Hearts of Iron 4 Challenge: USA not Boring

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hello everyone I am Tori and welcome to another one of my heart divine fall challenges this one is going to be pretty difficult and it was once suggested by you guys in the comments I know it was suggested as a joke but I'm going to take it seriously and the challenge is to play as the United States of America and not get bored the United States is a very powerful and very boring country in the hearts of iron for because for the first few years they can't do anything well let's see what we can do about that I have actually made a video explaining you the strategy I'm going to use here but that was a long time ago the game changed a bit and also it was way before I started editing my videos down so most of you probably haven't seen it anyway the big problem with the United States is twofold the Great Depression and splendid isolation together they make the country almost you know incapable of doing anything because we are so crippled by these two modifiers and but there is a way to get out of one quickly and then soon out of the other the most important thing we need to do is a rush preemptive intervention so let's start reforming the Monroe Doctrine I've started my research I have scheduled some construction and that is about it for now we have to wait although I suppose I could gather up my forces we're going to switch everyone to infantry divisions and we don't have equipment for all of them but we will train them up that is about it time to unpause and plan our moves we have reaffirmed Monroe Doctrine now we need to do these four and then this and then this and we'll free pretty much so it doesn't really matter in what order we do it where's the Caribbeans fear and we'll use that political power for some nice things Spain has happened and after I'm done with those preparations we will be pretty much able to attack anyone in the world and succeed I am producing tons of submarines yes Arnold and not strong but they have a good range and numbers Duma we have to switch to an evil ideology we can do communism or we can do fascism the choice is yours and all options are valid however I usually do fascism in those because they get a better focus tree and better puppets but let's do communism this time just for variety Central America done let's do neighbors end with this portico bar we have to hire a silent workhorse because political part is something we severely lack and Robert Taft is going to help with that we have trained up some of our army these guys are going to invade Venezuela pattern on Bradley for this army elastic Bradley neighbors done South American next let's open up political discourse no elections can we get communists in the government we cannot mmm perhaps if I rushed WPA first maybe then we could no it's fine so we can get a new deal or we can get an industrial research buff let's get New Deal it's going to be helpful yeah at times this wrong should have started within WPA it's fine we would have gotten communism faster if I did that but we are all right anyway Atlanta do Pax Americana there's a lot of research buffs we could get and it probably should get however I need to save up despotic up high for others and other things Pax Americana is done and now we do the most important focus preemptive intervention let's do that and here it is preemptive intervention the Holy Grail all getting free from those modifiers as the United States so immediately we're going to attack Venezuela we're going to because we got a war go from it not a claim not anything like that a war go which means we can declare war even as a democracy so here you go but make sure to not in next I'm not defeat them and just be at war with them and get a nice you know foothold in their territory what's next well now we have free reign of a lot of stuff but let's start with wp8 and do Committee on technocracy and then stuff now the most important thing we got by attacking a Venezuela is this we can now replace undisturbed isolation with civilian economy this is not a huge step but it is opening our possibilities because now we can go to whatever we want if we have sufficient war support and stuff so that frees us as for disarmed nation we don't actually need to go to volunteer only yet we will get that through a focus but we still have Great Depression so we do have to be very sparing with our use of political power which is why I'm not going to hire anyone else right now we need some reserve portico power and the invasion of Venezuela is happening all right let's not go too far all right got Caracas now being at war gives us access to some focuses which is why we want to stay at war in the meantime let's open up political discourse and get ready to switch to communism Amelia Earhart wants to enlist and ace is not worth 10 political power sorry Amelia that will not be necessary hey I told you not to go that far we're also gaining army experience from this leadership Rogers Japan attacked China and WPA is done we could do war propaganda awry because Japan is in an offensive or we could do that yes mother earth can wait we need this a bit more Committee on technocracy is going to give us a three electronics bonuses and the key is to use them properly these are three things one two three let's do war propaganda and then go down this path increase in popularity of communism that is going to let us switch ideologies almost immediately wonderful our community support is over 40% now what we can do is discredit the government and immediately hold the referendum and congratulations we have embraced the evil ideology of communism and we can attack people so who shall we attack first well we could go against the UK but the naval invasions would be a lot of unnecessary trouble so I'm thinking the Iberian Peninsula either Portugal or Spain and then we go off to France now let's just do Portugal let's be Portugal and then we can do a quick naval invasion of France through here if we want to oh we can go after Spain whatever anyway let's start working on Portugal