A Closer Look: Kenneth Copeland - H3 Podcast #232

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The one important thing from Content Court that I'd miss would be AI Ian trying to defend the indefensible lmao, that was a really fun & unique dynamic.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 96 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/there_is_always_more πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 21 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This episode was great. I laughed a lot. But please, by the blood of the lamb, do not cancel content court. I wait all week to rise for the honorable Ethan Klein.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 124 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Shem_the_Penman πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 21 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

As great of a video as this was, Content Court should NOT be cancelled. CC really gives Ian and AB a way to shine. Without CC I’m afraid that Ian won’t get the screen time he deserves.

If this is to replace Content Court, I think having Ian as a β€œCorrespondent” reporting on the subject of the deeper dive would be a good addition.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 66 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DudeitsJonas πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 21 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I preferred content court :( I hope they don't drop it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 67 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/stickmansma πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

That "oh Jesus" sound clip is so fucking nasty.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/syntheticgerbil πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is awesome but please don't cancel content court

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mateo139 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 21 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

"The White Ranger of God" is not a phrase I thought would ever hear in my life

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HybridMBL πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is such a deep dive, they really came for Copeland and I love it! I like content court a lot, but I might like this format better. As a christian, I appreciate the distinction of prosperity gospel from traditional evangelicals. These televangelists are the worst.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/shepherdish πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

So does this mean they are doing away with the content court format? Because I far prefer that to this format....

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MegaZXretro πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
welcome everybody to a special episode of daytree podcast a closer look a new series that's like content court but not but basically it's content core but we didn't like how rigid and strict it was with like a i in and have to do charges and all this so it's basically content core but looser format it's going to be called a closer look and today we're going to be looking closer at the infamous mega evangelical evangelist even television television televangelist not evangelical televangelist good luck ethan thank you keemstar i'm clearly gonna need it this episode is sponsored by liquid iv thank you so much to them um so you guys want to show off your backgrounds a little bit in honor so today we me and eli have kenneth copeland as scrooge mcduck uh jumping into a swimming pool of coins um abu who you got there lucifer lucifer that's apt ian's yours is kind of inspired kenneth has a power ranger what do we got the gates of heaven yeah he's like the white ranger of god ah the white fire ranger is like the something more special about him though he's got he's got a cool uh uh vest he was the leader he was the leader absolutely yeah he's like the coolest one i didn't know that did you make that ian yes i did that high level photoshop design is my passion it reminds me of the uh sword of good guys jesus christ right some of the stuff we'll watch a little later kenneth kind of paints himself as a bit of a power ranger type figure little teaser for y'all i'm interested i can't wait and zach yours is just uh i got a big band kenny big [ __ ] can you scoot to the side a little bit has he got like a sax or something oh he's like oh frank sinatra kenny kenny he's such a versatile guy we have so much i'm so excited because we really i have to give i have to tip the hat to these guys we have done incredible amounts of research we are bringing new and fascinating stuff we are exposing kind of like you have never seen before because i gotta tell you there is no lower scum on earth than a dude first of all who exploits people for money he's just down on their luck big time he's lit he's a car he's a con man you guys are going to see we're going to show we're going to prove allegedly he's very rich don't assume me so i'm i'm here jesus christ yeah in minecraft all right let's begin so you guys all know you know we've talked about kenneth a lot so i'm just going to skim over the background but just to give you guys a little bit he's worth 600 760 million bucks that's a lot of blessings you know what i mean up to that much but yeah it's very likely um he owns a mansion obviously 33 acres of land that includes a church a warehouse a production studio a boathouse and of course an airport as all good men of christ do here's his mansion here's airport you can see a little bit from the air it's kind of interesting to show you his house we rented this helicopter they had to rent a helicopter to keep his property valued at over 6 million he lives in this home outside fort worth texas it has beautiful water views and comes complete with the boathouse but that's not all copeland is an avid pilot and here's his pride and joy a 20 million dollar cessna citation jet it's the fastest private jet money can buy he said he needed it to better serve the lord oh yeah we need that for his followers after the church i love the but driver not just one plane what's with rich i feel like all rich weirdos are pilots it's like one of those past times it's just you gotta it's like you made so much money and you're like what am i gonna do with my time you can't do any play being hobbies it's gotta be like i'm gonna fly an airplane you definitely need to spend more to get that rush because you can't just go buy a pair new pair of shoes you need to like you're like i need a new [ __ ] airplane for 20 million dollars to get that rush for buying something new uh ab actually did a little bit of a timeline here to give you guys the idea of how copeland's empire grew i think that's pretty interesting so let's go ahead and let a b tell the story all right the history and scale of copeland's empire in 1966 at nearly 30 years old copeland decides to attend classes at oral roberts university in tulsa oklahoma this is where copeland begins to learn about the prosperity gospel copeland ends up landing a job flying a plane i'll tell you right now this is a [ __ ] look at how just this symbol whatever this is this is a call oral roberts university cult and look at this building like that ain't of church i was gonna say what is with the building that's a cold building right but you know what i mean like i don't know what to say but there's some [ __ ] there's some weird [ __ ] going on there um also what's with this dude's name being oral i'm just gonna like what's with his name being oral can anybody uh can we get some w's in the chat for oral i mean what the [ __ ] who would what's the deal with this guy hey oral can i get some oral oral roberts is sort of the godfather um of this whole thing of televangelism yeah yeah well his name's oral is that his real name i i mean i believe so it's like one of those old-timey names and nobody says that sounds good as a name it's not right what that's like me having a kid and naming him like uh uh anal anal exactly ela what am i gonna have a son and name him anal that's just ridiculous well said copeland ends up landing a job flying a plane for oral roberts the founder of university earl roberts was a big deal back in his day he's considered the godfather prosperity gospel i'll get more into the fundamentals of prosperity gospel later on after years of studying under oral roberts kenneth copeland evangelist association later to become kenneth copeland ministries was established in 1967. the company grew a lot in the 70s in 1973 the first believer's voice of victory newsletter was printed in 1975 kcm launched its own radio station in 1976 kcm canada was