Jake Paul & Triller Are Suing Me - H3 After Dark # 35

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I want to apologise, for being baby brai-


The way I lost it πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 290 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FunBreakfast4 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

this is the TPAB episode in the afterdark series

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 71 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/I_love_my_cum πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The whole 0 gravity chair part had me in stitches great episode.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 71 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bearman399 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Okay but the Etika folder on keemstar’s computer is actually quite disturbing. Like what???

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 181 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/protostellar_cloud πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ethan doing his redneck dog-bbq bit while the crew was trying to make him stop was so fucking funny

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 160 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/frazehaze πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The Cosby doll is one of the best bits and moments on the show in a while for me. Very good energy from the crew and the video was hilarious.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 149 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Castleprince πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

That was such a funny episode, with so many hilarious moments! I was dying at the trump guy, white claw Gabe, AB interrupting Zach, the impression that went far too long, and many others!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 129 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Magicman432 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Kudos to AB for the bit of the week. That was so damn funny.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 121 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kristal010 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

this might be a stupid question but does someone at youtube actually watch these videos as their job when they are approved by them or does an algorithm do it by like picking out words that they flag? because if it is a person someone at youtube has seen the unreleased pod and i'm jealous of them

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 38 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zoooooms πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
four three two hey guys well i'm back ila is coming she's at the doctor and she's coming she'll be here any minute she's just running a little late and i know there's just way too much on the line when i'm late these days but to be honest you guys want to tank my feet for being late you know if you guys want to take my feet score my wikifeed score for trying to produce the best show possible then just oh ela's here oh my god the timing was so good we just started i literally just went live everybody you were flying looking fantastic i love that shirt it looks like a watercolor on there on the shirt it is directly on its airspace hairbrush directly on the shirt by uh this girl loyal pop on instagram loyal pup yeah she loyal she's she's very loyal let me make sure i said it right actually catching me on the spot here yes loyal pop girl you about to make me act up that's hot girl you're about to make me do something about it you want to oh my god oh well hey now anyway today's episode is sponsored by stamps.com oh we got coffee and everything wow what a service stamps.com blue chew and upstart um yeah you know people always threatening to tank my wikifeed score i'm being sued by jake paul um i've lost the title you know somebody passed me on wikifeet yesterday there's really nothing left for me to lose so if you guys don't want to just like support me and the highs and the lows then there's nothing i can do you know what i mean like how dare you hold that over my head it's all i have left in this world right and you guys have made a mockery of it and dan you always try to pretend like it's not your fault but i will never forgive you for going on discord and saying wouldn't it be funny for everybody to go up vote abe's feet okay not a joke does that have to do with downvoting your feed because you because you're encouraging mutiny don't you understand that yeah thank you yeah i guess so daddy daddy me i want to talk about feet anyway um you know there was actually some really big drama regarding wiki feet is that someone passed me do you guys have a screenshot of someone passing me because he kind of got oh yeah yeah it's on the net so someone momentarily passed me and this is kind of like the price we play for the games we play right it's because i used to be a seven and this guy managed to pass me momentarily with a 6.17 now i'm back on top but i'm just saying like i i don't know if you guys do you guys want to watch anybody who's not number one on wikipedia you know it's like all of a sudden i'm number two it's just not that your top pictures now i say trisha right it's because i showed my feet on the beetlejuice episode daddy um so you know i don't know it's like guys i'm doing my best out here i'm dealing with a lot of stuff and you know for you guys to hold that over my head just i don't know you know right it's like kendrick lamar said when the [ __ ] hit the fan are you still a fan when the [ __ ] hit the foot are you still a soldier when the foot smushed when the foot waffle stone hits the fan and it looks awful would you still have about the foot do you know what a wonderful stomp is yes you told me many times ethan it's when you're well some the viewers may not know what a waffle swamp is it's it when you poop in the shower and you stomp it down with your foot and so the question is are you still a fan of the foot after the waffle snake i find myself laughing like wendy williams not intentional i don't know if it's subconscious but it's worrying me i've been doing they're like it's so fun now we've got a really great show for you guys today um white cloth gabe is calling in the fabled it's friday baby [ __ ] [ __ ] and we're all going to have our lives it's friday inaugural white claws i've never had a white man me neither so i'm going to crack it open with white claw in honor of this beautiful friday afternoon so is there alcohol in it yes five percent just like a beer it's like a tasty beer people love this [ __ ] [ __ ] fact you know only the weekend baby [ __ ] game such a legend it's only got 100 calories which is kind of crazy because that's what a beer has right i mean more or less yeah it's about the same there's a little bit of sugar in it and a little bit of carbonation ian you're a fan of the white claw right really wait what what flavor you got there i've got raspberry do you approve oh aren't you the one that bought these no i bought it oh i have a variety you're going to open raspberry with white cloth what should i be drinking listen you gotta get that mango [ __ ] man well i got a variety pack but there's no makeup there's no mango in the variety pack does everybody have a white claw i got a 12-pack exactly to get toasted in his new apartment they looked at me at the liquor store this morning it was like at nine like they're like no one yeah same i felt i felt weird buying don't worry you guys everybody's buying alcohol at nine in the morning trust me it's alcohol store they're open for a reason they're like why was that a grocery store so it was a little weird you're getting prepared for the weekend baby [ __ ] love you got a white claw you guys drink that out there no no white flo in sweden sadly sweden's behind bro they're better than us yeah they got something better probably so we have white claw gabe calling in we have donald trump everybody in the chat saying lime that's what oh lime's the government i do have there's lime and there's variety that's good oh well give me a like yeah i don't want to i don't have i mean we can ask him what's his favorite flavor you know i'm guessing it's not raspberry though raspberry and black cherry are the black cherry baby baby natural lime let's go by the way not sponsored by white claw wish it was so and then you guys all uh donald trump is calling in again too you guys remember j uh oh i don't think we've talked about it um maybe we should explain well don't so you guys may have seen this jake donald trump called jake paul for some ungodly reason and this is the photo that jake took he is trump's face face timing he's trump uses my angles oh my god use this angle apparently you're supposed to do this angle for like to look good right this is my angle when i want to look bad um that's trump so we're gonna so the president of the former president oh yeah i know listen so good jake you're very talented young man you're doing amazing things in the boxing uh can i get you down to uh i'd love to get you down to mar-a-lago we're doing fundraising and we want to include the young people i know your dad is a white trash and i would be interested i don't know but anyway the president is going to call in and talk about what they discussed together so that should be interesting right yeah daddy are you kidding me so um and a lot of other really fun segments we've been working hard although the topic i'm sure everybody wants to hear me talk about first is that it's true the headlines are true i am being sue or what we are well you didn't do anything but you uh while our company is being sued how should i put it all right here's the here's the deal triller is suing us for copyright infringement thank you they're booing not booing me right no yeah yeah good thank you just making sure um and i don't it's funny because i found out when this press release went out and i was like i'm sorry who's suing me i know it's so weird to find out that you're being sued through an article yeah it's like is it actually happening i was like what maybe it's a typo i don't know yeah it's not a typo unfortunately so you know the lawsuit itself is like a big lawsuit against you know all these there's all these streaming uh piracy websites that stream the link yeah and so they're suing all these people and there's been people who re-uploaded the fight to youtube for a bunch of people to watch and they're suing them and so they've lumped me in here what i can only determine is out of spite because i clearly first of all my coverage of the fight is was totally fair use i showed 45 seconds of jake knocking out ben and commented over the whole thing nonstop and you know his part listen i've i'm the they should know and you guys all know there's been one fair use lawsuit that's been won and it was by us it's funny because i was talking to my lawyers about this and they're like you know it's you know what's crazy is that our first lawsuit is going to be used as case precedent and our second lawsuit they're going to cite our first lawsuit and the litigation pretty funny oh man so our first is it's ironic but our first lawsuit is actually going to help us that's why it's so good that you guys actually fought that because we went through so much on that first one it was a lot of everything like stress and a lot of hours that we put into it too oh yeah we had to actually like we reviewed every motion and like i didn't trust the lawyers because i was like this is my whole [ __ ] life put a lot of work into it ourselves i turned into a kind of a [ __ ] let's say a pseudo lawyer myself both of us i found myself reading on this motions in english like lawyer language and and um so it's kind of nice to know in a way that it's being used oh yeah maybe for us but probably for other people too i don't know oh of course dude the that first lawsuit is well if you go to the copyright if you go to publish law and copyright we are among like a very small group of actual established law lawsuits that are used as president you can go to the cop like a copyright section of of the government websites and see our lawsuit there it's being studied in schools i've heard that a bunch of times being like the case is being studied so shout out to matt hoss for that shout out to his family yeah so that's so on the fair use aspect um on the various have it's easy yeah and then they're well i mean it's a [ __ ] claim really it's totally fair use yeah it's just that's why i think it's like a spite yeah because uh you know we've been talking about the allegations against jake paul covered by the new york times and it listen i think i don't think it's a kuwaiti sentence that of all the people in the world that have talked about uh this fight that we are somehow singled out because in the lawsuit and the press were like they're like this guy h3 it's like okay really like there's plenty of people who've been showing this fight especially when they talk about rebroadcasting that's not something we right it did so that's the other leg of this lawsuit is that there's like the fair use i'm not quite sure what exactly they're suing us for either because it's a huge list of people they're suing most of them are like weird websites based in like god knows where they're probably never even get a dime from it's like i don't know how you even locate these people yeah and then um and then there's a few other you know uh there's a few other people what are you uh should i be reading what you guys are okay so um you know then they added like an amended complaint which is like part two of a lawsuit it's like when you add more so they amended the original complaint and that's when they added us oh really yeah that's why it was confusing because i looked at the original website or the lawsuit and i was like i'm not on this what are they talking about and then at the bottom of the amended complaint was when they added more defendants were at the bottom so it's like i don't know if they're sui i really don't know to be frank so that's why i think the the lawsuit is uh quite quite frivolous and dumb and it seems to be motivated out of spite if i had to take a guess but who knows you know we're trying to figure out to be you know i'm in a much different situation that i wasn't in during the last lawsuit so i'm not you know listen i don't want to ever be in a lawsuit and yeah i'm i'm i'm i'm walking delicately because i want to i just want to resolve this in mediation with them i don't want to go to litigation with them so i'm gonna we're just gonna try to be nice i'm gonna try to be nice for now so that we can maybe just resolve this in mediation so it doesn't have to get litigated but so i'm gonna just bite my tongue for now about triller and jake paul you know they've got an interesting case i'll just say that they've got an interesting case and um a lot of instant a lot of that out you know uh really compelling stuff and we're just going to try to be nice for now wait i'm confused because i i had heard from a really reliable source that you were going to jail for five years oh yeah keemstar is tap dancing all over twitter that i'm going to jail i thought for sure you were going to the big house oh and then he goes oh god can you guys actually pull up some of that because i feel like the keemstar aspect is the funniest part of this he's been tap dancing that i'm going to jail first of all it's a civil lawsuit dumb [ __ ] i'm not going to jail for a civil lawsuit does he does he not understand no difference between criminals but also keemstar wants to live in he's so desperate for me to like go to jail and take like an l he's like taking no five years in jail he's so desperate for me to go to jail and ruin my life that he wants to live in a world where you can go to jail for watching a video something that he does every day like do you understand how [ __ ] how uh self-defeating that is [ __ ] good luck ethan it's just crazy how [ __ ] stupid he is clown star oh yeah then he didn't he say on his podcast he goes he goes okay the max damages per stream is 150 000 for pirated that's the max damage uh but and then so he goes okay and his podcast has a million views so he goes here's how much ethan's going to owe 150 billion i ethan is going to owe the trailer 150 billion dollars i was like holy [ __ ] even bill gates ex-wife isn't gonna be able to afford that that would ruin her even that would ruin them yeah so i'm 150 billion dollars i'm gonna owe fantastic yeah really cross the line yeah i'm sorry of all the things i've done uh showing a clip and reacting to it was by far my gravest crime look it's good it's got a clown brain it operates on like clown logic right you just have to keep that in mind yeah and keep starting like yeah exactly he's such a [ __ ] dumbass the essay victims are you know they could just say no call me later yeah when the police walk off don't worry keemstar when the police show up i'll be i'll just say no yeah so yeah clown logic yeah so keemstar has been tap dancing that i'm going to prison it's [ __ ] amazing anyway i listen obviously lawsuits are super stressful so yes it's really annoying that i'm being sued and really stressful you know the good situation the last time we got sued we were much more uh i had a lot less money okay and so not only that but i felt like the importance of the case was was a big deal and i you know so it was that first time the first time we got sued it like was life ruining for like two years to be totally frank a lot of the issue with the last lawsuit too was like finding a good lawyer not knowing anything about lawsuits and the legal ramifications of stuff happening to learn everything finding out that our original lawyers were like total frauds having to fire them doing all this [ __ ] finding new learner i mean it was such such a horrible situation this time i've got great lawyers i've got a i got a little bit more coin so you know there's certain stress factors that are less for me now but obviously i mean look legal lawsuits are [ __ ] terrible you know if they want to take this thing all the way it's going to be a year of grueling litigation it's going to cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars and um it's going to be [ __ ] awful but i'm gonna bite i'm gonna bite my tongue you know because there's plenty more i could say about jake paul and triller that i just want to be nice for now you know just being nice so that's it i mean do you guys have any questions uh well maybe should we explain the wednesday oh so the wednesday app i filmed yeah so we filmed an episode on wednesday which was like my kind of snap reaction to the lawsuit let's say there was a snap for sure i hadn't discussed with my lawyers yet and so i was like oh these [ __ ] are suing me well here's all my unfiltered thoughts and you know guys i wasn't there and it was ethan it was off the rails off the rails and it was off the rails officially and you know um you know uh listen i was like okay i talked to my laura he's like maybe it's best if we just uh sideline that until we can do some mediation i was like okay fair enough so yeah we shot the episode but we're like okay let's just hold off for for a minute you know but the good news is you