Shane Dawson, Dr DisRespect, Tati Westbrook, Chris D'Elia - H3 Podcast #196

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I think the episodes without guests are better tbh

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 186 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/vybzDineroKartel πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The toilet paper convo fucking killed me

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 104 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EarlWolf47 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I suggest you guys don't skip the first sponsor block. Probably funniest part of the whole episode

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 85 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LaCipe πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is the first genuine interesting reaction to chris d’elia since the whole story broke out. Props to H3 here.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 67 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DiaA6383 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Shout out to Ethan for sticking to his guns on the toilet paper convo lmao.

Edit: Ethan: "wasnt there a movement on the internet to normalize pedophilia?"

Dan: "Yeah 4chan" Gold.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 83 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ExtremistHippo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

β€œYou gotta get that Kirkland 2 ply...”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/joyevangeline πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Favorite quotes include "Gotta get that Kirkland 2-ply" and "I f*cking love CostCo, it's great on the ass." Zach, on both counts.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gloomyrheumy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Props to Ethan and Hila for discussing tough topics with people that know on a personal / professional level. This esp was probably one of the best I've heard in months. Great moves Ethan; Keep it up.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fucktonythetiger πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

That ad read is gold

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/myko715 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
to welcome everybody to HT HT podcast I'm sure you all know that this has been perhaps the most dramatic week of all time and YouTube history things happened that nobody could have predicted they've all happened here this week we brought all the T out as you can see Lipton's finest I assure you that the entire studio smells of Lipton's finest tea room by the way is not a sponsor just a fan it is very good to you so we're gonna talk about all that stuff obviously thank you to day to tushy our wonderful beautiful sponsor and before we start with the tea actually you know a little current event T in our own life one of our teddy fresh employees tested positive for corona virus and the last two days has been totally insane of us trying to be like holy [ __ ] like our life flashed before our eyes yeah because we've we when the virus hit really hard we all started to work from home but slowly it's really hard to not actually work in the same space Dawn was lifted I mean lockdown was lifted and regardless we deal with it apparel you need to see it in person you need to design and review stuff in person so I've been working with him pretty closely and just a lot of people on our team have been working with that person pretty closely but we were wearing a mask the whole time and Dan was was dan you had a close encounter with him too didn't you mmm-hmm yeah just they needed some help in the teddy fresh office last week to move some stuff around so I was like moving heavy equipment with him last week so when I already infected so we were all freaking out and apparently there's a new test actually called the what is it called the antigen antigen test which is amazing you it's a no swab that go on your sinus which was a whole weird phenomenon by itself but they tell you the results in 15 minutes you're so great but there's so many people trying to do it like Ian how long did you wait to get the test yesterday I took me like six hours six hours pork Ian was waiting to get because we all had to make sure we were negative before yeah otherwise we're like you know wait so everybody is negative in a Teddy fresh and in the podcast room we were all wearing masks that is proof to you guys where the mass they work seems so we're still gonna be super cautious because there is more chance of a false negative you know a that's scary well I was scary things new testing no I'm my head in the sand to send a responsible message out that even though we tested negative we're still wearing masks out here when we're together back there and some of our people for example one of our employee is going to quarantine himself from his wife because she's in danger he's high risk she's got asthma so yeah it's it's serious it's dude when when the corona virus comes into your into your immediate circle right then it's like oh my god I had this I was like we can't work we have a babysitter right she's not gonna be able to and heard she has a high-risk dad so she so we're all super careful for her so are like okay she's not be able to come around us we're not gonna have a babysitter we're not to be able to go to the office drunk to be able to work at all cuz taking care of Theodore just alone is like a full-time job we're too [ __ ] we're just we're gonna be so [ __ ] for the next month or whatever two weeks that's just regardless of how the virus is gonna affect you - right and hopefully I don't die hopefully I don't also die because let's face it I'm morbidly obese that's a high risk factor and I think that's enough I don't know if I'm morbidly obese I don't think so I'm obese and just if you're curious the guy that tested positive does not have symptoms yeah what oh yeah he somebody told him he someone he knew tested positive contact tracer yeah I had a friend over yeah about twice and then that friend told him she tested positive oh that's when he went and tested right away he was positive and I will say congratulations to America for smashing yet again The Daily Record I think we got like fifty six thousand new cases yesterday so really at this point what can you really do except just watch the world burn I mean what the [ __ ] can we do at this point the country is literally closing its borders to us the world the world what did I say the country yeah the what yes the world nobody wants us cuz we're plagued we're plague-ridden society to understand that we have a plague here in the United States that every other wealthy country has now reopened their economy and they're just they're they're good they conquered it but we are plagued we are plague inc you know that game we are the epicenter of plague inc I don't know what that's not a good analogy because if this was a plague ain't the virus would be doing poorly because it's just infected the United States you know don't you don't know that game play game where you play as a virus you try to kill all of humanity you guys never played that for real I know of it I uh it's so it's so fun it is actually a really fun game sure you engineer a virus and you're to give it the perfect virility to wipe out humanity and and you get to like upgrade certain aspects like contagion faked like death fatality like how deadly it is how it spreads and you kind of got it because you don't want it to be too deadly otherwise it doesn't spread a lot right and so you have to spend your points carefully what kind of a nerd thought about that game I don't know but it's really fun I think that game was developed in the whoo-ha uh laboratory in China yes anyway that's our update you know what else was shocked the hell out of me was that I just we showed up on John Oliver Papa showed up on John Oliver let's pull this up watch what just get claimed watch us get claimed for showing our clip on his show watch it happen don't just wanna do this but they're gonna [ __ ] clancy brown glynn promise yeah and he only used that slur in the course of explaining that he doesn't use it and that's an argument he's tried to make repeatedly like in this interview where he attempts to prove that he's not a fan of the n-word in the weirdest imaginable way can i go to dinner somebody uses that word one time don't say now get up and we dinner then we have it we watch this show regularly and well I didn't I didn't people told me before I saw it people are like you're on John Oliver and I was like I was like I open a good way I don't need none all they're putting me on blast here's this youtuber age three giving pup John an n-word pass or some crazy [ __ ] who knows that turns me on yeah let's watch this again he's saying let's see what is his point here what is he trying to say about papa he just imaginable can I go to dinner somebody uses that word one time don't say the word and I'll get up and leave dinner I've done that response cuz I remember he goes he went if I go to dinner to someone and they used the n-word one time and I'll leave yeah and I said I don't I don't usually go to dinner with people that say the n-word so I was hoping you would exclude that but you know what Papa's Papa is just trying to clear his name here and let's see what John Oliver's point is Bert yeah nothing says I'm not a racist repeatedly making dinner plans with people who might say the n-word that's my joke you [ __ ] they watched the podcast took my joke and cut it out once they do in fact say it I didn't realize there was a more repulsive type of Papa John's dinner than this Cummings but it does your even know anything about pizza you've Creasy [ __ ] em all Pete is actually very nutritious that's propaganda did I say anything offensive do I need to back it up I'm only at I'm only saying coming from a dude from England I'm a friend of John Oliver so watch it I just don't think he's in the right to talk [ __ ] on Papa John Pizza I just don't think it's right and I got to stand up for my boy especially when they're gonna steal my joke cut me I ass out wait wait wait wait I thought we resolved this though and that Papa John's has fallen off a cliff in terms of quality because there's a pizza grading system and if you look at that that looks like a pretty good pie that looks like I'm not seeing even spread you see all those cracks where you can see the sauce popping well it's kind of like the picture it's like a bad end pixels he's going all the way up to look at the bottom left of that pizza you see the cheese move all the way up to the corner not a great pot I would eat that right I wouldn't eat that right now roof of that I think Papa will give that a 7 out of 10 I love pizza and I love people that's a pre it almost sounds like he eats people go ahead play it again I love pizza and I love people he eats people now we love Papa here friend of the show obviously but I would I think that's a good-looking pizza and I'm not gonna get stuck on this for too long okay let's move on so okay but there's so much drama to cover so there's dr. disrespects who was completely and forever banned from twitch okay that's one there Shane Dawson V Tati V jeffree star read the world v the world v family came down on Shane Dawson and then James Charles is just I think James Charles is just Kermit the Frog with T he's like he is Kermit the Frog from that meme you know what I mean because he's literally just chillin back yeah yeah and then there's there's another one oh and then our our friend of the show Chris D'Elia Wow that okay so before I start talking about the drama I want to say this emphatically okay keep me in check you look as we talk about these because these are people I think on the culture of Internet today and I'm guilty of doing this myself we tend to see people as villains and heroes and the amount of hate and vitriol and just the amount of [ __ ] you can throw on somebody is just so is so harmful and toxic that we have to remember that the people we're talking about today although it's a very polarized and serious situations are people okay and then there was another loss this week too right there was a brain ela there was a twitch streamer that tragically took his life he was like a big wild player I I wasn't familiar with him but Dan I know dance had told me he was quite familiar with them is that right Dan uh no I didn't follow him or anything I knew of him though because yeah he was he's been in the while community for as long as I can remember I've been hearing about him so yeah but to be honest I'm not super familiar enough to know why or what happened but but I know like he I think it was another issue of you know mental mental illness people were saying he was bipolar and and it's like people in the inner are just so [ __ ] cruel you know he tweeted out something about his ex-girlfriend him six months ago I don't think we said his name reckful yeah wreck falls Thank You Miriam and his name is Byron yes he tweeted out something to his ex-girlfriend being like I want to marry you and people were like clowning on him now obviously you can't boil down someone's I mean I don't think that I don't know enough let's say to just to know how much something like that actually contributed to his suicide so I'm not gonna make that claim but what I can't say is that people are so [ __ ] cruel online and I think I'm just so and again this might come off as hypocritical because I've definitely thrown a lot of [ __ ] and shared all over the place but it's just so some people are just so [ __ ] cruel man myself included I guess I don't know I don't know but I'm gonna talk about this stuff and I'm gonna try to be as as humanizing as possible of the people we're talking about right and that's important so the first one doctor disrespect Titan of twitch I think after ninja and who's the Shroud they both went to mixer right and twitch was probably one of the top definitely seems to be having the biggest name recognition on twitch he even did this he signed a multi-year contract with them he made this huge did you see this video they made together was like some epic [ __ ] skydiving I mean I mean this just came out right like a month or two or recently yeah I was a couple months ago I see doctor disrespect twitch banner or ad well you call that [ __ ] it would be commercial yeah here it is he this is like the most epic should I ever fought and did he just came out so they were all in on Doc they were investigating I mean this is like a high-end production think I'm a small baby [Music] dude that's like super high-end heard of a power I agree I think it's funny too good wait video [Music] why are we giggling the bow gentleman I still play games to play games [Music] I dominate did it shot really long years ago I started my hotshot gaming career in a small room that old 1817 desk my mom gave me $300 hewlett-packard computer everyone has a tree purpose of life I'm at the tippity-top in the mountain love and peak condition and I'm not even in shape do you realize someday that every man must decide if that starts streaming but you know the biggest difference between me and you boy [Music] [Music] it's a great first of all it's great everybody loved it it's crazy they probably spent that's sick that's a sick ad dude only on Twitter look at that that's it go come that's like a Super Bowl ad yeah so they made so they produce this you know in partnership with him a mere you know few months ago in March mid-march so what did something happen and just out of nowhere it was announced that he is permanently forever banned from twitch banned banned and then and they even refunded people for their right which is I think was unusual because people were like what happened to my refund and people were like oh you'll get to use the emojis till the end of the month no twitch