Hearts of Iron 4 Challenge: Restoring the Mongol Empire

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hello everyone I am Torrio and welcome to yet another one of my hearts of Ironforge challenges this time we're going to play as Mongolia and try to retake the great Mongol Empire now there are a few provisions here mmm yeah of course we're going to play an Iron Man as usual with historical focuses and regular difficulty this is a fairly difficult challenge but most of all it is time-consuming also I will not only be taking the Mongol Empire stuff I will take some other things if that benefits me ok let's start I am in Mongolia one as Mongolia we start as an extremely weak and small country we only have four factories a very little manpower no special focus stream no generals no nothing but we saw this member of the Comintern which can come in handy anyway our first move is to set everything up of course we only have two researched also I'm going to start researching better infantry weaponry and foster research as for civilian factories we don't even have anything for them to build we don't have any slots so I'm just going to make them build infrastructure so it doesn't go to waste but I'm also going to make them purchase steel from the Soviet Union immediately so they will all be dedicated to that as four focuses we're not selecting any yet produce all the infantry weapons you can and also make some more units less many and I will have to be deploying them as soon as they are deployable you go here and this will be my first target and let's get the commander will train him up assume also the new newly trained units are going to be deployed over here we'll be changing our manpower laws before we attack so we should have enough to outfit those guys and that is about it let's unpause speed the game up and wait until we get 50 political power so we can start justifying a war go yeah right 50 political power one more goal coming up 250 days now I'm still not going to select the focus I'm going to start another one because it's the most optimal a time wise to be justifying to waddles simultaneously here we go and now we can get a focus and focus is going to be industrial effort because we need some an armament factories and once we get enough particle power now we'll change our manpower laws and get some troops before as the army why are we attacking these guys first well because they would get annexed when Japan attacks China switch to inventory equipment one from basic inventory equipment and that is going to slow production down but it is much more powerful we have enough political power to change our manpower laws and we're going to do just that and all these guys are training up wonderful and we'll have to deploy them while they're still green unfortunately that's not the worst thing that could happen to them getting killed is the worst thing that could get in that could happen to them now we're going to try and get a breach early on so you get over here and we'll attack all this province with everyone justification is ready as declare war and start justifying and we'll go on sinking wonderful all right you will immediately attack this province here hoping to get a breach so you can go through and just make a run for the victory points right we're through if that works out we'll get our most important victory points early on and they will surrender they might have left a unit somewhere down here but if they haven't and we have bet it basically won already and here it didn't take that one we're going to make them a puppet because as Mongolia we have virtually no manpower and being the puppet master is our only way around that know that we have the puppet I could start training colonial units so that we can conserve some manpower now when it comes to is it Zhang shizhong sea shanty probably I'm not good with those names as I said we're going to try the same thing we're going to try to break through here and go for their capital just a vision is ready let us attack because war and make sure we can at least try and do the same thing with it before which is the breach also we should start justify needs another walk oh yes let's do Afghanistan next as I know just trying to cost me more political power but there's marginally faster and time is the main thing we need to focus on here half of you will attack of this way and half of you will attack oh this way taking the capital is crucial but it will probably not be enough on its own we'll need to get a little bit more and unfortunately I do have to annex them directly rather than puppet because the events are constructed in such a way but if I don't they will get annexed by the People's Republic of China and they should capitulate relatively soon thank you it is unfortunately I have to take all of them directly that will give me a little bit more when it comes to crap it will move the civilian factory I hate when this happens it's said Mongolia when I got it it should be built in Mongolia we had to take this directly but when we go to war with China we'll be able to release them as a pop in the meantime you go to the sink en border can I change you into colonial units all of you yes I can that is great okay so they'll be using manpower from our subject ma has also built some troops we will request to them and make them join our attack it is now time to declare war on Sinkiang here we go and it is time to start just fine yet another war go I'm just going to confirm that it's actually going to be better for us after than 50 days until we finish 350 for that yeah I think so yes it costs more political power mother it is faster to just have always two justifying yeah it's it's all good essentially we just have to give them time they will manage all right now there are not in a great position