Content Court: TikTok Pranksters

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"I think God may have taken the wrong Kobe this year." β€”AB

No truer words have been uttered

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 60 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pre-bygones πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hooooly shit A B that Kobe comment is something else!! I was dying. Messed up, but damn I did laugh.

So far I am loving this. I think Content Court is my favorite by far. I feel like everyone has their time to shine. The format is just enjoyable.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 48 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MovieTrailerReply πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I just wanna acknowledge what a sick job Ian did in creating his alter ego... that mf funny as hell lmao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thholyyghst πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The B4D4S5 clause had me rolling

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/illilllilil πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

AI Ian went hard on the defence this episode. I hope I can hire him for my divorce trial.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Throw-Me-Again πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

He's gotta be wearing the wig backwards. It's driving me crazy

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sp4ce πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man, I just got to say... fuck Vitaly.

Limp dick + balding at like what, 23 years old? + violent outburst = insecure roid user

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TroutLaunderer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Holy shit why is Vitaly out on a $7500 bond? Not only is what he (allegedly) did to that lady grisly and unprovoked but he has a long criminal history and $7500 is most likely nothing to him compared to his net worth. The only reason I can think of that they let him go so easily is that it happened right in the middle of the pandemic (which makes it even worse that he got right on top of her).

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DiscountConsistent πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
all rise for the honorable judge ethan klein this episode is sponsored by honey thank you bailiff officer klein please have a seat everybody please be seated thank you for joining us today to another uh session of content courts uh today we analyze the antics of tick tick-tock pranksters pranks as you know on youtube used to be rampant and they were all set on probation they fled criminal prosecution to tick-tock where they now are basically committing the same atrocities they wanted on youtube openly on tick tock this court is going to hear the cases and try these offenders we have on charge today kobe person logan paul mo bradberry papa john twist vitale all the usual suspects except papa an unusual suspect and um well we're going to hear the cases obviously from our prosecutor a b and the defense attorney ai ian and i will declare this court is now in session prosecutor will you please make your opening statement thank you your honor ladies and gentlemen of the court we know that youtube can be a very strange and bizarre place if it wasn't for youtube the world may have never heard the term mommy makeout day if it wasn't for youtube the world may have never heard the song every day bro we may in fact have never heard a disney channel flow and it wasn't for youtube we have not known of jstation ordering gay potion from the dark web at 3am see it is actions like these that require us to take action against this type of content and in the past creators such as yourselves your honor and bailiff and creators like idubbbz have stood against this type of content and these creators have somehow migrated to tick tock so once again we must shed light on them and we must take action thank you prosecution defense would you like to make opening statement all right let's cut the crap here i got a question right at the gate we're we're attacking these people based on their tick tock content correct we are not attacking anyone ain i resent the uh implication uh i've i've been watching your tick tocks ethan do you really have any jurisdiction over there i have your i'm not committing pranks uh ai in we are here to assess pranks at what point are we prosecuting your tick tock is that on the back again i would remind you to stick to the order order order what what my text talks the content of my tick tocks is not an question here i will remind you and please stay focused strike this from the record please um zach the court recorder ai ian stick to the topic prankster tick tocks please and i will remind you you can be held in contempt please proceed i mean at the end of the day i think these guys they post cool stuff slick stuff some of them on trial particularly raw stuff so if this is truly conversation then i just say you know let that thing begin baby [Applause] okay we have our opening statements who's applauding order order order in the court oh that's hot order who what who is it in the damn courtroom fortnite all right k-pop kobe person is being charged today with serial cringe while on probation from youtube and prank fraud in the first degree let us proceed with ex the first exhibit oh so kobe person has been doing this thing where he buys fruit this is his tick tock thing oh i guess we can't listen to music but you don't need it anyway he just he cruises up to fruit stands and pretends to buy all their fruit it's weird as hell bro the description is we need more kindness in the world so he walks up how much for all the oranges 500 bucks had it okay here's 500. i don't want your oranges loser he does have that kind of vibe like he's like okay buy a loser yo what is this shirt he's wearing like seriously kind of thing you do need to button it up all the way so do you think he came back and got the 500 back or he just gave him one he's like all right give me four the 400 back you can keep one you know what i mean and tag you on tick tock because you can tell the way it started yeah i'm gonna tag you uh 31st and uh fourth uh fruit orange truck um watch how he walks up you can tell it's like a false start like they're like and go his shoelaces are untied that's a look you know you're just way behind all the times i can't get over how much he looks like a wee avatar with the eyebrows and the hair and [ __ ] you know what i mean like oh yeah he's whoa it looked like he had something dragging on his face looked like he had a zip tie dragging on his foot anyway this is obviously fake and i wouldn't be surprised if they gave him 400 back i'm dead serious you know take a look at his left foot it wasn't a sh it looks like a zip tie oh is it like an off-white thing no i think he just picked up some trash from the street it got caught on his ship anyway i mean this is fake right we're not debating if this is real or not the woman doesn't seem very impressed no in the kit well well okay next let's not linger on this too long we've got many more kobe persons so uh here's another fruit buying video just because in his series of fruit buying videos because you know you know oh so he goes up let's see the caption is they deserve more but i gave them all i had here's a hundred okay let me start over from the top here yeah they all seem super confused how much do you make per day selling fruit losers a hundred bucks he's like all right [ __ ] that's nothing to me