Hearts of Iron 4 Challenge: Ottomans (The Ottoman Empire)

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hello everyone I am Toria and welcome to it and at one of my hunts of wine for challenges and this time we're going to play as turkey and restore the Ottoman Empire at its greatest power this is not the highest voted challenge perhaps but it has been requested time and time again and I'm sure that many of you want to see it if you want to know how I choose the challenges exactly watch the Ostrava do I do explain it there now some of those suggestions have the qualifier that I can't join alliances and stuff like that I'm going to ignore that because exporting diplomacy is the most enjoyable part of this game for me so there's that but we're going to play is turkey in iron man and restore the Ottoman Empire at its greatest extent alright let's go we're going to be yeah this is my second attempt sir basically we have to basically we have to switch ideologies very quickly for this to work for this plan that I have to work and if I fail again then I'll probably switch up the plan or try one more time anyway I'm going to be using this we keep it your mouth for reference which suggests I'm not a historian but if I understand this correctly we need to conquer Greece Albania Yugoslavia Hungary Czechoslovakia or rather Slovakia Romania Bulgaria bits of Soviet Union and you know this area genetic research choices political effort produce lots of guns and nothing else and I'm surely going to need to deploy some more troops even if they're not well equipped as for factories yeah just give me some more military ones although I suppose I should do infrastructure because I'm going to be building this up quite a lot doc yawns yeah just do convoys and I suppose that is it's building wise we start with 27 units and several commanders so that's not too bad and yeah let's unpause and get going and speed things up of course political effort is a done let's elect a collectivist ëthis and hire an advisor unfortunately we have to turn communist because it can be done much fast I would much rather turn fascist because it is technically superior within a superior within the game you get better puppets but you can always switch later the sad thing about it is we will miss out on militarism and military youth but we can always supplement that with puppets and why do we need to switch so early well because I want to attack Chiho Slovakia by attacking Yugoslavia and by I think mid-july 37 trois Lavaca will revoke its guarantees so we need to start justifying in autumn we've done collectivist at this and now we unfortunately have to do internationalism focus why well because we need to maximize our chances of switching the government quickly and that will do it nationalism focuses of course superior because you get militarism but we would have to be very very lucky to succeed in my plan as fascists doing it as a communist will be faster easier which means also more likely and with 20% this is where the lottery begins why not well because 20% is Oh perfect is the cutoff point for this event now we are at 35% and it's August I would need to do that by the end of October we need to switch governments by the end of October for everything to work out correctly so we would need like two more events or 1 either coup activator which can still happen or something that will further increase the community support and then the switch event which can be either the referendum or the coup itself perfect same event again so now now we have 50% now have 50% support that means we can actually get of the referendum oh come on just one more event we need to have this happen before the end of October otherwise otherwise it won't work well the first days of November should also be ok but generally before the end of October and should i do internation I suppose let's get that extra vodka power before we move into the industrial focus come on less than a month left we are ready to get a referendum it should it usually happens very quickly oh come on yes whoo all right almost the last possible moment yes referendum is preferable to a bloody revolt of course all right let's stop justifying our war goals I'll attack Yugoslavia and Romania normally I would attack Greece and have Romania called in to help Greece but yeah when I was testing this Romania for some reason did not get called it and that might be due to the fact that they are guaranteeing us I don't know anyway let's justify a whoa go on Yugoslavia then now that should dude yeah 240 days that's fine because that will finish before just like it leaves mmm those guarantees now the next step is doing Romania perhaps not this one though Montaigne would be better yes and I can actually do that through a naval invasion which you can see me planning but yeah the good thing about Turkey is that we start with a rather sizable Navy so we don't have to actually go through Greece or Bulgaria we can leave them for later what we need to do is do a naval invasion of Yugoslavia and from there we'll be able to take Romania and Czechoslovakia oh one more thing before we go on I need to switch to fascism next so I'm going to exchange this guy for fascist demagogue why do I need to switch to fascism well because it is generally superior it is generally superior in the way that you get better puppets also I need to join the access so where we can beat up Italy together with Germany and from here we'll be able to run towards Belgrad and beat them up we have enough political power to switch over to war economy I also want to give with free trade and possibly extensive conscription I should probably also mention that in the meantime I've been improving relations with