Hasan Piker - H3 Podcast #207

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This is gonna be one of those "don't look at the comment section" videos

👍︎︎ 168 👤︎︎ u/AlexMures 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

I was kind of surprised but how open the Kleins were to letting Hasan talk and agreed with him a lot. I guess it really is true that typically apolitical people tend to agree if you explain leftist views to them

👍︎︎ 149 👤︎︎ u/SleepyOta 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 57 👤︎︎ u/hpornalt1 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

seeing this pop into my recommended is like mommy making me trendies while i watch pog stars

👍︎︎ 53 👤︎︎ u/hayfuchtiger 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

Never heard of Hasan before this podcast. Good lad. Love from the UK xxx

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/thebeastproducer 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

I love the response to the tweet is all butthurt PepeLa D fans saying they should have D on

👍︎︎ 69 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/nicordrums 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

Wtf based h3h3 podcast?

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/Struckneptune 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

the dislike bar... yikes

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/NaturalBornKilla12 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
dude welcome to the podcast i looks like i've got a pope hat on when you do that with my beanie i just kind of unfolded it and then i was the pope uh welcome everybody defying the odds you know i turned on the news this morning and they're like issue podcasts ethan neil klein wouldn't dare show their faces again and i was like you know what i'm gonna prove them wrong turn off the power came down here started the podcast what was that like good morning america or it was uh yeah it was good morning america yeah it was mainstream it was on like channel two whatever that is nationally syndicated today we have with us the uh hassan [ __ ] a twitch streamer i would even venture to say the most popular twitch streamer that doesn't play games he's a progressive he plays a little plays a little games we learned but i don't think that's what he's known for no but he's a progressive commentator and um i really find him interesting because like i feel like the space is so predominantly uh occupied by conservative voices i find it really cool that there's a progressive who's will who's able to flourish in this space um so so i think it's interesting i think he's an interesting guest so i'm happy to have him on hassan [ __ ] also today teddy fresh release is out new summer drop sorry and including the anxiety shirt that everybody can't wait to get their hands on mm-hmm you love it you hate it whatever you think about the shirt 100 oh thank you uh the president is a fan of this shirt i said i love it i heard you the first time donald and i appreciated it then too look how happy and beautiful they are because they're wearing teddy fresh and you could be that happy and beautiful too by going to teddyfresh.com look at all these beautiful new items color block quilted jacket cute af hoodie we got some jewelry and of course everybody's favorite shirt i have crippling anxiety which whether if you love it or you hate it whatever you think about this shirt 100 of the profits are being donated to mental health america so it's a win-win here on the h3 podcast but there's so much more to see including the beanies which are finally back in stock which have been sold out forever and we need members to join right now chris hanson is literally investigating zach we learned in the last episode and we don't know what he's going to uncover all i know is that i need young zach and i can't allow anything to happen to him he's way too important he's way too uh sweet of a soul so hit that join membership become a member for early access no ads or i mean could cr is zach's gonna be having a seat on have a seat with chris hanson none of us want that anyway so let us continue on with our our interview with hassan [ __ ] i have to say hassan first of all thank you for joining us very glad to have you with us i've noticed that you are occupying a very unique space in the internet landscape whereas twitch and the internet at large seem a lot of like young conservatives have found voices in communities and but but not but there's not many people like you who are kind of uh leading uh liberal communities i don't know do you use the word liberal i'm not even sure how to describe it but like left yeah i wouldn't even consider i don't i don't consider myself a liberal but in the american political lexicon i guess like i'm super liberal that's what they uh that's what americans think uh liberalism is like the more the more left you are the more liberal you are even though there is a genuine distinction between the leftist and the liberal but yeah i'm i'm uh progressive i guess that's yeah i like progressive yeah it's who wouldn't want to be progressive it's in the name we're progressing progress well that's why like early stage classical liberals who like wanted to rebrand like dave rubin for example who now are very openly on the right and like everyone knows it they originally tried to say like they're the real progressives and that uh the people who brand themselves as progressives people like myself they were actually regressive regressive yeah but it didn't work so now dave rubin gets a lot of money from you know just pager university and numerous other republican think tanks and whatnot so now he's just openly a libertarian as he calls himself so you've got this community of progressives which why is it first of all that we don't see more more people like you when there's just there's tons of communities and people doing uh conservative movements why is it that this progressive thing on the internet is so rare do you have an opinion on that um i think that there's a lot of liberals in mainstream media like a lot of people who brand themselves as progressive but aren't really all that progressive or will use like the aesthetics of progressive politics to weaponize even in some instances against their political opponents whether that be right wingers or even members on the left like they kept saying burning bros are sexist and racist and stuff like that um those people occupy a gigantic space in media and uh because of that there there hasn't really been a need for alternative uh more independent content creators that also uh promote that kind of commentary whereas i feel like with fox news you have fox news or with am radio you have uh radio broadcasters but then beyond that there aren't that many um real conservatives uh in in represented in media mainstream media specifically that's why there's a lot more people out there on the internet doing their own thing as like independent content creators uh on the right whereas on the left you don't really see that and then the most significant reason is because money um there are numerous uh there are numerous republican or even alt-lite or even just like you know centrist uh commentators on the internet that are pretty fairly established in the right as well uh that get money from donors get money from uh those who own capital and they'll just uh they'll just keep funding these programs i mean you see this in mainstream media as well with like something like the federalist which is a right-wing publication we still don't know who funds them it's basically a meme at this point in like left twitter or uh you know political twitter no one knows who funds the federalist but it's it's basically like a jobs program for republican fail sons that get republicans jobs over and over again yeah like conservative fail sons who just keep failing outwards and that kind of that kind of money doesn't exist for the left because the left is one disjointed disoriented and also too does not have the same kind of money that uh that right-wing publications have because they're speaking out against the rich pretty openly you know so the wealthy are not going to exactly go out of their way to fund you if you're constantly like i don't think billionaires should exist that kind of wealth accumulation is a systemic problem so you think maybe that's where the progressives are even distinct from what would be considered liberalism because like you said you see liberalism a lot in mainstream media but but progressivism which is being not funded to the same degree is probably it's just a matter of money and and the interest of people who have money is what you think yeah i i think these ideas are definitely very popular um and they're even popular in circles that you would not expect them to be popular in if i were to spend 15 minutes talking to a random person who's apolitical about the way that um the way that wealth accumulates in this country they would probably at the end of that 15 minutes recognize yeah you know what it is kind of it is how this system works it's pretty simple wealthy people make a lot of money and they set the rules in a way that uh that continues their success and uh there are problems associated with that um and uh usually people who don't have that kind of wealth who are destined to a lifetime of working meaningless jobs or menial jobs they will never achieve that level of wealth and success even though it's portrayed to them or even though it's sold to them as though they will one day become uh millionaires or billionaires even though we every single one of us no matter how much money we make and now with twitch i definitely make a decent amount of money a month um and i'm sure you guys do as well we are way closer we're infinitely closer to homelessness than we are to becoming the next jeff bezos as a matter of fact i think even elon musk is closer to becoming homeless than he is to becoming jeff bezos like it's crazy it's a crazy uh so but like no and i kind of wealth is unimaginable it really is bezos is a rich mother dude but i'll say this so what is it then like what is the ultimate goal let's say of of progressivism you say billionaire shouldn't exist do you really mean that there should be no billionaires because it's kind of the antithesis of what the american dream the whole ethos of what america is right i mean what what really can you do when you say i don't want i don't think billionaires should exist i mean what does that mean so i think that the existence of billionaires is a product of wealth accumulation and a lack of wealth redistribution in all of our economies but the way that for example sweden works or norway works they have more billionaires per capita than the united states fun fact that most people neglect to mention so like i'm not crazy i'm not saying you know just go out in the streets and like rip billionaires from their homes and and forcibly distribute redistribute their wealth like that that's some people advocate for that but those people are in the margins and you know it's it's something that you should just laugh at and move on what i'm saying is we should move towards a sweden style economy or a norway style economy which would be a social democracy with robust social safety nets and protections for workers like higher unionization rates a lot of these countries have nearly full unionization rates or they have um almost their entire labor force under contracts so that even if they are not a part of a union they're still protected by that industry's union-backed negotiations in america that number is 11 in a country like finland the last time i looked at this i think it was like around 90 percent or it just it just swings around like 80 to 90 percent so that's a huge problem for workers in this country and i think that you know uh ideas like american the american dream which is just the dream unfortunately or this notion that like we're all going to become millionaires one day and and meritocracy even is a very successful way of making people feel like as long as they put their heads down and work and listen to their managers listen to their bosses and don't really ask for more then one day they too can succeed and while there are fringe cases of people actually succeeding that doesn't mean that uh it's going to happen for the overwhelming majority of people that are just a part of the working class every day average so joe's if there's more billionaires per capita in sweden how is it that so this expression because you said earlier you don't think billionaires should exist but i guess maybe that's that's that's hyperbolic you don't literally mean that okay so do i think that if it was possible for billionaires to exist while simultaneously eradicating homelessness and even making sure that the gigantic wealth disparity that currently exists in the global south or in developing nations uh if we eradicated all of that and we still had billionaires then hell yeah i see you have a lot of bernie sanders swag in the background is that your guy oh i love bernie yeah for sure i love bernie too yeah bernie was uh that was a beautiful dream that was kind of an american dream that died there it almost came true didn't it yeah i mean it was a very long shot i i always told the people that watch me like look this is very likely not going to happen i i think that it is definitely a long shot regardless of how successful he was or how popular he is how popular his policies are like medicare for all for example regardless of all that i i just always was skeptical because i just assumed that every institution every legitimate institution legacy publishers all that were would do everything they can to at the very least um at the very least make it seem like he was bad you know what i mean well he came so close and then it was kind of almost bizarre how joe biden seemed out like he was done and then all of a sudden what was it like north carolina was just this total shift no south carolina oh south carolina um yeah the south carolina primary is actually pretty significant in the democratic primaries as a whole it's it's a very weird process that we have in the democratic primaries where the first state you look at is iowa they pride themselves on being the first state and they have a caucus system which is really awful i'm not going to get into it it's a super outdated way of doing it uh things and it's undemocratic regardless but it's basically iowa which is uh 92 white so not reflective of the rest of the united states at all that that really is like the big uh the first big race and then it's nevada which is very diverse and definitely more representative of the the demographics of the united states and then you move oh sorry iowa and then um wait i'm messing it up it's iowa new hampshire and then nevada sorry and new hampshire is very white as well and then nevada and then you get to you get to south carolina in south carolina especially on the democratic side the the south carolina voter profile for the democratic party is super unrepresented uh unrepresentative of the uh of the rest of the american demographics as well so so we have like a very so we have a very interesting way of doing things in the democratic par uh party but the south carolina the south carolina primary is uh the most important one because it is predominantly overwhelmingly black and the black voting bloc is the most significant voting bloc that most consistently and reliably votes democratic in the generals so uh for example representative jim clyburn is regarded as the king maker because of that uh anyone who any anyone who he endorses ends up becoming the president um so that's how joe biden really won he he failed disastrously in the first three competitions and it seemed like he was out but he kept saying you know wait till south carolina wait till south carolina and it was expected that he was going to win south carolina for sure no matter what right um because uh people wanted to vote for him in south carolina he always looked to be polling by a wide margin in south carolina and then and then when he did win there was a three-day streak of just non-stop coverage the underdog is back joe biden this guy who's been in politics for like 50 years and it was obama's vice president was now the underdog and uh just and see a sea of endless positive coverage about joe biden's chances followed up by every virtually every single incumbent that was in the race that still had a shot or not incumbent sorry virtually every single other primary opponent that had a shot dropping out and endorsing it before super tuesday which then really stacked the deck against bernie sanders and uh elizabeth warren staying in the race as well uh also uh sullied the progressive base by separating the progressive base and that's how you got uh joe biden victory after victory and even states in most states that he not he hadn't even been to yet in california he lost but he didn't even have an office like he had one office that was uh padlocked that no one had even that no one had even stepped into in months he went to virginia once and he won in overwhelming numbers and part of that is because people were aware of him and they wanted a safe choice and the media kept portraying him as the safe choice and the one that will beat donald trump well um let me ask you as a as a progressive do you think do you think that bernie sanders could beat trump and do you think defeating trump is more important