Hearts of Iron 4 Challenge: Restoring the Holy Roman Empire as Germany

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hello everyone I am sorry oh and welcome to another one of my house of Ironforge challenges and I'm attempting this one for the third time today we are going to recreate the Holy Roman Empire the problem with that is normally even if we do everything right we only have a 30% chance of success because it depends on a dam a random event which is why I'm attempting this for the third time but I think I've devised the way around this we'll see you soon anyway regular trickle the almond multi local focuses a less and go yeah in general right for so how do we recreate the Holy Roman Empire first we need to oppose Hitler and follow the path that will lead us to an alliance with anti allies let's start by opposing Hitler we must also follow a special chain of events as well as get lucky because normally we only have a 30% chance of this succeeding which is again why I'm doing this for the third time but I think I have a way around this we'll see I've switched our production around a bit we start with 30 units now we're going to start a civil war soon so we're going to lose quite a lot of them unless we use a trick actually learned this one from the spiffing Brit it was in one of his videos if you're doing a civil war you can just send your troops out to sea and they should remain yours even when the war starts Germany's normally geared towards blitzkrieg but I am a fan of superior firepower so let's which is that other research pretty generic oh right that's speed up and unpause and one more thing yes let's also train up some more infantry let's give them the highest priority only do this once deploy them here hopefully we can have a few done before the civil war starts I could of course train a lot of cavalry but we don't necessarily need that many units the Spanish Civil War just triggered um I will take them over no later right opposite oh there's almost done deploy all these units and cancel all of the remaining ones send you over here and here we go they're marked officers challenged Hitler when we click this the civil war start but we don't have to click this right away while we are still fascist I'm going to start a justifying some more goals we're going to attack Switzerland and Yugoslavia and Jos lavaca will come in to defend you the sava why Switzerland well for easier access to France and Yugoslavia mostly for Czechoslovakia but also to get some extra territory I will want to attack them simultaneously so we have to first adjust for Switzerland then just for a new go Slavia well then counsel the justification on Switzerland and redo it if you are confused about how that works I look for a video titled avoiding guarantees or something like that on my channel I explain it in detail there our next national focus will be four year plan we have done the justifications and now I'm going to transport these guys naval it here once they're at sea okay now we can trigger the Civil War and we should retain control of these units we retained control of 48 out of 49 and that were present now we are ruled by a glorious August von mackensen and we can destroy Hitler now with this trick the Civil War of course becomes a way easier but we could also win it without too much trouble because mmm because our guy has a 20% attack and defense on core territory and this is all core territory we have enough units the former of three armies let's send them right to the frontlines attack immediately and aggressively I also want to promote Heinz Guderian into a Field Marshal because he has the brilliant strategist trait so we will be using him as a field marshal we're also going to train up Erich von Manstein and this guy albert kesselring to be field marshals in the future because they have the straited that I like as for the last general let's use cutter student as he is a commando attack aggressively so in Germany is happening and it will not take long yeah these events now see explosions take heavy toll on province are not really a problem because they only damage the factories and they will eventually repair on their own and we have already reached Berlin and found hit the dead he preferred to commit suicide rather than that non Nazis win and the Germany has capitulated this was a very quick civil war we have next not the gentleman right we have captured Nazi leaders and there are two things we can do with them who can imprison them so that we might use them later or we can kill them if we imprison them and then become fascists or communists we could reinstate them but yeah let's kill the Nazis as you can see the extra units we got for the Civil War we're at this ban let's train a couple more I suppose a three four armies should be enough we're just fine on Switzerland and Yugoslavia and if my predictions are correct they will get no additional guarantees after securing the new statements Reviver the Kaiser knife now that will cause some extra world tension I hope that is not enough for Switzerland and Yugoslavia to be guaranteed also öhlins going to free trade which is the best trade policy I would also like to hire captain of industry but I need 300 vodka powers saved for when we start at the war let's promote our guys to field marshals I will be using them as generals still and I will only be giving them field marshal traits and they will be necessary to later on revived of the Kaiser Reich well not yet returned of the Kaiser will take some time to be available for now with us rebuild our nation and let's establish a new and better