The Death Of H3H3 by Gokanaru - H3 Podcast #192

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Watching it now, and I absolutely love how Ethan showed the clip of keemstar defending Ethan 😂

👍︎︎ 634 👤︎︎ u/TheTurdSmuggler 📅︎︎ May 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

yo that plot twist with shoenice at the end

👍︎︎ 251 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

Im super happy William Osman reconciled with Ethan and Hila on video. It was one of my few legitimate gripes with the channel.

Looking forward to their episode next week

👍︎︎ 335 👤︎︎ u/BashyBae 📅︎︎ May 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

I’m laughing at the part where Gokanaru calls Jimmie Lee a ‘poor old man’ 😂😂😂

👍︎︎ 293 👤︎︎ u/twistygoldring 📅︎︎ May 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

This was a great podcast, and HUGE props to Ethan for going through and making a rebuttal to all these points. Even more powerful that he had guests call in and give their point of view.

I’ll admit when I watched the Gokanaru vid the first time, I came away from it thinking less highly of Ethan.

BUT, after watching Ethan’s response, I have to say that he really put everything into context.

I think a common thing that Ethan pointed out multiple times is that Gokanaru either didn’t do his research, or was purposefully interpreting things in the absolutely worst possible way. And Ethan called this out saying it was in “bad faith.”

I think “bad faith” is absolutely the key thing here, and I can’t believe I didn’t notice it the first time. There were multiple times where Gokanaru was straight up “mind reading” and acting like he could read Ethan’s most inner thoughts. In hindsight, that’s exactly what a “bad faith” argument is, and it’s insane so many people (including myself) fell for it.

Ethan, I don’t know if you or any of your team members will ever read this, but just know that this random internet stranger now thinks very highly of you. And I’d like to apologize for falling for the Gokanaru hoax in the first place. Keep up the good work man.

👍︎︎ 340 👤︎︎ u/CraftingAmbition 📅︎︎ May 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

Never seen this guy before today, so I don't know how old he is, but he really comes across as incredibly immature and lacking in adult life experience.

The point about how they've devoted more resources to the podcast was particularly entitled and arrogant. I wonder if he'd ever watch this video back in about 10 years and see how embarrassing the vast majority of his narrative was. His whole demeanor is so smug and gross.

And as a side note, the shtick bits of his video were painfully unfunny.

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/ConfuciusBateman 📅︎︎ May 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

The fucking shoenice twist tho

👍︎︎ 64 👤︎︎ u/Dkndhn 📅︎︎ May 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

I watched the first hour and I think the biggest takeaway is that Ethan has no problem owning up and admitting when he was in the wrong.

Most people, especially Youtube personalities or famous people, will do whatever they can to avoid that.

👍︎︎ 165 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

Let me get this straight Gokanaru makes a video about Ethan's moral character, mostly speculation and "bad faith arguments," then refuses to remove a part of his video that features an actor playing Shoenices's son shooting and spitting on Ethan, despite Shoenice's plea. The video gets removed and he accuses Ethan of being the culprit, and teams up with the Keemstar, the pillar of moral character, to get to the bottom of it.

I think Gokanaru is the last person to question someone else's character.

