Czech Mate! Czechoslovakia goes aggressive

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hello everyone i am toriyor and welcome to my newest haunted vine 4 video today we're going to be playing as czechoslovakia joseph is best suited to be played as a democracy and to be focused on just defending themselves with other mighty forts however today we're going to do something a little bit different not completely just a little bit regular difficulty i'm in mode historical focuses let's go the standard way to play charles slovakia is to just be democratic get bonuses from that and build up your defenses and then the ai germany just won't do anything against you and you can strike back whenever you want going aggressive s chocolate is almost impossible you can't take out austria quickly enough because the germans will take it and you can't really take out paulden because the allies will guarantee it and even if you manage to make the allies not guarantee it fighting poland is a bit of a hassle and before you're done the germans might come after you it's doable but not really worth it aside from being democratic we can go left or right but going right is fairly difficult you really need to speed up your transition to fascism if you want the germans to not attack you going left does have some benefits we could also become a german puppet willingly which is of course terrible but there is one good path here we're considering an intent of our own with yoslav and romania that might not seem like a lot but we also get quick focus vocals against hungary and bulgaria with that we can have josovakia hungary romania yugoslavia and bulgaria all together against the germans and italians the fun thing about how this tree is constructed is that we can combine that with switching our ideology to whatever we want so that's exactly what we're gonna do let's start with political direction focus on just getting lots of guns as usual against the ai you basically only need infantry unless you want to focus on the battles i don't want to focus on the battles i enjoy the politics engineering machine tools and a doctrine we won't have a lot of manpower but we will have a lot of industry so i'm thinking superior firepower and let's build up our civilian industry and that's about it let's unpause we do start with quite a lot of troops we will want to switch them all to infantry and train them up and so on but we don't need to hurry too much we can train more troops later i guess i will need at least one army to take out hungary quickly so let's take everyone who's not a mountaineer switch them to just infantry and exercise manpower is a problem but we will resolve that shortly we start with two generals and two field marshals this guy wojtek voice wojtek not sure how the czechs pronounce that it's pretty good he has good attack values fans of doctrines and a fast planner so he's going to be our field martial gergei is a winter expert why not political direction is complete now which way are we going left right or democratic normally i would go right and mess with the access a bit but this requires so much support for the fascists that it's actually quite a lot of work to go fascist and we will also have a small civil war so it's just not feasible we can beat up the germans on our own we don't need that so we'll go left we will also switch to free trade because it's the best start with quite a lot of planes let's use them our first target is going to be hungary mechanical computing and ethiopia capitulates concentrated industry and let us set up an intelligence agency rook sure now the agency costs quite a lot of factories those are important to us we can't overdo it with the agency we've gone left now strategic decisions and let us implore the communist revolutionary we're going to be turning communists we don't need to rush it we have time because we can attack people as a democracy unfortunately we don't have enough factories to even make localized training centers normally i'd go to partial mobilization but since we'll be switching to communism relatively soon we'll go straight to war economy agents none of them are too good when i finish this factory and cancel the traded goods for a moment i'll be able to do localized training centers so that should help let's wait no rush civil war in spain starting now it would be ideal if we could take out austria before the germans take it part as joseph back it's not really possible unless we do a civil war but we don't want to mess with that okay next an unturned of our own let us switch to limited conscription i need some more manpower we have a sufficient number of factories now we're going to briefly cancel all trade and research localized training centers we want a german localized training center is complete let's recruit a german how good is he not great but him being german is going to help but now i'm going to send you to hungary and of our own is complete we're not in a rush to finish this so we will continue on the path of hunger and misery instead communist support let's open up political discourse i guess i could have suspended those points better let's hire the army morale genius ludwig's footballer i usually go for the offense guy but a genius difficult to pass up and with the army regrouping expert that's gonna work wonders and you have enough manpower to train more troops let's train some more infantry but not overdo it we want to keep some manpower for garrisons winners support complete now these two will give us quite a nice bit of manpower we will do them but we don't need to do them right now vanillas invite romania to our faction we want to make sure we always have some manpower so that we can maintain garrisons in the territories we're about to take i could always pop up them but uh i'm not in the mood for puppets today yay class conflicts how much communism 33 competing machine it is ahead of time but it will pay for itself has become the spymaster okay that's all of communist events we're about to be able to pass the referendum we're not in a hurry with the referendum but when we do pass it we'll be able to go to war economy i could discredit the government to hasten it but um perhaps we'll get even more events and we'll save volcker power that way romania in the untaunt next up yugoslavia reaffirmed good let us include hungary and bulgaria in it actually wait a minute it is march 37 with these two