Content Court: JayStation

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So...we will not going to talk about Hila's new haircut?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 61 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MrNeggiGeneration300 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

These are pretty fun but I’m impressed with Ian. He’s really doing all the comedic heavy lifting with everyone else being the straight men. Ian is killing it

Edit: hila saying jaystation does fake gay videos with his friend at 3am because β€˜he actually just wants to fuck’ killed me

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 108 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mediciii πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

When even A.I Ian can’t defend you, you know you’re doing really bad

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 44 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/llama20 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Jesus Fuck Jay is such a Douche-Canoe. That video with the gay potion was the cringiest and homophobic thing I've ever seen.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dolinputin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not nearly enough comments about what a fucking loser this guy is. Absolutely unmeasurable levels of cringe

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/limeflavouredcement πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Dude they are on top of their game, last month or two has been great!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sooo glad they covered this and then included the straight up homophobic and racist content. JayStation is a POS and needs to be outed as such. And even though technically Ethan and Hila aren't doing response videos anymore, this series is basically that without quite as much production required (and he gets to rely on his crew a bit more for the actual presentation as well).

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/johnnyslick πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Im_inappropriate πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

AB is soo hot

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thickrbf πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
two all rise for the honorable judge ethan klein [Music] thank you officer everybody please be seated today fair people of the jury we put on trial the creator known as j station j station is a youtuber who got popular making 3 a.m horror challenges his fan base is known as jay nation he's made up over 6 million subscribers today we put him on trial for the pot for the following crimes exploiting tragedies faking his girlfriend's death for views offensive and hate crimes hate crimes geez this is a first for our youtube court room criminal hypocrisy and corrupting the youth wow our prosecutor will be a b you will be prosecuting j station a b and a i e and of course will be defending uh j station as a rsr resident j nation member council a b please proceed with their opening statements this court is now in session please proceed amy thank you your honor yes you brought up that j station is a horror channel which i feel is fitting for his content being that his content is in fact horrific some may even say that it has a demonic presence in how horrible it is that being said i hope to enlighten the viewers for those of you who are not familiar with jay and hopefully we can have some kind of resolution at the end of this trial okay aien are you a member of the j nation ain't would you like to say anything in his defense before we begin uh well before we begin i have a question for you is this court thing is this like is this like a regular deal do i have to keep doing this ai in you are we are role playing and you are meant to stay in character if you have quite meta questions about the court hearing please save it until after the video well i was just wondering where i should be sending my legal fees this is not order order please stick to defense of your client i'm just trying to defend my wallet my guy all right okay station okay this is not my my i'm the judge i am not the [ __ ] accountant all right please what else are you going to be doing i mean let's be honest you want to argue about this now i mean why are you bringing this up now i just feel like you know yeah yeah i i gotta pay i gotta pay for my motor oil you know motor oil what does that cost like 20 bucks i mean give me a [ __ ] brick we treat you fine all right now is not the time you want to defend your client you're trying to ruin another video order in the court aien i also need some money to pre-order the jstation five pretty good right no not good he makes good videos they're funny next i find it impressive that a robot can come up with jokes i mean yeah this is not about aie in you guys focus j station we'll have order in this courtroom all right that's it that's really all you guys have okay moving on let's move on to our first exhibit uh our first exhibit of course is crimes exploiting tragedies a.b would you like to introduce um this crime please let's try on us so we're all familiar with click bait but i'm not familiar with any other creator that has gone so far to exploit the death of celebrities other youtubers and supposedly ex-girlfriends jstation has done this multiple times and i will go through each and every single time well most of the time she's done i can't go through all of them but if you please look at the exhibits you will see what i'm referring to we have exhibit a uh the wrapper known as um and excuse me it's called x tacion am i right or is it x x x tachyon x x x synthesis that's a mouthful we r people really say x x x every time they mention they bring his name up they shorten it to x yeah x the court will now will further recognize as x j uploaded a monetized video entitled xxx tacion ouija board challenge at 3am gone wrong in this video he claims to have made contact with x through a ouija board now may i ask you maybe how how recently after his death was this video posted this one was uh less than a week less than one week after that sure that is quite shameless i will say now this is a re-upload is that right because most of these videos have been removed correct do we know why the videos were removed was it in shame or was it in uh i believe it was in shame and shame yes well shame unfortunately uh is not a crime or is not a appropriate punishment but let's go ahead and watch this video with another 3 a.m challenge i just got a brand new house guys they gave me the keys we're going to check it out right now guys the house is completely empty and we brought the ouija board out guys tonight we're trying to contact xxx tentacion on the ouija board guys smash the like button right now guys let's hit 100k for x it is so sad he passed away right now for more ouija board videos guys we might even try to contact two plus places say hello to my new crib this is lit does that look sick or what we got freaking marble floors how many lip videos are going to take place in this baby get the kitchen yo we live in large we in charge guys this is amazing gonna put a sick flat screen right up there guys i'm probably gonna spend like 20 000 on furniture guys we gonna be in a mansion jay nation [Applause] no no one can hear us guys damn brand and there's gonna be a big ass tv screen right now