoints and maybe give some better stuff so it points one organization 28 points one organization tens oh not this one organization 28 points to wonderful field hospital good maintenance 20 and one acceptable one and no organization so no military police 20 and two and 20 and two all right so we're going to do engineers recon maintenance hospital and signal we can invite the Netherlands which is now Dutch at leak to our faction if we will get Belgium as soon as well at a stronger we get them more afraid there are on the air of us here have some planes right next to your border maybe that will convince them oh it did actually convinced them cool invite to faction we now have Belgium and the Netherlands on our side and we're working on Scandinavia Japan attacked the Philippines alright so there's a war between the Americans and Japan but the rest of the Allies are not involved befriend Sweden invites wither them to our faction hmm the wall between the Soviets and the our eyes is going very slowly let them fight each other and get weaker while I grow stronger who else should we influence how about Afghanistan lower Greek independence we can invite the United States to have action that means we would have to fight the Japan are we interested in that does sound interesting having the United States would certainly be helpful it's not that Japan can beat the mob let's join them and maybe Italy can beat up Japan who knows where it is Japan's war with the eyes as well they are why though the Soviets are pushing in Poland lower Romanian independence we should soon be getting half of Poland maybe do some anti-air as well the Americans are calling us to war I suppose I could accept it's a defensive war we lost some stability maybe that was a mistake no motor can send me Bendis sure whatever now at war with Japan come on Soviet Union give me so you know that ideology turning not to oh so it's all in the pact yeah we got everything apart from Gliscor dance I give you prefer oh we didn't get so easy either that's a pity but not too much of a problem now we have new territory to build stuff in because we know that was Poland this is not occupied territory it's ours how's the nuclear research going one more year yeah I really should have hired cables to get my fascist support up there's an offensive war I thought it was a defensive one all right we were called into the war against Chile a Shinto John that war now we're gonna have some trouble inviting people to our faction let's modify our template and the companies we're going to want there in the end hospitals maintenance signal recon and engineers save it and I wanted to train 600 of those units exactly 600 I'm going to be disbanding the infantry it's finally time because we will be fighting relatively soon exactly 600 no deploy in place we'll be modifying them while they train am i overdoing it with the planes no I don't think so you still need to wait for old nukes to come in we're about to finish researching nuclear reactors and then we can build up our nuclear bombs I still need to research affirmative offer which means one the weapon like Wonder Woman what better and we've switched Luxembourg to fascist welcome to the axis Luxembourg and we finished researching the nuclear reactors we still don't know how to you make bombs but it's good to have the react before heard especially since they do take quite a while to construct and then we also finished the last concentrated industry effort so we can build up military factories in any space that is left after this soon we'll have nuclear weapons and the world will tremble in fact that Wunderwaffe is done means we can start researching nuclear bombs we've also turned Turkey fascist we can invite Denmark there you go because the economy might be a bit overkill maybe we should just do the minted export now let's do closed economy whatever the ban is actually doing quite well No Greece is helping you know the researcher booster from free trade was quite significant it's a pity we don't have it anymore actually it seems we were better off we had more factories when we were just buying the resources and exporting them close the column you might have a might have been a bad call for me maybe I should go back to free trade yes I probably should no she should have switched from free trade I need to go back to it ah Norway has switched good cancel boost in popularity invited to faction let's go back to free trade it was a mistake to get out of it let's see we now have all of this hopefully we can get Spain and Portugal in as well and Turkey yay artillery is almost sufficient but I will still add more companies to our template and we have finished researching the nuclear bombs we only have 13 reactors so far but I'm building a lot more and soon we'll have a nuclear arsenal rebellions in the Americas interesting phalanges Bolivia attacked Bolivia and the same in Mexico well maybe you can get some more people into our faction this way let's modify our template further to get some more people do these armies to nukes ready production looking good just a year or two more and we can destroy people longest Bolivia failed and snow kissed Mexico is failing to Sweden has a lander in Japan let's modify this further I want to have all my manpower used as these guys that will have amazing attack but horrible organization and hit points Oh Portugal has switched ideologies disband the rest of these infantry troops and only focus on artillery British Parliament the base intervention in the Benelux that is interesting they might declare war on us actually who whoops the UK has just attacked Belgium all right do we want to get involved I suppose