like are you gonna report to the iraq that's nothing to me freak take this and move out of my neighborhood i want you and your daughter to take the day off that's not happening they're already there at the fruits she's like sure sure yeah yeah okay yeah we'll take the day off what's happening whatever yeah he's like no i need you to clear out i don't think it's fake though well i'm fake as i mean it's not candid it's yeah but i do genuinely think he asked him to give 400 dollars back the first one i think you're being generous this is all the fars right i wouldn't be surprised if you only gave him 20 bucks to be honest no that's too cold even for kobe i refuse to believe that because he probably was just like here keep one of the bills you know are you crazy are you out of your mind who could forget that classic anyway so that's the his fruit stand series kobe proposes to a girl so he's proposing oh the girl proposes to him this one was super confusing he slaps it out of her hand and turns his back wait what yeah the girl proposes to me so she gets on her knees she proposes to him right and then he literally slaps out of her hand and turns his back what is the meaning i mean you would expect the description to give some here maybe it's the the context of the song let me play this just a short nope well the only thing i can maybe guess is that he was trying to create a viral moment of like of a guy who's like [ __ ] this girl it's quite unexplainable though and terrible does a b maybe have contacts that we're missing a b do you have any context no i don't think anyone could explain the context of kobe just one of his scenarios that makes no sense he's just he's a badass that's all there is to it i guess bailiff do you have any comments on his physique he is quite he is quite in good shape i noticed that he also made an effort to not wear a shirt so that we would have to comment on that um yeah he's definitely focusing on the top half of his body do you think he skips leg day a little bit but um yeah i mean what can i say are you saying this i didn't say i'm into it he's in shape good for him talk to me baby ela interesting would you buy his fruit would you buy all of his fruit for the day no i tell him to take the day off i will take him i will tell him to take the day off hey take the whole month forget about it here's 100 bucks take care of yourself take the day off here's 100 bucks all right here he is dude i don't get this what's with the height the super i'm saying start stopping okay this this is a baby right here take the baby i'm sitting put them down babysitting oh wow okay let me show you something this is a kid this is my knee kick me let me show you something this is a baby right here take the baby half a million likes by the way put them down babysitting watch he dips on the kid and the kid falls and he left that in he they didn't this is my knee kick me watch this kid he literally dips on him and he fall eat [ __ ] on the concrete put him down babysitting look at him watch him he trips and here he freaks out because he's on the top of the car this isn't he runs away hit me don't leave me here let me show you something this is a baby right here yeah take the baby i'm sitting put them down on i mean half a million likes is pretty brutal well yeah i was gonna say what if you could tell me the views on this uh av please go ahead bailey i was gonna say at least there's an attempt here at comedy you know this might be a prankster type of comedy so maybe it's not for our own taste but half a million likes somebody is liking this thoughts on the baby eating [ __ ] on the asphalt as a mother i don't think it was that bad oh really yeah i'm putting him on the car though i don't know if i would do that i just love that they didn't reshoot him and the babies just falls over and then and he's obviously doing this which means he's uncomfortable yeah he could have easily tripped and fell off it's a prank bro do we have views on this uh uh ab i'm sorry i can't check on desktop i'm loading up right now like what does that mean on my phone you can't check it on the desktop how many views yeah well if it has half a million it's got to have sev several million likes for sure or million views you know i love that you had to do it with the lambo as well it has a three million views 4 million views your bailiff when you walk in the room and see bae on the bed oh i love his tick tock is sword i have to refresh it every time i love his fashion i mean does he own anything with sleeves bro he's literally dressed like a like a uh chippendale stripper you know what i mean like a hooded sleeveless jacket anyway this one doesn't make any sense again he says when you walk in the room and see bae on the bed what's with the dabbing do you know what i mean no idea can you make any sense of this well here it is for your viewing pleasure next kobe harass is another tick-tocker oh maybe it means like she's on the bed so he's like okay let's go yeah that's it's really you should have jumped on the bed or something i don't know that you want to do a dab before you're going to go in bed yeah i don't think that's helping anybody no hey baby you want a i'm trying to turn you on dab yeah i dab on ila every time before we make love i go you ready you ready to conceive oh this one was the most perplexing of all the ones he made um go ahead and watch this he runs into another tick tocker hey what's up you johnny valentine big fan so i'm at a restaurant right now and this tick tocker named johnny valentine is here and everyone keeps coming up to him so i'm a big fan also i'ma say hi to him hey what's up you johnny valentine big fan so this one's definitely set up right i don't know because the other tick talker is like pretty famous i guess i clicked over and he does have a lot of views and stuff i don't think people are going up to him in restaurant though you know what i mean i think somebody's talking you think they collabed on this yeah but why would i don't understand when they do this like why would you want to portray yourself as that's such a dude like he looks like such a douche doesn't he ten is here and everyone keeps coming up to him so i'm a big fan also i'ma say hi to him hey what's up all right uh kobe person we will start with a i n and defense the charges i will remind you are serial cringer on probation from youtube and prank fraud and the first degree ian oh okay i mean uh all right yeah well uh i mean i'm i'm waiting to hear from the uh the orange lady when is she uh taking the stand we she's not taking the second oh oh wait she oh oh wait she's not here oh well then how do we know this is a fake prank right well there's no hard evidence i mean and let's say it is a real prank i mean orange you glad he gave her some money speechless i rest my case and on the charges okay all right and a b do you have a response to that do how do how do we know it's fake frankly speaking the the uh any of these i mean fake or not i think the real crime is in the cringe and you know i'm sorry if this comes off a little hard your honor but after watching these videos i think god may have taken the wrong kobe this year that is very harsh hey b that is that is extremely harsh i have to say i have made a ruling on that comment way too soon i apologize eject him get the [ __ ] out baby do you have any other uh arguments besides this very tasteless joke just that whether it's real or not it's just the cringe is the real problem i believe the fact that he's trying to look like a hero by recording himself giving this lady money now we're changing the charges mid-trial