know we went to disneyland with trisha for her birthday yeah and we shot a frenemy's vlog which was super fun and hopefully we'll post it this weekend oh well and maybe you said it sorry i was just talking to the roost um the episode that we filmed on wednesday we had originally said we were going to release on this weekend but it's looking like that probably it's not happening yeah it probably can't happen because um the lawyers are like i just don't i want to say everything but i want to just hold my tongue and be a good boy for now so it'll be the last episode of the h3 podcast i know maybe we can release it someday well everything's settled yeah it depends on what happens but like it depends on how mediation goes but we can release it it's too bad because it was a funny one and it's approved by youtube and i used some strong language in that boy i was like wow youtube gave it the green light i was like wow they must hate jake ball too because i said some [ __ ] horrible things in that [ __ ] you know so we'll see what happens but god i want to say everything you guys you know i have a problem i like to [ __ ] say everything that's on my mind and um yeah and i just you know it's so hard not to it's so hard not to but we're going to wait and see what happens and then depending on how it goes you're going to hear daddy's full thoughts or not or maybe i'll be like you know what maybe i'll be like what was that what was that that was joe biden saying i probably shouldn't say that yeah yeah i'm with you i i shouldn't say i'm gonna say something i don't i i probably shouldn't say yeah exactly i'm with joe there you know when you hear that as a listener you're like yeah don't say it yeah when the listeners are telling me don't say it then i know i'm really bad at it no no i probably best i don't oh man people saying uh do it as a members episode that doesn't really it's still yeah it can't happen yeah yeah your honor that was only for the members not that i'm saying i'm not saying anything look i'm not saying anything that's like will hurt the lawsuit i'm saying things that will hurt our chances of a successful mediation you know what i mean right hard feelings it will hurt feelings yes um and we we feelings are very important to us here so there'll be two outcomes either i'll come out with that lost episode or i'll come out next week and be like jake paul is my best friend we've buried the hatchet and triller by the way is a phenomenal uh media organization that i have the utmost respect for so you'll still be two outcomes and keemstar still a clown oh keemstar is a [ __ ] absolute ask keemstar is probably the worst human being alive and i and i say that with peace and love [Laughter] and shout out to his family i'm right you think klein is going to jail and he's going to be paying 150 billion dollars in damages imagine actually believing that i saw i've seen lots of people apparently who don't like me just celebrating that i'm going to jail i was like wow yes well keemstar and olive is like lackeys they're all like you know yeah copyright infringement people should go to jail for that they're like cool they're like oh it's happening to ethan yeah i believe copyright infringement should go to jail people who spend their whole [ __ ] lives using the fair use case that i [ __ ] sweat and died for you know what i mean right it's like a romeo juliet so that's pretty much all i can say about it now but depending on what happens i'm gonna be having a lot more to say about it peace and love but you know i just think that uh all right for now interesting you know it's a well-conceived lawsuit with a lot of ins and outs and i totally see kind of like you know shredder is looking at you like move on you said you're going to move on moving like come on all right shredder oh there's one thing oh there's one keemstar thing though that i think you all got to see before i move on it's not even related so keemstar goes he's he's just so excited about me going to jail that he's making these huge mistakes why ethan klein is facing up to five years in prison explained his video is really pointless by the way he's just like the obvious [ __ ] you know whatever not insightful but because he's in such a rush to tap dance on my grave he put out his desktop now if you want to know what a serial killer uh keemstar is you'll notice the folders okay oh nice the best for last we've got um h3h3 crimes oh it says crimes yeah it's better than seriously crimes and in the video he opened it and it's just the footage from the podcast episode so it's crime yeah it's a crime he's like dear fbi [Laughter] i've sent you a zip detailing uh extreme cyber crimes pyro it's like he's still got a chip on his shoulder over pyro i mean dude you are psychotic you got a drama from like 20 yes trisha of course i think but here's the most i don't know where you're sick [ __ ] [ __ ] etika oh god a folder yeah about etika on his desktop okay a youtuber okay a youtuber that he bullied essentially into unaliving himself two years ago this man has been hasn't has been resting in peace for two years and he has a folder on his desktop that is like dexter yeah he is like a super killer he's he has he has memorabilia from this incident why would he have a folder dedicated to etika a man who's been deceased for two years you know every normal person has a folder of their best friend on their desktop right they're just really good friends right right that's what that's what keem would always say i mean i hate listen i'm just i honestly sent shivers down my [ __ ] spine super creepy when i saw and people called him out and he deleted this tweet yeah he like realized he [ __ ] up so keemstar is getting so excited about the process of me going to jail for copyright infringement you know the greatest crime of all [Laughter] i mean this is some weird dexter serial killer [ __ ] can you imagine this being your desktop like does he have any anything else going on no he's got he has game ape escape so light-hearted with all these other he goes should i play should i go on steam spotify or look through my edica folder today or my teresa takedown what do i feel like doing today gamecube oh should i play gamecube uh oh by the way gamecube folder is that possibly could that possibly be like a how do you call those uh virtual window oh an emulator is this an oh that's a good idea i understand how illegal that is that is copyright infringement and look at the bottom in the middle 4k video downloader that's to rip [Applause] i need to make a folder on my desktop star crimes and this video is in it this screenshot is number one yo 4k video downloader first of all that's the smoking gun he's been ripping videos gamecube how many games do you think he has in there that's 150 000 and five years for each title age of empire you better have bought that i hope you paid that yeah that's [ __ ] up can you imagine you know i'm making jokes about the theft because it's so stupid but the etiquette thing is truly uh so disturbing directions i don't even know do you rank oh it's just such a heavy thing why and like you know this is like this horrible thing that happened in in the youtube community in space that we all are like let's just you know let let's just move on you know and try to like just let the guy rest in peace and keemstar is one of those people yet he is constantly every day he starts up his computer and looks at this etiquette folder and there's not a lot of stuff on his desktop too he keeps it tidy right this is a desktop that like is neatly manicured just the priorities this music is fantastic exactly it's so empty other than like his his uh kill orders it's like one bullet for trisha one bullet for a straight street you know like in uh unbiased news and peaky blind doors yeah he writes the name the name on the book dude this guy is truly a sick in the head the rest is the blackboard i'm just blown away you know i truly am and yeah you know dude i'm just i'm speechless okay so that's it you know this was the best thing to come out of the lawsuit in my opinion it was keemstar that's definitely a lie yeah sick [ __ ] he is and then quickly erasing it yeah that's like a big [ __ ] up in his world yeah and he just totally exposed himself just because he was so happy about me going to jail apparently that's like dexter for getting a piece of hair somewhere yeah he's got like an event where he keeps the blood drops you know yeah oh but he made us he made a he made a mistake at the crime scene because he was so happy about their mistake yeah yeah come on keemstar you're better [ __ ] bad guy yes we all know that you know and it's such a [ __ ] hypocrite loser too for having all this pirated [ __ ] on his desktop while talking about me going to jail anyway yeah shout out keemstar uh we're at 30. now oh wow that was fast yep so are we doing oh just stamps just stamps [Music] so what are we doing with the other two we're moving them to another week well that's fine so we're not losing them that's what he said yeah fantastic we love that folks all right well we got stamps.com i love stamps you put them on letters and stamps are 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words jake soyboy paul not my word this is not uh the opinion of the exactly no no no no no jake paul is uh definitely not a soy man the opinions of our viewers are their own jake paul is definitely not not gonna say it don't lie but thank you thank you so much and congratulations on finishing your uh mfa that's like master of fine arts i love that hello little [ __ ] name [Applause] jake paul with the known with soybeans i got your hat i drink soy milk i like soy milk actually no i don't i drink almond milk now right almond is the way to go soy milk's fine though right i just like almond milk better frankly i don't like the oat milk i gotta tell you you like oat milk no i'm saying i don't exactly zach just asked if we do those oh you do oat you know love oat milk oh almond for me is just the way to go although i hear almonds really bad like it uses a lot of water so it's growing almonds specifically uses tons of water so how does the almond milk get made then uh i'm sure i guess that probably has a ton of water too but specific cultivating almonds uses a ton of water yeah but almond milk i know this is really interesting content guys oh my milk is really cheap people really like oat milk in the chat oh yeah people are all about it i just i honestly gotta check it out i never tried it vanilla oat milk from whole foods [Music] are you drinking flavored zack so if you put in my coffee wow if you drink oat milk are you officially a soy boy like that's literally no there's no no soy milk is for soy soy boys yeah no soy in the oatmeal because i don't know if this is i don't i doubt it's true but they the whole there's like this weird thing about like oh you drink so much soy that you have like tits because apparently it has like estrogen i don't really think that's true though yeah it's it's a whole yeah it's not there is estrogen in it but it's plant estrogen it doesn't actually it doesn't do anything yeah i'm not gonna like turn you into a woman yeah it doesn't do that yeah okay uh fascinating stuff it was fascinating yeah um so jake speaking of jake paul who was a friend of the show one that we really like you you know jake paul great guy not a soy boy fan of the show um definitely not shout out to his family definitely not accused of that's not you're tripping okay the president's on hold by the way he is yes okay bring him on president the president we can't keep the president waiting okay all right stand by i'll bring on the president i have to pee but i'll hold it for the president yeah hold on hold off on the music he's not here yet hold off on the music the president's not here yet we we just give me one sec so um i do i wonder greatly what was discussed on that call and why was jake paul even caught you know how did that get set up um trump is actually on triller who you know software we love great program great software uh you know donald trump he's been banned on every media platform except trailer apparently and this is actually folks um a real post from his trailer account i thought this was a gag but they actually he actually posted this [Applause] [Music] oh we can't play this music people are waiting for you so it looks like trump doing all this stuff joe biden's sleeping it's like dude you lost what do you want to do i mean he's pregnant and you're not this looks like it was a campaign ad this might have been posted this is a priority dad yeah this is prior and all inspired no badly oh so they like put it together with the sleepy biden exactly also just sleepy joe can you be any more delusional yeah well all these in retrospect are so funny because it's like yeah he beat you while like just sleeping in like that's how easy it was that's how easy it was let's be honest trump wasn't the oh we have the president we could just talk correctly we can talk directly to him he is right here wow what an honor to have you joined by the president again ethan elliot can you hear me yeah baron is this on is this like okay we can hear you mr president we can't hear you mr president so great to be back on your show it's such an honor for you to have me on again the first appearance it broke all the internet records that you've ever had which is absolutely fantastic everything i touch turns to gold it turns to gold so i'm very excited to be on and uh you guys are big social media people and i want to announce i have a uh what's called a blog i invented something called a blog and it's very big now you go to my website and you do slash desk and that's my new blog you can be there i'm sorry i'm sorry what is the address uh well the i don't know does anyone know kelly what's the complaint address okay they're gonna check they're going to check but if you do slash desk then you everything i say is there okay interesting twitter slash desk okay well first of all uh donald thank you for joining us how is life you know it's been a it's been a minute uh you're out of office um how was life down at mar-a-lago just checking in a little bit well it's absolutely fantastic we built a replica of the press room here of course there's a seal has a big red tea like my tie like my tie this is the room where the fake news used to ask me a lot of fake news questions but now i'm in charge because i'm the real news president and i'll be back very soon believe me believe me but everything's great i golf every day i have a cheeseburger every day i feel absolutely fantastic all the bigwigs uh come down to visit me so i had ted cruz here i had ted cruz here you know lionted right like did you did you when you guys were enjoying dinner did you say a comment on his wife's appearance or was that not disgusting absolutely absolutely he takes it so well i mean it's just you just can't help to kick this guy he's such a loser he's such a loser your wife's ugly he's like yes sir yes sir yes sir you know he just goes with whatever i say and it's tremendous and that's really interesting to know yeah because during the campaign you had famously called his wife ugly you had said his dad was like killed jfk yeah his dad did kill jfk you know i think it's great he just goes along with it he just goes i could say pretty much anything i could say he kidnapped the lindbergh baby it's amazing they don't really seem to care it is amazing listen i mean can i say can i say uh ask kisser on your show is that okay oh you can say whatever you want mr president oh we don't have any rules no fcc okay well what an ass kisser this guy is my god it's really incredible he's so slimy he's so slimy he just kind of slithered away at the end of dinner i actually gave him a bill for dinner there you go ted you're paying for both of us bro [Laughter] now did you guys compare hand size i know you got criticized for having small hands did you did i noticed the photo his hands looked kind of small his let me tell you something people give me a hard time look at these hands look at these these are big heads these are billionaire hands presidential hitch you know what they say big hands big gloves well for him he is the tiniest he's like those little toy hands he's a little toy hats right do you ever see those little he literally has little toy hands it's incredible it's incredible so small and you know what they say we have tiny hands what did they say well you know what they said little marco tried to say that about me because there's no complaints down there very happy customers very happy customers believe me believe me even sturmy daniel said wow i've never seen a shape like that before and that's a compliment right well i remember well i do recall her describing that you had like a big mushroom tip with a mushroom head nice true bed the purple helmet club i'm very proud of that i'm very proud of her and fair skin i have fair skin down right okay well fantastic i didn't expect to discuss your penis today but i'm happy to discuss whatever you want i'm so happy to discuss my penis penis you know what i mean no one has a penis like my penis believe me oh i believe you so let me are you planning there's a lot of questions about 2024 possibly running what do you think people are saying maybe you'll be too old by then or you're very youthful i'm very youthful i was the youngest president of the history of presidents but i really like this country what are you talking about what are you talking about i need young and divine because i'm a stable genius and i have a very young mind yeah i have a very young mind and i have very smart blood did you know that so my blood isn't really aging like sleepy jokes because he's like 100 years old a lot of people don't know that he's so old they discontinued his blood type so he's not going to be around too much longer and i could step in at any time any time i could come back in and i think 2024 is right around the country right around the corner and i would do a tremendous job and listen listen all likes you know all the cnn msnbc ratings way down i can help them if i come back in the face band you know the facebook ban which is absolutely ludicrous it's sad it's sad i can't no one's no one can hear me i'm being silenced that's true oh yeah it is true it is true that's why we're giving you a platform sir thank you so much you're a true american absolutely well okay so what i really wanted to ask you about here today is that um i'll show it on the screen here is that apparently i know you're a very busy man but you made time to call jake i got a lot of time i'm really not doing anything too yeah okay i was trying to be nice well you facetimed uh jake paul and i was just curious how that came to be well you know what he just kept sure sir president trump sir sir sir could i talk to you sir sir it'll be very impressive for my followers sir and he said and he said it was at the top of his list at the top of his list and i thought you know what who am i to take away this kid's dream and being able to check this off his list so i faced time with him i didn't realize i had a bear in the cave it was a bad idea oh no no right but we i was on my private trump jet which is an incredible jet no one has a jet like my jet it's really an incredible it's an amazing jet probably i believe you should just like light it down yeah