guys we're gonna use the ouija board to contact xxx tentacion we're gonna put that down by the ouija board the whole entire time right there i also got an instrumental by x hey hey hey hey hey all right guys so we just freestyled to x's b we got his picture right there if there's any way to attract a spirit to the ouija board guys that's how to do it i mean we just killed it on the beat guys like seriously that was lit is anyone moving the judge asked requests did they crush it on the beat um no your honor so that was that was removed from the from the video the just because we didn't want to get copyrighted is that right um that's part of it also i cannot find a re-upload so these are clips that i had previously put together um but they pretty much sum up the video but yeah i was unfortunately missing the freestyle how do we know he didn't crush it this is this is a good point i guess it's subjective aeon you ain't do you believe he crushed it on the beat i mean we're using the word subjective already come on all right let's proceed thank you [Music] love you sending love sending love i kept seeing all over twitter people saying he used to do this he used to do that but all that really matters is towards the end of his life all he really did was spread out positivity yo what the frick what the frick [Music] demon like so fast wait what the hell wait whoa whoa what the freak guys yo there's something hundred thousand likes guys we gotta hit a hundred thousand 100k and we'll open this guys smash the like button right now for xxx tentacion we actually communicated with them do you guys have anything else you want to ask x put it down in the comments guys and we might do a part wow wow so just to give context for those who are not aware when he passed there was a lot of uh people mourning his loss a lot of people felt the tragedy of a young up-and-comer passing too young and what it appears to me is that j station has basically just popped uh capitalized on that in order to you know further one of his videos i mean he was just trying to get a hundred thousand prayers aka a hundred thousand likes right but maybe he had um good intention he what he was saying if you get a hundred thousand likes we'll open the box that seems to me as if he would be benefiting that and not the spirit of xxx a b do you have anything oh well sure go ahead abby yeah we're just going to point out um he didn't handle the situation too kindly being that he started the first half of the video showing off his house his new mansion very good point not very sensitive if this is a video meant to mourn the passing of this fine young man showing off his new house uh is certainly not a way to mourn his passing for sure did he ever get the enough prayers to open the cursed box i'm not sure on that but he did do a part two i wonder what was in it what the frick a i n what do you think about him showing off his house before paying respects to to uh x i mean it's a nice pad i'd show it off to but don't you think it's disrespectful to the memory of x to begin the video by showing off his you know if you if you if you paid me a little more i'd buy a house and show it off too but unfortunately i'm in this freaking dump um what do you think aien what do you think about the concept of one like equals one prayer i mean the logic tracks for me it does it does yes how how does someone clicking a like button equal a prayer how does that track for you and your infinite knowledge well i mean it's all about the intention right i can send you one like equals one hatred if i want to but you and but the act of the act of pressing with intent to pray sends the prayer just like when i click like on your photos that is me centering hatred hate energy fair point i mean certainly a fair point sure uh the following exhibit do not play uh x music backwards at 3 am no pulse reversed wow couldn't possibly imagine what goes on in this one i got a mouse now let me use this all right now now before we uh move on to this what was the reception to his first video ab oh he got scrutinized um by the audience by other creators other people um on youtube like adam22 who was friends with x were very upset they called jay out for it and so his decision was to basically double down and make a part two yeah so keemstar was actually one of the people who called out jay um jay's content's so bad that it's the one time my life where i sided with keemstar and he actually starts this next video by stating um what i'm doing is not disrespectful so for all you keemstar fans watching all right let's proceed garbage right [Music] that xxx tentacion's new song called no pulse has some sort of cryptic demonic messages if you play it in reverse now guys when you play songs in reverse it is the creepiest sounding thing you can ever imagine so guys i'm going to need 50 000 likes for this video not prayers this time before we start this video i just want to let you guys know right now uh aien this time he asked for lux not prayers do you find that disrespectful he left he asked for what likes not prayers i mean a life is powerful too are you saying it's not well it seems that that a like would benefit him and not uh x i mean i think a like could be very very powerful in many different ways would you like to list those ways no okay fair enough didn't thank you yes may i point out that he said 50 000 just for the record he's jason oh let me go back to observe you can ever imagine so guys i'm going to need 50 000 likes 50 000. right to the problem he mispronounced it a little bit okay yeah that that that that that i just want to let you guys know right now that it is definitely not disrespectful in any kind of way oh well he just said it there case closed he said it's definitely yeah case closed baby yeah you lose he just in reverse i'm just letting you guys why does it look like is his shirt wet or is it like no i think it's actually shiny material why is he wearing like a leather shirt i mean that's just odd i've never seen anything like that in my life what is it made of viola it looks like it's made of like just plastic or leather uh any keemstar fans out there this is not a disrespectful video the only reason i know about this anyways is because i'm a big fan of xxx what the hell is that what the what the hell is that oh my god no way wait wait are you telling he actually has a dead animal in this video i mean it looks like it after he heard the song he has a dead rabbit as a prop in his video what is wrong with this man why by the way he gets massive backlash for the first one and then proceeds to make a second one and use a dead baby rabbit as a prop why that's so horrific this is terrible this is very disturbing no pulse reverse what's the title voice is coming from my freaking computer right now smash that like button right now let's hit 50. uh dude i'm sorry i just i like i'm having so much trouble with this content yeah how is this real that he has six million subscribers he's walking around playing with dead animals talking about uh xxx tenacion they say it right no xxs tentacion what can i do i'm a boomer with a gavel xxs ten ten tacion [Music] talking about talking to a speaker begging for likes how many times does he beg for likes in a video it's like half of the video but yeah people watch this millions of people watch this i find that to be um yeah frankly grotesque and and horrific they probably join in for different uh reasons