established in 1978 the first believers convention was held in anaheim california in 1979 copeland began a weekly television broadcast also in 1979 kcm australia was established in 1981 the first southwest believers convention was held in 1982 kcm africa and casey don't you feel bad he's like out there even in africa fleecing like they have so many problems like bruh why you got to be out there like he's like yo everything adds up i just can't believe this guy does not rest every year there's like a new he's grinding he's at that in that jet flying that's like a big move every year well it's easy to make big moves when you don't pay a single [ __ ] cent in taxes which we'll get to later imagine if we did teddy fresh and didn't pay a single [ __ ] cent in taxes and we paid all of our employees like eight dollars an hour yeah i'd be making big moves every damn where [Applause] anyway dm europe was established in 1989 copeland began to produce a daily television broadcast in 1994 kcm ukraine was established in 1996 an official website was launched for kcm in 2011 kcm asia is established in 2012 the first hdbc that there are suckers everywhere in the world guest aired kcm roku channel debuts in 2014 kcm reached 1 million likes on facebook in 2015 the ministry launched a believer's voice of victory network with 24-hour programs 2019 the neighborhood believer's voice of victory network was changed to victory channel and that pretty much brings us up to modern day wow nice well done av yeah well done try to keep it short but it seems still kind of long but no it's good i mean it shows the guys first of all he's a hustler yeah i mean he's out there in that jet he's [ __ ] zipping around he's in africa for christ's sake you know what i mean like that's a hustler bro victory victory so just here's some facts about his ministry yada yada yada yada yada yada i mean it's just he's got a lot of followers he's got a lot of fans i mean you know he's only got 1.4 million subs that's weak [ __ ] on facebook yeah here's something that interested me he it goes he has a podcast where is it where's this [ __ ] podcast facts here podcast has 3.8 million downloads since inception in 2015. i'm like dude i get that in like a week i mean where's my billion dollars i'm not i'm not monetizing properly right um well where are you offering you know nearly enough you have channel memberships you know you get some benefits for that early access just quite ten percent bro he's he's offering access to heaven yeah right right his his value proposition is way better than mine right can you read the part about how many employees they have oh they have uh 400 employees in texas oh jesus that's crazy they sell books magazines dvds cds yada yada you know his fans still buy cds translate in 22 languages people who donate to kenneth definitely buy cds [Laughter] translate into 22 different languages you get the idea he's a big deal so his whole thing is this idea of prosperity gospel which basically means that when you give money to him he takes your money on behalf of god and you win god's good grace in either finance or luck or whatever it is that basically whatever you want in your life by giving kenneth money you will basically make more money just by the grace of god that's so um surprisingly convenient for him it's awesome he takes the money on behalf of god yeah you and most likely god will give it back to you but like he doesn't have to do anything so what's really convenient is if if you do not get good fortune they we explain it later but it's your fault if you're not being faithful enough or you're not you've done something wrong if you're not rewarded so it's nice like that it's like the it's like putting money in the stock market it's like the god the god the god they literally call it seed money which is like similar financial terminology like right you're exceeding the money it's going to grow into more but you seed it by giving it to kenneth what's the god at today like the s p the god is trading at like oh zero sucks give you an idea of some of the videos on this channel financial breakthrough the laws of prosperity finances faith and finances release your faith in operating in god's god's kingdom economy do you see that that finances is a playlist with 253 videos what oh wow oh my god it's all everything he does is about money everything he does is about money kind of like tai lopez he's tai lopez but like again he's got the best proposition off forever yeah he's the tai lopez of god yeah knowledge basically his thing is faith no knowledge like the opposite of knowledge the ignorance he'll teach you yeah the opposite of knowledge so a lot of his money comes from this idea called tithing which is when you give 10 of all of the money you make to the church and him being the church he's happy to take 10 of your paycheck that's what tithing is he's there here's one of the faqs on the website do i have to tithe the answer is a resounding yes this is from the website it is a cornerstone of real biblical uh prosperity god's financial blessings are reserved for the tither alone that means if you do not tithe god will not [ __ ] bless your ass period i do love that it's one of the frequently asked questions yeah because they're like listen i want to be involved but do i really have to give you 10 of my money he's like yeah dude he's like no you don't only if you want god's blessings so we've watched this clip a lot but i do think it is important to kind of punctuate this idea of tithing when coronavirus hit i think a lot of people in the church were like i can't afford to give you 10 right now i lost my job i'm behind on my rent my phone bill my power yadda yadda i just got you know i just got bailed out by the government i just got 600 bucks i can't afford to give you 60 dollars so here's his response to them and he's probably thinking of this well i can't either i have like half a million expenses just on my jet yeah dude i pay i just stole my anger you know how much it cost to hang six jets anyway here's his response to those people coronavirus is his faith in its ability to hurt you kill you uh the the the fear of what are we gonna do i'm getting laid off at work hey your job's not your source if it is you're in trouble well they won't let us go to church well email it in there text give or something but you get your tithe in that church if you have to go take it down there and drop it off and stick it under the door or something you get that tithe in that church you get that offering in that church and then you go home and you do what and eat rhymes whatever your poor people do amen so right so you know yeah i don't understand this whole thing did i give people anything in return you'll we get inspiration empty promises we actually get into that and i promise you this gets so messed up i'm telling you it really is incredible the amount of of stuff you're going to see here today i don't really understand this whole thing god is our jesus is your source your job is in your source yeah what are you supposed to do if i give you a hundred bucks am i supposed to just find like 200 on the ground on the way home you know what i mean i mean in some ways jesus from what i've seen yes actually exactly that um they in some of the videos that i watch they talk about how um you know before i stop before i started tithing i was really poor but once i started doing it uh sure enough a month later somebody gave me a car yes that's supposed to fix your life or whatever you know what i mean like it's just going to come to you like oh my god that is more of a plan yeah and then you're supposed to give 10 of that value back by the way [Laughter] so here's something here's something we found out so of course they have a 21 days to your debt freedom dvd you can buy this on their website for 25 dollars as you know people who follow kenneth are they're looking they're looking for financial freedom they're in debt these are people who are having trouble with finances like okay how do i get out of debt wait wait i just noticed go back yeah i didn't i didn't realize that second picture it's the it's the notes you need the study notes they sell that separately oh it's 25 bucks for the dvd and then another five bucks come on can you just give a freebie so you also have a cd on the website if you want to listen to it in the car what the [ __ ] is study notes just shut up okay take your own notes these guys know how to accessorize man merchandise you guys are great it's [ __ ] you guys these guys believe in science the science of making money anyway so i'm in debt i just spent thirty dollars for the notes the dvds everything so kenneth please tell me how do i get out of that mr george is back and he's going to be talking to us about how to live in the increase