👍︎︎ 58 👤︎︎ u/Ionyde92 📅︎︎ May 31 2020 🗫︎ replies
welcome everybody to a very special episode of the h3 podcast we are back in the studio yeah feels good today's episode is sponsored by honey expressvpn and tushy we have a we have as I said a special episode this is not going to be a normal podcast we are going to be responding in full to the notorious death of h3h3 productions video made by go kanaru I'll give you some background basically to fill you in and by the way we have call ends today from PewDiePie jontron William Osmond shoenice and Jimmy Lee are all calling into the show today it's a blockbuster very excited so who is go canard oh excuse me go canard oh I'm gonna give us I'm just gonna try to set the stage as quickly as I can because it's a long video it's like an hour and a half so coconut was just was at the time a small creator that had this viral hit the death of h3h3 productions and it's an hour and a half a ballbuster of me he busts my balls for hour and a half and he basically says that I'm a hypocrite or he said his main thesis is that I can't can't take criticism and that I'm a hypocrite I think person you know such and such people love this video it is beloved by by many really and it racked up like a million views I think which is incredible considering the size of his channel right like I think before came out he probably had 10,000 subs I I don't know I I may be speaking at turn I know his channel was small though and it now he has like you know 140,000 subscribers and this video made him put him on the spot let's say so we never responded to this video people won't wonder why we never responded to it truthfully the reason is that or at least directly is that I mean at the time it came out especially and even today there's there are a lot of videos sizing me on YouTube and I don't at a certain point you really just can't even fathom responding to everything you got I just have to put on your blinders to an extent so that you can keep living your life and not just crumble I mean frankly it's it is difficult to to have so many videos critiquing you online but that that's fine obviously I've muscled through it obviously there's there's there's a lot to criticize here so I'm not saying that you know they shouldn't be made but then what happened ultimately was a few months ago the video was removed by YouTube for a change updated their policy to include a clause that says simulate a creator on creator simulated violence and at the end of his well in his thumbnail he had him with a gun to the back of my head and at the end of his video he has a fairly I would say graphic assassination seen his video ends with him assassinating me and burying me and then spitting on my body so it's a it's definitely like a very unsettling creepy assassination scene and obviously that to me all people speculate why was removed to me when I saw that was like oh this is obviously why it was removed and then there's further conspiracies that I was the one responsible for getting the video removed conspiracies that were put forth by none other than your beloved keemstar who said it started with this he says most vide he said starts with saying most videos criticizing you when you war 100% messing up years ago have been removed correct me if I'm wrong but didn't you have a meeting with Susan well so he says most I mean it was literally just one mm-hm Sookie leave it to keemstar to of course this is what he does right but this is an Nvidia about keemstar here he post a picture of us and Susan so this is the evidence garbage garbage so we met with Susan that's true and apparently also just to reveal everything if you go to here's here's go canora's video when he made a video about his video was removed for harassment and this is also circumstantial evidence which is damning the episode of the podcast where is Gus Johnson on in that podcast episode when he clicks the video tab you can see that my username is in his history as in he typed my username in there and he knows how to type it unlike 99% of the people who are only vaguely aware of me what's even felt the fact that that somebody spelled it right as evidence that funnier is that that podcast was on April 10th and Susan watch Kiki what least her like to creator now we're able to figure out that Susan visited h3 on April 18th 29th that the evidence is definitely Mahiwal draw the conclusion but I will say that that no I'm not responsible for the video being taken down I mean circumstance I mean if you look at the circumstance it was up for a year the video had settled why I mean ultimately why would I have it removed after it was all settled and obviously renewed this whole conspiracy about like censorship I mean doesn't make much sense to me but the circumstantial evidence is is clearly damning but I will say that no I didn't have anything to do with it and obviously somebody typed it in on this laptop I agree with that I don't I don't know who it was I mean a lot of people use this laptop so it may have been me I don't know but but I did but I didn't tell her to remove your video I could tell you that for sure I remember the content of our conversation the thing is if you go to the blog post he kind of makes it sound like we just talked about crater on crater harassment but she met with a ton of creators and she talked about here's this blog post living up to our responsibility support creator and artist success and improving communication is dangerous I remember the whole content of our conversation was about me bitching at her that they need to do more to help edgy channels as they call them because all of my friends with normal channels their CPM rebounded and my rep at YouTube is always like oh everyone CPMs are fine and they're making more money than they ever did and I'm like well well I know that my CPM is worse than it's ever been because they they added these are families that add revenue I don't know if everyone sad rate terms like price per thousand views or whatever how much you get paid and because they added all these new like systems to protect brands from going on edgy channels and I'm and I'm like my argument to her is like why is it that if you go on Comedy Central or MTV or add that all back in the day but well these are like South Park like these are the shows that advertisers will want to be on so why is it that you guys can't figure out how to sell ads to content like mine and a lot of other people's that make content similar to mine right why is it you can't figure that out that seems to me like a huge missed opportunity for both of us so that that was what I [ __ ] to her about the entire time and actually well at any rate so that that's what I was talking to her about so anyway people seem to think that I have the really Susan you guys have to understand is one of the richest most powerful women on in the planet on the planet I love that you guys think I have her under my thumb but unfortunately that's the only time I've spoken to her and we did not discuss coca Naro although I will give it up that that the evidence is strong there circumstantially yada yada yada but but ultimately you guys will see when I get to that end scene it's it is pretty graphic and gokhan are we even says in one of his videos that he thinks that seeing crossed the line and if he really wanted the video back up I just don't understand why he wouldn't just cut that part out right like people reload the video and then they're like uh censorship is being taken down but if you look on YouTube now any of anyone who cut out that and seen the video is still up and that and you know that's that's YouTube's rule okay so this video has gained this mythical reputation of between this conspiracies with me and Susan and the censorship and like how it just went viral that now now it's just become this huge thing and like people are reposting it like as some kind of anti censorship thing and that's fine but I want I figure out well [ __ ] let's just watch the damn thing because it's the video you don't want people yeah I think that's what people are marketing it as that's what keemstar like he posted on his channel is the video he thought you to see well actually that's not true to the point where I'll let's all watch it together so with that being said let's just jump right into it in the words of the great Philip DeFranco so here we go now now in the in the sake of brevity there's like a whole intro sketch that's three minutes long that I don't have much to comment on so I'm just gonna skip that and go straight to the criticism but he basically is plotting to kill me essentially in the intro sketch he's he spits blood on my poster he's obsessed with me he's doing karate it's kind of like a taxicab ask just weird obsession and he wants to kill me that that's the character that's a driver taxi driver yeah thank you Dad so anyway this is chapter one first blood leafy and pyro this incline has done a lot for the YouTube community and his main channel videos are pretty funny thank you so why am I making this video because he's a hypocrite because he can't take criticism [Music] this whole story started with Ethan taking one big risk did his room by the way I know it's not relevant but his room is so messy well our old video thank you but if you're making your big Magnus opus you think it was like clean up your room a little bit most of you guys probably know leafy is here popular youtuber has been blowing up big time I'm actually friends with these guys so it's awkward it's uncomfortable but for some reason we as a community have been giving these guys a pass and I mean if you look at leafy's Channel all he does is make fun of kids and like vulnerable people no there's no sport and making fun of these people they're just it's just sad it's it's stupid honestly that we vogue on this one giving these these channels of Pat's who are cancerous I'm serious so Ethan calls out leafy for bullying kids and bullying disadvantaged people in his videos and you know I'm not upset about that that's not the issue here the issue is this and likely in that Sun oh the conspiracy depends friends you know you're friends with this guy me and leafy are friends alright so you're friends with him so how exactly did did you get to this point like actually I'll let you play it play along at home what do you think did Ethan a discuss the video with leafy prior to uploading it be upload it with no warning whatsoever or be because the ant the answer is the answer is B all right so right off the bat that establishes that Ethan's goal and this was not to stop the leafy from bullying kids it was to stir the pot to get oh well heirloom drama going to come out as the hero well I don't I don't agree necessary that conclusion I don't see why me telling him ahead of time has anything to do with me just wanting to stir the pot the truth about that situation though is that I think in that video I did make a mistake by referring to leaf he has my friend because we were acquaintances which is something that I kind of I messed up because leafy played up that angle in his video about we were friends any better but that that wasn't really the it was it's just this kind of like creator following another creator if talking in DMS yeah it's not really friends you know but but but but okay but but to draw the conclusion that I don't didn't care about what I was talking about is uh I don't understand how he can draw the conclusion from the fact that I didn't tell leafy that I was making a video fine with that you can do that I love stirring the pot however you made one crucial little error I really just want to see his channel die out [ __ ] hate him and his channel don't give power or platform to defend himself merely fear friends you know oh [ __ ] we're friends I mean that's terrific man I mean I should have known so that you literally were sucking my dick about my channel about a month ago happy for you blowing up you got a unique style and personality man by the way a month a month ago and leafy time I don't know what was the temporal but that was when I first discovered him and then he started making all these really like going down this path of like [ __ ] on kids and stuff he was making videos daily so it was actually a long a long time I think it was more than a month he worked hard to get where you are and you deserve it it just pisses me off to see pyro writing yours to undeserved success this was the first time that we got a good look at the true jealous manipulative side of h3h3 or Ethan he straight up calling pyrocynical pirates cynical a psychopath cancer no goofs no gaffes this is his honest unfiltered opinion between two peers in the same platform but recently I've actually had a lot of private messages sent to me of hates tree hate street giving me a lot of [ __ ] saying how my channel is cancer saying how I'm completely unoriginal and I'm a total sociopath now pyro being a level-headed and self-aware guy came out on this position on top do you know why because he knows how to handle criticism he knows how to deflect it he's smart no even though Ethan said all this [ __ ] about me I'm pretty sure he'd kill me if he saw me in real life I'm gonna respect his privacy and not show any of these messages except that was genuine I always to cross with the notion that I would kill him in real life it's just but okay I'm gonna let him finish this point and then what happens when the peasant calls out the Saints himself does h3h3 productions code him and say you are cancer [ __ ] I set it here and I'm gonna say it now your cancer no dude guess what he does he [ __ ] lie is he tweets out saying why you straight lying dog okay so here it was also revealed that Ethan directly lied in a tweet to pyro when pyro had some suspicions that Ethan was conspiring against him with other youtubers Ethan immediately said no dude why you spreading lies so okay let's unpack that so when I tweeted at pyro I'm gonna give context to this whole thing so first of all let me just address I had this come up we're getting we have whatsapp open was that down right so we we were having me and leafy were having a conversation about pyro privately and first of all it was super embarrassing that I I look back on the conversation with great shame it was very embarrassing and it was totally out of line that I was speaking with pirate about pyro like that I totally owned that but now let's go look at the context because I think it's important first of all when you watch this video to see how he opens it he says he tempers the audience expectation by starting it by saying the following video was completed after hundreds of hours of research recording and editing so so I'm presuming that he did all the research which is strange because if you just go to Google and literally type h3h3 leafyishere dm's here I'll do it right here watch because I was I was just kind of I was looking good leaf he dumped our whole DM conversation in his video so I was like oh I I know they're still out there so I go leafy is here DMS h3h3 and the first top result look right here let's let's click this so this is the big write-up I made about it because I didn't want to make a video response but let's see basically leafy's sent him like leafy made it look like I was just railing on pyro but this is [ __ ] the leafies was sending me Pyro's a [ __ ] psychopath yeah he's a [ __ ] rat dude god I [ __ ] hate this guy he's a scum [ __ ] this guy likewise man I hopefully he just falls in a ditch yep he's cancer literally told me not to associate with this I should have listened he's [ __ ] crazy so I mean like that that was just the Bible of conversation which is super cringy I agree there's this weird thing like that I was trying to get people to make a video about pyro which is so out of character and insane that's something that I would never do if you go look at our DMS conversations that by the way pyrrol red and everybody red right it's he leaf he says like ten youtubers has brought up the titles think to me yeah don't worry it was like 10 other youtubers do you want me to bring up the over he's making a video and talking with other youtubers about making videos about him I said no don't bring it up it's fine he says he's been ripping off montage parody people forever he ripped them off too so he's talking with people about about making videos to pyro I said this is between us right yeah don't worry I'm not saying anything I never said anything earlier either it was just a few youtubers saw the title thing I said thanks man no problem we'll all in it's together [ __ ] this guy I said you know what I'm not interested in blasting him publicly alright you know what just leave it it's fine I'm sorry and he says you don't have to explain yourself he's says if I bring it up he'll stop and he can't do anything about it I said if I have an issue I should confront him about it and not have you do it on my behalf and that's where I left it I said if I've got a problem I'll just tell him I don't want to blast him publicly which is funny because in the video he cites leaf he says the exact opposite that I would went behind his back but again he's citing leafy right like leafies original video and if he did all this research really he would have read my post but like just take it from somebody who actually who actually watched the videos right look at this this also came up when I just type h3h3 leafy [ __ ] dm's look at take it from this guy it was wrong about h3h3 the thing is is like when h3 and leafy we're talking about pyro they were talking about destroying pyro right but leafy is the one that brought it up this was leafies idea to destroy pyrocynical so the two of them start talking [ __ ] about how much they don't like him in the DMS and somewhere along the line dat [ __ ] h3 h3 drops the the best meme line ever do not give him a platform to defend himself and leafies all gun ho let's destroy pyro but then as the conversation goes on h3 h3 realizes that you know this is kind of on a line and Ethan literally says in the [ __ ] DMS yeah let's not do this this is this is not cool that's not a good idea let's just drop it and leafy still wants to attack pyro now when leafy exposes h3 h3 for plotting on pyro leaf he doesn't show any of the goddamn DMS that he started it that he still want to do it or the fact that [ __ ] Ethan no longer wanted to attack pyro it was just two guys talking [ __ ] and a private DM and leafy manipulated everyone by taking that one line out and showing everyone don't give pyro a platform to defend himself all this [ __ ] information comes out in the new beta podcast that's about to drop me clown and Tommy all seen the full DMS and I'm telling you right now Ethan h3h3 is [ __ ] innocent right yes he was talking [ __ ] in a moment but he decided not to go after pyro when this was leafies idea and leafy still wanted to go after pyro leaf he lied and manipulated everyone well then he has so many who are different I mean he seems like a really stand-up guy who better to speak up for me than keemstar he's actually got the right take like what happened but I think this is this just show goes to show like when when Kim star doesn't when he's on your not on your and his dear analyst but no he says I read the DMS and to quote him h3h3 is innocent but I have to question go canarios research because he says he did hundreds of our research and then I have to assume he also watched the baited podcast where we talk about this specific issue at great length and explain all this so the fact that he's actually bringing up this old leafy video is without any context or amendment kind of either either his research is not as good as he says or it's like a really bad faith argument that's my take as you've seen have you seen keemstar explained for himself so like yeah I mean he sets up the video with this what this whole narrative that I'm trying to get people to make a video on pyrrol which is just it's been proven wrong and so and that was what you meant right when you Twitter that pyro ways yes of course he said in this video that I was trying to make videos get people to make videos on him I'm like what so that's why I said why are you lying about me literally because I was like dude that's crazy like that's just crazy like what are you [ __ ] okay so here it was also revealed that Ethan directly lied in a tweet to piracy based on what did I lie I don't understand what he's what how could he conclude that when pyro had some suspicions that Ethan was conspiring against him with other youtubers Ethan immediately said no dude why he's for you because it was a lion you can you could have looked it up easily or I'm assuming you did see it and on your research but you decided to leave it out so that's an interesting way to start the video that's all I'm saying ironic [Music] hypocrisy counter number one baby I'd like someone to pick on your own size seriously did this part he shows I'm saying find someone to pick on your own size and I have 1 million subs and pyro has 700,000 and apparently I'm punching down because of that by the that's generally considered the same size yeah I mean a million in 700 but also I'm bi also I'm having a private conversation and I said in that conversation that I don't want to blast him publicly so it's a strip that's quite