David Dobrikโ€™s Lawyers Go After Trisha & Cooking Competition - Frenemies # 25

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Hila and Moses were so biased lol

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 224 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Terminus-Paradis ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 16 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Iโ€™m thrilled they seem to have informally decided to wear costumes each week. Trisha never really stopped but Iโ€™m glad Ethan is getting dressed up too. Itโ€™s even funnier when their costumes have literally nothing to do with the topic of the day.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 366 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/bilbeit ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 16 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Was really cool they got Dr. Disrespect to co-host with Trisha this time!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 91 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/effofexisy ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 16 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Honestly the James Charles stuff takes me back to the Tati stuff. Was she right? She definitely did it for business reasons. But does j star actually have incriminating message about James?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 96 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Dapper_Egg_346 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 16 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

trisha not knowing the difference between onion and garlic

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 260 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/GTAchickennuggets ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 16 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 83 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/General_Amoeba ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 17 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I don't understand why they don't just blindfold the judges for each meal (Mac only did that for one) in order to get a more accurate rating ๐Ÿ˜…

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 71 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/fancy-feast-fun ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 16 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I have been genuinely trying to figure out what the dynamic between trisha and bobby would be if she actually went on Tiger Belly and I can not picture it. It would definitely be my two favorite podcast worlds colliding. Trisha seems to always be nice or atleast fake nice in podcasts with people she doesn't know though so I'm sure it would go okay....

I hope we get to see it.

Edit: Typos

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 40 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MSUSunshine96 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 16 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Ethanโ€™s house keeper watching the cooking competition like ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ‘

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 112 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/wax0n_ ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 16 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] hey everybody i don't know if that's good hey everybody it's chong's eye ethan exotic and uh they didn't think it was possible but they brought us together it's carol masking hey all you cool cats and kittens it's trisha baskins here tricia baskin i have a confession to make to trisha baskins i don't know why but i have the inexplicable urge to want to murder you you should say unalive if you don't want to get censored that's what they say i'm alive they say on a live on tick tock when you talk about i'm gonna unalive you so hard that's the censored version thank you um how do you feel as carol do you feel like you've embodying a sense of i love her i think i i just started watching tiger king like a year late to the trend like i'm so late to it but i love it we watch it at night and i just feel like i'm like her in so many ways and i just love her and i think she's a queen and what way are you liking her um she killed her husband and she did but we haven't gotten to that part yet i don't think she well i well joe exotic made a whole song about how she did and i believe him joe exotic is so iconic like i think originally eli came up with the idea we're like oh it's kind of outdated whatever but then i watched it and i was like no this is iconic we got to do these we're here late but it's playing well yeah the hair i'm glad that i get to use my natural hair you look like him like you did come on bring that sweet ass over here let me take a lick he was gay i didn't you know that but yeah he had two husbands yeah that guy liked to [ __ ] come on boy i like the whole gay redneck thing it's just it's just like an interesting character so why didn't they get a reality show it's so interesting it's like why didn't you have fun he wouldn't ever have to kill carol baskin he could have been just well hold on they had made a reality show about him but then he [ __ ] burned down the whole farm to to erase the footage that's crazy because there was all this incriminating footage of him mistreating his animals or some [ __ ] like that right and then he burned i didn't get that part too he went down i'm so confused with the whole story yeah allegedly he's so good though he was doing music videos and podcasts like he's so entertaining like it's scary that people that would like me like unaliving somebody one day or like you know what i mean like if you're so like unexpected you can say kill on youtube kenya i'm so used to tick-tock like on alive online i know i feel like on youtube all of a sudden because we're always on like eggshells on youtube but tick-tock is way worse for example i made what i think is the most slam-dunk tick-tock on james charles it was going mega viral it had 2.5 million views in like 12 hours i was feeling like a million bucks and here comes tick tock they erased it for harassment and bullying which is just i'm sorry here's the tick tock i have it here i haven't yeah i saw it you guys tell me do you think this is harassment in bowling i don't congratulations james charles on your kids choice award it's perfect because i know that kids have always been your choice so oh that works out perfectly ops nickelodeon keep an eye on him during the after party how is that harassment um that's definitely not like he's a public figure literally a predator and i'm caught and i'm bringing that's like someone saying like oh r kelly enjoy your sex dungeons and they're like sorry leave for arc ellie alone and no but for years people did they're like like people defended our cali like for literally it's totally the same thing and it's crazy nothing's changed that's true or the lopez brothers are back doing trends like we're not going anywhere the lopez brothers are out there [ __ ] like oh tap dancing on the haters he's confessing that he had a relationship with a 14 year old girl on the mother literally recorded herself and this guy's like [ __ ] the haters i don't get this world i don't either i think it's a cra i guess if you people just don't press charges and nothing happens i guess it's just kids i don't know but like james charles like he's like out there with the kardashians he's out there winning kids choice awards the dude i was like oh this is too perfect you know his choice is kids i mean how ironic that he's getting a kid's i did choice really clever because it's true you know i mean it wrote itself i was like oh kids choice award no but there sounds it sounds like it sounds like his preference you know it sounds like they're calling him a pedal right up like a kid's choice award but the fact that tick-tock is like letting him like they're defending him they're like hiding in protecting him yeah that's like even weirder i made another tick talk about him and it got removed for bowling and harassment if you even mention james charles it gets taken down for that i i've i sit and only james charles videos are getting removed for harassment yeah the same that was mine too that's why i thought i stopped i'm like if you want to hear my opinions on james i go to my youtube channel because like i could not put on tick tock like it's crazy it's crazy that they should be platform him but now there's someone there protecting him yeah i guess i don't know same thing with the local brothers the lopez brothers they should be in jail they should be out there tap dancing in prison there's no [ __ ] place in society for these people but they're allowed to have those accounts still like that's real because t is really strict they banned press hilton but not them like it's so weird it's like okay like they're actually sexting people off here it's so sad right they're committing the crimes on that platform that's the crazy part is that they're they're messaging people they're using their platform to connect with a young audience i saw a tic tac i don't know the girl's name who made it but it had like millions of views by the time i saw it i'll just repeat what she said she said something like you know r kelly would like you know go to like mcdonald's in the mall i got to show you this because this is a different platform you guys go ahead and and like basically like you know because he knows he's famous and so the young fans are going to come to him that's the same thing james charles did he saw him on the explore page like this kid didn't even message him first he messaged him went on the snapchat like snapchat is only used for one thing so to say his intentions were bad i'm like go off you like what like it's so crazy so it'll be a james charles situation for sure i think even like david dobrik will be a harvey weinstein in the future because harvey weinstein got away with it for so long no because i got more stories i don't want to say anything but there's more stories that have come out like to me but to other people too that have come out and i was like wow this is like crazy that there's like repeated things of like girls being drugged girls being drunk like all the stuff of them like david and for his vlogs of him instructing other people to get it i won't say like allegedly whatever but like i already heard oh we can't say that i just wanted to talk about have you said too much no i don't think so so okay this is james charles on tick tock the modern day version now this is one of my favorite videos on the internet maybe this this is this to me is treasure okay this is r kelly in ethiopia literally grooming people on stage during a song he has a grooming song he has a grooming song called do you have your passports do you have your shots watch this this is literally james charles on tick tock modern day i've been swearing you have your passports did you get your shots girl would you like to come back with rob to america yeah yeah america yeah this is what r kelly's doing in ethiopia did you you should cover do you think there's any possibility he's just trying to help