and how to prosper and how to get our return it is imperative that you start out on the first step of tithing that is the foundation of prosperity i can remember when we knew it was right to tithe but we were so broke we just didn't do it very well that's right we would type and see how we can the lord could get along on it we would tithe a few times and then we would let it get behind then we would try to catch up as long as we did that we never enjoyed prosperity but when we made a determination to tithe because it was in the word then we walked in the blessings of god tithing is the foundation to prosperity and kenneth has taught this before that he's [ __ ] kidding me you paid 30 just for this [ __ ] to tell you to make sure to tithe by the way i believe that's his son-in-law um yeah it's all in the family pretty much everybody that you see speaking in any of these videos is either related by blood or marriage to kenneth yeah that's his wife the other lady there right okay so um so their answer to get out of debt is to give kenneth money right here's more eventually our salary should become seed there yeah in ephesians 4 28 let him labor working with his hands the thing which is good that he may have to give to him that needs so your salary should ultimately be used as seed to sow so this is an advanced tip so tithing is 10 he's saying listen give us everything that's how you get out of debt your entire salary you know i don't i don't know if that's actually what he's saying he's saying give me your salary what is that he's saying a tithe from your salary he's just he's just finding another way to justify it with scripture essentially it's not funny just necessarily your whole it does sound like he's saying your whole salary right there but to give him a benefit i don't think you're saying 100 of your uh why okay he's leaving it open look if you want to give him like he'll take it right well listen by his logic the more you give the more fun yeah you know you get blessed he's like listen dude this the return on this is so [ __ ] good the more you put in the better you get i mean it makes sense it's like bitcoin to me now this is day 331 we have 331 prosperity broadcasts that we've done and listen to this 1 million three hundred and twenty three thousand three hundred and twenty five outlines have been downloaded right of the prosperity broadcasting isn't that exciting it really is right but people have been so interested in prospering i am i know you are oh you're yes i declare okay now ela this is when it gets really wild so kenneth here has taken money from a lady with terminal cancer and has encouraged her that by s sowing money giving them money that's how that's her best path to curing herself not traditional science and you can probably guess that despite her giving everything she's got she just didn't do it right this shit's crazy for more than 10 years bonnie parker lived with the knowledge that she was slowly dying of breast cancer but she told nobody of her fate no doctors not even her own family bonnie had turned instead to gloria and kenneth copeland's ministry bvov for her healing sickness disease and pain i resist you in jesus name you are not the will of god i enforce the word of god on you my days of sickness and disease are over honestly believe that if she would not have gotten involved with these people the chance of her being here today is is very very great i started finding notebooks it's her daughter how long have she passed away these notebooks they went back to 1995. and when i first found them i didn't know i didn't know who bbov was i'd heard of kenneth copeland i've heard of gloria copeland but not be vov and on top of these was bvov and then the more i read it's just it was like reading from someone i had no idea in the world who was writing but it was her handwriting and she did write them and it went back to telling exactly what her life was like bonnie's notebooks describe in detail just how closely she hung on to the copeland's promises for her healing mom had asked me um before she passed away if i would carry her too i think it was here in dallas texas to one of her um her schools or whatever and of course you know then i was furious or she wouldn't go to the doctor but she would join me take her this healing school cancers of the devil cancers of the devil sickness and diseases of the devil of the devil you take healing scriptures like you take natural medicine except it'll do you good all the time and you you don't have to die from the side effects she would purchase powerball tickets i want to go to this healing part that she believed and i know she believed because it's in the notebooks that if she sowed enough seed which was money um the the greater amount of seed that you sow according to them um the better chance you have the better chance you have of getting healed right she asked the lord in these prayers in these to let her win the powerball and it says in there that if he would permit that that she would donate you know she would donate it to um she says her church family which is the baby of v and i honestly believe with all my heart and soul that's what she thought that i guess the amount of money that she was buying powerball tickets so that she could win and donate it to the church so that because it gives more money the more healing she gets right so she was too poor to get the healing she needed buy her her healing and it's so upsetting because especially with cancer i experienced it obviously with my dad so i've seen how the what the hospitals and the treatment treatments offer you um is like so depressing and it's not really necessarily going to help you you don't know so i've seen how desperate you can get you know and you're you're really desperate for anything and um that's so [ __ ] up that they're using people at that stage it's it's the most [ __ ] that if you are going to take money from people with cancer with the promise yeah there's just there's no lower form of making money no that is evil just plain and simple there there's just no lower form of getting money i think this really just this is i think this really just shows who they are notebooks anything and and she was actually asking god in these notebooks to let her win for them christie wrote two letters to kenneth and gloria copeland asking about her mother's involvement with their ministry all i wanted was just for them to tell me or to have the decency maybe to tell me what happened or just say okay you know your mom was with us for all these years we're so sorry you know i feel that if they don't didn't feel guilty about what happened why why at least didn't they pick up the phone and call me after all me tell nothing nothing and i just i feel that you know if they were the good christian people that they say they are that i at least i would have deserved an answer if not me my family christy wanted to visit the copeland ministry headquarters and asked for answers directly so we did just that at the copeland headquarters we were met by this lady who offered to take us on a tour of the buildings she explained that the copelands personally owned the cattle ranch more than 50 gas wells and pump more than 10 million dollars of oil annually all of which are located on the 1500 acre ministry property when we reached the mail room we asked the copeland's representative why some letters like christie's were not responded [Music] son of kenneth and gloria and you guessed it chief executive chief executive who bluntly declined an interview with us obviously you know up to something that's not good in our benefit so am i going to do an interview i asked him whether there was anything that the copelands might have said that would have caused bonnie parker to refuse medical attention you know i can't answer for her when her mother was sick and why she didn't tell her daughter or anything i had no idea about it i mean i guess her mother has her own reasons it's not we don't believe in doctors we certainly believe in doctors you do absolutely generally doctor what never said don't go to a doctor i don't think you'll ever read a letter says you know we guarantee you're gonna be ill first thing you know you'll be on drugs and then then it'll be bad you know prescription drugs or drugs and they alter your your thinking and you don't want that you want to alter your thinking yourself with the word of god it's awesome they alter your thinking to the doctor well this is god's medicine this is better than anything man could make up because a lot of times the medicine you take makes you sick in another way the bad news is we don't know what to do about it except give you some poison that'll make you sicker not everybody receives their healing till her last breath she had faith she never