but we did it and he has it now and he sees leverage he calls it leverage they call it leverage and he's leveraging it but i'm leveraging it too because i want to be part of the uh the paul compound because they got a lot of a lot of people there a lot of great people him his brother not so much his dad but you know and so um what did you guys discuss on the phone call oh you know uh what's better kfc or mcdonald's you know in a pinch what wendy's do you know what he made he made sure to tell me he's not using any steroids or anything like that to get into shape no performance enhancing drugs i was like i believe you i don't even know why you'd bring that up i didn't even ask oh are you insinuating that he might be juicing because he brought it up out of nowhere well i'm not really a juice guy i like diet soda and things like that but you know he might be he might be because he might have one and you know those type of things and they make the juice out of that did he mention he's a big guy he's a big he looks a little unusually big i'm a big guy i'm six three and you know he's like right you know he's filling the whole frame in the facetime and what what was the impression you got from talking to jake do you think he's like a smart guy do you think he's an interesting guy so when you compare to a lot of people i know i mean compared to don and eric he's like a genius right right you know he seems he seems very smart about his type of work i mean i would you know i wouldn't replace him you know at an important job in the well then again i probably would i'd probably put him in some secret you know like a secretary of state or something oh jake paul secretary of state oh yeah because he knows a lot of people he knows a lot of people who know people are good secretaries of state pretty high up there did you did you discuss with him that possibly maybe we could get you in the ring to do a boxing match these are very popular now apparently people are making them i actually did the whole thing with vince mcmahon and the uh you know the right experience yeah we shaved his head we shaved his head you know and i came close i could have lost my hair but we shaved vince mcmahon's head and did you know some of that is choreographed did you know that did you know that i just found that out i thought it was all real yeah i no i didn't know that actually i'm just finding that out right now for me i learned that i learned that those guys really juice believe me they were there's like a table in the back room when i was on it was just like a smorgasbord of stuff well could you get could we get you in the ring today possibly like who who would be a good match-up for you would you fight jake paul uh yeah sure i'd take that kid in like five minutes all right all right he wouldn't know it hit him you have to remember i'm six three and i'm very very strong i'm probably the strongest president in the history of france right i mean very very strong and no one hits a ball the way i had a ball have you seen some of my golf shots i have a i have a tremendous body and i have a lot of center weight a lot of stuff yeah we we noticed actually i've noticed you have quite a dump truck as the kids say i've seen it yeah and the women the women love that they love that they love big butts on men right i got a good one i gotta get melania who i haven't seen in quite a while but she's supposed to know this where's melania no she likes to play hide and seek here at mar-a-lago she's really good at it because sometimes she's gone four and five days at a time and then she pops up in another country you know what i mean she's incredible though is she amazing she speaks six languages one of them isn't english unfortunately i always wanted to ask you you know her campaign as the first lady was be best against bowling the best and i would say that was just so ironic because i mean not to call you a bully sir but you did have strong uh uh you know confrontational words with a lot of people so i thought it was somewhat ironic that her campaign was be best well you know what be best wasn't just about internet bullying which i'm probably the best at uh it's also about being the best person that you can be you know what i mean but if you're a loser i'm gonna call you out i'm gonna tell you right you know what i mean and that's just being honest that's just you're doing the person a favor being honest with you if you know what i'm talking about you know did melania ever once try to be like you know mr president i'm doing the best thing maybe you could tone it down on twitter i don't really listen to her when she talks you know and it's hard to understand her it's hard to understand it's a lot of clicking and popping that you're talking i just give her money she disappears comes back with a nice handbag yeah okay well um hmm well i'm very endless i'm very happy to hear from you it's just i find it's such a shame that you've been silenced as you say because you know we just we miss your tweets we miss seeing you in the white house i'm very sad for example to see that the kovit cases are going down and that people are getting vaccinated i know that's because of me that's the warp speed program that i i created that's that's me i did that i did that because you remember i said i'd like everything opened by easter and we pretty much were and we pretty much and i was a year ahead of everyone you see that because i'm a stable genius and i'm always ahead of everybody do you believe people should be wearing masks by the way well you know if you want to if you don't want to it's fine i mean halloween's probably the ideal time to do that right right right and not because like the panda the cdc says we should be wearing masks it's more about just if you want to celebrate celebrate all right i mean you know if it's a good look you could wear you know for me i'm just not a masked guy in general you know what i'm saying but like mike pence he looks good in a mask you know what i mean anything to cover his mouth is that's what i like you know but if you want to wear it wear it if you want to get vaccinated get vaccinated if you don't want to get vaccinated who cares right i get vaccinated i did it in secret and everyone's like why'd you do it in secret because i didn't want anyone to know but now they know so go ahead and get vaccinated if you want to but if you don't want don't do do it right freedom freedom like mel gibson said at the end of braveheart right freedom thank you thank you thank you well wow you must have a big crowd at the studio you've been the biggest crowd 50 60 000 people well mr president it's been uh of course a great honor to have you calling absolutely and i do want to mention i'm glad you brought up you know uh jake paul i i think what happened the other day at that blm march was very unfortunate all he did was take some guy's hat and now he has to fight some guy he turns out to be a professional boxer which was totally rigged from the beginning i have to tell you look all set up to me oh you think that the jake paul versus ben askren fight was rigged oh absolutely absolutely right absolutely he he he didn't win did he didn't win did he and do you think well just to correct you sir that wasn't a black lives matter march some people might find that offensive it was just uh they were just i was just people yeah you know i just figured it's a group of black people it's just a margin and i love the black people listen i love the black people they're tremendous people fantastic people great people there's none of them here in west palm but i'm sure you know in d.c well um well you know i'd love to have you back again to comment on the ongoing um issues oh you know what i'm sorry to keep you i just have so many questions for you are you more of a maverick or a jake pollard right well you know i i like jake pauler but the whole maverick thing with me reminds me of john mccain and as i've always said i like my war heroes who don't get captured you know what i'm saying right so i'm gonna have to go with jake pauler yeah but i do like top gun and the sequel's coming out very very soon oh maverick and top gun right right are you are you into boxing mr president absolutely you remember one of my good friends was uh don king dun king great guy one of the biggest promoters of all time and i had mike tyson fight at trump plaza many many times in atlantic city maybe a lot of money made me a lot of but not enough to scave off the bankruptcy but it made me already sure that's a lot yeah that's a lot of money for that i'm sorry i just there's i there's one famous video that we love to talk about here of your son don jr on instagram talking about his algorithms being crushed did you guys ever get any information about the algorithms being crushed by instagram or anything like that well you know we negotiated with algorithm and some other countries near them and i thought everything was fine with the algorithm and albania and some of those other countries so it's it's one they're wonderful people they're hardworking people the algorithm okay oh i think you missed the well that okay i won't i get your drift i won't i won't ask a follow-up for that one all right well listen mr president it's been an honor thank you always always an honor for you yeah always an honor and you guys by the before i go how's teddy fresh how's teddy fresh what a great guy here oh very good thank you mr president very good uh how's it going it's the best it's it's doing very very well in the industry there's nothing like it it's nothing that's what i like to hear that's how we did with the hats with the maga hats it did very very well is that a teddy fresh that you're wearing ethan yes it is mr president i like that oh thank you so much that would look very good down here at mar-a-lago maybe you could open a shop inside of mar-a-lago oh thank you for the opportunity interesting yeah i think that would be very nice that would show how hip how hip i am yeah yeah well we'll talk we'll discuss that we'll maybe we'll discuss that thank you so much again and thank you have a tremendous oh and i forgot i got you to something because you do i got you your own your own presidential pardon oh wow yes does that work just in case you did it justin this will cover all federal crimes i can't help you on a state level i know you're in california right you know with that guy from whatever his name is but uh this will get you any federal crimes i could cover you you know what i mean thank you we're gonna ship that right over to you if you can send me the money on the venmo we'll get the shipping you have to pay for it oh that's yeah absolutely what do you think i'm doing for free right no i did actually but okay we'll figure it out generally gifts you don't have to pay for it is the thing well yeah but that's okay exactly all right you do tremendous speaking with you i'm gonna have my third lunch that's what i call it that sounds good really incredible it's gonna be delicious it's gonna be all right mr president take care we love you all right everybody bye-bye thank you so much how do i turn this off i just turned this oh oh there you go okay you figured it out wow wow what a i mean the president calling into the h3 podcast incredible unbelievable we got our own pardon yeah i wonder how much he wants for it though because i'm kind of strapped with the lobby they go for like 50 000 or something like that pardons for 50 grand this is pretty cheap that's a good deal i wish it worked on lawsuits you might babe maura for it in that case um well you know what i should have asked him if he talked to jake paul about dropping the lawsuit right you know can you get him back on the phone i'm kidding i love that that donald trump man love him it's really cool of him to make time for our podcast you know um we were talking about uh legend right you know i do miss trump in the way that like he's just so entertaining absolutely so entertaining he's a showman just not as president no not so presidential yeah 69. um so we have you know we have white clock gabe calling in at two until then i have so much fun stuff to talk about one being okay last christmas we had a secret santa in which ian gifted a cursed cosby doll right to me and we've been secretly tracking the whereabouts of this cursed uh cosby doll now um zach reese well i'll just let play it i mean this thing has switched hands this curse has been transferred so many times starting with by the way dan leaving it in the [ __ ] basement and i was like dan you can't leave this [ __ ] here he goes oh it doesn't fit in my car i was like really [ __ ] it doesn't fit in your car you're gonna leave that here so it's changed hands so many times and it's all been documented so i'd like to present you guys today the path of the cursed cosby doll and i think you guys are going to enjoy this a lot it ends up well i won't spoil the surprise but you guys are not going to want to miss this oh my god i'm a cosby kid oh no put it back it's cursed this thing is so cursed bro this was described to me as a haunted baby cradle i can't bring that into my [ __ ] house that survived the fire in 1930 what the seller described it as unsolved oh my god bro you really shouldn't have brought that into my house disrespected the [ __ ] out of you guys today he double parked he brought you up you really brought this into my [ __ ] house at least you gave it to dan and not me [Music] [Music] so every time i come down here to exercise i feel his presence you know what i mean it would be funny if i just left it at ian's porch dude i mean like why are we not going to deal with this [ __ ] dan first of all left it in the basement which was a total dick move by the way so maybe you're so you're accepting this for me and you're lifting the curse i'm accepting it from you thank you and zach hold it by the net savage all right guys bye guys [Music] destroy the child [Music] i'm handing this off to ian god bless appreciate you i've i'm so happy to see this again i'm grinning under this mask can you tell all right all right man good luck thank you i hope it's uh we get a good reaction on dan he deserves it yeah it was like it wasn't like knocking but it was like i don't know what the [ __ ] i wanted to get i don't know oh my god [Music] well now we have to get rid of it yeah what are we supposed to do [Music] play now i just want to clarify do you want a b b was holding on to it the whole time it was in his trunk the doll and the carriage for like five months [Laughter] did you feel at any time the presence of the curse no but like every time i got in my car i checked my back seat because of chucky you didn't want to make sure the cosby doll was there yeah but we had debated like the actual status of the curse right here because it was technically a gift to dan right uh this the stroller was for dan yes right so the stroller was transferred to dan via the curse and then because it was the gift and then dan left it here in my basement but technically the curse was still upon dan dan would have to give it away to transfer the curse did that ever happen did dan did you ever give it away or i think technically you're still cursed by it uh well i never let it enter my home is the thing so i feel like i may have sidestepped the curtain uh by that it is sitting in the garage of my apartment building though i just left it down there oh so it's still like somewhat in my position bro i feel like if it didn't cross the threshold i'm i'm okay i think i'm in the clear okay i don't feel i will see you don't want ian's chair [Music] dan okay all right zach wants the chair she's gonna get the chair so wait so just to clarify yeah uh you have the carriage in your garage dan but the cosby doll is being transferred to zach correct so it's interesting that they've they've kind of gone a different path yeah they've they've diverged we thought it was best to put them up thank i mean thanks for bringing it up what the [ __ ] is this the chair bro it's all you baby is your [ __ ] ass no no i didn't put my ass on it it's it's it's a fair deal bro i brought the chair you take the dog i don't want it then i'm gonna roll down that is so uncool i bring the chair and leave the [ __ ] doll i gotta burn some [ __ ] seats bad voodoo in here man [ __ ] can you stand out here [ __ ] dude all right exactly you don't i don't want i don't i don't want it you're seven foot what what what's the ghost going to do to your world how tall you are i don't know i was actually saying what was the sage for zach i don't want to oh so you brought the sage out to give to do like a voodoo curse release on the to cleansing yeah yeah okay okay do you do a lot of cleansing rituals this to the toilet every morning i gotcha you have that you wouldn't have i don't want the chair all right go go give to the neighbors i'm not holding that [ __ ] back i don't want the [ __ ] chair who put you up as you guys see he's safer i can't there's no winnings why would you do this why i thought he was doing it but he really doesn't want to take the chair bro there it was hong kong oh zach you're definitely you're attempting fate right there yeah you guys i really thought he was doing a bit he didn't want to take it you guys are [ __ ] up your neighbors are about to get a good chance of [ __ ] residence and you have something to drink dude i just broke my face i'm dying out of here you'll be good man all right brother [Music] did you take the chair zach yeah he's sitting right now comfortable as you love the care oh my god okay good after everything i'm glad you at least enjoy it okay um so what was your thoughts when you saw the voodoo doll i think that genuinely freaked you out right well i met abe downstairs um and he was like a little weird there's something off about him yeah okay i mean there's always something a little off about him but this time you know definitely a little more than usual coming from the guy who times you cut out there what what'd you say i said coming from the guy who lit sage six times i'm sorry i want to bring good vibes into you know well let me finish the video here i think there's something coming up is this how do you get out yeah we're from where oh thank you see you buddy later later oh you didn't end up leaving it hold up let it play it's on your car oh it just said it said the doll is on your car did you know that zach the doll is on your car have you used your car since this was shot no i think av left the doll on your car you see zach you were playing checkers while i was playing chess is that the line yo what are you going to do with the doll it's on your car look at them i start crying dude oh no [Music] you're very zach is very superstitious so these things have a lot a big effect on him you're going to have to touch it like there's nothing cursed about the doll it's just a toy how do you feel abs card is hold back how do you know nothing happened how do i know i mean it was it was a retail product sold inside why would you put that on my [ __ ] car you know i did get cancelled after i took that doll now i think about it [Music] why would you put on my [ __ ] car i'm not taking that [ __ ] back i've had that first [ __ ] [ __ ] what why did you do that it's time for you to bear the weight my friend well hold on hold on [ __ ] man you're coming to pick this up i don't care where you're going like you're