events could i possibly invade austria before the germans are ready seems unlikely i don't even have enough political power to do so what would we need to do spread the government maybe ban fascism don't have enough political power pity i never expected to get that many events if we did that or if we get another event um i think it takes 300 days to justify on austria and in february i think they joined the germans so we would have a month to invade austria we could do that but we need to be able to switch governments right now as it stands it's not very feasible so let's ignore austria the germans can have them you guys train up anarchists france and britain allows alliance perhaps i should have saved up some pluto power in the unlikely event of getting so many communist events we could theoretically take out austria unfortunately it is too late already they have a prince of terror i think they delay world war justifications yugoslavia indian taunt brilliant now we go for hungary security council okay i'm not sure i've had that before we are losing a lot of stability to these but we can almost do the referendum in a matter of days may if the austrians didn't have the guy it would be possible for us to invade them now let's do the referendum one has to be more than 50 and here we go we have very very low stability which is going to be an issue but if we were to justify work on austria see 315 days because of the price of terror if they didn't have him it would be a very good plan for us to take out austria before the germans take them out oh well i think there should be something regarding austria in this part of the focus tree or a separate path for restoring austro-hungary no matter i do have a plan we're going to stick to it now when we get enough political power we'll be able to go to war economy but we should also invest some in our stability it's really looking pretty bad making guns the best defense i probably should have been upgrading my agency that is a difficult choice when you have so few factories japan attacks china security council done let's dissolve hungary one thing we could do after that after taking bulgaria specifically would be to attack greece or turkey i guess maybe i can attack greece without them being guaranteed if i take out bulgaria first i don't think i have enough time for that actually this is an interesting event how long to justify wargle on you 235 you know what i'm gonna try and take out greece let's ignore hungary for now yeah i should have started doing that a bit earlier might also want to ignore bulgaria so that we don't attract too much attention from the world this for a little while let's do check socialism instead now this is different from what i've learned um let's try this out might be more interesting that way so since we're not attacking hungary right now stop the order now if greece gets guaranteed by uh the allies this move makes no sense we could theoretically go after turkey after taking bulgaria but turkey is very difficult to take out through istanbul um because well they can defend the strategy very well if you have naval invasion capabilities it's easy to go around it but we don't do i want to keep you in hungary i mean i will attack them eventually go for greece first why am i cancelling hungary in bulgaria for now well because we don't want to generate too much world attention so that greece doesn't get guaranteed by the allies we have a limited time because the germans are after us we have to be careful let's get another german political power really is a problem for us whether to switch the economy and now we cannot do that oh but we will get some political apart from czech socialism so it's all good and some manpower as well so here we go more economy and some stability let's do communism with the human face the extra manpower will come in handy greece no new guarantees the attack on greece is improvised i have not planned for this so we'll see if it throws off my whole campaign also let's train some more infantry should probably go after bulgaria i've made my decision we're going to take out bulgaria before we attack greece it should be sufficiently a little world tension to keep us from being noticed by the allies but let's go to two full armies now that we have extra manpower from communism we are ready to attack bulgaria in a swift strike we should take them out so very quickly let's dissolve bulgaria let's start fortification studies now activate the order and declare war calling our allies in because we need to attack from their territory also let's hire the army regrouping expert should probably invest in my stability it's terrible hungry re-arms we don't care do we want soviet frontiers not really not for this one you go for the victory point you go for the victor point that should be it there it is bulgaria is in a very safe space um the italians won't be able to access us because they would need to go through istanbul and that is why i'm going to annex it directly we need to pass a few times for that take all states next up greece you guys attack normally and you will assault them here why like this if you're fighting greece without naval invasions it is imperative that you fight them asymmetrically you need to let them keep this area while running for athens otherwise they'll just put all troops here and you won't be able to get through unless you have a naval invasion on or some stronger forces we have to start decrypting germany we also want to train more troops but make sure we have enough for garrisons against greece is complete let's send our planes there and declare war we're going to call our allies in every little bit helps go i need this army to get her through here and run straight for athens if they can the rest can handle normal operations keep going we can't let our other forces do too well they have to go around here now if the enemy were to consolidate this area we just wouldn't be able to push from just one province and it looks like success if you attack athens however you go around machine let's uh cancel their orders sure let's just redo their orders by doing it like this we can break through this point here which is very dangerous if we first pushed them out of kofu and agrino then they would just move all their troops here and we wouldn't be able to go through this way it's all good athens are ours where is it athens is ours in english and polish it's