than putting out a progressive that may lose where i think joe has a pretty solid chance now it looks like of of defeating trump what do you think is more important a bernie a risky bernie or a solid joe well that's the thing i don't think bernie is risky i don't think bernie was risky at all it's it's how they were portraying bernie that made him risky i mean think about it but that makes sense well but then the problem there is not necessarily bernie sanders being a risky candidate in and of itself that's true but rather the media's unwillingness to cover him yeah yeah but it's still a matter but that's still you can't ignore that right because just imagine just imagine his own people like he can't even galvanize his own side of the aisle because of all these issues of of wealth and equality uh you know wealth equality so like just imagine how stacked that we would be against him ultimately if with both both sides of interested wealth uh stacked against bernie it would have been i mean how could you overcome that that would be incredible you know i i i don't disagree with you i think that's a legitimate fear that i had if bernie was to become the candidate even though that was a long shot i was legitimately concerned with like all of these liberal outlets all of a sudden attacking the democratic candidate yeah or even uh fighting against them in a similar capacity to how uh jeremy corbyn had a sea of coverage anti-jeremy corbin coverage and anti-labor party coverage by all accounts of the media with only the guardian endorsing him but endorsing him with concern um meanwhile the tories were openly both anti-semitic and racist and and horrible they they put up a statue of nancy store who once uh famously said that hitler had the right idea about jews in the middle of all of this in the middle of all of this uh jeremy corbyn has anti-semitic coverage the tories the conservative party literally put up a statue of a woman who said that uh and and they were still like nope jeremy corbyn is anti-semitic and that is in my opinion that is definitely uh people who are in positions of power trying to protect their their bottom line trying to protect the the current financial situation that they're in um it's understandable that's what the purpose of the media is that's what the purpose of all of these like legitimate institutions are in a way it's to preserve order right because if you were to append the entire system then that could be a little chaotic and it definitely wouldn't be great for uh people in positions of power who have made a lot of money off the uh status quo so the similar thing would definitely could definitely happen to bernie sanders as well and i was fearful of that but what do you but like are you so going to support joe now that he's nominated like where's your yeah so my opinion is look i'm very critical i'm very critical of joe i i've been very critical of him i was very i was even critical of the obama administration when he was president and um obviously he's still infinitely better than donald trump so i'm not gonna lie to people for a uh like or my personal opinion uh to preserve my personal opinion or like to to i'm just not going to lie to you that's what i've been telling people whenever they ask me like well you know do you think joe is better than trump like of course joe biden is better than donald trump very few people are worse than him i think i think people take that from that statement for granted right because i hear a lot of people who identify as progressive actually i don't even know because somehow there's a lot of people that both like bernie and trump and that to me is interesting because i guess they just both kind of like the outliers change like a radical change yeah so a lot of people are like well bernie lost so i'm not going to support biden so when you say that that's insane i agree that that's insane well it doesn't make sense to me actually the only way that it makes sense i think it's a lot of people who are not super politically active or necessarily understand the diff who they are but they just like that they're outlier candidates that they represent some kind of different change but when you say a statement like joe is infinitely better than trump what do you mean by that because i don't want to take that statement for granted here okay so what i mean by that is even though there might be marginal differences between joe biden and donald trump on certain matters where the democratic and republican party always seem to find bipartisan consensus like american foreign policy or even tax cuts for the wealthy for the most part which is something that even barack obama uh pushed forward at a time when he didn't need to um outside of that outside of those uh marginal differences there are gigantic differences like in the way that uh competent administration would handle something like the coronavirus pandemic or um i just don't think that joe biden is going to be sending like federal shock troops like the gestapo into portland and democratic cities because uh he wants to violently squash these uh overall major overwhelmingly uh a peaceful and in some instances not as peaceful protests um demonstrated by moms and veterans and you know what i mean and dads and just the old people along with this like boogie man of antifa i i think that joe biden wouldn't do that and that is is a significant difference i think between someone like donald trump and someone like joe biden so what i mean by that is marginal differences in policy lead to drastically different outcomes when it comes to the lives of millions of americans a great example of this for example is like under barack obama ice deportation still continued uh nearly three million people were deported right um but under donald trump uh donald trump changed the direction of ice uh specifically the enforcement removal like the the removal operations branch of ice which is what we know as ice popularly um he changed a rule so that non-violent non-criminal offenders were considered uh we're considered for immediate deportation like that's crazy to me if you've been here for 20 years you've never broken a law and you're overall like a law-abiding abuela and you cross the border with your with your kids in tow i think it is a horrifically inhumane thing to do to just come into your house lie to get into your house which is what ice does in a lot of instances they don't really have an actual warrant what what do you mean they lie oh um so this is one of the famous things that ice does uh which is why the aclu and numerous other organizations that deal with ice always tell immigrants and if there are any undocumented immigrants listening to this podcast you never ever ever need to open the door to ice never do that unless they have an arrest warrant and in which case they can break in if you don't open the door and make sure that they slide the actual arrest warrant underneath the door really because they will portray themselves as police officers when technically they're not and they will they will openly lie to you to be able to get access into your home what are they allowed to lie and say like what do they say like we have a warrant you have to open um they'll say they have a uh they don't have like an actual arrest warrant but they they'll show a federal decree like a piece of paper that looks official to say like this allows me to come into your home and arrest you that's a lie they also don't have to tell you they don't have to tell you that they're not literal cops unless you ask them who is at my door why are you here are you a police officer they can they wear they wear branded gear that says they're police and they're federal agents but technically they don't have the same kind of jurisdiction that police officers do unless you are in what the aclu considers to be a constitution free zone 100 miles in from every border and every sea line that's a totally separate conversation though but more often than not in the overwhelming majority of ice deportations especially if they are entering the home of someone who is undocumented but hasn't had any like significant felony offenses otherwise um you don't have to open your door to ice unless they show you a valid real arrest warrant that's gotta be so stressful just thinking to be in that position to even have to make sense of that situation at that moment oh yeah yeah and clearly like yeah you would open the door most likely and also what happens if you don't open the door do they come back like next week um they'll just they'll just move on to someone else usually but um but they can come back if they suspect you of like actually committing a crime that's beyond just like border crossing or avoiding uh deportation in that in that circumstance they could technically go to a judge and try to get an arrest warrant but um again that's like that's proper protocol but uh they don't usually have to follow proper protocol they can just come in and be like i'm a cop open the door please we need to have a conversation with you or you know whatever they obviously say to get in obviously the counter argument to that is just well they broke the law they came into the country illegally why shouldn't they be deported i mean that just makes sense it's like you know you came in you broke the law so you don't belong here right i mean i mean that seems pretty cut and dry yeah um i don't substitute morality for legality plenty of unjust laws exist currently and plenty of unjust laws have existed throughout history slavery is a great example of that where it was you know it was a violation of the law yeah but how are you unpleasant i mean don't you believe in that we should have some kind of border do i how is it unjust yeah i mean like technically speaking i mean like we have a border and we have uh immigration law right so mm-hmm and what about yeah i think that was brought here with a family and now yeah they've already been here 20 years and they have started a whole life here so if you're saying i'm just playing devil's advocate first of all if you're saying there's a family that comes and has a kid so the kid's a citizen right because he was born in the u.s and then they can deport the parents but not the kid right they can deport the parents and not the kid yes and they do deport the parents and not the kid the kid is a natural born u.s citizen which is actually something that trump's administration uh also wants to remove as well with approaching those anchor babies yeah make her babies i love that i'm an anchor baby myself um so so as i mean sure yeah i could see that being extremely uh problematic like especially when you're dealing so what would happen if ice came and you have like a two-year-old does the kid stay or does the kid get deported because they can't deport a u.s citizen no they they don't deport the kid so so that's actually where the child separation stuff comes from too uh in part where if you have a child and you are the sole uh a person responsible for a child and you are an undocumented citizen and they arrest you then the kid gets also put into the system and uh oftentimes in like horrific conditions too which is what was the big controversy around like child separation um they'll just they'll just process you as a kid and if there are no immediate family members that come in and uh take you out of the processing take you out of one of these child detention centers where you're in um then then you're you're pushed forward through the system into a foster care program um so one of the most horrific things that the trump administration did actually this is another one but very dark fact not so fun is um they used anyone who would come in to collect the children that uh were in processing in child detention centers as an opportunity to further prosecute additional family members who are also undocumented which of course obviously deters family members from collecting their uh relatives their immediate relatives from processing if they themselves are undocumented because then you have to give up your address and your immigration status for the federal authorities to be able to come in and and take this like two-year-old three-year-old ten-year-old out of a detention center where they're genuinely being tortured i mean this is a form of torture no matter what you yeah no matter what you believe this is horrifically inhumane yeah um and uh the trump administration was doing that i totally yeah i agree i mean separate leaving a kid into foster care and separating their parents is totally inhumane but then like so so the the argument right goes a step further they say well you know these drastic measures are necessary because it prevents people from coming over the border having sex getting pregnant real fast and then it's like oh we're all american citizens now so to them the ends justifies the means right so like um yeah that mentality is really scary because if you can justify that or something as inconsequential as a border crossing which was regarded as a misdemeanor regardless until recently then then what i mean the slippery slope uh logical fallacy that conservatives love to use could easily be used here which is like then what won't you justify if that's justifiable now the the real counter to this is something that i hear all the time which is well if you break the law you get separated from your children i don't see you crying about that if you were i don't know drunk driving with your kids in the back then you get separated from your child except you do have rights in that circumstance there's a trial depending on how many offenses that you've committed uh prior to that with like your dui you either get to go free immediately after your process uh in this in this circumstance when you're an immigrant the crime is not as significant or as severe as like even a repeated dui offense and you have all of your freedoms removed all of a sudden now that changed on the trump administration as well because uh trump claims that uh catch and release programs would lead to people running away and never coming up or showing up to their court dates even though there's plenty of evidence to show that uh the most people the overwhelming majority of people that had court dates would still show up it seems to me that people actually do think that crossing the border and starting a life here illegally is worse than driving drunk it seems to me that they think that that is like a really serious crime that should should meet that level of punishment i think the whole crux of their argument is that i guess in their mind they think that there's just million so like i think what's happening is that they think there's millions and millions of immigrants coming and it's not it's not even on a small scale it's like yes you've got a family member oh you've got a kid and and all this but that that's like the small scale that's the micro on the macro level they see it as a takeover right i think peop they really see it as like a immigrant takeover and it's the but you can kind of like i think the problem is that you're just kind of like a little bit racist when you have that point of view but i i don't think they see themselves that way they yeah of course a racist will never admit the term racism is is hard because like you know nobody ever sees themselves as a racist i mean very few people will just say like yeah i [ __ ] hate mexicans or whatever you know uh no they say they say well look you know there's so many immigrants coming over here and starting families that it's changing the fabric and identity of america and so to them i think that's how they justify it and so they do see this border crossing as this this heinous crime and the reason i i'm drawing it all the way out i just want to think it all the way through is that um there it's just how do you even address uh something uh that kind of thinking i mean how do you even find a common ground when when the object is you know white amer i mean why can you say white america i don't know if that's if that's accurate because i'm trying to give them all the benefits american civic nationalism is really unique in its properties it's not like as black and white even though white supremacy is a significant factor in american civic nationalism it's not overtly white supremacists in the way that you would understand it i mean after all you have people like anders owens for example who literally engage in white supremacist racial agitation but she's a black woman right um so how do you how do you uh parse with that if your world view revolves around black and white when it comes to these sorts of issues of racism i guess they just see them as like sav like savages and the kind of like classical otherism right just yeah they're like look we're america we're more evolved we don't want these people yeah so that's actually a really good question and um you have to ask yourself or uh rather the people who say these sorts of things like why are you so afraid of undocumented immigrants coming in here and uh immediately they'll hit two different talking points one is crime right undocumented immigrants are technically you know they're they're running around raping people ms-13 gangs they're killing people they're they're killing and raping nonstop and that's why they need to be purged right and that is not uh that unfortunately for racists is not uh something that uh is reflected in the data there are people that look into this sort of uh thing uh including