Does YouTube Have a Predator Problem? - H3 Podcast #231

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The way you have edited this makes it look like Ethan is lining up as one of the predators !!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 92 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/flornaw πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm glad they went in on Carson's friends reporting the drama to Keemstar. I hadn't seen anyone say anything about it yet, and I too thought it was the weirdest part about the story

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/12to6EyePoke πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Shoenice sounded like he’s really got it together, was super nice to hear!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sepsousap πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

So...Team Travis or Team Traves (Tray-vs)?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

They should talk about Ryan Haywood and the controversy around that from rooster teeth, cause there's another example of a predator but the age dynamic is worse in this case

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ChitRideOrDie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Vlogsquad isn't innocent. Ethan should look into Brandon Calvillo and Durte Dom from the vlogsquad. Brandon dated a 17 year old girl when she was 24 which was Trisha's issue. Durte Dom sexually assaulted multiple girls at VidCon, a girl called Ally Hardesty came out with a video about it but David Dobrik continued to use him for videos + put him in his merch promotion photos after that happened. On another note, the girl also said some vlogsquad members including Trisha's ex Jason witnessed her assault and apologised on his behalf but never came to her defence publicly and continued to hang out with Dom

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 41 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/swxtde πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm so glad that Dan and AB know when to keep stuff in. Ethan thinks it seems unprofessional or something, but it's literally the best part of the podcast a lot of times. Just stupid banter.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 35 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/appleparkfive πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

so is it tray-ves, trav'z, or travis??? they never reached a conclusion

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nervesof πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ethan man take your face out of the thumbnail πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sweatybollock πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
to welcome everybody to the show that never sleeps what do you think [Music] um good luck it doesn't mean anything it doesn't mean anything oh thank you star wishes good luck welcome everybody to the show that's always awake it's just weird okay the show that posts three maybe sometimes four times a week and doesn't have a regular schedule accurate there we go welcome everybody to hd podcast i am your host ethan klein with me is my beautiful wife and co-host eli klein today we've got a heck of a big team today we've got a heck of an episode sponsored by expressvpn and we get a call in from the mayor hopeful andrew yang to announce his candidacy we're also getting a call in from shoenice who apparently we're not unsure if he was at the maga riot because there's a clip of him well i'm just saying it looks just like him so we're gonna find out from him if he was there or not yeah um today we're talking about there's been all kinds of scandals and stuff i thought we'd just take them all head-on today with the predators of youtube the predators predators predators predators of youtube right there's a lot of predators in show business um actually just a lot of predators period you think so yeah it's in everything well i guess the problem is in shield business particularly is that they have now this the ability to get at women you know what i mean i think it's also just that it's um coming to light a lot easier nowadays with social media but right my phone went off sorry my mom it is definitely in pretty much everywhere what's the percentage of men do you think are like predator prone oh vin diesel's definitely incredible one here i don't know it's a sad conversation 25 50. i've i've seen it a million times myself in my personal life i've experienced things um so i feel like a lot of men are creeps 50 more less than 50. yeah maybe 50. holy [ __ ] that means one well we know which one of us is yeah yeah anyway well you know um my golden rule that i try to tell all these creators and youtubers and influencers wherever you are do not flirt with your freaking fans man listen if you want to date a fan if you meet a fan that you like that's one thing if you want to just chat and then meet in person and start dating that i can sanction i prefer if you didn't but that i can sanction but don't be sending dick pics and asking for boob shots in the goddamn dm's and for christ's sake there's so many issues with that but anyway we'll get into all that but before you know thank you vin there's a lot going on in the world uh and i want to just open with this statement that you know is as relevant today as it's ever been yoko ono the great wife of john lennon just as genius i would say as her late husband john lennon was dear friends i would like to share this message with you as my response to donald trump and tagged him love yoko so that being said you know headphones trigger warning let's see what yoko has to say about all the discord happening in our world today you know don't you find it interesting that she inserted this photo of herself screaming like a maniac that like slowly pans out i couldn't have said it better myself should we note that this this was actually put out in 2016. yeah but it was just retweeted uh in light of recent as relevant as as it was then it is now yoko said it best anyway how are you doing today ela um fine i guess i don't know the news is so crazy i can't stop watching i'm i'm watching it like in every possible way listening on the news and then listening on like political shows and then no i can't anymother shows that people comment about it it's just crazy you know i'm twitter all day too yeah like i haven't closed twitter for a second it's like during the election it was like oh i can't stop i gotta get away from this and so it's like that all again you know it's just so crazy like now they're saying that three members of congress helped the writers and showed them around and gave them tours the day before yeah there's that one psych this one there's actually a q anon lady in congress uh wha what's her name well there's a couple which one are you talking about the one that tweeted out nancy pelosi's location when she was removed oh so that's the the the bobert or bobert or whatever yeah i mean dude how is she queueing on yeah she's she's because there's the other majorie taylor or whatever that one she's big time queuing on i know for sure it's just not sure about it like i i think america might be dead i think we have become i was thinking about this like last night unironically i think that we have just become too [ __ ] dumb we've become too dumb i don't think there's ever been a time in history where we become so [ __ ] pathetically irredeemably dumb it's like when okay nature wrote god is dead yeah america is dead i think america is dead it's like you know back in the day this this country was ah people don't give a [ __ ] big massive dump you know what i mean but i do think we're i think it's just done i think america is just done it's a dead civilization because you've got people cueing on believers in congress i kind of think that should be a disqualifying point right there the people spoke they [ __ ] elected her i do like it i've seen what i mean it's just that's what it is that's who we are i don't know what to say it's crazy dude we're irredeemably dumb and it's just so embarrassing do you want to show your tick-tock too yeah like that's kind of like let me see actually this was it you guys think i'm partisan i'm pretty sure this guy's a democrat he is yeah he was sitting on i think so i'm not sure i don't know who he is if you guys have any intel tell me but i still was watching the impeachment um proceedings this morning and i saw this i saw this live this [ __ ] idiot i'll just let it repeat he takes down his mask [Music] and makes a big wet juicy sneeze into his hand watch this bro don't you understand that's why you're wearing a mask you dip [ __ ] [ __ ] what are you doing that's literally why you couldn't spray your germs any further and wider and more disgusting than that why would you take your mask down to sneeze in your hand we've been through this we've been doing this for a year how the [ __ ] do you not know how this works what are you doing how do you not know how this works what are you doing and he puts it up at least he covered his mouth i guess he sneezed right into his hand and there's nothing more disgusting than that like a big wet sloppy sneeze you couldn't see him even his lip goes like because he got it was juicy his lip goes he has to like suck the saliva back look at this it's so juicy and then it goes gross i love the look she gives him yeah she's like the [ __ ] that's totally mean and by the way well he i kept watching he handed her his phone later and she took it and she was looking at something on his phone so you know what i mean call me aegis i don't know i don't want any more old [ __ ] people in common he doesn't look that old yeah well he's too [ __ ] old you know what i saw someone young do it uh not unrelated to like television but i saw someone young do it like our age they're stupid that's just like pretty close to me really it took his mask off to sneeze and then put it back on i don't i don't know because they feel like it's gross but it's like exciting gross that's where it belongs it came out of your mouth it should stay there wow sister snapped okay that's something james charles would do i don't know how we redeemed this society we live in new york but anyway enough about uh my bitching and moaning [Applause] you know i'll just play just remember what yoko owner said when you get discouraged so