Shane Dawson vs Chuck E. Cheese Pizza Lies - H3 Podcast #104

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Ya snort the weed man!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/JakeZoso311 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 18 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Ok first off, someone really really really needs to tell Ethan to stop ripping off Tom Segura. Like its so many things now with this "When I was kid you had to do illegal shit to get weed" thing. And Ethan come on dude, weed has been completely legal in California for over a year now and there has ALWAYS been dispensaries here. There are a fuck ton more of them now of course but why is he acting like some senior citizen who cant believe this "Drug" is legal. And making fun of employees at the store. You mean they know the product their selling. Like fuck completely off. And the fucking yes men, "Yeah I think weed is just a placebo effect, I don't believe anyone that says it helps them" Weed helps me every fucking day and yes there is a way to feel something and not feel to much. What a dumb segment that was.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/spookymonsterscary ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 18 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
coming to you in five four three two welcome everybody to the hot takes central where we're serving up hot relevant takes like a recycled slice of chucky cheese pizza with me today is the beautiful and courageous courageous ela klein round of applause how are you today you learn that I'm not tired yes today we had to step it up we had to do it earlier because three o'clock let's be honest folks it's the worst time to do a podcast all I want to do a three o'clock is lay down and die like literally I'm that energy list but as you could tell right now it is uh as we are recording this 10:50 a.m. we wouldn't live a little bit early and I am like a rocket ship I've got energy coming out all of my orifices now let me ask you this since I'm buzzing you uh fresh do ever do ever put down your pants to fart so the fart doesn't go through your underwear your pants no you don't do that you're talking about your fart like it's liquid or something no but sometimes it's so dank like in a bad way like I mean dank in the classical sense like they say it's like Oh muy snow Dungeness okay sometimes my farts are so nasty I take down my pants and I fart outside because also well that's for your benefit because you complain that they're so bad you actually get angry at me like oh I like I have control over how big I was okay so I go to the bathroom the part but I don't want to crop dust so I put my pants down I let the gas go untethered by as long as you do it in the bathroom but I would yeah and so I don't want to bring the scent back with me cuz you're it was so toxic though that no matter where you did it it still came back we get it a little vegan farts that I'm talking to ya the vegan farts were so brutal every a problem like yeah it was it was damaging our relationship Eva actually I would wake up in the middle of the night from the stink mm-hmm / fart it's kind of satisfying though to have so now only farts no it's kind of it feels like an achievement like no but I think Eva started thinking and meat into my food but at first the farts were so foreign to me they I didn't even enjoy the smell of it like at first I was like dude that's someone else's farts and I can't enjoy it and not only that at some point it's smelled like and yeah I thought you said but it's not like a sulfur mine in like Indonesia where people like that yeah oh no it was horrible like actually the worst smell it literally smelled like you know when you're a kid and you would buy stink bombs yeah it smelled like a stink bomb when you smell stink bomb you're like oh that's it smells awful but that's way worse than any fart I've ever not like once a day or twice it's like every five minutes yeah exactly LA City had the valve open except they were quiet and deadly yes I gotta tell you though the smell grew on me no because in a in a sense the stinkier you're far the more the more lonely you're gonna be no no their people know what I'm talking don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about when you know I disagree with this homeless thing stop you're being ridiculous when you lay down your own nasty fart and we'll move off this topic soon enough no God I do it man I'm buzzing here thank you to Robin Hood hymns and mint noble with whom I without their help I wouldn't be eating my super healthy vegan toxic diet no thank you imma save them toys because Robin Hood hems and mint mobile thank you as I was saying but I gotta tell people that my mom was here for two weeks she came to visit so I told my mom it makes like the best food on the planet so I told it and you gotta eat her food while she's here but you only get that once a year yeah and I don't feel like weird about it so each and broke the vegan diet mm-hmm which was approved by everyone yeah but the farts are left they're gone the other gone there's no farts yeah I was I honestly was so fascinated by you would think that when you stop consuming dairy and meat that like everything would clean up yeah but for me I had the opposite effect like my body went into turmoil I mean my poops were like they were like diarrhea that was blended up with explosive like diarrhea wasn't enough it was like it was like nint fruit and Jed what do you call those blenders oh yeah the ninja bullet yeah it's like pooping a bullet so gnarly is it gnarliest I mean guys I hate to talk about this button it's my show okay I told you I had hot ticks used to know where they were this hot ever pull your pants down to fart Dan or Zach I mean not on the regular but yeah not on the red yeah maybe after like a long weekend of drinking or something all right you got to take extra precaution now was that because to avoid the smell of because you're afraid you're gonna [ __ ] your pants okay now Dan I have to contest that because I would feel that pulling down your pants to avoid [ __ ] your pants migi with [ __ ] on the floor or whatever well I I go into a safe zone okay so basically that sounds like you're sharding sounds like you're just blowing explosive diarrhea sighs I said it was just a precaution yeah then it didn't actually happen but you know to do it at risk has it ever have you ever pulled down your pants to sort out a little poop no not that I can recall but I suppose it may have happened it may have happened the drunker you are the more likely it is to happen but the less likely you are to remember so okay it's very diplomatic answer yeah so guys happy Valentine's Day speaking of diarrhoea Valentine's Days was yesterday and poor Kenny G you guys probably saw this was in the news Kenny G is rumored to still be in Kanye's living room today he was hired by Kim Kardashian are now had that back on yet Kanye hired Kenny G to perform for Kim Kardashian and here we have the video this was huge news huge uses and I don't know what worked last time yeah it's so strange oh it's make me are you gotta bog in the watch videos I bet you suck my mother up in a little packet what do I do about this maybe I'll try it going incognito like I'm kind of already incognito this is this is a puzzler yeah let's see if this works that we works you know people such a hacker yeah if you need any IP ho call your boy guys here's I to tips from ether incognito or restart this is 99% of all problems [Music] YouTube's gonna be like oh sorry did I hear it yeah did I hear an echo a jazz song mm-hmm Sony Music's like excuse me echo II jazz anything did I hear no did I hear one music note and then Paramount's like excuse me Sony did I hear a music note I went to fighting over it like [ __ ] by the way I listen to radio they play songs all the time and if you play one little they play songs that doesn't mean that you get to own their whole show no it's insane Sony's be like uh sharp yeah I own that now yet Kenny G had a E sharp in his 1930 new track sharp yeah that's mine oh that's my property now thank you talk to my lawyers I'm Sony eat my unwashed [ __ ] sincerely so many lawyers anyway Kenny G is playing music you know this copyright nonsense is making this everything so much more young on YouTube and every time we finish the episode we go back and then we're like oh we got claimed by oh yeah our last step got claimed what was it far a movie trailer oh yeah movie trailer from tip toes from [ __ ] like mm Sony's like we gotta collect every dollar that we can off of this movie Sony's like do I smell a trailer from 2003 we own you do I smell Kenny G did Kenny do you just pull down his pants and rip of fat one eye we owned that sound it's getting so ridiculous and I'll tell you what what's happening it's not necessarily YouTube's fault there's all these predatory people who have built their own algorithms to detect music like a whole business so they here's what happens you have one mother-loving piece of ass boob who he goes he makes an algorithm to text music okay independent of YouTube's and then he'll approach all these huge companies and say hey listen I'm gonna Rev share with you 50% all you have to do is give me permission to claim your [ __ ] and they're like that sounds great that's a win-win proposition we're already not claiming it and he says he's gonna pay us like a million dollars a year that's awesome but so they have no oversight and nor do they care because the the motivation behind this this company that's claiming all this [ __ ] is just to eat up as much revenue as possible you know what I mean so there's no well I guess the problem on YouTube side is that there's no motivation there's no incentive they don't get punished for wrongly claiming something so apparently according to the people I've spoke to that's not true they do get punished apparently they say that but what's at rampant right now is he was giving me a really sly smirk I don't buy it I don't know if you saw that but she's like but well be that as it may whether they are punishing or not what's so rampant is this the nuance the gray space of being like oh that was one second of Kenny cheese so now we own your to our plans that is crazy it's the nuance it's the the problem is that I think the law has such a wide gap that it allows that and the technology is caught up there's no motivation it's just it's gotten it's so out of control there's there's no incentive for these companies not to do it there's no rules to enforce the opposite the law is fuzzy it's just a feeding ground there's probably so many videos will get claimed and the creators don't even know it is because it's just like you don't really get like a big notification about it so they probably make so much money off of the ones that go unnoticed to that's what I get a lot but I think the biggest issue that I've run into talking to other creators is people who don't understand and are afraid to dispute it because I'm so scared it sounds scary like yeah you're gonna get sued if you dispute or striked or your video gonna be erased so you know it's it's bad it's so bad you know but I again is you've got to acknowledge the opposite that on Instagram and Facebook there is no oversight yeah people just it's waste so far the other side then you end up with so flow yeah exactly so blowing suck Jerry and fat Jew by the way fat you there's a guy named fat Jew that does like [ __ ] Jerry can you all get like real names I have a conspiracy theory that these idiots fat Jew and [ __ ] Jerry there I can't even mention them without my video being removed yeah like oh anti-semitic fat Jew Jerry try to talk to making video about [ __ ] Jerry putting them in the title can't do it if I make a new channel I'll call it I'll call it Hitler I don't know I'll call it not see the big Jewish big fat jewy [ __ ] did you yes you're a big bad we can't did you could learn what no we did it and nobody will fat Jew it's like sorry you don't get to call yourself that I don't care if you are fat and Jewish fat Jew sorry oh I'm so I'm so veiny I'm so I'm so awful walk Jerry he just steals [ __ ] his Instagram really yeah Instagram is turned into the new Facebook where it's just like that's mine now and I'm gonna monetize it [ __ ] Jerry I've been doing a lot of research on these guys man these guys are cold-blooded so these guys are so flow with suits your I'm