The American Meltdown - H3 Podcast #230

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Classic Ethan looking at nudes of his soon-to-be sister in law on stream.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 62 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Wear_A_Damn_Helmet πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sorry being a self-centered jackass , but I'm afraid my country is next with this madness in 2022 (brazilian presidential election)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/olaveiras πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

H3 is ahead of their time in the sense that they can find the balance between being funny and being serious, but still being right. It seems nowadays everything is so depressing, but they called Trump and his supporters on their shit while still being funny as hell.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ieiaorgana πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anyone else see the onion in mace lady's towel??

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dinglehopper21 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I agree with everything Ethan said and I REALLY hope more of these scumbags are arrested. However, it was weird seeing him saying the 2020 riots were only people stealing diapers, and generally dismissing them as not so bad. According to the FEE (Foundation for Economic Education), the 2020 riots caused 2 Billion dollars worth of damages and also 19 deaths. He was right that the 2020 riots were primarily an emotional reaction to the murder of Floyd, while the Capitol Hill riots were cold and calculated. Especially considering the symbols of hate that were used - Confederate flags, Noose, and the giant cross (which technically wasn't a symbol of hate because they didn't burn it, but the implication was certainly there).

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jamesicy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I feel like Ethan should make an anonymous Reddit account, and just get into some political debates or something. Because he overall has the right ideas, but he's definitely just missing a lot of BIG details at times.

I mean, if you thought Trump seemed okay until the "both sides" deal.... Really? Not when he called the Mexican immigrants "rapists, drug dealers, and some I assume, are good people"? There's a million other things, but that's how this guy STARTED his campaign.

Not to mention the completely horrible life he lead before being in politics. Trump used to be a registered Democrat, and he was HATED in NYC, his hometown. Because everyone knew how shitty of a person he was. Everyone knew people that he ripped off, or things that he had done. His family is notorious for it. I mean hell, Woodie damn Guthrie wrote a song called Old Man Trump. About the racist owning and rental policies. Wikipedia Page about it

The Mitt Romney thing is a bit shaky too, honestly. "God bless Mitt Romney" is a bit much. Although I do give him some credit for standing up, he definitely went right along with the rest of the GOP and nominated a new SCOTUS judge before RBG was even in the ground. And this is after Mitt and the rest of them said "We won't let a president nominate a judge in the year before an election" to Obama. How they were setting a precedent, blah blah. But of course they were lying. As always. Mitt included.

The truth is that... Mitt is almost definitely trying to pull a Nixon. After a failed attempt, run later on and win. He's trying to be the "I told you so" GOP candidate. Although I do believe to some degree he truly doesn't like Trump.

I just think, if Ethan and Hila are going to talk about politics (which I'm totally fine with), they have to be a little bit more on their toes about it. If it's your bread and butter for part of your media brand, then make sure you know how to spread it right. Is that a saying? Probably not. But it is now. Regardless, I think Ethan and Hila would legitimately benefit if they were talking to people anonymously online in any sort of debate situation. I think all famous people should do that a little, just for perspective in life.

On a side note, it's been so weird seeing some people hate H3 because they're liberal, then I'll see people say that Ethan is some alt-right guy. And they just straight up won't believe me if I show anything to the contrary.

Anyway, I get that this wasn't originally supposed to be a full political episode. Shit got real out of nowhere, and instead of just aborting the show, they went ahead. Which I respect.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/appleparkfive πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Non American here, so could be totally wrong myself... But did Ethan keep confusing β€˜pro-trump’ supporters/rioters with β€˜antifa’? For the last few years, I was under the understanding that Antifa stands for anti facism are anti-trump.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/themadtit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

D'angelo Wallace's only fans comment was pretty bizarre and disgusting. Correct me if I'm wrong, but he's basically saying that she's not worthy of being talked to as a person and no one should collab with her in a capacity where she...gets to speak. What the fuck?

He acts as if he's doing people with mental health conditions a service by making his video, but he's basically advocating for those people to not have access to any platforms that usually everyone has access to + his video was monetized. What a fucking joke of a video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/there_is_always_more πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Is this one going to be on spotify?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Onthhunt007 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
in five four three two welcome everybody to the open uh sedition and uh the eve of the civil war podcast um we were actually sitting down to do a normal episode that we had planned here and i just been watching the news and like pretty disturbing stuff so i wasn't really just prepared to come sit here and talk about that jeffree star apparently gave kanye west a blow which is shocking by the way almost more shocking than the news but not quite there let's talk first about the news and then [Music] so this is really impromptu live but uh we felt like this was the only way to do it so what is happening is that basically magda country spilled out they stormed the capitol and um they're basically rioting they spent the past four years crying about protesters and rioters and people taking these during football games and now they're literally riding and destroying the capital i love it trouble and you know trump is sitting at home with a bag of popcorn just washing it being like this is this is this is good they love me they really love me um he's such a he really at this point i mean at this point can someone just walk him out and just be like yo it's time you're done you're fired there there's literally over 3000 americans dying every day there's hundreds of thousands if not millions of vaccines sitting unused in shelves because there's literally no leadership yeah i know that this guy is out on the 20th but every single day now at this point that he stays in is is killing americans it's perpetuating the spread of kovid and it's eroding democracy and now this whole this whole the maga the maggot right of 2021 is uh is the cherry on top their shots fired they're breaking here let me anyway trump apparently put out a video after being silent for an hour let's watch the video i haven't seen it we got a video yeah this hit this was just issued eight minutes ago i have not seen this yet i know you heard we had an election that was stolen from us how do you know what's happening how do you expect people to respond okay and you know the problem is that when you it's it's not only donald trump's fault it's every republican it's every media personality that perpetuated this absolute lie that the election was stolen you could not you can't you know i was watching the georgia runoff yesterday and they showed polls that seventy percent of white voters in georgia think that the election was unfair and how can you tell these people when the country is being stolen from you that the election was stolen how can you tell them to step down these uh well i don't know what else he's going to say but this already is not helping i love this yeah five seconds collection and everyone knows it especially the other side dude you're trying to de-escalate de-escalate de-escalate de-escalate get the [ __ ] out you're trying to go on the escalator you have to go home now we have to have peace wait wait how are why are they supposed to go home and have peace when there's literally what you're saying stolen yeah uh what how is peace possible when like if you believe that the election was stolen like that how is peace possible right right because that what he's saying is that they've committed a grave act of treason and stole the country so how if you believe that can there be peace he also knows exactly what he's saying you know in between the lines he when he's he's like yeah i do genuinely think that he's happy this is happening yeah we have to have law and order we have to respect our great it's too late for that people in law and order we don't want anybody hurt it's a very tough period oh yeah and by the way i know i'm sorry sorry i keep pausing but [ __ ] this guy [Laughter] you know they're all about blue lives matter and [ __ ] and then all of a sudden they have one clash with the police and they're burning their blue lives matter flags it's like these guys are literally hypocrites made of [ __ ] uh they're made out of sawdust they have the backbone of sawdust they have one spout with the police and now they're burning their blue lives matter flags and by the way these people out there these mega people are out there as if like there's been black activists gay activists who have literally not had human rights the right to vote the right to get married and have actually suffered under real oppression for years and these [ __ ] get are under this assumption that the election was stolen and now they're storming the [ __ ] capital like as if like they don't understand what real oppression is like i understand if your life sucks and you're you you don't have status you don't have wealth and and that because class class issues is is the biggest problem i think in america right now is that you're poor and you don't have any hope and any chances but like that's not what this is this is just i feel like they all just feel like i'm the big boy i'm going to grab my gun and i'm going to show them yeehaw squeal this is mega country now the earth was created six thousand years ago and if you don't believe that you could say hello to my shouty that's his shotgun there's never been a time like this where such a thing happened where they could take it away from all where's the part where you tell them to chill you from our country this was a fraudulent election you he is so insane play into the hands of these people this is basically a call to more violence so go home we love you you're very special you're very see what happens you see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil i know how you feel but go home and go home at peace go home listen they are evil they are so bad they did steal the election this has never happened before they are utterly evil they deserve to die but go home i think what's just so dark about this is that we just came off of the whole black lives matter protest and we saw how those people were treated stopped and they were actual peaceful protests killed manned it's just so painful and these magic guys are literally storming the state capital and i i just can't stop national capital thinking about what it must feel like for a black person to be watching this a white guy can just go in there with a gun and a confederate flag and be like yo i'm just i'm just a peaceful guy look at me mom i'm sitting in the i'm sitting in the uh the house leader's chair they broke into nancy pelosi's office and left a note for her what's going on ian what's the update because i heard last night the national guard was being called in uh yeah they're they're deployed as of what like 30 minutes ago or something is there any compelling video should i put it on not yet i sent you a video of the crowd if you wanted to just come okay keep me updated let's let's see what's video of the crowd let's see what's going on out there and i love they all have their maga flags you know exactly who they're doing this for this there's there's no way to spin this or to twirl this around this is trump's army this is his mega army attempting to overturn a fair election i love it why what are we waiting for if these were black processors there'd be blood in the streets it'd be biblical wouldn't it and that's what it said there'd be that's in this [ __ ] what's so sad about this country i just there'd be body parts under the treads of tanks what are you supposed to feel like in this country as a black person when you're treated like that and white people don't that's just insane i mean there's not even gas being shot you know there'd be gas blue lives matter oh [ __ ] the police he's like excuse me you can't come in [ __ ] the blue lives matter flag's on fire [Applause] this is like right now ian pretty much uh i mean yeah within the last you know 40 minutes or so boy yeah they've infiltrated every basically every area of the capital they're in the senate they're in the house they're in the speakers they're in all the offices there's like priceless art there that i'm sure is being vandalized and destroyed there were shots fired man you know i didn't actually expect this i thought it would just be just throughout this election on election night and everywhere it's always been like everyone's kind of expecting this but it never really went there and um and so i was kind of expecting more of the same of just like hey you know but this is this is crazy i mean and you know trump basically there's this great uh this trump tweet from basically while all these riots were happening i'm not logged into twitter uh damn donald trump twitter and he basically was like we need to hang the vice president well listen let me let me tell you mike pence who has no power to stop this at all trump has been preparing to throw him under the bus basically and throw him to the wolves for months and he can't mike pence cannot do anything and so i don't know why trump keeps hitting this home like he he wants people he wants he's trying to get him assassinated and now finally on the floor while the riots are happening he says mike pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our country it's like mike pence is in the building where there's rioters breaking in and he's basically saying yeah you could you could you could kill him he's a coward he doesn't have the courage to do what he had to do i mean this is dangerous [ __ ] am i am i overreacting no let me answer my own question i think he's got to go i think trump talked to the president that way yeah [ __ ] you [ __ ] you dude you're not president for much longer and hopefully not any longer after today somehow i doubt that but it shouldn't be is anything else in here i should watch ian oh here's the last thing on our discord just in case you guys were wondering so yeah so ian just let me know if anything i'm just sending you you know stuff that's being sent to me um it's a video of cops taking pictures with protesters oh let me see that it's in there it's all in there it is because it's just it's kind of hard to differentiate because it's all just maybe you should you should fish it out you know where where is this happening oh here and this is our discord chat i'm writing little descriptions under everything you don't see cops taking selfies with protesters inside the capitol it's just oh i see a whole mess of out here let's see cops really taking selfies with protesters are you [ __ ] kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me hey what do you say i mean what can you say this person is a writer oh my god they're a writer why hey cap hey calf hey calf hey let's be on disturbing by the way give his badge number 1828 not that anything will happen probably get a promotion wait i think i see in the chat it says baked stop being a [ __ ] that's probably baked alaska's scream you know that guy i mean i've heard of him what about him oh that's his stream i'm inferring that from the chat that was on screen so what's more unbelievable all this or the fact that uh jeffrey starr apparently had an affair with kanye west i mean it's a really close one i mean unexpected maybe jeffree star is more on unexpected yeah it's definitely more unexpected this was very expected yeah jeffrey starr broke up kanye it's rumors and i'm just gonna say that ian what's the chance what's the chance that jeffree star gave kanye blowy i'm not really buying into it you don't believe it jeffrey also tweeted today going i'm ready for sunday service which seems like he's playing into the meme a little bit okay but he went to wyoming for sure he wrote