unfortunate children poverty [Music] now knowing what we know about him he's saying girl do you have your passports do you have your shots what do you think he's doing with kids from ethiopia you think he's going to get him back and put him in school michael jackson no he put him in his [ __ ] rape dungeon he had a rape dungeon did you see surviving arkell i did not know dude he had like a [ __ ] like there was a room in his house where the girls would walk through and they'd be like i can't even talk about what happened in here horrible horror really yeah what happened is he in prison now yes he is he is he's in [ __ ] prison hope for james charles to get his justice served one day well you could start by not doing chipotle collabs you know what i mean why is chipotle sponsored do you know if he was sponsored for sure or maybe he was just doing it on his own oh he's it's he says in partnership with chipotle here let me pull that up so the day after i heard chipotle is like the pizza thing remember pizza oh by the way i didn't even say it but um we're doing the cook-off today shouldn't we say that oh yeah yeah cause i was wanting to eat well you you've been stepping to me hold that thought i'm curious what you were gonna say there's a video not right in the game again people have been sh trish has been stepping to me why am i floof look at my floof no it's not first of all it's not a floof it's good it's all tangled no it's fine a joke's hog would never step outside looking like this all mangled up um trisha been stepping to me with her all her bottled noodles [ __ ] i'm [ __ ] the butternoodle queen bibby with babish and all this [ __ ] i love babish don't oh my god don't come for babbage i just said okay i'll never come for babies i'll never bid with i'll never bid that babbish i was supposed to bring my own pot and butter and we forgot it because it was hectic this morning at my house so we totally got it but i feel like it's not like mine my butter is something well you [ __ ] up you already you already put yourself at a disadvantage i'm still gonna win so on the menu we're cooking we picked four diverse dishes mashed potatoes four i thought we had three mashed potatoes eggs steak and pasta's not part of it don't make me go back in the chat yeah don't use there go back in the chat it was not part of it steak was not because i never cooked steak in my life you said you were going to practice this week oh yeah i forgot i had like six kids at my house under the age of six so i was a lot of i don't admit that but i'll try i watch tiger king and they fed steaks to the tigers i'm ready yeah if you have access to the frenemies chat somebody's got a bat moses come on you know i'm right we brought it up yes thank you say no more say no more okay fine you know what i actually love steak i can't wait did you do what kind did you get fillet fillet okay i can cook a flavor thank you actually i don't know i've never cooked one in my life but i will try um so we have four we have four categories and then because last time we did the cake and by the way when we did the cake you read the comments i trust and everybody said i won wait what is that oh no it's poor shredder puked is he okay yeah he pukes a lot i'm sorry shreddy you okay is it like is it because he's sick or eating related no he he has this condition where he gets too much acid in his stomach and then in the morning usually because he hasn't eaten yet he kicks out pugs and poor shredder like he doesn't he doesn't eat he's like a he's not good he's like an eating disorder any legend yeah he is he has to choose trigger warning before he it's a dog but i i try everything to feed this [ __ ] dog like i cook him steak i cook a chicken you know what i mean like i do ever i bend backwards for this dog to try to feed him it's like a huge stress point in my life is trying to get treated to eat really have you ever heard of a dog like that yeah no my dog loves everything food i just uh well anyway anyway we have four diverse categories okay well the cake thing i obviously won but everyone was afraid to vote against you do you admit that now definitely not everybody in the comments is saying i won that's so not sure oh the comments are your people still bruh very few people are okay well regardless everybody knows that i won the cake off but the [ __ ] judging was just so rigged so what i've done here today i brought elis coming in but that's a ring no she's gonna be impartial elise doesn't care to dunk on me but like these guys are scared you can't ask someone like a.b to davey's scared of you he's literally terrified of you moses is terrified of you too he's not going to vote against you that is not true okay well anyway for the record yeah i didn't vote for trisha because i was scared of her thank you i voted for her because i felt bad because i knew she was gonna get blown out okay see this and what happened oh my god and then a b is the one who [ __ ] it all up by simping for you what so why did you why would did you vote out of feeling better because you were afraid of how you would react no well if more it was more sympathy than fear it was sympathy not fear okay okay whatever regardless we're trying i'm trying to keep a fair panel so we have ela moses and a third celebrity oh is it babish it's not fabish it's mac demarco friend of the show he's a friend of the show well he's not actually a friend he's a friend of mine but he's a fan of the show really uh famous musician one of my favorites matt demarco ladies and gentlemen we'll be here as our celebrity impartial judge can we get him on the show um well let's ask him have you hear this happen yeah he's on the show oh he's going to film with us yes he's going to be our judge where's he going well we're all going to go upstairs when we start cooking oh we really need a guest spot for when we have guests we need if we have a guest it needs to be something really incredible i think max miller marco is right you don't even know who he is i love him i did look him up i love him i love him oh my god you do you love names i just don't know names but i do love him and i love that he loves us i don't know any songs i love him i do love him for real like i looked him up i was like oh my god this guy likes us like it's very cool he's a big deal he's just no i know he's a superstar anyway i think he's gonna ghost you like post malone maybe if he gets too famous he's like bye i don't want him getting too famous maybe we shouldn't because then i'll lose another friend i don't feel bad if i ghost you when i become super famous because i'll be like oh posted it i know how it is do you think i'll ghost you when you become more famous and then your path to fame as we just to recap is this show yeah so i'm still confused on where on that path of you becoming so famous you need to ghost me but can i say but i'm okay with that i don't think carol basket would be as famous as she didn't kill her husband or on alive or whatever we saved him yeah so she did a good business decision killing him she got to be on dancing with the stars that would never happen if he was alive carol baskin wachter i want to do that on my tech talk i want to do it on my channel okay all right calm down so anyway what was i talking about i feel crazy i was around six kids this weekend and i like never have children i feel nuts oh you're all crazy i'm out i'm out okay okay it was a lot there's just so much screaming on cocoa melon oh cocoa melon oh good i love cocoa melon i can't if you're happy and you know babies that's kind of a slot it's not theodore loves it and then he goes mommy shark a daddy shark i can't i like you should have one you should just stick with one because once you start having more they start yelling screaming at each other and start riling each other up it's gonna be a lot no we want more than one we love theodore we want more babies perfect we want more babies we're having more babies you are we're trying very hard i think i'm done we're trying so hard we're doing all this crazy fertility stuff this month yeah and i'm injecting oh [ __ ] like um hormones into her stomach every day oh into her it's not yours not into mine yeah it's to make her like [ __ ] more fertile it's crazy that's hard and it's like super painful the doctor goes to eli he goes this is how you know it's [ __ ] up she goes okay so this is gonna sting a lot she showed us how to do it the first time and you know you're in for a world of pain when the doctor goes this is going to hurt a lot really it doesn't hurt yeah it burns i feel like you look so tough though i feel like you don't care she's like she almost passed out the first time the doctor did it but actually it's gotten a lot better it's a it's a baby needle so it's about that long oh my god so i grab her her stomach and like bunch the skin and then oh slam as hard as i can no i don't it goes you know keto is bad for fertility like it especially guys on keto like it like triples my balls i think it's just like lower testosterone like lower um sperm count yeah i'm not doing it anymore well you did it and maybe it [ __ ] you up well i've been off for i've been off keto and for now for a long time like a week it feels like i haven't seen you a long time i get so sad when i watch the h3 that you're by yourself now when you listen i'm like awesome everyone's sad it's fun though it's fun we're figuring out we have to figure out a way to make it fun maybe get another co-host no i don't i don't i can't have that many people but i think you vibe really well with a female so fine like you need to find like a um why i have i have ela and i have you you i don't need any more [ __ ] co-hosts in my life um carol baska maybe carol baskin would you do a podcast with her what will we talk about just like every week you just do a little check-in hey so how did any news on your lost husband no okay you don't know what she's talking anyways this is such old news i'm so into it now so i'm always like having all your questions but anyways we're gonna talk about james james charles i'm i'm just so sad when there's no drama like i wasn't that excited there's drama i have [ __ ] there is wrong yeah there's there's i like when there's like stuff happening so james charles is a predator um there's a lot on that james the james charles issue is way to me worse than david doberg in my opinion like david dobrik needs to answer for what he's done to seth and the way that they're like attacking seth and all that is messed up but james charles is out there looking for people that have had their shots and passports looking to go back to america can i say what was said to me about david everett or no about the lawyer thing or no you don't think it should i wish dude i'm almost just gonna say [ __ ] it can i just say that i heard from david's lawyer but not directly i heard it indirectly go ahead say it for the record if someone says something to me they're like off the record don't repeat this like don't tell me like don't leave it's her fault she shouldn't have told you a damn thing such a it's such a what is the word i want to say the word trigger but i get so triggered like i was pissed like i called you right away i like listen to the group chat something i learned very early about being friends