saying well they're like sofala but smarter somehow they like walk around like entrepreneurs they're smart they're so flow there's they have no moral compass and they saw a weak spot but they're smarter not much I mean he's not that smart but he's smarter like so blue he would not beat this guy in chess most likely Wow so flu doesn't think so yeah he's been playing checkers somebody's playing checkers I think sofa was playing checkers in this case be that as it may they always I've just read this article they own [ __ ] Jerry owns this tequila company yeah yeah really which means ha ha in Spanish and none of these guys are Hispanic none of them are have anything to do with alcohol or distillery or anything everything to do is so trashy tasteless an annoying and you'll notice when you go to [ __ ] Jerry they're always tagging yeah yeah uh-huh he's always wearing hats I thought it was a sponsor and [ __ ] no he owns this company didn't so Flo do something just like that - he was like drop shipping bras yeah he mentioned I don't know dude so Flo so deep into scams I can't even follow Zeki I bring in bras from China and sell him on Facebook ads I make a million dollars a second I was like what bro I don't know he's driving around with helicopters with ugly girls you know that guy's on another plan he was doing that as a kindness right yeah yeah nicest thing he's ever done yeah I was like so Flo what's the nicest thing you've ever done well I flew around on ugly girl on a helicopter once was like bro why are you even looking at that girl well yeah everyone's like why you spending time with the ugly group rogue he's like it's like Make A Wish make a wish came true anyway we're talking about Kenny G but I just got fired up so I can't help when I see this scene with Kenny G mm-hmm I just think of Curb when um Larry got this for Cheryl mm-hmm you think he nicked his idea no but it's just so funny I feel like okay I have a lot of thoughts about this so first of all Kenny G's do people listen to Kenny G he's like the weirdest corniest music I've ever heard in my life I love Kenny G do you you would you're like a music connoisseur but he's just I mean he's a dude with a flute mm-hmm not a flute but I'm not what does he play what is that instrument tech it's like a it's a saxophone it's a saxophone it's a soprano sax huh [ __ ] do you guys know what do you guys become scholars he kind of looks like Howard Stern yeah the darkness but I I imagine he was lowered into that room on like wires like Mission Impossible and he's still standing there to this day they're like okay you stand here and now we're gonna build all these flowers around if I can now where you can't move do you think they did that or do you think he tiptoed I don't think he could tiptoe without knocking that [ __ ] over so they must have built it around him to tell you the truth what I really think yeah probably not that funny I think they just left the trail and once you walked in they closed it you know for the video that's brilliant that's really smart that's probably what they did do and you can see there's not that much space between him and the back door he's much further away from the camera than he is the back door so but be that as it may I likely think he was suspended by cable and lowered yeah I choose to believe that it's bar funnier he's wild playing the saxophone yeah he's like a little flower himself isn't he like to dip him into a vase you know what I'm saying he's like a human q-tip he's got a big-ass [ __ ] mop like the cleaner and I'm saying like blue zocalo flirting himself you know I'm saying damn I don't know why people like Kenny G right people want to [ __ ] Kenny G is that a thing I'm not familiar but it sounds like he's do you want a musical agent he's somewhat of a mute oh he's a sex icon Kenny G in fact I'm surprised you brought him over because if I was Kim Kardashian I would be alike let's just put you in a vase and see Kanye later yeah that's the sex icon love that hair yeah that hair I could get lost in that I got to find young Kenny G because that's when he was bald and beautiful well he's still bald and beautiful look at this [ __ ] not change his hair in decades I mean god bless the man dude look how hot he is and look at that G to that Jesus spoke tastefully done you know why they call him Kenny G because he's killed five people on the streets where he's from Compton he's in a rich kenny OG they call him on the streets you know they call him Kenny G cuz he's got five different families by five different baby mamas cuz he's a gangster so damn he looks so much better with his like a stylist hmm you know I'm saying like just a dude sex God right like there's a stylist you know what I've been thinking about lately if all you guys at home who are like I [ __ ] am ugly and nobody wants to touch my dick nobody wants to have anything to do with me being attractive is so much just about putting in the effort mm-hmm I feel like almost most people if they dress well and take care of their looks and exercise could be extremely [ __ ] that's true you know and there's a luckless class up here there's a lucky few who are just like ridiculously naturally beautiful yeah but those are almost like like you know yeah but I was gonna say it doesn't always add to the interest factor in them like what you're describing is very true like you could take a very normal looking dude but if you put in the effort look at Kenny G look at this [ __ ] nerd I like to break his glasses this guy I'll [ __ ] it to y'all [ __ ] I'll go gay for a night Kenny oh gee easily but also that's not to say that people who aren't naturally beautiful aren't elevated but it's not even and for you guys are all saying oh that's not fair I'm a lazy I'm lazy the beauty aspect it's it's it shows that you work that you care you know that you're focused and dedicated it doesn't mean that you're super it doesn't it can mean if you take it too far mm-hmm but there's a certain there's a healthy medium there's a healthy point where you take care of yourself you look good you floss you go to clip comm /a something else this upset but I'm saying you take care of yourself and it says more about you as a person and then therefore people want to fist your [ __ ] more than they would interesting right somehow I defied all those advice I just gave you because I was a mess when I met you you you were a mess but you actually had some style you weren't like cool sweaters when no one else was that's what you says got her sweater that's what it was cool and wise I will own that sweater I bought it from the gap what was the sweater it was a gap sweater but it was ice water you can add a bunch of sweaters actually right I have to tell I was he almost was like dressing like a hipster but not knowingly it wasn't like an annoying hipster say it say what it was it was before the hipsters that's true though has my fashion sense I guess I don't know because once I you know I don't what do you think about how I dressed these days you're my stylist dealer no you're just fine it's I think what happened so you gained weight that's so true are there to address my mood it's so hard to dress nice with you yeah or even chubby it's so hard to dress nice when you're chubby it's just try to put on a cute sweater when you're fat it just doesn't work you look like a marshmallow you look like a damn fruit roll-up good thanks no I'm not saying that what the hell we doing here where we talking about Dan how long has it been - when you take a look at kg I mean - case in point from this is just telling you so I'm just go back to that kid picture I got to see that again the juice did you think that anyone who knew this kid at this time thought that this guy would be superstar huh yeah I'm telling you man there's hope for anyone the most [ __ ] up broke looking ass out there I'm not asked I mean but like you're just broke your it [ __ ] born with the you did your DNA got [ __ ] up when you came out your parents [ __ ] God was like this [ __ ] gonna be ugly even you do it if you put in an app telling you if you put in the effort you wash your [ __ ] face cut your hair put on a cute sweater yo you're gonna be fine mm-hmm real just a little motivation here for you guys on Friday afternoon now if it's so sick oh yeah my mom arrived sick and the whole first five days over visit here she was just laying on our couch which really sucks but then she got better but then Ethan got sick was like the worst illness I've had in so long I just lost a week of my life basically hmm I had it like a hundred and three point three fever you know I was like oh my god this is getting kind of bad it's the kind of sick where you cannot even enjoy that you're sick cuz most of the time when you get sick you're like this is nice taking it easy watching television and not a care in the world you're so uncomfortable you're so much you know discomfort that you can't even enjoy the fact that you have nothing to do yeah so I had like 103 plus fever so I went took a cold shower cuz you're you're I think I I don't know if this is like the ultimate tip that people don't know or if I just learned it late but when when you have a fever you're intuitionists they bundle under the blankets because your body heat is so high that you feel cold by comparison to the air temperature and so that's why when you like get under the blankets and you're under like ten blankets and you've got like heaters on and you're still cold under there is because your body temperature is so hot that your own body heat can't warm you to a comfortable level so what you're doing is just raising your temp body temperature more and more and more mm-hmm and that's when you can get dangerously feverish so the best thing you can do what I learned when I was in Israel the last time I had a fever and got really scared because you want to be like I'm freezing I want to go take a hot shower more than anything but that's the opposite that'll make you [ __ ] sick so you go take a cold shower and you lay out under your beds with no blanket or a thin sheet in your underwear and then your body temperature is able to lower so I did that and I went from like 103 plus down to like 102 which was a huge difference because it kept going up and yeah but I was getting scared and then from there I just started feeling better but it took a while money on tab biotics now give me 10 for 10 days I'm like socks 10 days mm-hmm forget why I'm taking this in the first believe a day 10 the walls gonna be built by day 10 I don't think we need antibiotics anymore is that what the wall does and does everything it does everything everything you ever wanted Oh logic uh the hip-hop superstar logic Bobby Tarantino is coming next week dan is that at the regular timers on Thursday it's on Thursday Thursday could you mind Dan throwing up a questions thread when we're finished here or whatever of course dude do you know what time in the day though we're not yet I guess I don't know yet I think it's at 3:00 okay it's at our old normal time okay I'll check with him and see maybe we can finagle it because I really do prefer this time but yeah Bobby is a great guy such a sweetheart I'm very excited to have him he's interesting dude yeah his hands are gonna be excited too they've been asking for it for like a year really well we were gonna have him on today but actually he got an invite from Eminem I'm open for him for like 30,000 people in Hawaii he's like yo sorry I got to do this I was like bro you [ __ ] me big to Oz believe how good you know that's amazing that's really exciting so well I plan to talk about when we have him here yeah yeah week we have covered literally nothing of what I planned but isn't that the point I'm not sticking to the script anymore this is Danny I'm good to talk about how I gained like 20 pounds already want to talk about that - you want to talk about it but we can do it after the break okay this is Ethan Unchained as what I was gonna say okay I am NOT sticking to the script anymore this is who I am this is who I want to be I'm here I'm there I'm everywhere okay and if you don't like it then you can file an official complaint at podcast at issue of your productions calm you can be back is always welcome with that being said let's throw to a quick commercial break we've got everything to talk about we have not covered nearly we have not talked cleared anything clearly everything's left to talk about don't go