Hearts of Iron 4 Challenge: Cuba Takes America

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hello everyone I am torie orange welcome to another one of my hands of iron for challenges this time the challenge is to play as turn communist and conquer all over the Americas now for the purpose of the challenge I'm not going to count the islands around here I will try to take them as well but you know if the British launched a naval invasion and I can't get there in time or whatever I don't want this to count has failed to challenge so I will try to take the islands but might fail also keeping in mind the fact that one of the things Kiba is known for is its music I have put several musical accents in the video let me know how many you can recognize and if they annoy you or not if they do I know you I'm sorry and I will probably never do that again but it is a bit funny to me and I do have a very a very dry sense of humor anyway let's start we're going to play on the regular difficulty historical focuses and Ironman mode and I will remind you again and the goal is to turn communist and take over the Americas all let's go Cuba one we start in a pretty difficult position we only have two units and four factories and that is not a lot and but we'll manage somehow first let's start our research only to research slots I'm going to have to deviate from the regular formula because I need to start doing certain things a very early so I need to start by researching Marines we Marines early our first focus will be political effort so we can start changing our ideology and as for the factories we don't have a lot of them no point in building infrastructure to be filled with focuses no spots for factories I think I'll just to do some ports as for production just do lots of infantry weapons and that has to be it for now I could even just disband these units we won't be needing them okay Hudson pause and wait with portico effort we can hire an advisor and do our next focus our next focus has to be naval effort because I need some dockyards to build ships as a faulty advisor mmm part of the challenge is to turn communist so of course it's gonna be a communist revolutionary electronic mechanical engineering is researched and our next thing would normally be this but we can't afford that we have to research it destroy us because we have to start building destroyers naval effort is done we can start using our dockyards and now I'm going to just do convoys because we don't have anything else but as our civilian factories aren't pretty much useless to us anyway I am going to purchase some steel and some oil now we have to follow the armament effort path because we don't have military factories I have enough political power to do something with it and we are going to hire a silent workhorse which is usually a good investment ah we have researched Marines which is wonderful because we do need some troops to outside of our borders we are going to train ten units of Marines and our next research has to be infantry weapons of one because of the weapons we have are crap destroyers have been researched and let's start building them assuming armament effort can let us produce enough guns to outfit our troops finally we can get a coup that means we will probably be switching ideologies relatively quickly we can start producing in 50 weapons one which are significantly superior now we have to research naval invasions I'm going to switch the free trade because those buffs will be quite useful let's change our manpower law to limited conscription mechanical computing and transport ships have been researched at this point we can technically get a coup already I am still training them even though they are well technically they're trained up already I'm actually I'm going to deploy these ahead of time because I need the army experience so that I can add more units to the templates probably shouldn't have disbanded in as we had at the very start I should have trained them to get more army experience what so we're training them up to add more units to each template and here comes on the communist coup perfect well the communist government now in control we can start justifying our first war go and it's going to be against [Music] but let's do this next that was a quick Spanish to the war also I do not have a commander let's get one okay alejandro you are going to conquer the Americas for me with construction effort done we now again have enough factories to buy some oil ooh I have not had a look at this that is a wonderful choice aromas Cabral Hamas Cabral I think that's how that should be pronounced he is the silent workhorse which is the best thing you can have in a random leader and also a smooth-talking drama that is great also there's no reason not to start planning and naval invasion over here and now the superior firepower doctrine it is extremely powerful especially this first thing 20% soft attack that is a lot we have hired a commando expert named Fidel Castro I'm not sure if you are familiar with this name anyway he is going to buff our Marines a lot we now have enough army experience to modify our template let's add more Marines extra research thought so let's take the destroys that have deployed in give them a commander and set them to patrol the Caribbean Sea with the SA research slow down I'm actually going to do secret weapons taking it well let us do these technologies faster and thus speed up our research in the meantime let's boost our troops with improved infantry equipment and support equipment I should go to work on me but that can wait and here is our war go last attack immediately alkalis because you don't have any eyes go here goes our naval invasion should be successful perfect no attack got Amala and be balanced in your attacks much longer and here we go I'm actually going to just connect them and now since I do have some extra equipment I can modify my unit template yet again let's finally get to the desired width of 20 improved inventory equipment