plural actually anchors of austria and fortification studies but we have two more focuses until the germans attack so we're going to take out hungary next we should be able to manage to take bulgaria greece and hungary before the germans attack all right you take kofu i should be surrendering in a moment there we go now greece is going to be a puppet why two reasons one they are accessible through the sea so we would have to defend the area from the italians two they actually have a very good aggressive ai so they make a good puppet greece pop it now let's go after hungary we need to be quick our time is running out we're going hungry is ready let's attack immediately and do not call any allies go this shouldn't take too long and our next focus is so definitely and early fortifications it is a bit late for that but early fortifications are better to nothing and all the other things were necessary i guess we could have delayed communism with a human face but with that we will have three full armies to defend from the germans i start working on the better guns ahead of time just rush the victory point and there goes hungary now i am torn on hungary because i would prefer to annex them just get at the factories and so on however if we do that we will have more territory to defend from the germans if we keep hungry we can just keep them out of the war and be much safer so even though i would prefer not to puppet them i am going to do so because of their strategic location then again in 70 days we could build these three provinces up significantly now we will be better off pivoting them done okay now we control hungary bulgaria and greece and ally to romania and yugoslavia pretty good for 1938 charles slovakia now it's time to face the germans deploy we are at three full armies which is going to be sufficient actually he's the defensive field marshal we should be using him let's switch the field marshals around also you can become an infantry expert okay cover the border we might need to send an army to help yugoslavia later but for now we just won't call them into the war we will be just defending for a moment set yourselves up and also exercise a little bit we still have some time wait a minute shouldn't they be doing the now well if they're not doing it that's even better for us they usually do so that land at this time probably missed something or maybe i just remember wrong if they were doing student land i would be having a warning but also i am certainly forgetting is spies that send spies to germany hmm i know what happened in that case i probably should have annexed hungary we would have plenty of time to set up our forts so let's improve working conditions our stability is very low so denied early fortification and yeah now they're doing it that's fine i will have advanced fortification which is level 5 everywhere which means they won't be able to touch me and i also have two more months to exercise my troops how's the equipment all right i need more political power i need to hire an elusive gentleman they also want extensive conscription anyway let's train some more troops servers general reinforcements three armies is more than enough for the front lines but we might need to help yugoslavia or something like that giving some manpower four garrisons well garrison is just bulgaria should have a next hungary as well but it's too late now okay stop the exit oh everyone has finished exercising good be balanced prepare an order deep into germany but don't do anything about it i will also need another army for the polish border once poland falls if poland falls that is if the germans can't get your slovakia they're going to be a joke is this connected here looks like it is maybe it is not but it looks like it is i'm gonna build some force here just in case munich dictat what do you think what are we gonna say any doubts here in the meantime let's increase the modifications to level seven let's make them think we are considering it we have some time before it auto accepts of course we cannot let it auto accept that would be terrible maybe three days left let's be safe in case of a misclick or something we will never surrender they get to wargle they'll probably attack us immediately how are my agents doing in germany by the way 61 network we do want to do some propaganda there to lower their stability and war sport but we'll need another guy for that uh do we want extensive conscription or do we want the illusive gentleman i think we want deals of gentlemen more at this moment at least right we seem to have way more troops on the border we will never surrender italy joined germany attacked i do have allies i'm not calling the men so with volunteers though again if i have soviet volunteers they might attack in some places and then my troops might decide to help them let's not accept some advantages we can deal with the germans on our own and know greece i do not want you joining the war italy will destroy you if you do i could call in romanian but romania will likely not do anything a lot of war support as you can see the germans are afraid of our forts and they're not doing anything which delays them significantly while all their enemies grow in strength see germany will not really be powerful if they don't state joseoka peacefully so we have deprived them of hungary as an ally so what we do here is we wait resistance there shouldn't be much resistance i have garrisons yeah it's fine compliance is growing ah they've attacked well it's not like it's gonna work new agent available let's see could be useful well let's just get a random german instead commando good enough do some propaganda in berlin we do have these guys ready let's deploy them here give them a general and we're gonna send some of them to the more vulnerable places like here for example here have two units if any of our provinces on the border looks like it's in danger i'm gonna send more troops here like here we go have two we could just uh assign the army normally but i dare say we're a bit better at distributing forces than the ai is also we can decipher someone's cipher let's do italy i don't really need to activate the german one at the moment this should have farts let's raise this to level seven as well like all the others will have oh they decided to attack because they've bumped my phones because i forgot anti-air that's not really a problem but let's send our planes to