one maybe to check out is fire fits every time leather wet leather look yeah 3 000 likes i'll do a part two listening to more songs played in reverse guys i am getting out of here until daytime with all that being said guys so why is there a dead rabbit i have no idea there's no correlation i mean he probably killed that rabbit where do you just find a dead rabbit i don't know the dark web jay would say the cursed web demonic is it is it possible it's alive is it possible that a rabbit could be sleeping with its eyes open motionlessly on his bathroom floor if it's alive it's a better actor than jay is aien how do you justify the the death of an animal as a prop i mean what am i supposed to feel something for living beings come on then why do you care about jay station i mean he gives me some spooks [Music] interesting there's a lot of value in some good spooks i go say they're hard to come by do you follow him for the fire fits i mean i i won't lie that's definitely contributing factor this is weird dude i don't like the dead animal what i'd like to get to the bottom of what this rabbit is i'm gonna find it so odd i mean what is wrong with this one i don't like it well that's exhibit b uh exhibit c we continue on following uh this is a third video no this is another video called rest in peace mac miller spirit box challenge at 3am speaks about ariana grande wow this is just one day after mac miller's tragic death now as you know ariana grande was his ex-girlfriend right and um and uh they were obviously very close so to click bait not only his death but her involvement is quite low indeed it's almost beyond belief almost almost almost demonic also let the records show that ariana was going through a lot of bullying at the time a lot of roles online were bullying her for what saying that she should have been there for him saying that she should have been there for him indicating that she had a part in you know his passing which obviously is not true but do you think he do you think he was trying to tap into that yes 100 that's insane i can't believe someone this uh shameless exists you know i'm not i wasn't familiar with jstation like at all i know people have talked about them a lot and um i have never really looked for some reason i just i never really looked into it um this is really a new low i think it's back with another one as you guys might have heard by now mac miller unfortunately passed away unfortunately by the way it's almost it's almost insult like i'm not i'm not familiar with mac miller's music and stuff but i know like um x people were very affected by his death oh yeah and so to you to use this footage is so [ __ ] up it's crazy i mean i again i'm in awe of of his shamelessness right now mac miller like he's doing some kind of memorial for him but he's really he's contacting his spirit at 3 two days a.m of my favorite things about mac miller is he dated ariana that's your favorite thing bro that he dated a girl is he also saying her name wrong ariana what's your i've heard by now mac miller unfortunately passed away two days one of my favorite things about mac miller is he dated ariana grande ariana i guess it's ariana i think so right wait but uh i object to the notion that that the judge has any authority to come at someone for mispronouncing any word in the english language [Laughter] uh motion is is accepted yeah he's recommended motion granted motion granted certainly certainly strike from the record um but don't you find it funny that his favorite thing about her him is that he dated her like that he's a fan and he's like yeah yeah that's my favorite thing not his music or anything else about his life this girl is like my dream girl i would do anything to just date this girl and mac miller actually did it guys big shout out to him for that dude what is wrong with you what is this big shout out shout out mac you actually did it rest in peace homie wow what the frick what the freak how what how is this guy real i mean i i oh boy this is tough man i mean ariana grande for mac miller's passing and guys i really don't think it's ariana's fault at all you said it's all positive energy positivity positive positivity mac we love you oh my god can i say that his tattoo looks like it looks like there's a seagull making a diarrhea yeah if the signal is just over like an inch it just looks like bird poop uh that's it that's all that's all i have to say about that guys he's okay what is this a siriana grande bro you're just talking about ariana grande and how a lot of people are saying this is her fault wow wow wow wow wow wow that is so [ __ ] up dude you're playing with people's lives these are real people and she this is beyond insanity i i can't believe this what the [ __ ] what the frick is this is so let me ask you this i wonder if this is if youtube would take this down today or is this acceptable content i mean what does it say about the people that watch this unironically i'm just so confused um i feel like they probably never imagined they would even be confronted with content like this like we don't have rules this crazy it's like how do you even define yeah this is sick uh community guideline uh 6a no desecrating the death of no calling in the dead at 3am in the morning challenge please yeah i guess they could well they do have a carve out for like shocking content so maybe this would ponder that maybe to add on to what you said judge about how you're surprised that you know you haven't heard more about him for so long he flew under the radar i feel like that's what makes him very unique is like because his audience is was so young or is still so young that a lot of people didn't catch on to until it was like too late oh my god yeah maybe he is trying to tell us something mac are you showing her for some sort of reason does she have anything to do with this i don't know that was insane that was definitely mac miller why would you even insinuate yeah i mean that's does she have anything to do with this i don't think anyone is excusing her of killing him dude no well some people were accusing her not of killing her him but of like not being there but he says does she have anything to do with this like she well regardless wow all i have to say is this guy is a [ __ ] shitty human being this guy needs to be tried in real court i love that he said that she's his dream girl and he would do anything to date her and then goes on to make the worst content that she probably hates yeah because it's just feeling the drama against her i love her did you have anything to do with this man this guy is kind of the worst dude ever it's kind of something else man um exhibit how and the how was the reception to this one what was this this was before x right amy no this one was after x oh so he's really enjoying the the negative attention you have to assume yeah i mean yeah and these views these videos were were widely viewed yeah um this video um got 34k likes when it first came out in 82k dislikes right but the views were probably high yeah the views the views were high i'm sorry i don't know the number on top of my head it was a million yeah on the count of exploiting tragedies uh aien would you like to mount a defense for the defendant j station please go ahead uh well i guess i have a question for you what are your thoughts on uh what are your thoughts on life after death i will entertain it although i do not know where this is going i believe