refunded everybody closed his channel and then were there not sponsors that also dropped him or what happened with that there's been some back-and-forth I saw that some of them it seemed like in the in like initial moments after the ban was announced took down stuff with his face on and everything but then they it was reversed later which kind of adds another weird element to all the speculation you know people wondering if the brands were able to find out what happened and it's not that bad and that's why they put it back up or whatever it's specifically not G fuel but like another gamer energy drink thing that he had a sponsorship with they they had taken him down off their Twitter and everything CNG fields website let me look I don't it's not G fuel it same fuel game fuel yo G fuel just got a free plug so game fuel is he on there here yeah I just went it pulled it up their Twitter feed Mountain it's just act game fuel he's their banner image and I guess they had taken that banner image down but then put it back up so made from that what you will wait this is a mountain to drink yeah yeah yeah slide out and do I don't see him on their own page are you on their Twitter or on their website I'm talking I'm on their website talk about on their Twitter okay let's go to teams I wanna see if he's on their website or on the yeah yeah he's got a deal oh go right here streaming partners doctor disrespect so they haven't purged him but the thing is that twitch put so twitch has not said why at which is so bizarre they've only put out a statement and said as is our process we take appropriate action but we have evidence that a streamer has acted in violation of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service these apply to all streamers regardless of status or prominence in the community what's happening out there Dan or is that our neighbor he went to go get coffee oh just made a weird noise so so how long has it been by the way is it like a full week no what um let's see yeah I think the band it was last Friday so exactly a week ago so it's been a week twitch has not explained and then doc the doc put out a tweet saying I don't know why they haven't said anything to me and everybody there's just crazy speculation as to what's going on and so so you should read this to it where is this Twitter let's see frustrating because you want me read his tweet it says champions club twitch has not notified me on the specific reason behind their decision firm handshakes to all who support me during this difficult time doctor disrespect that was on June 27th I mean I wanted you to read it because I feel like even his tweet is kind of not honest in a way of they haven't notified him he's saying like they haven't told me why doesn't mean I said no why yeah it doesn't mean he's not speculating or Liz Huff aware of what happened or I just feel like there's no reason for this situation to be so mysterious that's it's it's truly one of the most bizarre things all time eally you made a really good analogy last night when we were talking about it yes because about my professional team I've been getting pretty frustrated with the situation because I just think it's irresponsible for someone as big as twitch to make such a big move and not say why and it's been a week now and everyone is speculating and speculating and the fact that I haven't said why it makes everyone think that it must be a super bad action he raped a kid I don't know everyone is thinking like the worst thing possible or immediate I think a lot of people think it's a me-too thing because it came in the mists of all that no one knows but yes there's a million raping a kid whoa the worst right now and the fact that they haven't even put a little tiny bit of statement to stop all the speculations which is irresponsible on their part what I said to you last night was like can you imagine saying that in any other big field I don't think so like if a big football player was removed from his team all of a sudden in what world do you think no one would say why like and not even like a one sentence statement saying like this may have happened we're looking into it or I don't know it would be it would be outrageous and but it would be it would never happen and it's a really good analogy and then the other thing that perplexes me is that there's not been any leaks like there's a couple of I was a couple of tweets of people speculating that they know but not saying anything specifically how is it that nobody has leaked this information it's so bizarre at least so so I so what I'm gonna do now is speculate what could these things mean okay so let me show you some tweets of people who claimed to be in the know there's this guy slasher okay he is a eSports reporter and I think he's seen as as being credible [Music] he's broken a lot of stories and I and I think people people believe his reporting so he said he first responded to doctor disrespect he said food-for-thought twitch does not issue specific reasons to streamers for permanent bans method Josh was banned following a report of sexual assault and to which never commented publicly or privately Josh and I suppose I damn were told other Terms of Service violations so he's so he I think what he's implying is that they're not gonna tell you so doc statement doesn't really mean anything or I don't know I find it sounds like there is a precedent for them no but they are their partner with that guy they owe him an explanation yes and everyone I find it irresponsible and unprofessional but that kind of goes to what we've kind of been saying about twitch for a while is that to me having worked with them and seeing how they operate from the inside and how they responded when we left their program they're kind of they're just they're just really drama and it's a bunch of young people running the show and I just I mean the first of all that my partner managers I don't want to I don't want to they were super nice and super professional the two people that managed us personally they were amazing but it seems like the structure of the come it's just doesn't seem like a well-run company it doesn't it just doesn't so I don't know if this is probably symptomatic of that but who knows keemstar put out the first conspiracy theory of course and this in my opinion is probably the dumbest woman and not just because Kim stood oh I saw this and I mean either roll my eyes it's like a [ __ ] Q and aankhen fortune yeah it's not a conspiracy well he put it forward I mean I immediately read it I was like that is the most implausible dumb [ __ ] everybody garbage he's a apparently dog shroud and ninja were in talks on launching a new streaming platform first of all doc and Ninja don't get along why would they be in talk stream just launched a new streaming platform were approached by spot five under Google this modifying google associated ah not to my knowledge so what the [ __ ] does that even make sense from the beginning in order to suck what a pro yes I mean maybe I'm wrong I don't think I don't know yeah I'm almost certain they're not but let's check that under Google in order to sign contracts and launch in the coming weeks on Spotify as soon to be announced a streaming service do you understand how stupid this sounds already Spotify is all the sudden becoming a streaming service doc reportedly approached multiple streamers personally on twitch in order to facilitate that's like that's not what it means it means a new streaming platform that's probably a part of Spotify on Spotify soon okay to be announced so anyway he's been he's conspiring to make a streaming platform doc report approached multiple streamers personally on twitch in order to facilitate a platform switch twitch found out about it as a result legal team completely terminated its contract and it's currently filing motions for civil suits both dog twitch and Spotify are currently undergoing mediation no one can talk or discuss this due to NDA is imposed by Google twitch is still twitches of going full damage trouble attempting to drag Google and to lawsuits in order to prevent or taint their launch this will all be filed Monday well Monday came and went yeah by the way all this people who say that they can't say anything because it's a legal matter I don't understand that and what kind of a legal case or lawsuit or legal NDA when have you seen a case where you can't even say what it's about or like even its light the most general description of what it's about so let me try to address that let me show some of the tweets of people for suppose who have made credible speculations that's just stupid conspiracy theories yet Spotify has no association with Google did you confirm that like um you know it doesn't look like they directly own them but I am seeing an article from April last year Google slash alphabet acquiring Spotify in forty three billion dollar cash witty deal so maybe there is some association there I was not aware of that but where is it I know I this is just some like random website though I'm not nothing listed okay so here's the first one this girl Shannon who she tweeted this out like immediately following the announcement and I think I could be speaking out of turn but I recall her working she used to work at twitch but she's definitely a streamer she definitely has association with twitch she says from my own sources doc is indeed done and not just on twitch I know why and cannot say but this is serious and people started saying wool if you know if you can't say then why did you bother tweeting it if you be work saying are you just trying to get attention for yourself like what's the point of this sweep but it so so let's say hypothetically let's assume the worst right like she's implying what is she implying that he I think what she's implying is that he has a credible allegation of some kind of me to thing if that was the case the wouldn't which say an allegation was brought to our attention for that reason he's been and we're looking into it so I was thinking I've been trying to Rack my brain why would they do that my thing is like I think they just want to avoid any responsibility one way or the other they're trying to have the cake and eat it too right that's not okay which isn't a good politics just not a fair policy they're thinking if we ban him and it turned let's say let's say he's accused of rape and they say if we ban him and he's exonerated a year later we're gonna look like the biggest [ __ ] and and probably we can even sue us because we have this partnership I don't think so if they put a legitimate effort into looking into it and do a legitimate investigation into the allegation if they do when they come with results then they have all the power to follow with according to the so what if I think it's worse right now for a doc because what if it's not as bad as everyone is thinking yeah then everyone in their mind is already thinking oh a dog is that guy but them probably rapes him what could be bad enough that they would permanently Seban like one of their biggest partners who by the way is a massive pull for to the platform like he's a huge attraction I don't know and it's not our job to speculate but just guesses the other thing that I'm thinking about twitch trying to understand what they're doing is let's say there's these credible accusations against him so if they don't drop him then they're afraid of being like Oh twitch knew they so like a reporter goes oh we have evidence to twitch new for this X amount of time and didn't act that's why they're okay to drop him right now right while they're looking into it but they should they need to properly look into it and investigate well then the other thing is like like that like slasher said it's their policy to not state a reason so maybe they're just abiding by that it didn't say because he says they won't he didn't say it he says they did something they don't do he said they didn't specifically say in the past but it was following a sexual allegation so it sounds like there was already context out there based on what he said yeah I opened that tweet again he said following an allegation they dropped someone and they didn't specify mm-hmm I don't understand how there's not more public information about it don't only so that's so anyway that this pretty much is like one of the big things out there they were actually at 30 minutes if we want to take a quick break so let me just finish my point here I'm thank you for the reminder yeah I thought it was a sound bite of Pharrell that's the real deal but I kept digging on this I it doesn't look like it looks like a pore I'm sorry Google was thinking about modify last year or something but it doesn't look like I feel like I feel like if there was any association they would have I would know that there's like they're always like we've got all these opportunities with all these companies we own mm-hmm and wait Spotify is buying podcasts from YouTube hello the Joe Rogan that was like a huge story they were like Spotify bought it that's not related to live streaming well yeah but he's saying that there's something ok whatever I'm over it as a stupid conspiracy theory yeah you're focusing on the part that so theory the firt you know what let's take a break and we'll dig in a little deeper because I'm never gonna get out of this so we'll be right back after this quick commercial break you poop you wash you dry it's a three-step process Toshi is in the business of ass blasting with water everyone has an ass everybody everybody has an ass everyone deserves the gift of touchy wiping your butt with dry toilet paper does not remove all the [ __ ] this is the actual copy is awesome I love tushy if you poop on any other part of your body would you just wipe it off with dry paper no but I wouldn't I don't see myself pooping anywhere else on the body but good analogy if we got poop on any other part of your body yeah I like a better poop on your other part of your body but would you wipe it off a dry paper hell no water cleans better than dry paper it's just that simple let's be frank here thankfully there's now a sleek bidet attachment that clips onto your existing toilet and sprays your buck ompletely clean with fresh water and it's called tushy was the best thing you could do for your butt till she sprays directly to your ass it removes the poop completely so you aren't sitting on bacteria that leads to nasty things like hemorrhoids yeast infections UTIs itchy [ __ ] add skid marks but days are common and the rest of the world it's time us in America catch the [ __ ] up I'm just going to drop an f-bomb because they say [ __ ] in there but it's true it's disgusting here's wiping [ __ ] your [ __ ] let's get it clean good enough to eat right you know yeah here's the other thing but but day saves you money on toilet paper you know toilet paper is surprisingly expensive that should say it's you back I mean am I like you go there you get a you get a packet oh baby like 30 [ __ ] dollars I'm I it's expensive am I wrong I've always been surprised by how expensive toilet paper is back me up but it's like 15 bucks for like 30 rolls me it sets you back it's like a big-ticket item at the grocery store there's nobody backing me up here you guys are all square as hell nobody crickets toilet papers expect yes yes it's very faint o'clock no leave it in insolence wait you guys don't agree the toilet paper is expensive it's not $30 I liked back that up I'm serious like Bill Gates saying yeah cause it's like 15 bucks for 30 rolls isn't it I don't know that it's even 15 you getting that Kirkland brand what are you getting you bought in bulk yeah yeah Kirkland brand well whatever I don't know I just bio-vipers I'm divided by the palette I'm not a $10 you guys really trying to make me into Bill Gates $30 sounded like close already hold on toilet paper let's do a name brand like Charmin Charmin it's a good brand good stuff that's a good look [ __ ] 24 oh it's all sold out look