just why we'll go as always seem a fine we might need to take them anyway in order to reach their territory and there will be a little bit of a race for French territory against Germany and we will propaganda done we have some nice options here let's start with military construction and we need to stay at all until we start at this one can my fleet actually reach Portugal doesn't seem so but the do have an island here and when we take that we will surely be able to reach them with no trouble whatsoever I suppose I could have taken the design company for naval stuff this one the Pacific design company yes that would increase my range and then research better submarines but we won't actually need it time to start making some military factories right now when we start this we can actually finish dealing with Venezuela if we so choose so let's do over there oh that is Venezuela now we have two options we can index them or we can pop it to them the wise thing to do the better thing to do is to puppet them because then you can get a lot of manpower from them on the other hand as United States we do have a lot of manpower so it is not necessary and we could paint everything a lovely shade of blue yeah let's just take everything detach two of your units into a separate army yeah I haven't even given you a field marshal but it wasn't necessary in with it in this weather although I probably should have done that and start you go from here over to Portugal proper just learn let's say over here and the smaller army that will be under the direction of mr. Patton is going to land over in the Azores oh so that's assign your field marshal and that is going to be mr. Eisenhower Oh can I give refuge to German and it all in scientists yes I thought that's only available if you are an democratic but apparently communists can do that too wonderful let's do that because that gives us a huge research bonus nationalist Spain is going to win it seems we'll take them anyway Oh wonderful justification is complete and let us attack Portugal go go go declare war conquer are now as soon as we take the zones we will have our range extended and we'll be able to strike at continental Portugal and now I think it's time to start justifying a war go on fronts go with Britain they will get an alliance maybe it's better to just fight against Britain directly no hmm yeah it's just attack France will be nice if we can do it before Germany does so oh they have prepared the defense here all those two units enough I hope so looks like it oh right now we can the reassign our fleet to cover the Portuguese coast and our range has increased very very significantly now you cover the these three and Bradley should be able to launch his attack patrol shouldn't have any and Navy left France and Britain announced Alliance yes unfortunate but fine let's do the giant wakes and we have landed wonderful right Bradley you need to have twenty-four units total go on and attack aggressively but I will give you some manual orders first to take a port Oh get me a port and get me supplies and that's enough for Portugal pretty much go probably should have landed in Porto and directly but I expected them to Garris on it if you guys get yourselves killed I'm not going to forgive you alright that's fine they have handled all the situation why are you guys not travelling there alright I'm getting a bit annoyed let's get you guys to Washington and then manually transfer you to Portugal isn't that better just the fender port until reinforcements arrive and here they come let's get an infantry expert I should probably get some more units because we will have to find Canada as well let's make an edit army we're going to make it better once we have the manpower and train lots of those guys at the highest priority now we won't be able to deploy ships for a little while which is a bit of an issue taking Lisbon should do it and here it is alright I did mention we are going to paint the world blue so long as being the world blue yeah right that is Portugal and let's prepare our naval invasion of France and this time mr. Patton is going to lead it so that will give us some it is conscription from there we'll jump to extent it's an extensive conscription and thus have manpower finally and when we start war with the UK and France we'll be finally able to get rid of the Great Depression make sure to deploy as many of those as possible we do need to prepare some nice attacks now how long until the war goal is ready to learn actually they do need to wait until button is already anyway now they are they don't have manpower but soon they will skew generals mr. Hodges your turn seems like we need to do partial mobilization it is almost as good yeah sure let's do partial mobilization I was hoping to save those points for extensive conscription but that can wait a bit justification is ready no need to delay this last attack France can you girls launch the invasion looks like yes you can can you guys land the invasion well that is another matter you've caught me and my huge fleet Canada has been called in yeah well can you do against Canada I'm suspecting quite well indeed alright let's land in France see if we can land in France and the Soviets are inviting us to a faction that could be beneficial but it isn't really necessary so that's not to join them the convoy escort was more than needed very very unnecessary yes finally we have landed in France now I will need to send some more troops here but let's capitulate Canada first well are the French troops did you send them all to Canada or there is the rest of you transfer it and yes you are you might get caught on the way which is a bit of a problem but not a huge one now our army is not strong enough to deal with France on its own I mean this army that we have in this area but you know we'll reinforce them soon new army group this time led by muck Arthur and all of you need to be on your way to France the French are not valuable very well prepared but we don't really have a huge army in the area we need to wait for all those guys to arrive in order to have a nice