the libertarian right-wing cato institute that has done comprehensive studies on the matter that show that undocumented immigrants partially because probably they're just overtly caught overly cautious to not get evicted from the country for no reason uh are are less likely to cause uh crimes they're they are responsible for a smaller percentage of the crimes adjusted per capita by the way uh with respect to the rest of the undocumented immigrant population than natural-born u.s citizens so if your goal is to eliminate crime then undocumented citizens is not uh it's not something that you would tackle and they change the goal post and say well technically it's all a crime because you came over the border well again that's a cyclical argument because the conversation that we were having is like stopping crime stopping violent crimes that you originally portrayed undocumented immigrants is responsible for it so um they don't actually call it i think what they want i kind of really um i can tell from my personal experience coming here on a green card which i know is different but like they tell you any little wrong thing that you do you immediately get sent back and you get your green card is removed so i know when i came here i was like i'm not touching anything that could be slightly wrong like i'm not going to have one drink and drive or anything that maybe before i would have thought i'll have a beer i mean it's illegal but you don't want to [ __ ] with it yeah you like you don't want to mess with anything but i i can also say anecdotally that work growing up in california and working a lot of restaurants a lot of the undocumented workers that are there and they're they're so there's in every restaurant undocumented worker it's just oh yeah it's just a thing that happens i don't know uh i don't really know it's just a thing that it's there uh all those people were super law abiding and like just kind of family dudes who were just trying to kind of earn money and send it back home hard work but what but but i think that the i think the image is that you have a bunch of um peop broke people coming in and as you know kind of uh the amount of wealth or desperation right more desperation more likelihood of crime i think people see it maybe like that yeah even though it's it's completely false so it's like arguing with a flat earther uh about you know how the earth is not flat is it false is it false that poor poor people are more uh poor people yes socioeconomic conditions are the most significant factor the likelihood that you will cause crime so however there are there are uh there are obviously different factors and as hello correctly pointed out i think being afraid of the law overall or being over overly cautious because of your legal circumstances probably is the real reason why undocumented immigrants are less likely to cause crime now um the i wanted to hit a second point as well because it just doesn't happen so i don't know how else to address it on top of that like it just does not happen it's not it's less likely to happen unless you consider a misdemeanor to be the significant crime that you're trying to stop which then we can have an argument about jaywalking and no one and i mean absolutely no one would be like we need to stop jaywalking in this country this is a significant problem they don't mean that that's why donald trump always says immigrants are rapists he doesn't say they're jaywalkers right so um the second problem is cultural as you mentioned right america's culture the cultural fabric is shifting the social fabric is shifting now that's not a new argument this is an argument that uh was advanced against any significant population group that came into the country throughout our history in large numbers uh it was launched against asian people it was launched against polish people irish people italian people um in the case of italians they were correct but but all jokes aside this is not a we don't like we'd like italian no no i love italians i i went to rutgers so it's like you know um i say everyone who's ever lived in the tri-state is is technically italian no matter what you're ethnic you're from like uh where'd you grow up like new jersey area or something i grew up in turkey okay so there's a so i grew up in istanbul oh you grew up in uh there you go my um my mom's family is turkish too so oh wow dark kids unite turkey's unite so wait where did you when did you come to america i came to america when i was 18 to go to university of miami and then i transferred from university of miami to rutgers graduated from rutgers burgers in new jersey okay and that's where you grew a distaste for the italians yes it's the guido thing right it's just uh it's it's called fredophobia yeah yeah i got you um so yeah i just uh i was just fascinated by that comment but let's uh yeah go ahead yeah sorry it's it's my fault but as far as the social fabric goes like one this is what makes america a beautiful country it's the mishmash and the mosaic of all these different cultures coming together otherwise it would be bland and tasteless like british cuisine you know what i mean like it's just everything would suck if we didn't have so many different cultures come here bring some of the most talented people here uh hard-working talented people here and and try to make this country better um so that's one and the other argument as far as culture this is also documented as well by the third generation every single ethnic uh immigrant population adjusts to american culture this is a little bit harder to this is a little bit harder to analyze but anecdotally you can even recognize that i mean think about it this way how many generations removed uh are your family ethan like how many how many generations have you been here uh my great grandparents were the were the immigrants so four right um three no no well well i don't i don't know how yeah i guess my grandparents would be the first right and then my parents so i'd be third yeah do you consider yourself american or wherever you're here yeah definitely yeah exactly so so that's the point is like by the third by the third generation my parents for sure by the way also yeah exactly by the second generation most people uh completely assimilate and see themselves american and assimilate to american culture by the third generation it's virtually indistinguishable it does not matter if you are a latino it does not matter if you are coming from any ethnic background whatsoever people assimilate regardless it's a it's a complete uh it's a completely made-up fear-mongering fear-mongering idea that like immigrants do not assimilate and that's why we need to stop them from coming in or they change the american culture that's silly yeah i think one i think that's a really good point it is true yeah it's true i think when people have this fear of assimilation i think it really is targeted or when i think about it it's really targeted towards um muslims now right i think the fact that like their religion is different enough to where they're wearing like uh he jobs and stuff like this that's also the kind of thing with the with the jews have this issue where they're wearing the kippah i feel like just even this tiny little signifier makes people feel like oh you're not you're not one of us uh but yeah so but it's kind of so what does that mean there's data on that as well by the way if you want me to get into this yeah what's the data okay so muslim american and this is probably going to trigger the can i give you a warning yeah you concur okay he's going to trigger the [ __ ] out of some people in your audience i know for a fact okay um are you ready so according to uh pew center research muslims in this country are technically more progressive than white evangelical protestants now white evangelical protestants are i don't have a problem more radical yeah that's a more radical sect of christianity right yeah but white evangelical protestants have infinitely more political power in this country than most other groups do i mean think about it why else are we still having a conversation around abortion or gay marriage or any number of different issues that are wedge issues that most americans have decided uh that is no longer a problem although abortion being the most i mean most religious people are anti-abortion though right well you can be anti-abortion but still uh uh but still recognizing the government should not have a say in the matter yeah it should be an option for the people who are not religious oh i agree but i'm just saying i think correct me if i'm wrong i don't know a lot of like personally the the stance of of extremely uh religious muslims but i would think that and but i could say this for jews is that they think it's a it's an abomination to them it's murder right that's why that's why the abortion our conversation is so tricky because they're like yo that's murder it's not legal you can't do it but even in israel it's a country that's half religious you can do abortion it's not like it is like a secular person can go and have an abortion yeah because when you think of turkey and israel you think of them as more theocratically focused uh countries which they are yet here in america that's an issue i find that interesting it's yeah it's shocking to me that it's definitely not an issue that's why i said white evangelical protestants make it an issue it's technically not an issue 75 of the country believe that roe v wade is a supreme court decision that should be uphold that allows people to have especially safe uh first trimester abortions um but the real reason why we have this conversation is the 25 percent that say no and that 25 happens to be white evangelical or white evangelical uh protestant christians or rather they are over represented in the in the no category but that's what i mean when i say while they're only like 30 of the overall religious base they represent a a massive amount of political power because of the republican party so their opinions on lgbt for example the lgbt population is overall less favorable and less tolerant than the entire muslim population in this country and this is shocking i know for a lot of people who are like what they would never think this like because they've been conditioned to thinking like all muslims are super intolerant but that does not uh that reality does not exist in the data when you look at it i actually think in my experience the um the american muslim population does seem to be in general pretty pretty tolerant and liberal i am like yeah i mean you're just one example but i was gonna ask so you you are a muslim right well i am a muslim in the way that like most secular jews are are jewish like i i say that i'm i'm culturally muslim yeah i i grew up in a muslim family but uh i don't pray i don't do anything i even eat pork which is the cardinal sin technically yeah yeah yeah and that's the one big no-no even even worse than alcohol what's the first time you ate pork um first time i ate pork was when i was younger i don't even remember it wasn't a big deal are your parents yeah okay with that stuff yeah they're they're my my dad claims he's muslim but like he never he's like he was a secular muslim as well like he was just very that seems unusual and for their generation to be secular muslim is it no not in turkey actually a lot of a lot in turkey turkey's a secular country and uh until aradon who is very similar to donald trump and his like 20-plus year regime turkey used to at the very least have like very secular areas and still does uh very secular very progressive areas within turkey like izumi istanbul and even ankara i'd say so um no there's there's a lot of turks who are not religious at all and it's mostly someone like erdogan just like donald trump using the cloak of religion uh to galvanize his base of support and doing all these like symbolic things because it's very unpopular you i mean i look you could say whatever you want about donald trump i'm not here to uh i'm not even here trying to make controversial statements or getting arguments about trump people but you [ __ ] know donald trump doesn't give a [ __ ] about christianity i mean that has been his whole life womenizing partying [ __ ] prostitution i immediately think about like abortion too oh dude that guy had abortions i'm sure of it i'm sure there's no way that donald trump was involved in having abortions so how do people buy that i don't know but yeah yeah i don't understand well they they not only buy it they love it i mean they're like that kind of brings me to one thing i wanted to talk to you about which is the popularity of cuanon i mean people oh god so wait can we just uh stay on the turkey topic for a second i'm curious do you um do you love that yogurt drink oh i don't yeah i love i don't know but this is salty i love that i can't i can't handle it i don't like the salty yogurt it's weird yeah i feel like there aren't that many like salty drinks in america or in like western culture but we have shallow gum too which is basically pickle juice like yeah it's like spicy pickle juice oh my god i feel like you would love that ethan i like pickles but i'm not drinking the juice it's not exactly like diluted pickle juice water though it's a little different but yeah we have like i mean i don't huge yeah i like i don't i don't really get to drink it too much but yeah yeah where and how is it that you're very like your english is perfect it's american tv like i i read english books when i was growing up i was like i was a weeb for america okay i was an america booth like that's part of the reason why it was so easy for me to assimilate to the culture here in the past 10 years that i've been here 11 years that i've been here now because i was just always obsessed with american culture watched all that watched as many tv shows as i possibly could in turkey yeah and and a lot of your critics would say you hate america oh of course i'm not of course yeah well my critics also say that i i think 911 was good or something they're crazy yeah i looked into all that in preparation for all this yeah cancel culture by the way exclusively a leftist idea yet for some weird reason republicans love doing it and manufacturing outrage yeah there was some weird i don't know if but hassan basically was reacting to something and he said jokingly that that america deserved he said [ __ ] it america deserve 9 11. yeah but then you went in to explain by the way do you clarify it literally immediately after i was like but you are saying exactly what we did but did you know you were [ __ ] though when you said that because you said in a video game afterwards no because everyone was like why did you say that you're gonna get banned so i was like what do you mean if you watch the entire video i go [ __ ] it dude i'm saying it yeah and then i i'm like how was anything i'm saying controversial we literally armed the same groups and and caused destabilization in the region and then we're shocked when the very same people that we armed gave weapons to gave training to turned around and hit us back like how is that in any way remotely controversial right i think i think that's a totally i think that's a conversation that takes place all the time i think it's just the way you said it people were like oh here we go we got this young turk and then you're associated with the young turks who by the way alex jones calls the young turds which i think's hilarious oh i love alex jones he he apparently did a a broadcast of that i've got the video i was hoping to watch it with you yeah i'm so happy like i was so i love alex jones i mean it's very unfortunate that uh dudes who are our completely destroyed public education system in this country that like people take him seriously and then literally act on the psychotic things that he says and that we can't all we can't all just appreciate him as like incredible content because he's incredible so funny well here let me perform in part yeah yeah so do you think that that's what it is do you think alex jones is is a performer do you think that that he believes that he drinks his kool-aid i think he got lost in the sauce at some point at a certain point i think originally he had some even decent takes he was like anti-bush anti-police state he was like an old-school right-wing libertarian that was like actually anti-police and an anti-surveillance state um and then he made too much money yeah and got like lost in his own sauce pretty much and now he just follows i think he just walked the path of of uh most attention success money yeah yeah i want to watch this dan how should i do this the alex jones has a whole segment about hassan which i i thought it was so what did you were you so stoked and you saw alex did a st yes it's immediately after the the thing happened but at the time i wasn't paying attention to anything because i was getting an insane amount of death threats like more death threats than i've ever gotten in my entire life and i've i'm used to getting death threats in my line of work oh yeah it was crazy so how do people how do they deliver the death threats to you dm's um doxing phone numbers uh you know addresses like there's doc spins with all of my you know there's doctors out there like personal information just like whatever way that you could yeah whatev whichever way they could reach you they would how is it affected um i think they're like when you when you get quote unquote cancelled in that way because it was so