at this 24 rolls don't come and 1/8 $8 12-pack of Charmin ultra CBS 13 bucks $13 but this is a supreme Roldan that's like some little [ __ ] well you gotta get the Kirkland brand to play okay fine Kirkland brand to now go and we're like Target to really okay my target the funk keep all this end should all be part of that well what the [ __ ] are they advertising what is it here Sharman's the good [ __ ] okay this is the real [ __ ] 12 [ __ ] rolls they're here they always [ __ ] well here dollar per roll that's 12 rolls I said if you buy like a 24 pack it's like 30 bucks and it can be while y'all acting like I'm so at it how much for the 30 mega 30 bucks what a dollar all why you wise what I want any other time toilet paper wait time because what I'm at the point is you're paying with the dollar a roll that's pretty expensive even for 12 rolls why should I'm just saying it has always struck me that toilet paper so expensive because they're acting like I'm Bill Gates do you use - I thought you don't use to look there I didn't always have a bidet Zack these baby wipes before that so what I suffer perspective about toilet paper hey by the way can we talk about how they [ __ ] 30 rolls equals 120 rolls shut up and 30 wrong it's the roll yeah but nobody sells rupal roll its quadruple like this roll is 20 times the fries are wrong behind Quan roll is like getting a 20 pack you guys need to apologize there's owe me an apology I'm waiting it's I'm not apologizing because you didn't specify the amount when you said $30 for toilet paper I was like dude yeah 500 rolls of toilet paper but I like to stop be expensive well I like to stop okay but can we agree the toilet papers expensive you guys gonna give me that the real estate in our apartment for for 500 rolls it was you guys not you guys don't dispute that toilet paper is expensive right now to me on record I remembered that it used to seem expensive does when we were super broke and we had like no money do why you gotta make a like a class issue I'm just speaking for the people a dollar or all yes what what brand do you guys buy I made something equivalent to this you know go get that Kirkland - plus you're obsessed with Kirkland - Blood I [ __ ] love cost codes read on the ass okay how much is Kirkland I'm hoping in that people out there the point is that like you know you're spending $30 a month it was you have a family I don't I'd you know that [ __ ] will last you morning I never took I never kept track of how much toilet paper you so I actually don't know how much to go through a month like to do it yeah and unless you a few months I think you don't buy toilet paper every time you look you go to the grocery store you spend about a hundred bucks and I'm and then it's always like dude like 30% of this was [ __ ] on toilet paper denial [Laughter] and the paper towels is a whole nother thing it's like oh great you know 50% of my hundred-dollar bills toilet paper and a 30 pack of Kirkland two-ply is $20 boom that's pretty expensive it's not 30 I think that's a deal man of course there's a range dude you're talking about curtain with two-ply that's like the [ __ ] bottom wrong you know what I will but it's Costco you need a membership to buy a new plug even including the cost of membership you have to include the cost of membership really wonder what does he have to say I don't know the paper adds up we shifted back to our sponsor real quick I will agree with you that baby wipes are expensive baby wipes he's out Zach now it's just everybody's muted damn listen there's a commonality we all agree the toilet paper doesn't clean properly and it's way too expensive with tushie you don't have to have to buy toilet paper again okay you could still use a little bit they give you permission they says you can use a little bit to pat yourself dry but that amount is negligible so that $30 pack is gonna be ending up lasting you maybe a decade and guess what it won't clog your toilets either Zach talking about baby wipes how dare you devastate our environment till she sprays your ass with fresh water it's not toilet water till she connects to the water supply behind your toilet to spray your dirty parts with clean fresh water it's the same water you brush your teeth with wet wipes are worse than toilet paper they're terrible for the environment if you don't believe me Google fatberg you will get it and they also cause anal fissures which don't Google that by the way you don't want anal fissures guess what Toshi is only 79 bucks mmm that's 79 bucks that pays in dividend you pay that off and like I don't know a month depending on how much you [ __ ] how many people in your family what's an investment 79 bucks won't I'm not buying toilet paper mmm it's like a four to six days dividends they also have an ottoman that helps you get everything out you put your feet up it's like a sexy tooth or cloud you put your feet up and it helps you poop it's also only $69 very nice SoCo - hello - she calm / h3h3 and get 10% off your order guys please support our sponsor because let's face it they're the only one left so please go - hello tisha calm / h3h3 for 10% off your order [Laughter] all right welcome back so the first theory is that there's some kind of criminal something in nature witches would apparently explain why everyone so hush-hush if it's so sensitive because let's face it also let's face it like you if you are the first person to talk then everyone's gonna like if it's a criminal matter and and then it's with everyone like everybody who works for twitch is being instructed you cannot leak this let's say this girl Shannon goes he did this and I know from a source they're gonna investigate that so I think if if it is so serious then I guess people who are really afraid of the consequences of being the person to have leaked that information but you could leak it anonymously so easily just to anybody I don't get it the second theory I mean just think of any other like all the events that we saw happen during the me to movement there wasn't any like mysterious no dropping someone out because of an allegation they say very clearly what delegation is and that they're looking into it yeah and there were cases where they decided that delegation was not anything warranting you know dropping the person I think the only reason people are assuming it's a me-too thing is because it came right in the mitts of this big wave of me to against like twitch streamers specifically but you see that's another reason why twitches is if it's not a me two twitches doing him so dirty that's mine that's how irresponsible they're doing him so dirty but he must he whatever he did he must have [ __ ] them hard because I know they're spiteful because when we went when we went back to YouTube they immediately dropped us from the partner program and they still owed us money I was like hey can you guys pay me though it you have to reset up for the partner program first to pay you I was like [ __ ] you they they are spiteful that's why I call it high school drama yeah but going back to his tweet from his side I also don't get it because if if he doesn't know what happened you would think he would be on water a lot more like hey what's up what's yeah outraged and his yeah that's a really good point too because his tweet was very cordial like hey guys yeah we don't know what's going on but thanks for stick with me if it was me and I really didn't have any suspicions and I didn't know and I knew I didn't do anything wrong in it I'd be like yeah what the [ __ ] would demand answers but nothing everybody's silent and even if you're taking legal action that doesn't mean you can't talk about it you would still be vote well about it I'm gonna stop you there lawyers always say don't speak publicly on the case because it can be used against you lawyers alway advise their clients to not speak publicly always certain degree I think always not to say that he can't say a word about it that's actually harming him so that's well maybe it's harming him right now but it might be helpful to his legal case to not say anything it is very possible that lawyers if there's a legal dispute going on which is very likely that his lawyers would say would tell him do not say anything publicly yes that is uh that's the most likely explanation now what I think is what I found the most interesting and weirdly plausible explanation is if you look at his final stream people have been scrutinizing his last stream before he was banned he ends it by talking about some really crazy conspiracy theories I had no idea he was into it turns out the doc is into 5g coronavirus [ __ ] apparent now Dan or in or anyone back there people were memeing on Doc for having these weird like pyramids or all around his house to to prevent 5g Corona waves is that real yeah he loves a shun guy shun guy rocks but is that so that a meme or is he really trying to prevent Corona it's hard to tell with his whole persona but but the whole being afraid of 5g giving you Corona it to me doesn't really jive with the whole persona so it seems legit yeah I can't really say for sure so I think it is legit because here he calls out a known conspiracy theorist called David Icke and this guy Austin I heard by the way what's that this David Icke guy is a Holocaust denier that's what I was getting to this guy he's one of these conspiracy theorists who so deep down the rabbit hole he like if there's a conspiracy he believes in it okay he believes in the 5g coronavirus [ __ ] he believes in lizard people literally he believes he's a Holocaust denier people have speculated that he thinks lizard people is an analogy for Jews I swear to God I mean just go to his Wikipedia page and read up on this guy he is a [ __ ] date he's a he's of the click he's a kook I mean that's putting it mildly so the doc so the doc gives a very sincere and strange shout out to him and his final moments of twitch and I can and for example if I look at YouTube's policy they're very sensitive about these kinds of misinformation that's very important right now also owned by Amazon who is rivals of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos I stopped following what I was saying wait is I think I lost I think I lost some sauces let me start off I just became Charlie from I think they're hitting this with the with the 5g I think what I was meaning to say is that there's a big push right now to prevent misinformation on social media platforms YouTube Facebook Twitter are all taking her stances Facebook is not Facebook is starting to get there being boycotted or trying today no there no they are because literally like they're having their own ad pocalypse on Facebook right now okay because they're not doing anything to stop ya [ __ ] like this and so Jeff Bezos is what it's getting to who is in the same stratosphere as all these people right he owns twitch he owns Amazon I think they're taking a hard I think this is the most plausible theory they saw this and they're taking a super hard stance about spreading this information which which I believe is that why would all that what's with all the mystery because they're [ __ ] a terrible Lee run company and from what I understand this isn't the first time that he's promoted these kind of conspiracy when did he I was reading that he's done it on stream before so it I think you're right Ethan that this this does seem the most plausible that he was perhaps on thin ice already like they had warned him about not talking about this and so and then he did it again and so they banned him but I agree you late I they should say that it's you know which is like oh it's just another day we want you we're sending messages from people who are not even youtubers don't even follow YouTube or twitch in general asking like hey what's with this dog guy it's like the biggest mystery of the year and when we're now anyone who's heard the doc the second thought that they have in their head is like oh you must have raped someone it's great people are gonna look really dumb when it finds it when it's just like he's a conspiracy theorist and he's promoting dumb [ __ ] that's a far cry yeah I mean yeah I mean the thing is though that the these people that seem to be implying that they're in the know like the girl you were talking about in the slasher guy I mean they though they haven't come out and say it I would say it's fair that they've heavily implied that it's more on the insidious side yeah they agree I mean don't they look like real dumbasses if it was the one I'm trying to find the one that slasher wrote he's implied that he's working on the story and it's really bad I'm trying to find it here maybe this is it wanted to show this tweet before I why it can I not find this tweet it's one of the slasher ones yeah I'll put it maybe this is it I think he erased in someone's screenshot it here for several hours now I've been told from credible sources the reason for his band however due to the importance and sensitivity around the subject I have refrained from going on it I don't feel comfortable with it currently that implies something truly terrible same as Shannon was saying right yeah and then later he was on there's a pretty popular twitch podcast called a train wrecked or whatever you know I'm talking about anyways that that he went on and he seemed to he still wasn't saying anything but the read the the between the lines message again seemed to be that it was something pretty dark so in a vacuum if I if these people weren't saying this I would assume it's this but let's watch this clip and you guys tell me what you think I was watching uh Josh you just put it on just chat and Jaime like I kind of wanted to get off but now I don't want to get off this is his final moments on Twitter this is the last thing he ever broadcast I was watching that Dyke documentary on uh what's this guy Ike Ike IC ke older gentleman [Music] stealing he's sitting there anybody know who I'm talking about first name to chat David Icke yes Alex yes I like them even if like it's it's like it just kind of you know rather than this it's on Netflix I believe it's on Netflix or is it Amazon it's one of the - it's either Amazon or Netflix a little documentary on him it's pretty enlightening also it allows you to do is just sort of like you know allows you to step outside of the box just a little bit I for one don't want a bunch of his fans going and learning about concealed not true not whatever I don't know what's in that though is I don't want to say that that he's promoting that again I didn't got it just be fair okay you're not promoting Holocaust denial right I don't know what's in that that documentary you watched either look it up it looks like it is on Amazon everything's on Amazon bro you're pretty ironic that he got banned for so wait can you read this obnoxious of that well it sounds it does it's it says the first authorized documentary exploring the life of famed conspiracy theorist David Icke the madman who has been proven right again and I okay that's the synopsis on Amazon and written and directed by David Icke not directed but he is in it so you know that is great there yeah he goes on that goes into these trances I don't know I guess he's just reading good I actually bought the uh mrs. Sasson bought the book actually not me I shouldn't take the credit she's staring at me right now with the blade saying I did I can't tell what character or like having a mental break like this people were reading into this very heavily yeah yeah he knew he was Beth Lee band and that's why you seen oh yeah there at the very end what else I'll skip to the end because he gets a text and it seems like he got bad news about something but I found this more interesting than that that part could be overtopped but let me skip to the end and or did it not already happen no yeah the part at the very end right here no you know the part where people think that he got the message with bad news happens prior to yeah I think it already