with you is never confide anything in you and i mean and i say that with peace and love he's in love i say that with all the peace and love in the room i i tell people this once i say that to me i'm like just for the record i can't be off the record like i just i can't but um yeah so anyways this was a very it was a very exciting development in my opinion because i had never heard from david or jason ever ever not even you know csun decision those are like whatever throwing statement just says someone they literally don't give a [ __ ] but i haven't even gotten that so i was like okay which by the way everything i say is true like whatever blah blah blah but i heard indirectly from david's lawyer so david zorro sent a letter to somebody else about me and that said that i and they try to imply that i was defaming them or defamatory although i haven't heard anything about it um whatever i don't can't should we say it or should just like leave no no keep going okay i'm just gonna say what let's what so insiders doing this article about david dobrik in the vlog squad it's not a secret everybody knows they're working on it like involved because they've reached everything and so they've obviously talked to you and so what happened was they the lawyers sent this letter to them about trisha i think they're publishing part of it they said they had to publish part of the letter so anyway they sent the letter i'm just trying to make sure everyone understands we're not doing anything wrong here you not doing anything hey i'm washing my hands nothing wrong though not me peace and love we're foreshadowing our future with joe exotic and carol baskin right here okay um okay so here's what happened is that david's lawyer sent a letter to insider about you about me and then insider sent it to you for comment yeah cause it's pretty lengthy because it the article itself isn't about me and like before the record too like before the record off the record whatever i don't know what this means i just love to say foreign on the record we are on the record right now on the record on the record for the record um like i actually only talked to business insider literally once and i've always like ignored their emails because like it's just like a lot and to me i always like i i don't know i don't really keep up with business so i just never really commented um this one i actually had like some insight on because it's an incident i've talked about even before this like art this article came out but um girls have come forward with this incident i talked about it whatever and so they did a whole piece these girls have reached out or spoke to them and so i gave my comment well then the lawyers commented on my comments what is the incident um so it was basically a night that i was there at the apartment and i'm the only girl on the vlog besides these girls it's underage girls some of them underage some of them under drinking age so there's like so basically dom said all five girls want to have sex with them they got there they didn't want to have sex with them they're like we just want to meet david uh whatever you know what i mean and that's totally fine but basically they didn't want to do it they just wanted to meet david so when he's like come on do it they're like no and so that's when david allegedly here we go whatever but i was there so it was allegedly if i was there because he did he just said he told jason go get them alcohol to like loosen them up he said that yeah oh and jason did it can i say this i don't know if i should the lawyer's response and the response was like david would never do that well that's not illegal that's not a legal defense that's basically what dom's are that's what the scotty's defense of david was too the he would never do they doesn't mean boating in his body oh my god so he has jason and i was there and i'm gonna say like fortunately i was there because i told jason i'm like these girls we don't know how old they are like they look so young to me and i was like and i knew they were definitely under a drinking age because they couldn't go buy the alcohol like we can't buy the alcohol like we're not old enough so jason was gonna go and i was like don't do that like you're literally gonna buy underage girls like alcohol so jason didn't and then jeff jeff went and i believe like todd i think too and they went and got um alcohol and jeff talked about it on a barbershop how uncomfortable he was so he had todd like buy it on his credit card like something crazy they didn't say the direct incident but it was obviously the same thing so business insider has this article out about it whatever and i was like i'm gonna give comments not out yeah it's coming out this week or something yeah it's not yet but i was like i can give comment to this because i've talked about it before and like i was never my story to share really about these girls but these i guess two girls came forward one who was like black and one who was sober who did the driving whoa so um that is so shady well what's so crazy is the spin they did on it so then the lawyers instead of that's so slimy hold on i have to take a minute so david just simply because he wanted to make a good content got went and got underage girls alcohol to loosen them up yeah did they end up sleeping with dawn so in the vlog it does in the vlog he says they're not having it they weren't feeling it then it cuts and he's like with a little bit of like coursing they were able to get three three of the girls night no it's i have the deleted one yeah i they i have the i have we course three girls just sleeping with them that's like what the [ __ ] do you want to watch to get the exact quote but like that was so anyways and then but then this so they go in to have sex so then you see like todd jeff and jonah like listening at this point me and jason are gone because like right away i was like this is a bad situation and i felt for the girls like they definitely were like so uncomfortable with everything and so i was like we have to go so we left but it cuts to the vlog where they're having sex with dom and like everyone's like listening in and like looking in on them and stuff like that and so the one girl said she was completely blacked out one girl was sober because she drove and remembered and like i said i wasn't there for the whole thing i was just there for the alcohol part and i like just remembered that so vividly and i got a couple of the girls have like quotes from jason that he said like creepy stuff to them and stuff whatever and my the reason i commented on it was because i could like i could finally back up this girl's story because i was there like a lot of these stories i can't back up because i wasn't there but that one i was like okay i can back up that they did not want to do it they didn't they said they were underage that they couldn't buy alcohol that's what i'm saying underage did that and he wanted jason to originally do it and then he got jeff to go do it but what's the craziest thing and i just this is what i'm saying don't tell me this stuff because i will get triggered and i know everyone knows this by the way because people will love to trigger me about moses or whatever they try and make up [ __ ] because they want to trigger me or even stuff from the past whatever because i do get triggered as [ __ ] but david's lawyer's defense was an attack on me so trying to like this situation had nothing to do with me except trying to discredit me in their in their thing basically discrediting saying that i've been bullying and harassing jason and david that i've been stalking them and and that that i'm not a credible source because i am a violent i have history of mental illness and that's why jason broke up with me which the lawyers got it wrong anyways because i did the video before he even broke up with me so i was just like it's so frustrating that these lawyers and they try to like insinuate that they had a case against me that i was defaming them in some way i've never heard from their lawyers like it's all a bunch of [ __ ] like basically saying don't run this article blah blah blah so i don't know maybe the article won't run i have no idea what's happening but they sent a super well i trisha told me about i haven't seen the letter but they sent a super threatening letter to insider saying that you cannot use trisha as a source because she is like mentally unstable yeah can you believe the the balls on these [ __ ] guys it's crazy it's so crazy to me because now we know from scott we know from all these people that like not only are they not sorry they're like doubling down saying like they're totally in the right they were never in the wrong in any situation like first of all if they're gonna accuse you of harassing and stalking them there's literally no people show that there's no restraining order right because i listen to their podcast yeah that's stalking i mean that's like what people keep saying i literally they try to say that i was like her i was violent towards david i'm like all this crazy stuff that i showed up to his house i've never done that i was like there would be camera footage the only thing i admit to is may 8th 2019 when i went to jason's house that's like the only thing you did drive your car through jason's house with like the brick through the whipping i admit to that that part i admit but to say that i was violent towards david or anything like that like and i admit to it like you drove your car through jason's house not like through it but i was definitely like i honestly was so high i literally don't remember like i just remember i guess apparently i threw a brick through it which is totally i totally believe i don't you drove your car i believe you threw a brick through the window i was just like so [ __ ] up i was so [ __ ] up it was so embarrassing and i admit if jason wants to do me for that like you knew me for that okay that i admit i wouldn't you see bombs you're literally the guy at the royal tenenbaums who drove his car into the funeral you remember that dan that's you thank you that's that's is that owen wilson who is yeah i love wilson i relate i guess like no honestly oh they've been saying i've been trying to defame that i mean to be fair that is pretty good that is a pretty strong mark against you of course but keep in mind this is all after this and this is months later that was me but also you're not the they made it sound like you're the only sole account of this story you're just corroborating these girls well she says i've been attacking and trying to defame them it's like no i've been sharing my story the same story over and over can i can i remind everybody i share the same thing it's not like i'm like oh this thing this thing i can share my truth and i can speak out about it and if other people are coming forward and you're sharing your opinion you're not like david did this thing that never happened like we're just if you got a problem david just [ __ ] sue sue no but also like i think i prefer if you don't too but i'm up game for it well he's like can't he can't like he's admitted on the podcast too that like he's had jason like take the wrath for his speeding tickets because if he gets like arrested that is a big crime it affects his immigration