a stretch picking on kids so his pucker his hypocrisy counters at 2 but I think I couldn't wash both of those away I wouldn't exactly so he was recruiting a army of small chant I mean Timmy braaap stand people that again he's using leafy's old arguments which is pretty weird but Timmy brafton was the one time we made fun of a kid but I feel like if you watch that video you'll see that it's not that bad I don't know I mean also there's an argument of us evolving over time that's something that we currently don't do or at the time even stop doing you know at the time we made that video our channel was small and when your channel small you have this attitude of like nobody's gonna see this yeah and very much I bear that in mind with him too because I actually want to give gokhan ro a lot of benefit of the doubt here cuz I think he's actually a talented content creator and I don't want to [ __ ] on him personally because when he made this video his show is very small and he said himself he didn't expect anyone to watch it so you know a lot of stuff I'm pointing out like now that it's gone like viral and everybody thinks it's like such an important video it's important for me to talk about these issues and set the record straight but on a personal level I understand why why it you know he would try to manipulate things because he he goes look I just trying to make a good video people are gonna watch it when you have a million-plus subs then you understand you have more responsibility to you know say things straight or to have more care but obviously now I wouldn't go make a funny video and Jimmy Braff's did that'd be insane Timmy Timmy sorry Timmy beat Thomas to basically try and conspire against pyrocynical you know like Wow instead of doing a video yourself you decided cronies and get them to do the dirty literally gonna happen to try and topple this guy well I mean that's your blue I mean that I mean the opposite happened I said this is stupid I don't want to do it but okay well let's we can move past this but what is this a known as h3h3 productions do after he's been caught lying [ __ ] dude look at this [ __ ] damage control he professed his love to fire cynical he said if he was a skull you know what's crazy about this he's he's referencing my post here which means he read it so he mediums and you know that's crazy because he's literally saying I read the post but I'm not acknowledging the fact that what I'm saying is factually inaccurate which proves that this is actually a bad faith argument basically the half-assed apology that we got you know in retrospect I can't even imagine how gleeful you must have been when that content cop was really just everybody was wait a minute that's why I dubs create some of the points for that video so again you're gonna notice throughout this video that it's like 90% speculation which is wrong too by the way what he does is his device is that he speculates but what he says is he speaks it like it's true fact and he always takes like the most negative possible way so he says Ethan you could help items make his video that's not true we literally shot he literally said hey you want to do this shot with me looking at the poster just like a little Easter Egg and that was the extent I had nothing to do with idubbbz content cop but he's just speculating he doesn't know well look at that he thin you ended up getting what you wanted you got to bash somebody through the mouth of another I mean that whole point just wrong wrong yeah [Music] friend in need not ready you were actually at 30 minutes guys do not go away we are gonna take a quick break for sponsors and we will be back in railroad through this babe you poop you wash you dry it's a three-step process and touchy is in the business of blasting that ass with water everyone has an ass and everyone deserves the gift of tishy listen you know that I've been converted from the wiping to the bidet is a revolution putting your hand in your butt it's disgusting and it doesn't even move all the [ __ ] out all over the place you know you're just smearing [ __ ] around your [ __ ] it's not even dry you know paper is not good for the environment so now it's time to get a sleek bidet attachment that clips onto your existing toilet and sprays your butt completely clean with fresh water it's called tushy and it's the best thing you can do for your butt till she sprays directly to your ass I love this coffee it's awesome that's what it does though sprays it directly to your ass and removes the poop completely so you aren't sitting on bacteria that leads to nasty things like hemorrhoids yeast infections UTIs and itchy ass holes and skid marks good point Toshi the days are common in the rest of the world so why is America just still schmira ng [ __ ] all over their [ __ ] a bidet saves you money on toilet paper like seriously during the cove in 1912 the paper shortage but day is the way of the future it won't clog your toilet and tushie sprays your ass with fresh water it's not toilet water till she connects to the water supply behind your toilet to spray your dirty parts with clean fresh water it's the same water you brush your teeth with wet wipes are worse than toilet paper you know that we learned that here it's terrible for the environment and it caused anal fissures you don't want your anus fissuring hell no oh and here's the best part it only costs $79 Wow Toshi helps you get everything out it's like a sexy tooth or cloud that helps you poop and it's wait what's the Toshi ottoman yeah that's a separate product a separate it's a helps you get everything out and it's a sexy tooth or cloud that helps you poop and it's only $69 nice I'm curious about the Ottoman yeah the Ottoman if you go to their website tushy ottoman oh my god I have to buy this I don't want that that's it bro that's touchy ottoman my dudes that's what's up you got to put your feet up so you can [ __ ] good that's crazy so that's 69 bucks if you want the whole [ __ ] package go - hello - she calm / h3h3 get 10% off your order that is a great offer they start squirting water up your ass - I'm telling you and that's $79 get in the door come on it's touchy all right so you all know how expressvpn protects your privacy and security online but here's something you might not know you can also use Express VPN to unlock movies in shows that are only available in other countries now that so many of us are stuck at home it's only a matter of time until you run out of stuff to 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destiny where he said some controversial things you kept quiet about it I mean you make it clear that you disagree with what he said but you know you stay silent pretty well you know you don't you don't discuss it publicly which is okay that's another thing about fine response you know he loses it nothing ever happened with the bail I don't think so interesting why the belt ports John and that's a fine reaction to have it's smart okay just keep that situation the back your head for a bit now around the same time PewDiePie gets in trouble for some [ __ ] complete you know horseshit and Ethan you vehemently support PewDiePie you know and you should because you're his friend and because he's right but also because you're his friend you know you should always support your friends no I mean that's that that's just that first of all that's like I mean I disagree with that premise the thing is that I defended PewDiePie because I thought first of all I came from a place of being able to speak on it because I was I'm a Jewish person but but I felt like it was totally [ __ ] that people were calling him anti-semitic I mean it was just he really isn't and so to say that because I didn't defend John also to me the argue of like you should always support a friend that's more like what you do behind the scenes like yes you should always support a friend but that's more of other stuff that you wouldn't see anyway whatever we do to support our friends the thing is like and I say I disagree with John's takes so obviously why would I come out and support him but but but I didn't I was I was very communicate I talked you guys I talked with John all the time I was talking with him throughout that whole controversy and you know trying to support him the best I could but okay let's see you should always support your friends when they have more subs than you in public opinion is on your side it's a joke he's not late John has more heart John had more what is that John is a big channel I don't know what he's talking about right he says I only supported PewDiePie because public opinion was on my side and he has more subs but wouldn't that caught wouldn't that go against his theory that but that he's leading to was that I criticized PewDiePie when he said that all right the N word so I was going against public opinion in that there's a big difference guys context matters as a Jewish person I'm not offended flash-forward well cutie pies in hot water man he says the N word yeah he dropped he dropped the N bomb but the situations are completely different well I don't understand why why this is proof of anything he dropped it pretty hard was more of just like a Hiroshima it's pretty much worst-case scenario you know when they drop nuclear bombs and and the people out on the street have like shadows left over and printed on the sidewalk it's like that I don't think Felix is a racist person but goddamn he really kind of just was really comfortable using that word that really just kind of I loved oh good the guy's turn and bomb yeah so okay on this point I'll totally own that this was a really bad take and a huge mistake you know in my mind I was rational I obviously I knew that I had said the n-word when I doves was on the show the context of that of course was that we are having a idubbbz famously would say the inner effort and I was like how do you get away with saying that you know and then I started saying it and it turned into what I thought was a where I was saying it but in my mind I was like well we're having a conversation about this word and I wasn't using it as a pejorative insult right that being said obviously that's a nuanced convert a nuanced point and and and there's plenty of people who think well it doesn't matter how you use it anyway and honestly even ourselves have changed yes since I don't think today you would know know I cringe so hard when I see that yeah me saying that and thinking of thinking that it's okay no I wouldn't say that now and I find it horribly embarrassing and I was definitely hypocritical in this moment there's no question about it like I've totally owned that you know like straight up I'm gonna skip to the why he's all about the dangerous double down chapter three baby Ethan why'd you do this because it's a hot topic and you want the public to know that your views are rock-solid do you know why I know this it's because you're a disingenuous opportunistic person who is not afraid to ride the wave of hate so long as it stays away from you but it didn't you go do you think we should throw it now damn to PA PI I was thinking at the conclusion of him talking about all this but whenever it feels this part is also about him isn't right that's why I got called out for this one big time because people saw you got a little too cocky you got a little too confident h3h3 uploaded this podcaster yes true I'll own that I think I was too caught cocky and confident and I thought I'm gonna do a whole episode about the N word and is it okay to say the N word and I brought eat that [ __ ] on and we had a whole it but yeah I mean I totally agree that was I was way too cocky and that whole episode was outrageous you know it has over 28,000 dislikes on his most recent podcast almost more dislikes than likes on this thing they think that Ethan h3h3 is being a hypocrite because on his podcast he said the N word - so I'm sure h3 she will like that he's a great dude and I know he'll come back from this obviously I think you're just gonna have to explain it more we can I will say here let me I'm gonna let play friends and you can still criticize me yeah but you have keemstar and scares who are like eh threes a hypocrite oh because he said on his podcast you know sores like get [ __ ] real I'm getting more [ __ ] than my pie hey I'm just gonna say this is the most embarrassing thing I've ever done this was awful like it was awful I hate that time - it was such a bad time in general I went to Israel because my dad was sick yeah and then you were here doing this episode and you got all drunk and it was just all around bad it was drunk on a live stream you can't pet it yeah but I don't know what I think it was just a weird time I just I got so defensive about it and I was fully in the wrong I mean there's no question about it and it's just awful it just it's just so awful I especially feel bad because I called out scarce and honestly scarce it's such a sweet guy such a nice dude and I really feel bad that I spoke ill of scarce because he's just he's just a sweetheart and really he didn't deserve it I'm fully with you I'm News but I don't actually look at them to skip this part I'm gonna skip it just because I totally agree oh and we have an hour and a half to watch according to the internet the news and this is the news people are calling you right he's right channel is making fun of people and curtiss-wright legitimize anybody's right the only thing I really want to apologize for drunken man and you know about the context hypocritical thing I don't think I'm a hypocrite most of the people who were upset about it probably didn't watch the whole episode because the the harshest criticism I landed against PewDiePie was that I was disappointed hey future Chris here real quick I need to clarify and make very clear the point I'm trying to make here Ethan the issue here was not that what you were saying was wrong it's that you were the wrong person to be saying he's right that's a good point that he was live-streaming when he said it and that he sounded like he was very comfortable using it and then there's footage may arrive you totally right we're comfortable saying it on a live stream multiple times on like are you you had to have forgotten that that clip exists I didn't forget but I thought it was complete idiot I didn't forget but I thought in my mind's eye justified that the context was different enough but obviously that was not true Oh like just think about it this way why do you think idubbbz did not say anything because he's smart he knows he's the wrong person he's right about that two items did not say it and I was rambling on like an idiot saying it all this time beautify exactly oh but I remember because even on that podcast items like whoo you're saying a lot you saying anything about the situation he needs to stay silent whereas you just wanted to use it as a fresh scoop for the podcast and it worked that's real quick bait you got the views but people realize you were a hypocrite it's like yeah that's true I think that was my mistake is that I was more focused on making podcast content than about like really thinking about the the full implication of what I was doing and so on this point I totally agree with you go kanaru give Bill Clinton called out Donald Trump for being a sexual deviant your point was just immediately invalidated even if it's right plus you even pathetically tried to bring items into the mix and say that you would understand if people criticized him and first of all there I understand people who had criticized I don't say that's [ __ ] up the way you use it so basically you're admitting that you would understand if people criticize you but you don't because you're a hypocrite in your mind anyway back to old Kris buying a gun so ok so that's a no this part I'll skip forward he goes and buys a gun and he's getting ready to kill me he's there playing around with guns and pointing it at their heads I just got I'm gonna be honest with you dude the sketches are pretty well here let me let me show you you know that's what the schedule is like yeah well a whole eight month Oh okay so chapter four is dance monkey dance exciting Oh surprise call right before we move on to the next chapter we have pewdiepie felix is actually gonna call him to discuss the ordeal so let's throw it to Felix and we have Felix here actually here not a meme he is here and to prove it I have no excuse actually well people actually don't know what really happened it was just it was no so what I think what happened was that when you were gonna call in but you were busy you've done all kinds of [ __ ] and it was full didn't really busy that's right yeah that's time I do really want to come on better circumstances well what happened was he we had Connect a tentative date and then he had something came up and so I had already announced it so everyone will kept being like what happened to PewDiePie so we just kept the meme going like PewDiePie couldn't make it today what today he is here and we're nearly the payoff so how does it how does it feel to have that dagger in your back I'm still pulling out inch by inch every day it's so deep no but seriously the pot I made this podcast about you using the n-word and I will say I made a whole podcast about it I'm more curious of what you have to say about it first at least okay sure I made a whole podcast about it we'll have to dagger we'll pull it out at the end of the segment yeah let's leave it in for now I made a whole entire podcast about it and I feel like that was way over the top I think at most it warranted if I wanted to talk about it like like a short commentary but the whole whole podcast about it cuz I've only seen like a small clip of it well there was a whole podcast about it and we brought eat that [ __ ] for 45 who's a really funny youtuber who's black to comment on it which which by the way he said he wasn't offended by it and I knew that I'm absolved you know what what he said was that you made a heartfelt apology and he thought you were sincere so it's all good and that was kind of what what I said - yeah okay I guess like in a way I didn't expect you to you guys to defend or anything because I admitted that it was wrong as well like that was my apology as well so that's just kind of how I felt about it well regardless I do feel like I that podcast was definitely a mistake and I should have just kept my mouth shut and clearly I wasn't trying I don't know if that was necessarily the case like I I don't think just like even if your friends you can still criticize I know what I did was wrong the whole podcast was was definitely a mistake and I do apologize for stock piling on you I mean if anything I was so overwhelmed at the time and I remember seeing it and people are just mad right away and I'm like low key just like okay I'm glad some attention is away from me at this point yeah there you guys see that's some real French yeah I didn't really process it that much either I didn't watch the podcast i watch it now again just to get refreshed on it but it is what I said earlier like I know what I did was wrong so I didn't expect people to be like no he was right cuz I that's that was my sentiment either well there you have it in short what do we take away from this people in the end really like to get mad for other people's sake I get that a lot that is true yeah yeah what do you what do you think about people who are super angry and then fans kind of do it for you I feel like this is a thing that's been going on for so long like it's been like when was it 2018 yeah yeah it's been a while yeah it just feels a bit drag like I wish people when would kiss stop bringing it up altogether I just want to move on yeah amen brother yeah me too that was part of my no I it's my [ __ ] too yep III agree I'd look at the time I thought there was like some nuance about how I was saying it in the context of a conversation about it it is a bit it is different yeah but like ultimately is a tough argument yeah it's not at that point to begin it's not it's it's too nuanced of an argument to make to to really yeah exactly exactly so obviously it was a mistake I do love you I think you're a terrific guy Felix and I think you are jacked you've got six rock-hard aesthetic floor gang oh yeah and I'm a fully torqued for you all right okay Tiger out all right all right dude thank you very much for calling in I appreciate you and I wish I wish you well god bless you god bless you alright remember we talked about jontron yeah well a whole eight months after he lost his sponsorships and you know he was basically ridiculed off the internet well you had it on your podcast oh you've always been incredibly generous and gracious friend to us tonight genuinely loved it's been too long now that I'm officially you know guest number eight six hundred thousand and five just kidding you see that reaction like that signals to me that jontron wasn't really welcome on the podcast so again this is like this crazy speculation okay like John first of all we've been trying to get him on the podcast since the beginning he lives in New York we live in LA this we got him on the first time he came to LA John knows that we would have him at any day he would just say but he and that's just so not true he makes it sound like um that's just the speculation