happened because I the clip I saw he like what okay it's this dream on stream hold on what's that roblox I knew it roblox I think we're off topic we're going into roblox so wait where do I find the part where he is it in this very same where did you get the bad news it I mean you'd have to watch the whole thing I don't know the exact time about here somewhere in back there the timestamp me so so these are these are the the conspiracies and I don't know what to make of it other than I think the one thing we can conclude from it is that twitch is a poorly run company but iiiii it's the craziest thing ever it's at 2:09 no just cores no no not open no I'm just telling you from the comments it's at 209 oh good alright 209 this is apparently when everyone was watching very it has to happen he pulls his phone out he's reading a text and they say right there he's luck whole demeanor has changed suddenly that's where we started watch me take over I love it man see the self-confidence in the chat that's what I'm talking about the the self-confidence of the champions club it's at an all-time high and don't ever stop please don't ever stop you got to be strong in this world man I was watching uh-oh I mean like I I mean this whole thing is just so bizarre it's hard to tell because you could either just really be way looking into it more than you should right you know or he really has acting weird here I can't jump captivated by you know what's crazy is that because of all the beauty guru drama it's kind of like somehow somehow been overshadowed but I cannot [ __ ] wait to find out what actually happened I can't wait I saw this great meme it was a wife and him to you rather than show it he's always really funny there's a wife and a husband in bed the husband has turned away from the wife deep in thought and the wife says I wonder what he's thinking about and what he's thinking about you know she thinks he's like thinking about another woman or something I've [ __ ] it up Freddie no what's he thinking like I was thinking about why don't you save you the memes yeah send me the Matt you should have done that one well I was pulling it up as soon as you started talking but I'm not discordant oh my god open it what a disaster so I mean I'm not gonna I'm not making a conclusion what were the other I hope for the best I mean I hope that the worst isn't true and I hope the end it but I don't know what it means for for doc like what is he gonna do now I guess you can stream anywhere else well lucky for you because we're incredibly unlucky we'll probably find out right after we finished recording this part yes so where we publish it tomorrow you know and this will all be moot well let's look at this really cool meme before we move on that's not cuz I don't even know what the [ __ ] going on here I heard Dan sent it to me okay here's a cool meme regarding the issue with Doc her I bet he's thinking about other women me why is it the tenses are weird her and me should be him no no it's from his no it's from his from his perspective her my she is really good her I bet he's thinking about other women but he how is he simultaneously thinking about what she's thinking about when he's thinking about something entirely different we are looking at this from the third-person perspective we are not looking at this from his perspective well it's just I mean him what the hell happened to doctor disrespect identify what this meme heavily all right can I get some what are the stones resolved on a man I need some sugar night some shoe guy what is shoe guy that's a great question alright thank you for the answer I think we might uh get banned if we talk black lustrous non-crystalline mineraloid consisting of more than 98 weight 98 weight percent of carbon sugar and and does it say say anything about its frequency oh that's a good question does it have the same frequency as 5g I don't see anything about Hertz megahertz gigahertz any sort of Hertz here in the Wikipedia article about it but that's probably because it's being censored by the NWO so are we ready to move on to Shane Dawson shane dawson is in what can only be described as Logan Paul he's in a Logan Paul exile you know what Napoleon you know ever went to pulling on waged war on your all of Europe and they sent him to an island they don't want to kill him because they respected him too much they just exiled him from all of Europe they sent is asked to an island what was that island called remember oh I don't remember the name they sent him to an island bro that's what they did to shame they like you are exiled from YouTube all three I have never seen this happen to anyone since Logan Paul filmed the corpse in the forest elbow elbow elbow elbow yeah wait isn't that where the Spanish people party now for that that's a betta elbow it's close I wonder what goes on hell but these days that's a good question yeah maybe we should throw a rave there and the whole story of Napoleon on Elba is crazy he tried to come back it was crazy come back he tried yeah but it didn't worries do another yeah you know here is another arm yeah but he got honed didn't he swim back wasn't that is definitely not I can tell you as someone who has a very poor understanding of everything that he did not swim back let me probe deeper here Napoleon swam from a island and an exile Island to France and then raised the army oh my god did no I think somebody ed let's let's let's get back on Shane you were looking that up he didn't swim come on who would get it I want to know if you swim no I think he swam dude no he did it okay look it up no he was definitely someone came a night and picked them up in all this [ __ ] but you don't swim like a hundred miles if you're just some dude kela are you able to find anything about Napoleon swimming there's a wall of text here side tries to just ctrl-f swim and swim then come on there just say didn't a boy and swim bro yeah are you [ __ ] with me did Napoleon swim from Elba our European fans how did Napoleon escape from Elba you ready Zack it's gonna be swimming dude it says he swam sixty miles at 260 kilometers away from the French [ __ ] border dude he's straight pure willpower he just did it just made it happen but so what happens when he gets on the on the coast after his crazy swim he just goes really raises an army just go to the British water lily exactly anyway Napoleon swam Napoleon was the greatest swimmer ever Shane [ __ ] that's so sidetracked so Shane is exiled like Napoleon is what I was meaning to say either what are you typing so furiously you think you're in this the swimming Khalid he came with a ball and picked this up at night probably I'm seeing the Elba Island is not far it's a high and I told you it's 150 miles you swam people swim from have you because I hope yeah do you know how far Alcatraz is from San Francisco I don't know look up the distance okay tell me the distance and remember Elba is 150 miles it's definitely not under 50 miles you can you could skip the looking up its not a hundred and fifty miles don't tell me the distance of Alcatraz half a mile half a mile zach 4.6 miles might as well be the same thing all right Shane Dawson so to actual Shane Dawson now you know I spent so much time trying to understand all this last night and it's just so thick the dramas so thick the tea is like a thick brew you know they call the thickest tea like English English black English coffee what do they call that that thick [ __ ] who's talking about Earl Grey Earl Grey it's not really great described it's thick then sometimes I drink Earl Grey tea and it's like greasy I'm like what is this [ __ ] so this is Earl get gray drama so I'm gonna try to skip it through as much as possible I'm gonna paraphrase as much as I can so last year oh my god how do I even do this James Charles huge beauty guru taxi made a video calling him a sexual predator he got cancelled but then he came with receipts and uncancelled himself now one year later people it's rumored that Shane Dawson and Jeffrey star were behind manipulated tatty into making her James Charles video how's that okay thank you so so basically Shane is being cancelled Jeffrey's being canceled tattoos thrown James Shane under the bus Shane makes an apology video for doing blackface but the problem here Shane's channel all three of his channels have been totally demonetized by YouTube and I'm I would have never expected to see that I've only ever seen that once before with Logan Paul who literally filmed the corpse and put it on his channel yes yeah yeah yeah and Shane maybe they see yeah he will they said his suspension is indefinite but not permanent I think what they did with Logan pause they said I think they just banned him for a month and said you have to delete the offending content yada yada yada I think that's what the I think Shane will get it he'll get it back in like a month but his reputation is being creamed by by all this and so honestly dude the videos are so dull I'm not even gonna subject you like they're all 40 minutes long the one thing I say about the beauty drama is that these people need to learn how to edit they need to learn how to wrap it up because like tatty goes on Shaunie is the worst of Patty oh god I can't wait we have to we have to post some highlights so anyway the big thing is that Shane has this weird history of sexualizing kids and I think that's what got the suspension for sure yeah and especially the Smith family yes Will Smith his family his wife and son came down with some slam dunk tweets with millions of likes yeah because in a video back in the day Shane Dawson is jokingly jerking off to a picture of willow who's at the time was like 11 bro I don't know how do you I don't know what do you do about that when the family themselves are so offended and upset and their tweets have millions of like yeah YouTube's like oh [ __ ] here we go they felt they felt the the current rising now the weird thing with Shane is that he's been around for so long thing I personally also don't know what he was known for years ago yeah cuz he's had like all these different phases of rebranding and trying different things with his channel so I'm really not familiar with his past and then all these things that are surfacing are definitely problematic clips they're super old super all the same yeah I mean it's a ton of blackface yeah and he had this like racist character yeah so in this video on the screen taking accountability he pretty much is just saying you know I used to do black placement [ __ ] up and I regret it and I hate myself but he doesn't address the real problems here which is to sexualize them of minors which is uh something we'll get into but first I do just have to absolutely have to look at this Totti video so this was already happening to him right and then Tati decided yeah talk to you was oh yeah Tati kind of just she's like Shane is having a really bad time she's like my sister and now all the sudden her and James Charles are best friends I don't I to her look again like I said at the beginning of the podcast you know these are all real people so I'm not going to say anything to mean about the beautiful perfect I can tell you that just looking at it all from the side I'm getting so much anxiety oh my god and it makes me feel bad it's just like it's so on it's all too much for any person in this world like they're all just people and they're dealing with so much drama like each of these videos has tens of millions of views and like a day I don't know it's crazy that this one has 14 million almost the amount of people that are talking about them and accusing each other of stuff it's I told Ella once because when you get caught up in the drama it's it's so bad it feels so bad I was like it feels like somebody died like and then like for the past few years we've just been in so much [ __ ] or like so many people making videos passes up and at time like I feel like I've gotten much better at handling it over the years but you know I wasn't always great I take that just you know I don't know if it's accepting criticism or just you know accepting the fact that there's just gonna be people out there that don't like you or I don't know what it is but it's so painful at times it's so it's just hurt so bad I was like it feels like every month somebody died like this amount of stress and pressure it's just it can't be I'm telling you I'm like this can't be this has to be so bad for my health that I'm feeling all the time just in so much pain emotional pain so you know there's also a real effect of like trauma from it because it those moments when like you get exposed or there's like a bad video about it and you see it it's like PST yeah there's real piteous day from this stuff people people laugh but I'm talking it the emotional pain you feel is unparalleled yeah I've never felt pain like that emotional pain like that so I only liken it to losing a loved one cuz I don't know anything I've never lost a loved one there Wars I feel like the really worst thing about it is that it's boats super serious and really petty like always right that's what's that is right like if you meet anyone in the real world outside of YouTube and they're like what's going on with you you have to be like oh nothing just some drama people online so they did theirs you're wrong and I don't see it that way that's so true oh that's so frustrating about it because like if you think of back to like the whole Ethan exposed thing it felt it was so much emotional pain but it all just boiled down to like he's he's cringing he had a bad interview with bill burr or he's a hypocrite I mean to shoot ice he was mean to shoenice or whatever it's like well okay you know imagine explaining she rapes on that it says if you like should be in a prison right now for life ya know I mean this is a really good conversation to have and so I think it's important to bear in mind that I'm sure these guys are all dealing with that what we just described Shane is having I can only met that let me so tap but the thing is Kathy did not need to get involved no she really just kind of stepped into the crossfire here i watch the video there was no point to it my favorite part I'm not gonna watch whole thing because of course it's like a thousand years long here let's open it's called breaking my slow minutes first of all I just have to comment on is she in a spa I mean where is she filming this out of uh how does I have to assume what is that she's got like she's got like scented sticks decorational object she's got a very yeah sticks y'all she definitely pulls they're like very like she looks really good in her exposed videos where usually people will be like no makeup they're like I'm how bad she's mascot burp that I said that part of me could you hear me burping cuz it was like what the hell no no Oh interesting it felt very vulgar jenna Marbles in her video was like no makeup I loved Jenna she's such a she is a great person for Todd hey it's like this is my appearance Oh everything so perfectly but she's wearing a piece shirt she got scented sticks in the back I can't get over the scented sticks her makeup is like insanely on point right the first ten seconds of this video is just a masterclass in like it's just every little detail about it I love it you ready yeah it's been a long time coming for me how do you bust out in tears already after hitting record I mean like can you really a cute it's like so just imagine the setting she's sitting there comfortably perfectly posed so she had to have come and hit the record and then framed up perfectly and then she starts and she's crying immediately as she goes I mean that's pretty incredible it's been a long time coming for me to share with you some very very important things and I am gonna be reading from what is approved by my legal team so I am one I love when lawyers talk about legal [ __ ] by the way so I necessary come on she makes some really funny legal claims that cracking up yeah dude she's