Trisha's Birthday Celebration - Frenemies # 34

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Dan telling Trisha that she of all people should know what a geiser is made me choke

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 363 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Apart-Confusion-898 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love Ethan eating with his hands and blaming it on being in character

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 147 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Spongekelp πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Trisha knowing Kilimanjaro but not Everest 🀦. Love her

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 146 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hyuckismysun πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I lost it when Ethan just casually started eating the cake with his hands.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 135 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/throwawayokayplease πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I feel bad for laughing when Ethan said Harry Potter ended with him getting SA'd by Voldemort.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 159 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hyuckismysun πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 149 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/multicoloredeyes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Neil Diamond omg.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 125 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Scared-Hyena-6565 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Dan trying to give ethan a softball adam sandler trivia question and him whiffing on it was great. Also, I've not always been a Trisha fan but hearing her story about past birthdays and how they much they did for her on her bday was great!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hinkil πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Trisha is the best person to give presents, she is so enthusiastic.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 154 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kickfloeb πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hey everybody welcome uh listen uh we're here on a very special day we've got uh uh what was your name again uh it's a beetlejuice uh beetlejuice can you say that three times uh fast beetlejuice oh that's two times you say one more time come on baby i can help you out otherwise i can't help you unless you say three times oh that was me i can't do it i'm not actually at magic and then he says showtime okay oh my god you've been in character for the past like 30 minutes and i'm a method actor i'm impressed because i really was like i thought you would have been like a theater kid and you said you were i'm very impressed your dedication you're like really into this i love it well thank you i've never seen someone so into it as me i feel like i'm like overshadowed i was like wow this person's really into it first of all happy birthday you look amazing thank you it's trish we're obviously we're here to celebrate trisha's uh birthday i make it a really big deal to everybody it's my birthday week just so everyone knows yeah i think it's pretty obvious to everybody who immediately turned it off well you said you had similar experiences my birthday has always sucked i have i've never had friends like up until i was 25 i was going to disneyland every year with my mom it was just me my mom and i'm like and i would cry every year at the end of my vlogs and like i wish i had a boyfriend i wish i had friends all stuff like that so now that i like started getting money i started throwing myself parties because i just didn't want like depressing birthdays so that's why i make it a big deal i think it's so that's why i always tell people it's my birthday i'm making a big deal of it because i've always had the most depressing birthday hey listen i've been i've been dead for a thousand years i don't know anybody all right so i mean do you have your mom i mean that's pretty good where i come from oh my god no i could be in trouble don't get us canceled you were doing beetlejuice like uh mannerisms earlier well listen people have been trying to cancel beta juice because apparently i was trying to [ __ ] a 13 year old girl in the movie listen i'll take whatever i can get you know i'll take a corpse i'll take an old lady and i don't even agree because my body's rigorous you know my cock's always hard right i feel like you don't even know the story though because what we were doing when we were doing pictures hey let me see what's behind can i take a peek or uh what's going on with this dress by the way beetlejuice is such a creep well but i feel like you don't know the story because you're taking pictures you're like oh does he like give her away at her wedding i was like that's not the story no i don't know beetlejuice i was just watching clips i mean i watched it once so long ago um and i have only seen it one time when i was a kid like he he like basically she has to like like either is gonna kill like her ghost in the attic that she likes or she has to marry him like that's the ultimate so that he can like become like alive like he can stay in the like real world again but she's like 14 so everyone's like and he's like come on what's what i mean when you be dead a thousand years what's what's age right better than the not better than beetlejuice movie pretty equal is the broadway show beetlejuice like i saw that on broadway it was only on for like five months i probably saw it 13 times on broadway and there's a song called creepy old guy and she like talks about how like she's creepy but he like has to marry her and it's like this whole child i think that beetlejuice would be a good husband he's kind of like a character i don't think so he'd probably be pretty bad i think he's a good lover i don't think so i think he's a ghost he's well he probably goes he probably eats good you know he probably goes down on a girl like hey i'm hungry you know you've been coming a thousand years without a meal you know what i'm saying i'll i'll eat anything right you're on wednesday i i like you're on it today hey babe i'm the ghost with the most you really are embodying those characters well what i was gonna say is that anyone who's watched like our our uh origin story on our old main channel hd productions my thing was i was always willing to go all out for the video and so i love doing this because it's so fun i feel like it makes the episode so fun and i've i used to walk around new york city dressed like a maniac and like um this for me is uh this is great you love it i love it so interesting it's just so weird because you're just like not the typical like cosplayer well not many people actually know the real beetlejuice you don't even know the real beetlejuice story but you're doing good with the voice thank you the voice is really good i just watched some clips and his voice just cut somehow it just like uh i feel like it's in my natural tenor yeah it's like just made for you right did you know like beetlejuice is the title of the film but he's actually only on screen for 17 minutes of the whole movie that is interesting he's not yeah because i had an ensemble yet alec baldwin you had moira from now that's someone who didn't age gracefully why he still looks good i mean he's old but like i mean yeah you know compared to that you know like johnny depp is the same age and still like whoa alec aged more gracefully than johnny i don't think that's true johnny looks like a little bit of like an emo kid like coming out of middle school like 70. no alec walden definitely did not age good but oh stop it i would [ __ ] alec before go look at michael keaton he's 15 years older and he's obviously you know what i'm saying you have played beale just once you live forever right you can never but i could see you as beetlejuice i could see you like playing him in something like theater well you ask do do i want to be uh uncle fester do i want to be the master no i'm beetlejuice if somebody is casting beetlejuice i would like to you know let me get let me get enough chitchat let me see what's under the dress here come on let me see what's under here it doesn't it's it's fashionable not that it's sponsored oh god no i'm a character don't actually flash me it's fashion of a bodysuit i know but you went like i was like okay oh my god this is so weird so happy birthday thank you this is very exciting i really like moses because got me like 10 flowers a bouquet of flowers this morning it's not even my birthday but it's like i keep saying his birthday birthday week yeah that's what me and hila do because one day it's like so sad and because i'm so depressed on my birthday because we don't do anything we do like the whole week oh you do too yeah okay good i'm good or the other person has to do all the chores and stuff that's really really yeah you guys don't do chores no not but we used to what you guys do we used to do chores that's cute yeah you know oh i love it yeah well we have a lot of festivities this week i am so excited we got frenemies what do you call those tumblers tumblers i was so excited this was per my request yeah actually i don't know does anyone know why it's called tumblr maybe it's like the old like because it can fall because it can fall down the stairs and not right i don't know why it's called a tumbler but i love these these are my favorite cups ever i'm so excited so today on the show we are going to be continuing trivia and i have just some stuff to talk about some headlines oh we're doing a beetlejuice reenactment theme this is a new this is new i like can we do that should we do it first i mean we might as well get out of the way before we uh waste time no i'm so okay i like the idea but i'm actually i'm really bad at acting because i get so nervous and i feel stupid it's i know that sounds weird the theater kid you're the mrs song sing and dance no that's why i never got casted i'd always like a background actor because i really choke up like having to like be in front of someone take talks fine because i'm by myself and make you know i go in a different room that was by myself but i have to be in front of there's like a a crew here it's it's ian and maybe and so now i'm getting nervous like i can't even i wouldn't even do this in front of like moses i wouldn't even act so it's like now this is like i can't you don't want to do it you don't even try to do it we can try but i just but you know what's worse is like when someone doesn't fully commit and that person's just they're like laughing through this thing that's why we're just having fun come on baby but i feel like this is like your audition and i don't want to ruin it i feel like it's not my audition it is because you do have a chance you have a chance stop it who's casting me tim burton tim burton if you're watching this uh beetlejuice part two i mean come on i'm like his uh you know his cousin who's uh a little more pc because it is 2021 but not quite yet wait have you seen that tick tock trend where people are saying like um what tim burton uh what like superheroes would look like if tim burton was like directed the movies of superheroes no they did like spider-man superman and then you know he casts nicolas cage to play superman and then it got scrapped batman no superman nicholas cage was supposed to play superman in a tim burton film weirdest [ __ ] tim burnham was supposed to do superman yeah there's like footage there's like footage of it they were getting ready to shoot i don't know why they canceled it really nicholas they did uh some test shots with him in the costumes so the irony of all that is is people are like oh this is batman up timber and directed it but timberland did direct to batman so that trend is stupid and tick-tock needs to stop it because he already directed batman with michael keaton so well of course but people are making it seem like he hasn't done it nicholas cage as superman that's not real i swear to god for a tim burton movie yeah i hear i have a video of it i'll play what but why did it get canned dan just because the studio's like they looked at that photo yeah really here's footage i don't know i'm just [ __ ] right here's footage just to prove to you that it's real what ah look at his i'm sorry but that ain't [ __ ] superman oh he loves superman too that's so sad i would have i think this probably would have been interesting he named his son like kyle i think tim burton named his son kellow nicholas cage oh nick yeah that's a little odd nick i mean come on well he like loves i mean i mean come on nick i mean there's lots of interest in the world uh superman just a little out there i feel like the common one people like superman it's like in a hotel room or something yeah what oh there is timber in there wow i auditioned for a 10 movie when i was 15. what happened harley in the chocolate factory i was too old it would have been like a really good veruca salt um i think i would have been a good i got this glute yeah that's what i thought maybe they would do gender fluid i got a good sleep i'm hungry mommy i'm hungry i want chocolate that would be so cool to fall into a chocolate river oh that'd be the best death ever that's one of my favorite movies ever it's the original as charlie and talk about characters glue i want to be in like that i want to dress like him i love him so i'll put the chocolate on my face i love it you know that one scene where the therapist where he goes uh he's like i have a dream where i i keep having a dream where the archangel comes down to me and tells me where the last uh golden uh ticket is and the therapist goes stop playing and tell me where the ticket is now oh yeah i thought that was so funny okay that was like they're sharing the therapist believes his delusions can we just um grandpa joe's a [ __ ] i know i know that's like an old meme but the first time i watched that i was like this crappy joe character is a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] like he's crippled and then all of a sudden when something fun happens he's like oh [ __ ] i can walk again it's like [ __ ] your your 13 year old son is working his hands through the bones and your ass pretend to be sick in bed yeah snl pete davidson played him on snl and it was that that he couldn't get out of bed and then all of a sudden he like won a trip to the chalk factory he's like oh it's amazing oh yeah oh man yeah i was too old i was too old and um also probably just not good but my mom drove me 15 hours to uh north carolina i was in ashland north carolina was the audition from illinois and we drove 15 hours and we were like really broke and she really believed in me and sorry i didn't get the role well you got the role as trisha paytas which is the role of a lifetime oh thank you i don't know if it's the role of life i love that this is tricia it's like the trisha show so also do should we bring out the surprise oh let's bring out the the surprises really bring the surprises then we'll do the reenactment and then we can get to the episode come on like i always want to surprise with it i'm always like i feel so bad i feel like oh you don't have to give me anything okay so here we go we got the cake go ahead we got a beetlejuice themed cake oh my oh my god with a picture of trisha's nutritious [Laughter] yeah yeah i'm afraid it's going to fall here yeah that would be awful here you go oh girl says happy birthday trisha yeah yes yes okay and we got you a present and i think you're really gonna love it thank you open that up i think it's really good wait really open it up and tell me where everything gets present that i get people because i feel like i don't get good gifts i think this one is gonna slap but let's see is there anything that funny like no no no no i genuinely think it's a good present i love all presents just fyi you could get me like a straw and i'm like