daddy that's the thing because he's docker right he's daca so if he gets arrested it could affect his immigration status so he said like he talked he admitted a couple times he talked to a police officer out of giving him a ticket because for speeding in his ferrari and i think another time i might be wrong on this one but like he did he did shift the blame to someone else you could get a speeding ticket i don't think you can commit like a felon no i think i swear he said he's like because he's always like a celebrity so he gets like he could get a different kind of brain and all this stuff like that you can get like a celebrity bottom line though you can't you can discredit me all you want but it's like also all these people coming forward with their stories like have nothing to do with me like seth had nothing to do with me big kind of thing yeah this girl has nothing to do with me really other than i was there they asked me for comment i was there i was a sound mind like i can tell you when i'm not in a sound mind that's that's crazy that david gave alcohol to underage girls to juice up his vlog like dude these how could you care that much about your vlog that's like that's some real psycho thing oh you can't blame david it's like he's literally the one that was like encouraging this for his vlog like it's so disgusting it was so gross i mean you can because and he like documented that and all this crazy [ __ ] do any of the girls who slept with him feel like they were like violated is that the scoop or i actually don't know what the girl said i actually haven't talked to the girl they had i think one of them very happy a while ago you don't know i don't think how do they find anybody i feel like business insiders and super sleuth so um anyways i was i was relieved i just feel like uh as being like in that position it just feels good to like at least share your story and like get it out there because like it sucks it sucks that people get away with stuff and you have to like watch people get away with stuff and like i'm profiting off of it like profiting and being embarrassed and humiliated and all this [ __ ] it's like it's not that's way worse than anything i've heard well the set thing is bad but that's like a whole nother level yeah no that one was really bad so that article is coming out sometime i don't know when but i can't wait to read it yeah i mean i really don't like to be the like the person because like when i heard that letter from the lawyers like it did make me feel some type of way that people like how everyone else sees me like trish is crazy just this whatever but i don't know i'll keep talking about it because as oprah says i will not be silenced unless i am silenced right silent i will not be silenced unless no i'm not going to be silent unless i'm silenced didn't you see the interview oh with meghan markle she goes were you silent or were you silenced i'm right did you see it i saw bits of it you're not a mega miracle fan i'm not i just the whole royal thing is just so stupid to me it's i don't like the royal thing you don't i am team megan though i feel like she was hor i feel like the english are so they're so obsessed i don't know what that was they're so cruel yeah they're so cruel the stuff they say about her and um it's it's crazy like i watched pierce morgan go off about her and like that whole thing i was like what is wrong with these people they really want her to [ __ ] kill herself like that like oh for sure unbelievable and you know there's lots of parallels to what happened to princess dye harry's mom right and um the whole i think the whole royalty should be disbanded dude it's it's time to go well who's gonna run the country then royalty doesn't do anything they literally are just a ceremonial title you know that right you know who runs the country the prime minister in parliament um you know that right yeah yeah hugh grant love actually played the prime minister yeah hugh grant's running england we don't need the royalty you remember how boss you grant was and he just fell off he was just like banging prostitutes what happened to him he was so cute he just figured out he said he was right ugly yeah no he didn't you showed me he was a he was a he was a leading man you showed me his picture he told me i wouldn't [ __ ] him he had a heart i'll tell you as jokes on it i'll definitely lick his butthole boy getting a tiger ring with him you know who else got kind of ugly who used to be like the hottest dude who val kilmer oh but he had cancer oh he had throat cancer oh but he just got like super fat and trust me i know what that's like make your work and his head got huge you got to see val kimmer i love valkyrie dan is this the best image you can find what are we doing here anyway he just looks like he aged a bit i want to call him ugly all right i'm with you and i think he's ugly he's just a bad person i feel actually i don't know him we shouldn't say that what what is this hugh grant uh okay now look what happened to his career i mean he was about hammer monitoring like that's probably what affected it he had like tumors everywhere no he just got he just i don't know when he aged his head got bigger and bigger and bigger i love valkimer so obviously with all the peace and love in the world but hey guys remember when i was batman i just don't get memes i hate when you tell me memes because i don't get them i'm like okay i don't get me what's not to get what do you guys are not funny like what's funny about it i guess okay i remember when you're batman cool like what okay fair enough but what's the what's funny it's funny because he doesn't because he's like out of shape he's looking goofy okay cool cool i get it i can't explain the joke because i know what i'm saying though is like i feel like memes i just don't get like people there's people who get memes and there's people don't get memes like sometimes we'll show myself on reddit and i'm like i don't get it he'll show me like reddit all right let me okay well dude i said okay do you know that ela show the video please either ran into david dobrik yeah when i'll show i have a video she filmed it this is a skit no it's not here you're ready i thought you were serious here watch this what's this she [ __ ] she kicked his ass dude first of all what is that she threw hands with david in the bathroom what is this that's crazy huh who is that you look like threw hands with davis she's like yo i'm not missing my opportunity here what is it i see them throwing hands with david why does it look like them though that's so funny what is that it's a video it is not it yeah it was on the subreddit oh shout out to the subreddit i don't like i don't like the subreddit moses is on that thing and i don't get it and he shows me he's like it's not funny you guys are not funny stop what dude separate do not go against the subreddit they love you oh okay i love don't start war with the those are the foot soldiers you really don't like the football that's not funny keep that for h3 girl you are about to lose your wikifee rating i would watch what you say i have a good rookie feet not for long if you keep this [ __ ] up and nobody cares about wikifeed except for you and this is so stupid you're gonna regret saying that i'm gonna set my army to go write your wiki feet down everyone go to ethan's wiki feed and write it down you don't have a foot army i have a foot army your foot army has already gave me five stars can we do feet things on my only fans you want no i'm not doing anything on your own okay it makes fun of me i need money i'm broke help me import stop yeah i just want my mom a house i feel like i lost all my money again every time i buy a house you buy your mom a house cash not cash but kind of nice yeah that's a nice daughter move thanks is she happy yeah good i don't think she expected it my mom always like gave me all her money even when she was broke when i was like 18 19 to move to hollywood so i owe her my life you do that for your parents don't you right mm-hmm that's baller yeah i help my parents out your parents are bougie they are they look bougie they look like professors and lawyers really were they no no at all really my mom was a hairdresser and my dad just owned a bike store wait really yeah oh [ __ ] they literally look like they're definitely just salt of the earth working people oh i love that that's even cooler oh so some other interesting developments before we get to the cook-off our boy ringo starr at the grammys spreading peace and love i just want to give a shout out he's going to block you i think about that when you talk about him i'm like oh he's [ __ ] blocked you think i could get him to block me i mean i got o.j to block me it'd be kind of happening yeah he blocked me because when he joined twitter i was like i'm going to make it my goal to get blocked by o.j simpson and he did he blocked me really yeah i once did and i love you o.j simpson music video because i thought it was like a clever troll which is so not so gross now but but um his people contacted me and asked me if i wanted to go on a date with him no i don't know if this is real people i don't get you you told that story before but now you're really revealing that his people contact you to go on a date i think it was his people i don't know for sure i don't want to say allegedly because i don't know for sure why didn't you go on the day because you didn't want to die right no i always said that i would be cool like i'm not cool but like part of history to be killed by o.j simpson it's kind of like you're on vandal he killed one girl and then got away with it and then the second girl was the one that locked him up you know i just want to give a shout out to my boy ringo with peace do you think he would block me with peace and love yeah this is a serious message to ethan klein i am blocking you with peace and love no more tweets thank you thank you serious question do you think michael star competition oh god i'm having a gerd moment yeah for sure would you like us would you invite him to your house or would you be scared he know where you live ringo yeah i'm not why would i be scared of ringo's star like just having random people come to your house i love ringo's star so if you like show up to your house and start stalking you you're like okay i wouldn't care ringo stalking me yes i would be flattered would you let him in or would you keep him up five it's you're talking about ringo stark okay okay you vitamin for the cook off he comes once cool but now he keeps coming back trying to hang out would you invite him in or would you keep him out i'd probably be like listen ringo i love you you did the beatles respect all that [ __ ] i love what everything you've done in your career but i need a little space wait so i know i totally thought something else can i say this or no can i show the piece in love so a podcast asked me to be on their podcast that said that you and hila were a guest and like ask him how much fun it was and i was like oh that's kind of a weird thing to ask wait wait wait wait wait what okay you can tell this oh there's another one this podcast like it's a pretty big podcast asked me to be a guest on it and they're like ethan and elon ethan and ela were like um guests on this podcast