we're cheap what what are we doing here no another one of the pieces shown was him knocking a hat off of that man who he did say he was a big fan of now i took a second look at the footage and i think that what he was trying to do was actually help him i would like to direct all of your attention to a zoomed and enhanced photo taken okay he had a spider on his hat kobe was trying to remove the bug he was doing a public service i didn't catch that huh should i open the tick talking evidence yeah i mean you understand that doctoring evidence is a federal offense i have access to the world's information and photo enhancing technology you humans will not arrive to for at least 30 years so you cannot you cannot refute this it is foolproof i i i am accepting the evidence of the court thank you a.i.a okay let's review we've got the fruit pranks or the fruit savior we can call him on that one i personally am not convinced it is fake however there was one comment in there i did not appreciate is when he told the lady to take the day off tomorrow hey forget about such a big shot such a big shot take the day off forget about it like hey you just gave her a hundred dollars like you're set for life what was it 500 no that that one was a hundred yeah so the other one yeah i think she's still gonna go to work tomorrow say take the day off all right gabish wrap it up yeah well the in the first one when it gives her 500 it's clearly set up whether they agreed in the beginning or not because there's obviously a moment where there's like okay and go obviously we have no proof i mean that might just be because you asked for permission to record right well we'll never know the truth and the other one he the girl proposes he strikes the ring from her hand um he's got the baby in the lambo child endangerment really another charge a serial cringer on probation you know when i look to videos like the dabbing and the proposal video i have no question in my mind that i have to find kobe person absolutely um i i feel like for serial cranger we have seen way worse i just have to put it out there well we're not we're not questioning the severity or the notoriety i mean certainly one murder doesn't make you less of a murderer you know just because someone has murdered someone more frequently or more gruesome but granger has a scale it's not really like murder or not i mean we all are kind of cringy aren't we [Music] well when you so but like how do you decide if someone's cringe i mean clearly there's a threshold it's like do you get those chills in the back right like i i can't i don't want to watch it you didn't find the dabbing cringe a little bit and you didn't find the proposal knocking out of the hand cringe yeah a little more so where are we so do you know what i'm saying like where's the threshold did we pass the threshold or and remember i guess for me still on the defense because there was an attempt at comedy which while i did not find it funny i appreciate the the new thing i think you just want to [ __ ] kobe to be honest i i think i need a motion to dismiss ela for having a a bias yeah how's it called what's the legal term like a conflict of interest right i think we have a conflict of interest in this court all right because i questioned your motives like when you for example said oh this one's not bad when he was doing the babysitting one and the baby ate [ __ ] and he left the baby on the car and the jokes were terrible and he did it in a ate [ __ ] the baby like it happens to tear it around okay forget about the baby forget about the baby what about the jokes and the lambo yeah the lambo the lambo definitely adds on the cringe meter actually which i did not factor in [Music] so that may have helped me right now i think you know what i think you're on the charge of serial crit thank you bailiff i will make the decision now it is my courtroom [Laughter] on the charge of serial cringe on probation from youtube and prank fraud in the first degree we find the defendant kobe person not guilty not guilty on all charges the court finds that there's no way to prove that any of these pranks are fake given that he is a fruit god and there's no way to know if he took the money back or not so obviously this court was ruled by law and facts and evidence on the uh charge of cringe i found the bailiff ila's arguments persuasive enough to put into question my my my reasonable doubt and so on those terms i find uh kobe person not guilty he's free to go here free to go incredible logan paul comes up on tick tock we know emily love him he's being charged today with serial douchebaggery [Music] and child endangerment and prank fraud in the first degree you good bro let's start with feeding the homeless which as you guys may know if you've been following us is a trend that's been going on on youtube back in the day was really popular so here they're stuffing a piggy with cash and they go up to some homeless girl now here here's here's my issue with this video here let me play the audio for me just got music but yeah so he goes so here here's my issue with this video he doesn't ever even get out of his [ __ ] gym well now he gets out and it's just stuffed with like hundred dollar bills there's probably twenty dollars in there you know what i mean so those are one dollar bills he approaches this homeless woman he doesn't get out of his g wagon i mean it's crazy isn't it then he makes her hit it with a hammer as if i don't the whole thing seems very self-serving to him could have given her more than like 20 bucks but the way that they make her participate with the hammer and how he does he's he's that he's in his yeah the shot from the g wagon is um next hey homeless lady come over here and slam this pig with a hammer you get 20 bucks like i changed your life hey you noticed those rims though hey did you notice those rims girl it's uh aftermarket yeah i mean i mean bro yeah i'm good thank you what was that in reference to that was that a covet thing or he said that to me i don't remember also i have an issue frankly with the pig emoji they show a pig emoji when they give the piggy bank like i get it they're both pigs why well why are you adding the emoji what really does that add good point right they're not she took her mask off they're really close oh [ __ ] well look yeah you know i have problems with how logan does his podcast they sit across from each other it's outrageous yeah why is he not wearing a mask so here's the thing so he's not wearing it even when he got out of the car when he got oh my gosh he's basically just breathing out of her nose oh my gosh to a homeless lady and then he's going to go do impulsive and sit like two like one foot away from his guests you know oh if i was sick that guy would remove any content like that yeah well it's owned by china they want us to perish tick tock is a an elaborate uh tool of china to destroy american culture and democracy isn't it owned by walmart now is that the deal just the i think actually i don't know if it's been finalized but yeah they were negotiations i don't think they finalized we are but it's too late they've already corrupted well mark anyway so that's number one i think a very compelling uh piece of evidence number two there's only two examples here oh the first one was plenty uh interesting so here is number two oh it's got music so he um first of all tick tock was forced to add a warning after he posted it saying the actions in this video could result in serious injury and the reason of course being is that in all likelihood this is completely edited because of course it's extremely dangerous