got scented sticks bro getting into what I need it's a mom it's just awesome it's like I don't know why to share with you I won't be deviating and okay so anyway she said I'm not gonna walk again this forty minutes of her just crying crying and saying that Shane and Jeff restart manipulated her and to making the video but I'm saying my whole response to that is like tatty you are have your own agency as a human being I find it very strange that you would go out and make this statement yeah but even if they did just take they're just you gotta take the L you made the video thank you you at the end decided to make the video right no one forced you to make the video even if they were elect a T this is a huge opportunity this kid deserves it you have to like ultimately endured that amount of peer pressure which I doubt there was that amount of peer pressure but I don't know I really don't but I really doubt is that it's still you're you're not you're not a teenager in high school you're like a grown-ass woman with scented sticks I mean the scented sticks say a lot of things you guys aren't appreciating it anyway there are some points I want to highlight at the end when she gets all legal is my favorite [ __ ] she goes let's see she thinks there's a massive conspiracy this shit's this [ __ ] gets off the lot I feel like she's actually a little bit delusional at this point she starts to go on about how there's a huge conspiracy against her to sell beauty products few months a few people have bravely come forward with more information and the pieces of what we believe actually happened are coming together make no mistake flip the page this is far from over I've been terrified for a very long time so much so that I had to relocate again two months ago and I have taken serious security precautions to ensure my safety on the advice I want I won't say anything I know that feeling well apparently tatsi does also it's let's not it's unfortunately unrelated to Shane don't it's like I don't know well right because she made the video right right right right right not sure with all of you right now the evidence that we have accumulated of the events that have occurred however there will soon come a day where we will be able to present this evidence and you will be able to see they reckon is believed that Geoffrey and Shane are responsible for so much of the damage that has been caused so he has a receipts that she's taken to court you can tell that she has talked to lawyers also because she keeps her she tries to explain the damages which is such a lawyer thing right there like when you try to bring a lawsuit to it there lately well were there damages and she tries to presenting like that I had to relocate it's been a year oh you're try so it's been a year of mental so smart that's exactly what she's doing she's trying to prove damages yeah because when you sue someone for defamation the hardest well first of all it's extremely difficult to prove defamation in California not just that formation but then you have damage doing but yeah well what the [ __ ] else could she sue them for manipulating her to make that's not get sue for that no like what could you pop I don't this whole thing is laughable like the of bringing a lawsuit to someone for manipulating it to making a video tell you this it's not my opinion that Jeffery and Shane were both bitterly jealous of James Charles's success you were to Jeffery resented that so much of his business was centered around his biggest rival and Shane did not like that James Charles wanted to make a documentary neither of them were happy with standing in his shadow on YouTube any were bad my lord I believe James Charles was gaining more followers and receiving more view after point out that time the whole video she says James Charles maybe a million times and she never once says just James I find that incredibly interesting what do you make of that she'll say Shane not Shane Dawson or Geoffrey is it she's trying to give him respect is she trying to imply familiarity is she that would do the opposite do you would say James I should say is she inadvertently implying that she doesn't really know him well I don't know and it's also my opinion that Geoffrey and Shane needed James marginalized and out of the way for their November launch of the conspiracy palette Wow pretty that's so conspiratorial out of the way why what does he have to do with the silver there Cosmetics like this [ __ ] is totally off the rails by the time it came out James was already uncannily you know what I mean and their sales were do insane like he's a huge personality with a huge following already I don't think they would even think like that oh we need him out of the way this is the culture that that I think is the problem is that people think of these youtubers it's like supervillains they go yeah they go James or sorry Shane and Geoffrey are plotting to take down James so they can launch their palette it doesn't make any sense anyway talk to you the legend flip that I've also recently been informed that Geoffrey is allegedly a co-owner of Murphy before the scandal unheard I had also been told that James Charles was about to develop an entire cosmetics line with the owners of Murphy this entire situation opens up a Pandora's box of speculation uh uh but I'm just not sure anyone counted on this drama spreading like wildfire it's my opinion that everyone involved got scared and their plan changed multiple times as I refused to play along or engage with the drama over the next several months a year later it is now my opinion that James Charles was not their only intended target I believe that there are many different people who have unclean hands in all of this and there was a coordinated beauty [ __ ] drama do you understand what beauty drama is it's a no you just made basically an expose video then you regretted it - this is new boy yeah bro everybody's got blood on their hands or should I say foundation on their hands you know me quiet and push me out of the way for other business reasons I do not think it's a coincidence that more if he is about to launch their own brand of hair skin nail gummy vitamins but I do think it was just Shane and Jeffrey this didn't benefit from my being silent so bitter that other people are making money this was just too big cuz she also wants us to she also launched her own both [ __ ] vitamin line that Shane helped her do well that was the was the original issue remember that that that's why she got mad at James Charles cuz he promoted a rival vita' jealous she was doing just because he promoted an Instagram story some gummy that was a rival and she had a meltdown right I forgot that was the whole genesis yes and now here she is still talking about the same [ __ ] you got scented sticks what more do you want now in life no wrinkle in this thing is really interesting what do you guys think about the fact that in this video she says that she made this video with the consent and in coordination with James I okay haven't like commented at all it's just nice Twitter like an hour ago when I will speculate and please bear in mind that this is pure speculation I don't know but what I think happened is that she and James and I'm only saying this because this should happen to me in the Internet this what I think happened okay I think he like keemstar does this [ __ ] all the time he's done it to mean he's done to other people he goes you have what you think is just a normal conversation with somebody and then without asking for permission you take everything they said and then use it in your argument without without consent you'll have a casual conversation in the DMS and then they make a video and they totally quote what you said yeah it's like but it's like dude if I knew you for not a lot of people but it's kind of like a people do or small you can't you can't if you're asking me for public statement I'm gonna think more about it and prepare something more thoughtful you can't just be having a conversation class whole conversation mate I then like take that as let Goss gospel well she at some point in this video goes so far as to say that uh James wishes that he could be here next to me for this video I think it's bull he wouldn't be there yeah if he wish so bad he would be but he would be able to debunk this all very easily nobody he's probably so tired of this no it was so hard on him probably the most you know the most difficult it was on him the best thing I needed was finally out of it yeah like it makes total sense that he would say nothing yes the best thing he could do is just shut up she's not she's not slamming him she's not doing anything she's just trying to you know curry favor with his fans again this is speculation so yeah I don't know if the [ __ ] I'm talking about and they could have and everything she's saying could be right you know what to your point I just looked because we had looked earlier jeffree star Shane and Tati are all like bleeding subscribers like crazy I just looked at James Charles he's fine yeah James is killing it yeah so he's the only one coming hi sisters what do you think these scented sticks I think they're vanilla scented she seems like a virtue you think it's patchouli you think vanilla is too basic for her yeah yeah you might but vanilla chili it's probably too basically for if I know it's the you know it's a you know it's uh it's a Tibetan Tibetan Tibetan see the Tibetan Gwyneth Paltrow's cave vagina alright and I have every intention of getting to the truth in early May when Jeffrey went on a podcast and denied responsibility for his involvement and placed blame on me it was both cowardly I made the video I mean hello weak when Shane issued his statements about his involvement in all of this I also perceived them as cowardly open defamatory the family as for everyone else involved that did anything underhanded or defamatory over the last year I am still well within the statute of limitations for bringing a civil action to seek recovery for my damages should I proceed with this course of actions my attorneys went into posing all witnesses who have information about the truth of what happened here so for everyone else whose hands are dirty they have not yet come forward be careful of your allegiance you don't want to be on the wrong side of the truth do it the wrong side what is this like world war two you almost went full Papa their reckoning is coming she did kind of say that this [ __ ] went so over the thoughts unable to provide you with receipt so that was that kind of this forty minute video that was like the that was really the heart of it and my favorite part so she's suing and opposing everybody I hope she doesn't oppose me I mean hey I don't know nothing about nothing I don't know nothing about any gummy vitamins for your hair then Shane oh my favorite is Shane so sheep so Shane is already getting [ __ ] on by buddy and he's already had his channels demonetised I don't know why I'm doing this out of order but I just love tot tease video I'm gonna go back and explain to that but Shane reacts to her video when it comes out he for some reason his immediate reaction is a go on Instagram live because he's just freaking out and respond to her video so here this is I'm live because I can't even process I need a drink of water I [ __ ] can't processes this is insane I don't know why but a batch in the pan the pain is real I just want to emphasize that I feel bad yeah this is insane this is insane this woman is [ __ ] oh my god oh my god I'm gonna wait till as many people get in here as possible because like it's crazy that these people aren't flicking so much pain on each other yeah god it's so ruthless out there man but it's [ __ ] up because it is when you're on the sidelines it's so it's just so sinfully entertaining yeah yeah it's a problem it's that it's that show it in Freud and mm-hmm I didn't said that [ __ ] them sure shut shut sure site in Freudian schadenfreude in I'm not even a German word for getting pleasure from other peoples yes schadenfreude in yeah something like that yeah but I also feel bad I really do because she is a [ __ ] up I can't I can't we were trying to guess about what he was gonna say I think you'll be worried I think he was gonna say liar this is insane this person could not be because everything about her so like yeah and then cubits here yeah you know I mean and think you got the Quentin vagina scented sticks in the background perfectly played that is not I love the suggestive video my god what's next he's so anyway he just bails at this point and I think he was just he was just full like wow it's like wow could it get worse and then all the sudden Tati enters in the battlefield sticks another shiven ashamed of island his that as a husband or a boyfriend I think fiance's okay so he comes out he goes this is [ __ ] hot and I'm losing my mind 32 seconds there that was they erased it yeah his fiance goes in he says not today [ __ ] do not tray me right now try hope you enjoyed those sold-out vitamins that you made millions and minutes from Shane support you to face Flyer catotti Westbrook a master class and what did the [ __ ] is this I was wondering what is Obi eh is it an emoji it must have been a didn't show right a masterclass in manipulation the only the only was to save her reputation was decide with the person she tried to ruin make no mistake this 40 year old woman she chose to post a video on her own accord she riled up Shane before doing so to have one of the biggest creators backing her and the chance this all backfired Shane very well would have posted a video explain exposing James had he felt so inclined no receipts because she didn't want to expose the countless times she told Shane that she was a big girl doing this only for herself I'm inclined to believe those that this makes a lot of sense to me well it's just logical right it's like yeah yeah Shane is the kind of guy that if he had something to say he would say it himself from what I've seen online well it doesn't really make sense to me that he would look regardless of whatever you think of Shane ultimately she is a she's a 40 years old you cannot blame other people for yeah actions that you take I mean you just can't anyway juice the drama is just so-so so anyway let's go pull it back here so why did Shane get dropped from YouTube now this is when we get pretty weird okay first of all shout out to this channel without a crystal ball who who really love his love baby public enemy number one Shane Dawson let's she did the grill egg work on this she got every receipt on the earth on Shane Dawson so let's start these were the ones that I hand-picked to be what I thought were the most damaging against Shane so here we go let's go down the rabbit hole Shane Dawson justifies pedophile molesting children because he felt well here I'll let it speak for itself it's obviously extremely old the clip I don't know what years gone from the haircut yeah man it's crazy that everyone like thought that haircut was cool like a Smosh had it it's just it looks so corny now but I wonder what's that version of today right like you thought was five-years-old like that was his thing I saw much TV talking about it all the time oh he's guilty he's 5 so basically she's five years old mentally right but sexually so it's like if there's a weird like link missing where it's like I'm five years old but I am 40 but I find other five-year-olds sexually attractive because I'm 5 years old too so interested so it kind of makes sense to me even though it's horrible and I don't think molesting children is good it kind of makes sense to me why he actually molest children and that's kind of so this is something he said a lot and first of all it's just weird to go to your way to justify pedophilia but his analogy is way off because five-year-olds don't want to have sex he says he's mentally five years old so of course wants to [ __ ] kids but five-year-olds aren't sexual that's the