a man now you live alone no no you brought [ __ ] you [ __ ] you you're coming to pick that up well is there is there any argument to be made about like abe has held the burden of this doll for so long right five months and like in the lord of the rings you guys are best friends right our friends i don't know the status of your friendship to necessarily best but that's just clearly not anymore but like you remember how sam took the row the ring he says let me lighten the load could that be you zack can you lighten the low share the load a little bit no because the ring was something of good and this is no no it wasn't it was cursed it was just like this i've never seen that rings all right what oh the ring was a curse bruh how could you get that wrong i just i i've never got into that how the [ __ ] have you never seen a lot of rings i've never gotten into the middle earth [ __ ] i i just the hobbit you're in middle earth now moral of the story i want to share my load with you that's it right well zach can i suggest something you could just get in your car and drive off without you know touching it and then right wherever there shall be buried yeah but i just don't want it in the same vicinity like i just that that's stuff can you go out zach can you do me a favor can you go outside and take a photo if it's on your car still i want to know someone took it yeah maybe someone took it maybe it walked off on its own right it could have can you go down there and take a photo of your car or if it's just outside of his front door right now hey take this sage i don't know my it's three it's three stories down you want me to go walk yes all right i'm really curious so we'll check back in with zach to see if the doll is still on his car i'm very curious maybe someone took it you know i mean maybe someone was like hey old uh crusty cosby doll oh no we wouldn't want that maybe it'll pop back up so bad that there's a good chance no one took it yeah i think it's still there i genuinely do still think it's there wow well that was fun that was a fun adventure yeah man that segment was so good ian we're still getting we're still getting uh foot goofs from it even almost half a year later oh here's some fun stuff i wanted to show you guys uh we're in a new workshop for dan you know uh we're moving too soon and um dan wanted a new setup so here's some stuff we were looking at either i don't think you've seen this so tell me what you think something like this baby zero gravity workshop can i get it fifth sixteen thousand it's only it's only sixteen thousand dollars whoa yeah that seems like totally reasonable why would anyone want this because i could command the show from there just imagine how cool i would look on the show when it cuts away and i'm like you know i'm switching i'm doing the audio i'm doing all kinds of stuff for my from my station you know my we've always had that when ian was sick and he did the show from bed it almost looked like that right exactly as a proof of concept well when i first saw this i was like is this for paraplegics or what but no these are this is just people that want to rock out and zero g apparently gravity doesn't exist when you're laying down according to them yeah i don't understand that it's definitely g but look they have a whole they have got a whole collection of them why is it called zero gravity it's just you're just floating it's just kidding uh there's some really good ones here oh my god he's got a suit on and [ __ ] he's like all right what is this i was thinking it would be might be funny to buy one oh this one's only five thousand yeah but this one's not as funny the best ones coming up actually the one that i really want this is like the guys who operate drones in afghanistan they're in there we might need to get put on a vr goggle headset triple monitor i got the laptop off to the side this is some real end-of-life two laptops look at that he's got a laptop on each side right like you could actually do the show absolutely i could i think we should get it you know yeah it's gonna be but you know it takes like 10 minutes to get out we got them like damn when you got an issue [Laughter] wait wait the one the one i actually want is still coming up yeah but like i feel like i used to play everquest with people that actually were like this was how they played right probably you know what i mean yeah same this guy is totally flat totally prone 100 what if we got two for us and we did the show like that well how you'd have to have a camera up but then it wouldn't look that different it would just be a little weird well you'll have one white shark that shows well this one's seven thousand dollars so how much was the gatsby it was like i won them all gatsby was only like four grand so this is only twice as expensive of a goof and i just don't know if it's got oh it has wheels so i could wheel your ass around yeah exactly interesting my god whoa whoa he's like he's like he's upside down his hair is lowered upside down that that cannot be comfortable like oh my god we've totally inverted [Laughter] [Music] that's basically just when my dad used to like be on his laptop at home can you imagine a recliner that's basically what it was right can you imagine we delivered this to your parents house and saw your dad in this it's so uh it's like a desk right you take some notes that is a huge task what the [ __ ] like what are you even gonna do with the desk you can't put it right you can't put anything on what he's putting it keeps falling off on him they need zero g um desk like notebook holders and pen holders right some sort of uh magnetic thing to hold your stuff from there this can't make them look so crazy like this huge arm goes like 10 feet up in the air it's like a little uh gallow you could also hang yourself from it if you uh died too many times in every quest right whoa whoa this looks serious that's a thick boy look at that arm oh my god helicopter this one's ready to take off it can also fly there's a laptop on the side how do you use the mouse what are you gonna even do with that yeah right you there's no way you could use it how do you use a mouse i think you'd have to like mount a trackball or something so you can't use a normal mouse yeah right um this one you could do pull-ups work out although that seems like the antithesis of the zero g right you're not buying zero g workstations to do pull-ups i can't believe they have so many they have so many and we still haven't gotten to my favorite there's one that there's one that's far and away the best one yeah it's it's got to be coming up man they oh [Laughter] which is your favorite not this one still it's still it's still coming up this one look he looks like a artillery he looks like he's ready to shoot some shells off he's banning the guns what kind of jobs are these people gonna do like right yo what is this one this one looks like a gyro where you could roll off why are the bars got to be so intense whoa whoa i don't even that's like that one that's like a super villain set up how do we oh this one's pretty basic only 3 000. there it is that's the one i love so this one is this one is got a gyroscope it it rotates i could spin it yes there's a video of it if you guys want to show upside down i don't know if it goes fully upside down but it does like i could win we need to get you like a whole harness so you can do it upside down here there's a video of it right uh yeah i think it's a here oh my god here can i play this music i wonder uh it's probably royalty free but i'll mute it just 77 likes all the smoke yeah so by the way this video was uploaded 2010 so they haven't upgraded their tech recently but here is the gyro in action oh wow he goes up the perfect height he's so quick look how fast i would love to test the limit of how far you can rotate bro why do you want to sit like that oh my god i'm perfectly fine i'm getting upright you cut to den and you just see your feet basically look how the monitor yeah you just see dad's feet look how the monitors rotate because you can't move your head anymore i just don't understand the need you stretch your body look how massive this thing is i'm kind of surprised that only oh this thing is like 16 grand right this one is very expensive please tell me that it goes upside down uh that's a good question if it goes all the way around uh they don't do it in this demo but it didn't really look like there was anything to stop it here it looks like you see how long it takes to get out ergo quest i wonder if they're still in business you should try calling them yeah zach or somebody try calling them just to see like hey are you guys still in business can we get one of these i think their website's still up i mean they're in business i'm not trying to prank call them i'm just genuine we should get it this one yeah 17 000 hilo i'm being sued i can't afford this it depends if this one goes upside down i think it's worth it oh so maybe call and ask if it goes upside down they will not advise you to let it go all the way i'm not asking for their advice yeah i'm not asking for anyone's advice yeah let me know i'm already i'm on the phone okay yeah just it's called the zero gravity workshop 10 let me know uh i mean we could settle for the cheaper ones if we have yeah i mean come on i mean a lot of those were epic that was just that one was my personal favorite one i'm actually afraid as if if jake paul wins the lawsuit he's going to get the zero gravity oh no oh god imagine if he took the cat speed pretty fine and the gas they're going to impound my tragic repo guy comes from the gatsby let's read the specs here we've got a recliner i think it's a good investment oh it's a good investment okay yeah you know for the content i appreciate the value over time yeah ah there's more oh yeah this one's pretty uh base it doesn't have wheels i can't wheel his ass around it's like they're always trying to make it look good for your living room right yeah good furniture for the living room this one's a dental uh chair pretend you're at the dentist while you game look at this one dude why do you need this it's like a bowflex uh bullflex world why is it gonna be like a giant square and it's almost like i do you guys still carry the zero gravity chair oh workstation we've got ab on the phone with them now okay and does that go completely upside down getting the details uh yeah you can go completely oh stop don't don't close your mic maybe yeah i don't want to put him on so uh av will get back to us on it sounds like possibly it does though he made it sound like that was a yes um very interesting that's [ __ ] epic if it does so i'm gonna have to be dropping 17 grand well you don't have to well we have a lot of space in the office too i mean damn i'd love to get your asses down to the show we could get a payment plan whatever it takes nobody gets you alone with your big suit really just show them what it's for look this is essential to our business zero gravity maybe the government will give us because hard times you know we can get like a government loan because it's essential i i asked for permission oh you you did yeah and they said yeah he said it was fine but we didn't really hear anything anyway but what did he say um he said it doesn't do a complete it doesn't do a complete one it doesn't do a complete circle they're okay still in business man that's amazing but you can get upside down like it has a it has a tilt you said it has a tilt forward but depending on what equipment you have attached yeah the battery it probably matters to the balance and everything no i want to know what degree i know it doesn't go like a full circle what degree does it tilt can you get him back on the phone just like to what because this is a big investment so i want to know like what degree is dan's head going to be yeah you know [Music] if we buy this thing y'all if we buy this y'all better not let me go bankrupt well with the kind of content you would be creating with that you think we've been how could you honey yeah exactly with seeing dan's feet instead of his face yeah right careful back we don't want we don't want me on wiki feet again very true uh zach is back from his car did you get any photos what's the status out there well i went down there and there was nothing on the car oh oh so interesting maybe were you trolling or uh because zack says there was no doll on the car which car did you take with you what do you mean what car he only has one car i only have one car did you just put it on some random stranger's car maybe i hope not no that was that car did you put it on you have a white car in a black car i don't have a [ __ ] white car who's a white car what off two cars what zack don't make me don't make me do this to you right now you don't you don't have a white [ __ ] camaro i was imagining us in a white camaro is it it's not mine oh whose car is it did you steal it it's not even part way well that's not even parked here what so you're trying to make me seem [ __ ] crazy like that no no you're not crazy that that car is not parked here though oh okay this is my dad that's my dad's car so you put it on some other random person's uh you put on his dad's car at me no no i'm just asking which car he took with them because no i put on his car i took my black car okay yeah zach made it seem like he had two cars but i guess it was his dad so which car did you put the doll on his ex car it's all there so so the doll found a new victim it's kind of a happy ending right so is the curse lifted i think so i think the doll decided to to i think a new cycle has started yeah a new cycle started which is out of our hands there you go happy ending god bless and good luck to whoever's got that yeah where did that all end up man i i do want to thank you for the new chair um and if i may say i would like to apologize for any uh drama or anything um that might have come from it right um i feel like i learned a lot from the situation right and um i'd like to apologize to you ab um for being baby-brained when i should be a man hi yeah i'm curious what's the tilt about this is it yes no i'm just calling on behalf of my boss he wants to know if it will is it like a 90 degree tilt or right for the yeah the 4a or the the workstation 5. either of those two what's that what were you saying oh they hung up on me why they dude these [ __ ] about to sell one of these i think they think you were trolling i'm not trolling i'm literally they have to make the first sale they've had in 10 years all right zach they they heard your apology what were you saying uh yeah go ahead zach you were apologizing for the chair fiasco [Laughter] zach was saying that was really emotional and he was saying sorry to you maybe you're such an [ __ ] bro i'm doing my job i did ask him to call them he was on the phone you did decide to start apologizing when he was on the phone oh zach do you want to take another crack at the apology or no yeah this will be the third time because he already apologized on the last episode yeah the last episode zach made a big apology yeah it was like this whole break here yeah but zach you know zach got a lot of heat in the comments for the way he handled the chair fiasco people were very critical of sweet young zach and zach was feeling very hurt he's feeling very offended and just uh maybe well zach maybe i'll let you speak for yourself on that um so before i was rudely interrupted um i would like to apologize to abe for being baby brained i was being baby brain when i should really be joker brain hold on they're calling back what no i'm just [ __ ] with you go ahead i'm sorry the second one wasn't as funny you know anyway anyways i'm gonna move forward from this okay take a breath hold on take a breath this is important re-center yourself maybe some stage a b thank you but let's let zach have his moment let me take a breath hold on take a breath this is important yeah oh he took the corpse breath you hear that yeah of course that corpse breath exact breath let's get it trendy back breath i'd like to apologize uh to you ethan and ela for being uh because i i do represent the show as well uh you know and you know i want to be one of your employees i have to show you know that i'm mature enough and don't do stupid things like that so um i do apologize to you guys oh no need to apologize to me i mean who's entertaining right and uh i'm learning from this and um i will move forward from this and i will be joker brandon not baby brand okay so i'm hoping the fans can accept zach's heartfelt apology they were very upset about the way he he handled the chair situation and i hope we can just learn and move on amicably as friends where is my apology i apologize for him he was apartheid to you oh okay i'm sorry maybe i missed are you not going to apologize did you apologize to the fans i'd like to apologize well i guess one more time i'd like to apologize to the h3 community and the fans uh i was being immature and i was being stupid and right um i'm gonna grow from this peace and love peace and love wow zap what an apology so mature the man is just full of uh insight today incredible absolutely fantastic well we got white cloth gabe coming up here pretty soon um there was a um i didn't totally touch on the wikifeed thing but i wanted to say that everyone else got booted off i don't think i didn't say that right no i don't think we did cover that wikifeet the admins called the whole [ __ ] thing because zach abe dan even moses and bobby lee are all gone they're all gone they're all gone and only from the page or from the top rating top rating i don't know if their pages are still here let me see no i think the pages well at least for well bobby and myself yeah bobby's place well bobby lee kind of [ __ ] himself because he his audience were trying to step to me really and i think he got i'm not a foot model yeah it looks like he got the ire of the he caught some uh he caught these arms bro i don't even think about my feet this is this is the [ __ ] that's actually on wikipedia bro [Laughter] damn what the [ __ ] anyway um there was a post of being like yo let's get bobby number one and people are like nah doug so i think he got he caught these hands as they say he caught these feet and so now i am alone in the wow so that's good i mean it's nice to be to see that our tribe is unified like you know after all the war so lonely now no it feels great i don't want anything they're all by yourself no it's just right where i should be it's not lonely at all i like solitude when it comes to feet rating so that's kind of a good news i love that you're like in full character now at the top yeah i decided whenever i'm in costume i'm gonna put my feet up yeah that's pretty i think so that you like this one that's my shot that's a great picture yeah exactly and every time i'm an outfit i'll get a new update good photo um i still wish i was at a seven it does hurt my feelings that people really came here and you know but i just noticed i wanted to smell feet there's a new contender neil link a link rav rat and link is up here oh what when did that happen i don't know it's a new development i like link so i'm not going to [ __ ] on him right oh 110 pictures dude he has loyal foot soldiers let me take a look see oh god link can you [ __ ] have some shame please bro this is basically pornography i mean dude please have