away Robin Hood is an investing app that lets you buy and sell stocks ETFs options Kryptos all commission free while other brokerages charge up to $10 for every trade 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words tik-tok mother effers does balding run in your family well I got bad news for you 66% of men lose their hair by the age of 35 and the thing is when you notice your hair is gone is little coming out it's already too late but here's the good news guys it's not all dreary and rain there's sunshine over there because it's easier to keep the hair you have on your head that to replace it once it's gone down the drain am i right I don't know anything about hair loss unfortunately for myself but these guys do it for hips calm okay one-stop shop for hair loss skin care sexual wellness for men here's the deal you don't have to lose your hair you don't have to be bald it's optional because we got real doctors real medical grade solutions to treat the hair loss well-known generic equivalents to name-brand prescriptions we'll help you keep the dang hair on your head and out of the drain this is not a snake oil pill or a gas station supplement this is prescriptions backed by science okay these 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nope dinner yup that's gangster that's more even that's more G than Kenny G afraid of the dark games oh yeah yes goes a good friend of the dark nope like that's gangster and then he goes Yoda yeah so so 21 savage came out with the sequel - yup nope called a lot a lot where he poses questions to himself and the answer is always how many money how much money you got a lot yeah exactly call and response just like the folk classics how many lawyers you got a lot so I was trying to think like what would my version that song be you know how many how much money you got some how many [ __ ] you got one sorry [ __ ] I just it's the vernacular how many pockets you got one how many channels you got three I don't stick to the format yeah I like to mix it up how many consoles you play three let me with that vibe very realistic yeah very realistic eight eight eight how many showed you God one how many [ __ ] you got one zero how BIG's your dick little eight how many dogs you got none friends I mean friends yes how much how BIG's your bank account it's pretty good yeah how many how many viewers you got how many mill happy late in a day - how many pounds you lost for how much you weighed 210 that's pretty fat are you obese yup do you watch movies not that much do you like Netflix it's okay do you watch Hulu it's okay do you want cable nope do you like dish nope do you like commercials nope do you like paying $100 for commercials no just yeah yeah do you love your wife yup is she gonna have a baby yes I'm forgetting the point of the song how many yeah how many how many babies are you gonna have one well maybe more how many babies are gonna have a lot how many crews you work with Wow one yeah where's my crap how many grams you won not one yeah grammy-nominated we bring you Ethan the killer how many times you met with Will Smith once fines yeah alright so I keep going with this nope I'm gonna be Will Smith oh we met him in YouTube crater or summat oh he is a youtuber they're sure of us a ch3 I'm like a lecture not a lecture but I could talk that he gave wait I have an epic photo hopefully it's on Google so don't the Will Smith have a lot of a YouTube advice for you guys you know what that was before II was a year okay here's an epic photo of we did with him you know what YouTube's this [ __ ] is so stupid like okay by the way you can tell how much I don't want to talk other Creators you know I feel there's enough of that going around but let me just say this Tyler Okies a [ __ ] and I'm gonna [ __ ] him up I'm [ __ ] throw down a Tyler Oakley I was gonna say is I was gonna make an observation about how people like tried to get in as close to well Smith as possible let's just say the people at the front of it they try to get there they try they made an effort yeah like as if Will Smith was Jesus it's like the Last Supper but Tyler Oakley uh Joey Graceffa bunch of other people is weird I mean it was yeah Will Smith Will Smith he actually it was nice actually hearing I'm not gonna say in bad about him and on that note I'm super excited for his role as genie I think he's gonna crush it I think it's perfect role for him I think Robin Williams is a small easy shoes to fill mm-hmm he's hack those shoes are so small ish Will Smith is gonna be spilling over the shoes - they're gonna size up no he's cool he's tall as [ __ ] he was like he's got like that movie star yeah you know when you meet someone they like he's got like a movie star quality where you meet him and he's like tall and like he's so put together and you just feel like an inferior person and listen I'm saying if you've ever met a person like this you know what I'm talking about don't judge me for saying that he just is so polished okay his life is probably a [ __ ] mess probably hates his family okay the dudes of Scientologists house some more [ __ ] up can your life get but like on the surface value he has this polish he has a aura like a princely aura is it known that he's a Scientologist I think that it's I mean there's like trying to keep it a secret I don't what yeah I it's like highly suspected but he's not like open about it but I guess he's donated a bunch of money to Sol ontology and like open school or Scientologists but I got damn when we make claims like this that are not really backed up I prefer if you could come in and say them instead of me can we set that up in some way I'll push the button I'd be like damn that I don't know it's true or not secret hot take button take Dan take can you take the I'll take on this one but I've met other people like that I met people like that who work for Google and YouTube where they're so put together and so polished and I'm like what the [ __ ] do you inject like yeah baby foreskin for sure mm-hmm penis facial anyway what the [ __ ] are we doing here what do we need to talk about today is this fun or a mess hmm who cares I'm having fun but so 21 savagely you know what it's too serious but they should not lock him up they should not dumb like that I think what was messed up is that day there was ice put out a report that said that he came when he was a like 14 or something and that he had prior convictions that criminal record and then I said Savage put out a statement from his attorneys that said he came when he was seven you know and he has no criminal conviction so that's a huge difference in reporting what are you supposed to do when you're seven like you don't even know yeah his mom brought him over when he was seven okay he's grew up his whole life here in America it's all he knows he's got kids his family's here his life is here he's born in the UK but he's never lived there he doesn't have a life there I like how people like to port him yeah like people say that about about Israel they say send him back to Germany uh I just imagine someone getting off about and being like all right what now yeah it's like did you dude he lives here he's [ __ ] he lives here dude what is your that's just cruel you want to send it and also why did they need to arrest him like it didn't just it's it's all paperwork you can figure it out but he doesn't need to be in like jail with rapists and murderers right I heard they had him on lockdown for 23 hours a day and one hour of like free time and he was out they didn't even issue him a bomb so they wouldn't even allow him out well I don't think he was in a normal jail he was in a nice detention centers yeah he was there with other people that have been picked up by ice but I guess I think what men is that the conditions were like as if he was some kind of violent affair yeah yeah I mean I don't think a nice Detention Center is a club fed uh was there explosion outside do you hear that ice is coming for me guys I forgot to tell you I was born in the UK by Isis here but so it turns out that what now he's out on $100,000 bond because there's jay-z hired like every lawyer in America but I'm sorry that just seems unnecessarily cruel let's forget about his politics let's forget about his race let's forget about anything you know about him he's just a dude okay who came here when he was seven as a kid his mom overstayed the visa he went to public school here he has a family he has a job here his whole life is here he doesn't he has no identity what UK and you're just gonna arrest him what was his crime exactly and ship him back dude if that was somebody you knew if you erased everything you knew about him and that was just like a template person that you knew I feel like 100 % of people would say that's insane but that that's just my opinion or I mean I know that I don't see any other way to see it I agree I feel bad for him I saw many interview today and he was like on Good Morning America it was the first interview he gave he was like I didn't even know what a visa was I was seven yeah I had no idea how this would impact my life I what growing up as an adult I was a I was seven years old when I came here mm-hmm I'm American as far as I know this is all I know also let's acknowledge that he doesn't have a criminal record apparently that's what his attorneys say and he is a dis whatever you think about his music or his politics a highly he contributes a lot to society in terms of his tax chair he's a big earner pays a lot of taxes I'm sure you know hires a lot of people so again I don't like it I don't like it at all the whole thing seemed really crazy and his lawyer appointed out that it was interesting that they did it like a week before the Grammys I didn't go to the Grammys because he was locked up mm-hmm and right after he released a song that had some lyrics criticizing the border mm-hmm incidents with separating kids from their family yeah his lawyers said that they think it was related I don't know I sat even having said it Savage sitting there he's like I don't know I don't know anything but just you don't even need to mm-hmm you don't even need to go that far to see how [ __ ] up it is you don't need to make any conjecture you don't have to make any guess work without being said I was born and where would I be born from Allah not from America Poland probably such a [ __ ] loser sorry Polish people that's just a joke I at first I don't know I think I am probably a little polish why do people make fun of the Polish what the [ __ ] they do the pole locks what's wrong - Polish people I have no idea hmm I'm polish - I knew your second class isn't so that's my hot hot take on 21 Savage now let's just get to Shane because we're supposed to talk about that is the [ __ ] title of this podcast okay it's so hard the title and thumbnail podcast you know I mean mm-hmm what you really want to call it is here we are talking about stuff episode but nobody will click that right I don't think so talking about stuff episode 104 let's try it next time No [Music] um chucky cheese okay so Shane did this huge conspiracy series you guys may have seen it now here's my hot take we need like a hot take sound fact here's Ethan's hot take on Shane's conspiracy documentary way too [ __ ] long I couldn't agree more I cannot make it through those long videos I heard all the hubbub about the Chucky Cheese [ __ ] and I like so shane has this conspiracy theory that chuck because the slices are unsymmetrical and it looks like the pieces have Frankenstein together yeah that the theory is that employees scoop up old slices and reuse them in the back so he did this huge investigation and she forced because his views his videos get so many views chucky cheese was forced to make a statement like our pizzas made fresh and it's delicious whatever you know suspicious statement so I was like wow this is pretty funny so let me check this out and man this [ __ ] made a two-hour video I mean there's plenty of nice things to say about it and I don't need to suck change dick because everyone else is doing that but this mother-fricker it was making two hour long videos and 30 million effin 30 [ __ ] million people watched it so what the hell do I know basically long for me I'm just being Frank I think he like hacked into like YouTube's algorithm because it's all about watch time now people are hearing that out so they're just letting their videos ride I feel like that cut that video could be 