let's just let's see i do want some of this cake by the way no cap i don't even know what this is beetlejuice would just use his hand wouldn't he man listen baby i haven't eaten in a minute did we do good oh my god tell him what it is tell him what it it's the collector's box from okay first of all when hip doc came out with this it sold out so quickly oh where did you get this though did you contact someone i've even contacted them i'm like can you just like tell them what it is it's the my chemical reminds my hip dot makeup collection and it's the collector's ball you don't have that right no and then it was a hot topic for me oh this is all right did we do it thank you this is a home run oh my god oh my god with the brush too you know yeah i've seen some of these on poshmark but i don't think they're real this is so exciting that's the real one happy birthday trisha we love you oh that's so nice hold it up show the people don't open it did you have to like no it's not a problem i just want the audio i don't care if it is i said it's not a promo i just don't want you opening it under the desk oh my gosh this is i wonder if driveway had anything to do with this or that's just licensing either way i love it yeah i mean if they license it okay this is so cool oh my gosh let me see what's inside okay i love that you're a gerard way fan now because you found out he uh created umbrella academy so now you like are like oh my god you like flipped out i love that jaws what the hell this guy's so talented yeah he's so talented oh my god thank you guys so much this is really good i i so remember i was on a music video when this came out i set an alarm for when it came out and like it's sold out it's like one of those things where like they just sell out in a minute i don't understand hey when you're beetlejuice man you know what i'm saying i'm the ghost with the most i can make things happen thank you you're very welcome yeah what do i think everybody thank you everybody thank you everybody thank you guys [Music] you look the other way and i've been taking him try some of this too oh my god this looks so exciting wait let me let me show you well bring the camera what are you waiting for oh my gosh you knew i was gonna hit it up i'm tick-tocking too you really thought i was gonna wait for candles 33 that's your number right that's my number we're like is it are we sure about that you're pretty [ __ ] old dude not as old as you oh my gosh yeah oh thank you oh my god the whole cruise here like i feel like it's a party happy birthday well we got a lot going on today you know we got the we're gonna do the reenactment we got trivia i mean a lot of stuff's happening today when we were talking about your birthday party or like it would just be like the h3 people i'm like but that's like my birthday parties too it's just people like my hair makeup artists like people i see throughout the years because my birthday is coming up in june and he was like do you want to have a party i don't know oh it's catching on fire oh god yeah i know i got it i got it i got it okay i blow it out yeah you wanna blow it out make a wish yeah okay go ahead will you tell us what your wish is happy wait how do we do the hebrew one how's that one go hugs okay oh come on you know that birthday song bro all right let me go wish for real okay okay this is so funny dude it looks so funny as beetlejuice eating this is so cool this is like my first work birthday i've never had a birthday at work disgusting what do you mean oh my god this is so cool wow oh my god okay okay i'm really impressed where you got this for real hey we got we got methods don't ask oh my gosh oh my gosh what are you crazy people you just took your fingers thank you oh this is so cool i think i got wax on there sorry okay so let's do the here let's take a pause what's happening and let's go do our our scene and then we'll come back and do the pod a tiny beetlejuice on the roof of a building wearing a silk dressing gown looking like he just dragged him himself out of bed one of the horned [ __ ] is nude sunbathing in the corner and beetlejuice drapes a blanket over her lydia's face looms enormous in the sky now listen before we start i just want to say uh green wasn't really the best uh setting we have a green screen i'm covered in green but okay let's do the scene okay here we go uh cookie they're all dead dead ski of course they're dead they're ghosts no i mean they're gone uh split venge where'd they go the happy hunting grounds who cares are you a ghost too i'm the ghost with the boat strike that i'm the ghost with the most babe listen cookie i've been trapped in this burg for hundreds of years all i want is to get out i want to get in you do over here on my side i think so well yes of course it's it's great over here uh you'll you'll meet all the great james dean uh sid vicious i can't be any worse than life over here that's right i bet they treat you like scum don't they um yeah oh well oh that was a great life listen i can't help you from this side but here's what we do so it's simple you say my name three times you know that that's all it is and i'll be yours you just say my name three times and i'll bring you over here in style i i don't know what your name is okay that's a minor problem uh there are rules i can't tell you what my name is uh but do you know how to play charades yes of course you do so uh two words right right right right first word exact first word okay uh first [Laughter] three syllables no two dummy your fingers are so small i can't see them excuse me is that a baby hand joke because uh listen i get enough [ __ ] around here you're really gonna make baby joke ads in the script too oh my god okay listen first word look behind you bibo oh you gotta read the stage direction moses here i'll read it lydia looks behind her a great beetle the size of a volkswagen is crouching it's featherly featherly antenna reach out towards her menacingly good girl exactly that's the first word excellent you got that right um second word be careful oh apprehensive she jumps when a simple a cartoon of orange juice materializes orange juice pours out into a glass breakfast orange breakfast beetle beetle beetle fruit fruit bat fruit battle volkswagen fruit wagon you have a lion oh should i just go beetlejuice i didn't have a lion you had a lion you were supposed to say good thing you're beautiful that's what that's good thing you're beautiful kid because you're dumb because you are dumb i don't think this is from the movie is it it's the script it's not i am not beetlejuice that's it all right your name is beetlejuice yeah that's as bad as julio dietz listen baby where i compliment that much better okay it's spelled differently but basically you've said it twice now all i need is one more time okay excuse me this booming show somebody just lift that up a little bit thank you say it one more time and then you'll be free you'll be free time to improvise okay there's no scribd say it so what do we say say my name one more time just the go ahead listen i can't force you i can't say it you gotta say the name one more time you're supposed to go what do i do it's showtime it's show time i thought you did really good well one it wasn't the like script also that remind like i feel like we should have done like the broadway version like singing it because they say he's like how about a game of straight sure let's play it but he wears a second word like we did it you did good i mean what we should have coulda woulda and all you gotta do is say my name three times three times in a row then that would have been better but okay that was all right sorry we [ __ ] up your whole birthday haven't that enough for you today that's so me as a kid i would have i would like there's something one thing went wrong that's me now like one thing goes wrong i'm like i'm over him i loved it though it was great that was fun i'll never i love my brother but the story is funny he doesn't mind me telling that honest bar mitzvah he had a cassette of um i don't know he had us he wanted to play um smashing pumpkins today's the best day you know that song today is the best day i don't know that song for real yeah no today is the best thing in the band are you bashing pumpkins i can't wait for tomorrow what you've never heard and you're going to sit on me for not knowing my chemical romance yeah they were they were 90s i'm sorry 90s how would you know that means you just exposed yourself we were all alive from the 90s listen the point of the story is that my brother wanted that song and they didn't have a cd of it they only had it on cassette and he started crying at his bar mitzvah on stage oh my god what scientist is he a pisces i literally don't even know is that a pisces thing to do yeah to cry on stage that's also a cancer thing to do are you a crier have you cried i thought cancer was supposed to be like shell tough chef no they're oh my god they're so not they're really like emotional okay well i don't cry ever okay okay my tear ducts don't work filled with dust that was fun do you think people get casted out i was just gonna say i hope i hope some big shot director watch that and then we'll cast us in our own beetlejuice movie so i was actually i'll share this story remember last week i told you i was gonna do like a tv show and i was like kind of excited i was like this tv show wants me and the role was like they reached out to me specifically i didn't have to audition and it was for a plus size influencer and i was like well oh who else is gonna like i'm the plus-size influencer the fatty and so i had to do a self tape after i left last time after the podcast i was like ah [ __ ] like i've i told you i get nervous like i cannot put myself on tape like that sort of thing will just so happen and um never heard back from them didn't get the part well it takes time so friday so oh they skipped over you yeah and they never responded what was it for can you say out of spite i'll say it i'm just spiteful but yeah yeah you're bored like oh no you love that show they reached out and they're like trisha payton is checking for your availability on april 30th for a plus size influencer i'm like yeah well compared to what i just did they're probably like okay no she can't i'm not an actor but hey you know i resent that i'm boycotting for you i am okay nope i'm cancelling hbo you haven't even seen me wait wait wait wait wait there's sponsor sponsor i'm kidding i love hbo yes they are i love hbo saying that i i recant that as well as my daddy daddy 8th after dark i don't remember that's is oh you're sponsoring not front of me sponsor yeah they're mine i don't care but i do you come out here talking about i'm kidding um what's that clothes company fashionable yeah [ __ ] fashion nova we love them we stay on hbo up here all right let's talk let's talk um let me play for you just a little something fun while you enjoy your birthday cake thank you you're welcome this girl made a theme song for us that was pretty good pretty cool okay here's a theme song by uh what's her name it's so far away i can't see it it's uh caro miller music cara miller music it's miller time that's the name of the wait what is this what are we doing i have enough sound who wrote you guys theme song because you don't have one so this girl wrote [Music] oh [Music] wait so what do we do was that our theme song what is happening nothing i just wanted to play for you she's so cute whenever you see people that watch you are you always like impressed there's like like good looking people that want you because like i always just like like i'm always the ugliest in every photo like i look like i am like the fan in every photo i'm just like this dumpy little thing no i am impressed when like normal people watch i'm like oh [ __ ] that person watch i guess that's what i mean i mean everyone's good looking but okay the next thing is i get credit for this i understand that right wait why i was the one that called you xena why'd you share it you say that i knew you didn't know who this was you shared it you literally shared it and said i want to be i want to start in the remake hashtag xena warrior princess you literally don't even know who it is i'm the one who said you like xena warrior princess and now you're sharing this memes i just want to say that i this is me i get the questions yeah that's a compliment she's so skinny i thought so too and you're like oh i don't know who that is and you still don't i still don't but um moses found this for me and i thought i looked really pretty so i said save that give it to me put it in tiktok format i'm posting it it's from reddit right i don't know what it's from i don't know i never know who to give credit to i'm like is this i just told you it's in xena prince's warrior you did the hashtag zena princess warrior yeah he told me that on sunday okay okay yeah i'm glad um i love i love i love them dr drew was trying to break us up again oh yeah dr drew is the enemy of the show no we love doctor i love dr jerome i tweeted you a very nice birthday message from my heart um i said i'm honored privileged to call trisha my friend she's an amazing person full of wet insight and grit i mean literally lots of grit like sand and i'm just kidding grit means like you're you're strong she is without a doubt made me a better person for knowing her that's true actually and happy birthday week besties so you're like oh we're having such a good uh connect we're having in a really good place right yeah dr drew be like i think you guys need my help again i'm sorry dr drew are you trying to break us up like please well i'm curious to know his advice i kind of want to know what we need help on maybe we do need help and we don't know it oh someone had a funny comment you remember the tarot card reading that says someone's going to try to break us up dr [ __ ] drew swooping in trying to cause problems he did hint at maybe doing a podcast with me so if you dump me or whatever i can go on to dr drew did he say that to you when i when he was on the show last i think he said something like i was already thinking this dude dr drew is trying to break us up the tarot card was about him i'm sure of it he just has too many podcasts with too many people anyways i would just be like number nine on his list i'd be like below adam carolla and tom segura and all these people you know i wouldn't do it i wouldn't leave you i wouldn't even leave you for who's a big fat even hypothetically thinking through this like well i would probably be not his biggest project uh excuse me it's working he's already breaking us up no i go where i'm i'm a priority and i feel like i'm somewhat of a priority here do you not see what we did for you i know no today was an up day for sure you're always the priority here thank you now eat this no no but we saw each other like four times we've been seeing each other so much where i'm like oh my god are we going to be like two we got to change the besties we're no longer friendly we're like besties because we just see each other so much i agree you know i like it i'm down with it but we have to fight more no yeah for real so um oh okay then there's this justine paradise girl who is getting so much harassment i just want to do a quick update and support to her because she's like a racing or social media because it's all the death threats she's getting this is a girl who accused jake paul and keemstar called her a liar publicly and this is the result of basically keemstar calling her a liar from random people but people who are in los angeles telling me that they're here so i need to watch my back people saying that they will fight me if they see me people saying that i need to kill myself like there are so many messages of people telling me just to kill myself and that's super overwhelming for me because i've never experienced this amount of hate on the internet before the hate is so insane the things that people are making up about it it's so weird even seeing people's podcasts everyone makes their own little assumptions about