so you can ask them how much fun it was that's what they said in the evening podcast um it's the bobby lee one oh bobby's the best you love i love bobby why would they do that though they're like why are they leveraging me to get you to do it i don't know but i love bobby lee um it's kind of like you and ela right it's like a couple yeah yeah they're awesome i hate couples podcasts so don't do it i just think couples who do podcasts together are like horny like so many people are doing it what about me and hilo now i love you guys but i'm just saying like you know everyone else that does it with their boyfriend or girlfriend is corny good we're the one exception okay like we get it you both love each other you both are the same person like we get it you know what i mean with peace and love not with peace and love i mean people say what they do in war is that a thing yeah hate and war that's the opposite of peace and love when you mean when it's all offense with people with hate and war i think i have a lot of hate in me i need to get it out maybe or no with war and hate sorry i don't want war maybe just hate with hate and stop doing couples peace and love so be with hate and chaos another person said i like that do you like hate and chaos yeah i love chaos that makes me feel like my childhood anyway after a year when it's great to be here in fact it's great to be anywhere because no matter what happens music must go great yeah so i'm honored to be here and the grammys as well i've been here many times before and uh with that other band i was in i was in and i want to say this with peace and love we love you you're making music in our world today that's like his thing this is a serious message yeah that's his thing so you can never really put it on merch because that's his thing they're like i can't put it on merch you just need to trademark that [ __ ] you should trademark it i should trademark and sue ringo that'd be [ __ ] awesome hey regal you're saying my [ __ ] i'll show up as as joe exotic shake him down i know you're rich [ __ ] so there's this dirt oh this guy dom who apparently you're saying uh david was feeding girls alcohol to sleep with so he put out a video exposing david okay so that's what's so crazy because he was they must have reached out to him comment one thing about the insider they reach out to everyone for a comment like they do like they reach out to everyone so he must reach out he must have known this article this article is coming out which is cool but like address it like he didn't even address it in the thing like he just he glazed over everything other than saying like yeah the wall cloud's kind of shitty like i'm gonna just go on that like page or saying like [ __ ] the vlog squad but at the same time like you did really shitty things like he didn't take any accommodation let me show uh um let me show a brief clip just to give you guys context so this is the guy we were talking about that david was trying weird ads i have youtube premium but it's on my other account what's the point i'm like logged into the podcast in my main channel oh my god it's so complicated so this is the guy that david allegedly got alcohol for the girls to sleep with yes and so now he made a video suddenly right before this article comes out saying you know what david needs to deal with this and we were [ __ ] up back then and we were bullies right which i get and that but so it's just weird cuz i know there's accusations again i don't know i don't know anything about him he has a lot of accusations i thought that was bad the vidcon one this girl he was he's allegedly essayed a girl like what got on top of her wouldn't let her up like that kind of thing she was like 17 in 2017 that happened um yeah i mean he has like a lot of incidences against him so so here's him just talking briefly on david's on the david situation the situation that's going on between seth and david um you know that's something that i think david you know needs to handle seth has been always a good supportive friend of mine and he still is you know it was kind of a pointless video to be honest with you yeah because he didn't address anything he's just trying to get on the right side of it saying david he's addressed it which he does but you know he just never will which you know i went back and saw his because i was trying to understand this whole vidcon thing because apparently he's like a big drama yeah and i saw on his video or he even mentioned it in this video he said go watch my video on the vidcon thing i was like i don't know what happened to vidcon because i went and watched the apology he made and he's like yo i made a mistake i'm sorry i'm way too aggressive with women yeah but they all have overgel overwhelming majority likes and good response and the top comment of that video which maybe i'll go check and see if it's still there is david saying hey mistakes happen it's all good buddy on the of course on that apology of course so i don't know what to make of these guys i just it's just it just sucks but but he says like yeah we used to bully people like this guy jonah it's not i didn't know his name wasn't even jonah his name's nick and they just make fun of him because he looks like jonah hill well it's the one that i told you they haven't flashed everybody because his penis is so small so like jonah show everyone your penis and like i don't want to see arenas why is he doing that oh it's so bad karma comes around i know i've gotten karma hit bad so it comes around with like shitty people um and then there's that fire deleted his video though like right after oh yeah he deleted we didn't talk about that yeah oh i wanted to ask you see there's there's stuff to get to let me pull up the scotty apology and i want to know what your comment is on that here let me pull it up also stop doing twitter notes if you make a whole ass youtube video make a whole ass youtube video also learn to crop your notes dumbass like i'm sorry how about prop your [ __ ] note because it showed up on my feed just like a white square and i was like [ __ ] how long have you been on the internet crop your [ __ ] bro why did he guilty that video that's like the dumbest when we have our steamies next year like the dumbest movie should go to scotty's life i forgot about the steamies i'm so excited we should rent a venue if the pandemic's over and get like have a live audience okay that seems like something should we have a ticketed event oh yeah i love it the steamies we're going on tour if no one comes people are coming through this thing oh yeah okay so anyway scotty sayer who doesn't know how to crop a note said hi again hi again hi again okay cause he's left oh right hi again stop it they're so cringy first of all i would like to apologize to anyone who feels as though i disrespected or invalidated their story how about seth specifically that was never my intention and i mean that so sincerely well it was specifically your intention to invalidate seth's story that was your explicit express intention i let emotions get the better of me and i chose my uh approach and many of my words poorly i chose to make the video and share my opinion i expected it to be analyzed and picked apart but i did not expect it to hurt so many people and so i've made the decision to remove the video from my channel it wasn't your opinion you literally said that's not the truth seth you told a lie you're literally just you're literally invalidating this yeah exactly so i responded i said scotty with peace and love of course you didn't just choose the wrong words you ignored that david so his video like ignored pretty much every major development including i said you ignored that david admitted to the pranks being racially motivated you ignored that the first prank was not consensual like you can debate the second one i think this the second one was not consensual you know pranks are by definition not consensual and they were and but david and jason have admitted that the second one he had no idea that's but so yeah but like the first one you you can't even debate it right so you he ignored that the first rank was not consensual and he indirectly threatened the victim and tried to assassinate his character while bringing up like the revenge keywords right right i was like bro just [ __ ] own it like there's some [ __ ] apology this is like david dobrik level when he did the native american spit he put an apology video going apology to everyone offended an apology to everyone who wasn't offended because uh other people were offended or something so stupid you know or when he i liked on you much on the h3 podcast when jason said he got bullied for being a jew and david i'm gonna watch that because i found that one really disturbing because that's crazy like that's his mentality like he literally like thinks that way which is like so but now even seeing all this how like just they really are not sorry because i always thought it's weird you know david ever reached out to me and like apologized but like he's just like not sorry and he actually thinks he did everything right and he's in the right of everything and i'm like that's [ __ ] crazy to me that's insane i'm gonna pull up my tick tock because this isn't i cut it down a bit it's really long and i think it's better to watch like this yeah just watch this this is to me as a as a jew especially i mean and as someone who's just not unless jason is half a jew i don't know if that matters probably not i mean he got bullied for being a jew so whatever is dude you got to stop the jewish gatekeeping first of all he tricked me i thought he was a full jew and then he's like actually my mom's only jewish i'm like ah yeah that's full of jews okay but his dad's like catholic i want you you want jewish purity i need yeah that's what i'm trying to get you gotta stop bro why because it's it's it's weird it's weird how you fetishize jewish people fatter sizing totally in the upper echelon of the world that's not that's not okay dude why because i like jewish people no because you don't understand no because you don't understand the religion or the culture at all oh what are you talking about because you're saying he's not a real first of all you're you're gatekeeping you're not even jewish you're saying how come i can't gatekeep but everyone else can get keep on the internet you're not even jewish semantics it's literally not semantics it's more like yeah it's it's semitic jewish people appreciate it the important ways jewish he appreciated my love for jews well saying the jews are the upper echelon of the world is definitely isn't that a compliment listen i'm not saying there's no peter no that's why everyone wants to kill us is because they've got this whole [ __ ] no because they've got these weird world domination uh conspiracies because jews get to go to heaven you're like one you're like one tippy toe away from wanting to exterminate all jews you know what i mean like it starts it starts with intrigue it starts with fetishizing and then it starts with we need to kill them all i just don't get it but okay i'm sorry that i have i have a preference you can have preference jewish men okay but you can't be like i was mad at my boyfriend because he's only his mom was just but that's like