Try Not To Laugh Challenge With Dire Consequences - H3 Podcast #162

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Dan’s video selections for his segment were killer hahahaha

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 67 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mediciii πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I feel like Ian’s playlist is secretly the best because he has the highest laughter threshold. #ReleaseTheIanCut

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 69 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/VimmyBoi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hila is so adorable. And Ethan and Hila as a couple too. When she was presenting, the way she got all insecure and nervous when no one laughed at the first, and then Ethan laughed at the third one and when they started laughing, she also started laughing and found confidence. Much love, papa bless. Thankful for y’all.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 68 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zzt_zf_thz_blzz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

this crew can never leave, it would legit ruin the show for me

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GALS555 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Tried to play, laughed on video one, fuck

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cheekyweelogan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This game is just for fun but Ethan shouldn't be able to keep replaying his videos to get people to laugh lol. Ruins the game.

Edit: well they all did it that way it seems. If they do this again I hope they make it a little more competitive. Winging it with the rules made this a bit of a mess. Also I think they should wear headphones so they can’t talk over it and ruin it for others.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 33 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JimmyScramblesIsHot πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

All jokes aside, Ethan is definitely looking slimmer in the face imo. I think being a vegetarian and the feeding window is really doing it for him

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/drigzmo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Y’all cut the onision video and I’d actually like to know why.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nylharas πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

That oprah/Paula dean fishing in slow-mo is one of the goddamn funniest things I've ever seen. Shame it's not on youtube

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/killerhatz55 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
three two well well well Friday who would have expected we'd be here the day after Thanksgiving yet here we are because we recorded this on Wednesday but don't let that fool you because today is a landmark episode of the h3 podcast I guarantee this is something that we will look back on for years decades to come maybe even millennium to come when we get our brains beamed up to the cloud we'll be looking back for thousands of years now let me describe what we have planned here today because this is not a usual episode of the a street podcast today as a special Thanksgiving themed Zach can you slam the door as hard as you can oh it didn't even work yeah I tore the door off the hinges in the last episode I think you just tore the top one off the door is just totally okay no worries Brock the hinges here we're good today is a Thanksgiving themed episode man outdoors we put like a stopper like a doorstop yeah maybe a stopper yeah I'll work on it today and what would it be at Thanksgiving themed episode without the whole gang here with us is of course Ella the beautiful the gracious Eva Klein thank you who for clapping yes we're clapping we're thankful to thank yeah absolutely with us is Zach nomads well thank you thank you very much who was donned in a big lebowski shirt Donny's last moments on this earth rest in peace Donny with us we have Ian the intern who despite his face is happy to be here he's happy to thank you thank you and of course Dan the producer was there he makes it all happen he fixes doors to Gatsby's and everything in between the reason that we've all and Sarah who by the way is on the life switch does she have a camera life switcher she does okay it wouldn't be possible without cero and we also have our host thank you now guys oh we've got an shredder and so why are we all assembled here today well here we have a pumpkin pie as is tradition but beside it we have Cool Whip a time-honored topping and yet another giant jar of mayonnaise oh boy somehow males becomes a tradition here on the HD poxy I don't know how how did it may I become the judicious but was it the horsey sauce that started it know what start yeah we watched the world-record mayonnaise the woman eat all those German oh and you thought you could take yeah you made a valiant effort yeah but that's so so began the legend of mayonnaise well today we have a special episode where we are playing try not to laugh everybody's on Rue of favorite genre videos on YouTube I thought here's the deal each of us is presenting a collection of videos designed to make everybody else laugh now at the end of the round I have a tally I have five notepads for each of you here so you keep a tally of who failed and the loser everyone else gets a delicious taste of pie with cool hwhip the loser gets a taste of pie with a huge thing of Mannix and guess what they have to finish it or they're fired something's got to be at stake hold your feet to the fire Dan do we have a sponsor oh yeah and today's episode is sponsored by manscaped also proud and happy to announce that it is Black Friday and Teddy fresh is Black Friday 30 to 50 percent off everything on the website did I stutter yes from color blocks to new releases to time old classics everything 30 to 50% off if you want at any fresh now is the time you will never see prices this low again the color block has never been on sale before it's 30% off it's outrageous you better get over there quick before while supplies last isn't that right II though that's right a lot of plugging H pastry shop as well we have a lot of time to plug the a shoestring shop but we'll talk more about that later let's meanwhile