Content Court: TheQuartering

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I can’t wait to see how many videos The Quartering is going to churn out from this. He’s probably giddy about this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 255 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/start_nine πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 21 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just realized AB looks like Rami Malek.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 42 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kontinyuum πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

i think it's pretty funny that he admitted to only watching about 15 minutes of it which is pretty evident by the fact that he says Ethan harassed his wife even though that ethan only ever used the phrase "wife" or "his wife" and used a screenshot of her that Jeremy himself posted to his twitter.

he also says that ethan only uses years old arguments but a majority of the stuff used was from within the last year.

sounds like someone getting a taste of their own medicine. hmmmm

and i know ethan isn't perfect but i mean, this is a majority of the stuff that got ethan big in the first place... there isn't anything really new here. no real harassment as ethan is just commenting on stuff that was said by Jeremy himself.

  • edit* he also calls out H3 for putting out a low effort video. its 2 hours. Jeremy puts out 5 videos a day. WHO IS LOW EFFORT BETWEEN YOU TWO
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 157 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thatcrazydiamond πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The gay black dads segment was my favourite content court moment of all time (so far). This is the most bizarre thing I have ever seen.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 94 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BigStinkyBaIIs πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 21 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The best part is Jeremy gave Ethan money so he could get a response video up before the actual video is made available to non members lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 111 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BringBackWaffleTaco πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 21 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

How do people watch this guy he is so boring sounding?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 90 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rajde1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 21 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Over on the Kiwi Forums, we've been documenting Jeremy's cringe for quite some time. Just in my few months there, we've covered.

  • Jeremy pissing on his basement floor during a drunken Twitch stream. After it went viral, he deleted the original VOD and has largely avoided Twitch streams since, only doing one or two a month to keep subscriptions coming in.

  • Jeremy attacking a former sponsor for dropping him and assuming it was due to him not being "woke". The sponsor would later clarify why, because of low performance, but Jeremy neglected to give a video update and continues to believe otherwise.

  • Jeremy censoring his own sub-reddit when some users, myself included, posted some pro-Brie Larson images to troll him. No rules were broken with the submissions but we all got banned permanently for it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 103 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Catastray πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 21 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

First time I’ve ever really heard of The Quartering and he is a grade A pig lmao.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 52 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/-Strawberries- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 21 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

what's up with the dislikes on this? is it a bad episode, or are the fans of that guy brigading?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 58 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/subadanus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 21 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
all rise for the honorable judge ethan klein this episode is brought to you by expressvpn thank you very much welcome everybody to the content court today we will be judging the antics of one the quartering this is the people versus the quartering today we judge jeremy hambly he is a youtube commentator that mostly covers current events surrounding comments comics video games and the entertainment industry he also covers drama and controversies that occur both online and in the media he has multiple channels including unsleeved media focus on trading cards and mid wesley focused on politics with the most popular being the quartering which is basically a channel for being a little outraged monger also isn't the quartering like a tortured uh technique from back in the day indeed is that what he's referencing i'm not sure it also refers to uh quartering uh troops in your house in the third amendment or something that's really that's not what he's referring to is it hey i'm gonna stay in your house y'all i'm gonna freeload in your house maybe to his wife that's what it refers to is considered to be a red-pilled anti-social justice warrior simp cell [Music] the defendant is being charged with the following crimes four counts of inverse social justice ordering which is you know when you're trying to be a social justice war when you're trying to be anti-social justice warrior so hard that you actually become a social justice lawyer seven counts of criminal oafishness and buffoonery and two counts of explicit simp celery i feel like i'm saying celery he's he's being charged with being celery let us proceed with opening statements from our prosecution a b would you like to say some opening words please yes thank you your honor today the people will advance the argument that jeremy hambly aka the quartering aka enslaved media aka midwesley aka human leftover meatloaf has on numerous occasions by content human leftover meatloaf what do you mean by that uh he just looks like a meatloaf i don't know left over that's hardly appropriate for this core please abe keep it professional i apologize uh with his basement dwelling neck bearded antics sorry i'll allow it i'll allow it okay thank you i believe your honor you will find the defendant's behavior speaks for itself and i asked for and i ask only that you examine the evidence as i presented it today thank you i shall do that i will serve as your impartial judge now ian the aien who will be acting as defense for our uh the quartering please aien would you like to make some opening statements sure thing uh first off i would just like to say your honor that you are just glowing today oh why thank you so much ain i'll be sure to keep that in consideration during your arguments you're looking in every single day more and more stunning what is oh are you stifling laughter ian are you uh are you making a joke out of your honor no no i mean i think it's a good look for you you look like neo right after you got out of the matrix bathtub with those eyebrows i actually like this look on you whereas what i hope to do to you someday actually so are you you want to harvest my uh biological energies yes and you're you're getting there with each and every day more and more into character i appreciate that well you know thank you for saying i look like neo he is very handsome and i would love to look like uh keanu reeve so thank you for saying that uh no i have a bit of a confession uh i have no idea who the quartering is have you not looked up your client before presenting a defense well i was going to but uh a buddy of mine and i decided to tailgate the apple event and uh tailgate an apple in a little while i didn't know people tailgated apple events but okay sure yeah we went down and my friend actually gets kind of kind of wild i have a picture of him here seriously the energizer bundle your the energizer bunny you tailgate with the energizer bunny yeah he actually strapped a 350 volt lithium ion battery to my nipples and uh i you know i went into it a daze and i woke up just this morning actually and i rushed over here so i have no idea who i'm defending or why but i mean how bad can he be right you guys are probably just blowing it out of proportion so i think this will be an easy easy defense okay a very interesting unorthodox opening statement from aien we're sure to see a terrific defense from him well with all the opening statements uh closed let us proceed with the trial this court is now in session first charge is inverse social justice warrioring a b would you like to take it from here yes thank your honor so jeremy has a huge vendetta against so-called social justice warriors so much so that he has looped around and became one himself being that he spends every waking moment being upset and triggered by the most inconsequential things imaginable and i noticed you guys have put a karen uh wig on him on the left is that what i'm witnessing correct interesting so moving on um jeremy is a bonafide culture crusader he gets triggered very often by stuff that happens in pop culture as well as politics but the first example if you will move on to the next slide is about a remake of the show she-ra netflix is doing a remake of an old show which was about he-man's sister he is triggered about the redesign he doesn't like that the new updated version of the character doesn't have big boobs anymore essentially and he wasn't he also mentions that he wasn't a fan of the original but he's extremely triggered by this new iteration fascinating yeah the title is disgracing she-ra that's right disgracing she-ra and strong beautiful heroes i see he's achieved a almost 50 dislike ratio on this one even from his own fans so you know it's good oh yeah the fall of beauty it's called wow talk about stretching that [ __ ] out this it's look it's not like dudes are out there trying to you know jerk off to a cartoon i get it something tells me he is you know especially like a kid show dude it's not like hentai bro but why you took her from being a princess to an orphan and then you make her from a beautiful woman into a man this is a boy it's an what there's nothing boyish about the one on the right it's really well okay character that's what this is and the interesting thing about it is people who aren't following this situation will think oh why are you even complaining who cares it's a cartoon well in some ways i'm pretty don't worry that's just for people who aren't following everyone else following closely along gets it what he's talking about i guess you would consider me more traditional in that what happened to having powerful strong and beautiful female role models for young women to look up to why must they all be gross okay i i i this is crazy like okay first of all what does physical beauty have to do with being a role model and second of all the character isn't even gross by even i think any definition that's not totally like i i don't know how to fix it okay so let's go to the next slide because i feel like the art so here you can see the old art okay and then the new art so this is an androgynous lesbian boy according to him it really just looks like a modern day and like this is like kind of the in style uh norm of cartoons these days whereas this is very like 80s yeah but it's a show for kids clearly so he's upset they shouldn't have big ass knockers right i believe in the in the end of