public it went all the way to tucker carlson laura ingram's show dan crenshaw was on laura in the show like crying about it um because dude come on you're a purple heart navy seal you're like literally like i'm not triggered but he seems so triggered like you're literally on the laura ingram show come on you're an adult well they were like doing a [ __ ] twitch broadcast well because i i saw i watched all that in in prep and um he went on the laura ingraham show and they were just being they were kind of being like this guy's triggered that's the definition of trigger but like i mean it's just so because the right you always hear people saying let's just sit down and have a real conversation the left just wants to scream and get triggered and all this but like really i do think that first of all you can't honestly watch that and not acknowledge that you were making a joke yeah you're being hyperbolic you're making a joke i was being hyperbolic yeah but you were and i didn't mean like the people deserve to die no that was so clear that was i'm sorry but like that was just so clear and then but then immediately afterwards you you explain what you meant and so if people want to have a i think it would be way more interesting to actually just engage with that argument but to them you were just the perfect boogie that's the perfect sound bite they needed yeah as well socialist young turks commentator like pretty boy look at him he's saying he hates america and he's admitting it like we got him yeah exactly but so you were getting death threats what was it like uh proceeding that i mean did you kind of disappear from the internet or just keep business as usual well was that that was so much [ __ ] you were like in the middle of the biggest [ __ ] ever i don't think you can catch more [ __ ] yeah no the only way that it could have gotten worse is because uh they they put it on fox and friends too and i know donald trump watches fox and friends so i was like oh no he's going to tweet about this i was literally like if he tweets about this i'm dead like someone will actually kill me um if he doesn't tweet about it then we're good and luckily holy [ __ ] it got the fox and friends and it stopped there and then for weeks and months on end i was still like i still get [ __ ] for it all the time it still gets brought up in any conversation that i have with like fox news commentators or pundits or whatever whenever i go on tv but it doesn't really matter overall like and i was suspended from twitch all of those same free speech defenders who always are like wait a minute let's not let's not you know d platform this nazi he has some good ideas let's listen to what he has to say like people like david duke and richard spencer i'm not even talking about like you know people at the at the edges of being a nazi the people who defend all of those guys were up in arms about trying to get me deep platformed very quick like they were finally not about free speech at all yeah for you know something as um something as it's not like you see significant yeah it's not even like like i think anyway i i want to watch this alex jones his name is hassan he's funded by gulf dictators hundreds of millions is that true no i love all the claims he makes without any hesitation it's just crazy she starts by saying he's funded by golf i think that comes from uh the fact that tyt at the time worked with al jazeera in production like they did stuff for al jazeera but it's like if bbc approached byt and we're like can you produce a video for us like i think we did some like white glove production for him or something yeah but are you even really you're not as far as i understand a big part of the young turks or maybe not even associated i'm not at all anymore i just have my own i just do my own thing but at the time i was a member i was a host on the network so technically i guess that's where that comes from because we because we did like production for al jazeera but like funded by qatari dictators but so i think at this time you were on your own no oh you're waiting no no no this is this is like immediately after so i was still there i left uit in january because twitch was getting too big for me to handle on my own while also working for tyt with a full-time job i was got it i was also losing my mind at this stage too because i was doing two full-time jobs like six hours a day broadcasting on twitch every single day and then also working at tyt every day too it was crazy yeah it seems you made the right play i mean oh yeah let let's let's let's continue george soros and google oh george soros and google okay let's play more than one second well let me ask you are you funded by george soros or google i wish man i wish your apartment doesn't look like it i'm not there just to say bash what are you saying i don't mean that he's just saying like yeah you could be in a bit you could be an american 1.5 million christian armenians let me go back again yeah let me just start off can we enjoy the clips yeah i'm sorry let's cut everything out ian start over i'm just gonna play it except for the george soros part and all that leading up to there okay all right you're set golf dictators hundreds of millions george soros and google he wears jackets that say bash fascist i'm sorry i got to stop again bash what is wrong with hating fascists i never i just don't understand that point bash yeah as americans yeah yeah i know i i don't get it and then then and then they'll say like antifa is the real is the real fascist okay then you know bashing the fascists in that circumstance is all good no like i don't get it i thought fascism was like the antithesis of everything america stood for yeah but apparently supposed to be it's supposed to be okay i'll try not to pause but it's just kirk they tasted the blood of 1.5 million christian armenians and they'll taste man flush again if they have their way what the should turn your weapons in to the nephew of turd breath sink turds bird breath hassan pecker what is he even saying oh he called them pecker but it's obviously [ __ ] yeah it's not even like a it's not even like a turkish sounding last name yeah normally but still like it's pretty funny that he he's going out of his way to deliberately uh you know mispronounce it which i love i just i love all of that [Laughter] and are you okay let's continue yeah make up that name that's his name hassan picker picker and if you're a radiolister you can't see it what's fun he's got his red stars his antifa flags his communist flags and he's got his baseball bat and he's going to call you a fascist even though he's funded by the nazi collaborator george soros and he's gonna attack your daughter like they did out and are you planning to attack anyone's daughter that's my favorite part because he just reveals his true fear which i always joke about which is like immigrants are coming [ __ ] your daughters like i mean that's that's that's what he's worried about he's worried about uh he's worried about his like daughter wanting to have sex with me when she's what is it allowed to when she's like 18 plus what does it mean that they're like i mean if they're so if i mean they they're intimidated by the they think that older women want to [ __ ] these these they can't compete i mean it almost sounds like he wants to [ __ ] you oh yeah no it's great um well the the reason is like that's what white genocide comes from right right and this is again not a very old concept that's also deeply tied to anti-semitism as well it's like that jewish people like george soros are opening our borders so that white genocide will happen um that's the that's the oldest nazi uh propaganda in the book and um they think that miscegenation like race mixing is white genocide because whiteness is purity in their minds so when you taint the blood pool with non-whites then your white people are diminishing not good enough even though they're not supposed to yeah but his daughter wants it otherwise right but for him it would be a shame well maybe yeah yeah but racist he wants to well yeah but you know he wants it he wants to but he just hates that he wants yeah he wants it i need to control my urges he's going to chase women down that's what he's pushing and uninterrupted for the young turks members and this is the sexy death porn the sexy terror porn what wait he really wants to [ __ ] you dude now i'm convinced why isn't he making it so sexual i don't know but it's awesome sexy death porn jesus alex man this guy gets into some weird [ __ ] in his private life you know what i mean i guarantee it oh yeah i could see alex being one of those people that like hangs himself and jerks off right to the point of death oh for sure autoerotic expectation 100 i mean when he said like he's like i'm going to eat my neighbors i'm going to eat your ass my whole slogan to sexy death porn that's what it is that's what i do i have to say for someone so crazy like him it's really impressive like that he managed to have like this cool set behind him and yeah it's just such a weird mixture like it it really is presented like a real show but he's pretty organized to put it all together yeah yeah i don't know and he's got all these he ties his conspiracy theories directly to merchandise so right like when he talks about the frogs uh when he talks about like fluoride in the water turning frogs gay then he'll immediately do a quick shout out to like his uh purifying water straws that he's selling on his website for like you know a [ __ ] 10x up mark so that's how he makes all the money is like that's so good he tells you about how the world is ending yeah and he sells you the solution and meanwhile by the way when he's talking about george soros and all this anti-semitic [ __ ] and all these and i got to always deal with all these people my whole time no matter anything i do every time we do anything and make any money it's all about oh i'm jewish and i'm greedy and meanwhile alex jones is literally saying if you don't want to turn gay buy this it's like everything he does is to pedal [ __ ] and make money oh yeah but somehow everything any any time i try to make money it's because i'm jewish like like i'm the only person that wants to make money in the world thank you just anti-semitic tropes yeah well um um he he recently got actually the fda shut him down because he was selling [ __ ] that cured coronavirus yeah he was selling toothpaste that uh cures coronavirus that's why even though even though it's fake so i don't know well how could you know are you selling toothpaste to cure it how could you know if you haven't tried the toothpaste this is true how dare you accuse him of selling fake products and their desperation as america's pulse comes back and as we stand up against the tricoms and defend the second amendment rediscovering no he just oh yeah well pecker means penis i don't know if you know oh i don't know that they say you got a little pecker okay like a little pizza clearly yeah he's doing a goof but again america deserves that even goes again to the sexual right he's obsessed with you dude alex wants to [ __ ] you i'm sure of it oh yeah 11 close quote praises brave soldier who took representative crenshaw's eye i mean yeah if you just heard that you'd be like wow this guy's crazy but that's not at all that was a that was a fun little uh bit there as well so that was what actually got me banned from twitch uh is my statements on that when i was talking about brave mujahideen that was a direct reference to ronald reagan and exactly what i was talking about which is the mujahideens that we armed and some of them turned into uh some of them went into the taliban someone went into al-qaeda and like that's a direct reference to ronald reagan-era policy that was at the heart of my criticism to begin with and there's that famous rambo three the famous rambo 3 ending sequence that says this movie is dedicated to the brave mujahideen it is in my mind at least like one of the perfect representations of how american foreign policy always comes back and bites us in the ass but it is deliberate i think that it's on purpose and that's precisely why uh for example representative dan crenshaw uh cried about all of this stuff on national television on like some of the most uh watched news programs on the on the planet while simultaneously vetoing efforts or simultaneously voting no on on literally arming saudi arabia like so some of those arms have directly went back to the hands of al qaeda why would by the way of saudi arabia yeah that that's so why the [ __ ] would you say no to that yeah yeah i don't understand that's a question i want to ask him i don't i think one thing i don't understand is how it's how is it a partisan issue to sell arms to saudi arabia all [ __ ] places i mean were the majority of people who did the 911 uh high just hijackers yes they were saudi arabia connections to the royal family as well yeah i mean what have we taught what are we talking about here is shouldn't that be anything like that engaging in genocide in yemen which uh even pewdiepie raised uh funds for recently i think right didn't he raise funds for like the the current janus my ongoing genocide in yemen he may have he perpetrated i don't know about that so how is perpetrated by saudi arabia with our weapons maybe you can tell me obviously they have some justification you know they they they whatever they're doing makes sense to them so i'm trying to give them the benefit of doubt how is it that they justify arming saudi arabia how is it that they think that's in our national interest oh donald trump already uh openly stated it he said do you have 10 billion dollars if you remember when muhammad bin salman what about a guy like dan how does he justify they don't need to there are there are allies there are most important allies it doesn't matter if they're because ultimately they're just like killing other muslims so it doesn't really matter and they're incredibly important for our geopolitical interests in the region and uh despite the fact that a lot of what we recognize as like radical islamic terror or whatever is directly influenced by wahhabi extremism which we propped up as western nations both uh the uk and uh the united states of america propped up in the region are are all backed by saudi interests so all those like radical sects are are being trained and and given weapons to indirectly by the united states and directly by saudi arabia in most circumstances but it's uh it's a never-ending cycle of violence that benefits the military-industrial complex so it's good ultimately and also they have oil they have oil but anyway the meme that were saying the brave soldiers is this incredible it's hard it's actually incredible that this was the ending sequence of rambo three it says this film is dedicated to the brave muha muhaj muhammadin fighters and these guys were the guys tell me about the about the uh legacy of the muharram gene fighters they are i'm trying my best they're they're they're fighter troops in the in the region and they were fighting against the ussr at the time and that's why we armed them because we we needed them to fight against the ussr in the region in the cold war era yeah and then some of them uh became more uh some of them decided you know well america is bombing the [ __ ] out of us too we'll [ __ ] them and and the simplest way to describe it is that they uh much like isis and every single other militant faction um formed more radical and anti uh western militant factions with american training in american arms and then started fighting america so it's kind of it's kind of a a beautiful irony isn't it so that's why you that's what you meant when you said the brave fighters yeah and it would be ironic if it i mean it after like the seventh oopsie you gotta recognize that it's probably just being done deliberately so that you can justify further uh engagement in the region and further destabilization in the region because it keeps happening we keep arming a certain sect or a certain militant group and this happens in latin american countries as well we arm a certain group that group becomes even more violent there's even more destabilization especially after like bombing campaigns or sanctions that kill hundreds of thousands of people like in iraq and then that militant group is like well now it's our territory we can just take over and do whatever the [ __ ] we want yeah i mean and they but they get even more radical what happens when you give the craziest people military weapons and training and then just let them do their thing i mean in a lot of instances it's not even it's not even uh directly a consequence of their like ideology or islam or whatever it's just it's literally that they just have no other options if you grew up in iraq and your entire country is bombed in the [ __ ] your infrastructure is is eviscerated you have no future opportunities you have no options and your family members have been killed then then they feel like well this guy who is a little bit crazy definitely real crazy uh you know preaching all this hatred towards america maybe he has some good ideas and that's how they find that's how a lot of people find themselves at the precipice of radicalization like taliban uh increased its numbers and influence in afghanistan after the uh the american invasion which of course is not that surprising and that is despite the fact that the the the american forces there killed a fuckload of members and yet their ranks