just get into it dan the wizard is attempting to fix the door he's putting a he's putting a lens cap underneath but it seems too thin what about yeah it's not the Jeremy oh there you go we shoved some used Kleenex under this alright Dan have a seat I guess I'll go first and some here I have 11 videos lined up and I have to tell you guys I'm extraordinarily confident mm-hmm okay the rule is going forward is that you can smile you can stifle a smile but the moment you like make a noise you giggle you cackle you exhale through the nose right what's the verdict on a smirk no no like a no you know no but if it was a silent but it's okay you know if you're like smiling I think ultimately the presenter needs to be the one who who draws the there will be a clear winners and losers here yeah I think it somebody will merge who's gonna be the weak link here I feel like I'm in a laughable moment I need to like wait I think Jax is gonna be the weak link I was gonna say Zach - yeah I I laugh at everything so in Ian's a tough cookie Dan there's so much at stake for Dan Dan's the only one I usually I'm a hearty laughter as the audience knows but but I'm gonna be trying real hard yeah so I don't know what's gonna happen with damn button I mean guys it's gonna be tough it's gonna be tough even for me so well what if you laugh at your own video yeah then they're not allowed and I'm [ __ ] oh you can laugh at your own video you should definitely be able to so you can kind of just goading everybody else into it absolutely yes oh there's everyone I agree I can laugh at my own videos so you're like in flats fun yeah I think that that makes it way more okay so Onishi on recently had we're starting we're starting we're starting I'm presenting you guys cannot laugh get it out now get it out next to me are you guys ready so in tasting what we do is take a classic right here I'm gonna invert the spoon cover all 9000 tastebud area warming up driving up that top go I had a great band there vanilla smiling I'm trying not there if I had never seen this before I would definitely be laughing Wow okay that's good I mean there's a lot okay this one I feel you're going to do a spoken word for us now right right and tell us what we're about to hear oh you're just a free staff okay I'm just gonna pick it up is there a style well let me sit back go ahead Marshall okay classics years ago they tried to exact slap years ago they tried to [Laughter] laughs did you try to read something from your book yeah yeah lost it I feel like you left do you but like do what does it say I think he just gets one ding yeah there's no there's no scale here well how many times I went Apple laughs no one impervious it then it's dealer slipper has the most dings at the end is the one that only one yeah okay you're right right so like since the zach has more laughs I can laugh on the next one and he'll still there's a lot of rodeo save yeah okay okay gotcha is that one ding for me that's one okay so those you add an ins a couple okay okay watch closely everyone watched ever do right I'm sorry let me do that again you guys watch this oh no laughs mm-hmm account if it's after the video yeah daddy's lap was the thing I can't about watch it again [Laughter] because you already are you are you laughing at my line wait what are you doing though I was keeping an eye on you he looked like he was had you had a chuckle you had a chuckle very end Zack's laughs got me you could get me in here okay so you guys go okay so everybody were full focus now okay what really happened on that Thursday here at Augusta high school that led to Chris Wood's death [ __ ] flying in my mouth [ __ ] I can't see pilot and kid get the [ __ ] out this country [ __ ] okay I'm doing it again so you guys miss I love that led to Chris Wood's death what are you doing you can't look away no you are looking away during the funniest moment in the video look would you watch that TV what really happened on that Thursday here at Augusta high school that led to Chris Wood's death they don't know I feel like you just exhale from your nose okay dance great I love this video and what's the laughing up to that one Garrett did you guys know this video yeah I didn't see no you going all classics yeah yeah what's going on here I told you I'm not okay fresh died I'm here to come here to kill watch good evening I'm Ken Bastida Dana is off tonight he was murdered and then set on fire while celebrating his birthday one more time this is like the best you ever [Music] seen Dana is off tonight he was murdered and then set drying so that real is that there was supposed to be a comma between those two yeah he was just reading the teleprompter and they're kind of two-sentence man together they're okay I just remembered another one I'll show you guys oh come on [Music] [Laughter] [Music] what you that we all do with that huh the pink ice cream looks pretty good the Baskin Robbins [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] like all this guy I've seen this guy before I thought people posters and say this was we got is this another ding I got a ding everybody along this guy is the ultimate there you go very good very good yeah remember him okay this is come on this is a deep a 100 yeah there's no other one like this particular one in the world and you can see the tracks go this way and it's really cool because it records much more accurately nothing I've seen that one a bunch I knew exactly when it came even so I was able to brace myself yeah also I think that I think that's fake I don't think it's fake I think the old man I don't think there's an on it I could be wrong that all guys know in that comments I think he's just acting 'i'm office what's the current score don't worry [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you never seen it why are you putting up cruller [Music] [Music] [Music] the determent is now lasted the trolls [Applause] see flashes from people taking pictures of them [Music] can't do it proud even though most popular super partner it's just a spectacle it's just a spectacle to you it's just funny because the cops and they're always right right you wanna go why don't you go [ __ ] off with your camera and stuff stop Phil I'm saying I'm not getting permission to film you closed no this actually a privately-held really you're going to explain it to me will tell me why they're