H3 After Dark - #12

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Yo whoever on the H3 staff is listening to Tame Impala, nice!

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/reconrose 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

I still think there should be a spin-off series with just the cast members. Like an extra show a week. Just Dan host or whoever, and talk about waaaay different topics than normal Dan, Zach, Ian, AB all just pick weird things to talk about or random questions.

Just try it out for a couple episodes, maybe do it once every 2 weeks. I think it could work out pretty great! Just in addition to the main shows, not to replace them or anything.

👍︎︎ 71 👤︎︎ u/appleparkfive 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

I've not seen anyone trying to remove Zach from the podcast, why is everyone saying he's cancelled? All I've seen is criticism of the way he talks, not anyone trying to deplatform him

My personal take: I find Zach funny. I also find sometimes he delves into the creepy zone with his jokes. Personally it seems obvious he's loving the attention of female fans and is playing into the hyper sexual character that those fans respond to. Because of this, all the people who are put off by that hyper sexual nature are speaking out about being uncomfortable. Since this has never been some explicitly sexual podcast it's natural it'll bother some of the audience.

I wouldn't say it's creepy but I would say it might be good for Zach to sorta check his ego, and to be aware of not being inappropriate about women in a way where the joke is on them more than you. On that note - this doesn't mean I'm gonna stop listening. I've not taken any offence. I don't think any less of Zack. This is just a personal opinion.

Bringing this topic onto the podcast to discuss in such an immediately opinionated way ("bleugh screw cancel culture!") was really unwise of Ethan and Hila.

Edit: I feel like I should say, Zach definitely has a right to be upset by the comments. I think he should try to approach them with a more productive mindset, but I don't think I would respond well to reddit threads detailing my less savoury character traits either, so I get it.

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/Creditive 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

The “how come he don’t want me man” sound byte when talking about YouTube not doing the rewind was S Tier soundbyte usage.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/narutonaruto 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

That guy trying to propose by donating and Ethan fucking it up beyond belief was excellent

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/WouldDoJackMcBrayer 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

Hadnt considered anything Zack said to be creepy up until they had the segment about it. Still dont think the dudes a creep but they really streisand-effected themselves on that one.

Also shoutout to Ethan for attacking Tosh.0 for no reason, thought that was incredibly ironically funny

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

AB representin the Arabs !!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/garbage_content 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

Easily one of the best After Dark episodes yet, I was laughing out loud so many times

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/zero557 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