Germany we don't need Russian let's resume for now let's move over to this site and do an gross our movie air shaft we're going to let the Swiss into our territory for a little bit and then we're going to counter-attack because crossing the mountains and the river is a bit difficult we're going to let them come in here and then strike back at them that's what just the back end they did not have enough time to prepare proper defenses so we're just going to attack them normally and a break through and he asked everyone be aggressive I know we're talking forts and so on but we'll manage and we don't really worry about losses too much our justifications on supid and then you guys know that already but I'm going to delay the attack a little bit as much as I can in fact hopefully they don't get any extra guarantees because I will want to stay in this war for a long time and then later we started the better it especially should be for us see the main problem with restoring the Holy Roman Empire is that you can't get the Hindenburg a disaster event if you do we just can do it and is random we have a 70% chance of getting the Hindenburg disaster and 30% chance of getting a Hindenburg incident and if you get Hindenburg disaster you just we just can't restore the whole Roman Empire if I understand correctly the Hindenburg meet a disaster or an incident will happen between the 5th of May of 37 and the fifth of May of 39 if we are at peace which means I'm going to want to stay at war for the next two years the MCOs are about to expire let's attack both Yugoslavia and Switzerland now let's wait for JA Slovakia to accept the call to arms and they have a right what we do now is oh I should get the infantry expert yeah anyway what we do now is we go to war economy but wait we can't our enemies don't have enough factories we have way more well that's only partially true see if I for example use all my civilian factories to buy steel from the United States look at this number from 81 we go down to 42 and now surprise surprise we can do war economy well of course now I don't need that steel anymore so let's cancel the deal also since we aren't on the line is going to be difficult for us to go to excessive conscription let's do that now finally to minimize our losses on let's hire an infantry commander Germany at war again yes and we can accept some of them tears from Italy now Switzerland should get into our territory soon yes I'm letting them come on come on spread out that should do it yeah the attacks in Jaffa back here will be a bit problematic but we don't really care about the losses that much we have a wonderful amount of factories and manpower so this will not be a problem alright now you counter-attack on Switzerland they should not stand a chance go strained for the victory points well let's surround them a bit yeah whoo it goes no Switzerland should be capitulating and of course we're going to take all states thank you that is going to make invading France much easier because we won't have to worry about the Martian offline now we're going to relocate you guys to jeho Slovakia we're also doing align Hungary and Romania so that we can invite them to a faction or rather create a faction with them there to integrate it or economies and make them our puppets really I just focused in Bratislava there we go on to a Slovakia take all states well tension at 27% and I can create a faction with Hungary when world tension is at 40% what's good about the Hungarian border we're going to be attacking Yugoslavia from there Oh later on now we have to stay at war until 1939 Japan declaring war on China 35% world tension 36 37 can we go higher no Austria would accept a faction with us that would be wonderful yeah so strong we will really like to get you in our faction but for that we need world tension to be high why would we need Australia be in our faction well because they can get a referendum event just like Angelo's but that we need 40% world tension cap damn it let's do all turkey and hire a captain of industry the wonderful speed of the German buffs if the enosis claims on Yugoslavia and it's 39 god damn it let's prepare a new template that we will be using duplicate this call it a Kaiser division just save it as what it is right now I'm gonna need how many how about a fool army 120 can I get have many no let's make it smaller then all right we can make a hundred done 20 of them I'm not going to deploy them and also I'm going to modify its quite heavily it's gonna be a classic seven tune with support why did I modify it before well so that we can cue up more not gonna be deploying them just have them in training for a while give them some signal and logistics companies time for an extra research thought yes I'm doing this incredibly slowly but we need to stay in this war until May 39 this way we should have a hundred percent chance of my plan succeeding yeah well I suppose I'll do return of the Kaiser I wanted to delay this birth it's fine unfortunately I'll need to disband my armies before this is complete why would I need to disband my armies essentially what we're doing is we're inviting a villain second who is in exile in the Netherlands to return and if the Dutch are afraid of our powerful armies don't just let him go but if we are weak and they are strong then they will not agree and they will not let him out of their country which is what we want to happen so right before this is done I'm going to be disbanding my armies and right after that I'm going to be deploying new ones which are currently in training so no harm done hopefully but they handle