UK and France to prevent them from guaranteeing the guys over here it would be prudent to switch to free trade just because it gives such nice bonuses to factories a war goal against Yugoslavia is almost ready we should be able to defeat them rather easily well let's go and that will : Czechoslovakia wonderful before all they cancelled all their guarantees and we also have to do the same we started a naval invasion now which should be successful and we'll have to do the same thing against Romania well we can attack Romania from Yugoslavian territory of course but it will be more efficient if we attack them from both sides are we doing here great ok right well world what the hell blond Bob how are you doing they halted them that's better alright I'm going to give them some manual orders and reorganize them and give some and give them some more troops right and that's a manual all this and once these are connected I'm going to send them all the other units make sure to get the front line so that all these guys will actually start transporting we don't want to win too quickly if we take ba grab that is a straight up easy victory and we wouldn't want to do that because well that might mean that Romania gets guaranteed by some people no we can get the fascist coup now that's actually good because we do want to join the axis so that we can beat up the Italians together we should be able to take Sarajevo now and oh crap I didn't expect that this would be enough to make them capitulate alright I'm just going to take everything although when puppeting be a less invasive all right let's just take everything and hope this Romanian doesn't get extra guarantees if they do I'm screwed so far so good no new guarantees yet I do hope it stays that way otherwise I'm in trouble we have to be quick we need to beat up just lucky before Germany has a chance to conquer them well let's be bad we mostly want to draw all their attention here so without this invasion can land without any trouble right and we're ready to attack Romania conquer here we go ooh so--but volunteers of course yes thank you no it's not looking not bad at all actually not bad at all and the Soviets have sent us volunteers all right now we know there's an army here and we're sending invasions to these two that should be sufficient to beat these guys up also I might be able to make a run for Bucharest and we have landed that was quick but my orders aligned that this we should be okay although I should probably focus on taking this port - perhaps I need to go to brush off just go here and then down south now crap that's a well defended position mm-hmm it's entirely possible that this naval invasion won't be defeated all right I'm gonna lose those two units that's unfortunate but unavoidable right now just make sure to hold the ports perhaps not the perfect naval invasion but we are currently holding three ports let's go to extensive conscription I will need that manpower right now actually and you should be aggressive because huh filter army has gone here hmm we're being pushed back but as long as these guys persist and hold at least one port we should be all right no oh this is interesting you hold that attack move here instead we have been pushed back to one port about they have done their job they have destructed the enemy so we could break through here right how much more do I need to make them capitulate not much just a bit more and when we take this victory points they should surrender actually before we take them I should get a non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union because we're both communists they should agree now as for Romania I'm just going to take everything why well because I want to release them as a puppet once we turn fascist this fascist puppets are superior I also asked the Soviets for military access because they would accept let's for Java Slovakia I'm going to try and deliver them into a trap if all goes well their troops will go here and then I can cut them off probably if we leave them an opening like that they should try and race towards our victory points no no no don't block the nice enemy yes let them in go more in all right at this point we might be able to start our attack on surface of Austria that means we need to hurry also extra research slot to is available because we have all those Romanian factories right can we cut them off ah and they have been surrounded beautiful isn't it now a second part of the plan these troops here will not have any supply they will be attrition Inge and they will be easily defeated as you can see the enemy doesn't really stand a chance and once I can reunite all our troops with the main forces we shouldn't have any trouble breaking through towards just back in mainland and we get a fascist coup and that is good because we could get volunteers from Italy in Germany on the other hand that will drive the world tension up so I think I'm going to delay the coup as much as possible I'm just going to let it all to expire in the month is I don't actually need to destroy those troops I just need to keep them contained let's assign most units here and just leave several to God at the area as you can see what the majority of their forces trapped in our territory well okay and civil war oh no no not that I'll let these all expire and now we are a fascist country actually I should just do Manuel orders good for Prague some of you are bound to succeed Germany wants to send volunteers normally I would Excel what I don't want to drive the world don't you know now what about to take Joe Slovak here and I'm going to make them a puppet I'm going to make them a puppet and I'm going to join axis so you know the fate of Jehovah cos shouldn't