I could quickly secure France all right um what we're gonna do is deploy all our units they're currently at this template 18 with and horrible organization and hit points but hey that's what we're supposed to use let's deploy it all of them and put them into nice neat little armies I think I should probably help with Japan because I don't want to be fighting to war civil taneous they also as we are at war with Japan and Britain is at war with Japan and we're about to be at war with Britain and also Japan is at war with Britain in the Soviets are at war with Britain I don't want to get into a war with the Soviet male with the British right at the moment they've attacked Belgium but I think Belgium can defend itself so what I'm going to do is not get involved in this war at the moment instead I'm going to send some troops to Japan to hopefully secure it quickly and get this over with so we can focus on the Allies so we're only in one major war at a time Italy has a foothold here it might be enough for my purposes a thousand heavy fighters here and thousand heavy fighters here let's send a thousand strategy bombers there Belgium is doing all right we can an ex Romania but we don't really want to wonder if we're doing a lot of damage I hope that you get here probably has military access yeah we don't need to worry about them too much I want to enter the Japanese thing before we start fighting the Allies and we've landed we have way more troops and even though they're we because they're just artillery we should be victorious I suppose I could always nuke them maybe we also need to unhook Japan now let's let's let's do Japan without nuking damn these guys are slow come these guys off let's clean this area up unfortunately it's all going to Italy I suppose that's not a big deal didn't take too long now this is bizarre Japan has capitulated and here comes a peace conference right what happens though everything has happened already I just not have enough war score well that's a pity I wanted something yeah whatever okay let's click down you know the kingdom to Kazan States America took nine states Chile was annexed Democratic they made everything here Democratic Japan was puppeted by who Japan is a puppet of America no cool all right I suppose we can focus on Britain now my troops and my planes are being set up to beat up France we can finally and invite the Turkish Empire to affection yes yes we can and nationalist Spain cool out for of Gibraltar you joined the war already you're invading France okay that means I have to join as well don't just take everything that I need oh yeah let's join the defensive one that's gonna be good for us yay alright and we can join we can invite someone new Afghan cannot and the new Persian Empire let's do that perfect it's gonna be very helpful against the Soviets and our troops are on the way but there are some problematic provinces down here as well I certainly can and nuke those oh and all of you guys yes that too we are in a defensive war now so theoretically I should be able to go to for mobilisation nukes coming up let's watch this I can go to the home mobilization let's do that and do women in the workforce and some more propaganda against the Soviet Union because we can should work out a nice day all right now let's watch the nukes boom okay so how are we doing with those artillery units not it's not the best already lost quite a lot of troops yeah see they're very good at attacking they they have a lot of attack but the moment they start taking damage they just die which is why artillery only is such a horrible thing to do this is looking good but actually we're losing quite a lot of troops 8 out of 24 18 out of 24 yeah this is far from perfect what do you want me to join a China that works for China I'm going to have to decline that because of I don't know maybe you should accept it yeah what the hell let's accept it let's take Dunkirk see if we supplement the artillery with nukes that's that's working quite well and should be nuke shooting artillery you like the fast burn from fallout yeah something like that would work France has capitulated wonderful ok it's time to set up some invasions of the United Kingdom as the thing up invasions takes a long time I'm going to have to make some of these armies smaller five- Asians should work out nicely and we're going to need to send our planes that they care of their Navy and Air Force as well fortunately close air support planes can destroy ships they're also going to send some to the UK itself question of you the Snowy because of it doesn't even exist anymore and we can invite Portugal let's invite Portugal so this swedish are already trying to let naval invasions my planes are doing quite a lot of good here let's activate the naval invasions and send our ships give you an admiral and send you on convoy escort in the english channel Dominion of Canada has been called in not for long Sweden has landed and I could just use this bit alright you were successful how about this one we're successful as well okay you know what I don't want to give Sweden too much control so I'm just gonna move everyone here should probably train more troops how many have I lost and some more manpower apparently let's go to the surface by requirement yeah I'm doing the forms is commissariat I'm not gonna need it but I want to see the decision haven't tried it yet this army is leaving it has left now and we're gonna have a port and everyone's doing naval invasions let's make sure we get the most of it but everyone is doing naval invasion because our planes secured at the area completely or should have just used the garrison order on these I set