Hearts of Iron 4 Challenge: Spain retakes American colonies!

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hello everyone I am Tory earned welcome to my new heart of iron for challenge video as Spain the challenge is to start as Spain and retake all the colonies in the Americas all the previous Spanish colonies in the Americas both north and south and I will be using this map for reference basically that means we have to take all the red and all the orange bits on this map this challenge has been requested several times in different configurations some of you wanted me to retake all the Spanish colonies all around the world but that's almost the world conquest and those get boring after a while so we're going to stick to the Americas and that means we're going to have to find the United States which you can get to dangerous anyway I do have a little bit of a plan but we'll see if it succeeds we're going to be playing regular difficulty Ironman mode as always and historical focuses let's go so first order of business let's get our units together we have 17 units and I'm gonna switch them all to infantry divisions we start with 27 factories seven military sixteen civilian and four dockyards let's get those factories working let's get those factories working and let's get those documents - no that's for factories we're going to just build some more military ones our first focus is going to be political effort because we're going to need this power very soon and as for research generic choices pretty much as always no divisions in basic training yes that is good to know we're going to train seven more divisions I want to go for 24 total and this army will go to the French border where it will prepare an invasion and train up for that invasion also the newly trained units will join that army and that's it for the opening moves now our first order of business is to prevent the Spanish Civil War from happening at all it's difficult but it is certainly doable you have to get a little bit clever and also a little bit a lucky I'm going to explain this in a second the Spanish election of 1936 I'm letting this stay up for a while until we finish the political effort avoiding the Civil War requires us to do a few things and to get a little bit unlucky basically the events that trigger the Civil War exhaust all the possibilities and exhaust all the things you could do to stop the Civil War and make it happen anyway well not all of the options not all the paths you can take I have discovered a meandering path between the requirements for these events that can lead us through it without triggering the Civil War if we are a bit lucky so what needs to happen we need to side with the Communists but we need to switch our ideology to fascism before the Civil War triggers and as long as we don't switch away from that ideology the civil war will never happen so let's see how well that works out know the lucky bit means we need to get the events that will change our ideology before we get the civil war events and that is a little bit random it could go either way oh right and here's our first fascist event fighters sympathizers in the military this is quite an important one because this is the coup activator now if we get lucky enough we will get a coup and that will prevent the civil war forever of course we could also just get the civil war it could happen at any moment oh that is extremely lucky so quickly - I will just you know so we didn't really have to wait long for this to happen which is wonderful now boom we have switched our government we're now fascist Franco is in power and now the civil cannot trigger because we are fascist but we sided with the Communist earlier which is kind of loopholes in the events and now no more Spanish Civil War okay now we can get on with our preparations for our invasion of France I have to played some of the guys ahead of time so they would try in the field right also since we are fascist now I will start justifying a war go on France hopefully we can take them for now I am not selecting a new focus because I need the political power for something else I want to switch my economy to war economy as soon as possible I also wanted to hire some military advisors before we attack France not doing the focuses can hurt us a little bit in the long run but I think we'll be better off if we can win another war with France more easily and quicker this way we will get all their factories and all that ok by not doing focuses we have accumulated enough particle power to hire a infantry expert and an army offense genius which will tremendously increase at the power of our troops in the field we're still missing some equipment and do need more guns hopefully we can get enough by the time we decide to attack was almost it all of you on this frontline and stop at the training you need to get ready to attack also now that we have hired those guys I can actually return to making focuses our war against France is almost ready and here it is we can now attack if we so choose and we so choose but before that happens I'm going to quickly allied Germany this way some of the French troops will be pulled to their border which will make it easier for us to cut through them let's unpause for just one hour without done we can attack now do I want to activate the order right away or do I want them to attack me first I suppose I will activate it right after they start attacking