the show she actually um is a lesbian i mean that's pretty insignificant but yeah he just says that it's a it's a strip says this is a boy that's not a boy yeah i think it's [ __ ] hey watch your language um but the point is well received that he's basically just social justice warrioring for basically cartoons to be a way that he likes with big-ass titties right interesting okay well received point so moving on um this video is titled white guy reviews black panther 800 percent woke eight hundred percent we've never seen that level woke levels that high before it's over nine thousand i bet you didn't know that jeremy was triggered over black panther's positive reviews uh he thinks black panther was mediocre and he even says that being proud of your skin color is as stupid as judging someone else's for theirs and uh so if you want to take a look at the video okay interesting yeah being proud of your skin color is as stupid as judging someone else for the color of theirs could you imagine i mean how easy are people to control the overarching message from mainstream media around the black panther phenomena is simply to say you're black you need to go see this movie this is a primary problem i have with labels it's a problem i have with labeling myself but with any political ideology and i don't label myself by the something as absurd as the color of my skin something i had zero conjunction this is um this is kind of a classic uh argument that you see i don't wanna say white supremacist but it's like a super obtuse way of looking at skin and and identity is because being proud of being white is like you know white supremacy like let's be honest that's the heritage whereas being pl it's not even like black power it's like hey we have a moo we have a superhero film with a with a black uh lead you know which is something that that doesn't occur uh frequently or a movie with all black casts that not only that's actually that's a good movie that people are loving and watching and as you know it get little black kids like having role models and seeing themselves represented in popular media so it's easy for him to make that argument of like it's so stupid i would never go watch a movie because there's a white lead in it is is such an obtuse uh take because yeah like 90 of all films have white leads in it right so it's like cool cool take but really it's really just not it's dumb but anyway of course it again it speaks very well to the social justice nature of jeremy making a video ranting about how dare people like this film i saw it and i liked it a lot and by the way the film wasn't i didn't find the film preachy at all it was just about black it was about africans right and so that that was what what was cool it wasn't like super woke or it wasn't like uh you know the the villain was black too it wasn't like this trope where it's like the white guy's the bad guy and all this [ __ ] right that would probably set a guy like jeremy off that everybody was black in it right because it's about africans so god forbid you make a movie about africans or jeremy here is going to uh be very angry about it especially if people like it yeah i am of course a white supremacist wow he literally just came out and said that i didn't say that but yeah especially in the marvel universe i mean how many heroes white heroes do we have in the marvel universe he's so triggered that you know what is there one or two um black heroes in the in the marvel cinematic universe sure um and if you look right here i included a little article that shows uh a bunch uh on the slide a bunch of children i'm sorry oh yeah yeah so as you can see uh chadwick boseman's untimely and tragic death the guy who played black panther this happened in september and uh i i just i hope that the quartering can visit each and every one of these kids houses to tell them how stupid it is that they care about this guy because of his skin color you know here i'll give him i'll try to collect the dresses oh dumb yeah he i want you to go tell all these kids how dumb they are for caring you know dumb yeah dumb look at all these idiots caring about black panther it's crazy that they even that they even care it's pathetic um look at this kid who made a tribute by the way this was a great one that you know uh go ahead jeremy what do you think about this this kid here paying tribute to uh the black panther dumb right i think it's really touching and i think it really shows how much it means to the kid you know i wouldn't say it's dumb but i certainly welcome you to go to all their houses and tell them to their face how dumb it is oh well i actually feel bad it's all dumb really you're gonna tell that to a kid who's crying that's so [ __ ] up dude yeah i feel bad that was so tragic that he passed man so unfair dude so moving on from this section um jeremy was triggered by jordan peele stating i don't see myself casting a white dude as a lead in one of his films i the full statement being that uh not that i don't like white dudes but i've seen that movie it really is one of the best greatest pieces of the story is feeling like we are in this time a renaissance has happened and proved that myths about representation in the industry are false so after making this statement jeremy decided to respond on twitter saying uh imagine saying i don't see myself hiring white dudes and being applauded these times dot dot dot this led to a response from sky williams who responded to jeremy who said jordan's message is fine because there's a massive outstanding debt to actors of color he's trying to close the gap by hiring black leads this isn't a front to white people but rather a way to expedite equal representation of media want to catch up to y'all you know see i wouldn't even go with that i mean that's a totally valid argument to make but it's even more simple is that he's a black man creating films his experience is that as a black man so of course he's going to want to make movies and hire actors lead actors that represent his life experience it's his story it's he's telling it from his perspective in his life so of course he's going to hire black actors and take it to the social justice warrior the quartering to take it to twitter to turn it into some crazy race thing imagine saying i don't see myself hiring white dudes and being applauded you know first of all somebody asked him and he's like i just yeah i don't see me why would i why would i hire white dudes to play leads in my films because if you look uh if you look at actors like martin scorsese he has never had a black lead in any of his films yeah i actually had that mentioned in the next slide um yes scorsese spielberg has only had a few you know it's not an uncommon practice you know scorsese has said many times that he tells these uh stories and they take place in new york and they have to do with these italians because that's who he grew up around that's who he knows it's not uncommon whatsoever he's telling a story from his perspective you know right if you're going to criticize jordan peele for saying he wants to cast black main characters in his films you better at the same time go and tell score stacey and spielberg he needs to start casting black leads which by the way if somebody did that you would make a video about what a social justice word they are so checkmate quartering mate so yeah on uh slide 11. okay after uh after jeremy's tweet philip defranco made a video covering the situation and then jeremy decided to make a response video and saying that he was simply pointing out the hypocrisy and what jordan peele said so this is the video right here of the according's response oh oh most of the people that know me know i'm just poking fun the hypocrisy um i do take some issues with skye's statement not like personal issues but i'm gonna address them too because i like skye i think we're actually on a friendly uh we do talk back and forth and um you know he recently unfollowed me but i think i know sounds like good friends he's like damn it that's my only black friend these are the people that he hits two boxes for me gay and black what am i gonna do without him i'm gonna address them too because i like skye i think we're actually on a friendly uh we do talk back and forth and um you know he recently unfollowed me but i think i know why i think he takes a lot of heat from people whom in who run in his circles that really don't like me um i also think that maybe sometimes my takes are too spicy and it bothers them but it was not spicy that's a good way to call what you do personally like he literally d on me to say that he had to do it and like it was wholesome so it was wholesome how he cut me out of his life no disrespect to either guy but you know it's not a false equivalency my entire point is simple change one word imagine uh imagine me saying hey i just started i'm only hiring white people yeah it's totally different i mean that is just a totally horrible comparison you're talking about hiring someone to work in retail or or i don't know behind the scenes in some way we're literally talking about a storyteller expressing his life experience through an actor right right the cashier working behind a counter but you discriminating based on their skin color has no justification it literally doesn't make any sense straight white males because i mean by the way he didn't say anything about straight either dude so i don't know why you're bringing sexual orientation into it the entire industry is full of uh um you know and this is why he this is why we call him a sim cell right because he's pandering to all these red-pilled in-cell notions even though i feel like it's a really bad faith poorly thought out argument that's obviously you know it's obviously a really bad argument but what he's doing he's just pandering so he's a simp cell that's what floats his boat that's what keeps his business going lgbt or uh women now i guess that wouldn't be a fair equivalency okay good cut that out then so anyway yeah so you got to love his editing skills he goes here's my argument wait no that's not a good argument [Laughter] i knew something was up so moving on uh yeah as you mentioned jordan uh i'm sorry not jordan jeremy also has a problem uh with the lgbt community i guess um this video he talks about how he's a problem with pride month right off the bat actually starts off pretty well i included some little details on the right to keep in mind as you watch this video um but i think we could just jump right into it sure all right i've got to get something off my chest black history month is dumb international men's day dumb international women's day dumb gay pride month dumb it's all done so here's here's what he's doing first of all i'm glad he was able to get this off his chest it's been bothering us so much i mean what's rattling around in his brain is truly the the ingredients of a social justice warrior you see it all he's laying in bed at night thinking about how dumb pride month is he's got to get it off his chest now his whole argument is based on a false equivalency he thinks that because he's throwing away international men's day which none of us have ever heard of by the way and isn't really a thing so he's he's making that sacrifice at the price of black history month and pride month which are two groups of historically disenfranchised prejudice i mean gay and black people have been literally murdered for being who they are so i really don't think that you throwing away international men's day and calling that dumb is is a a worthy sacrifice to be able to call pride month oh actually the title of this video is pride month is gay and it's all he says it's a scam i mean yeah again sim cell this is this is classic selling right it's all a way for companies to sell you [ __ ] wrong i cannot believe he's he's tr and then now it's another false equivalence he's saying black history month is the same as valentine's day you know certainly there's a lot of holidays that check that box but saying black when's the last time you bought a card for black history month or gay pride month like that that that's just they're so not every holiday is a scam and like some of them actually you know is important to us recognizing these disenfranchised and and and historically uh discriminated class classes of people right and once again his his the world doesn't exist outside of his nose because he can't possibly imagine a world where being gay or black or is anything different than his experience all right that's true there's not more about foreshadowing aren't aware that hallmark holidays are the new uh are the new men's month women's month black history month dude you cannot include black history month with men and women's month it's not it's just stupid it's whatever gay month gay month people don't really buy hallmark cards anymore most people my age and younger don't really give a [ __ ] about valentine's day haven't given a [ __ ] about sweetest day right all of these hallmark holidays that got people that might be more personal by products what that sounds like it might be more of a personal problem if he's not celebrating a valentine's day [Music] also foreshadowing interesting no longer work what companies figured out however is virtue signaling works apparently if nothing else it's an option for them to swap in on their marketing calendar you know a lot of my clients plan their promotions a full year in advance many months in advance usually and stuff like international men's day and women's day and black history month these are easy home run give them something to talk about promotions and as a fan of unfortunately some i have never heard of any of those holidays celebrated and the way he's describing you've got like memorial day you've got labor day it's funny he doesn't mention the actual ones that people use as marketing like as a marketing uh crutch but again i've have you ever visited a black history month sale yeah i'm not i'm not really sure what the commercialization is with uh pride can you imagine a pride month uh mattress sale just ask yourself is there a sale at a mattress store then you know it's a commercial holiday by the way he he mentions that like for example uh gay pride month is a uh was created by hallmark well pride month occurs in the united states to commemorate june 1969 stonewall riots as a result many pride events are held during this month to recognize the impact that lgbt people have had on the world president gerald ford recognized black history month during the celebration of the united states bicentennial he urged americans to seize the opportunity to honor the two of the neglected accomplishments of black americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history here we have dc watchtower june 1st you know i'm sure everybody uh you know all the little kids out there love seeing two men kiss two one woman and one sort of woman one man and another man this i can get down with i can't i mean you can't make a point like that and then just say like oh lesbians are cool you know what i mean gay dudes suck lesbians are cool is my point about pride month you know naughty dog i'm sure everybody supports this you know i follow you naughty dog to learn about what's going on with the last of us or uncharted or other video game things but no you've got of course to change your logo chain you know use this promo code show everyone there's no promo code for the record there is no promo code like i feel like that's a important distinction to make they're not trying to sell you bought a bunch of cookies or cupcakes for your staff and you all got together to celebrate so he is so disturbed by them changing their logo on twitter that he needs to make a video about it he also mentions that he follows them for stuff about the last of us the main character of which is queer so the main character was like trans right i mean i didn't play the game i just saw media though well one of there is a trans character in the game but there is also the the main girl is a lesbian so i think it's pretty safe to assume that that they care about they actually do care about these issues jeremy and unfortunately i don't think they need to consult you on i love it he's like i follow you for news about video games and you updated your icon to have a rainbow flag and now you've ruined it all that's some social justice warrior talk all right doesn't get any more well i would assume there's probably some evidence of that it's all here baby it's all here got together to celebrate two guys butt [ __ ] i don't know again you cannot make this point and at the same time like say homophobic [ __ ] like that because it just makes you look like you're homophobic you all got together to celebrate two guys butt [ __ ] right yeah i do think that undermines your point a little bit when you make when you say [ __ ] like that because it just seems like you don't like or respect gay people because i don't think that's what pride month is about is guys but [ __ ] i think it's about more than that jeremy it's all dumb right well to you maybe okay fantastic so to recap he doesn't like movies with black people he doesn't like black history month or gay pride month so that is everything okay great so that concludes our first charges on the charge of being a social justice warrior himself wow aien what say you on behalf of your defendant the quartering [Laughter] i mean you guys really gave me a doozy on this one uh i mean i'm looking back his problem with the cartoon not having big enough frontal torpedoes i don't know i mean i maybe i can like i think about one of my favorite all-time cartoons uh the mom from rolly pollioli i mean look at the [ __ ] curves on her dear if they redesigned her and made her look like a normal you know square robot i'd be a little peeved you know he's he's corner chubbed and he's trying to get to the girthening you know because he said he doesn't jerk off to those cartoons are you saying on behalf of your client that he does i'm not going to be able to offer it even i can't defend that point right because obviously he does beat off to it yeah so if see he's framing it incorrectly he needs to just say yes i do beat off and you guys are making it harder and then maybe he'd garner a little more sympathy but other than that i don't really have much concern can you get a chub message me after the show and you'll find out okay so basically your defense of him is that you want to jerk off to robots uh cartoons and therefore um have you ever have you ever jerked off to a cartoon uh that is not an appropriate question for entirely honest come on uh hmm i've ever jerked off the silence is a little deafening right now i have to say i am not on trial here i will remind you ain and i will hold you in contempt keep it professional all right all right so do you did the defense rest i mean what the hell was that i mean um he's trying to go from quarter chopped to a full mast i don't know he wants to be the full he wants to be the fully torqued instead of the quartering okay that's right all right thank you and thank you thank you thank you order uh a b how would you respond to such a brilliant and articulate defense um i don't know i guess it was so baffling that it did leave me speechless i mean there's so much to speak about i mean i just even if we just go off the first point i just want to remind you guys that he's offended that a show an anime show he doesn't watch doesn't have big boobs anymore in the reiteration that's all i have to say okay let's deliberate now going back to the beginning the heart of this charge is he is someone who is so anti-social justice warrior that he himself became an anti-social justice warrior or social justice warrior reminds me of the old saying beware those who look into the abyss because the abyss looks back exhibit one i'm deep undercover very too deep if you ask me he is mad at a cartoon that he used to like or doesn't even really like because their boobs are not big enough anymore doesn't like the black panther movie because the lead is black and he's a shame that pete that young black he's embarrassed for young black kids for having a black role model in popular media that's right he thinks that gay pride month and black history month are stupid simply because he doesn't have any use for mail international wednesday men's day well well on this one i have to say it's a pretty clear-cut verdict uh the quartering is without a doubt a social justice warrior except the causes he fights for are just different but the outrage the trivial the trivialness is a plane for anyone to see so this court decides guilty guilty guilty absolutely on all charges of being a social justice warrior and i sentence him to you there's so many bad things that hap are like he's been banned from so many conferences and banned from twitter and stuff so i sentence him to be banned from twitter and demonetized 20 billion times all right let's throw it to a quick break before we move on to our second charge criminal oh fishness and buffoonery well i'm looking forward to that we'll be right back after this quick break thank you to expressvpn for sponsoring this courtroom now i want to tell you guys quickly about the social dilemma on netflix i watched this film and it's very good very good documentary it's about how tech insiders created social media to exploit users data for profit they call it surveillance capitalism and you know with your data is being harvested so tech billionaires can get even richer we got to do something about it we got to draw the line somewhere folks that's why we add an extra layer of protection with expressvpn because we don't want those [ __ ] getting any richer off our back until we get cut in then i'll turn it off every time you use the internet big tech companies mine your data by tracking your search searches messages and video history but when you run expressvpn on your device it hides your ip address which websites can use to personally identify you yes i'm talking specifically to you zach i know what you get to on the internet and it's weird and trust me you don't want other people to know too that's why i recommend zach for in particular turn on expressvpn that makes your activity more yeah you with me that you copy that 100 yeah data i don't want people knowing 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cartoonish amounts of stepping on rakes head bonking and self owned thank you zac with these charges of criminal oafishness and buffoonery i will demonstrate that jeremy's bumbling antics and subsequent blustering proves beyond a reasonable doubt that jeremy is deserving of a conviction so the charge is basically that he's just like a ding-dong he's a dum-dum okay interesting this should be great love it moving on to slide 15. so in this section we'll take a look at jeremy's harassment of cosplayer christine sprinkle which ultimately led to jeremy being banned from magic the gathering wow that is i have to say an achievement maybe that i've never heard of before he was banned from all magic the gathering events yep wow that's the media he made a video calling out christine uh that's since been removed by youtube uh for violating uh the harassment bullying policy um the video was titled playset of beta white knights prevent rape of mtg cosplayer sprinkle and um yeah and he made many tweets about the situation so the videos what does that title mean what is a playset of beta white knights what is a playset is that a magic the gathering terminology oh maybe actually playset of beta white