them to aggressive as well no we shouldn't nuke them there you go I have two nukes and London have three nukes and whoever is sitting on this province have a nuke that should help a bit but London is still standing have three more to make bombing of London and another one should you guys surrender just because of that just manually send them you have to Liverpool and then go to Glasgow and Edinburgh no thinking the mess capitulated will there be a peace conference already no it's not a peace conference who else is a major power British Raj oh crap I can just send troops there since Afghanistan and Iran are in our faction we can just attack from there oh we can improve national spirit that is actually great for us now I don't really care who gets what in this we are the faction leader we don't need to worry about stuff like that this is a little weird isn't it yeah it's fine they can call Qatar how about now haha yes okay the British Raj has capitulated we don't have as much worse Corps asked Soviet Union but we do have quite a lot operating people that is certainly something will be interested in these conferences over and that's her look at the world in defections map mode alright we managed to take most of the stuff although not all of it now at this time to beat up of the Soviet Union the problem that the Soviet Union is it had the whole game to build up its strength just like we did I was going to attack them from all sides and so on but I decided it's not necessarily the best choice I'm going to just garrison this border here attack them and use my planes to bomb them into extinction while I stock on more nukes and once I have stockpiled a lot of nukes well then we're going to press forward nuking everything in our path some of our troops are still on the way but it should be fine that's just attack but not call anyone in we have level 10 forts with air superiority here so there's no chance of then them getting through into our territory and I'm gonna bomb them quite a lot yeah put up troops here I suppose I could look nice because there's a lot of troops there but we're gonna be saving the lion the rest of the nukes for our actual attack you guys have finished your duties poland has capitulated see see how weak and those artillery units all this is just horrible you know what I'm gonna next fronts there's a good case Anton we don't really care about their fleets I'm going to ignore the fact that we need troops somewhere and build up nuclear reactors there there you go french scuffle fleet yeah whatever don't really care about that all the French territory is now ours so let's do infrastructure and nuclear reactors just you know to reinforce my armies when they inevitably get killed alright we've reached Moscow with our planes cool can we bomb it yes we can I wonder how many nukes would I need to drop to make them consider surrendering let's drop five nukes under capital and a few on the other provinces and that have some victory points boom Moscow has been bombed during bombing of Moscow and a few other places it did affect them a bit what if I continued doing that well the victory points that we can reach will lose a 3.3 war support what sport impact will be largest in provinces with 10 infrastructure and at least a 3 victory points another round let's have a look still 21% seems like we need to one drop one and each of those provinces something new you learn every day I haven't been nuking people for a long time because usually you know by the time I get nukes the game's over it doesn't seem to have changed anything ooh 10 war support let's do that is this war support going back up it seems to have done nothing so many nukes wasted I'm a bit angry now so what so this regenerates that's what it does well I didn't think it would regenerate but we're doing we're getting it from normal bombing as well which is nice jet strategic bomber has a range of everywhere and the longer we wait the stronger will be but I think it's time to start our attack so we're suffering attrition here because there's too many units in the area so let's nuke them a bit two nukes per province that we're bordering just so we have a nice start and at the moment the nukes drop we activate our attack orders and we'll save the rest of the nukes to clear out pockets of resistance later on we'll have a few left but we're getting one a week so we will be producing new ones and I'll be building more nuclear reactors in the territories we're about to take over although I am very disappointed with the temporary effect of nukes Japan surrendered after two and I've dropped 50 on Russia and nothing anyway let's go they are severely damaged we should be able to clear them out easily and I suppose I could call everyone else in now yeah let's call everyone each of these countries should be able to at least hold the Russians off if they're bordering them like Afghanistan and so on they have all built some troops they should be able to hold them off in the meantime let's see how well our attack can go if it can come at all we're very likely to lose most of our troops why are we not attacking why are you not attacking you idiots are clear the way for you with nukes you idiots just give them a manual order to go for Moscow probably won't work but you know they don't seem to be doing anything which is pretty stupid let's try that queue an attack on Moscow once you're done yeah just don't stop you guys actually do well when you're attacking but if you're sitting around and doing nothing well then you're horrible which is why this manual order is necessary we do have our security everywhere Cass is helping I don't know what these new and these