logistics and see little companies to that the focus is almost complete and there was no new world tension so unfortunately I'm going to have to disband my armies for a moment and after the focus is done I'm going to reform them of course also create a function would Hungary hopefully a right to return or the Kaiser is done who's going to create a faction with me all of them can but I'm not sure if I might with one if the others would come in we'll see in May let's first wait for the Dutch response shall we Ellen's prevents return of the Kaiser exactly they have stopped Wilhelm the third from returning to Germany now we can go to war with them of course but we also accept their decision and get Willem the 3rd instead and that is exactly what we want we have Wilhelm the third popular figurehead yes now the great but he opens up a path to greatness next let's deploy our units and create affection with Hungary your faction name here is going to be definitely not a ploy to annex you the dawn of definitely not a ploy to annex you through integrated of war economies all right and another's book of return of will Henderson the second so we get will hum the third instead now Austral it's invite you to oh you don't want anymore why well at least I can get Romania we now have Hungary and Romania in our faction so we're going to do integrate work on amis and thus we're going to make them our puppets why don't you want to join me maybe when Hungary becomes my puppet maybe they have a beef with them or something nationalist Spain was annexed and by Republican Spain nope still don't want to join well I suppose once we deal with Yugoslavia they will want to join and we can now deal with Yugoslavia through Hungary and Romania speaking of Hungary in Romania integrate work on maize oh crap okay I'm going to request all your troops and make sure that you do not advance into Yugoslavia do not attack in the meantime let's continue down this path and expatriate all the Communists and get out communists we need to stay here until the 5th of May 1939 at least France will become communist thanks to this now it's time to accept British naval dominance let's make a lot of inventory equipment - and send it to our puppets to lower their autonomy I said a British naval dominance now once we do analyze with the shade we will be able to do what we need to do I will also like to annexed Austria beforehand so let's do one other focus first what should it be mmm let's do rice out Obama build some stuff in our puppets territory to lower their autonomy we could go towards an alliance with a shade but I still want to get Ostra fest and its main that also the Hindenburg thing should not happen let's activate all the orders and take away Yugoslavia this will take a moment only and only left ascendant in France yes more communism in France shouldn't he be his rendering yes you should that's our next Yugoslavia completely now Austria would you like to be my I why not should have invaded them anyway can we do the nice decisions now yes reinstate principal Hamza right of succession he was disinherited by the second but where will him the third so we can reinstate that now we can modernize the succession law so Wilhelm the fourth daughters including the couturier can inherit yeah I don't think I can do anything here hmm okay what if I dismantle our faction this is just me and my puppets in it so I don't have to keep it would you like to create yes you would like to create a new faction with me of course okay that's much better definitely not a point to an actual leader new affection with austra there I that worked now we have an event with 60 days mean time to happen which might make them annexed by us let's do bulwark against Bolshevism in the meantime so the Hindenburg did not happen this is a sure way to prevent it apparently did I miss something the seeks extensive military pact it's not my problem let's refer to guarantee I'm not sure of that changes anything probably not if they don't want to join or just annexed there maybe something went wrong with the event let's do the alliance with the shade but the event should have happened already it hasn't mean time to happen of 60 there it is wonderful yes the lesser German solution was a mistake vote on the referendum and they have a 90% chance of saying yes we'd have to be very unlucky but this does not work and it works good Austria is now ours German Empire is a larger well we could have annexed that much earlier but we had to stay at war with Yugoslavia and now we're gonna be joining eyes I'm not sure if we can stay in the fashion for this to work so let's destroy this faction no we are doing the alliance with the allies not to justify a war go on Italy hopefully we can go alright with Bulgaria Belgium joined allies and Liberia joined eyes that happened because I started justify a war go on Italy I'm not sure if I will be able to continue that once I joined the Allies we'll see if we can't get out over the British aid let us join it German Empire joined the eyes United Kingdom welcomes us great wonderful am i still justifying I am indeed still justifying and good now the important part comes are the most important part restoration of British titles but for that we need them to like us more and the Hindenburg is not destroyed which was as the problem earlier which is why I'm doing this for the third time because of Hindenburg has only 30% chance of surviving but by being at war between 37 and 39 we prevent it it's from happening now let's improve relations with the British actually did this like us because we generated world tension