So, everything Zach says about having done or liking this or that when it comes to sex was fake? Because they say he was joking.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Mugros 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
and we canceled all of our episodes we have a housekeeper and she goes my sister tested positive and we're like okay we're all [ __ ] up and then weird it was so weird that that night i had a 100 degree fever we both started to feel sick and weakness yeah and i guess it was what we think it was either in our head or the indian food i had a 100 degree fever i mean i had 100 degree i took my temperature ila's still that like ela has been doubting me this whole thing i'm like look at the thermometer they say 100.3 and you didn't get there but my temperature was elevated normal temperature is like 98.6 but you didn't make it to the point three yeah but i felt see this is why ela is driving me crazy i felt feverish he either wouldn't give me that no yeah no you felt favorish i agree with that but i think i don't know what are you a doctor when you [ __ ] 100.3 what is that that's what google says google i'll trust google are you crazy are you ready so anyway we got tested and we're not we don't have it but it was really scary and so now i feel like we dodged a bullet and we're just going to be super super safe from now on i canceled thanksgiving i cancelled everything because you know what right now it's so crazy out there 150 000 new cases 65 000 hospitalizations 1500 000 tests today you know and and guys trust me you do not want this disease one way or the other like dr dean friend of the show is tweeting out research showing that people who get covid for reasons they don't entirely know but it confirms something they suspect about it which is that it attacks the nervous the central nervous system is that people recovering from covet in the first 90 days have a 25 or 25 of them end up getting treated for mental uh mental illness first time anxiety depression or or uh insomnia and i was like dude you trust me you guys you don't you do not want this and at this point it's so it's just so out there we are so [ __ ] as a country that it's now just about protecting myself i just got to protect myself every there's just too many [ __ ] there's just too much poison like the well is too poisoned nobody is willing to take this seriously as a collective and um there's just you know you just gotta you just gotta take care of yourself at this point trust me you do not want this thing they don't even know everything about it you know so some people in the chat that had it yeah yeah of course there are i mean there's been 10 million americans or more now that that have had the disease so chances are you know that's like one and 30. every one and thirty people is that right dan did you do the numbers on that uh there's yeah roughly i guess yeah i usually assume you do it wrong thank you it's just the same i think there's 330 million people right 10 million or almost 11 million now probably have gotten it yeah so that's a little it's like one in every 32 i mean that 33 that that's a lot i mean that means that with 6 000 people here someone is saying i've got it right now oh my god yeah i mean good luck man i wish you were sweating yeah just chuck i just chug coffee that's why great anyway i was just it was kind of but like also it was really stressful even just thinking that i had it so who knows what causes the mental anguish but the whole thing is just it's a nightmare i feel like my whole life was flashing in front of me when i thought we had it because all of a sudden it's like oh my god we got a quarantine and then we can't take care of theodore i don't know what you're supposed to do that was so scary thinking what to do with them and obviously you can't work and who knows how long you're going to have it and it's like such a scary yeah you know i don't even care what's the what is the governor saying to do i'm just gonna take it as seriously as i can i'm not doing anything oh well the people with br everybody with a [ __ ] operating brain is telling you to cancel all your plans stay inside i mean we're on the verge of another nationwide lock down here because it's just 150 000 new cases yesterday it's increasing like by seven percent every day exponentially meanwhile you have literal uh uh elected officials saying do not wear a mask you know i saw this one q anon lady from georgia a tweet from her today she said today we're going to talk about masks with my constituents do not wear them they're a sign of oppression be free it's like okay awesome cool there's a donation saying i do love them like as if some if someone said otherwise i don't know you love math well some people look better with masks because like they're lower i do love den you do love dan oh we weren't debating that oh yeah i love dan too thanks for putting that out there it was only two dollars so that's you dan yeah because [Music] but you know what i say to people that say i love freedom so i'm not wearing a mask you know it's the ultimate form of freedom death totally free forever [Laughter] total freedom without bounds yes your spirit will be without bounds in the afterlife are we going to get teddy fresh masks at some point yes you are we just felt at first like everyone was making them so we kind of felt like i don't we didn't want to get involved in it but since it seems like this isn't going anywhere anytime soon um we do have some in in development right now you know i i think it was my mistake i'm usually the one the alarmist here i've been sitting around uh hitting the alarm bells on covert for a while and i go oh well by the time we develop this thing it's gonna be gone nobody's gonna want masks i was wrong in that one but you know [ __ ] i actually we we did something really cute for it like you know the bear patch that we put on everything it's going to have a bear patch and the bear has a mask on it oh that's awesome and it came out so cute that is what's up so maybe it's good we waited because our other idea wasn't that good um but to be honest i really missed doing the show for a week i was kind of depressed and the news has been really depressing me i know joe biden won but like the amount of [ __ ] dog [ __ ] that i see people saying i feel like i'm not experiencing your experience because i'm not on twitter and i think that's a real experiment right i gotta get off twitter how we have two different realities right now but i just i'm so i find myself so compelled by it because like we have a president who is but it's the algorithm you're crazy the [ __ ] it's like the algorithm sees what you're interested in and then they show you well i started following all these accounts oh great well that's what the algorithm did it showed you who to follow well okay you watch social dilemma you sound like social dilemma no unfortunately i did this to myself i followed all these political accounts but like i just i can't i mean is this not important like i know what you should just shut up and wait but like is it not important that you have like literal members of the cabinet and senators and people saying that the election was illegitimate and that there was massive fraud when there's no evidence of it i mean it's scary it's [ __ ] up and i don't think that i'm sure that joe biden like there's no there's no question he lost and if they're if they'll need to they're just gonna drag him out of there and i know he'll become president but the amount of damage they're doing it's like they're laying the groundwork in four eight years they'll be called out on their whatever nonsense and it will just fade away i think it's like a cult and when a cult leader all of a sudden gets caught and you know goes to jail or whatever it just disappears and then the people are like oh my god i don't know how was i brainwashed but i somehow ended up in that cult i hope you're right but i don't think that's what it is it's a cult i think there's going to be someone who comes around and again and uses the same strategy as trump who's not as orange or or uh corrupt or or you know what i mean like he's there's so much obvious things they hate about trump but there's someone who come around slicker and they're already eroding all of our norms and our i think everybody is just gonna try but there's so many people that believe that it was a fraud there's [ __ ] it's like you could [ __ ] convince them them of anything it's just what anyway it's just you know i gotta stop thinking about it right is everyone watching the vow i mean you just kind of like people end up in a cult and they don't even know how it happened and then when it ends they're like oh my god like how did i end up in this [ __ ] yeah i don't i don't i i hope you're right but i don't you need to get off of twitter and i'm serious well anyway that's just what i've been kind of depressed i've just been depressed about it it's just been kind of sad to see to you know senators seeing the elections of fraud and [ __ ] like it's crazy but okay whatever they're not killing jews yet but this doesn't the stuff like this always ends up bad for jews somehow i kind of had the opposite experience i kind of enjoyed or covered the scare because i got to just yeah and not go to work and really get easy let's watch like five seasons of peaky blinders we're the [ __ ] peaky blinders my name is billy kimbo anyway guys let's get to the show uh that's just that's just what's put on my mind but yeah we missed frenemies and we missed all the all these great [ __ ] we had planned i was very sad about that but we'll be back next week same as always here to slam some bradburys and get it going you know what i'm saying now before we start our planned episode now that i'm done kvetching as they say if you head on over to teddyfresh.com we still have 30 to 50 off the entire website here you can see everything that's still in stock uh conveniently placed on the home page for you here's the hoodie i'm wearing big ass chenille hoodie boy title it like that what this stuff a big chanel hoodie why you think it's a bad name no i'm just thinking it's funny to hear you say it the big-ass chanel hoodie yeah it was me i titled it yeah i saw a really funny post on the teddy fresh subreddit they go i saw that ethan and eela might have kovit is that why my package isn't getting here what and it had like 30 uploads people were like yeah that's because like i'm not you understand i'm not fulfilling packages you see me here on the podcast when would i be fulfilling packages you know the company the company does not stop um operating when we're sick thank you though for your concern today's episode oh and then yeah today's episode is sponsored by roman and harry's razor all right how's everybody doing out there hopefully not as concerned dan are you as anxious as me because i know you're politically active in too uh not as anxious i mean i certainly am uh you know annoyed and perturbed by all the people saying the election's being stolen or whatever but um i don't know the people that are all saying this they're all political figures that it is important but they're they're not really the ones that are going to even decide the election you know i'm not worried he's going to lose i'm worried about the dam the corrupt you know the eroding of the institutions i mean i'll give you a stat i told that i saw this yesterday and i pulled it up um uh they did a poll of like who's buying this whole narrative that uh the elections of fraud or whatever and as of now only three percent of americans no way only three percent think that trump won no 13 think the election is still to be tbd really yeah so i mean it's it's something like um if that's true something like 80 percent of republicans are saying biden one so if that's true then i really need to get off yeah i think i think it's i think it's definitely over you really need to get off twitter it's scary i know i sound like i just was brainwashed by the social dilemma but i think it's true no you make a great point either and and i largely agree that it's it's being amplified because it's actually a small set of people that are you're actually depressed by it like all week well you know i actually we had great news but i don't want yeah i know we have but like i feel like they're i'm happy they're doing so much damage on the way out i'm happy yeah they're going to do as much as they can but they're out yeah you're right bye-bye the most compelling arguments i've seen is just that they're doing all of this so that they can keep fundraising off of the rubes that'll give them money yeah i thought i saw that they're sending out mailers like super mega guys they're trying to keep the griff up they're trying to keep people feeling the way that you're feeling essentially um so that uh you know it can extract well i'm not giving him money dan but but the it's the inverse of the feeling that you're feeling somebody that is also very upset by all of this but because they think that trump won i saw the mailer it was like this is the last time i'm gonna like mega guilt tripping like they're doing a super hard sell and then the fine princess 60 of this money will go to some random [ __ ] super pac that is gonna pay off the uh campaign debt someone just donated a hundred dollars to propose to his girlfriend bro come on what is this what is this the baby wipe [ __ ] you could propose better than that you did you not learn anything from me dude are you gonna propose be a super chat bro where is that super chat i i just i put it in the discord i don't want to do that dude trust me there's better ways to propose i mean wait i don't understand though why are you one to talk because you have i'm i am the one to talk because i'm like didn't you learn anything from me trust me there's better you could do better it was in the the wipes right yeah it was in a wipe zack it was horrible it's my mom's i mean this is better than the one you think it is okay go ahead read it if they're both loving the show and now it's kind of better okay go ahead you know if i was on when you're like hey i just pooped okay god you know it's funny though you know what's funny though is that it worked out i think you're lucky that i hate a lot of [ __ ] as much as you do well i wouldn't for each other i wouldn't have done it otherwise i hate choosing proposals i knew that if you cared about big beautiful proposals i wouldn't have done it that way you know that right i know but still it was it could have been better than that yeah well they want your i mean if i could get popcorn's blessing all right so you know if this was if this was a cameo i'd be like listen uh uh what's his name elijah listen elijah i wish you you remember that guy who kept the money and was like yo elijah i wish you well but i don't do but we're gonna have to talk about a higher rate for this so anyway here's your camera thanks for the 100. i think it was sean kingston i think that was a guy that didn't know i think yeah 100 bucks dude come on we're doing a all right here we go hi ethan and ela my name is elijah and i'm not doing this because of any clout pills it was recently my girlfriend kaylee speed i can't really read it you have this chord too so you don't need to write on my left say what you can read it on your laptop i need that clout where's discord here [ __ ] all right is my my girlfriend kayla's bday and we are avid viewers of all your shows and videos you guys are our real life relationship goals and was wondering well if that's the case then maybe this is a good proposal could i get papa's blessing to ask her for her hand in marriage it would mean the world if you guys could you get her to call in maybe yeah you mean the world you guys could shock her with this question on stream well i think we kind of ruined the surprise yes y'all are definitely invited to the wedding since soflo is my father all right elijah let's get this guy on the phone let's see how the proposal went let's see please let's see if she said uh yes wow that's beautiful um all right in the meantime should i wait for this or let's do it in the meantime yeah we're looking right now it might take a minute congratulations maybe she said yes maybe she said no we'll find out soon there is a george something saying you sound like my boomer mom worried that trump will somehow reverse no i'm not i'm not your boomer mom and i'm not i know that he's going to be the president you you understand i know he's going to be the president you just think about that is is very damaging it's just that the fact that there's a whole side of a political party that can just like openly i think that um he's already been doing it for like four years no but all