20 30 minutes yeah but Shane's just like let it ride boy 2 hours and YouTube's like yup 110 minutes nope want two hours yup how many minutes how many minutes your video got a lot how many recommended views a lot so anyway but I did five lump thumb through it and watch the Chucky Cheese part I thought it was funny he was entertaining it was very playful but it would annoy me was that he does not acknowledge the obvious thing that was driving me nuts mm-hmm because he's like driving home the point dude he he did a takedown on Chucky Cheese he like full-on Vince McMahon Donald Trump you know that gif takedown WWF style because he was trying to build an atmosphere where somehow chuck-e-cheeses corporate policy is to instruct their low-level employees to scoop up used pizza and reuse it no yeah of course there isn't there's literally zero percent chance okay so I have to assume that him and and well I don't know he never he never acknowledged that it's not really true and that the obvious answer is that they're making 20 pies at I'm back there and they just mix and match them based on what you order mm-hmm you have like a pepperoni you have a cheese and you'll have a sausage and people I want half pepperoni half sausage they don't bake a new a new one they say I'm gonna take half of this pepperoni I'm take half the sausage and they don't fit perfectly together huh I cracked the code Thank You davinci code soft Shane I'd like to be in your next conspiracy theory I've never seen Chucky Cheese or be into one dude I can't wait to take our kid there so those characters oh yeah I was like good I'm like the real conspiracy is not the pizza the real conspiracy theory is what the [ __ ] is with these masks oh how is this kid-friendly who is in these suits man like these are the original furries right not only so Chuckie Cheese is kind of a strange place first of all you're gambling there you are you're they giving out tickets okay it's like an arcade where you get tickets and you win a bunch of useless crap mm-hmm so it's kind of like fundamental rudimentary gambling because you put in coins and then you get tickets for like it's a it's can't I mean you know the elements are there games of chance okay want some candy skeeball is not a game of chance that's a game for champions right there well to be frank with you Dan that was a game for the savage because that those places are so undermanned they even here's how worthless those tickets are we would just walk straight up the ramp and put it in the bull's eye like we I had a friend there when I get a birthday party we would sat there for ten minutes just putting the ball like we were sitting on the ramp and just putting the ball in the bull's eye and like it is inhuman to be that skilled and the amount of tickets we got still didn't get us anything valuable really yeah like the amount of tickets you need to win like a ps4 you would need to spend like a hundred thousand dollars and you want to take our kid there yeah it says it's fun I like the atmosphere but obviously what's going on with these most that's a drawing but here this is my favorite this is my favorite that's a real photo okay like what the hell they had these wrote animatronic robots that would put on a show for you while you ate your pizza oh my god and do like songs and dances and [ __ ] they changed the mascot this is the new one it's better than that really the eyes are so dead and sold us and uncanny you know the eyes okay yeah all messed up but like near one is like just look how he looks at you oh my god yeah that's the one that was there when I was a kid look at this guy this guy's seen better days do kids like this are there right of it I like we loved it as kids yeah yeah only now this girl didn't love it I think that's a so at any rate so Shane was building this atmosphere of trying to be like make it believable that they have a corporate policy of scooping up old slices and we're using it so he was showing like clips of like news reports of fights breaking out and kids crying and people recording like the ball pit and there was like poop in the ball pit there's a ton of chuck-e-cheeses the fights did the dude there's people fighting and chuck-e-cheese I've got clip footy video evidence from shameless using clips of people fighting and I was oh oh my god this is so much better than the actual dude watch this I couldn't believe this is like captivating unbelievable look at this that Pizza salsa blood they're like it's also blood on that whatever just getting painful reserve it what's the difference and attacked chuck-e-cheeses employees in Miami when they fighting owners as customers slugged it out with each other don't women with hair as the children run for cover remove Lamar Wallace what could that's a great question what could you possibly be beefing over at Chuck E Cheese to start pulling he ran through so apparently at Chuck E Cheese they serve beer to the parents yeah I was about to say and it's like really cheap so no I think that probably has something to do with you more crazy it's like a $5 pitchers so oh wow yeah so beer to the parents peas it to the kids pooping the ball pen this place still exists oh yeah and somehow Shane went there with two other dudes without a kid and spent the whole day there recording and nobody said anything like how have I never seen this place dude there was one where I grew up I [ __ ] my parents suck I used to look at their longingly every time you'd be like god I wish I could go to Chuck E Cheese but I'm not even gonna bother to ask with my parents [ __ ] suck so who cares about Papa John's when you got Chuckie Chuckie Cheese is like an event it's like birthday party isn't [ __ ] it's like all you spend the whole day there you know hmm it's the best fricking day ever and that's kind of dope when the parents are getting blackout drunk it's like the best of both worlds if your trashy do getting blackout drunk and throwing fists at Chuck E Cheese so obviously you know I learned a lot about Chuck E Cheese I still want to go there and the pizza looks bomb I mean I'm so I want pizza yo this diets killing me I was looking at Chuck E Cheese and I was like I want I don't give a [ __ ] if they reused that pizza or not I'll eat that can we eat pizza day no okay it's good thank you thank you gotta wait until we got a kid how many pizza we got you know how much Islands how much pizza we got none how much piece do we want some how much family top is on that Pizza Three Olives cheese pepperonis that's three getting blackout drunk at my chuck-e-cheese throwing bars and I'm getting ready to brawl talk [ __ ] on my son and get leveled son I'm on that skee-ball hitting number one yo cuz son sit on that ramp put the ball in that mouse's mouth I've got a hundred points every time with the ball maybe when you're done you can afford a sour head a head to Chuck E Cheese get flung out drunk yeah get that pizza get that pizza all right kill it we have fun here no places like this in Israel that is so American dude I know I know I didn't as a personal bit but I mean I mean like glorify America that it's like so find it laughter I need your kids pizza dave and buster's is kind of a classy version of chucky cheese isn't it who is that yeah exactly see you're out of the loop baby we're gonna have a kid you're gonna open a whole new world Dave and Buster's is kind of like claw it's classy Chuckie Cheese it's just like a cool arcade game lots of games and activities and food right am i right you guys back yep oh really no kids odd well I could be wrong about that I'm not a Dave & Buster's expert I suppose it's kind of the exact same thing because it the appeal is that there's alcohol but they have that at Chuck E Cheese - I know they serve pictures at Chuck E Cheese oh yeah that's crazy only we get the parents to take the [ __ ] kids you imagine that's kind of true huh they do real cheap too that's like so brilliant marketing like you can come get blackout drunk from the whole day here but the kid is the one to change wallet can you imagine if they serve pictures out like Disneyland they're so smart not to serve alcohol there yeah people probably can you sneak out go on the Disney I guess you could if you're really dedicated there there is a place to get drinks in Disneyland though but it's like a secret right club 33 it's hot apparently this club is very top secret mm-hmm they time all Universal they don't give a [ __ ] they sell beer all over the place yeah universals trash it is trash I mean dude I'll tell you can I [ __ ] about universal for a minute me neither went there recently because I felt like doing a theme park and we bought the VIP bracelet to skip at the head of the line there's more [ __ ] people with the VIP bracelet than general admission I was at times in the VIP line and I was like is this longer than the general admission line any wasn't cheap like it was twice the price how is everyone affording this [ __ ] you smell like a thousand dollars and all these little like broke-ass families running around with a VIP with like five kids all VIP how the [ __ ] do you guys afford it go in the general admission line you can't afford this they gotta like triple the price so that rich people can get a better experience Ian just told me that Star Wars land at Disneyland is gonna have alcohol there they're delving in watching yeah I guess he's watching oh he's having a top secret procedure though I'm not allowed to talk about him that's all I'll say he's having a sex-change operation when he returns he'll be Kim what's the female version of Ian Ivanka Ivanka all right too long boom ah em okay whatever where were we Chuckie Cheese Universal sucks but the Harry Potter world is awesome nice but there's so many [ __ ] people there everybody wants to be a wizard everybody wants the wand it's not Hogwarts where there's so many [ __ ] kids running around with wands bricks the illusion Hogwarts was for wizards only not that main muggles there and by the way again to glorify America yeah like in Israel the the theme parks mm-hmm are like basically non-existent and compared to the stuff you have here just to explain it a little bit there's 300 million people yeah and they all like have some money yeah so those like what what's possible in America is almost impossible anywhere else on earth because there's so many people and so much money like a place like Disneyland our universe and so much space yeah and there's baby have it all we really have it all this is the best place in the world you're not I mean let's be honest about it sorry Poland Poland today man you can visit yeah I know we love the pole locks we love we love the pole lot of it I kid the pole ox we love you nobody does what's a pole ok so at any rate Harry Potter world is awesome but we were talking about Chucky Cheese Chuckie Cheese Chuckie Cheese statement they said a spokesman strongly refuted Shane's claims the claims made in this video about Chucky Cheese and our pizza are unequivocally false the spokesman said no conspiracy here theory here our pizzas are made to order and we prepare our dough fresh and restaurant which means that they're not always perfectly uniform in shape but always delicious there's some deception in this statement because clearly they're not made to order just say just explain what I explained that has to be the explanation yeah you have them queued up and you just [ __ ] them out it's fine but there's some deception here oh you cannot sit you're just fueling the conspiracy because when you say we prepare our dough fresh that's why it's not perfectly uniform no dude Shane literally took out here I'll show you guys he took he took it so far just to prove that they're from different pizzas he proved it in like two seconds it's so obvious but like he in his mind he's proving that the employee scoop it up and reuse it but it's your percent zero percent let's just say that let's just say that was all Greek that literally does not happen Shane it cannot that's insane can I make an offer an open invite to Shane after you present every conspiracy theory bring me on to give the counter-argument from everyone hate me such a [ __ ] joy kill now the place they're editing hilarious the Chrysler should be puffy well around so he put imeem it's funny yeah I love his reaction this is he's looking at a pizza that's a little unsymmetrical this is I gotta say that one was all pepperoni dude I don't see why you would mix and