some shame for you have some of class this is just this is just vile this is a this he's supposed to be like a nice christian family man and here he is making pornography on youtube you know what i mean look at this sheesh titties okay well whatever no hate to link you know as long as you don't get any closer to me if he gets any closer we're gonna have a problem anyway uh white clock gabe should be calling in here yeah he's uh is he ready to go uh he's in the waiting room there's a there's a name okay ella's going to the back hey it's friday baby [ __ ] so yeah maybe set it up a little bit so white cloth gabe do you guys have um here let me watch uh where's white club gabe segment here hang on what's up here white club gabe now you guys know i'm a i'm a huge fan of white claw gabe um he's got some viral hits we've watched him many times on this show but his account has been absolutely blowing up recently like this one here let me just show you some of the views he's been getting um here let's see this one is 700 000. this one is 1.5 million what do you got to say gabe something's big is going to happen yeah me and my boy ted baby stay tuned baby [ __ ] baby [ __ ] fried chicken wednesday baby [ __ ] baby yeah take a bite fried chicken baby [ __ ] yes sir i have so many questions for him yeah fried chicken wednesday baby i'm super curious about like his living situation uh who he lives with what he does for work also he seems pretty like very pimped out like rich she's always pretty successful yeah successful in his own right certainly happy cinco de mayo baby yeah shout out to the mexicano baby [ __ ] yeah baby cerveza cerveza baby [ __ ] yeah survey so you know he's up to his all he's killing it on tick tock um let me see some of his other hits oh wow this one has six million you guys whoa this is like mega viral it's friday baby [ __ ] yeah it's the weekend baby [ __ ] this one yeah friday baby [ __ ] [ __ ] the weekend last week oh my god wow it's friday baby [ __ ] yeah it's the weekend baby [ __ ] oh it's mango flavor friday baby [ __ ] [ __ ] i saw in a lot of the other ones he's holding a lime one though so and we i got the limelight this one's lime yeah there you go yeah good call well anyway and for those of you don't know what club gabe that's pretty much the scope of his content play him some sound bites zach to just kind of pepper the audience so they hey it's friday baby yeah so you guys know friday baby yeah let's bring in the man himself gabe friday maybe a second to set it up here's another one with two million views yeah the [ __ ] icy lemon baby i'm just giving it a try it's not bad i love iced tea i see lemon baby [ __ ] white cross baby [ __ ] and this is what it looks like the color if you pour in the glass it's almost like beer [ __ ] baby [ __ ] almost yeah white claw iced tea lemon baby [ __ ] yeah try it it's not bad baby [ __ ] so you know interestingly there's been all kinds of memes now uh oh there i see gabe himself gabe you can you hear me it says connecting to audio he's still connecting oh i think he's connected now gay dave can you hear us what's going on baby it's friday baby it's friday yeah baby friday yeah [ __ ] what are you doing today it's friday what do we got planned well i'm in miami i just went to the beach i had lunch you know i'm just enjoying my time right now are you loving life you've you are big you're big time now dude how are you loving the fame it's good right now baby it's this is just like um it's just like appetizers wait till the the main course comes can you can you give me a little can you give me a little bit of a of a hint at what's the main course going to be well my main course is probably you know some sponsors maybe if somebody wants to um be you know in a television shoot or maybe in a major movie [ __ ] that maybe you know the big hollywood would come get me [ __ ] yeah plug baby um well i have one idea for someone who should be sponsoring you right oh i don't know why haven't they tried there's so much um like white cars me drinking the car everybody's buying it and i don't know why white cloud doesn't notice me anything you know i got like yeah yeah so gabe white claw has never reached out to you ah how do you feel about that well i can't chase white club white claw has to come to me right hard to get yeah if i talk to me i'll take it if not we need to we need to start a movement for white white white claw sponsor gabe let's get that trending let me ask you this would you accept payment and white clubs or do you want money uh i want some money yeah you want money for sure for sure for sure that makes sense about helping them with their business they have to pay me i'm helping them you know bring the white car their business you know having people buy whacker you know because of me you know i'm the one that i'm the one that jim you know promoting the white coat with my ears me he's like hey white hugging drinking the white cloud doing a video saying [ __ ] yeah people fighting you know i wouldn't have this white claw here today if it wasn't for you i'll tell you that right now and i'll tell that to white cloth they're watching um this is all because of you gabe oh yeah thanks do you love white claws i love it it's like it's it has a smoother taste it's not like beer or anything it's like a hybrid of beer you know it doesn't have that really that alcohol tastes just like not like truly or that um that travis scott brand right it's your favorite drink i like it it's it's almost like soda itself just i can barely taste the alcohol that's why i like white claws right do you get [ __ ] up when you drink white cloud you get super drunk well if i once i get to the five or six i'm level [ __ ] yeah yeah i think we should by the way what's the flavor i have natural lime is that a good flavor oh i love natural that's my favorite flavor would you have one baby oh good do you have a do you have a white claw with you there i'm not with me right now well i'm gonna crack i'm gonna crack one open and do a cheers to you you know what's interesting gabe i've never tasted a white cloth this is my first time i wanted to do it with you here today all right baby yeah thanks thanks for trying to work cheers to you bud i'm gonna i'm gonna give you a review as i drink this cheers baby that's good cheers baby [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah baby it's good yeah [ __ ] white car baby [ __ ] it's friday baby huh it's good [ __ ] it's friday baby [ __ ] yeah baby [Laughter] what's today gabe friday baby [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah it's friday huh oh it could say black friday to do some shopping [ __ ] worth [ __ ] school dude [ __ ] work black friday school yeah baby what do you do for work because it seems like you're pretty blinged out dude you've eaten my steaks i do aspiring work you know like acting and stuff you know just free freelancing like doing cameos and you know doing some merch right now oh you're a cameo yeah oh that's fantastic i'd love to promote your cameo what is your cameo well i do cameos like happy birthday or do like i gotta sometimes i gotta roast people like eight you're fat and ugly and all that stuff oh you roast people oh interesting congratulate them for you know they make it through graduation that's simple stuff like that oh if you guys want to find white cloth gabe on cameo it's just white cloth game you have five stars dude that's awesome perfect rating let's go no one has ever been disappointed uh with your with your uh cameos would could you roast me right now and give me like if i ordered a cameo from you saying roast me uh gross i'd say you're fat and ugly you're lazy i kind of think oh yeah [ __ ] yeah baby thank you i just got a free roast session from the white clock game cheers buddy all right baby cheers [ __ ] now can i ask you something that is a little bit personal i'm sorry for asking one of my friends trisha she thinks you have tourette's and i don't because of the way you always think [ __ ] you don't have you have tourette's by the way i have tourette yeah the rats is different is like you you're just you can't control your um anger you know you keep saying yeah one more time you know i just swear on the video because i get my views up because they want yeah people love the [ __ ] it's just fun right yeah like i re redefine the word [ __ ] [ __ ] meaning like slang yeah you say you redefined the word [ __ ] that's right [ __ ] baby have to have a [ __ ] weekend or instead of pair and you say [ __ ] that counsel hilarious wow dude i'm so happy that you're killing it you've got your cameo popping you're i saw you been treating your friends and family to dinners that's really nice you're the man baby oh yeah i'm the big man you know other you can't find people like that you know like other other people they like if you're in a group of people they they like either pay separate bill or everybody chips and you can't find people that could you know just pick up the bill for like six or seven days yeah i'm true getting a lot of money that's true huh you know you know my friends and family are happy my fans are happy you know you're like wow i got i got my great experience with white cloud gabe you know or uh white clock gabe's the man baby huh oh right yeah who do you keep looking at gabe who's in the room with you oh somebody somebody showing me something on the phone okay oh really can i see who it is is it one of your what's going on ethan oh hey i've seen you in um i've seen you in his tick tocks what's your guys's relationship so he's my uh uncle he's uh i help him with all his tick tocks and that kind of stuff oh legend what's your name dude i'm nick nick nice to meet you nick nick oh you're nick nick do you like white claw nice oh yes i do the man we have a lot of good things cooking up and uh we're doing his merch line so when it comes time what's the merch going to say our chicken wednesday steaks um steak like saturday or [ __ ] monday kind of thing yeah [ __ ] baby i would i would buy merch that said it's i deserve fried chicken something like that yeah i deserve fried chicken fried chicken hey gabe you know that ethan quotes you basically every weekend now whenever he wants to eat like a cheat meal it's like i deserve this [ __ ] yeah i deserve it yeah you work hard you deserve it baby thank you gabe finally someone who understands that about me um so do you live with um what's your living situation do you live with uh uncle gabe with uncle gabe yeah do you guys all live together yeah we uh we all live together with my family and all that stuff wow what a big happy family um nick the third you know we're all living like a like a a bunch like a roommate bunch we go everywhere we travel um us and our whole family we do everything together so you know my dad's an actor and gabe used to do stand-in work for him in the 90s so gabe's like a sag actor and he's worked so many jobs and now it's his time to like really shine and show the world who he is and how funny he is and all that kind of stuff wow you know even in the 90s i always try wanting to be an actor you do all the stuff gabe's humble but gabe's uh gabe's a legit sag actor he's done almost any any line of work you know he's done uber mcdonald's all that stuff so for now to like really be shining it's like a it's an incredible thing for him he deserves it he deserves it oh yeah oh yeah baby what do you deserve more gabe success or fried chicken well i don't deserve fried chicken that's all i got oh they're intrinsically tied together so is your dad i see your dad in the video sometimes too is that gabe's brother no no no my dad is married to my mom and my mom and gabe are first cousins okay on the mom's side got it so okay i think i was very curious about the family situation with gabe so i'm glad we got that cleared up cheers [ __ ] baby [ __ ] with you baby [ __ ] yeah yeah baby how many white clothes are we drinking tonight since it's friday and we're in miami let's go get [ __ ] up on friday night yeah hey gabe are you going to be picking up any girls tonight friday night in miami i don't know i don't want to mess with that one we're going to 11 in miami tonight 11 and miami what's 11. i think it's absolutely it's like a it's like a club or something oh so we don't [ __ ] with the girls though right gabe no i don't want i don't want to regret it later in life oh what a good man responsible gabe i gotta protect yeah you know that's a really good take because it's just a landmine out there these days and now that you're famous too it's like you don't want any girls saying oh you know we drank a bunch of white claws and you know what i'm saying just one thing led to another they don't want to mess with you and then it's like a few weeks later oh i'm in trouble oh yeah i'll be in trouble for it all of a sudden and you and then all of a sudden you got little white claw gabes running around you know what i'm saying yeah i don't want i don't want that responsibility right now hell no i'm not with your slow right now yeah you got too much going on wow what do you do at the club then if you're not looking to pick up cuties just party and drink white clothes just dancing you know drink a couple um margaritas or margaritas gabe's like a music connoisseur of all era so anywhere from these to now he knows like every genre big hits yeah so yeah so if you're if you're playing like a 90s playlist and we're at like a hangout you can probably name all the songs without even having to look at the yo do you want to give me a trivia question i want to test games as a teenager but my parents discouraged me when i was young because you know my parents would say hey you don't have no future in djing what you gonna do in your life you know i listen to it and look what happens you know sometimes i gotta go where my aspiration goes you know i should just listen to myself than my parents gabe are you um really good at trivia if we ask you like a music trivia question yeah it depends i know like most songs whether there's certain songs like i know but i don't know the i don't know the um the singer but you can try okay here let me let me test you okay who oh this is maybe let's see if you know this who was awarded the very first gold record elvis presley good guess but i don't know who the answer is it's perry como oh that's my mom should i try one more it seems like you're okay let's try one more let's try one more sure okay come on now uh i'm waiting for the question regenerated white collar gabe ladies and gentlemen trivia master music connoisseur [ __ ] yeah baby [Music] waiting for the question okay here we go what singer holds the most record i'm sorry what singer holds the world record for most words and a hit single that's right what does that even mean [ __ ] guys sorry gabe this is not a good question it's eminem by the way oh eminem i mean kind of had a feeling actually yeah okay this is going sideways sorry [Laughter] okay well gabe um i think you're being modest you're a ladies man aren't you um i gotta be i gotta be a gentleman the girls love him the girls love him that's what i think he's a gentleman though yeah okay here one more time one more time what was elvis presley's first hit in 1956 [Music] is it like hound dog or something good guess again but it was actually a heartbreak hotel heartbreak hotel [Music] um well gabe legend thanks for coming by all right thanks for the opportunity podcast i don't want to say broadcast it's podcast yeah that's right that's right baby yeah baby [ __ ] can we just say i want to say [ __ ] friday dude go out miami have a good ass time yeah baby baby do you have school today is there school today answer me this gabe is there school today [ __ ] no it's quiet it's the weekend is there work today there's no work no school it should be a four day work week a three day weekend you know hey are we drinking walk are we drinking white claws oh yeah let's celebrate the number on the first day of the three day weekend baby let's [ __ ] go [ __ ] baby do you deserve friday oh yeah everybody works hard everybody deserves funny [ __ ] baby yeah [Applause] all right keep doing your thing lots of success and lots of love to you and the whole family all right take care buddy all right thanks so much gabe thank you guys bye-bye [ __ ] yeah baby what do you think about white claw hey it's friday baby [ __ ] [Applause] um it's okay yeah it's fine i mean myself drinking it well it's like i like drinking i like when i drink i usually drink like vodka and soda water which is what this is yeah it's not too far off from that it's just vodka and soda water um i i wonder if i can see some of his oh yeah here let's see what his cameos are like hey i like to give my big wow to the ray team souls tease baby [ __ ] yeah yeah baby [ __ ] me saturday night raiding souls tease baby [ __ ] yeah b-w-l and kill nerf baby [ __ ] yeah baby [ __ ] yeah yeah souls tease baby yeah baby [ __ ] saturday night baby it's the weekend baby [ __ ] baby yeah yeah ready for saturday night baby baby [ __ ] yeah it's the weekend the weekend's the life baby it's saturday night baby [ __ ] baby why gets five stars he delivers yeah that's huge you know you could uh have one of these um for oh it's 35 oh you can message him for seven dollars gamie has been wild lately they're getting all these crazy new options yeah i don't know what that means just want to say hi you just want yeah to just speak with them or something you know what that's about here let's see what this one is hey i want to wish joe a happy 16th birthday baby [ __ ] happy birthday yeah you're legal to drive now baby yeah happy 16th birthday joe baby yeah good luck good luck hopefully you make it through high school and make it to college yeah so anyway white club gabe is out on camera if you guys want to support him love white club game so nice to get to meet the man yeah behind the moon you know i was always really curious who were all those people he lived with i've seen this guy in his videos apparently he's like yeah apparently he's an actor i've seen this guy for sure he's always in the videos um this dude here who what's he been in he was in the longest yard oh it's a adam sandler movie right oh for real yep oh my favorite you know how i feel about that so that's gabe lauren but we have actually a lot of stuff today planned um oh i wanted to show this speaking of jake paul who i will not say a bad thing about but so there's this okay this is like one of these really ridiculous non-story political headpieces so at the olympics they're not allowed to discuss politics it's supposed to be like a non-political event and so they banned flank you know saying political organizations and so this company just trying to bait people goes um you know the japan the tokyo olympics has banned black lives matter that's like yeah they ban all political organizations so they make it seem like it's some kind of headline like oh they're taking a stand it's like no everybody so anyway uh look who left a comment greg paul that's great news i'm a [ __ ] savage you gotta do it it's just i just thought it was so funny but he felt compelled to come that's great news but also like you got baited bro because here's the title japan is playing no games keeping it 100 i appreciate that it's like nah bro they're not making a political statement everything's