chance of winning here they don't receive a key and the extra research sought and finally we can issue war bonds which we should have done in the previous focus my guys got largely killed on the way which is a bit of an issue actually yeah it's always problematic to Ferry troops around when you're fighting the Allies I mean I could have tried to secure the route now this is not ideal of course but it isn't good enough France should soon be ours and then Britain so mr. Patton how are you handling France candor has capitulated wonderful it's a lot of guns for me finally war bonds finally we are out of this horrible thing Italy joined access we don't really mind okay I screwed up the Army's good killed in transit should have defended them yeah well now we know and knowledge is let's finish off France Charlie bones refuses German ultimatum what you mean is Germany's attacking Poland bones joining allies and Germany will soon be at war with our targets as well which is unfortunate because they might get our stuff France has finally capitulated all goes to us yes I kinda screwed up on the naval of transport of these guys we lost so many in it but fortunately they were only if I remember correctly they were only at 10% manpower so in fact we did not lose at that much and you guys need to prepare an invasion of Britain we can't do manifest destiny unfortunately what we can do Arsenal democracy l thence capitulated can we get bits of Belgium please you take Kent you're taking take and fabin now we need to focus on the English Channel you guys go that and my whole fleet needs to do the same thing and now we have naval superiority we can land if we wanted to my invasion of France was a rather sloppy but we're going to make up for that in a moment and then market capitulate is already yeah we're gonna take care of you next Germany and the general pattern is about to invade Britain what did you guys do oh crap they were here and they decided to namely transport themselves I think yeah yeah that's what happened they decided to Navy transport themselves through an area full of enemy ships which was incredibly stupid of them why did you do that I have no idea right mr. Patton is launching his invasion of Britain and there we are this is not going to take too long you can see and the British were as usual unprepared for a naval invasion Hungary joined axis we don't really mind under how much Wars called Germany get from this should I only the Soviet Union and double-teamed yeah let's do that let's double-team two Germans no Soviet Union you cannot join my war I'm about to win it on my own yeah then did we take a bit of territory here mm-hmm that's not the problem I'm going to make them capitulate in a moment anyway and actually the thing that we lost so many troops on the transit because you know I couldn't be bothered to send ships to protect them might work in our advantage because we'll get more war score than the Germans finally in the UK has capitulated and we do have a way way more war score than the Germans so what do we take we can leave them this area but I do want as the UK and France should say puppet I'm a mr. puppet now we were supposed to do a lovely blue color fortunately this is as much as we can take in this round let's do that boom now Germany what did you do some polish and the Benelux territories I'm okay with that done and done so we now own Britain France Portugal Africa essentially yeah looking good Canada is ours too 1940 and do we double team Germany with the Soviets now yes probably unfortunately at this moment and my voice stopped being recorded so this is no longer live comment having but rather post commentary I'm not sure what happened probably my mic and got too disconnected or something anyway mm-hmm afterwards I decided to attack a nationalist Spain and justify the war goal on them and attacked I have prepared my troops on the borders of Machinists pain as well as Italy in Germany because I expected Spain to join the axis and that however did not happen so we could easily defeat other Spanish over we were part of the Comintern and the Germans have broken their mode of Ribbentrop pact and the didn't and attacked the Soviets so we were at liberty to do what we pleased with Spain and then proceeded to attack Germany and Italy on our own terms when we felt like it as well Spain itself it didn't really put that much of a fight although it's hard to blame them when we are a huge country with 700 factories and large part of a pool of manpower and wonderful generals so they did not stand a chance hmm keeping in mind that we wanted to paint the world blue I decided to annex Spain afterwards we have prepared our troops to attack Italy and Germany I have transferred all my troops there and I asked the Soviets if they want my help in the war and they of course agreed now the two naval invasion of Italy were you know very helpful we could execute them because we had a few huge fleet unfortunately our troops are were not the best I was using just infantry with support companies if I was using infantry with artillery or if I had at the time to train my infantry up to higher experience levels this would have gone in a much easier you know manner however I did not have the time to do that Italy was defending quite valiantly did you have a lot of mountains in their territory which made it easier however my two southern naval invasion in Italy and did disrupt their defence sufficiently for us to be making gains as for Germany they were not as defensive as Italy it was actually much easier to deal with the Germans and although again it's hard to blame them because they had to fight us on one side and the Soviets on the other as for the attack on Italy if I didn't have a huge fleet there I wouldn't really be able to cut through the alpine region and I would have to first defeat Germany and then tacitly from the north that's how well they were entrenched or rather how a weak my army was relatively because again they were all green I didn't have time to train them properly and I did have some manpower troubles it is most likely due to