yeah it's total speculation it's totally not true also this was well after the controversy - I mean not it wasn't like right after [Music] on I think that's the link but it Sun represents LaShawn actually that should take you there sorry I never did like merge before really so we have a link in the chat to your store they're linking in the chat great no cool awesome thanks guys infamous debate oh [ __ ] what happened so after eight and a half months everybody's basically forgot about it now you give jontron a platform to defend himself well I mean you know if you and John John didn't want to come on do it yeah it's just this whole part is like pure speculation that's it's edited to make the whole thing even worse yeah we like full podcast and yeah looking way too deep into some like facial looks like oh he's like you see right there he only brought it back on a like whoa reading end is beforehand for him to discuss it then that makes sense that's fine well good because we did we had a long conversation I'll give a background here about it now you give jontron a platform to defend himself well I mean you know if you and John agreed to do this beforehand - for him to discuss it then that makes sense that's fine it happened how long ago so why do you assume that we did it right of course we did I wanted to do that to him just just kamikaze him like that we actually had like on a personal level we had a lot of conversations about it before because we were hanging out the whole day before the podcast and we had kind of discussed about what we wanted to save because I wanted to help him kind of guide the comer because we had a really productive conversation and I was trying to guide him and what a way that I thought would help explain what he said and so when we were on the podcast I think John kind of just clammed up a little bit and I kept I think in my mind I was trying to help bring him to the point where we were off and yeah because yeah I remember the conversation before we were kind of going over some things then he was talking to us like the kind of things that he wants to say on the podcast it's kind of like a little bit of a pre-interview yeah so then on the podcast I think he you kept trying to go back to those yeah but he kind of changed so I guess you didn't want to go there yeah and so the failure for sure is on my part of being a bad host but to speculate that it's malicious is just it's not true I mean it's just not true but I definitely own that that I was not reading the room and I should just moved on long before that let's watch though I mean I haven't shown you the club okay was that no I don't keep track we're this is just John's I feel like that's just John the way that is like moving and talking but he's reading so much into it well he's saying we didn't even speak to John for animals but we speak all the time we haven't seen John in nine months because we moved to LA and he lives in New York yeah things like you don't have to comment at all like I don't really want to get into this it's a minefield of sorts I'm not gonna go back in it pick everything and just so you know this is super cut up and I don't know if this came in the beginning or the end or what and qualified or anything I'm not really gonna get into it but oh yeah I guess the main question on everyone's mind is all easy race this is he a Nazi no I treat every single person with the same respect they afford me that's basically my full statement okay I mean did you say do you feel like you said some things that you regret so this is what I'm doing now I'm trying I'm like well we had a good conversation and I felt like if you can explain yourself a little better maybe people understand where you're coming from but obviously didn't come off that way and it's funny at the time there was like this incredible pressure on me to to address John about that and then after the video people were angry that I let him off easy and now it's time has passed and they forgot the context of that episode now it's easy to look back and be like Oh Ethan was too hard on him which is just it's ironic because that's not what happened did you have a lot of self-aware moments during that time I was like if they're drunk was i drinking eyes I'm not the person to fight this battle right no well let me just say for the record like that I I disagree with a lot of stuff you said I don't I just don't want I really don't want to get by the way that's cut okay right so what I was saying is while I disagree with what you said I'm still your friend because you don't understand the amount of tension that was a Ripper surrounding that episode like we pulled up the thread when we put we used to put up threads for our guests to write questions and the thread that we put up for John was all about this issue and so I wanted to make it very clear that like while we disagree on on these points that I'm still friends and I and I don't because the the hate towards John during that time was insane and so I'd be like yeah I disagree with you but I still love you and we're we're still friends I mean I make this point that if I just cut you out of my life what does that accomplish how are we ever gonna learn and evolve from that which I would never deal it's just hypothetical again this I'd like to move on as quickly as possible because I just really don't end this I don't want I'm a committee I'm not trying to go back into this I just treat people with the same respect they give me at the end right don't want to hurt anyone yeah it's just that's me don't want to get into it past that okay not sure let's treat people with the same respect they give me at the end right don't want to hurt anyone yeah system that's me don't want to get into it past that okay the face when you want to rip your friends spleen out of his chest in front of 20,000 live viewers is that the fate I don't know that that's that face specifically the spleen you can tell no that's okay I kind of wanna ask you tell me if you don't want to talk about yeah Ethan I don't think he wants to talk about it right yeah I should have definitely just moved on that's for sure ask you stuff that I find that's my problem with this the general theme of this video is basically to me what it shows is just moments that really showed our lack of experience is yeah we're not happy with those moments too and we need we continuously try to work on everything and try to improve sure I mean this is episode 30 okay so obviously we've I think we've gotten a lot better at hosting a show obviously I'm still have a lot of learning to do I'm not as good as I want to be I mean you look at someone like Joe Rogan he was like 1,500 episodes you know what I mean so so I still feel like I'm somewhat of an amateur at doing this but um again I just I understand how he could read into it and see that but that lacking the context of the episode and speculating that I just blindsided him is not true so me to do comi so I just clearly I just get anyway you know what from it let's just let's just throw it straight to the man himself we have a call from none other than jontron we have on the phone with us jontron John hello god bless you I sneeze thanks well you may sneak and you could put that in the big try what's up to be here and I so I'm so enthused to comment yes I know John tell me we didn't interview or we did an episode together that was heavily critiqued in which people had said that I was very hard on you and I pushed you too much and that we didn't talk about it beforehand well I just want to know what was your reaction to that episode did they say that do they say that we didn't talk about yes they speculated that I blindsided you though we I've been this for years now or I think it's years I don't spin years right yeah so I'm here for a long time now like I see it in comments you know like um go canarios video I remember when that came out and everybody was saying those kind of things in comments that's kind of like I don't want to get in between this it's just more blahblah on the internet but you know if I kind of want to just put it just smell some of the rumors at least at least if people are gonna be critiquing like let them do it on the basis of acting stuff so or if people want to be critiquing it let's let them do it on the basis of what actually happened so yeah I know we talked about it beforehand like we met you didn't blindside me basically I know that's what basically you know that's been the thing people have been saying that you just kind of came at me and I didn't know was coming but no we talked about going over the topic it was too kind of sensitive I think both parties were a little bit like me and you and hila like I don't know how to come at this here is a short and tall of it me and Ethan and he'll I go way back I know them very well like I know them on a personal level so yeah we did talk about this thing beforehand we knew would be awkward it was our first suspect um but was was it was Malus blindsiding I don't think so I know how could you say I don't think so come on you know thank you close the door on it done it doesn't sound like it I don't think so you're not mean you can decide whether you want to use this I know that it wasn't malicious I'll tell you why cuz even in HeLa graciously let me stay at their house that same night it's not like you just cut me loose into the city and the next morning he was like checking his reddit and he's wondering if he did the right thing this was not a situation of mal-intent I can say that for a fact just to recap we are friends I legit look the reason I'm here you know I don't like to be in this kind of thing but it's just because I don't like seeing people slander you went like I just mean like slander you using my name when it's not true so that's what thank you so much John thank you why would I not you would do the same for me I would absolutely I would and he less sorry if you know what you're behind my pictures like yours you feel like you're not here but you are here I'm here hello sorry it's good to see you it's good to see you all right Thank You Johnny I'll talk to you bye thank you I saw this podcast it made me realize that Ethan is the Iago of YouTube he isn't friends with you unless he has something to gain you know maybe he's friends like leafy friends you know like that kind of friendship but unless you have something directly to benefit him you're not friends like seriously notice how everybody who he openly claims to be his friends every all the friends he includes in his video ty Lopez that's fine by the way jontron is is just as famous as anyone here all right I don't understand that point by the way jontron is my dear friend he's probably close with my closest friend as close as any of these fields Lopez though I've opened up there we're successful okay it's cuz he's opportunistic by Nature I don't you know I don't that's that's a strange one I have to say people always gravitate the other fellows and in like a similar stratosphere so it's just because you have more to relate to say that I'm that I'm a opportunistic like I mean me and I dubs our friends we've made a lot of content together I mean I have I do have non famous friends of course but what do you want me to say about them dude you want me to tell you all I ever want to hang out with and no Ethan is the Iago of YouTube but if you look at like a man's with you unless he has something to gain who he oh I don't even know that I should blame him but I will because he is I mean I I genuinely don't think he has ever collabed with a smaller youtuber you know take that how you will he has no obligation to but it says something considering how many friends he has in the community but sure he'll have John on the podcast after not talking to him for eight months but we don't know why that is because he wanted the fresh scooped he wanted the juicy details he wanted John that's not why people watched it it's not fresh either yeah but also a lot of our podcasts have views like that from that from like that age you know it's not it's not unusual trying to explain to everybody how he got those [ __ ] up ideas in his head and this is classic I mean this is not a one-off situation watch the podcast for so long and you'll definitely notice something you might not notice it directly but anytime Ethan feels he's superior tous guest he makes it blatantly obvious one of the worst occasions of this is the episode with Jimmy Lee I'm gonna try and make this brief but if you do watch this podcast episode it is insane the amount of disrespect that Ethan displays for this okay so it's up this part I have to admit is just so funny to me because he clearly has no idea who Jimmy Lee is he thinks he's just some random some random dude Ian that I some random comedian that had Jimmy Lee let me give you some backstory Jimmy Lee cuz I have to go back again to the hours and hours of research comment because again either you didn't do that much research or this is a bad faith argument because the origin story of Jimmy Lee is that a fan at the top here I pulled this up the fan wrote us an email they said this is my actual dentist I discovered this video when I decided to look up his alter-ego Jimmy Lee a name which is displayed on top of his music album that he gives to his patients it's the dumbest [ __ ] thing in the world this video makes me want to claw my eyes out so Jimmy Lee is a dentist who gives his mixtapes to his nation and this was during the time we were doing eatin in the other videos yeah and people kept posting submissions for us to react to and that's how it started we reacted to this video that they sent here so Jimmy Lee makes these incredible videos like sketches we show an example they're all super black racist - she says something about she thinks he's gay and she doesn't want to be next to him or something and it's just all super crude she's got like a look yeah exactly it's awesome so anyway that's how we found out Jimmy Lee and then we started having this back and forth with Jimmy he became like this beloved meme and that Ethan and ela universe to the point where we actually collabed with him which goes against your original claim by the way that I'd haven't collabed with any small youtubers Jimmy Lee was a small youtuber and we made a video with him here's a excerpt from that this is one of the greatest moments ever so we met Jimmy Lee when we were living in New York and we just made kind of like a vlog together getting to know him because he's such a character and I cannot emphasize this enough Jimmy Lee is a character unlike anybody else in the world here we are eating lunch and just watch him start he's married by the way and watch him start hitting on this waitress Wow unscripted uncensored and that's what people he's just this absolutely incredible character right but like I mean let me just put this up here this is suiting here's another one of one of his videos he does Street comedy and here he just called he just calls people fat I mean it's incredible that he gets away with it you believe that [ __ ] he just goes up people and cause him fat and now he called these girls ugly Freddy Krueger [Music] you know soon as he leave yeah there's a bunch he does grace this job he does it all man he's the whole song and dance I wish I had some racist jokes time-stamped but like this guy has just figured out how to say and do anything and people just I don't know standing right there I think I mean it's that age too it's just a different generation dude it's great and then he cruises around by the way when he's doing the street comedy with like he hires models to walk around with them it's awesome kids go to private school they won't tell me where it is I'm funny threesome list that I use both hands anyway that's Jimmy leave like this is he acts like Jimmy is just some random sweet old man that we came we came in and just decimated or something but I mean come on it's Jimmy leave you you don't know anything about Jimmy Lee bro and you're talking about it it's crazy it's crazy that you're that you're defending safety I mean it's crazy dude I don't have to say it's crazy like it really genuinely is but okay let's watch what he has to say about Jimmy's first occasion the episode he opens the podcast by basically bashing him and discrediting him as a comedian his comedy style you didn't watch the show the clip you didn't even show the clip actually roasting people he's never met before I mean Jimmy emails me very frequently Jimmy by the way does even to this day he emails and texts mm-hmm on a daily basis frankly every boy loves forgive me for it he's a character wasn't personal but I endured it because I'm like Jimmy's a legend I mean the guy's the guy's a legend so and Jimmy he's a legend then after talking [ __ ] about him he welcomes a month the podcast I mean wasn't that much [ __ ] okay by the way the whole relationship we have with him is talking [ __ ] on him we've made like four videos on him on the Ethan inch ela channel they're all [ __ ] on Jimmy Lee that's the whole premise of our relationship that's it's basically he does cringy comedy and that's how we found him no he's not is the relationship you know it's not like it's not like he's unaware of it that's the whole purpose he wants to be with us he wants to do interact with us knowing that we're always just goofing on him so so so why should i that's that's the expectation he had coming in but it's all fine it's all we're good yeah it's with peace and love yeah for sure welcome the legend to be kind of you know a decent guy and everything they create an effect God and an illusion is really what it is right so it's a marketing tool okay by the way that we told Jimmy because we knew he's gonna pull some [ __ ] cuz he's such a character he we told him no can't you can't I don't want you to bring a camera in the podcast studio because it's small and it's distracting and then sure enough we start recording and this camera guy slips in the door after we started reporting not one there was one guy there was so it's so like it I agree it's awkward so live show but like guy like for me every time I was looking at Jimmy the guy was here like trying to take pictures I was like I can't talk to you when the guys are part of me so I mean it's easy to point Ella as being like [ __ ] or something but like again we said don't bring the cameras in and then there was two camera guys they came it I'm like Jimmy just used I was like just use the footage from the pocket we told them you could we yeah you can have all the footage they're getting right in their face yeah we have three cameras in here but it's hard for me to focus on you when they went out good oh can you stay and do stills we took photos together okay this is pretty much what we expected though it's part of the experience for sure and for some reason this interaction gives Ethan the green light to just [ __ ] ruin this guy's day like it's it's no again I you I don't even know that's based on nothing that's just your narrative your hours of research didn't even take take you down to Jimmy Lee hole you don't even know our relationship I mean that's just a bad faith argument to show Jimmy Lee secret like between us is that it's it can be awkward for people to be around you right like you know that you elicits that response why why do people who'd you have dude you have to go watch the video I made with him he's you don't understand that is his existence like to say that that was the green light for me to [ __ ] on Jimmy Lee just approves this is a bad faith argument he focuses heavily on the fact that his jokes are dated and they're kind of racist in a way and oh my god did you see that look at this my god Ethan so we just got a good look at the Google Doc he uses to question this guy and wouldn't you know it it outlines every single question he asks for me and I got a big outfit and you're successful dentist what is your passion is a comedy or dentistry well I wasn't doing this for money I'm not making money doing it it's a passion from here so what does your wife think about that she thinks I'm nuts and I got my older son that thinks I'm nuts and my young one thinks I'm hysterical what does she think about all the female attention you get it even has some of the [ __ ] jokes that he uses jimmy emails me very frequently he pretty much emails me like five times we're best friends he knows hila too so now we know why you so pushy during the jontron interview when he has an agenda well okay I mean this criticisms just strange that I have notes yeah I mean the why why is that a criticism I mean I'm an amateur podcast host and I try to formulate my thoughts as best I can I mean I agree that it's best I learned that it's best to be prepared but to avoid it as much as possible that's what I've learned over time yeah you don't script it nearly as close and we have experiment we've experimented with different ways to it's just this is all a learning experience for us but we've done once like that and then we've done ones with no notes to see how Josa conversation goes but I don't see why is that here in the video that's just I don't either and I mean I accept the criticism of course that I'm not a good podcast host and I'm deaf I'm always trying to improve but it's almost like he just