you want to talk about the predators of youtube so there's two i'm talking about here today tony lopez and maybe the most controversial at least in our world call me carson which was uh canceling of epic proportion but because tony's still blowing up on twitter people watch that [ __ ] and nobody really cares somehow about tony tony lopez one of these guys on tick tock that actually just gives me the creeps he's such a little freak let me pull up his tick tock is my home right here's a picture of him he always he the first time i ever saw tony lopez he was dancing in the background of james charles video okay and i was like that guy's a weird man i just knew he was a weirdo well i think you need to show okay good idea let's pull it up it was his sir james charles uh it was the one where he was doing the duet with that guy and we were like man this is like such a wild video oh what are you singing yeah where he's singing and then he's dancing in the background what was that one called um i don't you i got my gucci shoes you got your sketcher sister my gucci shoes james charles gucci shoes let's see if we can find that yeah here it is you're so in tune with the youth yeah well what can i say so here he is on the right i wish i could you guys could hear this because it's like the worst thing ever [Applause] so he's been i see his name so this is him dancing in the back and this is the first time i saw him and i was like man this kid ain't right bro you know what i mean it's just something ain't right i got my gucci shoes well you guys got to hear this it's the weirdest video i have ever seen in my life bro oh yeah and the weird thing is i'm not gonna get claimed for these [ __ ] but the the weird thing is that they're acting like they're outside but they clearly did the vocals in a studio and dubbed it and it's like so weird on candy [Music] and then they're like fake laughing and [ __ ] you gotta watch it but anyway this guy's a this guy's apparently like a straight up a predator bruh sister send me your nudes i know you're only 13 years old let's get crazy wow anyway you get the idea let's hear james singh uh you like james's bodysuit no what about his little his little delicate shorts that you can kind of see his ass in yeah they're they're like delicate shorts you know what i mean i don't know i'm not a fan i guess not a fan ela's spoken james you just got dunked on by a fashion night gun anyway so that story is [Music] that tony lopez and you know i listen there's no way to know without seeing the evidence if he's guilty or not but basically all i need to see you know i mean let's be honest guys this is his latest tick tock okay so what more do you really need to know than this hilo the man's guilty what is with this tech talk the man did it just look at it just watch like to make love bruh is that do you think that's how he flirts he sensed that oh yeah yay what kind of tech talk is that seriously it's a trend where people flex their ass to a beat so this is a trend yeah stop still nasty though what's wrong with you tony lopez put your ass away freak here's another one well that's kind of funny you think that's funny i don't but like i mean i can see that it's funny i can see that tempted [Music] um elo you might be falling victim to the man i don't like it you don't see him hitting that whip with that whoa i've seen other people do it with like the million underwear so i'm just saying it's not the worst thing that i've seen okay that's fair enough anyway it's not funny right everything he does is like weird and sexual though it's like slap ass that's pretty creepy knowing what we know here look at this he did it bro look at him you tell me he didn't do it this guy's tripping bro look at those dude moves like that you know he [ __ ] a 15 year old let me hear the music [ __ ] a 15 year old girl told me your boobs in the dms yeah oh talk to me baby bro you tell me he didn't do it ela no let's watch it let's do another one i like it's fun i like watching i just people are so popular yeah the views are crazy right well i don't know i'm like who are we to charge i always try this let's get a load of this bro is he like two feet tall not to be sh like yeah whatever i shouldn't make fun of his height but like that angle probably you think it's an angle thing it takes him a second to get on the stool because he's under five feet what that did you how did you pull that oh my god chris hanson he's so on point that was perfect that was unbelievable zach damn chris hansen's going after people's height he's a little [ __ ] and he can't get on the stool his name was tony lopez that was the best sound i pulled that one out of the depths man that was great yeah so that's that one i i i'm kidding i don't know oh he's five nine he's not that short that's not short play that what does chris hanson think about it's a hater yeah i'm a hater ass [ __ ] what can i say it takes him a second to get on the stool because he's under five feet tall we got you tony oh weirdly specifically how did you find that it's the best soundbite ever i've i've had that in the arsenal forever oh wow nice so good all right so that's that one okay whatever i don't know the truth or whatever but i'm sure the judge has all the evidence that they need i hope they do and i hope they get justice well if they brought this case without any of the texts and stuff that they claim to have them they're [ __ ] idiots and the case should be thrown out you know right but that that's that one the next one this one is there's no whatever if she said this one we know what happened okay because call me carson admits to it now call me carson he was like a huge rising star beloved by all right and this is one of these rare cases on youtube where the 180 is insane it's like beloved call me carson we love call me carson you know what he looks like no i'll show you pick he always he's kind of like here i'll just show you you might become he has like this goofy yearbook photo that he's always really fun i have seen that yeah he's always kind of making fun of the way he looks yeah anyway uh they love call me carson he is so funny and we love him yeah this is just this is the kind of stuff he does so carson king has been accused of grooming and inappropriate texting with fans and we know this because people from his former group of collaborators the lunch club which i guess is a group of people used to make videos with took this story to keemstar the most respectable and reputable place to report sensitive stories like this so anyway a twitter user alleged that he who is now 21 years old groomed her when she was 17 and he was 19. she posted screenshots and videos that appear to show message between herself and king some of sexual nature she said the messages began when she jokingly tweeted be my boyfriend at king who she says then messaged her privately he's like okay you know i was watching someone stream i forget who and i saw all these thirsty messages like that and it's like guys you cannot you can't do it you can't do it i saw it was all like daddy message me be my boyfriend and it's like bro you can't do it any you can't do that [ __ ] so here's what she here's a so this girl uh posted on twitter saying that she was groomed well i'll just read it i could personally come out and say that i've been groomed by carson i have talked to many people and never came out about this since now at the time i was still 17 and in high school and apparently at the time this happened he was 19. right yes so actually here's some of the messages which i'll read for you i'm scared i want to talk to you for the wrong reasons elaborate should i do like elaborate no don't do that okay what if i only want to talk to you for the sexual part of it i don't want that but like i'm worried about it what if subconsciously i'm only talking to you because it turns me on or something bro why are you even geez man weird is that really what you want what other options are there also what would you want to happen i don't know all i know is every time i jack off now i have a really hard time not thinking of you he's a romantic was this valentine's day or what god dude what the [ __ ] i guess my brain got stimulated and now wants more of you you know sorry i was in school but yeah yeah people were goofing on that because i don't know i read that and i was like oh it's like every time i jack off i think about you and i want more and she's like sorry was that school what'd you say yeah i know it's kind of a red flag there he said uh what if we read on snap and next time you're horny we have some fun again oh god it's so [ __ ] cringy and gross i just don't want to be the only thing we do you know so she's kind of pushing back a little bit yeah but [ __ ] sam you're hard to resist so are you i feel like this is all my fault damn if anything it's my fault because i can't control myself [ __ ] hell i want to but it's a bad idea i'm not gonna lie i'm scared getting your hopes up or something i'm willing to try but it's such a bad idea but so is sexting you [ __ ] and he also asked her when do you turn 18 which you know kind of shows that he knows what he's doing so yeah it's um definitely a weird creepy conversation ugh i've it's like so any here's an important thing to say is that she feels like she was you know mistreated by him she was groomed by him so that's important using the internet without expressvpn is like going to the bathroom and not closing the door internet providers like comcast or verizon know every single website you visit and isps can sell this information to ad companies and tech giants who then use your data to target you [ __ ] that nobody's targeting me expressvpn creates a secure encrypted tunnel between your device and the internet so your line online activity can't be seen by anyone it's as easy as closing the bathroom door you know my dad once said this thing he uh [Music] i don't know why he's just like stab [ __ ] we're like wherever he pees he leaves the door open and he comes to our house and he pees with the door open isn't that insane that's like that's it's insane right like ela's there though i'm like i don't think he does it on purpose 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__ ] up to do this also you when aren't do you turn 18 if you find yourself asking a girl when do you turn 18 you're you're [ __ ] up yeah or if you just told her that