the video because it's only a 20 minute long video it's not like hours of me saying every little tiny detail so everyone has their own little assumptions about everything and it's so strange to watch it's so strange to watch so many people judge even the tiniest things i say or if i'm looking off to the side when i'm talking which i do a lot it's so weird to have this much attention and especially for so much of it to be negative it's really hard i've been considering just turning off all my comments and making my messages so only people i follow can message me and because at first i just kind of got wrapped up in looking at the comments because when people ask questions i wanted to be able to answer them and defend myself but there's just so much disgusting hate that it's just pointless to even go through it i know what happened so there's no point in me fighting for the internet to believe if people don't believe me they don't believe me it's like that sucks a lot i put out my video for a few reasons the first reason is i wanted to protect other people and spread awareness about it and i definitely think i did that i can check that bach and spread awareness about it whether people believe me or not at least now when girls hang out with them they'll have that in the back of their mind you know the other reason is i didn't want to keep that a secret anymore i hate keeping secrets that it's so awful so holding on to that was so heavy for me but i saw this tick tock right before i posted the video this is actually the thing that pushed me well anyway she's getting a bunch of [ __ ] from people like keemstar who are calling her a liar well you know what no yeah and like words of advice for this kind of thing it's like she was right she's like it gets exhausting trying to defend yourself like you shouldn't you shouldn't just like put your tooth out people are all like there's always people that won't believe you like even if it's like hardcore like there's evidence out there of everything that happened with me and like people still be like i don't believe her like one people will not believe you guys like stop reading comments two people like move on you share your truth and the truth will either eventually prevail look at me two years later people are like well trisha was telling the truth on some things whatever um or you know what people just kind of move on and forget about it but like as long as you tell your truth and you do what you need to do like if you want to press charges don't press charges whatever it heals your heart you know like just do it but you just gotta like not be online that's what i give those people especially like during what it gets like last week i had a little bit of a meltdown you know so i just got offline for a couple days and honestly it was i did get the vaccine which kind of made me sick i know when i was like whatever i got sick from the vaccine i mean i was only one day but like it was nice to be offline for that day even though i was sick i was like oh it's like a reset because the internet's not real and the people who like tell you like those trolls are like not real people they really are i have only gotten one hater in real life and it was like a nine-year-old david doberg fan and he's like before he's like nine but other than that like i've never had hater there you go i think that's good advice yeah you gotta have to like just share your truth and just expect that half the people won't believe you but that's who cares who cares i really wanna also just continue to dispel this myth that people are coming forward for clout like i'm sorry yeah it looks like she's having a really good time with all the clout she's enjoying over there but again those are like literally those are like the young like kids or just like in cells or just people who are not smart like that think though nobody thinks that if you're like intelligent or you're like really young yourself if you're like a 17 year old who thinks like that's how you like get cloud or i don't know what oh speaking of keemstar i wanted to mention this on the last episode but i forgot my birthday week i don't want drama well i just wanted to say not about you you're you're innocent in this but for everyone listening who loves ila myself included who's that angel keemstar literally was tweeting pictures to her and me calling her a horse for like a year because he was mad at me literally sending pictures of horses to me and ela saying that she looked like a horse that's like yeah that looks like can you imagine me to you but it's like someone like who literally is like so not probably like what's the point she's beautiful amazing exactly and so like obviously it didn't bother me but i was like i cannot believe that this is a like almost 40 year old man with a daughter and he's sending daily horse pictures to me and ela to call her a horse and then when a b started defending me he started sending pictures of witches to a b and his wife lena saying that she looks like a witch who's also a really beautiful amazing person i mean keemstar is the worst part 25 000. but it's also like when you're like so ugly on the inside like him i feel like he's just ugly people he's tracks ugly yeah he's just yeah by association but whatever i hate that i hate when general and guys just like make fun of people's like look for whatever even like even if there's i don't know it's always weird it's so weird it just it was like and people thought and like his fans thought it was funny and like a lot of people started tweeting horses to ela and i was like wow this is crazy but also the fact that people like are doing that with their like life thinking it's going to like affect you guys like it's just no more so i was just like i can't believe this is a real person like it doesn't yeah no not at all it never affects me like any i mean because i'm like numb to it but never [ __ ] me anymore when people call me like something yeah the looks it's like i mean we're all we're all we should all be like i mean look i and people aren't always secure with their looks but like i mean i mean either he looks beautiful she's not gonna get offended from keemstar calling her a horse you know it's as weird so anyway there's that week okay okay he like makes flies up about me and then like it's it's one of those things where you just it's so exhausting like that girl like you can't defend yourself like people are gonna believe what they want to believe and they're just like even if it's so ridiculous but it's still like annoying yeah keemstar has spent he's he lies about everyone you know what it is it's like i okay here i want to say this too here's another statement i want to make like i if someone has like an issue with me or anything i have no problem like addressing it if it's something i did wrong or something i did that was bad like i will always address like my bad behavior in the past now currently whatever but if something's just not even in reality there's been a couple of people this past week yeah where they're just literally making it up i'm just like uh that's when i start getting like triggered because my own head starts being like oh my god cause i start getting that um you start thinking things that are just not true because they're putting it in this like fake reality so if something's just so far off reality like i can't even address it because like what capacity what mental capacity could anyone have to like fight a lie like that it's so scary when someone can just make things up out of thin air and at that point just gonna be like okay we'll let the cr them look crazy i guess but well you know one of i'm not avoiding things if i'm not talking about something it's really just because like it's just lies and there's it's so hard to deal with people like just flat out lying because it's like how do you dispute it and two it's just so disturbing that people are willing to believe something that like there's no evidence for yeah i mean one of my my hardest like year or two doing this is when is because of keemstar he started this blatant lie that i was did i talk about that i was stealing video money from a video game that was supposed to donate to charity and um he spread he started this lie and it spread so much that people were making videos about it and i was getting so much hate and i was trying to ignore it for so long and not talk about it but it became this point where everybody online just [ __ ] hated my guts because of this lie he made and so i finally made a video addressing it i had the game developer on he's like no that money was for you guys it's not have anything to do with charity that's a total [ __ ] lie and it came to the point where i was actually able to like exonerate myself and some people's eyes by just finally addressing it but for so long it's like it's so [ __ ] depressing to be hated for something that you didn't even do and it's like you don't want to address the drama you don't want to deal with it but it's like someone like keemstar never stops he never [ __ ] stopped but i think it's like shown over time like i've always been like really competitive and like just with anybody else not just team keemstar anywhere else like over time you either show like oh this person was telling the truth or this person just has a habit of doing this and for so long i was that habit of like being a troll or whatever and be like oh so we have to like break it but after a while i feel like people will see it you know what i mean like i think they see but it's good to defend yourself if it's something serious and you're getting a lot of hate like i i would but then with my instance sometimes people spread lies and people like okay clearly this person is just like making this up or whatever but my problem is before i started lexapro i got really really depressed from all this and just being like hated by so many people for this [ __ ] and like i just felt like i wasn't in a good space to even speak on my behalf like i was just so [ __ ] depressed and just in a horrible mood all the time and just really sad and so when i started medicating myself and feeling better and then i started to see things a little clearer where i was like i i'm gonna address this and i'm feeling like confident finally to be able to address this in a good way internet's tough i mean i i really do think it's tough when people are like i get why people like leave like jenna marbles you know what i mean i think after a while you just get exhausted i think i'm just actually crazy where i'm just like every morning i'm just like here i go again you know what i mean but like i i think like a mental like stable person would probably be like i can't do the internet for too long no i think a lot of people just they hit a wall where they're like i can't take this you know you know what yeah i've literally like been like the voices in my head for so long they're worse than the voices on the internet so like i can take it you know what i mean like i've been hearing like [ __ ] talking in my head since i was like five years old so i'm like oh this is like nothing my own voices are like you're an idiot or you're fat the internet is like whatever if i'm telling myself that does that count as a voice i don't know that's a good question i'm like i'm fat i'm an idiot yeah mine are like voices in my head like actual yeah and i've had that for like my whole life but like not as severe but you know you have characters like names of people no i don't i wish i did people would probably have believed me earlier on but like i don't have names they're just random it's not like reoccurring characters it just comes and goes yeah it's also just thoughts like i think i told you too it's just like thoughts where i just think like i think of scenarios that aren't even true in my head like like i was telling you last you guys thinking like oh you're getting tweets or something about me so that means you're going to end the show moses is going to leave me because then you guys aren't my friend family anymore like you start thinking all these thoughts that just come out of like nowhere you know what i mean like i don't know but i snap back into reality i'm here yeah when i saw you i saw you over the weekend you seemed like really you were having a rough time yeah it was a rough week it was my freak but like honestly like like i'm good now and you seem totally back fine birthday i'm fine now [ __ ] i get you know what do you know the love language things i've heard of you know yours or no i don't my love language is hamburgers food yeah feed me baby well there's a love language called like gift giving and i never do this as a thing and that's literally because i love like buying people things and i love getting things like to me that's like love you know but that's a real love language i always thought that was like shadows i think i don't know what my love i think my love language is literally just language like i like telling people nice things affirmations words of affirmation yeah that's my love that's one so it's like words of affirmation gift giving um physical touch what are the other ones uh what are we talking about with like significant others or people in general i think it can be in general i think it's a general thing like what what do you feel loved and what do you do for others to show love like do you do like chores to show love that's what's duties no duties that's moses he'll like do everything and i like love him so much like he'll do everything i'm like whoa what is that called there's quality time but there's one that's like you're doing stuff for people i don't do duties i do language acts of service acts of service that's what it is acts of service are you a service man yeah but when we first met he wasn't it was like really what we like fell in love right exactly now he's doing service no but no i feel like no moses is a different person like he's really like in love with me now i can tell because like he just does like so your gifts your love language is gifts so what have you ever bought me that's true and i probably bought you other things like oh oh i forgot the present what present oh i bought you a present for my birthday you bought me for your birthday oh i know what it is oh love language that's a love language oh no we'll give it next week on friends because it's a frenemies kind of gift but it's so dope and it was a custom thing that i hadn't made it for six weeks it took oh that is a love language oh no because i had it like three weeks ago i'm like i'm gonna say it for me maybe the menorah the the rhinestone monorail menorah that was good but this is really okay yeah i'm so mad now because now i'm like wait no i did get you again and it took six weeks to make even motions like wow this is like a lot of work that you put in wow i'm excited okay well i have something to look forward to i love like just buying people things like i love like i just like love it like when i got to eat i love like paying for every like i just love it it makes me so happy it's not like to show off like even when i was broke i just love paying for things like i love i think it's so fun gotta hang out with you more no i always pay for things too i feel like i always favorite for everything yeah i think but that's like you know i'd say it's because i like it even like moses doesn't even like like gifts but i'm always like trying to buy him like sneakers at nike's like i just bring himself he never wears them but i'm like here's gifts sometimes you wear them but someone called his gift i got him shoes from nike and someone's like moses is wearing dad shoes and so he's never worn him since someone told that to me once and i was like i can't ever i was wearing like really bright nikes and [ __ ] and someone was like oh you're wearing dad shoes like i'll never wear these shoes again and i've been wearing sandals ever since just kidding i love gen z thank you for watching it wasn't a gen z it wasn't a gen z person yeah don't worry we love gen c i love gen z okay so there's a few other things