banned so anyway just i was wondering what it meant i guess means nothing yeah yeah i'd rather speak up and be wrong than be muffled and be wrong smoking like a true uh philosopher king yeah yeah baby that's just that um let's talk about some other stuff here we've got um okay teddy fresh is getting ripped off again yo you see this i did and this time so many people sent me messages about it so it's from like dollskill which is a big retailer i saw they actually made a tweet they said it's not us it's like this one other brand i don't know what the other brand is but oh here it is yeah so dollskill here we go death noodles of course on it as always uh let's see dollskill has a new shoe apparently wasn't made by them well because it's one it's a website that like sells different brands you know sure but a lot of i'm not saying the brands not a doll skill brand it's a different brand that they sell right now i'm not saying they did this but a lot of times these companies like dollskill and also urban outfitter they have these own like shell clothing brands that they use to rip off people i don't know if that's what they're doing i don't know anything about this shoe brand but like urban outfitters all the time where they have like oh uh here's a brand that you've never heard of they make shorts that happen to be rip-offs from other people but the what really [ __ ] shits in my mouth is that they why they really had to put the teddy bear on there like you that's like so aggressive i agree like this is a purpose i saw it and i didn't zoom in and i was like yeah i mean it's definitely the same exact colors but then i was like oh wow and there's a teddy bear why would they do the teddy bear this is so whack like the colors are first of all exact dips it's not like similar it's an exact dip it's like they went to the hoodie and they'd said dip color paste but the teddy bears it's shameless yeah it's crazy why would they put the teddy bear on there it's almost like they're saying like [ __ ] you yeah yeah he's stealing that yeah but there you go but i mean a compliment to you you know that these colors are still being jacked to this day yeah it's kind of a ultimate block in my mind how many variations of it we've seen by now oh this girl made a really popular tick tock it was on my page shout out to the her family um this had a lot of views so i was like cool yeah we can't stop getting ripped she's right dolls kill thank you girl thanks for defending us yeah appreciate you oh speaking of which you know and i heard that dollskill allegedly do it a lot yeah a lot of these big retailers oh here's her tick tock i don't see how many people have watched it you know um speaking of which i know the colorblock cody's been sold out for a long time but um it's coming back this month 2.0 which is very exciting so shout out to our family i guess all right um trying to pull up all the here it is on their instagram page i mean come on dude really did good too 30 000 likes let's see what the comments are you're a garbage brand ooh oh and another interesting thing that everyone is saying is they're deleting all the comments that i mentioned oh no come on yeah so i saw people accusing them that too not saying that it didn't happen but when i saw that yesterday i found some comments mentioning teddy fresh and screenshotted them to see if they'd be gone today and they're still there today it's possible that they just called the top comments you know yeah it's possible i mean it was fair the one that i found was near the top though interesting yeah anyway um you know look it's a great design so i'm not surprised people are jacking it but the teddy bear head it's so aggressive you know just toys what the [ __ ] here it's called koi uh i think zosie is the brand actually oh zozie well i was just going around footwear koi football is okay footwear yeah yeah [Music] have you visited black what is it what the hell i didn't say that you did say it at one point in time anyway what can you do huh say love you so is life come on okay here's the next story dan this is your find you might like this isn't one of these weird tick tock accounts that we like to get into on fridays so according to this guy his name is grand rising app um well his name is william knight i believe oh yes but uh grand rising app is his app that uh he is promoting with these videos so you can download that off the app store can you really yeah it's on well what are you doing on an iphone yeah uh i checked it out i don't have an iphone so i couldn't download it but i looked into it and it just you open it and it just gives you uh a piece of advice oh basically like seemingly at random the grand rising yeah so similar advice to what he uh is instructing you in these videos okay so open your mind are you ready get your third eye open yeah that's what you need to do yeah open your third eye this is yeah by the way this is gonna wake up 150 000 likes so people are very receptive to the grand rising but here there's no such thing as a coincidence the fact that you're watching this video why is his face so unsettling does he have contacts in or something i think he's got contacts i mean or something maybe his context because his eye there's something about his face that looks super unnatural i think it's his contacts we're energetically aligned with me and aquafarians but you mean bro i'm just scrolling dick dog bro i'm not that's like saying i'm energetically aligned with like the [ __ ] uh you know the did like the incest couple on the like scroll on there's like an incest couple you remember we watched i'm trying to think of something funny here i do remember that yeah that was disturbing come on i'm just on tick tock bro it's not a coincidence it's not a coincidence i've watched a thousand videos today on tick tock it's it's literally just impossible not to know the math mermaids mermaid the truth is the being with the humanoid torso and fish there's only one type of in fact there are many more advanced aquatic beings okay this is what i lost what there's like a big ass titty fish apparently in the ocean swimming around looks very um water dynamic looks like it would glide effortlessly titties yeah i have no idea what he's doing i love that he's talking about advanced species and then it cuts to this yeah that's the pinnacle of evolution that's right remember only five people what does it mean what does the ocean animal need with big ass [ __ ] titties like they're they feeding milk in the ocean uncharted one of the elite's biggest secrets kept from earth humans are the amounts of cities they have discovered underwater shut up they want you to believe every underwater city is the result of a flood or natural disaster but the truth is a lot of these cities are the remains of ancient underwater civilizations purposely built underwater by aquafarians either that's for one big question based on this fishy with titties that's obviously fake so let's just take a mermaid it is he's got a bunch of these so open your third eye this one's about aliens trying to wake up my third eye wake up joel biden there's no such thing as a coincidence the fact that you're watching this video means you are energetically aligned with me and what i'm about to show you with all this talk it's like bro i just watched a thousand videos i just watched bryce hall like dance fan you know try to look sexy there's there's no coincidence the pentagon confirming ufos and countless videos of light from the sky you're probably wondering where's the real extraterrestrial approach music copyrighted let me know i i re-uploaded so i looked into this this actually is real oh this was like a skeleton that they found and but what he's saying right now they tested his dna and he's gonna say that it's like not human dna that that's just not true it is a human it was like you know a horribly uh deformed baby or something yeah um that's sad why are you gonna use this poor child to like talk about it from like a thousand years ago making the idea of aydah being an unborn fetus impossible peter has 10 ribs instead of the human amount 12 an elongated skull and large i don't want to look at this even with the never before seen even have some shame bro here let's learn about bigfoot the fact that you're watching this is no coincidence i just farted in my hand and smelled it there's no such thing as a coincidence there's literally no such thing as a coincidence if there's no hi my you're on my page and that's no coincidence i just buttercup to my own face think about that hi you've hit my page there's no such thing as a coincidence there's no such thing as a coincidence so somebody explained why i just blasted my diarrhea from eating way too much salsa the night before now we're energetically aligned there's no such thing as a coincidence look how off the screen you are oh sorry there's coins there's no such thing as a coincidence that's why i was cheese grating parmesan cheese and shredded my nail off my thumb the other night there's no such thing as a coincidence that was not a coincidence that you energetically aligned with him just oh my god there is no such thing as a coincidence that's why that's why uh theodore puked down my shirt a few nights ago there's no such thing as a coincidence [Music] we are energetically aligned right now i just made parm i just made them uh i just made a steak and burned it i cooked it for too long no such thing there's no such thing as the coincidence we are energy we are energetically aligned right now [Music] one time such thing as a coincidence one time when i was a boy i got in a fight with somebody over craft over these little lunchable things with the red stick do you spread cheese on oh yeah there's we are energetically lying as a coincidence we are energetically aligned right now there's no such thing as a coincidence one time when i was like five we were pl i was playing with toys with my best friend and we threw them in a hole and both started peeing on it for some reason and his mom came out and said there's no such thing as the coincidence there's uh go ahead zach there's there's no such thing as a coincidence we are energetically aligned right now wait you're way too far away from the camera oh here here's here's a sit up a little bit there perfect i got a close-up on you yesterday i was walking around disneyland and i saw just randomly gus johnson there is no such thing as a coincidence there's no such thing as we are energetically aligned right now there's no such thing as a coincidence um i'm trying to think of something else good i wish i had fun maybe let's watch more yeah yeah let's watch the bigfoot one a group of scientific professionals spent five years and five hundred thousand dollars to find the being you know as bigfoot with an overwhelming number of photos videos and dna samples it's not overwhelming there's like nothing overwhelming overwhelming what do i do with all these bigfoot photos and dna i am overwhelmed there's literally one photo that everybody uses that was taken like 40 years ago we are energetically aligned right now you are overwhelmed by bigfoot photos in dna we finally know the truth about this creature before dinner starts i'd like to point out that just about everybody at this table has seen them is this the overwhelming evidence yeah the furry people do exist rip jc johnson there is no such thing as a coincidence the fact that you're on my page right now means bigfoot is real there is no coincidence that we are aligned some cases right alongside of us some cases right outside of i've seen a dude i knew named bailey he was real hairy boy and tall too no such things as a coincidence here high urban areas residential neighborhoods some of them take up occupations in old abandoned buildings you would be surprised oh jc johnson died he ripped jc johnson a rose on his grave a you just be surprised how human-like these bigfoot are in fact many many people just mistaken for humans he literally said that [Laughter] the different ways can some people just think they're humans boy i know better than that though um they ain't no coincidence in this world a group this is probably his worst video i can't get over the overwhelming evidence and it's just a guy being like someone i've seen bigfoot man they look real life like a human like i tell you what most people just think they're humans i know the dirt foot though there's no such thing as a coincidence the fact that you're watching this video right now means that there are extraterrestrials on this earth the size of my pinky that silently cr that crawl my butthole at night and clean my anus there are no such things as a coincidence i haven't pooped in a week there's evidence that aliens have been harvesting the poop out of my butt the fact that you're watching this video right now is means that there's no such thing as a question there's no such thing as we are energetically aligned the earth is hollow there's that is the energy we are energetically aligned [Music] did you know the earth is flat we are energetically aligned there's overwhelming evidence that the earth is flat there's no such thing as a coincidence cut to the scientist i've seen it man i've been up there in a hot balloon man and the earth doesn't even seem curved at all man some people think that it is flat but i know better there is no such thing as coincidence the evidence is overwhelming that the earth is flat rest in peace to uh tom willett wake up bigfoots are real i s i seen them man they look like just like my cousin jim about the same height and about the right furnace but i'll tell you what man those bigfoots are real so most people think they're human but i'll tell you man i know the truth overwhelming evidence says bigfoot is real no such thing as a coincidence there's no such thing as a coincidence here's one on witches this is the best [ __ ] tick tock i'm so glad you found this damn you gotta try to win the zoom to like step in yeah right oh okay sure i'll try that out the next one here i want to learn about witches though have you ever wondered why which is where all no you're like nope never wondered that okay and i'll bite black absorbs light oh [ __ ] the more light energy you have the more powerful you are every cell in our body acts as a solar panel to light energy say what next time you're in the sun take off your hats what does that have to do with them wearing glasses in charge bro i tried charging up and [ __ ] they had to get part of my skin cut off because i had cancer he's this started with why do witches wear black and then he went off about how your cells absorb something they wear black he goes take off your hat take off your glasses don't wear sunscreen i was like damn dude not good advice decalcify your pineal gland say what your pineal gland is where your human abilities lie dormant the same pineal gland tells birds to fly soft for the winter it tells bears when to hibernate when to wake up and it also is the reason why you can see so vividly while you're dreaming it's a massive penis charge up and share this lesson with a friend any questions yeah have you ever watched a lot of questions there is no coincidence on this planet go out in the sun don't wear sunscreen see what happens if you get suns if you get cancer and die you are just a human piece of [ __ ] if you survive and get human powers you're a witch we are connected and there are no coincidences in this world why wait wait step in or like fly in there are no quenches around the world why do i keep losing socks there's clearly an explanation there are aliens that mine socks for me why do i only have one sock of so many pairs the fact you're on this page proves my point because there are no coincidences there's no such thing as the coin okay here i come medusa is real one time i saw my nana showering and i got froze up and i couldn't move it was so shocking there are no coincidences explain that why is it when i saw my nana showering naked i froze up the fact that you're on this page right now means it's true there's no such thing as a coincidence can you talk about the gland the new human abilities that you didn't what did you call it he just called it human abilities the pineal gland pineal gland the penis gland the fact that you're watching this video right now proves that we're energetically aligned did you know that the pineal gland can also make your penis uh super super hard to get up that's why you gotta go sit in the sun and get skin cancer there are no coins there's no such thing as a coincidence yo i'm digging this white claw ouch you want another one i'm still working i'm not trying to actually i don't know i'm afraid to actually get toasted on the live yeah good good point i just hurt my knee oh [ __ ] he's got a pretty you okay oh there's like jagged bits on the bottom he must have hit something he's got he's looking pretty fly in this one about uh wit uh the matrix is a true movie hollywood and witchcraft go hand in hand the name hollywood derives from the holly tree harry potter's wand made out of hollywood hollywood media wait harry potter's in on this conspiracy oh my god some english writer is in on the hollywood conspiracy showing you one of three things what the elite have done too in the past what the elite is currently doing to you or what the elite plan on doing to you in the future here are three movies that disguise the truth as fiction they live a 1988 movie that follows a guy who wakes up to the truth about subliminal messaging and a secret community of extraterrestrials hiding in plain sight fahrenheit 451 a classic novel made into a film about a future society full of surveillance and censorship where books are burned and knowledge is illegal the matrix one of the greatest documentaries ever made follow for part two and share this video sorry i just remembered that i need to order this medicine for today okay do it now anyway i've had my phone and then the mate just remember the matrix is the best document i ever made are you scared or wait was it are you scared not enough that was lord of the rings well which is it the red pill or the blue pill this is not a joke this is a documentary about your life wake up i noticed his all work connected to energetically kind of a new development on his channel yeah i seems to have coincided with his app launch so smart oh you know what i want to do for sure is do the um you guys saw that prince william and kate middleton made a youtube channel um right yeah exciting news you know we care we have deep reverence for the royalty here on this channel yes and family blogs family exactly our two most are important things in our in our community uh royalty and family vlogs and um their video was number one trending super hot super hip you could tell these royalty are different than what you expect they're connected with the young people and they're ready to change you know yeah they're a lot like us here because these guys they're filming i know by the way you'll be careful what you're saying now because these guys they're filming hey let the conversation yo i can't get over how uninteresting the royalty is like it's so [ __ ] antiquated i'm just sorry i'm not looking at this guy and being like i need to like worship this is so cool i mean he looks he's just like bro i just don't care he's better than us what are you talking i just don't get that vibe and