knights present prevent rape why would you even put rape in the title that's so [ __ ] creepy what a weirdo i don't even know you could put rape in the title to be honest well it was removed so apparently you can't so you want me to play okay yeah it's jeremy getting all defensive the latest thing that sent me off on patreon is a female cosplayer in the magic community crying on our video asking for money let's be very clear here one if she wasn't a good looking girl the support would be about five percent of what it really is and two if she wasn't also crying same thing holds true if i i said it better in a tweet but basically if you are an average looking woman or any man you would not have garnered hundreds of patrons overnight okay serial virtue signaler and crying for patreon dollars cosplayer c.s frankel run posted yesterday a lot of messages to my facebook page again question my life choices immediately sprinkle is a pro cosplayer you know she's a professional cosplayer by the fact that she has to solicit patreon dollars and then cry in her patreon video to get loser beta cucks to give her money but you know what [ __ ] these dude i got a people dude this guy calling anyone a beta [ __ ] i mean like i'm not i'm not someone that walks around with the whole alpha male energy i find that whole notion of malpha and beta really dumb but like dude nobody gives me more beta small dick energy than jeremy i mean let's just be honest let's come on guys you this guy calling anyone a beta [ __ ] is crazy i don't think she has any sexual interest this guy pees soy milk you know what i mean like it's just what runs through his veins her money give her your money and don't you dare objectify her look at i mean it is like a all-time white knight gold rush for these losers that think they have any real chance at penetrating this woman penetrating yeah i don't think her fans being supportive necessarily think they that they all can have sex with her and by the way aren't all like cosplay girls like they have a patreon that's how their business works they don't get paid they don't have a way to monetize their work people support them on patreon that's pretty normal right yeah oh yeah definitely i mean it's one of the most popular ways of course we tried to find evidence of her crying we were unable to find like the original video that set him off but something tells me it wasn't really as bad as as what he made it out to be and anyway what is his why is he getting so fired up just let this girl be enraged that i recorded a patreon video crying and begging [ __ ] losers for their money oh yeah you're such a hero cuz sprinkler you're such a hero i don't see her claiming to be a hero anywhere talk to some people about the cosplay thing i think cosplay is great it's it's great it's not really a service in my opinion it's someone who likes to play dress-up i think a lot of people see this fat material in my opinion when i start looking at some of this cosplay i start having to say like i feel a little movement down in my pantaloons and i'm like i see why i see one so this this is a trend i've noticing it was where he has a lot of rage towards people he's attracted to i think he has like i know he's married right but he has like in-cell energy where he like he he targets attractive women that he knows he would have no chance with that women who would probably despise him if they ever met him which is true because not because of his looks or anything but just because he's such an [ __ ] right such a chauvinistic [ __ ] and he has a lot of rage for them and she is kind of the subject of his rage here because it's like i don't respect what you do but i'll beat off to it it's just odd you know it's just really a rageful perspective yes moving on on november 24 2017 christine tweeted that she was unloading her magic the gathering costumes and cosplay gear in the wake of months of harassment sprinkle who has been contracted by wizards of the coast in the past and is considered one of the most popular cosplayers in the magic scene spoke out about harassment she suffered after jeremy posted a grading video about her and other cosplayers so this situation as i mentioned prior has led to the banning of jeremy from magic the gathering and down here are different tweets from sprinkle and from magic gathering so his whole video which has been removed from youtube and kind of scrubbed from the internet i've read descriptions of it and from what i could tell he was looking at cosplayers and basically just objectifying and talking looking at like uh like you know lewd photos of them and making sexual comments about them and the whole thing was just really creepy and odd she tweeted out it's been a rough year and i've blocked and not said anything about him because i wanted it to die but without a doubt mtg headquarters on sleeve media that's him has made my life hell this year this whole year with his unnecessary videos tweets about me and other members of magic so that's what she said about him apparently he's just been uh harassing her for an entire year because she was making money on patreon in a way that he thought was inappropriate saturn and then magic the gathering of fish or what was that what was that poor [ __ ] why did you say it like that magic the gathering tweeted out were saddened poor by what happened in the magic community this weekend cyber bullying and harassment are unacceptable and we support those who come forward with their experiences no one should be made to feel unsafe or welcome we're working to be part of the solution yeah i mean magic the gathering seems like an exclusive environment i don't really think they want people like jeremy out to make like she's like a really engaged you know really kind of a fun player in the scene right they probably love people like her she's super into it she does cosplay she shows up to the events people get excited to see her and then you've got these [ __ ] like jeremy on the sideline just [ __ ] on her for having a patreon because it's not a service apparently to him it's not a service what the [ __ ] do you do is it a service you know what i mean what do you what does that mean so next page i have no idea what happened there so moving on to 17 um slide 17 after he was banned he went on crusade against magic the gathering and wizards of the coast accusing the company of harboring pedophiles although jeremy teased it the article he made an article about i'm sorry and although he teased it the article lacked any credibility to the extent that even the daily stormer refused to run it so let me get this straight he got banned from magic the gathering and then tried to run a story about how they're harboring pedophiles right he's like i know i am that pedophile yeah i was a member of that community for years uh here's his tweet on sleeved media i guess i shouldn't spoil the upcoming article tomorrow on the daily stormer about mtg shh i don't want all the roaches to private their accounts now daily stormer who he brags about his article was going to be published there who they rejected let me read a blurb here about the daily stormer this is from wikipedia or what i think yeah it's just this is like this is established don't don't think that i'm exaggerating here this is what the daily stormer is it's an american far-right neo-nazi white supremacist holocaust denial commentary message board that advocates for the genocide of jews me by the way it considers itself a part of the alt-right movement its editor andrew anglin founded it on july 4 2013 as a faster-paced replacement for his previous website total fascism that doesn't really mince words does it which had focused on his own long form essays on fascism race and anti-semitic conspiracy theories so this is the website that jeremy was eager to post his story on a story that was so incredible that even they denied it by the way this old twitter account was banned and just we went to the daily stormer and what we saw on the very homepage kind of gave us a chuckle so we wanted to show it they have a live countdown demographic to when america becomes a not a non-white majority country and i will tell you guys that we have about how much time does it say there i can't see it 22 years oh 22 years about 23 years until until that happens so don't worry jeremy's gonna have a full life ahead of you yeah so after this uh whole crazy situation if we move on to slide 18 recording was also banned from gen con um ncon is a large tabletop gaming convention uh he was banned for being getting in a physical altercation with another attendee and also um he was accused of harassing other people in gen con as well online so he's not only banned from magic the gathering for life he's banned from gen con for life right fantastic i mean i don't know anyone that's banned from any events let alone two you know do you know anyone that's uh defended weinstein because he did no not one okay well moving on there's a little uh video i have for you right here where jeremy is defending harvey weinstein oh is this a picture of him and harvey together i didn't know they were friends best buds they look really happy together maybe that's how he has the intel on magic the gatherings uh pedophile ring that he was yeah i mean i happen to know they've been harboring pedophiles i'm one of them hurts his views on mr weinstein's alleged victims and that adults who made choices and why he's tired as a white man for being blamed for everything that's wrong with the world round of applause for harvey these were ambitious adults there are how many victims in harvey's life and i feel sympathy for them but hollywood is full of very ambitious people who are adults and they make choices if you read read between the lines here what he's saying is people knew what they were getting into when they serviced the man and they even i'm pretty sure he's accused of rape like i think there's two issues here that he's not addressing he's like yeah you can be coerced or or consent to a sexual situation you don't want to be in but he's actually accused of raping people dude so kind of missing the point there yeah he tends to do that how many victims in harvey's life and i feel sympathy for them but hollywood is if you re read between the lines here what he's saying is people knew what they were getting into when they serviced the man and they either for better or worse got what they had hoped or didn't but nonetheless as adults they made their own decision and now they're looking to blame everybody else for that but shouldn't the men who did the things take responsibility gilliam doesn't think so he said when you have power you don't take responsibility for abusing others you enjoy the power that's the way it works in reality he's probably not wrong there either it's pretty pretty based uh pretty bass straight yeah something tells me something tells me that harvey weinstein is legit one of jeremy's like role models i think he's envious of him it's male privilege by the way that doesn't exist i understand that men have had more power longer but i'm tired as a white man of being blamed for everything that's wrong with the world again hard to disagree round of applause well he has done the impossible and mounted offense forever his views on he called him he goes abusing his power to to coerce women to doing sex with him is based and uh he actively did a clap a round of applause for harvey uh because he thinks he's a white male being blamed for all the problems in the world actually you're being charged for rape so let's just call an apple an apple or cigar cigar what they say excellent i think a better quote would be the true measure of a man is what he does with power uh oh what was that from is that from like spider-man or something um i