you can't wait to jack off and think about her and she's like sorry i'm i'm it's cool yeah i can't wait to take your class i read it it's like furious he goes by the way girls on valentine's day take a page out of carson's book uh all i know is every time i check off now i have a really hard time thinking about you stop i'm gonna send you i'm gonna send you a card that says that i think about you when i took off lovely i feel like it's angry but you know what like when i think um the moments that give me that grooming feeling is like when when he makes himself the victim he's like oh [ __ ] i don't want to do this but i can't help myself and then she's like oh i'm sorry i feel like it's my fault that's a really good point that's grooming right you know what i mean that's when making her feel her feelings yeah she's feeling bad for him it's like no hmm that is a really good point and you only understand that when you're a little bit older you look back at it and you're like oh what was he doing what was he doing to me i totally think you're onto something there that's a really good insight so that was this one girl there was apparently another girl that this happened with let's see um the allegations have been discussed in a video by keemstar who interviewed two of his former lunch club collaborators i can't get over that i'm sorry like so he says the story is uh horrifying on him being creepy the story of his friends going star of all people now one of his friends who didn't go on keemstar said when i heard that something happened i just reported it to the authorities he's like good on you who i mean the fact that you went to keemstar with this says a lot about you i mean who are these people why keemstar that just means you want the guy to end up killing himself you're not trying to help anyone by going to keemstar yeah and of course because then keep starting making 20 videos keep starts calling him a pedophile which of course like let's be honest he's not a pedophile i'm sorry keemstar is not i don't know called him a pedophile i'll walk that back but people are calling him a pedophile and that's just like grooming and manipulative and flirting with and sexting with fans all very serious seen also people talk about the power dynamic and you know there's a lot of debate around that i agree like you know if you're a youtuber and you have fans that look up to you and they'll do anything for you and then you go to those underage fans and start soliciting nudes no matter how old you are where it's like you know when you're listening to the news it's a crime i think that's a [ __ ] up situation thank you keemstar it's bad facts when he's right mine's right making sense yeah when he's like you know that meme where it's like the worst person you know made a good point yeah now the question is did keemstar defend pro jared when that is exactly what i was thinking this makes me think about the pro jared thing where everyone's like pro jared is innocent even though he had a forum called sin jared where he exchanged nudes with fans i mean get wrap your brain around his situation call me carson look like yeah tame in comparison pro jared is the r kelly of fan sexting he's prolific or maybe the bill cosby i don't know what you want to see the kobe bryant the michael jordan they're just really good at it why are we dragging people into this i'm not saying there's anything wrong i'm just saying they excelled at their sport kobe he was the kobe bryant of sexting that doesn't sound good why i think it makes sense you guys on board with that stop stop to some of his uh close friends explaining like hey this needs to come out like people need to know about close friends and they want to come out but they were worried about how to come out and how to say it so they came to me drab alert anyway so yadda yadda bottom line is that it sounds like the age gap was not big two years which does kind of put the situation in a little bit of a different light i think but the behavior is one of uh creepy nature and predatory i think definitely predatory the problem is that like even though they're only two years apart it's still very young women 17 years old is these women don't not making the best choices at that age yeah but then again at 19 you're not either but the problem is that he has that authority and as keemstar absolutely put you cannot be soliciting nudes when you are in that spot where people looking up to you so definitely shame on carson creepy disgusting uh behavior by him i really just and i will say i'm going to come out and say disgusting weird [ __ ] up everybody's friends to go take this to keemstar like holy [ __ ] yeah like it wasn't like we need to get this out we need to make sure he's not doing anything no they're like we need to run on his life yeah we want him to die basically it's what happens when they go to keemstar you know um traves one of the guys went to keemstar said oh is that he spelled travis why is it t-r-a-v-e-s i've never seen travis spelled like that trades the [ __ ] trades i knew that felt weird why don't you say earlier like ethan's been saying in the whole episode good point anybody want to answer that i thought it was traves i mean it's it's spelled like trades it says phrase why why do you think it's travis ian you want to answer that i don't know that just sounds off i agree i think his name is actually trained can we get a ruling on this i mean if your name is travis articles said i feel like the situation was kind of like he told us all this crazy thing and we didn't want to make a rash judgment oh so you waited a year and then went to keemstar dumbass so we didn't want to make a rash judgment so we wait we kind of waited it out and we were trying to think of the best solution to do i understand waiting but your best solution was going to keemstar bro i don't buy that we pushed it away and we kept pushing it away because we didn't want to deal with it noah also told keemstar that carson's behavior is what caused the lunch club to break up okay hours after keemstar video went live former lunch club member uh slimesicle said in a statement on twitter and earlier no i'm just kidding stop slime's the call i actually said a name right can you give me a [ __ ] brick an early 2020 phone call carson told all the lunch members and our group manager they'd exchange nudes with an un named girl he believed to be 17. because i suspected a crime had been committed i immediately reported this information to federal law enforcement caught all ties to carson and withdrew completely from the lunch club there is a responsible man slimesicle uh real name is travis so there might be something next to that but but he goes by i mean it's spelled traves i mean what do you want yeah and his name is travis you really brought this show to a hall bro with your old travis [ __ ] his real name is travis so yeah but i think that must be his uh nickname how does how does keemstar say it in the interview i'm listening to the interview now okay all right when you hear it does he have a channel of his mr romeo and julia who's gonna tell us how to pronounce this romeo and juliet i haven't read romeo and juliet that's that's like the name of the porn version romeo and juliet okay uh s a c scoop also post statement on twitter later on tuesday and said i said my piece about the carson situation yesterday under the pretense that would be used in keem's video but it wasn't i didn't feel well enough mentally at the time to be interviewed well you don't have to only impress your [ __ ] be on keemstar show that's for sure update what keeps going said travis travis it is yeah but keem i guess we owe you an apology trey look at him gloating there look at that smile now i'm sorry for halting things i mean you really [ __ ] the show up dude i forget what we're even talking about well there's no winning yet because if you are right you should have said it earlier what do you say so keem said uh romeo and julie so or julia right that's what i would say can you keep searching maybe for different regardless of if it's travis or not you spell your name trades dude you can't be upset that people say trades yeah that's not how travis is spelled yeah it's literally well how is his name spelled if you go to like wikipedia or his page like how is it is his name spelled differently his real name is travis which is spelled how like like you would spell travis so it's spelled differently yeah with a with an eye so his nickname is traves i'm understanding yeah and if if it's still i thought we were talking about carly carson i thought so too i don't know we're lost what's the does that guy have a youtube channel he does i don't know what it is his name is but this is his channel he presents as travs or traits that's the name of the channel traits but did you hear him say are you just going off the spelling or how what's the name of the channel the name of the travel is trades just slaves just trying to traipse yes i'm waiting i'm trying to find a video of him okay ella's pulling up trades okay here it says traipse but so that that's the point what's his real name how's his real name spelled he's not spelling it his real name is spelled travis as you would normally spell travis so this is real traits it's tracy that's what i i agree it has to be traded regardless of how he pronounces it his name is traves i'm declaring that right now either i think it's true no oh treves actually no i just made that up i don't know okay from wicked wikitubia uh it says travis better known online as traves you're still just going off text the point is no no no no no no he's wrong he's right why what how else would you are you supposed to read that he says his name is travis he goes that's trade i agree that the spelling clearly says trades yeah and so ian threw a rank for the whole [ __ ] thing and also the fact that keemstar can't read properly only validates our point that it's traced right and not true but technically keemstar is right his name is travis right technically so anyway this is the biggest bigger scandal than this i'm going on can't i'm going a drama like to expose this [ __ ] so anyway this guy trades i got it go ahead i'm sorry i found a video that starts off and it goes hi my name is travis oh great that's it so what is it why did he change the spelling then what does it mean when he says his name is travis and he goes as