well good thing we didn't generate more because this is necessary they need to like us and there we are hundred relations what we need to do now is request the restoration of British titles essentially the British titles were revoked from German families now we're friends again so we request the restoration was going to happen the grand ceremony is going to happen British government accepts requests it is proposed by Imperial advisers that the entire extend the royal family make a grand entrance using the very pinnacle of German technology the state-of-the-art Hindenburg airship we shall send a liaison oh we should all travel together we should send a liaison Princess Victoria ahead of time so she can serve and prepare the reception yes let's do that Hindenburg aflame in London oh we're so surprised and a terrible tragedy the Hindenburg was destroyed today while attempting to dock in London for reasons not yet determined the airship was engulfed in flames and crashed the ground claiming the lives of all passengers and crew abroad including virtually all members of the extended German imperial family the only survivor is the princess Victoria Louise who was sent ahead to aid in the provisions of the ceremony the princess the third to bear the name Victoria after her grandmother german empress of victoria and the great-grandmother Queen Victoria has therefore become the only remaining heir to the throne still shaken from having lost her family she has now nevertheless ascended to the throne s Kaiser in Victoria the 1st of the German Empire or should be Victoria the third was shouldn't it anyway long live the Kaiser in we have Victoria Kaiser mean of the people weakly stability increase our stability is going to be growing all the time and stability and war support and political power gain a 15% she's better than Hitler we're still a member of the Allies and now we can create at the Holy Roman Empire well not yet we'll need quite a lot more territory we will need Italy Netherlands Belgium Luxembourg and France for this to happen we already have Austria and Switzerland also as a member of the Allies we will be able to call quite a lot of friends to a war with Italy now the Red Menace is rising so we'll have to fight France and the Soviet Union as well remember that is not something that will happen right at this moment oh we have bypassed the treaty with the USSR let's get an offense expert Frances welcomed into the Comintern which is going to be a bit of a problem eventually it's still democratic though weirdly enough let's request forces from our puppets they can become helpful in invading Italy Victoria angered by Italian posturing yes yes yours wasn't she no those Italian centre posturing Franz has become the French commune and thus a threat or justification Italy is already well I think it's time to attack and declare war on Italy and oh yeah of course let's call everyone in yes United Kingdom I would like you to join the war your naval power might prove useful Canada Belgium everyone's joining oh and that is a naval invasion by Italy which is a bit of a problem but we do have a remedy right next to it are we getting through oh yes we are oh cool hopefully the Brits can attack from the south we will lose quite a lot of manpower and equipment how much exactly maybe I should go balanced let's go balanced we've done army innovations - well that's focused on the Eastern Front actually can't bunch for our SAS and French colonies that would put us at war with the Comintern but we don't necessarily need to fight them not immediately at least sure I don't think this war goal will expire let's do cut lunch for us and French colonies we might want to attack France right away our assault in Le is not going as well as I hoped it would well it is also not horrible they are not calling in Bulgaria perhaps they are but Bulgaria isn't scared well get all those troops away from their borders make them feel safe for a moment do you feel safe now in Bulgaria do you feel safe enough to join the war I can actually index them but I don't have political power for that I do not notice this oh they started a different puppet level when you are not fascist that's why I didn't notice this we need some political power Victoria getting deeper into Italy and Bulgaria are still not willing to fight I really could use a naval invasion down here yeah our advance in Italy is very slow but it is sufficient that's an egg so hungry first but the annexation of romania can wait a bit I still don't have enough vodka part and I want for a moment well I suppose I can do see to the Eastern Front if they can't hold on forever but they can hold on for quite a long time slow and steady no assassination of Trotsky and some naval invasion are happening although I would have preferred if you went off to Palermo maybe you will getting closer to Rome why do you have white uniforms it's August hmm Danzig for guarantee is a sounds tempting let's currenty poland let's be friends with Poland how's it for guarantees in the meantime Italy is almost done for although getting across the Strait here is always a problem of course the orders disappeared Italy has capitulated all right do we want them as a puppet or do we want them and next how many ships do you have you have one ship I think I'll go with the next yeah right that should do it goodbye Italy okay the Soviets are doing claims on Poland though it could be in my best interest like some people gain Denmark all joined allies since France is in the Comintern we also have to prepare to fight the Russians I suppose okay just to fortify the