and Japan has attacked China which basically means it's time to attack China and this is why we attacked so early because now with the Chinese United Front forming are your possessions would get a next maybe I should have stuck with in with cavalry they are much faster now one I take it they should capitulate theoretically and they have I'm going to make Sinkiang my puppet our forces are deployed and our war goal is complete which means it's time to attack Afghanistan unfortunately we have to call all our allies including the Soviet Union into this one I have decided we're going to conquer Afghanistan Iran and Tibet before we go after China so Tibet is next let's see how the war against Afghanistan will go I have to call everyone in which means the Soviets might want to steal some territory for themselves which would be very unfortunate indeed right almost there almost at the capital is that enough yes it is all right I'm going to make you a puppet of mine and I'm going to give you this area wonderful well the Russians have not gotten anything we have some extra political power I think it is time that we spent it on a fascist demagogue because we do want to switch our ideology because fascists get better puppets and we will want to turn against the Soviet Union we don't want to switch ideologies before Germany attacks Poland because that would that could hinder our justifications we are ready to attack Iran and it should not be too difficult now we have to call in Afghanistan nor should we going to call in all my puppets should be quite easy indeed this is going quite smoothly and I will have to annex Iran directly because Great Britain actually has focuses that gives them more goals against Iran and Iraq and while we can't have a Britain attacking us can we so what we can do about it and is just hold the territory ourselves well that will help us anyway because we'll get more factories Germans have sent them volunteers this is a problem and the Italians as well well crap the situation made it necessary for me to create another army and get all the troops I could under this cars command so they could detect a bet and here's our justification already I suppose I'll attack immediately oh I can get a fascist coup now we have to be careful with that what's our support only twenty two so it's not gonna happen yet we have to be careful with that because people could start getting guarantees he's an attack on Tibet go you should do and when you reach level nine you're gonna be Field Marshal perhaps it would be better to justify against someone else like a rack how long will that take 225 because they have the extra guy yeah I could I could deal with that and I could even do an parsimoniously that's the bet I'm almost done the great Tibet has capitulated I'm going to puppet Tibet our attack on the ran was not supposed to be this difficult let's try a manual attack of their capital perhaps we can get that and get some more victory points afterwards oh that was quick and the fascist coup well that could be bad for us unfortunately I do have to take you directly okay if I was just cool if I was just cool the ruin my justification chances because they will get guarantees most likely which means I have to cancel justifications and the redo them once France and Britain are at war with Germany which is a pity we just lost simpatico but I didn't expect the could happen so quickly we've switched our government where the Mongol Empire and I can fire the fascist demagogue let's get justifying on China 45 days only yeah that will work out nicely go our war goal is ready so a few things can happen I have also deployed some troops we organize them and so on let's attack China the clone war mmm wait an hour so they can call the People's Republic of China okay now I can call in my puppets I don't need to call in the Soviet Union I don't want to call in the Soviet Union it's not necessary all right and I can release a new puppet because now that's where's war they will not get next so release and they will be a fascist puppet which is better because they automatically give us civilian production I'm hoping to get at least the People's Republic of China as a puppet and hopefully some territory over here which can give me factories but most of all manpower for example this region here just look at the manpower this would be perfect Germany is a vacuum Poland Poland disjointed allies and that means Poland is about to be destroyed unfortunately with France and Britain are now at war with Germany which means I can start justifying some more goals should we start with I suppose that could take Nepal and Bhutan or I could take Saudi Arabia Iraq Yemen and Oman I would like to take all of them alternatively I could attack Turkey but that would be a big difficult fight probably not the best choice ever so how much we start with these guys here 30 days only oh right China comes as a major nation that's perfect about you yeah we have to do one by one we have to do them one by one but then I can declare war and not call in the subjects which will just lock them unable to do anything which will be perfect I just hope they don't get guaranteed and they didn't now Japan will get most of the stuff but I'm hoping for at least a little bit okay justification for Nepal is ready I'm not going to talk to me yet because that would make them join the Chinese alliance all right I should be just fine anyone almost forgot Bhutan your turn no justification ready I suppose I'll go against Iraq next China has capitulated well good news but my war goal is going to expire tomorrow so I kind of need to attack now you know what I'm going to slow this down and attack them an hour before midnight right it's 11 p.m. let's attack Nepal and now the Peace Conference against China oh crap the joint well