match that one because they mixed half already Dan it's not rocket science they had it they have got like five pepperoni pizzas in back what's it's likely that they these are all leftover slices from other people there's no way dude there's literally it's just first of all there's help there's unannounced health inspections yeah second of all you would never and it keep you would never be able to keep low level employees you can't operate a business you cannot bring low every low level employee in a fraud yeah that violates every health code okay SEC like also making pizzas cheap why they have no reason to do that on a corporate level you know what I'm saying it's not what happens they have five pepperonis back there half of it well this one went to the half sausage and then someone's like well I want a [ __ ] pepperoni and then they had two half pepperonis left and they combined it it's not rocket science dan so look at this by the way three dudes and a chuck-e-cheese without kids taking pictures of pizza yes we all I mean I was like yes I agree but your conclusion is not right so he goes on and on to prove that does he not eat the pizza I know I don't think they ever took bites I would eat that [ __ ] I would eat that [ __ ] looks Kabam you look look at that and tell me you don't want to eat that looks good thank you we're getting somewhere do you want pizza for two no okay so do you think that's half of a pepperoni pizza half of the cheese [ __ ] I think it's 100 any hearts cut into some woman talking about sex trafficking I was like oh my god the wall on me there right that's what that was about sack I didn't watch that part uh yeah it was like she's a youtuber and it's an old friend and this dude like they met on like tinder or something and he later his closet her as far as like wanting to take her and face birth certificates and [ __ ] like that it's pretty gnarly to mash up Chuckie Cheese and yes trafficking quite a transition but the first here let me show you the first thing cuz it's funny it's very long and cheap it just it annoyed me that he never like just mentioning Chuckie Cheese they like wake up one morning thirty million views 30 million people believing that their yeah serving years Pizza you leftover slices they're like what did we do what do we do except serve $5 pitchers and get parents blackout drop so I think we all accept the premise see he's kind of doing what high IQ people like me would just call a straw man argument that's not is that right somebody don't correct me if I'm wrong high IQ people like myself of 200 IQ or plus will you describe things such as straw man fallacy where he's setting up an argument that doesn't exist to prove a point that's not really provable okay so what he's done is he's just spent all this time trying to prove that these came from different pizzas that is not in dispute that's obvious the point he's trying to prove that he has no evidence for is do employees scoop it up and reuse it there's zero evidence for that and the evidence is plain that at all that it comes from different pop from pizza pies we've got someone here in the chats and you worked there for two years yeah I mean with takis they used slice he's in on it yeah they paid not chuck-e-cheese that's a show can you imagine like a mute making seven dollars an hour they're like yo we're gonna need you to stake use pizza and also if you tell anyone we're gonna kill your family package you saw what chuck-e-cheese looks like would you say no to that guy yeah egg or tell you tell anyone about this I'm gonna break your [ __ ] legs capisce you know why they call me Chucky Cheese cuz the e stands for enemy number one which is what I'm gonna be if you snitch on the rap no luck you out the window I'm like nobody snitches on the rap capisce I'm gonna rape your mother serious I don't get it yeah he's got a scare these [ __ ] I will rape your mother you understand it I will put your mother's body into a pizza into a human-sized pizza box capisce I'm glad that person chimed in though obviously and also their chains they're all owned and operated by different owners so some of them can be sleazier and dirtier than other ones probably you know either what are you typing Oh oh that we have chat yeah you guys can subscribe you could become a member of the h3 podcast just like when we were on Twitch right and you can participate in our chat and use all of our wonderful badges and icons and logos honestly I we had it open to everyone and I think anyone who read the chat will agree that it was such ass this is not a money thing the chat open to the general public is such yes I need to pull down my pants to pass it so what we did is we and we did a Members Only chat and it's so much better it's actually nice to hear from them we get a beautiful anecdote like that one there I'm chuck-e-cheese employee so thank you guys here let me show you this clip so he like he see us eyes a picture of a pizza and so we're not arguing yeah do you know what I'm saying like you're miss like we accept the premise it's not that unbelievable it's like opening a picture of the sky and being like look at the hue it's blue I'm ain't dropping it look at it on the spectrum it's like we accept the premise look at those greasy little [ __ ] slices I feel like when I eat a slice of pizza I immediately gain two pounds [Music] was to pieces yeah it's not that complicated I think they're they're good fit around I would say it's so over the top yeah they got to give them the benefit of doubt that it's tongue-in-cheek well it's definitely tongue-in-cheek and they're definitely good for a round and laughing but I washed every sequenced but is it clear that it's no no it's not that's that that's what was annoying me and by the end he starts making serious accusations and joking about like maybe I should consult my lawyer and I was like wait maybe you should mm-hmm wouldn't it be amazing if Shane got sued by Chuckie Cheese eight nobody snitches on the rat capiche I don't think it could really get sued because he's not claiming anything to be fact right there was one scene where he made a joke about that where he was like I think it's a fact that is he's like oh no I mean it's my opinion okay it's funny though I enjoyed it and I'm available Shane if you need the the wet towel segment mm-hmm if you want to bring your show down make everybody skip forward hey don't forget to put Pete don't forget to put a pepperoni on my grave you know that song don't forget to put roses on my grave yeah don't forget to put pepperoni on my grave here lies Chuckie Cheese passed away from heart attack 2018-2019 here's to a real one and I see you sitting there and blacked out from a five-dollar pitcher your kid is lost in the ball pit he's taking a dump in the ball pit and there's a pedophile in the corner eating pizza all alone and watching your kid while you're blacked out how's that chorus girl don't forget to put pepperoni on my grave shut my cheese has announced oh he was trying to push me on chucky cheese has announced that they will be putting a hit on Shane Dawson super the mouse is not happy there's a million Pizza hit yeah what's next I wonder if fans got nightmares of this character time enough time he [ __ ] should what I see you sitting there in your pizza upholstered chair wondering if my pepperonis were fresh eel are you gonna eat your placenta mm-hmm I wonder how many people know about it because this was news to me um from someone we work with apparently people eat their placenta because it's supposed to be good for you that's the [ __ ] afterbirth that comes surging out of your vagina after the baby a bloody discarded organ that the baby lived in while it develops and there's people that eat it it sounds awful and like you can pay someone to dry it for you and make pills I'm a veggie bro I swear to god they people turkey out of it apparently some people even just take it as it isn't crooked fava beans and Chianti or whatever uh to answer your question no I will not be eating my placenta but you know who did when I was looking it up Kim Kim Kardashian wish she was here to answer for that dude I'm sorry pseudoscience has gone too [ __ ] far let's not eat our placentas it's so funny actually just googled it's eat placenta just to see what comes up and like so many articles came came out popped up that said you should not eat your placenta or please don't eat your placenta like there's no scientific reason to do it there's no evidence of a reason that people do it I guess is because some mammals eat their placenta yeah and then it turns and then the narrative turns into all every time and then there says while other mammals do it so it should be good for us yeah other mammals eat their [ __ ] I've seen her eat his [ __ ] I don't think that's a good idea shredder licks his dick I would if I could but would you suck your own dick if you could probably and all honesty at least at least not like all the time but on special occasions probably so I really don't get it but what I saw him do she she put it in a pill and it was like black house likes man people eating their placenta people on vac not vaccinating their kids I mean the world has gone [ __ ] mad here we got smart people doing research they got lab coats they got I mean why are we listening to Facebook mom's here you're gonna need this Washington Post don't eat your placenta fake news people just believe whatever they want no fake news I'll eat my placenta Kim you're amazing placenta that looks like literal I love that she made it into a sponsored ad - oh yeah of course it's up on my app and also um she sends you to whoever the company who made it for her gotta monetize Kim you're amazing placenta this is your discarded organ that has [ __ ] and blood and feces we cleaned it out and dried and held it for you it's supposed to help and it's nutritious um it's nutritious that's why you should eat your placenta like other [ __ ] food that isn't discarded organs they you [ __ ] out it's nutritious yeah I'll eat a salad I mean it up my own [ __ ] discarded organ you could eat your tumor you could have a cancerous tumor removed because I mean you should eat it you could know that they say that you should eat your discarded cancerous tumors because it's nutritious and I saw a animal do it once in a nature documentary so it has to be healthy that's like a Alex Jones like placenta as a baby foreskin would you rather get a baby foreskin injection or eat placenta you have to answer I'll take the injection mmm yeah what till maybe I'll look better yeah at least get the benefit of that that might actually work I don't know am i eating placenta guarantee doesn't logical is eating placenta is about as logical of a conclusion as concluding that Chuckie Cheese employees who make $7 an hour scooping up you slices and serving it back like what is their vested interest in that make seven dollars an hour it's like why would all these people work at Chuck E Cheese choose to participate in a crime for a minimum pay I can see some sleazy like owner doing that right yeah that's like that's like that could happen at any restaurant a flea poop feast 420 shadow to poop feast 420 I used to watch Starcraft when I was a wee lad I always think about poop feast 420 because I always thought it was the funniest name everything that was a player he he was a guy that you saw always submit questions to our this guy artosis oh sure yeah who used to announce all the games yeah and so he used to always get in with really good but his name is poop feast 420 I just I thought the image of a poop feast was so fantastic it's not throughout the years poop feast with weed - [ __ ] going all out poop feast with weed what 420 he said oh yeah cuz he's nine and he's extra hungry yeah I could eat extra poop tonight I was thinking of going to this Spencer EU after this in California I was talking to he and the other day I was like hey Ian has this vape he was recommending me that's like 10-part why should I not talk about oh my god no I just looked up fun either cooking a placenta show me pictures oh no it's that bad disgust well it's basically cannibalism like socially accepted cannibalism it looks like dude it's it's are so foul like these are the people that drink their own urine because they think it's healthy you pissed it out of your [ __ ] body okay your body is you've is saying I don't want this this is trash yeah this is garbage you don't scoop that up and