China annexes USA in Hearts of Iron 4

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hello everyone I am sorry earned welcome back to Hans Vienna for today we're going to play as China and we're going to invade the United States we win if the United States capitulate regular difficulty oh man historical focuses let's go I've been trying a few different ways of approaching this challenge I think I've finally found out the best one without with 57 divisions which is quite a lot let's switch them all to our regular infantry division and form four armies as well folks is we're going to need to subjugate and the warlords as quickly as possible now under that focus tree is extensive and you have some interesting positions like for example dominate Japan last time I played China I used this to Papa Japan but it only has a 10% chance of success now so let's beat up Japan with our guns instead three principles of the people produce guns research guns in research research I've sent my troops to all the boulders with the Warlord's because we want to start fighting as soon as possible and let's exercise them until when they're ready so get the cup of civilian factories and then fortifications on our border with Japan let me once again factory and then fortifications and go to level three everywhere and little over five in Beijing and four here this should work nicely okay that's about it let's speed up and unpause three principles of the people complete let's go with nationalism infantry weapons one researched let's go with construction and start producing and the better guns nationalism complete now we're going to prioritize the interior we never have enough political party modify our country that's high a silent workhorse also we have enough points to promote our Field Marshal soon Legion is going to be our Field Marshal sea level four and he has the big learn strategist trade now sue you I think that's how you promise that also has the trait but he's just level three we have prioritized the interior and now we subjugated the warlords this focus is pretty random because each of the five warlords sink Yang Liwei salmaah Schanke you know and the jungjie click I think they'll have a 50% chance of submitting to is a puppet if they don't use it war go and I've had as few as only once a bit at a time and as many as four so it's very very random if I were to choose on outcome I would like the zhongshi click to submit to me because they are quite difficult to defeat as for the others I don't really mind we do need to do some fighting because we require army experience so it might actually be better for us if they don't submit okay Marv refuses that's fine seeing Karen accepts that's good refuses to his submit all right so we got two out of it who did we get wait that doesn't look right I think I had submit twice but only Sinkiang submitted listen pause for a day and see if anything changes no no only singing submitted that's a bit problematic it's gonna be difficult to beat them all up simultaneously but nevertheless lines declare war on all of them well then you say tsubame Douglas young she click did not agree but the rest we can take her pretty easily even at the same time now next focus Military Affairs Commission we're going to get plenty of military experience from all this and with military first Commission we can proceed towards an army reform now sinky and you have three units let's request them and send them to innovate MA oh so you're gonna be an aggressive at the sorter well given offense abduction and charismatic as well later don't have to comment right now and we'll need to do some micromanagement here maybe we can catch them unawares and destroy them before they can mount a proper defense if not all the other armies that finish off the other countries will concentrate here later we got some ground not a lot let's also set everyone to aggressive I'm not sure we'll be able to manage everything we need to do in the short time that we have so let's hire an old guard guy extra political power of course we need to bump up our stability also when that becomes possible I mean will defeat ma chung chien yunnan without too much trouble mother Joan she click is a problem quite often does it do mechanical computing this is not looking too bad Military Affairs Commission dumb now army reform and you know is taken care of right the pass take all states we don't need any puppets and the army that used to take care of Yunnan is moving through the remnants of the zhongshi clique I need at least 100 army experience bar to look like I'm gonna get that no problem and we still have Communist China to defeat radio they are all aggressive but they're just sitting here and doing nothing not is not a satisfactory oh did I not cause thinking I forgot to cause think hang into the war looks like they've used a naval witchcraft to get around our troops and let's hire the book a figurehead extra stability John she click has capitulated perfect takeoff states they were the most problematic and they also had the most factories are dealing with these forms well I want to saturate their border with a Japanese so we'll also be building them up north well right finish them off and get ready to beat up Communist China now his MA take all states only shown she remains hundred and forty-one army experience if I can get to two hundred before we fight the Japanese that will be perfect I'm uniformed focused complete was to anti-communism so that we can attack Communist China and doing army reform has opened up some decisions namely in this one look we