to do that and they would never put themselves at risk the danger of course is that kids are going to go try this who think it's real and how do you think you could edit that because it looks like one shot well jake paul has an exactly the same video and i think it's shot very suspiciously how he creeps back into the frame oh i think it's one i'll tell you exactly how they do it they get two shots one of him without the car one with the car and then they supplant they combine it so it looks like the car is going over him and then here you can see there's a little bit of weirdness when he gets picked up i think they started they brought the car in i think him being dragged is real right so then they started it from there and he gets dragged just a little bit down the street uh so that's how i believe they did it because it's just it's way too there's no way i mean it's just way too dangerous and uh in the way the car is moving well i believe that it's possible the car shot was never changed what they probably only ever changed was his frame him holding on to the back you know what i mean they did it twice with the car but do you see how the shot changes there it moves he goes totally out of frame can you zoom in on it he goes tall here well she goes totally out of frame gone then the camera moves the heart is not related well because they can do a cut there jake paul has an exactly the same video and i think it shot very suspiciously how he creeps back into the frame i have submitted a video um to the doc above um that's a video of jake's where he's doing a green screen effect they got some pretty good green screen guys uh okay let's see that can you show me the one that jake did yeah yeah because i feel like jake will do it worse he did do it worse well jake was jumping jake was jumping over the car oh so they're they're on like a tread like a green screen treadmill right oh man yeah that's a really good green screen i think with anyone who has like even a moderate ability in after effects could could make that look good okay so that's it there's only two well your honor uh we'll have to come back to this after a recess because it is uh time to go to okay let's take a quick uh break to thank our there are sponsors in this court only once it's gonna be very quick so please watch it and when we come back we will give a verdict on logan paul and now a word from our bailiff please ela proceed these days it feels like online shopping is the only shopping we really do that's where today's sponsors honey comes in it's the free browser extension that's covers the internet for promo codes and automatically tests them when you're checking out it's basically your online shopping best friend how does it work you get honey on your computer for free it's too easy clicks when you're checking out on one of its over 30 000 supported sites honey pops up and all you have to do is click apply coupons wait a few seconds as honey searches for coupons for that site if honey finds working codes it will apply the best one to your cart wow and i can personally attest that i do that all the time and it works thank you bailiff for the anecdote honey has found it's over 17 million members over two billion dollars in savings honey supports all kinds of 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bailiff the court is now back in session on the count of serial douchebaggery and child endangerment and break fraud in the first degree a in do you have a defense for your client logan paul so all right first i would like to define the word serial upon looking at the definition it says consisting of forming part of or taking place in a series now i'd like to ask how many number how many numbers would it take to constitute a series more than i would say five no three three three now how many pieces of evidence were submitted to the court well first of all ain let me remind you that this is piggy backing off his already existing reputation but we are presenting a certain set of evidence to sway the courtroom two pieces of evidence were submitted and the crime was cereal douchebaggery you justified sir cereal being three or more looks like we've got the opening showcase here ladies and gentlemen this is fraudulence have fun logan bye there's the door see ya well i find your argument in bad faith sir but noted thank you very much um what about child endangerment and prank fraud well also for that one i would like to cite a uh little known uh clause in the content court manual let me pull it up here we've got the content court section b4 d4 s5 which is the badass clause you may not have been familiar with this judge the badass clause states that if an action is badass enough we can nullify the charge and let the defendant walk or slide under a vehicle out of the courtroom uh-huh i wasn't aware of this clause uh you're right are those possibly um watermarks on your image of the document oh i clicked the wrong thing okay interesting um wow the court does not acknowledge the documents submitted nor does it recognize your arguments in good faith sir abe yes let me remind the defense counsel that it is up to the honor to decide what uh constitutes for something to be serial and he has the right to change his mind if need be also if we look at just tick tock alone logan has close to 11 million followers what are the chances that at least 10 kids aren't going to try to lay under a car good point maybe that's all you're on that's well you'd okay very good point thank you um thank you both parties now we will deliberate okay so this one is obviously as ain pointed out only two examples but potent i believe i agreed now on the charge of the serial issue i do i mean i understand his argument but like yeah we have to consider his past defense our courtroom is very educated fellas and they know fellas about logan paul's behavioral issues but i think it's i acknowledge the technicality and i think it's a it's a smart play to you know try to defend an indefensible person right now on the count of feeding the homeless type of video um serial douchebaggery i mean from the g wagon g wagon to the no mask you got multiple levels of this battery making her break the pig giving her like twenty dollars and ones making her pick it up did g-wagon push it over for me yeah hey present break this pig yeah okay and then the second one is where child endangerment and prank fraud of the first degree come in the car the car wine i think ab made a very persuasive argument the volume of views on that which was in probably tens of millions the notion that not even one let's just say their chance that not even one kid tried it is is is very slight you know i do think um and by the way he didn't disclose a warrant tick-tock was forced to warn people after he posted it for him not to put some kind of disclaimer like this was performed by professionals or we use the effects exactly do not attack or do not attempt this at home or anything like that yes i feel like it's me it's missing any of those because to me it looked pretty real actually and i i don't understand editing too it they did it really well and it's definitely a badass like ian said video it looked really cool but you have to make some sort of a announcement regarding what is happening here and what how should people react to it because you do have a lot of followers like even jackass oh yeah you know well because jackass was working for a network and they have lawyers and [ __ ] and they actually know how to disclose yes properly and when something is real it's portrayed as real and you know this is this is they're in serious pain