closed I don't know Cadillac favor you doesn't want you in ok I gotta say oh man you're annoying me wait what's the score what is oh I need to know worried about the score ok this one I feel like is uh this one might might I mean this I don't know you guys [Music] are you laughing you uh hey good really you know he's into it oh this is a good one and are you smiling you're laughing yeah the joy that this brings you is making me laugh this one is just more confusing to me how does this happen he's at 14,000 views this is the deep cuz I'm voting for 2010 this is one of my all-time favorite video okay working it doesn't views for the 2010 meme of the decade he's gonna get him off he's gonna get every last balloon oh he's struggling on this one that's a big one that's a big one oh that's a big boy it's a finish yeah [Music] balloons old people popping balloons finish oh he's he's a veteran he's been popping those balloons since 47 yeah a champ got more damn whatever happened to totally crap bomb I'm a popper - email chat with me here on Yahoo I am whoo what is that I've heard of that before I'm wondering what the of the balloon popping yeah but I'm wondering what the what's the pleasures derive ish yeah yeah maybe the sound especially there's one more but it's really fast I want to make sure that it's it's set up properly okay so when you open it it plays everywhere on YouTube actually I usually open it and then I drag it really fast that time stem to my stuff so I'm wondering you base bar immediately deposit as soon as it's open and you can so it's closed I'm gonna tell you there's someone who's losing right now but it's very close mmm that connect [Music] so here we go interesting okay everybody watch closely nobody blink want to know the behind-the-scenes video okay there's one more wild card because we're actually in a draw right now wow I'm not gonna say but this one you guys let's watch it three more times and you guys were tired and you continue both and we go do this and then we got to do the Adria broman so why don't you guys do that and I'll do that read beautiful coup they set it up and get a nice pumpkin pie with mayonnaise on it you know there's somewhere somewhere that in the United States that actually is into that probably someone somewhere yeah there's someone somewhere that's super in the mail I'm pretty proud a lot of election what do you guys think I'm gonna go good what does it matter I was purposely avoiding all these I've threw in a couple all these but I tried to find some fresh content I'm here basically to introduce you guys to manscaped which is the best products even though you're not a man who needs to escape who is the best and men's below the belt grooming manscaped offers precision engineered tools for your family jewels jingle balls to the walls fellas untrimmed pubes are a thing of the past you've also trim your pubes sure hundred percent you know when I was in college I didn't trim my pubes because I never thought about it but I think I turned a lot of women off when they saw what was going on down there yeah like I remember one girl said even made a comment to me she's like why you have a lot of pubic hair I swear got out yeah I was like I was like yeah dude it's crazy but I never shaved it like you needed manscaped I thank you for bringing it back on the manscape to him it's time to gear up and get yourself the gift of shaving this holiday season I am talking about the manscaped perfect package too boy oh I've tried to manscape using my tools that I have and I have to tell you I always cut my shaft and it's traumatizing me too it's it's so traumatic yeah now I'm afraid to get that clothes clean that I want but the rebbe but man escapes is changing all of that because they're lawn mower 2.0 has proprietary advanced skin safe technology so that this trimmer won't Nick or snag your nuts or your shaft it's also waterproof so you use it in the shower the lawnmower 2.0 comes inside there perfect package 2.0 which makes for the perfect gift this holiday season it's literally everything you need to keep trimmed cut free and smelling nice down there well I don't think any products gonna make me smell nice down there regular chair and don't use the same trimmer on your face as you're using on your balls that's just nasty I'm guilty of that I do it too but I do it before I shower so I figured what the oh yeah I mean listen because I have my beard trimmer and that's what I use down there you have two beard trimmers are you a manscape I have manscaped yeah hello we all need to get manscaped ASAP the manscaped perfect package 2.0 also includes the crop preserver an anti chafing ball deodorant and moisturizer you already put deodorant on your armpits so why the hell don't you put it on the stinkiest part of your body yes your ball sack the ball sack the stinkies part of the body oh my god that llegando [ __ ] gross with the mayonnaise on Dan's not good where was I stinky balls yes stinky balls speaking of sweaty and stinky balls I'm thankful for the crop Reviver this product along with the crop preserver keeps your balls from sweating smelling and sticking and these products smell good they're manly scent is attractive and it will help set up the mood if you know what I mean mmm I recommend just showering before I mean the perfect package will also come with a pair of manscaped boxer briefs that keeps your junk feeling fresh all day it's time to upgrade those overused pair boxers to man escapes high-performance anti chafing boxer briefs tis the season to manscape so get yourself your dad your brother your friend can you imagine hey Dad I got you man scale what are you trying to say cleanup - I guess it's a good gift for everybody your dad your brother your friend your best gift of all it's manscaped perfect package 2.0 so get 20% off plus free shipping with code h3 at manscaped calm your balls will thank you 20% off and free shipping with the code h3 atman scaped comm that's 20% off with the free shipping at manscaped comm use code h3 clean up your nuts and make Santa proud of you this year alright h3h3 shop comm you guys know it you love it it's limited time HD podcasts merch all the proceeds are being shared with all the cast members here the Shalom everybody Elom over at dan honestly into intern kawaii sally salaried employees scuse me and Ian got any Mayo Jack why do