that means a wooden the power will be over probably okay what did Japan take okay this is actually more than I expected to take and this is going to give us tremendous amounts of manpower even though its non-core I'm still at war with Nepal and they have inherited the Chinese United Front thingy let's send our guys there the Chinese United Front is a thing we're going to be calling people in dynamite actually be good for us let me stay can't join allies or anything like that we'll go against back there this done I'm not going to declare war yet we have two months but I will start a new one I will start a war well against Saudi Arabia only 25 days don't with what was a major interesting so the fact that the Chinese united front is a thing makes them a major thus letting us quickly justify moguls that is very beneficial actually Bhutan has capitulated but Nepal is now the leader of the Alliance I think I'm going to just leave a small force around here and let them block Nepal now if this counts as being at war with a major that means I'll be able to justify what goes on everyone I want to justify war goes on and they will in turn join the Chinese United Front which might even make me able to conquer something like Bulgaria okay Iraq your time has come they have joined the Chinese United Front Saudi Arabia is next and Yemen and Oman that's interesting Finland has been called in as promotion to Field Marshal and give him the remaining forces I am just fine on own man now and afterwards I think we should go after Turkey Bulgaria and Romania if we can reach the mountains here which is going to be quite difficult especially since we don't have any planes and Iraq has capitulated wonderful I especially like the fact that we just got some ex stuff and the planes are going to come in handy and so is all the infantry equipment that we just got let's go and they should join the same Alliance now and so they did or call against Oman is ready which means I think it's time to start working on Turkey and we'll probably join the same Alliance and so might Romania if you'll mean that the Soviets will conquer it that's okay we can't let our goals expire so it's almost time to declare another war and we'll go against Turkey done I suppose we might want to attack Bulgaria yes let's do that also let's declare war on Yemen because the Walker will expire soon otherwise Japan joined axis actually no I could have declared war on Japan if I'd Japan with them of the rest of the axis that would have been very difficult though and probably counterproductive even with the Soviet Union on our side well the Saudis Zeppelin capture light now yes they have wonderful give me all that juicy equipment okay it's time to declare war on Oman as well women how many factories do I have I have 47 factories hmm if I cancel on my tray that will give me 51 factories which means we can start now the fourth research slot the war would Yemen is already in progress and Oman well soon get attacked but let's just get our troops in position we still have a little bit of time a war go against Bulgaria as ready I'm going to use it immediately so that they join the alliance I want them to join I will also attack on maan now Turkey will have to wait in any case let us continue Oman has been called in and who has bull gear wonderful this is exactly what we wanted to happen now we also need to declare war in Turkey let's make sure that our goal does not expire Yemen capitulated Franz has kept pitch elated well that was to be expected and so has oh man that is a lot of infantry equipment which makes me happy that I'm basically only making pure infantry and I do have a few planes just a few which one are going to be able to reach the area oh well that's unfortunate I think it's time to attack Turkey it's going to be difficult fight let's see from a adjoins yes they have which means Romania cannot attack Bulgaria they'll be all right now and hopefully I can get through here and get this area because I will need this a little bit of Romania for our challenge we are indeed making some gains attack in the weak point and we're through ok this is going much better than I expected actually thought it would have some serious trouble in here actually I might be able to cut them off from support which will make it even easier on the ball I think we're doing pretty well oh the Soviets are fighting Romania that's unfortunate do we want anyone else to join the Chinese unite at the front before we do anything else I'm thinking Greece is probably the last possible option here well let's get a quick war go on Greece we might be able to get them as well now we're in the same war no it's not the same but it's against the same people as the Soviets are fighting so they might want to try and steal some stuff from us the war begins Greece is ready but we're not ready to attack them yet finally thank you very much okay now that Turkey has capitulated I can move on to Bulgaria Greece and Romania Romania is a legionary country but they have not joined the axis also and Germany is trying to get into war with the Soviet Union which is actually something I want because I wanted to get into a war with the Soviet Union as well let's let our guys get over to the Constantinople area and they will be ready to attack huh Italy declared war on Greece which is hmm slightly unfortunate so after we're done with Bulgaria Romania and Greece we will get ready to fight the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union will be busy fighting Germany and Germany attacked the Soviet well I'm not going to come and help them and Romania has capitulated to us which is great now I just need to adjust the front line a little bit and we'll have Bulgaria and Greece and in no time since we're about to end this war why don't we attack