so we can do the counter-attack I am NOT going to call any allies I just want them to pull other troops away ok they attack for a moment we defend and now I activate or attack oh crap they have landed really naval invasion let's quickly deal with them did not expect there to happen and volunteers yayyy volunteers from Italy ok we managed to clear up the naval invasion and we're getting through in southern France let's go aggressive and see how that works out hopefully better we seem to have broken their a resistance at least a little bit but I did lose two units in the process well I suppose it's not going too badly although I did expect it to go a little bit better perhaps we switched to aggressive a little bit too early or perhaps we should not have switched to aggressive at all well right now let's just stick with it when we get to Paris we'll win hopefully that will happen shortly I need the French economic base to fuel my invasion of the United States also I need some jumping-off points which is why we're attacking them but they were not guaranteed nor I'd buy at the UK so we actually had the opportunity to attack them alone and not with all the Allies it might be time for some manual management just tell all these guys to get to Paris perhaps at least one of them will get there which should give us victory and you'll soon be able to get one more research slot I just need a few more factories I suppose I could do collectivist efforts in the meantime because we will want militarism eventually we're slowly getting there hopefully our guys here will not get cut off and our guys here got cut off I might have been a little bit too aggressive on the other hand just might work I suppose we'll know soon enough these guys are under very heavy enemy attack but they're still moving they're still moving towards Paris if they succeed I will be so proud of them and if they talked well hopefully the other units can do without Cameron Cameron almost there no no yeah Paris is ours right well you could put you're late now yes yes they will hilarious and he is a level 8 general with tons and tons of skills I could advance I could promote him to a field marshal with a lot of skills but perhaps I should keep him the way he is Kevin France give up already wonderful so wonderful well quite obviously I'm just going to take all states thank you that was a quick Spanish expansion wasn't it well maybe not this war did take a year but now we need to start invading the Americas I'm still not sure how I will go about that and now let's do some management of our newly conquered territories and prepare the next invasions ok so I have done some management's we have pulled all the French factories to good use I've changed my templates to include cannons of artillery and I'm preparing an invasion of the United States it's very likely that they will join the Allies when I start that and we'll be in a bit of a pickle have also started justifying a war against the non Dominican Republic because it is guaranteed by the US which means we attack them the u.s. joins and then possibly it doesn't become a war against the eyes although it probably will and we have finished their research of a slot - without do I need more focuses well I do want militarism so let's get on down that path as form the power that we have let's get some extra manpower let's go to limited conscription alright we're almost ready to start our fighting let's get some more manpower in the meantime we have a month we'll be attacking we will be attacking the Dominican Republic and by proxy the United States in less than a month well hopefully we can succeed we'll see our weak fleet is currently patrol patrolling this area and so are the plains hopefully that can be sufficient for us to land our troops maybe not who knows declare war on the United States of America and do not call the Allies hopefully they will not oh wait a minute yeah Dominican Republic now the US should join and we should be able to launch a naval invasion against them and let's see how that works out okay they started moving hopefully they can land before anything else happens the United States join as the allies which is a bit of a problem if they call any other allies into the war but hopefully they will not we will know in a moment because if they don't then maybe I'd want to need to call in Germany and Italy can we land he yes we can yes we can there right now now let's go along and the coast and hopefully you can quickly capture the area and also let's make sure all these guys also join these armies execute the attack and deploy guys that are currently in training in Europe and also make them join of this army it will take them a little bit to travel there and only now they're starting to mount a defense and it is not a very strong one let's make sure this is also done just go along the coast if you can go north and go towards Washington well they're not doing what I tell them to do but they're doing quite well nonetheless so I will not be worried about that also we have already lost one unit which is not too bad at all now did anyone else join the war the US has joined the Allies but they have not called in Great Britain and all Great Britain's allies so hopefully we can deal with them without involving the European powers we would actually into much if we had more troops with smaller units more units but smaller ones because there's a lot of ground to cover and our