i don't think never gave up as far as that i the disappointment was great i mean she you could tell she was just very very disappointed that what she had been asking for never came i then asked copeland junior why he thought that so many people like bonnie parker did not receive their healing when they were in fact people of such deep faith that they sent their last pennies to copeland ministries and even went to the extreme of refusing medical treatment well i think there could be a lot of reasons well what do you think what do you think they are i guess you know a person could have unforgiveness in their heart towards somebody which can hinder your faith i don't well i don't understand why god healed him and he won't heal me here he's here he's clowning on her basically by some stretch of the imagination oh probably not but could it be that is your fault not god [Laughter] oh yeah say it oh yeah say it well you know i've just done everything i just i love how for more than 10 years i love how like god is so infallible but yet like there's it's always like your fault and not god's like bro if he's so [ __ ] powerful why do we need all these rules and [ __ ] tricks and [ __ ] but also this guy just has the most convenient position in the world like if anything doesn't happen as he says he's like well that's what god decided to say it's your future probably listen you didn't you didn't pray right yeah you know these people these people are psychopaths yeah and i love like why would you even go look why didn't god heal me but he healed them look get a load of this idiot oh probably not but could it it's got like a whole stand up yeah i know good timing and [ __ ] that is your fault not god oh yeah say it say it oh yeah oh yeah like the kool-aid [Music] we found this flyer by gloria copeland explaining the reasons why her followers may not receive their promised healing good so that was long but i felt like so compelling i wanted to watch the whole thing um yeah that's as bad as again yeah that's pretty much it so let's throw it to um a commercial and when we come back we are still just the tip of the iceberg of the copeland the copeland crime family ah i like that the copeland crime family that's dan's words not mine that'd be so funny if they sued dan only i'd be like look sorry dan i act bankruptcy is the only option i can't help you all right let's throw a quick break we'll come back and talk about the copeland crime family as dan has labeled them liquid iv is the great new product to keep you hydrated energized and your metabolism and your uh immunity boost it go ahead and say it with me liquid iv with one stick of liquid iv and 16 ounces of water you get two to three times the amount of hydration as plain water oh really i'll be the judge of that comes like this you just put it in the water right oh [ __ ] i put it all over the [ __ ] table you get the idea stir it up you know how to stir [ __ ] cheers being electrolyzed bro i feel like i just drank a whole [ __ ] ocean [Music] [Music] oh liquid iv has incredible hydrating flavors like watermelon lemon lime and passion fruit and they recently launched strawberry imagine ila if you will a freshly picked taste of ripe juicy strawberries topped with a decanted note of whipped cream what amazing this 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service because it's like super hydration you know it's like a liquid iv that's good like they say it's got all the minerals the electrolytes all that you know all that [ __ ] [Music] oh it's beams coming in my eyes that's how i feel like you know grab your strawberry liquid iv or other great flavors in bulk nationwide at costco or you can get 25 off when you go to liquidive.com and use the code h3 at checkout that's 25 off anything you order when you use code h3 liquid iv.com get better hydration today at liquid iv.com code h3 you know i want to say also this is the hydration one but they have a caffeine one that like sometimes i don't feel like drinking coffee and it [ __ ] up my stomach because it's acidic it's sometimes i just want to game and get all jazzed up or work or whatever so like they have the um caffeine one which i don't have here but it's like the orange one i don't know what flavor it is but um that's a great way to start your day because you get no glass of water you getting the caffeine you need so i love liquid iv i use it i recommend it i think it's awesome you know so there you go that's the plug liquid com promo code h3 25 off everything how did you like um that little cancer story ela it's actually really upsetting yeah yeah and this is just one dude who's like an investigative journalist who happened to find this story you know that was a good yeah good uh edited piece yeah you unfortunately you just can't touch these people they're just they're invincible like jeffree star well it's kind of like also in a cult people are willingly participating so right it's always tricky so uh moving on uh we are getting into uh the elite group of alpha suckers called the elite c isn't cx the pus was is cx team that's hilarious so to join the elite group of alpha suckers all you need to do is pledge seventeen hundred dollars and like all good colts the top tier suckers are given an article of recognition so they get a badge you see this [ __ ] on there that's culture right there with a badge literally all you have to do to earn this is donate money like oh my god so for net here's nexium scarves for comparison so yeah the badges really good yeah many here's an excerpt from their website many of many of you made commitments to mission three to acquire a second citizen citation x a number of you have already completed or sewn beyond the initial 1700 pledge we are grateful to god for your support we we believe that as funds continue to come in we will have what we need to purchase the gulf stream 5. we encourage you to continue to believe in our god meets all your needs according to his riches and glory jesus name so basically they're saying give us money because we are fundraising to buy this gulf stream five what is that that's an airplane it's like a luxury private jet a really large one yeah it's super nice super expensive so there you go more elite cx team oh so they had a first mission seed sewn baby 2016 they got this jet mission two they got a high definition truck congratulations elite team mission three this was the epic one gulfstream five let's go mission three god told copeland he needs a bigger plane so copeland ended up buying one from tyler perry the the listing price of a new gulf stream five is currently 61.5 million the average asking price for one built in the year he bought is ranges between it's about 20 million bucks that wasn't i go back yeah exactly it's all i like that it's uh a mission it's the elite mission come on baby join the club and help me buy a bigger jet it's crazy it's just awesome now it's so open and he gives them badges and [ __ ] it's just it's just amazing so he said about this we continue to pray standing and believing for god's wisdom in the situation and on february 1st at 11 a.m the lord spoke to brother kenneth saying you're believing for the wrong airplane the citation x is too small you have already outgrown it the second citation x will come but at a later date your your current airplane is so last season you really should be upgrading god said by the way don't forget that when somebody asks kenneth why doesn't he fly coach he famously said i don't want to be on a tube with a bunch of demons yeah it's awesome so moving on to the irs has actually had some intercount encounters with copeland's church actually no that's not true here here we kind of go over how is all of his earnings tax exempt how do what do we know about the money he makes and etc etc so he is technically obviously you know designated as a church which means that it's a non-profit organization and you're given broad exemptions over taxation and regulations um okay i mean we all know that it's america separation yadda yadda so that's meaning that his church kcm is a nonprofit copeland can take millions from his followers and he doesn't have to account for the money they receive at all that means that copeland is not legally obligated to disclose how much money he ends up in his pocket he doesn't have to show or explain anything doesn't he have to disclose they don't have to explain a single [ __ ] thing oh and we think that you would have because it's the nonprofit so it's actually well it's a church too it's more than a number it's a super non-profit it's a super non-profit for profit kcm is also listed as a church which means they follow the same tax guidelines and regulations that small town churches follow it's not it doesn't make sense that a big that this church here