afterwards if you choose to do it then you're at least know what you're getting into right i feel like this the fact that it is edited but but portrayed as real is a problematic area this court has come to a verdict we find logan paul the defendant on the charges of serial douchebaggery and child endangerment and prank fraud of the first degree guilty on both charges guilty as charged and we sentence logan paul to having less followers than his brother jake which as if anybody knows is probably his biggest fear in life so that's a hell unimaginable to to him next up we have mo bradberry of the e of the uh bradbury brotherhood the bradberry brotherhood broadway productions yeah bradbury productions bo bradberry uh is being charged with serial cringer on probation from youtube and prank fraud of the first degree here we go mo bradberry i gotta know why i have to re i have to refresh it every time it never works mo has a real broccoli assassin 50 cents yeah you know what give me that take your 50 cent and i'll let you slide this time take your apples and get out of here yo why you did that bro what's good with you you only gave me 50 cents in 1.20 keep it groovin okay so this prank misses on so many levels i think mo thought he was gonna look like badass the description is sorry dude you get what you pay for here's the thing he's buying apples the poor guy is like starving he's buying two apples he's like i only got 50 cents like he's homeless hey [ __ ] you i'm gonna eat your apples obviously mo doesn't work at a grocery store or that'd be wild maybe maybe they did fall from grace that hard but it's obviously fake he almost ate the sticker by the way [Laughter] what are your thoughts did he look badass here um no not badass almost at first when yeah when he was gonna be like okay you can go but did you think that was gonna be funny or what yeah i think it was supposed to be funny and badass but i think this kid just seems like pathetic and desperate for a couple apples you know what i mean so missed the mark for me yeah that's that more bradbury stealing cookies prank oh yeah this one's fantastic gotta refresh make sure you have a recording at all times that right then how are you doing i'm going all right um these are the cookies how could i help you yeah i'm gonna try these these yeah check the prices on him man look at all that all right thank you hey where you going yo are these what are you doing with that [ __ ] i wanted to show the cookie oh why didn't you tell me that man no it's just like playing [ __ ] cookies man but you can't run like that make sure you have a recording at all times right bailiff so the prank is that it's really nonsense i mean it it truly doesn't make sense he's running out to show it to his friend why is he running out of the store the implication of course um ai ian can you help me make sense of this i mean well first of all first the kobe thing and then no we're really comparing apples and oranges here what sort of cartoon courtroom is this what is your point i don't get it copy with the oranges mo with the apples oh it's fruity is this a you know are we running a supermarket what is this well yeah huh okay noted fan uh interesting also uh you guys have been charged as a uh for pranks would you call the apple video a prank i would call the second one a prank i will call the first one like a fringe yeah i don't even know what though you call that no i think it's impressive go ahead one more time mo it's a prank bro ai n look i've got real evidence here mo was actually just being educational i knew this scenario looked familiar and i had to refer to an old elementary school textbook widely circulated throughout the united states i had a feeling mo was on to something here demonstrating to the children and let me show you an excerpt from that textbook i've got a page right here if mo has two apples for 120 and joe has 50 cents how many apples does joe get the answer two apples minus five bytes this is taught in schools this is canon canada this is human canon human canon curriculum in elementary schools as we speak wow hmm that's some legit evidence right there if most two apples he gets it for 50 cents well i guess fair is fair in that regard don't you remember this old this whole problem i don't remember this they teach you about mo i but i do remember i do know that you're not human so i wonder where you're dipping your experience from but regardless it is a fascinating piece of evidence that i will consider thank you a.b how do you refute that um well first of all the validity of that i don't believe is true being that part of the guy's head was cut off in the photo but also following the premise it just even following his own premise it doesn't make sense because okay he only has half the money so he should get one of the apples rather than two but instead he just took a bite out of both of them so the premise doesn't make sense and in referring to fake pranks if you watch the video again at the end you could see a reflection of flash in the guy in the clerk's eyes when he chased him outside and he doesn't even acknowledge the camera even after he's told that eventually it's a prank he's in on it he's in on it forget about it you know i have one more thing to say hmm proceed you know a man why does the robot clear its throat ain't i always wonder that i'm processing okay a man has more than the sum of his parts you're trying to make a mixed berry pie with only one berry the bradberries are like a voltron of rawness to judge just one half of the berries inconclusive wait where is the raw god [Laughter] where is he i call this an inconclusive mixed trial mistrial well i actually think aien has a rather good point and the reason he's of course referring to ethan bradbury moe's brother and we excluded him because his pranks are as they say lit right and what would you like to submit one to the to to really consideration ain well i mean are we going to judge art now in here high art no this that is not the objective of this chord chase all righty thank you everyone for your for your arguments we will deliberate now mo bradberry serial cringe and prank fraud in the first degree [Music] well i feel like abe made a really persuasive argument about the prank fraud i feel like it has to be fake both of them they are most definitely fake is he even trying to hide it is my question yes of course yes of course obviously yes and on cringe on cringe um hila how do you find cringe i've seen worse hmm seem worse cringe the apples what's going on here yeah that's in new york too they're not [ __ ] around over there okay so one was december the one in the store was december 2019. oh that's pretty pandemic yeah okay that makes sense the other one is also december 2019. so we've got the apple biting prank where he's trying to act like a tough guy and the more he steals the cookies you don't think they're that bad you've seen worse kind of mo bradberry on the charge of serial cringe on probation from youtube we find the defendant not guilty prank fraud in the first degree we find mo bradberry guilty as charged although the court does add consideration it's a prank bro yes we the court does add consideration to the fact that mo bradberry is a mere a mere uh seed of himself without the greater uh ethan bradbury so as ayan pointed out and so we are putting him on probation and he is charged to keep doing his thing and keeping it raw and keeping it regular all right about it forget about it huh come on our next defendant is a little bit of an unusual charge the charge is criminal papa flexing the defendant is papa