okay that's like someone's like weird i'm i don't want to use this term oh it's just like if someone tricked you right if someone's like hey you didn't trick me i was born a girl i have a second baby and then you're not a girl he said he was jewish he is jewish thank you he is jewish literally in the last episode you got mad because someone's dad was jewish and they claimed there was jewish now you're mad at jason because his mom was jewish who that technically makes you jewish and you're mad because his dad wasn't jewish the jewish law in the religion is that if your mom is jewish that makes you jewish okay so who are you i respect my statement and not that i even give a [ __ ] i don't give a [ __ ] no i just think it's odd you went to israel to find your wife i went to israel for a free trip and i happened to meet ela see you i literally never even dated a jewish girl before how about this though if jewish people aren't bachelor how come you guys get free trips to israel and i don't i want a free trip yeah what does it have to do with because you guys get privileges like getting a free trip to israel i would love a free trip to israel how come i don't get that i mean exactly exactly got you not just you're so confused how does me getting a free how is me getting a trip to israel make me upper echelon because i don't get it so you have privilege over me well i'm sure you have other privilege like how about not getting coins tossed at your feet and being called pick it up dirty too you know what people have tossed bacon at me and said eat it pig no well that's cause you're fat with you yeah but you have above but you have control over over your weight non-jews have it worse than fat jews fat jews have it worse than non-fat yeah okay no other way around but i got it you like whatever it doesn't matter hmm that's not better than a non-jew fat person right interesting point i can see bacon okay thank you i concede all right let's watch this of david jason says he faced lots of anti-semitism growing up horrible things he mentions like people used to throw pennies at his feet and say pick it up jill call him a dirty jew anyway just listen to this um they call me dirty jew yeah i was the only jewish kid in the school shut up did you get [ __ ] for that all the time you walk down the hallway someone just throw a penny on the ground oh and everyone would laugh that used to happen at my school but that's not [ __ ] that's unless you're like a sensitive like [ __ ] about it so exactly you want me to go back listen to this listen to the news that's like a weird turn no i mean like i know teachers that would make you dirty jew jokes like because it's just what it's not bad they're just words and like i think bro are you a normal straight white dude gonna come here and tell me words are just words you had a teacher that told a jew joke we had really cool teachers really oh my god this is good oh my god i think he's i don't want to say it but i think allegedly maybe in my head this is not defamatory maybe a white supremist or something no well white supremacist yeah that's crazy who is it like i mean i had a teacher that was so cool confused well also i find it rich that he goes he has uh jason he goes did you ever get [ __ ] for it and then jason goes yes i did get [ __ ] for it and then david goes no you didn't get [ __ ] for you [ __ ] [ __ ] he asked him the question i mean i don't know what he expected the guy said people threw pennies at my feet and told me to pick it up if that's not [ __ ] i don't know what it is wait i don't really get that though okay yeah but that's besides the point got it yeah these are greedy that's the oh really yeah that's like a com that like i think back in the day they're like pick it up jew you [ __ ] greedy jew oh yeah i'd pick it up and i'm not even a jew you would pick up the penny for sure penny kept penny earned that's what benjamin franklin said penny saved is a penny earned so that's worse than what i'm i'm saying i like jews he's that's worse yes okay so it's not equivalent you're like i'm not comparing you i'm just saying you got your own issues away from wanting to un-alive well i make i'm making a joke because you're like the only person that's been so obsessed with jews is hitler as far as i'm aware you know what i'm saying right you're like you flip with the same coin okay you know what i mean i get the reference i i can you know who hitler is now we've come a long way in the show haven't we i love that we always talk about jewish arguments trivia did not slap last week i did not get three million views no one's everyone's like we don't care about jewish trivia three million is that your goal post now i thought it did really well three million yeah thank you honestly i'm shocked we even get a million every time we get a million like oh he's got over a million like i am very excited for real that's and i'm trying to be humble i'm actually like wow that's crazy i'm just scared for it to end like one day it's gonna get under a million views and i'm gonna be like oh man we still disappointed but it's still fine i'll still do it until the ship stays just enjoy baby just enjoy the ride last week's episode has three million views that's insane that's insane don't care about jews that's really you understand that's so crazy crazy especially because we were doing like trivia i feel like this one's kind of sinking a little bit today you got to drop that we're just having fun we're chit-chatting we're we're chewing and driving we're shooting again we're feeling and driving i'm part of the june enjoy i'm doing you're driving um can we dress like the titanic survivors next week maybe what's the titanic survivor i don't know you just said like the sinking in the ship so i thought maybe titanic i think they just wear like old-timey stuff maybe like freezing over okay that's a little sensitive well how else are you supposed to do it yeah so how else am i supposed to drive the life jacket i don't like can we get oh okay i have more can we have billy zane on the show oh for sure he did cameo he'll totally do it he's on cameo yeah she's good with him what did he what did you famous i wanted him to pick out my fast food order for me like what's your favorite fast food it was for a video like i got charlie sheen to do it i got billy zane to do it they picked out their favorite fast food item is that so humiliating for them it is yeah like these guys were a-listers and now they're on cameo ordering fast food for trisha i mean [ __ ] cameo has really changed [ __ ] carol baskins is on it that cameo was made for people like caravastia then you got zorro he used to be zorro yes yeah wait who billy shane oh i just know from titanic as the [ __ ] boyfriend um yeah he was great in titanic premium i'm losing my [ __ ] here um i just wanted to show this who is it billy zane no it's this was after a 16 year old said that james charles was sending him nudes oh we're back to james exchanging exchanging nudes and then one stay later really rarely ever do here on this channel and that is a makeup review i don't do makeup reviews very often you guys know by now i really tend to use a lot of the same products every single time that i get i do uh social reviews snapchat is my favorite social platform for picking up underage boys because it erases your your messages automatically and unless someone violates my trust and yeah i would like to see that to switch it up and do really just fun entertaining videos for y'all however i went to the mailbox yesterday to just open up some packages see what came in and i got this very interesting box from [Music] did you get your passports did you get your shots and when i opened it like four to five times a year this is so embarrassing why would they sponsor him yeah the day all his bonds are taken away oh his life is ruined i know you're friends with him but or not friends but you're friendly with him but did you see his last podcast i didn't watch it oh my gosh like he's so depressed it's so sad i mean it's so sad but yeah yeah yeah i've been following him on instagram just for like kind of like morbid curiosity to be honest yeah same because we'll be tired of the last one humans so i know we're not supposed to we're not supposed to talk about podcasts on here right but like let me just talk about this because the last one you're like oh don't talk about other people's sponsors kidding you could talk about other people's customers oh that's like don't talk about people okay no i don't care okay well anyways um wait really no but okay he said he lost all his sponsors like right and he absolutely and he was talking about how like he lost like all his like oh he said he used to do like favors for friends like cameos and they're like crappy movies or whatever and they get called them up and said like oh we're cutting you from the movie or whatever i mean look obviously okay so he lost all the sponsors for his podcast he's like literally so depressed and you can tell he's just like i hate like everything in my life right now okay but um but meanwhile james charles and david dover get sponsored by triple m maybe there's your pawns of chris leah chipotle that's a great opportunity let's get let's get crystalline his own order you know well there was that lawsuit that came out like right after he came back to social media and i was like oh that's disgusting what was alleged in the lawsuit was like really gross that he was like he took her virginity and it was like a king for him and it was is it real well she's suing him and she says it's real i mean i mean yeah if you're suing someone then you probably have some truth to it because she apparently has receipts and texts and images and all this [ __ ] why is he still doing a podcast i think that's a good question but also like at the same time okay i brought that up not to sean crystalia because i i watch him but again it's like more average just being like whoa oh my god like is he okay which is sad like but people watch me for that reason too it's fine not anymore i'm not gonna anyways but he can't wait not to hide the point too but i thought it was so interesting because like all these people are still getting sponsored and he's not and i was like why why wouldn't they yeah because i hate to keep saying this because maybe i'm not even right but my hunch is that because and again okay there's a few theories i have because they're young that his fans are young james charles and david's fans are young and so they don't understand the gravity and they don't give a [ __ ] the other theory i have which i'm again i don't i don't want i don't even like saying this because i don't want our our women audience to think i'm invalidating their experience because i think they go through the same [ __ ] but i do think that maybe the fact that the victims are men have something to do with it too but again and but i don't even like saying that because you know what i everyone is yeah everyone goes to because that's like implies that the like you know women survivors have it easy easier in some way like i don't know i don't want anyone i just don't really feel bad for these people actually because at first i was like oh my god i kind of feel bad for like joe exotic crystalia but i kind of don't