jason nash fifty dollars you wanna talk about that it's pretty funny jason nash was hiring people for uh the jason nash show for a full days of work and offering them 50 bucks less than minimum wage this is so basic i was under the impression that jason nash sort of went into hiding after ethan and trisha annihilated him but violated him come on oh annihilate i was like violated i was like highlighted himself i'm ready to violate you uh why don't you bend over for me jason come on oh oh okay that was a good uh beetlejuice reference now say my name as if i let you in come on three times all right he apparently started a podcast this is a casting notice for the jason nash and he's only paying fifty dollars i just think it's really interesting that he's curating an entire new show instead of making an apology video preaching girl okay um pre-check um we preach also so it's a full 12-hour day for 50 bucks i was like bro that ain't even like [ __ ] minimum wage i made a response to this when i used to do extra work from 2006 to like 2010 and this was 2006 right so like for six for eight hours you got 64. that was non-union so that's like the minimum they could pay you yeah you have to pay minimum wage that's that can't be that's got to be illegal i mean you can't pay people under minimum wage i mean bro you're not like how i mean listen he's been doing sponsored posts he's not like he and he's been like you know ha ha on people's comments he's not like he's not he has no remorse he's just thinking it's gonna blow over and no way are we gonna let that happen as soon as the jason national comes out we're like where's your apology let's start with that no but seriously wait what is he apologizing for everyone because he wasn't there to you or or like no i'm seth oh seth right i forgot it's been so long now there's been so much we've been through he expects everyone ever yeah he definitely requires jeff what exactly everyone's like oh david in the eye and which is it is a huge thing i'm not saying that but like people just they they just that's why they wait it out they're like you know what people will forget about it but it's like i totally i'm sorry seth i totally cause there's been sweeping there's been so much happening i've totally forgot about this set thing there's so much with jason other stuff that came out that was just beyond like so we need an apology and also you're gonna have to increase that rate bro or we're calling i think like minimum the set thing that might to me is like the most vulgar thing and that like the fact that like they he never had to apologize like ever dressed at one point like that's true and jason's the perpetrator and uh you know what watching like just things here is like so triggering because david's there like you know yeah whatever man whatever you need to do when we jump on a plane i'll jump over play but like with me i was just like oh i don't know i'm so bitter by it i'll say it i'm bitter i'm bitter as [ __ ] like he just people are just like patting david on the back for doing like the bare minimum and it like just drives me nuts and then jeff's like his thing was like oh jump out of a plane risk your life and then everything will be better it's like you're talking about his document right yeah i didn't watch the new part that'd be like me saying like oh why don't you like get shot in the leg without a band without consent and be strapped down to a gurney in the middle of cedar cyanide that'll make me feel better go to a mental hospital for three days that'll make me feel better have none of your friends check on you that'll feel better have all your closest people abandon you that'll make you feel better [ __ ] right there's [ __ ] and jason doing the jason nash show he's a loser anyways honestly i think that's his punishment it's just being a loser washed up i don't know 50 that's his punishment you know what he he's getting he's reaping what he sowed so that's fine i'm afraid that the um i'm not i haven't watched he was part of jeff's documentary but i'm afraid that it's turning into like a david redemption tour yeah it's you know it is what it is that's what it helps them heal okay cool you know that's fine but it is it's totally it's i mean i guess it's it's up to jeff to forgive him if he wants to i mean it's not necessarily bad i mean all of us can still judge david for like being super irresponsible and putting people in danger like and they and people are perpetually yeah people like it's fine it's jeff's story and how he wants to forgive david is his own okay but did you see now like scott did you see his apology bro don't just pull that up dan or ian whoever's back there well because he turned it into like self-promo and it was like made me want to die scotty sire you're talking about the song yeah that's so scottie and i folded into we scotty ourselves put out a video defending david and everyone's like wow this guy is a [ __ ] dumbass it's definitely when the steamy's extra definitely that's the dumbest moment of anybody's career ever on youtube people like that video what yeah that was insane he's like i i choose to be uh to be beheaded for no reason that was so weird well anyway but then every but then in jeff's thing too he's like wow seeing all my friends run to save my life and then making them seem like they were like heroes for once again doing the bare minimum like obviously they're gonna run and they're gonna come to the hospital like what like it's not they're not heroes they're just not and also by the way david has jumped from a plane twice before this so don't act like this is your first time david dobrik it's on video with liza koshy yeah if this is gonna make you feel better then also and also you're not risking your life jumping from a plane i mean come on yeah you want him to risk his life going to trapeze without a net or something let's see that conveyor with how about jeff gets on an excavator and tosses your ass around like a rag doll and then stops while going 60 miles per hour and you slam your [ __ ] face into hard metal cold metal here's scotty sire he put out this video and i was like oh what at first i was like okay cool and then at the end he's like so i wrote a song and i was like and i closed it real fast i was like no not a song no because i saw that noodles with this and i was about to come underneath it i'm like oh like this is nice like someone's doing something right well anyway the thing is he's like a budding or but i won't say budding but let's say he's uh established rap star right that's what i meant to say triple platinum established rap star here it is a song within the last couple of months because i was going through some [ __ ] because i made a huge mistake i [ __ ] up with a video i love how his girlfriend started to comfort him too she touched his arm i wanted to discuss how i was feeling about the situation that i was going through you know like i i made a mistake i i talked about something that i thought that i knew more about than i did and also it's all about him right it's not about like it'd be like i'm sorry to the victim i'm sorry sad yeah people don't know how to apologize like there's because he's still yeah he only regrets talking about it because he got so much hate yeah yeah yeah yeah only his his regret is only uh self-concerning he doesn't care about what happened to say he doesn't believe seth probably yeah for sure you can never you can never understand how someone else is feeling great so brave because you're not in their head you can only understand how you're feeling in your head so it it kind of after i mentioned let's get those subs rolling in by the way what is this on it's twitch let's get those subs in please for a sad boy it's okay baby doing great wait that was my band don't don't associate that well he's a sad boy okay you owning sad boy now i have a trademark you have a stray monkey yeah 7205 is trademark not sad yeah 2005. they're you're not the first sad boy the sad boys have been around since the beginning of time adam adam was reported to have been the first sad boy banished from the garden adam who's adam you know rib of god first man abel was the first cyborg oh yeah i don't know who that is adam got banished that's pretty sad fair enough abel got murdered so well that's dead we don't even know if they have existed they might be fairy tales i'm just saying if you go back there's spin sad boys before you okay wrong i was about it and how eight days to go by the way on the subway it was to trigger something with the video that i made like i i was i like put me in a very bad spot because i was i was so what ashamed of what i'm so having done um and so i got a lot of comments that were very negative and death threats and oh my god the death threats it's okay you know negative comments about her right cause you put her in every video she doesn't have to be there you know that's true it's like he's in every vlog and she has her own channel people were calling you really horrible names because she was liking tweets defending him including stuff about me so okay it's okay babe profile that made me feel like i i like truly truly [ __ ] up so why did you [ __ ] when i was feeling at my lowest point this is the song that i wrote no no so the whole thing was just culminating in this self promo of a song he wrote which watching it back is actually not as good as i thought when i was watching i'm like you're right he is just so self-absorbed like i like oh i got so much hate and so many people gave me negative comments it had nothing to do with like actually apologizing yeah nothing you didn't even mention seth yeah oh i actually hate that but now it leads to this ultimate self promo of a song let's listen to it [Music] including my own i people call my music [ __ ] that i sing awful fine you're allowed to say that so i'm allowed to have an opinion well you always say your music [ __ ] and his voice is awful i don't think it's voiceover but i agree his lyric writing is truly [ __ ] tremendous with peace and love for him after this makes me gross i've listened to some of his other music and i was like hey come on buddy just could do better but like the thing with people can i also say this in general like hey i support anyone doing music if you have the funds to make your own music career do it that's what i'm doing don't take yourself so seriously he swears he is just just eat this the way that was positioned at me i just like wanted to come on come on you look hungry eat this sorry i'm beetlejuice go ahead anyways his music sucked don't listen to it he said he's a horrible person well hold on let's see let's play all right she's been through so much is he gonna claim us he's not gonna claim [ __ ] he has a song oh my god he has me being the biggest scott sire fan i do watch i do consume a lot of youtube doesn't mean i'm feeling everybody there's a song that he goes zoloft prozac lexapro all of these drugs that i've tried before it's about just the antidepressants that he's been on that was like does it rhyme or he just goes it's like prozac dun dun lex a pro all of these hold that up i want to hear it i want to hear it but anyway let's listen to the chorus of the song i can't remember it but it was something like that [Music] you know after i posted that video and stop wait that's it listen baby at all anyway i really made this beautiful song i think you guys can really like i have zero respect for scott if i was on tic tac my respect for scott i would do one of those graphs down right graph is trending down on respect this is like [Applause] i am the victim in this situation i hated that watching that back i was like oh he's actually like like he he's the lowest yeah david jason then him do you want to hear about the lexa pro song i take lex bro full disclosure i love lex but i don't know this is why i don't like to talk you're saying my life sucks no oh yeah this is why i don't like talk about you're talking about like my mental health this past week but i don't like to talk about it because i don't think you should like necessarily glorify it like normalizing it but you don't need him like in this song you know what i mean well he's definitely being like these are my antidepressants i like normalizing it and recognizing it when i first when i first started taking lexopro i was so scared to take the first pill i was like this is i don't know where am i gonna be able to still do comedy am i gonna steal my show am i gonna be different or also i felt like i'm weak for taking this i can't just figure this out on my own and i was so much stress and anxiety over like i had those pills on my bedside for like six months before i finally had such a bad day where i was like i need to just take this and i'll tell you straight up those lexapro like um saved my life for sure talk about it normalize it all that stuff like that but anna nicole was very glorified so i started taking like prescription drugs same thing with prince he took a lot of xanax and i was like you know what what a way to go if prince died so you know what i mean so i don't like when people like sing about this this is my video let me hear it and i'll tell you if i think he's glorified okay i hate anti oh anti scotty scotty club oh boy that's an answer you know antisocial social club yeah they always ripped off stuff they got calvin klein like they did one called ck for kerner cough and calvin klein like actually caught like like you can't see that it was the ck logos it's like you can't by the way with peace and love anti-social social club's my least favorite streetwear brand for the record i like the way that i sound right i've seen this graphic so many times editing that's like the preset title font that's the list of the concerns i'm just saying like bro you could do you think have changed could make my voice deep like one of those little wayne trolls no she won't stick her sticky fingers in her purse mommy won't put her stinky fingers in her purse i hate that [ __ ] mom's a [ __ ] [ __ ] i mean these are catered bro bro why you gotta be such a sim for david why you gotta open the line with a like [ __ ] dick suck for david dobrik merch his whole channel is just david and the vlogs but now that david's not an a he gets like 80 000 views like their whole thing was just having david in the vlog can you just be your own man why are you going to sing about david dobrik i love how he's turned into scott [ __ ] on scotty he's the worst like honestly watching that he's like a [ __ ] person like he doesn't understand he doesn't grasp he's not he shouldn't be like he has something wrong i feel myself i'm so sad that i got [ __ ] that looks like that sounds like him i literally thought that was his song i was like is that the song he just sang seth kind of had it coming though god he's such an idiot from church because i can't let anthony get the merch first my birthday is april 1st okay you keep singing about david dobrik celebrate cause last time i choked on a piece of cake when i turned eight mama said i was a mistake it ain't really bothering me okay internet trolls always calling me weird i get mad she thrown at i'm not dabbing on my haters i'm just hiding my tears i do think you know what's going on okay [Music] wait wait he lives a good life and pretends it blows yeah he's like you know he grew up in orange county he has like a life that people would probably think of like privileged or whatever i do feel like he does he does have mental issues so i don't i don't want to i i i don't want to pile on him you know what i mean because like i know how bad that feels okay but no i just had it bad oh no stop i am so sick of people using mental health as an excuse to be like a [ __ ] person or not know what's going on in the world because i have a lot of mental health problems and i know not to lie about people not to be delusional not to accuse people of stuff that they didn't do not to say someone was an essay or whatever the [ __ ] like not him and other people this week oh i have adhd i have this it's like get it under control