john he's been on tick tock flexing what some people think is way too hard and he even has a tech talk where he says papa bless or papa flex where he's like lifting iron and so we are here today to put papa john himself on trial here's number one here he is walking to his private helicopter he says did you know i have my own helicopter and slo-mo jeez yeah and the song is big papa which you all know i love it when you call me big papa so is this basically this dating profile now yeah this is kind of papa's dating profile isn't it tick-tock i love pizza and i love people and helicopters i mean we know he's rich do we how do we feel about this flexing he owns a helicopter it's pretty wild i guess i mean it's cool that he has a helicopter i guess there's nothing saying he can't do it i mean if he owns one if i had a helicopter would i would i want to flex it why would i wanna i don't think hey guys i own the helicopter i should have owned off everything i should show off everything nice i have been ticked except i don't really have anything nice i'd be like hey guys here's my i think the nicest thing i own is my iphone that i just bought but how do i take a video of my iphone if i have to use my iphone camera a mirror ela mirror that's the answer do you own a mirror i've lost the plot officially next this is totally off the rails pop a house tour more papa flexing look at this place man [Music] oh you know where does he live in like kentucky or some [ __ ] he like owns half the state i believe he's got his own pop-up ac dc shirt which we all love that turns me on ooh i'll do the music renegade renegade renegade those columns look like a penis no hate fitness is extremely important to me that's why i own 20 treadmills this looks like a policy he says he modeled the gym after the bellagio in las vegas oh i wonder if he has concubines damn that's a the view is great too well of course it is papa only the best for my boy papo so this is a megaflex this house is nuts stay tuned for part four my god stay tuned dude has a [ __ ] lake man okay and like his whole instagram is just flexing pretty much here's another one oh this is the the original this is him literally flexing for papa flex i find it i find it endlessly interesting that he's selling merch like the guy he said he's literally stated he owns a helicopter now i don't know how much a helicopter costs to buy but i'm assuming like 20 30 million bucks for a helicopter like that and he's wearing like some spreadshirt papa blessed shirt that he's trying to sell on a website you know what i mean like god damn papa yeah he's probably hustling i mean he's probably making more than we could imagine just every minute that he's alive just off of his money just off his papa johnson yeah yeah well you know what's funny this graphic i recognized someone made it like yeah before he embraced the meme i feel like he's just he's literally just taking images off the internet and selling i think maybe for him it's more about the he likes the he thinks it's yeah he's building the culture of uh personality around him yeah he yeah exactly he wants to run for president next probably well if that's the case you're really gonna like the next one dude i guarantee you he's thought about it i guarantee you and the next one's really gonna like you're gonna like them because he cruises up in his um private jet so he owns a jet and a helicopter jesus what do you do with that stuff so okay i can't play the music but it's sad does that so there was a hurricane it was very uh you know did a lot of damage hurt laura [ __ ] and he came to see the damage do you think it's chauvinistic that all hurricanes have female names or is that not true that's not true not true at all oh wow poison order this is a strike that from the record so he visited them so you got to watch from the top this is like i feel like this is the logan paul's g wagon prank on [ __ ] times of kajillion so they're all like uh what is this meeting it's really long as well they're all telling him their damage they've had to go through i'm waiting for it to restart with this tick tock so long let me restart it i can't do this papa so here he is cruising up in his private jet good way to start good way to look down on the damage he's cruising in his suit custom-made suit he's like oh man it sucks to be poor [ __ ] this look at this he's like what is this [ __ ] made of [ __ ] tin talked to the residents everyone was in good spirits and trying to stay positive such incredible bravery in the face of overwhelming loss he's walking around there like this is just a set for him to shine well papa he's got this god like air you know i mean he's got that billionaire thing where he's like you know yeah like ah it's good yeah he got here for a reason i made it to a billion for a reason he goes i admire the mortals because the fact that they know they die makes their life so much more interesting uh please consider donating yadda yadda he's meeting yeah i like so he donated at the end he didn't say but i have to hope that he did he's like i didn't donate i went there i asked him no i'm sure papa donated he's a generous soul papa's a generous soul he just i think he needs some help on pr to be honest with you you know what i mean uh anyway you papa blessed the city so i'm sure it's all good now i admire the mortal life is so much more interesting when it's all on the line ah when your home can be blown down by a hurricane you enjoy every second of life of shelter i admire the mortals that turns me on god dude who knew you could make so much money from selling pizza i'm always shocked by that pizza man nutritious and good for you what did they say what's that quote zach pizza is actually very nutritious yeah okay so on papa flexing ai in would you like to mount the defense for the papa flex i mean he is flexing but he does a damn good job with it it's pure flex and it works would you really charge that man i mean look at look at this man would you look at that face and are you an impartial judge here i don't know that's a really good point you probably should have refused yourself you're saying i just charged myself yeah yeah yeah i might have to recuse myself that's a good point but you don't deny the charge he's flexing i'm not not go ahead okay i just want to point out in the first video i don't know if you um called attention to it but he refers to his helicopter as the papa choppa wait i'm gonna have to go back to that because i did not notice the phone like we can't we're not listening because of the music and we're missing out it's not uh it's it's the text that on screen yeah but it's like the bottom lower corner it says oh it's like a technical overlay yeah it's gonna come up it's not in the right in the beginning i'm looking at the hashtags i wanna see a tour of the papa choppa yeah the puppet i bet you he [ __ ] in the papa choppa no that's probably why he owns it so you want to read the hashtags by the way nature at home entrepreneur pizza i'm sorry papa but you can't hashtag pizza on every tick tock this has nothing to do with pizza one million dollar audition whatever that means money hashtag money money ain hashtag motivation hashtag papa john's papa bless and vibe check vibe check yes any other um any other anything else uh prosecutor yeah just one closing point the defense asks how could we charge a man like this why would we charge a man like this and it's because he's so precious to h3cu if you will he is has a god-like presence you know we want to we want to keep it there because right now he's showing a very human characteristic of being vain