that uh there is no life after death do you entertain the possibility that that may be something that occurs i can entertain the possibility there is a window in your brain where there could be life after death okay very interesting interesting and in that window is where j station and i live he in that window may actually be talking beyond the grave there is no way to disprove now aien what are the chances that someone like mac miller or x x x ten tacion would be communing with a j station of all people on earth the chances are about as much as you just said you entertained very small but there is a chance and so it is a chance if he is communing with the dead for real how does that make this still acceptable to pull their ghost from the grave to disturb their inter eternal rest for views on youtube to clickbait their death how is this even um even even to um entertain your notion i still fail to see how that justifies his content well i mean i'm sure he generated a lot of likes during these videos and that's a lot of prayers that's useful so your your ultimate point is that he's he's generating prayers which how do prayers help uh the dead by the way how do we prove that that's useful to them and not just a j station well that's a whole other core we're going to have to go to a whole other court for that one oh okay okay fair enough well i find that uh somewhat interesting uh argument thank you ai n a b would you like to rebut or prosecute please proceed uh yes so the defense attorney is trying to cause a reasonable doubt in the case but the point being made isn't that he is or isn't actually contacting the dead as you pointed out you're on your honor the problem is that he's exploiting their death so whether it's true or not it's the promise and the exploiting of the deceased aien let me ask you this why is it that he only contacts recently desist deceased celebrities knowing it would generate the most buzz if he truly wanted to commune with the dead he would certainly have an interest in other people who have passed on who are not in the news well i mean i i'm not an expert on no jstation but i'd have to imagine that the farther back you go for someone's demise the worst it's like it's like driving through a tunnel the signal is worse it's hard to to reach their spirit has drifted further and therefore they're more difficult to reach fascinating i don't know if the long island would agree with that long island medium disagrees with you and i'll have that long island medium but but fair enough i think that's an interesting analogy okay ila what do you think i listened to both of these uh fellas fellas and uh distinguished gentleman yes a b to make more sense in this point and i side with him so i think i mean i mean aien obviously makes his best attempt at a fair defense here you know saying well maybe he is communing with the dead but um ultimately as ultimately i feel that that point is moot i believe that j station is capitalizing on the newsworthiness shamelessly to invoke the name of ariana grande and to insinuate to ask did you have something to do with this is shameless it's irresponsible and it's uh it's it's frankly uh disgraceful and unbelievable i couldn't believe what i was saying and i think even worse than that it's just not cool if you're not cool if she's your dream girl that's some respect for your dream girl good luck in the afterlife with her idiot um wow j station you are guilty on all counts of exploiting tragedy and may the court add that this is possibly one of the worst most egregious examples i've seen of irresponsible trashy content on youtube and for that i sentence you j station to 20 billion years of demonetization 10 gazillion dislikes and jstation they have something for the end no it all adds up it's not good well you know how sometimes they give like mass murderers like i sented you to a thousand years yeah it's like we get it that's what's happening here and furthermore j station i sentence you to be ouija boarded when you pass away by uh your by your most hated um by your go and i and i wish that your ghosts curse you in the afterlife and that your ouija board and that your girl ex-girlfriend ouija boards you no good what the freak no good in the afterlife i don't i guess i don't hold any jurisdiction there guilty guilty guilty wow i'm offended this court is offended shame on you wow next on to the next criminal charge for offensive hate crimes um this sounds quite serious jay station's offensive gay videos he made a video called we kissed ordering gay potion from the dark web at 3am one must wonder why does everything on his channel have to happen at 3 a.m guys back with another banger video we went back on to the dark web and we actually discovered there's a gay posting guy some potion that if you drink will turn anywhere let me may i ask you a question if you didn't want to [ __ ] your homie why would you even order a gay potion to begin with you know what i mean that's a great observation they really get into character uh their roles in this i think you're just gay dude i mean you don't need a potion man so who is gay good question who is gay day for exactly one hour guys this is crazy okay i'm a straight guy are you straight i'm a straight guy i'm not gay bro okay guys check out j hills what was that what was that by the preacher you ugly right man this is so weird how do you even think of this what yeah how do you even think of this [ __ ] do we does he get points for creativity because it's so odd also i this one is even weirder to happen at 3 a.m yeah it's almost like they actually just want to [ __ ] just he he just here's the thing he's like this guy that needs to um monetize everything in his life so he's like i'm gonna [ __ ] my homie let's monetize this [ __ ] first gay potion from the dark web for one hour for us guys this is going to be a banger chain a suit yeah it smells fruity bro fruity yeah man it smells like a fruit let me smell it why would you drink this if you weren't gay why would you drink this knowing that you're going to want to [ __ ] your homies they're just doing it for research this is an educational channel now right what is the ugandan preacher think why are you gay yeah right this am i gonna just start making out with you you don't come near me bro guys okay okay we're going to do the rock paper scissors rock paper scissors shoot oh i'm whipped cricket gargle so we know it's there gargle like my jizz how long did it take like this last only one hour this last only one hour i don't know how long it takes but he started feeling his tip for you bro how's it feel like i feel like a little bit like a little weird vibe you know yeah oh my god did we have stupidity on the charges criminal stupidity no that's not here um i will ask you to add that we will move to add that to the charges well it's clearly super offensive i mean yeah what if you get stuck like this first of all imagine what a nightmare yeah well first of all the insinuation that being gay has some kind of characteristics or qualities yeah and then the other notion being that it's some kind of curse that you have to buy on the dark web but it's like oh i'm gay now i have different affects and i act this way yeah it's like they're just normal people um just suck your homies dick bro i know what this is about doesn't that make you [Music] [Laughter] yet dog yo jay station [Laughter] wow i think he's feeling some type of