it's not other people's problems like it may explain your behavior or whatever and i'm sure he has issues and i'm not doubting that one bit but to like use that because now it's like now he's like oh no but this is me i'm i'm i'm actually having a hard time it's like because i have this issue it's like no you're a [ __ ] person own up to it i understand why you should be apologizing to seth and not doing a video saying you had a [ __ ] hard time and negative comments remember you deserve more negative comments because you still don't grasp what you did to seth and other victims that you offended including your own audience by saying oh they should be feeling this way they reacted this way so it must mean this it's like so [ __ ] like [ __ ] off everybody using that's why i didn't want to talk about you like okay i had a [ __ ] mental breakdown i was i had a i had schizophrenia and medication diagnosed me this week i'm not going to be like well that's why i've been like this over the year no i was a [ __ ] person for so many years i had it untreated i didn't get help and that's no one else's fault it can explain behavior but it doesn't excuse you being a [ __ ] person i'm so sick of people being like he has mental issues let's not pile up on him if you do something [ __ ] has nothing to do with you taking zoloft lexapro whatever the [ __ ] like you're a [ __ ] person okay apologize to seth you dumb [ __ ] i agree with that so stupid my girlfriend's getting hit don't put her in your video that you're apologizing when i'm doing an apology video moe's not staying next to me he has nothing to do with it that she's in the videos people are going to hate on her that's just a [ __ ] he's right if moses is there with you being like it's okay babe people oh i'm so sick of people using their mental health as an excuse everyone is [ __ ] mental illness fair enough you're right that's a good point i guess i was like i just i feel i guess i just was having a little empathy and you guess what you put music on the internet people can critique it people can say my music is sick sometimes sometimes it is and sometimes music's [ __ ] you can say it [ __ ] get off the internet if you can't take it i don't know what to say [ __ ] i don't know you're right you're right i was just i was trying to go light on the poor guy i hate to when people just like monetize i know you got some heat for this with teddy fresh and it's not like a bad thing i'm not like mad about it but i really do of when you said the crippling anxiety and everyone got picked teddy bear and stuff like that it's it's fine i mean like i said it's an opinion thing it's totally fine if you want to do that with your art if that helps you whatever but for me personally glamorizing it was really detrimental to me wanting to be like anna nicole like marilyn monroe like knowing they took pills that's when i started taking pills i didn't need pills i was like oh but i should take them if i'm going to die i would like them in my system regarding so yeah we did me personally but no you're right you know i didn't even think about it i made a shirt for teddy fresh it was my design and it said it was like a teddy bear smiling in the rain it said i have crippling anxiety and a lot of people got mad and i honestly all of us thought none of us thought about it so we're like i got where they're coming from where it's like glamorizing it you know and so we donated all the money to i think but i get your new wave no but i was like i didn't think about that so i got the point so we we remade it too and changed the words but we donated for people i think that deal with it and i i know you have like you talk about anxiety so i'm not saying you don't but i'm thinking like people who deal with it like so much like sometimes just like seeing people like profit off or making it like light again if it helps you it's fine but like some people like it can really trigger and i think that's gonna be no i get it i think i i heard people saying it like you know if you go to hop topic and you see like oh depression's cute kind of like a thing it's like it's just like triggering you know because it's not cool it's not cute depression sucks yeah but you can get through it and you can get help and you can have a normal life oh for sure that's that's what i learned is like my life went from like so [ __ ] up like internally and emotionally to once i started getting help which i was so scared and apprehensive and nervous to do at first the moment i like took that step in and i started getting therapy and taking antidepressants it was like a [ __ ] 180 bro professionally personally everything in my life just turned around so like that's that's my message to people is like just getting help is is great i think even if you're like of stable mind or you just feel like overwhelmed at times like talking to therapists even if you're stable because it's just like this outside source like that like just is there to like listen it's just so good like it's hard so they understand like the mental pitfalls that we find ourselves in like repetitive thinking and like sometimes it's you're thinking about this but it's about something else and they understand the yeah the kind of the mental uh and may is mental health awareness month actually oh my [Music] epic what else have you tried [Music] does that guy say next time on the left in the 17 year old david i don't understand his lyric he says i pretend that it blows it sounds like he's faking his depression says i live a good life but i pretend that it blows um yeah i think maybe just i don't know i'm not i mean i'm sure that's not what he means but it's yeah maybe i i would take it as him like having a privileged life but he's still depressed which everyone of course can if you're rich whatever who cares but like everyone can get depressed but i think that's what he was saying i don't know i get the wording i don't know maybe we should interview him ask him scotty what the [ __ ] did you mean by this genius lyric interpretation anyway i'm really glad i'm really glad that he uh he he wrote a song about his his really rough situation so shout out to scottie sire oh this is a really interesting dude liza koshy david's ex who by the way she admitted on whitney comes podcast that they didn't even ever have sex did you see that oh they didn't even have sex nope orgasm that's what she's oh he never made her come right okay sorry i mean she said she's never had an orgasm so maybe they'd never had sex so maybe she was you know you know what i mean well regardless i posted this photo of us together being like yo this photo was taken 1.5 years ago blah blah blah is my best friend yadda yadda and this was during the david scandal and guess who liked this [ __ ] photo liza koshy that's kind of a thing though i'm not usually one to go through likes and stuff but i was like that is kind of a that is kind of a that's kind of a spicy thing isn't it um yeah liza i i met liz i hung out there quite a few times she's really nice and sweet and i think um yeah nothing but a nice thing to say about liza as well yeah i can't there's no i met her no but i was just no i was just saying it's interesting that she liked this during the david [ __ ] maybe it was an accident it's kind of like a oh please i've accidentally liked photos before okay but thank you liza fan of the show friend of the show i'm blasting through these really quick front of the show i'd love to have lies on be like okay so tell me about your all about your sex life with david did he jerk off did you [ __ ] other guys did she retire she kind of retired too she pulled a genius like bye do they just make so much money they're like by a piece i don't know i blow so much money he's doing like nickelodeon shows and [ __ ] now okay that was a while i cannot stop being impressed by how [ __ ] dumb know about your best friend james charles are you guys still friends have you been here have you been hanging out with them what's going on no we haven't been hanging out as much but we're still great friends like despite i'm here from whatever he goes through i mean it's part of being a friend you know right i hope if something would happen like that with me like if that would help you do that for me if you hope that if you [ __ ] hit up a bunch of underage people that hit that he'll also be there for you what's going on in your life noah i can't i believe these people yeah that dude is a serial predator i love james you know i'm just being here for him and it's like admitted proven like you can't defend those people anymore also that's just so funny i hope that if i get exposed for being a predator he'll also be there for me he's setting it up he's like he knows in the future it will happen so he's like hey james i was here for you listen there's nothing wrong with it but noah beck is 100 gay he's not and you can't out him i don't know anything well how am i outing him i don't know anything i think if he's gay you out at him why he didn't tell me he's gay he didn't try to [ __ ] it and we didn't have sex i think he a more term maybe he's just dumb i think that's better he's both he's so dumb god i was watching him on a podcast thinking they think they'd change the world with tick-tock like with the high pals he thinks they think they did you see like addison ray saying how much like talent and hard work it takes to be like in a tick-tock type house it's so embarrassing when i see these [ __ ] boy tick tocks it's like too much for me it's all like wait no wait let me show you this one i i guess i could set it to the group this one i i just thought this morning i wasn't going to show you i just was like this is so crazy let me are you just going to send it to me um how do i um there was another james charles accuser bro did you see this this is a fresh james charles accuser from his cancellation bed watch this okay look at this hello i am james this is new is this new for sure i can't tell to be honest if it's okay i thought maybe i said that that's what he says when he sees himself in the mirror he caught his own i mean at least james is taking like a break you know like at least like yeah he had the dc to do i don't think this is recent and if it is you need to just delete snapchat james charles just delete it off bro he needs to delete his [ __ ] he needs to go move to like tanzania or something and just live in a hut in the middle of a jungle okay did you see these tweets by machine gun kelly bro i don't even know who machine gun kelly is like what's he known for like i know him but i don't know he is a musician like what kind of a scotty sire like a rapper that's what i gather like he was a rapper but funny enough he actually kind of transitioned into emo in the last couple years he is kind of a scottish he is katie that is scott fire right there his music is but anyway he's dating megan fox that's his time to face that's enough that's not scottsdale yeah but anyway this is his tweet from what is it he goes i wish 13 14 50 year old girls weren't allowed to be so hot so i wouldn't feel so creepy when i look at them i'm still 19. bro tweeted that i was like bruh 13 brah everyone is thinking you say 13 bro what you tweeted the [ __ ] i i mean twitter is just hey even even for beetlejuice that's a little you know what i'm saying 13 it's a little young for me i um oh sorry not my tourette's no that was a james charles that was literally just a cough everything's tourette's no i go um this cake is good tourette's that's you you have tourette's though yes i have tourette's okay she another one said there's a little 13 year old girl next to me going crazy over my transformer tattoo don't worry though y'all i won't pull out r kelly i am a little worried whoa okay so i got a facebook message from a 14 year old now saying hey you're sexy as [ __ ] i tapped that bruh you gotta [ __ ] chill you know what twitter this they should everyone just follow your lead and just do a delete oh because they click like i deleted all my old stuff because you don't know what's in there man you see [ __ ] you're like holy [ __ ] i wrote that uh it it can be bad like tweets that get pulled like obviously tweets are not well to be honest if you go back to how people were talking just in general yeah back like in like 2010 you're like holy [ __ ] people were wild in back then yeah by the way everybody's keemstar has combed through every single one of my old tweets so it's not like anything yeah i mean mine are out there too it's just like but that's what i'm saying that's what i'm saying and i'm not trying to like be gen z here but jensen's kind of changing the world because now we're all becoming politically correct we're watching what we say we're you know what they're right though like the [ __ ] well there there's something to be said about like pulling up like 10 year old tweets and then judging them against that now but i would say that i'm a much more sensitive and aware of the things i say and i think it's a good i actually do think i think it's great i think it's great like just in general i feel like young girls are not like for me like when i was like younger and stuff like that like if people i don't know the way people talked and stuff you thought one thing about it i like that now we're not like you know just women for their bodies and like that i liked it as a kid i was like oh yeah howard stern like you know all these people like dude dude i listen to how i love her story but when i listen to old episodes i was like this guy i can't hear this it's like way too creepy yeah but that i remember the first i met hugh hefner when i was 18 years old and i remember how to [ __ ] you up because it happened three times to me and he grew up and the third time he grouped me he was just like oh you gained a little weight and i wasn't invited back to the mansion after that he told me i was on list like c or whatever that [ __ ] means and then i always wondered if he [ __ ] all those girls um yeah not me but i know that's what happened i don't think yeah oh my god but in my head i thought oh i'm not like pretty enough for that and everyone thought it was cool like all celebrities important people are like let's go over to the rape house that's what i thought it was cool i was like i need to be his girlfriend like i wanted to be a girlfriend so i love that we watched the girls next door every night so i like that are you gonna let that old guy crawl on top of you and like yeah i mean that was like my dream for sure i was so messed up i was like here's uh machine gun coverage my first celebrity crush was because right now it's kendall jenner damn it i've said that so many [ __ ] times i hope that i'm snagging that don't let me move to la oof are you finding her counting down the days until she's 18 i'm not waiting till she's 18 i'll go now oh i'm 23 dog like i'm not like a creepy age like you know what i'm saying i'm 23 bro she's 17 and she's like a celebrity like there's no there is no limits right there robert plant who was one of the greatest lead singers ever don't know his song for led zeppelin in his mouth there's like paper they look like chip clips rose who was one of the biggest badasses ever dated a girl that was 16 and wrote a song on his first date this guy should not have grabbed the girl oh i think i don't care why is he flexing kendall jenner is in your bedroom i don't give a [ __ ] if what her age is i'm down let's go i'm 23 we're both celebrities who cares about the law let's go pretty wild [ __ ] oh god i don't know bro he literally tweeted any 13 year olds out there want to [ __ ] oh i don't know i remember what his tweet said but this birthday party turn a turn there's a good turn all right let's get to the trivia i'm ready how much time we got dan we got time we got so much time we got so much trivia sandler's clothes on jimmy kimmel i don't know how to do that someone bought clothes from him i i i what was it sold out we didn't find out about it until uh like i guess it was the day after don't don't worry we're looking whoever bottom