saw like my notes and he's like oh I can expose I can use this in some way to show like I found something out that I wasn't supposed to see but there's really nothing incriminating about me wanting to have notes I mean I'm just trying to be prepared he just goes with it he doesn't give a [ __ ] he doesn't even listen to what the people are saying he asks the questions he wrote down and doesn't even care to transition them properly that's kind of a personal yeah that's true I mean that that's probably true that that especially at that time that that I was too reliant or wasn't you know engaged my fear as a podcast host is like that I was I'm back then I had this issues like I don't want dead air and my fear is that they'll stop talking and I won't know what to say right so I was always trying to load up the next question in my mind because it's like this you want to keep the show flowing but you also want to have a natural conversation so this was kind of what I was balancing with and especially doing it live added an extra layer of making it stressful right because it's live and every little like I don't know you notice it immediately and it's awkward yeah back then - I want to point out that we not only were we doing it live but you guys would always have the twitch chat open right in the show yeah which we realized was a terrible idea because you're being way too receptive - yeah feedback and I remember during that Jimmy Lee episode it was just a wall of people saying oh my god this is so uncomfortable this is so cringe Bob you know like and that gets in your head right and so I mean that was that was a mistake as well yeah it's a convenient for him that he goes I'm just gonna talk about this real fast because yeah because you haven't you don't have any context you don't actually show any of the episode and you're just painting this whole narrative and speculating on [ __ ] there's just a hundred percent untrue I mean the only thing that is true that I'll own and that you're right about is that I was and still am a bad podcast host but is that really enough to say that I'm a bad dude what would you think this video is trying to say I mean I don't see how that me Quast me being a bad person bündchen right because who would do this that's why I don't get and have fun that's by doing this viewers what's at the script Jimmy how long have you been Wyatt I'll be black with you in a minute that's serious like this holder let's keep watching man this videos of cherry picking the parcel they can look bad you do that's you've gotta watch his videos bro what you haven't no content the fact that you're gonna come out here and and be sad for Jimmy Lee is so mental bro it's such a bad faith argument just go watch the videos bro nothing's cherry-picked is spectacular okay older people only reason the kick and mouth failed is because you wanted it to you wanted to rag on this old man and you succeed oh he's no angel okay when this guy goes to the bathroom she [ __ ] literally suggests that they kick him out saying we could bring bandwidth in years after the break and Ethan loves and again you like people on the chat we're going like get him out of there so again we were reacting to that I agree with super awkward and honestly we probably shouldn't kicked him out but like whatever it was just really uncomfortable is a really early episode it's for planning all around yeah it was a bad execution yeah it needed to be planned out more as here's this segment and here's that it was a transition but it was all alive and it's like okay how do we talk about how we want to move forward not right now while it's also live and we don't know what we doing but this whole thing he's just a poor old man is so crazy it's just so bad an argument it's just it is and I don't know how much Jimmy Lee would appreciate being referred to as some old man anyway either like it's weird cuz gokhan ro has this way of insulting the people he's trying to defend like he freaking won you'll see when we get to shoenice he's always going he's just a drunk he's he's this alcoholic drunk and like he just writes some office and it's I find it very bizarre I found a very demeaning the way he refers to these people as some old man some old man Jimmy Lee the jersey outlaw because he goes through with it he does it guys I'm sorry [Music] thanks for joining us today I was a it was a pleasure I hope you'd finish like with like the guy was racist that his jokes were there were clearly jokes we're racist and then five minutes guy leaves he says this the old guy leaders for banning dabbing there it is that was like a [ __ ] jihad dad that was like [ __ ] straight-up Akbar dad here we go we're going in slow-mo no wind up that was a brutal damn wasn't that about how they banned dabbing in Saudi Arabia or some [ __ ] oh no I don't think that they banned it that was so long ago that was a really brutal dad boy keeps refracted then - as an employee if you've done your research this is dead again the producer it's got a name yes anyway I treat my answer will die just treat people with the same respect they give anyway we've talked about Jimmy Lee now let's hear what Jimmy Lee has to say and we welcome to the show Jimmy Lee the jersey outlaw and with us today we have Jimmy Lee the Jersey outlawed can you hear me Jimmy are we doing a gag we're doing a gag all right is that it that's it thanks for joining us yeah be nice to see ya how you been to get my prostate checked and I said where do I put my pants he said next to mine I left nice how you been how you good good good good I've missed those those beautiful one-liners our podcast episode we did together how did you feel about that episode I mean did you feel that I was rude to you there well there were a lot of comments that you were and then I get I guess I got asked to leave but didn't figure it out to the end and I never had a problem with you but I think people that watch they did and some people said you're mean and some people said I mean it was like catch-22 but me being a performer I know you mock me and I mock people when I'm on the street and you know I don't take that personal because that's part of the act and you know being an entertainer you have to roll with that so did you want fresh material it's always fresh all your material is fresh you want might you want a new joke give me whatever you like well I was with an orphan girl and I made love and then when I got done she said she want to go to church to find her father no good just took me a mom I was processing she went to church to find her father being God right well father meaning she doesn't have a father and she Laura in the church yeah it's a lot to chew on that's a good job giving me trouble she's giving me trouble mm-hmm my wife's giving me truck I took her to the Presidential Suite at Motel 6 Hilla and we're making love and I said honey why so quiet and she said I'm in the bathroom you idiot and I said stay there I'm doing better without you we're not talking now that's this game here that there was even a round bed above the round mirror above the bed it's an object may appear larger than the action you are and so right of course and and I told her she's a lousy cook I said if you could cook better we could fire this chap she said if you could screw better we could fire the chauffeur you see or fighting the wife and I if you could screw better we could fire the chauffeur yeah and so she's a chauffeur right yeah well I told her she said no I said is that your final answer she said yes so I phoned a friend that's when the fight started well that makes sense if you shouldn't be calling other women Jimmy so I'm still doing my thing well thank you for giving us a call it was great to see you this was great though you got some great material mm-hmm thanks for having me on you guys have a wonderful night thank you thank you thank you thank you bye now superiority complex okay so Jimmy we had a very small following if any at all so Ethan felt that he could act that way toward him and he would get minimal backlash that's just again come on dude but what happens when he treats another youtuber with disrespect well this is William Osmond he's an engineer who makes very creative and very interesting videos now a while ago his house actually burned down and obviously that was a pretty you know devastating experience for him but one of the projects that he was working on was a beanie that talked and it was made for Ethan specifically and that video garnered a lot of attention and finally after about five months William was invited onto the podcast however there was one small little issue with Williams Channel he only had 600,000 subscribers again that's speculating and my issue okay that's not even really a small Channel yeah I don't think so either yeah to support the argument but again like you look back at all of the youtubers that have been on Ethan's podcast there's not a single one with less than a million subscribers I just this whole argument right there captain captain disillusion by the way we literally I love this guy we flew him out and put him in a hotel so we could put him on so I mean first of all you're factually wrong habit Eric from internet comment and air ticket we should say - you should check I had seen one of the many follow-up videos that this guy has done him acknowledged that that was a mistake okay but so he took full disclosure like he's aware of that that is a false statement ma'am whatever I mean it's we're reacting to the video that these people are not watching his follow-up oh I agree I'm just giving him but he is included always with jacksFilms it's not true we had to Eric on so many times without jack we had him on like more than anybody yeah obviously has a lot of subscribers he's kind of supplementary you know and as well Eric obviously is well known for bouncing on his boys dick I did nothing wrong come the [ __ ] on it's not a multi-layered [ __ ] issue don't say the n-word yeah but other than Eric William was the first person to be invited on to the podcast with less than a million subs you know for once I opened the doors for someone who was up and coming so why do I see me as an issue yeah what about Jimmy Lee just at all he wasn't given a full episode he was given a 20-minute time space on an episode they said we're gonna be on for like 20 minutes yeah we did he's not really a creator though he's more like internet folklore I guess so he says so by the way I didn't know that William made this video before he came on although it's good at least cuz he acknowledges that we he knew what he was coming for and the reason that he only was coming for 20 minutes if you look at that episode was only an hour long and I think the reason is that again like we did so many times is we're experimenting and trying things my idea was like let me try it where we do this segment with William and then we do the news and that's the whole episode it was only an hour long I think there was another segment before William came into but hmm but yes we were trying to do a more segmented yes like a talk show word and so actually I didn't know that he had that he was sad that he wasn't gonna get a full episode and I and I do feel bad that we didn't give him a full episode and we definitely should have I agree with that a million percent totally but it wasn't malice that's what I want to say it wasn't out of malice it was really just out of I was experimenting with different things on the podcast and I was up was thoughtless I mean I'll say that for sure I but but malice is I mean that's just not true I'm like a temperate I don't know you know saying like supplemental so whatever your show so what we've learned is that we're not excited and when you were so well again I didn't even know he made this video if I did I would have give him the full episode watch the episode there is very little substance to this hour-long episode of the podcast and William could have easily filled that time when this is a very mediocre episode we're just sitting here you know everybody that's not a slight at William we said that all of our yeah episodes during that time it was a joke I'm it's like this is the best episode no this is a very mediocre up so let me be upfront with you but okay whatever you know 20 minutes is still better than no time at all right so let's just see what they talk about though the story of this being a excretion is also interesting one interesting a nice word for tragic one I'll show you the fridge howdy what's the process like of like okay you go to the site everything's gone mm-hmm like what what do you do it's a very lost feeling it's not a good it's imagine everything stripped away you don't know what you're doing the next day you don't know what you're doing the next week you don't know anything and what's the like the thing that you you really were depressed about losing that maybe you didn't expect but it wasn't having like into everything instantaneously as you do every day so for the sake of saving you some time they basically just talked about how his house burned down for a good 15 minutes of his 20 minutes and obviously you know if this were a full-fledged podcast then it would make sense for them to go on about this for a while but he only has 20 minutes so basically the majority was time was spent talking about a devastating situation he endured and to their credit Ethan in Hilo seems like they do care but immediately after this they transition swiftly so just again to give context he had his like he had a really viral video because he made a video about on his channel his house burned down we're both from Ventura incidentally so it was like following that whole story and he made a video about his house burning down and going through the rubble that went like super viral so I mean to me it seemed like a really interesting topic of conversations I also it this is a small point but I do want to say just because he keeps saying it it was longer than 20 minutes mm-hmm okay so again for all that research it's just like kind of fudging the number right how long was it like 25 minutes I think it was a little bit longer than that even it was close to a half hour okay so 27 but like obviously you know you're rounding down yeah to make it about the talking beanie well I'm happy that you made it out me too I mean you said you really saved the most important you've got the vania I'm not joking I this really was high on my party but not specifically because of you but because it was the video yeah it was for you let me try this thing on let's let's oh I'm gonna turn the facts turn it up I don't see any problem here I mean I'm just doing it so I'm scared what's it matera you're come promise I have seen anyway thank you god bless his other video too about the Vin Diesel thing so I don't really know it'd be perfect but Ethan doesn't care to collaborate with people who are below him he only looks above and it's a bad [ __ ] idea because you're gonna end up getting hit hard with a lot of people realizing that you don't care all right god bless man thanks just speculate how would you I mean we chose to talk about what we cared about that's our show you yeah all right I don't really see anything wrong with this part I think he's stretching really far here on 2d god damn freaking Ian's beat this was great we did you say that we just posted a video so I was so right now we're having a really awkward moment and that alone because again we we were just starting I think Dan had recently started and we hadn't really figured out like how to do C changes and stuff and we had planned that we would move on and do the news thing but William didn't really know if he was should stay there or if I should move out Dan was gonna come in or Dan was gonna come and do the news I don't think is that correct I think it was actually Ian or Ian I don't remember the ian was new it was one of the first times we were bringing in Ian for a segment wasn't when we went to the Kanye thing right now I'm almost certain that's what it was well it doesn't matter what load this oh is it this is this why you oh this this is awkward I agree this on our table yeah the videos up but at best we'll put it was a video I don't know what's happening it's very awful you would think that after 60 plus in stepa so they would be better at transitioning guests I agree that's legitimate for hink sure we were still alive at the time we got a two-shot do you guys mind swapping out that's fine this is Ian or William god bless you everybody please check out Williams Channel I'm gonna put a link in the description yeah please leave that alright it is still there by the way broken ok get Bobby Lee remember come on come by the way we only had three chairs in there so we didn't have another camera set up yeah it was poorly thought out I'll take the blame for that the thing is that dissipate we literally couldn't have four people in here and do the new segment what I should have done is just continued to talk to him but like I had this idea anyway yeah it was awkward but there was no mouse they put the guy's name it he is a [ __ ] significant following 600k is not nothing man so wait is he and significant or is he big you can't make up your mind about him anyway the viewers picked up on this very easily and the title was changed although for some reason the booty dr. description was extended so you can't see his name and recommended and I do think that this lack of respect that is displayed by Ethan is largely to do with this [ __ ] micromanaging of the podcast we saw already that he has scripts for his podcasts and his questions and clearly this is causing issues because he sticks too closely to his shitty scripts you know this is a fan and a fellow youtuber who was very excited to come on and rather than exploring his mind you just you you limited him to two things beanie and [ __ ] fire this also kind of explains why the bill bird podcast went so poorly oh well before we get into Bill burr we have a call from yours truly William Osmond welcome back to the show so William thank you for joining us how how did you feel about the video you know I never saw the video you made before you came on the show where you were saying that you were disappointed you were gonna be on for 20 minutes and I do want to say right off the bat that I should 100% have given you your own episode at the time we were trying to like segment did and I was trying to do so awkward it was very awkward and I should have given you your whole episode no I mean I I think that like I don't honestly at the end of the day like I don't really care I think people make a bigger stink about it then they should yeah like I think that you know you you know nobody's perfect and I think that you Neela are like some of the nicest people that I've met and the decision to not have me on longer probably stemmed from maybe not thinking that it would be like as interesting to the the podcast audience which I totally get like as a content creator you have to try to figure out what people want to see and so I think it was just a kind of unfortunate situation where you know it may have been deemed that that people didn't want to see as much of William Osmond stuff because at the time it was you know it was a much smaller Channel so it's not it's not like something that has affected me greatly like I don't think about it every day at the time though it was maybe a little bit of a bummer to have not been included more but that doesn't really you know change the way like you guys have I've you know been nice to me you've been like especially that day after well I do definitely apologize we should have included you in the whole episode for sure yeah that's it that's really all there is to it but actually you are coming next week yeah next Friday you will be in the studio for about 20 minutes and then we'll have to move no we're gonna do if we're gonna do the fall episode we should have done back then but awesome but well what else what really else is there to say I I don't think anything like I I think that people just select a sort of weaponized stuff that they see online and and to me it's it's just it's not a big deal like everything I do is like trying to be creative and trying to entertain people and like I've made decisions that you know like I'm gonna show less of this or more of that because that's I think people want and and so there's there's no hard feelings there's nothing that you know like there's some stigma there's no like I'm not mad at anybody and never have been mad at anybody and so I think you know that's that's basically it I mean like other people have talked about it online more than I've ever even thought about it right yeah it's well thank you for saying that and I do want to ask what is going on with your hair you want to see let me see a profile yeah I let my caretaker cut my hair oh yeah oh yeah holy crap no that's a quarantine with the beard and everything I mean that's a quarantine special I think it's a quarantine special exactly she's ever given someone a haircut I like went down to the to the scalp on the side your fade was just us trying to like you know communicate hey like a fade is like a transition but it was too late at that point well it looks great I can't wait to see that beautiful head