and the war goal against Salvador are both ready let's attack understands justify more war goals this time against you and you although that will have to wait a moment because I don't have Bosco powered we will be successful easily because they have a lot of low width units and the more low with units you have the higher the penalty they get for stacking too many units which is why 40 width is what you should strive for if you can afford that and let's start justifying what go on there it's gonna take some time obviously we have enough equipment to buff them again I'm going to keep increasing their width and that's that what semestre political power 3 let's go to war economy the enemy is in a very difficult position let's go aggressive for a moment oh why are you blinking finally I'm just going to next time equipment helpful next justification is already let's declare immediately this is going to be very easy and that's it again next if you're wondering why the u.s. is not defending them the answer is simple they guarantee us as well so they will not interfere so here goes the service by requirement it pains me to do so with the factory output and decrease however it is a necessity hello ready to attack almost at attack Nicaragua and and justify some more war goals let's start with and this will not take long at all boom annex everything since we have some disposable of auto power I'm going to start boosting communism in the United States we're actually going with integrated support at this time and it's time we did the improved computing machine to further boost our research ah the war has started the Germany attacked Poland Poland joined allies and everyone's fighting everyone unfortunately that doesn't really affect us apart from the fact that we can't really attack fascist countries like the Dominican Republic of Venezuela or a room because then they'll join the axis and there will be some trouble we have to leave them for later who also has fallen that means yeah Poland has capitulated multiband drop will be in effect soon let's do a Tomic research now because it speeds up all other research I really do like Marines and Mountaineers lately for example Marines are not only for naval invasions they are also very good going-over rivers which is usually a problem so I'm actually not going to use any normal infantry I'm going to use all Marines and Franz has been taken as well now we're going to do advanced computing machine it is a lot ahead of time and it's going to take a long time but once it is research is going to speed everything quite a lot ah justification is ready let's go this is going to be no problem at all and over a river with Marines Costa Rica take all steps I am going to get puppets but only ones with very high manpower so Colombia mm has quite a lot of manpower they're going to make a good puppet I'm also going to take Mexico and possibly Brazil depending on the situation if you later Mexico next Europe is looking as you would expect it to look and we're almost ready to launch an attack on Haiti here it goes and that immediately starts justify our next war goal you know what let's just do math in the meantime let's launch shouldn't be too difficult yeah I probably should have attacked Mexico instead of them that was quick and I'm of course going to just take everything let's get all our troops to the Mexican border unfortunately our troops have bad supply here well and I'll have to endure it somehow Marines - done I'm now going to use my equipment effort to get weapons three quickly our war against Mexico is already let's attack them immediately of course I'm not sure how long that will take I'm pretty sure we can beat them but not sure how time-consuming that will be I will start justifying on and I can always cancel those and we do have a ton of Oscar power so that will not be a big problem now the cool thing about Marines is that you can attack over rivers with no trouble with that computing machine we get awesome bonuses to all research let's use that to get weapons three and only 69 days a little more manual management will speed everything a lot right up Mexico is going to be my puppet and it's going to be providing me with tons and tons of manpower I gave him some more manual orders and Mexico City will fall soon probably well we're doing great probably should have attacked them earlier now Mexico doesn't have a lot of victory points but it does have a lot of provinces which unfortunately means we will have to take most of them they have to monitor this closely I can take at most two more provinces and when I do then I have to stop otherwise we won't be able to start the next research slot now and okay I can activate it now here quickly start extra research slot to was that yes I am going to pop at them because I do need their manpower they have a much more manpower than I do Mexican socialist a republic a colonial Mexican Marine group why Marines well because those special forces are generally a bit stronger than normal infantry although they do require more equipment but I have I have special buffs to Special Forces and I have researched and buffs to Marines so we'll actually be better off using Marines rather than a regular infantry I am going to switch all my guys into Mexican Marines and I am also going to train more of them I should delay if my attack on Panama as much as possible because my naval invasion is not ready yet what are you doing No oh you idiots they're sailing around to get here instead of just using these ports you know what I'm gonna do now I'm going to create a faction with the Mexican Socialist Republic let's call it the cuban empire Don of the Cuban Empire wonderful oh god damnit are still sailing where they're not supposed to be selling can you just go here instead of the idiots we wouldn't want our walk all to expire so let's attack actually now I could lower my men power laws yeah I'm going to go down to extensive conscription we can as you can see this is a trivially easy but I also need to