travis that doesn't make any sense my name is travis his name is travis but it says at trades this doesn't this doesn't solve anything his name is travis it's like the cool way of spelling it let's just separate tra vest travis travis it's not it doesn't make any sense to go on his page and say my name is travis i go as travis that doesn't make sense you know what it's on the pan that's not what he said it said he goes by trades his name is travis he goes by trade play it again no not on this on the [ __ ] wiki youtube page yeah yeah his real name give me the poll give me that link give me the [ __ ] link this makes no sense wait i'll show you it's travis it's traves no it is trey he just said travis wait no but he said that's his name his name is travis it says here look fandom wiki lunch club it says what do you what do you think the first line of it says travis known as and then spelled the weird way treves it just says trade though i know the spelling it travis look at ela right here let me put it on the screen this is so stupid we should just cut this no this is the best part people are gonna love this travis right better known online as trade so why the [ __ ] would they say better known as phrase by the spelling because you made surprises travis better known as travis that doesn't make any sense because you'll see him spelled like that so better known as this is what it's going why would he misspell his own name maybe he wanted to maybe the handle wasn't available yeah exactly or seo you gotta find him saying his channel name that's the only solution he said travis but he said my name is travis not my channel name it's trade it's true that's true because he's doing like a biographical thing like hi my name is ethan i would introduce myself and say hi i'm h2s3 production i say hi i'm ethan right that's true okay my name's travis i'm gonna put this on the screen so you guys can see hey my name is travis and one of my friends did a sex crime so i went to keemstar my name is travis and i'm 19 and i'm lunch [Music] hey my name's travis and every time i witness a crime i take us directly to [Music] but keemstar needs to get the ball in this stat travs travs that seems like an appropriate nickname okay i'm over this i want to cut it you guys think it should stay it absolutely should be so stupid i'm over it so travis travis drops if anyone can actually get a conclusive answer it's just oh you know his fans are going to be in the comments while screaming about it if baby figures it out let me know i'm gonna keep reading so trev said he wanted to listen i'm saying trades until i hear others i'm actually with you [ __ ] [ __ ] traffic if you were reporting on yourself for example you would just say ethan right so just say travis it says traves trav said travis the guy respected the travis he said he said i don't want to make a rash judgment so i thought about it for a year and then decided the best thing to do was go to keemstar with it that just tells you that there's a problem with our society because the problem is our society because him 19 year old got this information that his friend is doing something wrong and he doesn't even know what to do with it and the best the best solution in his mind is to go to someone like keemstar so you're saying i shouldn't be so harsh on him it's just society's fault yeah interesting all right i forgive you uh travis roberts travis travis travis i forgive you travis you should start going by you should have known better i feel like you should have known better but okay he didn't do anything wrong you know what i mean he didn't do the thing you do he's fine they're fun so anyway hours after blah blah blah yeah yeah i've heard after keemstar video went live this other guy said he went to authorities uh uh creamsicle or [ __ ] goosical what's his name so stupid this is off the [ __ ] rails where am i creamsicle um [Music] kind of feel like slimesickle [Laughter] that was his name right yes okay what were you saying i don't know i was i kind of have this feeling like anytime there's like a creator group there's always something going to go wrong with that group don't join a creator group ever yeah i guess the vlogs the vlog squad is relatively true with them right didn't trisha have a bunch of drama with them yeah but no crimes let's say okay except maybe the the puzzle that may have been a crime no we figured it out he had a proper legal loophole to get away okay can i stick to the [ __ ] story we're like we're trying to we have a narrative here right we're talking about carson okay another allegation came out twitter user uh copycat put out a statement saying that she was what the [ __ ] dan she said what it says copycat copycat well it's spelled weird it's spelled c-o-p-i-i-c-h all these creators with these weird ass names you expect me just to be able to read that like [ __ ] you i'm i'm with you i'm with you put out a stop i'm saying [ __ ] you copycat that that thank you joe she put out a statement saying that she was exchanging this is serious you guys can we please [Laughter] she put out a message saying that she was 17 and he was 20. a little wider age gap according to keemstar also you know what worries me here that he aged a year and went back to a 17 year old yeah that does that is worrisome it's like uh it's uh confused yeah exactly it's like uh mcconaughey said i love high school girls i keep getting older and they stay the same age that's kind of call me carson doing that right now so this was her she said a second accuser's come forward hashtag dramaalert of course good guy keem whatever may through june 9th 2019 started when he shared my grad photo on insta he shared my grad photo on insta i was 17 at the time of these exchanges and he was 20. there's more but the ig account i have was deleted so here let me read oh sorry let me put this on the screen here let me see it's really small hey you there i want to drop the sexual stuff entirely stop bro oh my god he does the same thing he did with the other girl i've been it's been making me feel sick thinking about it i feel wrong for having done it and i feel like i've led you on i enjoy talking to you and all but it's just too much and i feel really guilty so i'm sorry i've i've also realized that i have a crush on my friend sarah oh god it's like he's dumping her it's not like i feel bad why are you telling her this i have a crush on my friend sarah and i don't want to lead you on in any way tomorrow i'm starting my trip to california and i think i just need to move on now so it's not like i feel bad for getting nudes from my underage girl it's i'm dumping you and then again like you said ela he goes on to make himself the victim i'm very stressed and talking to you has been adding extra stress and i'm very scared and i feel bad about wanting to un-add you it's just a lot right now and i'm not sure talking to you is a good decision by the way i'm reading really slow because it's so small are you impressed that i can even read that i have no idea how you can read that i have super i have supervision thank you very much so good luck yeah thank you you if you ask me and i'm not an expert but if you ask me what what grooming is that's what i see hmm so yeah that like for sure making yourself the victim and it's it's like a mind manipulation because you make them feel bad for you right and he got what he wanted from her and then he like makes her feel bad for him mm-hmm it's like i'm gonna unblock you now i'm not i'm gonna add you now yeah it's like fine and also i got this other girl that's weird bro well we did establish that is a romantic yeah he is romantic i have to assume that he's done this to sever to many girls this is kind of a pattern um oh he has defenders some of king's defenders have argued that the interaction between king and both accusers are legal under the romeo and juliet law which typically allows well apparently it doesn't apply to people over 18 but whatever it's not really in debate whether it's illegal or not that isn't really what's at issue i guess it is for keemstar but i mean you can't se you it you can't sext underage girls i think the exchanging of the pictures yeah that's that's that's the thing that got crossed yeah uh that part of like exchanging nudes that's alleged how i think it's the girls say that they sex and the guy says that he the guys who told keemstar said that he admitted exchanging nudes with them yeah so but okay so that's all weird right and that all makes him seem super creepy and gross and stuff but this to me is the weirdest part of the story that gives me the creeps way more than any one of those now you guys tell me what you think about this now kia now carson has a steam account and he people started discovering something really odd about his steam account okay and after people discovered this he started trying to hide his steam account and changing his name and all this stuff but so there's this game that was removed from the steam store called pregnancy which is about which is about a girl who you play as a girl it's such a weird [ __ ] game you play as a girl who's was raped when she's 14 years old and decides and you have to choose the outcome of your pregnancy it was super yeah a super weird messed up game that was removed from steam because it's just [ __ ] up but here's the kicker the game apparently only takes 40 minutes to finish carson played it for 107 hours i saw like i'm not even gonna show it but i saw people playing it on youtube and it's like really graphic gross reclaiming of like rape and stuff yeah and this [ __ ] played this game for 107 hours y'all that's a lot right like i'm not i'm not a gamer but a game that takes that sounds like a lot of followers well i'll put it i'll put it to you this way you play it over 100 times let me put it to you this way um like skyrim is probably the game i played the clock the most hours on like in my adult life i think i put like 50 hours into that yeah that's bizarre that's weird right you guys yeah i mean if it the game takes 40 minutes to finish is what it says and you play 107 hours how many times are you replaying this game over and over and over and over again yeah yeah pretty well yeah that to me creeping out way more than anything else and so once people started figuring this out he like was trying to hide his thing and change his steam and close his team and all this and yeah