in the lyrics that he sucked congratulations well if he's been in wyoming then he must have [ __ ] well why else do you well to be no i mean i do as silly as that sounds why would jeffree star go to wyoming i have a top sample sticker on my shirt here um sister i don't know i think that ian is a little bit compromised on kanye stories i'm just saying the person who's started this rumor licked the toilet seat because she said kovid was getting more attention than her so he also doesn't have the greatest track record if i may say who what does that mean the person that started the t that's going on well well i choose to believe it but they're definitely getting divorced right ann i just saw yesterday an article that they're getting divorced right also hasn't been confirmed yeah i saw i believe you know what i i'm so over kanye i just feel bad for the family and the kids you know but the good news is ian you have a chance with kim now i am very happily in a relationship right i forgot i forgot wait we were saying he lives in wyoming jeffrey he has a house no he's not hey since when does jeffrey live in wyoming does he have another house i think he purchased a home yeah yeah he's definitely having an affair with kanye anyway you you bring me updates as they're happening but this is disturbing stuff man i don't know how we're to go to inaugurate inauguration i think he needs to just get the [ __ ] out you know it's funny i was watching fox news i can't believe what i'm seeing this is just such a dark day it's like you spent the last months crying non-stop about how the election was stolen and how it's a fraud and how we need to investigate of course this is you're reaping what you sowed and seriously everything that's happening is on the hands of all these people that bought into this pure [ __ ] fantasy that there was anything but a fair election there's no evidence none but can you just find like 12 000 votes somewhere okay um you know this reminds me like when you quit a job but you still have to do like two weeks and every day so oh trump so painful yeah he hasn't been doing anything he literally he doesn't do anything we have a pandemic we have a vaccine you know what the vaccine reminds me of you know it's like all these pro-lifers that go we we advocate for every baby's life the minute that baby's born they can [ __ ] starve i don't give a [ __ ] but while they're in the womb because you know they like they don't give a [ __ ] about welfare and poor people right and social services so they're like i want this baby to be born into this totally broken [ __ ] up family makes sense so so what what it is happening right now is uh what the vaccine is like they fought so hard for the vaccine and now that it's here they're like i don't care what happens to it um do you not think the fall of democracy deserves cracking open a beer cheers from ireland cracking open a beer probably does cheers from ireland also we got uk person here what's going on he's like oh nothing well here let's do a recap because a lot of people may not see can you send me like some key pictures and videos in so we can kind of show people what's happening because there's been a lot three why aren't you calling the rioters terrorists well yeah i mean rider is pretty strong terrorist right they're right well terrorist i don't really know i don't and you couldn't i guess they are theirs i don't like them that's for goddamn sure [ __ ] them dude they're terrorists [ __ ] them dude okay we got all kinds of media let's explain what's happening here so ian can you explain i don't know if you're doing stuff in chronological order if you're just sending me [ __ ] that's happening now i need a little more explanation i'm just giving you live you know you just said live links um and a little description in there trying to keep on top of it so is someone gonna okay so this is from one hour ago they're trying to steal it they're talking to themselves they're like stop the steal what do we do we're chanting stop this deal and we're trying to steal it their heads are going to explode from the irony yo i want some historical stuff so somebody do that who's doing that what kind of stuff i want stuff that was leading up to it i want stuff that happened so people who don't know you got a historical like paul revere stuff like that no there's a bunch of links in here here the one that i just linked is uh you're all linking in the same chat it's impossible to understand what's happening here i mean they'll okay maybe just click let's just go one by one open the links this one has um this one is the cops uh letting them in to storm the capitol building police are squabbling with protesters oh there we go they let them in did they just do that because they didn't want to get stampeded and they just reached the capitol again bro what what i'm not sure that qualifies this squabbling i mean so i guess i can understand there's only like five cops there why is there so little [ __ ] security here that's what i'm saying the mayor of dc asked for national guard to be there because they knew this was going to happen there's literally i see four prepare for this i'm assuming they just let them in because they didn't want to get stampeded and they just reached the capitol again um apparently pence unfollowed trump on twitter what is that the level wait is that real somebody fact check that so pence i will say because pence was in there and he's getting thrown under the he's getting absolutely thrown on the bus by trump um and so i'm not surprised that he's just over this whole charade of acting like but he was inside there he was he was ready to get hung up he said peaceful protest is the right of every american but this attack on our capital will not be tolerated and those involved will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of law the violence and destruction taking place at the u.s capitol must stop and it must stop now anyone involved must respect law enforcement officers and immediately leave the building it says he's still following him yeah i've seen a lot of big other big creators like our friend james charles tweeting about it but what [ __ ] idiots just check it before you tweet it dumbass james charles by the way dumbass i'm not logged into twitter so have a hard time navigating tweets but let me look at what james charles is tweeting our friend in the beauty community not mike pence on following and changing the header of what the [ __ ] you talking about he said he changed the header to biden and harris is he kidding no he did he did change it to biden and harris he did yeah i'm on it right now i'm on his profile what oh he did what that's that's that's that's mike pence yeah that's mike pence in his wife i was like that doesn't look right god you people are so cold like why would mike pence do that like the nation is in crisis and he's on changing his header on twitter like i was like bro this country is more [ __ ] up than i ever dreamed if mike pence is on twitter right now changing it better it's priority return of the jedi moment right there like you coming back oh my god people think he did unfollow but then we followed sorry that's not what mike pence is thinking about right now i guarantee you there's no chance that he unfollowed and re-followed welcome to the misinformation of our life donald trump's about to put a press conference out lis mike pence unfollowed me on twitter and this is an act of of uh of treason mike pence is a big friend yeah there's this one i don't know people are saying he did unfollow him a few moments ago why would he unfollow and follow i've refused to believe it he has a personal account as well oh good there's uh joey cam grants so i don't know if you guys saw there's somebody who stormed the capitol and sat in the chair and cam grants put joey sells ping in his mouth you know joey salads would be in that mega group totally and he might actually do that because you know he's attention yeah that's awesome crazy jesus top is like almost too real cam grants is a legend he's so good oh wait joey got banned off at twitter that's right i was like i'll go check his twitter he's gone she always lost it all right okay so wait we're having okay we're getting oh there's articles of impeachment being drawn up now excellent from elon omar donald trump should be impeached by the house of representatives and removed from office we can't allow them to remain off it's a matter of preserving i mean i agree you know what okay check out what ivanka said oh ivanka oh let's see what this dumb dumbs up to send it by the way if you want a picture of nepotism and [ __ ] like you have no business being governed you're the daughter you're the president's daughter like who the [ __ ] are you to talk about anything anytime the president's children open their mouth to say anything i'm like who the [ __ ] are you look how beautiful she is have a quick update james charles deleted his tweet yeah okay good there you go peaceful protest is patriotic violence is unacceptable must be condemned in the strongest terms so what am i okay but you guys are they continually encourage these people but then they say like oh what happened i just was unacceptable i just spent four years talking about how yeah the whole government is rigged against us and they're faking elections if that's true if that's true then how can you not justify violence right yeah if you're if you supposedly want it was stolen yeah if people believe that's true except no one has confirmed that like literally no one [Music] i mean the georgia state is run entirely by republicans you know what i mean pennsylvania i just dropped you a link i guess uh they are busting out the tear gas now okay this is what i want to see this has been waiting for these [ __ ] to get a little [ __ ] real treatment here chaos in washington wednesday as scores of supporters of president trump tear gas on capitol hill let's go why does every maga bro look the same elections police fight clones they're like storm troopers government buildings to be closed as protesters you know what's funny man i was watching this they're all walking within the [ __ ] ropes like the vast majority i was like yo just put red velvet ropes out front they wouldn't cross the line look how polite they are inside after riding and breaking in closed as protesters marched through the halls of congress the chaotic scene the viking guy was the guy that actually got into the uh seat that joey was photoshopped in yeah i saw that guy at the uh at the you know it's great i i really do believe all these people are going to be arrested i hope so because they're all they're taking photos they're putting it on the internet it's like you're going to jail you're going to jail the chaotic scenes came after president donald trump addressed thousands of supporters near the white house and someone monitoring his baseless claims what's up with the chat yeah chat being chat trump was the best exclamation let's get them to call in i want to talk to them i'm serious you're you subscribed to spam pro you just paid me five dollars to come spam pro-trump chat that's amazing please more pro-trump people come pay me to spam i love it oh my god that the election was stolen from him due to widespread fraud election officials of both parties and independent observers look how dirty this guy's beard is put your beard bro bro you got more problems than democracy being stolen you got like a whole meal in your beard election officials of both parties and independent observers have said there was no significant fraud in the november third contest which biden won by the seven million votes in the national popular vote the unprecedented security breach forced both the house and the senate to stop proceedings temporarily suspending a last-ditch effort by pro-trump republicans hey ted cruz [ __ ] you should sit in the chamber and greet your friends who you encouraged ted cruz is spearheading this whole dumb [ __ ] thing to to protest the election yeah go sit in there and greet your friends these are the people that you that you encouraged man ted cruz is really such a piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] that guy dude al franken has the best saying about ted cruz he says when i was in congress i liked ted cruz more than most of my colleagues [ __ ] i always [ __ ] it up no he hated yeah more more than his colleagues and they all hated him no no no i liked ted cruz this is awful yeah yeah no it's awful but it's so good that that it's really not that good i think it's so good but i can never get it right you're just saying basically everyone hates me everybody hates ted cruz but it's funny that way he says it somebody looked that up i did i like ted cruz more than most of my other colleagues like ted cruz and i hate ted cruz thank you great al franken everybody we love to hear it hey dan that's not bad vice president mike pence who was there to preside over the joint session of congress was escorted out of the chamber by capitol police as a safety precaution there has been tear gas in the rotunda members of the house were urged to take out gas masks secured under their seats and to be prepared to put them on as officers stood at the doors with guns drawn to prevent any protesters from entering meanwhile outside of the capitol building body armor-clad members of militia and far-right groups filled the streets with some chanting pro-trump slogans and clashing with the police this is a city-wide courtroom well what does it mean when you bring the confederate flag to are people so [ __ ] dumb so can you explain to me like it's just plain racist right that's what it means the confederate flag uh i don't know so yes i think so the confederate of the confederacy broke away from the america yeah because america basically there was there was a lot of friction between the north and south the south was all plantations and slave ownership and in the north there was like a huge movement to liberate slaves and it was all industry and so there was all this friction growing like slaves would run away to the north because they knew they'd be safe there and the north had a policy of not returning the slaves to the south so there was all this friction over that and ultimately the south decided to secede from the nation they said you know what [ __ ] it we're gonna go make our own country and abraham lincoln was like nah dude that's not how this [ __ ] works so they went to war and basically it was um over slavery and to preserve slavery for sure so what so you know the confederate flag represents not only slavery but full-on treason against the american government they lost they lost their traitors they formed their own union they lost the war they wanted to tear america apart and they got [ __ ] owned by the north and uh so when you fly the confederate flag you're basically bottom line you're racist you're you're extremely racist i mean the flag to african americans is just a symbol of oppression there's no other way to interpret it because i saw people say like the fact that the confederate flag made it inside yeah that building is just it represents a return they want the confederacy is all about uh slavery for sure you know but they're also [ __ ] traitors that openly rebelled against the american government you know so there's that oh confederacy is is trending let's see what people are saying about the confederate oh here you go trump and what do you need to know man like if you if someone like this has my name on a flag i'll be like yo that guy's not with me he said he loves them and they're very special they're very special you got to sound bite that zack they're very special you got it they're very special find people on both sides stand back and stand by remember that right this is what they're doing they're standing back and standing by oh boy this is why confederate statues should be removed their [ __ ] traitors they don't deserve statues bro they're part of history not statues are meant to be celebrate or are monuments of reverence to be celebrated [ __ ] confederate generals should not have military bases named after them they're [ __ ] traitors we don't make military bases and named after timothy mcveigh he's a [ __ ] they're [ __ ] traitors bro like it's oxymoronic it's it's it's so stupid that we even tolerate this weird reverence to confederacy and confederate generals and [ __ ] it's just it's it's insane you know people tried flying confederate flags or putting up monuments to confederate generals after the civil war they would have been [ __ ] put in prison dom fox heritage unbelievable man [ __ ] the confederacy come on pig we down here yeah that's that's going in the history books yeah that's what i saw people say like this is an image they didn't think that's going in the [ __ ] history books they really love their vests this is a really good caption he says during the four years of the civil war the confederates never got closer to washington than fort stevens until today when insurrex's supporters of donald trump paraded through the u.s capitol building carrying the confederate battle flag we love you you're very special yeah shit's crazy just in awe i i i wasn't gonna be able to do a show today because i was just in front of the tv and i was like