you know what i mean would have to follow the same tax guidelines as this one here it's just a different scale entirely but there you go right because the purpose of these exemptions are for these you know small churches who can't afford to provide basic things within the church yeah and i think the idea too is that you you use the money for social services and taking care of people and all this like you know but as you'll find out well i'll talk about that later but his his whole mansion estate is also exempt from property tax what this [ __ ] doesn't even have to pay property tax because technically his house is listed as a parsonage a parsonage is a tax uh issue let's see the person's exclusion has two aspects if a church provides a house for a minister of the gospel to live in the fair market value of in-kind housing is exempt and then also the second part is cash housing allowances paid in lieu of in-kind housing are also exempt from income tax there is no dollar limit from any of these tax-free housing allowances to t televangelists and mega church pastors can and do run in the hundreds of thousands per month crazy right there's no there's no limit okay now this is great ministry watch is an independent evangelical organization that raised the financial accountability of different churches kcm kenneth's church received an f okay ministry what does anyone do about that well they're just trying to inform people but ministry watch explains ministry watch uh profiles public charities churches and para church ministries ministry watches yada yada yada they said um oh this is about okay yeah so here here here's what they said about him kenneth copeland ministries has chosen not to be open and transparent with ministry watch as such it is difficult to understand all aspects of its ministry prudent donors want to understand what it is they are going to support some ministries claim they have no legal obligation to share financial other information but they do have a moral obligation to do so christians should have nothing to fear by being open all will be judged at a future date and with this thought in mind how are we to conduct ourselves before god today organizations described as christian ministers are at least giving people an image of god is god characterized as closed impartial and hidden or open personable and knowledgeable scripture enjoins christians to conduct themselves honestly so they're using the crips they're basically using the bible to slam dunk on him the first card victory victory so here we brought some receipts from the bible because they argue they have this whole idea of um you know prosperity he even said jesus would be wearing a rolex they just haven't been invented yet which by the way that's that's just you how could you [ __ ] claim that the dude cruised around and like didn't he famously just claim cruise around like uh loin cloth and [ __ ] you know what i mean they had nice clothes back then you think that the emperor just cruised around the same [ __ ] blanket as everybody else he had like pimp ass jewelry and [ __ ] you know so i've always heard from my mom who grew up very like religious that it's it's a lot about like modesty and being that was what jesus was all about so i was i was going to say i don't know if it's any different because obviously we're in israel studying the jewish way but i feel like it would be the same yeah i mean a lot of so let me read you some verses from the bible because jesus was not about rich people jesus did not like rich people he said here treasures gained by wickedness do not profit but righteousness delivers from death you shall not steal obviously don't steal it you're just saying you're claiming he's stealing stuff maybe he's just stealing money from people for the here's another one for the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil it is through this craving that some have wandered away from faith and pierce themselves with many pains yeah man that sounds more like stuff that i know jesus said if you want to be perfect go sell your possessions and give it to the poor you will have the treasures in heaven then come follow me kenneth are you reading this i mean that makes sense to me like if you want to teach about giving and if you want donations then like go give it to a poor person exactly well jesus's whole life was about sacrificing everything right that's the story of jesus i sacrificed everything for you including my own life so he's just like such a loophole that it all ends up going to one person with no transparency at all yeah jesus said to his disciples truly i tell you it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven again i tell you it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of god kenneth is like man [ __ ] that guy ignore that wasn't the chalice of the carpenter not gold wasn't it just plain good points and i wonder if he's seen uh indiana jones as well a good point though jesus points out that money and god are rivaling masters if you love money you will despise god he says you cannot serve both god and money who put this together amy that was a b yeah it's nice exactly it's like slam dunk [ __ ] your shit's [ __ ] phony jesus hates your ass my grandfather was actually a pastor on my mom's side oh really oh yeah you've got all kinds of flavors of god in you so what would they think about someone like copeland oh yeah they would definitely you know they would they think it's the worst yeah i i can't imagine what my mom would think i think i think i would assume that anyone or most people who follow traditional religion would think he's just a con man i mean he's really not yeah we should make it clear that um this is not all christians by any means this this is a very specific uh kind of uh thread of evangelical evangelicalism right in america that this whole prosperity gospel thing this is i mean it's really it's just an america he's he's well he's global you're right he's in africa bro ukraine the ministry watch because you know that's a christian organization you know talking about they're even slam dunking on them he's just a con man i don't even think he's religious i just can't believe that it's resonating with so many people then it's like any cult yeah they just want to believe you know i mean you've got a couple excerpts there but i think you've you might have forgotten one the thou shall get this bread are you sure they're not just talking about is that king james yeah i think it is i thought it was saint kanye i think it's actually it's it's from the book of get a joke wow yeah oh thank you wow yeah i would buy that lesson from uh ian that was good what version of the bible is that i'm not sure which one that is uh you should sell some cds ian yeah 25.99 and how much for the foot for the study notes well that's going to be 26.99 it's worth it it's worth it yeah you know and he found out this perfect little loophole because it's like okay how do i do the best con i do a con that's a religion and i don't even have to pay taxes yeah that's what scientology did too it's awesome i would love to see like a full-on documentary of someone trying to expose this like i'd fund it like they did with uh nexium and the guy i would fund the [ __ ] out of this if any documentaries out there hit me up i'll fund it how much does it cost to fund an independent documentary a lot well let's talk i think i can get you there i can get you close we'll give you a shout out now come on i want to fund it i want to fund it and we can figure it out this is the beginning of a big beautiful new vertical for us so okay so copeland receives huge amounts of cash donations by believers in the mail along with the written prayer requests which don't get seen by copeland okay so former employees have spoken out against copeland here is one such example from former employees who tell news 8 the kenneth and gloria copeland you see on tv glory to god are not the kenneth and gloria of real life we were treated like galley slaves oh in my eyes there's deception there's a fear mentality placed on people that work there just three former copeland ministry employees speaking out about the disappointment discovering what really goes on inside i started going to church there in 1994. among them jeff spradlin who says he grew up admiring the copelands and was excited to get a job working for them within 90 days i started realizing this was a huge mistake for nearly two years bradley worked in the mail processing center where prayer request envelopes stuffed with cash would arrive every morning he says a group of ministers not the copelands would pray over the unopened envelopes but spradling says he and other male processors were the only ones who actually read the requests because he's saying they're getting this