have army corruption - 50 percent attack and the defense that is horrible but if we take this decision three times each time it takes three months and 100 army experience that one if I will be gone which is why I wanted to start as early as possible our meal reform and at least had the modifier will be small when Japan attacks Chang she will be destroyed in a moment as well Communist China there are two ways of doing this oh here it goes Chang she take on States I can easily just take over Communist China immediately or I can farm them for army experience I guess I can farm communist China for army experience for a month and then quickly destroy them something like that should work out we're going to just surround them with the Field Marshal level order and attack from all sides this is not the most efficient way of defeating them the most efficient way of defeating them is to surround them with a larger radius and let them expand into my territory a little bit and they don't have enough troops to hold that much territory and you can just go between their units in the meantime we'll finish off of the force up here let me go to level 2 we have our factories for level 3 everybody yeah I think so and then maybe level 6 in Beijing political power needs more political power I like it surprising in the Civil War not my problem also it is time to start making troops we're going to need to make a new division template pretty empty it's gonna be the tiny division one bit of infantry only what tiny is that a tick Oh tiny kitten is gonna be a kitty division tiny chili division and I'm going to train all of them because I need to defend both this territory as well as all of my coasts and ports I'm gonna need as many of these divisions as I can deploy then we've switched into normal ones and you know defend with them requesting one more unit from sinking and deployed ahead of time hundred and seventeen good amount I could use more and that communists focus complete and as you can see Japan has started the Marco Polo Bridge incident focus I think it's 30 days for the focus on down two weeks to accept or decline their offer so I think we have eighty four days they called Communist China in different defenses democracy for extra political power now the right and words immediately attack Communist China of course I guess I can spend a month probably air defenses to get extra army experience I'm a reformed would the complete soon at least the first stage of it if we break through and defeat them in the meantime great if we don't do that quickly enough oh by the way how let's get an infantry expert if we don't do that quickly enough I'll just pull back and let them get into my territory and then walk between them and take the victory points okay first stare you form your form is complete or I'd love to get to 100 army experience so that I can initiate at the second stage time is running out I need to pull back sadly also older and give them some space I'll just take a few days for us to move away and for them to try and use that Jaeger I was supposed to retreat cancel orders redo on the front line redo the attack with everyone on super aggressive halt all the units go once you relocate like you for example just walk into their capital should be able to do it worst-case scenario yes the Japanese attack before I'm finished I've come in this churn that joins Japan against me I mean I could always accept and they're over with the acapella bridge incident and and you know give up three territories it's not a lot and it would give us extra time to prepare but all my fault construction would be wasted as you can see we are more or less able to get between enemy lines because they just don't have enough troops Oh 102 army experience I will reform a level to commencing unfortunately we only have two weeks to accept or decline the Japanese offer quote unquote can I get there in time and can I redeploy my units afterwards okay I'm gonna say maybe 13 days left let's see if the Capitals defend it looks like it's not on perhaps we have enough time 10 days left 8 days left come on is that not for them to surrender it is midnight come on unless china surrenders take all states commerce china has been taken care of we're just china now and Sinkiang but what the next time later so now i need to very quickly redeploy my troops and deploy all these 199 units who's gonna be sufficient okay so four Garrison's here I'm gonna want the reserve units and for the frontlines I'm gonna want in all units and because these are gonna be garrison harmonies so a maximum of 72 units all the kittens in this one we're gonna switch to their joint 1.1 and this one anyway a reserve unit you are actually gonna stay kittens cuz I didn't have enough guns for everyone these guys are gonna switch to our regular infantry unit and same for you and same for you you guys are going to garrison our coasts and ports whereas you guys are going to garrison ports only so that we can strengthen the resistance there the three of you are going to defend against the Japanese this should work out I'm going to read you different lines in a moment now hold everyone do strategic redeployment please very very quickly are you doing that not really only kind of doing that strategic redeployment here please really need to be quick about it how much time do I have left less than a week need to be here very very fast I don't need to click this away we're going to Auto decry the Japanese offer and it expires just make sure we have enough troops to get in position in time looks like we have with the