well we're gonna just have to go live and talk about this is there anything else what is this one is this what i just watched i don't know if you guys said there was guns drawn there was definitely someone shot we were watching the news live and they brought some woman we saw the video yeah they just like it was on live we can't walk they were not even talking about the image and they were talking about something else and on the screen you see someone like fully bleeding from the neck yeah it looks like they were dying tons of blood everywhere i was like what the [ __ ] is that i just watched on this live feed and they're going on and on prattling about some [ __ ] i'm like uh what the [ __ ] was that it's probably good that they don't to be honest well they didn't rile them up even more supporters of president trump stormed the capitol hill in an attempt to force law i think i just watched um we got here amir i'm from a third world country and this still looks really bad god bless the united states of america leader of the free world in every possible yeah earth's reality god help this world is led by us we ain't the leaders of the free world anymore uh no i don't think so i don't know who is should have a college historian on the phone to explain the confederacy well i think much more than slavery sorry wrong it's [ __ ] slavery it's not there's nothing i mean i mean i think we got the general idea i don't need a [ __ ] historian bro trust me there's [ __ ] racist pieces of [ __ ] that wanted slavery they don't want to be told what to do by the north you return my slave there yankee so i can bring him home and give him 20 lashings on top of what ethan said it's so ironic that those traitors support the confederacy and trump and they both yeah they can't is anyone tired of winning yet are any of the trump supporters tired of winning yet they lost the senate they lost the house they lost the presidency he is such a [ __ ] loser trump literally ruins everything he touches yeah whiny little i'm tired of winning ian just put a pretty good clip in here thank you ian what do we got here protesters have breached the capital they're outside the senate is this oh this is the whole thread that was the first moment they entered yeah there was a video i don't know oh there's a video i just see pictures here might be down this one here well there's a lot of stuff from igor here so yada yada protesters are on the third floor of the senate walking door-to-door where the [ __ ] are they oh that's really cool that reminds me of like knocking on the doors where the [ __ ] are they yeah i don't think they hung around the confront [ __ ] maga country beautiful though the chambers are really nice in that nice floor nice roof all right if you go down just one or two more on the thread the the video or here's the infamous photo of this clown hey everybody get my face on picture i'm going to jail i'm sorry but this just shows like trump being such a weak leader i mean these people shouldn't be able to get in there first of all well it doesn't matter if they're in your favor or not he literally he literally i know that if he cared he would have put people there i know i think he thinks this is good for him but it to me it just looks pathetic this is the downfall of trump yeah this is it doesn't make you look good no you look like a weak leader all the people that were tiptoeing towing the line behind him just [ __ ] cow towing to all of his magga supporters because they want to get reelected nobody's been able to defend this anymore yeah here's a video jump he blew it [Applause] you look pretty ballsy man at least that guy's got an american flag no you know what i mean if i could give him some credit but it's like look at you guys what are you doing it's so ironic they literally lost your mind they wanted to they wanted to lock people up and what did they say when the looting starts the shooting starts trump tweeted that out because people were like stealing diapers from target and this is bad this is fine it's crazy dude we love you we love you especially very special okay great so here's the scary moment when protesters initially got into the building from the first floor made their way outside the senate chamber [Applause] we love you you're very special we love you you're very special oh why is there one there's like yeah this poor dude these officers [Music] dude it's one cop bro just like you guys need to be prepared dude just just save your ass yeah why are you chasing the cop back the [ __ ] up dude there's one cop i mean what is this failure this is such an embarrassing failure dude this guy needs to go to jail wherever this psycho is yeah you have a bean bag in the [ __ ] face you probably have a bullet in his hand he was really sad to me i feel like the officer had to put his mask on down because he has to yell part of his self defense oh yeah of course i mean like might have gotten culvert too on top of everything dude this guy oh my god what the [ __ ] what do you want dude very special guns out dude guns out [Music] this is so stressful yeah day of wrecking will come is this what papa was talking about he knew every papa knew everything damn what else igor's got some good [ __ ] what else you've got for us what's going on igor igor oh this was his last tweet i actually just sent you a video of um the battery ramming the door down oh can you find me the video i saw them erecting a giant cross can somebody find me in that video it's just so odd i mean is that some clan [ __ ] or is it just like weird well like why did they bring a giant unless they start burning like they brought like a hunt like a 500 pound cross like this enormous piece of wood here [Music] [Applause] i'm just so happy that there's a trump sign on it and everything everything is plastered and trump just so you all [ __ ] finally know that there's no doubt left who these people are i don't know they still doubt they're they're apparently nc found undercover yeah i i saw no people are saying it's antifa yeah yeah all those people are antifa [Laughter] these don't look like antifa these are mega boys through and through they got the doc they duck calls in their pocket they got the suez no people aren't saying that this isn't they are definitely saying people say that on twitter yeah i've seen there's oh no i can i can't do that i can't even do that that's not antifa we sent you the cross video it's in the discord i can't you gotta find me antifa stuff i i can't what's like what's all these usual suspects who are always [ __ ] defending trump and saying it's a steal like crowder and ben shapiro saying uh good question let's see what mr shapiro has to say ben shapiro what would ben shapiro say about this right now whenever i type ben shapiro on twitter the suggestion is ben shapiro wife what is that i don't know is it a parody account here what is it oh here here's an ass p word is this so you're telling me this is antifa that antifa brought a 500 pound cross from washington extra hard here i mean who does this this is next level psycho [ __ ] this is what jesus would have wanted jesus told me to storm the capitol now let's light it up and show them whose box [Music] free victory victory they're bringing christianity back baby i'm tired of this war on christmas that's right the war on christmas has gone too far so i brought my own 500 pound cross now jim bob where's the gasoline we're setting on fire now suey [Laughter] oh yeah we're antifa by the way for sure bill montgomery who no do you have any food how do i follow that can you guys stop saying call joey solids call joey salad that's not happening it's like the jaw rule meme what does joey salad think about this at a time like this joey's always gonna say this is not false advertising uh yeah this is um i don't know i wouldn't call that protest i would call that trade trader traitorism i would call that a false advertising no now's another time ja rule meanwhile in los angeles trump supporters are holding a rally at la city hall um what the [ __ ] does that have to do with anything so they're in support of what's happening i'm assuming yeah well at least they're not at least there's just standing there and that's fine and i don't think it's good that they're they're supporting what the [ __ ] going on in the capital but it's saying multiple fights are breaking out yeah and that was not really the time because what they're saying like okay protesting is obviously fine but when there's when what's going on in the capital is going on it seems like they're out there supporting it which obviously is going to be inciting a lot of people to be angry at them i mean it makes me angry to see people out there [Music] it's kind of like you it's just like look you can't prove anything they but they know everything they cry about antifa for years and look who's antifa now look who's the actually no look who's the [ __ ] they're just the [ __ ] they're just the facts i like someone who's saying it's antifa and discord you found someone oh let's go let's see okay here's a looter stealing a post that wasn't it it's the link above that that was a funny picture it clicked and getting a shot tear gassed and thrown in on massive wait wait wait oh right yeah look he's like hey it's nice to be white it's a nice podium what a great photo why are you looting why are you looting the capitol i love how he's just smiling like he's like hey you know where to find me my mom is going to love this podium yeah yeah the uh the link right above that one is the uh dante for conspiracy yeah and it's uh it's quite a take i gotta say all right let's see the hot juicy yeah uh the right okay this is awesome let's see riot shields are dead giveaway this is antifa i find out laughable that anyone's calling these people trump supporters laughable that anybody would believe these people are trump supporters this is a quarter of a million follower account saying this by the way that guy's not antifa bro that guy came out of a swamp to be here you know what i mean i find it laughable anyone believe this antifa oh yeah he's definitely antifa bro look at this guy this guy just came from a clan rally bro i definitely had t for boards trump supporter would never do such a thing now light that cross on fire that we brought that 500 pound fraud oh someone said uh cynthia said that quest is literally what the kkk does yeah that's right that's a pretty clear picture of who these people are i agree that seems very clanny to bring a crush and erect it i mean that seems very clannish like who the [ __ ] carries a 500 pound cross like that's straight up you've got the confederate flag you've got the giant cross i mean the only thing you're missing is the robes here sticky torches and tiki torches as they all know all good white supremacists carry tiki torches can i get a come on now piggy [Applause] yeah that's definitely in tufa i'm sure the comments are good on this yeah i'm sure at tfed its finest man it's crazy i love it this guy's going to jail well i don't know i don't know because trump thinks they're very special he's not going to be president for much longer you're very special he's like i love this image just trump you're very special it looks like he just received that compliment like he's just so happy to be looting the capitol go ahead trump tell him what you think you're very special he's beaming um we love you you're very special a super chat saying ben shapiro retweeted your boy dave portnoy wait what did dave fort noise say let me get it you know i love him let me meet some dave portenoid 95 percent there's some horrors in this house i'll give it to you right i also linked to video they're starting to use flash bangs let me watch the capital good also um golden girl in super chat said you see in most videos that most don't have masks on of course not only does most news outlets got their face on camera but they'll be complaining when they get sick the people who back the blue are going to be arrested by them um they don't block the blue after today i'll tell you that they really thought the police were gonna like throw down their weapons and be like we're staying with we stand with the confederacy now light that damn cross on fire boys oh there's no sound i guess yes give them the treatment these are rioters send these [ __ ] back in you know i i've always felt like new years doesn't start until january 20th because there's just too much tension there's too much [ __ ] i just want trump and all this [ __ ] people to shut the [ __ ] up sit down i want trump gone january 20th then we can actually hit this ground and have a fresh start i just want someone to actually be in charge to [ __ ] deal with this pandemic all these people are angry because of the pandemic that trump has propagated and mismanaged there's literally millions of vaccines sitting on a shelf now they say i'm immune [Applause] that looks like a bunch of antifa to me bro it's laughable that anyone doesn't realize these are all antifa [Applause] let's see what portnoy pork boy what did pork boy tweet so ben shapiro retweeted pork boy who said 95 of people in this country are normal i mean sure the extreme right sucks and stream left sucks both sides why are we trying to do this like all sides yeah like now why are we doing all sides right now both sides filled with lunatics crazy and morons almost all politicians are hypocrites who manipulate these idiots for personal gain and no i won't run for president i'd rather trust me nobody [ __ ] wants oh dave dude you host a podcast with an 18 year old child you're nobody's trust me nobody's looking for you to run for president dude now is not the time for this all sides [ __ ] it's so [ __ ] disingenuous yeah let's just talk about what's happening it's not all sides are you know what i mean like you're right that all sides have lunatics inside and crazy people this is not all sides moment nothing the left has done pales in comparison to all this [ __ ] it's [ __ ] outrageous it's like that's the only you know this is the only way that people like ben shampiro can like admit that what's happening is [ __ ] up they have to do all sides it's like yeah mega is storming the capital and looting it and violent but all sides are crazy so i'm not gonna i can't just criticize them i have to criticize all sides so they can say [ __ ] face it's funny how he talks about how they manipulate idiots for personal gain what the [ __ ] is ben shapiro and all these idiots doing they literally can't who cannot openly criticize rioters right they spent their whole career talking [ __ ] about writers and now that it's happening it's all sides it's all there's some horrors in this house yeah there's a [ __ ] in this house ben shapiro you [ __ ] you little weasel reading that it was mike pence who uh authorized deployment of national guard trump that's awesome because it just i mean awesome in that it shows what a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] trump refused to issue the national guard that's the report that i read that i retweeted it seemed from official source that people were calling for the national guard to come in and trump refused it and then pence had to step in how's that even real i think you should go to jail he's such a corrupt [ __ ] there are no lives in my canadian city protesting too for some reason someone said the canadians was like damn this ain't nothing to do with y'all so secretary of defense confirmed it was mike pence not trump who authorized appointment of national guard i mean wow [Applause] what does that mean that trump that mike went behind his back because like doesn't does he have the authority to do that unless trump's been like you know what i mean yeah exactly uh trump is busy watching the news not now mike i'm watching the news the acting secretary of defense confirms it was vice president pence and not trump who authorized deployment national guard damn that is a stunning development stunning yeah really yeah what to make of that so the report i read was that everybody around him in his cabinet was begging him to issue a stronger statement to issue the national guard yeah they said that on cnn they said that there were he's just watching the coverage and um because it's all for him his team is asking him to say something stronger like to ask them to leave the building and he refused they all allowed this to happen you know so if pensa did that it could imply that he's been like removed right it does it does i mean yeah there's that implication because there's like the 25th amendment they can they can do an emergency yeah they can essentially so but the fact that that pence did that is curious yeah he doesn't have that authority really and you know putin's watching like this is it baby this is the best day ever let's go look at this tweet i just sent jaw rule we got your rule oh god this is perfect on my way to dc to sort the [ __ ] out what [ __ ] yeah ja rule what oh [Laughter] he said it's not fraud he said the election is legitimate he's um well it's just false advertising right right i would call that uh false advertising capital building with weapons drawn on trump supporters that breached [Music] i'm taking off the screen because the video we saw earlier of the girl getting shot was at the store really