them as well I don't think we want to call anyone else in right we're about to make a Nepal capitulate which will end the war so our lines get ready for that Peace Conference I do have some plans and here it is okay so I'm going to pass several times because I want to basically I'm expecting the Soviet Union to try and take Finland and bits of Romania and they do have quite a lot of more squatting here so I'm going to pass several times I let them take some stuff which will give me more score and then I will try to puppet everyone I can I mean Italy might interfere and take some of the Greece but that's not a big deal for me like I see this opportunity is already taking stuff they have more than I do mm best Arabia let's give them some more time okay I think at this point we have enough to sign a peace deal so mmm right I'm going to try and get as many puppets as possible I will actually be able to puppet everyone including Finland but not Iraq and I don't want to pop it Iraq I wanted to take their territory directly hey let's end the turn and oh the Soviets have puppeted Iraq not the problem I'm going to war with the Soviets soon so I'll just squash them when that happens and now that we have established those puppets let's give them back their own territory it's cheaper that way it's cheaper in war score and here we go this is the result of the Peace Conference I actually decided to take a bit of Turkey in myself because according to the map phone calls I used to own a bit here okay now let's get ready to fight the Soviet Union here's what I've done I have created some orders assigned troops to them and started creating tons and tons colonial units of colonial units and each of them is automatically going to join one of or attack orders against the Soviet Union we have populate Finland so I sent some troops to attack the Soviet Union from the Finnish borders hmm we're still in the Comintern so they can just a walk all right I think it's time to get going let's stop the training even though it's not complete but it did help a bit and yeah and leave the faction we're going to leave comment on now I'm going to have to wait until all the Soviet troops leave our territory because otherwise well there will be a bit of trouble with that oh crap all the troops have requested from my subjects while we turned home dammit no matter I'll do this again all right it's redone have 160 units that is quite a lot and some of them are even tanks or something I think I think we're ready to engage the Soviet Union most other troops left our territory not all of them to remain behind for some reason but we're going to destroy them soon now all that remains is to join the axis they have accepted and now I'm going to join their war but just the one against the Soviet Union and activate all my orders here we go and also make sure to call in all my subjects this is indeed some quick advancement I am happy with the result of that I'm going to try and connect these frontlines old than these well accepting lend-lease from subjects will increase their autonomy but it's not a problem I'm going to have a lots and lots of factories that will be building stuff for them which will reduce the autonomy we must make sure to properly defend our territory but as soon as these guys relocate that will be the case tentative are gave up well that was quick and we did get some equipment from it I seriously need more troops to defend my capital because yeah we manage a vast empire but if we get conquered will be forced to capitulate so yeah go and defended please Iraq has capitulate ok they were dangerously close to my capstone but we have arrived so it's fine I suppose I I guess we could use more troops here you know what I think I need someone to garrison my capital just in case so I've sent some troops the garrison our homeland that should be sufficient controlling it is quite important for you know the purpose of NOT capitulating also i have forgotten this earlier but i will not forget it and never forget it now let's get that 5th research slot the u.s. has joined the Allies fortunately we are not in the war against the Allies this is looking good it doesn't seem like we have anything to worry about this is starting to look a little bit more like the Mongol Empire although we're so far off from the actual goal and unfortunately we are already starting to feel the effects of the slowdown that I mentioned just look at her the pace the gun and the game is running it which is unfortunate but I can't afford an upgrade to my system at the moment alright and I think we'll get Moscow soon and it will be ours it will be mongolian and Moscow is ours now just hold it and the Soviet Union shall capitulate to us I hope I have even sent some of my units individually to capture key victory points and here it is the Soviet Union has capitulated and we have more Wars caught in Germany I've decided I'm going to puppet at the Soviet Union and then use the numerous numerous factories they have and we have to build stuff in their territory quickly that's reducing their autonomy and the next thing of them so do I want to suffer at anyone no I think the Soviet Union itself will be enough mm-hmm does it appear as a puppet yet no so I have to end the turn and I could start taking stuff for the Soviet Union already or I could pass a little bit and see how much we can get here's the outcome I had to pass a few times and that let Germany take this much territory Japan didn't actually take anything and now that is it I have taken ton it over myself I have taken Iraq myself and I have created a Russian puppet that got all the rest now once we're next them this is going to look much more like an empire our next order of business is to lower the autonomy of our subjects and start an Xing and we're going to