Hearts of Iron 4 Challenge: Qing (Waking the Tiger)

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hello everyone i am toriyor and welcome back to my house of i4 challenges this time with waking the tiger dlc and you have challenged me to play as manchuko and to recreate the qing empire i think it's pronounced chang to retake the mandate of heaven and take china we're going to be playing on regular difficulty in ireland mode and with historical focuses let's go i've been testing it a bit and of course the main difficulty is that we start as a puppet of the japanese and we have to get out of that as for taking china and recreating our empire i don't know much about chinese history so i wouldn't be able to tell you how far we should take our borders so we're going to rely on this focus claim the mandate of heaven the focuses that lead up to this will give us cores in everything we need and then when we can do that one i will i will assume that we have completed the challenge no other requirements really we of course have a new focus tree as many chinese nations do we have this branch which is about us and being a puppet of and we have this big branch which is a general chinese one it even has a focus that has a small chance of just making japanese pop it we're going to have to start with pacify the countryside because we have bandits and in order to deal with the bandits we can do one of two things we have to go to the decisions tab and we can maintain armies in the regions with bandits or we can just spend some equipment and manpower to deal with the bandits and that also gives us army experience i would really like that army experience so that's what i'm going to do even though we'll have to waste some infantry equipment on that so let's disband all our troops and thus we'll get the equipment to do those decisions start researching electronic mechanical engineering and a doctrine now normally i am a proponent of superior 5 i believe this is the best doctrine unless you have the industry to go all motorized but this time we're going to do mass assault just to mix things up a bit also it will fit because we'll have tons and tons of manpower all right that is about it let's unpause see what the japanese are doing purge the kodoa faction they do have a new tree and the most important one thing here for us is the manchurian project which lets the japanese develop our country i would love that now our focus tree gives us two paths obedience and assertiveness obedience just makes us a good puppet and gives us some bonuses and then we can eventually break free through cooperation with the japanese and this one sentence leads to an independence war we'll be following this one but not immediately we have to wait for the perfect moment to make this effective we have finished our pacify the countryside focus the next one as we are going for assertiveness has to be the trade delegation and we have to do this one quickly everything but the independence war in order to get some stability and war support which are new things new additions and they're very important we can do the decisions now that uh regard the bandits now i've been testing this so there's a little bit of a bug i think if i take them all simultaneously i will only get 10 experience total if i unpause for a day between taking them i will get a 30 experience total which is the way it should be we're just going to train a ton of a regular width 3 inventory tons of it but the independence war decision in itself gives us a ton of infantry equipment if we have them in the field even untrained and unequipped they will receive equipment almost immediately which is why i'm going to be deploying my guys ahead of time i could use a cavalry unit in order to take over korea quickly we also have enough political power to modify our government and the first thing i'm going to do is free trade another important thing we have to pay attention to is the commanders and the new chain of command system i'm not yet sure if i like it i'll have to spend some more time on that but we can promote a commander we'll need a field marshal or two the nice thing about master salt is that you can deploy them ahead of time much sooner we can now raise our autonomy which is a good thing there right five equal peoples and i will join the anti-comet impact partial mobilization there we go also keep deploying units ahead of time we need tons of them in the field he can gain a lot of nice skills later on but for now let's just give him offensive doctrine and perhaps what do we want charismatic or organization that's reinforced rate that's recovery rate let's do charismatic bolster nationalism all right uh purge the general affairs council infantry equipment one purge the general affairs council nice also we have joined an alliance with the japanese which means the next focus they're going to do is an attack on china most probably and now we could do the independence war but we don't want to not yet now we're going to focus on expanding the strength of our country expanding its stability and the number of factories and getting some other bonuses japan is attacking china and we're going to ignore that completely strikes right now when you're at war you get some new events and this will cost us political power to deal with but we can get a good outcome or a bad outcome i am going with the there is a cheap option that'll make it happen again and there's a slightly expensive option and there's a very expensive option i am going to do the very expensive option because it offers the better outcome probably ah that is the good outcome of the event we got extra stability nice mutant ears in the army god damn it okay um all the patriotic speech before the mutineers let's do that one god damn it same event again yeah we'll end up with no political power that reminds me of kaiser reich and actually one of the aspects of kaiser i didn't like very much which was that you got hit with bad events all the time draft dodge again really draft reform proves effective yes but at what caused all the political power gone they wanted to hire some more advisors half a million field manpower and we're still on volunteer only in the meantime exercising everyone my political power is pathetic oh nice wonderful strikes i haven't gotten enough post gopro to modify my country in over a year which is very upsetting