help a bit and once we're done with the fort build up anti-air the fortune some more civilian factories that is also get some more manpower from this better guns researched let's start making them we do have enough guns transition oh i stopped buying steel for some reason yes because we can't reach france fortunately we can just buy it from greece on the cheap and that's more from the soviets are you guys doing it's looking more or less fine here have a unit and final fortifications a level seven everywhere fall back line and internal results probably are necessary if we lose some quartz bits pretty bad anger in a line definitely unnecessary polish line could be useful but not yet let's do industrial legacy and above our industry a bit yes i know it's very good and probably we should have done it a bit earlier but we had stuff of higher importance zog submits daily and it's good yugoslavia is not in the war i mean actually they would have taken albania but italy is a bit stronger and they probably would have invaded a lot of ribbon throughout they can reveal the german cipher but it really doesn't benefit us that much if we do but if i boost ideology would that degrade our network is he gonna be able to maintain it at 100 on his own yes looks like he is okay let's make them communist or rather just make them a little bit communist because it's gonna reduce their stability a bit and they're preparing to attack poland but having to dedicate all these troops to our border i don't think they'll be able to defeat poland especially with all the allies it might actually be a good moment to get everyone involved and beat out the germans but let's give it some time see if they're actually getting involved in poland or not and we've killed a lot of germans the best moment to strike back at them is when they're fighting everybody i really don't think they'll be able to defeat poland if that many other troops are stationed on their border and if they take these troops away i should be able to just walk in agent captured that's highly unfortunate rescue captured operative industrial legacy good this is usually the best path but we already united our population with czech socialism so czech industry is actually better do you finish dungeon war yet almost bollinger is a german ultimatum and are you gonna attack them with no chance of success i needed them to be at all with the allies for us to strike we're also not in a hurry i would like to oh there we go poland wait a minute who has accepted the offer to join the faction i did not invite you to my faction i do dislike this automatic faction joining but i guess it's fine we will know how well they're doing and if they need our help i suppose i can send this guy to help a bit then again if they joined our faction that means they're going to call romania and diego snyder in which means i'm gonna have to do more than this let's train some more troops raj if the suffer joins we do have to get involved romania has joined yugoslavia not yet australia yugoslavia and south africa oh those are not doing too well are you would you say being involved we do have to participate actually let's wait a little bit and see how the situation develops germany is actually moving into poland which is bad for us alright i guess i will get involved properly spread different lines at least a bit don't be stupid don't leave anything undefended just redeploy a bit in britain you can enter my territory you guys in position yet okay go unbalanced nope no no no no don't go that's stupid hot just hold the line i thought the germans would be weaker in this area no matter we help hold poland should be enough we're repelling them so far uh croatia happened i forgot about that i'm about to activate the order now what to push through the germans actually do have reserves of equipment and some reserves of manpower i might be able to support this guy and yeah i do need to go to extensive conscription very soon maybe be cautious instead and some troops got lost down here new operative interesting croatia is not at all with me did it all with romania and yugoslavia let's join and call hungarian uncle festa cannot refuse our invitation to war because they are our puppet you guys be aggressive i probably should redo my orders a bit let's make sure you're all assigned to this we can take out clinics back it's going to simplify things a bit this is a bit of a stalemate and possibly we'd be better off just sitting in our territory and waiting but you know let's try something more aggressive this time we can actually get more research thoughts no not without joining the comment of course i can join the common turn i kick here not yet what i need to do is kick all the subjects out of my faction dismantle the faction and don't do the focus to join the commander that will bring the soviet union into the war not sure we need that let's think about it in the meantime more industry and more manpower guys of course not doing anything as always so the volunteers yes please actually i might not need the soviets it's going quite well so it's volunteers arriving all right hungry lend me your troops greece same for you oh right i should switch commanders we are on the offensive now charismatic i forgot about that earlier you guys take out croatia you guys first take out the italians in albania and then you go to croatia we decrypted the cipher for italy actually since i am attacking the germans i should be using the cipher to reveal both of them slowly nearing berlin but we're in desperate need of manpower but we're also about to take out kennings back it's going well oh this is going well as well italians and albania taking out roads move against croatia and italy balanced this time right seems like the tide of the war is in our favor now i could use some more troops sadly we do not have the manpower for it but we do have a lot of industry let's focus on that what is our participation 47 percent nice we ever gonna attack the benelux probably not now i would be adding artillery if i had the industry for it but our industry but we can't even keep up with the demand for guns actually i should have more military factories this frontline looks weird let me just redo it well if i do redo it there might be some silliness while my troops are running around maybe let's not attach it since it seems to be working okay the german island in poland has been eliminated everyone