news really seem to point us maybe the money order was not such a bad idea they are advancing a bit no they're about to get surrounded probably even if we fail here theoretically our allies and puppets should be able to handle the situation theoretically all right we're not losing as many as I thought we would be although we are losing quite a lot and that's what the reinforcements are for this is very risky I'm the one they're going to cut me off this is pathetic they're just sitting here because they're flame afraid you won't have supply paradox please add a button I don't care if you have supply just go attack the enemy something like that if I fell I blame the fact that they don't want to move because they're afraid they won't have supply yeah this is not going too well this is far from perfect they're not aligned through naval invasions with just some infantry I'm probably doing much better than we are you know this would have gone quite well if our troops didn't decide they're not going to move anywhere because no we're not gonna have enough food or something I thought we were like an evil dictatorship and they couldn't say nothing to move till deploying reinforcements I'm running out of troops and not much progress has been made see I think we're going to win but we're not necessarily going to win thanks to our units we did push a bit we're holding the Russians we have damaged them quite a lot but that's about it I don't think we could push through all the way we've killed 1.6 million Russian soldiers much more than any of our subjects by spells and allies so I suppose that's something we have lost 3 million of our own artillery sucks I've only had but one army of pure infantry just that that would be enough for me still deploying reinforcements still sending to them them to the frontlines but I'm basically out of almost everything I think I'm going to divert some aircraft production into other stuff the attack is going nicely from the south but the Russians are really pushing back here it is progressing very very slowly and I keep dropping nukes to deplete their manpower and equipment we have essentially exhausted the Soviet Union he also exhausted ourselves we do have some manpower left which makes it possible for me to keep sending reinforcements the Soviet Union doesn't have any manpower that buddy do still have a lot of troops in the field and I'm doing my best to destroy them of course we have the advantage of having allies see I'm just nuking units this is going to cost the manpower and stuff we can't accept those expedition forces although if I accepted all the expeditionary forces we will just win I'll just I just send all that infantry here and we will just win should probably attack up is more from here I've sent some extra troops there I keep deploying them you know ahead of time and just sending it to the frontlines can you go straight to Moscow please go straight to us cow I'm gonna nuke your way through there they're attacking let's Newcombe try to defend Moscow that's new comer checking here let's nuke him as well maybe we should have sent it to to Moscow instead you there and then there come on come on there we go we've taken Moscow well now it should get a little bit easier but only a little bit I'm almost out of troops I should just get them all into one army yeah we're down to two armies let's select a place to push let's push in Stalingrad hey perhaps we can at least take Stalingrad with this one artillery how far are you from capitulation eighty four percent towards capitulation that's still not enough come on just a bit longer I remember a game called Gorky 17 quite enjoyed it there right how much more come on ninety seven percent we need to nuke it I don't need to nuke it maybe I can do it without no actually I nuke the Spanish army now well we should be worried now is it really going to be the end yes the Soviet Union has capitulated and we have the most war score well of course we do so how about we puppet them let's take all that nuclear waste land for our new puppet all right the game hasn't crashed which is a good thing we have finished we have finished her the artillery only challenge Oh was it horrible factions map mode axes or neutral or some remnants here all done the template I used this this bullcrap if only if only we could have used just one infantry battalion it would have fixed so much but no okay so what do you think about this was this successful or did I rely too much on nukes and allies all I know is that it was absolutely horrible to play this and I hope you like it as much as I hated it so yeah there you have it artillery only plus support companies and planes and nukes and allies anyway if there's done now and hopefully I can find something nice pleasant enjoyable for the next challenge thank you for watching and I will see you soon goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 384,358
Rating: 4.9087682 out of 5
Keywords: annex europe, of, hoi4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 artillery only, hoi4 gameplay, hoi4 artillery only challenge, hearts, hearts of iron 4 germany challenge, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 ironman gameplay, hoi4 artillery only, hearts of iron 4 fail, asmr, iron, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 challenge, four, hoi4 meme, world conquest, hoi4 germany world conquest, hoi4 ironman germany, hoi4 artillery only world conquest, hoi4 annex united kingdom, hoi4, taureor
Id: Ru6qJwAu_C8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 30sec (2310 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 25 2018
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