way preacher ugandan preacher you are gay yeah and he didn't even drink the potion yet you are a transgender oh my god he's not transgender as far as i'm aware so who is gay so far ahead yeah so far him because he drank the potion but j station's already groping him so bro why is he talking differently this is super offensive dude is he talking so crazy and he's swirling his hair oh okay like you don't like to kiss like i don't like to talk to you then oh my god this is i can't believe what i'm watching this is super [ __ ] this is super [ __ ] this is so odd wow this is i feel like this is something you would see in like the 1950s right and like a cartoon with blackface and [ __ ] i was just gonna say that that feels like something that would be okay when like blackface was okay this is blackface vibes for sure on youtube for kids why the [ __ ] does he have a sarcophagus in his i don't know this was bubba john's house yeah you know his whole house is empty there's like no furniture except he just has a sarcophagus is that where he sleeps at night possibly possibly i could see him sleeping that turns me on i have that same sarcophagus just for the record why what's wrong why wait why well oddly enough this is going off track but my parents got a divorce that's the only thing my dad wanted from the divorce it's a cd holder i don't know and it ended up being a d holder wait how is it a cd holder you said you have the same one how is it one yeah how is it a cd holder where is the city oh and the inside is just like a big like line of to hold cds stacks on top of each other yeah wait so it opens hold on hold on your parents got divorced and all he wanted was the sarcophagus it's so bizarre i know that's all that's all i wanted and then he gave that to you no he he uh well me him my my dad and my brother lived together for a while and then he ended up getting his own place and he left it with us so kept in the family so you got foisted yeah it sounds like he likes it trump tell us the truth do you like it the sarcophagus yeah um it made a great pop prop for my jstation video i'll tell you that fair enough all right let's proceed troubling information get a bunch of makeup i'm down you want to go shopping wait did jay wait hold on did jay drink the potion at this point or no no he has he has a separate video that's the next exhibit so why is he why what is so what is he doing he's just and he's just playing along makes you want to make him a sandwich apparently which is also like all feminine qualities is making sandwiches or being gay is feminine and feminine yeah yeah yeah you would be in the kitchen yeah fascinating hey danny so coming in a little oh man oh my god your nails aren't even done no we should get them done i'd like you better like this probably better like that ah thank you oh my god do i need to finish this i mean this is insane no you you don't you can go on to the next one okay i mean i do this oh wait and then he comes out of it yeah he comes oh i want to watch him come out of it yeah then he tries to rape him oh well yeah i gotta finish this it's almost over [Music] your tattoos oh my god with pink nose it looks so sexy you look like the [Music] okay first of all there's a couple of priests uh suppositions i have to address one that any gay man would want to [ __ ] jake station you're saying that is impossible just because he's gay doesn't mean he wants to [ __ ] this guy i mean let's be honest right not much going on there what about those fire fits did you see the montclair beanie bits he spends a lot of money on his clothes at least his hats um and then the other one is that gay people are rapists apparently too right he's like i'm gay now i just need to rape you be scared of gays like what the [ __ ] is [Applause] get this of me what the [ __ ] am i doing bro you're trying to kiss me you're trying to make out why are you laughing oh this is this is this is something man i mean really oh boy that's hard to watch okay could have been a history piece if it was made 50 years ago yeah maybe in 50 years before we move forward can i just draw some notes for the court wait oh your video is frozen hold up oh my god on such a goofy frame too from the top okay um so i just want to draw to the attention of the court a few observations uh first of all i believe jay and his friend have never met a gay person in their life but also they believe that i think they believe that if you're gay you believe that you're a girl i just want to point that out especially for the next video that's coming out you sort of yeah i should draw attention to that okay moving on uh j station drinks the gay potion coming out of the closet is the title of this one let's proceed herman [Music] god's name was that why was kermit in the movie he's a normal character in jay's videos he drinks the gay potion in another video oh even kermit gets in on it you're feeling fruity it sort of feels whoa no i sort of feel i drank that potion don't come near me bro don't go i think it's starting to kick in though i think it is did you feel like this yeah bro do not come are they just playing out their gay fantasies yeah yeah totally totally on camera also we already saw what like if this was an experiment whatever the other guy we already saw what it does to him and then jay decides even though he knows what's going to happen to do it he has to do it the real question is why haven't you guys done it together or have they well that begs the question certainly doesn't it well i get the idea so he's acting like a female he's putting on makeup like a stupid female can i say a bimbo he's got a shirt tied up he's putting on makeup does he attempt to rape his buddy or anything yes he does of course he does i love that does he attempt to rape his buddy yes your honor yeah yeah where's money okay okay okay should i be like like this yeah yeah pull this pole is nice yeah yeah bro you are so you are enjoying this so much all right all right so here comes the rape i'm sure i like that say sexy i know deep down you want it no i don't want that [Music] i got you in the corner now i got you in the corner no just take a sip of potion bro it'll be fun bruh don't kiss me girl don't kiss me bro what what's wrong with my face did you do this to me oh my god oh my god well of course any any any i won't speak for the whole gay community but i i find this just yeah super offensive super super offensive also gay people don't necessarily wear makeup i mean what what the [ __ ] does that about okay kermit the frog gay i get it i don't know that i need to watch kermit the frog go gay black santa this sounds interesting am i am i okay to skip kermit the frog ab yes okay so on to more offensive hate crimes jay has a video called black santa video is actually entitled do not call black santa on facetime at 3am calling santa claus on facetime actually works who is black santa a.b um he is a fictional character that uh jay has made up i believe um that he's trying to pass off as a real character who visits um black children so there's a white sand and a black santa and uh the j mcu i don't know how you want to call it j universe that's insane that is so [ __ ] up is there a game segregating christmas i think even in the 1950s they didn't have a black santa you know what i mean like santa was still white then i guess maybe it's good black santa but i don't know it seems a little [ __ ] especially from jay let's take