think it wasn't a game actually but it is a common i think soccer was socrates yeah i mean no that's a that's a really good point and jeremy's like listen i would probably coerce people to have sex with me that's why you get power beast baby all right oh peeing on the floor of his basement this sounds fantastic yeah this is more uh a beat i guess you could say oh sure so um yeah i think you should watch the video yeah i think i kind of was self-explanatory let's go ahead excellent maybe i'm gonna pee in my trash can down here i don't know my wife went out for pizza without me and i'm angry about it so i'm gonna win this round and i'm gonna pee if i don't win this round i'm gonna pee in my own basement i i don't have a toilet down here all i have is a drain in the floor what i feel like we're gonna have to use it though i feel like we're gonna have to use it holy [ __ ] so appreciate what's happening he's in the basement of his house his wife has has partitioned him to the basement his wife cocked him for some pizza and he's just taking it in the basement and he's so embarrassed he won't go upstairs to use the toilet he's peeing in a drain in the basement and he this guy calls people [ __ ] do you think that it's urine or soy coming out of his penis that's a tough one it's peed in my basement no not in the kitty litter just uh in the drain in the drain so you know he splashed urine everywhere he sits there you can't pee into a drain a floor drain and not splash pee everywhere and he just sat back down he's literally just sitting amongst urine it smells like urine he's in a public restroom basically playing video games i think i heard a fart in there too and no wonder his wife went to pizza without him the dude is sitting in his own filth was that a fart yeah i think i heard a fart in there i i isolated that uh let's hear it oh go one more time oh let me boost it oh yeah definitely fart like after he sits back down that's awesome look if you want to watch a streamer that wants to pee in the potty go watch someone else and by the way who said the guy doesn't have kids he has no right to be saying potty to be honest with you all maybe i'm gonna pee in my trash can down here i don't know at least he didn't be in the trash can if i can be give him some credit that's more disgusting uh someone did a clip and up and upload this to youtube and he even went out of his way to comment on it imagine thinking this is an own i mean i hate to break it to you dude but it is pretty disgusting it made it to our slide if you go to the next slide you'll see uh him addressing the situation on twitter wow okay so somebody said so your argument is because he got drunk and peed his pants once oh is that true that's happened his opinion is invalid wait a minute now i didn't that didn't even happen lol these morons think me pissing in my basement drain one time on stream when i was drunk is some sort of own like so [ __ ] what i'm happy to do it again should i feel the need to i mean it does say something about you dude i just peed in my basement yeah i mean it really does say something about you i have to say someone said a burger king sponsorship would be much better than pissing on your own basement floor during a live stream it says yes i have a section of the basement that is unfinished in the home that i own all basements have a drain pipe i pissed in it in the home that i own how is that supposed to be a burn checks bio oh yeah i mean i don't really care if you own the house it's disgusting and you have problems dude someone said was it even more embarrassing than pissing on your own basement floor during a live stream he said it's every homeowner's right to pee in their basement you would know if you owned a property yeah dude nobody's saying it's not your right and the police are not coming to arrest you for being in your basement the point is that it's embarrassing and disgusting and your response kind of proves the point that it is you're an embarrassing human being right like my wife went out for pizza without me um i guess you're right to take a [ __ ] on the couch it doesn't mean you should yeah i mean you could [ __ ] down the basement and walk you could [ __ ] down the drain and waffle stomp it down that is your right as a homeowner you know what i mean you have a lot of rights as a homeowner right you know going on um jeremy has a habit of accidentally owning himself on twitter um you use the word cuck i think that may be uh potentially uh appropriate if you look at these tweets right here let's see um starting with the one where he's in the back seat so uh the wife joins the tesla family i even fit in the back seat i mean why are you sitting in the back seat you you've [ __ ] why are you like if you're such an alpha male shouldn't you be driving let alone she's like no no no no jeremy your ass is in the back seat your honor if i may enter interject and submit to the court um when we were looking at these i've never laughed so hard in my life i fell over in my chair we had we had to have a mute his mic because he want to stop laughing noted thank you so he goes on to say take that wife's tesla wait a minute it's a hundred dollars i guess she's saying that you don't have to pay for gas the wife bought me home culver's after flying and delivered it to me as i played video games that is [ __ ] peak brought me home culver's what does that mean it's something the fast food joint oh home culvers after flying and delivered it to me wife's out flying this morning so i got up early to play some video games married life my wife asked just asked why her lotion was down in my office and she refuses to believe that it was for a bit in spite of video evidence yeah dude you definitely beat off with the lotion it's clearly not the first time it's happened that's why she doesn't believe you he's like a little boy yo why would you even tweet that bro yeah he's a little boy he's in the backseat of the car he's pissing all over the place he has maybe fast food burgers so he can play some video games right dude why are you beating off with your wife's lotion bro that's an am that's a rookie mistake bro you got to put the lotion back where you found it maybe maybe she locked him in the basement for doing that that was his punishment so that's why he had to pee no i'm sure so i'm sure that's what happened like you know why he hates women so much is because his wife puts him in the basement because he just pees everywhere oh this is okay so we have here jeremy is triggered by music composer michael giaccio tweeting [ __ ] hitler yes let's see michael tweets out great news see king kong in theaters for the first time in nearly 65 years max steiner essentially created the template for film scoring with this masterpiece somebody responded with hitler's favorite movie and he responded by saying [ __ ] hitler okay now the could that set off the quartering he quote tweeted [ __ ] hitler and said and there we have it yikes saying [ __ ] hitler is yikes from the guy by the way who was desperate to be published on a website that believes in jewish genocide so just fine i am of course a white supremacist yeah i mean just follow the bread comes on that one someone said you unironically leap to defend hitler you have no right to be yikes seeing anybody turd to which he responded hitler was nominated for a nobel peace prize what the [ __ ] have you ever done well if you're gonna list that as an achievement you may as well list the other stuff he's done too that's crazy to tweet that and this year he must have been drunk man again he must have just got done peeing in his basement taking a dump in his basement drying drain jerking off with his wife down the drain that drains scene [ __ ] man that drain has seen [ __ ] none of us deserve if that drain had eyes amazing how this [ __ ] hitler tweet has taken hold with people completely incapable of understanding my point which was obvious to everyone that follows me hollywood types saying [ __ ] hitler for retweets is [ __ ] stupid and cringe it's about virtue signaling he literally just responded to a guy aren't you doing the same thing by the way aren't you virtue signaling to your sim cells about how woke you are and i mean i feel like he that's what he's doing is like this anti-virtual he's an anti-virtue signaling signaler you know that's right man i never heard i never imagined a day where someone's saying [ __ ] hitler would be met with a yikes but there you have it especially from the same guy who's upset about an anime character's boob size so he gets triggered by something like that but he wants to call someone else out for saying f hitler well we do well yeah and and also i want to say congratulations to hitler on his nobel peace prize before we go on next because that is how he's remembered of course for for his his contributions to world peace all right next moving on jeremy has two emerge imaginary gay black dads fantastic yeah so this is a twitter thread right here where someone was investigating his claims of having two gay black dads um this is his actual thumbnail by the way his two jacked black dudes my gay black dads and then he has this habit of using emojis in his thumbnails which is like beyond cringe and so it's like a winky face should i play this video i would start with the twitter thread if you want to get some more contacts i'll click this link here okay yeah okay so apparently jeremy has been claiming unironically that he has two gay black dads which i'm assuming is well here you can tell dude is desperate getting more and more absurd in his pathetic attempt to bully me into a debate now it's i think homosexual is disgusting absolutely [ __ ] disgusting i love and support my lgbtq viewers i also have two dads so who is gay yeah i mean you might you might think he's just kidding around but he continues over a cold span of time you know this is from the following month he says understanding your fans makes you a chill also homophobe but i'll have you know i have two dads you're like okay it's weird he keeps saying that fast forward to the next month actually two months later then the story evolves one of my dads is black and gay is your other dad gay as well i hope so that'd be weird oh is that it or is it just for this thread yeah he continues on he continues on this is from december now this is over the span of half a year wait till he finds out i have two black dads that i love dearly my dads are black it's crazy november this is a continuous thread the irony is lost and this is just turned into a straight up real claim it doesn't know my dads are black my dads are black you can yada yada yada i have two dads my dads are black this is a claim that he continues to put forward but then all of a sudden someone dug up this tweet of him showing a picture of his dad not black i can't speak to his sexual orientation my dad soldiered up and took my niece to disney he's gotten used he gotta use a carton auction but that doesn't mean i won't roast him for the picture love you dad certainly not a black man he might be gay i don't know why are you gay he says so now all of a sudden jeremy has three dads two are black one is white they're in a they're in a throuple three throw up he has three dads that are all gay and two of them are black is this story adding up to anyone lastly i want to point out that there is a way in which all this could be true maybe his mom divorced his biological dad and then they got into a three-way with two people of color giving him the benefit of doubt of course as much as possible didn't he respond to that one well he responded on the video form that's that's okay so before you open the video can i draw your attention to the thumbnail uh one more time yes please by all means um it's essentially his white