land in Panama itself although I suppose I could just detach half of this army and they'll be ready in no time yeah that should be sufficient go no interesting learn Lee's although subject land leasing to me will increase their autonomy but I do welcome the extra equipment and that's it for Panama we don't know we don't need them as a puppet so just take everything extra research slot and now when we reach 50 factories which I can do at any moment by canceling some of our trade and we are at war then we can do in the fifth research dot which will be tremendously helpful our goal is complete let's start the war conquer and that's just fine some more work those immediately I can't attack Venezuela because it's fascist and it will join the axis which would be a problem I can't attack Peru for the same reason why can attack is and bras let's justify a walk over here and here I decided to give them some manual orders this naval invasion shouldn't experience too much trouble now we have landed beautiful that was probably unnecessary I should have just attacked from the land yeah that was quick I'm going to also make them a puppet because I could use some more manpower lemon perhaps Brazil oh no probably not oh crap I forgot to do the extra research slot oh well I'll do that when fighting Ecuador who the Germans have attacked and the Soviets already we are now ready to attack Ecuador and but we can't win this I mean we can but we don't want to I will explain so first we declare war as we do now is call our puppets no I'm going to cancel my trade some of it at least so that we have at least 51 factories all right now we are at war and in a faction and we can get the last slot but if I activate this board if I call in Colombia then well then then we will defeat them quickly and we'll lose the option to have that focus continue so I'm just going to stay as well and not do anything about it for a while in the meantime I will start justifying the war go against our goal is ready but I'm not going to use it yet I do want to finish technology sharing before I do any military action here and dismantle defection yes I did say I want to cancel my faction why well because factions give you notoriety if we're just Cuba with possible puppets fighting people here mmm the Allies won't button I but if we have a faction and we start calling people in then that counts as a major war and if we are in a major war then well people like Ecuador could start John the eyes mmm we only need the faction to do this and after that away with the faction oh also I realized I did destroyers instead of submarines I wanted to do submarines because they have a greater range and we might not be able to do an invasion of Chile were just destroyers so I did like a licensed production trade with the Soviet Union to get some submarines hopefully they will be enough to you know get the drop on the Chile research right technology sharing is done let's dismantle the faction and yeah if I've researched thoughts I'm actually going to start researching submarines because we will need some submarines and now that we no longer have a faction well we can form declare war in Brazil and a second a call in Colombia let's continue oh right one more thing I want to redo my trade deals also as for building stuff in Mexico I don't think it's a good idea right now it's not going to be that helpful anyway I need more civil in factories first we have attacked Brazil we should start justifying another war go it's gonna take a while and we are currently justifying against Chile yeah it's still gonna take some time but that's good we'll have enough time to build some submarines and once I research for my own submarines I'll have to get rid of these of course because you know licensing is from the Soviets this cost asked quite a bit I could all take everything please NATO Soviet Union I don't want to join a faction but I will buy your steel you're moving in can I just try and send you to get the port quickly because then we'll get proper supply and we'll actually be able to do something in Brazil there's a jungle is very difficult to penetrate and this is why I actually want to have the real offense it happened from down here but we can feed up maybe we can succeed a little bit up North having researched our own submarine will finish the Soviet one and then cancel our deal Brazil was trying to land a naval invasion the thing I left a garrison still didn't get the port but we're almost there our justification on Chile is ready but I'm going to delay declaring war for a little bit so just so we can get a few more submarines oh I almost forgot should just define another warble in the meantime oh that's a very long one how about yeah that's a bit better not attack them first I think 40 ships should be enough I'm going to send them on patrol here and here so we can get naval supremacy and then we'll launch a fight they will probably engage in the enemy fleet and as we have a weak and small feet we'll probably lose quite a bit of them however it will all be a sacrifice worth paying if that gives us victory and it should and it should all right um enemy there how we doing in Brazil good we have taken another port great so afterwards you just follow all of the coast and let's declare war on Chile okay this does the naval invasion launch immediately yes it does now we just needed them to not be intercepted by enemy ships but yeah we're going to fight a naval battle which is good because if they are engaging our ships in battle then they are not engaging our convoys in battle which is the important bit and who are they now engaging no no not to convoys that is fine Gaius which have two convoys the route I don't want them to join the battle when they just slipped through yes they will write a great yeah I switched the port to the furthest one because I thought this one is closer to the capital so it might be better defended and the northern ones well it would be logical for them to put more troops there because it's closer