these people are enabling him now which they have been doing but it's like oh my god it's just so and undemocratic like hello this is [ __ ] america dude we don't have presidents questioning the like biden won by a lot by the way he won by a lot a lot a lot all right i don't talk about this [ __ ] anymore nobody [ __ ] almost listed me cry you know but when there's tanks in your neighborhood just remember i was right and i'll be in new zealand by then [Music] because i was like it's ethan versus the algorithm you think i'm just fighting the algorithm you're so well killer i was right about covid i could be right about anything i told elish i was like i was like true patriots want to stay and fight true patriots want to stay and fight to make the country better i go not me i'm going to new zealand because this [ __ ] whenever this [ __ ] goes somehow the jews always end up [ __ ] dying first serious you know that's true one way or another the jews are getting roasted and i'm going to [ __ ] new zealand to rattle my dags i grew through the depression thing i've been so [ __ ] depressed about it there you go you are talking i'm so [ __ ] depressed like what about just everything like covered numbers are up and the clovis [ __ ] is so depressing oh my god it's so [ __ ] scary hey zach can we talk about your big uh your love interest yet or not maybe not after the [ __ ] that was on the sub what was on the side oh there's just there's a full-on revolution against that that's being cancelled see i feel like i didn't do anything i had no like it was pretty pretty i had a pretty peaceful week and i just wasn't on anything i didn't look on reddit yeah but before zach he's not using it what's happening yeah well do we have some media to talk about it so we can we can discuss because i actually didn't prepare to talk about it it's not then okay no i wanna what are they saying zach they're i mean they're saying i'm a creep they say that they feel unsafe to listen to the shot unsafe what is he gonna crap through the moderator and it's like it's really i've never experienced any hate like that before yeah it really [ __ ] sucks yeah but i'm just going to keep doing me but it it just the fact that people would call me that like i'm a creeper it really just [ __ ] hurts all right let me say something for for zach first of all zach is dedicated to this show and he plays up what he knows i like and thinks funny zach plays up the whole creep angle because it's funny and that adds texture to the show he wouldn't zack's been here a long time he's just started to feel comfortable on and play this up you guys how are you gonna he hasn't done anything except make some creepy jokes like yeah maybe i always felt like maybe i mean maybe some of the jokes are creepy but i kind of take it as a joke you know i don't that's a good dude he's golden and true but i don't think zack actually treats women wrong or you know or anything like that i don't know what they're worried about and they think that he's actually you think he's out there you think he's out there roofing girls i don't it's just i mean he lives with his parents for christ's sake was he gonna roofie someone exactly look i like to be honest and say like yeah i've tried this or like this is a funny experience and but the fact that people would say that [ __ ] about me yeah you because the whole chat right now is saying exactly we love you yeah i don't know if you're reading the chat but zack the thing is but it sucks for you to go through it because um it's really difficult and right there isn't really any way to prepare for such a thing we've been dealing with that our whole career for years and years and years but you've but you haven't dealt with a bunch of people who don't know you hating you yeah so it is very tough yes it's very hard probably the most difficult thing to handle i feel like yeah and you don't have like the tools that maybe we've developed over years yeah to handle it so like if i was a creep you think i would hide that like why would you you know like i gotta tell you guys to the listeners if i thought it was a creepy wouldn't be working with us yeah i thought it was a bad dude do you guys think that i'm okay with creeps and that's that's the first thing that i'm not okay with if there's anything i'm not okay with right is men being creeps yeah you know start playing stop starchily trust me staunchly anti-creep i don't like any of that kind of attention from men and i don't and that's probably why i dress the way i do i don't ever wear like cleavage and that kind of stuff because that's the that's the number one thing that i probably hate the most is creepy man hey baby talk to me baby um if i thought zach was a creepy man he would not be working with us i i but you know i was in i got even some heat on the sideline because uh we were having a debate and i said more people should be like zach and i saw people being like [ __ ] for say you know for the record i didn't me i don't think people should be creeps i meant people should be themselves yeah that's what i meant is that i'm bracing zach being himself so so on one hand let's let's acknowledge why people are upset yeah there's a lot of girls who are watching or guys i mean i'm not going to say say but i think it's mostly girls who are saying that some of the conversations makes them uncomfortable and i acknowledge that it makes you uncomfortable but i do want to just say that it is it is theater what we're doing and i think it's funny i like the extreme personalities and so i i encourage it from zach because i think it makes the show better and i think it's okay you know i think maybe it's even good if you feel a little uncomfortable i mean you know you can be the judge of that but i think it's more engaging content when you have this kind of friction and these strong characters right and that's why i love what zach's been doing for the show well i appreciate that and one of the first few things ethan and ela and i related on was like stern and that style of comedy yes and that's what i grew up with and if i can be honest as i can and you know accentuate that a little more than exactly but like i look you can think i'm you know you don't have to agree with everything but to say i'm a creeper like i would i would treat someone like that like that's just [ __ ] up man well they call you a creep but then they go in it's not like because people are like oh zack's a creep haha it's funny but then they write whole essays about how it really and you guys it's you know i'm sorry that it made you uncomfortable but at the same time you know and i feel like the thing is that um maybe some of your jokes maybe i could cringe at them but i think that's funny you know like that one uh the one the the trap got him yeah that one that was like that was a great moment obviously that's really dumb things to say what you said that she doesn't even have an ass but i always cared who cares it's a stupid joke yeah we cringed at it it was like you know but that's kind of like part of what's funny here anyway yeah exactly it's kind of epic though you're the first cast member i think to really get that intense amount of [ __ ] and if talking about howard stern people hate all the cast members so i think that's pretty good yeah so that's kind of a milestone that people care enough about you to hate you right i mean it's the howard stern method people are gonna listen to hear me and the haters are gonna listen two times more to see what i say next you know i mean that's just i think they won't listen but that's okay we're getting tons of donations saying zach we love you so much yeah that's the thing is before people went like well there's an action figure of the beer barbecue that's hilarious um i was trying to find like what is that poster you guys are talking about the was there a big one it was after the last uh after dark so it's kind of old yeah but but i think we covered it pretty well oh thank you dan you got some hate a while ago about your like comments about bill gates and stuff right yeah people didn't like all right okay and we all got no it was me yeah that was good i stand by that stance [ __ ] dan's like a dan's a communist so he gets paid from capitalists when are you going to revolt against me dan you play you got to say i haven't been undermining you from day one dude yeah i know it feels like it sometimes thank you dan all right let's talk about i actually have a [ __ ] show to do here i i appreciate the advice guys i do well we love you what can you do yeah zach you ain't and also sometimes not every joke is gonna hit you know like zach is not necessarily an experienced um stand-up comedian it's not what you're doing you know just doing our sound levels to being a character on the show so that is how we take it sometimes maybe some of the jokes are like you know a little cringy or a little weird or i don't know but that's funny it's like yeah zach it's it's a it's a very small minority and i hope that the people who are upset just you know take it with a shot of [ __ ] uh penicillin is an anti penicillin is a day it's a uh antibacterial penicillin right yes i believe so there you go sorry i don't understand shut up siri you don't understand a lot you're a robot all right should i do has it really been 30 minutes i got to do an ad well i mean listen i gotta i gotta do an ad here let's do one now roman let's get all you young all you guys out there who need some help on your deck it's awkward embarrassing to talk about your erectile dysfunction usually we brush it off or blame ourselves but roman is here to get you the advice you want and to help you with no shame how many times you use an excuse like i had a long day at work i'm just not feeling it it isn't easy to talk about erectile dysfunction but roman makes it easy and we treat that e.d boy let's get those dicks hard like they you know a man just ain't the same unless he can get a hard dick and i and i truly do believe that because it's just it's so important to the psyche of a man you know i i went through times in college where i had anxiety i had really bad anxiety as you guys know in college and sometimes i couldn't get it up i'll be honest and it's just it as a man when you're and you it's really the worst when you really want when you're with somebody and you really want to do that with them and you can't i mean that's just one of the worst things in the world as a man women you could just throw some [ __ ] olive oil on there some mayonnaise lube whatever you know but whatever's in the kitchen whatever's around whatever's at arm's length talking about great jokes this is the show you guys signed up for and we're going to criticize zach [Laughter] don't you find it a little unfair though that for a woman all you got to do is throw some vaseline on there you want to talk about fair when did you have your last period right yeah that's a good point and you peace standing up anywhere you want okay sorry i mean i'm just talking about one aspect of the gender and wasn't committing full-on war with you man but with guys if you can't get it up there's no game there's no there's nothing to do there's no lube that's going to help 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horrible too it's good i mean you shouldn't be the embarrassed it's a medical thing yeah i mean at the time i was human i was humiliated and embarrassed and the thing is like it makes when you get when it happens once then you psych yourself out and then it it like all keeps happening it's [ __ ] horrible it's like dude come on bro we used to have an understanding like we used to be dogs we should be best friends like you always were there for me and i was there for you and now all of a sudden it's you're on the bench man it's a scared turtle you know it's just it's just [ __ ] up like damn dog really judas betray me now you betray me now oh no never go against the family listen never go against the family again you know what i'm saying it's just it's not right okay we get it do you you want to talk about harry's stop fair enough harry's razors we love harry's razors because they are they got that close beautiful shave that smooth glide and it's just so convenient to get shipped to 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don't know why isn't it ergonomic ergonomic i don't know it means it fits your hand though it's like such a cool work it means it fits your [ __ ] hand bruh yeah maybe maybe i just maybe i just like things that fit my hand perfectly so i like the word aerodynamic because it makes me feel like i've got a perfect hold on something interesting deep thank you so much where was i ergonomic handle foaming shave gel with alloy and a travel cover aloe [ __ ] alloys a metal everything hallow is a plant that gives gel that you like aloe and a travel cover to protect your blade when you're on the go with lead there's no lead in it they said aloe so just go to harrys.com h3 redeem your trial offer today okay can we start the show now 36 minutes in let's go all right so um so there was this twitter you know you know i was so in love with um what happened at the total landscaping or wait that we haven't even talked about that god there's so much to go over oh yeah the uh four seasons total landscaping we have two of my favorite stories of the year easily maybe even the decade let's be honest the first one is this guy dean browning who is a former uh what was his uh he was a some kind of state congressman yes he was some kind of elected official in the state of pennsylvania and he's some maga guy so he tweeted out what trump built in four years biden will destroy in four months you know it's funny when i first read that i didn't know if it was uh positive or negative i was like that sounds good anyway so somebody said you mean what obama built in eight years trump trying to take credit for for the blah blah blah some [ __ ] uh you know arguing on twitter so he responds i'm a black gay guy and i can personally say that obama did nothing for me my life only changed a little bit and it was for the worse everything is so much better under trump though i feel respected which i never do when democrats are involved which he's you know as a black gay man myself i found a little surprising he clearly um forgot to switch out of his uh burner account you know the thought of a grown ass serious man who has a burner account of a black gay man oh my god just so he can leave comments like this is really something isn't it it's just that's crazy but i love that he outed himself and then immediately you know everyone was like oh you know he started quoting and tweeting and screenshotting and then so this guy you go down this rabbit hole it's never ending i mean it the story gets better and better right like so first of all they found his burner account dan purdy somebody found his burner account i i am assuming because they went through all of his tweets and found like the one gay black guy who was always posting maggot [ __ ] and supporting all his tweets so this is him i'm a gay black guy who doesn't like the way black men are treated treating this country black women are treating this country oh really now you're a white dude with a burner account i'm black and gay bro why are you do you really just want i think this guy's just really wants to be black and gay this guy identifies tell me who is gay i'm black and gay and i live in that world now where do you live you know this and this is just one ticked off white dude in pennsylvania imagine what russia is doing there's like a billion black gay people in russia on twitter my black gay ass will be first in line on tuesday when i re-elect donald trump [ __ ] it's funny how every tweety somehow manages to put in the fact that he's black and gay well yeah otherwise you gotta establish credibility i'm black and gay and i finish find it disturbing that you think your own personal and biased name yeah i can't even read it but he's gone on and on and on about it oh there's more he calls this guy a [ __ ] epic greta here he is [ __ ] on greta thundberg which is everyone's every conservative's favorite pastime so this is from the white uh profile yeah that's that's that's what he tweeted greta thundberg is living proof that the first for 40 year old first 40 years of childhood are always the hardest bro you are on twitter [Music] sock puck bidding as a gay black man talking about immaturity someone says wow super classy to a passionate young person and then dan purdy comes in all the leftists are mock-worthy even you know that okay dan purdy that's him that's dean browning responding to his haters oh man here he is responding himself boom what you are transgender this is crazy this is like the cringes [ __ ] ever