gay dad blasting a load right on the test of his one of his black gay dads you know it doesn't seem very respectful to his gay black dads to portray them like like that my gay black dads with a winky face let's enjoy the journey shall we is that what it is and then he posts a picture of my white dad according to jeremy he also has this dad i don't know maybe he has three dads someone makes sense to me now this is one of my dad's all right handsome man a man that would give you the shirt off his back and so he also enjoys the company of two other black men who are you vadim leslie i can't [ __ ] believe this [ __ ] i mean this is insane you guys have to appreciate that this has been an ongoing argument of his like over the course of an entire year there's no irony there's no sense of a joke he's literally saying he has three dads three gay dads two of them are black no pictures by the way with his gay black dads and his story has morphed over time where one of his dads was gay then he was had two black gay dads and now he has three dads i mean he's blessed you know we're all should be so blessed to have so many loving parents i mean not many of us can claim three so there is a way in which all of this could be true maybe his mom divorced his white dad and they both both went on to marry two pocs this is the only way it can work why are you that worried about my dad's video let me tell you something man my because you keep using it as a as a shield of criticism saying that you're the one saying every week on twitter that you have all these gay black dads in your life you know what i mean i mean it's not like he just randomly is curious about it and i mean i would throw the question back to you why do you care about the size of a cartoon female's breasts family is none of your business all right and stop talking about it on twitter and using as a shield [ __ ] hell this is so bizarre i mean could you guys appreciate how bizarre this guy's claiming to have three gay dads two of them are black you would think they would teach him to be more um tolerant of other people well how can you say that his experience he has so many black gay men in his life he's just surrounded by black gay dads that's what i'm saying you think they would teach he would have turned out to be more tolerant i'm surprised he doesn't think he's a gay black got together to celebrate two guys butt [ __ ] right very well stated from a man with three gay dads play that again zach what is black history what is a gay history month again you all got together to celebrate two guys butt [ __ ] right that's what it's about you think like like his dad's birthday parties he gets up and says that yeah yeah no he tells them hey guys happy birthday to my gay black dads i just want you to let you know that black history month and gay pride month are dumb thank you very much but wait there's more the quartering says everybody should do blackface for halloween literally he tweeted out literally nobody's actually offended by blackface what you're just one white dude like i mean how can you speak for every black person calm down i actually think everybody should do blackface for halloween blackface and full indian headdress in the same costume stop clutching pearls alrighty then says the guy who made a whole video about cartoon characters titties not being big enough for him here he is saying that athletes are uneducated on politics and shouldn't speak on politics just put the ball in the hole all i said is i don't give a [ __ ] what millionaires with very little education have to say about modern politics you think i give a [ __ ] what the nba has to say about politics put the ball in the hole that is all yet the quartering himself obviously discusses politics all the time even though he has studied marketing in college and has no degree in political science which is of course what he's saying i mean most athletes are college educated right so i'm not sure what his credentials are now we were able to locate jeremy's linkedin profile and i would be remiss for not showing you he considers himself an elite strategic internet marketing uh expert and let me remind you of jeremy's thumbnails and remember he's an elite marketing consultant who puts emojis in his thumbnails he is the most hideous ugly horrible thumbnails i've ever seen bar none without a doubt he has emoji the only person i've ever seen putting emojis in his thumbnails is soflo antonio but ironically i guess soflo would consider himself a marketing genius too so excellent eh good ship here he is saying he was dropped by dollar shave club for not being woke enough dollar shave club lull sorry he started with lol dollar shave club dropped me because i wasn't woke enough but happily gives tana mongoo a sponsorship in a video where she is smoking weed saying she can't live without it and then talking about shaving her [ __ ] i don't see how why any of those issues have to do with being woke he says i'm still kind of salty then he quickly uh corrects himself after what i'm assuming is dollar shave club telling him he needs to correct the record he goes after a week dollar shave club replied on why they terminated my partnership they claim it is because of performance and not because of my political affiliation the data supports their claim they shared the data with me i am unsure why they didn't tell me that in the first place wow you are a [ __ ] idiot how much you want to bet the dollar shave club made him tweet that they're like dude you can't tweet out that we dropped you because of your we made a video about it too of course yeah of course obviously oh wow what an idiot oh quitting twitter we love it yeah so as as we've noticed he tends to make a fool of himself on twitter a lot so he decided to quit twitter um if you watch this video he'll give some of his reasons as to why okay fantastic he says the toxicity of twitter has most likely bled over to real life [Music] he refers to people on twitter refer to turkey on thanksgiving as racist or wrapping paper a symbol of white colonialism he says that twitter used to once consist of heartwarming cat videos no that was never what twitter was what yeah twitter's always been about text over the last few years has turned into a cesspool of ragebay and faith destroying videos oh no jeremy's faith in god is being shaken by twitter alrighty let's watch leaving the cesspool goodbye twitter is a cesspool twitter is full of sad hateful people upset their lives haven't turned out the way that they had hoped and so they are driven to like crabs in a bucket pull down anyone else who may be wrapped in a bucket who may just have broken the terrible terrible law of being happy enjoying things just look what's being shared there used to be a time where you would see excellent cat videos and and and and heartwarming moments but over the last year it's basically turned into an endless cesspool of rage bait and i'm pretty sure that just has to do with who you follow dude just follow cute cat [ __ ] accounts if that's what you want to see bro that's how twitter worked man uh faith destroying videos opinions it's no longer not positive and i'll be leaving it twitter i love this epic proclamation i am leaving twitter and i'm proclaiming it for all he made a whole video about it should i keep watching or is that enough that's i think that's enough that's enough yeah so he just goes into some some research as to the negative effects of twitter not very interesting whatever we all know twitter sucks i mean that's not obviously uh that's that's not a controversial statement that that being on social media is bad for you you know i think we all agree on that so he's leaving the cesspool but wait timeline of events yeah so july 27th he tweets that he's quitting twitter that's the video we just watched six days later there he tweets uh promoting a new video let's look at this he tweets out a new video about george rr martin being cancelled okay so people are like hmm i thought you were off twitter the next day he tweets the account quote tweeted by his twitter account is ran by a single mom named maggie and this is when it gets bizarre to the point of having three gay dads [Music] just so everyone knows jeremy no longer manages this account my name is maggie i am a single mom that jeremy graciously offered a full-time position to help me out please direct your hate elsewhere dude he is so crazy why would you ha first of all why would you need to say that you're a single mom and second of all why would you be needing to be hired full time to tweet a couple of times a day somebody was making fun of him they said hey everyone he's back on twitter and he's this is still his pinned video so maggie had to step in to simp for uh the quartering aka himself two days after that he gave an update about a video he's making on twitter i have privatized both videos on this person he doesn't need to feel like he has to do the same oh did he have beef with this person i'm sure i think we're good after talking at dms never should have even made the videos i'll give i'll give back with a more positive video this afternoon jeremy okay he's clearly tweeted uh oh and here comes a statement from maggie the single mom hi this is jeremy maggie handles 99 of my pulse but i pushed her into the corner so i could say hi creepy why'd you push her in the corner freak dude he's literally just this is like when somebody um when they leave a supportive comment under their comment but forget to log out you know burner account a next day he makes his triumphant return by the way what happened to maggie the single mom he gave a full-time job to he just kicked her to the [ __ ] curb i thought he did this great charitable act for maggie and he's like nah [ __ ] you [ __ ] you're fired this is jeremy clown on him for the brittany venti thing that's more funny yeah he's just tweeting like nothing happened right yeah that's it he's back in it and then 10 days later he finally acknowledges said yes i'm back to twitter are people not allowed to change their mind not very progressive what i just want to know what happened to maggie what happened to that poor single mom holy [ __ ] you guys great scott in the words of the the dog yeah that's right holy [ __ ] all right that was great on the count of criminal oafishness and being just an overall stooge in goober aien what say you on behalf of your client the quartering um well you guys you guys gave me a lot there's a lot in here sure it's a lot of stuff right it's a lot right oh yeah for sure well i actually as i said i'm not familiar with him but i went to check out his channel and i actually counted and he has uploaded 47 videos in the last week wow so if he's keeping that rate almost 50 videos a week i guess my only uh defense would be that all things considered his amount of oh fishness is way lower than you'd expect you'd think you would be saying dumbass [ __ ] nonstop 50 videos a week is crazy so i don't know relative to that maybe he's holding it together more often than we give him credit for hmm well it's just then again maybe there's 45 videos in there that we just didn't get to so i don't really know so your argument on one hand you say we're cherry picking but on the other hand you started by saying there's a lot so those two statements seem to be in contradiction of each other oh i mean there's a lot there's a lot of volume right sure okay thank you for that statement uh ian i will ain i will bear that in mind as i deliberate a b closing statements uh yeah you told us to try to keep it around the hour that's the only reason why we don't have more stuff we would have had a lot more oh there's much much more eh much more hmm that's all out of it have you watched all 50 videos of this week's dude i only have one