happen now Germany is not doing demands that land yet so that's not a problem let's join our faction actually let's perhaps start justifying will go on Italy first and now join the faction there right perfect now we have our puppets ja Slovakia we're also going to deploy new puppets we're going to get Romania and we're going to get the Balkan countries as our new puppets let's go to manage occupy the territories and we're going to attack Italy together with Germany provided these and join the axis I'm going to release the Serbia release Croatia release Montenegro not Romania not yet if all goes well we should be able to beat up Italy with foreign help have created some colonial templates and changed some of my units to them so that we can conserve manpower I'm also building them with secret weapons done we get four bonuses to electronics and they are actually quite significant because I'm going to use them on this this and this and this why well because these guys are very powerful global bonuses to research which do stuck up and they are quite powerful Germany's doing demands shtetl and I thought that was impossible wait a minute this should not work this focus will cancel if requirements are not met for human Empire is not infection with German Reich it is infection with German Reich so it should stop if I understand this correctly is this a bug well we'll see what happens we'll see what happens I mean I can give them to that amount it's not amazing territory and we don't need it for the challenge but I'll be very unfortunate if I had to do that see if I just annexed Joseph okay that wouldn't have happened so obviously I was I mean I was convinced it wouldn't be able to do that if we were in a faction together and we are in a faction together perhaps I was wrong all right let's see what happens when Germany finishes demands Sudetenland I have not been in this situation before you can to get a claim and the walk of focus or we give them stuff well it doesn't matter that they get to walk home because we are in the same faction so yeah we are in the clear we assert Eastern claims not a problem we're friends with Renard invite the faction did I not join the faction did you throw me out of the faction well it didn't say so in the event but I suppose it doesn't matter now we are back in mmm interesting Poland joined allies already that was quick at least Italy did and joined access which is what I'm interested in curious Hungary is guaranteed by France and the UK somehow and they're also getting ready to fight me they demand it from Slovakia not from me really they have a war go okay they did get a war go now we just have to hope that they will actually act on it because I do want to fight Hungary but I don't want to fight the Allies who are guaranteeing Hungary for some reason since Hungary is already hostile to me I think I can safely release Romania that's released Romania release nation oh crap it changed my order actually I don't think they'll attack and if they do I'll reorganize my troops quickly for now we need to get ready to beat up Italy oh really that's cool Hungary attacked me that's very good for me actually and I didn't automatically call anyone in which is fine okay that means I am realizing my troops yet again let's call it our Papa's but not Germany go on attack hungry yeah crap where does just keep changing my frontlines I do hate when that happens I only want to attack from the south that'll actually deal with hungry way earlier than I anticipated I will be able to bloody hell alright um I am angry at the borders or rather the attack orders changing constantly so I'm just going to tag them manually come on take the capital and they surrendered I am going to pop it to the kingdom of Hungary and they're going to provide me with tons and tons of troops our war against Italy is now complete so without any further delays let's just attack I'm going to call some of my allies not all of them I need to call Germany but they might be reluctant let's see wait I'm into wrong that wrong my call to arms yeah they don't want to join but if I corner allies they might have changed in mind I am going to call Romania jeho Slovakia and Serbia because they don't have direct borders or you know hmm they can't be invaded they can't be invaded by the Italians and they might convince the Germans get up and that will do for now okay how about now would you like to join now still no hmm I'm going to try and call you anyway and we'll see and finally Germany has joined wonderful it shouldn't be too difficult with them on our side ah the Soviets aren't canceling their non-aggression pact with us this could lead to trouble but as we have released Romania as a puppet they should at least in theory give the territory to the Soviets if the Soviets stop you know getting any ideas they shouldn't be getting more of a Ribbentrop pact and Albania was taken well the fact that Albania was taken is not a problem for me we're going to take Albania or right back that's four more toward even drop well that leads to Germany attacking Poland and that well that is going to let us justify in Greece and Bulgaria now once Germany attacks the Allies I'm going to have to wait a little bit before I start justifying just to make sure they don't start guaranteeing people and how are we gonna do that well we're going to well improve relations with them again because they're going to deteriorate a little bit and actually start lend leasing to the Allies our attack against Italy is not going to badly although it could be going better for now I have decided to call in my remaining countries my remaining puppets to the war so that we can take Zara so for that purpose let's go to the war management