yeah i didn't show anything no i'm just i don't know where that video is going oh it's done that's it okay yeah that's not fraud i want to accidentally show that thank you dan you got it you got it dawn i mean seriously is this not enough to just walk him out of that office i think it is now when his own vice president is like yeah this guy's sipping diet coke and eating french fries and i gotta call into troops that's just i don't even know what to say about this is historic you know nothing like this has ever happened what we're witnessing now is history in the making right now this is never nothing like this has ever happened and so i think we need to appreciate the moment we're in this is history right now now let's light that cross on fire yeah boys yeehaw now i love it has jeffree star said anything yeah what's jeffree star saying about all this it's not a why it's too easy or maybe i'm wrong yeah it is jeffree star has said i'm ready for sunday's service from two hours ago i find it funny people were just tweeting as if nothing's happening like people are like hey yeah check out my uh here's a cute picture of me and my dog uh dude would you let uh zach would you let jeffree star give you a blowy no no look at this comment i thought kanye was bipolar not bisexual yeah well apparently he's i could see i see can seek on you goodness i can dude all right what do you think about this whole kanye stuff ian are you still on board with kanye i mean what's going on you've been off no are you just off or like what i'm just going to keep looking for news updates really no comment here's a video uh can you send me this video cops helping mega down this the steps this guy rex chapman what was that what are you huh oh it's zack so apparently they said on fox news unlike the black lives matter protesters there's no vandalism other than the breaking into capital other than the ones they're really smashing the windows and taking the podiums and you know oh my god it's in the it's in the chat there's that's incredible news oh here's another good one from deaf noodles ian you should check all that [ __ ] hard-hitting reporter deaf noodles i like deaf noodles keep the media coming so the cops are helping maga rioters down the steps to the capitol and this you know they're doing this now after several hours that these people have been out here uh let me let me help you down my lady oh yeah take my hand my lady if this was black lives matter are you done uh protesting ma'am okay let's see yeah let's let's let let me help you down the stairs now after several hours that these people have been out did you get anything nice any paper weights or pens or anything nice i'm glad you had a free victory victory victory victory let me help you out there man excellent i hope you had fun don't forget a commemorative pen out of nancy pelosi's desk maybe a podium just sent you a pretty juicy clip oh my god the one ian just sent here i'm gonna open this they record george floyd's death at the national capital city church these are nazis exercising their white privilege to show how much they really hate us so what is this they're reenacting it oh really wow they're reenacting what george floyd yeah these people aren't racist what the [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] this is this just makes me nauseous i know that this is very serious but can i also ask what is this person wearing why are they leopard print vests they love their vest dude why are they so angry i just don't get it why are they so [ __ ] angry like who why would you celebrate another person dying i just don't get that so here was uh by the way is this um this this lady is this the weird q anon lady who's this lady because she was giving some weird so this morning as the writing was starting this lady was out here praising hitler listen to her this is a congress lady bill montgomery who uh was uh instrumental in getting turning points up and right hitler was right on one thing he said whoever has the youth has the future hitler was right really yeah why would you even quote me it's according to say what whoever however youth has the future she couldn't find someone else on one thing he said whoever has the youth has the future oh my god our children this woman just said why even bring him up yeah he'll be right on one thing wow that's all jews he was right on only one thing boys it's been a good run democracy has been a great one but here we are on the steps of congress our elected officials with here it is ready was right you heard it here oh my god this is uh mary miller mary from illinois so she's the one that was speaking yeah all jews all jews thank you keemstar hitler was right on one thing what was he right about gamestar death to all jews keemstar's very he's with it you know oh this is so [ __ ] depressing this is such a forced quote because it's such a common quote that the future generally exactly it's like you were just you really tried hard to bring up him whatever it's really not such a unique quote right it's a very basic concept to go to the hitler was right how [ __ ] dare she i'm sorry i mean how can you even have those words in any sentence that comes out of your mouth especially hitler was right just you know thousands of [ __ ] americans died fighting nazis oh my god dumb [ __ ] what like what like jewish ancestors like like [ __ ] you like seriously like [ __ ] yourself like that's awful you sound like antifa to me actually it does sound literally like antifa you and people i'm like every time i hear antifa anti-fascism i'm like i'm anti-fascism i am anti-fascism that does sound like anti-fascist hitler quote was not in favor of hitler what was that supposed to mean well okay [ __ ] genius she said he was right about one thing right why bring him up doesn't matter it's a very basic idea she communicated no you do not bring him up and you don't have the words come out of your mouth that hitler was right about anything that's just i'm sure he was right about lots it doesn't matter why bring him up like other people it's like saying uh ted bundy he said hello to me once and he was right about that ted buddy was right about one thing you have to be distrustful of women or whatever don't trust women you know it's like you you're normalizing praising hitler yeah he was right about this one thing and maybe this other thing let's talk about hitler and the other good things he's done mm-hmm maybe he's definitely all jews he was right about that and sorry about that maybe he's right about this shut up [ __ ] her and if you support her [ __ ] you too don't answer her because we need the revenue what she checked out a copy of mineconf what the [ __ ] is this what are they what is this white trash [ __ ] what are they smashing camera equipment from the news oh yeah cameron [ __ ] antifa i also smash everything inside they hate the media news media is this antifa it's like auntie for the these people don't understand they're such a [ __ ] hypocrites oh my god i could just die of the irony there's no vandalism happening all they did was break into the capital brother not a nightmare what's going on is there is the is the national guard breaking the [ __ ] up like what what's happening they have been called in i haven't seen any videos showing you did someone got the news open like a news feed uh i can let me open up uh all they did was break into the capital unlike black lives matter [Music] well uh there's a curfew at six it's 5 30 right now and so we'll see what happens 30 minutes that's probably when they're going to begin yeah exactly send aien to the capitol hey ian you prepared for battle air he did disappear i don't know where he went so oh can someone pull this video off could somebody pull this video of mitt romney being harassed in the airport from yesterday uh sure i'll try and find it he was just sitting there minding his own like oh my god i felt so bad for him [Music] is this interesting or no what oh yeah you can read i don't give a [ __ ] it's funny you are live making money off of this but you said silent when antifa and blm were burning cities down and destroying businesses what cities were they burning down i don't understand what the [ __ ] city why are you doing a what about like dude we weren't silent about those uh protests by the way we were very much in favor of them in favor of them of burning down businesses no not that of the black lives movement yeah he says burning down cities and businesses not in favor of that i'm saying we weren't silent about it but they're the [ __ ] they're doing is so greatly exaggerated why are you [ __ ] comparing them first of all thanks for the 5 dumbass and second of all why are you comparing them they're storming the capital can you just focus on that which is way [ __ ] worse than anything a t4 black lives matter did dude come on bro it's like anybody who's aligned with the trumpism they're just they're having like this terrible they're having to confront what this this terrible thing that they're a part of and so it's just turns into what about ism well you guys did this so now we're doing it sorry bro you gotta reckon what the what your people are doing i ain't [ __ ] responsible they were planning to take hostages wait what how do they know that oh they have zip ties oh my god dude that is so [ __ ] wait what is that for surprise for taking hostages oh my god you just posted that uh dc police say they've so far made 13 arrests 13 that's it yup well i don't know how easy it is to arrest people right now because there's like 10 cops apparently there's like 10 cops in the entire capital oh dude i'd love to talk to people who are like want to argue i want to argue with these [ __ ] bring it on dude got any callers that want to argue get on discord this is more significant than a city and comment to what the other person said also like dude you can't like okay like george floyd wasn't like antifa or any organized it was just a [ __ ] there was there was some rioting because people were so [ __ ] angry and that happened sometimes that was like an emotional response to this great injustice this is an organized effort to interfere with democracy like bro don't even [ __ ] talk to me about the whataboutism yeah shut up dude use your brain it's not the same thing the united states of cuanon look at that antifa man these guys all look like their parents are related keep referring to the viking dude as the queue shaman i i guess he's like a known figure with the queue movement or something this people are supposed to be taken seriously yes like i said they look like their parents are related trump is my president and my mom is also my sister yeah is that possible to have your mom be your sister i think so you think about it is my president not for long [ __ ] can we cut through again okay so so here's so i don't know if you saw this hilo this happened yesterday because mitt romney is one of the very few republicans who's willing to actually stick to his [ __ ] principles and be a reasonable human being and this is what it means to be a republican as far as i remember is that you disagree you have different ideas about how the government should be run in the policies of the government but you're a decent human [ __ ] being that believes in democracy and the american experience right and so now mitt romney because he's standing against trumpism and mega he became a target and people have been harassing him here at the airport this happened yesterday how you doing how are you doing don't tell me what to do please put your mask on it's it's required by law in this airport oh she's got no ice cream oh my god okay i'll tell you what because you know what i'm going to go ahead and do it because i'm going to have a chat with you why aren't you supporting president you support the things that president trump does as if he's obligated to support president trump is he's not you're not supporting him i'm sorry i do agree with many of the things he is for and i support those things are you going to support him in the uh the fraudulent votes this is the election no no why not i'm sorry can you say that again no not really it doesn't work for you the constitutional process is clear i'll follow the constitution and i'll explain all that well you haven't supported him and you didn't even support him in the election no i did not why um he just answered you you were voted in as a conservative to represent the conservative constituents how the constitution period it is you're voted in to represent us you work for us so am i wrong i work for the people of utah exactly and i am from utah well but you're not really one i voted i know there's a lot of people that didn't vote for you exactly you didn't vote for him so what the [ __ ] dude he won you admit it you know it you know it's coming they didn't want you in there anyway so to be honest with you i wouldn't be surprised if if you weren't even if you i mean i know it's weird to praise someone like just for i mean look when you're in a party that's been taken over by people like this i feel like we need anything anyone that will just stand up like a tiny bit it is going to be praised unfortunately it is courageous to do what was the bare minimum like you know we don't need anything so you feel like i [ __ ] i really appreciate romney i like mint i like him god bless him god bless that man in his magic underwear he's a warm he wears magic on the way he wears magic underwear what does that mean i don't know something mormons do they wear they wear magic underwear to ward off the demons or some [ __ ] i don't know god bless him right you weren't eating why is the people that call themselves the master race look like someone took a piss in the gym pool took a what in the gym pool a piece in the gene pool oh yeah yeah of course all the master racers look like totally [ __ ] inbred it's crazy so yeah so far the dc police say they've made 13 arrests oh god i live in seattle which is referred to as a burned down city yeah there was one day of looting and the rest was just firing on non-violent protests exactly that's what i'm saying seattle is one of these towns that was apparently burned to the ground by antifa there was people living on like one strip of street in this entire city it's really not burnt down to the ground dude it's really not i feel embarrassed i thought trump could make positive change the response is terrible by trump and it sucks that citizens could die tonight for that i just don't want to be grouped with this crazy people yeah i do think there's a lot of people that at that time there was a certain magic about him and a lot of people thought hey why don't give it a shot maybe maybe you could make a change i don't know i don't blame you for voting yeah i don't blame you for thinking that at the time you shouldn't feel guilty for voting for him it's like you just have to you just have to like be willing to accept that even though you voted for him the guy is just not doing the job and he's dan you know what i'm saying like you don't need to feel guilty for voting for him there's nothing wrong with voting for him he's a republican you report the rep you support the republican ideas i mean that's fine you know what i mean it's also okay to just say like hey that was a mistake you don't have to go down burning with this cold now you know because you voted for him and i'm glad i'm actually glad i feel like that's a great statement you made and i feel like that's just that's the appropriate way to respond it's like i voted for him he's not he's this is not okay and and and i no longer support him you know i mean you're not responsible there's all these [ __ ] people like ted cruz and all the people on fox news and all these media personalities that pretend these people are smart they know there's no fraud they know there's no [ __ ] fraud right it's these people the chair of the blame oh are you kidding me what else we got no news huh i mean are they still inside the capitol what's going on uh i don't know for sure but i think that uh i i saw a little bit ago just a tweet not a video that um swat teams were moving through can you send me a live stream i just want to put on like some news coverage and see what's happening live uh yeah one sec let's see swat team interesting trish is texting me oh let's see what you're saying i just sent you a news feed there you go and discord oh good hopefully we don't get popped yeah you sent me a news feed thank you let's see this time last year around the state of the union for a slim moment i thought that trump might have done some positive in regards to trade and economy but in the past past 12 months is completely blown yeah you know what like i thought so too like to give trump some credit his [ __ ] he china is so out of control and he did a good job you know reigning in their ip taking that issue head on with their ip theft and everything and somehow jared got in there and normalized relations with israel and a lot of countries in the middle east which is good for everybody but ultimately you know just been it's just i don't even know what's the word look he's proven himself so many times by now to support the wrong ideas to not stand up against the wrong people and it's just unacceptable at this point it doesn't matter