trust me i do think some people are better you know he he's not him though he's a lot better than us i like that i really like that i like that so anyway now that they're coming to youtube um we thought we actually got um some pre they haven't launched anything other than the trailer but we actually were able to get a hold of a preview of some of their content really it was leaked online yeah and um i'll actually want to show you guys i'm pretty hyped based off of what i've seen well they want to be youtubers so here we found some of their thumbnails leaked online who is she who is this girl by the way that she's admiring do we know i don't ian you're british i think it's the queen of hearts uh the queen of cars wow um here's another one five thousand pound beans on toast they're doing a taste test of beans on toast very popular in england and of course they would be eating expensive and it's a great video format can't wait to see that one yeah i would watch that i mean just they're right on point here um the queen is doing a yard sale oh oh no what it looks like she's selling her royal jewels on at the yard sale wow this is some good i'm looking forward to watching this oh five billion orbeez in windsor castle they filled the whole damn castle with orbeez oh mr beast watch out the royals are coming [Music] i'm sorry oh no making an apology man what did she do i wonder she's on the kitchen floor well yeah she learned from the best yeah that's gonna be an authentic apology man i wonder what she did for real oh no oh contacting prince philip a little soon for that that seems like a low block oh man prince sorry who's charles and who's philip again phillip is uh is uh he's the reason he's the one that just dearly departed who we lost so here's too soon his own son charles is doing a ouija board 3 a.m challenge with his dad who recently passed away that is so inappropriate for doing that but he needs to click you know what i'm saying he's got to grow his channel somehow that's dirty um uncle andrew did once oh oh no that that that is a family drama oh that you know ankle andrew of course was a no was uh friends with the recently departed uh epstein another one who left us too soon and just outraged within the royal family lots of gossip oh is that all of them yeah that's all we were able to obtain so far but i hear they're cooking up a lot of good content so i'm really you know oh and he's all wet i remember because the girl said he was real sweaty right so he's sweating so like yeah there's a lot of it sounds like they're right on track to be huge youtubers you gotta subscribe yeah so stay tuned uh their youtube channel again is what is their youtube channel um yeah let's see i think they just have this video just like they got a banner look at that yeah oh they put up a new video is it one of the ones that we just previewed wait what the [ __ ] is this shielding myla yo what is this okay let's see [Music] yo i thought you guys were supposed to be eating beans and [ __ ] like who wants to watch this he's in the photographs as well doesn't he mean that okay this content sucks i mean yeah kind of with peace and love they're already missing the point all right i'm out garbage so it's pretty exciting how long we've been going because i got a few more stories here i'm wondering uh we've been going for two hours 22 minutes and 55 seconds how many seconds now 57 now 58 59 this is the thing this story is pretty bad together a lot of people have been talking about this next story which is the youtubers nikki and dan felipe who put their dog down after a bit their son i don't know if you guys heard about this but i'll briefly explain they put out a video so this is a dog i guess these guys been vlogging for a while and they've had this dog bowser in their life for like 10 years this is their family dog right and they put out this video saying that they uh put their dog down because he bit their son but the way the delivery of the video is just so [ __ ] off bro um i'm really curious by the way i questioned the details of this video because it this is their family dog that's been with them 10 years i just can't imagine not being able to find a resolution there i don't get it and just as i haven't watched it yet and i haven't i've obviously heard about it i saw people talk about it but i haven't watched the video yet but i just can't imagine like why is that the only option i mean i i would i would never put my dog down for anything less than terminal illness and they were just like uh suffering that there's nothing that would ever make me kill my dog but the way he talks about it here you got to see this the [ __ ] they say is beyond insane on friday we had to put bowser to sleep um and i don't know why they can't they came out and made this whole video like trying to get sympathy and you know dan is with me because bowser was i mean he was our dog but he was dan's dog um and this was not a decision we came to lightly you know when dan and i were first talking about this and just how this was all going to unfold and just having conversations around it one of the things that we said or i said was i was like people aren't people aren't going to get it like people are going to be upset and dan's response was that was a bird dan's response was nobody's going to be as upset as i'm upset or as upset as i am um and so that's wrong about that yeah that's the position that we're we're in today so i feel like i don't know do you want to say hi i feel like i'm just like talking yeah well i mean we've had bowser for over almost a decade and uh yo i don't see i don't see it uh the part where he compares him to old yeller i don't see that in the time stamps am i missing it it's in there i highlighted it oh here this part really [ __ ] rubbed me so wrong here watch this space you know yeah things just became more complicated than this mid this mid phase of like he's not a baby baby but he's not old enough to know better how to control himself really and so that just made bowser really unpredictable and thinking that like god willing we have more children well then it's going to start all over again and then who knows what kind of chaos is going to be there with two kids combined with the fact that bowser is older combined with the fact that he already got physical on logan combined with the fact that he's done these are all just waters it was so much it's not like we scheduled him to get put down the day we got back from vacation no no we hadn't even thought about it still when we left we were just like bowser's got to get out of here he's got to be re-homed like this is not the appropriate home for him and like i said it was that conversation with that woman that was like you guys you can't well we were out the door right and in the moment i'm thinking the coffee drink they're so not upset watch she puts her head on his shoulder was it a [Music] he's fine i mean it doesn't seem like he was seriously injured from what i can tell right i mean you guys looked into this the kid was fine oh they said he wasn't that injured yeah but i see some people in the chat it was it was because the kid tried to take the dog's food yeah yeah i mean we have to hit his face we have to manage this kind of situations all the time with theodore and the dogs but it's like if you're i've i feel like as the owner you can figure it out i'm not like sometimes two will like pull them or something yeah they'll kind of like snap but i don't know it's all manageable i can't imagine really like well yeah and like the thing is they try to make their dog sound like some like crazy uncontrollable yeah it's like he's been in the family for 10 years since he was like a very young dog that makes no sense this is his home and his parents there's just it doesn't make any sense to me uh i just feel like especially because we have dogs and we have a kid i see those situations it's really not like that like you can manage it but also well here listen to this part today we got back from vacation no no actually we hadn't even thought about this where is it you know yeah things just just let it play it'll do this mid phase of like he's not a baby baby okay you went way too far back over again and then who knows what kind of chaos is going to be there with two kids combined with the fact that deposit you went too far back let me just find it maybe it's not [Music] and in the moment i'm thinking you know i grew up with the movie old yeller and i wanted to pick bowser up by the back of the neck and take him into the backyard and put him down right there so this absolute psycho says because he grew up with old yeller a movie by the way of this family has this beloved dog the dog i think he gets rabies from an animal def by defending the family right yeah he gets rabies he gets rabies which is which is when the dog gets rabies they become dangerous and it's fatal they're going to die and they become like unpredictable and so this guy says old yeller who had to be put down by the owner that loved him most in the world because he had an incurable disease he's comparing that to a dog that nipped his son his son was unharmed and he wanted to immediately take him in the backyard and murder the dog in front of his son by the way who's at the house at the same time this guy is so unhinged this is so disgusting i literally cannot believe they even put this out like what are you doing yeah the he i don't know he thinks this is like macho or something to take his dog in the backyard and murder it yeah it does seem like he thinks he's mr he's being alpha yeah mr alfonso i mean psycho bro is spinning psycho alpha maybe maybe fine yeah but listen this [ __ ] lunatic i actually didn't end up leaving that day we ended up going to the airport and then there was just a few things that happened why are you laughing cancelled it and schedule it for the next day so we got home and we ended up having like the best day like all day they look like two people that are trying to look like they feel bad oh for sure it's like i don't know by the way he goes we went on vacation i had the best day ever and after i had like gone and had the best day ever i still came back and wanted to kill my dog but we didn't travel today and have the worst day you know we came back and we all had the best day together so ah so weird is this this is just so weird yeah so like you said um how's she gonna go she went from shoulder to yeah so after you know these people are so glad their dog is dead like i'm sorry and then the thing is like they're so glad their dog is dead and then they're coming out here just to make like a vid just to make content on it and try to be like oh just why did this need to be a video like if this happened like can exactly like why is this a video because they needed content they needed content yeah i guess you know and there's here i'll show i'm going to keep showing more about these guys because we kind of dug into it a little bit but like they didn't need to kill their dog there's people that would have taken that there's so many people that are against kill shelters i don't know where they're located but i know here in l.a pretty much anyone will take your [ __ ] dog rather than you kill it i had a really great day with him you know he was fed really good food taking on a really beautiful outdoor drive the weather unlike today was perfect it was so beautiful we played with bowser in the back so you killed your dog bro who cares about this relaxed with him and um like i mentioned we did it at our house so we paid for boys people are like coffee that day was so perfect starbucks nailed it i got the way at the facility and we were just like we can't oh he also mentioned uh that he wanted to kill his dog a few years earlier too didn't he um he's been thinking about killing his dog for a while [Music] the fact that they had this dog for 10 years just make no sense that this couldn't have been resolved i would rather i mean we adopted alfredo while we had and pretty much a newborn baby in the house and alfredo had some anger problems in the beginning it we managed it it was fine well i think they're i mean i mean it's like look it can be challenging for moments but you get over it you have responsibility to that animal that yes they're not little [ __ ] toys for you to murder when you're done but if you're there and you're a responsible owner it's not some kind of like i don't know you can figure it out i think they're bad i think they're bad doggy parents because that's why the dog's acting up that's what i'm saying yeah you know if the dog felt safe and loved you wouldn't it wouldn't be an issue um there's a few other great ones crazy oh here you go this is this one ian can you describe where they talked about killing their dog before um i think he might be looking for that other thing oh he's gone yeah where did he go got disconnected maybe no i'm trying to find it's coming back oh here they say it listen to this like imagine saying this in the video where you killed your dog because he nipped your son so all that being said i mean bowser has he was the best animal ever owned really why'd you kill him dude you are such a freak yeah now i now i think that bull terrier is my favorite animal period oh oh his wife is such a phony so i want to say one more thing actually before we go where's my phone i wrote a list dude they're so happy they killed the dog holding a [ __ ] yorkie or coffee she's like oh i'm so sorry hopefully i don't have to throttle this yorkie if it nips me ian where's the part where she said they thought about killing their dog for a while uh give me a second here let me look she's like i wrote a script i mean a list of uh all the things i loved about bowser he's the one thing i like about bowser he's dead [Music] we don't have to buy dog food anymore um poop anymore people say they had a photo shoot what is that about you guys know something about the photo shoot they well here it's in the it's in the doctor there's too much [ __ ] here with peace and love you got to help your stuff like there's like tons of there's just way too much stuff here oh here's the photo shoot thank you um yeah because back in the day they were making a ton of content with this dog about how much they love him and stuff they even said like he used to be their baby before their kid was born i'm sorry i do not love my dogs lust and other theodore's here i have love in my heart for all of them of course you know that's the same logic as being like oh well now that my new baby's here i don't love my old days they're just like a kid i mean and then and theodore loves them and so it's a whole yeah so they're part of the family look at this you freak bro you betrayed that dog that loved you and you killed him there i cannot express how disgusted i am i would die before i put my dogs down for any reason other than absolute terminal illness you hear that alfredo and shredder shadow's like i know [ __ ] i own you shred is this comment says they did a photo shoot after the kid was bit with the dog before they killed him eh is that true he's like i was gonna take him in the backyard and put him down like old dealer but instead we did a photo shoot before i took up to the vet yeah i mean i think that's the photos we're looking at really yeah the yeah this was titled they they did a photo shoot with bowser dude you are that you could spend your dog is healthy and happy there is right next to the kid yeah what do you mean happy and healthy and look how happy and unscared the kid is the kid is not scared yes what do you mean if you could do a photo shoot together you could do everything else i am so disturbed oh my god i'm so disturbed by this story i don't know anything about these people but you know if we we started digging through some of their old stuff like look at this for example here's one of their old videos where they're antagonizing this dog right with their new yorkie so they keep shoving the yorkie in his face actually he's trying to play but the yorkie's getting all aggressive on him what kind of game is this it's a [ __ ] game for sick weirdos whose phone is this did you all see that it's like some weird it's the wrestling it's the weird baptism dawn yeah yo what kind of videos on this one yeah i think it's a spilling tea that's just screaming but why the [ __ ] that their next video um the girl the woman by the way like to tweet saying bad dogs come from libertared owners what yep here uh when like a while ago apparently they're like total uh i'm looking at their channels such like love energy nikki felipe who was facing blasphem backlash for putting her dog down allegedly liked a tweet that said bag dogs have libtard owners her husband dan allegedly responded to fans saying does your husband know you are using the internet but i didn't understand that one but okay peace and love also apparently the woman is an anti-vaxxer unrelated knew it literally just looking at the grid of their videos and their thumbnails like that um not surprising nikki in this clip which i won't show because it has that garbage in it um is a total psycho apparently she's promoting this guy a big tree who has no medical training he's one of the most prominent anti-vaxxers please has been criticized by the anti-defamation league the auschwitz birkin memorial museum how do you get [ __ ] on by auschwitz museum oh because this guy she likes and follows he wears a star of david at anti-vaccination events to compare his treatment to those who were persecuted during world war ii i just sorted their videos by most popular their top thing says something about hillsong isn't that like the weird creepy church that uh bieber goes to and stuff i don't know anything about that is that right ian this is her husband's um avatar for his channel nice you like that here's the earliest video i could find with them the fact that i understand you know i still didn't get over the fact that they did a photo shoot with the dog i'm still kind of stuck on that like that's just that right there tells us it's all for social everything was fine yeah you guys were fine yeah if you were able to do a photo shoot with the kid and the dog together here here's what we're talking about here's an idea if your dog has food anxiety by the way which after 10 years if your dog has food anxiety okay you're [ __ ] weird but maybe just feed him somewhere else where your son can't get to him put him in the [ __ ] closet feed him in the backyard they're like no we gotta kill him like old yeller i grew up watching old yeller boy and that just made me want to kill my dog someday yeehaw here they are eight years ago doing a photo shoot with their little puppy they're like one day i'm gonna kill that dog like old yeller woo i grew up watching that film boy yeah also if you have a following it should be so easy to be able to find him a new home oh yeah like you have such a big rage i like my dogs like i like my vaccinations non-existent yeehaw [Applause] they had 1.2 million subs but prior to this video which obviously got a lot of attention uh it seemed like their channel was pretty dead they're only getting 20 000 views on most of their videos yeah i knew i knew that well trisha told me they used to be big and i don't know they fell off i don't know anything about them but i do know one thing i like my dogs like i like my non-vaccinated grandparents