start with Russia we only proper to them so that we can get more territory on the Chi there are two basic ways you can lower autonomy by building stuff in their territory and by sending them land Lee we're going to build tons of civilian factories for the Russians which will lower their autonomy very quickly and then we know annexation as you can see the fact that we're building already is having an effect and thus we have relatively quickly and gotten to the point where we can reduce the autonomy of the Russian Empire let's do that now they're going to contribute some of their military factories to our use but apart from that not much has changed at least not until we actually reach annexation it's gonna take a while longer for that to happen after some time has passed while we were constructing and sending stuff to what used to be the Soviet Union were about to be ready to integrate them into our country here we go fifty political power to annex them ok new Mongol Empire is looking much more like the new manga I know isn't it now it is we're still far away from actually yeah let's update the factories that's much better we're still quite far away from possibly getting all the territories that we'd need to you know reform the Mongol Empire that used to be however that's a good ninety percent I think if we include the subjects but I'm going to try enacting some more subjects and also prepare for a possible final push against Germany in Japan which I might not be able to execute we'll see about that and the US are going to fight the Germans I am completely fine with that actually time to index another puppet this time it's MA another one of our puppets is about to be annexed to this time it's Romania because I'm not sure how much land here I need I think I need this bit so yeah here you go that's Romania for you time for thinking to join the family wait a minute the tooltip said the cost was fifty political power but a drained three hundred from me and this rate I won't have enough vodka politics everyone I want this is making me relatively angry I did some more indexing and it's looking much more like the Mughal Empire but we're not completely done which still needs to take this and the part of Germany so I'm going to attack the axis for now let's leave faction did ascend some of my troops home the ones we had the requisitioned from countries that is a bit of a problem can I justify war go how long will that take forty days sure sure I'm going to justify war call against them then I probably rejoin the Alliance for a moment now that we have our war goal against Germany we're going to rejoin the faction for a little while just so they pulled our troops back from the border because you know don't trust us I think rejoin in the axis for a moment and they should start pulling them back from the border now we're very sneaky you know Mongolians my work in Germany is ready but I'm going to have to let it expire I have a better plan it has been fun being part of the axis as the new Mongol Empire it has been beneficial however it's time to conquer Germany so I'm going to use a little bit of strategy that I call order 66 that I came up with a while ago we're going to execute a sneak attack against an ally so how are we going to do this we are in a faction with them and with the proper ideology so they will accept us again if we leave the faction let's say I wanted to be top Germany just Germany I can't beat up all of them simultaneously we don't have enough troops for that so I'm going to leave the faction for a little while and start just to find a war goal against someone else in that faction someone who is not my main target in this case I'm going to choose Hungary let's justify a war goal against Hungary and now amass a lot of troops near this area in the meantime I'm also going to hire a democratic reform because we would like to join the Allies soon our goal against Hungary is ready and our main army is at the German borders so what we're going to do now is a rejoin of the faction where the same ideology and they like us relatively so we can rejoin and now that we have rejoined we're going to be a good neighbor a good friend a good eye and help them defend their territory we have garrison to Germany but only the States and they own not once they control because only those will count for their capitulation now I'm going to cancel this order and manually reorganize my troops so there's at least one unit in each of those provinces manual reorganization is complete we have troops everywhere or almost everywhere now there are measures in place in the game to prevent such things which is why we need such a huge army to do this because half of these troops will just die most probably anyway it's time to work it's time to do the thing first we need to be paused and do several things simultaneously first we leave the faction you all notice that our subjects troops were sent home well we will have to re-request them in a moment now we declare war on Hungary I can declare war on Slovakia as well we'll do that because they are a puppet now Germany will get called in and hopefully we'll get older stuff but first let's we request all the troops for my ten and glorious puppets let's make sure all these guys are assigned to this army so they can benefit from this fuel marshals glorious skills now let's slow the thing down and they go the Exile didn't they don't worry it's fine just need them to stop where they are Italy has been called in stop again just hold position until Germany joins I can just keep clicking this or do the shortcut H they are slowly regaining organization even though the moment of exile you know made them loss or lose a lot of organization but that's not going to be a big problem ok Yugoslavia and Germany have been called in as you can see