if he had a good couple things that were good it just doesn't matter at this point he doesn't want to be tyrant he doesn't want to give up power he's done everything the first time that he really just i saw the evil in him was when the tiki torches came out and he said there's good people on both sides right when he didn't have a strong statement against that yeah i've never seen that i feel like you know in israel there's always things happening and it doesn't matter the leader has always got to be saying the right sending their good message a unifying good message standing up he's here against the bad people you know who the bad people are yeah and the fact that he couldn't say just a clear message that was the moment for me when i was like wow like that's just unacceptable the thing is um and it was a long string of doing that like shouting out the proud voice stand back stand by yeah and he was really just fermenting this he was building for this to happen and this is what he planned for if people dared to vote him out he was going to burn it down they have been told that the capital is now secure oh good side at least and that they should now get back to fulfilling their duty of certifying the 2020 congress is going to get back in certified entire capital complex is now secure that is pretty remarkable because there are an endless number of corridors and offices and nooks and crannies and hideaways that would need to be checked to ensure that where were these [ __ ] three hours ago inside this complex before all this [ __ ] went down we have been seeing images all day long of it's unbelievable that they weren't ready for it members whatever you want to call them toting out podiums we saw one guy with his feet propped up on nancy pelosi's desk oh yeah um you know so so people clearly sent you something pretty spicy got something coming in from dan oh no what is this a noose outside the capitol building well really these people aren't racist [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] just imagine like that's sad just imagine preparing for this like that's a lot of preparation of and thinking ahead this guy has an unfortunate last name to be tweeted oh no his name is john lynch john lynch you can't tweet about news you should yeah you should have sent this to a friend or something damn john lynch ugh this is so [ __ ] i mean look i just hope this is it you know my hope is that they had their fun they could cause their trouble they go in they certify the vote and this is it i don't know if this is going to be it though because there's going to be inauguration day trump's got to actually leave the [ __ ] white house he's got to physically leave the white house right that's a big if complex but uh i'm still tripping on this report that pence ordered the national guard yeah that really uh does not make sense i mean is he in charge now gathering in their offices every way you look at it is very disturbing to happen next the one person we haven't heard from at all is senate leader mitch mcconnell [ __ ] [ __ ] he hasn't come out anywhere and spoken on camera since his speech on the senate floor earlier this afternoon and of course we're all waiting to hear what he has to say and what house speaker nancy pelosi has to say about what's going to happen next we're just now hearing um some kind of announcement over the loudspeaker here in one of the senate office buildings it's a little bit hard to make out this is so dystopian and we're seeing individuals about this impending curfew but this is the first time we've heard a message like this inside the office building today you're in the russell senate office building nancy which is uh to the just to the north of the capitol um hey one question you mentioned we hadn't heard from leader mcconnell have we do we know that whereabouts of speaker pelosi and do we have any sense that you don't want to say where she what are you doing we have not gotten any information from their aides about where exactly they are where they were taken initially and where they are now look at this guy absolutely no information in fact you're gonna have to force me to move leader mcconnell you know where nancy pelosi is could you uh can you share where what address she's at yeah and what kind of security detail she has yeah office itself i think that there's no question that he we are now just ten minutes away from the dc curfew at six people the curfew's gonna be shit's gonna be crazy you can see the police all right let's check back in at seven apartment six six is the curfew yeah should we talk about something else until we have ten minutes until the curfew ends jeffrey kanye jeffrey kanye i mean the only the other biggest story in the country well you could go through those rare insults yeah oh yeah hold on nancy we've got to break away reports are coming in that jeffree star kanye west of blowy do you have more information about that olive garden wow sister snapped yeah why is olive garden trending hila oh i'm going i'm not talking yeah i saw it in the car olive garden right there oh yeah let's see what olive garden oh anderson cooper said they're going back to the olive garden and holiday end where they come from to discuss this i think he was bashing on him to olive garden people hate olive gar all right you guys want to talk about super coveted super spreaders or people [ __ ] on me on rare insults you know which one we want to look at we've had enough depressing stuff today you should read some uh comments i see a lot came in oh i need to someone read comments i mean yeah somebody should be looking at the comments i won't be talking maybe you want to read some comments yeah i have some ones from a little bit from earlier but uh read those amanda for 25 said send the f soldiers to dc miranda they don't want to deal with the foot soldiers but thank you yeah they don't want that smoke yeah uh miranda for 20 said i'm a psychology major and i'd love to talk to you guys about the psychology behind cults i feel like some of it really applies to the people who genuinely like trump well yeah i agree it's definitely very cultish sierra for a hundred dollars said thank you she's not here but like you're an amazing person damn she paid 100 bucks for that neil is not even here uh what you said was very true and thank you for keeping us in your mind it's disgusting what people get away with it's a slap in the face for sure we'll tell eva we'll make sure she gets the message um rebecca for 10 said i became a member today just because of this mayhem this is literally a sedation and an attack on democracy and they're calling it patriotism i don't understand those supporting this crap i think they're going to lose a lot of supporters today i hope i mean because look the whole congress was in there republican and democrat you know ted cruz had to slither his way out of there someone donate a hundred bucks and say they love you here i said ela you're an amazing person well you said it was very true don't need to tell me that [ __ ] thank you so much that's really sweet thank you i'm gonna donate 100 bucks you're amazing i'm gonna donate two hundred dollars you're amazing person yo donate for me dan markell for ten dollars said hi ela i love your hair color i'm going to try and get it that way any tips for that particular color i also love the teddy fresh um thank you i don't know here's a girl um i basically started with um it's really bleached like it's super light um and it was kind of too yellow on the top and then um i wanted to cover all the yellow and go gray and to cancel the yellow we had to put in it purple so it just became kind of like a mix of purple and gray and that's it happened to you i got knees we don't like the police anymore i just decided i don't like the please go inside i made it like a foot inside and they pushed me out and they amazed me oh what's your elizabeth i'm name knoxville tennessee and what's your address you want to go in last night it's a revolution oh really oh the revolution stops when you get a faithful amazing little bit of peppers you're ready for a revolution and you bitched out in a little maze man you [ __ ] was soft bro thank you what happened to you pathetic losers [ __ ] them it's a revolution they spray me in [Music] someone said about me hey abby keep reading the comments about like conversation starters you know what i mean not so much comments just if they have a point or a conversation or a question or something you know um but if you have more just just just read them out no a lot of them i had were about joey salads really what are they saying about joey everyone keeps saying uh get joyce out to go to dc and report on the situation yeah right joey would [ __ ] joe would make things way worse so you'd show up in like a he would find some way to make this way worse you know what i mean he would show up like dressed up as antifa and start like breaking kneecaps and stuff just as a social experiment so somebody said about me ethan looks like he controls the flow of cigarettes through a max security prison that's kind of a compliment that's kind of like bad that is i gotta say so funny well the no eyebrows definitely [ __ ] me up yeah but apparently people just were should i click the folder ian or should i just go through these do i got how many likes 17 000. oh my god what ian oh yeah you can click the folder if you want yeah okay so ian put together guys half your size or why i have a jet guys your size or why my ex-wife has a jet thank you that truly is the best that was one of the best burgers that was brutal papa john's that was brutal dunked on me dude i saw some people in the comments on on the comment were confused they couldn't understand the meaning oh because the meaning because i was i was he was calling me fat yeah i was like papa you sell pizzas you're the reason i'm fat and he goes okay well you know it's like guys half your size are enough to make me have a jet yeah and then guys who go your size there isn't my ex-wife also saying that i'm very fat i eat too much pizza i really like papaya come on papa you know yeah let's see ethan yeah uh ethan probably thinks the civil rights battle of our time is the right to all day breakfast after night 10 30. that's true that's [ __ ] up when you're pulling mcdonald's and there's no mcmuffin i'm ready to storm the capitol i'm ready to erect a giant cross outside the capitol we the man oh damn it come on foreign mcmuffins ethan looks like the egg that carried the virus in osmosis jones i don't get that reference i need to see a photo oh what the [ __ ] why is that such a rare reference oh my god you know that movie got such bad reviews but i liked it i think a lot of people like that movie yeah i remember i went to see it in theater and i was the only one there that's the only time it's ever happened to me i was moses jones yeah that's hilarious i think ethan got stuck in the feeding window the way winnie the pooh got stuck in a hole in the rabbit's house this might be true i left the feeding window wide open ethan is turning into the moon emoji oh that's true i gotta sue i gotta see the moon emoji moon emoji emoji this is me just a fat round face no eyebrows there's something about the eyes why does ethan look like a spy kid's two henchmen ethan looks like what gerd feels like true ethan looks like some eastern european low-level thug in a tech taken movie that's dope ethan looked like dave bautista's cousin with autism davis davis batista oh my god ethan looking like the simpsons fake michael jackson guy oh that's pretty good i look like like my neck is massive i mean come on guys i shave my hair and eyebrows off give me a break he looks like he has a manifesto true that's good he's built like penguin from batman return why has no one mentioned how ethan looks exactly like the bar woman in shrek oh my goodness oh yeah i've seen that that is really good that is so identical yeah it's crazy wow while casting directors i am available i like how ethan makes fun of other people's looks when he looks like he should be selling bootlegged dvds in a romanian flea market oh yeah this is pretty straggling so oh i see this is this is from this video ian or did you just fish this photo up no that's well that one's from that video yeah fair enough he looks like mar from home alone too when the pain fell on him and he was electrocuted yeah my hair was wild oh god look at that eh he looks like the full body manifestation of unwanted dick pic true that's really good that's really good oh people are saying it's curfew time curfew is up ethan has the body of a funhouse mirror windex bottle what very specific all right time to get moving boys the curfew's out lack of respect shown today for our institutions appalled by the reckless behavior of some political leaders that is a rebuke of senator ted cruz that's a rebuke of senator hawley am i incorrect in reading it that way i i just think that um and if i remember it should also be noted that um president george former president george w bush yesterday put out a statement that he would be attending the inauguration of president-elect joe biden a signal that he believes a peaceful transition of power should occur he does not put any weight into the trump is so [ __ ] dumb he wanted pence to just overturn the election what facebook completely deleted trump's recent video what was his recent oh the one where he was like they're very special special people really how about the leaders account i love you you're very special well it it it's it's contributing to the problem you just tweeted again one minute ago trump yeah exciting these are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory so unceremoniously and viciously stripped away from a great patriots who have been badly and unfairly treated for so he needs to leave go home with love and in peace remember this day forever he needs to [ __ ] be gone now these are this wow so he's saying this is this you brought this is what happens yeah these are the things that happen when a sacred land side election he's he's basically thanking them pretty much this is [ __ ] horrific wow go home with love and peace peace and love with peace and love i shall be arresting all rioters dude this is horrific warning you with peace and love this is [ __ ] this is just horrific ringo is warning you with peace and love area 51 is trending area 15 people are saying storming the capital building was like a million times easier than the area 51 except there was only like my brother went there there's only like five people there they're also saying we should sneak into area 51 while they're distracted this was pretty much an endorsement of the writing right which is just insane man he's such a con man he's just got to keep them he's got to keep them in the cult because he's leaving office and he wants their money he wants their money donations he just wants their money you gotta work on that 400 million debt dude this is how the gop and all these people supporting him really i you can't just pretend not to not to this is [ __ ] insane i can't believe this street peace and love remember this day forever damn thank you thank you gringo what do you think about this tweet the woman who was shot has so who was she what happened is there anything is there any info can you guys look uh she seemed to be one of the people that stormed the building and uh from the video that i saw she appeared to get shot in the neck so i'm not totally surprised that she that was so crazy they were just watching live and they got carted away and they were just like and then you know mitch mcconnell isn't that [ __ ] he was getting the scoop on this story looking it up too woman dies after shooting in u.s capital yeah basically she was shot when they were getting in the building right how dare they surprise i am surprised that not more people were shot to be quite honest well they're white um if there's any other statements by people i'd love to hear it man facebook deleted facebook facebook too mark zuckerberg's got blood on his [ __ ] hands [ __ ] mark zuckerberg [ __ ] him dude all these people have been flirting with this fascism and all this totalitarianism and now everyone's like so shocked that trump is basically openly thanking rioters frame antifa is the enemy of the state to openly thanking writers here we are folks magga this is what mag is [ __ ] unbelievable [ __ ] but that they were essentially using procedural blanks that it wasn't live ammo and his point is actually it was and you should have known better and not only were you in cautious but you are partially to blame for that which we have seen play out in the united states capital quite obviously a set of circumstances none of us in our wildest and darkest imaginings could have imagined one of the um one of the scenes that we saw today was not only members of the house but members of the senate on their knees with gas masks on with bags over their heads as they watched capitol police guns drawn trying to push back protesters on the phone is congressman congresswoman susan wilde she is a democrat from pennsylvania and congresswoman tell us what today was like for you it was a very emotional and difficult day it still is it possibly the most frightening thing that i've ever gone through