Hearts of Iron 4 Challenge: Return of the Tsar

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hello everyone i am torio and welcome to my newest heart divine for challenge and this one is going to be short and easy because i'm not feeling very well and no i'm not sick again but i was in a car accident this weekend i will tell you a little bit more about it in a moment but first let's see what we're going to be playing today see i have downloaded a mod called taravich of russia which reintroduces the romanovs as in the white faction one uh the civil war in russia and we have the tsar let's play as russia and beat some people up and mostly i'm going to be playing around with this mod you'll find a link to it in the description below now i'll tell you a little bit more about that car accident and if you're not interested just skip ahead a minute or so my pregnant wife and i were driving along in our car minding our own business we stopped at a red light and then after 10 or 20 seconds a drunk driver hit our car from behind at a high speed that squashed to the rear of our car and threw it forward against the one in front of us my wife was rushed off to hospital to see if the baby is all right fortunately all three of us are fine and the perpetrator was taken away by the police he was so drunk that i couldn't understand what he was saying i don't know what will happen to him but drunk driving is a crime in poland not a felony so possibly jail all in all it was a rather stressful experience because i spent around an hour wondering if my child is alive but as i said before we are all fine just a bit bruised and buttered well the car was completely destroyed but it doesn't matter really and that is about it tomorrow from that and my message for today is if you ever drive after drinking alcohol even if it's just one beer then you're a bad person because even a little bit can lower your concentration and you just might kill someone in this case everyone involved survived but we were very lucky yeah i just wanted to get that out i don't usually get that personal but if what i just said makes even one person reconsider driving under the influence then it will be worth it anyway enough of that sad topic let's get back to the game as i said the mont cerevich of russia gives us a different government and a new focus tree for russia not the soviet union i'm generally grumpy so what we're going to do is just play as the totem of russia and beat up some people around us we will not restrict ourselves and just annex all the land we can let's start iron man historical regular as i said i want something easy and quick the first major change we'll see we are the non-aligned tardum of russia led by alexey nikolaevich romanov the assassination survivor unfortunately we will be getting very little political power because of his skill we also get access to a new focus treat the romanov legacy this lets us rebuild the entant or follow a russian imperial sentiment or become isolationist but we are not going to be doing that this is locked at the start because we have to unpause for a moment to get an event so let's do that there it is on the new leadership it has become clear that the greatest threat to the russian state is the communist party itself with the disillusionment of the communist dream in russia new forces have seized power in order to bring our country into the future stalin was sentenced to death the old system goes with him into an unmarked grave good a new dawn for russia and we removed the trotsky plot and the home of the revolution but we get the motherland now this might be a bit overpowered because of the war goal generation this lets us just justify our goal on anyone as a non-aligned country so it might be a bit overpowered um but we will be missing political policy we get plus 0.3 from the motherland but we get minus 30 percent from alexis so we only get 1.58 right now and one will be going into the focus so it's fine let's do a romanov legacy that will give us some political power and open up some nice focuses let's adjust our production we won't be needing planes or motorized or tanks but we will be needing support equipment towed artillery and infantry equipment something like that should do let's deploy all our ships in pietro grad which is our capital now as it should be rather generic research as usual some construction and it's time to manage our army we start with 138 divisions we're going to keep all the mountaineers and most of the tanks and that motorized unit let's disband four tank units this way we won't have to produce tanks and the ones we keep will get uh equipment from the ones we disbanded keeping the mountaineers that's 21. i want just one for army group for now so we'll need to get rid of 14 units one army group will be more than sufficient for us right now and all of you guys will become just normal infantry set up the armies the army group is led by mikhail draczewski and as generals we have george zhukov ivan constantin alexander and boris okay time to pause our first target is unfortunately going to be my beloved poland i'm not going to keep two historical borders but i will try to take everything that is involved in historical bodies so if the russian empire at a time owned a bit of poland i will attack poland but i will not only take that bit that was owned by the russian empire but i'll take everything anyway can we justify wargle yet five more political power all right there we go sorry poland and the remilitarization of rhineland happens all that's set up units exercising and we've completed the romanov legacy focus let's not waste any time and move