a look at black santa shall we hmm but i was at the mall yesterday and i actually saw a black santa guys i didn't even know black santa existed why didn't i know that roxanna existed guys i thought santa was white but no i guess there's two santa claus guys tonight we're actually going to facetime blacks 3 a.m let me know guys what you want for christmas so the insinuation being that black santa's creepy somehow that's why we need to call him at 3am is that what you say he said i have to call black santa at 3am why at 3am because 3am is the spooky hour all of his creepy videos are at 3am believe it or not that's putting it lightly compared to what he actually thinks section i'm sure santa claus is actually going to watch this video regular santa has a santa claus hotline so i'm sure if we look through google hard enough we're actually going to find black santa's phone number and why do you think there's a black santa like maybe black santa goes how does he talk these moms clothes into this kids or what that could possibly make sense like that's the only thing is there like a chinese santa for the asian people or i don't even know well i think the black santa does go to the black people and like like like he said bro the white one goes to the white i mean guys how crazy would it be if santa actually brings a black elf here oh my god guys so wait does that mean that white sand is like i ain't delivering packages there's no black kids right and black santa's like [ __ ] white kids i'm only delivered back like they beef they have turf wars anyway here's a picture of black santa he's got his contact number and his number guys i mean now guys we're gonna actually message him just because we don't yeah how do you get his number dude that looks [ __ ] he's actually realer he could be busy right he's santa yeah he's probably caring for just us right that's right well hold on why would black santa talk to a bunch of white kids plot hole it's 3am he doesn't see he'll refer us to the white santa line okay right now guys i'm going to say black hi uh hi we're looking for white hi black santa do you have a white santa's phone number there what the hell he knows my name i don't know oh my god what the hell guys yeah he must know everything guys i'm thinking this is a real santa he knows my name guys this acting is so [ __ ] horrendous what the frick oh my god you guys he's a real santa he knows everything uh to watch this unironically you really would have to be like i don't know five that's what i was wondering too i feel like even 10 year olds would say this is stupid yeah i think five that's almost getting close to theodore's age but then at that point when your audience is five years old and you're talking about like gay stereotypes and black santa you should be in jail not not that jail real jail you know the song he knows when you are sleeping he knows when you're awake 10 a.m guys it's 3 10. oh my god the hell oh that dude i gotta skip forward it's too long i'm freaking scared oh my god is there here should i specifically focus on black santa demands fried chicken well that sounds [ __ ] up what oh my god oh my god do you ever think black santa gets offended by being referred to as black santa you ever think he's like my my name is craig or something well i've seen it all folks i literally just saw i can't believe what i just saw can i i gotta watch that again i mean we're just saying it's for five-year-olds i wouldn't even do this for the regular santa i'm scared [Music] it's like a jump scare [Music] so black santa is rude he's abrasive he's creepy he sounds like a criminal he's like ho ho ho [ __ ] where's my fried chicken not good is that an actual black person or is it black face i think it was a black dude okay from from what i could tell yeah what am i to make of this i mean really let's let's really take this in here um this has to be comedy right should we check in with ain ai in what am i i need help def i need help contextualizing this please uh you don't have to check in with me right now you don't want to touch this one even aien you don't you know you don't want to touch this one defense rests interesting but but is this comedy i mean what is happening here i mean what is this i mean what really is i'm blown away well there's more let's let's keep watching uh he continues to be aggressive and curse oh my god it's black santa what what bra station so santa's like a ex-con i mean or like santa's like who is this black santa i mean in their mind he's like a i mean i'm speechless yeah help me out here ian help me this is your clients it seems his battery's low you better charge that for the closing statement [Music] santa please okay we got lots of cookies chicken yeah yo santa we tried to order chicken we tried to order it we don't it's close it's closed something that we can do now we got lots of cookies and merry christmas so insane this was on youtube i mean this is [Music] [Music] guys oh i'm sorry santa oh my god oh yeah we walked in there with smokey upstairs what was he doing in the room oh my god dude i think he was smoking in there yeah it was that wow dude i i i i i i this could also live in the 1950s probably now j station bring live from 1950 when they were like trying to uh portray black people as criminals yeah right after slavery this would fit right in a i n uh you're gonna have to repeat the question what about a b a-i-a-i-e-n why are they not guilty of a hate crime well i mean what do you mean i'm not the judge are they guilty i can't tell you you're supposed to make a person you're supposed to persuade me and their defense you understand how this works i mean i i i don't know i don't know sometimes the best defense is to plead fair enough he's pleading the fifth well this is [ __ ] i mean this is just this is just um it's unbelievable how long was this content on youtube did youtube do anything about it did it get a lot of views can you give me some background on this ab okay so this video was still up um all the way up to the last of my knowledge was um beginning of 2020 and youtube didn't remove it i believe he removed it after some reach a recent controversy but no i believe you removed it the views were in the millions oh my god reception reception um so in the final exhibit i included some comments from this video and you'll see the impact that his videos have on small children aien do you on the charge of hate crimes and racial stereotypes just hate in general what do you say in defense of gay station which he dubbed himself of course do not get paid enough to defend this i'm out okay aien does not get paid enough to defend this i think that's an admission of guilt i think if i can read between the lines aien is saying this dude is a racist yeah he's guilty i think and that's coming from aien who's not even a human being he has no reputation to even defend to uphold a b do you have a retort to your do you have a retort i can't imagine what it would be but please go ahead uh no i believe that's what the kids refer to as a w you know be interesting if you defended j station now because i'm not really sure oh that it would be interesting i mean the only defense i would have is that he's possibly [ __ ] in the head doesn't know better oh yeah so oh see there you go uh mental illness you can claim that in court mental illness but we don't have enough information to go off that so ela uh on the charges of of hate crimes and terrible