with all the attached hairs and everything and we'll get into more detail on next week yeah yeah perfect sounds good okay thanks for thank you for calling in yeah all right you guys all right bye-bye welcome back now let's talk about Bill burr this also kind of explains why the bill bird podcast went so poorly but you see the difference is that usually the person who Ethan brings on is well aware of who Ethan is and so Ethan feels a degree of power right because he's this authority figure I mean again it's really just you're speculating a lot and you're using Jimmy Lee and William Osmond two of our first episodes that they were awkward as proof that I am exhibiting power over the guests whatever but Bill burr doesn't know who the [ __ ] Ethan is and he doesn't care and Ethan went into it assuming that he would already have respect he flashed celebrate good if anything if you watch back to bill burr I'm I'm I'm painfully insecure if anything I mean yeah I have incredible reverence for Bill burr and so the fact that it was awkward was really just me being nervous and and being insecure what he doesn't mention in this part is that Bill burr so I was like wow okay he left and then Bill burr reached out to us to come back on a second time he reached out to us and the second one everyone thought went great they said it was the redemption episode right that was well after he released this video though oh it was okay so fair enough to him yeah but but I don't know you can watch this and then say I'm I'm superior I mean I see the opposite personally like he didn't have to earn it but it's bill burr is a very grounded guy and he [ __ ] shattered that illusion and it was beautiful to see the great bill burr here today all about great give me something greatest guy sitting across from you right now at the NCAA there's a lot going on for the great bill burr with the great great what am i doing what way exactly bill burr I'm flattered I do mean I know it makes you uncomfortable but does one great was bad enough but you know that I like being appreciated yeah okay just say Tony with the person I appreciate yeah once again the great mine that's it I appreciate very much that's his finishing move well I love that moment what did I do it on here you do the great great as I turn around thank you where'd you uncomfortable now you [ __ ] cop very very very funny gentlemen good people good people yeah you are the greatest greatest comedian I know everybody and I don't I swear to God I don't know but you know what I'm telling man know what I'm gonna say I appreciate you I was really anxious at the at the time to be honest and I was like beside myself with nerves with Bill burr being here and so it was just him being you know like the way it is if there's another comedian on YouTube who has a Pakistan YouTube called Theo von and he's been on a show he's super funny awesome dude and he had bill burr on there and also like me Theo Vaughn's a huge fan of Bill burr and Bill burr also just totally railroaded him too and they had like this really awkward think so when I went when I went on Theo Vaughn's show we were like just it was like the bill burr anonymous Club like we were all recovering but I mean this is not I don't see me being superior I see me just getting like being being very insecure which is what I was you know we don't the great billboard doesn't have time for that right now I'm not ragging on him for being nervous I'm ragging on him because his superiority complex was shattered there's no evidence of that I didn't see any evidence for that and it was revealed that it's actually an underlying layer of insecurity that is driving him see yeah that's part of I feel like that's a new thing you're already worried about your daughter being sexually assaulted you know how old your dog I don't think that is I think that's you you projecting your OCD on me it's you're talking about you know but she said words and she totally communicates cut up to I don't even know what we were talking about yeah it's so cut up but hearing you talk about her on the podcast you're pretty perceptive more than busting my balls and I was so anxious that I couldn't appreciate the fact that he was really just busting my balls and fun yeah and so I was like my mind was like oh this is going awful and I was trying and but I was like in my head you know which is the worst while you're trying to be in the moment but worst you could say which bit plenty people did say is that I'm a bad interviewer and this was an awkward interview all that's true but he's what he's doing and what he's attempted to do throughout all this is to speculate about what my intentions are or what I meant and what I did but none but it's not nervous true and frankly I don't really think it's supported by what he's showing either I guess what he really does is he establishes like my character really early on which is funny because the first thing with Leif he was flat-out wrong and so with the leafy thing and the jontron thing and all this then you're like okay he's a really bad dude and then you have no problem accepting all the speculative things about my intentions throughout the video really I mean I just wanted for the sake of brevity scholar and I know it's awkward this feels like a child asking someone questions on career day that's true when you skip to the final box yeah press f to pay respect for I've said this I went on antidepressants the day of this I went home and I [ __ ] literally that was brutal yeah I'm just gonna keep going superior inferior and now we have bill burr on the phone no we don't oh this parts great bonus coat here we G sauce [ __ ] here and is ethan klein a joke thief are you gonna do what hey stre hey tree does where he goes against his morals for financial gain and then also life as viewers a lot as well I'm sorry are you gonna are you gonna steal content I don't know what he's referring to but but didn't hear ideas off other creatives and then use them as your own and not shots yes okay well according to Chad he is but Chad's name is also anything for views so you know doesn't exactly add credibility Ethan stop stealing your jokes and stop telling the same ones and you should be good oh because you stole the vapenation meme oh yeah tell it tell everyone don't tell them where they start from just say you stole yeah yeah the number one gem of of ethan klein vapenation was a stolen idea from a friend a close friend to repeat it oh this is getting spicy but like keep be honest like who do you take it from why why are you freaking Blue Boy holy weapon anxious rhabdo oh yeah I don't know if I can reveal that I'm not giving anyway because I 3 bucks from real baby boo you are Joaquim just gave it away I just saw her in the Jack King gave it away [Music] okay I mean Ethan's kind of already admitted that in a way so well hero one day I was filming with filthy Frank and his producer was there and he was vaping so hard I was like dog was going on with like this vapor he said he's like yeah man it's just it's vapenation and I was like wait how's that wait say that again I was like holy [ __ ] like that's brilliant [ __ ] vapenation Chad Keane you tell everyone what's going on here exactly yep okay so first of all let me talk about Chad anything for views I don't know what this guy's problem is with me but I've only met him once okay he can when keemstar came on this podcast he came with him unannounced him and Andy Milonakis and I was going to the bat I didn't know they were coming I was going to the bathroom came star was already here I was getting ready and then Chad walks in the hallway and he goes he introduces himself he goes hi I'm Chad I talk [ __ ] about you all the time online and I was like ok that's how he introduced himself to me I says ok well I'm sorry that uh you don't like me but welcome to my office so then he comes in and they him Chad and Andy sit outside what Kim starts doing the podcast we have food we served them it's very colder cordial we have a good time we go downstairs for a cigarette and he goes so what tell me is it what is it true that you stole vapenation from filthy Frank this is before this by the way and I say what I've never heard that before that's I've never heard that before and no I mean the whole videos improvised right I mean how could I possibly steal the everything in that video is 100% improvised the two of us just out there without a plan recording right and that's the video the fact like the outfit the character that was all improvised we just literally took clothes it was in our part man the one thing that is true which is what I've always admitted is that Topher George's like he worked with them on the producer side he said vapenation I know and George never said anything about it and I was like oh that's such a funny term in fact Topher even helped me make the video he helped us film the party yeah the part in the Central Park when I was doing a babe tricks Topher help me film that and so and so I was like that that doesn't make any sense it's all improvised how could I even steal for me he goes okay I just wanted to know because that's what George says but don't tell anyone but don't tell anyone right and then okay well no it's not true and then now he's out here telling everybody like oh don't say anything Ethan stole vapenation so I'm a joke thief because I stole the title for a fully improvised video okay and I now and finally I was like I just called George because I frankly really offended and heard that he was telling people that and I said George is it true that you were tongue telling people that I stole the idea for vapenation I didn't even know that you were planning to make a vape video I didn't know I just heard Topher say vapenation I don't know if he was repeating you or what but and he goes and he says that uh in short he says no I'm gonna I'm gonna keep the conversation the brief out of respect for George but he said I did not say that I've never said that so that's the totality of this entire rumor that chad has been spreading about me and I don't know what's this [ __ ] guy's problem why he always has such a hate boner for me like but but what the [ __ ] I don't know what to say to the guy I really don't I mean he's friends with King star so he's a right that's what he calls himself pat sit on him so that that's it so no of course how can you steal something that's totally improvised I mean it doesn't make any sense so even after I explained that to him he went and kids kept spreading the rumor I don't really know what what uh I don't really know what else to say about that but okay you know that just don't talk about it at all because that's just straight drama bro like what so why did you put it but now you're talking about if you put in your video also quick update my ex-wife is now pregnant with my brother's child Oh Cass silver content baby why did he he like started filming and didn't cut it out when he had food in his mouth pearl what what happened is spending hundreds of hours editing you think that's the part where you're still chewing food I got to go back I'm sorry but also quick update my ex-wife is now pregnant with my brother's child I'm sorry that I had to go back but just please appreciate that he's eating foods beginning in this clip in the park why didn't he come back he should have spent more hours at it following Ethan's drunken rant about keemstar he makes this comment by the way the show I mean I I don't need I don't need to clickbait we're okay alright I'm not like desperate for more clicks to put it ok so I see a humble brag and a way for you to deflect the criticism that you use PewDiePie's controversy to kind of click bait people and make them watch the podcast but when somebody else brings up your financial situation it's a little different it's great now I'm so happy he seems like you're doing all right for yourself we got some walls we got some courage trying why we're trying this probe who's been to the hustle what's this Mike's wait yikes what yikes what did I say I'm not getting the IKE sir you really didn't like that what I was just goofing around a genius to see you did not like that Tim with that I think it does make good genius apparently the most cringe thing that has been in the video so far really got him making a [ __ ] ton of money from the podcast that would be crazy but since John hit a soft spot there that's nothing Ethan you started the podcast because ad revenue was low there's nothing wrong with that if you need money to support yourself then get it however you need just make sure your content doesn't suffer but let me fill you guys in on a little little juicy detail a little little piece of mmm nice meat do you want to know why Ethan his focus so heavily on the podcast over the last year why he hasn't made any original content in the last four months why his Twitter now links to the podcast Channel yes the Family Channel yeah it's because the podcast makes a [ __ ] ton of money that's one reason the other reason which I've said many times is that I just lost interest in making the same old video it wasn't good I didn't like doing it I just the reaction video format and the criticism all that it's like it's a constant search for looking for videos and reaching for things to criticize I didn't like it doing it any more I feel like the whole thing became very negative yeah this is the workflow at home we started to not even enjoy the process and then all of a sudden we were working here and you get to go to an office and you get to work with other people yes and it gave us a stability it felt like every week we know what we're doing yes it's our decision I don't know there were different reasons but I feel like we just kind of moved on to something else right we decided we wanted to do this and I mean we spoke about a lot but yeah but ultimately the creative process became really toxic for us and we just didn't enjoy the process anymore so the podcast was more fresh and exciting and fun and yes more lucrative to which is all the more reason to to continue to invest ourselves in it let me let me break it down for you hmm why is it that almost every youtuber I know of has started a podcast this year well the answer is pretty simple they make money it's because podcast can get direct sponsors and direct sponsors make a lot more than just a regular cons what kind of genius analysis is those people make podcasts because they make money here's where the problem arises each episode of the h3 podcast has three to four spot no dude have you ever watched a podcast they all have that many in fact if you look at like Joe Rogan or some of the really popular ones they even have more like five plus like Joe Rogan's attire the first like 10-15 minutes is pure ads so if you ever watch a television show you how many have yeah right this is not a high number but the thing is I mean just for context though like I mean we are definitely on par or even lower the most popular podcast so it's weird too it's just such a weird that is insane it's not insane it's totally it's the literal status quo sponsored by me on DS movement naturebox and Dollar Shave Club this episode is brought to you because your sponsor making at least $10 per thousand views at the [ __ ] bare minimum then add pre-roll ads then add the separate clips Channel and then of course add you know the affiliate links but when people actually you know purchase products of affiliate links I've never put affiliate links in my [ __ ] description that that means that what does it mean by that we put oh he just means the URL yeah no we don't we don't work on Commission though oh I see what you're saying yeah I thought he meant like a Amazon like you put a like it that is technically when an affiliate right I don't think that's what he means yeah I put I put up yeah I don't yeah okay the industry podcast is making conservatively $20,000 you can think I'm full of [ __ ] but come on and the thing is you think $20,000 is a lot because as it appears that you're young man that I mean I don't mean this as an insult it just looks like you live with your parents though I could be wrong about that I'm not saying that to insult you but we have three full-time employees and we have an office just do the math on that just like do a rough calculation on that our costs $20,000 is not that much money I mean it is it's a lot of money right but but it's not I mean I don't I don't I just uh but anyway what what is I don't get the point of counting our money like as a strike he said you only put a hundred thousand I said abso-fucking-lutely I put hundred thousand on it goes to the winner winner takes all just think about it music let's say average a million again conservative that's a lot of people watching your ads but nothing wrong with that just make sure your content does not suffer that's mean isn't that your objective opinion subject yeah Yeah right subjective because I stopped making h3 videos and I started making the podcast that's the equation that's that's the trade-off make more money do it how you need make better content or at least the same degree that's how I mean live your life how you want don't tell me how to look my yeah about that do whatever you want to do that's the equation that who wrote ya chop does it that's what you know most relatively successful communities do the videos improve over time but yours don't you spend an average of ten full minutes each podcast talking about your sponsors you know instead of it's not ten minutes I was like five well well we've had times in the beginning that it took us longer and we became better at doing yeah definitely used to drag that's also broadcasting I think we were trying to goof it around and make it entertaining so we'd make it longer and now we're just snappier cuz I think people just I understand that people who it's better just get through it right now our ad Rees are probably more like five max like we know we read a five minute we three yeah so but yeah like you said ela that's totally normal three to five minutes of ads in a two-hour podcast to three-hour podcast back then we were doing them longer and you know saving people some time you drag it on you talk about you Ram Justin he's making this sinister music and he's talking about how my ad reads are long this is this is made it into his video but it with HeLa is recorded completely separately of the conversation as well so it's like a legit commercial break a short short break we will be back soon with your boy jontron thank you to me undies for sponsoring this I'm not gonna watch me thank you oh my god legitimate break in the content and sometimes these breaks are [ __ ] literally nine minutes long such like in the ninja interview really he was just do people want you're making this like if people think it's too much they could choose not to watch people are watching the podcast it's just it's so bizarre like we're just kicking it you know gaming that's freaking awesome yes thanks for watch guys we're gonna take a short break we will be right back welcome to running a business I don't want to tell you do not go away do not leave dan cut me off we'll be right back after this commercial break see you guys soon they've got dr. cart you look like my life at this point that I'm surprised you don't shoot yourself every time you [ __ ] ramble honestly good it's nuts the amount it just flashed on screen 9 minutes of improvised Schilling one thing I don't really think you know that it's Schilling is usually when you're you're being deceptive about like if you're being paid to promote a product but you don't disclose that like this is all very upfront I think Schilling just means like selling out in the way he's using it I guess yeah look you look like a cream pie I care about you guys you know what and wish the best for you Jesus I really went on a tangent there like man I've heard you ramble about Dollar Shave Club so many [ __ ] times in my eye I frankly okay life at this point that's a weird point they don't shoot yourself every time you [ __ ] ramble honestly because it's nuts the amount of time you've spent in your life talking about Dollar Shave Club yeah they pay me to talk about them dude nobody's paying I mean look yeah they're a sponsor I don't to say man you never listen to radio or podcast or anything anyway so now we understand why the main channel has suffered so much it's because why [ __ ] bother making high quality content that takes you potentially hundreds of hours to make when you're gonna make like 500 bucks off the Adsense you know why not exactly you nailed it on the head [ __ ] that is one point yeah I mean that's part of it what's wrong with that - somebody or talk to your wife who will barely respond you know you'll make 20 to 40 k yeah you know two hours no-brainer right that's why the podcast is twice a week it's so that he can make twice as much money wrong we did it twice a week because we thought there for as long as we're focused on the podcast let's do it more frequently that also allowed us to spread the ads over more episodes basically do exactly what he's criticizing tonight to have that brakes be less we're gonna have four ads let's do two a week exactly we didn't get more it was too much I went back to one actually well we went back to one when the