then put it back in they go they go uh you know what will cure my cancer drinking my own urine mm-hmm all right Steve Jobs was a victim of that he said he's like yeah I've got cancer but you know what's gonna cure it instead of conventional medicine you know what I wrote you know what I used to think it was stupid for that but after seeing my dad's experience with the options they give you it's it's it's just like you there's just no winning when you got cancer like what what are the options they give you chemo and then you know well if you're most likely gonna get off worse after chemo it's like such a barbaric the thing is written is he caught he had a very curable as I understand it I don't know you have it they always give you all this you have 70% chance of recovery whatever it doesn't mean anything I just I after seeing what my dad had to go through with chemo he suffered so much and then it was for nothing mm-hmm so maybe you should just enjoy your last year instead of suffering I don't know yeah take the fruit option maybe if you get some bomb smoothies out of it I just rack in like 10 years or something no one will do chemo I hope not that [ __ ] is horrible but right now there are no other options really I think that in your dad's case it was very tragic because they I think the doc they have this weird thing these doctors they can't be real with you no they can't they have to buy some policy because if they fail you if they say anything to concrete you could other words like yeah hold them accountable to that one statement so there won't say anything so they're always gonna be saying get treated didn't read it it's curable I guess probably because there's been people that miraculously recovered and then they're like you told me to get off treatment and now you tried to kill me and I'm good yeah well okay whatever you know I'm not gonna argue the merits of whatever outlined cases but in your dad's case it was very tragic that he before he passed underwent were super intense treatments that they did yeah like in his um just his last week he went through this whole crazy like radiation on his brain yeah and it was such a huge operation and it was already so weak and just to get him to go through it with so much effort mm-hmm and then right after the radiation ended he was way worse and then like three days later pretty much it ended so I don't know how much you can really the tough one yeah this there's different stages of cancer though right so yeah I'm sure there's so many different lines different stages and depends on the person to their body I can only hope that in the near future people will look back on chemotherapy as like bloodletting I hope so so much it's so barbaric yeah leeches it really is you're killing your body in the hope that you killed the cancer first yes the kind of things study effects that he was suffering afterwards from chemo it's like things you can't even imagine like he couldn't drink water for months you couldn't drink water after chemo mm-hmm how do you how can you live without drinking water yeah used to drink only fruit juice because for some reason water just wouldn't go down there something about water and apparently that's something that happens to a lot of people after chemo just all kinds of crazy reactions like that they can't even imagine yeah it's it's wild man you got to appreciate the normal times because when you're in that extreme of a situation it's it's impossible to explain how awful it is mm-hmm you can possibly understand it no and then in that moment you're like God I just now realized how [ __ ] awesome it was before this yeah cancer is a [ __ ] anyway just cuz I know we used to make fun a lot of death the jaw hole is Steve Jobs point of like he denied treatment to just ate fruits or whatever but after seeing my dad's experience I kind of get it I don't know what stage his cancer was I don't item not endorsing people refusing treatment I don't endorse anything when you got kind of stars and it's all [ __ ] yeah you can't judge any decision a mad dude you set me straight I'm not gonna say [ __ ] you're right you know what you're right you're right I should make fun of Steve Jobs for eating fruit the guy died of cancer he tried his best shit's hit me with the cricket sila [ __ ] so in short you are not gonna eat your placenta no okay and they're one of the wife's make their I think the vitamins I wonder if why a salad fruit I wonder if there's wives that make their husband eat some placenta to I think I I think people do cuz I try some this kitchen I saw this like picture post of people saying like here's me cookin the placenta and it looks like they're cooking it for both of them bro if my wife served me a placenta I would be like it's I beg damn I wish I knew this before we had a kid you should have told me you got it tell me when we get married if you're gonna be eating placenta or not next time if you laid it guys listening if you propose to your girl say ask them the night before you propose be like baby what's your policy on eating placenta mmm just make sure it checks out because you do not want to marry a woman who's into eating placenta that's the that is the gateway drug to not vaccinating your kids anyway we're talking about Dan was telling me yeah there's this like I'm not gonna say the company because they're on sponsor but you can now in California this blows my mind when I was a kid to get weed it was so shady do you had to talk with like actual criminals to get a gram of weed yo now you know you could get an app on your phone and ten minutes later they're gonna bring you a high tech vape pen with ten CBD to one THC you can get all the formulas and perfectly like little tech Bay pens and [ __ ] and I'm I had I don't smoke weed at all I haven't in a long long time since I was in like high school so this all kind of just passed me by until right now and I was talking to Dan he's like yeah I just used this app on my phone or they delivered to me in ten minutes and I was just like what how is that possible and so that I want to try this I haven't spoke to you know long time I try it so and then I'm telling that happened I was like wait I can just go in a store and talk to someone and buy this so crazy and I go oh no weird yeah it even feels weird to be talking about it but it's a local drug leave which I was like jake drink alcohol no smoking cigarettes so I got my phone I say we'd store Google Maps there's three of them within like five minutes dry that's so crazy so I think I'm gonna stop at a weed store I'm gonna walk in be like guys is the weed store like a narc growing up having to go through you know meeting some shady dude in an alleyway or whatever to be able to walk into like this pristine store and there's : shelves and shelves I love people that are passionate about weed man they're so enthusiastic it can be a bit much but yo they're like yo so what mood are you in you like you want to get you want to chill you want to work you play you want to sleep you want to focus it's like dude it all is the same only two options one you don't feel anything one to feeling yeah that's all I've ever dude and then whenever I say that even though if smoke weed look on your times they're like no you didn't try the right [ __ ] yeah yo are you in the mood to play are you an energetic are you running are you flying you want to be funny you want to be sad you want to be pensive you want to be thoughtful what do you feel like that asked you that they're there all the people that work in those kind of places are totally like that and every time I'm just like there's no way right and they say that it's real but I'm so skeptical that that any that [ __ ] makes a difference I think it's a placebo effect personally effect really wants to say that we should pickle that placenta you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you whoever's recommended a pickle my turds but thank you for your subscription at least say subscribe and every view matters so I'm gonna go over there yo Cat Stevens rest in peace he's fallen on hard times but he has one of my favorite jokes about weed of all time he goes he goes you walk in a drug I've cut I'm such a white guy ruining comedy I'm gonna do my best here guys everyone's on the edge of the seat here we got you all ready you want you when you walk in his story to go they always make it sound like scree a crazy as possible they go this was called death like well you sure that was Katt Williams Katt Williams Stevens that's the guy who I [ __ ] that up from the get-go Williams sodium the funny little black gentleman with the straight hair a little he's short it's part of his bit yeah I mean he would talk about all he caught himself a black leprechaun up he goes you just you walk in and smoke it and die he's like no not death death you smoke this you can't hear [ __ ] man I got [ __ ] to do today but that's how I feel like weed is different bucks up my whole day folks in my whole week cuz like that day I'm [ __ ] up and then the next day I'm like a little washed out though and I'm like in my head like oh I'll never be the same how many times is that thought occurred you know I'll never be the same again I can't believe I smoke the weed again Here I am about to go but you know why I'm interested because of this chill one dad told me about it's called chill it's got ten parts CBD to one party THC the CBD stuff it's definitely a different experience it doesn't get you high as [ __ ] like normal weed or oily michael vibrator did i smoked ready yo are you in a mood to game you want to experience you want heightened pleasure what do you feel like you hungry you're not hungry you happy yo what we got here hey is your boy mr. weird you know what time it is hey I got the weed you gonna smoke huh just won't gonna make ya happy just one gonna make you sad just one gonna make you sleep this one gonna make you mad oh very musical need weed man I got the weed for with that but you want ha you know what time it is we smoke the weed when we happy and then we smoke the weed when we're not young mom we smoked a win-win way out to space we smoke away wake up men and we smoked a whit when we put the kid to bed we hotbox the kid's room but smoke da weed the kid they say it the weed is good for the kid my wife was pregnant and she smoke the weed come out and he say yeah I want to smoke the weed I spoke to a weed I blowed a weed in my child's face he crying coughing and I spoke to weed and then I smoke the weed a Wow thank you that was brought to free I trust pretty good I had that cued up no it's cool you you basically Zack that was great what you did is you set me up for a slam dunk you ollie you me off the back door tonight I drove in it's right I was a great thing was that who did that was that Danner Zack that was the Zack okay good props to Zack on that thank you very much today is episode 104 the musical hunting for smoke the weed man is your dick soft then you bet the smoke though we like you get to survive like a creepy clone what I like it it's funny oh you like it yeah cuz creepy clown doesn't sound good when your dicks off your bed to smoke dull weed if you dip too hard you bear to smoke the weed if you're hungry then you bet to smoke though we if you're dying you better smoke weed a man is Tuesday brother you smoke in the weed help me with that music cuz it just sounds racist without the music yeah help me brother with the music alright what is today Friday afternoon brought up you know what time it is yes let's smoke the weed brother hey Friday afternoon we got the smoke though we may be bad outside afternoon we gonna smoke no weed we pulling up weeds we're gonna smoke the weed I'm doing gardening the gun the smoke no weed my mama comes over gun to smoke no weed my mama come over says I'm dying my mama she says I need something Denis's mama smoke the weed I kicked about my house it was time to smoke the weed did you ever poof the weed that's when you booth the weed you inhale a joint through the eight knots the membranes of their colon all absorb the weed it's more potent mine and you get more bang for your money it's Friday afternoon yeah Sparta I'm headed down to my local weed shop brother I walk into the weed shop and the brats are on the other I'll say you gonna smoke the weed I say yes brother we smoke the weed he says are you sleepy or hungry you're hugging you wonder if I did what a better gym buddy I said yes brother smoke da