we immediately good control of a lot of the German territories because we had the troops there now this is not enough to make them capitulate because those are not the victory points they have people in their victory points we will have to retake them but we surround them we don't have organization but that's not a big deal now I'm going to call all my allies in will have to deal with you know other participants in a moment but first let's try and get Germany to capitulate shall we we Green all across the board we are winning all these battles well not all of them but a lot of them let's move more troops in when did you get those troops you didn't have any near Berlin and you couldn't get them here so quickly is it that a teleportation technique they're right you guys attack grahas the thing is we surround them they will not have supplies in those areas and we did lose quite a lot of troops already I think but it's okay you go there and attack Munich Strasbourg yes that is important attack who's the attacker here we are attacking that's not good Hamburg I could now redo the garrison order okay when you still need Berlin we have to press our attack on it wait a minute I know what I can do I can nuke it that should be enough let's see if we can get Berlin with those nukes did that decrease their national unity it did but only a little bit Frankfurt is mine good good I should probably redo your order and give you the garrison again Cheers focus on victory points all right do you think atomic bombing of brandenburg yes indeed and all these guys will be without supply berlin is ours how much more do we need hmm just a bit how about a munich munich is an important place let's try and think that as well and see they will be receiving no supply in most of those locations now that we have cut them off like this this is a very risky tactic because if you fail you will lose most of your army some would say this is cheating but i don't think so see there are measures against this sort of tactic for example some troops spawned in German territories normally if you know if I didn't have such a huge army my troops will just get obliterated and it's not really that unrealistic because you can theoretically have your troops stationed in your allies territories and just give you know a secret order - and here there's to attack everyone okay let's cancel that garrison order shall we that's looking much better wait a minute why didn't I get that territory no matter we'll get it in a moment now Germany has capitulated which means well all those troops just disappeared well not all of them with most of them so things are gonna be a little bit easier on us now it's time to you know reorganize our troops around here and I didn't really pay attention to the troops I left here to defend against Japan but they will need to get some love as well I've reorganized the troops now they just need to reach their destination I also asked Poland for military access we don't really need any of their territory so this is not a problem that you know they got land and I would like to join the eyes we are working two more towards the democracy to do it advancing into Italy is very problematic but we don't do really need to do that we don't really need to advance anywhere in here we were only doing that because otherwise we would get attacked by those guys anyway with Germany out of the picture this is much easier than it otherwise would have been advancing aggressively into Hungary and we have almost taken everything from Germany Poland got their lands back but we basically don't need them and even if we did need a little bit of them well I'm polish so I'm fine with this who can i nuke them yeah I should nuke them where are my planes is one going to be sufficient probably perhaps - that one would have been enough Budapest is ours and we can index - bet that's our next bet that's looking a bit better continuing with Hungary Hungary has capitulated I'm going to detach most of them and move them to Asia I'm only going to leave one fourth in here the Allies will do most of the work I'm guessing and we're going to exchange commanders as you can see a fresh amount of troops in the Asian front is having an effect we are pushing into India and we might be able to cut them in half soon I'm also planning to join the Allies as soon as my Democratic support reaches a 30% which is a requirement our offensive in India has provided significant results and in general we are getting much closer to owning all the stuff that we need and I think it's time to join the Allies we have enough Democratic support to do that we just need a chill to agree hello ciao ciao oh yeah it needs to be greater than 30 all right so we'll have to wait a little bit longer here this asked to join faction and now we stand together boom they were inviting us anyway ah they're calling us to join this war so they can be merged I have no problem with that let's accept there's going to be a little bit more convenient to attack our enemies because we'll be able to attack from allied territory and they will do some of the heavy lifting for us especially with Italy they are doing that already I didn't devote a lot of troops here and I did put them on cautious because I really don't need that territory for anything a significant and development Italy has capitulated that makes it much easier to clean up all the remaining territory here India is now taken care of hmm the US has a landed but they don't have a port so this army is going to get destroyed okay let's nuke Yugoslavia one more time and everyone go take sorry ever with that nuke incoming it will be very easy boomer I think it's time to start a new king Japan we have our superiority and we have a bomber in range let's drop some nukes that should help them that should