dead i don't remember that accent in that video they're from tennessee right there's no eggs come on you know they're white trash you don't know anything about wine come on now what i got a down old yeller here i think my dog got rabies oh let's just pretend my dog had rabies had to put him down boy excuse me there was no accent i'm gonna get back on track i had this dog for 10 years but he was my kid look at borean this dog was my son before i had a son but now i do have a son imma kill him i'll be cooking up my dog tonight i had to kill him because he nipped my son yeah we're coming to barbecue tonight we're eating dog [Music] only come over if you have not maybe i mean people are this is the worst bit that we do on the show hands down i just i gotta put it out there i gotta put it like i mean i mean about the godfather thing but like i just play that up because it's funny to be like oh no don't do it and then you do it and it's funny we're having a barbecue with our dog you can only come over if you're not vaccinated yeehaw let's go now i'm trying to spread you don't know the character and that's it's not all like that this is a very limited character you got here there's a lot of like anti-vaxxers that are not white trash educated hippie type of taunt in california yes a lot here right here in l.a huge amount of anti-vaccines my preacher said it's okay he said my preacher said when the barbecue i'm coming over eat that dog zach throw off the videos people saying i just saw some uh chad saying zack's an enabler [Laughter] come on here dan now boy [Music] we come on down to my house now we got no dogs and no that makes no sense stop the fire boy we got no dogs we got we got no dogs and no vaccinations all right ethan come on now jesus is your source i hate welfare okay did you get those food seriously yeah then like the california kind though i'm not talking about them i'm talking about these people that murder their dogs nikki and dan she doesn't she looks more like one of those that you would see here exactly that's why it's more like he's the live laugh love what do you guys got to over analyze crystal healing energy why y'all gotta over analyze my [ __ ] it's a little bigoted okay look at you you you elite living in los angeles all right you're the most it's hard to hear stop trying to act better than me you're like mr [ __ ] libtard stop i take issue with you calling me a liberal of course you don't but you are yeehaw my name is dance we're looking at it i'm over here i i go up to the strangers on the street and i poke them with vaccines yeehaw chill the [ __ ] out you sensitive little [ __ ] libtard well she liked to tweet calling someone a libtard so she's like you gotta be white trash can i get some yeehaws in the chat hey man i'll let you do this character after you travel to me no don't bring the music can i get some yeehaws in the chat can i if you ain't been vaccinated you type yeehaw in the chat now yeah if you ain't killed a dog if you killed your dog who was not terminally ill can i get a yeehaw in the chat i want you know what does love think [Applause] he's thinking stupid he's singing god damn man america hey love you ain't ever been have you been vaccinated love i don't know get me a yeehaw now give me a yeehaw fascination there's no such thing as a coincidence i'll tell you what when i be handing out little bits of my dog during this barbie i'll be also handing out fresh covet yeehaw herd immunity will only be achieved once we all catch cover that's what president said we my nana been living long enough boy i'm getting tired of paying her nursing bill huh i got oh i'm seeing yee haws in the chat now boy [Applause] get me down by the rodeo now abe do you happen to have any white trash kind of family or friends yes my mom's what do you think about that what do you think about this he just called his family white trash white trash is it's not necessarily what you think it is don't you see you're already ruined your argument by saying no ab what do you think can i get a yeehaw please i think uh i'm right on let it stop i don't i don't know i don't see a problem to be honest you don't see them talk like this now do they talk like that uh well they call yeah sometimes they're like oh why where the hell where are they from what the [ __ ] are you talking about they talk like that i'm telling you my mom's where are they from you've you got colonel sanders listen hold up hold up my my mom's cousins anytime's like oh dale is here come on dale come on over here come on over here now dad yeah bring it and leave that vaccinating card at home boy we don't look at that now oh i heard you put your dog down bring them already out here for the bobby we desperate for meat boy frogs dogs of course oh we got something gator now we can put some gator on the bobby gator on the boat oh yeah burn some trash come on down to the trailer we're going to burn some trash everyone everyone in tennessee to ethan's just bobby boucher from waterboy that's the thing it kind of kind of it kind of floats through like louisiana or and then it's like antebellum like he said why not starve not and that's why i kill my dog for food amen speared to death i would take i would take like an eight-part hbo mini-series of just the godfather impression over five minutes of this oh no you will come to me on my show you will come to me on my show your head on the mic on this beautiful friday it's friday [ __ ] yeah baby is this a collab i deserve to do a white dress impression it's a mash-up and all of you come here tell me stop stop what am i gonna do with this dog i killed it in the backyard like old yellow and now what am i going to bury it oh my god eat with all my clothes maybe the show's gone for too long my doctor says i should be vaccinated i say [Music] [Music] can i just say the chat guessed exactly where my mom's family's from in michigan based on the accent yeehaw come on how about that michigan burn some trash down river baby that's right come on baby i just broke into the hospital and dumped all the vaccine down now that's what jesus would do jesus said break into the hospital and burn that vaccine boy yeehaw and we're done we're gonna go down down to the abortion clinic and uh and thinking and officially quit we gonna go harass some women getting abortions at the lowest point in their day yeehaw that's what we do down here let's go congregate without vaccines oh yeah oh boy we hate them libtards getting vaccinated for us them libtards get vaccinated so that we don't get covered there's not even an accent anymore it's just slowly bled away i can't believe you hate it so much i hate it oh look you stopped any on his back well zack stopped the music he betrayed me you guys are so dramatic just having fun trying to entertain people you come in here on friday when i'm trying to have a good time and doing my impressions you break my heart dan you break my heart i brought you in [Music] i brought you into the family what do you think about this for four years we work together and you sit here you break mine i know it was you freedom how could you do this to your your grandfather your papa i might be the grandfather but i've never sick myself with a vaccine needle this is all the farce the grandfather the godfather i don't know you guys want to talk about garyvee let's change the subject i just i don't i know a lot of people like garyvee so you know okay don't [ __ ] kill me but the guy said some funny [ __ ] i saw this tick tock and i just died bro this was on my for you page i was like sorry listen to this who do you love the most in the world my family once a day genuinely sit there for five minutes and make pretend one of them got shot in the face i was like what i was like no thanks i'm sorry this dude is a chill a little [ __ ] [ __ ] who is scaring me he's like one of these [ __ ] gurus i don't know he's like a motivational speaker kind of guy he's one of these guys that pretends he's got all the [ __ ] answers and he just acts super confident and people believe him guy uh tony yeah tony robbins he's similar to tony robbins yeah he uh i believe he's an entrepreneur tony robbins got his deep best voice in gary's defense he's known for being kind of the opposite of those guys i know like just wait opposite of donating a b is a garyvee fan you should say both baby and love are gary vee what do you guys like about gary vee because he seems to me like every other [ __ ] motivational uh i have all the answers [ __ ] no it well first of all he's not selling a course you know he doesn't oh he never does sell you a course i mean he has he had no yeah he has his like youtube channel and he has his you know he's never tried to make money he doesn't do like the seminar style books he doesn't have seminars where's he right now oh right i know but i'm just saying it's not he's not like uh no shame type of guy i feel like i don't know a lot of the stuff he said has got me a lot of jobs to be honest like he okay he puts well do you sit at home for five minutes and imagine lena being shot in the face because it's supposed to make you happy uh not being shot in the face but anytime like i'm sad about something or stressed out i you know i'm just i try to be thankful because like that'd be my that's already he said sit at home right genuinely yeah genuinely he literally emphasizes genuinely right once a day genuinely sit there for five minutes and make pretend one of them got shot in the face i probably once a week to four times a week sit there truly in the shower try to convince myself that i have lost one of the five do you understand what he's he's fantasizing every day in the shower that someone close to him has been murdered the dissolve to the stock footage yeah the water photo in the shower baby defend this clip most important people in my life and that is the biggest thing i do that leads to the biggest happiness i have nothing makes me happier than imagining my family being murdered violently yeah i think about it all the time i think about it every day just being beaten to a bloody pulp it makes me so happy that is the biggest happiness i have like once a day what genuinely sell enough earrings today people lack perspective it's actually remarkably easy if it becomes the way you see the world okay shut up it's a little too aggressive for me i don't know to me i mean okay good he helps people what am i i'm just an [ __ ] yeah no problem i i've found in because i i wasn't really that familiar with him but when we pulled together all these clips i found that uh you know the underlying message of a lot of what he's saying like be thankful for the things you have don't sweat the small stuff i mean yeah of course it's all kind of general advice it's his like method of delivery is always so aggressive like we we have some more we'll see like he shocks yeah he's just so angry at home and imagine someone you love was and actually do this i'm not exaggerating actually this shot in the [ __ ] face here here's another one i don't know what i'm watching so let's see three words just give me inspiration for any damn falling down three words three words you're gonna die yeah that's inspiration about it do something about it i love you i love you too take care i don't know i don't like these large these guys who paint themselves as these larger than life guys because it's [ __ ] this guy can sit here like he has the answers he's rehashing the same dumb [ __ ] that everybody [ __ ] says and yeah okay sure he helps people but like it's so grandiose it's self-self congratulatory i just we're all just stumbling through life and i don't think that this type of vice can actually ev i feel personally the only time you actually ever learn is from doing things yourself you can sit and watch some [ __ ] talk all [ __ ] day but i feel like it's all just temporary relief that's my [ __ ] guru moment i'm larger than life damn your thoughts baby you're a robot well i just i just think you know not everyone has someone in their life that could help give them a path you know and of course there's different sides you know but some people need someone like him or a teacher or someone that kind of gives them direction you know they look up to them and even if someone on the other side isn't 100 sincere it does help them guide them as to what direction mentors who said that i don't know mentors the one thing i've learned in my life yeah so he's you found your mentor okay not me personally but oh here he is dropping an f-bomb at elementary school this guy is so desperate to get a reaction from his audience he'll literally say an f-bomb at elementary school just to make people in this room when they get on in the future and they're posted this by the way bragging that he's talking to elementary school assembly so like five-year-olds running a hundred million dollar business they're gonna be like i'm not [ __ ] with he was mean to me but on the flip side if they're like i always like who the [ __ ] would bring this guy to talk to elementary school yeah it seems like picked on he was like yo stop my friends kindness isn't cool when you're in fifth sixth grade but i promise you it is the core foundation of having a happy life so stop being a dick oh mic drop moment wow stop being a dick you nine year old he's just so cool kind of [ __ ] also i do kind of like listen listen what the messages to these young kids listen there are people in this room when they get on in the future and they're running a 100 million dollar business running a 100 million dollar business is the ideal success money is how you're happy and worst get respect right kind of a woke uh counter argument for me maybe i'm just kidding you don't have to defend matter i think i'm i listen he's might be a good guy i just honestly i'm i'm digging here i'm i'm pulling threads here but like this was just why i i just love this video so much you love the most in the world my family once a day genuinely sit there for five minutes and maybe pretend i'm sorry that's hilarious no matter if you love him or not that's just awesome like i've seen videos of him for years and i always thought he was like such a joke i was like i thought he was super cringe and anytime my cousin was watching him i was like how could you watch this guy but i don't know i don't know how i actually ended up just paying more attention to him i love your garyvee fan right tell me about your uh i'm not i heard him about him the first time when we researched for the dock or in this episode but oh i don't know i think when you say he's not real or he said he was fake i think it's kind of upset because he's not lying he's telling the truth who's more real me or gary vee exactly yeah but you didn't answer the question who was maria i thought it was just a question for uh no i want an answer not a rhetorical question yeah technically him yeah you give it to him turn his mic off there's no such thing as the coincidence all right you better sit at home tonight imagine someone you love getting shot in the face of yeah yeah every night and report back to us next week if it made you happy actually that would be a good experiment will you do that love um sit down okay let's do an experiment for real would you be open to every day until next friday genuinely for five minutes imagine someone you love being shot in the face and then on friday let's see if you're happier okay yeah sure will you try it for real yeah okay genuinely now all right i mean let's see maybe he's wrong to something so that's maybe not maybe you'll just be cause i do agree that sounds pretty bad so let's let's do it let's try it and if you get like too depressed or like gutted or something you don't have to continue you can tell me if you want to stop i'll go i'll do it all yeah okay great i look forward to seeing about hearing about that on friday it'll be interesting it's just a shocking headline he said it he said genuinely he literally emphasized how serious he is okay let me in my case for example my grandmother basically raised me for example and she she has dementia now she does dementia and you know it's very hard she doesn't recognize me it's something that's hard to think about i try to stay busy and not think about but in those moments like you know lena comforts me and like losing my wife is like i can't even imagine that it's like a sadness that i can't even like fathom and like i don't know at least me personally if i'm to think about that it helps me be thankful for what i have right now genuinely sit are you gonna sit at home from that five minutes every night imagine lena getting shot in the face also my i might i understand being appreciative for the people around you i want you to sit at home genuinely and imagine her getting shot in the face it just sounds to me like a bad advice it's bad advice it's horrible advice it's like nothing makes me happier literally you're dealing with some [ __ ] but this is not the solution at least from the from what i'm hearing i wouldn't want to do that to myself you know but let's see love is going to put himself through the meat grinder for us for different people's different things it's so i think that's what it is i think it's just different people different things yeah it's so dark yeah well it's so dark regardless of whatever it is it's hilarious all right well that's about it today huh that's all we got i want to make some shirts to sell for the lawsuit like free ethan would you guys buy that or lock him up with with you know who which i won't say because we're being nice right there's no such thing as a coincidence [Laughter] the fact that you're watching this right now means that you need to buy a lock him up shirt i'm not doing it thank you zach we're about at the bottom of the show here i see people resounding saying no they would not buy that shirt thank you guys thank you for your support from the same people that give me ones on wikifeet when i'm 10 seconds late got your hat thank you guys thank you for all your support it's not like i don't do anything for you all right well that's about it the episode today guys uh boy been a good one eh pretty good oh i got an interesting email here oh you want to read it out loud um it's nothing interesting it's for my lawyer he says just call him okay so i'm gonna i'm gonna hang up i'm gonna end the show and do that all right so we'll be back with frenemies on you know the regular time monday tuesday and uh hey we'll see you guys next week it's friday baby yeah i finished my whole white club oh you did yeah the whole day yeah [ __ ] yeah baby i deserve it what a fun app man my [ __ ] friday [ __ ] the weekend baby that was a fun episode yeah it was a great up all right guys well be good take care and uh we'll see you next week all right with more and e.t share relax with the ring just see how low jimmy lee they said we wouldn't come back but you we always do embrace from the ashes like the phoenix on the flex back to two you're watching h2333 you're watching h2333 you're watching h233 you're watching h233 ammo [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,871,624
Rating: 4.832819 out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, after dark
Id: uw0c45OwQV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 16sec (11116 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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