but anyway he had the public what a weird game yeah what though yeah i mean there's there's a there's steam always has really weird [ __ ] like that come through uh-huh you know i've heard of other games like that that steam ends up removing but damn dude hundreds of [ __ ] hours people say you could have left it open or he could have done this but he played that [ __ ] you can see how many achievements you have in a game i wonder if anybody was able to dig up if he uh 100 of it so what do you think of all this tony lopez and call me carson i'm pretty over it i wish that people would be more responsible stop even if you are a creep and whatever just at least like have some self preserv inclination of self preservation and don't flirt with fans like that don't sex with fans like that you know what i mean like it's just dumb it's just a dumb thing to do come on dude it's just irresponsible you got it you're famous go get a date man it's easy to date when you're famous and rich and whatever like you don't have to sex with minors bro go get a [ __ ] date you dip [ __ ] you know what i mean damn the marvel of the story is really the same world i've been saying to everybody it's like christalia who else is this happening to all pro jared pro jared oh the one thing i wanted to say is like i think call me carson was creepy grooming for sure sexting with minors and fans for sure disgusting behavior but for some reason everybody let pro jared off the hook and pro jarrod's behavior is like more disgusting than carson's the guy made a private tumbler called sin jared specifically for fans to come exchange nudes with him i mean that is next level disgusting and everybody forgive pro jared and i'd never understood that i never understood that to me what pro jr did as is disgusting as anything i've ever heard well that's not it's not as anything i've ever heard but in terms of what's coming out of youtube like compared to call me carson and all this other stuff it's like you have a forum dead it's called i mean dude sin jared i mean what the [ __ ] that name alone yo hit me up on sin jared bro where he did do this stuff with underage people although his news were all over twitter yeah i've seen his dick like many times yeah and like i mean guys i don't understand the whole forgiving pro sin jared you should be called cinder now so nasty god yeah people got very upset at us for that one even well i assume stand by i never criticized pro sin jared for like i know there was some story that ended up being not true about him uh i i don't remember what how what it was but i i never really latched on to that because there was very little evidence to support it the sin jared [ __ ] is what creeped me out and that's all i ever talked about and i stand by the fact that that that dude ain't right and by the way he's like older too how old is sin jared he's in his thirties he asked me i wanna say he's around sorry that [ __ ] is what buckwild dude 35. that [ __ ] is 35 running around sin jared making gaming content dude yeah i found it super weird that click his logo i want to see his face he grew some facial hair bruh he looks better with facial hair actually i did find it super weird that people just let him off the hook on that i don't know because all these [ __ ] to your commentary channels were like he raped a girl they were like they they latched on to this ridiculous drama story that ended up not being true that was never really the story the real story you know right you're right and then it all kind of got conflated the [ __ ] insured creepy cinder is a creepy [ __ ] anyway whatever nobody cares ethan get a [ __ ] life stop gossiping no this is my show and i'll do what i want if you don't like it well i hope that you're patient and wait because i don't want you to not watch something else it's very important to me that you guys keep watching right ela right and i apologize actually all right let's move it on you know we've got uh andrew yang calling in a little bit later and shoe nice to answer for apparently he was writing in the capital so we're gonna get to the bottom of that but before that i thought i would commemorate trump's twitter being banned with some of his greatest tweets of all time this is not political i promise you this is just good lighthearted fun these tweets go all the way back to the beginning of his twitter account before many people were even you know following a lot of these only have like a couple hundred likes and his tweets i'm telling you man these things are slam dunks this guy really was the god of twitter i mean for example here this one goes back to 2014. i only have 300 likes rosie is back on the view which tells you how desperate they must be it is the standard short-term fix and long-term disaster gossiping about the view 300 likes awesome it's really the next part though rosie is crude rude obnoxious and dumb other than that i like her very much i mean that's [ __ ] hilarious you know what i mean i love that he's just oh he's just on a rampage about rosie o'donnell nothing better today i never understood how melania's thing was to end bully oh my god when she's i just don't understand how is it possible i don't think they thought it through very well every first lady apparently needs some cause and hers was like ah bullying i don't think she ever even did anything about it be best bro well everyone was saying trump's account being suspended was the she finally said the best accomplishment more rosie he is really obsessed with her i feel sorry for rosie's new partner in love whose parents are devastated the thought of the daughter being with rosie a true loser oh my god this is vicious he tagged her too you know if i read this at the time like this guy is off his [ __ ] rocker he's at and rosie why does he hate rosie so much they had a feud for a long time really yeah yeah he hates her man that's awesome thousand likes this guy became president it's awesome it's freezing and snowing in new york we need global warming and i mean yeah i've heard a lot of people say stuff like that i'm han i am a handwriting analyst no you're not 26 likes this is from janu this is from 2013. i am a handwriting analyst jack lew's handwriting shows while strange that he is very secretive not necessarily what the [ __ ] is he talking about i had to look it up jack lew was the treasury secretary for obama for a couple years and so his signature was on the money you know the treasury secretaries so he's giving a little commentary as a handwriting analyst everybody knows he's a handwriting analyst i mean have you seen trump's signature you want to talk about a bomb i like it really i mean it's a little out there but i like it here what looks like a cycle to me well it might be true here that i like it you like that kind of you see my signature yeah that's a little crazy it looks like this is like one ugly signature first of all and second of all i get like i like it i like it awful vibes from it it looks like a heart rhythm like machine heart the rhythm of a serial killer it could be well he's a handwriting analyst so who are you all right this one's from 2013 actually had a lot of likes sorry losers and haters but my iq is one of the highest and you all know it please don't feel stupid or insecure it's not your fault [Music] i mean i think a lot of the older ones that have a lot of likes got a lot of likes because they got retweeted in my time yeah that makes sense yeah at ariana huff is unattractive both inside and out i fully understand why her former husband left her for a man he made a good decision that is just so [ __ ] up and he at her too so she can see it yeah like that is so insanely vicious yeah oh my god dude he is straight up has the mentality of like a a playground bully yeah i never grew out of that barney frank looking barney frank looked disgusting nipples protruding in his blue shirt before congress very very disrespectful what do you want him to do donald you want him to wear like nipple nipple covers or something you should maybe look up the picture though because it is a really funny picture okay so maybe he's onto something barney frank nipple if you just do nipple it'll come up really this is uh this is the infamous photo huh oh what the [ __ ] is this no that's photoshopped i think no that's not photoshopped no that is kind of disrespectful to show up in front of congress with that he's not very dressed up is he it's very bizarre he's just wearing a t-shirt and he has the the coat just kind of hanging like a cake yeah that's not an appropriate shirt to wear on congress floor well trump called him out i'm gonna agree with trump on this one barney frank looked disgusting nipples protruding in his blue shirt before congress huh came on a little heavy but it's like trump have you looked at yourself yeah he's a [ __ ] man you're gonna talk about disgusting but i mean okay the thing i think he has a point that you have to kind of dress to your body yeah that's what he does dress to his body very well does he yeah i think so he hides he hides very well and he's massive show the photos of him golfing when the butt is uh portraiting i'm just yeah i'm i i have to give the man credit where he's due he dresses to his body well all right like he's massive but when he's in you know when he's in a suit doing his president thing he covers it up but he has a dump truck for sure and well my comment is not just if he's dressing to his body it's like the fact that he goes on and talks about how everyone is disgusting oh rosie here's a rosy tweet to donald so apparently they're going back and forth donald you disgusting psychopath may karma kick your orange ass every moment nobody likes me oh this is recent oh so the feud continues continued oh my god i loved it they're still feuding i had to beat off lightweight marco rubio was working hard last night the problem is he is a choker and once a choker always a choker mr meltdown why would kim jong-un insult me by calling me old when i would never call him short and fat oh well i try so hard to be his friend and maybe someday that will happen this was while he was president i remember tweet this was right after he went and met with him in person and see how it says from vietnam look it's funny but also god damn you're the president bro get your [ __ ] together you're not supposed to communicate with other world leaders on twitter robert so