to me so theoretically the furthest port should be the weakest although I'm not sure how was the naval battle going a crab almost almost all of our fleet can i order you to yeah repair repair repair do not engage well if did and that gives us Chile it was worth it and it seems like it will yes it will give us Chile man your orders it should go yeah right I should I shall be okay we'll have them in no time the United States attacked Germany now that is good news because we wanted Germany to be weakened right now so we can attack all the fascist states in South America how far are you from capitulation oh just one province from capitulation so we don't need to create any front lines we just need to take this one and they'll surrender okay Chile is almost I'm going to take everything we don't really need more puppets but I think I'll make Brazil one as well now it's time to beat up Argentina now the attack on Brazil is pretty difficult but it doesn't really matter we'll get them through Argentina and Uruguay I also now over the plains for five planes to be exact without my to just be enough to give me a superiority the US is influencing us really well they have nothing on our communist support they will not succeed have I succeeded well we have almost done them communists actually a civil war in the u.s. might hurt us more than help us our goal against Argentina is ready there is no reason to delay that's one less attack now we're still justifying against Uruguay we could start another one or wait wait 78 days if I were to start just fine now yeah it will be better if we wait no I'm actually going to leave parkway alone for now and the justifier body alright continue Argentina you're mine you have enabled do I have a superiority no not really probably the Brazilians are doing something about that yeah they've been the invasion of Brazil is actually going alright I started producing some artillery and motorized so we can get signal companies and you know the artillery attachments oh good another part about to be taken yeah I really might not need to attack Brazil from the South although we will see about that soon just older the more to go to the capital I won't go against Uruguay is already but I'm going to delay attacking a little bit so that perhaps we can actually be at the borders or ready to take them out quickly that is a well-defended capital you got there China has been taken yet just focus and this and we'll give them an avenue of escape we are about to take Argentina I have also decided that I'm not going to attack Oleg why and I am actually going to that my work will expire that might seem like a mistake and it probably is but I don't want to risk it let me explain I've checked my relationships with the eyes and did you hate me a lot for all the world tension I have generated and why is that democratic so well I didn't really fear that when we were attacking Ecuador which was also democratic but now I'm a bit worried because they might be able to join the other as at this point when I attacked them and that would ruin my whole plan I mean they probably wouldn't the eyes don't bother about South American affairs usually um by taking this Cuban land that is close to the Allies and so on so it's theoretically possible and I can't take that risk more still attack Bolivia Paraguay Peru Venezuela and so on and we will attack Uruguay but we will probably do that a little bit later unfortunately I have to that the work will expire because of that and that will lower my national unity but national unity is usually not a problem for me however what I can do is move this arm here and use it to take Rio in justification already let's attack Bolivia shouldn't take too long to take them over and told rocket artillery is ready I will start producing those soon but now let's focus on our industry instead hmm Bolivia will be taking over soon just a few more provinces and then hopefully in Brazil they take Paraguay then we wait for the Germans to start losing then we take Peru Venezuela and a Dominican Republic and then we take the eyes and org why I mean I could probably attack them but it's a risk because you know is there democratic and it's pretty late in the war and the hours aren't doing better now so they could allow them in which would kind of ruin my plans Olivia give me everything please hmm equipment how long until this wall is ready a very very long time what's your level I should really make him a Field Marshal yeah I'm gonna do that you lose all the nice bonuses but we do need a field marshal all right I should be the end of Brazil right now I could use another puppet men power wise on the other hand seeing how many factories Brazil has I think I have a farmer to use for other factories than for other manpower I'm going to just take everything that is a load of factories I possibly final modification to our division template support a rocket artillery it's going to increase a soft attack a very very much all right this actually looks like the Soviets are launching an counter-offensive I will start justifying on the fascist countries starting with [Music] our logo is already until the one in Peru is ready all right I suppose we can start on the case of Manny's way that's it these super-aggressive please and make sure you just move just go for their capital immediately right way no my kid can't believe as well now I'm just going to take everything of course right now Peru and Venezuela Mexico seems have run out of manpower that means I have to next them soon how's Germany doing not so great not so great at all now normally I would probably jump on the opportunity to get some of that land and you know maybe even join the Allies for a time but we're not interested in any of that we are interested in the Americas we can lower Mexico's autonomy let's do that anyway our justification is ready let's attack are they Johnny axis they are not Johnny active and let us justify and not a war go and that will be everything before whether the I was just