screen and just call everyone else in there all right I would like to take Bulgaria Greece Iraq Saudi Arabia Oman Yemen Iran and Afghanistan if I can ah we've taken roads good and here it goes Poland has refused the German ultimatum which means the Germans are about to attack Poland well for our purposes it means it's time to start sucking up to the Allies why well because we need them to not hate us so they wouldn't start guaranteeing all the countries we will be justifying our war goes on so for that purpose I am going to send them then lease and improve relations with them first I'm going to improve relations with France and Britain and send them some convoys and then delays let's say 30 each that should max out our relations increase and then we'll send them some gradually afterwards also we will limit the amount of world tension that we generate by attacking them gradually and not necessarily finishing the war Germany is not doing great because they have to focus on two front lines it's time to start justifying or go on the Greece no guarantees no guarantees at least not yet I'm going to set my guys to cautious because we don't actually want to win the wars yet because an Xing or puppeting them will give us extra world tension and that is something we don't want we'll go on Greece is already let's attack and who's next well normally it took people Gary although people give me sometimes attacks Romania so I'm going to leave Bulgaria alone for now and to Iraq instead because of Bulgaria would attack me well that would save me one more justification wouldn't it ok wake up the Italians offered some more manual management another one goal is already let's attack Iraq no is Bulgaria going to attack me probably not but I can wait a little bit longer we're going to do the ran next now we can focus on pushing down south in the meantime we have finished our justification against Iran that stands out to population of 42 people yeah alright okay there you go let's make sure to improve relations with the allies we have to do that periodically so you know we need to keep them high normally that wouldn't be a problem but taking jostle avec it has cost us quite a lot in terms of relations justification against the Saudis is already I should declare war immediately and as for Bulgaria you know what I'm going to wait two days because they're about to finish the focus they might change their mind about attacking us next one more day and then we just found them all right Drina is going to attack us at least not for a while so let's let's get them a manual troop management so powerful our goal against Bulgaria is already so it would be a mistake to delay an attack on them now I have not probably I have not given enough troops to you know secure the border so have to keep a close close eye on them I can always request additional troops from roaming and bohemian Empire and meantime let's start just fine on Afghanistan manual troop management is so powerful dammit this happens sometimes but I wasn't paying attention to this frontline and somehow it got deleted and my troops abandoned it and I had to paint a new one and they have taken Istanbul because yeah they have taken some territory and then somehow my frontline here that the written deleted which I mean they would have never reached Istanbul otherwise but yeah well we'll be done with all the war declaring soon so I can devote more resources to actually beating them up then wonderful and so called yet another part of at least troops see we have retaken Istanbul still this is unfortunate that it even happened another war go already have you been guaranteed you indeed have not been guaranteed wonderful alright who else can i attack stand care has joined Comintern so they're out of the question where to war with everyone here and I'm pretty sure Switzerland would get guaranteed if I started getting clever about that but I will try Switzerland as well but they're going to be the last one I still need Yemen and Oman let's start with Yemen justification on Yemen is already that was just oh one left oh crap Yemen is guaranteed very unfortunate but that means well our conquests have to end here we will take Yemen an omen of course but we will do that once we actually start fighting the Allies very unfortunate I mean it's I suppose it's possible to get Oman still because it's a bit further from the from the British they could theoretically leave us be with Oman strangely Oman did not get good and guaranteed well so we can attack Amon that is enough of you know justify war goals now it's time to beat up everyone and make them our puppets so first things first you take Sophia should probably switch you guys to aggressive yes this is a very very weird looking but it will sort itself out somehow you are there take the victory point if you're successful we win and also hands full and that means pawn is very likely to capitulate soon oh crap that's a Greek naval invasion seriously oh just need to take I'm not sure how to pronounce that Plovdiv let's just render now yes they have puppet hello my new Bulgarian puppet Greece is next and hopefully it won't take too long the Soviets are justifying a war go on Romania if I understand correctly that means the Romania is going to give them some territory to avoid conflict I find with that Poland has capitulated which means Germany is going to be proved quite successful against France now we finished the research of the best of gun wonderful and we're going to do the better support equipment soon as well and thus always have taken Poland see Romania gives Bessarabia to the Soviets I expected that and I am not mad at the Romanians actually that is something I wanted them to do in the meantime