are stronger than ever and now america is negotiating with them as a legitimate entity in the in the country like they are a powerful and legitimate force now almost directly as a consequence of american imperialism and destabilization in the region how many um how many iraqis died in that uh that george bush war i'm not sure about the exact number that's always in contention but paired up with like bill clinton era onward sanctions like the immediate sanctions were i think 500 000 but uh i'm not entirely sure they say to the tune of millions like you don't you don't you don't understand that yeah like millions of people died from that of course they're gonna be pissed off i mean what the [ __ ] that's crazy but are we saying are we talking about like just generally from the conflict are we talking about as a as a direct result of american military action um so there's there's direct american military action that uh kills people and then there's drone striking and things like that that also kill people some of those casualties are regarded as like enemy combatants and hostile there's a distinction to be made between civilian casualties and enemy uh like hostile enemy uh uh kills in combat but then there's also sanctions so cutting off uh cutting off aid or ensuring that the country can no longer participate in the global economy um these are really harmful as well uh one thing that for example trump did to iran uh with the sanctions was during this coronavirus uh pandemic iran didn't have access to medicine that they desperately needed um and and they could not get it so anyone that dies technically is dying as a consequence of american sanctions in that circumstance same with iraq and and the death toll is always in dispute and it will always be in dispute because of the distinctions that i just mentioned so dan how many how many people died as a direct result of military action i'm curious yeah dan i mean anyone who can just kind of pull up the number according to the middle eastern eye by nafeez ahmed this was four years ago but landmark research proves that u.s led war on terrorists killed as many as two million people but this is a fraction of western responsibility for deaths in iraq and afghanistan over the last two decades the number yeah the number ranges uh from two to four million i mean think about it this way even american military like we seven thousand american troops have died since the beginning of uh afghanistan and iraq seven thousand i mean that's a lot of combat especially considering how well equipped and and uh how well-equipped that they are out there right i mean that's a lot of that's a lot of combat for sure but what does alex jones think about all this oh when you go to a young turds event i love these young thirds dude i'm sorry but that that cracks me up good problems only viewers but it's the google set it'll be the google event so let's hear from mr picker here he ish his set is amazing yeah this is so insane oh hit pause hit pause back it up i forgot he's real jealous that joe rogan who by the way is a super libertarian right winger he just knows how to you know survive in l.a i guess really smart guy that's right because he's as smart as i ever smarter he knows all this stuff obsessed with it he knows more than i do in some cases and he plays dumb and i've told him to his face but anyways he has the congressman on and pecker is mad that he has this tiny audience so he thinks well i'll attack him and say something really scandalous and then all the meth heads and child molesters that watch my show literally methods yeah that's that's my audience is methods and child molesters i guess jeez it's great i'm powerful oh you're such a big man hassan i mean look at the sun's flabby arms what i bet he's got some big old giant [ __ ] tits dude he totally wants to [ __ ] you you big ass [ __ ] tits he's like oh yeah i love take that shirt off let's take that shirt off let me see those [ __ ] tits maybe maybe suckle on them real quick real quick i love it i love diddy on one hand is trying to do serious political commentary and then on the other is saying this guy is big old [ __ ] a master of his craft yeah that's how i do it yeah absolutely yeah absolutely i'm sorry it's a family show just just go ahead and roll this okay this is a family show oh god help us if there's a family sitting around watching that's a family show like saying that you know uh my audience's pedophiles and meth heads or talking about intergalactic psychic pedophile vampires that's a part of the family show but [ __ ] using the word [ __ ] the same fish that's when it's like oh no this is this is now rated r i'd love to see what families gathered around watching this [ __ ] this is so insane america deserve 9 11 dude i'm saying it we're there to partner with them we're not there doing our own thing we're there partnering and training in a video game so he said in a video game right afterwards like you it looks like you knew you [ __ ] up and you're like in a video game because everyone was like whoa i can't believe you said that so as soon as i saw that it was like okay in a video game like that for everything like anything that is regarded as like controversial or can be clipped out of context i always say that it's a meme in and of itself at this point uh like in order not to avoid terms of service america deserves 911 in a video game this is so ridiculous does it work uh well i got banned so i don't know no i don't think capabilities so that's part of what we're doing and the other part is just knowledge we want to know what's happening we totally brought it on ourselves dude holy sh we did we did in a video game oh like the armenians deserved because they were there before the muslims took over constantinople and then you drove them into the mountains but because they were christian they became still super wealthy because they were such good people isn't it interesting how he's all interested in like genocide and minorities yeah well first of all what i don't understand is like i've never deny the armenian genocide like i've never denied it but it's the the most common attack after the 911 stuff that people launch against me or it's like oh yeah shut up armenian genocide and i'm like what like when when have i denied it like i've never denied it as a matter of fact it was so routine when i first got on twitch because of all the annoying little [ __ ] that came in just to interrupt the broadcast that we made like a we made like a a a ticker to figure out how many times in one broadcast where people would ask and there's an automatic video that uh that people would be redirected to to click on where he says like the armenian genocide happened uh me just saying that so that uh they would uh understand that i don't deny it very strange overall though i mean it doesn't really matter they don't really care no they don't care about the genocide and they they don't care uh that i have never denied it but whatever yeah it's interesting that just the very fact that you're turkish somehow uh it somehow discredits anything you can ever possibly it's like if you talk to every single german person and you were like any any person of like german descent or any person who's like germany you're like oh of course you you're a holocaust and i think that would be insane that'll be insane if you were to just say every single german american is is denying the holocaust yeah psychotic no i agree that would that would just come off weird and wild but somehow i guess maybe the difference is that like the turkish government correct me if i'm wrong i might be speaking at a turn but in general i think like the turkish government does not acknowledge that that happened right so maybe that's why it's difficult they do not yeah yeah um they don't and they always redirect to uh america's genocide they're like why should we recognize anything when america never recognizes like the genocide of the indigenous population and stuff like that like it's it's constantly redirected there's a political reason for why they don't do it because then they have to recognize like uh the the mistreatment and even in some instances of genocide of kurdish people like ethnic cleansing of kurds and things like that so it would they're worried about a a slippery slope in my opinion it's ridiculous they should and um and and they have offered restitution secretly and quietly instead just just recognize it but they will never do it and by the way turkish people get mad at me even in some instances like i openly talk about it or they say like i'm uh you know i'm i'm compromised i guess but so that does it's definitely not a part of our education like they certainly talk about how it's not real and how the western media lies about it yeah that's that's pretty sticky for sure that's tough so we're so yeah that discredits everything you ever have to say yeah and so you're named after the group that murdered them and you've got a club and you say you're coming for us he just admitted he's a fascist he literally just said you've got a club and you said you're coming for us yeah alex jones is a fascist he just said it maybe it's not that big of a revelation psychopathic worm we did man we did holy dude his eye patch is so epic how does that thing even work man i do i agree i i totally agree i think it's like one of those looks like maybe the the reason why i was more careless about his disability uh when i was talking about it because like that's another point of contention is like i i i set some [ __ ] up words that i'm not gonna repeat now he was like that's actually what got me banned but um as veterans uh on twitch are a protective group and also disability because i was making light of his disability but the reason why i just legitimately thought like everyone universally agreed that eye patches make you look cool but in his respect i've never seen an eye patch like that like how is that physically on him i mean he looks like a [ __ ] video game character it's badass bro yeah almost one almost i think you want to lose as much as as much as i think uh uh dan curry show is terrible i can't deny that that is a [ __ ] badass eye patch dude common ground you see it's beautiful yeah holy he's so intellectual look at the way that this dip is running his mouth he just called you you just said you have fat [ __ ] man [ __ ] tits and he's making fun of you personally justifying genocide right now like how how is this how is anything i'm saying controversial oh so there you have it uh alex jones so that part is that part is tested on twitch because i was that was made for me to watch but that's uh that part was censored by a fan made edit but that's the part where i say like the brave mujahideen skull [ __ ] them and like now even even after all of that like how do you not understand that like war has all of these casualties and and you're sending so many people to die and that's what i mean when i say like you know six thousand seven thousand uh men and women have died if you don't care about the millions of casualties because you know they're over there and that's uh that's just war and why the [ __ ] don't you care about the trillions of dollars that we spent and also the thousands of kids that have [ __ ] died on the american side even but they don't and and that's uh very frustrating yeah that part about skull [ __ ] is i was pretty wild but it was obvious to me that you were just making a tasteless joke i mean you know yeah well yeah for sure of course uh but that definitely the delivery wasn't great on that i i would admit but you know what do you think of someone like alex jones being de-platformed then i'm curious what's your what was your take on that i think that um as a polarizing content creator myself uh especially in the leftist uh side of things i'm constantly under the threat of de-platforming it's always in the back of my mind as well it's always something i fear because oftentimes um these platforms will these platforms will go after like far right figures and then immediately to be like perfectly balanced they'll go after our left individuals as well and i would be regarded as a far left individual so this is something i'm i'm constantly in fear of but i think that once you redirect once you deliberately misinform people over and over again and that's how you make your money and then you redirect your hatred towards like some of the most marginalized groups and even in certain instances like have victims and their families of school shootings get harassed yeah by an endless sea of very well-armed psychopaths like then unfortunately it's no longer content that i can appreciate it does genuinely present a danger to the public and um and it's unfortunate because i love and appreciate alex jones my subscription notifications on my stream or alex jones yeah like and and so i do in short you are pro deforming alex jones because you see him as a threat to public safety 100 yeah now there is an intellectual argument there of like well how do we define who is a threat to public safety or once you once you concede that some people can be de-platformed then won't that happen to you and i certainly agree with that it can but we as human beings i believe have the capability of looking at each individual case hopefully appropriately if you have an idealistic notion that like all speech should be free which no one does really no one is like technically a free speech absolutist that would be insane um even the american constitution has exceptions that limit speech like yelling fire in a crowded theater or making violent threats or even fighting words which is a specific carve out um where where like uh retaliation could be justified or some of the words that you uh say um no one is a free speech absolutist but but for some reason when it comes to alex jones or whoever is on your side or who you feel to be on your side uh most people end up defending them and saying like no uh this person should not be de-platformed you're being crazy um but i think that if you are presenting a threat to the public and there are legitimate there is legitimate harm caused by the people that follow you because of directly a consequence of your words like i think then you either have to dial it back and and no longer present a threat to the public which alex jones does not seem to be interested in doing or you get de-platformed did you find it i guess maybe a lot of people found it creepy how every they kind of colluded right like youtube and twitter and facebook all dropped him at the same exact time i didn't think that was creepy i think that just shows that there was actually a lot of thought put into it and they pro and well to them they see it as these big companies colluding meeting in a shadowy room and deciding to squash somebody fine i mean if you think that the world is a comic book you know well they do i mean look at q anon they do think the world is a comic book yeah there is there maybe there's too many simpler explanations movies comic book movies if you really want to get cancelled there is there is definitely a there is definitely a simpler explanation for this as is um as is the case for most grand conspiracy theories that people come up with and the simple explanation is these platforms are very risk-averse yeah once uh one platform decides to engage in this kind of uh censorship or deep platforming all other ones are like oh thank god okay we can do it as well and that's why they coordinated together in that way yeah i'm not even sure they coordinated i think it may have and i could be totally wrong and maybe maybe it's known what actually happened i don't know but i think what happened is probably someone decided i think it was facebook or i think it was facebook that decided to cancel him first and then everybody was like saw what was happening and then followed yeah yeah i mean companies do this in oligopolies uh in a legal way in this way called price leadership it's not price fixing per se if you fix prices in a shadowy room that's illegal but if you engage in price leadership like for example delta airlines decides to i don't know add on additional fees for luggage then all of the other companies that also hold a gigantic percentage of the market share will follow and will readjust their prices so it's technically legal it's it's similar to how facebook will ban alex jones and then other companies will follow suit if they if they feel the need to do so that's that's pretty much what happened here and i don't think anyone uh would disagree with me when i say that there is definitely a monopoly in the tech space there are plenty of monopolies in nearly every vertical that the tech space operates that's why there was an anti-trust a congressional hearing that was held like a couple weeks ago um so i'm just excited that all of these free speech defenders are now uh coming to terms with the dangerous uh power that uh tech monopolies hold over our communication in numerous other parts of our lives so i'm always in favor of antitrust i'm always in favor of busting some trust so let's let's get after it guys so if we uh if you if we're saying alex jones should be d platformed let's say let's let's step back a little bit and look at someone let's say like ben shapiro who has maybe let's say you could interpret some of the stuff he says as hateful if you are so inclined so at what point do you say do you think ben shapiro should be de-platformed no you know maybe some people would get maybe