help a bit watch our national unity 57 only know right we just need to do it again and they're going to be much easier to conquer in the meantime I'm going to next Turkey because I'm not sure about the borders shape I think I should own this place kanya so I'm going to next time will you capitulate now please oh man cuckoo has capitulated I was expecting Yugoslavia to capitulate well that's nice as well finally Yugoslavia has capitulated but only leaves are Spain and Europe bad that's not gonna last very long you none has capitulated well it doesn't change much but it is always helpful we need to deal with Japan and I should probably start working on a naval invasion supplemented by some nuclear bombing all right another capitulation oh and we can get elections I don't I'm not in a hurry to switch the democracy and the nationalist Spain well that leaves nobody in Europe and yeah I'm moving my troops to attack Japan man Chuco capitulated that only leaves what we organized nationalist China and Japan itself cool it's no time for a nuke assisted naval invasion of Japan but let's just let these guys get in position and prepare shall we and China capitulated wonderful this leaves only Japan I think it's time to launch some of them have not reached their starting positions he had by that's okay at least a few will be sufficient I'll be reorganizing everything after that anyway oh and Britain has landed as well so perhaps I don't even need to go let's see right and when they can get closer I'll start nuking that port so they actually have a chance to land alternatively I could just use the British port but let's get our own - should be enough maybe three come on land people and here we are okay we've landed and now it's time to reorganize everything I've painted some orders assigned more troops to this unit and switched commanders now let's see how that goes quickly building naval bases in every province we capture in Japan tactical nuking will soon be available if necessary might not be necessary anymore because Japan doesn't seem to have a very strong defense on the home islands and finally total victory is just a matter of time and this nuke is not one of mine for Japan as you can see the game is running extremely slowly now that might even obliterate those divisions completely alright all of southern Japan is taken well almost let's move north now it's not go that's time to shine well glow go and all of you just attack nagoya once we take it they should surrender and then a peace deal and they have capitulated and this is the peace conference okay I'm going to take some time to hammer out a suitable peace deal alright we're done with the peace conference and this is what the world looks like we have succeeded we have taken all the lines we needed to reform the mongol empire and a little bit more i he did take a little bit more than I needed to him because I just can't pass up all the war score but I'm going to try and sculpt at the borders a little bit now to better fit the map so when you go to manage occupied territories I could release some nations let's release austra as a puppet I'm going to release some puppets and return to talking about it okay I released some puppets to make the land look more like it's supposed to and now I'm going to be very altruistic and return some of the land that I don't need to mine you own eyes like Germany oh it pains me to do so but I will do it and just to make my body look better because I'm ending it here we'll return territory to happen to Charles Baba Kia will return territory to Lithuania and I'm also going to return territory to Italy not normally I would never do that but you know this game is just for recreating the borders of the Mongol Empire now I can't really Sturkey really because they'll get some of the stuff that we need same with Romania you know what to be even closer to the map I am even going to return territory to Japan so let's examine our borders I think that's pretty much perfect isn't it there might be small discrepancies for example these cities here a little bit here perhaps a slight irregularity in the border with the British Raj not necessarily though and some irregularities here but I couldn't really do it perfectly and we do hold everything that we should hold apart from these bits here but you know what Mongolia has Irvine for started with what four factories I think that's close enough thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed this very very long challenge seriously took me almost a week to record this so please in the future try to give me shorter ones and speaking about that make sure to let me know in the comments what you liked what you didn't like what you would do the same and what you would do differently and most importantly remember to suggest what my next challenge should be and the option that gets the most votes in the comments will be the next challenge but please keep them a bit shorter than this one ok thanks for watching again and I hope to see you soon good bye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 941,812
Rating: 4.8953075 out of 5
Keywords: taureor, hoi4 mongol challenge, world conquest, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hoi4 ironman mongolia, hoi4, hearts of iron iv mongolia challenge, hoi4 gameplay, hearts, four, iron, hearts of iron 4 mongolia challenge, hoi4 challenge, ironman, hoi4 mongols, hoi4 mongol empire challenge, hoi4 mongolia challenge, hoi4 mongolia world conquest, hoi4 meme, hearts of iron 4, of, hearts of iron 4 fail, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hoi4 mongolia, hoi4 mongol empire
Id: 0uASXxZDh5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 31sec (2851 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2017
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