bro like i said black woman will be the death of america okay dan purdy wow pretty odd coming from a white guy why is specifically a woman i don't know man this guy's got some weird [ __ ] to reckon with well there's a lot more there's several more layers of twists to this that oh this tweet is so foul i love the taste of black girl fear always so laughable wow dude yeah that's some like straight up that's some likes this guy's so weird he's gonna be a black gay man and he really hates black women yeah specifically he seems to be going after a black woman yeah how to hate myself for being black she's a disgrace to the race bro i can't this is getting hard to read black power white guilt like dude you are this guy's straight up a clan member i mean oh and then of course he shits on tim heidecker's new show she thinks funny he just goes boring new york post posted a a review i just had to throw that one in there so weird that he just took the time to so as you could tell this guy is a straight up uh closeted i mean slightly closeted racist so what now if we go deeper so everyone started finding all these tweets from his from his all account and being like wow this is some weird and wild [ __ ] so he you know he tries to explain it he tries to explain it this is when we get really interesting he says regarding the tweet that is going viral for my account i was quoting a message that i received earlier this week from a follower sorry if context was not clear trump received record minority votes and record lgbtq votes many people won't say it vocally but do in private okay so he's saying he got a message from dan purdy oh i responded it's me i like my own tweet why not if not me then who if not now then when just don't tell me you're gonna start retweeting yourself no i'm just kidding [Laughter] um so you know that doesn't make a lot of sense dude this guy sent you a a a response why didn't he tweet it himself one and why did you send it in response to a comment from your it doesn't make any sense bro it's crazy it's crazy talk but wait hold the phone oh [ __ ] this dan purdy is gone okay you guys are suspended but i backed it all up so then all of a sudden dan purdy whose original account got banned i don't know why do you know why i got banned we got suspended because he's racist well maybe that it probably got mass reported also he's pretending to be somebody that is not so as we'll find so then guys to make matters more interesting dan purdy puts out a video and this is it hey guys my name is dan purdy and i am indeed a gay black man the message that you saw on dean's twitter was posted i don't actually know how it was posted but i didn't send it to him because i had a problem with how are they just i love how they're just glossing over like yes he posted on him his personal account and i don't know how that happened we don't understand how that's possible yeah none of us do it's such a desperate attempt to save it bro you just got it just reminds me like i don't know if you ever texted someone by accident something you meant to text someone else and then you're like desperately try to like oh like come over you're like come over to someone you don't want to see and they're like cool and you're like no no no not you this is a total streisand effect i'm trying to explain the [ __ ] i think the best thing to do would just be disappear from twitter for a month or two you know but here we go dan purdy nobody understands how it happened my race and sexual persuasion are treating donald trump i don't have a problem with donald trump sexual persuasion i don't that doesn't sound like the right way to describe that you think it's fine okay all right and i don't understand why so many pretend to donald trump has never done anything to hurt me either as a gay man or as a black man nor has he yet hurt anybody in the four years that he's been in office because he hasn't had time to so what's the big deal i sent that message to dean dean accidentally posted it somehow what the [ __ ] and that's the end i accidentally posted it it's just a butt dial it doesn't make any sense this whole diet this whole narrative is just so odd he accidentally posted it somehow no he's not a sock puppet no i'm not a bot i hope you understand we don't understand everything is clear now so okay then people go okay who who is this guy so then all the internet detectives in the world start snooping on who is this guy um they figured out who he was of course so here we go let's go let's figure out what's going on here from googling it would appear that down browning's black guy identity dan purdy was also used on the suspended account soul cookie but before that account became dan purdy it was a white guy named pat ryerchy and white goodman dean is really so wait i don't understand this explanation though they're saying before he was pretending to be damn party the black guy he was some other wife yes he had a different sock puppet identity as i'm using the same pictures and using the same profile picture yeah well if you've done this once you've definitely done it more than once i mean this guy's old enough he's probably been doing this his whole life uh he's probably in aol chatrooms trying to get kids to kill themselves or something you know what i mean psycho someone figured out okay so so the thing is is that that points towards the dean having previously used that profile picture of the cartoon guy bile holt okay you recognize this guy yeah it's the same guy so they found out who this guy is right and then it gets weirder still he is the son of this singer she's a famous singer he's her son oh what like he's kind of like a public figure what which is yeah which i'm assuming he didn't think anybody cared about him which is true but once you figure out his name you see him with his mom who's famous all over the place okay and then you keep the bell just for real patti labelle yeah i wasn't sure okay okay so oh she's he's adopted son and nephew of music legend patti labelle he's written a bunch of articles okay thank you zach so here here he is again so they figured out this guy his real name is not dan purdy dan purdy and everybody no no he's not dan purdy his name is his name is bile holt what yeah he's not damn pretty and he lives in pennsylvania right they really didn't think the internet would uh yeah i mean the guy he's an old [ __ ] boomer using sock puppets as a gay black man the guy didn't know anything about the internet so he's clearly just a friend of this guy right in pennsylvania and this dude was like yeah sure i'll make a video i'll be i'll be uh yeah he called him up real quick and he was like listen i need your help i need you to just record me a video taking the heat for this say say you're dan purdy and send it to me so i can prove that it's really uh so now this poor bastard is so crazy his got mixed up in the drama so what does so the human uh this compete in my basement exactly oh well it could be worse you could just be peeing in your basement like the quartering so in real life they're just friends this too well that's what i'm going to assume because how else would he get some random dude a gay black man even it's interesting that he had that on speed dial yeah listen you're the only gay black man i know so so i think it's in the duck there's there's one more layer to this well that guy is kind of i don't want to call him a local celebrity but just like a known personality in that area and one big thing is people dug up he's got all he had like a blog that's basically it's it's kind of like it's like the quartering it's like culture war like yeah so he does share the ideals i think right exactly which kind of explains why the end of personal liberty garbage feminism and television black facing in hollywood why is disney oh well that one's kind of woke uh and ant i don't know whatever who cares the point being is you can imagine you can imagine a world at which these guys are friends yeah they roll in the same circle okay which is apparently uh what's the problem with ozark ozark an anti-feminist review let's see when a woman kills a man on television these days it's always a red flag for me huh okay and when it happens multiple times in the shame show i know i'm watching a product of the dreaded feminist conspiracy to destroy maleness in hollywood whoa dude you've been thinking a lot about that that said as a man i must report that i feel deeply disrespected snowflake alert by the second season of netflix ozark that's your boy so that was wild that was fun deep undercover no yeah i just been in my basement the quartering is deep undercover as a human being [Music] he's actually just a he's a people he pees in his basement he's a man if he's in there okay that was fun that's my favorite that's my second favorite somebody in the chat asking so does dan purdy exist or not the answer is no dan purdy does not exist sorry if that wasn't clear the great dan party [Laughter] dan purdy does not exist so my second favorite or that was my second favorite story of the year my first favorite story of the year you know i kind of realized that even with how much i know about the like social media and the internet i still probably am way too naive because when i would have seen that comment from like someone with like a black profile i wouldn't really doubt that it's a white man yeah why would you pretending to be a black guy i mean you can't comment about that you can't walk around in the world just like doubting everything you see yeah but you got to know there's a possibility and people are getting more advanced with it because there's now all these ai generated like face generators oh yeah they used to be able to like hide behind a cartoon avatar or something right but now you can actually get a person and you know you try and search you know you reverse image search that person's profile picture and it doesn't show up because that person doesn't exist it was made by a computer somewhere so yeah i've seen this i can't believe anything these computer generated faces look so [ __ ] real i mean it's a real person they just don't know people that are good at forensics and stuff at this point still i think can figure it out from little clues but if at a glance you'd never even think twice about it it just looks like a person so my my number one favorite story question who's on my shirt it's who's that myself what's going on dude elaborate bootleg louis thoreau where'd you buy that on etsy you're not supporting uh i'm not but i am supporting the message which is that louis thoreau rules yeah that's hot thank you will smith oh there was no you've got no uh rewind no rewind we were just talking about it last week right and we were saying didn't we say there shouldn't be one they probably watched our show and responded to us oh no i'm kidding that's crazy that they just dropped rewind i mean i guess that's what we get for being such a douche [ __ ] stay in community you know what i mean like you know what's funny it was the rewind fortnight 2018 that everybody [ __ ] hated and had a meltdown about mm-hmm we still quote it we still people would say this is so cringe just the worst rewind room ever every single show yeah it's the best rewind i can give it the best content i can say that now it's the best rewind by far by far and the k-pop quote we got all kinds of sound bites by far evergreen but this is what we get we can't have nice things and youtube is like you know what [ __ ] you and good for them they're like [ __ ] you guys do you guys suck like the youtube community is just a bunch of ungrateful [ __ ] and i understand that youtube isn't perfect and i've complained i've i've had my share of complaining about youtube but it's like compared to everybody else you want compared to facebook bro can you imagine um just from the perspective of someone who's working at youtube it's like it's just a job for them right but like everyone hates you everyone hates youtube yeah anything they do gets negative all political sides hate you any everything they do any blog post whatever you do we hate you you know everything they do is to preserve the this delicate ecosystem that the fact that even exists is a miracle right that we can just come here and make money and put out content yeah so youtube appreciation uh moment how come you don't want me man what was it i do want you i do want you youtube that was the will smith uh sad from uh so my favorite favorite story of the year okay and i feel like nothing will top this i can confidently say four seasons total landscaping okay i'm gonna start off by playing this bbc uh report because they do a really good job of explaining it for those of you that aren't familiar and when his campaign was done and then we'll talk about it trump's defeat was announced while the president was playing golf and when his campaign was setting up in a gardening firm's yard just by an adult bookstore and a crematorium this story starts with donald trump tweeting that there would be a press conference on saturday morning at the four seasons in philadelphia people assumed he meant here the four season's hotel but another tweet followed with a clarification no not the hotel but four seasons total landscaping a gardening company in an industrial area on the outskirts of philadelphia the washington post took in the arc of donald trump's presidency with this story headlined it began on a gold escalator it may have ended at four seasons total landscaping the article quotes the company's director of sales i have no idea why the campaign wants to do it here maybe they saw a satellite image that we have a big back lot and proximity to interstate 95 well whatever the reasons the trump campaign had made its decision and set up in the yard as you can see from these pictures it was a low-key affair a sign attached to the wall a podium some journalists some trump supporters a few doors down the adult bookstore fantasy island and just across the street from the local crematorium and it was here that president trump's personal lawyer rudy giuliani learned that his man had lost what was it called by all the oh my goodness all the networks wow all the networks we have to forget about the law judges don't count well richard hall a journalist for the independent was there he wrote this article which starts it began with a tweet from the president it ended with his personal lawyer in the parking lot of a landscaping company struggling to be heard over a man in his underpants shouting about george soros and here's how he described that final moment i think it was around five minutes before mr giuliani came out that someone one of the journalists called announced that the race has been called and then journalists started to leave this this big press conference that had been called by the president as lawyers so it's a very strange scene and then out on the street immediately outside you had people starting to celebrate and trump supporters clashing with biden supporters it was it was a very strange place to hear the result remember to draw attention to the trump campaign's claims that the election has been stolen no evidence was offered but more broadly it certainly drew attention two days on the event of the four seasons continues to generate stories from politico usa today the atlantic south china morning post the list is a long one but credit where credit's due the philadelphia enquirer has been doing a lot of the heavy lifting on this story publishing a detailed account of the whole thing it tells us the 78 year old employee manning the counter at the fantasy island sex shop said the phone had been ringing off the hook since saturday with callers asking is rudy giuliani there well the team at four seasons total landscaping appears to have taken this in their stride in response to criticism online it's posted on facebook saying it would proudly host any presidential candidate's campaign at our business maybe it will become a fixture in pennsylvania politics it's certainly been quick to see an opportunity go online now and you can buy a range of make america rake again and lawn an order quite reasonably make the most of the attention it remains unclear whether the trump campaign booked the whole thing in error or not either way at 11 24 on saturday morning america reached a historic moment cnn announced joe biden as the president-elect donald trump played golf and his campaign was in a car park by fantasyland this is the best yeah the way things and the way it all lined up there how they showed it the three things that were happening at the same time it's just like you couldn't write it any better no you couldn't even even imagine as a comedy writer i don't think you could even conceive of the like that's that's