whole point they can't consent to sex so I don't know but but okay so this alone is not really anything it's a pattern of that emerges I find it strange that he can continue to hold this opinion because you see it throughout the years that he keeps saying the same thing like this theory he has about about trying to just fight and I think really where it comes from and I'm not a psychologist so I am not qualified to really analyze this but he mentions that he was molested himself and I feel like he probably has a like got some hey he's got issues with some on the resolve which like if yeah I mean yeah there's not at all any evidence that he's actually done anything to know you know to victimize kids I mean like let's anybody think that's what I'm saying there's no evidence that and I'm there's no way I would I'm accusing him of that I think he's got you know he says he was molested and he obviously has some weird he has some sexual hang-ups from that which is only natural you know it's so damn it's one of the most damaging the in fact it's a problematic combination with him because he also was trying this like really edgy humor a lot and at that time I think also edgy humor on the internet was very like gross like not like today's it sounds to me like he's trying to rationalize what happened to him in a weird way to make it seem like more okay in his mind like you you explain things in your mind to make it okay they call it rationalizing and it seems to me he's probably rationalized something that happened to him as a kid because you know when you get assaulted as a child you always blame yourself and you carry a lot of blame and guilt and so I think you know I think there's probably a lot going on with him how he thinks about it in his mind and how then how he sees it you know but he's not an abuser I mean there's no evidence of that but then here we go but there is there's really a problem with his behavior when you see this it's like the dude needs to resolve this issue and not keep doing like here he is with his 12 year old cousin no friend so we want to talk to you we want to explain what sex is we take it real quick or smell the smoke so this makes it really creeps okay well why do keep and then we'll use you totally inappropriate so just pretend like that's you know I mean that works and then I can't believe I'm endorsing you've turned me into so so Lucy does that make sense but Lucy listen you should be in love and you should preferably be married and hopefully not have any kids okay and you should definitely be over the age of like 20 or 25 and you should put a ring and you should put a ring on it no I'm kidding no do you don't know what that is you shouldn't know what that is now are you on your period right now I'm trying to get answers how are you are you know you're not on your period you believe no no listen you have a boyfriend right yes now what did I tell you when he says can I put it in you say no good high five girlfriend oh now wait he know what he says what about you say just your mom no you say I bite so I think in their mind they they're just being told everybody I think they're just being like edgy and fannia like a she doesn't know we're talking about but but I think it's in a problem I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying to get I'm trying to explain it but it's hard well I think like you said before it's it's about the it's the volume and it's the pattern it's all of these every one of these individually it's like alright that's a little cringy but you could maybe explain it away but I mean we compiled a list right I'm not done yeah there's like 40 of these billion but I hand-picked there's probably like 50 I had there was not so I picked out like the ones that I thought were the most compelling dude there was like a bajillion of these so let's see and okay so when Justin Bieber was like a tiny kid he was 16 years old the way you ever decided to be like porn star what would his porn star name be here are some of my personal favorites just in Beaver just in queefer just in my mouth and thrusting beaver and there was even some ideas for porn movie titles and I can't decide which one is my favorite except at one time or one less lonely [ __ ] Rose what do you think Justin which one do you like look how young here you know what Justin how about we make both what do you think yeah perfect JB I'll be over soon so last meeting that should that part with the camera at the end really did me wrong to be honest inappropriate sigh so Zach stop jack that's a 16 year old boy that wasn't me Vin Diesel's back here man so you know do you think we could ever get vin diesel on the show oh my god I love to have Vin Diesel next Fast & Furious I just hit him up like what's up Batman talk to me baby voice is such how do you say it's got such tannin is that the right word or tamped amber Ben Burtt it's got amber like [ __ ] four days amber hit me with that again like that it sounds like he sounds like he smokes so it's like this oh he does smoke I've seen pictures of him smoke it so he's got the smokers like no it's more than that death rattle he's got so much Tambor you could build a house out of it I'm out here on the fly Dan all right Shane let's not lose focus here this child first of all I'm just gonna say that this video is edited to make it gets creepy as possible with terrifying ambient sounds in the background so bear that in mind don't be try not to be manipulated by it not by us no no no no not is this child is probably six years old and I was taking a picture of something and the kid turns to me and goes oh are you instagramming and first of all how does a five-year-old six year old know what Instagram is just terrifying second of all I was embarrassed because yes I was and it was a picture of my salad and the six-year-old girl goes oh how many followers do you have I have a hundred and twenty five thousand no her take was almost as big as mine really and I said okay little big dick why do you have so many followers and she goes oh I'm a cheerleader and I'm like oh really and she shows me her instagrams which are like first of all I don't know if I'm allowed to say this but she's like a sexy she's like you sexy do not say this and do like I don't want to talk about it like you will get arrested like he kind of education just took vacation for pedophilia and it's so disturbing and like I just pretend that he doesn't let me explain let me explain here's my justification for pedophilia thank you you can tell she's like serious she's trying to make like he thinks he's just doing like funny material doing a bit yeah but I think that's where the he has no like limit when it comes to this topics I think that's where the trauma from his childhood probably comes in and that's I'm speaking of course from my place of absolutely no expertise yeah but where a normal person would have that filter that awareness he may not like it doesn't know where to draw the line to him it seems an orphan appropriate yes [Music] here's my thing people have foot fetishes people have fetishes about you know everything fine everybody do your thing so why is it when somebody looks at a googles like naked baby on Google and jerks off to it they can get arrested I heard this one that it's the worst analogy okay let me let me answer you Shane first of all if there's pictures of naked children that means that they're the victim of a crime okay pictures of feet don't doesn't necessarily mean that there's there's a victim if there's naked pictures of a babies and or god forbid actually being committed sex acts on your there is a victim to this crime first of all and second of all pedophilia isn't just a fetish it's a it's a it's a it's about control and power and victimizing somebody so from what I understand it's not like do you agree with what I'm saying you're just looking disgusted but my correct I wonder if you're doing justice explaining it well enough I don't know I just the first time I'm hearing it you know I think I like processing what I just heard no you can't compare it to a foot fetish that's insane yeah that's insane no because the child is a victim I mean that's really it's not like a victimless crime you like will just poop in my mouth that's weird it's weird but nobody gets hurt that's not true with pedophilia there's always a victim even if it's just pictures online and you say I'm just I'm just looking at the pictures I'm not doing it you are supporting a system in which by the very nature of it existing has to have victims mm-hmm and it's one of the really one of the worst crimes you can commit to a person mm-hmm so it's just writing it off as a fetish is actually it's like wait dude actually you know what this is is really like um I feel like he's a [ __ ] pedophile apologist it's like super weird I feel like this is how pedophiles justify it to themselves so they can live with themselves they go just a fetish I don't know though but it's a very weird statement understand because turkey off too baby something the thought I'm just reading that it's just crazy yeah oh no this bark hold on I actually went to Google and I'm like oh god I want to see it I know but I just wanted to see like okay let me just pretend let me pretend like I'm a pedophile first I'll pretend I don't want to pretend that so I typed in naked baby first of all so I look at this little girl's pictures and she had makeup on she had her tongue out she was doing like the peace sign she was doing the backflip she like honey boo boo see that no she was like the skinny little sexy six dude that [ __ ] is so wild this is the worst one that I just did not hear before for some reason I have a stumble I feel like there's there is it wasn't there weird movement to like normalize pedophilia on the internet Dan where they had like yeah let's go fortune no no there was like a bunch of Twitter accounts and they had like a emoji in their name or in their title uh and they they know and they there's like people that try to normalize pedophilia and I think they maybe there's there's the NAMBLA thing what is NAMBLA NAMBLA is like a national association of man man boy loves yeah that's I mean it's what you're saying yeah I mean it's a pedophilia and pedis tree advocacy okay so maybe a NAMBLA I'm thinking up and I think what Shane's just described as one of their kind of rationalizations of being like hey pedophilia is just another sexual fetish no it's a sickness yeah it's a mental illness right that's right so that one's pretty weird and then he so then he goes on to explain that one cuz he got [ __ ] for that and this let's see this he explains in 2018 which is actually kind of recent he says no that videos all jokes taken out of context and as all the punchlines removed it is also is illegal to claim someone is a someone who's a pedophile and use six year-old jokes as proof again I love delete everyone trying to get legal it I do not believe that that is illegal no of course it's not also we're talking about civil um not crit there's not a criminal yeah weird takes yeah I cannot really take this as an explanation there's no conflict well we just heard ya em was the same back here that I guess Shane did at some point release what we just heard unedited and he he in that clip says that he's just joking actually makes me better well of course he would say that I mean my mouth Dan you I'm not actually eating it's just an outwit it's a mint I wish a damn it sorry can you say again will you bring in some areas bringing out meds now and what did you say I said that Shane he said I'm just kidding he just said I'm just kidding in that clip yeah in that clip in in a longer unedited clip without a didgeridoo but I feel like there has to be a limit that's crossing a line of just kidding doesn't doesn't make it so anyway yada yada yada there's more I mean this is the short stack right there was like a Quebec Jeep could you cook a julienne do we yes Dan [Applause] don't even know when a pubic hair is [Applause] what's your name random fan four-year-old sister already getting sexual yeah yeah oh this one I got a show I know you guys are over it but this one's so weird because it features [ __ ] Rafi fine the fine brother I hope is just here no it's which I figured it out we it's moving I was watching this tonight all right I got a tongue it was a really good it was a really good spot though no because I was like I was like wow this video is so disturbing what in the [ __ ] is this and then for a moment it swings over to the puppet master and I was like holy [ __ ] that's that's a fine brother that's Rafi fine and then Dan looked it up and we 100% confirmed hey it's milli bye Rafi fine you'll see the ice it's a hundred percent confirmed to touch yourself in the nether regions [Music] why don't you why don't you touch yourself a little bit you see Rafi fine right it's just it just blew my mind that he was oh that was quite a twist nobody is mentioning that Rafi fine is doing some weird pedophile puppet doesn't that I was like oh my god later in the same clip you see the other fine brother right so actually I don't think it's the other fine bro I look very closely it doesn't look like him all right [Laughter] like here you want to see it you want to examine it to me I looked really cool I mean it would make sense that it's in but see it doesn't look like him does it I don't think so just to prove it so people don't know I'm making [ __ ] up here here's the puppet hey it's Millie okay created by Rafi and Benny fine and Shane Dawson owes a collaboration weird Millie is an 8 year old girl who may seem innocent but in almost every single video she's in she says inappropriate words make sexual any windows and she doesn't understand his meaning and says she is wet Oh from sexual arousal 2010 what was going on with when humor back then Internet in that area is very fringe in retrospect yeah really is okay so now we get to the Smiths okay so we can we're done with all that did this this is what I think YouTube was like alright this is [ __ ] crazy so here yeah so anyway so then so I mean okay that coming off the back of everything we talked about is is you know weird he just continues to do this but then the Smith family comes out with the heat Jada Smith the mom to Shane Dawson I'm done with the excuses I'm not sure what that means but you know I think I understand after I saw the amount of clips because she probably saw it already she probably saw one or two and she was like okay maybe it's a joke and I don't get it maybe this maybe that but when you see like the whole totality of it maybe she was like I'm done with the excuses and you know the Smith family is well connected with YouTube Will Smith could call Susan Wojcicki just just like me just like you yeah I'd be like yo be like oh yeah I guess rewind time ones shame Bob she goes hello and he's like yeah yeah and she's like oh hi Smith Will Smith so I think the Smith family brought the hammer down and then Jayden Smith you know the famous I mean poet name is a thinker philosopher Shane Dawson I'm disgusted by you sexualizing eleven-year-old girl who happens to be my sister is the furthest thing from funny and not okay in the slightest bit 1.1 million likes yeah hello who's this yeah oh hey well Oh Oh Shane did what oh that's not cool yeah okay I'm gonna get right on that will smile wait hold on hold on he did what yeah that is totally unacceptable okay we're talking about serious stuff here yeah but you know there's always time for some good Will Smith uh-huh so anyway it all comes full circle and I go back to something that happened recently and we all speculated about this and I think I was on one of the only ones who said you know what I think he did it and what am I talking about let me play this for you get arrested for this I don't know nothing about it mmm I don't think so okay go ahead enjoy a little chicken legs like you know spread open all right other I was like if I just like humph but like