quarantine happened and the reason is because I did I I started investing myself in the videos right I needed more time like the the keemstar and the some ordinary gamer I spent a lot of time on those videos because it was a topic I was passionate about and I was like you know what [ __ ] I got I want to talk about this stuff so there you go well being half as entertaining I mean in your opinion seriously the podcast where there's no guests are terrible okay so we are gonna skip chapter 7 & 8 because it's a long video and I don't I feel like I don't need to address these points because chapter 7 is about that I'm not funny and that's totally fine I mean I'm not gonna fight him and try to argue that I'm funny I mean he's entitled to think I'm not funny the chapter 8 is about that we sometimes miss report things and get information wrong and that I totally own you know sometimes I put my foot in my mouth and I say the wrong stuff so you know you can wash that part I I just I don't need to respond to it because I I own it you're right I get stuff wrong all the time on this podcast so that's fine okay so chapter 9 - poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more [Music] death okay all right now I'm gonna discuss one last issue that I have with you if I hadn't seen this I would not have made this video in the 27th podcast you made you had an entire segment where you talked about shoenice and I was thinking about having him on the podcast because he's just such a wild Christ such a lunatic getting to come here he eat some deodorant or something he was like I'll be in LA in a couple weeks or next month or it was very open-ended I was like okay well I'll let you know that we discussed maybe doing a collab or podcast I don't remember something it was just an email and then we just didn't we just never followed up and you featured a video of him ranting about you and filthy Frank and he said some derogatory comments about you and Gila and it was basically just him making himself look like an [ __ ] with insulting you specifically America at the end so for those of you don't know shoenice is a crippling alcoholic he got really that's so I feel like that's really rude he's a crippling that's what I'm saying like I never said anything that mean about him mmm-hmm you're a crippling alcoholic sure we I have a lot of history with you knows we are totally cool with show in 2011-2012 for some videos of him basically slamming leaders of alcohol within a few seconds that's not all he's famous for how dare you how dare you diminished shoenice did shoenice is famous for eating deodorant too early paint for the paper he's basically the Billy Goat of YouTube he got famous for eating and doing crazy [ __ ] like consuming crazy [ __ ] it's not just about the alcohol shoo-shoo nice baby the legend me and my elementary school friends used to watch too nice all the time and watching his videos it does not take a genius to know that this guy is not in a good place he is he's he's a raging alcoholic and dude why do you keep insulting Shu he's a raging alcoholic I mean goes through phases is not yeah but a little more complicated than that he's almost writing him off as like shoenice he's an alcoholic you can't again he's like sjw infor shoe knows you can't say anything about shoe nice he's a alcoholic she nice is my dog I don't know what you're talking about if you've ever seen his vice documentary which I recommend you can see that the guy is not all there he has some issues okay and deep down it seems like his intentions are good in general I agree but there's a lot of issues to be unraveled when was the last time I seen my son a little spoiled rotten brat when you see him again tell him to tell his mom dirty [ __ ] I'm getting half you know he's a vet he's a very interesting guy a very interesting case study and yeah he's aware of all that and he must think he's interesting too because he used him as a punching bag in front of his audience of over a million and I'm pretty sure he's drunk all the time he gets drunk he's done this about 20 times makes this anti-semitic ramble and then he erases it when he Sobers up these are pretty entertaining and so I'm kind of into like shoenice hate videos now and he was aware of that when he gave shoenice false hope of being on the podcast my biggest concern was I don't want him in this office not only because I'm afraid he's gonna try to kill somebody but I also don't trust him with the address I think he would like posted on Twitter immediately just out of a drunk vengeance I think he would be an interesting podcast guest but I would want like legit security I would want him patted down before he entered ya handcuffs look I love shoenice but he's pretty why he's pretty wild I mean I was playing it up though for sure mm-hmm yeah I mean I was goofing out sure nice for sure but I don't know why he's put placed in this this like position of guarding he's like Guardian yeah he's so fragile all the poor shoenice being shoenice have been going back and forth for years like there's so much history between me and show and he was I mean he was the reason we were doing this by the way with dunking on him is because he was here I have these he was calling you like an Israeli [ __ ] and [ __ ] like here let me see I've got all these great shoe nice tags here he said he just started tweeting out all this crazy [ __ ] he goes don't give single [ __ ] about his subscribers Jewish people are greedy and only care for themselves and ela is a [ __ ] I said what the [ __ ] is wrong with you he's a [ __ ] up [ __ ] you were my huh you were my help now shoo nice trolls you until I die like he's a character you know anyway here's another one he said [ __ ] off ela is a [ __ ] from Israel and ela famously said slams more toilet paper to clean the [ __ ] coming out of your mouth I mean it's been a back and forth with Shue but it is all love I know it does I know it doesn't seem that way at times but it really is all love well after restrainin it'll be like a scene out of Silence of the Lambs where he's just sitting in a chair will have to muzzle and put a mask on him because Ethan does not care about people's feelings on an individual level that's on a grand scale what are you based that's just come on it's not right he cares what people think but on an individual level he does not unless of course you have something to offer him now again okay you're just you're I know weird thing that you know all that I don't know she only brought him up in this one segment right that's you know you bring up shoenice once he doesn't really know how he'll react it's not like it's not a big deal honestly I would have definitely overlooked it because you know shoenice probably enjoyed the attention but now here we are it's been a year since that podcast and Ethan's had a year to develop as a podcast what maker as a host and well he decided to add shoenice again okay so this clip again it's totally bad faith criticism and I'll tell you why I'll play the video and I'll show you shoenice is a [ __ ] lunatic in other news so apparently shoenice has like 20 different accounts and he switches between them you nice loves ela and wishes she would forgive him if you guys don't know he had called you a Jewish [ __ ] or something sort things sweet like that shoenice believe it back that he took that screenshot should tell you and all you need to know about sure nice you know what I mean like that's the image he took from his channel shoenice deleted videos to see shoenice would be legendary videos wish upon a star bro do you guys understand he literally has 50 old account and he commented and uploaded all of them it was it was literally the craziest thing I've ever seen mm-hmm like oh my god why are you being such a like he's being such a he's been such a social justice where he's so offend about this educated so fundamental sadness crazy give this a thumbs up everyone shoenice exposed I won't come to Cali bro let me know this are you [ __ ] blowing are you mind blown yet brought him up for a whole about six minutes yes talked about how he has 50 different YouTube accounts and yeah he basically likes his own comment and yeah that's on his comments and like makes it so stop acting like a insane person I emailed him that spent five hours replying 100 times I can't get ahold of them I have no way of getting all of them even that one I don't really care because you know it's kind of an interesting tidbit a weird thing that unites did oh oh it's an interesting bit because it's from 50 different shoenice channels that's more than an interesting tidbit that's incredible it's the next one that really kind of gets me today we've got a special okay you guys hey love it together of know your meme featuring the one and only shoe ice you guys have been a lot of lime here let's get started okay so on the next podcast he has a 20 minute segment about get this him quizzing one of his viewers about how [ __ ] up shops is a way for a mental illness on [ __ ] full blast not really as mental illness that's really put in words and you're pretty that's not really what this is though you're Joe how are you doing today fantastic even better now I'm talking my favorite couple on YouTube oh thank you Joe you're too kind too kind do you know she's you nice so you're ready to win a samsung galaxy as my boss and you can say it's all in good fun you know there's no negative intention but I know in my head I know that Ethan gets some sick pleasure from putting him on blast so this is one of my favorite moments he goes you might say it's all good fun but I know in my head that it's not so okay dude well you don't really know nope don't really know and again this that's the problem with this whole video is that it's all speculation it's all speculation that's like shrouded in the most cynical possible interpretation that almost doesn't even skirt against the possibility of reality like that so you say he chained himself and he [ __ ] himself in a diaper and fasted for four or five days did he achieve success in his hunger strike no he was actually forcibly removed it but we did not have that story definitely lines up with the shoenice we all know and love no problem stretching my imagination to believe that but like any spoiled child he does not know when to quit it's a segment dude spoiled child that just shows what a decent kind of way the best parts coming you are now I remind you the objective is to get into the shoe itself ela said to him slam some more toilet paper to clean the [ __ ] that's becoming out of your mouth what provoked this from you it's really hard and I'm so sorry horrible well Joe you are entering the mine of shoe and I like to see that you've what you've dropped all rationale all reason imagine that much free time so this is what we're dealing with so let me win from how many times as shoenice ashes you okay so check is alcohol poisoning so let's just enter Ethan's mind right now okay shoenice over a year ago made a 60-second video where he basically bashes you so let me let me show you guys what really happened on that segment and this proves to you beyond the shadow of doubt that this is a bad faith criticism now you know he watched this clip clearly but what he doesn't tell you is that shoenice was a willing participant in this segment and he provided the answer to all the questions and when the person gave their answer i will go what is the answer shoenice tell us and listen to this let's see but he had talked about an email and I was heading out to California and he things like it would be great for us to get together and I emailed Ethan a few more times and it came up you know he would reply to me and I was just like well can you let me know within the day and then I I was just on Twitter and I'm a ballbuster so I just you know I said hey look you know you're a Jewish [ __ ] from Israel Thanks what I said if she was from Tennessee due to been a [ __ ] from Tennessee I don't even remember typing it to be honest you are correct in this point by the way that whole thing is what anyway it's part of our beautiful history was sure nice but it was just a segment and wait another one EULA how many how many time do that alcohol poisoning its shoe nicest question really not goes to counts they all have visitor and they're all real I use them exactly how I got to the point is right yeah that he makes it look like we're just [ __ ] on shoenice but he neglects to mention that shoenice is participating it's a collaborative effort yeah it was actually a really fun thing to do together and we did it Wade out of people to if you kind of set it up as if you had led him on while the you know failing to include this part that he was led on we did a segment with him just like you said that you would and so they did do I think Dundas know your meme with a lot of people right where they give us answers and then we quiz someone and then we play their answers so it is a collaborative effort and again it's just a total bad faith argument to neglect to say that the truth is that if he showed that he wouldn't probably just cut this whole section out because there's really nothing to criticize us for sure nice in my opinion I mean really when your wife to his audience of let's say max 3000 people because well shoenice is channel the one that he got popular on got taken down by YouTube I wonder why a big surprise so now after having all that progress reset he's basically at square one and so he's barely [ __ ] he has no audience really he has some sick people who enjoy watching a man fall into [ __ ] misery and Ethan being one of those people decides to take this clip and [ __ ] put it on blast to over a million people anyway I'm gonna skip this part making know that you erases it on one channel reuploads it on another and it's just I don't he's just on another level so because shoenice made a video bashing your wife you feel that you have a moral authority to put them on blast in front of millions bro how deeply is he reading into this we talk about us all the time is really got nothing to do with moral authority or anything on a podcast where you're making 20k all you nice is making nothing and just when you think it couldn't go any deeper you find out that Ethan is actually entertaining the idea of taking the bullying further you know what the sensitive you are he's said he's so sensitive for sure nice what happened dan the TV shut off oh it's back he's so sensitive for poor shoenice a coward storm wack pack that one build of our own shoenice is like anyway you know what I've seen enough I get it let's have the man himself shoenice call in to discuss there yeah you can't go horizontal if you want to if you want to turn it the other way I mean as long as you guys that's fine yeah I guess it's fine yeah Shu got everything balanced Shu tell me first of all thank you for calling in just a broadly what did you think about go canarios video that guy is a complete idiot that is the camera yeah listen he could have done that whole video Ethan he didn't have to blow your head off and then throw an imitation on my son at the end it almost looked like my kid killed you hmm right so I mean I know I mean I was just like dude can you edit it but it already blew up I'm gonna sneeze wait so you at you talked with him yeah oh yeah right in the beginning it came out in everybody like mediocre and it just is like dude I'm not gonna watch this no no you gotta watch it dude your son's in it I'm like what oh maybe my son and this dude did something and then I go through go through go through and I see you sitting there and this dude comes up and just like and he just like hacked your YouTube or something the death of h3h3 you're not going anywhere and I'm just like dude sorry and then the other it'll never stop it's just like this this cold thing of keeping up that video and you so but that's it I didn't know that you asked him to edit out the end why did you ask him to do that you there yeah oh I was saying oh my gosh I got you sorry um you said I was saying I didn't know the humor bro trust knows over 30 days that congratulations that's awesome last time I talked to you guys I was in a blackout well that makes sense considering the context of the what happened well I I wanted him to take it out not only for why are you just gonna execute somebody for video and views and I just haven't talked to my son and so long lost the kid on opiates and he's gonna throw in his buddy I mean he doesn't even have the looks to be a schooi I'm just like hangs it up dude you were yeah you know they're so edits on that video now and what did you what did he say when you asked him to remove it dude I spent hours on this this is I said dude I know but you shouldn't even have put me in the end of the whole day just the way it all came together right his whole the whole point like I'm sorry I was saying the whole ending part was saying that that we were mean and rude to you but but I feel like we're bros I feel like that point didn't really make sense yeah it's the shape of the youtubes I bust balls on you guys booty pie everybody for years they don't get mad the trees it's the fans that feed the flame and I've known you guys forever and I'm just like oh email email email message message dude h3 h3 is just I said I'm using h3 h3 alright I'm the one that made up 60 accounts that went in and I've got all the comments and they finally just said listen you gotta have this guy in the show I made he criticized me for making fun of the fact that you left like a hundred comments from a hundred different accounts that is ridiculous how is he gonna figure this out in here and blame you is what I'm working right I know you're gonna watch this Broken Arrow I just don't know your name or an area there's hundreds and hundreds of people from mediocre to I mean everybody tries to figure this out and maybe it's just a big act I don't know they shouldn't have shot you eat and that's all I'm saying well I well thank you take sip stir in this live stream you can absolutely take sips 100% now shoo there was a boy was that coffee yeah shoot ditch I had a quick drink in my liver was gonna shut down and I find I stopped enough so the liver turns back around there's a certain point and you get to the top and if you don't change it it's too late well I'm glad you're changing it yeah I'm gonna be a UFC fighter by time yeah you know what's funny I remember when that go Canara video came out you were sober and you were like super healthy and he kept referring to as an alcoholic like you were some helpless alcoholic that I shouldn't make alcoholism was made up for the weak-minded I'm a raging drunk I've dropped idiots in one day I've dropped I buyed ever did heroine I know I could quit that in the day alcohol it's just mind over matter I don't have a mind so we don't and I'm just like hey meeting a bunch of strangers to tell you who you got a coach drinking buddy I was a sponsor for like two weeks dude kept calling me in the middle of the night I need a drink bro I'm like well hurry up the bar is gonna close in an hour I'll buy you one and like the 12 steps I'm sorry that's a bounty monster yeah half of an a a meeting is literally the judge told Jen smarten up your act yeah you get a DUI you got to show the judge up I'm going to hangar management I don't hit my girl anymore That's not me I'm just saying before DWIs just you what did you think about him just writing you off as an alcoholic though and he kept referring to he's an alcoholic he's an alcoholic I don't know maybe he had that problem in his family huh he's doing crystal meth off his a a book I have no idea and then another pretty obsessed about the video and I'm just like leave me alone another interesting revelation is that you exclaim because there's a whole conspiracy that I removed his videos but I saw a tweet of you or an email and a tweet that says that you reported it and you know I reported it every time I got my own personal moderator I got so much hate that they literally put one lady to me we're gonna just we're gonna watch and they they literally my number one hater he's out of prison for child porn my other hater got Doc's by a dude he's been just I mean the shoenice hate is slowly but surely imploding I knew it would but spike always wins over evil right yeah that's right but so so are you saying that we got everybody else's name for a second it was you who report this is like right here I'm sitting at the table with you guys oh yeah I'm blind I just notice your heads are way in the back I'm on the side so it's a weird way there it's gonna look better on the shiny thing go ahead bruh shoot you were trying to learn how to listen and not ramble on that's okay it's alright you know the marijuana use has tripled since I quit alcohol oh you know it's over you smoke weed chill bro yeah that was at the a meeting last night shoot so it was you you reported his videos to YouTube and got them removed oh yeah without a doubt you know each other just came in a speech so Broken Arrow I reported your video on the main channel the second time when your idiot buddy did it and I'll keep doing it for the rest of my with somebody oh yeah so what did you tell your youtube don't forget to subscribe to shoenice on Zack's that i could through that and subscribe