some people would disagree with me on this but i think ben shapiro plays a role in radicalization on the internet i even think and you guys might disagree with me on this i think jordan peterson used to play a significant role in this uh radicalization on this pipeline what about joe rogan um joe rogan as well he uh i think joe rogan is a lot better now at uh and a lot more careful now i don't know why what changed in his mentality maybe he started watching like kyle kalinski or numerous other uh like david pagman and some other like leftists on youtube uh and and uh really changed his mind on the way that he had guests on but i mean joe rogan had milo yiannopoulos on and he even had stefan malnier on or molly me i don't know how to say his last name whatever um and and these are people who have not only worked openly with nazis and white supremacists and i mean like nazis and white supremacists literally like people who call themselves white supremacists or white nationalists um or have openly admitted that they believe that the white race is superior like stefan did uh in that famous video where he went to poland joe would say um look i think he would say something like light or sun sunshine is the best disinfectant right like let's just talk conversation is good let's just talk with anybody about anything right do you agree with that uh theory um yes and no so it's kind of like alex jones uh i love alex jones i think it's very entertaining but it gets to a point where it's dangerous right and the same conversation exists within the joe rogan sphere where do i think that we should shut off communication from every like person that's ever associated with a nazi no of course not but someone like joe rogan with a gigantic platform in my mind is not is not being as responsible and this is one man's opinion so uh you know that's just my personal opinion but i think someone like joe rogan when he has someone like uh stefan malnier on or even gavin mcguinness on and doesn't really push back and i'm i see this as a fan of joe rogan who's been watching him for years i've met him i've had conversations with him in the past when he used to be a young turks fan he probably doesn't remember but it doesn't matter it was very important for me to have his [ __ ] mug in my apartment from like six years ago i was a huge joe rogan fanboy and still watch him regularly um but but i think that when you're talking to people who are deliberately uh deliberately trying to misinform people and radicalize them towards the alt-right or uh towards like really just awful irrational uh horrific white supremacist white nationalist ideas then you got to be a little bit more responsible and have the facts and talking points ready uh you have to know what their talking points are so you can accurately and adequately address them otherwise uh in joe rogan is great when he's interviewing people otherwise you're just having a polite conversation with them and then you're just normalizing their opinions or you're even promoting them and that's difficult platforming versus like um you know a more contentious interview what you've done so far when with your playing devil's advocate even like that is a more adequate way of dealing with that than just having someone like stephan mulney on and just being like yeah that's cool yeah you know yeah jimmy pull that video up like yeah is there anyone you can think of that should be de-platformed that currently you you're like man i cannot believe this dude is allowed to to continue on not really i mean i guess like the thing that i cannot comprehend is is a keemstar where like he has he he's done like so much horrible [ __ ] um and he does associate with uh people who are definitely on the side of the nazis but then portrayed themselves as centrists from time to time and like podcasts and things like that that have already been d platformed but like i don't want keemstar to be yeted off the phase of the planet although that does sound appealing personally um i don't want him to just like be [ __ ] completely de-platformed i just want him to stop being an [ __ ] do you see what i'm saying i don't really can though and well part of the reason why he can't is because there is never any there there are never any sort of there's never like a reason for him to because he makes money doing this yeah and he will continue doing it over and over again because he makes money doing it and there's no pushback yeah it's like there might be some pushback from people who watch him or people who say like oh [ __ ] you but he knows how to dance around that yeah he turns that into content in and of itself he has the alex jones it's like the alex jones syndrome where he just he becomes more radical because it's what where he finds the most success yeah profitable and um but i do think there's a strong argument that he is a i think a danger to public safety i don't think to the same degree as alex jones who's like for example sending like i remember the family of sandy hook they had to like move and [ __ ] i mean that's crazy but um yeah yeah yeah he he's definitely an interesting case i mean there's no question that he's a horrible person yeah i just like i don't is he a horrible person i don't know i mean like is he a horrible person i mean uh is how do what are you making so yeah i think so from my personal experience with him yes i can i from my personal experience i cannot point out another person that has the same effects as he does on people and has had on me personally yeah i try to like i feel like there's not very many truly bad people in the world you know what i mean like just like you're a bad person so i try to and of course he would deny that uh he thinks he's a good person so i think everyone has the capability of being good including keemstar that is at the center of what i believe i think i believe in rehabilitation over incarceration yeah i believe that uh our draconian opinion on like our draconian understanding of punitive measures is uh is genuinely a significant problem in the criminal justice system but also even in these like i guess quote-unquote witch hunts or uh or or internet mob mentality uh that exists in in cancel culture and all these things that we talk about but ultimately at a certain point we gotta recognize like this dude is not stopping like how do we get him to stop like i would much rather be able to have a conversation with him privately knowing full well that it's not going to be like used or weaponized against me uh in the future but i can't trust that but and and be like dude why are you doing this like there are different ways that you can still keep making the same money and even probably get admired by a lot more people i wish you were i wish you would stop that's what i have to say to keemstar like i feel like i've had that i've had that conversation with him and he got super defensive and angry it was really frustrating it was after the um uh whatever it doesn't matter well the fact that we even had this conversation now and and once this gets published is going to mean that like the crosstails are back on me keemstar was actually uh uh played a significant role in the 911 stuff too so whenever he says like cancel culture is [ __ ] of course there is like a direct pipeline from it was on lsf someone who [ __ ] hates me immediately published it on lsf like literally took a clip streamed it like restreamed the clip so that they could have it on their own so i can't delete it publish it on lsat which is a very popular uh subreddit uh that you know features all of these like live stream files from twitch and stuff keemstar took it published it every single like right-wing uh right-wing commentator on twitter highlighted it and was like how the [ __ ] is this guy still on the platform i can't believe that they're like you know letting this dude stay on the platform blah blah blah and then it went all the way to tucker crosston's producers and then after that it was on the fox news pipeline so it just circulated through but that's how it went like i could literally track it like little pings um moving and and uh the story gaining momentum and the outrage building yeah he really has a talent to amplify yeah he does [Music] if someone is having a bad moment he immediately immediately is on top of that and making it 10 times worse but that's kind of his talent right it's almost hard to hold him again hold that against him but he the problem with keemstar is that there's no filters there's no self-awareness of thinking like this is not necessarily so important and like the damage it's gonna do to this person is way worse than like the actual importance of me amplifying this he doesn't have that you know what i mean so so the amp he is mr cancel culture yeah regardless of whatever his personal opinions are or how he presents himself on cancel culture he is the number one chancellor yeah he literally does cancel culture nonstop and so do republicans that's why i always i'm like that's all i always think it's so silly when when uh liberals are the only people that do cancel culture is like so common on the internet especially on youtube which certainly has more right-wing content creators than than left-wing right so successfully monopolized the marketplace and and this narrative is is just something that everyone just universally agrees on now it feels like that leftists and liberals are the ones engaging in cancer culture and certainly some are but to think that republicans don't do it they say nearly as much it's just because if you don't outright say we need to cancel this guy that doesn't mean that you're not pro-cancel culture it's what keemstar does every day on his show is like trying to [ __ ] ruin people's lives i feel like genuinely i mean look how they've gone after pokemane that whole saga has been totally mind-bending to me like you've saw leafy's here he's made 10 videos on her and her crime i guess her crime i guess is that uh is that he doesn't think she is worthy of her success she's not beautiful enough she's not right she's not beautiful simultaneously everyone watches her just for her uh ass right that that's the funny thing is like she's not hot but everyone only watches her for the way she looks so what i mean even if let's just accept that that's true i mean who for so [ __ ] what dude so so you're you're bitter that you don't have that competitive advantage it's not for me i am capable of saying yeah pokema's content not for me i don't get uh you know i i i don't understand uh like what people see i think she's a great person in real life but as a as a broadcaster like it's not something i'm going to tune into but then then again i don't really tune in to a lot of twitch broadcast anyway because i'm streaming 12 hours a day but but i can move on because i don't think that she's like causing genuine harm against anyone i don't think she's like out there like even against conservatives and [ __ ] she's not even like even if you were to say she's a liberal or whatever it's not like she's like agitating against conservatives being like conservatives are [ __ ] brain dead like we need to de-platform them anything like that she's just a person who makes uh youtube videos and a person who like plays minecraft and stuff and it's it's like it's it's almost like it's successful yeah it's only it's like she became so successful and now somehow it's her fault that people like her you know what i mean uh they make it her problem that people like her but beyond that i i genuinely think that there's there's basically like a whole uh cycle of commentary channels now that all kind of chew out the same topics like they find a person to hate and grind into the ground and then they move on to another one just because i think there's interest in it right i i i don't think they actually even believe or care about the things that they say i think they're just actually you coined the term i don't know if you coined the term but i thought it was good simp cell oh yeah i did i did say that yeah stem cells they're they're farming stem cells so what they're doing is there's like a venn diagram of simpson in cells like do people actually exist that are simps people who are just showering people with endless praise and money with the express purpose of like maybe one day they'll recognize me certainly okay parasocial relationships are real on the internet these people certainly exist ultimately harmless and maybe they even get frustrated when uh they find out that their favorite uh e-celebrity is dating someone else or has a life outside of how they present themselves right but that's not the norm for the most part i think a lot of people are just watching and then there are in-cells who are very agitated at women being able to farm these uh simps but it comes from the same place so what these guys are doing like leafy is here and any number of other people that like [ __ ] on alinity or [ __ ] on pokeman all they're doing is farming simps for themselves that's awesome that's just like the greatest acknowledgement ever it's total seldom because it's easy like so the way they say female content creators make a living is really easy because they're just showing off their body and they're being hot and then they get showered in donations that's easy okay you know what else is [ __ ] easy being like that chick sucks she's unattractive she's only successful because she's attractive saying that on [ __ ] youtube is not exactly a brave take and i'm making that video ten times in a row because that one video did well obviously it's great it's actually crazy it's almost like i have to say with leafy it's almost impressive the fact that he's been able to make 10 videos in a row on the topic still get like hold uh up with like people are still watching them and like he's pushing like i i i mean he's basically just testing youtube at this point yeah i mean how many people right what aren't they kids though like i don't think they'd like fully grown adult human beings are like paying attention to this stuff i would say probably like 15 to maybe 20 at highest yeah i think younger than 15. no that's scary i hope not definitely i don't know but then it's like our reaction itself our reaction to be like oh that's actually pretty bad contributes to their uh their edgy outlook right like because that's all that's all it is it's like i'm edgy i'm trying to be edgy yeah and when you're [ __ ] 15 you're like that's cool that's edgy yeah because you're trying to find yourself yeah i know i i've definitely done [ __ ] like that too like when i was younger so i i totally get it it's just like it's like nihilism it's like nothing matters no because you you know you you're young you're invincible you just it doesn't matter it's nihilism it really is i find that to be a kind of a thread a common thread on the internet in general is that caring about anything at all is uh people just make fun of you for any anything you care about but meanwhile they actually don't stand for our beliefs in anything at all other than [ __ ] on people that actually care to to to say anything substantial about anything i would say making 10 videos in a row about someone like pokemane that's you care dude maybe you care a little too much dude you gotta [ __ ] figure it out but it works right that's what's crazy it [ __ ] is working for him so let's see just like keemstar when he says uh he hates cancel culture but then literally exclusively makes money off of doing cancel culture that's that's how they make money like this is how they and then they're extremely hypocritical yeah and then i you gotta love keemstar saying that i invented uh yeah no that that's certainly never which is by the way the one time i've ever done that and he's done it dozens of times and still does it even after making that claim like he was tagging elizabeth's sponsors on twitter and [ __ ] it's like i've done that once in a situation that i felt was entirely justified and he does it actively all the [ __ ] time yeah again we it's because we're all content creators and we're all afraid of that happening to us so that's why it's like that's why because of that it's it's kind of like an unwritten rule that you don't [ __ ] up anybody else's bag because it might come back to you as uh moist critical uh pointed out on his video but at the same time it's like well what if you get the [ __ ] sea of hate from people like keemstar nonstop who then also do go after your [ __ ] sponsors yeah or definitely play a significant role in your deep platforming or even uh play a significant role in you losing your sponsors as a consequence of his like endless sea of attention or endless focus uh [ __ ] on you and finding your worst moments out of context whatever somebody somebody made how do you deal with that then yeah so what this one guy made a really good point what was a faze rug's brother who keemstar had on a parade of women accusing him of sexual impropriety and then he goes he goes dude how am i ever supposed to get a sponsor or maybe it was actually sorry it was um it was ksi's brother yeah it was dead g he says how am i ever supposed to get a sponsor when the first thing that pops up when you type my name is all this horrible [ __ ] you say about me yeah no that's that's the hilarious way that keemstar uh is is like very hypocritical on cancel culture and [ __ ] because he this is his entire this is how he makes his money by [ __ ] on people and eliminating sponsorship opportunities for