feel bad joe exotic because he was kind of everything but i mean don't hire people to kill people right i think he thought he was going to get pardoned by trump right he really did he tried to dude isn't that so awesome like what a character like he really thought trump was going to pardon him wouldn't it be iconic though if trump did do it because honestly i feel like people wouldn't even be mad yeah maybe they'd be like yeah it's trump what can you do he pardoned joe exotic like i feel like people kind of expected it oh [ __ ] could i um but anyway i was going to visit him you can like visit cat inmates sure you can go visit your exotic really do they have to come visit you no he can reject you oh you know he's not like a slave oh but you can ask um so james got sponsored okay we're going to have the cook off and then the other thing is that like two days afterwards he collapsed with a six-year-old boy named jimmy in it he collapsed what's the bluest one james i don't understand this oprah blue highlighter that's pretty good they're playing minecraft oh james i'm sure you love minecraft you uh hi sisters you want to play minecraft together in my home in our underwear why did he do that show me your armpit hair while we played minecraft sister sickness like he doesn't get it like it's a sickness like he literally needs to be with these young kids it's like really weird i mean it's so odd oh my other favorite james charles thing since we're on the topic is that after he apologized and he was like you know what i got to check people's ids now remember that whole apology so even after he put that out was like i was wrong he's out liking fans who are trashing and victim shaming the person that he preyed upon oh my god he liked this tweet someone said didn't think i'd be saying something but this james charles scandal has gone far too far for once and i'm on james's side because about two years ago i spoke to the same guy who's from palm beach florida he added me randomly off snapchat yadda yadda yadda this random ass 16 year old kid this random note saying oh i talked to him too and he lied about his age like somehow that makes it better is that he's like we know he lied about his age you're the [ __ ] adult james how so he's going liking tweets like just sitting on his victim that's so weird dude has is such a sick [ __ ] and chipotle's like hi sisters did they say that did they tweet that probably did you tweet chipotle i did okay chipotle if you're sponsoring david doe burke and james charles just put crystalline on there too yeah baby name it the um name it the the spring chicken burrito you know spring chicken they're like not they're like that's funny but i don't know if that's funny but you know seriously the spring chicken burrito do you have a spring chicken oh yeah oh james charles special yep what would david dobrik's burrito special be called his would be called the um hmm it would be some kind of like yeah i don't know his accusations are a little more esoteric that's kind of yeah it's hard to define hard to define yeah oh cause he's just such a bad person no what would my spotlight be extra sour cream extra guac extra cheese extra cheese yeah soggy beef sandwich the big it would be called the big [ __ ] oh i like the big [ __ ] burrito oh okay yeah i would eat that the big machine yeah i like that yeah i like that too i tweeted this out people actually get mad at me you know i'm generally against like cancel culture but like we have to acknowledge in this conversation that sometimes people deserve to be canceled people are so [ __ ] there are people who do terrible things are we talking about someone making an off-color joke on twitter five years ago i mean that's stupid obviously like i'm not going to engage in that type of cancel culture but james charles is a predator woody allen definitely deserves to be canceled and look how long he's been out there yeah it's like charles i think it's just funny that people get like oh don't tag the sponsor it's like bro what am i supposed to do just let this guy go run free don't take the sponsor they should know about it yeah like what the [ __ ] that's so crazy i said yes to answer your question i am trying to cancel james charles he of all people is completely deserving after admitting to exchanging dudes with the six-year-old there's a pattern of behavior that should land him in prison not collaborating with chipotle sorry for real that's not yeah that's crazy so um oh there's one other thing i wanted to add which is that we i don't know if you heard about this whole ntf thing the non-fungible tokens sorry i'm it's not a pick it's a itch you ever pick your nose no i'm not picking my nose there's an itch from the mustache here oh nose picking's like not that gross to me i've i hate it it's disgusting but i just want i don't do it but i don't it's a scratch not a pic you think it's disgusting i guess yeah people like shoving their finger on their nose and then you know they always go to the mouth you see that somewhere i've never seen that you see people go to the mouth all the time bro i can't do it yeah okay so we made these so ntfs this are just it's digital art and they're using this new technology called crypt uh called blockchain technology oh yeah i know but but hear me skip passes on the age hear me out because i want to make frenemies ntfs what is the point of it it's like digital trading cards i want to make them for every outfit we have now if you think i'm being stupid we made as a gag we made coins for everybody okay dan ian a b zach everybody made five coins for two thousand dollars a piece and they all sold out oh sounds like a scam it is yeah i know it feels like a scam so why are we doing it for friendly i don't want to be involved no it's not a scam it's real people love collecting this [ __ ] it's not a scam you sell it people buy it but we made 80 000 just selling these [ __ ] like dan's even dan's was even i i have a bridge to sell you who are you giving the money to to the guys oh yeah the thousand dollars yeah you made ten thousand dollars yes they each made ten thousand dollars and we were everywhere like we don't understand this and i don't think you should buy this this is stupid dan's literally is i've got a bridge to sell you i don't like it and dan just bought it you don't you don't think it would be cool to make uh trading cards with all of our outfits like different outfits we've are you keeping the coin no of course i'm gonna share it with you okay you always think i'm not of course i'm going to share it with you hmm why are you making that i'm not i just said okay of course i'm gonna share with you what is that like what is it gonna be okay for example like me and drag as jeffree star and you are like you dressed as me and me just as you for example like we would make like a trading card and put it up it's just fun and what do you got to do you have to like do a chat weekly or what like a live chat no it's just it's a we just we make the card why don't you just screenshot that and then you got it boom because listen i'm not i'm not like a proponent i don't even i'm not here buying or like i'm not propos proposing anything where's that frenemy's nft i just think it's really interesting that we made eighty thousand dollars in a gag and a gag do you understand what i'm saying we literally just did it for a gag anyway there's gonna be this is a shout out a little bit shout out to you we made it and we put it on this website what website you can't say it's no i can say it's open c dot io open seed open c cool but we made it we made a one of one vape god token the vape nation video is going on bid live this friday the bid is going to expire during the show live this friday you're not going to want to miss this spectacular star treasure spectacular friday episode this point is going live live live so head on over to openc dot is just elaborate roosters to promote the coin openc dot io slash activity slash and uh uh or not not subjectivity open c dot io slash n h3 h3 dash nft thank you when are we getting ours okay so you want to do it so we can do it for now i want this broken bag that's 198 thousand dollars so how much do i have to get that bag what how many coins so much that's like how do i get how much do i have to sell of those coins i don't know you never know how much it's gonna go for i mean these could be valuable you want it's like 198 thousand dollars for my coin okay there you go this purse is oh 195 000. that's a funny guy it's 195 thousand dollars what is it made out of ostrich how many houses they killed to make that bag i don't know they're like a whole farm let's do it ethan let's do one of one for trisha and set the price to 105. yeah yeah you never know who's going to buy it that's all put me with my birkin kate yeah dan was like there's no way i was the biggest guy nobody is going to buy any of these and then like a week later we've sold eighty thousand dollars buying it for them no you can see who buys it it's all bubbles it would do something like that well i'm not that nice okay can you put prepped me with my birken cake on there they each they already got paid out these guys tenth grand um okay baller oh my god i didn't realize that was fully undone was the whole undone the whole time yeah wow i don't think i've ever seen your chest before do you think you got a lot of hair that was good but like not too much you look like reynolds maybe you should cosplay as him next burt reynolds did he have the perfect chest hair yeah oh his chest hair was everything all right we got to wrap it up let's go cook some food what do you think i'm so excited are we eating it or they're tasting it well you got to taste your cookies okay okay all right we'll see you guys upstairs okay we are in the top chef kitchen we are thinking of names for this more like uh mercury chef for you because it causes birth defects cancer it also causes birth defects if you eat chips so we're starting with the noodles could i also take a cup of your pasta water real quick wow go ahead no excuses pasta pasta water is the dumbest it's just going to be like it's not it's such a scam like you're telling me that like a cup of noodles cooked in pasta is going to make all the difference it emulsifies it it makes it a butter sauce instead of butter noodles you know how i already want no i'm going to win the pasta round because you didn't salt your water i did fill my water you missed it i don't know why you have like all the way up water like a whole i salted my water you missed it she takes the water she takes the salt shaker and does like this you know you missed it damn girl that is buttered noodles well that's a secret are you sure you're emulsifying and not just mixing butter into it emulsifying it do you get like sexual about this no but i do get really excited so i will body fall asleep oh my god i know ooh that'd be a good name for a weed dispensary bougie bowls that's stupid while we complete our noodle dish i'd like to introduce our three judges the beautiful unbiased as it gets fair as it gets culinary expert ceo ela klein on your judgment yes next up is the legendary musician friend great all-around great guy we love him do you have credentials to be judging our food uh 25 italian blood [Applause] yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna you know take it as it comes and be as truthful as i can be we love that we love to hear it thank you to mack up next of course is as everyone knows him water itself we're gonna have to wipe up after him water moses is here ladies and gentlemen last time you know we had a competition like this we were decorating cakes and trisha won because everyone was scared to vote against her i know everyone was no and literally everyone in the comments was like oh trisha just won because the crew is scared everyone in the comments always says i want i want the physical fitness i win everything you cheat on everything ew ugh you know what time it is that looks so nasty oh my god no the rule was that we would make our best pasta dish well that was so not the rule trisha you remembered things whatever you want a big ziti grape but i didn't know it was a pasta dish cook off i thought i was like you're making mac and cheese yes i'm making mac and cheese because we have mac demarco so you know they all will get in good points with the same name i'm trying to try to tune into his box with butter noodles we can name it after him because mac and cheese you don't like no it's great i mean oh no that's mine don't do it on my job look at that look at that ethan's world famous mac demarco mac and cheese it's like the mac and cheese i used to have at the ymca when i was a kid that's not a confidence oh it's good it's good i can't counselor that's points for nostalgia for me okay i like that this also reminds me of like you know the hot shelf at vaughn's no but don't get me wrong i mean they're good they slap hard i love these mac and cheese yeah yeah that's been sitting there you know since the beginning of the day 7.5 okay i'm happy with that the pasta is cooked well thank you very much thank you chef consistency is good i like how sticky it is thank you eight out of ten that's a good rainbow i think it's perfect oh my god bias give it a rating just do not seem ridiculous i'll give it a 9 out of 10. all right thank you she wanted to give it a 10. but we'll take a knife here comes the hater yeah it just tastes like nachos and pasta and like nachos yeah come on it tastes like a lunchable my hands are clean everybody my hands are clean with peace and love mac is going first as our celebrity i'll say another staple of the ymca daycare that i get parmesan it adds a bit of class i'm going to tell you that right now okay shredded i shredded it myself it's sharp parmesan you shredded it yourself you act like you made it yeah the parmesan you can taste that fresh grating out of 10 i'll give it an 8. by the way i'm 14 italian wouldn't that make you 14 italian and says three you guys have the same parents right oh [ __ ] welcome to club pasta itself is cooked perfect the butter the parmesan let's make it quick a good eight out of ten i will say i'm not a fan of parmesan oh wow then we lost with that one i'm gonna give it a seven and a half judges talks amongst yourself in private just based on you know the heritage of my blood my roots i'm gonna have to go with spaghetti so that's once it sounds like there's no butter all right i came here expecting to eat pasta spaghetti with butter parmesan cheese that's an italian cheese right there yeah mac and cheese not as italian okay thank you thank you it was not a it wasn't saying i don't like mac and cheese okay you doing your best deniro over there so we're working on the potatoes this is round two after my crushing defeat thanks to my one mac demarco aka judas i didn't know that but you're welcome glad he invited him now if you want to talk texture go ahead and get a look at this ian there's nothing in this yet i am just mashing i am whipping i am working on the texture this is the most important thing is to get all the moisture out and to whip up that perfect texture but you could sell this with potatoes it's called mashed potatoes okay girl look at that that looks [ __ ] disgusting look at this there's just a stick of butter floating in it it's not done i've actually never cooked for anybody except for moses this is my first time cooking for people it's very intimidating oh my god jeez you're a guy fairy i'm like paula deen a couple fatties in the kitchen i love that no not fatties i love paul dean's eraser so maybe that's not a good example love those huge sticks of unmelted butter on top that's definitely going to make all the difference i'm sorry take a look at that texture that is [ __ ] chef boy or d [ __ ] and i didn't mean that not as like a to make fun of myself because it sounds about ready yeah that's a you want to try mine mm-hmm mm-hmm pile bobby [Laughter] i'm going with this pile here this it's tasty but it's a mush of something this is potatoes this is like potato you can just say that you can't go against trisha let me take a taste i'm sorry yeah it's like baked potato with butter come on that is [Laughter] lack of salt is very that's essential sounds like that so ethan thank you for coming together and making the right decision on this moses you've shown your shoe colors today but i still love you aspect brother-in-law forever so we are moving on to round three we are moving on to the scrambled eggs is that dog food yeah putting dog food in mine no what is that my special recipe dog food [ __ ] olives oh you got an interesting thing here you're going heavy on the white i do heavy egg white and just two yolks what's that strategy it just tastes better it makes them fluffier okay we're gonna throw some olives in forget about it oh you put too much see i'm a basic basic with babish i have an interesting strategy i don't use oil because the cheese has a lot of oil at the end you put cheese in your eggs yeah oh it's not omelette no it's scrambled eggs yeah so you don't put cheese in scrambled eggs bam bam what is with you and cheese man oh my god all right we've got some beautiful fluffy cheddar with some black olives master class and eggs not the cheese isn't hitting me well maybe it's a good thing i guess i don't know so i was going it's more of an impression it's more of a flavor the olives kind of wild style not mad at it good but first time for me really yeah in eggs yeah i love it maybe let's go 7.5 again okay oh my god okay olives are my favorite part okay well i'm not sure how to feel about that but we like it we're an olive family with we love olives and everything so classic thank you right out of the pan that's a good strategy though yeah right oh wow it does make this look very orange it is orange it's just an egg i didn't add orange food coloring to it it's an egg grandpa used to make eggs on the barbecue in the morning before everybody woke up nice salt and pepper so i'm gonna give these eggs an eight wow wow repeating itself i love the salt and pepper and i love the way it feels just the bite because of the white eggs i do like white eggs more that's it that's a nine wow [Music] okay so we are moving on to the final stage that's the steak stage the steak stage yeah two to one i need the steak okay but i feel confident in the steak i've never cooked a steak so so if you beat me i'm just gonna die yeah baby don't die but i'll die okay metaphorically speaking you'll die nope secret secret sauce is the butter holy [ __ ] literally more butter it simmers down actually i've never made six i actually have no idea but i think it simmers do you flip steak or do you just like no no you don't flip it's like a sunny side egg we have here a beautiful cut of centerpiece fillet salt and pepper is the vehicle above the flavor but the art itself is timing execution know-how no it's butter for me i don't know what i'm doing at all get a close-up of that it just literally doesn't cut i don't understand i cut these all the time oh my god that's like not even an onion because i make quesadillas all the time with onions and that is so not an onion so not an onion that's garlic onion guys what is going on here it looks like an onion oh my god i don't have that you don't know the difference between onion and garlic this is too much oh my god okay girl what are you doing you can't tell which one is which no you can't i know what mine are mine or a little don't put on my get that off my [ __ ] plate trisha get it off i know which one it is oh my god i know what to do get it out out okay put those on there put all yours on one then there are three people you have your own place where are you talking oh my god so many dishes for your housekeeper so mean really don't worry about my housekeeper worry about your [ __ ] steaks oh my god maybe you should oh my god i feel like i'm gonna are you sure you took the right ones are you kidding you don't know you're on steak i thought your dick was so amazing they look the same these are literally not the same oh my god which one you eating nutritious it's the inspection pink nice brown on the outside beautiful let's go straight yeah yeah wow that's good it's not not you know sometimes you know especially with the thin piece of meat like that sometimes overcooked no it's good to go well it's cooked to perfection that's for sure yeah the temperature and all i'm so it's really good now we're moving over round two visual inspection pink well here i think we can see it's a little more defined here with the gray we got the flipping right it's kind of interesting what's interesting to me is like this one was you know cooked in butter but look at we got the a bit more of a pool over here that's also a good steak little you got a little more crisp to it i can taste the pepper honestly it's really hard to tell like which is which yeah they're both really good again a lot of flavor from the seasoning but you know me i'm a pure guy stop you can't come into my kitchen and say you don't want seasoning i like cheese steak i didn't i'm so objective i do like i just i like the butter i think the oil fries this thing too much i think i think the butter just let the steak on your head i'm gonna have to go with ethan what is the standing right now with all the food where are we at how many points you two gonna want two i think today i'm giving it to trish [Applause] congratulations well you started it looked like a disaster it did look like yeah but you stole it you you seared it out thank you you got to take into account too it's the first time she cooked this thing no you did not have to take that i appreciate all your cooking on youtube and i'll continue to do it can i tell you to be fair like i ate the rest of your potatoes off moses's plate and not mine so i did like your potatoes better thank you i'm gonna take the l another l i can't stop losing to trisha it's a well-deserved one thank you so you're the new um teflon birth defect okay i hope you all enjoyed thank you to our guest uh celebrity judge matt demarco so we wrapped it up didn't we how many times i got to wrap it for watching up for watching [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 3,661,741
Rating: 4.8986707 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, frenemies, trisha paytas, trisha, paytas
Id: elFvrO4Y8yY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 2sec (5042 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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