towards the war goals with rehabilitated military we have enough police power to modify our country let's hire mikael kalinin for the extra stability which will translate to extra political power unfortunately we do not have a silent workhorse the difference is not large but it is helpful ah the spanish civil war happened well that doesn't really concern us unless they ally themselves with germany afterwards which might become a problem because i will probably beating up germany military focus now we're almost ready to attack so let's stop the training make sure everyone is aggressive next focus we get to choose between the unturned or the russian empire because well we're not going to isolate ourselves are we so let's do russian empire and that gives us quite a lot of core goals justification on poland is complete let's declare war this will be in a quick and easy war already breaking through see yeah unfortunately poland doesn't stand a chance um we will get extra factories from them and some extra steel come on just focus on the victory points for warsaw go and take dice and they will be giving up there we go let's annex everything already bigger we didn't get a lot of factories but we did get some what's next uh let's outfit our troops with recon companies and increase their width to 20 with an additional infantry in it and prepare for quite a few attacks that we're going to perform and to get out of civilian economy probably should have done that before hiring clean anyway now we have a period of relative peace and quiet because i need to do some focuses we're going to attack quite a lot of countries simultaneously iraq around afghanistan finland romania slaughter bulgaria and possibly hungary although i'm torn on hungary hungary could join the axis you guys get in position and once the armies are done reinforcing we'll train some more troops russian empire focus complete that gives us extra political power which will be very useful and let's do these three focuses which will give us war goals finland middle east and balkans they will not get guaranteed if i don't act on the focuses immediately i'll just get the war goals and then attack everyone at once in the meantime let's go to partial mobilization and free trade for all those factory construction and research bonuses now the middle eastern doctrine and the mass assault doctrine i am a fan of the right branch we don't need the extra manpower but um you get all the nice bonuses very quickly that's why it's good i still find superior firepower superior i won't be able to produce enough equipment to outfit a new army just yet so uh yeah let's just not at the middle eastern doctrine is complete now let's do the balkans one and then declare war on everybody hindenburg disaster no victoria then pity a political marriage between her and alexi would have been helpful and the balkan's focus is about to be complete now i do have a dilemma here do we attack hungary as well or not why well because hungary can join the axis if we don't act quickly enough and if they do we'll be in trouble but i suppose i'll risk it all right so we have war goes on finland middle east and the balkans we could also get some on china but that would be too much at once let's do the orthodox church focus for some extra stability attack everyone let's risk hungary we're going to just have to focus our attacks on them the war on iraq iran afghanistan hungary finland and bulgaria oh and yugoslavia and romania why simultaneously well i if i didn't attack all of them at once they might get guaranteed by the allies which would be problematic for me but this way we should be okay go attack joseph has been called in because joseph was guaranteeing romania i could get italian volunteers how many three divisions that would increase world tension but i suppose i'll accept let's try and use this tank to win hungary probably won't work but we can try you guys need to be very aggressive hopefully we can win quickly uh alright getting into iran getting into afghanistan slowly how about finland yeah we should be okay on all fronts but uh getting hungary quickly is the priority so we'll need to do a little bit of manual management here amelia circumnavigates on the globe our units in budapest got cut off but reinforcements are on their way hopefully they can hold out long enough to be reconnected japan attacking chiang shi and we've done orthodox church let's do a winter war and then victory over finland once we achieve victory over finland that's going to give us some boosts and also hire an army maneuver expert german soviet treaty and no thank you chinese united front not our problem looks like these units here are going to get wiped out it's unfortunate but i can't do much to help that right now finland offers concessions uh no thank you we need everything how is it going anyway oh very well actually you rushed the victory points and we're doing very well down here as well most of iran is taken and we're moving into iraq put some more pressure on hungary guys um how are they doing on focuses support urbanization all right we still have some time once the guys from finland are free this should be easy and iran and iraq both have been conquered okay cool let's take all states of both of them that frees up one army that will immediately focus on hungary because of course we don't want them joining the axes before we conquer them oh that's finland uh sure i'll take everything we've bypassed the winter war don't we get the bonus oh crap i was too quick in the war against finland should have started with that focus division organization plus five percent is useful ah damn it i