doing manual attack on Lima with everyone some of them are bound to succeed and then they should surrender Germany has capitulated 46% communist we could probably spark a civil war the rule you're going to be next now it is time for Venezuela probably should have puppet of Brazil or very close to next in Mexico and the venn they so well can be now attacked let's go oh crap of course I forgot to call in Colombia here we go just go to Caracas now they have surrendered I am of course also going to take everything and we can finally in the next Mexico but we're not going to do that just like that first I'm going to deploy all the troops that Mexico has been training for me and cancel the rest now we annexed Mexico all right what troops did you have infantry type eight mostly now that is a twenty with seven two infantry with some support anti-tank I suppose this is not bad hmm seems like they won't go over service by requirement either you know what I should probably just release Brazil should have done that immediately Brazilian Socialist Republic and we're going to using Brazilian troops next seen Brazil went to service and by requirement and have 1.8 million a manpower I'm going to be switching some of my units to Brazilian units just to drain that manpower pool our walk or just occasion case the Dominican Republic is already that's without further ado just attack oh you're not doing so great now there's surprising I suppose I could originally redirect if you enable invasions and just send them for sins they are clearly going to beat us here because I didn't have enough supply and I thought they were going to be a very easy target we have to activate naval invasions I have activated four of those that were reserved for the islands here because I already started programming like on the eyes so mmm yeah let's launch them are you going to launch immediately or do I need to send my fleet out I need to send my fleet out and we can decrease column bin autonomy come on a crap I lost so many troops well that was a mistake but we should be victorious now I should have done it this way from start my pointlessly little pointlessly lost a lot of troops that was a very stupid of me to do now it's time to redo some of our orders reorganize the troops deploy some units and attack I think I'm pretty much ready so I'm just going to start justifying a war go on the eyes as well as perhaps a little boy I just found them first that's gonna take a longer time as for the eyes themselves well that's not gonna take long at all yeah let's do Jamaica and get our orders in order we're launching tons and tons of naval invasions were attacking all the highlight bits and then we're converging our forces on the US our work or justification against the United States is already but let's prepare a bit more I think we're ready to attack let's send our fleet to secure naval supremacy hopefully we will get that then our naval invasions we'll be able to launch now let's just wait until this becomes green it has become green there are 30 US ships I have 16 that is more and the more is all that matters in terms of launching air war you know one big wave of naval invasions they're gonna get our Civil War and the Civil War can screw me over I'm going to cancel boosting popularity and I'm going to cancel all my trade with the US of course alright it is your time to shine Pimentel let's declare war on the United States of America this army will get smashed and because none of the really good troops are in this position but this is this is not a that important the majority of the attack should come from naval invasions let's see if they actually will launch if they don't I am in trouble have you launched you have not launched really oh no you have I need to call my allies in because some of them will not be able to launch now that's better and that's better all that matters is that I have more ships I do have more ships and I am getting smashed here but that's not a big deal all those troops are strong and when they beat up their enemies they will rejoin the men from main frontline yes the invasions have launched great that's a huge wave isn't it let's hope let's hope they're successful let's hope at least some of them are successful this is utter chaos but well that's to be expected of war you have learned it perfect our naval invasion of Washington is about to land and it seems like nobody's defending it well this was supposed to be the main attack and it seems to have worked perfectly I have given my guys a salmon Manuel orders we have Washington or about to have Philadelphia I have to switch my economy let's go to closed economy this isn't great the enemy has moved off here and we might actually get the port good I'm also sending off some of the troops in the area yep dammit the Americans have landed in Cuba well we are about to defeat them but still that is an inconvenience can get Boston half of the East Coast is ours we have encountered some resistance but I think we'll be ok this is the most difficult to fight but we're managing that also this is merely a distraction a take Detroit that's all the victory parts actually and then we need to take Los Angeles how about that walk alone oh boy that's still a long time and we have taken all the islands successfully that is an American naval invasion so unfortunate actually I probably should make this guy Field Marshal and once these are connected just assign everything to him the enemy has stupidly left of this province so we're going to send Diego then we're going to Los Angeles and then [Music] good thing I left at garrison they're attacking us and they are failing can we actually get through it is possible the distribution will always ready great that is a scary ship we are going to attack why and these armies these troops here will well they'll be relieved to do other stuff current capital is Chicago I will almost Devin that and then they started pushing back just go for the capital as usual they are at 48 we need to get them below of 