I always do that on this specific shirt zakian made it is why yeah Austin your head maybe you're right I'm you're giving me the benefit of the doubt it's the same manager for the photo oh no ok good so this is a nice and age okay yeah so head on over there and Black Friday including the color-block hoodie never before done never done never will be done again there's lost their mind okay we've all got Cool Whip except like that no but you have yeah that's we're good yeah that's fine I got I got more than that I mean what do you think a lot of cake though could take some cake out of there no that's so then Dan has never before eating mayonnaise on the show gives it mayonnaise phobia he's not doing well but he's got to swallow it and he should mmm-hmm talk to me what are you guys feeling I mean let's go through your mind I'm not your over oh this is good with the mouse bow the first moment that you taste in May or your brain is like wait I reached that almost came up that how are you feeling proud of yourself I guess so are you gonna know we miss of it yeah good I can't wait to win another round how does it mesh with the pumpkin flavor yeah good only pumpkin pie oh I like to actually like pumpkin pie but says Chris might ruin it for me I'll switch you see and II like hey Dan yeah here those felt keep tally wash it down with some coffee I'm gonna you take your disgusting mayonnaise cake with you the smell in here is pretty gnarly I feel like I'm not even gonna laugh once with fun beans okay I'm just gonna casually heat pump wait what oh I'm just smelling the mayonnaise oh yeah I panicked so I tried to find new content but some of it does some of it did end up being a classic buckwheat there was no rule that said it had to be new oh okay your job is to make us laugh all right fair enough no one's ready already I'm ready no eating yams oh no heaven I didn't recognize it interesting what is this you all right that's it some mark Gormley vibes right there I mean I was certainly entertained okay that's something I'm have a renewed motivation here not to laugh after night so I'm gonna be a tough sell from now on no more I'm gonna worry about my list mmm then you pull up the plunger and lock it in place on this low match and let it sit for a while they say wait about 10 minutes then you take off the slow in Saturday but let some air in then you push it back in again oh do you find it no I went old-school dip into you three minutes for WoW seal itself in pan you got the whole thing off it's so simple keep it going cuz I mean I lose track don't don't lose hope because the ultraviolet rays are what ultimately cure the resin but I'm not a patient man so UV like accurate much faster what is he doing he's fixing a broken glass rack in your windshield wait if they're big like this one forget it because if they start big like this one there's no hope at all the crack will just grow especially when you put the defroster on when it's cold in the winter and the heat gets to it it'll shatter like mad in a product they can help ya just don't expect miracles more quick fixes on the Scottie Kilmer Channel so if you never want to miss another one of my new Chi repair videos remember to ring that Bell then slick you were close Dan I was a little smirk over there to you I can smirk well that smirks or a lot but yeah I mean you know don't feel bad I almost laughed I did I mean it's a bummer because I want to laugh terrible fate actually if you don't make any of us laugh I think you do can I claim immunity from hello no that's round oh that's lame so don't get insecure just like he'll be confident and anyway it's fine cuz you'll have a mouth you know if you lose it's still fine because it's insane you just gotta have a mouth I have no problem if the look if the presenter loses state I'm so screwed as my pleasant side just go back don't push me it's fine restarting no pouting I'm interested I like that what I'm so good at gives me hope I break here yeah like the Bligh's you're not into the pie I'm assuming down no I'm good I'm good are you know chewing look at your cute boys in your house can you pass me the coin what'd you put so little Cool Whip what was that about just a little dab a little dab will do you you know not me little dad close - they put in here dab on them you know this is what I'm talking about whoa that's yeah the bucket that's how you use Cool Whip that's more kulit than pie well wait but well yeah a lot of use a lot of big whip oh is that real yeah war it's like you drench it I've never seen I mean it's just um whipped cream oh can you show you a ratio first where do I show it where should I show that's a plate a clue right there yeah it's [ __ ] awesome mmm what's going on out there we are getting a package delivered and I think this is high-quality content I think it was time sensitive what can we talk about to make this more interesting we have a dead air dead air oh we got shirts let's wait till the next presenter down oh my god it'll cool wet hmm okay ready my bad side is as bad as my pleasant side is pleasant all right thank you I like to keep things informal in here as much as possible but where the difference between informal and in Politis and I won't tolerate in polite if I hear one more of these overly loud yawns what you're outside what class whatever it is you need to do to get over it I want to know why two hundred and twenty other people in this room don't find the need to do that and you should be it's probably like an 8 a.m. class guys hating on someone yawning don't push me to this point again that guy beats his wife cuz you don't push me to this point again like they're bolts to anonymously tell me who it is whoa did you end it anyone wasn't anonymously tell me who that was yeah Dan the part that got me it made it should have made you all laugh was and watch him cuz he's smiling as he goes my pleasant side that's right as pleasant as my mean side is is as mean I'm its party line and Marsha okay [Music] you're confirming our us being soul mates because I timestamp that and when you pointed it out and I appreciate it because this room is cold I'm it's a tough crowd and I'll tell you what us I I'm riding for you to as my pleasant side is Pleasant you want to let it we didn't have this blade above my neck I would have been just guillotine yeah problem played again EULA we got a lot more