exception of these maybe I might lose territory here yes because they're so slow our next focus should be executive yuan but some also tempted to wait for this war of resistance alright let's wait a moment and hire the army and defense and genius okay arise in position we have rejected the Japanese we don't have our organization up or anything our time is very limited they should be attacking any mid now Japan declares war by a faster national focus we can go straight into war of resistance in Japan calling its puppets now I need to modify my order this is also a vulnerable spot so two armies will overlap here I think we're good not sure if my Garrison's will be up to the task and they arrived quickly enough looks like we might be okay do you have some planes let's send them to Beijing you're not attacking too aggressively and we're holding because as time goes by their attacks especially their naval assaults are going to get more and more aggressive and the important bit is that we hold on to the ports because if we do that they can't really get a foothold I'm gonna need some more civilian factories not too many a balance is needed so some civilian factories and some of the tariff factories as well yeah Beijing is a prime target for attack but it has a high level of fort and a lot of troops in it so it should be okay also army reform is progressing have nice military advisors and we're doing war of resistance Oh see the Japanese have landed but they don't have a port so theoretically they won't hold out here have enough points to modify our country let's go to total mobilization that will do wonders for our economy or a resistance complete we can't do war often national liberation yet but we can do executive yuan that's very powerful extra political power I'm a reformed level to complete I ain't 100 armed experienced for level 3 to complete we could of course attack to farm experience well the Japanese are too dangerous of an enemy for us to do that we'll just sit back and see it trickle in slowly when they try to launch their attacks we're really not in a rush I'm going to sit here for another 3 or 4 years just increasing our strength I almost forgot our manpower is going down because we want to talk mobilization we need to do women and the work for us to mitigate that see we're 0.21% manpower currently and that's 400,000 manpower is never going to be a problem for us now we could do defensive doctrine on our guy here but we are going to push back eventually and offensive doctrine will be necessary for that now for the next research thought the Japanese have landed but again and they do not hold a port improve machine two is complete we actually have almost enough guns for everybody which is wonderful as there's not much fighting going on we can just produce guns expand the academia sinica there isn't really a good way of avoiding an attack by the Japanese on historical focuses so unfortunately we do have to fight but we will fight them we'll win and we will annex them now that we have enough guns for everybody let's take all the kitten users and switch them to unit 1 these guys anyway the reservists with four battalions each they're gonna do a bit better with defense we'll get some extra stability Woolmer old and chemical Research Institute now we will soon have a for research thoughts and that's very much a decent amount Japanese landing again but once again they're not holding any parts to reiterate one of the Army's it's holding all of the coasts and the other is focusing just on ports I should start working on the doctrines now let's switch that let's hire another theory theorist for research thoughts do we want war of national liberation in general yes but I don't really need increased attack at this particular moment you're someone missed my economy instead and go to the grain tax we could probably push the Japanese into Manchuria but it's gonna be more efficient if I wait longer also we're really not in a hurry the Japanese started attacking I mean we can hold out but we do have to stop paying attention to the details here mother also means our army expense is growing faster let's do price controls let's start researching and guns level two it would be nice if the Japanese attacked a bit more we could learn to finish our army reforms we haven't lost a single province yet nice I mean we did lose several on the coast but we always took them back improves competing machine cuz I'll do some more propaganda ones hire an army recruiting expert 300 per day realistically I could push the Japanese out of China right now and the war quickly having released Korea and just taking over all the territory here but that's not the best outcome for us I actually wants to keep the war going until the Allies fight them right how's the war on national liberation we're going to have to do it sooner or later because I want to get the war of anti-imperialism a level two guns are researched buying steel from the Soviets because they are a very reliable supplier see if I live spying it's from France France will get killed and I wouldn't get my steel the Soviet Union is gonna hold out for a while army logistics expert on my factory situation very good zero consumer goods factories minus a 3 percent in fact or of national liberation complete we can't do that it would be nice to have it but we can wait next Bureau of Investigation and statistics for the stability 99 army experience almost are there and 100th which means can do the last level of army reform will still have to do lessons of war but it's so less pressing somewhat propaganda