will will eventually end up selling it to you do you think he's do you think adam sandler started selling them because he's like oh this is a hot commodity in my clothes so he's like i kind of think you did that because why else would he be selling his clothes it's just odd i don't know okay let's play some trivia trivia here let's do a cut we'll come back with trivia all right we are doing trivia i am up one point if you guys remember from the last episode i slam dunked you on an adam sandler question for the lead 8-7 i was really sad about it actually but you went home a watch punk drunk punk punk punch drunk love and you didn't even you better get it that's what's the deal you're a fake adam sandler fan i really liked him in the role i really did not get the movie i guess those movies and i know i'm gonna sound so stupid and so i know so please educate me but like what's the point of those movies like i'm being genuine like what's the point there's no plot there's a story you're not a journey there was a plot hmm right i haven't seen a while there's a plot right i don't think it's just adam sandler being like ah i'm adam sandler i think it's a movie because the plot you you you what's it what's the word perceived conceived what's the word where you trick someone you deceive deceived you deceived me dan with the summary the last question was the movie where adam sandler gets scanned by a phone sex operator i'm like count me in this sounds like a great movie i'm gonna watch and that was just like maybe like a little like a sub storyline it wasn't like the plot of the movie you thought it sounded more interesting yeah okay there was like one phone section at the beginning and he gets scammed like a few minutes here what would you say is the point of a movie like schindler's list i haven't watched the full movie yet but but are you so we prefer so it's up to you jack and jill would be the only kind of film that would be because it gives you escapism from reality like jack and jill's funny lighthearted you're not thinking about anything you're focusing on oh my god he's a man and a woman like you know you're focusing on like those kind of things this movie was like depressing and he has a lot of anger issues and his family sucks and like you're like this is sad i hate myself after watching this i know a lot of movies are very sad i mean maybe i'm just not like a drama person i don't know i'd be surprised though i thought your whole life is drama i don't want drama this week and you said that you're a queen fan and you didn't even see the queen movie yeah because the queen i was like bro i was like listen i love queen i know i'm a big fan of queen i don't need to go see ramy malek who we've decided as an enemy of the show no friend of mine put on some big-ass teeth and pretend like i'm from mercury i was like i i don't there's so many biopics it's like bro i biopic is out i don't need to buy up about mark zuckerberg i don't need one about queen i don't need one about abraham lincoln i don't [ __ ] need nothing about nobody just write me a goddamn movie jack and jill that's all i want i want fart jokes and racist jokes from matt really i really do like grammy milk we started mr robot i never saw it and we started it and this is so weird because i've been talking obviously i was getting funny and stuff like that and he literally said something in this like right away he said something about being schizophrenic i'm like oh my god me like it was so weird i was like that's a connection so i love you beautiful mind with russell crowe no it's serious huh it's like kind of sad well he also has schizophrenia really but it's like it won best picture of the year i it's such a good movie i never watch like draw i i i never watch well it's really inspiring actually for someone who he's has schizophrenia and the ending is very inspiring i should watch it because i really don't know much about anything but bro that movie's so good beautiful mind yeah beautiful right now seriously uh i love that okay let's play some trivia what a weird [ __ ] we took a break too we took like a tell like you know i always feel like we take breaks like that's why it's like the energy not a bad way but energy like changes different vibes but we're back okay nonetheless okay i think to them the vibes feel the same okay yeah okay it looks like you're wearing a sofa there's a song i like i know i haven't i'm changing it i'm so big and i'm staring at you like you're wearing a chair thank you you're welcome at least i don't look all right dan okay so we're doing the same format where you both answer right yes sir okay eight seven this is the finale this is you are thank you this is this is like it though we don't continue to the next episode right this is it and if i win you have to say my name three times okay thanks babe you don't like me doing beetlejuice i kind of don't know how to act when people are in character all the time i like doing a gag you wanted me to dress up i can't do the game i love it but like i used to take improv classes and i i think people thought i was being an [ __ ] because i'd be like i can't it's so funny you should do an improv and she's like because it's so they're like okay trish you're great now try a character that does isn't all like uh seized up it's so cringy to me and i respect people who do it for real but to me i'm like it's so cringe when people are like i've got a red banana and you're supposed to say like yeah i've never done that i'm not interested we should do it for the show we should do it right now like michael scott no what we don't know the michael scott where he's like he has a gun he always does the gun yeah that one's all right let's ask a question damn it okay okay what is the tallest mountain on earth um i feel like that might be a trick question but i'm just gonna write one i only know one mountain so that's what i'm going with oh i wrote it really little i don't know why everest kilimanjaro it is it is everest uh you only know one mountain and it's kilimanjaro yeah i thought for sure it'd be everest i never heard of mount everest you never heard about it no is it the president is it the one with the president's on it no that's rushmore that's like a small i knew that when i couldn't think of the name though mount everest the big that's that's where all the crazy hikers go and they depend yeah they die all the time i i didn't know the name but i would you you want to go to everest for a friend of mine's episode no you wanted to kill me i would lose breath right away one step i'm like yeah the exigent the oxygen gets all thin yeah we would just well it'd be interesting to see how high we get we probably would make it like one thousandth up and be like we have to return i would die i would literally die i think you want to kill me well that's fun i mean like it would be a fun episode jeez i want you to live forever okay i want you to live forever thank you i don't know i changed my mind i go back and forth like me babe hey listen i've been living forever too and i look great okay it's so weird when people do voices in her ankles what can i do you made me dress up no i'm sorry i'm never gonna stop i love it i love i really respect it i think that's so cool when people can do it i can't go ahead dan thank you all right in the film big daddy wow i don't know this big daddies wait is that a sandler thing big daddy big daddy you set me up dan so in that film who plays uh nazo the delivery man um easy i have literally no [ __ ] idea so i'm not gonna write it no you're a fan you hate him i've heard you like go on a rant about him okay so i know who it is [Laughter] i know i'm helping you rob schneider yeah i didn't even know that you knew that right away you're like yeah i hate rob schneider i love you around him you know i heard he's really not such a dude he's so unfunny and such a douche and his show he has this netflix show that is like the worst thing ever it's like curb your enthusiasm but not funny at all no i i watched one podcast before i met you and it was the one where you were talking about that show and like his you know talking about his wife and stuff on that i was just like you were so spot so it was so good watching find that highlight yeah that's funny yeah okay rob schneider i heard he was like the worst and he's always playing like middle eastern men and he's like filipino but he's always playing like middle eastern filipino he's filipino and hispanic i believe oh for real yeah i think you can fight with me on it he's jewish he's jewish too so i think he's like all of it yeah i mean if it's if it's adam sandler trivia i think 15 chance that it dances rob schneider they always he's always playing like middle eastern men who like eat animals he always eats like goats and stuff and i'm like i don't think that's like doesn't he play like the little racist characters in all of his films always like in zohan he's pakistani and in big daddy he's like indian or something like he's always like and then wasn't even jack and jill as the no that was someone else i don't know who that guy was he was awful that guy was even worse than rob i'm eating the chimichangas okay thank you ian his grandma's from the philippines little rob schneider trivia for you in case you're wondering we'll do a whole schneider section on the next time we do trivia what's give me some more rob schneider facts his grandfather was an american his grandfather was an american army private rob schneiderlin wow okay we respect that dude i look like rob schneider beetlejuice is like rob schneider yeah totally yeah except much funnier it's definitely much funnier he could never can you imagine rob schneider beetlejuice that would be like a zero percent on rotten tomato go ahead dan thank you we're one and two now uh the rob schneider since you just said zero percent uh on rotten tomatoes here's a question about just that starring adam sandler terry crews and taylor lautner this film has a zero percent on rotten tomatoes wow adam sandler god dude he's made so many moves terry crews i know who that is i don't know who the other guy is oh okay what the [ __ ] did he make with terry crews it had zero percent you know what zero percent go ahead what is it i don't know it's grown-ups oh no it's not wait that that's what the cat the guy the king of queens guy what movie was it well the answer that's written here is the ridiculous six oh i wha oh like terry crews was in that the river taylor water wasn't grown ups though oh so that's when i was saying i watched on netflix and i was like blown away by how bad it is yeah it was like the parody of hateful late or something so bad i'm always so confident and uh zero percent can you read a review read the synopsis it's just so bad his movie's stuck i i'm not well you just admit to me that his movies suck i know i think i'm a fake wow even the audience scores 34 on this one read the synopsis because they're pretty funny usually uh it says every bit as lazily offensive as its cast and concept would suggest the ridiculous six is a standard couch fair for adam sandler fanatics and must avoid viewing for film enthusiasts must avoid yeah i want to watch it did you see it yeah no i watched it just out of morbid curiosity is rob schneider in it probably i don't remember he's in the mall right yeah like he's he's always got it i love that must avoid viewing for movie crit for film lovers his character's name is probably like something super racist and offensive what's in the character uh his character's name is roman it's offensive to italians get rid of my adam sandler phone case i'm a fake fan these are the only movies i've seen with that i'm saying you just love zohan i think so yeah you just love gohan we do just re-watch that over and over you might be right dude his films are so bad with peace and love you know i love the guy his movies suck peace and love he's very successful though super super successful you're really super rich as if that yeah i was about to say rich some of the old ones are yeah none of the old ones go watch happy gilmart it sucks just as bad as all of them it's cool it's cool if you're 12. i'll stand by that one go back and watch it and tell me you like that one i saw the wedding singer a few years ago why didn't singers go i don't think he wrote that well why didn't singer he was just acting in that one what he did not write the wedding singer he just acted i don't think he writes any of his movies i don't think he wrote the really bad one he doesn't yes he does he produces them no he writes the really bad one we watch the credits and never says written by adam sandler guaranteed you're right about wedding singer he didn't write that yeah he doesn't okay happy gilmore he wrote no he didn't okay ian look it up co-wrote okay well yeah that's right but like that might be one of the only movies he's written read his writing credits he in fact check here filmography go ahead dan look he his filmography has its own [ __ ] page uh take that stickers off your phone right now it looks like he is he has only written like a handful of them from what i'm seeing billy madison happy gilmore water boy the best ones those are the worst those are the big those are okay okay so you just went from saying he didn't write any of them too oh he wrote all the best things out of 50 60 100 movies however when he's done it out of all the movies he's done he's only written a relatively small percentage but it's true oh stop how did this be most of the iconic happy birthday next question he didn't he he never writes anything of five movies at the beginning of his career he's never written anything you're right all right that was two atoms in a row let's let's get off that what uh what is um what is the name of the big volcano uh near tokyo what is with all these volcanoes mountains oh i know this one it's called uh i know this one i think oh no i don't want any volcanoes i know this one i think it's mount fuji mount fuji that's a mountain it is a volcano and that is the correct answer mount fu g we took a break i got off my game you know i was ready and now hold on we we still have time because i take a little break and now i think about things would you have known mount fuji yeah yeah like a fuji camera exactly damn it's okay we have time i want you to win it's your birthday do what you got no no no no do not give it to me because i no i will win on my own accord you're not right okay so stop playing like oh i'm just the sad girl who can't win a trip yeah i'm building up i'm gonna come for the like big comeback okay you better get you better get i'm ready here we go what is the store that adam sandler finds the magic remote what is the store that adam sandler finds the magic remote in in the film click oh man click guess who has not seen that dumpster fire of a film i don't like click either i gotta maybe not made a sailor fan anymore i don't really like click either you're like you come here and you like don't like any of his movies but zohan maybe you're right he's just you obsessed well he was israeli and jew in that movie so that's double i think you're right because it was like you got to see this i'm like yeah and now i like love it damn i like hubie i like cubies halloween too my answer is rob schneider is a douche bed bath and beyond she got it right wait he bought it at bed bath and beyonce yeah christopher walken he's like in the back the [ __ ] yeah that's an ad that was an ad i bet you they paid him to be in that that's the thing he always does oh my god he has what was that one movie he had like ad after adam yeah adam jack and jill oh jack and jill duncan he had like dunkin donuts he had cruise ships he had [ __ ] like it was like pepto-bismol you remember they're always drinking pepto-bismol i was like bro what am i watching yeah it's so bad right he totally does they're like oh i better tell you he drinks some pepto-bismol it's like not even relevant to the plot you're like okay that was his thing he's like yeah he kept drinking it i was like why why is this character drinking