themselves while simultaneously acting like he is anti-cancer culture or anti going after people sponsors it's [ __ ] um and that's why i'm like if you truly are fearful of like an innocent person uh getting their sponsorship removed then you should absolutely be against keemstar like 100 you should be like what the [ __ ] dude you do this all the time that's right you constantly deliberately misrepresent people's positions and and misinform your audience and go after people and and then you're gonna sit here and act like you're the only one who doesn't care about sponsorships uh getting taken away well it's refreshing to have this kind of conversation and just to hear you also seeing all this stuff that we're seeing because sometimes it just feels like no one will talk about it yeah it's that yeah because people are afraid that they're gonna come after them just like i'm sure that after seeing this keemstar will come after me as he has in the past and say like you [ __ ] suck and he has he has come after me in the past successfully and has gotten me de-platformed which is why i think it's hilarious when he talks about being deplatformed or canceled culture everyone does this i had i have people i i have you know 15 to 17 000 concurrent live viewers every day at my peak when i'm streaming and i talk about polarizing political concepts and i'm willing to engage people in discussion all the time in my chat you can write whatever the [ __ ] you want and a lot of people will bait stuff personally to draw like a to elicit a certain kind of response out of me just so they can clip it and then post it and try to get me banned this is something i have to deal with on a daily basis these people are on the right for the most part they [ __ ] hate me they're on the right they try to get me banned they mass report all the time and and and then they turn around and act like they themselves never engage in cancer culture or hate cancer or when they're just calling it pro free speech that they just want to have productive conversations and stuff but that that's just that's never the case that's just never the case yeah i mean that's been happening to us already all the time with the podcast which is that's why yeah i was pretty surprised by their everyone's reaction after ethan going after a sponsor it's like we've been dealing with this all the time people are trying to cancel you every day pretty much since just just give them a sound bite that's going to be a little bit like extreme and that's it they spam it to all the sponsors they spam it to everyone i got to say like i don't necessarily blame the sponsors because they're not going to spend the time to familiarize themselves but like the people that send the sponsors this stuff are not even customers and it's so easy to tell that these people don't give a [ __ ] about the product and they will never care or support that brand anyway like yeah they're risk averse they're they're risky they have no reason they have no reason to stick their neck out no and also like they they're bra it's branding right so they present themselves in a completely unrealistic way as a brand so in that unrealistic way you don't ever want to associate yourself with someone who has [ __ ] up because fuck-ups do not exist in the branding world yeah right so that's that's also the other part of this equation the other part of this problem is like some people do genuinely [ __ ] up from time to time and um i think everyone should be a little bit more understanding but if you are literally routinely doing this and making money off of it like please stop yeah please just don't please just please stop doing it that's that's what i have to say i know your time is limited i want to ask you about one other issue before i let you go okay um taylor greene just won a house seat in georgia who is a openly pro cue and on conspiracy theorist oh yeah okay i was like yeah yeah yeah i mean this [ __ ] is like i mean are you worried about this stuff here let me pull up this article i don't know how to say her first name marjorie marjorie marjorie marjorie taylor green yes um so she my god she um here i'll pull up a video of her just so you guys can see briefly what i'm doing okay this is her she's an elected representative to the house i don't know uh how much you guys know about q he's an anonymous person all right so um q is a patriot we know that facebook mom talking about q and 4chan i mean what we do not know who q is okay so now the question is i'm going to talk about this and i'm going to tell you i don't know who q is this is 30 minutes long because i think it's something worth listening to and paying attention to okay and the reason why is because many of the things that he has given clues about and talked about unfortunately can you imagine this woman on 4chan as a facebook mom surfing for channels 4chan there's a couple of things that happened one of them was when q signs off he puts three little crosses in a row three little crosses and that's how he's signed off now he signed off with three crosses in a row um on november 6th and within a matter of minutes president trump in his tweet right after that on november 6th he put uh it was seven minutes later trump put three little crosses on his tweet and it was not it was it was just more than a coincidence it was really interesting wow i wonder how could this cue know like actually influence donald trump's tweets or know what he's gonna tweet that's epic she's out of her mind which of course is expected because i think the republican party has like gone further and further radicalizing in the past like 20 30 years especially um you had the tea party people and now tea party is normal it's the norm tea party scenes yeah the tea party looks normal by comparison tea party also astroturf for the koch brothers by the way uh and and numerous of their numerous other like subsidiaries um that was normalized there's the freedom caucus now in the house that's a literal legitimate republican uh entity that is that is full of tea party members and now they're like tea party's not enough it's actually a deep state pedophile conspiracy that only donald trump is fighting against no one else even if you're a republican and you find yourself suspiciously against donald trump on any given issue then boom you're a pedophile too you're a pedophile now everyone's a pedophile i just i find it so bizarre that that trump is their their white knight their savior the dude who just openly admits to cruising into uh changing rooms of miss america so he could see underage girls changing i mean it's crazy i mean what the hell how is donald trump the anti-pedophile the guy was on howard stern like 20 times raiding women and just like being a huge like uh womanizer well okay well none of that in my mind none of that i think shows that he's a pedophile and i don't even know what that is but but the funny part about it is like he has said jeffrey epstein like he has videos of jeffrey epstein he's been around jeffrey epstein jeffrey epstein openly and very famously recruited off of mar-a-lago virginia geoffrey who is one of the most famous victims and one of the most vocal victims of jeffrey epstein's horrific crimes and donald trump has even said at the time in a vanity fair profile jeffrey epstein likes them young like i do yeah great quote you know there's just there's enough breadcrumbs there for you to be like that's a little sus if your entire world view is shaped around being skeptical yeah that like there is a international conspiracy of pedophiles then you have to recognize that it is a little it is a little suspicious that donald trump may or may not have known about this or even said i wish her well about uh about jizlane maxwell uh when he found out about it like i know her i know her from you know uh palm beach i wish her well like all this stuff is not enough for them to be skeptical of donald trump i understand why you would think bill clinton is totally uh fully knew what what the [ __ ] jeffrey epstein was doing i totally get that i think that's that's that's more than reasonable to think that bill clinton did some really sus [ __ ] okay he's on the flight logs he he knew i mean sizzling maxwell was in chelsea clinton's wedding all this stuff tracks right to make people freak out that's crazy yeah like that that definitely tracked i mean she also worked with the clinton foundation too just like maxwell did um yeah until like 2016 i believe so like they knew and they were still working with them and and did not care i guess at the very least but how do you not also assume like donald trump is partially kind of uh in well they say suspicious ground let's say to say the least and these guys definitely don't even need any evidence to declare someone to pedophile also well i'm not you look at all this evidence and say i don't know not donald trump i'm always captivated by how the ration rationalization is i mean trump said i'm going to read this 12 because it's great he says i've known jeff for 15 years terrific guy he's a lot of fun to be with it's even said he likes beautiful women as much as i do and many of them are on the younger side no doubt no doubt about it jeffrey enjoys his social life i mean what the [ __ ] kind of statement is even that to make on record like all these [ __ ] yeah this guy definitely did not ever plan to be president that's for sure but for sure but um i think they just fight by saying well he disassociated once once it all came out yeah no he's a he's a white hack uh he's sorry he's a white hat pedophile like like a white hat hacker he's just he's one of the good ones he he intercepted and did a little bit of pedophilia so that he could uncover the pedophile ring that's what that's that's what tracks that's what makes sense of the minds of q anon people i guess i don't know it's it's crazy do international sex trafficking rings exist certainly do i mean 800 000 kids get uh kids go missing a year or something crazy like that like it's an insane number worldwide okay um there's definitely sex trafficking there's i believe there's more slavery now on the planet than than there was at the peak of like chattel slavery it's different circumstances different uh uh different conditions but it's still slavery still very much exists kidnapping human trafficking very much exists is there sexual degeneracy and perversion all around and like especially in in places of uh influence certainly but like it's not being operated out of a [ __ ] a pizza restaurant in washington dc you know what i mean it's not well it's not traffic through wayfair like a drop shipping website where you could accidentally [ __ ] purchase a child i guess like that's silly that's incredibly silly and there are say the fact that there's a possibility that the clintons knew what he was up to and still associated with him is kind of scary because he was the [ __ ] president and no it is very scary and hillary clinton obviously was a secretary of state super connected um that is kind of conspiratorial isn't it yeah no that's the so here's how i describe conspiracy theories and i talk about this a lot because i'm fascinated with conspiracy theories love alex jones um and jeffrey epstein is one of them where i like at least at the very least entertain and and definitely think that he probably did not uh kill himself and was quote unquote suicided yeah but in the overwhelming majority of uh conspiracy theories there are far too many moving parts to hide uh such a vast and grand conspiracy like flat earthers they believe that the earth is flat and uh and the motivations for it are really insignificant and weird and inconsequential like they just want to hide the truth from you but then every single scientists uh you know people who fly planes like just like anyone and everyone has to be in on the conspiracy that's millions hundreds of millions of people who are every single day lying to you and you might have started off with a grain of truth or maybe like a shred of skepticism where it's well deserved when you think about flat earthers like the earth feels [ __ ] flat um you have to suspend your belief in so many completely reasonable things that exist in our everyday existence and the same goes for all these other contributions like 911 um or or the jfk assassination there's always going to be misinformation out there and we're never going to know what the full truth of the matter is and that's what leads people to like lose their lose their mind usually like because they don't know this world this like world changing event happened and now you don't [ __ ] know you don't know why it happened and you need to make sense of the senseless and there are a lot of these grifters out there who just give you little puzzle pieces it's like religion it helps you contextualize something that is um impossible to contextualize otherwise and comes across as meaningless even though it's a really impactful event and the human mind works that way where you're like come on i need a puzzle piece for this and that's what q anon does and that's what all these conspiracy theorists do i just never thought that it would be this successful and this quickly i mean i wonder in a weird way like fascism is almost like operating by mainstream conspiracy i mean look at the propaganda the nazis peddled is that the jews have destabilized the world every major war every destabilizing factor was backed by the jews i mean if somebody said that today that would be held as like like wow that is [ __ ] out there dude but they somehow made that a mainstream belief and so they have different substitutes for that they say cultural marxism which is nearly identical to cultural bolshevism which is what the nazis used to say they that that whole like frankfurt school propaganda uh anti-semitic propaganda is directly associated with more common versions of that that you can hear from any number of different uh conservatives not just conspiracy theorists but conservatives because it comes from the same place um they don't openly say it's the jews that are single-handedly and solely responsible for it but they'll just say oh it's the frankfurt school that is um you know that is responsible for our college campuses being so left-leaning and uh and they're teaching marxism to our kids um it's at the heart of every ideology and fascism is just another uh form of that what do you make of the whole george soros fascination i mean like that's that [ __ ] he's a billionaire he's a weirdo he's he's a [ __ ] millionaire he just strikes me as every a very typical billionaire he makes a lot of money he's a hedge fund manager he donates a lot of money to charities uh he's done some shitty stuff and that's pretty much [ __ ] how you describe any billionaire yeah and and i think some of that again never forget there's always a shred of truth in all of these conspiracy theories and that uh that is that's at the heart of the conspiracy theory that they then tack on 17 different layers of like psychopathic nonsense right so um the heart of the truth of the george soros matter is a 1998 60 minutes interview where george soros answers a question about whether or not he collaborated with nazis in a really weird way but he was [ __ ] 14 years old in the end of the war and he's a holocaust survivor whose family was you know his family got killed he was trying to [ __ ] live they try to incorrectly claim including marjorie greene uh that he collaborated with the nazis george soros did not collaborate with the nazis what is it in that 1998 interview he said something along the lines of do i don't feel bad at all about my actions personally uh during the holocaust and that um anyone in that situation could have done exactly the same thing and there's like one error with the one uh instance of that interview where it's like conflicting but immediately clarifies it where um because the interviewer says did you uh work with nazis to confiscate jewish properties he's like no i did not um but in a way to survive i think uh he he portrayed himself as as uh not jewish which many people did at the time that survived the holocaust and he was nine years old in the beginning when the nazi party took power and 14 by the end of it so it's [ __ ] ridiculous to assume that he had any sort of blame for any imagine regardless as a child can you imagine how [ __ ] like just evil you have to be to accuse someone who lived through the holocaust at the age of 9 to 13 of collaborating with the nazis when you were fighting to survive your whole family was was exterminated and to now as a man who's come so far to accuse him of collaborating with the nazis i mean that that's like digging so deep it's so [ __ ] vile i mean that's just marjorie green said that by the way she literally asserted that uh multiple times among numerous other psychotic things that she believes in and now she is uh is potentially going to be a congress person very cool um but yeah it's the george soros stuff is like pretty crazy but again the shred of truth in every conspiracy theory is that as a billionaire he has an immense amount of power just like every other [ __ ] billionaire does but like it's not because he's jewish it's because he's a [ __ ] billionaire okay like and that's what every billionaire does and now they're like kind of moving away from george soros even though it's the heart of every conspiracy theory regardless but like now they're attacking bill gates but it's not because bill gates wants to [ __ ] put rfid