maybe and we pretty much have everything we want here so what we're gonna do is annex a sink a unfortunately it's gonna cost a total of four hundred and fifty political power let's do it also we should have some sinking expeditionary forces there they are let's disband them which means they're going home if you an exit poppet and have expedition it forces from them they get bucked and they stay Expeditionary Forces forever motive have you been truck packed stuff is gonna go down in Europe soon now scorched earth tactics we're not gonna need to use them but and they open up this which is extra manpower give me documents I need to move my troops to Japan somehow now we can do forced conscription let's use our regular infantry template duplicate it calls in for infantry and expanders make it a bit bigger can't afford more than this at the moment but we can modify it later and these are three main armies that actually ain't going to be fighting the Japanese are going to switch to it let's continue the annexation of Sinkiang more propaganda because why not I have tons of political power we can spend it and stuff like that see these decisions increase inflation and then you have to reduce inflation with for example this this so do we need the fifth a researched thought I'm not sure we do know let's go down this path instead pulling refuses the German ultimatum wonder how that's gonna end mass mobilization increase the size of this template a bit you lose computing machine down let's do advanced the computing machine and I suppose I can slowly start attacking the Japanese a very slowly on cautious because additional reform complete and Poland capitulate why I'm cautious well we're not in a hurry I just need some military experience let's see how this works out we do have enough guns for everybody which is a huge thing if you're just using a lot of infantry well no it doesn't really matter if we make progress it matters that we don't get pushed back and that we get army experience let's start researching the best guns it's gonna take a while let's finish the integration of sin cane Finland rejects Soviet demands I might attack the Soviet Union later and will say they are an easy target when they're fighting Germany we're actually making gains quite quickly faster than I anticipated we have enough army experience to finish the army reforms lessons of war and now we will be able to do a war of anti-imperialism which is going to make us much more powerful against Japan so many factories or all the logistics we are gaining equipment when google kappa choice and sinking has been fully annexed we'll use these units or later improved worker conditions all that's political part and not as much to do with it now we can do war of anti-imperialism and that is 10% against japan to attack and defense and without finished we can pretty much go to aggressive and just wipe them out i really joins the axis not my problem fortunately actually i should probably start working on attacking tibet there is enough world tension for me to just attack them to do that now when I do this and Tibet Oh will join the Japanese faction but that really is not a problem for me I should also start a justifying on Budhan at the same time whenever they had enough time to build up some decent factories well it's not a lot but it is something in theory I could attack Afghanistan but this area is very difficult to get through I would need to do their arm into my territory and air strike back I might do that from this capitulates fourth Paris my guys are still own cautious I'm not using our pot of manpower and I'm still gaining equipment I think this is going pretty great own Vichy France got this area which means they will probably just surrender it to Japan when Japan asks for it let's make another army that's going to cover that you guys go and take the bet for me and the newly created army is going to go south perhaps at axiom as well one of anti-imperialism complete let's finish this tree so that we can get more manpower people's army complete Trotsky's dead he is useless and then you update anyway I should do the Military Academy cuz I'm gonna need more general soon that's my next focus Mon chuckles totally been taken over oh you know German relations we don't care anymore and we have our goal of Tibet let's declare war with me today yes they joined the Japanese faction not a problem once we're done with Bhutan I think our technical and Afghanistan we are still on cautious because once again we're not in a hurry Tibet capitulates let's do yeah research just for the boosts how are we on gum reserves still growing even though I'm attacking we can do industrial concern finally let's do it we started actually building the dockyards soon time for some destroyers doesn't really matter what we built I just need a lot of ships to plop them down here for a moment for nail invasions won't you cook a visual aids that made my oldest look weird just need to mop this up quickly Japan should offer peace soon but we're not taking that do the Bhutan is complete declare and now we're going to justify on Afghanistan and Nepal we're gonna stun first because they have an advisor who makes it more difficult but to simultaneously only nobody gets guaranteed whether they academy complete legislative you want within capitulates but with nepal this is a very defensible position i think what i need to do is let them into my territory a bit and I'm gonna need another army for Afghanistan Romania joins the axis large front offensive getting across here is going to be next to impossible