thought it would complete anyway oh well let's do victory over finland and reinforcements are coming and afghanistan is about to be defeated as well right getting into hungary nicely just rush the victory point here this might be sufficient for them to surrender is it yes it is let's annex everything cool and now there's no danger of our enemies joining the axis and you know making trouble yeah hungary was honestly the biggest threat because they could theoretically join the axis and bring germany and italy up down on us we would be able to handle them but it would be a very inefficient war all right i need to redo these orders my soldiers don't seem to know what they're doing alright guys relocate that should be better victory over finland completed now let's move to another branch so that we can get the extra research slot and that is romania and afghanistan both of course i'm going to annex everything and i need to reorganize the orders yet again moving into bulgaria which is largely undefended let's just run for the victory points it might be successful avvar and i forgot varna of course right bulgaria should be surrendering now there you go take all states and we just have yugoslavia and joseph left joseph of course is the best defender because they have difficult terrain and of the spanish civil war nationalist spain won now that could prove to be a problem later on because they might join the axis which i think i'll be conquering but we'll wait and see maybe we'll take them out before this becomes an issue and even if we have to fight spain it's not like they can stand against our might let's put some extra pressure on charles the vacuum now that all our armies can focus on them we'll crush them easily and will prevent germany from taking all of that i might still give them staten land though depends on what will be in my best interest at the time and we're through you run for prague let's go down this path because progress caught with five percent research boost is very good and so is militarism with two percent extra manpower now that we are ever going to be out of manpower let's do promotions and let's hire an army regrouping expert jose vaca should be surrendering now bratislava the last bastion of the resistance and there we go of course i'm going to annex everything their forts might prove useful against germany i still haven't decided if we're going to be friendly with germany until we beat out the allies or if we're going to take them out quickly anxious is about to happen so theoretically we could face germany now i might go to total mobilization later on now we have a decision to make do we allow the germans to take out the allies that might be a good cause of action for us because i would like to get a foothold in canada so that we can invade the united states because we want alaska or i could just do it through a naval invasion i think allying ourselves with the germans might be the best cause of action you know what i have changed my mind let's fight the germans now or to be precise once they try to do sue that land and take our stuff distributing our armies and waiting for the germans to strike i could train some more troops seeing how much equipment we have i suppose i could justify my own wargle on them but being in a defensive war is generally better i have so much extra equipment i think i'll just train some extra armies to improve work conditions for some extra stability i was thinking of resisting them for a while letting them lose their manpower against us but i think i'll just attack right away but for that i will need more troops yeah they're doing demands to deathland it is very likely they will attack us once this is done i wanted to make rokozowski a field martial but he's a very good general with the improvisation expert so i will promote uh zhukov instead of him i think with two whole army groups i can just go on the offensive immediately also the germans seem to have moved their troops away why would you do that they're probably planning something nefarious we will find out soon enough i guess two full army groups of mostly infantry how are we doing on production actually we're doing quite well on that let's uh increase the amount of artillery a little bit how long do i have not that long i should probably stop the training they are mostly green but that should suffice and i'll activate all of them if the germans decide to attack uh they should be squashed or not but i think they will be the i wanted to get the extra research thought but i'm not going to for a moment why because i want to have enough political power to go to full mobilization i want to do a quick powerful strike against them which might bring me a victory quickly right the man to detonate is complete and are you gonna attack me reset eastern claims they might not before they distribute their troops but uh even after they distribute their troops uh they might yeah see they attacked but their troops didn't get into full organization and all that so we should be in a good position is italy gonna get involved italy is gonna get involved they joined axis can i go to total mobilization yes i can let's do that and select a new national focus extra research slot italy has been called in see the germans were not prepared they declared war on me without having their troops properly set up beforehand which is a big mistake i am unaggressive currently and we are going to suffer heavy losses because of that but hopefully we will also take a lot of land australian is already ours let's send you guys to the northern bit of the german front invading italy will be more difficult because they actually