nobody even read the [ __ ] prayers they just took the money and like basically threw that [ __ ] out and going kent and gloria don't see a word of this how many of these prayer requests to your knowledge do kenneth and gloria copeland see and or pray over none but i know this former employee also processed prayer requests and sent return letters crafted to give the look of a personal response oh my gosh they wrote it as ken that's wow you know what's interesting is all this exposed stuff is like really old so i think a new one could be so powerful hbo please i feel like this is even more interesting than nexium i guess they like the whole sexual weird stuff but like he's so evil yeah but at the end what really gets them is like the tax fraud and the right because nexium you can't really even claims religious these guys have so much shielding so here if you go to like glass door and indeed and where all these people can leave reviews so these are past employees who have left reviews about working for the minister oh he's the pro is i got to learn about church the con is if it's a ministry you work full time and get told they tell you that kcm is not your source when you ask for a raise no [ __ ] way i bet you they they they expect these people who they pay to give the money back to them oh my god wow here's another one leadership dysfunction overall the leadership of kcm is oblivious to the damage they inflict on the staff daily no no accountability from the top down ministry family priority priorities always come first and personality-based organization is impossible to execute best business practices in any way high stress low market pay and possible workload wow kcm is a great place to work for those used to doing what is told to them and not having ideas to save money con is you get fired if you see it as just a job it has to be a calling so you will put up and shut up i worked at kcm for years during my time there i learned the following maybe a christian workplace but keep your head down there's absolutely no loyalty to the employees no matter how long you have served as they put it scandals get squashed unless you are a minion unless you are a minion then you get to move on to the next phase of your ministry fired i was released because i exercised my free right to drink a beer at my home not at work off the clock and someone turned me in what it is sad to see the cult that kcm is becoming it used to be a highly respected ministry doing great things if you are a career minded if you are looking for longevity and a job keep looking the more money you make the more you are overhead to the overall financial plan dead end turn back don't say i didn't warn you wow all you have to do is look at the emblem the church uses at eagle mountain international church it sums it up it's a big bird puking into the mouth of a little bird and the little bird better swallow yeah that's crazy so they don't reward anyone who's been with them because they want to keep low salaries well everyone who runs it's in the family you know what i mean so everyone else is expendable so the senate and 2017 actually did a huge investigation into his organization 2007 2007 what do you say so a senator chuck grazely and a financial what grass the grass is always green early chuck grassley and a finance committee investigated the mega church the investigation looked into the use of church-owned airplanes homes and credit cards by pastors the lack of financial oversight from the ministry board was also looked into it was discovered that the majority of kcm's board is copeland's family members and friends all things are possible with god including his wife his son his son-in-law sister-in-law so they noted that kcm did not agree to cooperate with the committee but the committee still filed its report based on public records in third parties in the report several former employees of kcm indicated that kcm used intimidation in an attempt to keep informants from talking to the committee there's probably a lot of dirt oh my god they said it's clear that kcm did not intend to cooperate with the committee's request and provided the missing responses as a result committee staff attempted to secure the requested information from public records and third parties in this process staff learned that kcm used strong tactics to prevent former employees from speaking about the organization even to committee staff several former employees indicated that they used intimidation and an attempt to keep informants from speaking former employees were sincerely afraid to provide statements for fear of being sued since they signed confidentiality agreements employees were contacted by kcm attorneys after the initiation of the committee investigation and reminded that they signed a confidentiality agreement agreeing not to disclose any information one former employee stated the following the copeland employee guerrilla tactics to keep their employees silent we are flat out told and threatened that if we talk god will blight our finances strike our families down and pretty much afflict us with everything evil and unholy rather god will allow satan to do those things to us because we have stepped out from under his umbrella of protection wow by touching god's anointed prophet further employees are encouraged to shun and treat badly anyone who dares to speak out that's [ __ ] that you like that typical cold behavior 100 cult baby it's literally just using the the the the you know christianity as a as a cover but it's it's it's it's the same exact thing that you know scientology does pretty much um so more from the senate investigation they investigated the minister the use of ministry jets apparently they have five aircrafts in connection with its tax exempt religious purpose you like that i love it a former minister stated that gloria copeland used a jet to fly to naples florida to go shopping she would purchase clothing sculptures and home furnishings john copeland a ministry employee and some others used a jet to go on hunting trips we love it kenneth copeland used to travel back and forth to arkansas to see a chiropractor love it the copeland family also flew to colorado to visit their home and steamboat springs from time to time that doesn't sound like ministry purposes as trisha would say they sound very bougie yeah that's boujou that is bougie let's take the private plane down to uh the chiropractor and uh colorado he's my fave oh my god an insider states that copeland no longer receives a salary glory oh sorry strike that gloria copeland last known salary was 400 000 and that was in the early 2000s kenneth and gloria both receive honorariums which they go to speak at churches conventions and crusades that are not crusades that doesn't sound good the normal amount received by each is 10 000 and they are at times will also receive a percentage of the offering collected by sponsoring church they get a percentage of crazy on the crusade that that's when they talk [ __ ] about everyone that complains right that's our crusade um there's a whole lot but these guys are sketchy as [ __ ] crazy um here he is trying to we again we've seen this but it's just it's a perfect punctuation a reporter basically blitz copeland and asked him about his comment about demons on a tube also asked about his luxury lifestyle copeland responds that it is wealthy man and responds that he's a wealthy man and says not all of his money is from offerings well what else but anyway he's here he is justifying his use of a private five private jets in fact how are you sir we'd just like to ask you about why you don't want to fly commercial why have you said that you won't fly commercial you said that it's like getting into a tube with a bunch of demons why do you think that no listen to me just singing not the people the main reason is because of the need if if i flew commercial you'll foster their ability to stop 65 of what i'm doing that's really to me isn't it true that you want to fly commercials so that you can fly in luxury how much money did you pay for tyler perry's gulfstream jet for example well for example that's really none of your business but the business of your donors she's great i paid you kind of caught me off guard here okay now thank you lord help me just let me pray again getting back to the comment you said that you don't like to fly commercial because you don't want to get into a tube with a bunch of demons do you really believe that human beings are demons no i do not and don't you ever say i did get in an air get in a long tube with a bunch of demons bro he's so angry we wrestle not with flesh and blood but principalities and powers can you explain what you meant by that yeah well let me ask you do you think that people that fly commercial or demons give