borders and sit there until France is done for the level 6 force everywhere should do the trick hmm justification Bulgaria is just fine Romania really well that's mighty stupid of them but uh by all means go ahead if bypass the field is to safeguard the bath and politics because the Soviets got it already Danzig for guarantees Poland accepts really that is a lot of territory we're getting well in that case I will gladly defend Poland on the returns Danzig one for Gdansk is tanzic again tansy I think that's how it should be pronounced I'm not sure declare war and call Oh eyes there we go United Kingdom is called in and everyone else it's called in as well right the motion deadline is going to be a problem but we're attacking from all sides I couldn't just believe this one under attacked did you call in the sovereign you did not go in the Soviet Union that is interesting of course we are moving into the French commune and Republican Spain is still not in the Comintern so we will not have to get through space marginata is still defended it's nice being part of the eyes and attacking people and I don't think the Soviets will actually join this war which is strange the French Communist will fall soon and then well I suppose we could deal with the Soviet Union as well Japan demands French under China and France has capitulated good Yeah right can I take all state not all of them honest pass okay that's all of mainland France you don't get more than that France is now ours what else do we need to do well we don't necessarily need to defeat the Soviet Union but it could be helpful we need to defeat the Allies actually let's see what we're missing to revive the Holy Roman Empire only Netherlands Belgium and Luxembourg oh the UK has kicked us from the faction why would you do that you know what it doesn't matter I'm going to ask you for military access and then invade you in retaliation for kicking me out of the faction let's do all the 66 in Britain that's annex Romania the civilian has just attacked Poland should we help them who and invokes guarantee join Paul oh I do have to join their war that is unfortunate but oh I suppose you guys might be enough to deal with that let's delay this as much as we can to armies to deal with the binocs countries and three armies Britain it looks like three armies are right about as much as we need I managed to send a unit to every coastal province once these guys are in position we'll be able to probably invade Britain successfully I think we're ready to answer the Polish call to arms let's create a faction just call the faction HRE and let's activate those all this is just three armies well there should be helpful I have a claim in Belgium on the car bomb that will make it faster the justification I mean sure let's do that this is looking very promising isn't it you know what this is a bad idea we can conquer it the Allies later it is always a bad idea to start a war on two fronts if you don't have to well continue just to find my local in Belgium because this is a take claim state - it will not expire but yeah let's just attack the Soviets and deal with them also we won't stop the construction engineer anything because I still haven't I have the army experts so I haven't been sleeping well lately that might be impacting my decision-making justification on Belgium is great you're having supply troubles but you should manage to destroy the swords also we have secured the Spanish border just in case fall of Kiev let's switch on manpower law service by requirement advancing nice to enter this Virginia half green afraid that that is actually good if you're on the offensive now all that we require is and Men part we also require manpower let's hire an army logistics expert should've done that a long time ago now see Republicans Payne joins Comintern well we are ready are we doing oh the northern offensive is actually doing quite well we are reaching Moscow Stalingrad is taken how far are you from capitulation so far mm yeah I can support that amount of production on free trade unfortunately we have to go to limited exports are you going to be successful success we have taken Moscow Bulgaria and Greece fighting it out not my problem I'm going to need to refill my manpower I think I'll pop at the Soviet Union for a moment oh they have called in Spain finally the Soviet Union is almost done for then we can relocate tons of troops here and just beat them with that oh and we're through in Spain good okay they have been cut off take cousin that should be enough Sohyun has capitulated to thank you very much there's still Mongolian tongue Tuva Bulgaria has capitulated the Greece has annexed Bulgaria we've managed to capitulate Tanna to her I wasn't paying attention to Spain for a while and they made a little excursion to France but indeed with it no it's not a problem Oh long until Spain capitulates nothing at all we're almost there finally Spain has capitulated all right what are we gonna take well normally I would just take everything however I am missing manpower used way too much manpower on this and a good way to refill manpower is through puppets although they do cost a lot of political part or index no it's fine let's pop it the Soviet Union and let's puppet Spain that's a next Mongolia and a next town or two Vaughn okay we have a Russian puppet and the Spanish puppet and what we need to do now is annex or puppets draining their manpower let's see how much manpower they have eleven million in Russia and almost 1 million in Spain well Russia would have been enough I'm going to need to annex you let's just build them some