in my lifetime and um it was uh a day that will will last in our memories for a very long time um oh my god that is so good for how it started how it's going dude that is amazing that pho that is amazing i can't like it i'm not logged in oh boy what a [ __ ] up picture look at this damn this nightmarish yeah it really is we love american democracy except when our guy loses the constitution the constitution says the vice president can overthrow any election he wants oh yeah so i was saying trump it doesn't make any sense he wants he wants the vice president to throw single-handedly throw out the election results and people actually support that notion what is the point of having a [ __ ] democracy when the vice president could just be like nah ladies and gentlemen of congress nah okay i guess he's staying like that what it means for the future assume the business at hand of approving the electors um i would like to see the objectives withdraw their objections but i'm quite sure someone on the stream said something oh she's like something about the tweet anyway let's see we have um you guys know that pope francis liked another model's ass pick as we wait for more news you guys heard the story about pope francis like that brazilian girl with the big ass and they launched this whole investigation and everything we're actually working on getting a stained glass oh that trump tweet that we uh read yeah twitter didn't remove it but they have uh locked it down you cannot reply retweet or like it well just [ __ ] delete it you [ __ ] yeah they did that with this video too just delete it then it's so yeah wait what is this but you can quote tweet it you can quote tweet it perfect good job i mean what it's the president like what are you supposed to do he's the [ __ ] president of the united states tweeting [ __ ] that here let me show it sorry he's the president of the united states quoting [ __ ] that's [ __ ] inciting violence so what are they supposed to do and he's still the president right so like on one hand it has this historical value he's the [ __ ] president right i know but everyone already got their screenshots we know the tweet happened it's just if you're gonna lock it just delete it and then same with this video yeah we all got a copy of it at this point so you're saying facebook erased the video huh that's what eric dr deng tweeted that facebook deleted it what off dude this tweet is like next level [ __ ] this last one very special very special man he's masked off today isn't he so anyway i was saying we're getting a stained glass window of pope francis the ass he liked on instagram and so it turned out pope francis wasn't done i mean look a lifetime of virginity you know gets you thirsty bro gross fancy's instagram account appears to like another model's racy pick this one here he likes thick women i'm noticing although he is he is uh he's latin american yeah he's latin and i know they like them thick down there he's like oh look at this i love this post he's like like to get a bite of that the way they edited it yeah so apparently i don't know if the church is even trying to explain this [ __ ] anymore you know what i mean the vatican said it was asking instagram for an explanation insisting we can con we can exclude that the light came from the holy see yeah somebody [ __ ] somebody was jerking off in the vatican for sure very nice let me look on my twitter because i feel like i've got a ton let me play this i'm gonna look for good [ __ ] on twitter because i feel like i've got vote we should once again just let everyone know that the dc curfew is now in effect the the law enforcement has enforced the securing of the united states capital uh you can see law enforcement has cleared the west front of the capitol they have been told that inside the capitol is secure and yet the lawmakers are still secluded and kept in this secure area although a group which we're not going to say republican senate objectors or those that we're planning to object today are now meeting separate from the rest of the senate they were being held in a holding room um we're getting pool reports of reporters who split up to monitor the place and one of them tells us that uh senators uh braun of indiana indiana cruz of texas josh hawley of missouri and others are meeting in a separate room together outside of the larger room with the rest of the senate speaking you think these guys love are they still gonna do this [ __ ] i feel like they do because they're like they're like so deep in yeah he's still gonna get up and talk about fraud and yet and yet the words it's like when you block in the poker game but you go all in right you're like i'm gonna lose everything and i should block yeah totally i've been there so many times institutions are traditions and our law enforcement he called this a congressionally mandated meeting of congress and that it should move forward and not be um be inflamed by falsehoods and false hopes in his words so the senators that ed just referred to have a very big decision turkey apparently uh who is uh basically pretty close to an autocratic country by ergodyne has made a statement erdogan air gowan whatever [ __ ] them he's a douche no matter how you cut it they're putting out a statement we are following the concern and international development happening in the united states we call on all parties in the us to maintain restraint and prudence this is coming straight from ergo de dong we believe the us will overcome this internal political crisis in a mature manner we advise all turkish citizens in the us to avoid crowded areas and places where protests are taking place you know the only time i've ever seen that is when we were in like thailand and that you the government issued a warning for american citizens to steer clear of protest areas awesome now that's america gotta love it eh are they fueling that which we saw play out unimaginably and grotesquely in the capital but couldn't they be fueling it if they don't do something at this point if they don't follow through with at least some of them these people come right back tonight and try to do it again yeah that's going to be part of the calculations potentially yeah there is a way to describe what would be happening i mean you thought about this crazy we now say that it has fueled something that we consider to be out of control and uncontrollable we are going to stick with the constitution we ask you to do the same and if you don't you will be in violation of the law and the spirit of not only federalism but constitutionalism and we new york times has some photos here observers in the capital donned escape hoods and shelter in the house as a mob stormed the building and breached the senate chamber oh god that must have been terrifying and they were like what is going on those are pretty sick not as cool as ours what's with the baggy that doesn't look that secure the contraption looks legit but what's with the baggy huh that looks high-tech man yeah it's interesting bro what the [ __ ] oh that's antifa you could tell by the bright shield oh that's true right that she has sadly passed and so that's crazy i can't believe we saw that has led to a confrontation with law enforcement and capital could have been worse she could have gotten one death multiple arrests and also multiple others transported to hospitals for a number of different injuries but we have that update for you at this hour there is also because of something from ian's coming in paul gosser trying to walk back his call for election audit who's paul gosser uh oh is that the is that the guy that had funny videos who's the ghoster you got back here's the guy where his whole family like made it yeah they all hated him oh he got ghoster yeah right you gotta go search right i forgot about what a ghoster is what was it his whole family was campaigning against yes this is awesome it's the best thing ever you got ghosts okay i said let's do an audit let's not carry it away here this is from three hours ago so this is kind of like early hour oh my god look at them scaling like goddamn z up in this [ __ ] look at these zombie ass [ __ ] rednecks bro the joker's there let's not carry it away here i don't want anyone hurt we are protesting the violation of our laws we are builders not destroyers black lives matter burns and loots we build no apparently not negative if anyone on the ground reads this and is beyond the line come back nice job goes there you save the day your whole family hates you yeah crazy it was awesome the gozer oh i don't know i'm gonna step away from this some guy chilling in pelosi's office this was good yeah feet up on her desk so disturbing i mean this guy's going to go to jail right you better support the president are seen sitting in the office of house speaker nancy pelosi and they and many others breach the u.s capitol on wednesday by 3 pm riders were using ropes and makeshift ladders to reach the north side of the capital although far more simply walked far more simply walked around the corner and reached the building's outer walls on foot that's funny they're like some [ __ ] were using ropes other people just walked i love it is he got a gun in his hand looks like a rifle where oh he's a rifle am i wrong it's definitely some kind of weapon i'm not sure i don't know if it's a gun or not that looks like a rifle could be like a monopod or something the top of it looks like a mount for camera to me maybe either way nice photo dumbass see you in jail [ __ ] idiot at least antifa knows to cover their face when they're doing crime that's the main way that you know it's not antifa right on issues like vaccines and the absence from this is the president united states correct that is why not he's the president he's been left out of this public statement illustrating the decision made by the vice president on this oh wait and that is an exercise of power to enlarge the law enforcement presence to quell this uprising the senior most member of the trump administration to ratify that was the vice president that gets us a little bit farther down the road operationally to this conversation we were just having about who's exercising power the vice president just exercised power in consultation with the bipartisan leadership of the united states congress and the chairman of the joint trustee just posted their nudes on twitter you gotta love that yo god [ __ ] me she's like totally i'm sorry trish about oh god she posted this on twitter i just thought it was oh my god [ __ ] dude you see that damn fans feed every day um i just think it's funny i just have breaking news trisha just posted her nudes on twitter doesn't she do that all the time well it's just a funny timing 25 minutes ago she's posting her news that's funny right breaking news that's all that's my point she's just trying to spread some love during this time right yeah let's see she brings more than love so united and sweet i just saw the pictures but there was planning i looked on the website of this organization to stop this deal to bring this protest which was organized primarily by women for trump is the primary organizing um avenue among many others i imagine that's just a fundraising vehicle for that particular group i kind of want to keep going to cover this but i think we should let the dogs out and get some food and stuff yeah i want to do like i don't know how do we wrap this up do you mind um taking the doggies out for today okay i just feel bad but i think we'll go to like probably 5 if that's okay with you guys because that's when we have to take theodore so i cannot go past five i'm right or die okay let's go to 5 a.m i would go live i would go all night if i could but we are hasan now yeah i am i am hassan hassan ain't [ __ ] i got a little head it's my head's smaller than his son back the [ __ ] off maybe i can go all night if he puts theodore to bed tonight i would like [ __ ] to go home at some point yeah well uh you work for me no i'm kidding yeah of course i understand but maybe you can just what maybe i'm sorry so this is historic it's historic no i'm just saying uh you want some food i could order you food uh i mean if we're really gonna be going for a while we should maybe you want hummus i bought hummus i love hummus okay we got some really good homes there's a place nearby that's off the chain let's [ __ ] go but uh it was here in dc where they'll draw a line they'll mess up and then you'll start hearing me move back move back and they'll establish because i want to hear apparently they're going to get in there and try to vote again so i actually really want to see what happens yeah that's what they said huh people away from the capitol him ask we need to go this way here you're going to hit a fence we're moving back here further back from the capitol uh you know these sort of things are pretty commonplace in dc where there's a demonstration and dc police need to move people around you know uh it's basically every day of the week there's somebody yelling at a building in washington uh so this sort of thing is is actually what the dc police know how to do they do it very well and they are they are moving the trump supporters uh mass you can see there are still some of the trump flags and things up ahead here that we're we're walking towards as we're being uh being moved along by the dc police and where are you right now chris national guard the dc sure so we are uh we're right at first and we'll be first in delaware or so right by the uh the reflecting pond that's in front of the west front of the capital um that's still pretty close to the capital got it still pretty close uh to the capitol but certainly backed off of the perimeter no doubt um yes absolutely and the crowd has gotten smaller nora i think that's important to note the dc national guard are on scene here we have people in military uniforms with shields that are part of this law enforcement action that's pushing that sounds like it's done there's right like i don't think they're gonna be able to now that the national guard's there and they got the riot shields there they got the big boys there now [Music] probably hopefully this is so weird guys it's so bizarre got down to the west front we were looking at people scaling the scaffolding up to the area where the inauguration will be that then led to people breaching the capital uh and we know that that once people got inside that turned deadly where a woman lost her life after being shot inside the capitol and just some remarkable images of capital police barricading the house chamber and with their guns drawn as people were apparently attempting to get inside the house chamber where members of congress were working uh you know and it has continued for hours now i want to draw your attention here in north carolina you see this in the discord sorry well the dc i don't know i didn't know zach was down there yeah i saw that little guy zach how do you explain this what are you doing dude oh cp how do you explain this guilty man got him you know i gotta go where you know chaos is all right tell me if there's any developments i'll keep i'll try i'll try to keep entertaining you know because we got actually a show here you know say what we're live right now god forgot yeah we're live dude we're not just sitting here watching the news james charles you guys want me to to slam on james charles and me the people always i mean look writing is bad but have you seen what james charles has been tweeting i feel so stupid now it's like the state capital is under siege and james charles just tweeted uh this seems so stupid i don't really don't even give a [ __ ] like seriously i'm talking about james having beef with this girl jen mcallister like who cares cause the [ __ ] here trump farts during call with georgia's secretary of state now we're talking business that's true you guys all heard this infamous call probably by now where trump is called to georgia secretary of state and he says infamously like all i need is 11 000 votes you know but did you guys know that on that call trump ripped ass what oh thank you this is perfect yeah he ripped ass he had a wendy williams moment what so here listen yeah no the guys found did you guys find her or was just going around the internet it had been going around but not that much yeah i haven't heard anything okay so he ripped ass on the call now listen closely okay first listen here to be able to develop no we do have a way but i don't want to get into it have we found a way another states leader excuse me but we don't need it because we're only down 11 000 votes so we don't even need it dan do you want a beverage i'm okay you want this watermelon drink you can have mine it's okay you want it don't you i i'm really okay okay okay drink dan it's okay so so listen closely he says right before he says excuse me listen no develop no we do have a way but i don't want to get into it exactly have we found a way another states leader excuse me but we don't it's very subtle now and it says excuse me so yeah now no zach you isolated it right correct okay now let me know warning he talks over the fart just fair warning okay found a way enough isolated i mean i hear it but like it's one of those things once you hear it you won't be able to not hear it what i don't hear anything