to go through all right once the Ethan double back and reinforced that moment it did give because I'm hoping I'm you know I'm riding for you either yeah so only me and Ian are on the board right now like the guys never squirrely your [ __ ] that's a good that's when it's gonna play it again though and just look down [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] you know I'm so confident I finished my pie oh this is this is one of the best when I'm not looking for is some big oh come on okay I just know somebody in this video I don't know when I'm not looking for is some big overgrown monster so wait do it again just stare him you do I did laughs did you laughs you know do you know in this video then go ahead ela Sara and I both know he was excuse me Zak look at Zak go ahead just look at these was it cool bad people back then no I mean that was just like so uncalled some big overgrown monster that's always thinking about food he's describing me do you understand that all right they're over it let's keep moving yeah I gotta make oh man I hear up there is getting closer maybe I don't know everyone watch good I gotta get cereal you can't you cuz that's high I'm getting serious I'll go okay I'm done I'm done let's see the Statue of Liberty from here I can't stand it when she touches me people say that time heals all wounds [ __ ] play it again and just look at him though he wants the lava so does Ethan I'm good you're in first the one do you watch the TV that's Ian goth me and the water is warm or just woman what what is the point of this video yeah I'm not sure what they were shooting for but they're always the same thing it's like act a shoe my name is Carla so you can stop at five or six stores or just one oh I don't need friends yeah maybe I just never got that deep into the video you could stop at five or six stores or just run yeah I feel like there's an audition the headlights of love honey you smirking a little bit ears on the board there I go just you could stop at five or six stores or there's a little smirk action going on over there you could stop at five or six stories good or just one Oh Dan laughs are you trying to find like stuff that you guys haven't seen before the whole video got everybody even serious the beginning I've seen I get this off the screen before I left this is like some connection there you go I feel like I just saved myself maybe okay so we have one more is it a tie there's three people here at i/o Wow I think like you know in there no I think it's Ian oh maybe okay hold it is there hold it together so now I wonder if I should show the whole oh yeah this one is the whole let it breathe deal and for an attack where you see weakness John I want a divorce in this one to divorce it's a magnet it's not Connie John and you know what's been coming for a long time well divorce why do you always laugh when I'm upset Oh every time you say divorce she just looks so cute I'm serious is time John serious I'm absolutely serious when you're treating this like some kind of game I'm tired of it John we love games not anymore not your kind of games your games are cruel divorce stop laughing this is not funny things haven't been working out for a long time and every time I try to talk to you about them you laugh tomorrow I'll drop the papers and that will be it we can go our separate ways no no no no no it's just not it's just not well you know I don't know six minutes I think we passed the question is we hiding like a poet I yam was the closest I didn't let I didn't laugh in life in the rules is there a wild card possible even break that who's tied there's a question am I one of the ones it's time because I think you be it Ian well that's it's a problem cuz I got to go run get that thing from outside right now went to another school Canada alright so do you so is it me Danone in yeah yeah I like it yeah do this do you want us all to eat a slice or xerath we did last time you did last time so Wow I don't know if I can do another so soon well you're just gonna have to puke then you shouldn't a lot yeah you should have held it down you can't you can't say no I mean this is our Thanksgiving special I'll do like the tiniest you did a big ass but I did a huge dollop last whiteman will have to yeah gotta do like that and a small amount of cake though no needs to be mad it needs to be mad that can you and you that or I'm not doing okay oh yeah just give me set me up a bite yeah you want yeah I ate it all I'm a [ __ ] monster so just car you could take money yeah I'll just use Ella's here and there's okay yeah I got me well you like a slice of mail either would you like to plug Teddy fresh black sail a back Friday sale twenty thirty to fifty percent off while we do this okay so is going on right now and this is all online but the way I imagine it in my head is like everyone is like fighting and there's like nobody's crazy going on right now yeah gremlins are fighting kids are screaming it's a lot of oh that's a healthy right no he's he's good he's good yeah thirty thirty percent off does that include the color-block hoodie and all styles everything on the website you said wow really yeah really Wow i trample over someone for that hell yeah I wouldn't literally cry I would probably I would kill my cousins yes my name yeah okay so I've got something else your cuz I'm a good one Dan let's see I mean Dan is taking like the biggest bite of pumpkin pie ever didn't ask the flavor I mean it's cheers everybody a chance oh this looks so [ __ ] gross oh oh oh hmm that is so bad they're so wrong especially like my night was like 50/50 Oh uh-huh oh my god that's so wrong just my water rats that time like I didn't almost throw up look again Durham but it's still that was still really yeah well your fight first bite was I might um next yep how do I keep ending up here with this man he's in my bro that was so wrong yeah yeah don't like that not a fan I feel like the rule needs to be it's a 50-50 buy okay fifty oh come on well you've got immunity well yeah yeah you only have two more rounds to survive wait here we wanna did you have to go grab something no no he's good okay I wonder if we want to do it was literally there was legit if what arrived weld in something oh we can real get we're good well okay is this the best or worst show of they should certainly a Thanksgiving special it's a special