chips in your in your bloodline through vaccinations is because he's a billionaire who absolutely motivates politicians to act a certain way that corresponds to his personal world worldview or personal ideology or immediate profits when it comes to deregulation for example have you seen buildings so silly um no i have not is it massive bro dude you got let me just show you i want to show you bill gates house before you leave uh it's insane bro it's it's the craziest thing i've ever seen he goes i remember well i saw him in an interview once and they scoped they're asking about like how he spends his money he goes i'm i'm for the most part pretty modest i i splurged on a nice house i'll say that i just i got myself a nice house oh dan can you show this to is it the 154 million dollar yeah yeah it's mega house you got to look at this [ __ ] bro that's not a house that's a campus nothing yeah exactly it is um it's it's so crazy i've never seen anything like it what are you gonna do with all that yeah i know it's never him and his family and they like it's i mean but there you go i guess when you're when you're worth a hundred billion dollars then his property taxes are only a million i mean sounds like you look at the house my goodness just it's so insane this house is really [ __ ] over the top i mean i have a nice house okay so obviously people are gonna say you think you've got a nice house you're hypocrite but this is 154 million dollar house it's so funny that that mentality that would criticize you for saying like someone has a crazy house um from the eyes of like a random person who's living in an apartment even like myself for example having owning a like a really nice house is crazy it's wild it's like a signifier wealth but why the [ __ ] would i spend time criticizing you for it when there are people who could put your house inside of their house easily in a lot of them and they have even a lot more money than that that's just like a splurging for them it's like a 50 yeah of their overall well i mean 154 million compared to like 100 billion is like a fraction of a percent yeah it's nothing and i can't even understand that number it's still crazy yeah jeff bezos cruised into la bought the most expensive house that's ever been sold in the city for 150 million and uh you're like wow that's a lot of money but then you realize he's worth like 180 billion and that that to him is like 13 he had a 13 billion in a single day in the at the peak of the pandemic yeah as well so come on dan can you do some stats for me were you were you um what dan what percent of 180 billion is 150 million uh let's see how do you even type all now all those zeros it's a lot of zeros hold on 180 billion that's what what he's worth i think about 180 billion yeah uh eight percent no way it's eight percent no the pain is worth 188 uh billion dollars it's not eight percent it's an eighth of a percent maybe all right let me get on the we gotta we gotta crunch the numbers here 150 million out of 180 billion right it's not they're yeah yeah dude just like think like 150 is a tenth of 1 billion and you're doing that 180 times oh i'm sorry it's because my calculator did the scientific notation of uh you know exponent negative four so move the decimal points four over my bad okay what so then right so that's yeah uh a point zero zero zero eight or something yeah i didn't catch that it's such a big number that the calculator glitched out at a certain point this goes uh this changes from pocket watching uh which is the the more common form into like a disastrous outcome of policy that has allowed this kind of abundant wealth accumulation for people who have so much power if you don't want to even think about it from the point of view as like um you know they earned it they work that hard yeah uh their money they do whatever they want with it or even if you don't want to think about it from the point of view of like sheer like because it's not liquid right it's tied to their properties it's tied to their their market value right a lot of jeff bezos's wealth is i do like amazon stocks and things like that even if you don't want to think about it as like liquid capital or or liquid cash pure cash well you have to comprehend it as is like power that person had that much power over uh an in an entire company a corporation that he himself bit or built along with many other people on his side that uh that now has power over millions of people's lives and the example i use when i'm talking about billionaires is is monarchies right back in the day we had theocratic monarchies the king deserved to be the king because god told us that he deserved to be the king and his lineage deserve to be uh kings as well right why because god well you can't go against god god exists and he's telling us that this person has to be the king and the reason why people were upset with monarchies was because they were not benevolent even if they portrayed themselves to be benevolent they were not benevolent and they had so much power concentrated in the hands of the few there was a lot of wealth concentrated in their hands and therefore there was a lot of power concentrated in their hands now under a capitalist structure of the economy a capitalist a way that we have organized our economy we still have an insane amount of wealth and power concentrated in the hands of a few people but our justification for that isn't god now it's meritocracy well that person worked very hard because that person deserves to have that kind of wealth and we fail to recognize that having that kind of wealth and power concentrated in the hands of one person comes with a million different issues some of which we experience on a daily basis because wealth never gets accumulated or never gets created alone not jk rowling not jeff bezos no one has ever been able to make a billion dollars on their own it is it is by way of working with hundreds if not hundreds of thousands of people it's because of diversity of uh of labor and and uh the way that our the way that our production lines our supply chains are are created oftentimes exploding the the third world countries and developing nations there are so many people that factor into your wealth accumulation that go completely overlooked in most circumstances and and that's how you have someone like jeff bezos with 100 100 billion dollars and many people suffering in horrific conditions around the world especially even in america what did you think about andrew yang's um ideas like for example that we should get a data check in the mail for oh you won't get paid for your data mm-hmm you want to get paid for your data i think that's a that's a strange weirdly unnecessarily technocratic approach to it i i think that look um you know i think karl marx has some good ideas and some bad ideas okay uh he's it's too old it's 200 years old so obviously like there's going to be some issues i think the problem is the way that uh wealth gets distributed in the way that we produce commodities that's i think at the heart of the problem not like being paid for our data or not like having redistributed government programs that like take some money shave some of the profits off the top of these corporations and like try to redistribute it back to the people i think that the real problem at the heart of this matter it comes from the way that labor works in this country or on this planet right now you work for someone else they take a big chunk of the additional value that you produce and they pocket it in the form of profit and everyone thinks that that is completely reasonable i to some degree understand why that would be reasonable but i think that we have to be able to push back and have some kind of negotiation power to be able to take some of that profit and give it back to the workers who have generated that profit so your your stance is not necessarily raising taxes it's more just increasing uh wages in in short short-term and long-term goals yes like my short-term goals are let's let's change america into norway let's let's make nor america norway tomorrow and i think that's pretty reasonable and that means more unions higher wages better social net higher taxes for the most part actually what that means i think is is more taxes on the middle class too even there would be a higher percentage of taxes on the middle class as well but the many benefits that you get from it uh would make up for it like even bernie sanders signature policy with medicare for all uh this is a conversation that a lot of people brought up where they were like well what the [ __ ] middle class might get taxed more yeah but you end up paying nothing when it comes to health care you think that's better saving you more money oh of course it literally does i mean this is the only country that people go bankrupt right over health matters yeah that should be wild as well like a right-wing think tank published a study to show how how large of a number how costly medicare for all would be this was a coke funded study that number arrived that number they arrived at if medicare for all was implemented in america was 30 trillion dollars in the next 10 years that's a crazy amount of money that's like whoa 30 trillion dollars and then what we also found out in that same study hidden was the current if the current way continued with obamacare and the marketized healthcare structure that we currently have that would cost america 32 trillion dollars because of all the out-of-pocket costs that we're paying in the next 10 years so right now our healthcare system is insanely inflated insanely expensive and putting it in the hands of a of a single entity much like many of these other nations have been able to successfully do without burning uh the entire country into the ground i don't think anyone thinks that canada is on fire right now because of their uh socialized medicine structure that's what the suggestion was but it was too radical for americans is to just have socialized medicine and you might have to pay a little bit more out of pocket if you're in the middle class not a lot more but uh the many benefits that you get like the the freedom of movement like you're not going to be afraid you can just change your job or even lose your job without the fear that you're no longer going to be able to pay for health care and then get you know bankrupted if you if you have a [ __ ] nail that you want to pull out or or if you stub your toe you can go to the doctor that sort of thing that is tremendous i think that's a worthwhile bargain and so that's currently what we have in in countries like norway so then that's your phase one what's your what's your ultimate goal there i think my i think my ultimate goal is to ensure that um there is as little exploitation as possible uplifting other nations around the world um globally at the global level like i wanna i wanna handle income inequality and wealth disparity in this country and then also handle income and wealth inequality worldwide do you believe in borders um in a in a perfect society no of course not i think it would be i think we would be much better off if we didn't have any borders but again that's not realistic right now and that's not even realistic in the near future so what i believe ideally is yes a borderless uh internationalist humane society but that's not necessarily something we can do now you got to raise up the other countries so that they're all equally desirable places to live and right now we have no motivation to do so because why would we we want to exploit their glo we want to exploit the working poor in indonesia as much as we can to keep getting [ __ ] two dollar t-shirts you know although i guess if you look at the the global poverty has that disparity has closed quite a bit in the past uh in the past you know couple decades right a lot of that is technological uh advancements like technology constantly growing and constantly developing does improve people's material conditions quite a bit but that's inevitable in most circumstances unless there's like complete societal collapse like it's just a it's just a never-ending expansion of technology and and technological achievements and by the way that's not tied to the profit motive necessarily if that was the case then the ussr would not have been able to beat us to the space um in the space race if that was purely backed by profit motive you know what i'm saying or even build like cell phones in the way that we understand it originally so hassan in in closing what have we learned here today that um pull the guillotine out no no not at all no i'm kidding no i no yeah do you claim that though no i do i personally look i i i wonder why i i personally find it refreshing to see that there's actually people saying what you're saying um on the internet you know i i find that that it's nice to see the the that there's more than just conservative voices out there and i can't think of many others really that that have found such a a strong flourishing community so i congratulate you on that and i'm happy to see it thank you and um i think it's really cool i wonder why uh i hope to see you on like joe rogan sometimes so that like or something great but i feel like that's never gonna happen but i wonder why not because like i feel like he's gotta even i don't think joe is intentionally doing anything i think he really is a whole a wholesome dude who just wants to have conversations with people but i do think he's there's way more conservative voices right than liberal voices it seems like or at least radical conservatives and that's that's like kind of changing now for sure but i think it's just like who joe associates with yeah that's just his personal and even that's changing yeah even that's actually changing recently like um i think that he's really he's really changed like the the types of people that he's having on his show for a lot of issues i've always respected the fact that he does push back on certain things though like for example his personal experience growing up in poverty absolutely is the reason why he's so quick to be like you're wrong when it comes to someone like dave rubin saying well libertarianism could solve all of our problems if you know we just had a yelp review for contractors he's like no that would never work and the only reason why he knows that is because he has grown up in that space and he's aware of it or the way that he can accurately talk about how your socioeconomic condition factors into your life choices and it's not just about personal responsibility so someone needs to just connect the dots for him a little bit but he's he's like nearly there and i think his heart is in the right place on yeah he's so popular but there you have it uh hassan pecker in the words of alex jones no [ __ ] you can find him on twitch you can find him on youtube you can find them on twitter but mostly twitch that's where you're that's where your people yeah you see i'm live every day on twitch and youtube godly hours too how do you stream for 12 hours a day i mean i have no life i literally just don't have life i i like i was no life in it beforehand anyway and then look in the beginning of the pandemic like when we were forcing a quarantine i just had nothing and then in the middle of it my my dog passed away uh he had cancer yeah so this is like the only that's this was like the only being in my life i'm like far away from everyone can't see anybody um and so i just started streaming even more than i did as a way to escape you know and like to have some organization in my life so that there was something i was doing every day when i woke up because otherwise i was like i don't know what the [ __ ] i would have done um but yeah that was a big reason why i was just like streaming 10 12 hours a day and i've just kept it up because i enjoy it you seem to be like the biggest non-non-gaming non-gaming streamer is that true or maybe maybe among the top i don't know i'm not super fast i think i i think i'm i mean i game too i i i play variety uh games so i'm not like i'm not like only one game i don't play only one game um i play i'm playing dark souls right now but some hacker just corrupted my entire save file which is what we're trying to preserve yeah dark souls is like uh like a multiplayer component so they can invade your planet invade your game and then literally just like pump you full of like these these like crazy items and usually that would brick your entire game or your save file in in my situation i alt ford before he like pumped my entire inventory full of [ __ ] but uh now every time i get in to conflict every time i get into like a battle in the game it just says dummy over and over again spam his dummy on my uh page dude dark souls is a crazy the whole multiplayer scene on dark souls is wild as hell yeah i love that [ __ ] i'm such a fan of from software but it's very frustrating well uh wish you the best i wish you lots of luck everybody you know where to find him thank you for the conversation i disavow everything you said and uh and uh yeah i disavow you as an islamist thanks thanks for having me all right dude thanks for chatting thank you [Music] [ __ ]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,792,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, hasan piker, hasanabi, hasan abi
Id: TpimNx4PJoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 54sec (9294 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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