just listen under his voice guys i don't hear anything really you don't hear that am i crazy does that mean i'm not totally surprised you can't hear it it's super subtle but it is there a minor fart issue that's not part of our case it's not part of we we just didn't feel as though we had any way to be able to develop no we do have a way but i don't want to get into it have we found a way another states leader excuse me because we're only down 11 thousand votes like we don't even kind of like yeah really gross found a way enough but yeah i don't hear it there do you yeah me neither i don't know why are you sure you got it yes 100 i'm hearing it every time i think i need more i need more people are saying that it's more really okay play it again play it again found a way another i don't know what [ __ ] i just heard it's like it's literally right on it what can i tell you i don't hear it i need more before and after try and give him a little i guess just give me a little fart i need some context do you hear this that's a fart that's one yeah yes zach i hear that okay great experiment zach you want to play more fart sound effects and see if i'm registering it well some people can't hear certain frequencies damn exactly you know i can hear that fart we played it a billion someone in the chest had boomer ears boomer ears [ __ ] you guys everybody probably it probably is easier with headphones which which i'm wearing right now and i hear it very clearly uh but give me give me a little before i edit it and this is important needs a little more handling country is under siege and this is incriminating we're putting trump on trial here criminal flatulence he's working on it i don't hear anything it's these speakers i don't have boomer ears come here to be honest i don't hear it either i only heard it in the full clip yeah yeah okay well everybody else can hear it but it's not that fun for me i wish i could hear him rip an ass it needs more zak more before and after more more okay i'll pull it give me a minute thank you chad's saying they hear it yeah i don't know yeah boomer ear is like a big [ __ ] ass yeah it's it's like distant but you can tell it's a huge fart but it's like far away it's almost like he didn't even try he was like excu like he just fought and there's a room he's in a room full of people he's awesome he just ripped ass i think he [ __ ] himself you think he should no it sounds really wet i'm afraid a lot of the chat heard me when i was doing the fake fart with my mouth because i think a lot of them said they are you [ __ ] it up baby i think you farted for real kim and kanye are divorcing yadda yadda drinks new haircuts pretty good you all seen this everybody was goofing on well i guess throw it up first and then all oh there's a new link by ian what do you got here for us ian good afternoon from washington state capitol building [Music] protesters are now standing outside of government j's mansion this is in washington state i assume oh man i don't know anything about some whoever's making those maga signs or making a killing how much you want to bet all those maga flags are made in china probably made a billion dollars [Applause] although i don't know if you there's another video that i've thrown to ethan yeah i can open that ela okay so you just sent me this is a tweet from july of this of last year anarchist agitators or protesters who vandalize or damage our federal courthouse in portland or any federal building in any of our cities or states will be prosecuted under our recently reenacted statutes and monuments act minimum 10 years in prison don't do it oh good i'm glad we have a lot that's applicable to these people at the same time only 13 is trending because only 13 people they removed this tweet oh they ran it they must be watching our uh yeah hey hey jack thanks jack you said only 13 is trendy yeah because everyone is like why only 13 were arrested wait you know they said there was for comparison apparently there was 14 000 arrests during the george floyd protests yep only 13 that's crazy these cops a lot of they all support trump i mean they're they're kind of on their side that's why they're walking them down the steps gently ma'am not all obviously but yeah taking photos and [ __ ] but i gotta believe it to see it let me go over to trump's twitter i sent his profile link that is gone wow so actually i'm kind of i'm kind of confused oh yeah no longer available i'm kind of confused about like how all these lunatics are gonna respond now you know because it's like now the censorship is real now what's really happening the overthrow is real what does it mean that we have a president whose tweets are so violent and reprehensible that twitter and facebook are deleting them off their platform what is like literally what not only that people are begging them to delete it i think their thought process and probably one that i understand is like if we erase it it's already out there it's just gonna drive people even crazier but at the same time it's like can you imagine if they just banned him from twitter he would lose everything twitter is like his whole world right oh man what a [ __ ] loser how the fart if uh hit me with the farts let's try it one more time okay i don't want to get into it have we found a way another thing i heard it i heard it that was a juicy one we found a way another state hit it now you want the full clip yeah i don't want to get into it dude it does sound like he [ __ ] himself so juicy wait mike pence's header changed oh it did change on twitter probably because because people were thinking it was uh he changed his banner yeah mike i need it right let me look at mike pence's yeah i just checked it look the same to me but yeah a lot of people are saying that no i see a different one you know what he has two profiles yeah people are probably getting confused he has two twitters almost all politicians have two because they have an official one exactly they have an official and a personal so thank you i'm glad he's not on twitter [ __ ] around this banner at this time yeah okay evidently he is the acting commander-in-chief right now so he's probably got more you mean just based on this yeah i mean yeah well i don't know yeah this report that i wasn't sure if you heard something it does it does seem to be more because it was just a few news sources but i saw uh uh what do you call it associated press and stuff confirming that he was the one to uh to order the national guard in so i mean the vice president does not have the power to do that yeah so that that is the vice president doesn't really have power to do anything unless the president's income stated so it's very telling have breached the gates of the governor's man mansion what now [Applause] i mean look this is this is this is reaping what you sell to fox news the news max to [ __ ] aon to all these personalities online to all the gop all the republicans the bow to him when you tell people that the election was stolen that it's a fraud this is what you expect to happen yeah and frankly if that is what happened this would be justified but it's not he's stealing that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the usa champs jesus [ __ ] rights [Applause] i mean on one hand it's like if they sincerely believe the election was stolen so they're you know what i mean but ted cruz knows it wasn't ted cruz a [ __ ] lawyer he went to harvard you know that with the harvard law he's very educated very smart he knows the election was legit right at the capitol on 9 11 perhaps pair back the number of states that they want to challenge and we need to run exactly what's going to happen when they're going to resume until those lawmakers have made their decision and conveyed it to the house speaker the first time i've ever heard dan using the best senate's republican leader mitch mcconnell you described how lawmakers almost fearful for their lives for their safety on capitol hill to see the sergeant of arms directing the capitol police with guns drawn to protect the house floor there and hearing from senator tammy duckworth today that a quick thinking aid decided to gather the electoral votes which now i understand are in that secure location with the lawmakers that's right and so if this process resumes again tonight they will continue going over those for certification documents and one by one confirming that either joe biden or donald trump won various states and then counting up those votes nora this is normally a routine process four years ago it lasted 35 minutes and the person who was presiding was none other than vice president she said last year democrats last year this lasted 35 minutes angry staffer go to oh i didn't send you a specific tweet um here i think you did i clicked the wrong thing this is a complete security nightmare in addition to the building being trashed who knows what was left behind by the writers of what was accessed on these systems whoa read that i am inside nancy pelosi's office with the thousands of revolutionaries who have stormed the building who is this guy to put this in perspective how quickly staff evacuated emails are still on the screen alongside a federal alert warning members of the current revolution who the [ __ ] is who is this guy elijah schaefer of course i don't know you should read this dan i'm seeing it right now yeah the cops just let them in someone said pretty much dude these people do not realize what they're doing you just took a photo oh i haven't seen that this is ten minutes ago send me that and what's his name elijah say for oh a revolutionary elijah schaefer some good [ __ ] here these people do not realize that taking photograph of nancy pelosi's open email is not a good idea [Music] here apparently is people trying to fight their way out of the capitol building they're crushing them looks like the revolution ended when the police showed up dude they are way too civil to these people [Music] this is so insane nightmare look at this special forces arrived [Music] these guys are not by the way look how bad i saw these guys look don't [ __ ] with any of them right and then you've got larry larry the mall cop larry come on dude just let the guys do their job larry and moe he's saying crazy well it seems to be slowing down the news doesn't it at least for now i mean which is good hopefully they're just going home it's tried to challenge the result president of the united states donald trump and this violence this grotesque lawless spectacle the united states capital is direct there is no ambiguity about that the president mere moments before this happened said in a speech to these very people that the election was stolen and that they had to at least we see him for what he is now inciting violence directly twitter is now just straight up deleting his tweets something has never happened before the mask is off everybody sees also pretty literally all these people don't wear a mask off yeah exactly learn from antifa now all you idiots will be in jail hopefully before trump pardons them all real quick i hereby pardon all the special people who stormed the capital you know i'm glad at least that it's made pretty clear to everybody it should be about what we're dealing with here you know if there's anything very special it's like you're debating all the time with people about who is this guy donald trump and what does he mean what's he stand for it's pretty [ __ ] clear now i feel like at this point this type of supporters that you see on there are like actual just cult members i feel like there's got to be a lot of his original voters that are seeing him for what he is i agree no no for sure 100 yeah i think it's i think it's overall i think that is a good thing i think that as i was saying a lot of the people who are supporting him are not going to be able to turn a blind eye to this mm-hmm you know and all these this is like a mag occult it's not you know not many people i hope are gonna like show up at the capitol ready to i mean how many people like 70 million people voted for him so only need a small fraction of people from that to get charged up do something about from mayor bowser that being announced from the pentagon the acting secretary noting that that was made in consultation with the vice president and leaders of congress notably absent from that conversation was president trump which has raised eyebrows but it looks now like this is going to move forward on on the capitol yeah there's still a lot of activity on the streets of dc please keep the vote there that would be so bad for some 45 minutes now so let's bring in cbs news chief justice and homeland security correspondent jeff piguets and jeff i know you've been there all day what have you learned you know trump's just angry that twitter erased his tweet that's all he cares about right now censorship big tech is censoring us that's the problem with america hey excuse me uh apparently chuck schumer said that they're planning to resume their counting at eight o'clock oh mama you know what god bless them that's heroic that is so um that's badass [ __ ] you we are finishing this eight o'clock what time is it there that's like an hour right uh that'd be five o'clock our time so yeah yeah hour 15 minutes i want to be there for it i gotta be there for it right i can't leave i think it's gonna be too long we're in so deep [Laughter] i mean i could talk let me kill some time here we could talk about uh drake's hair you know uh zach tell your uh p diddy story please we got a story do you want to look at zach's heart what is this yeah zach you have a p diddy star what's going on zach so i was telling ian um oh my right my my foreskin from my bris is in p diddy's backyard okay let me take that in for a moment so okay hold on let me you want me to explain or do you want to think about it okay so let me let me ask some questions here why where were you okay yeah let's start with what let's let's start with why okay so before p diddy owned the house my grandfather owned the house and i had my bris there circa 1997. they just throw it in the garden no they bury it like there's some jewish i mean it's almost barbaric you know in a way but you know it's cleaner um but we're discussing we're not here to discuss the circumcision so when i was circumcised they buried it in the backyard my grandfather passed away about 10 years ago the kid sold the house he wasn't my blood grandfather but my grandmother was married to him and who i referred to as my grandfather so it was this house and you know when he passed away the kids sold the house and um he did he bought the house and so my foreskin vis-a-vis peted his backyard and funny enough his son was in my graduating class and there was one time where because the kid was kind of a dick like i'm not going really if he didn't didn't raise him right huh so we got into it once you say i got my pee diddy in your yard [ __ ] got him um and um i'm like yeah well my [ __ ] foreskins in your backyard oh my god that's just like a weird statement like you're weird you could never imagine that was true yeah so my foreskins in his backyard i'd like it back you know there's procedures where people try to regrow their foreskin by like stretching it out and stuff yeah there's like contraptions that you put on your dick and you wear it all day and like stretch your dick skin to create a new horse no swear on swear on it uh a b are you circumcised that's arabs do that right muslims yes yeah we have so much in common i know i always why do we i know i always say there's no two people more similar but i'm gonna get killed now but it's true i mean just on the just on the papers like circumcised yes hummus yes big yes you know falafel yes need that go on although you guys love something that you guys love that the jews can't get down with it's interesting because i always see it on like um turkish tick tock and stuff is they drown me in cheese oh yeah they do yeah they yeah we do like cheese there's like cheese desserts yeah yes the dairy and it's the dairy and meat those guys get weird with that but yeah the jews don't get down with the dairy and the meat it takes some adjusting it's not kosher so we don't have that in common maybe but so much more you guys want to talk about drake's haircut yeah what is this why does he look like justin bieber there's no way he thought that looked good right like no way i feel like it's it's got to be for a music video or something like i don't think it's serious so but he he tweeted or he did a story and he was like vibes vibe check or whatever and people started clowning on me and he erased it so i don't know yeah the erasing the erasing is bizarre it's a straight smosh cut i mean ian you probably have some intel on this what's the scope i mean i i'm with dan i think it's probably a music video thing his album is meant to come out this month right why didn't he's called racist it's called certified lover boy that kind of explains the picture what a horrible name though isn't it i'm kind of cringy yeah yeah a little bit i hate it so much yeah he erased it kind of a ben affleck tattoo move right yeah and this this one's kind of unrelated this just showed up on my feed on tick tock and maybe you guys will enjoy it this is a dude on tv just wild bro he's this is in