so what we need to do is create a trap control one for extra stability now that's what needed research finished and best guns are researched let's switch our production a nothing is a lot of Steel good thing we can afford it an invasion by the Japanese they didn't take a port so I'm fine so surprising Japan offers peace this is tempting we could just be done with the war and say turn against the Soviet Union and beat them up but our best course of action is actually to destroy Japan completely we will only be satisfied with total victory and justification on Afghanistan is complete where's that war they joined Japan of course come on get into my territory yes exactly man guys just give them some time Japan depends French Indochina and they get it fortunately and we're prepared for that human wave offensive was my Navy almost non-existent but I'm working on it justification from the park complete declare I guess I could use another army here use one to continue them and another to do a surgical strike here on the FCM joins them we could get that - ok sound is moving in I do need to give them some time and we have completed examination yuan which means we no longer get the inefficient bureaucracy modifier here we're gonna mobilize a lot more manpower I'm going to ignore this entire tree I don't need an extra research thought does it invite some foreign investors give me money or else Nepal has moved out of its safe territory time to push back alright I need to research naval invasions forget about that Germany tags the Soviet Union which is a perfect opportunity to attack the Soviet Union trying to get a round of the forces if I can cut them off from all these troops are as good as dead and I should be able to get across yes this one's non-aggression pact well let's be friends but not that much all right they're going to give me docking roids and military access there's still another one Brody ours because Japan has not attacked the Allies yet but soon they will hmm I did not manage to go around in the POW but we surely damaged their troops a little bit when they were retreating we'll see if we can get across but ultimately that won't matter when we defeat Japan I'll be able to annex them as well looks like I am able to get into Nepal in it stays join the hours perfect means if the Allies are at war with Japan I can get military access hey Canada wanna join the war against Japan like Canada well I don't feel like doing all the 66 on the United States feel like that might be too easy I think I'll invade them from Canada I also don't feel like launching naval relations on Canada Britain wants military axis no I get it you don't know capitulates great so see I'm you're gonna join them or not well just fancy em just in case they don't join the Japanese faction I can't take them well I'm already here see all of these are pretty much useless to me okay I'll go with the United States what I need is to get to the focuses that are down here I mean I probably want to need them any limits they can be interesting alright the British Raj is attacking Afghanistan because we got Afghanistan into the Japanese faction and British Raj is what would Japan thus Afghanistan transport ship research complete it is time for my invasion of the Japanese yet I probably need to join the Allies for them to help me here I will give them docking rights maybe they can destroy the Japanese Navy let's prepare some naval invasion we want to take a port and spread from there in my test game despot was undefended let's see if I can have the same luck again yeah and activate there's gonna be enough probably not because the Japanese have a powerful fleet and I don't impart who knows maybe I'll make a mistake and not have ships here for a moment so you want to join the Japanese no you really don't that would be very silly of you which means you probably do it how do you know too little about this region we have 16 ships here you don't need to join the Allies for this to succeed it should be inviting me maybe I attacked too many people maybe that's why they don't want to do that yeah I generated too much world tension no it doesn't really matter we'll defeat Japan anyway at some point you know that mixing on stage only eyes and the guests then capitulate I'm gonna give the United States of docking roids oh did I ever mention I hate Navy I'll just build a radar yeah we managed to launch our first naval invasion let's see if I can get the port where this was defended but the port the port itself is not defended wonderful let's get into Japan quickly yeah and you there and one that's next to say I'm also don't go to Japan and the important thing is that we hold on to the port well that we can bring in enough troops to crush the Japanese quite easily you don't lose the port others are landing must disrupt the Japanese a little bit go to Nagoya and Tokyo these guys will probably not succeed it's important that you hold the port until reinforcements arrive reinforcements have arrived attack everyone attack aggressively maybe make sure that someone stays at the port okay utter chaos just what we wanted to China undoing a naval invasion of Japan what is our participation in this war 97 percent I guess I could probably get Iran involved as well might be able to spread my influence there now I won't have enough time to justify the war goal but we are going to get cm and Afghanistan shizuka-chan cm is complete declare war of course they joined the Japanese they are a minor power so we just need to fight them a bit and then if he did your please how's it going by the