troops aren't getting cut off because of that but we are making gains which is the important part should I do a manual attack Washington I think I should it can actually work it probably won't but it can they say is working out quite well indeed I suppose I could just deploy these guys without having them properly trained and do I need any of these hmm I suppose I should probably do the repair focus the repeating repair focus because we have all that infrastructure to repair yeah I can do the other focuses later on construction engineering no construction repair yes what was I saying right deploying these guys as soon as they're ready and sending them to the frontlines hopefully he'll be a field marshal by then and I can make him a field marshal right now if I want to and I should I've decided to bring in those eNOS even though they are not properly trained because if we can move between the enemy and that will grant us a victory so always deploy them and let's make him a Field Marshal that will lower his combat capability for a while but just for a while he'll get new traits and new levels soon okay so where are those guys deployed them here let's make sure well yes they're all crap in terms of experience and but they can provide some serious manpower let's make sure you all join the main frontline here and also let's paint a new one up to the northern border whenever that becomes possible and yet another one go from coast go from coast to coast when that becomes available activate all of them and the armies will be switching from one to the other how are so wonderful we have lost all units in transit unfortunately but that was to be expected and we're almost up to Philadelphia I have saina to Train yet another huge batch of troops because we do have a lot of infantry equipment it's all about it will do in the meantime yeah almost in Philadelphia Boston is defended button lightly and defended and it seems like I could theoretically deploy these guys already they're not highly trained and they are definitely green I suppose I'll give them a little while longer some of them will die in transit but yeah enough will arrive at their destination whoa these guys are doing much better than I expected them to might even take Los Angeles sir yay you know what I should probably push manually towards Los Angeles and then San Francisco that might just give me in our victory points to secure their surrender and Los Angeles is almost ours and it is ours how far from capsulation are you almost there you know what actually go into San Francisco be sure to wear some flowers in your hair might be what we need to win this war this might be the end let's watch and and we have taken all the stuff thank you so very much this is not the end of the war zone because the Dominican Republic and the Philippines are still fighting as for the Philippines they are a puppet of us I believe so they shouldn't really pose any trouble let's get a quick naval invasion of the Dominican Republic oh that is unexpected I thought the war was going to continue well in that case just give me everything mm-hmm thank you well that's a lot of factories isn't it and now nobody will protect all the American countries that I intend to conquer but we're still at war with the Dominican Republic so what guys can be on their way the diner next to Philippines as well or are they independent now they are independent now well that's fine by me I don't need them I just need the American colonies okay then I suppose we should start planning an invasion of Mexico in the meantime though I do need to manage my new empire hi this is post commentary for a while there is a chunk of footage missing here so I will explain what happened in the meantime and basically what happened to the footage is the file didn't complete properly and got corrupted so I couldn't use it it was around an hour of game time and the footage you're seeing in the background now is from after this break and when I'm done talking about it and the commentary will resume as a usual so let me explain what happened in the meantime so I attacked China because it was a major power so that I could get quicker work or justification I started that acting down south cutting through middle America until I got to Peru and Venezuela Peru and Venus without jointed the axis so I could not continue my march south without attacking the axis which will happen at some point in the meantime one of the countries that were on my way joined at the Allies thus calling them into my war I had a huge army stationed on the Canadian border and it just went north and took everything it wasn't a problem the more problematic thing was to invade the British Isles it's a pitty here I can't show you that but it wasn't terribly interesting I just dumped some troops over the English Channel and the English were not prepared so I was able to get a good foothold before and they mounted a defense and then I transferred more troops and the field over to England and they took it over it wasn't particularly clever or anything just a naval invasion that then spread to the whole country again it's a pity I can show you that but the file got corrupted so talking about it is basically the best I can do seeing that Venezuela and Peru are blocking my way I mounted a naval invasion of Chile and started preparing to fight at the axis I think the axis was now bound to happen because Venezuela and Peru held territories