we had to go - mm-hmm which one was that service by requirement yeah that's unfortunate but I do need the manpower and that finally takes care of Greece who's going to be my new puppet of course hello new puppet now with all those new forces of freed up I think I should focus on Italy probably Iraq has been taken now with Iraq we can't do the puppet thing because the British have the focus Orgel on them so I need to just take everything well that's a master factories for us the Italians are on the run I'm switching all my Italian forces to aggressive or move into Saudi Arabia is progressing nicely no real trouble here although they have Soviet volunteers which are a bit of a nuisance Japan has taken China which means they might be joining Germany's Wars now there right now we have the most difficult part of fighting Italy left and we have to go across ah Saudi Arabia has capitulated you are going to be my next puppet of course thank you I'm going to try a naval invasion to improve my odds over here it'll probably never happen but you know we can try because Italy has a strong Navy but perhaps true Navy will be busy elsewhere it is a possibility very remote possibility but it is a possibility Oman has capitulated and they are also going to be a puppet is it finally going to happen I have let the Italians maintain the naval invasion here so that they would devote some troops to that so that perhaps that this will be less defended and it seems to be working oh he has proclaimed greater Hungary I'm not sure if that changes anything but fine is it really going to happen yes all right is that at the end of Italy not yet but soon all right Palermo is ours no we need a few things from Italy well essentially we need their African possessions and Albania and rose but mom I'm not sure we need rose doesn't matter we'll take it anyway so mmm we also want to pop at them but we don't want the Germans to get too much of them so I'm going to pop them just giving them Venice so they don't take it it's very good it's a very good province and then you know possibly see ourselves raw and so on so how do you pop it a country and giving it only the province you want them to have I'm going to show you first you select all the provinces you don't want them to have for yourself right now let's wait until the cost matches what want to give them 26 that's East Rio 90 event is perfect yeah right and now you cancel everything that says take instead of puppet but watch out because the puppet switches places on the list and now we have a wonderful puppet that just got the province we wanted them to get alright what else do we need from them I want to give Easter and Zara to Croatia and basically I want to prevent Germany from taking Easter but if I don't take there they will satellite Yugoslavia same goes for Albania I'm surely going to give Albania to Montenegro we don't need more Papa's at this moment I probably have too much already too many already satellite Ethiopia and Libya all right so far so good if you ever doesn't get all that territory so we'll take that in the next round if we can and finally can I take start to roll or not I cannot that's too much hmm that means Germany will take that and possibly long birthday all right yes they took South row but not Lombardy and good I could actually take long busy myself however and that would make my borders ugly and I know how much you hate my borders being ugly I think it needs to get the African possessions we can't give more to Italy that's fine let us end the turn and Germany has satellited Albania and Austria which is pointless because they have already been annexed they've satellited Yugoslavia but they have also been annexed ah Germany has started giving us war scar and now we're good to give our new puppet Italy everything else that ends the war now I'm going to leave the axis and attack the Soviet Union well not immediately I wanted to prepare some of forts but we have to be all ready soon so first move leave faction there are two seven sent home that's fine and another move I'm going to create a new one with Spain yes Spain is fascist and today and so are we and they will agree to other at Alliance they have not joined the axis yet so that's perfect if I created this now our faction would be named your faction name here let's call it Ottoman Empire and Spain is going to join the Ottoman Empire which is weird but yes and now we have a new ally the dawn of the Ottoman Empire yes exactly the Soviet Union hates us and they have troops sent as well and here's to Afghanistan and Iran but that means we can justify will go on them quickly I'm going to start it when we're about to beat up Afghanistan because when they have volunteers like this that will make the justification quicker and that ends I'm going to attack them to an extern completely because the British do have event workers and again against Iran so I'm gonna just take everything myself and the next Afghanistan I've created an Italian colonial template that will be used for defense in the mountains they'd be unbeatable just sitting on the mountain somewhere I'm also building forts along the Soviet border I need to attack the Soviets soon they will do claim the straits eventually anyway we're about to beat up Afghanistan so it starts justifying on the Soviet Union now justify war go and we'll be attacking them within of three months we are quickly reducing at least autonomy by building stuff for them and Afghanistan is going to be puppeted I don't need more puppets but that is for the sake of controlling our front lines right now we need to set some troops on the Soviet borders and declare war on the Soviets first though I'm going to switch all the troops we have even