one I mean this beautiful piece has been ruined by my eat it off that was so [ __ ] gross this is without a doubt the worst episode of the issue a podcast for the audio listeners is exclusively watching videos that they can that's funny because last time when I try to did not show video and just describe was that because I can't show fights yeah the video listeners lost their mother I'm like well audio listeners deal with this all the time yeah and then the video listeners lost their damn minds well I mean I will include all these videos in the episode description I don't that's a lot of clicking on links just go to youtube one yeah just just just watch it okay so yeah I mean similar to ela I pulled I mean I have a lot less like long ones meant a lot more and I got a hold it down this time yeah I feel queasy yeah yeah that was just awful I mean everything was wrong about that tell me what you guys think about this guys inspirational speech for this football game [Music] you is that when you when you eat a double you yeah they lost by like 20 points so if there's one more time so he's hyping up his team is just get him ready for the bad context is it for yeah they lost it's a bad hype cuz it's like eat I might I was like yeah I want to win I don't necessarily want to eat a W right I'm gonna see it on everybody's faces they're not uh they're not yelling it but all right well you know up crowd tough crowd I don't know that one the other day damn [Music] good physical comedy right here oh man I guess EAL Allah he's got it it should get the same on it back now look at the TV you can't look away did I feel like you looking away from the TV one more time I feel like that's a violation just real quick just and and just look I mean it's a kid just got slammed in the head of the lid yeah are you not seeing this [ __ ] Zack you're covering your mouth you look going away I didn't hear the laugh but the NASA D are you doing where's he taking that thing anyway stay there okay though everyone but Ian left yeah that's some [ __ ] yeah sorry that's the game he's good that's the game this one's a classic amnon Suzy everyone's probably seen this one he uh uh that was a really good one though damn yeah I'm not losing you understand this is from a classic tone are you show me those before [Music] I'm just like thinking of my mom dying or something while she hit just once more yeah watch this closely this guy was actually nominated for an award right [Music] here look closely this is the bar steady one for the old it together together no latching it's close damn alright moving on are you good though that's a classic that's a classic let's see what movies up fro it says a description I forget called Silent Night deadly night part 2 part 1 many people say the sequels are rarely best but shows an exception here we go this is just this is just a quickie this is just a quickie [Laughter] but through a lot of effort just imagine you first understand what I was seeing take it everybody lost and that means I'm probably still come on Ethan pull together you think of this Nic Cage [Music] famous right yes before the tax fraud look it's wrong [Music] I love the dollar bill out what a big and they don't leave the state either love what kind of like I gotta I want to see Wow who would have ever expected that that guy would have been like fifty million dollars in debt he just didn't pay taxes and spend all his money and now he's like dead broke it does a bunch of shitty movies actor of all time he is a very good actor yeah like the crazier you are the better the Act I mean like I like Tom Cruise you know I like Mel Gibson as actor used to be my favorite just so happens that he's in he won't you know doesn't like Jews or black people yeah I think it's just the Jews right know something's not down with it he got he was doing that drunk he he said to his ex-wife drunk on the phone it's one of the best things ever he says I hope you get raped by a packet n-words whoa and record it on a record at home wait wasn't that his girlfriend did he have a kid with her yeah and she who used to go on these drunken rants and call her name and he said that to her and she recorded it isn't the best I still play that on Howard all the time crazy oh this looks promising yeah this is gonna be tough I could tell bit up so the long or the the accelerator is gonna be hard is the same fun taking Florida backwards and it kind of gets in a runaway [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] it's kind of like a runaway chain reaction something wrong with in the momentum of him jerking forward is setting it into reverse other directions a three-way tie is it me I remember I passed one I don't think it's me hmm I think I it's not me we've watched a lot though I'm holding it down I'm not eating mayonnaise this time Dan's gonna eat mayonnaise we got here contagious laughter that's cheating Dan that's brilliance is what that is don't say so myself speaking of which another one by the way the ones that I chose works great for my brain no subreddits just saying I went a good amount of those words like that lawn mower one I had found a long time ago and I went seeking that out but then that led me to find this one okay which was on the same cell friend but I just can't stop myself at this point [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] impossible not to laugh was that the girl that the dating dude was talking about dating dude was talking about oh come on my 600-pound life was that show everyone that face she made was amazing this one I gotta come on Ethan hold it together dude okay come this one I don't know you may tell me I have to take this one out why I'm into it pony fetish I mean we had talked about it there was like an h3 video about this before right I mean it doesn't show like yeah [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] what they call Pony space and I put the gear on that actually turn into horses when I think the baby his mouth it's like a ritual between us and I can feel through the [ __ ] when he actually kind of changes from the human space to like pony space space he came out in for the reigning competition for us during play if I just put him in the gear and then we go immediately do it it doesn't give him time to transition I was the first to laugh yeah well you [ __ ] me up because you keep playing