way quite well dance what you get for attacking China should not have attacked China Oh interesting I'm getting invited into the allies that could simplify things for me sure they might kick me out but once I'm in there it's gonna make things easy again will I be able to pop it at the peace conference now let's just leave it open absolutely be open after the peace conference that I can an X and pop it whoever I want and then still join them and here it is the end of the war my war score one and a half thousand next one sixty so yeah I think we won this one generally we just want to take all states from everyone however it would be nice if we could puppet Japan why well because they have bicycles and if they have bicycles and we puppet them and we annexed them we have bicycles first let's pass and bless have us a few more times should be enough no seeum is not involved in the Peace Conference that's unfortunate I mean there wasn't enough time between the start of the war and the Peace Conference in that case I might still be at war with cm after this all this is mine and we puppet Japan yeah that's it end the turn and we can sub right Summerlin's sure let's do that if I don't do that the Allies will and and the Peace Conference that is it we have created the Japanese a Shogun and and they are not aligned in our puppet we're still at war with cm we are alone with our puppets in it and we're being invited into the eyes that actually seems like a great idea I do need to defeat the United States and that is the easiest way to go about that so yes I shall accept the invitation into the allies and I start preparing my invasion forces well also I don't need a Navy anymore so let's cut all these destroyers just make a convoys instead am i India wise or not seems like I'm not in the allies maybe they rescinded their offer no I can't join the others anymore even though they invited me and I clicked it doesn't matter I'll just kill them these guys are gonna get transported to to America let's deploy us a minute we are the United States wants to give me a lot of land lays sure what created some troops we're going to send them to the Allies because I need to kill them you I'm going to Canada it's gonna take them more I'll because I don't have enough convoys yeah we finish this young take all states from Sam when you just send some to Britain oh right I made a mistake I switch to them to the larger template before transporting them I should have transported them as the small template now it's time to start justifying a war go say umm Mexico international peacekeepers won't be a problem was not to Mexico then how about the Netherlands pseudonym that's better why them they are a member of the eyes or they're not a puppet of the United Kingdom I ran out of stuff to build quit India movement sure will help you quit being India you're gonna be China soon we're doing with equipment ah we have 205 units of infantry group installed that was a perfectly balanced you've arrived in Britain most of you let's switch them today infantry template he's going to acquire some more manpower no problem I've 26 million and some more equipment I'm working on it I've garrisoned Canada going to beat them up quickly and transition to invading the United States from there let's lower Japan's independence and with that we can remove nine power treaty with which lets us change our economy laws but we are on free trade and free trade is awesome our goal on the Netherlands is complete time to crush the Allies we have stationed three million Chinese soldiers in Canada they are currently pretending to be delivery drivers for our Express once everything goes down to reveal and that they have been soldiers all along lies the glare war on the Netherlands I'm gonna call the Allies because I don't have any allies and now my order 66 on the United Kingdom and Canada only should take effect and then we're going to normally kill the United States I just can't be bothered to do naval invasions really we're gonna invade other brush as well let's see how that works out nobody's coming in to defend us buttons are they so afraid of me okay finally Luxembourg has joined Dutch East Indies Ireland Denmark and Mexico Belgium wind Canada Britain and the United States no United staes United States has been called into the war as our enemy and also there are sending me lend-lease let's see if that works or if it cancels itself yeah seems like it cancels itself so I am at war with the US and Britain or Canada yet oh I know why cuz of unprotected borders here in Hong Kong if I move these troops out Poland Greece yeah Britain is afraid of me finally the United Kingdom has been called in see the moment I left this border they have been called in let's see if my order worked yes I almost in Britain you guys are on garrison orders you just do your thing I'm not going to interrupt whatever you doing now Britain is going to call ins puppets in we're interested in the Raj and Canada Canada let's see how it worked in Canada kinda worked you're here but you're just in the coastal areas oh maybe this all of this territory is not considered by the AI to be meaningful in any way that might make sense Canada should be capitalizing in a moment British Malaya has been called in and the raj all right let's see how we do against a brush well enough it's gonna take a while game is running very slowly now because it's already 1942 and I do have a little lot of troops in the field can their coverage of it super perfect now that Canada has capitulated can start moving into the United States of America