straight out of like always sunny in philadelphia or like uh an episode of curb or something i mean it's just so bizarre that you you thought you were booking the four seasons hotel but you actually booked four seasons total landscaping on the outskirts of town and their parking lot and then on top of that even so it started with trump saying oh we're having a press conference at totals four seasons at whatever yeah so he goes so he goes and then he donald trump erases that oh what is this big conference today in pennsylvania yeah yeah look under okay so he says lawyers press conference at four seasons pen philadelphia 11 a.m okay and then he goes whoops i meant four seasons landscaping whoops i mean big press conference today and philadelphia at four seasons total landscape the president of the united states tweeted out four seasons total landscape like now if you made the mistake why would you go with it and actually have it there that's what blows my [ __ ] mind is that rudy giuliani went to four seasons total landscaping put up some ghetto trump paraphernalia on the wall and said this is where we're gonna do this it's just it's just all too good and then he blew it trump is just golfing and then they both hear that everyone called it that he lost rudy giuliani is such a goon that would happen like in a court vonnegut book right that is very curious totally but like people wouldn't even know unless trump tweeted the name it would just seem like a random backlog a backdrop it could have been anywhere but they wanted people there for some reason he the president tweeted out four seasons total landscaping these guys cannot even book a [ __ ] event without embarrassing themselves and you expect them to properly run the government this is also why i'm not worried about a coup taking place i'm not i am not worried about a coup i just want to make that abundantly clear yeah thank you it's like they're not they're not they don't have it together enough to pull something i feel so powerful you know like the and then the fact that like rudy still went there knowing what it is he went there rudy giuliani is such a joke i've got some gr oh did i close my donk [ __ ] i hate when i do that you know there's some great rudy giuliani's just been on top of his game lately and and obviously the way it was uh the way he got got in the board movie did we talk about that on the show i think we did maybe briefly the thing is i think borah kind of dropped the ball on that one he still got got yeah he got got but like yeah well if he can be tricked by by by borat he can certainly be tricked by any number of pretty much pick pick take your pick any government agency spy it's borat we're talking about borat okay pretty sure he has less resources at his disposal than like uh you know the russian intelligence for example but hey what do i know you know um here's a google street view of total landscaping by the way even the name is like so funny four seasons total landscaping this is uh this is the spot i guess i'm assuming it was in this park [Music] yeah it could not be any better why is there four seasons in in the title of this place they definitely thought they were booking the hotel yeah yeah and then even the owner was like we didn't know why they wanted to have their press conference here but we said sure why not well i make a i make a pledge to you all today if i ever run for public office i will announce it in the parking lot four seasons called the landscaping yeah you've been in a neighborhood like this it's just like a total industrial dump it's just a bunch of seedy shops you know like there's a spot like this in every town here's the adult bookstore apparently they have like little booze i saw a video where someone went in there it's like there's booths where you jerk off and you bring coins tokens i was like bro nice that's so [ __ ] gross you and would you jerk off in a bookstore or adult bookstores you got to do what you got to do sometimes right i guess make your calls i think it's part of the thrill for them is they like jerking off in the public because there's no explanation otherwise it's such a sad situation though yeah yeah i don't know if i'd necessarily jerk off in that public of a setting but yeah it's uh it's interesting so that's that and then according to new york times the mistake was not in the booking button a garbled game of telephones apparently giuliani and trump campaign advisor told their bosses they planned to hold the news conference at four seasons total landscaping and he heard what he wanted to hear which was fancy hotel chain so i think what happened was they booked it here not planning to announce it right because they're like why would they they just needed a lot mm-hmm they didn't if if they never said the name nobody would know that it was in some [ __ ] no no the reporters still would have been no they weren't going to announce the freaking location you know what i mean what was it for it's like they wanted it to be a public event yeah so this according to new york times they planned it there all along and when they told trump he what he heard was oh it said the four seasons and tweeted it out and then they're like no no no no four seasons total landscaping i love it so weird the campaign had always intended to hold the news conference in the in fact the time support the command had always intended to hold the news conference in a friendlier part of town uh the area around philadelphia convention center where elected officials have been counting absentee ballots but they were swamped by biden supporters as to how trump's people landed on four seasons total landscaping both the campaign and the white house declined requests for comment failing to erase the impression that someone made a large and hilarious mistake yeah see i still think i think that they just thought there was another there was another four seasons yeah close by and they were like let's just do that one because out there and not realizing it was a landscaping company for sure here's the scene how much money does she make look i mean what the how much money does she make how much money do they take in bro why are you in your pajamas it's very hard to get accurate unbiased information and what they did is they got them fearful with corona and once they were under a fearful state they suppressed them uh and they they funneled all the ballots through all the voting through mailing where they control that process better and they can manipulate it better for fraudulent activity [Applause] wow what a [ __ ] show it is there huh holy smokes it all goes down at four seasons total landscaping oh here so um here is who's this cory he tries to make it sound like a respected institution the four seasons he says all great americans in pennsylvania use four seasons total landscaping they love this country and are american patriots thank you that's actually my favorite you know what it's a scene from beep it's like a veep scene where they're like everyone's just trying to make this seem like normal it's really like uh roy purdy showing up trying to explain roy birdie with it i wonder if rooney went to the other adult bookstore and rub one out in the uh you wonder if giuliani went there yeah i'm sure he did he might have been stressed out [ __ ] gotta unload a little bit bring some toe tokens some people are saying they've had enough politics well this isn't really politics is it this is more like it's just [ __ ] amazing like the office sort of laughing come on like a few days four seasons every time we just heard the word okay but uh here i'll fast forward i'll fast forward to the to so four seasons total landscaping is made merch and why why shouldn't they they totally should yeah we should buy some of these damn yeah i'm a fan of for since 1992 well established and then separately because we're trying to get off politics here just so you know this is my this is my one of my other favorite things if a lawyer comes in wearing these you are absolutely going to jail here's rudy and [ __ ] whatever these are what are those rudy if your lawyer comes in wearing these you are absolutely gone i can't get enough of rudy giuliani why does it look like a box you know he's got roblox shoes i have a theory that those are elevator shoes like he has those that have lifts in them that's why they're making them super short yeah i think it makes them taller but why but can he get shoes that don't look like [ __ ] like 15th century like yeah i think they're orthopedic they look like medical shoes because he's probably got a whatever oh my god and then furries of course made a vr hangout at total landscaping this is the last one i was just browsing my friends let's see who was where this existed [Music] [Music] very faithfully uh recreated it yeah it's pretty realistic they probably use google maps and just and they worked fast on that oh wow okay i'm done for everybody who's over it what can i do these are my favorite stories it's not politics shit's funny no it's fine um rudy giuliani is literally a character from always sunny he's like the lawyer that's obsessed with big hands you know he's real he's a real [ __ ] veep character he's uncle jack yes he's uncle jack all right we're done with paul maybe you can read a few comments while i go oh go ahead good great idea what you gotta be you got something for me okay i'm sorry my my camera just shut off for whatever reason um [Music] let's see somebody's gonna make 50 dollars a b let's date uh he's married so that's not happening thank you for the fifty dollars though he's married god damn it uh somebody donated a hundred dollars says zach doesn't deserve any hate much love buddy damn dude i'm so happy i'm making money for that you getting hate this is great someone just gave me a hundred bucks cause you got hate [ __ ] sad let's get those hate threads going keep it coming holy [ __ ] uh hey papa ethan give zach this 100 oh this guy's explicitly asking that you give him whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh alexander gave 100 give him a hundred dollars tell him he's a king and i love him and all those people trolling him don't know anything wait hold on was there two one hundred dollars yes oh there was so i get one and you get one zack fair enough we'll split ahead we can go to the jerk booth yeah no yes let's go we'll have dueling jerk-off booths oh god it'd be awesome they're not still making like that's a vestige of like the 70s like nobody's made a new jerk-off booth since the internet was invented right hopefully no yeah yeah there's no new jerk off okay no thank you thanks for the donations what else dan uh uh let's see uh super excited for teddy fresh merch i picked up front of the black friday sale i channeled this hype into a sweatshirt mock-up fan art would love your thoughts on it i posted the link in the discord send it to send it to one of the boys that's the way to head it on over send it to the boys you know chet's back chat then our boy chetna is back with um he has his own thoughts on the election president so we should show some which i thought were really uh great to be honest i'm a big fan of tomic's black sheep son chet he's actually jamaican he's literally all the g because ali g used to joke about how he's from jamaica he's ollie g that's awesome he's american ollie g hey guys i just want to say that you know like now that trump's leaving office i think it's important to remember that he was the president so we should show some recite pussycraft [ __ ] them ross donna what is a pus what does a clot mean like pussycloth i know that i'm not jamaican and i so i apologize towards you make an audience if this is incorrect but my understanding is all of those insults jamaican insults that have clot clot is like a like a rag or like uh oh or a towel or something and so pussycloth yeah it's like a [ __ ] rag it's like kind of it's an oh yeah like a menstrual thing i guess there's also like the bumble clap thing that was like a big meme like six months ago yeah what is why i know this is because if that means like uh swipe or something that means douchebag is douchebag or [ __ ] because i always hear boba clatton like you know music and hip hop and stuff so yeah i know it's it's an insult i could be off base with all that with my understanding the direct translation is that it's like an ass wipe or a or something like that boss man biden he's pretty good i wonder if i'd watch a show of chet in jamaica talking like that and see how he gets on that'd be [ __ ] sick he'd probably die in a day it's actually really funny when he's switching off between being normal he's really good at it he's really good really good at it you think chet would call him i know he saw no he was upset at us yeah but maybe maybe i'm turning the corner on [ __ ] maybe i like him yeah you know what i mean let's see if we can get chet on i want to shoot a show where he goes to jamaica that would be so entertaining you know you watch that with tom hanks think of that show oh boy we'd pitch it like son of the academy award-winning actor chet pussycloth [Laughter] let's quit me now sorry his boss man biden might be yeah favorite new drop and did you sound like that boss man dude i gotta say though like we were all pretty happy and this video hit hard i i thought this video hit really hard it's actually really funny i think it's important to remember that he was the president so we should show some recite pussyclass what does [ __ ] those ross me what is ross [ __ ] those ross i don't know man i think he says nimrods no i don't think so [ __ ] damn ross rob would be boss man we [Laughter] can you try to get a hold of chat zach yeah yeah i'll reach out we should ask uh andrew santino he's in his dms yeah we did i decided not to talk about that yeah that might me and angie decided collectively not to not to go too hard on poor chat gotcha for my father but i'll just say in short you know that um [Music] well he posted it chet's the one that posted it right i mean i i wasn't revealing anything that wasn't no no chet stolen the post so so chet was uh threatening andrew i feel bad though it's so did andrew angie was really a really mature and sweet about it and he he but anyway chet saw our segment we did about him with andrew and uh he was really angry and he was threatening he was threatening andrew and angie was being really peaceful and and uh really sweet about it and then chet posted the dms on his instagram and then he erased it and he was like i'm taking a break from social media so andy was like you know what i just feel bad for him and let's just let it go so i don't want to go to art on chat we love chat as a side note on the tiger belly subreddit they thought they were talking about um bobby and andrew yeah wait was he making fun of him on he was he making fun of him with bobby not that i know no i i think this was right after our episode i think he was referring to you just oh yeah he he called me out in the dm's he sold sell that fat [ __ ] to keep my name out of his mouth tail yeah but i guess it's open well bobby's after that bobby's a fat [ __ ] too so it could have it could have been either i think i'm more i think that encapsulates me more it was shortly after our episode came out i i no it was definitely i strongly suspect it was you yeah it definitely was i talked to andrew about it yeah but i i you know it's hard being tommy's on you know [ __ ] bumbaclot boss man bossman tom eggs [Music] oh man those dms were insane i gotta say though it was intense he wanted to kill andrew and he's a big guy too i feel like he could scrap i feel like andrew could defend himself he's pretty muscular dude really chat looks like a big then i think they'd have a good scrap i think they'd have a good old gold scrap yeah i think they'd have a good fight where's the h3 podcast pay-per-view fight boxing match chad versus andrew [ __ ] that'd be good man yeah man all right so excuse me why what you got a problem would you like to logic complain do you know that this is a podcast that people listen to yes that was very loud well i did it up i did it away from the mind should i do it more then was it away from the mic uh yeah i mean it wasn't right i guess it was not away from my ear so i found a new tick talk account that i love i want to show it to you guys this is just an account that showed up on my for you page on tick talk it's just one of those pages where you're just like whoa i can't believe this showed up on my page it's just a it's a pure gem i don't know what's going on i don't know i don't know where he's from i don't know what language he's speaking i don't know anything about this guy i've done quite a bit of um not research but uh i've watched quite a few of his