the other cordis sir yeah a lot to take in here people are proud of him they can I'm sure it's a lot of craftsmanship gone these people find each other it's also very to the Internet this is the downside of the user so interesting taxpaying citizens Monday through Friday so to get to the weekend it looks to disturb I'm keeping it yeah I'm not horsing around on this one [Laughter] you look like Milton from office space [Music] with my stapler yeah might like this one just cuz you're a fan of his dude I got a keeper together Ethan this is not a good showing Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] very good the motorcycle let's slow down one especially the second set of motorcycle it's really yummy yeah yeah I thought I would get him but I guess spoil together you got more I think I have one or two more here I'm on do not even one of the my credibility's on the launch I get this ready that Mayo is coming your way I think I'm sure I mean well I'm definitely either in 2nd or 1st that's for sure let's see no I think I've survived one round only dad knows only God does mm-hmm zach has it had any yet you've been holding done you never had any mail no wow Ian hey even had mail yeah thank God so um what's going on over there that's gonna be tough I'm just making sure I don't spoil it by it yeah okay Ethan this is your moment we are not losing we are not eating mayonnaise again come on come on hold it together [Music] bought the wrong firewood [Laughter] now I only show this one cuz I made sure to research it no one was hurt seriously hurt who cares it's hilarious well cuz there's kids I know I don't want anybody to be illegal that's [ __ ] the kids guys you can just show it again and you exact yo why oh my gosh let's go look how excited they are I can't laugh it because I may have seen it the other day alright well everyone else left Wow okay [Music] I think I have one like one last one I need if I win if I don't laugh with Tony this is a classic I have a feeling you guys have probably seen this [Music] come on Ethan unfortunately it got it's weird it got deleted off YouTube just the other day and it had been on YouTube for it was posted in like 2012 or something like that oh it's not Scarlett Johansson from that's definitely not yeah it's from that what's it called ghost in the shell' movie okay screen it first and then let's do that trying to get it you know it's close enough they go to it this was from a Paula Deen and Oprah special I don't wanna see that okay yeah he does know what he remembers the mayo made us laugh no I don't know he did not laugh so we ever gave a smile and it's between our wonderful to co-host why couldn't I just know I was I hate saying this but I really gotta pee so you say that on the day I can't hit this I know no we got to do the mayo and here's another thing is the time you guys have to probably go soon quick so can we do like a power round I mean if one I want to have well then I can fire off one cuz I don't have that many I'll give breathin first of all well in goes if nobody laughs you eat okay well and then you guys wrap your mail let's go and by the way do we mention teddy fresh cop Black Friday sale 3050 percent on putting the color-block hoodie right now only a teddy fresh car bloody and everything you buff in stock everything gets blur so it must go it's probably going already we got what color but what if 50% didn't present hey fish calm so actually a leads from that cuz that's mine yeah you said equal parts male well you don't you you said that not me okay so you will you lose you'll need equal parts no good I said alright I do whatever you want do whatever you know I'm going equal parts that's not equal parts that's what you dude bro now you're gonna say okay is that not equal parts but it's deceptive optical illusion it's not mayonnaise that's a lot of [ __ ] man that's all anybody much pie right now yep no it's not look at all that mayonnaise bro it's like mixed up to what do you know you don't even laughs all right hit it do you have yours yet I'm gonna eat from that Oh got it this is Oh God oh god it's so wrong I don't like it no go I need my water too why am I losing big ol spoonful all right yeah power round right what happens if erm not bad oh she says she will stay a little later you'll remember a little later now now Ian told us this morning I have nothing and though he knew for weeks he was supposed to be looking out you can do any look I'm just saying what Wilde said why are you the only one they can't find something funny I don't laugh a lot that sounds really sad but I don't ok if this isn't funny you're eating okay okay alright go ahead how's that going down for you oh [ __ ] oh no yeah it's bad isn't it it's bad we're doing go ahead this is Soulja Boy on twitch all of his people were telling him to please turn the volume down and he refused because now I'm breath you know [ __ ] burn I don't care if the music loud and they get I'm not the I'm not your daddy [ __ ] trying to speakers now [ __ ] [ __ ] y'all stop complaining like some hoes is here all night doing camera shaking in this does this thing where he hits smelling salts do you want hit smelling salts on the camera what do you you were just what helping you wake up to stay stay fresh well cuz you said if you guys have any props already oh these are the shirts by the way as that get set up where's look great so everybody show off your shirt h3h3 shop calm limited-edition support your crew support your nation Shalom everybody in the salaried employee kawaii Dan honestly the wizard Elon I'm over it Zak anyone got Mayo the Joker h3 shoe shop comm limited time only will be in time for the holiday seasons let's go Zack let's get it okay so how many can I show okay let me go to you what time is it yeah you got like 10 minutes I'd like to that air [Music] they're dead air this meme that I just start off with that carving up that white meat I think are you almost laughing damn he wants the line I'm offended frankly I don't I'm offended by this okay more like a okay haha that's done okay but you almost laugh no well you were fine I think you should have to eat some mayo for that one yeah well is he the only one that hasn't eaten meal yeah yeah so am so here's the deal nobody laughs male perfect let's go here is a video of a digestive tract problems quickly called manga Kazakh there's