cautious are balanced cautious i don't have the manpower or the guns the allies even do anything one percent five percent they lost a lot of troops didn't we i think i need to reorganize the front lines now this is risky we might lose some troops to it but it does seem unnecessary so let's put them on aggressive for a moment that will let them move better do some planning and so on relax we'll try to get you reinforcements once we do we'll attack again shouldn't the germans be getting a civil war or something since they attacked us and failed it's a very nice event that i very rarely see let's do arms exports right so we have secured the enclaves of enemies in our friends albany has been taken out and the knightsburgh area as well now let's wait a bit so that we can recover of course the germans will be recovering as well but we kind of need it right now also the french have done something they have taken one bit here for the fact that they've done anything is astonishing we get more troops from our puppets i could theoretically use their manpower but they don't have a lot of it it's probably not worth it about greece two more units go do things yeah just probably need more military factories should have started building them earlier i feel like we've stopped the advance at a good spot now we need to recover our manpower or rather mobilize more manpower produce more guns and we can resume the offensive of nanjing fortunately it's not my problem oh i was expecting way more japanese presence in china justification italy oh italy's justifying greece naval invasions could become problematic greece does have some troops which might be sufficient export subsidies very good the french the french have taken another bit that's two bits and the british the british have taken three bits that is impressive more manpower please a lot more are you agent doing well enough i could probably even stage a coup i'm not sure that would benefit me but we could oh i know what i'm going to do i'm going to prepare a collaboration government sees him and support equipment well that's arcane technology just start producing it oh are we we do have some stored so it's fine how's that manpower growing we do have a lot of war support from being in the defense of war which helps with the growth agent killed well that was harsh wasn't it well then we need a new one we please have more germans fun fact you should be clicking um this this thingy on the map that gives you for example a german while you're about to recruit an agent why well if you have a spot and you click it you'll automatically hire that german but if you're about to recruit one and click it then german will just show up in the pool of agents available to you which in turn gives you more choice the french for bits british zero yeah right sunk enemy ships casualties occupation occupation oh do you mean africa well yeah okay that makes a bit of sense not that much though right so we have a german that's a seducer okay hildegard wagner sorry wagner i mix of the pronunciations flipping between languages we have thirty percent of communism thirty-one percent of communism in germany i mean nationalist socialism and comments are not that different but still thirty-one percent quite a lot in germany infantry equipment production cost minus five percent that's gonna help us quite a bit house equipment almost okay all right hungary has still did i missed that earlier must have hungry give me steel operation to prepare collaboration government in germany has launched and once we fully reinforce our armies with troops and guns it'll be time to push again we also have everything deciphered by then i wonder if i should take or puppet the germans probably take especially if i can manage to get the collaboration government thing going and there's a bit of a problem here the soviet union might attack poland we don't want to fight the soviet union which means we'll have to kick poland out of our faction which will be pneumatic but so we're volunteers though it was too late slowly catching up on guns the lens cave to the british doesn't mean they'll join the allies and join the war possibly i mean the germans are so weak this game down that they didn't even attack the banilaks so the netherlands might be the aggressor here i mean the aggressor they would be uh joining a defensive war but still the initiator i guess still needs more manpower beginning to think i might have deployed too many troops right is there anything worthwhile here not really i guess pact of organization could help and then we can do some military research not that it's necessary but you know we can oh what's that soviet union is justifying against romania romania will probably give up arabia which should work out nicely they don't we should be quick to kick them oh and they're gonna demand eastern poland yeah i'm gonna kick you sorry poland i'm not fighting the soviet union that means my front lines have changed a bit i'll join the allies that's fine i'm fine with the allies fighting the soviet union i don't want to be fighting the soviet union and the polish should be strong enough by now to defend their borders on their own very easily now romania should have enough common sense to just give this to the soviets where's the event oh they still have a lot of time and we have manpower in reserve rarely happens for me usually use it all how about equipment we don't have equipment in reserve yet agent capture and that's unfortunate i guess i could rescue her but my network will suffer all this operation is about to complete so i'll rescue her when it finishes right seems like we might be ready to push then again if we let the germans build their strength up a bit they might attack on the benelux right let's go cautious and attack cautiously was i too hasty with that probably yeah good romania has given up territory very good i wonder would you let me join your faction you actually like me enough for that i'm going to do something rather reckless i'm going to dissolve my faction kick from faction romania kick in faction so check and don't dismantle common turn join soviet union call to arms because of that is the eyes that's fine now we're allied to the great soviet union no we're not connected so it's going to be a problem but maybe not that big of a problem the romanian problem i don't want to do that focus that gives both of us in romania same with poland see i