that I needed for the challenge so it was only a matter of time before we started fighting the Germans and the Italians and the Japanese and this is the point at which my regular commentary can pick up again sorry about the gap but file corruption just happens sometimes unfortunately conquering Chile and we have a war against Argentina I have decided to leave a small force behind to defend the British Isles and to move the main invasion force over to South America it's gonna take a while for them to get there but they will be more effective than the small army I have there all right Chile has given up now it's time to attack Argentina for that I need the army that is currently on its way and this army that is kind of ready I suppose I could use for something else hmm what the hell why did you capitulate to Peru they have capitulated to Peru even though I was the one that conquered all the territory that seems like a mistake and it gets me angry damn it okay we're not in the same war so I cannot demand stuff from them I could attack them and then it could be difficult to maintain a front against the Germans so it seems like I would need to take Argentina and Bolivia Paraguay and so on beforehand although at this point I'm not sure this is viable you know what I think I should turn against it the access at this point just a quick invasion over here and then we'll go out to Cuba and then we betray the axis apparent version of Cuba is not ready yet because they haven't arrived at the start position I'm relocating my armies currently so that they can start fighting although it seems like a lost some units on the way yeah treacherous waters with enemy ships it feels like I ended this wrong now I suppose you could just stay here instead yeah it's canceled their orders and just make them stay in America and make them garrison and the territories we have acquired because if we go against the axis it is very likely that they will start landing some naval invasions from Japan over here alright I suppose it's time to attack Cuba here we go they're going to join the Allies that's not gonna be a problem I think ok can we be that cavalry units and get the body yes we can ok now let's get a quick attack over there and that will conclude this war really fast although you might want to take these as well as you can see Cooper is not resisting us very much and we're getting ready over here it's gonna be a little while before we actually exit the axis I still need to provide a sufficient defense over in this area ok I was preparing an attack but apparently in the meantime China has capitulated do I have any war score I do have a very little war score I might even be able to get something and that's because Guatemala has joined them in an alliance I was hoping to get the one with a lot of tungsten however that's fine I don't to really need anything there I just needed a good smaller and mm-hmm still can't get these guys what is that we do have a naval base I thought you didn't we are pretty much ready to deal with the axis we're going to turn against them now I have prepared a huge invasion plan let's stop that training then get ready to fight let's let them let's let them prepare and then well actually I could start doing that now and that's it leave the faction leave faction and the justifier war go against Germany it'll take ten days only and I believe we are all ready yes I have moved my best Field Marshal to Europe because it's going to be a bigger challenge than doing this we have established three armies around South America and I think there will be enough enemy time I took the last British possessions in this area and that is about it we're kind of ready also send some planes out we'll see how they work out there probably won't but we do have anti-air guns so it's fine activate all the others activities all your orders and destroy the Germans Germany has no troops here because they are fighting the Soviet Union the fighting this opportunity very aggressively which means their troops will probably not be able to reach the front lines when we start fighting also I'm still training up some more troops for the Chairman the frontline but I have decided to not deploy them ahead of time and they'll just join when they're ready I've trained myself in my troops off but not all of them still I think they weren't good enough we're being invited to a faction hungry claims over lordship over Slovakia we don't care we're still at all the Allies but I said what would the Allies but most of them are capitulated so it doesn't really matter that much and British Raj is now the faction leader apparently which is kind of weird but fine and here goes my woogle let's beat up the Germans no their second Switzerland seriously let's go yes they're calling everyone in we're at war with everyone you'll soon see it we should be able to beat them off quite easily and I have established Garrison's on the coast everywhere so we shouldn't get killed by invasions also hmm let's get some locals going I think I want to beat up Portugal let's beat up Portugal I did to prepare an army to invade them why not all right yes everyone is joining in that's fine as you can see the Germans did not prepare proper defense against us right Belgium has recapitulated against us and so the Luxembourg for some reason I'm not sure how that works so they can capitulate multiple times well that's fine Venezuela though I didn't activate