videos i have some thoughts on it but we should we should just watch it i think he's iranian am i right i think he's actually from turkmenistan his dialect is kurdish oh yeah i think he actually has a big problem with iran as we'll discover okay well here he is um doing his thing [Applause] can you imagine this is just on your feed you're looking oh here's a tick tock crane here's some cooking here's some dogs and then this [ __ ] shows up yeah so that's just one that's actually not the first video i saw of his that was the second video i saw off his when i went to his page the first page i saw was him congratulating joe biden on his victory box joe bison joe biden this message from muhammad [Laughter] you have to heal your life is to ill to you from now from today to two years one year and six months or two years new life after this one you pass away you go check the check up in the doctor this message from muhammad khan again foreign good job for the usa for the pcsa into you you do pull down young for us you wanna couldn't stank in a new country no more iran no more iraq no more turkey no more soothing foreign so this is an important diplomatic message for joe biden this just showed up with my for you face i was like only on tick tock i mean this is this is why i love checking out so after watching several times i i think i've actually narrowed it down to i don't think he's actually congratulating joe biden oh he's not he's issuing some sort of warning oh no that joe biden needs to go to a doctor because he's going to die in two years time or a year a year to six months to two years time he's going to pass away i did understand that right and i'm not sure if he's like cursing joe biden like or if he's trying to warn him like he's had some sort of prophetic vision of how joe madden will i love his demise and he's trying to save him i love how he says his full name a few times like yeah this is a like oh [ __ ] the comments are pretty good couldn't have said it better myself brother this man spoke in terms and conditions someone says he's put a curse on him a.b do you have any insight as our resident uh muslim uh so i've asked a few different people no one can understand really what it is there's a few words he says i think what he's saying is he's a he's a he's a professor and something like he's a doctor and it's his prediction that after joe biden does all these good things in a year and a half he's going to die oh you think that he's the professor because i thought he was recommending that joe biden go see some doctor but you're saying no i think he i think he is the word is the word's a little off but i think what he's saying is that i know i know what i'm telling you in a year and a half but you're going to do good things before then you're going to accomplish a lot so he's having a vision so he's not against biden sounds like he's i mean sometimes he sees great things in biden's future it's great things but but also morbid things but also someone asked in the chat has joe biden responded joe biden has not yet responded but i'm sure his advisors have seen the video stay strong boys it's november no not november you know i'm a fan of his camera angles too the guy killed and it's a lot like in your style and you know there's there's more there's more messages for what is with that clown yes okay did you get anything from that you just like a good guy well i know overseas they smoke a lot of cigarettes so i'm assuming they had something to do with messing with his voice that's all i got why is everyone writing the same thing in the comments everybody says wally be okay 24 7 every day wally that's his that's right that's like his catchphrase he says it in a lot of what i cannot i can't understand anything i'm telling he said something like coming at you 24 hours seven now what was it 24 i wrote it down joel biden joel biden also he has multiple accounts this is actually not his main account this is this one with eight thousand followers yeah there's a link in here he has another account with like it was like thirty thousand followers this guy's prolific yeah he has a lot of videos okay this one has 90 what is this one this is okay 24 7. oh i hear now i'm wake up 35 years later but with brain damage could be me after getting like a car crash or something like you walk by my room and it's just like don't go in there theodore just leave that alone but this this honestly you know i used to i used to hate obviously tick tock hater but like there's no platform in the world there's never been an opportunity for someone like this to be seen for me to find someone's account like this it's just fantastic i love that breath that deep breath hey trump if joe biden wins you check your family go to russia i'll go to turkey government because every year turkey the government they give you 10 million dollars last thing you go to russia take your family to russia because you work for the russia you you from turkey is of these turkmenistan flags along with israeli and uh american flags and most of his posters oh he likes israel that's cool well he seems to be very yeah nice it's funny yeah it's like i'm saying he's also very anti-iran i think he i think he doesn't like iran i feel like i've seen many people like him like i could imagine like more people like him in the world in israel there's more of him oh yeah i feel like i feel like he could totally be one of my neighbors then i kind of thought he was i thought he was israeli at first i had neighbors that would if you gave them a phone and tick tock this is what you would get oh my god yes a b you sound like you do too oh yeah i thought this was my uncle at first yeah we could i mean we could totally be related on my dad's side that's amazing i love him he actually speaks pretty good english at that last one surprised me yeah oh i hope joe's campaign saw this he has useful information did you find uh which one of these links is the one with his main account because i want you to see right here it's the very top one if you click the very top link here we can literally just watch every single video on here this is different what that's what i'm saying i think i think the other one might be stealing his content this might be his real one also this one has less views no but look how many followers it is yeah but the views are super super low on it well because he uploads so often those are probably oh yeah those are probably yes okay 24 7 as well as 24 7 a day every day they all have a phone number oh no way every single one call me baby okay oh my goodness [Music] just scroll for a while i want you to just kind of see the uh the volume you die you wake up and this is what you see [Music] oh so you think that account was stealing from him possibly yeah this one has here someone has a lot more followers that's what but i don't see any of the videos we watched here i think that they are there i think you just missed yeah you have to go deeper well we gotta see a lot of these have a lot of views yeah that makes sense it throws me off upon him like my arabic's bad but usually i could piece together words are you doing can you call this number dan and see what happens call the number one right now [Music] wait i'm sorry you guys do want me to call it yes yeah call yes okay what is it i can't see the numbers oh god well just pull it up on your screen it's uh okay okay one sec baby's too excited seriously my long lasting [Music] so what so i've gone back quite a bit this is from oh he doesn't make this is from june already he's not that prolific well look how you've reached the clown section i never clicked these ones what are these just vocal exercises all right you got it i think baby's ringing warm up hold it back what happened what was that a.b i got his voicemail i told him call me back oh you told him in arabic yeah i told him you speak arabic yeah not well i could say like greetings and stuff lena does right yeah lena speaks perfect that's awesome we gotta use that somehow yeah that's such a great that's so great but you just said call me back in arabic that was pretty slick well i heard like let's call him one more time i want to hear his voice message guys don't call him this is important yeah nobody call him here we go i'm excited did you leave your number for him i'm kind of afraid too yeah well he already called him he's got a smartphone i thought we were going to use like a like a computer to call him but amy's out there putting his number on there and [ __ ] i want to i want to learn more about this guy [Music] it's ringing now though it went straight to voicemail last time okay interesting you want to put it on a speaker oh it's just a standard voice [Music] i want to hear you speak arabic um just say we we appreciate the kurds we love the kurds uh shukran for the good content and we love the tickets [Laughter] so he doesn't like turkey and iran the whole first video we watched was him just cussing out like 10 different countries yeah i hope you get a call back dude oh my boy my boy uh since we're in the region i guess um he hit me with that new [ __ ] that was [ __ ] extraordinary [Music] let me start he got a fake this homie on the right looks so he acts the part so good he's like what he's selling it dude don't you all appreciate they got a fake phone up in this [ __ ] that you could take a bite out of it looks real they got me sorry i love that guy man up to some good stuff over there that part of the world good titles coming from that part of the world oh you know what okay i saw this on tick tock and sorry to get political but you all got to admit this is amazing i fact checked this and apparently as far as i could tell this is really trump's border wall this really is trump's border wall when i first saw this i said there's got to be something else there's got to be more to this this is the border wall are you sure they're not just trolling what trolling how like this is just some construction site and they're they're pretending apparently it was on john oliver's show and if you think that's a credible source of news he said it's real all right it doesn't surprise me to be honest with you better than we're able to someone said this is more to keep the americans out of mexico doesn't surprise me people don't really care about the wall it's just theater god dirty today boy i've gotten i've been getting emails concerned for you about the gerd man really good yeah it's usually not that bad it's just i think when i'm when i'm talking and vocalizing a lot it kicks up a lot of stuff well i don't mean to worry you because i and take this is a random email but somebody was email me saying gerd long-term can cause like esophageals yeah i know about that problems and cancer very rare but i do know about that and i've talked to a doctor about it all right he says my i talked to a doctor i was like you know i'm worried because i don't want to get through cancer from this he says well in all my years as a doctor i've never seen that before okay that's good yeah when i worked at a medical office and we handle i handled the chronic care we had over like 200 patients and the most common uh chronic disease was gerd and nothing serious out of any of those patients at least but it can cause throat cancer in rare cases but i mean right i mean that's that's a hell of a [ __ ] way to die from gerd [ __ ] that but i'm doing all i can dan i mean what the [ __ ] can i do [Music] just there's just people concerned for you what can i do what more can i do you don't chug a coffee before the show well that's not gonna help that's not gonna prevent me from dying that's just gonna make the show better you know [Laughter] not a big deal got a bunch of donations coming in go ahead let's see uh hey guys love the show i was just wondering if ethan ever listened to a podcast called the drunken peasants with peace and love it sounds familiar it sounds a little familiar to me too but i i can't say that i've listened to it no i haven't listened to it but i've heard that you can do it uh simply one v said i felt bad for hashtag sadzak earlier so i drew him a little bit of a thirsty portrait to use on his instagram who should i send it to discord and send it to zach it's a portrait of him send it send it to the big guy all right uh let's see uh ela will you ever make a teddy fresh sticker sheet i'd also love to see a wallet or a lanyard looking forward to future drops and keep up the good work the lanyard what is it a lanyard yeah what is the lanyard that's actually holds your keys yeah it's to hold your keys oh my god oh okay it's usually like braided or something they're really popular when we were growing up uh sent the link to the teddy fresh fan art oh from earlier okay thank you uh hi from montreal has anybody on the team visited canada before no i've never been to canada i would you have and you're not the only person on the show just answering for myself where in canada has anyone been to canada no yeah detroit people go to canada all the time oh that's right yeah i've been to montreal in montreal for like a week montreal's nice i gotta say canadians know at a party too those guys know how to party how do you know that zach what does that mean i've part i've partied with some canadians and they're they're a great time what does that mean is just fun or they get crazy drunk they're just fun they they do things out of the ordinary that an american person wouldn't do and really yeah it's a good time the hell did you guys get up to some weird chat classified information yeah i almost got jumped in canada i mean my friends but what not that interesting of a story jumped i had a very aggressive homeless person in montreal that i remember the most aggressive homeless person i've ever encountered in my life he's like do you remember that encounter yolo yeah i'm i kind of feel like we even told you on the podcast maybe out that way i don't know he was like i vaguely remember it those are the best stories so i'm not gonna tell it it's been a while anything else because right what we have up next is everybody's favorite crazy wild viral touch point two touch point oh baby this is taj point one it's better than taj point oh cause it's me ethan i'm better funnier uh taj my nose sucks i hate that [ __ ] show to be honest like why you gotta go there i gotta do this well well because got him well i'm not trying to oh i don't think taj cares what i think about him deal what if he's a fan dude taj is a fan yeah right he's watching right now i mean it's just it's like it's better than ridiculous ridiculousness i'll give him that exactly yeah i'll give him that it's better than ridiculousness thank you well here's tyler's point one what's my version of taj point oh anyone got any good ideas because that's kind of like the segment we're about to get into so what are you asking like i have a funny internet clip show what's the name of the show it's called the h3 podcast no no no no this is a segment name we need to think of our 3.0 ridiculousness [ __ ] we need to brand this ethan's corner ethan's corner i know something on like ridiculousness absurdity absurdity absurdity gerd corner we're not corners i don't want a corner i'm not why are you watching the corner i know why is it porno do you know it's such a dumb name it's like some kind of it's because it's like the internet that's a real software update [ __ ] ian what's the name of our show you've been quiet today calling on you now i i got nothing man okay thank you that should be the name yeah welcome back welcome back welcome back to i got nothing thank you how are you feeling ian are you glad to be have broken out of the mortal bonds of your uh prison you're being imprisoned by ain you're back in your room how does it feel you know i kind of miss it kind of wish i was back in the you know downside you missed the downside up okay yeah it was comfy in there i got used to it yeah yeah it was chilling we could send you i had no responsibilities yeah if you got any shungite you could put me back i can't got it can get whatever you want you got a guy you gotta shoot that guy yeah yeah how about shungite the shungite the shungite effect the no spin zone the fupa zone any there's any good they said [Music] okay well it's a work in progress until then let's just call it big fat [ __ ] hack no unoriginal hack reset reacts to funny videos online hack how about this hack comedian respond uh reacts to online funny videos yeah 0.0 that can be the that should be the highlight title right there write that down i love that i talk about hacks like i'm someone to judge hack like i'm some pure comedy genius all right let's watch some dumb videos all right interested in ian's beard let's see ian's beard looking pretty good ian any comments on