so we want to just keep him at his mythological status of being a god [Music] papa bless [Music] upper let's deliberate okay papa flexing the criminal it's a criminal flex is what we're charging him with really now aien first of all makes a good point can i possibly judge him impartially uh being as that i'm friendly with papa and i have such a warm heart warm spot in my heart for him but the same could be said for many of the people we've judged here today mo bradberry have made his acquaintance so i'd like to overlook that for the sake of the show [Music] although it's a good argument um is this criminal flexing do we need to protect his image as a god-like figure in the h3 world i feel like i see another issue with papa and it's something we saw happen with dj khaled when a figure falls down the meme hole too hard [Music] yeah i mean gj khaled fell down the meme hole so hard that he almost fell out of relevancy because it's like people just memed him into the [ __ ] when you start miming yourself i think it's an issue once you become aware of the meme it looks like the chapter and the papa flicks yeah um but see is that is that a charge oh i don't know it's not a charge it may just be a we can add a charge meme awareness meme the meme has become self-aware well you listen i don't think finding him guilty is necessarily going to tarnish his goblin status but i will say that in terms of the criminal flexing i do charge papa i find him guilty and i warn papa if you are watching this as ila correctly noted not to fall too deep down the meme hole and you i know you don't know what the hell that means but there's someone with you who i met like your marketing guy whatever does know what that means just just ask him what does it mean that i've fallen too deep down the meme hole and he'll first laugh but then he'll explain and he and i think he'll also agree with us so papa we love you but we do find you guilty this is all a farce hey hey order in the court papa you will accept the verdict or we will hold you in contempt we'll come oh [ __ ] oh papa don't do that to me now i don't want to be on the day reckoning list last time he said that like the people the people his pizza enemies are dropping dead like one of the other pizza guys had a heart attack and [ __ ] i think they found like isotopes from the russian government no i'm kidding you know i'm gonna get you in the papa choppa yeah i'm gonna pop a chop yacht all right now now vitali is our next and final criminal uh the charges against fatality is just straight up crime he's just a criminal it's not even a meme he's just a straight up he's just a criminal he attacked a female jogger in april this guy has lost his [ __ ] mind i'm sure you guys all remember vitaly he was on like a he was he had to be on drugs or or like roid rage they call that russian youtuber star was arrested sunday for violently insult assaulting an unsuspecting jogger in miami beach um wait when did this happen in in um april oh he then straddled the woman and allegedly punched her on the chest and face while she was screaming for help he's very i don't he got super jacked so i wouldn't want to take a punch from vitaly and also he's got crazy rage the victim played several passer buyers and residents saw the incidents which prompted vitaly to run away the police later arrested him and charged him for felony aggravated battery now this is all did they know each other apparently she was random it was a random act of violence yeah now tmz reports that he posted a 7 500 bond you could just go beat the [ __ ] out of someone and only get a bond of 7 500 bucks that's shocked me huh you know what i mean yeah and apparently he's not even in jail right now i mean what youtube prankster has also had several prior runs with the law uh in 2016 he was arrested for climbing up the letter d on the hollywood sign he also spent five days in egyptian prison after god getting caught climbing the pyramids bro what oh my goodness i have a big ball so vitaly is certifiably insane and just a straight-up criminal and so when we take all that into context you'll understand his tick-tock pranks are extremely disturbing and hilarious so here take a look and and by the way i'll give i'll always give vitali the credit of saying they're all real but they're insane and terrifying and he bleached his eyebrows as if he wasn't scary enough he's like i'm going to bleach my eyebrows and freak these [ __ ] out and it's at the gym too just to [ __ ] get off the machine uh yeah we'll call you back exactly yeah get off no yes no you've been on the phone for 45 minutes i have not yes you did i have two more steps two more sets okay or two more phone calls maybe if you start texting with your legs it'll get a little bit bigger what's your name man yeah your legs bigger texting your doctor he's right here your doctor what you've been on the phone so that much you're probably texting your doctor for steroids you're playing a [ __ ] video game in the gym disqualified bro that's game over [Music] is that okay for him to jerk off in the gym i wasn't jerking off yeah you were you were [ __ ] playing with your dick i'm not gonna argue no i'm not gonna [ __ ] i'm not okay you're beating your meat let me say in a nicer way have a nice day get that sweaty ass out of here just remember this guy beat the [ __ ] out of a random woman you know what i mean like it's just it's not that funny when you realize he is a violent deranged psychopath even without that it's not that funny it's just kind of like well he's really imposing it's too serious like like he's not showing any signs of comedy anywhere he's really imposing and violent looking and jacked so it's like it's not dope he's not even like smiling afterwards like hey i got you or you know gotcha hey we're homies actually this prank did really well i mean yeah it probably has a million views or something on it so blah blah blah so that's number one okay moving on disturbing the piece in the library [Applause] happy friday everybody yeah do you have any other recommendations no i'm just horny my internet doesn't work at home declaring emergency [Applause] let the record show he's wearing a hat that says villain that was his merch back in the day he would be just wear [ __ ] that said villain [Music] she said yes guys we're getting married i'm getting missed [Applause] i feel like he's some impractical joker wannabe that's just a total dude i say there was something just aggressive about his being like he's just giving me that vibe and impractical jokers for example did something in that kind of setting that was really funny so it's not like you can't do that right i think the funny way yeah i think the difference is that they're trying to make each other laugh people around them are laughing they're not like scared or just like scared i think that's the key they're not scared well they're yeah and also just vitaly has this really imposing psycho energy yeah he does he has psycho energy he's not a dude you want to ask to be quiet because you think he might [ __ ] choke you out and beat the [ __ ] out of you like he did the woman who was jogging which he's done so this is his prank in the library how did this one do how was this received by the tick tock community 40 000 likes not insignificant okay let the the court note that vitaly also did a bang boss back in the day where he couldn't get it up and he sat in the corner while his friend performed and he just sat there sadly um with a flaccid penis jerking off let the record show that okay i just love that because he's such an alpha male but like the one time