I'm actually going to use garrison orders for this should work out nicely and if it doesn't we can only switch the front lines why Carson's because you can fit three times as many units in each army if you're using Garrison's for a large swath of territory like this they can be very efficient we're using just infantry which is pretty slow I suppose I could use Japanese bicycles instead let's copy the bicycle battalions I cannot add more bicycles which is unfortunate hold what you're doing and very aggressively and very quickly garrison the United States the ardent orders are nice because they're very much automated they're not as efficient as fault lines but sometimes they can do the job the United States are of course very powerful but I'm not sure they're ready for three million Chinese soldiers moving down from Canada British Raj not much resistance here same for British Malaya all is well I haven't checked on Britain itself you guys mind just taking London for me sorry I forgot about you Britain I'm actually using a defensive guy let's switch to army maneuver that's gonna make my units faster which is quite significant if you're battling in a large territory like this we Duke New York gonna need more steel who's gonna sell me more steel there's not much still to be had I need to switch my economy once this is complete the invasion is going well much faster on the eastern side of the West is defending itself a little bit better or just that my troops don't want to get in there the Chinese have reached Washington I don't think any of this matters anymore the current wars were in so let's do resistance depression how are you doing for capitulation United States hopefully their United Kingdom more than halfway there yeah essentially if I take London they're dead well it might be that I will have less participation than the axis I guess it doesn't really matter all we care about is capitulation we can enact a Japan now I guess we'll do that that will let us make our own bicycle divisions but only very small ones unfortunately see we have inherited the template they can't really do anything about it the only abnormal infantry that will slow it down but we could flood the enemy of these small units full of room really so that's what they're doing what I'm conquering their country well the British are holding on but it won't last forever about the United States Oh glorious mark need Los Angeles let's do limited exports do we suddenly have enough steel no but almost first way to get them from the steel will be to just pop at the United States and steal it from them still resisting we're about to take Los Angeles which will spill the doom of the United States it is not your time to surrender no really well almost there you guys try and go to San Diego around here and we did take London but they're still holding on moving to a capital to Dover the exes want documents no actually we hate the same people ask for military access also Italy ask for military access we might use it later we also might not you girl - Plymouth I'm sorry fly mouth quite close to getting San Diego and that should be enough yes it is United States have capitulated but let's keep this going for a little while maybe we can finish the war before I enter the video they're about to leave Portsmouth undefended it seems so that these guys get out of here and switch you to the bicycle people because we're gonna be faster whoops but also weird-looking bicycle either because we're not supposed to have bicycles doesn't matter mothers is it's fast if it doesn't crash my game oh right um this bicycle is doing weird stuff to me I really shouldn't be using it looking good Dover's hours is not enough yes it is now the kingdom has capitulated it has the Peace Conference right what do we want what I think the United States would probably be the best choice for us gonna be cheaper to feed this territory I would like the rush for myself to make our country look better don't really care about Britain that much China took a bunch of stuff he took South Africa swell limit what's that loyalists just loyalists not sure who they are loyal to but they sure are loyal we need to and next the United States or as are known now of the loyalists are we very easy I just need to send them some convoys and also maybe build some stuff in their territory time to invest in nuclear power the cleanest power there is no normally I'll be draining their manpower when I'm an X in them but to us three million is nothing to lower their independence and we can index the United States let's do it no more loyalists there is only China only China so if we want to continue this to a world conquest we just attack the Soviet Union and take them over while they're fighting the Germans and then we turn against the Germans and we kill the Germans but we're not gonna do that we're going to entertain because as I said our goal was to take over the United States we have taken much more than that but we've also taken and the United States yes China six hundred factories 25 million men power one hundred percent to stability in war support and four thousand convoys lots of guns - okay I'm gonna end it here I hope you enjoyed this video I know what you think about it and also what I should do next that's it for today thank you for watching and I will see you again soon goodbye
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Id: nzfpmYVXzpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 54sec (2214 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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