case you want to follow him his name is user2274609096292 his sim similar name to our uh our joe biden oh for real yeah he was also a user plus a lot of numbers he's pretty active on here all he does is make videos looking at the camera his name is muhammad oh that was good look at this every video is the same it's so epic he's so epic man look at this [ __ ] every time every video oh he's going to say something oh no he listens to country music i would never guess i would never guess he's listening to long-haired country boys who sounds kind of gay not that there's anything wrong with it but never long-haired country boys the name of a song it sounds like a you know what i mean someone asked that we talk about the weekend face makeup and i didn't hear about it so here's something if you want to look into it i thought this was just a filter and now it's for anyone who follows the weekend because i'm a big weekend fan i mean for a long time he's always every time he has a new album he kind of has a new theme so that's why the last awards show he was wrapped in bandages and this is for him too i got it but he's been wearing it for months no i don't think he's no he hasn't that's what the article says it's saying he's been wearing the jarring makeup and appearances for months oh yeah he had appearances yeah i suppose yeah he's just part of the album cycle yeah he looks good he's got that he's got that handsome squidward do you sin for the weekend too on the weekend my favorite artist favorite artist hands down yep huh okay yeehaw is that okay with all of you guys i have a problem i have a slightly different don't mind it just let me think about it yeah i'll think about it favorite artist i mean that's a strong statement to make better than kanye shots fired have you written a movie script about kanye or anything like that you mean about the weekend about the weekend well i was just yeah about the weekend yeah we know ian has order on the streets as this curfew is set in aura what's the music the gays thank you so much and thank you want to bring in o'keeffe and major garrett because what all the pundits are coming out i can't do it i hate when they bring out the pundits i watch the news sometimes and they go they bring out new people and they talk about the same [ __ ] all [ __ ] night it's crazy well i don't know if there's anything left else to say i think this is going gonna go over fine the next one i'm happy they're doing it it's pretty pimp pretty baller and i'm happy they're doing it you know i'll be watching on the news that's for sure yeah man this is gonna there's just gonna be a lot of interesting [ __ ] to follow because what's gonna happen with trump he's still in office for 14 more days oh charlie kirk i guess what this [ __ ] is saying well this is this is an old tweet but it's just it's pretty good this guy's such a piece of dog [ __ ] hey liberals do you notice that when conservatives lose races we don't riot scream smash windows burn cars assault people or need days off of work nice it's amazing how mature and civil conservatives are please remember this and take notes when we get trump reelected oh by the way he goes re-elected garbage that's beautiful yeah this was two years ago oh by the way so he's turning point usa that's the that's where that one congress lady was speaking where she said hitler got one thing right perfect it was his organization he's the guy with the uh with the little face small face big gums we love it folks here's another one of those types of tweets i feel that um this was very special so we yeah what's next live i hope i don't miss anything i'll have to jump on live again hey donald if donald trump were to lose he won't i love that oh and all their hypothetical situations where they're so gracefully they're so graceful it's always he won't lose and we will always win if real donald trump were to lose he won't his supporters will go back to work tomorrow just as we do every day when biden loses his supporters will likely loot and riot tells you everything you need to know well it's someone just from 36 minutes ago hey i mean technically they did go back to work the next day try it two months later it's a different story they're stealing it yeah there's gonna be a lot of there's going to be a lot of interesting developments this is going to be very interesting next two weeks because i mean first of all we're going to see how this vote goes i think it's just going to go peacefully i'd love to see if all these pieces of shits like ted cruz are going to actually still try to dispute the results you know that's going to be interesting to watch and then we got i don't know is he he's kind of just has to leave i feel like he's got to leave he only has two weeks left but the thing is if you impeach him he can't run again because i know he keeps talking about running at 2024. i don't think that's ever going to work because he's going to be so [ __ ] old then i don't think it will work again because he lost now and i think now the you know the image is just shattered especially after this it's not going to work again yeah the first time there was this hope that maybe you know it's like a gamble but now a lot of people know it didn't work you look so bomb your hair looks so great thank you i love how it came out and the sweater looks great you look really good people asked if we plan to restock it and um we will because there's been a lot of demand so there's gonna be a few pieces that we're gonna restock and i think that's going to be fine so um i guess that's it i mean i really do i think i think we've we've reached the natural conclusion of this we'll be back tomorrow live though we're going to do after dark so who knows if the country's on fire again not tomorrow night friday tomorrow's thursday oh right well we can come back tomorrow if it's all wild i was planning to work on teddy fresh well you don't have to be here okay we'll see how it goes hopefully i'm hoping we don't come back tomorrow we're on riot watch we're on civil war watch i'm scratching my head about this pence situation yeah like the weirdest part of all this time i'm honestly just gonna go sit in front of the news and read and try to figure out what the [ __ ] going on because trump still has two weeks in office and i'm not really sure how that's going to work yeah i mean there's a lot of people calling for him to resign and uh he's not going to resign yeah zero percent chance of that happening but i'm not even sure he's gonna leave in two weeks one way or another is gonna be taken out of there this was not helpful to him though this this was a disaster for everybody this is just a huge loss for everybody let me check ted or one more time before we log off twitter theater oh people keep asking about ski jacket says ab um the ski jackets we will have to bring back next winter because i think by the time we'll have it back it won't be cold anymore so um that's that but there's gonna be a lot of beanies soon we got some really cool beanies coming out in february i am for the record against fascism just to say that's good i'm anti-fascism for the record you can write that down ethan klein is against fascism and i'm not afraid to say it so brave it's weird though yeah it's weird what would it be i'm sorry the delay always messes me up i'm just saying people are saying this is historic people are going to use this footage whenever they talk about the first time uh twitter deleted a trim uh tweet is this the first time twitter's erased a tweet of the president or the president thank you so much the president only has two weeks left so maybe they'll just go on it maybe let's see let's see where i mean i mean who how do you top this it's going to be off the [ __ ] rails mike's got my glue all right well all right well thanks for joining us i mean this was wild is there any other comments you want to read before we leave um let's see i have a few of them they're all just pretty much thanking you guys people saying thank you thank you for coming on live for this it's really good to have laughs with you that's crazy i appreciate that thank you sam for us dan the head of national security nsc i assume his national security account stated he conferred with pence on the return of congress the capital head of nsc answers the president yeah i mean i feel like something happened behind the scenes and they're not saying because it would probably set people off way more right they might have it doesn't they might have pulled the plug on his on his power i feel like i really want to believe that because that's what should happen but i feel so sick yeah exactly after this year like nothing ever happens you know but it's like now when there's 14 days left you're going to pull the plug on and it's just going to make things worse and more complicated but this was a real i mean this was really wrong i agree on something then it raises the question like how does this happen like what i don't know what is the actual mechanism in which you pull the plug on the president the fact that he didn't bring that but do you vote like how do you the vice president with half of the cabinet can effectively depose the president wow if he doesn't bring the national guard like what are his priorities no i agree i'm just curious about the mechanic so i'd love to know if that's what happened there's a very specific uh there's a very specific method for doing it that's laid out in the constitution in the 25th amendment so if mike pence and half the cabinet is like we got to pull the plug and i think there might be some other parties that need to be involved but yeah it's it's for if the president has lost his mind and he's trying to nuke you know new york city or something they they have a way to overthrow him i could see trump doing that yeah i'm just using that as an extreme example but i mean like you said the vice president doesn't have power like he can't yeah command troops i don't know why the media's talking about it more because like because i i almost feel like they're afraid to because i mean that maybe that's really good i mean if that really happened that's gonna when is the media afraid to say anything that will just get them watches and clicks generally very responsible but somebody tweeted out that it was mike pence this this to me is the biggest mystery yeah it's very weird very weird let me see what's trending like i saw twenty-fifth and something like trending someone said i said you guys um made me feel safe watching this or something like that and he wrote he had to take down his pride flag oh that's horrible this is worried and that's so sad that is so sad dude yeah i i'm proud of you i love you you are not hated somebody said where is a b emote do we not have an ab emote i thought i'm sorry that you're feeling so you're feeling that i mean that's just tragic no we don't they always uh spam it i thought we i swear to god we made one oh maybe it's only in the discord and not on youtube yet discard we have yeah we got to fix that exactly we got to get the a b mode going fallout 3 is trending is this some kind of weird joke or we'll fall out three takes places oh my god there's pictures of fallout 3 in the state capital and it looks it's just like it's set in dc oh my goodness crazy well i didn't know what to say i'm i'm just hopefully the rest of the night goes good you know goes through and uh maybe we'll be back tomorrow if there's more insanity so just everybody have a good night try to relax everyone stay home and just stay safe yeah i wouldn't recommend going out just anywhere definitely not especially with kovid just just this every i feel like ultimately this is a turning point where everyone's going to see this for what it is and even the people who are republican who have supported trump of the republican party to this point are going to understand that it's time to put a stop to this and that this will be a turning point towards a peaceful transition and that you know things will start to get back to normal a little bit here so that's my hope i hope it's a nice calmer night and uh if it's insane we'll be back tomorrow and if it's not then we'll be back on friday live for after dark but stay safe guys okay hell of a year already huh yeah we're off to a great start to me this is still 2020. yeah like i said 2021 starts january 20th yeah this is part of the same [ __ ] of 2020. i'm not going to blame this year yet i'm not writing this year off yet it deserves a chance you know what i mean well we did have some good news with uh the votes so georgia yeah so i do think 2021 is it's got a good start oh my god oh my god all right guys have a fantastic night take it easy we'll definitely see on friday at the least okay [Music] four hours huh three three hours we've been streaming [Music] and just remember hitler had one thing right [Laughter] if i have anything to say it was that hitler had one thing right now you can definitely cut that up the youth if you got the youth you've got the future [Music] come on boys bring your confederate flag and you're burning crosses let's get them hey joe did you pack your noose don't forget your noose now yeah we maggot boys ain't nothing like antifa antifa scum wait nothing like that grab that podium oh ian has something what do you got ian something good uh trump's account will be locked for the next 12 hours [Music] where did you read that uh twitter lock them up give me that link give me that [ __ ] link locked out bro baby link me now that [ __ ] can't use twitter what a [ __ ] loser i don't like it i don't like it i can use twitter i foolishly started the music and it's nearing me let's just restart it it's a good vibe as a result of the unprecedented ongoing violence situation in washington dc we have acquired the removal of three donald trump tweets that were posted earlier today for repeated and severe violation of our thick integrity policy this means that the account of real donald trump will be locked for 12 hours following the removal of these tweets if the tweets are not removed the account will remain locked so he has to go in and erase it himself their race of shame go erase your tweets and shame [ __ ] i like that he may have that means that he probably deleted those not them the ones that we saw no they said they removed them they said they said we required oh you're right they said we required in the follow-up it says if the tweets are not removed the account will remain locked [Music] you think this was this happened and then he removed them no but this just they just tweeted this is did you guys see the one that says future violations will result in permanent suspension for real damage let's [ __ ] go dude trump without twitter is nothing do you understand how how nothing he'll be imagine him on parlor like oh my god i mean one more violation that's easy he does one like they like well they've never done this before so and he's done some pretty heinous [ __ ] oh and then it says future violations of the twitter rules including our civic integrity or violent threats policies will result in permanent suspension that's what we just said yeah can we just write that event try and keep up with the world peace did you guys hear that uh kanye and jeffrey star hooked up you think you think i wonder if jeff gives good um check back you know i've i've been giving links for three hours straight thank you yeah we're just giving a [ __ ] you've been crushing it yeah thank you thank you you take my job today you see it's happened to me get that mayo ian do you think jeffree star gives good neck nick let's just end it now is that the stream all right and then left here easy well there you watch tv i'll also be playing some now let's just send it okay and i'm starting the music all right back the second time round two round two of wrapping it up from tati thank you everybody for being here with us it was really nice that everyone that we could all do this together because i wasn't gonna do a show i was just gonna sit at home and kind of like rage or not rage watch but maybe like doom watch maybe doom watch so it's better to do watch together um someone asked what hair brand do i use because uh sincerely a girl who doesn't want to break my hair off so i have news for you my hair broke off last week and i got i'm missing a lot of hair on the back but luckily it's kind of hard to see because it was in the back but it looks so healthy it really does so yeah i don't actually know what brand i don't remember maybelline yeah i don't know that's just the one i always hear on the commercials it's maybelline maybe she's born with it is that the one where they're having orgasms in the shower no that's herbal essence [Music] and then they go i'll have what she's having right yeah i think so all right all right i'm ending it i'm gonna go have some dinner guys we'll we'll see uh we'll see tomorrow or friday tomorrow on friday god bless god bless super trooper nation foot army i'm ethan klein seven on wiki feet see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,337,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila
Id: MiJFpEbHRpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 0sec (10140 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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