he tried to do porn he just sat he literally got cocked i think we don't need to go there oh yes we do he always just push it way too far right what's wrong with that it's natural dude get the [ __ ] away from me i love his wrist [Music] what program are you [ __ ] talking then go do that elsewhere get the [ __ ] out of here actually be nice to me i came up to you nice and you're getting mad for no no no no no yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah either way because the [ __ ] thing is completely inappropriate he you can't he carries himself like he hates them and that he's ready to kill them and he actually has the ability you know like he's actually a a big guy it's not like some silly thing like you can't just start an argument with him because he'll actually go there he'll like beat you up yeah right and he has a violent history it's not like if i went up like i feel like anyone would be like oh this guy's not threatening because that looks like a little chubby little [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] or you can get the [ __ ] lost seriously sorry you're five seconds get the [ __ ] out dude come on really sorry [Music] i can't believe people are still making content like this you know what i mean this is like day one youtube [ __ ] huh so there you have it farting on strangers prank uh fantastic fantastic i remember when it got cooked on the bang bro bus though never forget the court this does not forget you just gotta love when the alpha male gets cuck though because the whole concept of alpha male is just so toxic and lame and these guys just get so [ __ ] roided out and like obsessed with it and then he gets cocked on the bang bus i mean he should have been taking the dick instead of the girl to be honest with you eila you know what i'm saying anyway jesus zach order he's gonna come try to kill me now i know we should cut this i'm actually you're scared of him yeah i don't want this you're scared of a tally don't worry i got him i'll take him baby i'll prank his ass i'm horrified ela right he's describing make a scene prank ali make a scene [Music] hey kristen make a scene [Music] hey kinsey make a scene [Music] [Applause] pregnant with my dad's baby [Music] i hate jackson the most by the way holly make a scene i don't know what's this like this like group of super pranksters you know what i mean a bunch of attention [ __ ] so that uh concludes vitale who did you hate the most out of that one i don't know them enough to even have an opinion ian you want to take a crack at this one uh vitaly good luck oh oh wait are are we still going yes well i'm in the parking lot oh oh [ __ ] um i mean i don't know it's just a prank i don't know i got nothing i'm ready for the weekend all right me too man it is it's tuesday by the way yeah it's uh friday somewhere my dude go that's not how time works yes it is maybe all right take care maybe in the cyber world all right we wish you a happy weekend maybe go ahead not much defense on this one yeah not much of prosecution either i'm kind of scared he's going to shake me if i talk bad about himself oh okay wow so we have witness intimidation we have is it the bleach eyebrows do anything for you or what is it about him that frightens you um sort of uh well how he walked up on joey salads that's good that's kind of scary oh or hold that up oh pull up the evidence please oh let's go what up guys so i just walked in the gym and oh my [ __ ] secret i see joey [ __ ] salads the [ __ ] always talk [ __ ] about me disrespecting me my mother saying he wants my mother says he wants to [ __ ] my mother talking all this smack making videos online i walked into the gym he glanced at me he was on the treadmill and now he's gone he's gone i don't see him i think he's in the locker room let's wait for this [ __ ] douchebag let's see where he has the same person he's so crazy what's up bro say hi what's good what's up i love you she always trying to show in the world all the videos you've made [ __ ] talking [ __ ] about my mom the one video i made a year ago yeah now i'll catch you finally in person what's up what do you got to say it's youtube i don't know youtube i'm in front of you right now what you're going to do about it you're going to talk [ __ ] about my life i knew this was going to happen yeah well it finally happened i was waiting for this moment to happen i got to say joey's a softy he's an idiot he's a [ __ ] idiot and he got banned for spreading covet 19 propaganda but he's a softy you know what i mean he's not a murderer he's he's not a murderer like the tower [ __ ] about my mom have you ever spoken anything bad about your mom by the way maybe you shouldn't say that he's a murderer oh he's murdered people i may be uh that may not be wise to say as a judge but he's murder people by the way when i when i shook joey salad's hands i'll never forget he has the softest hands it's odd it's just odd i felt it it's so weird his hands are like it's just so weird joey soft hand joey with her boob coming out right no exactly so why would you keep it's fine [ __ ] your youtube no it's not jokes i'm here in front of you what you're gonna say about it i gotta say it it's just stupid youtube people yeah stupid yeah exactly because you're gonna confront everybody who has something bad to say about you oh if i see him in person of course i will of course i will i respect that that you'll yeah [ __ ] you i'm serious i'll beat your [ __ ] ass with my right hand while i'm filming my left it's not better you [ __ ] disrespected my mother and you don't disrespect it maybe in this country again not in [ __ ] russia i apologize that i disrespected your mother i didn't mean it to be disrespectful i thought i was just happy you said you wanted my mom fanny all right so i i'm sorry i'm not i truly am sorry if it hurt you and i'll i'd like to shake your hand because i'm sorry i'm good bro oh look there's a highlight of us watching this clip we've never watched it before i think no we watched it yeah so vitali is um is insane the court finds okay so on the so we're gonna deliberate now in vitali the court finds we don't even need to talk about it do we what do you mean about his charges no he's he's [ __ ] up you're scared of him he that doesn't want to pass the harsh judgment because he's afraid of him i'll say this in vitaly's defense actually i give vitali this credit this distinction of distinctions that nobody else on youtube can claim and he'll be happy to hear this i think this is all he cares about he does not fake his pranks he's a real one a real one i hope i never meet [Music] that being said this court finds vitaly guilty of criminal assault and sentenced to probation uh she's given a bond of 15 000. oh that's weight that is the real charge yeah he's being actually charged right we sentence him to three years of prison for criminal assault oh wait that is the yeah he's in jail so there you have it just a little look back on the pranksters that was very educational thank you defense aien who was left for the weekend already he's no longer here thank you ab for sticking around at least till the end appreciate you for that at least doing my job and um thank you everyone else for watching this court is now earned dismissed a journey you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 790,336
Rating: 4.8592949 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, content court
Id: 6oJt2x4MuV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 29sec (4709 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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