weed you want a treat smoke the weed you want to sleep smoke the weed do you want to you want to smoke the weed with me brother hit him hit him there you go you hating on a brother because Eli you 18 did score over here this girl hatin on a Jamaican brother useful I smoked the weed and she hatin on me I need more hating sounds you know like can't express we can't smoke the weed cuz you're pregnant right yeah I don't think so I can't do anything do you won't really drink coffee yeah that's true so I'm excited to go to the dispensary it makes it and then regret it deeply I'm gonna be home being like smoke don't we eat smoke the weed and on my head it'd be like okay I'm never gonna be the same again I can't believe I'm here again I'm smoking weed again well let's see what happens but you got the CBD stuff it really is a it's kind of a different beat this podcast is longer than Shane Dawson videos podcast not a video it's a long-form content it's a podcast everybody who clicks this knows that it's just some dumb [ __ ] hello remember how we met speed weed oh yeah oh my god when we did kill Tony I met this guy named speed weed and he owns a guess it was at his name no no I don't I'm not I don't want to endorse these products yeah I don't know anything about this website I don't recommend it I'm not sponsored by that it was just funny though he was trying to get in he wanted me to promote it and I was like I don't know cuz I either I do I do have a line of things that I don't like to promote on the show like jewel has approached us hmm I was like I don't want to promote that yeah you know you can do it on your own we can there's enough things to promote there's plenty of other stuff you know what are some pits someone's we've rejected should we not say I feel like it's interesting we rejected a alpha brain alpha brain was very aggressive yeah but I can't I was like just touch it for two months then we straight guinea pig because I'll tell you I wanted to once on so much because they have so much money and they wanted it's so bad so I was like I was like is there any way that we can do it sounds like Dan can you take the [ __ ] mm-hmm for like a month and tell me if you feel anything I took it religiously for two months and you know my experience may vary but I will say I didn't feel [ __ ] but I count on one hand make fun of people that eat their placenta and then on the other hand so [ __ ] alpha brain you know just not it ain't right thank you for being the guinea pig though Dan you be doing hairy shape that any time what have you got what else do we reject sports betting he rejected game loans loans that was one yeah loans I was like I just don't that's why I didn't want to be I don't want to be no that's too I don't wanna be involved in that and so like not it was a reputable company apparently they're like internet loans okay yeah but it's just like but I yeah loans are such an ugly mess TV yeah guys you could get commercials for the army too it's like I don't believe yeah so weird for me to see a commercial to the army yeah is that always so we I agree there's huge billboards but you weren't drive around like join the army today whoa the army needs advertisements to get people that's crazy yeah what are we talking about the loans they're like the copy was like no credit required hmm I was like yeah well just like guys I should do like this guy's head on over to [ __ ] get me in debt calm and no credit is acquired and also when you're done head on over to Teddy fresh we've got a new drop now that you have money was there something with like sex I have no problem with flip was it flesh like then they wanted to send us flush lips I don't think I wanted to add I think it was a sex toy website and I just thought it was too risque mm-hmm I think I think I would I would take a fleshlight sponsorship but I just don't know if YouTube yeah it's a little hard with YouTube like I have a dude I'm a full support of flush lights but it won't be a family-friendly like immediately right what I am that's what I was concerned about I think dude should get flush lights and [ __ ] the [ __ ] out huh cuz girls you have all these crazy sex toys and that's fine it's cute even you seen those girls that girls have they have like [ __ ] like they look like nuclear reactors some of these vibrators you know oh god forbid I get a fleshlight with a [ __ ] I put my dick in okay the problem with dudes it sounds so yeah uncool I know flashlight I know it's real and the problem with dude's exercise is a youjizz and it makes such a mess it's so gross so if you're not handling that aspect like in a logical way can get real nasty get a tool box get it to [ __ ] a tool box but your dick in a toolbox now they started making like flush lights that have like that does everything for you this flashlight will suck your dick but you still jizz in it so it's kind of a tough workaround we're gonna need a flashlight they're like vacuums the jizz up but then you still have the problem is you still have to do something with it unless it goes to like a sewer system I guess people are saying in the chat that a lot of people do the flashlight ads Oh for real on YouTube I don't know I'll do flashlight I'm fully support them I do I swear to god I'll leave I'll use one in the Dorset I don't care I really don't care I think guys she but did you do more things cuz girls get all the fun well I'll put it no you can ask answered yeah damn let's put a note out to our agency that we want to work with flush light I'm serious I'm dead serious like why is it a flashlight right because it's like considering that you could hide it yeah flashlight but it was no big why are you pulling from my 19 650 yeah you're not flowing a ladder they have butthole flashlights and then they have like flush lights that are modeled after certain people's bubbles [Music] like pornstar butthole flush lights do they have to take a mold yes dad it's a car it's a carbon copy I guess it sounds like it's fine cuz they're saying that even Joe Rogan did it and Bobby Lee for real and we're going today would be the best partner for flat our show so many flashlights a [ __ ] one don't buy them yet though if you're listening don't know don't go buy them yet hold out this is known that we run no nut until we get that fleshlight endorsement so don't seriously go buy those yet but the problem with dude I think that it's hard to beat the old-fashioned way with it as a guy mm-hmm right because it's like it's all a lot of hubbub for guys just like oh all right let's go oh the girls you need like a nuclear reactor and like you need like a nuclear-powered submarine you need like advanced AI to be like crunch the numbers on how to give you an orgasm not you specifically I'm just saying women all right the dildo has AI hi my name is Alfred I'll be crunching the numbers today on your orgasm tell me what kind of mood are you it I'll be taking your pulse to calculate your stress levels and I'll be putting a probe up your vagina to take a temperature test and to see what your wall in diameter is today just sit back relax and I'll do all the work hi how're you feeling you're doing good yeah I'm fine okay I'll keep going increasing temperature to 82 degrees hike hi this is your dildo speaking I could sense that I could sister your mood has dipped a little bit it's something on your mind [Music] yes I'll put on my mind my boyfriend he just did call me a couple of weeks oh oh that's you deserve better than that you deserve that's a shame your beautiful princess warrior you deserve better than that alright was they mm yes ela will ya Ja Rule's the best job rule I saw this last night when I was in bed and I was like I gotta talk about this ja Rule hasn't ruled out fire festival 2.0 [ __ ] day hey I wonder have you seen either of those documentaries out yeah right really this hoods down he's like [ __ ] you probably should watch maybe one day maybe one day I do can you laugh about it now now it's all said and done I mean it's not a it's not funny to me yeah it's heartbreaking to me right okay that's good it was it was something that I really really wanted to be special amazing yeah and it just didn't you know but you know in the midst of chaos this opportunity yeah no you get no more while you try to do fire fest again just because the publicity like it's almost the most famous festival more famous and say Coachella because everyone is about it it is the most iconic school that Nikon has totally so you believe that I know some people never quit men are taking responsibility there's a lot of smart people on this call it wasn't fraud it was just false advertising love it how you doing today [Music] temperatures set to 85 degrees sounds like a [ __ ] chainsaw would you like me to cook dinner for you after this what is this I just have a note it says he sounds like Kermit the Frog and the oh yeah Lance Stewart I never watched this he did a breakup video with his girlfriend I guess he was trying he saw the views that Liza and yeah even got that video was like 50 million so they're like dude we should make a break a video except they missed the memo that nobody cares about them that feels bad to say but sorry I mean not as much people I don't know why it's girl why is his girl sitting there like a candy wrapper she looks like a smidge of mustard she looks like a Twinkie I can write a rest fresh wrapper I know what you mean it's wrapped in this gold yeah look in there like a she's looking sitting there looking like a piece of nutmeg from that candy where do you find this dude she looks like why in this collar it was like a banana slug out of all the colors possible I'd like to put her on a hot dog and eat her you know she's up there looking like a Tony Award she looks like a soprano wife she does Dodi she's got the whole thing what does she think she is prince who dresses like that I can't get over her outfit I don't know where do you even buy that where does it exist Guido Guido central I don't know Guido means I think it's Italian trash org she's looking like she's looking very yellow but any at any rate this videos I mean it's sad I guess cuz they broke up or whatever but I mean whatever what can I say I can't feel that bad they put on the camera they recorded it they wanted the views it wasn't that necessary also Lance sounds like Kermit the Frog listen he doesn't sound like that I just had a problem with it cuz it just looks like they're like shitty acting yeah well they faked everything so why wouldn't they fake this mm-hmm it's not easy Miss Piggy it's not easy Miss Piggy she looks like Miss Piggy I found this likes unwatchable yeah is the worst episode of month babies I've ever seen when did the Muppets turn it to this weird drama I thought Kermit and Peggy were supposed to be funny I loved the few videos after you had to make a video saying like the break-up is not fake yes everyone because I don't know what is this why are you guys acting they just say they they monetize everything you know the top comment was the ghost made them do it look at her man mmm she looks like she belongs on like the solar panel of a satellite you know they've got like gold foil he's out there looking like a solar sale I it's I can't get over in this outfit and so it's not easy so we watch like a few more yeah what's interesting they've lined the shot up really like so they they put some effort into lining the shop because it's very symmetrical it's on a tripod they should chairs aside there's lots of cuts too and at one point the camera angle changes which means that they got up turned off the camera moved the camera for something I think what happened is that they probably already and it's a complete guess I don't follow his channel but I think they probably broke up already a while ago and they already like hate each other but then there were like wait but we didn't squeeze the views of a breakup video yeah we're good at this look at this david dobrik 50 million that was the best gift liza gave David and their their video was real Liza well yeah there yes this is just a complete opposite of what also he's a guy who's known for faking [ __ ] to both of them so but anyway she's out there looking like like a Hershey's kiss wrapper what the nut in the middle it's more so a buildup of things over time going back it's not an easy like six months we've been bickering over tiny things that you know he's like an Italian she's like uh she's like an Italian