the beard this be crispy my dude crispy crispy that's not you put oil in your beer no no i'm trying to get the keemstar thing going on i think he's got a good he's got a good look do you feel like the longest wait i i forgot i'm not eating yeah you gotta get out of here yeah i was gonna say do you feel like the longer and more pointy your bear gets the less empathy you have for human beings i think it's more so more detached from reality i think which fit when i was in the downside up um are you going to show me you guys stay here are you going to do no shave november or ethan what's what's what's wrong oh no no i don't do this [ __ ] i don't do the whole [ __ ] why are you doing no nut i thought it was no not isn't it both no shave your make up your mind people you want me to not nut or you want me to not [ __ ] is it just let your life fall apart november don't do your laundry november that's every month for someone ian have you noted this november are you participating in that uh you can only pick one is anybody doing no not november is that really something people don't think i mean we're already living in like pandemic november i thought people i thought that was just a joke i didn't know people actually didn't nut for a whole month i don't think there's a lot of people there are definitely it's not like a weird in-cell thing they think they'll like if you hold it up it's your vital energy your vital energy we made fun of it once on the show before and we got a lot of emails from people being like no actually i haven't had enough well i'd love to take a call three three weeks and i feel amazing i'd love to take a call from someone who's on a no not diet diet hit me up dm me if you're not eating nuts and you're not nutting dm zach i'd like to hear from you ethan with your how do you like that you look like the uh effort right in the [ __ ] guy the guy like the guy who would uh run on camera say after right in the posting run away no i don't remember that i said you [ __ ] right in the position [ __ ] it right in the [ __ ] guys i remember the [ __ ] around in the pool i didn't remember we're the me master how did you know all right let's watch some dumbass [ __ ] hack point oh hack point oh i'm not okay with the name hack point off okay well you got a better one called guard point now gerd point oh i guess that's just a placeholder for now yeah we'll workshop it stupid unoriginal [ __ ] response to online videos because he can't make his own jokes so dude this [ __ ] i just i what is going on in in europe this happened previously with some famous painting where they did it this is real someone restored this statue in spain and now this is what it looks like not kidding this is real i saw a picture of it on the street yeah i can do this okay here's your here's a brush there's a [ __ ] chisel chisel good luck you got to take that thing down at that point you got to tear the whole building down here it is before and they're like you know we could we could fix that up it was perfectly fine we can fix that up oh look at the lamb head too he did the lamp real story yes it's a real story now this is what it looks like look at the lamb head here oh and there's another one that was missing i guess that's the new one looks weird yeah weirder than this no maybe it's not done i don't know maybe it's not done can we say maybe that's a possibility it's not done because it's like like i mean i would do a better job than that yeah i'm like not even remotely close and i'm not artistic at all but that's that's real i mean that's what it looks like i seen pictures of from people walking by i posted it you know there was that can you find pictures of that painting that they they restored that was kind of a similar thing tasha is a genuinely great dude who also manages to have a successful tv show for 10 years i'm pissing off people here we go josh did nothing wrong with papa okay i'm sorry taj right we love you taj you take it back i love taj daniel taj is a generally great dude he's done nothing wrong we love taj people donated to say that um i think juan did yeah i hate taj correct me sucks donate me to to set the record straight uh here so this isn't the first time it's happened i mean oh this is okay this isn't actually the one i was thinking of it's dan there's another relatively recent one though also this guy i mean who is hiring these people is this a 100 donation he's saying play the fire safety video oh this is the one i wanted to show for yourself i'm laughing just thinking about it this is who's hiring these people you know what i mean like this is what i would do i'm not oh what the [ __ ] what are they doing and then here's one of jesus that they restored like this iconic one that's what's this is the one i was thinking of i don't get it that's almost what that makes sense to me look at this botched restoration that's putting it mildly weird annoying weird so it keeps happening in spain in particular and i was talking to my girlfriend about this i guess in the art community there's like conspiracy theory that this is happening on purpose because every time it happens people go super viral and become like little mini celebrities so people are going out of their way to [ __ ] up classic art to like get attention essentially but who is hiring these people somebody owns this question they keep saying it's like amateur art restorers these are amateurs it must be somebody with credentials who's just worse than amateur but i think i think the theory that it's a it's a professional who's like [ __ ] this art because that's like you know first grade art i mean what the [ __ ] is that okay horse balance you wanted the fire thing i'll watch the fire thing but first i mean if you like the fire thing you're gonna like this just as much oh it's deleted what the f it was deleted oh no i just checked it this morning i mean um we could easily find a backup little people erase posts it's so odd this post was deleted by the person who posted why it's like dude everyone was having fun you know everyone's having a laugh i hate that just like why would you why would you erase it yeah it's weirdo where did weirdo i think i'm found a reup yeah let's see man there's some straight up weirdos weirdo on the phone okay so is this it [Music] yeah this is it now why would you put why would you use a horse for someone with a back injury look at this [Music] this guy tried to think what if that guy didn't have back injury he sure does now that's it's a this isn't real you think it's an oh yeah this is an act why'd you tell me now this is my first time seeing this one it is i didn't add this one well this guy tries to take down the horse like the guy literally slides under like if it was fake look at him he tried to tackle the horse that didn't look fake to me wait wait wait wait psych okay like if it's fake i could be wrong this is my my my instinct tells me if it's fake how could this guy try to drop kick the horse that seems like a risky play definitely look at this he slides under the horse's feet i think it just falls whoa yeah don't use a horse for for that purpose holy [ __ ] let's see what the comments say i don't care some comments [Laughter] do you guys think it's fake what someone's saying you guys reviewed this before it's a demo i don't think so yeah it's yeah yeah who cares i've been doing the show a long time it could be true and i kind of thought it seemed familiar when we watched it too yeah it's a dummy for practice people are saying yeah that's what i thought it's not a real person oh uh all right forget it forget it or raise that from your memory is it so i was trying to guess where this this video took place in georgia the country somebody who wrote this says a country at the intersection of europe and asia thank you i know where georgia is who wrote that was it uab i honestly don't remember yeah right this is from like two weeks ago someone whoever wrote this put a note they said georgia a country at the intersection of europe and asia is a former soviet republic who what have who wrote that that's gonna have to check the history i wasn't that wasn't this took place in england and i an island country in northern north of europe it's probably in there to clarify we're not talking about georgia well just say the country right yeah who wrote it maybe i voted i always i always fast i'm telling you i'd look at the notes i don't know wanna know what we're doing for the show bro i wouldn't put that sub note in there i always check mine does the is way off he does it sometimes could have been ian it was he's often wouldn't write that as one of these two it was zachary could someone have copy pasted maybe oh it's definitely copy paste come on it's easy to figure out this is like i think it was a b i'm going to find out right now because i'm going into the document history oh oh what wait what happened something very special to share with the audience right now oh freddie i'm ready in his sweater he came to say hi i came to say hi to me hello look at this guy he got a hair guy yeah he got a haircut and he was so cold outside we had to put a sweater on he was shivering yeah he's the best he loves this sweater no shredder has a sweater too but he's sleeping yeah i don't want to disturb shredder all right who wrote the [ __ ] georgia comment are you getting man georgia i put all my money all right uh i'm voting okay go ahead i have bad luck on these friday apps so go ahead i'll take the back friday the 13th dude ian are you voting i voted yeah then thanks guys i'm not going to vote i'm going to come unless all over again i'm working on it you know what i love ab so much we have such a strong bromance i'll take the blame for this year you vote for yourself yeah but we're going to see who did take the shot you're going to take the shot for him we're going to see who did it yeah can we get mexican i'm craving mexican and you keep okay keep protecting me it's it's [ __ ] i rejected it all week and i've been eating italian all week for you because we were feeling sick and i can't do mexican diarrhea then i might as well have something i enjoy and make more dairy yeah did you have diarrhea yeah we did i think i had that fever from indian food we had indian food on that day i literally had a fever like i think it made us so sick we thought we had coffee yeah well because it was on the same day that our housekeeper said her sister has covered yeah and this this food was so [ __ ] bad it gave me a fever bro gave me a 24 hour fever you ever had a food that bad and i've been my stomach hasn't been okay the whole week it's good weight loss though [ __ ] it all out you know what time it is dan how long does it take to look up the note it's hard i i i don't have to get back to you on oh really you're you're not getting there's like i mean it's the entire document history of our after dark documents and it was like [ __ ] all right take your time get find it out to the bottom of this yeah i'm gonna do it right so anyway this video took place in the uh the former soviet republic georgia which is located between uh kind of at the crossroads of europe and asia yeah so i thought it was at a trump rally it's not but so the woman blows her nose into a mask and then coughs on her hand it's great we're [ __ ] doomed bro we are doomed this lady gets it we did all this conversation for this video like it doesn't even matter where it is that's it no no we as a country as a species are completely doomed this is what's going on out there between people talking about freedom the master symbol of robert she's using it like a tissue and then she's coughing into her hand but people are under her oh some have a mask i see a lot have masks face coverings not her though not a lot yeah lady you really don't get it dude no we are doomed okay i experienced it in first and i saw someone wearing a mask and then it took it off the cough and then put it back on oh yeah i've seen that because they want to keep the inside nice and clean yeah but like hey i'm here i'm saying i um if i'm watching what you're doing then we're already too close for you to be doing that yeah it's it's obviously a goon move okay vibe check just remember guys life is fragile life is fragile or whoa you can see it coming from over here just from that so it's a wild ride right there life is fragile alert what would touch point say about this clip okay pause uh right here you can see the metal bar come from the other side of the highway the driver is thinking uh-oh stop all right fast forward click play let's see what happens next oh bet you didn't see that one coming stop thank you there you go taj bueno that's more like ridiculous taj scooter getaway this is fantastic you know i feel about scooters this is this is good this is good by the way thank you to everyone who's been very active on the subreddit um submitting videos really strong stuff there lately right now yeah a lot of these come from the subreddit oh watch this hila straight up scooter getaway [Laughter] they stopped chasing him they're like you know mobility mary back man you gotta you gotta be impressed by the strength of that scooter like yeah took the doors out didn't even slow him down awesome it's awesome actually what little don't you know is that that was actually me over the weekend yeah i stepped out for an hour i stepped out for an hour that's me yeah it did take i was going home to [ __ ] cause i wasn't gonna use the mall bathroom it's awesome they didn't even slow down for the door what a g it's all good uh wife exposed for cheating is there anything going on in this chord what does that mean someone said you guys should check out discord every once in a while too these guys are always on discord no yeah it's just all positivity in there okay what do they mean by that i don't know they did a sad phase oh you think just because me and eli don't check in there enough you want us to hear from us yeah that's that's fair that's what they mean i'm i can't i'm just not i sometimes check in there but it's usually at like 12 o'clock at night when i'm done prepping and i i um i'm in there at weird hours yeah um okay would you do that when i do this to ela so the story is wait a minute what i might have an update okay dan's got an update who did it hold on a minute am i understanding this right i wish i could show you this because i know how you're going to react according to this your account ethan put that no oh my god that's [ __ ] that's that that didn't happen yeah what account dan you know that's not asian street productions your email uh-oh no i didn't put that i didn't put it i'm just telling you what i'm what i'm saying do you want a recount wait what is this november 5th at 901 pm there's an edit i asked history productions i just i'm just telling you what i'm finding does the edit tell you what the editor is it's color-coded and it's listed pink wait because someone one of you guys is logged in because you use my account to upload dan you're the one that has login no i don't have a log into that account that's your like main h3 account but it's color coded i don't color code red no i don't even i don't even work on this document i'm i'm drilling in fake [ __ ] news there you should you need to verify you need to certify your results before you come going public like that i'm calling a breast meeting a total landscape season there's a lot of landscapes trying to recover right now yeah i think it's danica no i found the exact uh entry where it happened and there's a b ian uh zach and h3h3 productions there's four people that that edited in this time you can't tell us i'm going literally edit by edit i know i just i found i found the overall category we're drilling in we're doing a recount right now okay wow we're gonna get to the bottom of this but i'm just saying dan you really i'm just saying you're the evidence doesn't lie nobody tampered with you no but you're not freedom for the world nah you gotta you gotta keep digging that's some [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] he's stealing it oh get out of here damn with that [ __ ] you know it wasn't me you know goddamn well i didn't add that elo was immediately like no right elo yeah right thank you someone supports okay i might i might see what's going on here you added an edit that said where did this happen okay thank you so who added i said i want to know where this happened and dan's like oh there's a good question wait so you asked where so somebody put in right there okay no i no but i i know where george that's not the point i know that george is a country i asked where did this happen i know i said i want to know what's the story here where did this happen so okay but at least now we know why they did that yeah i know i