those artilleries here into those new design Italian mountain defenders Berlin has been taken might seem like this is not a lot of troops because this is not all the troops but and they are well prepared and they have forts yes either doing claim distress they will to protect us conquer and don't call allies now we can actually control where the frontlines are they're not going to be able to attack us from here and we're going to be defending and let the Soviets clash against our defenses they're losing a ton of manpower and we're not they lost seventy thousand troops we lost a 300 the Soviets are attacking us and their losses are climbing quickly we can now lower it lease independence and that is going to increase our military factories our military factory amount very significantly boom now I'm gonna do that to my other subjects a new interesting development apparently in Japan is getting beaten up quite heavily Japan is not going to last much longer I have decided to promote this guy to a field marshal and give them some more troops before we open this Avenue of attack for the Soviets this is the variant of the modern tank destroyer I'm going to be using we'll start producing those and I'm going to be adding them to my defensive armies to provide them with some armor and some heart attack I'll also add anti-air to them finally the Germans have capitulated that did take a long time didn't it now just Japan and the axis will be done for and as for the Soviets well they have already lost 4 million troops nice we can reduce a room in as autonomy that will give us some extra military factories I need to make some trucks some motorized that will quickly take over all of the African stuff once we finally attack the Allies I also need to make some Marines I am going to give them a modern tank destroyer each which will ran which will increase as a armor value significantly I'm also going to have to remove some Mountaineers to make room for that but still the armor value should be helpful and I'm going to give them some anti-air and anti-tank instead of another Mountaineer we're going to stay with this and also I'm going to replace the support artillery with a maintenance company this is going to lower our attack but will have a very good effect on the survivability of our equipment the axes are gone Japan has capitulated so that means a peace conference let's see what happens yeah right German Republic and Austria have formed Austria's fascist interesting no they're known online actually just boosts party popularity a bit so we can invite them to our faction crap they're doing war with the USSR well if they do war with the US so then the Allies will also be told the Soviets which probably means I'll have to start advancing otherwise they'll get all the stuff you know what my fortifications here not already but I think we're good to go yeah I don't really need to invite these guys again because of Romania is mostly fortified so we can start with Romania let's call them to arms against the Soviet we should be fine against any attack and they should be wasting tons of manpower and equipment and we have switched Austria to be fascist would you like to enjoin my faction no because of the war interesting you are fascist so if I justify the war against you would you be defended by the Allies you would not alright another target for us then I've requested a lot of troops and assigned them properly and now well this is much much better defended and I suppose I can call them to human Empire now in the meantime we're ready to attack Austria I wonder if it'll join the commenter and if they can join the Comintern I don't think so anyway let's declare war on them all of these are tanks it's pretty quick wasn't it I suppose I could use another puppet I could take them myself but that would mean uglier borders because I need to start an Xing those puppets assume so I'm gonna pop at them as well damn it the Soviets have attacked Poland that is not good because now the Allies can get bits of the Soviet Union we have what we have exhausted them but I suppose it's time to attack now pity all those fortifications now useless let's cancel that well I didn't expect them to attack the Allies well they're so busy with us but hey whatever there we go then let's make sure you're balanced no France you cannot have military access you know what I should probably just call everyone in since we're talking anyway even Spain the attack is going alright although not amazingly an interesting development and the British garage has switched to fascism mmm I went with aggressive for a while but maybe that's a mistake I was all Spain has landed which is nice the overall progress off our invasion is nice I suppose I could just just I could just assign them all to one Field Marshal that's not really necessary and Italy is contributing so much was contact they're actually going to raise its autonomy soon unfortunately but oh you know drop it down later and it won't be long until we get Moscow although I am worried while the Allies will get from that technically we only need stuff over here from the Soviet Union however well it would be a waste not to take as much as we can wouldn't it Moscow is taken and Leningrad is taken but unfortunately not and by us that means they should be capitulating a very very soon just need her got a key I am unfamiliar with this city but remember a game called guerrilla 17 I believe it was quite interesting take that and we win I think so oh not yet hmm some more of the three points and here it is Soviet Union has capitulated to us neo Ottoman Empire so beautiful but we don't need all that territory and if I just take it then you'll say I'm not preserving historical