me a chance to talk sweetheart i'll explain this to you but it's a biblical thing it's a spiritual thing it doesn't have anything to do with people what is it and he still didn't understand i spent a lot of time on airlines but the main thing that happened was not that wasn't the main reason the main reason he doesn't blink he looks like he's that shoe nice like dead eyes no longer do what uh why doesn't he blink call to do and be on there he hasn't blinked just look at him and close when i get there and so and you have some fancy clothes i mean he hasn't blinked yet i'm just watching a life of luxury you've got great homes you've got great planes you do you drive in limos my wealth doesn't come from offerings alone okay but mostly so sell things books and dvds yes and i have a lot of natural gas on our property right didn't know that did you baby now i do yeah you do isn't that wonderful well i guess well i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure you didn't buy that massive estate shut up yeah how would you buy that exactly please dude you don't mind that much gas bro okay so again there's just there's so much it's crazy it's never ending with this guy this story is so crazy the angel flight 44 controversy okay sounds pretty ridiculous right yeah a true story written by these two goons after hurricane katrina copeland's friend who owned a cargo jet wanted assistance flying medical supplies into the area kenneth offered some financial help and afterwards decided to start an entire ministry devoted to this sounds good right it was called angel flight 44 with the intent to fly supplies to natural disaster zones nice kenneth even commissioned a book about the ordeal to promote his new ministry all the while asking for donations to fund the angel flight 44. uh-oh i love the idea sounds great yet after months of donations the angel flight 44 ministry was disbanded they never sent aid to another disaster again no hangers were ever built no additional airplanes were ever purchased and the donation money was never accounted for kenneth copeland ministries spokesman dr steven swisher told the christian post this was not a specific promise with a timeline attached according to switcher angelflight 44 has collected only 7 700 and the donations were spent on plane repairs even the author of angelflight 44 book has turned on copeland regarding the situation believing that the ministry was never created the author of the book said while there is a huge crisis going on in the nation of haiti right now kenneth copeland promised angel flight 44 ministry is nowhere to be found and the money he collected to start that ministry has not been accounted for it is as if kenneth copeland had never said such a ministry had already been formed nor had repeatedly promised that such an aviation support ministry would be further developed and ready for disasters as such as that which just occurred in haiti a few days ago so did he ever help at all i didn't sounds like not wow he just pocketed the money and forgot it ever happened crazy right shameless okay you want to see shameless here he is healing somebody is this the person with um down syndrome or i believe so yeah i don't think it's specifically said but oh so here here he is here's kenneth copeland healing somebody with down syndrome so that sounds legit yes why thank you that she is healed and made whole and everything in this body i speak in stop i demand a recount just to hear him say chromosomes he said i demand the proper number of chromosomes bro it's a little late for that proper count and i demand the proper count you can't do that right it doesn't work like that kenneth copeland you can't just do that i demand the proper count of chromosomes how many are we supposed to have 22 or something like that how many chromosomes are we supposed to have now anyone know that's can i get a count please can i get a recount on the chromosomes absolutely insanity nobody got an answer on the problem it's 46. we i demand 46 chromosomes be gone 47th chromosome i strike you down with holy scalpel carve out that extra chromosome now you stop that fear i demand a recount god it's a little late for fixing the chromosomes bro god kind of already [ __ ] that one up if i can be or not i mean you know they're beautiful they're all beautiful children i'm just all right just saying it's a little late it's like you can't once you've got the cake baked you can't be like oh i i demand less sugar god you've got to go back to when you mix the cake i demand one gram of sugar out this cake god it's just a little too much it's a little too sweet amen amen proper order proper count proper count recount thank you stop the con and i agree also by the way how bad do you feel for this poor girl who's like they're making her feel like a monster i demand you god take this demon take this demon 47 chromosome out watch that thing for the redeeming of her time that has been stolen from her it's not she's stolen from her out the rest of her days in bro jesus fact that he actually just did that is so [ __ ] crazy i demand a recount on the chromosomes god and there's more too here he does another miracle on a what's the proper way to say uh develop mentally intellectually disabled is the problem the intellectually disabled thank you oh yes oh yes oh there's someone on the ground jesus let's let's help her up first yes she's free we call her free in jesus name and healed everything about glory to god no no y'all know this ain't gonna work you come back every week and it doesn't work glory glory hope by the power of the living stop jesus is our healer amen thank you so much thank you jesus glory just tapped around all right you're all good be loose you're all good now be normal be normal he's not working jesus be normal we call him he'll what he gave well the other girl she'd be in order to banish a chromosome thank you that's a miracle thank you it seems like he's feeling better oh yeah i feel like he's he's feeling better hey man jesus hey hey uh who should i do this to ian i command you to be normal sorry i just had to pick somebody to do it too i think you're normal i think you're great i just had to do it to somebody i command you ian to cast out the extra chromosome well right now cast it out right now okay i'll get i'll get on there right now get ready i'm command you zap that anyway watch that demon die i think i don't actually think you're abnormal or anything i just i wanted to do the joke and i wasn't sure yeah yeah i know i should have done it to keemstar here let me redo it i'm sorry keemstar i demand you be normal in the name of jesus keemstar i demand an extra cr i demand get rid of that extra chromosome amen i pray for you hypocritical thank you jesus why is it his hand is so what is a great one this is all just his stunts now i don't know in 2020 and covet he tried to banish covet i mean guys it clearly didn't work this was in march 2020. we are out here with 400 000 people dead and like why is nobody questioning the the virility the veracity of his [ __ ] did it work look at his wet ass hand maybe those people didn't tithe put your hand on all right oh you better get that diving in you know the guy and wuhan they weren't tied i think so god was like damn you know um you know wet ass [ __ ] wet at sam um just trying something thank you lord jesus it looks like he was just like fisting somebody healing yeah i mean it's all gooey and [ __ ] gross why is it so gooey like it's not water yeah no it looks gooeier than water it's mine i think it's holy lube oh my god kenneth copeland jelly black blessed by god it always sounds like kirkland copeland according to the word of god according to the word i'm healed yes and i consider not my own body yes it continues not my own body i consider not i love these guys in the background but only that which god has promised only that what the word has said oh and by his stripes i was healed and by his stripes i am healed now i'm not the sick trying to get him blah blah blah shut the [ __ ] up dumbass con man gooey ass hand here he is passing more judgment on cover 19 with his son-in-law judgment right now because we are in the name of jesus oh thank you oh he's like whoa whoa whoa you got to give me a heads up before you do that he cut him off because what do you want to have for dinner in the name of jesus i'm going to cut you off from now on oh [ __ ] okay we're doing that i execute judgment on you covet 19. okay he didn't pray hard you enough me some you know what i think i think his ass hasn't been tithing enough who does he tithe to right who the [ __ ] do you tithe to kenneth bitch-ass copeland do you bury money in your yard or some [ __ ] like i'd like to know who the [ __ ] he's tithing to anal roberts oh to anal do you think that lube was for anal on his hand or i mean oral sorry i mean you break your power you get off this nation i demand judgment on you i'll be mad his brother his son must suck he's not even trying to stop the whole [Music] he's like the son-in-law where you're like you begrudgingly tag him along because your sister is with them but you don't really like him backstage he's like damn it you didn't sell that right our tithing's down damn but you [ __ ] it all up slaps him spits on him oh he's such a douche copelan has the power to blow covert away all right let's see it covet 19. 