the fact that I put everyone on aggressive which was a mistake in such in such a confrontation with a lot of regular infantry I probably had to go with balanced for a better result all in all it ended quite well because we made Italy capitulate and to transfer all our troops in to deal with Germany Hungary and Romania and Croatia and Slovakia did it did not take much longer also I kept editing my templates adding but support companies we ended up with a 20 with pure infantry with artillery and tire engineers Scouts and the signal companies I was about to say radio companies signal companies okay that is a pretty decent template although in retrospect we might have been better off if I went with that s72 template and went with the line artillery path in our company anyway the Germans did not send chance in and the longer and it was just a matter of time especially if you have a look at how many factories we had to reinforce our troops and the Germans capitulated and so did the Croatians however and the elimination of so many countries earlier made Hungary and Romania advance to I'm not sure I don't remember what is called in this game the equivalent of Great Powers major nations yeah I think major nations so now we had to deal with Hungary and Romania as well now that wasn't really a problem if you compare our forces and so on but it did prolong the war a little bit I decided in the meantime that I want to take out Switzerland and be rid of their vile neutrality and then me middle of our territory because it was making our borders look not so great so we justify the work on Switzerland and prepared and attack as for Romania I just gave a lot of my troops in manual all that we just go straight for Bucharest because this was clearly you know an uneven fight and they did not stand a chance and he goes Romania in this peace conference I decided to shadow puppet everyone because that made sure that the Soviet Union couldn't puppet them now if you don't know if you're unfamiliar with that shadow puppet thing is a strategy I think I was the first to come up with this I'm not sure I am sure I'm the first to kinda term a shadow puppet I just probably I should probably do a video explaining how you do this exactly but long story short you have to take all states from a country and then puppet them and satellite countries from them this will effectively do puppets and satellites with the zero provinces and then you cancel into taking of all states this way you have sort of virtual puppets out of that which ends up with puppets that are not really really there however doing it prevents other countries from puppeting we have taken as much land as we could other Soviets of course grabbed a bit as well but that was not a problem because we proceeded to just fight a war go against our former allies the Soviet Union next and of course prepare an attack the attack was nothing special just a regular from fines and to naval invasions through the Baltic Sea oh I almost forgot also one invasion through Norway and they did hold a bit of Denmark but that was quickly remedied and the Soviets could not match our forces in strength although they could probably match them in numbers I did not check the numbers exactly and about our massive industry made it possible for us to have a lot of fully equipped modern units so defeating the Soviet Union was as pretty much from the end of us conquering Britain in France every other victory was just a matter of time because we were powerful enough to pull off anyway in the middle of our fight against the Soviets we were mmm cowardly attacked stabbed in the back by the Japanese the Japanese actually decided they want to attack the Philippines and the cloud warned them now I actually decided to ignore this completely because Japan was not really a threat to us not while we had over a thousand factories and millions of manpower available and the huge fleet also we could invade Japan at this point but I decided that would probably make me fail the challenge and remember that the challenge was to not get bored and having to contend with at this point much much weaker Japan would probably bore me really really quickly um so we just proceeded to end our fight against the Soviets capitulate the Soviet Union and annex all of it thus creating a huge communist state that spawned a sponsor spam all the world spanned yes that's spam that's the word I was looking for that spanned all of the world except from the Middle East Turkey and Greece China Japan bits of you know around the Philippines and South and Central America oh and the lower tip of Africa now I could quite obviously I could easily prolong this to world conquest and take everything but at this point it would be boring so I decided to end it here and here I'm checking how strong Japan is well they have 57 factories I have one 1797 factories total so at this point I decided to end the challenge and that is it for this video I hope you enjoyed it let me know what you think in the comments what I did right what they did wrong what you would have done differently and B AB thank you for watching also make sure to suggest what my next challenge should be because of this one mmm well this one was quite silly wasn't it but it was also one of your suggestions in the comments that is it for today I hope you enjoyed it I will see you soon goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 686,433
Rating: 4.8822031 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 annex france, of, hearts, hoi4 usa challenge, hoi4 usa, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 annex germany, hoi4, hoi4 challenge, iron, four, hoi4 meme, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, taureor, hoi4 annex ussr, world conquest, hoi4 america challenge, hoi4 gameplay, hoi4 usa world conquest, hearts of iron 4 ironman usa, hearts of iron 4 challenge, annex germany, hoi4 annex uk, hearts of iron 4 fail, hearts of iron 4 usa challenge, hoi4 usa empire, hoi4 ironman gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 30 2018
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