borders and so on so I'm going to do is wait for the Peace Conference of course end we need to wait for Sin Cara and Mon Cala to capitulate I don't think so since the Soviet Union is you know the only major in this and I'm going to take all the stuff that is you know needed for the ottoman empire and pop at the rest all right let's see the conference and let's consult the map in the meantime all right I have decided to take this much of the consulting several maps of the internet and some of them show that the Ottomans owned this much stuff but that just one map so I'm not sure it's true some of them show that they didn't own this something some showed that they did I am Not sure but I want to stress that this seems to be the best I could come up with I am not sure if they ever ever owned these two but I'm going to take them just in case and you can probably see with my Morse code that I could just the necks all of this without any trouble but I want to stay as close to the historical borders as I can manage and if you are you know very good with history point out what I did wrong here but I think this is relatively close now one of the maps showed I need to own Slovakian the other show that I don't which is why I you know why conquer chose to market perhaps I didn't need to same goes for this I think the best course of action will be to in our next move just click puppet for the Soviet Union and then in the next round of negotiations just keep giving them stuff I have also puppet at the same guy again Mongolia we've taken this much more have the other is taken and you always have taken nothing that is a good we have taken all the territory we need from the Soviet Union I think I'm not sure and also we have acquired a new powerful puppet that is going to provide us with tons and tons of factories and resources wonderful now I need to you know build up my strength or rather organize my strength because we have built up quite a lot of it and then attack the allies I also need to annex those guys here to make my borders look pretty it will not look great because I think I have to take so back here again one of the maps said I need to the others said I don't so just let me say if I'm going to annexed booked him in the Empire as well of course that will make our borders uglier because we'll have to take Prague as well and that will be non historical but hey I can only get so close mmm I suppose I could have taken those myself and puppeted the rest when I was first conquering Slovakia but I didn't think of it then we're going to start with Romania and I'm going to increase our influence over them by sending them all our stuff right this is our land lease Truman of course not everything will get there and with that we should be able to annex them in no time and afterwards we'll do Bulgaria and so on this was very quick we sent Romania all our stuff and once we annexed them we'll get our stuff back I believe so at least now we have 19,000 infantry equipment and now I'm going to annex Romania then we should have much more if I impose for one day and we can annex Bulgaria here we go who's next I suppose it would make sense to do Greece and Hungary and then these guys that's an ex-police Lindley's is so powerful all right who's next I suppose Hungary see how much to learn please there again and they'll get the annexation of Hungary now we have to go after the Bohemian Empire the United Kingdom declared war on Sweden now why would he do that well the British didn't only attack Sweden and also decided to nuke it oh well time to annex the bohemian empire now we can the next Croatia and I should start justifying my war goal soon I'll be attacking Yemen which is guaranteed by the UK and which will call in as the Allies will the new lend-lease coming in we should be able to next a serbia soon and yes we are and next month montenegro let's do a google against yemen now we're going to finish up annex in montenegro and then i will deploy my troops accordingly annexation time for montenegro boom and that's it i mean for this region I should also annex Arabic Empire Turkish North Africa and literacy Opia I thought you might want a little insight into our preparations these 233 units are guarding our borders with France Germany and Poland because I'm going to be calling Italy into the war for the Navy these 24 Marines are going to invade Cyprus these 200 various infantry are going to guard our coastlines we are not getting a naval invasion oh crap I forgot about this 50 more assorted infantry that should be enough to God anything next we have a hundred motorized 50 tanks and hundreds of free infantry and these are all going to be offensive forces we can invite free India to our faction why the hell not this asked to join faction yes I will agree I'm also deploying planes our goal justification is a ready I could attack but I'd rather get all those British troops out of the Arabic Empire first so I'm going to quickly annexed them annex a replicant power and now those British troops should get exiled or something and get out those British troops don't seem to want to get out of here I've had enough waiting let's just declare war here we go I'm not going to call everyone but I am going to call Italy further fleet and I'm going to call Turkish North Africa and Ethiopia it went through India I completely forgot that I've authorized well puppeted Mongolia and Sinkiang I could have requested their troops so might Afghanistan but I forgot yep they have cold everyone don't do the British troops just disappear one the phone this is exactly what I wanted them to do disappear in so many ways kill those guys and then eliminate the British forces this is all good this is all good might be