19. whoa dude that don't you just spray you just gave everybody covered you just that's not helpful bro that's exactly what you're not supposed to do and it wasn't just a blow it was like a juicy spit he like misted it out oh my god oh i'm telling you it gets hot down there i mean like jesse says it's africa hot down there man what is he saying the [ __ ] you saying yeah you've been speaking in tongues they got down there and that's what it takes to kill this thing it hates heat shut up dumbass [ __ ] con douche yeah i mean this is the same science this is the same guy that would take money from someone dying of cancer he's saying hey you know wasn't it his ministry that was ordered by the fda to stop selling some miracle cure for kovid oh no uh another one of these guys these guys are the best and the homeless he was selling silver solution which they said this kills every virus now we haven't tested it on covet but it kills every other virus so it kills covet he claims it's just a weak strain of the flu he's here with all the greatest hits this is on the back of a clorox cleaning solution right here say what human coronavirus influenza a2 hey bro are you literally sighting the back of a clorox box i this is i mean some people said you should just drink bleach i'm just [ __ ] i'm just a president wait this guy shows bible verses it's showing the back of a clorox bottle hey guys this thing's been around long time it's a very weak strain of sleep it is so weak that the symptoms are so light that that some people had it didn't even know it well they just haven't found the way to knock that thing bro stay in your [ __ ] lane whatever that is so his his evidence that it's weak is that clorox has coronavirus on the back even though this is a different variant of the coronavirus it's called 19 dumb [ __ ] there's more than one type of coronavirus god you're dumb it's copeland brand you could buy a brain at least with all the anyway i this i'm just [ __ ] on him now he used to he first wanted to be a movie star huh again the he has a lot in common with the who's the scientology guy l ron hubbard yeah elrond hubbard wanted to be a writer and a movie star and all this [ __ ] you know it's all part of the same personality disorder whatever the [ __ ] he's got it's got these delusions of grandeur [Music] it's a christian film by the way actually i'll bind you satan the name of jesus i by you have not done your tithing sir out of my way i have to say this shit's pretty badass [Music] laser not this time [ __ ] watch this [ __ ] jesus christ we love you god how does sci-fi work with christians this and then he blows his head off which is super weird see you through and get on your knees in the presence of the prophet god get on your knees and suck my dick i receive you lord jesus i received he didn't get on his knees now don't forget to do your tithing what is this armor of light man they keep coming commander wait he's been super kids this is a dangerous mission but i knew my covenant brother would come is everybody [Applause] [Music] i mean it's just the same i love puppy and if i can't handle this he's just more recent bangers he's still at it the rally the rally l.a i need you to come to the house no he's a godfather quickly yeah he's like an ex-criminal he's trying to change his ways that's bendy's family he's trying to do a godfather voice he's coming into my podcast and trying to talk about father fights that's respect we say people do what a word oh [ __ ] has really got that hip hop in there [Music] the winds that are changing we need to be watchful bro shouldn't you be helping with homelessness [Music] what i actually have some personal experience with this i think eric roberts um is in a lot of debt it's sort of like okay i wonder if we could get him yeah we absolutely can i worked on a short film with him give me a price it's his day rate as of like three or four years ago was a thousand a day no show up to anything well clearly yeah yeah that's awesome i like to just get a like menu of like cheapest celebrities david's i was in a day that's like a [ __ ] that's like a i mean a good director gets a thousand dollars a day or like a decent director like anyway i will not hesitate to silence you i will take you out he is coming so soon sooner than any of us there is no power on this earth why didn't even china do an accent he doesn't blink bro this guy would win against shoe nice for christ's sake and a noble contest so is this it we did it amazing how dare he come into my house and try a godfather accent i am the godpapa i'm shocked kind of but especially with the stuff let me ask you do you do your tithing i do no no no no no this is different taxing is for the government this is for god do you give ten percent at least go back somewhere no no no no this goes back to god you can pay for roads and government is not your source jesus is your source you gotta do the marinade at temperatures like the mirror in there you wanted to do the spaghetti with the meatball without any meal now [Laughter] forget about it huh and there's an email in your email that says you were right about tarantino dan don't worry [ __ ] i'm blocking this person [Laughter] hey dan i emailed you seven months ago during the keemstar drama oh i'm a big fan of tarantino my email's out loud the logic that death proof doesn't count because it's part of grindhouse is nonsensical excuse me max as you yourself said on death proof is one of two shut up max i gotta say ethan you get so passionate into the arguing and honestly dan gets dragged into history you're both kind of like really passionate well it turns out i was right but i my argument was wrong i think what are we talking about we're talking about kenneth copeland this is not a podcast this is a closer look max i'm just blocking max don't try to email dan again i blocked you i'm just kidding thank you then all right well i hope that was entertaining let me know what you guys think i think i like this format better than console card it's just more loose and open formatted and it's just not the content card thing is come on um that was a lot of information i what were you impressed yeah i mean we really got him right yeah yeah ab and the guys did some good ground work there send that to hbo if you're documentarian out there i'll find you hallelujah can you make a film for like i don't know a thousand bucks we'll get eric roberts to harry roberts who's that the actually we've just talked about it he'll do it narrate it right well i think he needs help i don't think he can produce it himself you guys figure it out all right so today so this comes out and then we'll be here on friday no we will not we have we'll be here on thursday thursday yeah oh yeah thursday so wait today's tuesday so this should be out on wednesday okay and then after dark is on thursday because something's happening on friday i don't know if you are you talking about we already talked about so is going to get her genitals scraped i don't know no you're i have a procedure it's yeah anyway it's not a big deal well i don't want people to think it's worse than it is they're removing it's polyps from your whatever okay you have a doctor's appointment yeah well like you made it sound already the worst way possible no it's just normal [ __ ] we're trying it's stuff for for helping getting pregnant we already talked so that's on friday so we're moving after thursday so let's get them so we're doing tuesday wednesday thursday let's get after it nice oh jesus jesus so in short kenneth copeland's a dude she's a con man that's a call yada yada 10 so i'm just saying 10 is the least i could ask if you guys would just give me 10 of everything you make including you guys by the way who i pay i want 10 percent back it's awesome all right hope you guys enjoyed we'll see you nice when we see you whenever that is okay god ass bless
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,036,581
Rating: 4.8833585 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, kenneth copeland
Id: MHYpRIt7o_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 52sec (5272 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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