40 I don't think San Francisco will be enough to do that 43 out of 40 very very soon go for Chicago perhaps some of them will actually get through between enemy lines if I can keep all that I have and reach Seattle well then then we win no wait a minute I should be able to take Houston the British the British have brought reinforcements we have Houston but we have lost my army oh oh it might be enough now nineteen nine percent but almost there it means can I actually get to Chicago really great great yay let's redo some orders shall we anyway all that remains to be done is to beat the cure-all our coasts and finally finish your next our puppets I'm working on that right now what we can do is and next Colombia and I'm gonna do that now it's time to take Winnipeg the current capital of Canada is not sufficient not yet where's your capital now Edmonton three victory boys there we go how much more do I need well just bits finally Canada has capitulated that's a lot of weapons we got now well now we just need to take this bit of the UK this bit of the states and well clean up some naval invasions that popped up in the meantime and that will be it oh and annex Brazil I am sending this guy to garrison the continent basically I told him to garrison all the ports that there are however I'm I think I'm going to disband some of those tools because these guys are pretty useless now I don't get any manpower that they get returned home now they just disappeared well so that was a I should have done that then I have deployed a lot of Brazilian Marines not fully trained and we're sending them to garrison all the ports everywhere seems like I have encountered a bug Colombian Socialist Republic troops exist Colombian Socialist Republic does not exist well I think I should report this apparently if you have apparently if you have units that have been requested from our puppets in your necks the puppets and then disband the units well you got the problem getting rid of some pesky allied illegal invasions so that our forces can garrison all the ports and prevent them in the future Oh almost got Washington didn't you well almost just won't cut it that's a lower preset was autonomy they could pretty much secure everything apart from Alaska unfortunately we're going to have to wait a moment for that because well it's big and it's snowy and it's far away so people move slowly those few naval invasions that succeeded well they don't really have I like to stand on because they don't have ports in general taking Alaska and proves to be extremely problematic what we're finally making some progress in the meantime I think we managed to block all the pesky avoid invasions seems like we have everything with all of the mainland Americas but for the sake of being elegant I'm also going to try and send some paratrooper drops here and here just you know for elegance sake so as I could do that one as well mmm all right let's see if they are actually launched don't even have enough transport planes yes yes I do yeah this is a bottle that we have already won cool parachutes are indeed quite powerful what the hell did I just do oh crap I switched all my Marines into parachutes I was supposed to do a copy no not all of them just the Mexican Marines I switch to parachutes I just wanted to make a copy and make a template is the same template but with paratroopers but I forgot to do duplicate and just sent a purpose well anyway mm I was also going to send a para drop over here can I do that well you can but there's an enemy unit here oh you were just landing well good timing of my part then I was able to take everything our paratroopers were trying to take but in the meantime the Allies bomb landed an invasion in San Juan this is like constantly trying to swat annoying flies of course I could retake it with paratroopers or a naval invasion and I could adjust my troops or get more manpower and just fill the coasts with forces and so on we could do that at this point at this point we're the most powerful country on Earth I think perhaps on par with the Soviet Union but they are not our enemy so that really wouldn't be a problem but at this point it's mostly cosmetics and I did say at the beginning that the condition of victory is all the mainland Americas and we do have that so I'm going to retire to my glorious palace I mean party headquarters and rule all of the glorious communists America's now known as revolutionary thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed it and make sure to let me know in the comments what you thought about the challenge what you thought about my strategies what you would have done the same differently what you thought about the musical bits and if they annoyed you and most importantly put some suggestions in the comments for my next challenge the one that gets the most likes is not a sure winner but it is very very likely to be done and posted on the channel also if you like what I'm doing and you'd like to support the channel consider visiting my patreon the link is in the description below thanks for watching again and see you next time and now to end this video one more thing a collective challenge for all of you the viewers can you identify all that 28 songs I am using in this video and the prize will be nothing else but your own
Channel: Taureor
Views: 548,225
Rating: 4.890605 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, four, hoi4 annex america, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hoi4 gameplay, annex america, hoi4 ironman cuba, world conquest, hoi4 cuba challenge, hoi4 annex usa, hoi4 meme, iron, hoi4 ironman gameplay, hearts of iron 4 cuba, hoi4 cuba world conquest, hearts of iron 4 cuba ironman world conquest, of, hoi4 conquer america, hoi4, hearts, annex usa, hoi4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 fail, taureor, hoi4 cuba
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 11sec (2651 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2018
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