crimes against humanity uh we find the defendant obviously and gravely horrifically it unforgivably irredeemably guilty as charged that's horrible stuff i mean i'm i'm frankly shocked that that about i'm shocked that it was conceived i'm shocked that it was executed that it was uploaded i'm shocked that people watch it i'm shocked that it was is successful content on youtube the whole thing is just uh incredible and it leads perfectly into our next crime which is corrupting the youth we have gone through the trouble of looking through the comment section on just one of the videos the black santa one because i believe it's important to prove to the ladies and gentlemen of the jury that his fans are indeed young and impressionable very young and impressionable so we went through the comment section and here are a few of the choice comments i'll be doing a lot of pausing here so bear with me on this one i feel this this one actually just is very sad i feel very sad because you said brown people are evil and i'm brown well i agree with you young man that is pretty sad can the other santa what the freak call the other santa and tell them what happened please so this is i mean like the otto santa would be white santa come save the day yeah but the kid is like super convinced by this whole thing look at the way black santa act and jay station like favorited this comment which i think is odd is oddly telling i don't care if this offends any [ __ ] this is hilarious from todd todd age five i wish you could see people's age online i feel like that would solve like all the problems of the internet instantly that's true like when you're getting harassed by someone on twitter and they're getting under your skin if torah was like jeff age seven you'd be like oh my god i'm getting annoyed by a seven-year-old nobody would ever take that person seriously and rightfully so this is the reason i don't like black people damn dog really again even edited huh interesting from the ultimate gamer ultimate gamer cg age six you would think that if you even saw one comment like this on your video you'd think you know what i gotta read i steered wrong yeah exactly this video may not be right why did evil santa gotta be black good question dexter good question you should buy fried chicken then call black santa so why would they even have 21 up votes that's like the whole premise of the video do you understand like the age and mentality of these people maybe they think he'll act different based on the premise she provided they're giving him advice get the chicken before he comes next time you can have a good interaction with them people say this video is races by the way how old do you have to be to call to spell it races i don't think it's races or maybe not from america but but everything else is pretty good i mean races i don't know black santa is so evil then white santa dominion age three and a half grade kinder just call the white santa again really sensible advice from a child and there you have it um there's also some comments that are worth going over because i find these interesting there's another video where he makes a voodoo doll of his ex-girlfriend um his ex-girlfriend accused him of abusing him and so his response to these very serious allegations was to make a voodoo doll of her and punish her makes sense but these are real allegations she laid against him and this was his response 1.8 million views anyway the comments here were also interesting let's take a look did ako died bruh eco gonna get it like a [ __ ] boy she need this brutal so what can you give some context to this is the girl yeah yeah aiko i call yeah because she yeah i wish you could get her in your house so we could watch her suffer jesus but anyway we have imaginations oh my god so sadistic papa likes that she nerves to get hurt by voodoo doll okay thank you jared h uh eight jay you are savage a cool savage four upvotes oh yeah she deserves that i'm a murder eco i ko i'm a murder ico billy h3 imma come up to her block and shotgun her fascinating well there you have it i think i mean this is just a small sample just to show who we're dealing with here and the kind of content he's influencing so on the count of corrupting the youth it's quite clear that there's no deliberation needed ai ian do you have anything to say in his defense i mean i'll just throw it to you real quick i mean my defense would probably be that uh holding someone accountable for their comment section is a dicey road i mean i've seen some fried brains when i've scrolled down on the h3 podcast i'll tell you that much fair fair enough certainly not a bad uh defense and a b any retort um just that the comments are in relation to the actual content they are showing their in response to what jay is trying to betray oh well let's look let's let's not mint let's let's look the dude's [ __ ] he's guilty right come on but in in summary you know in closing on the j station as a whole [Music] aien do you have anything to say in his defense is he redeemable in any way he is accused mind you of exploiting tragedies hate crimes and corrupting the youth what say you it's uh i mean it's not looking great [Laughter] wow anything else but maybe he can maybe he can pull a u-turn i'm not sure on his content you never know so you're so basically what you're saying is he is guilty of everything but maybe he can redeem himself somehow that's a possibility sounds like okay well the possibility of content parole baby content for all okay well his defense has said he's guilty ab yeah i'm not really sure where to go from this but please go ahead um i think this is the one time in my life where i'm going to say this but in closing i think keemstar was right about this guy he's a problem that's all strike from the record you are in contempt of court a b um first of all you're responsible for this first of all a b it's not like keemstar has any unique insight literally anyone who hasn't been lobotomized can look at this content and know that it's [ __ ] up so why why bring keemstar into it as some authority i don't know i just order conte hold hey i hold a b in contempt of court mother [ __ ] hey i have one final thing i would like to put forward go ahead i noticed that we haven't seen a yet one final piece of evidence where is sonic exe do you want to watch you have new evidence to submit to the court i would like to submit okay sonic exe [Laughter] and and you believe that this video will redeem him in some in some way is that as uh um to understand i'm just trying to say that this very well might be the uno reversal card of this whole trial okay can i get a link to uh please approach the stand and submit uh sonic exe please i don't think aien can stand oh you don't have legs can you put it i'll do it yeah a b will do it okay i have legs no need to instantly prove it stand up just never prove it stand up liar i just i just don't want to see them you don't want to see these i'm a little embarrassed okay they look like an inverted ostrich claw man i love this video very embarrassing okay so we have with us the final surprise segment that could be a uno reversal card last minute introduced by the defense uh let's see here sonic exe is apparently he mixes his dna in an egg to create sonic the hedgehog all right we are actually trying to create sonic.exe guys last year this time what is sonic.exe i i think it's best to have dan describe it and dan's really