prepared a defense but germany well germany is giving ground fast if only i had an infantry expert or something like that yeah seems like everything is going very well oh and we're also getting guns from the americans italy is going to be a tougher not to crack but uh let's just focus on germany for now now this is actually proving to be much easier than i anticipated after we're done with them we'll have to build up a huge fleet if we want to invade the united kingdom of course extra research slot is complete will we want to attack china we actually might they are already at world japan and we will need to do something when we are building a fleet to invade the allies let's do the focus asian solution those wargles will not disappear quickly i think and we don't have to use them fall of berlin and lithuania rejects the german ultimatum and that is not really surprising seeing what condition germany is currently in are we about to capitulate germany yes kind of germany has capitulated now it's just italy left oh and this bit here you take care of that now they will have to cut through the mountains which is going to be difficult of course but i believe in them they can manage zok submits to italy and is about to be taken over by us we do have war goes against a bunch of countries let's see if any of them got guaranteed doesn't seem like it oh no some of them did the ones that are not currently fighting anyone like tibet bhutan there's way too many troops in this area i'm going to retreat most of them and there should be no more iteration at least not to the scale it was before and we are already doing much better belgium joined allies not my problem can we cut them up that would be quite useful really pursues closer bonds with germany so we will too and we have cut them off beautiful good job motorized and the northern part of the forces is now eliminated oh we're about to get some extra stability from holding our capital cool uh okay this seems to be unfinished but um success is success of all of rome finally you guys press on we really need to get to palermo before they can fortify the strait in messina italy has capitulated oh cool well and they also retook albania but that doesn't matter because now the war ends and of course i am going to take all states thank you very much 500 factories and all the manpower we need lots of stability and lots of war support i suppose it's time to attack some countries over here and then maybe go after the allies i don't have a war go on tarot tuva well let's justify one i also get some troops over here we should attack mongolia first so they don't join the chinese united front and then focus on the rest we're pretty much ready to attack mongolia they're not going to provide any uh serious resistance so let's just attack the communist so nobody should be involved and our justification on tarnituva is ready as well let's declare war on them they are communists so nobody will defend them unless they create a faction with mongolia which is a possibility but it is not likely it all depends on what focuses they have completed if they did ideological fanaticism they could create factions but either way it's not going to help them and mongolia surrenders take all states once the same happens to turn into a we can start fighting the chinese and here goes tanner tuba take everything let's send our armies to sink yang and to jibe san mar i think that's how that's pronounced although i am never sure and i have a fourth army here i suppose i'll send it there as well we're not going to get a lot out of this because japan will have most of the war score so we can get a bit and i can always attack japan if i so choose right not all troops are in position but i think we're pretty much ready let's declare war on zinkang next war goal let's see if everyone joins the war if not oh interesting japan wants me in their faction you know what yes i will join the japanese faction east asian co-prosperity's for sure i have joined we always leave it whenever we want and they want us to come join the war which is exactly what we would like to do anyway so yeah sure go now let's make sure we can get some war score in this wait a minute what am i at with the allies i know this must be volunteers i was worried for a moment i mean i do want to be at home with the allies just not at this particular moment the better gun has been researched it is a bit late but we didn't really need it before i'm only getting 18 factories from trade this is horribly bad if you are on free trade and have lots of resources like we do i will have to go down from free trade soon but for now let's just buy some steel from whoever i suppose from france sinking and capitulated good we don't really need any of this however this tree could be a little bit helpful let's do entire capitalist diplomacy let's go oh 210 days well that was probably a mistake yeah we're only getting 18 from trade it pains me to do so but i do have to change my economy law yeah this is unfortunate because it will limit our research but we need to go to limited exports why did you give this to japan i did not authorize this focusing on knockouts it's gonna be better for us we do need a lot of those submarines and china capitulates how much can i get not much unfortunately not much at all i can do the classic thing of just taking china i suppose i could no reason not to so let's do a shadow puppet of china untake all states and turn pass a few times and take all states i could keep it that way or i could release a chinese puppet being russian having millions of manpower we don't really need to release a chinese puppet i can always