don't want to fight them i just want the soviets to help me yeah germany breaks modern throughout they might not attack poland actually if they're already at war with germany although they'll probably attack poland now let's do some military research can you stop the attack we're gonna need some soviet help might actually be better for me if for example yugoslavia is in the allies because the brits might actually come here and maybe do something for a change so will you or will you not attack poland also don't wanna give me garrison support cool germans try to attack us that will fail of course but could rather them expand their strength let them use up their strength also the expedition air forces were returned to their respective illness that's fine of the espionage we've completed preparing oh i lost an agent when did that happen ah when i started being spymaster that's a pity okay let's rescue captured operative can i be spymaster again not yet also prepare the operation to do the the government thing well the soviet union has a workload in poland but they're not using it probably because we forced them into a war with the germans which is good for us they might actually do naval invasions we'll see about that where are you attacking you shouldn't be attacking yes south africa you can have military access netherlands join the allies good that's going to distract the germans quite a lot it's also a good moment to attack they clearly were not expecting this assault see us getting into the common turn and calling the soviet union into the war of course would help if you know they actually participated in dead naval invasions and whatever but it also helped by not having them attack poland which in turn lets poland for the germans well their downside is we lost our faction but it's not really a big deal i just want to defeat the germans in a novel and different way we're attacking the germans and we're clearly failing why not now the germans are fighting here here here and here they're just not fighting denmark and belgium and luxembourg and switzerland and italy so they're fighting on more than half of their borders also i wish romania would give military access to the soviet union if i ask them for it sadly there is no way for the soviet troops to reach the front lines well in theory they could do naval invasions but that's about it let's do the collaboration government thingy again and make our troops cautious how powerful is germany that are not defeated yet if i could actually get some shore i can get over here the soviets would have a spot to land in of course that's not going to work but if it would work hey that would be nice will i call the greeks in let's call the greeks in i'm not going to take their forces i'll let them use those forces as they want as for hungary i will take their forces form a new army with them use that army to try to obtain a connection to the baltic sea it won't work probably but we can try so greece are you gonna do naval invasions we sometimes do which is nice because you don't have to micromanage those yourself if they do that lend the ease you to stop the attacks we're just losing men and the soviets have landed glorious right soviets we need more jobs here sand more troops good job why are there so it's not bringing more troops here can i get troops there i could yes but i'll probably be too late because they have to go all the way around here so the germans will take out the pot before they arrive sadly i wish the ai would commit to this and not just sit back and do nothing right you know what it's possible to do that again so just make sure you are in a port so that you can take advantage of it how did you get here that's a very silly yeah in them something's wrong with my forces directing like idiots with military access through poland right you know just redo everything in hindsight i probably should have stationed the troops here at the first mention of a possible soviet naval invasion you know what with the soviets having this a priority i could do the invasion myself i'll just need to research the technology there you go poland's not doing very well right now seems like they need those troops that we stationed there on the other hand if the germans actually reached the soviet union here that will end badly for the germans so yeah go reach the soviet union and be spymaster please that's better seriously how of about this germany quite quite all about however once they reached the soviet union without actually making poland surrender well that will be great also we saved france france is alive and will seemingly remain so you know i don't need focuses i just needed podcapar german cypher fully decrypted also yay for german spies seriously they're against everyone and still not dead as a pity we ended up with just three research thoughts it is impeding me a little bit let's do a collaboration government once again this is a fairly static game but pretty much all games with joe slovakia or like that transport ships yes good can do a naval invasion also best guns let's land over here when the swords get naval superiority however briefly which they will do eventually this invasion will launch i am a bit disappointed shouldn't have joined the fighting so early we should have just set on our forts until we developed enough technology and enough and produced enough equipment to beat the enemy we should have let poland fall in that case it would be much easier for the soviet union to uh fight also i need some dokkans fan attack the philippines the united states are about to enter the war actually you guys redistribute because you you are going to be helping the naval invasion once it succeeds um no this is fine we have some brits here defending our territory this is like world war one just sitting here nothing's happening we actually need oh i don't even have enough convoys there's gonna be a problem we make sure bulgars has more slots united states are joining that might create some opportunities but the united states are very good at harassing people with naval invasions oh draft dodging um let's take the expensive option oh damn it so we can attack poland i was hoping they wouldn't do that now they're at all the allies still that might turn out alright for us no i'm not joining the war but once the soviets defeat poland they'll push into germany now you don't seem to be at one with romania so romania seems