now he's talking about robert pattinson is that the guy oh okay this is the guy from twilight now he's talking about twilight yeah the new the new batman too robert pattison should not take back kristen stewart gila she cheated on him like a dog and we'll do it again just watch he can do much better interesting take mr president i mean i think like that is funny from someone who's not the president yeah this was in what 2011 23. he was like at the time he tweeted us he was probably like 65 60. you know what i mean he could do much better donald's team robert pattison pattinson pattinson wow senator ted cruz that is some low level ad you did using a picture of melania and gq shoot be careful i will spill the beans on your wife i don't know what that means he constantly was insulting ted cruz's wife which makes it funnier that ted cruz is like a total psychopath now yeah he called his wife an ugly dog and said his dad murdered jfk weird i would like to extend my best wishes to all even the haters and losers on the special date september 11th one of the all-time great tweets i have to say like why are you wishing everybody the best on this special day even the haters and losers like it's not it's amazing tweet wow jeb bush whose campaign is a total disaster had to bring in mommy to take a slap at me not nice sad sack jeb bush has just done another ad on me with special interest money saying i won't beat hillary i will but he can't beat me okay well that's not that bad he was right about that thank you kanye very cool gone down an infamy of course has anyone looked at the really poor numbers of vanity fair magazine way down big trouble dead grade in carter no talent we'll be out i don't know what the [ __ ] this is well so this takes a little bit of context this guy graydon carter was the editor-in-chief for uh vanity fair magazine just kind of a new york socialite guy like donald trump and trump [ __ ] hates this guy and tweeted at him all the time insulting him making fun of him telling him he's a loser telling him he's washed up or whatever and i looked into it and apparently this all started because in 1984 graydon carter said that donald trump's hands were small and he never forgave him and decades later was just absolutely hell-bent on ruining this guy's life this is where the hand small thing came from this is where it all originated interesting wow vanity fair was totally shut out at the national magazine awards it got nothing great and carson is a loser with bad food restaurants rumor has it that the grubby head of feeling vanity fair magazine sloppy grade and carter is going to be fired or replaced very soon if any fair could come back if great incarcerant paid as much attention as he does to his bad food restaurants jesus grade and carter is a major loser just ask his wife i have watched sloppy grade and carter fail and close by magazine and now i'm watching him jesus [ __ ] he's a total loser wrong graydon carson has no talent and it looks like [ __ ] also his food sucks brand new fair editor grade and carter allowed to run bad food restaurant patrice and fire grade [ __ ] grade and carter are failing vanity fair magazine and owner of bad food restaurants has a problem his vf oscar party is no longer hot now finally i had to include this grand carter though he had a twitter account had never tweeted he put out his first tweet about an hour after trump got banned oh really oh interesting i thought it might be a good time for my first tweet a collector's item so what did i miss interesting that's funny tip tap dancing on his graves okay very special will miss trump on twitter there's no doubt about that for his wonderful insights such as kristen stewart could definitely do better no no he could trump is team edward team edward and one other thing before we go to our our special interviews um has it that this guy ghosts are we've talked about gosar in the past he's a congressman who is allegedly paul ghoster they can't um helped the rioters in the days leading up to the capital riot um they're claiming and i'm leading to something this is really good apparently activists and conspiracy theorists who has merged as leaders have stopped the steel claimed that they had help from mr brooks mr gosar and representative andy biggs okay now this is now we've heard of gosars we've been warned before you guys may remember we we watched this video paul gosar the congressman isn't doing anything the most brutal the most brutal attack ad ever put on television ever ever we call we call this at the time getting ghost art because i've never seen anything so brutal in my life now they warned us about gosar and here it is again for for your memory and viewing pleasure closer the congressman isn't doing anything to help rural america paul's absolutely not working for his district if they care about health care they care about their children's health care they would hold him to account if they care about jobs they would hold him to account if he actually cared about people in rural arizona i bet he'd be fighting for social security for better access to health care i better he i bet he would be researching what is the most insightful water policy to help the environment of arizona sustain itself and be successful and he's not listening to you and he doesn't have your interests at heart my name is tim gosar david gosar grace gosar joan gosam gaston gosar jennifer gosar paul gosar's my brother my brother and i endorsed dr grill dr bill wholeheartedly endorsed his whole [ __ ] family dr david went on record against him for this guy dr brill whoever the [ __ ] dr brill's a cut ass [ __ ] god throw this [ __ ] this whole ad is so vicious i wonder if it backfired i want a documentary about that i want to know more what happened with this family that all of them came together on a public ad to say my brother is the worst person on earth he's still one despite that you know what i mean i just looked it up not only did he won he won 68 percent to 30. he like crushed brill yeah i don't know if this adds effective or not it's so cutthroat it's almost so cutthroat it's like well it's almost like you guys look like some yeah these people kind of look come off like dr brill's like i endorse this message it's like what what did you put together man so go start they all warned us and now gosar is [ __ ] helping you know the confederacy come back again paul gosar oh do you know he responded no he said you can't pick your family we all have crazy aunts and relatives etc and my family is no different i hope they find peace in their hearts and let go of all the hate [ __ ] these are your siblings these aren't your aunts and relatives this is your brothers and sisters dude i just looked it up that district um gosar had has won elections there uh several in a row but prior to gosar it was a democratic district for a long time so it's not like it was fired yeah he said to the six angry democrat ghost stars see you at mom and dad's house jesus i don't know how you have thanksgiving dinner after that one i'm so curious what happened with this family so anyway that's getting ghost hard which apparently is just the biggest betrayal of all time you all thought brutus julius caesar no ghosts are anyway so we've got andrew yang on the line he wants to talk to us about his run to become the mayor of new york city i'm very excited to hear from andrew let's throw it to andrew yang with us is andrew yang as you all know and love friend of the show progressive he was in the presidential race and now he has an announcement that went out yesterday the whole world is ready andrew what is the announcement thank you ethan thank you gila i am running for mayor of the greatest city in the world new york city mayor angie yang i love it what a better man i mean you know the most progressive city one of the most progressive cities one of the progressive men forward thinking slick like new york itself oh wow well thank you guys we might need to move to new york yeah you have to move to new york we will welcome you with open arms do we get any subsidies what can you do for us a crazy broadcast studio and then we will get you a whole slew of wannabe h3 ethan and gilas that you can take under your wing and build some kind of content empire what do you think that's what happens i just want those kickbacks now that i got a friend in government hopefully i want those governments maybe i'll i'll get you a contract to like paper road yeah exactly exactly just get me like a 10 million dollar contract to pay for government great andrew happy birthday by the way yeah thank you so what is your platform for the great city of new york the first thing is we have to try and become the fastest comeback city from covid and you all have been indoors for a long time new york city though uh it's very very rough what's going on because if you uh have 60 million tourists not show up that supported over 300 000 jobs uh then those jobs disappear midtown manhattan is 75 unoccupied in terms of commercial real estate subway ridership is down two-thirds or so a number of families have left so the biggest thing we have to do is accelerate the comeback from covid by making new york city the place to be if you want to work or go to a show or get together at a restaurant or bar in a way that's safe as we get vaccinated so one of my big plans if we're still in the throes of this which unfortunately i think we will be is to have essentially a digital passport where it only has one piece of information and that's that you've been vaccinated so if you can imagine going someplace like a broadway theater and then just saying been vaccinated you can go take your mask off and you can be in a crowd of hundreds of people knowing that everyone there is perfectly safe so new york city needs to lean in those kinds of measures because without that kind of move new york city is going to struggle to to reopen at the same level so what is the digital passport what does that mean is that something just on your phone is that something a separate device how does that implement it oh it's really basic uh because i'm a simple guy when it comes down to it so i have not been vaccinated um but after you get vaccinated the universal thing that happens is that you get noted as being vaccinated in a database either at the state or federal level and you get a vaccination card that says who you are and when