do that later if i for some reason run out of manpower for now it'll just be territory i think i'll give myself around a year to build up my fleet and then we go after the brits how are we doing on those submarines quite well the appropriate research is underway and dockyards are being constructed so we can produce more and more submarines simultaneously let's add a signal company to our template we have reduced the size of infantry so we can fit more the soviet volunteer group do we want to help manchuko sure why not and we will sign a pact with japan i have also sent some troops over here and we have researched the landing craft time to plan some naval invasions let's try a wide naval invasion i usually do a tight one but let's try something different this time and for you a similar one down here let's hire a submarine's expert that is going to be quite helpful how many ships do i have 235 is that enough probably oh that's a lot of dockyards operational yeah let's make even more submarines logistics companies have been researched let's quickly add them to our units all right our naval invasions are prepared i think we're good to go let's uh take our navy out of the port go take these and once we achieve naval domination we now have achieved naval domination declare war all right let's find someone who's guaranteed by britain tibet will do oh i didn't station any troops on their border which is a bit of an issue i will remedy that in a moment in the meantime let's just declare war on tibet we'll lose some land here temporarily but it doesn't really matter now france and britain should join and we should be able to attack and win let's see we have bypassed the final step focus tibet is called france and the united kingdom good we are already making progress down in france have you launched you have indeed launched let's have a look at naval domination we do have naval domination they are stationed in the english channel mostly if they stay here they're caught up in the battle we should be able to move across here but uh it might also not work out we'll see soonish let's have a look at the battle we do have tons of submarines but can they take out the british navy well it's enough if they occupy it long enough for our troops to land oh right and a massive naval battle is happening so the game slows down very very significantly this is slightly problematic you see the game might just crash because of what's going on fortunately this army has not been stopped by any enemy navies since they're all involved in the battle here and even if all my navy gets destroyed it's enough that this one army lands i'm not attacking the marginal line which would be stupid but we should be able to make some progress down here right i'm going to impose now but there is a possibility of a crash because um yeah that's what happens with naval battles one of the reasons i hate the navy in this game ah they're attempting to land i did send them to multiple provinces at least some of them should be successful which would be enough we have already lost one third of our fleet but if that means a successful invasion no problem almost all of our ships have been defeated but that's not a problem because we have landed now you quickly take the port can i relocate you to this port now that i have it yes i can alright good hopefully we can do that before an enemy navy reaches the area come on come on come on land now this army should be enough to defeat the united kingdom the other invading army was wiped out which is a sacrifice i am willing to make in order to defeat the british we could of course do it manually but there is no need to and since the naval battle is over our ships were defeated there is no more game slow down so all is well it seems japan declared war on the philippines oh no that means the united states are gonna join the allies bloody hell no maybe not yet maybe not yet we'll see please don't join the allies concentrate on getting more ports if you can and if you can't the ones you have will have to suffice in the meantime how are we doing in france ah crap the united states have been called in bloody hell okay we are in a bit of a pickle because we didn't want to fight the united states yet we wanted to take over canada but bloody japan had to come in and ruin it for everyone let's just deploy all our submarines in vladivostok we're still producing tons of them that will be enough to invade the united states i think probably should have teamed up with the germans to beat up the british and only then destroyed the germans how are you doing against france not too well unfortunately not too well but the marginal line seems to be oh really well that's stupid isn't it they left it undefended let's activate that order as well belgium has been called in as our enemy yeah we're getting through the marginal line unexpected but good i really didn't want to find the united states let's do the continuous naval production focus we'll send millions of submarines to the united states that will be enough to invade them navally we are slowly getting into france ultimately we'll be victorious there as well belgium capitulates british raj being beaten up good only thing we need to worry about is the united states now let's see how we're doing on those submarines in vodavostok oh already 47. right everything seems to be progressing nicely and we have cut off a bit of the british territory as you can see even one army is enough to defeat the british if you can manage to land and we've broken the french defense and it would be the glorious and beautiful end of this war if japan didn't go and ruin it for everybody japan