all the orders today I would still training it I forgot to activate the zone his order right me to declare war in Brazil soon because this is gonna take a long time to complete right how are you doing Italy is a little bit more difficult than Germany apparently let's make sure to edit this order well because Germany didn't have any troops on this border we were able to take all that land before they even brought reinforcements and Italy did have troops but was still beating them up Netherlands capitulated again to us once we connect here I think I'll just turn this into one huge frontline because these are all access to what matters is we making gains and we're making is quickly and also about attack Portugal come on Portugal you will join the axis I know that that's fine yes here you go then I see when I ask a patrol that was quick evidence when I asked capitulated that is a very good make sure to take it out the British bit and you make sure to take this bit here and the rest of you will relocate to a different order as you can see the attack on Portugal is going smoothly and they will capitulate in no time I was Germany ooh that's a nice dive into deep Italy didn't expect it to go so well but we do have a very powerful Field Marshal so I suppose it makes sense Switzerland's joined the Allies well I don't really need to fight Switzerland although it's quite likely they will declare war on me now this is now one front one one big front line they're going to be able to manage a little bit better this way just go here the front lines have been divided which means I need to assign some more troops down south otherwise they will not take the southern part of Italy no rightlet's 25 should be sufficient let's have them do that and the rest of you can handle all the main front lines as particle being defeated almost I suppose we'll get there's been quickly and L surrender nice let our guys to do it in at their own pace and in the meantime Peru is gonna take a while Brazil Switzerland is almost taken Portugal has capitulated and so has Swiss land wonderful now these guys will reassign themselves to the proper frontlines justification against Brazil is ready let's attack they will very likely joined the axis as well again this is just a side objective our main focus in is this the Italians are defending fiercely in the Neapolitan area but we're making great gains in the Yugoslavian part of their empire ok well taking Vienna be sufficient for them to surrender because we have taken most of Germany already were about to reach you the old Polish border and Germany has capitulated got lots of stuff but apparently right what would Poland I'm not certain apparently part of their territory went to the Soviet Union we're not going to tolerate that at least not for long and the capitulation is always a little bit messy and when we go to the diplomacy mapping yes we are at war with Poland now that all the Soviets though right and give me the things how's the South American bit because this is what really interests us this is our goal not dominating Europe nominating Europe is just a byproduct I suppose I could have left my amazing Field Marshal down here yeah my whole goal probably expires soon let's declare war Slovakia has capitulated and also about to take Copenhagen all right let's take that one and then we can move over north and Denmark has kept elated to but you go take that Poland has capitulated this time and they capitulated to us alright small remaining bits of Germany still to be taken and we will now be bothering the Soviet Union which is never a good thing Yugoslavia has capitulated again this time to us Peru has capitulated okay that's good news and that's good news definitely let's have a look at Peru now Sheila has reemerged this is all the same front line now I could just use one order one army one Field Marshal and they're still Romania to be taken well what happened well the hell just happened all the art countries have recapitulated and i got their stuff again not only the other countries Italy as well Italy has capitulated - okay well what the hell I'm not at what will the eyes anymore why am I not at war with the eyes anymore that doesn't really make much sense does it British Raj leave the faction oh okay I haven't I have no idea what's going on but apparently I Otto annexed the Allies no I still hold their territory we're not at war but I occupy them could this be a bug I suppose it doesn't matter I still hold their territory and that's less what participants to be worried about I don't have to worry about Norway anymore for example another war with Chile anymore that's unfortunate that means I have to fight the eyes again well I've done it once I can do it again legionary Romania has kept pitch elated that's a lot of trucks so after we're done here I enjoy that Paraguay and I need to attack Chile again which is very unfortunate didn't want to fight the Allies again well we don't have to fight the Soviets on us they attack us so we'll we're fine on that front okay we have pretty much cleaned out the access and Europe now we will have to fight the eyes again because I needed to take Chile and they were very unwise to accept them into the ranks because I need to fight them in the meantime if I need to fight them again I will prepare some attacks in down here to a new or goal is ready and I have prepared a new orders I don't intend to attack the Soviet Union however