pepto business damn am i like not i'm not standing adam sandler anymore category ruined dude click was like really like depressing and like i don't know i'm about to click the adam sandler tv oh there's an adam sandler movie that triggered me really hardcore i watched it as like an adult and it was like we tried to watch it we stopped after 20 minutes like literally triggered me i started spiraling it was anger management i hadn't seen it in so long with the jack nicholson you have him literally just trying to trigger like getting him to like be mad like yeah just lighting him really that sounds to me like you don't like adam sandler damn enlightenment moment we're switching to jack black this is a jack jackpot we stan i stand jeff's life he's a he's a god i'm problematic king and you look like uh kung fu panda thank you everyone since already so much cake it's like [ __ ] it and it is my birthday do you want oh we always have this problem where we can't order it we need to send something then that kills the joy every time yeah i need to move i need to move i can't order pizza here what am i doing here i'm down yeah you should i'm gonna speed my dream home when i literally can't even order when you move you just like get a new house you never sell the other one you just keep buying houses i like your method of moving just buy it out keep this one but you buy another one this one's too i'd have to sell this one i don't think so you're bouge not that boosh you're a boujee i'm telling you i can't afford to keep this out i'm telling you right now i don't know anything about your financial status i'm just saying oh well i'll tell you right now not as boozy as you think apparently i spend all my money i'm gonna get that broken for my birthday 190 000 yeah 200 000 yeah what is it made of [ __ ] the pubes of uh angel angels i think ostrich oh maybe how do they kill ostriches for persons maybe i shouldn't get it never mind i shouldn't well they might be they don't kill them if they just feathers i don't know it's not feathers i don't know oh it's ostrich skin oh it is oh no maybe i won't wear it yeah i know it's [ __ ] i might become a vegan i don't know we'll see well like for example like um wool is humanely um harvested because the sheep need to be clipped you know what i mean it's a zone so wall is good ugg is fine ugg boots are fine if they don't have leather yeah i don't think they do i think it's the wool inside so wool is great i mean the sheep it's a it's a beautiful relationship the sheep they're hot you cut their hair you use the wall i mean god bless the sheep you know what i'm saying we love this oh i got so sad thinking about the ostriches yeah save the australians all right well you know a lot of myself two hundred thousand dollars i'll buy you a house thank you down payment time thank you girl okay all right go ahead right yeah respectful dan over there wait do we get pizza oh something but we're gonna tell you every time we get pizza something terrible happens yeah we don't want to participate not only let's not test faith this week no peace it's a good week no testing fate this week yeah next week we get the domino sponsorship where's that dominoes at i'm working on it yeah i'll die i'll die for that wow yeah i was using figure i'll die in the process of sponsoring them dope from eating their poisonous food now go ahead then it is poison but we love it it's good poison they say the best poison is sweet you know it's sweet going down best or worst well you know what i'm saying the most effective poison i see oh right is the one you willingly take gotcha quick all right uh from what tree do acorns come from what kind of tree let's test your tree knowledge right now i don't like geography like stuff like geography this is not geography we've been doing volcanoes mountains trees i i don't know any trees oak it's an oak tree are you seeing that that's a weird question i don't know why you said that no i know it's an oak tree choke how many are you at four ethan is eating that four 24. oh you're like oh okay we continued from last time i'm way off i don't know what's happening it's an oak you're an oak you know aton in hebrew means like oak tree doesn't it or strong tree or something eitan means strong like an or it's like something related to a tree strong oh strong there you go of course i know okay hebrew speaker that's the second time you saw hebrew this episode you said [Laughter] uh in waterboy uh what's adam sandler's character's name something super racist and offensive i'm the water boy little jewely boy he probably the oh little chewy incest boy who lives in the shade let me win this i don't know it you don't know go so godspeed bobby boucher oh baby shirts are cousins i don't know something really crazy and offensive it's adam sandler bobby boucher i love that movie that's so good bobby boucher yeah nice writing adam [Music] i could write a better movie than adam i like that he puts all his friends in his movies i'll be in yeah i would like it too if they weren't all rob schneider i really think i'm going to be in an adam sandler movie this year i really do mark my words i feel like i'm going to be on hebrews halloween too they're like filming that i feel like i'm going to be i'm out i want that for you that's crazy i've envisioned that you act like it's already up that's crazy that i'm going to be in the i envision our conversations but i'm really cool i'm not like a fan he's like oh she's really funny no you're gonna nail it and she's like oh my god and then you know how you use all of his friends you're gonna be in that rotation you mean every atom yeah i'll be the new kevin james he dies yeah totally amazing and you'll be the character that like is super embarrassing and i was always pooping in the bathroom and then they go oh who farted literally that's a joke in jack and jill right we talked about this last time i know i can't get over it okay go ahead begging damn please what's the uh name of yellowstone's most famous geyser the [ __ ] nature questions every single thing is i don't know anything about nature read it again i don't even know what that is yellowstone's most famous glacier no geyser geyser i don't even know what you're sure i have no idea shoots the like hot water out you of all people should know when geysers geyser i've never heard that word in my life i know what it is it's a think it's old yeller or some [ __ ] i don't know gold yellow isn't that the dog geyser what is it geezer you don't know no i thought it was old yeller it is not all yellow it is old faithful oh a nice little hole for me old yeller you know been around the block oh my god okay oh james ready excuse me jesus not tourette's go ahead dan what pop star burned down her home gym with candles i have no clue are you kidding me trisha's favorite already okay was it britney spears yeah i was on my gym last week um but it's being repaired wait is it really beardy spears oh i just guessed i was like who would do that okay i was right well do you what do you mean i didn't really get it oh are you gonna not let him have it fine that's why i'm going to smell him you are such a savage my impression i was like i did this no i said you said it out loud and she confirmed it and you're like oh cool well i was going to write it down it was my only guess fine whatever just give it a try i can still win i can still win such a saboteur you're you didn't really get rob schneider either because i gave you that hand well you gave me that you're like here's the answer i said i'm still gonna win i'm still gonna win yeah we'll keep keep keep uh what do you call it dreaming no when you like visualize something keep visualizing manifestations okay yeah start manifesting you winning ah i see it okay i see it i lied at the end of the tunnel go ahead dan what is the name of the main character on the show mad men oh you know that i never even watched the show but i know it this show looks horrible by the way i don't know the answer don draper that's right draper yeah yep what's the guy's name john something john hamm yep yeah i never liked the show but i like that they put um like a plus-sized girl in there the girl with the big boobs i guess she's not really plus plus size well she had big boobs and a bigger waist okay more full figured and oh wait is that christina hendricks yeah do you know her i happen to know that it's her birthday today just a really weird coincidence i was i was driving to work today and on the radio they were like it's christina hendrick's birthday you know about her that's all i know that's literally all i know showers oh i know that she's a 45 i think they said that's really i swear to god you know i was husband's uh works uh scheduled it came on the news this morning they like wish her a happy birthday yeah hmm her birthday oh she uses uh oh another firm she uses oh i know what she likes oh i know that she's right it's for lunch yeah may 3rd she's 45 oh 46. she just turned 46 i guess great that's just a weird coincidence anyways moving on from that uh soccer status uh andy samberg starred as adam sandler's estranged son in this film described on wikipedia as one of the worst films ever made i love this movie i think i actually know it i think it's little nikki no oh [ __ ] that's my boy that's it that is correct oh that's what it's called bro i'm like yeah i've like blacked out that described by wikipedia as one of the worst films ever made what's that wrong tomato uh let's take a look such an illustrious uh history as a filmmaker that's my boy it's it's one of those movies where he talks like slow like billy madison he's like there's a 20 so like this is one of the things where it's like how does adam keep making these movies i guess people just really people watch him yeah he makes money it sounds good that's my boy is really good i like that one a lot he's so funny in that movie uh you must be catching up on me now because all these questions are i know i told you i had to like layla okay maybe the maybe the manifesting works what's the score now ian 13 13 all right i'm stepping in you want to come on the set if i do if i film this movie this summer come on the set yeah and then he'd be halloween too oh sure yeah yeah what's up oh you want me just to observe you and your prime just you your fantasies always involved me being an extra like an accessory to your your rocketing career because i never had a friend yeah i'll come on i'll come on your show of course i will okay hold on my sets adams and they'll be like excuse me they'll be like excuse me uh do you have permission to be here sir i'll be like oh yeah i'm friends with trisha paytas they'll be like you're not on the list i'd put you on the list and then you'll be like okay let me call her and then you come out and you're like oh hey ethan look we're really busy uh adam's kind of just wanting a little quiet on set i'll be like okay trisha i get it i know i thought about that would i bring someone on set with me or would i go by myself because i want like quality bonding time like with him in the cast you know i wanna yeah you were big-timing for sure you would definitely big time but i need to focus on like one person so i thought this is my maybe i wouldn't bring anybody because i was like i'll bring my mom and moses you everybody you know but then i'm like oh maybe i just need to go by myself yeah you need to bond with adam become his befriend him so you're in every movie ever his wife's in every movie ever maybe i should befriend her his wife is in every movie she doesn't she's a big part he'd be halloween jackie sandler i don't know what she looks like what does his wife look like beautiful pull it up there he married like a model and she converted for him she's like stunner i'm so gel i'm so happy for them actually i'm not jealous i'm getting married myself to an israeli real life so on she's so pretty look at that ah i love their wedding bottle weird she looks jewish she even converted her looks she's like maybe i look jewish uh rabbi he's like a little of this a little of that we're gonna give you plastic surgery to increase the i think that's anti-semitic saying you look jewish don't please don't don't pretend to educate me i said that you'd be like oh yeah well there's certain things you some people can say there's some people i've learned i've evolved yeah you've evolved into what i [Music] [Laughter] then i'm going to put a photo of her on screen we're both like um what's going on with dan thank you like you were tweeting something i was like okay christine hendricks so yeah i was looking at what's your hundreds are we tied still we didn't even get to the next we've been chit chatting okay next question is died all right i'm getting serious now yeah um let's see no nature [ __ ] no rocks or oceans or rivers yeah just adam's rob schneider and adam stay on their questions i mean there's a ton of adam sandler do you want to just do adam sandler no i'm going to lose i'm not going to get it one question i know you understand that's why i'm throwing in the the rocks why so many picture ones i don't know it's something other than adam sandler listen there's because there's no english uh uh trivia in here because last time somebody got so embarrassed that we decided not to do anything it's trivia so mean you're such a [ __ ] uh she was asking why it's all science you are such a stop manipulator this manipulator about that why are you why are you getting so freaked out you're like dan you're such a [ __ ] and last time you're like people don't like when i yell at dance i'm trying to stop you before you yell but dan is always undermining me in these quizzes that's a different way stop talking like that to me i'm fine i'll help you because you're like damn [ __ ] you weren't getting i'm not you're not helping me you're treating me like a child you're demean you're being demeaning no you're not helping you're making it worse meaning would be different be like now what did we do last time that's like demeaning i was actually like trying to help you like okay you're not helping okay i'm done thank you bob [ __ ] anyways uh no adam sandler okay uh how many uh how many harry potter books are there in the main series i didn't do anything you made it seem way worse yeah okay yeah you should be scared of you not me seven seven oh you both knew that yeah easy i read it all right i read about me too not a flex everybody i'm not harry potter like a [ __ ] fifth grader harry potter it's embarrassing oh did you like how it ended i didn't i loved it i loved alan rickman so much like i loved him in everything he's my favorite i felt like the plot was so stupid like how it all like he goes on this big journey and then all of a sudden he finds like these three relics at the very end of the book it's like spoiler alert oh my god it's been on for like 30 years oh my god i actually didn't see the ending you said you read all the books i didn't read all the books i stopped at goblet of fire the other ones were just like way too much i actually didn't what the [ __ ] i know i know snape dies but that's all i know oh my god okay does he die does harry potter die harry potter dot he's actually he's um essayed by voldemort it's really violent very surprising twist ending oh my god and then harry has uh voldemort's baby through black ops read it it's crazy that's what i say boulder more you want to dress up as him that would be fun happy snape i love professor snape i would love to draw setbacks voldemort that'd be really fun sounds intense but i think would be dope makeup though ralph fiance do you think you have no uh nose or something yeah yeah you're probably seeing that head yeah for the podcast you might be hard to talk for a couple hours like that ralph fine characters and i could be schindler you want to play schindler or who's the villain in chandler's list i don't know i don't remember he played the villain or something i don't know maybe i shouldn't be that's another it's just a dude in his food bro let me know that's not cosplaying no a prolific jew killer