declared war on the dutch east indies and of course they joined the allies being allied with japan is a bit of a problem i suppose are we doing in africa we're doing fine in the same oh are the british about surrender it would seem like it we're about to take london after all there you go come on surrender wonderful fall of london and united kingdom has capitulated now we still have the netherlands over here but the netherlands are not a threat who is a threat is the united states let's create some naval invasion orders for our guys we technically only need alaska if we want to you know get the land that was ours but we'll try and get some more netherlands capitulate good now we do have to watch out for some naval invasions from the allies but we'll leave an army or two to deal with that dubai has capitulated oh i forgot about tibet completely we need to do a variant of the submarine that has a larger range i didn't expect to have to do this so i did not research about the submarines i should have done that but yeah really didn't think japan would screw it up oh and british raj became a major power well that is not an issue since we are going to defeat them soon but the united states thing is a bit of a problem alright i can't reach this area but i can reach this area so we can attack from the north can you launch not right at this moment but hopefully soon and we've launched which one is that that is the one that's going to the mainland usa okay cool but uh we're mostly interested in alaska anyway seems like they've intercepted my units and there's not much i can do about it unfortunately but alaska is about to be ours well the others can you land maybe maybe you can actually should have landed in canada yeah we've landed kinda take the port here comes the invasion land and invade we do own a port so it should be easy going now looking good but also looking like it's going to take some serious time hey almost all the coast is ours and the americans are starting to bring in some troops to resist us but it is a bit late we already have several ports which should be enough to crush them should be is this looking alright yeah it's kind of looking all right more troops being transported to the united states how far is british right from capitulation we need to capitulate them as well well we are making progress which is the important part looks as though mexico expanded up here and we took a large chunk of africa in the meantime i wasn't really paying attention to that area the united states can be difficult to beat but seems like we're having a pretty good time take the victory points hey maybe we can make them capitulate like this if they're not defending themselves properly can i actually take washington new york philadelphia and boston with this one unit let's see probably not but let's try it washington is ours um but there's also a lot of resistance in baltimore all right you guys just hold washington good luck taking this fortified port from me got chicago going for detroit bypassing the big army in baltimore taking philadelphia can they take new york yes they can san luis is now your capital well let's take it also how long until we can capitulate oh crap another major country but it's canada so i can reach it as long as it's not australia or something like that we're fine we still need to capitulate raj and canada after this and the united states have capitulated all right let's rush canada ah totem of russia everywhere there was this meme of vladimir putin asking as cool child where does russia end and the answer being russia doesn't end kind of like that we need winnipeg i mean british raj capitulates and canada is next and that will be the end finally canada capitulates all right what do we need well honestly we only needed that but we'll take what we can get and we can get quite a lot japan also has quite a lot of war scope so let's um just take stuff that will make our borders look neat i could do puppets and all that but uh not this time this time we just take stuff all right that's how much we can take in the first round let's pass two or three times and take all the rest and that'll be it let's enter the peace conference all right that's the new talent of russia we've taken canada and the united states and france and britain and some stuff all around here oh and the raj as well but i forgot to take the baltic countries well consider that your lucky day because i'm going to end it here why well because if i continue this it's going to become super boring because we have millions of manpower and thousands of factories and nobody can oppose us so i hope you enjoyed this little game and i think i'll be doing some more modded content in the near future we'll see let me know what you think in the comments anyway that's it for today thank you for watching and i will see you soon goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 475,411
Rating: 4.9356141 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 annex ussr, hoi4 russia world conquest, taureor, hearts of iron 4 fail, hoi4, hoi4 annex germany, hoi4 russian empire, of, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hoi4 meme, hoi4 ironman gameplay, hoi4 gameplay, four, world conquest, hoi4 tsarevich of russia, hoi4 russia, hearts of iron 4 ironman russia, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 russia challenge, hearts, hoi4 annex italy, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 challenge, iron
Id: rpAvreBLhNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 13sec (2113 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 23 2018
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