mom it's like she's in an audition where she needs to cry hmm she's auditioning for Italian mom I don't understand that Italian thing who though I what do I know but golly it's not like flattering either she's really fit like she's really health conscious she like puts a lot of work into her body not flattering she looks like a astronaut looks like she could pee in that and be like looks like a Michael Jackson extra dancer just the MTV Music Awards expert or is this YouTube video is that a one piece or two piece you know she wore that stealing the show she stole all these I cannot talk about anything but her outfit right yeah you know that was a conscious ever she's like I'm gonna put on the most insane thing I couldn't match she probably would shock me for this occasion I was like yo hit me with that mustard me with that Italian mustard sheet I cherish that sound bite those act let's keep behind that yeah a lot of girls yes so overt age feel so much like they're acting I just can't we got the blackface thing we can save this though I don't know that Bobby well to discuss that hmm maybe he will though he is famously half black or white he's half than half did you know that he's biracial yes I didn't know that who can relate I wonder if you what actually I wonder if we should save that yeah we cuz there's this huge controversy about blackface like Gucci did a blackface thing and then it's carotid apply Malina yeah and then Balenciaga did a blackface thing and everyone's like what is going on and see how I got to oh no sorry no oh no that's the retro commercial sorry once y'all go don't sue me mm-hmm unfollow was the only correct the record oh and then Katy Perry did a blackface shoe right yeah I recant my statement about splints Iago but um Tom most shocking one is that Gucci sweater I get them all I guess we should just talk about it she just talked about it and so you want to put up your yeah they released the sweater during Black History Month which is just so weird I guess for for listeners it's a chip Tsar garment it's a I guess it's a super turtleneck that goes all the way up under the eyes black and then under there's a big mouth hole with big red lips around it so it looks like whiter is box yeah I mean it's definitely reminiscent of like old-timey blackface and what's interesting is that it didn't come in another colorway it's not like there was also a pink one with white dude who the [ __ ] was only the black and written that's what I was wondering I saw they made a statement they're like we took it off all of the shelves I was like all one shelf no but nobody bought this right who would buy that who besides the whole blackface thing who the [ __ ] would buy that I think that is the biggest problem with it is just that it's first of all so ugly yeah let's start there I mean I mean I I grapple with this because there's no way they did that on purpose I would hope not I hope somebody's beyond real into this I mean there's no way they'd be like you know would be yeah I can't laugh face turtle I can't imagine so then I saw some people on Twitter saying so they don't believe that they did it on purpose but what it shows is what a lack of diversity they have because they're like well there was one black person there they would have told you this was a bad idea what it's a big company that I really know black people there I don't know them if not I guess that is a problem yeah definitely is a problem like no one at the process of releasing this it's a product and maybe we shouldn't it's an Italian company but they're global they're here they have huge PR teams yeah it's Gucci come on anyway I don't know it's pretty wild I was just like whoa that's crazy and then the fact that there were other companies releasing kind of like the same style let me open the Prada dolls so then Prada around the same time just started come out with these dolls that have the same kind of blackface vibe like you know the big red lips and the dark black skin like here there's like all the sudden everyone's like you know what's super and you know the super hot black face is so in right now we were saying there's this trend forecasting services that this company is sign up for and they help them like predict what's gonna be in fashion next year so I had this thought maybe someone goofed all these companies but I think they're like we got the fat they're only gonna tell Gucci and Prada about this so this is an objet so don't tell anyone okay so if you guys want to know what the hottest trend in q1 2019 blackface what big red lips and black skin have you seen those uh old racist cartoons from the 1950s like yeah what about that super racist um yeah I don't know it's weird here's a guy wearing it said a separate piece I thought it was one piece oh well hold on is it one piece does it matter does it change does it change the message if it's one piece I haven't seen this I don't know this one huh but it's definitely one piece oh there's Carrie Katy Perry again the real crime here is just what the f is that look at the eyes on this one straight up like do you want to look like you've got a deformed face on your foot imagine going in public wearing that hi I'm Katy Perry famous songwriter and performer I've got a new line of shoes out it looks like there's a deformed face on your foot I really think you guys will love it it's got big red lips in a black face reminiscent of 1950s cartoons on top of it it's a real showstopper and have you ever wanted to look at your own feet and be spit and be totally have a spook attack be like what the home buck is on my own feet because it's so hideous and shocking go to Katy Perry calm slash asks you pick up a pair of ass shoes today hmm and when you're done you got to smoke though we'd need a shoe which is an ass on it the fart coming out of it it's like brown that giant ass with [ __ ] coming out of the [ __ ] I charge $500 for it you're like yo this and be like yeah you know yo we got the trend forecast you know it's in right now poop coming up above all we just got that yes to 2020 q1 poop coming out of buttholes can be so hot Oh Gucci we just got word that Gucci's making a sweater embroidery with an [ __ ] with poop out of it so in right now Katy Perry's like [ __ ] I better go make some [ __ ] shoes I gotta make a shoe with it looks like an [ __ ] coming out of it so in prod is like that's so 2019 we've already hoop coming out of the ass the poop coming out of the ass is so 2019 we're covering a lot of ground here folks did we talk about everything I got a a smart barber in India that's the whole thing the new emojis are coming out to him oh I do want to talk about the fans out to Dan why do you read the email cuz you spoke to the I can't I'm switching okay sir so there's a guy this toy this his name is uh Dan Oh brown dan no Dan Oh Bano toys dan Oh bana DN Oh BA and a and Oh Dan oh Bono so this guy can you get a good shot of that can you see that yeah yeah so he takes pieces of other toys and then repurposes them and repaints them to make new toys and he makes the packaging and everything custom pull it back just here cuz you're out of focus yeah there you go that's good so he made a vapenation toy and it looks amazing so first I was like yo can we like can we make like a limited run of these and he was like no because I actually salvaged these pieces from collectibles can you spoke drone he said you remember the details of you haven't oh I have this yeah I think the emails and let's see he says so that is from an M MLB player head the starting lineup toys with the bill to his cap cut off and transforms into a the do-rag the hanging part of the rag is a piece of Princess Leia's skirt thing the glasses I made are out of a twisty tie that came off my loaf of bread oh I see that it's like the thing in the middle is awesome so resourceful the arm came from a Bruce Willis from Pulp Fiction figure the rest of the body came from an old doctor Zarkov from Flash Gordon figure with the feet sanded into flip-flops and socks did come on obviously everything gets hand-painted afterwards it's just a weird hobby I've had that people seem to suddenly get a kick out of can't reveal the secret on the vape cloud sorry I love this part so big shout out to Dano Dano banano his uh his Instagram is actually Dano DN o underscore Brown yeah a lot of really cool [ __ ] on there at Dano underscore Brown he makes amazing stuff this is I'm gonna cherish this thank you for me yes so cool so this is awesome and this will remain sealed you know of course can you imagine opening this we're gonna have a kid god don't Theodore's gonna open this like no you just the value on this just went down it's so pristine - I almost want to like write it up yeah I almost want to frame it it is kind of that good so Dano Dano banana at Dan then I would underscore Brown so cool guys if you have anything else incredible to report please submit them at any time to podcast at h3h3 productions calm as we wrap this up I want to say thank you to ja rule I want to say thank you to the people who have committed their life to understanding all the nuances of weed and the guy who I'm about to go meet to get the advice the tenant you know make me have an awful night I'm too high too high I want to take my beautiful pregnant wife ela who always has back pain yes she bears that load for I've been I've been feeling totally fine but the only thing is I started to have this back pain yeah it's pretty good yeah I'm excited I can't wait to meet that little shrimp little champ thank you to Dan our wonderful producer who is switching and jamming and jiving back there with him is Zack the sound guy who did a great job today by the way sent me up he sent me up for all kinds of slam dunks ian is not here we wish him well he's undergoing some kind of experimental procedures that we can't talk about but hopefully we'll be able to someday soon I'm not gonna pressure [Music] he didn't want to tell me because he was afraid I would talk about it on the air so I promise not to do that until he's ready but it's so good oh my god like good to talk about but awful for him god bless him won't mention what it was Friday and thank you of course to everybody for tuning into this Friday morning h3 podcast experience we had a great time with you you know I'm just being me I'm just being real sometimes what it gar say just be ironic FRA sometimes I'm real so does I'm wrong sometimes I'm just cool mmm cuz that's just the way I am or wrong I know that is just the way I am okay next week we've got Bobby logic the performer known as the logic hip-hop sensation Boy Wonder sweet man gentleman scholar fascinating fascinating guy looking forward to that and that'll be Thursday Thursday the usual Friday if you have questions please submit them on the sub R ever gonna put a thread up right after the show today yep and with that being said up y'all have a wonderful weekend and that's really and just say what up to ja rule on Twitter because we will need the fire festival 2.0 updates also wanna know about his new app I want in on whatever he's doing take my money Tyrol yeah one of this I want to be an investor only be on the ground floor whatever Ja Rule's working and shout out to all the parents that are blackout drunk at Chuck E Cheese right yeah so throw one to stranger at Chuck E Cheese for me don't don't yeah totally to all my dogs out there who put in their diction flashlights all my girls with AI nuclear fusion doing work on their vaginas shoutout hi good evening how are you today it's like a black mare episode it is we're almost on the alright that's about it we'll see you guys next week hopefully I'll have a new video for you guys next week I was so sick I was unable to do anything so much ass but next week you're gonna say ass a lot what can I do it's not that vulgar it's like a good middle town feels like I don't want to drop it half bomb or something yes all right bye guys thanks for watching thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,561,994
Rating: 4.6454868 out of 5
Keywords: shane dawson, shane, dawson, chuck e cheese, chuck e. cheese, chucky cheese, h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, h3h3, h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan, hila, pizza, pizza lies
Id: utjYy8pabQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 31sec (8611 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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