life sure yeah even with your ungodly uh ability of superhuman even of consuming data at a quick rate you wouldn't even do that that would burn my battery so fast sure may i ask the defense um are you would you consider yourself woke ain well i never sleep so [Laughter] excellent all right i'll deliberate now thank you everybody on the uh charge of criminal oh fishness and being an overall goob the evidence is is vast and compelling to kind of to summarize we got he's banned from all magic the gathering events um he is banned from gen khan he pursues the daily stormer for to print his articles a self-described neo-nazi publication he mounted a defense for harvey weinstein which i will say is brave if nothing else he has peed on the basement floor on a live stream and he when he even went out of his way to comment on the video imagine thinking this is a note ironically the comment itself being an epic cell phone i just peed in my basement uh he sits in the back seat of his wife's car she doesn't allow him in the front seat he's forced to sit in the back seat and he uses his wife's lotion to jerk off gets caught and then tweets about it he says saying that's right he he says yikes when people say [ __ ] hitler he celebrates hitler's uh uh being nominated for a nobel peace prize he claims continuously to have two gay black dads three dads in total [Music] but then he says why are you caring about my family so much when people ask him why does he keep tweeting about gay black dads [Music] oh boy and so much more he quit twitter he hired a single mom maggie to run his twitter account and fired her a week later great scott dumb the evidence is compelling and overwhelming this court finds jeremy absolutely guilty on the charge of being an absolute [ __ ] dip guilty guilty guilty guilty it's [ __ ] watch your language jeremy that's not appropriate [ __ ] i sent it to you to a lifetime of living in the basement and sitting in the back seat of your wife i sentence you to a life of soy and [ __ ] dumb as you so scream against others thank you and on to our on to our third and final charge explicit simp celery so moving on to our third and final charge jeremy has demonstrated a habitual tendency to become fixated on gatekeeping successful women who violate his safe spaces though his obsession with christine sprankle cost him his livelihood as a magic the gathering personality the subsequent fallout and attention that gained him from certain circles led to an awakening of sorts jeremy's awakening to the lucrative world of grifting adsense money from incels however today the people will argue that in a few instances his obsession has gone far beyond drifting in cells and has drifted into explicit stem cell territory fascinating i see on the right pokey main and brie larson seem to be the subjects of his uh his attention to put it lightly here you can see jeremy has made over 20 videos on pokeman pokeman meltdown full cairn mode pokeman refuses to apologize instant karma for pokeman pokeman huge sponsor drop pokemon hacked and twitch responds pokemane should be banned from twitch yikes et cetera et cetera et cetera et cetera the next slide has um some of his some of the more uh oh yeah let me remind you that he is a marketing guru as you as you observe these thumbnails pokemon meltdown totally absurd i don't know why he gave her her like ice what is the arrow pointing i see eyes pokemon roasted by fans she's bleeding from her mouth jesus bro pokemon twitch simps delete critical channel what journals attack leafy alrighty fantastic some of the quarter earrings tweets about pokemon there isn't a more manipu manipulative hypocritical content creator i've come across than pokeman the question is am i willing to take the impending channel strike to roaster of course he thinks that he that anybody who dares make a video about pokeman gets a strike which is in which is absurd shouldn't he have like 20 plus strikes then right good point i mean he has 20 videos about her channel should have been erased uh no she's not the most manipulative hypocritical content creator i mean tone it down dude she tweeted out all my bras undies and socks were lost in the move wtf he said check ebay pretty creepy i'm assuming he's been checking ebay for some of her used panties he goes on pokeman apology video voice sounds real different than anything i've heard hmm i guess he's implying that she's being de decept or uh yeah deceptive because he's he's studied her so closely he's listening to her tenor and her figure of speech and it just sounded so very different than all the other videos he's obsessed over he says i've gotten to a wild beta by applying and getting lucky that is like most of us but why are people [ __ ] on asthma and gold is beyond me obviously dude gets an instant invite you people do know wow has to sell the product right [ __ ] that vapid pile of bricks pokemon got in dude vapid pile of bricks i'm deep undercover dude you pee in a drain bro yeah and of course she got on too why can he why is he defending the guy and on the other hand saying [ __ ] pokeman i mean she's a huge gamer even way bigger than asthma and gold so yes jeremy was quick to jump on the tier 3 sub train pokeman exposed and once again we really need to look at the thumbnail which he's photoshopped himself into the embrace of pokemane and the emoji the emoji is just over the top with the scroll scratching the head whoa uh he just talks about the rumor that's totally flat out false about her hiding her her boyfriend right yeah but i mean there's no weight to it the thumbnail alone is just creepy it's so creepy yeah that i wanted to show it well and god's name is wrong with you man no wonder the wife makes you sit in the back seat and stay in the basement you sleep in the basement dude i bet you he's got a futon or some [ __ ] down there because he sleeps down there half the time my wife went out for pizza without me i know it's so unfair it's so unfair so that was so he's obsessed with pokeman now this is when it gets really weird you guys his obsession with brie larson is so beyond normal he has made close to six it's hard to tell because there's so much footage but we calculate it must be close to 60 videos 60 videos on brie larson and every single one of them has her in the same outfit with tons of cleavage brie larson's channel is dying they have i mean that's his most popular outfit user i mean there's a bunch of them but yeah 60 videos brie larson's channel is dead with the classic uh soflo antonio emoji captain so here's a look at some of the many videos he's made about her let's see bree larson's most unlikable brie larson turned down brie larson made a youtube channel and reactionaries losers are seething uh brie larson damage control ruby rose goes for brie larson brie larson barely and adventures critics say captain marvel only gets 15 minutes oh my goodness dude i mean who thinks about brie larson this much it's just so weird like why bree larson of all of all people to obsessed over it clearly has a disdain for women i especially consider myself the number one brie larson fan channel yeah that's super disturbing bro fifty thousand bad captain marvel reviews deleted and youtube hiding no give me a break youtube is hiding dude you are such a [ __ ] weirdo but wait it gets better the first video on jeremy's channel about brie larson the origin of his infatuation oh man she let out yesterday with a cryptic tweet to entertainment weekly hey entertainment weekly i'm bored want to break the internet tomorrow so everyone assumed that they i will say and his well i don't really think it's in his defense but i do hate that phrase i hate anybody who says break the internet yeah it's bad we're going to be releasing the captain marvel uh trailer a movie that isn't for me the comic book was terrible in my opinion and brie larson is it just a coincidence that he hates like all like female leads black leads anyone there's not a male guy as the main character it's not for him a vile woman that doesn't mean people can't enjoy her film i'm just choosing not to support it on personal reasons well she has not [ __ ] me and that is the reason should i keep watching or should i go that's plenty okay that's fine some of the issues he has with brie larson include bree's youtube channel is growing fast because she's famous i mean it's not that big it has 100 440 subs she joins youtube uh he made a video brie larson joins youtube she's totally just like us except better bree supposedly has a butt double and she lies about doing her own stunts bro avengers cast savagely roasts brie larson and her lies about doing her own stunts there's no way that that's a true title uh her comments on race brie larson totally doesn't hate white men captain marvel isn't for white though did she say that she didn't say that no she's talking about diversity and the people reviewing the movie yeah he hates diversity i can tell that's a thread should i watch this video it's kind of a highlight oh yeah it's a highlight of uh welcome to youtube yet another hollywood celebrity this time it's everybody's favorite creator brie larson it is of course my prediction that she has come to youtube in order to take us all down that's right because now that she's a youtube content creator she'll be protected by youtube's creator on creator policies so people can't make endless videos mocking her like they could have before dude you have 60 videos about her up on your channel right now like god you're such a like he's crying about being a victim nothing's ha he he by the very definition of his existence disproves his whole victim narrative yeah he still pushes it coincidence though that's right brie is here to stay also like dude do you think she knows who you are bro that she gives a [ __ ] about you the only reason she knows who you are is because like a police officer tipped him off dipped her off her agent warren said hey you might want to get a restraining order against this guy marketing blitz brie larson has that's right youtube channel and therefore that is extremely newsworthy so i will cover it first of all brie larson has already gained uh 38 000 subscribers today i'm sure she'll end the day that's really not that big of a deal dude like her video has 17 000 views why are you [ __ ] on her at a million or more it's exactly what you might expect brie larson doing exactly what i would do in her role flexing on all these youtube content creators who are uh who would thirst at the idea of sharing their channel with brie larson to help launch hers she appeared on hot ones this morning near the end of her video she points out that in her comment section she says thank you for watching my first youtube video it was so great learning from all those who joined make sure to follow them leave a comment letting me know which creators i should work with as well please free let's do a breakdown of your captain marvel role who can forget the fact that brie larson's own butt had to have a stunt double if you remember that there was a casting call presumably for brie larson a feature film mary lou but body double working multiple days starting in september why might she what that's the evidence is just some random casting call but it's very normal by the way to do that i don't know why right that's normal people do that all the time a butt double i mean i don't know i mean only time only you know you're gonna have to really wonder yeah dude you're not desperate to [ __ ] her or anything acting like she's got a flat ass such a you are such an unfuckable he's like the most unfuckable human on earth she might have but no i'm not but shaming her i'm just saying hey you know even your butt isn't real in the film that doesn't seem very woke brie larson this is back in june