to be very smart they refused to join this war i guess that works it's okay and germany attacked luxembourg finally like somebody captured great news or these are dark times these are dark times and romania seems to have joined the war stupidly we are being pushed back a bit but need to retreat to our forts but hungary doesn't have fort so what we actually need to do is build up forts either here or here let's build up some on the current borders so what the hell stupid are you to move your ah why do you not adjust the front line automatically genuinely pissed about this interesting the soviet union wants to give him expeditionary forces yes please now the account is mine so even though there is war with poland it can actually go through their territory right so i need to change everything again we're gonna need some more commanders also going to need to redo the order once again this time the soviets can actually reach us we will attack the fact that uh the frontline wasn't automatically adjusted really made me mad lost a lot of territory because of that and poland has capitulated we actually lost some serious territory we will take it back but it should not have happened romania and yugoslavia are fighting soviet troops stationed in hungary it is a bit silly if we have the germans here to kill but oh well at least now the soviet union is properly involved france still doing absolutely nothing well the eyes do own africa nope no they don't there's still some italy no way yeah the more friends the better actually we might want to invade from denmark once denmark gets involved which will inevitably happen in a moment let's get some more troops let's request greek troops not all of them need greece to be able to defend itself one full army please get up north quickly and once denmark gets involved we'll attack from there in the meantime we're regaining lost territory it's somehow from the soviet union they do not seem eager to attack denmark romania is in a bit of a pickle would you attack norway though you'll get there probably the slight claims bulgaria that might become problematic for me in the meantime in france nothing is happening cannot get more steel which is a bit of a problem because the soviet union went to close the economy for some reason probably because they can't get any steel well we'll buy it where we can they don't seem to want to attack denmark let's redeploy these troops here nothing is happening wait no not nothing 17 is taking out romania well i was relying on some help from them i think that might not have been wise do i need even more manpower not yet hey we're making some gains here not a lot but some yeah this video kind of spoiled everything by attacking poland and now you took back your troops well that sucks in that case we need to redo our stuff again china capitulates the problem with exposition air forces from other countries that are not your puppets is that this can happen we'll take them back and you won't have them suddenly there's a gap in the front lines right this is this is actually not going too well is it well the allies are pushing from the netherlands but this whole plan was not very good at least the grease is safe and when i click the war it only shows me and not the allies this could not mean anything or it could be very good very bad why well because sometimes i have seen a situation in which say i am at war with the germans and the allies are told with the germans the war ends and the peace conference happens only for the allies or only for me if it's not the same war if it happens only for me that's great we're going to take germany well most of germany because the soviet union is also in it but if it only happens for the allies we get absolutely nothing let's wait and see oh france got one two three four five bits actually now i can do the romanian question can i because they're at war already which means i'll have the fourth research slot which is still very little and very late i'm just going to let this happen for a while let's see what the outcome is well yugoslavia pushed back against italy a bit but they're about to be kicked in behind by the soviet union okay romania has capitulated that's going to make things easier for the soviets and possibly for us now we can get a research slot not like it's going to help us at this point but still it's good to have it holy romanian alliance really no poland no romania united states invading soviet union this game is uh yeah i guess it's my mistake i should have let poland fall but as a polish person myself i do have a soft spot for the country is it just me or does germany seem a bit overpowered and there's the united states in no it's not united states it's greece good job great job actually can i manage to help them you detach and run there very quickly there's some greek troops and some soviet troops if i can get there quickly enough come on hold on just need a few units there make sure they can hold the port those few units we can make it happen and yes we are arriving actually greek expeditionary forces are arriving but they belong to us and the soviets have done the same thing perfect absolutely perfect attack very aggressively it is a greek manpower after all take berlin also take stuff should we go aggressive now you know it's probably stupid but i want to go aggressive yes i was bright it's stupid this is undefended can we take berlin it would certainly be great for our propaganda berlin is mine well greek germany capitulates wonderful and capitulates to me uh you might be wondering why they captured so quickly we actually did 100 calibration government so yeah that's the end of germany good job greece and myself and to an extent soviet union and netherlands right now it's time to finish off italy and while the soviet union fights poland jehovah slovakia and a bit of romania we're going to what's the corporation government in germany shall we do that yes although does it matter actually not i have never tested that what happens if you create the collaboration in government before the end of the war let's try that yeah this communist germany corporation government of us yeah come on join the fight are you in the war though yes you are yeah so i wonder how things will go down at the peace conference awesome grace give me stuff and keep two that's fine and i in turn am going to give it to my collaboration government which gives me a huge