you've been vaccinated so the plan is to ask people to simply scan that card uh we'll read it the same way we do a check we can also confirm it against the database and then after you get the the confirmation then you have something on your phone that says uh ethan was vaccinated in april and he's good to go uh for 10 months or a year or whatever it is and so then when you show up to that broadway theater you can just say like been vaccinated and the only piece of information on the phone in this new york city app will be that you were vaccinated in april and then you're good to go critics of that may call it like uh well the critics will call it orwellian because they don't know what orwellian means but what would you respond how would you respond to someone miscategorizing that as orwellian well i i agree with the fact that requiring though i think everyone should vaccinate um and i'm going to vaccinate it as soon as anyone lets me but i think requiring a vaccination is a very different thing than requiring it for uh attendance at a concert or a show or a theater you know like there's no one forcing you to go to the show so so people have to make their own decisions but if you're the mayor of new york city you have to encourage people to be able to get together in groups or offices uh and the best way to do that is to give people a piece of mind well if you guys can succeed there you know it can succeed everywhere so it's really important that that new york is able to flourish like like the vision you have because i feel like it sets the rest of the country up for success um what do you make of all these vaccinations are just sitting on the shelf i mean is this something that you're going to get involved with we have with the rollout of the vaccinations in america has been abysmal you know we're only at a few percentage points here where like if you look at a country like israel which is already at like 30 40 vaccination why isn't it going so slow in america and do you think that it should just be whoever wants it gets it well i'm not someone who wants to blame trump for everything but his administration has completely botched the vaccine rollout and what they did is they said to each state come up with your own plan so then each state has adopted different uh different rollouts i would suggest that the big thing you should emphasize with your rollout is that doses don't get wasted um so if you try and be overly precise and say look we're just gonna target this specific group let's call it over 75 or people in a certain profession the problem is then you wind up with some excess doses uh you know in each container or some of the doses go bad or like storage you know uh has problems so the big principle we should have is that not a single dose gets wasted uh and so even if you have particular groups that you're trying to target you should say look like we're going to make sure nothing gets wasted and so you can have essentially like a cue or a waiting list the fact is if someone had me on a waiting list where it was like look if like some vac vaccine dose frees up like you know you have this period of time i'd be out of here like if i got that message right now i would end this just like like trying to get it done we should not be wasting a drop because the faster we get vaccinated the faster uh we can all get together again you know is it true that circumcision is part of your platform it's completely not are you forcing circumcision on all citizens of new york city um yeah yeah you know i mean i think you probably understand the context it's like uh someone who is concerned about my campaign is trying to you know like make people think that um like i'm for some extreme position whereas when i'm as you probably would imagine is that parents should be able to decide whatever they want for their kids oh isn't that isn't that already what it is what's interesting is that um that there are some uh environments where parents are pushing i know this because i've had you know uh kids where people are pushed towards certain practices uh based upon um uh healthcare professionals advising one thing or another and i'm just saying leave it to the parents oh that's that seems reasonable um another thing that came up you were trending on twitter recently something about living in a two-bedroom apartment people are upset pardon me about you saying imagine living in a two-bedroom apartment with your family in new york city was that taken out of context what was the context of that comment oh yeah so they were asking about um about my frankly beaming into cnn when i was uh working with them um and then i made a comment about how the fact i have two boys in school uh and that you know it's tough to uh beam in for a national news appearance when you have two uh kids who are in school and you're in a two bedroom apartment manhattan and then they took that quote and ran with it in a particular way um which you know it was like a i guess a fun learning about um you're in the dirty game now yeah wow huh yeah it you know it was like uh-huh like you know i i certainly wouldn't have uh like taken that quote out of context in that way and i tried to make a thing out of it but i i think that some of the folks i'm running against um you know try to take advantage of it and spin it a certain way um that's correct this is this is your first kind of political run right this is your big well besides president but like this this one your your i think presidential you you were thinking like i'm not going to win but the mayor i mean let's be honest well even you said that you said that you're like look this is big six exceeded my expectations already but the mayor andrew yang mayor we see it so this is your first time being the the on the receiving end of this kind of political attack ads right i think that's accurate and uh that the fact is when i was running for president no one saw any upside to attacking andrew yang right like that wasn't really like in the playbook uh but but this time i think we're gonna see more negativity and uh i knew that coming in honestly like i just want to help my city get back on its feet i understand that there are certain people who've been um planning their mayoral run for years or decades and then you know they're going to be very displeased um with my campaign um but i'm also confident that new yorkers know we need something a bit different than we've been getting uh that we're in the midst of a crisis and we're gonna need a different kind of leader to point the way out uh so i'm i'm super pumped and i do want to say to any of your watchers and listeners uh who live in new york city there's something about new york city finance that's magical where if you give five bucks to my campaign uh then the city will give us forty dollars they match it eight to one if you believe that why is that yeah yeah so new york city because you said it earlier ethan it's a very progressive city and one of the ways they want to be progressive is they want folks to be able to run for office and have small dollar donors oh wow so really any new york city resident who donates to my campaign gets matched eight to one damn up to the first 250 they contribute and most people aren't going to donate more than 250 i mean you know give 10 20 bucks but if you give 10 20 bucks at yang for the city will just come in magically later and then give amazing mile 80 or 160. well well foot soldiers in new york city you know what to do andrew you know it's funny when they when trump got elected they were saying this is a different candidate this is the person we need i actually feel that's actually true about you i feel thank you that andrew yang is the future he is the governor the govern not the governor but the kind of governor you know as a pronoun not you're not running for governor you're the mayor we understood you the kind of lowercase g like yeah lowercase i want to ask you one last thing before you go lauren bobert q anon congressman who tweeted out the location of nancy pelosi during the capital riot what do we do with her do we what is going on with some of these new members of the congress i mean there should be some very very serious repercussions to the capitol hill riots i mean like that was like a nightmare come to life yeah uh people died a lot of folks have gotten confused about appropriate political communication and then incitement of violence and extremism and if you have elected officials acting like that it's even worse uh you know it it really poisons the the well um so i hope that someone um has her take those actions uh you know much more seriously and hopefully she has some um consequences because there are a number of folks as another example i just saw at least two or three members of congress have come down with covet as a result of being trapped in that room together and some of the republicans refused to wear a mask how do we function as a society when we have congress people refusing to wear masks in the capital it's just beyond belief it's so believed so frustrating and you know now the story is developing is that three members of congress were helping the rioters give them information i saw that there's some kind of like tours of the capital yeah like someone said that their panic button was removed uh just total bat [ __ ] insanity yeah uh that that seems to have made this even darker than it was and it was already like a national nightmare well i heard i heard the the fbi spokesman they did a um they did a conference the other day and he says everything what everything that you guys are going to hear in the coming days and weeks is going to be is going to blow your mind so there's some sinister [ __ ] coming up but regardless of all that i'll feel a lot better knowing that andrew yang is in charge of the crown jewel of the united states new york city we wish you all the best and we're hoping that all the super troopers out in new york city are making a donation to what was the website you guys are gonna have to come visit hopefully by that point we'll be traveling again but i will host you at gracie mansion yeah you can have a special h3 from gracie yes i would love to i'll take you up on that big time i would love to do that i would be really relieved knowing that someone like you has any power yes you're the kind of people i want to see in power yeah we're just so tired of seeing the