where's my manpower coming from i didn't oh five people armies has given me extra manpower i didn't realize that that's amazing a field marshal can handle up to five armies 24 each so that these guys and this army is going to be a garrison army because once i take the reports on everything i will need to maintain them as well i'm going to steal manguko i have sent unions to every single province owned by a mancuko why won't because we will attack japan they'll call them in and then we'll immediately take over their territory fortunately we can't do that to japan because they are the one we're attacking and that would just retreat our units into our territory but we will manage keep in mind we'll also remain at war with the rest of china so we have to account for that as well and hopefully have success in both wars simultaneously i think it might be time to attack the fate of jojo slovakia and we have given falcon housing citizenship you know what i think it's time it's time we start independence war nationalist symbol war support stability division attack on core territory division defense and core territory we have tons of modifiers to that we should be fine we should be fine now uh are we ready yes mostly yes i have deployed my units to every province owned by mancuko that will make them capitulate instantly once we attack japan unfortunately can do that to japan and we have cavalry on the korean border which will uh who we will move in there immediately tons of manpower maybe i should have deployed more units um that is quite a lot all right we are we are doing it see immediately took all this territory because they didn't have troops there and we did and we if we attack if we did that to japan my troops would be sent back home but manguka wasn't technically the target of attack so we could do that now how will we do in here is a different matter now what i can do with the field marshall let's cancel his order do a new front line against all our enemies and attack them simultaneously but there is another thing we can do we might be able to puppet some of them through a focus which we're going to select now well not now but in a moment we reclaim the empire and then offer vassalization some of them might choose to become our subjects and that will bolster our military strength very significantly so now we reclaim the empire move these guys into the japanese port you get a commander and do a garrison order of the ports and finally you well you will need a lot of manual orders the manual orders are given it should work out nicely although we'll see about that okay go interesting germany's inviting me to the access really well yeah sure i will accept perhaps they'll send me some little leads or something i'm not going to call them in but i will accept that is about us so i'm going to read this one following a period of internal power struggles between the japanese administrators and the government of eisen europe the fight for supremacy in manchuria has finally reached a boiling point reportedly the confrontation was set up by an incident in the imperial household in which a japanese general supposedly insulted the emperor of manchuko by demanding that he bow outraged eisen europe replied that the son of heaven does not bow and struck the general with his cane before ordering his military to remove all japanese soldiers from chinese soil immediately we will claim our destiny and the mandate of heaven okay we have taken the port good i'm advancing here um slowly yes good take as much as you can before the japanese can bolster the defense now i could use this army to bolster the main front but i have to wait for the garrison armies to reach the port first otherwise we will not be able to maintain it alright i told him to gerson hall from coastline that is not smart just garrison deport but put a lot of troops in there how's the cavalry attack going still no japanese resistance yeah they still haven't figured out we are fighting this is why i needed cavalry we need to cover korea quickly perhaps i should have used cavalry everyone but we wouldn't gather those nice bonuses infantry gets perhaps i should have used manual orders here as well have ordered all my units to go there and we have taken the port wonderful korea is ours why are you guys not moving i'm beginning to think that garrison is going to screw everything up and let the japanese into our ports and the japanese have started defending which is going to make this significantly more difficult now see they're trying to attack us here good thing i actually left the army because the garrison wouldn't be able to manage this but garrison kind of sucks apparently i have reorganized the attack a little bit we need to take this part also poland refuses german ultimatum and we reclaim the empire now i'm going to offer a vassalization to everyone and perhaps we'll get some subjects now this will require some patience and those garrison units are doing absolutely nothing damn it they were supposed to put all those garrison troops in those ports is that so difficult to do i told you to garrison the ports god naval bases don't be idiots perhaps should have waited longer china seems stronger than it should be in two hours we will complete the over-visualization focus which will send office to jiangxi click i think that's what how it's pronounced i'm i'm guessing a lot of the pronunciation here yunnan jibe they will all get the offer to become our subject and i tried to dig around for this in the event files i'm not sure i am correct but i think they have a 70 chance of accepting each either that or it's 30. anyway at least one of them should accept let's see yeah i slowed the game down to make sure to stop and talk before this happens one submits to submit three submit okay which three jibe sun ma yunnan and uh guangxi perfect wonderful uh sing kang might have been even better but this is this is perfect okay why did i need this well first of all we have less enemies and more friends and we get free puppets but that is going to let me win this war very easily because what i'm going to do now is request all their forces one no not at least two i'm not sure why they agreed to that maybe they saw i was winning i also need to redo the front line here because this is now our puppet relying on the attack from the south quite heavily less on pause and see the results