honors tummy like that's not weird like I never and then I humped it I hunted I haven't kept going no you sexual experience no I said from the very first moment I think he caught it came on that cat because it was way too specific and way too detailed and he said he was kidding and I was like ah he's just kidding that shame I think that cat got come Don I was one of the greatest memes wasn't it when he wrote his tweet tweet I did not cut first of all I did not come on my cat and everyone's like whoa yeah oh yeah yeah I think he [ __ ] oh no he didn't [ __ ] his cat well he rubbed his dick on his cat I guess but like in the context of everything we've just seen raise your hand who thinks Shane came on as cat well know wouldn't he he said he humped the cat he's not [ __ ] the cat well tip what he didn't penetrate yeah yeah but would that still be [ __ ] if you're I mean it depends are you did he come on the cat came on the cat who came on the cat I'm not going on the record no no I think he [ __ ] okay yeah you're right is we shouldn't but I mean I think that coming on the cat is at least okay let's don't trivialize any of this is all very serious so uh that's pretty much it if you've come to that's the tsys and that's the tea yes it's pretty crazy I everybody loses in this story yes fortunately oh there was one thing I wanted to show is that the crystal ball lady right who was the keeper the gatekeeper of all this drama and I do want to be is the not having a crystal ball the lady her channel name is oh she's got a great intro - do you wanna watch yeah I do so it's at 3:30 so I can know where I was doing this bro [ __ ] c/e oh I laugh I thought it was like yeah topical funny yeah so anyway that's her intro love it god bless so back this is super interesting she just made this video in response to Tottie's video and she said back in the day she wrote a video about the drama and involving tatty and then tact he had her lawyers contact her to remove [ __ ] I'm like she just wrote an article about it yeah let her explain but what I really want to point out is that she was a pillow in the back that says love is love it's the best which if you think about it man it means absolutely nothing at all and it's so funny I just find it so funny love is love love is love baby what else could it be hmm what else could love be but love it's all love love is love hmm is T love no love is love he is t he can't make money on YouTube Sony hope his videos it's yes right here so there's a sound machine and so you know a lot of people were like why is taki speaking out now whatever I'm not here to say like I don't like taki I'm really no 20 by the way a 20 minute video that I think I can boil down to 30 seconds when she finally gets to the point love is love I don't like feel any sort of like I hate you or motional just do I like some of her behavior okay here we go last year I wrote a piece and and after doing that what happened love is like the article and I completely changed the way that it wasn't the article was put together and I took out any of the things that was 30 seconds of a 20-minute video but I just really love love is love I love love is love I believe that was too reliant Shakespeare wrote that line originally love is love actually now we move on to a very it's like such a weak man talked about dog we're talking about Shane now we got to move on to crystally a friend of the show and all of these guys were on the show everybody we've ever been a ghost I'm the commonality yep you did this ah you know what it really sucks is that I really like all these guys on a personal level doc is like so well first of all I'm not accusing anything of doc let me step back I'm not saying anything wrong I don't know what he did I doc is an awesome dude though he was like super entertaining super funny such a great cast Shane is a don't know them on a personal level of them for my you're right from my perception of having them wise I guess having ran into them yeah but well Chris D'Elia I actually do know more on a personal level than these other people for example even then it's not like we hung out we excited this no but he like when we when Theodore was born he sent us a gift and I thought I was like oh my god that's so thoughtful mm-hmm like he was one of the few people that sent us a gift and like for him to have followed that and it was a really nice gift it was like a really cool toys and blanket was a really beautiful bat I was like I was honestly tough I was like wow that's so thoughtful of him to send that yeah we texted a couple of times about like Metamucil we were laughing because I was like dude Metta me it's a safe Braille chant as a game changer and we were laughing about Metamucil and stuff so I would you know I liked him a lot as they do it I thought he was like you know on his act he's kind of crass and he's very like I'll just say and do what I want and [ __ ] you but I was like wow you know on a personal level my dealings with the person I was like he's such a sweet tender caring guy so when these accusations about Chris came out I was I should honestly my first reaction was just like dude like why why why did you have like why man why would you risk anything to just blurt with these girls on Instagram and [ __ ] snapchats like why would you do why would you put yourself at risk just like [ __ ] why man why are you doing this that's a sickness that's what's a sex addiction it must be some kind of thing because she Chris always makes a big deal about how he doesn't do drug or I don't know if he makes a big deal but like it's very remarkable Ike he's like I've never I he always he says I have never tried any drug I've never said alcoholic ever smoked a single puff of weed and it's remarkable that why would so it's almost like his addiction is sex is what it seems like which is I mean this the [ __ ] up thing about a sex addiction is that again there's there's a fact it by definition includes other people who are probably you know are gonna be deeply affected by what you do smoking weed and alcohol maybe it can affect your family as a byproduct but ultimately it's something you're doing to yourself you don't need other people's consent I'm not saying he raped anyone but like there's a power dynamic and I think I think it's just you know I really hate to see and I've seen it a lot when these celebrities with power and influence indiscriminately use that to just [ __ ] girls and they like and try to control and manipulate and it's just like dude why you can funk you can get a normal girl you can get a girl because like he's 30 I think or forty ways he's forty think he's not for anything he was 35 and the time of some of those stories and so all like the vast majority the girls are like right on the cusp of 18 like super young ass attitude how about just [ __ ] a 25 year old if you want a younger girl you know or just like fine like a normal girl look here's the thing about 18 year olds and girls around that age is that like they're on the most part I don't want to discriminate against younger people but the maturity level against someone who's like 2530 is just so vast oh yeah and when you read their stories they say the only reason I responded is because I told my friends this guy messaged me and he's verified and all this stuff and the friends were like always famous you gotta respond yeah because when you're 18 it's mesmerizing it's like yeah adjectives in general there's a lot of gravity towards being a celebrity right like it's like this mythical magical thing and you can really influence people with that but it's like but when you're talking about I you know thinking back to myself as a teen I know that weed legally consider eighteen year olds adults but like I was very much still a child at that age yeah you know I was far from adult at 18 he was an adult but he was like the problem solook was the one that should have known better so I was very disappointed and you know I just like dude why why did you why everything going for him he was on top of the world he was like he's featured in this huge Netflix blockbuster that was like a hundred million dollar budget that like and it's like dude he was on his way he had it all but I just don't understand why why would you risk all that just stuff [ __ ] some young girls man anyway let's talk about what actually happened there was first of all I was like the enormity there was like dozens of girls that came out with similar stories he said I'll start with his statement on all this he said to TMZ I know I have said and done things that might have offended people during my career but I have never knowingly pursued any underage woman at any point Chris goes on to say all of my relationships have been both legal and consensual and I have never met or exchanged any inappropriate photos with the people who have tweeted about me he finishes by saying that being said I really am truly sorry I was a dumb guy who absolutely let myself get caught up in my lifestyle that's my fault I own it I've been reflecting on this for some time now and I promise I will continue to do better so I think in the beginning it started with some Twitter threads with those girls saying girl got one here he reached out to me Oh 18 you know it was the craziest thing that made it even worse is that he played a pedophile twice right and separate shows first on workaholics the second time and you dude that made it so much worse and the the you one was far worse because not only was it a pedophile he was playing a comedian that preyed on young girls he's basically playing himself oh my god they said let's see what does just send me a pet she sends a she was six she claims to she was 16 at the time of this conversation and he was apparently you know in 34 35 it was in 2014 sent a pic she sends a panda and he says ha ha the [ __ ] panda dick there very exotic is that it I guess she's just saying he was I mean yeah you don't want to ask a six-year-old for big for pictures oh here's another one imagine being 16 being groomed by stand-up comedian twice your age and the only reason you never met up and got physically molester was because you had just gotten a boyfriend your own age she says he says hey I'm in your town let's hang do you want to meet up tonight yes can we make out yes sir so like yeah there's no proof here exactly of something illegal happening just from this screenshot but the problem is that you start to see the pattern of what he was doing across all these different stories and it you can definitely see predatory behavior he a lot of times would start talking to them on Instagram and the switch to email or text or whatever but on their Instagram day a lot of them say he could clearly see my age you know like if you're under speed of a 16 year old yeah he so he says I I didn't ever knowingly pursue anyone underage and that might be true but you knew that they were you knew for sure that they were like right there I'd be a little under maybe a little over but even regardless of that it's like I I don't know it's like to you let's say this guy really likes sex it's the only thing he cares about in the world and he's like I'm famous I'm attractive I just want to [ __ ] whoever wants to [ __ ] me and so he's like I'm traveling on all these towns I'm going everywhere I'm going everywhere is that I just want to [ __ ] people that want to [ __ ] me he's gonna [ __ ] all the time and so he's messaging everybody's like hey I wanna [ __ ] on five on five yeah the problem is that there is a common theme here that shows they're too young yeah he's targeting people that are too young yeah at least for me that just from observing what I'm saying it's definitely behavior that I think the problem is when you target someone that's so young - is that like there's a good chance that you because of your celebrity status you'd be putting them in a position they're not fully comfortable with even though they are consenting yeah that's why he's abusing his power yeah cuz they'll be like they'll come over like oh my god it's Chris D'Elia and then it'd be like you want to drink and then he'll start acting inappropriately and then cheap maybe she's like I don't want to say no because it's Chris D'Elia and well I came here and of course he's expecting this of me and so they end up in the situation that they're very uncomfortable with and they go through with it because of they're embarrassed or they're ashamed or yada yadi awright so like let's say it's not explicitly rape but he's putting people in situations that that they they are probably not fully comfortable with yeah and and they're so young they don't really know how to behave how do ya it's a good point because I feel like a lot of people will misunderstand this situations and they're like well if someone didn't rape her then she consent to who's there by choice what's the problem yeah it's great it's a career it's he's the adult in the situation and he needs to know better and to do better and not abuse his power and the fact that this this went on for a really long time among a lot of girls and so and so he kind of must like it can happen watching you like Paul do it and then maybe like man that was like maybe I crossed the line maybe I whatever whatever but here's these are specific stories that came out in the LA Times because there's just tons of anonymous people not anonymous but tons of claims and accusations very similar to this one with Twitter and some of them had to go in on him is because they were actually getting a [ __ ] on by his fence which is another problem for victims to to come out with your story is not that easy no I totally agree it's horrifying because like you already feel guilty in you already feel ashamed but then so the most [ __ ] up thing is that you feel guilty and ashamed because you know that if you don't say anything then you'll enable other people to go through what you did so it's almost like it's not they don't want the attention right you have to understand that they are they can't live with the guilt of knowing that they're allowing this to happen to more people so that is like a torturous I just got to be awful feeling like you don't want to go out in the spotlight you've been put in this position by somebody else you don't you have this damage from somebody else you just want to move on and get on with your life but at the same time you know that that person is still doing that and so you you have to you see yourself as obligated to say something morally it's just it's it's on all front and then you know that is people call you a liar and so it's just a horrible horrible horrible it's not a good sort of attention taste and nothing to gain from it to victims like yeah it's horri mean that's just there's just there's just a pilot it's just the worst on all from all sides it's awful for your family to hear about what happened to you it's awful for everyone and then on top of that you have to deal with fans of that person we're gonna come at you and call your liar email you call you or call you a liar yeah I mean dude I don't I think the amount I think first of all there are fake allegations and that [ __ ] is so [ __ ] to actually go on record and falsely accuse someone is as heinous as doing the act itself mm-hmm but I think there's not as many fake accusations as a lot of people believe there are not even close yeah I mean there are them and that fact that they exist is true oh yeah they are heinous is true yeah but whenever someone comes out with the story your reaction shouldn't be immediately like oh this is um fake allegations it's okay to want to read more and get the full picture but it's fair to be like let's pump the brakes and let all the information come out before I make any judgment that's that's a yeah that's probably the best approach but the person's right to immediately attack back is just a bad idea because if it is true and it most likely is true it is most likely you HOT you can't argue really I