amount of their factories and also means i should be able to get steel easily now to cancel all the trades and yes give me the steel beautiful glorious collaboration governments for the win i still need to beat italy to get the peace conference yeah i wonder if it is advantageous for us to have a peace conference at this point it might be better not to go there quickly strikes again we were not doing focuses for quite a while we do have a lot of political power that we can spend on stuff like that hillary seems to not be doing too well yes going great and italy it will still take some time but they're now alone against the allies and us actually since it might take some time i should be trying to get the columbian government going it is too late for that but we can try this is quite ridiculous isn't it we're a member of the commandant so the soviet union has access into our territory in our subject's territory but the allies are fighting the same enemy we are they also have access to our territory and their subjects territory so allied troops are fighting soviet troops all over my land yeah have fun guys and most of this army group is slaughtering italians here right finish them off then join the main force this is a bit tragic there's this italian to the mortal must be right let's redo the orders are you guys making troops not yet but i'm assuming you will is you're just at war since you're essentially germany but just at war with italy nothing weird is happening here oh right i forgot about the cyphers i should have activated the german one a long time ago now we can do the italian one but this is largely undefended it seems oh take room for me this is just after chaos isn't it should probably revoke military access from the allies i would calm things down a bit no is too much fun just watching them fight each other all over my territory and rome belongs to me i just need some more victory points and military access through joseph as italy doing still gonna take a while stability getting a bit better with these events our first dockyard is available another italian victory point we'll close our youtube capitulation quite close actually when we prepare collaboration government i think we will not have enough time to make use of this operation because we're about to immediately but just in case something happens it's better to do it also as they capitulate i wonder if i'll get everything or nothing because the peace conference might not work properly because of how this screen looks but to be fair to the game if i was the game i'd probably get confused by all this as well this of it's fighting the allies all over my territory here as well oh seems like orders have gone weird but it's all working out we should be surrendering now really 92 towards capitulation all right we'll take toronto and they should surrender theoretically but if not we'll take palermo and they will the immortal italian is still here we'll just watch the chaos for a moment this is strangely pleasant and toronto is ours are you gonna surrender now yes you are and no actually seems like the peace conference is working properly i was worried beautiful the collaboration government done during the war is perfect they actually got the territory without me having to spend points in the peace conference great absolutely amazing right so is my collaboration government here it is it's gonna be cheaper to take the land myself or to give it to them cheaper to take it myself i can then transfer other land to my puppet i could pop up them separately well i already have a wonderful german puppet so we're not going to do that all right that's as much as we can do in this bit we satellited lithuania okay actually i need to pass oh damn it from the soviets have puppeted germany but just for common pity but not a problem we'll take the remaining bits here for ourselves and see these are expensive for us because they're held by a different alliance but what if i give them directly to my subject nope they're even more expensive okay then okay then let's have a look at italy we're gonna pop it italy fast pass pass pass pass pass us yeah should be enough alright italy can take a lot of stuff from italy the african possessions as well please okay that's everything croatia we could take croatia it is a bit expensive though and germany just a few provinces left and the turn be passing until we can afford some german territory and we can't get in let's take croatia and done so if i also puppeted germany i'd be able to take more it's not a problem this is a bit weird looking but we got italy as a whole pretty much almost as a puppet also we also have a glorious collaboration government of germany that's giving us wait for it 75 of all of their industry and what we're going to do is republic of germany oh right so it's the other puppet who's ruling you by the way we haven't get and mine is ruled by eric hartmann okay let's make sure this territory okay this might be let's make sure this territory is given to our puppet and okay this is a bit of an issue seems like i cannot transfer this territory to my collaboration government so perhaps creating a collaboration government during the war is not so perfect unfortunate but i'm still getting a lot of factories from them so it's all good but we should have puppeted to germany separately anyway yeah let's unpause see what happens uh i am going to end this video here we have achieved total chaos might be a bit too weird for me let me know what you think did you enjoy this strange little video or do you prefer something that makes a little bit more sense let me know and i will see you again soon goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 148,902
Rating: 4.9329791 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 czechoslovakia, hoi4 annex germany, hoi4, hoi4 ironman gameplay, iron, hoi4 meme, hoi4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 fail, taureor, hoi4 czechoslovakia world conquest, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 ironman czechoslovakia, world conquest, hoi4 gameplay, hoi4 continent, hoi4 communist czechoslovakia, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 communist world, hoi4 annex ussr, hoi4 good czechoslovakia
Id: GnlyYlb0vh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 39sec (2559 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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