of what just happened yeah i put southern armies on super aggressive because they should theoretically be able to catch the enemy unawares let's see if this extended frontline and puppets actually changed the course of the war it was going pretty well but now it should be going amazingly if sinkhang sent all their army to fight the japanese they feeling safe well then we'll take everything easily but um i doubt that they probably left something to defend their terrors away okay okay we're making gains we're making gains um although this isn't looking too good is it let's say we have bribed the warlords to stab china in the back and side with us singing how you doing and i have taken their current capital they are much closer to capitulation now how long until you capitulate now five percent i was just complaining that the ten percent that was the minimum was too low and now that it's gone up too far though going down to five um yeah i agree with some of the changes but that's not one of them we have moved as a capital now let's establish the imperial university sinc yang has capitulated i wonder how much influence we'll get at the peace conference seriously the five percent requirement for capitulation is is way overboard oh damn it they have landed i knew the garrison was not to be trusted i don't know something was changed with the garrison ai and now it distributes those units i don't know like see these guys are just sitting here doing nothing and they're in the garrison order meanwhile the garrisons were not strong enough to repel enemy invasions perhaps i got a bit careless and let the japanese retake too much but i blame i blame the garrison see they're only sending three units here instead of distributing all they have evenly the rest are just sitting here doing nothing 19.2 there we go we have the manpower we don't have the guns but you do have the manpower perhaps perhaps they'll do well just throw sticks and stones you know can i sneak in to the communist china's capital looks like i can i mean i'm not saying i can but it certainly looks like it there's no defense there comings china and japan have signed a white piece that's strange whoa how am i not at war with communist china anymore how can japan sign a peace deal for me regarding communist china my choice is over mao hey hey why can't i justify wargle on you god damn it maybe once we're done with china china we can kill communist china i need a lot more guns making 300 a day and it's still not enough oh from that we can finally get a wargle against communist china we could do that or we could do imperial legacy which could give us uh japan as a puppet eventually if we're at peace with them because there's an event that can let us sign a sort of a white piece once we push them out of mainland china um i suppose i don't do one china policy because that communist china is a problem for me will still win this but i'm so disappointed with the garrison one china policy is done i'm going to immediately declare war on communist china because i'm still angry that i am no longer at war with communist china and i'm going to just give everyone a manual order to take their capital which should make them commit surprising what do i even have any communists let's ban all communism okay let's do an anti-communist swift sweep let's integrate tibet perhaps we'll get a free vassal okay that's a peace deal with communist china um i'm just going to annex everything then i'll leave some units to god this time manually i don't trust at the garrison anymore and i don't think i will ever trust the garrison again there is an event that when i push them out of mainland china they will offer peace i think the details depend on whether they control any territory so maybe it is better if i you know push them out completely before that happens oh they already mentioned that the new garrisons suck tibet has refused to be our subject well i can attack them but it's not the time for that maybe i need to give it more time but i don't think i'm a fan of the new system it seems to not you know to be less foolproof and i like my systems to be foolproof so i don't have to control everything i think the war goes do they expire let's have a look at when we have against tibet it will expire they do expire but after a long time japanese japan offers peace japan releases korea becomes owner and controller of taiwan south korea north korea is to buy a right we get everything else peace with japan japan gets event ching china accepts peace i would like to accept peace but i i'm sure if i understand the event correctly because i i had a look at it at the event files um we would own everything they don't control okay how long until this expires because i'd like to push them out of here 11 days i'm not sure that that's enough i'm so i will accept this just hoping to push them out of here a bit more the war has been won let's see what happens they maintained the territory they had here and korea has been released korea has been released i can justify wargle in korea on sad korea or unhappy korea uh and as i am at war with the great power still i will be able to do it quickly let's get korea so now what is our warped 13 war participation japan has 72 even though i hold all the stuff why is that occupation 3 000 bombing 1000 occupation 300 what maybe i shouldn't have signed a piece with the japanese i don't know anyway i will see the peace conference about uh china in a moment i have to make sure to not take the japanese to not let the japanese take too much let's do shadow puppeting we'll see if it still works uh yeah clear everything do you remember what shadow puppeting is we we puppet everyone no no not like that take all states take all states take all states right we can't of course we can't send this deal but now we pop it and that puppets them with zero and satellite and that puppets them with zero provinces and then we untake all states we can do that to china apparently so i'm gonna have to do that manually and this way i won't be able to pop up them because they will have no you know no provinces so the puppeting won't come through however the enemy won't be able to puppet them as either well i say the enemy the other war participant they have taken three provinces so far and i think i can prevent them from taking anything else because i have you know cut them off like this