same thing people i think i saw youth wait like i'm so tired of hearing what can't be done or what yeah why we couldn't do something she's so tired of hearing that i mean you hit the nail on the head earlier uh both of you where israel uh is going to vaccinate the entire population by let's call it april uh you know and and in april i have a feeling you'll still be indoors this is america this is we we we mobilized for world war ii we are the sleeping giant why the [ __ ] can't we get vaccinations out we should be doing the model for the rest of the world what happened to american exceptionalism we're just dog [ __ ] with all due respect and this is what we have to turn around like the fundamental challenge is getting our bureaucracies to function at a higher level uh and i think i can help like i'm going to tackle the bureaucracies in new york city in a particular way um and see if we can't actually solve our problems in a way that gives people confidence and does not leave us like you just said gila explaining why we couldn't do something mm-hmm well best of luck uh new york for yang or what we'll put a yeah in the description guys if you want to four downl it's actually the word for where did you get the number one i never did that we gotta get you andrew i mean what's happening we also have andrew yang dynasty director does that redirect i think you'll read it [Laughter] regardless of how you find them we wish you all the best and thank you and good luck and god bless thank you so much appreciate the heck out of you all right take care good luck appreciate you so finally here i got to ask you a question okay vice news made this piece about inside the capitol hill riot do you recognize that person in the thumbnail i mean i know it's small let me see if i can zoom in with some control plus action so you have zoomed in a little bit do you recognize that person it looks like shoe nice like a lot like shoe nice those are resemblance so it's popping up the video a lot of people have been posting this and showing it and apparently even shu has been being reported to the fbi apparently he said people have been reporting it but you you be the judge who is that and they kind of even sound like him a little bit let's do it in slow-mo okay here's a still frame let me do a slow-mo horrible that looks a lot like chewy i've been snorting drain the wall all day oh wow it looks like him but not quite right like it's it could be him but it could maybe not be him too yeah i don't think she was motivated enough to go out there and do that that's my thing i think she was just you know what i mean he's always bumming around i don't i don't think he i don't think he's got the he's too famous for this yeah he's kind of too boot right i don't think it's you well regardless let's just ask him i got him on the phone right now i want to know because i'm sure the fbi is going to come knocking at his door so he might as well set the record straight here now you know what i mean what do you guys think i mean i certainly agree it looks a lot like him but uh i i zoomed way in on it and i don't think it's him yeah i don't think so but god damn that's a lot of resemblance maybe a cousin or some [ __ ] shoe mean it looks like he's got a little bit of gray hair on the side too you see that i don't think uh she was that great well regardless let's just ask the man himself let's see shoe nice let's get him on the line and find out was he at the maga riot let's find out shoe how are you it's crazy bro right we knew that [Laughter] sure are you drinking again no i was gonna start a beer review channel but it's just in a beer review this is old and lean i had one beer since last august um i don't believe that baby didn't you see him slamming something their old videos i'm uploading i'm trying to get all the videos that people stole for me because i found out that there's actual liquor slams that are people are making google adsense revenue off of and that's why i got kicked off of youtube so so you're not drinking alcohol because everybody thought you were back on the wagon i'm on the way you never got off the other way yeah on the wagon you're off i have no choice anymore guys i mean my liver right it got pretty bad but it came back around and you're gonna be okay so why so tell me this i guess now that you're sober as your new past time trying to overthrow the government because we clearly saw you at the capitol riots is there gonna be support with this are you guys gonna you know have the fbi in my house either way um if you take a really good close-up look um you can see the grayness i got brown hair yeah i'm gonna pull this up let's watch this clip real fast it's funny that it's also the thumbnail for this video they're like you know what vice did that on purpose they emailed me at the capitol yeah they it's a weird relationship they do a documentary on me then they put it on tv and they owe me a ton of syndication money because that's tv what did they email your story they just said hey was that you at the capitol and i thought it was a joke but i'd recognize the new york city numbers from vice when i was on the show so i think they put me on as a thumbnail busting my butt i mean it looks just like you but i do you have do you have a missing brother no you have an alibi more like matt damon doesn't he that guy he's a little matt you're right so have you been contacted by the fbi or anything no i mean with his face he was really not past the barricade so there's no um evidence of him even pushing the fence and he just turned around he's seen the cameras and said stop the steel and i think he just ran away so whoever that is not saying you there's no evidence that this man committed a crime bro the haters are having a field day with that 1 800 tips number oh this guy's a youtuber trump fan because somebody made a video calling the fbi and i'm just like oh haters will be haters really yeah well on a real note i actually i could see that it's not you you think so yeah are you that good no i saw you wait there was a video plus i bust balls ethan i bust balls i've never voted in my life for student council in high school i wrote my own name in for vice president i just i i don't let the government control my path of existence on planet earth i saw you doing a video saying you were a proud boy no if i was then it's just busting balls like saying i loved hillary clinton and i wanted her to win you know it's just i always like to um make waves in the pool and there's a lot of people out there it's so easy to get under their skin and i've been doing that since the fifth grade playground all right well so we've cleared your name fbi if you are watching it was not you is it is there anything else you want to pass on yeah i'm sober i started skateboarding today for the first time at 51 years old um i think we should just get together maybe twice a month where we just you know are you guys going to have um people on your show again are you pushing towards more just you know oh it's covered once over and we're moving to our new spot we're gonna we'll be having people and i'd love to have you want to do some kick flips for us yeah i'll be i'll be a couple hours outside of la probably i'd say two weeks had to come back to colorado square up some stuff clear out some storage units but i think it's a third leg on h3h3 bro which is going to be maybe not twice a month that seems kind of a lot all right maybe once every two months i'm sorry i don't go to aaa and i have a coin to prove to you that i'm sober but you don't need a a in a book and all these coins to quit alcohol you know it's just that's for weak minded people and half the people in an aaa meeting cheering you on are just people with duis trying to impress the judge you know what i mean excuse me yes but yeah it's good to see you guys man um like i said california i'm gonna go to san luis obispo probably gonna start surfing once i get my balance on the skateboard you know the world is my oyster once you got that balance the whole world opens up yeah my newest video on my youtube i tried skateboarding for the first time today they call me tony bach you know what i mean sure all right chilly well take care stay appreciated man we want you to be talking you guys i'm sober and like i said i'm an entertainer i could add so much conversation to any interview absolutely well guys so ends another episode hope you guys enjoyed we'll be back on friday live for after dark next week we are going to be hopefully doing four episodes we've got the we'll work on course we're working on this content we want to make it perfect so it's been a work in progress for a while you know we are going after the king and when you go after the king you best not miss right so we'll make sure it's perfect so looking forward to that next week until then we'll see you on friday i hope you had a lot of fun here today remember to hit that join button if you want to become a member get the episodes the evening before they go live get them a half a day early night before hope because of staying safe and where's your best all right either would you like to eat for now is appropriate time to discuss start you can hit play the music down we'll just be like so what are you doing for lunch you're going to go to the office or you want to order like you know when newscasters are chit-chatting yeah what are you doing for lunch i have to go to the office what are you gonna do for lunch so yourself to eat i'm gonna starve that's not appropriate you're not gonna eat anything i don't know you want me to make something for you sure do you want me to make something for you you want me to make like pasta i don't have time well then you better get something on the way to eat because you have to eat food okay um did we talk enough on camera about what i'm gonna eat well i think people want to know what you're gonna eat so i can cook i can heat something up for you you better are you gonna stop and get something on the way avocado sandwich i can make avocado sandwich okay one black olive and mozzarella cheese yeah for extra calories okay good okay
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 968,746
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Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 22sec (5962 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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