the Soviet Union is unpredictable and can attack us so we need to be prepared and we will attack the allies again because I need Chile so I haven't deployed my troops accordingly in the meantime we have finished another war gone here you go Paraguay Paraguay no and they joined the Comintern well then we're about to be at war with the Soviets don't worry I can handle them I can handle the Soviets no problem I believe so let's see how well we can handle the Soviets and also I have to expand this frontline a little bit and the care to just define engaged Chile again so Soviet Union hey you want to fight me well I'm prepared kinda not really prepared my guys were not in position but we are certainly powerful enough to handle them almost certainly yeah we'll we'll manage as you can see the Soviets are not really providing much of a resistance perhaps because we're just so good at or perhaps because they're fighting Japan on the other side both can be true and the justification against Chile is ready which means we are about to face the Allies yet again I'm cool with that it's unfortunate I didn't really want to fight them again damn yeah so many capitulations okay so this is one war and this is another and this is another and this is yet another okay we're tall with everyone that's fine we'll manage all the fuss is because we want to South America but of course everyone you get to get involved so they're now dead of course fighting the Soviets is incredibly tedious and I do hate doing that because you have to take every single small province pretty much before they give up fortunately this is not on the goal of our series you just need to take this and how far we get alone into the Soviet Union in the mean time well it doesn't really matter although I'm curious to see how far we can go we're past the Crimea already and moving towards Moscow and in South America well I'd say two-thirds hour hours more or less taking Brazil is almost as long as and tedious as capitulating the Soviet Union but we are progressing on both fronts in the meantime we've just taken Moscow great there's something so relaxing about just watching your border advance into the Soviet Union a very very gradually from a great distance a campaign into Brazil is my mildly successful I suppose the key is to build infrastructure as you go every way has capitulated but not to us to Argentina because they were on opposite sides quarreling with each other while I kill them all so my main field marshal got a lot of nice skills you can see the Soviet Union is not offering any resistance whatsoever at least nothing meaningful so actually dealing with difficult terrain in South America is more difficult than beating up the Soviet Union who would have thought just take that maybe that'll be enough since Rio definitely wasn't enough Brazil has capitulated finally after many years of fighting thank you very much and one more thing I suppose are the Falklands aren't technically part of America but I'm going to conquer them because I can just need a good port in this area oh really seriously well that's surprising unexpected and quick thank you the Soviet Union has capitulated well now we just have Japan to be tough it's always such a drag to deal with the Soviets and now it was rather easy well that's nice cancel all your orders and go to what is currently in Japan and will soon be mine and the Falcons are ours I suppose I could take that as well don't even want to remember what it's called sound assaulted Georgia really when a series is ours just a little bit longer until we take all of our gin Tina in the meantime Japan is getting beaten up quite a lot Argentina has capitulated so finally okay now we just have some cleanup left to do okay and that is it we have taken everything in South America which is more than we needed to we were supposed to take all the Spanish colonies in the Americas which can be verified by this map and as you can see we have taken much much more we have sort of casually conquered Italy Germany and the Soviet Union while going for South America anyway that is the challenge complete thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed it and make sure to let me know in the comments what you thought and what my next challenge should be and vote on that basically the option that gets the most likes will be the one I do next however I would probably prefer them a little bit shorter than what I just did that was basically a few days of playing and that's a bit much then again the most important thing is for you to enjoy it so again let me know what you think and once you would like it the next challenge to be I'll see you soon
Channel: Taureor
Views: 464,094
Rating: 4.8643136 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4 fail, hoi4 challenge, world conquest, castille, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, iron, spain world conquest, aragon, hearts of iron iv spain challenge, of, family friendly, hearts of iron 4 spain, hoi4, hoi4 meme, hearts of iron 4 spain challenge, ironman, hearts of iron iv spain, hoi4 spain world conquest, hoi4 spain, hoi4 spain challenge, four, hearts, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hearts of iron iv challenge, taureor, spain, hoi4 gameplay
Id: jwZ6cgCoZGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 38sec (2378 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2017
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