mean I mean I can tell you from my personal life I like maybe like 95% of the females that I know have a story that is real so it's crazy it's way more than people realize way way way way more yeah that's right it is crazy it is crazy so well anyway those are all just on Twitter but that LA Times did an investigation and this is all corroborated so this is like real journalism I mean this is the LA Times so these stories are are to me really really kind of seal the deal here he says one of those fans was Jackie Cohen a UCLA student who first started talking to Julia when he responded to a picture of her on snapchat she said their their conversation moved to text message he wrote to her from the same number he used to correspond with another person Holtzman and immediately sexual cowan shared screen shots of their exchange with the times hey hey he first said in June 2017 hey what you up to she responded you want to suck my [ __ ] he replied wasting no time Jesus should we not read this is it as part of the I mean it's important I think it's important the 19 year old told the the 19 year old told the 37 year old she would give him oral sex telling him she was looking for nothing but fun and would be gone with no strings after the potential account that sounds like a perfectly fine experience right two consenting adults but then this is when it gets really weird right he goes how badly do you want to hang out with me Cohen said of the exchanges I said pretty bad you're really cute we get along we don't have to go out but he kept wanting me to prove myself before we could hang out after months of on and off messaging Thalia wrote to her out of the blue in August 2017 I want you to suck my friend tonight will you go do that for me soon thereafter she said she began receiving phones and video calls from an older man who identified himself as Delia's best friend he told me Chris just wants to make sure you're real I want nothing I promise Chris is making out to be more than it is Cohen said of the conversation he kept asking for my dress so we can meet up and I could be approved to meet Chris but I wouldn't tell him where I lived I only told him I lived in Encino later that night she said she received angry messages from Delia inquiring why she uh not met his friend my brother my buddy quote my buddy drove to you what the [ __ ] said a screenshot text Jimmy Cowan Jackie's brother told the times he was sitting with her while the exchange was happening and was creeped out finding Delia was request hilariously pathetic Chris never had my consent to promise my body to anyone added Jackie I don't deserve to be treated that way I never disrespected him what hasn't been what hasn't been that widely report is that Chris did release a lot of emails with the girls that publicly accused him showing that they left out crucial messages regarding their age what is that 10 that's his article from 625 yeah he he since then and the story is kind of gotten buried a little bit he he most of the main people that accused him on twitter he went ahead and released the full conversations to prove that you know he wasn't doing anything untoward with underage girls it doesn't really clear him from I mean that story that you just told doesn't even involve anybody underage it's just him kind of being creepy in general but you know um as far as the stuff of targeting or trying to meet up with girls underage or whatever he's pretty much exempt from what I can tell he's exonerate himself on that so you know nothing actually illegal but that doesn't mean it's cool it's just he's not gonna get arrested for it I guess you know so I mean that's pretty strange to be like hey my buddy's gonna come to you get his dick sucked he it's like a sex trafficking right the worst one that I've read well then there's the other story that the LA Times covered was D'Elia apparently had a pet this is from the same article get a pattern of quickly taking his relationships with fans to sexual places 2015 he performed in New York and then the score Laura the 19 a female friend who was 21 then approached Aaliyah after set to request photographs with them he obliged and invited the pair to a party at his New York City hotel they came to the hotel they made the hour-long drive but when they arrived they were surprised to find him alone we looked at each other low-key because no one was there there was shrimp scampi on the counter and he was watching cops but there was no sign of a party but I was so not even excited to be there I didn't even really see an issue before they could enter the room D'Elia told the woman he needed to take their cell phones and leave them a basket well I just assumed it was something that anybody with that level of fame did I gotta start doing that I guess I'm not as famous I'm not meeting anyone yeah and I don't mean anyone I think he I got to take your phone ela he told us is for privacy reasons they said that Delia offered them alcoholic drinks he has long maintained he does not consume alcohol that's interesting and you know what saying he's got all those bits about drunk girls still know it's like dude you're an expert for drunk drunk girls when it doesn't drink it's at between them on the couch it began complimenting them and groping their buttocks they allege growing increasingly uncomfortable the french tΓ΄le awkward glances at each other I didn't know where his hands were gonna go she said we realized no one else was coming he wasn't drinking he was just saying she and I should drink so we ended up getting up to leave but as they started to gather the things both women say he pulled down his sweatpants pulled out his erect penis and asked are you sure about that they grabbed their phones and exited the room later telling a male friend who had attended the show with them about the encounter their friend confirmed this with the times so I mean those both stories are pretty freaking weird yeah it's like sexual deviancy for sure so that's I mean like I mean I'm disappointed dude I just don't know why man like can like he has a sex addiction just get help and like it's just it's sad that he threw away this incredible career because he just he has he had this issue that he apparently I mean he had to have known that what he was doing was dangerous and wrong unless in denial about it it could be that he justify it by saying hey they're all overage I mean in his statement that he made to TMZ or whatever I mean he did say that he was in the wrong and took responsibility and got out of control or whatever so I mean certainly now he's aware though is there any he's had a huge growth in the past three years has there been any evidence come out that he's done anything like this in the past three years I mean is he actually attempting to reform himself and it's just coming out now it might be I think what happened is his role in to show you is what made like I think the first one that came out she was like I saw him play this role in the show and he was like what the [ __ ] that's what he did to me and that's why she wrote oh dude so I think it's quite possible he's attempted to reform himself in the past several years knowing that what he was doing was wrong but ultimately I don't know that yeah I don't know that yeah but it's see I I don't recall seeing any allegations for coming from the past several years I could be totally I mean I just searched the LA Times article and yeah 2017 is seems to be the most recent one at least that they talked about in here so just feel bad for everyone involved it's like to come on I just sat I was like bro seriously what the [ __ ] so what do you think I mean it my mind of course goes to the similarities with the louis c.k situation and he's like attempting a comeback with his career or whatever do you think D'Elia will in a couple years we'll be able to come back or is he just he's done I was wondering about how it compares to the louis c.k thing Louie CK that apparently was receiving consult I always hear conflicting things people he says he got consent to everyone he jerked off in front of but then I also heard that he would stand in front of a door and pull his dick out before anyone gave him consent so I'm still confused on exactly what went down the thing about just standing in front of a door is like kind of super rapey some weird so but I forget like I don't know what happened so my facts are not straight on the Lucy case I think um I think Louie's apology was like I mean you got a lot of respect for his like just straight up owing like he just Louie I think is the only person to ever go through like this level of cancelling and just straight out come out and [ __ ] like own everything I mean yeah sort of still waiting to see what exactly kind of comeback his wanting what's already sort have been happening well he's not gonna get back to the level that he was at he has a lot of fans but no but I mean like when it happened he made it release where he's like it's all true I did that [ __ ] I'm sick that wasn't I need help right and I was and I think I found that really refreshing to see somebody be like you know owning it yeah at the same time Louie I mean first of all it's honestly it's shocking to see someone jerk off but Kris is like I feel like I feel like it takes time to process these things like I'm still trying to really process what happened with grace cuz at first it was dis stories and then I heard those just the last two stories we just talked about which really sound awful to me and in his case I do think it's involving young girls maybe on their age yeah that feels worse that makes it really bad and that he's having sex with them like seeing some a jerk off is shocking and and it could be traumatic but I think like the intimacy of sex is probably honestly they're both bad yeah they both they're both they're both tough or not what am i what am i comparing uh the Holocaust to the Armenian Genocide over here except let's let's tone it down anything not quite as bad nobody dies but the point is that you know why are we comparing them yeah it's all sad but I have a happy ending I break in tensional II was like this episode's gonna be heavy but I'm gonna have I'm gonna end it with something awesome are you ready this guy Theo shan't tonus I'm such a ade illiterate idiot I think I said it right though Theo Shan tonus that's right on Twitter he posted what I think is the greatest video ever watching this last night and I was like this is the best video ever so follow him and watch this he said lockdown has provided important research time for science did you watch this ela oh yeah there you go so he's on a treadmill in a laundry basket and he speeds it up by 1 mile per hour every time and he's trying to stick the landing I think it's faster faster and it just gets so crazy this one he actually camped out is some cool running [ __ ] this one he I love them you know I love that like seven miles per hour he sticks that [ __ ] like it's all it's the fan [Laughter] this guy forgiving us all laugh today at Theo Shan tonus god bless him I think that obviously that's the end of our episode but I just do want to emphasize again what I said in the beginning is that these people are all real people I just I feel bad for everybody you know just try to be just try to be a little tender when dealing with the people here that it's just I know how bad it feels to be on the receiving end of all this and you know just remember that they are real people I do really want to impart that and you may say I'm a hypocrite because I you'd and that's fine I'm a hypocrite everybody knows that the a just stands for hypocrite you're a [ __ ] hypocrite well come on who are you two talking sir you are a piece of [ __ ] garbage wait hold on kids are you really in a place to call me garbage good luck Ethan because your [ __ ] eat it what are you threatening me no you really crossed the line I crossed the line you just threatened me garbage you're garbage garbage garbage you know what keemstar let's be cool I think we should be cool and just bury the hatchet how dare you say that garbage the [ __ ] what do you think about ela garbage dare you what do you think about Dan garbage how dare you what about Ian garbage what about Zack garbage damn it's cold-blooded now there is this one clip what do you think about okay seriously keemstar just be straight with me what do you think about roses garbage pizza garbage puppies garbage what really tins garbage love is love love is love garbage what love is loved keep star what do you think about help me out here let's end it this podcast garbage mm-hmm I'll agree with that one and you got it right on that case garbage garbage Oh God anyway guys thank you for joining us today on what can only be described as the most tea filled Earl black Earl black black girl there's a lot of my line Earl Grey tea like the greasy really fit tea you know and done you don't know what greasy t like when you had a cup I swear to god it's disgusting Earl Grey is greasy it's so thick I don't know whatever I've been drinking there's like grease on the top I swear to God every time can I just pieced out on a real gray okay it's basically like tea that's coffee I'm like I'll just have coffee Earl who's Earl anyway idiot yes [ __ ] Earl is what I want to say here today hey Kim sir what do you think about Earl Grey coffee guard baby agree on that do you think Kim sir do you prefer the grease on the top of your Earl Grey garbage yeah I don't like it either so we agree on that now there is this one clip well hold out though well hold on though sometimes I do like Earl Grey with a little cream in it you're a [ __ ] hypocrite I'm sorry but I just if you put cream in it it really makes it okay you're a [ __ ] hypocrite well we disagree on that I guess garbage alright guys we'll see you next week what can I say Oh Hamilton is out I'm so excited that Hamilton film on Disney plus I'm a closeted Hamilton on [ __ ] I just lost all my stoop credibility is just like really obsessed with it I think it's a really I know I don't know why I'm sorry Allah gets mad because I like Hamilton not because you just like it because you're obsessed sorry for caring about something it can listen to the Elven like seven days a week it's been a lot less there was a time less lately I'll admit except this five million well I took a dog morning your walk I woke I woke up at 5:00 a.m. I had to take a dump it was just awful because it was like disruptive but I was like I was all hyped to watch Hamilton a day that I didn't realize that like the door was open and you know I was waking way too much noise for sure and I apologize I hear like woke up at 5:00 a.m. to hear Hamilton playing anything using like the todo and I hear like the air dryer no I didn't use the air dress I was squirting sent me a message turn it down and then it stopped completely like when mom and dad scream at you so do you not be day anymore no I shared the bidet going crazy because yeah the pulsate and the oscillate so it's going nah just power wash you seen paddle watching porn power wash porn know that it's a subreddit where they like something dirty and then you power wash it and it's like so clean that's what the todo is power watch for the [ __ ] Wendy Williams that is so inappropriate that is Wendy Williams busting ass that's the real soundbite go ahead Zack you can smell it I'm so hungry Mexican food right keep going Zack you making me hungry yeah all right all right guys have a great terrific weekend we love you we appreciate you and we will be seeing you next week here on the h3 hypocrite 3 hypocrite 3 podcast [Music] [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,759,683
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Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila
Id: O57888ccAls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 40sec (9760 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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