yeah they've taken shanghai i'll just attack them again and take this back let's end the turn let's end the conference but japan has bits that i need there's two things we can do now we can attack them or we can maybe pop up them diplomatically if we get very lucky i think there's a 20 chance of acceptance in that event i'm not sure i'll try that in the meantime i'll conquer korea because i can i reorganized my armies a bit started building stuff in my puppet's territory to lower their autonomy and switched my production to the newest infantry equipment because now we can afford to do that i also noticed that tibet is guaranteed by france and korea is a democratic which is actually bad for us why well because it's very likely that they would join the allies right now if we attacked them because you know democratic and we are part of the axis i could can i could exit the access but uh yeah i'm just gonna cancel this justification we don't need korea for the challenge neither do we need to bet so we're gonna leave that alone sending them over here to japan in case they refuse our generous offer let's do dominate japan either way we win because it will either give us japan as a puppet which will later integrate or it will give us a caster's belly in japan or rather a war goal on japan both are good yeah you'd be super aggressive and beat up japan then we can get our focus in the meantime once you're done resupplying my troops with those guns i'm going to be sending them as land lease seriously okay okay i don't know if i'm extremely lucky or if the algorithm actually takes into account our relative army strength uh i don't know this new update that well yet uh whatever the case yes thank you thank you japan for becoming my puppet well now we control everything we need to control or and we still just need to annex the puppets and then we can do the other stuff should we start with japan we should probably start with japan because they have the most uh factories and things startlinglys guns 100 go 100 of our gun production is going to japan that's a lot of gun production yeah i'm just going to um gather up this political power because we will need it to annex them so no more focuses for us unless it's the mandate of heaven switzerland joined allies the heart is not our problem we have our own world here and a few more deliveries and they will be a next this is hilarious we could just do a focus for the whole of japan to be fair though even if they refused we have beaten them already and i could easily beat them again here and we don't need to land on the home islands because the focus doesn't require that territory it only requires the chinese territory so we could just do that almost a thousand guns a day all going to japan we're also getting 25 of their civilian industry and 65 of their military industry well soon we're going to get 100 i was curious about the focus that made us puppet japan just like that so i opened up one of my test games you know i'm doing non-ironman test games for my strategies before i record so i have a strategy planned and so i opened up one of those which was at the point where i could do the focus and i was at peace with japan and i tried it five times and out of those five times twice they accepted being a puppet so i don't know maybe it has something to do with the strength of the army or maybe i'm just very lucky and we can annex japan let's do that okay they haven't fixed it it still says it costs 15 but it still costs 300. well anyway we're just the next japan okay this is this is nice this is nice did i get all the guns seems like i did yes so we can now send them to our other puppets no not 1 million i don't have 1 million 100 000 guns per month please yay for land lease and then we'll get those guns back when we annex them and we can send them to another subject they have been transported correct yes now we can annex what's the next did i get the guns back yes i did let's send them out again we have 200 000 of the newest guns let's just send them all in one batch because why they are not start landlines guns best guns number two hundred thousand delivery commencing annexation commencing unfree empire has been next now you guys two hundred thousand once send has the delivery been completed yes it has well then and now we can do the focus can't we yes claim the mandate of heaven let's do that switch to the chinese empire and the goal will have been achieved the focus is about to finish and that will be the end of this challenge claimed mandate of heaven chinese empire and he got the new dress oh he's and a new name but he lost his special abilities hmm strange but we also did lose at the low legitimacy modifier anyway yay we're now a chinese empire we have successfully united china under the manchurian qing dynasty okay thank you for watching i hope you enjoyed it and make sure to let me know in the comments what you liked or disliked about my strategy and most importantly make sure to suggest new challenges in the comments and vote on the ones you like one more thing i want to mention before i end the video usually when i'm preparing to film those challenges i test my strategies in non-ironman games lately i've been wondering if it would be good to stream those preparations or at least some of them so um yeah let me know what you think about this i'm not sure i could do it it's just something i'm considering anyway that is it for this video thanks for watching again and make sure to check the description for the full playlist of all my hearts of infor challenges as well as the patreon link if you'd like to support the channel goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 821,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 fail, hearts of iron 4 waking the tiger china, hoi4 qing challenge, hoi4, hearts of iron 4 waking the tiger manchukuo, hoi4 ironman china, hoi4 manchukuo, hearts of iron 4 poland 1939, of, annex germany, hoi4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 meme, hearts, four, hoi4 ironman gameplay, hoi4 challenge, iron, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 waking the tiger qing, world conquest, taureor, hoi4 china challenge
Id: _5uQcbYQ3xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 58sec (1738 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 10 2018
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