a big fan of this video then you would like to call dan to the witnesses dan dan are you speaking for defense or prosecution i i i can be an impartial um you're an expert witness yeah an expert for which side i guess ian well ian is the one that dan is my witness dan you are expert witness for defensive justice i am a fairly big fan of sonic exe jstation okay so dan as the uh expert tell me what is sonic exceed uh as far as i can tell i think it's like a a creepypasta kind of thing that's floated around the internet for a while about a cursed video game some sort of uh you know long buried sonic spin-off um and if you play it it's kind of like first thing i'm good sorry it's kind of like the ring you know if you watch the video in the ring you die like a few days later if you play this cursed sonic game you'll your head will explode or some [ __ ] so um jstation doesn't seem to really understand that or what exe means or really anything because he seems to think that sonic is like a it's a creature i guess do you think he doesn't know who sonic the hedgehog is well he probably knows what sonic the hedgehog is but i don't think he really understood the urban legend when he created this video because it it takes a very weird turn very quickly involving some eggs and insemination and dna well the court would like to note that this video has 3.5 million views and an overwhelming like ratio oh yeah yeah this is a banger so in this scene where i'm about to watch he inserts his dna into an egg what what dna is actually to take off the blood i already have my dna inside of this we're gonna just inject it into the egg so i'm just gonna wiggle it around guys these eggshells are actually pretty freaking hard but it should go in it finally went inside guys these eggs are a lot stronger than the white eggs so i'm just looking do we really want do we really want kids taking blood out of their veins and trying to take their blood and inject any eggs the dna in my objective yes this is not an encouraging tale this is a cautionary tale he is warning children to not put their dna into an egg and insert sonic exe ever ever okay by doing it he's trying to show you the consequences okay fair enough thank you he's taking one he's taking one for the rest of us is we need to bandage this thing up there can't be any hole inside of the egg this will seal the hole completely shut we're just going to tape this over the egg right here and we have the egg okay let's get forward i have a time stamp here where he comes home later and discovers the egg has cracked open and given birth no way what the freak is the problem look where what the frick what's the prick oh my gosh what the freak is wrong with it it's not just like a toy you put in water that's just like a toy you put in water and it grows or is it something else it's sonic exe dude what are you talking about something look at that does that look like sonic guys it's like blue it looks like a blue skeleton or something like that dude and it's like a mouse or a hedgehog or something so honestly guys i have to say this is obviously he's just making kids content that is like super absurd the problem is when you mix in all this racial stereotypes and like vendettas against his exes and [ __ ] like that because if they're willing to believe a premise is absurd as this then they're going to believe that black santa is real and he just wants fried chicken and all this nonsense um this is not helping j station you can play longer maybe i should turn into something it was working guys like that is definitely looking like it's a hedgehog or an animal okay so let's skip forward to when the bl the sonic has grown up a bit and um here it is dangerous i think this is actually sonic exe all right guys i'm gonna open it up right now whoa whoa what is that what is what is that moving in there what is that i don't know i don't know i don't know i'm gonna open it i'm gonna open it it's a mouse that they've shitty spray painted blue look at this thing that's freaking sonic it's like a blue freaking hedgehog or something guys it's obviously a mouse or mouse is so cute it's not a hedgehog certainly not a hedgehog it's not a hedgehog definitely not it okay uh the hamster ends up biting jay and now he becomes possessed let's see what happens here wow it is blue it's a blue freaking sonic [Music] oh jeez are you okay bro you're hitting me he kind of body slammed that poor mouse didn't he man better to take out sonic xu before he strikes again he can add it to his other collection of dead animals with this rabbit [Music] so he's become sonic that's awesome oh my god guys i just saw him run up the stairs oh my god what is this thing that sonic exc fit in guys the legit vietnamese who's this goon that's big ahmed wait why does he look familiar did we talk about him i think we've seen this video before oh sonic bit me this video is [ __ ] dumb how is this defending him what is the purpose of this what am i missing here go ahead go ahead this was your idea i i really don't know how you can watch this and decide this is not like top-tier content and so what is your point here how does this how does this absolve j station so once again referred to my my star witness here this he would agree with me is this one of the greatest videos ever made this video's fire i mean i i don't know what to tell you judge ethan with all with respect with respect and why is this one of the greatest videos ever made can you unpack that for me please dude he got super powers from a freaking from a freaking hedgehog sonic exe dude hmm interesting point it's got twists it's got turns it's got excitement i'm gonna go check up on him oh my god guys this is just got bit by it sonic got exe yeah i have to admit they actually did a really good job that's kind of impressive yeah i think if aien has effectively um distracted this court yeah but let us refocus and well listen guys here we are it's it's i mean look on on the offense of exploiting tragedies we find him guilty guilty guilty guilty absolutely and horrendously unforgivably unredeemably guilty j station you are one of the most ill-conceived irredeemable unbelievable channels i've ever had the displeasure of seeing on youtube i mean what's what's more surprising than the content itself is the amount of success he's found in it i sentence uj station did you hear that it was like super loud noise upstairs maybe as a demon from a ouija board i sent it to you j station to a billion years of watching your own content guilty guilty guilty i sent once you break and in the afterlife i sense you to move the hands of a trillion ouija boards hands you know how they put their hands on the ouija board and then it will spell out what the frick what the work so when kids go do a ouija board when he dies it'll say what the frick and they'd be like j station what the [ __ ] guilty guilty kelty sonic.exe guys thanks for watching thank you judge klein um yes the judge needs to say court is adjourned i think the judge is adjourned judge is already disruptive the judge is gone judge is out of here okay uh all right
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 906,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, jaystation, jay station, content court
Id: VQ6bqvWmHoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 18sec (4758 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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