a miracle for you no problems being delivered from the no I didn't I wanted to but I resisted I love that I didn't laugh okay we've seen it was a great okay it was a great I wish I was saw it okay I've seen midgets grow up I delivered from the colostomy bag here is a crazy musician on a train always a good Jonah [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] tough crowd it was a good submission I just want know that was a really good yeah we're on there you are gonna eat that maybe that was a very good submission I never saw that no that was a new one kiddo I smell today's okay I want cool mark we're going to make a Dan and Ian laughs mmm shouts of European settlers still live you hadn't played this for us every day yeah you're gonna laughter you will explain this every single day persecuted for their faith at home the Amish began coming to Pennsylvania in the 1720s in search of religious freedom they settled into a rustic way of life here guided by a strict set of traditions known as the ordinance or order out smoking big joints and Amish those images from Pluto were stunning but now a new offer 100 million dollars worth from one of the smartest men on earth there are billions where intelligent life might exist and now the world's most famous scientist says it's time to go find it wait I don't understand necessarily what I was seeing you're not familiar with young King Dave young Dave or if he didn't go did anyone laugh it was really hard not to but but like I said thankfully you had spoiled it by showing that video so that guy who who are IPE has now passed on was sort of an internet meme what like five six years ago maybe four what do you you song singer doing laughs on the video anymore nice to try let's move on we don't put too much time we're gonna we're gonna have to do it young king Dave deep dive I'm surprised it's faster I'm interested that's rich rich territory I'm definitely interested but mostly I'm interested in watching Zaki Manny's before we go yeah okay this might be your last one yeah this is a choose why we're die right now this is all right Charlie Sacha Baron Cohen won this award the one of the Charlie Chaplin award [Applause] come on no one will happen I've seen I've seen I've seen it many times very good damn might be laughing we've gone through okay give us one more this just set is getting this is getting sad that way we said that was the last one it was a good submission no there's lots of good submissions I'm just really want to see you eat thank me it's find one good one now cuz the tide has turned against you dude we are holding firm I just saw Sacha Baron Cohen pushing old lady offstage bro that's classic though okay one more chance here while the sack serves you up a big dollop okay in light of big dollop big dollop you scoop huge and late in the mayonnaise I'm about to eat why is that Joey's world and man am i dude okay so I'm kind of nervous whoa the tails every thing that he came up with so let's try this to see how good it tastes okay here we go this guy's something [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] for another he's gonna go for another buyer down dude he likes it he's eating it now oh damn watch this because how could I not Ajay world well thank you for my yeah welcome now you have good submissions I don't want out there like ya know there was some good stuff in there you didn't I did we were trying in it's like my band never laughs he's a disappointment to everybody when when it comes to this game not in real life I got a good amount of points out of him you gotta say that's true I feel like I made you laugh the most yeah me me laugh no yeah yeah alright Sam I eat enough yeah yeah spend too much time within in this office I know my god is this you nice you are the mail came whoo yeah you earned that shirt okay we got to wrap it up we got a run happy thanks it's off Friday happy Black Friday hope you had a great Thanksgiving I have no camera to look at you have your Thanksgiving everybody I hope you had a great the family time now spin all of your money at Teddy fresh calm we have a Black Friday sale 30% off there's probably nothing left there at eight straight a shoe shop calm all the proceeds to shared amongst all the cast members get your shirts in their limited time they will be there in time for Christmas for sure and they will never come back ever again so hurry up and get it to commemorate your favorite cast members will have more time to promote these as the week's come the sales will stop probably in the early this first or second week of December or something like that I think they're supposed to ship on December 16th so probably just a week for that or something so we'll have more time to promote these guys but you definitely gonna want to pick up probably five of every one of those once you've spent all of your money at Teddy fresh calm because this has just been a did just been a huge plug basically but I had a lot of fun we ate a lot of mayonnaise we had a lot of laughs thank you I am gonna sit here as it's Thanksgiving I'm gonna say good thanks and I'm gonna say grace form one wonderful team here Zack the sound boy from whom I mean mobility Mario's great has been a part of our life and Zack has came in on the sound board and it's I'm actually I got a fee so bad it was born from that from the mind it's actually you know what's funny is the first time Jack played that we were kind of annoyed because we're like like why would you do that yeah you got a customer but then but then it turned it out that it was genius and so the genius of Zack was born Andy Andy actually does have to be so bad I do and and of course Dan the wizard honestly as it says they I I'm looking forward to December and then we're all taking a break I'm season three is coming around right around the corner so Wow here we go guys so thank you all have a great holiday we will see you and actually we're not missing any episode so we'll be back as usual but we're having a long break hi guys thanks we'll see I [Music] [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,269,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan & hila, ethan and hila, ethan, hila
Id: b9hTaV8Y1Ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 40sec (5560 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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