difficult but should be fine should be fine did my naval invasion launch yet yes it did as worried about naval supremacy because I don't really have a huge fleet but we have called in Italy Italy should be able to help us I could call in Spain but then I'm worried they'll take this territory Yemen has capitulated that was quick we don't really need Poland in Germany so I'm just going to defend the area we have landed how many enemies not enough to be a problem it seems on the other hand we don't have any any way of supplying ourselves so just in case I'm going to build well not that many I'm going to build one naval base here just in case I don't want to fight the whole war against the Allies I'll just occupy all the territories that used to be the ottoman empire and we'll be all right why is my subject Oman giving access to my enemy I could easily crush them if I just activated the attack but we don't need that although I could simulate better boulders but letting them take ill Prague the Naval Base in Cyprus seems to have been unnecessary no naval invasions as of yet wonderful my front lines keep this hearing in Africa I have no idea why I just I just painted a new one here and and just sit peered just no no do this manually maybe I have another idea well that's had these troops when you army and make them garrison of the area including at the UK territories they might move in there okay we're pretty much done with this area because we didn't don't need these beaten in these bits I still need to connect my territory up here just do that manually close this gap and reach Spain oh crap another disappearing front line I do hate when that happens dammit I just redid this front line I hate you sometimes game I'm just going to take the coast and don't worry about the rest later that looks like we're pretty much done we don't need this just this little bit here remains if I had any nukes I don't at the moment then I could have destroyed that and that was ours this concludes all the territory we needed but I should still an axe at least Turkish North Africa I think how I mean at this point you can pretty much see we have everything we need and I could just wait in the next M but ha I hardly feel like it's necessary to wait and the Theo Pierre you know according to the maps hi I looked at we would need like this bit but just look at how slowly the game runs I think I'm going to end it once we annexed Turkish North Africa and here goes when their subjects Turkish North Africa index wonderful new Ottoman Empire and that is it but or unn still stands so let's take it also just fun I'm going to activate these orders and see how far we can get these are mostly defensive defensive troops and they have been doing marvelously in defending our territories but if I switch them to attack I won't see how well they will do in the meantime or on there was this military guy Maurice I think from or on was that the same or I'm not I'm not sure I'm not good history well they are doing better than I expected why are you not doing better than I expected these guys are not moving for some reason still the ones in what used to be Joe's lavaca are doing great better than expected I didn't want to you know do this earlier because I didn't what to muddle the boulders too much anyway is around hours yet and almost and it is ok I am going to proclaim a victory now have you landed no this is being blocked I'm going to proclaim victory now I could wait to get some more political power we would get enough before the end of the game to annex elector sto Pia I could just send them some lend-lease and make sure that they are next but yeah that would take like an hour of game more and just to click the next button I think at this point I can say we've done it so let's compare this to the maps I was using for reference and see if I haven't forgotten anything well of course I have taken a bit too much here sorry about that above him apart from that I think we're fine that's let's have a look right this looks ok if in a bit too much but it's better to have too much than not enough right and yeah I tried to combine all the maps I tried to combine all the maps of the Ottoman Empire that I could find because as you know the borders fluctuated at some point they had more here at some point they had more here and so on so I try to make sure we take everything they have haven't ever owned well apart from this but I really don't feel like waiting another hour because the game is running so slowly and just to click the next button for Ethiopia I think you'll forgive me and yeah that's it for the challenge I hope you enjoyed it and make sure let me know in the comments what you thought about it what you liked what you didn't and most importantly what you would like the next one to be I'm looking forward to your suggestions and comments and I will see you soon goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 620,861
Rating: 4.8658738 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 annex ussr, hoi4 ironman turkey, hoi4, taureor, four, hoi4 ottoman challenge, hoi4 ottoman empire, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 meme, world conquest, hoi4 ottoman world conquest, hoi4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 ironman latvia, hearts of iron 4 challenge, iron, of, annex soviet union, hoi4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 fail, hoi4 ironman gameplay, hoi4 ottomans, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hearts, hoi4 turkey world conquest, hoi4 turkey
Id: fRjWPdmjIvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 34sec (3274 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2018
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