stop i don't want to it's too late to take it back you want to be do you want to be goblers i want to be i want to be a nazi killer there you go like a bear jew in queen tarantino's glorious bastards that'd be me i dressed up as the beardy one time look it up quentin tarantino treat us bare jew you are a bear jew thank you minus the bear and you you're a bear actually you know what i noticed you have no hair on your feet that's impressive you have like no hair on your feet you're very hairless for a man oh i have a lot of hair on my chest really but i don't have hair on my back or my feet weird i know i noticed that i have a nice feet it's not like you guys have really hairy feet and hair that you mentioned that oh god you know i have some hair on my feet not a lot yeah it's like very minimal like some guys have like really hairy toes hairy feet but i have a hairy like like chest oh my gosh okay if i did that it's not that bad i mean there's worse for sure yeah no it's weird because but you're not hairy on your legs or your toes right hmm interesting i wonder why i don't know ashkenazi yeah the ashkenazi yeah the uh the the uh so far or yeah the sephardic well moses isn't that hairy either yeah he has none on his chest our back it's weird and he's middle eastern he's like a twonk he's uh yeah i don't know he's a jewish swank yeah we love a jewish we love a jewish trunk i love that he's jewish i look at him every time that's not the best part about him it just turns me on a lot it's so weird so hot i just love it you guys have a role play like into the jewish thing we did once but it was like too weird what was this it wasn't serious it was just like i told you about it it was kind of weird no what was it no tell me it was like it was like a joke but like it it was weird and then we stopped tell me what was this it was like the shower one like he was in the shower he was in the shower and then what what was the fantasy no i don't oh my god moses yeah yeah he brewed through that too that's whatever just move it yeah whoa freaky yeah i love yeah he does it's so fun he read a passover book to me you do dirty no he'll just be like he he read a passover book and i'll ah like i was just so anyways wow you pretend that you're moses biblical wife right oh what's her name we know her my dad calls him her name all the time what is it i forget something weird my dad will always call me this biblical name what is it zepora or something my dad he's like oh hello zeporah i was like why because he's really biblical so okay dad we love dab okay go ahead dan defeat who said one small step for man one giant leap for mankind my god this is like you know that right yeah oh no trisha what'd you tell him where are you getting lance stewart from wait what did you wrote neil diamond neil diamond i never read it neil diamond armstrong i knew neil armstrong i'm not giving that to you because there's so many adam sandler questions you're going to get that's [ __ ] oh my god neil armstrong i knew it i did know that one [ __ ] my life i love neil diamond though that's way better did lance stewart say it at some point i don't know why because lance stewart i'm sorry i'm not as equally as dumb exactly it's not easy all right i'm taking the point on that one how many are we at 15 to 14. ethan's up by one okay i'm ready i'm ready ready all right um gail diamond uh another big daddy question for you uh adam becomes the um trivia i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready adam uh becomes the unlikely foster father of five-year-old julian what nickname does julian choose for himself oh oh oh i'm just guessing because this is all done i'm taking another guess out here oh we we literally just watch this movie too hold on oh easy easy oh my god i'm so stupid i was thinking like scuba steam for him but there's a little nikki everything's a little nicky i don't know is there a little nicky question on that frankenstein it is frankenstein that's correct you made a frankenstein movie no oh my god you're so dumb i'm so dumb because i don't follow his [ __ ] trashy films do you have a little nicky one on there can you put a little nikki so i can get one right not a little to get the answer what's the name of the movie with the [ __ ] little nikki in it someone called me out of my hypocrisy when i was um [ __ ] on little naws for the devil song everyone's like okay but you like little nicky which is literally about him being right that's true yeah i'm sorry i'm a hypocrite i do admit that i i used to be critical at times so there you go ipod is a little nauseous it's not that big of a deal it's or it's not fun yeah he [ __ ] the devil i mean that's great who hasn't i've taken a ride right all right we're tired again i knew this would happen little nikki what uh what um adam sandler film we're all what adam sandler film feature what adam sandler film featured a character with breasts atop his head breasts atop his head yep [ __ ] you know that yes of course coming home [Laughter] to throw you a bone ethan i don't remember a little [ __ ] kevin dealing with him every answer why would you not because i didn't remember kevin neal with titties on his head i did this tv show with uh kevin ellen he was my mom's lawyer i was suing my mom and jamie kennedy was my lawyer and kevin ellen was my mom's lawyer no he did not but i was one degree away from adam sandler oh my god literally though this is like 75 percent adam sandler but go ahead birthday you're right you're right you're right you're right go add more salad it's because you had cake so is there any let me tell is there any more little nicky answers just so i know there wasn't even that i literally made that up i just made it up in the spot based off of my memory of little names we get a hat one where the answer is happy or one and then one more jack and jill i'm really good at jack and jill stop all right next question here we go um i'm hot are you disassociating it look kind of like you're disassociating a little bit no okay i'm just hot now i'm having fun why is everyone worried about me i'm just having fun and then it's like whoa i was like dan you're sabotaging me i'm just joking around and the truth is like whoa dude i'm like nothing happened why you're making me feel like i'm losing my mind i'm fine it is hot you always have it so hot here we walked in damn was my reaction over the top when i was like dance sabotage it's normal right i mean it's become normal here become no you don't don't make it sound like i'm abusing you what the [ __ ] is going on here i think you're just warm i do it it is hot it is hot oh the air just kicked on there you go it is we walked into your house and i was like listen we're we're almost out of time okay uh so who's in the lead uh trisha right one okay so here we go uh time for five more adam sandler questions all right we'll slam through them in 2011 close my pen in 2011 no this adam sandler film was nominated for 12 razzie awards and won literally every single one including worst actor worst actress worst director screenplay ensemble cast and worst picture amazing setting the record for the most razzy wins in a single year and it was in 2011. oh it's like a netflix one i don't know dude that's that is actually impressive i will give i will give adam sandler props for that people who don't know what the razzies is it's the like bizarro academy awards where they give him out for terrible right it's like the invertible performance oscars i'm trying to think of a movie would be that bad i think i know the mother laughing answer i know the answer well we've talked about it pretty much every adam sandler yeah nicki oh is it no what'd you type sandy wexler jack and jill it is jack and jill i knew it was jack and jill that movie is dog [ __ ] what that's not fact check ian fact check that out i'm a jack and jill expert i've studied that film like it's the goddamn old testament but you love it low-key if you're watching that much you love it well i made it i made like a two-part video on it back in the day yeah yeah i want to watch that i think so i'll go watch it tonight that's fun so and i like trashed it why what the true word are you okay i'm beetlejuice come on that's not beetlejuice come on okay listen i i i've got a high threshold for pain and i i couldn't sit through so many turns this episode i forgot how we started and now you reminded me it's so crazy listen i've been dead for a thousand years and i'd rather stay in the grave than watch a jack and jill you know you know you wanted to do a four-hour show could you imagine if we're doing four hours this doesn't have two hours you're already like who says i want to do four hours last week you're like oh people said we should do four hours and do part one part oh yeah i'm out i'm already out on that idea i was like bro i don't know yeah it seemed like a good idea at the time but then when i thought about actually sitting down for four hours you know what it is when you get your costume your hair makeup done you already put so much of your time and energy it's been up since like you know nine o'clock it's like yeah it's a good point yeah but some days i do feel like we could go on forever and ever like recently we've been like oh we got to stop because we're out of time and i thought you know maybe it would be fun to shoot like an extra episode but i don't know one day maybe one day monday oh but we do have an idea for fun extra frenemies content what is that but you know what it is that we're doing this week but i don't know if i should say it or not no yeah secrets there is something far coming so listen maybe spin off it's been upside down my clock for the show says an hour 58 which means we're almost out of time and it is a tie score so should this be the decider we have two more let's do rapid fire rapid fire i mean who says it first who says the quickest no just like no bullshitting no goofing around no complaining just boom boom boom boom okay what song does drew barrymore sing while painting in 50 first dates no idea okay wouldn't it be nice that is correct okay next next uh during which global conflict was pearl harbor in hawaii bombed how many stripes are there on an american flag rapid fire let's go 13 13. that's right what television show did rod sterling create who is rod sterling twilight zone okay i don't know that is right i should love him he's amazing uh which artist made history in 2020 as the youngest winner of uh the grammy's four main categories best what is it album recording yadda yadda the other two yeah both got it what is uh shawshank in the movie shawshank redemption what is consumption redemption what was the question what is shawshank what is that referring to in the title of the movie it's a prison it is a prison that is correct i just remember jim carrey going shawshank redemption shawshank redemption i love that movie that movie is so good what movie is that you know see it's based on a stephen king oh shawshank oh my god you haven't seen it no i love taking movies it's like the best it's like people say it's one of the best films like if you go to imdb movies it's always like number one can we write that down too shawshank oh my god dude that movie is so interesting just so you know because you said you like stephen king uh movies it's not a horror movie though no it's not a horror movie oh well these movies aren't really they're kind of thrillers right well this is this one this one is unlikely it's it's straightforward a beautiful [ __ ] film it's just a beautiful shirt okay maybe i won't like it uh do you have to watch it i'm gonna be scared okay i'll watch it it's so beautiful do you like forrest gump because it's like a force gun oh you don't know that's another one like what's the point of it what how could you say that oh my pen my panic attack it's [Music] in the uh music video for the queen song i want to break free uh what did freddie mercury do that garnered the video a lot of attention and controversy i've got it tell me when you're ready dressed that's correct same two justin drag look at us look at you trivia masters you should dress up by sam we should remember our friday mercury okay i'm in yeah what is longfellow deeds dream job in mr deeds did you just ask what long fellow's dream long fellow demons um writing hallmark cards that is the right film is that from adam sandler's big giant turd big daddy oh is that from big daddy no mr deeds oh yeah yeah i get them confused sorry i didn't know there was mr dudes okay let's go even when you went on a writer nuts oh that was good why do adam sandler and kevin james pretend to be gay and marry each other in the film i now pronounce you chuck and larry why are they doing that um i'm just taking a guess because i never seen that dog should film for taxes his wife died so he had uh mary to get going back in the system uh the answer written here is for insurance purposes yeah because his wife died and that's why i was like that's in the system what's this i mean basically like his wife died he didn't have it so he could get did you get that that little i mean it sounds like she knows that well i said for taxes i said for taxes that's be that taxes it's as accurate as hers you guys decided i'm not i'm not judging this okay no points next no points we could go to 205 205. okay we're uh we're running out of questions here go ahead baby let's do it what what day is uh the unofficial holiday star wars day happy today uh it's not today it's like what put your answer down wait i know i'm thinking really stupid yeah i know what it is may 4th yeah and i was saying that for the viewers i was like wait why is it today it's the viewers okay okay you're smart you're smart oh you got my head i was like wait what is today you're like may 3rd i was like if it's today's may 4th then that's not it yeah okay uh oh jesus christ uh calculated what is the uh name of the alternate dimension in netflix's stranger things oh um do we already did we asked that one last week no we didn't okay you ready oh oh no sorry i'm changing it now i'm changing now i know okay ready upside down that's right like under or upside down okay going toe to toe here all right i think i think this has to be the last question no it's not follows me from stranger things he said he loves me okay i'm ready what's the score this is the last one watch it be some deep cut adam sandler [ __ ] okay go ahead i mean i was gonna grab it what was rob's the smell of rob schneider's [ __ ] and uh the worst film ever made by roger ebert adam sandler stinky turd go ahead dan it's her birthday i want her to win all right uh in which adam sandler movie does bob barker make a cameo oh well we both know that so we have to go to tie breaker because he said he was the villain yeah happy gilman okay one more time keep going keep going name the quote name the movie that this quote is from i just want to make people silky smooth i actually know that one i think no oh i don't billy madison come on [Music] to win on a zohan question too yeah outfitting wow [Music] thank you this is great and i can't wait we have so much fun planned i'm so excited to spend your birthday with you no we'll have a recap next week we've got a lot we have a lot coming up so excited yeah you have a lot coming up you're very busy this week i got like a bunch of makeup on you i didn't realize where i trust your chin i either i just didn't realize that oh maybe it's the suit yeah yeah he's like i don't remember touching my face don't make it weird all right guys we have to get out of here quick because we are running high on the time you guys know what it is and before people complaining that we're ruining the show by cutting off hey i didn't make the rules bye love you guys dan out oh that's good [Music] so you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 3,946,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila
Id: 2-sRFyE2Dcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 56sec (7496 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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