what channel are we subscribing to now 5010 it's always been its xu9 22 forever now that was my big mistake I think we talked about that changing the name all the time shoot I'm 22 and I can miel you're killing it on cammy all right you a nice 22 that's how I make a living now you guys started it out that Steve will do it told me about it and you guys bought a bunch of them and everybody that watches your vids it's just an archives well it's his cameo oh my god and then they come in they get on birthdays a knock coronavirus people are just all depressed why don't I come in thank God sure they're happy for five minutes so hich had to raise my price not the 20 though Hey I would sell myself for a Jimmy John's sub bro so shoenice only doll at rate flat rate you get the whole batteries are charging yeah I don't know yeah sorry guys 22 on cameo shoot nice 22 on YouTube so um we'll get them we'll get them links in there after that's all so lovely do you guys later and no idea what do you tell your YouTube rep when you report his videos um this is usually just reporting and flagging just to get somebody's it shut down never done it in my life I hate actors I hate people that send the pizza to your house the people that SWAT somebody but now this was more personal and I tried to tell this dude you know and I mean he looks like some kind of a bird on a fence all on that you know leave me alone you are I will always say do you have I got grown men on puppets for years I don't know what it is all I'm doing is eating toilet paper I looked it up I you I I googled it it's called um celebrity worship syndrome CWS look it huh there's this dude's I can't get over me no matter what I do in life I slam a keg of beer every day I go out and feed the homeless I fix my life I got a good job with cameo it's never good not for the pencil dick Papa club mm-hmm well it's good enough for me I'm proud of you that you're sober and you're making a living on cameo mmm and I and I hope that all of our fans will purchase it Kamio for $20 flat why don't you have me and keemstar fight dude you be my sponsors i'll nobody there us speaking of here looks like the backside of a rooster I wanted to ask you about because keep star accused you of being a rapist didn't he yes but the sad thing is about King stars his anger and it probably way before YouTube has always got the better of them you know what I mean most stuff you just act angry dude you ever annoyed but I love the way you do it bro absolutely beautiful no what is it do you have anything to say to keemstar I just wanted to say that back in the day I was famous it was me jenna gargles and the people this hanging out watching Shane Dawson you were around a little bit and then RWJ view got in that show that was the holy booth it rose you to the top and the next day I wake up I got 50,000 subscribers they're like oh so I got like whiteboy seven bogie two nine eight eight when he was still fat mm-hmm we're just like hanging out and everybody's furious Pete la vie smacks mofo he talks about me all the time because I made his channel people will realize how the basic is filthy Frank max multiple and idubbbz there's only one set of hands throwing their legs but yeah man he just gave me a huge shout out yesterday for cameo he bought a bunch of cameos and he cooked me on his channel some people have respect for helping you but some people don't like I helped out qui fili fee um la breasts think who else did I help out [Laughter] the drama skirt right I thought keemstar was different than drama alert I always heard drama word h3h3 Jake Paul sleeping with his brother Logan No I come in and on my Twitter I was big I mean you guys remember and I called you a name and keemstar first thing out of his Shogun tada shoe no he's called you and Ethan bye mama so I come in yeah whatever so he never really liked me so then I did a parody of them and let's get right into the shoes everything and he just got mad and mad and mad and I hit one tweet here it is right here excuse me guys I lost my Marge Simpson boys quit drinking I'll try it yeah do the dishes Marge Kinney that's so oh I was just gonna go to sleep but I just found out shoenice rapes kids FML and there's like three four thousand people you know what I mean you can DOX me you can you know take my mom's ashes and throw them into a pool I don't say I read kids so I go into his messages DMS I'm like game star I'll show you the proof these guys are he sends me back this video I sent you nice people a lot bigger than you and mess with me though don't so I sent him the proof he just blacks me disappears for years and then the guy he got the info off of my Google hangout haters the leader gets arrested for child porn distribution now I'm just thinking oh my god this guy's a metal guitar player was he a real pedophile or was he trying to docks me or one of my you know buddies that went after him I'm hoping it's the second you know and I mean I'm hoping he's stuck on a sex offenders list for the rest of his life we're taking that kind of deviled [ __ ] and putting it on me if he was a Fed I'll use a pedal either way so keemstar years later he's got a poster he's fighting with h3h3 and because you did a podcast with me he's like oh I didn't even watch it and he's just like dude so I emailed them you didn't return it he threw up that video on broken arrow I said I can't believe this guy with this many subs and this so much money he's making would put up a video that was already taken down by twice by YouTube and you know it might be not even event the reports from people it might have just been because YouTube picks up a video it's like when you get that train wreck that's why I don't watch a live leak it was good money when they stopped the money I was out of there that desensitized the soul watching lively called a problem yeah so I went a call real quick like I said two sentences so - yeah man this dude is a complete idiot he wants to fight back and forth with you that's fine I don't have any problem with this dude just don't say I read kids bro alright I know you're watching Keaney and I got you that strike and you're gonna not upload for a week lessons learned problem did he ever apologize for accusing you being raised an [ __ ] he just belong to you he blocked you yeah yeah he's now yeah he blocked me on Twitter cuz I mean this family sick of it these are real people's names that these people that hate me there's a real dark a true nice world I don't know where they have you having some kind of evil their leader was a child corn distributor and I still wanted to hang out with this guy who I wish she would just make a video and tell us tell you about him a [ __ ] pedophile he's in prison hate him a letter so did I I thought it was kind of rich how keemstar uploads a video go canarios like he was mean to shoenice but keeps our called you a [ __ ] rapist i think that's a little meaner listen the whole thing was like I emailed him this whole thing and I said I'm going to sue you dude that's libel and slander you told two or three million I know people I got five thousand for ten times less of an audience and he just I think he was trying to clean up his act like throwing that up oh look at what a you don't remember this sure I remember every very easy keemstar you a Broken Arrow go start something frickin you know country band we all just a bunch of pencil dicks chill I love ya I'll be at my time's up but see I'm doing better I don't 40 emails anymore just Florida time no you've been great no you can talk you can spam Zack oh you want I'll get a better microphone that's not swinging in the wind [Laughter] whew twenty-two shoenice 22 on cameo and youtube games I just wanted food done thing out on the record forever yeah Ethan a needle and me have been getting along forever I knew these guys before big nation and Gandhi and arrow keemstar you're a lesbian book club yeah thank you she all right bro you take care buddy all right oh yeah subscribe subscribe subscribe so this is actually correct crazy revelation that shoenice was offended that go kanaru used his son to murder Broken Arrow Broken Arrow and and soon and then soon I stole asked him to remove that part from the video I would have never expected that that's a twist and then Co kanaru told him to [ __ ] off so who's being the bully to Portia what he that is such a twist I can't just outed him I mean it was interesting to hear about it from shoenice perspective I did find that whole same pretty weird which we're gonna watch I guess we haven't watched yet yes I see she has like shoenice his son like chasing you he saw in the end shoenice joins him to kill me for revenge his son yeah and by the way sure nice is estranged from his son and I think I think and actually he knows that because he showed a clip right and I saying that and then to use his son like that in a way mean sure homies so he implying that she wants to kill me and she wasn't cool with it and he asked him to take it down Goku Naru said no Broken Arrow Broken Arrow and also shoot confirming that he was the one that got it taken down yeah he said both times he wrote his YouTube rap that was that shoenice cliff twit oh my god it's weird cuz he like he put so much faith into shoenice I've like a weird hair here ela you're gonna have to forgive me okay look how big it is what you saw that okay we're cutting that no you leave that he puts so much faith in the shoenice story he even says I wouldn't have even made this video yeah a few times if you think isn't only poor shoenice and then she and then for sure nice - come on that's crazy and also I really love shoenice the whole thing about keemstar keep stirring and then oh by the way good so go kanaru gave this video to keemstar to re-upload right right and a parent and keemstar is always promoting this video and you know and they seem to be cool with each other so how is it that me bowling poor shoenice prompted this whole video yet keemstar who said he's a child rapist publicly based on no that's a pass based on nothing based on nothing he and then you and I said keemstar blocked him when he confronted him about it yeah didn't apologize so let me get this straight I'm the [ __ ] next to the dude who called him a child rapist Wow and how many people is that that keeps track used to being child rapists no I've lost track but I do you gotta appreciate there's so much irony the shoenice is almost the key to all this shoenice has locked the meaning to this whole thing really epic considering that he was also the main reason for making this video a big reason and he was the one that deleted and he was the one that was most offended by full circle so lesbo Canara likes to say we've come full circle yeah let me quote let me just wrap this up here before we watch the outro sketch shoenice was offended that he include his child killing me he asked him to remove it go Canara told him no kokoro is cool with keemstar who accused shoenice of being a child rapist publicly he gets a pass but I'm the biggest [ __ ] in the world for Beurling poor shoenice shoenice admits to taking down both of his videos reporting it to his youtube rep and and getting them removed for harassing shoenice so also kiemce has been promoting this video for years but in that very first segment about Jairo cynical Brian is the one that debunked it so he knows he knows wrong house caves start promoting this video has the ultimate he goes this is the ultimate video when huge so Kim stars apparently watch this video the first point came to our nose is wrong in fact he's the one that made the video saying it was totally wrong and then keeps hers the one that accuse shoenice of being a child rapist the whole impetus for this video being made in the first place something does it make sense you know what I think you wanna know what I think I think Kim star hasn't watched this video I think you watched the first five minutes that's funny I think he's like shoo nice isn't it oh [ __ ] I should know upload it I shouldn't share that I think most people haven't watched this video Thank You keemstar say it again say it again q-star listen let's watch the outro sketch here now this is the reason this video kept keeps getting removed yeah and speaking I mean we're watch it but cut it before he actually shoots the part where he executes Smee because the surrounding stuff is pretty vulgar - okay but look this is only by the way six minutes of an hour and thirty five minute video if he cared that much he I mean YouTube literally said you are doing an execution and at the end of the video if you cared you would have just cut this part out and I'm really at it but for some reason I don't know why he never did that and I mean obviously no one would have a problem with that at that point he's really proud of this part I mean I think he said well let's watch it let's see everyone shoenice again either way for the fourth time Ethan my body from h3h3 has given me a shout-out he's called me the moral center of YouTube a legend Ethan and he loved from h3 podcast by the way she own ice has crazy rapport with other people too like Maximo faux and shoe and ice are always doing all this crazy beef he's dressing up as Marge and doing all this crazy fit for max like I'm not the only one that interacts with shoenice on this level you know I'll have to be interviewed by you guys I know we had some arguments back in the day that was totally my fault just drunk in jest trolling with just my door for you a public apology yeah I think that's the back issues head I kind of remember when he uploaded the stuff oh that's shoe yeah yeah yeah my gonna be a green-screen himself he's got good like I'll make the back because it's just mean he doesn't deserve to be made fun of and I mean if you look at leafy's channel all he does is make fun of kids and like vulnerable people nice is not a vulnerable person come on that's so stupid making fun of these people they're just it's just sad sending like millions of like K to just harass these people and honestly it is kind of just turned into bowling I know we make fun of people this argument that I'm blowing shoenice is just so lame I mean come on who are the best be sure that it's somebody who deserves it we'd never find someone with ten views and be like hey they [ __ ] this kid for trying to follow his passions and live this is that ticking his video yeah here's making fun of a Joe is very dramatic obviously has an eating disorder like what the [ __ ] man can you just find like someone to pick on your I'll admit that that Joey World Tour thing was a stretch hmm that was a bad point that I made back then like I mean seriously did at this point it's literally just bowling the guy needs house support not [ __ ] ridicule by a thousand raging kids on the Internet stop we were a little more delicate than that and I just would like to see that same delicacy across the board because this is not this is not the community that I mean I think most of us want to be a part of so I just want to say for the record that we are hypocrites it all comes full circle eventually mm-hmm and Ethan Klein your time is up [Music] so this is building off the intro sketch where their sketches thought where he bought a gun in the beginning he was like a weird dude with obsessed with me and wants to kill me so I think it's just picking up from where those sketches left off is he in a dorm room or maybe it's a doorman I think is this bedroom oh so this is sure nice his son which is a little I mean that is a little insensitive why should I sit anywhere man yeah it's but as you and I said in your video that he's estranged from his son yeah let the hunt begin so they hunt me down and murder me essentially this is me obviously fat I don't have to walk here I mean come on people people have referenced this as light hearted you tell me if this is like murder it was just a light-hearted haunting and execution scene [Music] very dramatic [Music] they found my DNA they're hunting me the kid does kind of look like soon Isis son I will say he casted the part while there I'm running all in they got me they found me sure nice and Sun found me oh so this is the part where we should just cut away but it's very I mean it's very graphic here you can just edit out and post right then well we're just off of it yeah but like show here show this frame so like he just shoots me in the face at point-blank I mean so it is pretty graphic and creepy it's very menacing manly I can say from my personal point of view I did not like seeing it it didn't feel right there's a clip of him saying he thought it went too far in retrospect - but I will say like obviously I don't feel like he's gonna kill me but it was it's a little - I think it is too far like I would never do that like it's not funny and it's not it's really serious and ominous and creepy and here I'll show it like he kills me and then they like comments spit on my body and shut it's like so it and it's just very I told first of all I had nothing to do with this video getting removed apparently it was all shoenice I totally understand why YouTube wouldn't want this being acceptable on the block he knows that - like you said if you really wanted it up you just cut this out right obviously so they start spitting on me it's just not that serious I don't know ish so there you have it the death of h3h3 i gouken ro2 masterpiece garbage no no you know i yeah he ends on one final note I'd like to share something my father once told me I just gunned the [ __ ] kicked out of me for bullying my brother and he said to me did you just say his dad was beating the [ __ ] out of him so that's how I seemed to be he what he stated if you're gonna dish it out you'd better be ready to take it whoa did he I mean he showed one example of maybe not being able to take criticism in the case of like the hypocrisy and in the n-word controversy and I fully accept that but I feel like I get a lot of [ __ ] here on YouTube yeah so I'm sorry your dad is [ __ ] I feel like I'm sorry that your dad beat you you shouldn't have done that here he says by the way that even he and mostly I was not made to be a friendly video I've said that it's supposed to be abrasive same with the ending skit I even felt some regret about the ending skit afterward but not on a guidelines level okay it was mainly on like a personal empathetic level I was like okay there's definitely a bit edgy but I had very specific reasons for so he admit like it sounds like he kind of knew he went too far I appreciate him saying that I I feel like yeah I mean it was a little disturbing for sure so that's it I mean wow we did it long one I don't even know how long you know what you want to say though about gochenour Oh again I think he actually think he's a talented guy and he and he put this whole thing together and I think he did a really good job I just think he was probably more careless than he would have been if he knew that a millions of people were gonna see it right and I could say the same thing for myself when I was making videos for what I knew was a very small audience you had less care about like some details right but but you know what I it's fine you know I I think he did I think he did a good video obviously there was a demand for it at the time everyone saying content cop Ethan and so he did that he filled that need and and then you know keep people that came star boosted it which is ironic but anyway no hate to this to go canard oh you know he's got a little cult following now and he's he's doing this thing so you know best of luck to him god bless but obviously at a certain point I I have to acknowledge this video and and talk about it so that's what we did here today so with that that was a huge undertaking but we did it so I hope you guys enjoyed that I hope that cleared up some things and you know if you guys like to let me know I'll watch h3 hate videos all day if you guys like it I'll make I'll make a career out of watching h3 you hate videos if you guys like it but anyway have a great weekend what do we got next week William Osmond right cool and then after that Oliver tree yeah baby problems coming out we're planning some fun things I'll retrieve best-guess greatest gift also under million subs I believe when he came on I just remembered but thank you for watching guys I hope that was watchable I don't know if it was or not I think no more or less than our typical let me know what you thought apparently there's another new h3 video that everyone's talking about called everybody hates ether so maybe I'll watch that next time maybe in two years submit your favorite h3 hate videos to podcast at HDS reproduction I'm serious submit them if you guys like this all watched another one like once a month give us a please alright guys thank you all for watching have a great weekend we love free Shh and we'll see you on the flip side of the flip side all right [Music] [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 2,371,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gokanaru, video vigilante, the death of h3h3productions, h3h3productions, Ethan Klein, hila Klein
Id: zH7MMY3Nvw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 33sec (10773 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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