when i made the video promises i don't hate white dudes but laments the lack of inclusion among film critics i'm not judging you if you want to see captain marvel if you're interested in that film i for one will not be seeing it because brie larson thinks i'm overrepresented in critics and assume presumably overrepresented in the people paying to see her movie now it's a dude he is so he's so reaching to be outraged he's so social justice worry oh well you think there's not enough uh diversity in critics well then there's then i'm not gonna i mean a white man is not gonna pay to see your film bold marketing strategy to attack white men uh it didn't work great for ghostbusters 2016 maybe it will work for captain marvel now captain marvel has a gigantic gigantic budget for marketing they're in every movie i've seen in the past six months they've had her trailer and i'm sure the movie will do just fine all right me not going to see it isn't going to be a big deal just like me not going to see uh you know thanks for the breakdown dude solo a star wars soyeri uh didn't really affect them that much although soy reads it but i for one i'm not going to give money to somebody who is clearly a racist and a sexist individual because she's not actually concerned about i mean what's more racist saying that there's not a diversity enough diversity in film credits or saying that gay pride month is about dudes butt [ __ ] or wanting to write for the daily caller which is a has a countdown timer on their homepage to the white genocide getting fair and accurate reviews she wants her reviews done by people of a certain gender and people of a certain color and by definition that is racism and sexism so i have no interest in giving money to brie larson given her disgusting views on uh people okay i mean yeah that that's quite a stretch dude well oh so that so we as we've established she's made um 60 videos on brie larson one of her central criticisms is that she's a celebrity on youtube trying to be like hey look at me i'm just one of the i'm one of the beautiful people celebrate me so it would stand to think that will smith who's like really the greatest perpetrator of that who has nine million subscribers uh would work would also you know be under the wrath of the quartering let's see how many videos he's made about will smith zero zero videos about will smith how come he don't want me man [Music] you know i mean i mean i don't know is that i think that's pretty telling that he hasn't made a single video about will smith yeah i i when i was digging around i did manage to find a single tweet that kind of offhandedly mentioned him in passing of that being cringy but um yeah no videos 60 brie larson zero will smith fortnite yeah by the way her channels are not even that big dude they had like 400 000 subscribers will smith is in [ __ ] youtube rewind saying fortnight ah so i mean come on how does he not get one video it's rewind time rewind time fortnite ah that's hot it's rewind that's hot anyway oh that's hot jeremy really wants to talk to brie oh my god he tweets at her and tagged her on twitter i am offering brie larson the opportunity to speak about these comments comments nearly 500 000 potential film reviewers would love to know more about if she really doesn't hate white men that she will grant me just 20 minutes via skype i'll work around her schedule s-i-m-p good call uh miss dr mr phil new video he this is in response to his video captain marvel is not for white men he called it please re pre he's begging his fans please share this she says it's not for white men even publicly she tries to say that she totally doesn't hate is this what we watched yeah because that's literally not even close to what happened in the video she's she's not she's talking about film reviewers not audience members and she just is asking for more diversity he he even she even publicly tries to say she totally doesn't hate white men but her actions and words prove she's a sexist racist please share this bro the fact that he tweeted at her is the most sad [ __ ] ever and tagged her 130 likes okay this is when it takes a turn for like bates motel this should actually really disturb me [Music] jeremy bought a shed with the money he made from all of his brie larson videos he calls it the bree shed okay yeah uh so yeah it's a 12 by 12 shed if you want to play the video so this video is called brie larson bought me something amazing here's the video so obviously a lot of people gave me a lot of grief for making so many videos about brie larson on you know the thing is that they didn't understand is that i'm a huge fan bree knows i'm a huge fan and that's why she sent me such a wonderful gift thank you for you know a lot of people said hey you made 20 videos on brie larson are you obsessed no no no no i was giving the people what they wanted and because of that look at what bree sent me a beautiful brief shed now i need to do a little bit of landscaping around the sides which i'm hoping this brie larson film video will cover but let's just do a little cribs tour of the wonderful brie shot now if you think now this if you think this is reminiscent of a snuff film just wait for the next slide this is a beautiful 12 by 12 slab i'm gonna install some rafters up here okay so he's got the breeze shed now let's see where this now something to be considered okay brie larson won an oscar for the movie room where she trapped in a shed and sexually assaulted over and over here is the shed from the room you can see this is the shed this is the bree shed he bought to taunt her now considering everything we've talked about is it really a coincidence can it really be considered a stretch to think that maybe he's making a reference to a shed in a film where she was raped and sexually assaulted over and over and held a prisoner i mean is it really a reach i'm not sure he always talks about his breeze shed i mean more stuff happens in sheds than just putting a lawnmower a fan you know probably really got him in that shed right his wife just he's like sleeping there [ __ ] the house stinks like urine pee outside like you [ __ ] animal that's a good point in my basement yeah you think you think bree bought that for you you know your wife controls all the finances you don't even have a credit card bro you know you pat you hand over the check of your adsense every month ah wow all right closing statements ain what do you think about brie larson's shed and about the sim seldom and everything please defend your client better than the other two times i don't know man i may have to give my license back oh you don't want to be a lawyer anymore i may have to this might be it you're ready to leave the courtroom you're ready you're saying your client is so difficult to defend you are ready to retire as a lawyer i just i just can't i got nothing my battery's low and so is my spirit well let me ask you do you think it's a coincidence the beat that he bought a shed called the bree shed that has a on on a very striking resemblance to a shed in a movie where she was repeatedly raped and held prisoner a brie shed that looks identical to a shed from her most popular film where he calls it the british hit and keeps a poster over inside of it yeah that's probably just a coincidence it sounds like you're on our team it sounds like you're on the prosecution's team you wanna you wanna cross over to his side i mean i i can never be on your side uh judge klein but you know i may just walk away from the whole thing no side no man's land well let me ask you something let me ask you some specific questions what do you think i i got nothing either say you understand my struggle a b would you like to uh close with any statements i mean yeah i don't think i really need a closing uh statement but i do have a little theory as we're going through this i i'm kind of curious if he just maybe he he just hates his wife and he's taking it out on brie larson and all this is just built up hate um well he clearly he has a problem with females i mean generally when people have something deep-seated like that it probably it goes back to childhood you know i mean i i don't i'm not gonna first of all i'm not a professional and i don't know but if i had to guess here uh you know as a as a judge as a judge and it is my place to speculate on the psyche of the obviously all good judges speculate on and diagnose their those on trial but i would say he probably you know has a problem with his mom freud would say and it's led him down a path of surrounding himself with with women that he despises right his wife makes him sleep in the basement and peed down a drain until it's the stump was too heavy that she bought his ass a shed and moved him literally outside like an animal she goes to pizza without him say no more and he has to sit in the back seat he sits in the back seat who does that okay he's a quarter of a man some would say he's a quarter of a man some would say he's a quarter of a brain some would say he's got a quarter of an inch fully torqued he shoots a quarter load with the lotion a quarter load there we go um well it doesn't sound like there's much to talk about guys i have will say that i think we've come to a verdict here let's summarize reviewing the evidence of some celery again it's overwhelming an unhealthy obsession with any beautiful girl he deems um unattainable to him and his fellow red pellet held in cells you can be an insulin be married by the way trust me his wife definitely does not have sex with him so he is an incel in fact he may still be a virgin i don't know the nature of the relationship he has 20 gay dads by the way he was raised by an army of gay black men [Music] uh he is unhealthily obsessed with pokemane for sure even as far to to photoshop himself and her loving embrace he is unworldly stalkerishly obsessed with brie larson making close to 60 videos about her using the revenue to buy a shed he calls the bree shed which has an uncanny likeness to her most popular film that she won academy award with where she was held prisoner and repeatedly molested now if i was brie i would probably be worried about this man and seek probably a restraining order if i was the wife of the quartering i know she doesn't watch his videos but she might want to start seeing what he's up to on the internet uh you know in short he is guilty man he is guilty on all charges [Music] i sentence you to never use a toilet again you will be pooping [ __ ] and peeing down the drain for all of eternity and uh you will live outside like an animal in the shed and i think that uh you're probably a virgin and i think it will stay that way till the uh your your parting days thank you let's peed in my basement just remember guys being married doesn't mean you're not a virgin i have proof at least i have a child okay so unless i see proof he's a virgin until otherwise noted alrighty well that about sums it up thank you everybody for joining us here today on content court we have found the quartering guilty on all charges is charges and we wish you all a happy and safe and justice-filled week i want to thank the prosecution av i want to thank ai ian who basically has retired as an attorney today he has thrown in the robe and the books and everything and i want to thank everybody zach and dan for making this possible thank you everybody what is today today's tues tuesday yes no so this so we'll see on friday for after dark [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,030,513
Rating: 3.4494936 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, thequartering, The quartering
Id: pMW3hfX7Z_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 42sec (6942 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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