military factories now let's prepare some manpower stealing divisions call it edit and just leave one cavalry unit in it let's train a lot of those we are no longer Borg against Bolshevism because we are in a faction with the Russia but Russia is no longer communist so this should not apply yeah well it was not a big deal anyway this is gonna be a Russian manpower thieves division and may the same for Spain let's just use a division of inventory for Spain but also on transporting some of my troops to Britain here these Romanian troops went back to Romania only there is no Romania we can now index Russia before we do that though we need to drain their manpower so deploy all these units and switch them to the Russian and manpower thief template and observe another Russian manpower 11-million zero now they are going to suffer horrible attrition of course but it doesn't really matter now we annexed Russia there we go now we need to do the same thing to Spain and we have 11 million manpower in the bank now Spain is just 1 million man part number 2 every million counts I could do a for all sh t 6 in Britain and just put one unit in every province oh that's quite a lot of work so I'll just spend a lot of down south and then move north all right we can now connect Spain let's switch those units the Spanish units what are their manpower drained zero okay cool and the next time and deployed a lot of units in the Benelux countries I'm going to attack them and then I'm going to form the holy roman empire and end of the challenge let's declare war on Belgium take a claim the state there you go I suppose I can call in Portland and I don't need to there we go they've been called in oh I forgot Denmark is in the Allies let's take one of the armies from here and send it for them to deal with Denmark and as a we are at war with Britain now I can annoy them by saying fly mouth ports mouth and York Shire take that let's activate of course such a large unit is not getting the full benefits over general but they really don't need it here also on this make sure everyone is super aggressive now we're not going to be able to annex them for a while because the Allies involve great powers like the United States and well we won't be going over the ocean but what we are going to be doing is capitulating the panel looks and britain and forming the holy roman empire are you afraid of us i think they're afraid of us let's retreat our units from their borders for a moment same for luxembourg let's leave them some space luxembourg has been called in okay in the meantime we're moving north in britain without too much a position actually without any opposition belgium capitulated in luxembourg has capitulated we still need the netherlands but it seems like they might feel threatened by this huge German army on their doorstep so let's all go to Munich come on Denmark is capitulated good alright I need to I need to justify separate war go all the know this is gonna take forever of course finally thank you very much the Netherlands have been called in let's get all of you guys back to the frontlines now it's only ville invasion no they actually attacked from Gibraltar oh I forgot they had that all right let's deal with that quickly yeah the thing with fighting the eyes is you have to watch out for naval invasions but we don't really mind that much was just taking the Netherlands form the Holy Roman Empire and and about it it comes to them and they should become a chelating now and so they have clean it up a bit because there's still American forces in the area okay now we should be able to form the Holy Roman Empire scroll down the decisions and here it is revived and healthy Roman Empire there we go well the Roman Empire yes but look at the flag and at the unit's that was actually the whole goal of our campaign rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire Empress Victoria has revived the Holy Roman Empire there we go f is all that we actually needed to do and didn't even need to fight on the Soviets still if I were to continue this which I'm not going to do because at this point we have one and a half thousand factories and millions of manpower and there is no challenge left in the game but if I were to continue this what we would need to do is of course purge this invasion that I missed and this one then secure all the ports everywhere then proceed to use our industry right to focus on some dog carts and naval production finally dominated the atlantic invade the United States in the meantime also invade Afghanistan and the British Raj from there and that would make the Allies capitulate and be annexed but we're not going to do that because at this point we are unstoppable and it would be rather boring so I'm going to end this challenge here I hope you enjoyed it and I will see you again soon goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 1,177,917
Rating: 4.8718963 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 Victoria Louise, hoi4 annex ussr, hoi4 holy roman empire, hoi4 german empire, hoi4 hre, hearts of iron 4 fail, hearts, hoi4 ironman gameplay, iron, hoi4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 hre challenge, hearts of iron 4 ironman germany, hoi4 holy roman empire challenge, hoi4 germany world conquest, hoi4, hoi4 meme, taureor, hoi4 annex france, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 gameplay, four, of, world conquest
Id: DZd2Y4Po15M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 11sec (2111 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 23 2018
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