i'm you're saying that it doesn't seem bad in them yeah really because you asked where was yeah but why the whole georgia country between europe and asia former soviet question where is it could be i guess interpreted in a couple ways i didn't ask what is georgia fine but you have some responsibility here in this you think so ethan sorry to say in collusion is a fraud is a great uh one of the greatest frauds in uh internet history interesting but do you don't you find it funny that you wanted to know where it happened as in a while well i was like was this at a trump rally was it at where was it what's the context of this i want to know where this happened okay the jerk-off booth across from the total landscape yeah so the answer was was good they told you in georgia it happened in georgia but but like so and but they didn't give an explanation of like they just said they just copy pasted what georgia is uh don't you find that funny i mean it did answer my question stop i answered your question all right let's move on dan you tell me when you get to the bottom of it okay so this woman cheated on her husband and then at the baby shower the husband comes with a lawyer and video proof of cheating chaos ensues here we go a baby shower [Music] is i like this new season of more bro the lawyer brought a laptop with video proof how much a lawyer like that cost oh my god where is that this is in mexico i think no no i mean like where did they put a camera to get this looks like he just had some kind of ring thing in his house you know why would you do it in a baby shower he wanted the whole family to know i don't i kind of doubt the validity of this one to be honest you think it's big oh my god well do you have proof or is it just a tingle it's a tingle well [ __ ] my you know well let's keep watching i i it's certainly suspect i would say [Music] i don't know it's pretty epic what what oh he's the guy that you choose he's there whoa oh my god oh what do we think i mean it got off pretty easy just a cake in the face do you so what is what's the verdict on this one fake or real i don't want to think that it's fake this video is so good if it's fake then there'd have to be a reason for it to be fake so where else has it appeared you know what i mean i was just pretty rural man the footage is pretty crazy to have that but well let's say he puts a camera in the corner of his house right outside the bathroom or wherever they are the bedroom you know and that guy fits that towel nice he [ __ ] fills that towel up he really fills that dowel out he's got back dates man he reminds me of that that absolute unit from the super popular right now that big like uh the pakistani guy oh he's pakistani i wasn't sure yeah yeah it's a unicorn look at that unit does anyone have any info in the chat well presumably okay she's pregnant and i think presumably it's not his son yeah exactly so if that happened to me you know or if that happened presumably i think he's pretty justified in his in his anger and to humiliate her he wants the whole family to know right yeah so you know generally i'm kind of opposed to this kind of public humiliation but i gotta say if it's real god bless man you deserve a show let's get you a maury and that lawyer by the way he's there for business bro that lawyer was there for business he brought up the laptop let's appreciate this lawyer i love the briefcase i was just thinking like the other day i had this weird thought that like is our briefcase is not existing anymore like i remember when my dad had a briefcase yeah yeah everyone else who cares with briefcase it's so heavy it's like a big heavy thing i don't know i would never use a bridge not a thing anymore i thought that was interesting well people don't really use briefcases anymore they use uh bags they just have yeah like a laptop because i think if you have a briefcase and a laptop that gets to be pretty heavy some lawyers have them i mean they have the laptop thing built inside okay people are saying definitely not as common but if this video is fake then when the fight be a little more intense i mean that's an assumption you know that's not really evidence but let's watch it closely because i really i i don't think it's fake and it might be because i just like the video too much and i want it to be real sometimes videos are too good like this is a video that's maybe too good like yeah the shot is amazing the guy gets the cake in the face you know what i mean it's just like well let's let's watch i'm choreographed well the cameraman's clearly on it look at this so business you know is it'd be better if we spoke spanish maybe they're just into some weird cuckold fantasy it's pretty big production [Laughter] i think it's real you do so everyone's trashing that dude now the cameraman doesn't know where to point oh that looks fake i'm calling fake look how he's like yo settle down like this shot right here there's a cut watch there's a cut oh right there there's a cut okay and now he's going no no no no calm down and then the cake comes in that's very fake now there's a cut there right here fake i'm ruling fake after that cut calling it ian is doing a vote oh he's doing a vote i think it's a straw poll down that cut that cut sealed it for me why would there could be a cut there 74 real so far why would there be a cut right before the cake hits him in the head i don't know it was totally not videos too long too long this is gold what did they cut out one second they cut out one second so why would there be a cut there did you find out who did it dan it was you right because you're saying real quiet no it's not me was it it's i'm one of the only people it couldn't have been uh no i'm telling you ian hd productions a b zach those four people made an edit right around 8 48 on november 5th one of those people put it in there i i can't tell you which one oh that's just really convenient and thank you you're convincing a lot of people now there's like 43 percent saying i mean why would there be a cut and it's going up it's only going up well if anyone i'm making a persuasive argument if anyone else wants to start is going up there was one cut in the video 50 fake yeah one cut in the video right before the cake hits his face there's no there's no valid reason for that it's just a cut you know damn well there's no such thing as just a cut your honor ladies and gentlemen of the jury there is no such thing as justice okay this is a prank bro 52 saying it's fake yeah i don't want to be take i don't want to be taken a fool you know what i mean i'll be here have some dignity [Music] the [ __ ] was that what was that what do you mean what was that i don't know what sound i just heard what was that the video that you just played well i'm an idiot i wasn't watching okay imagine imagine you're on an elevator first of all my greatest fear is being torn in half by an elevator i think all of us have that fear this lady she sees that the elevator's going up and oh why she's like oh i should go she's looking [ __ ] she she's so close to being literally chopped in half she ate [ __ ] too cuz okay everything's fake no this one's real come on she like jumped she was pretty high up you could see her food at the floor and [ __ ] jesus she's gotta eat man gotta eat you think she was just hungry could be oh i can only imagine the pain that this guy i'm gonna milk bang the [ __ ] out of you later girl i fight i don't know but oh so this one so again okay this is another one coming out of what appears to be mexico shot very similarly this one's definitely fake now why do you say definitely for similar reasons to the to the last one okay but you don't have any proof yeah there's gonna be cuts at very opportune times but like the captures every every moment i find it odd that it's coming out of the same production company really right like the same people yeah it could be the same people it's another cheating video i mean they're good it looks more fake looks like uh acting i mean they're really good by the way i think it's fake because he falls he hurts his leg and then he starts limping and then he's fine he starts i just wonder what are they getting at why are they doing all this we're playing that on our show right like what do they benefit from that look at this this guy's pretty high up this one's definitely fake but look he's pretty high up pretty pretty high up you know so definitely fake amy your your evidence is that he got away like he hurt himself right there right yeah oh i didn't finish it okay let's see oh yeah this is hella fake these are the same people i genuinely think this is probably the same people yeah we got a whole little uh production company we need to get these guys a show man maybe it's like a new form of like soap opera content dude i'm impressed this is just a phone and a god's plan you know what i mean traitor wants to come up take off him come here freddy shredder and a sweater okay this one was wild y'all imagine you're on the opera okay imagine this let's set the stage for this video you have got the call you need a heart transplant to save your life okay you know how that works you get on a waiting list and you just pray that somebody basically what happens is somebody dies who's on the organ donor list and they take their heart and put it in your body but it all happens so fast so let's say you have heart disease and they say you know okay we're gonna put you on the list you have to be ready to come to the hospital with an hour's notice so you get the call they say we've got a heart we need to operate you need to get down here an hour so he's in the operating table he's ready to go they're going to put a [ __ ] heart in this guy because you got to get the organ in there fast right this guy died in a car crash who knows so they fly in the heart so they can get it in before it expires so you're in the operating table you're ready you're prepped you're ready to go here comes the helicopter with your heart to save your life take a look at this crew's able to get the heart out of that helicopter it was then handed over to one of the hospitals now as that person leaves the helipad he suddenly accidentally trips on a metal plate to the ground dropping the heart others were quickly able to pick up that organ and rush it inside for the operation the person who dropped it was apparently not hurt i'm not worried about him by the faa and the ntsb truly remarkable there andrew incredible you know when you drop something like something wet on the floor but the heart is like what is it there's no container to it well i think it was it was in a helicopter crash they just brought it out in a ralph's bag like some snacks from the corner store what but then they drop it on the damn floor and i was covered in like grime and [ __ ] just straight up there what is it holding like is it well usually they they put it on ice look at this crew's able to get the heart out of that helicopter they put it on ice you know it's in a literal plastic bag bro come on please how can i zoom i mean you're not going to get more resolution but here let's let's examine so here it is i mean i would assume it's in some kind of container and that's not just a straight up heart in a bag no it's going to be in like some sort of thermos or like uh yeah but but it was in a it was in a helicopter crash so who knows what happened i guess this room would have fallen out you know i mean that's kind of the size of a heart isn't it like this looks big medical hey dude you're you're holding a human heart bro can you watch your [ __ ] step you know what i mean was he is it so much [ __ ] on the roof again i think it's all debris from the crash i think so much [ __ ] on the roof dude he dropped that thing like a damn dropping the heart he literally doesn't even care about the heart he's like oh my ankle look at him he's like he doesn't even look for the heart he's like oh my ankle [ __ ] guys there's a heart on the floor there's a human heart on the floor there's a hair on it i don't know there's some moisture on where it hit the floor i'm saying is that that heart bounced and rolled dropping the heart there's moisture on a metal plate oh yeah oh yeah that thing rolled around bruh look you can see it hit the floor and roll there's no moisture there right that look it flops around now there's big-ass moist marks so now they're gonna put that heart in that poor guy with like grime and dust on it and little stones and [ __ ] would you still want that heart you're like i'll wait for the next heart so sir we had an incident upstairs somebody dropped your heart and it rolled on the ground for about five feet would you like it i'll take the next heart this is your only opportunity okay give me the heart oh boy i'm [ __ ] out don't show this video to the guy on the operating table i mean it looks like you know you know when you buy steak it's like on that like that styrofoam and wax paper it looks like that falls to the ground dropping the heart others work fumble the heart he fumbled a he was okay the guy who dropped the heart was fine unfortunately the the procedure was a failure and the guy died at the end thank you for watching great video huh what the [ __ ] take a look at discord what do we got open that image up okay we found out who did it we know who did it i've got the video proof who was it fess up now i'll take the blame nope that was me it was me and when did you know it was uav i really did not know i really did not know it was me why are you saying it vicious when ela asked she's like well you asked the person and i'm like wait did he ask me that i'm oh what are we trying to get on a technicality here it's not a technicality you did it well elon made a good point you did ask yeah yeah that's too much so so but like what's that how did you know it's from georgia you want to go down well it says according to reddit so it's probably just in the comments of the original so but then how did you get where did you copy paste this from um i'm from flo the reddit that's all i said i'm guessing uh because i went back to the post right now and i just seen a bunch of people saying it's from georgia no but where did you copy paste this text from i don't think he did man i think he was trying to give you a little geography lesson oh oh you just wanted to make sure that i knew where georgia was i think so is that what happened i strongly suspect that's what happened no i'm sorry but wait wait this text is different than what was there it says it says that's home to caucus mountain village and black sea beaches what the [ __ ] does that mean what the [ __ ] does that mean that's true it is it's a longer version of it that must just be like the google results for uh for the country of georgia fascinating no it's like my first mom i'm trying here guys no i'm not mad i'm just intrigued about the origin i just want the origins georgia yeah okay it's it's the description if you google georgia the country of georgia it's like the google description of georgia i still love you ab you know that baby well i'm not mad i'm not trying to make this feel bad i just want the origin story of how this came to be so i really don't recall i don't know who in the chat is saying dan hates av i do not hate bkb get the [ __ ] out of here with that we know we love baby i can't yeah i can't tell you guys yeah dan i cannot tell you guys i'd probably have a panic attack it wasn't for everyone but dan does so much for me i don't know where they think people i love dan i give our we all give each other [ __ ] all the time it's it's it's part of our dynamic don't you guys think it's funny that like we're trying to entertain you do you guys think it's funny yeah all right here before as we sign off we've probably been going for a while right he's ready we've been going for a really long time two and a half hours yeah i felt like you know we were gone all week i wanted to do a big old show for you guys missed y'all yeah i gotta be honest i missed you guys man i was [ __ ] i was like that was the longest we had gone without making a show in a minute i did not like it i did not like it either shred i like you you're so beautiful so cute you're so beautiful such a good boy i love my dog so much they're like my heart i don't like it god do you ever just think about how our dogs are gonna die someday and just get like super depressed yeah jesus christ well because like you know theodore's theoretically supposed to outlive me so i don't ever have to see him die but like the tragedy of the of owning a dog is that you fall in love with them they're like your best friends your heart and soul i love my dog so much and they're gonna [ __ ] die i mean i'm gonna have to watch them die and that's just it's so sad to me and sometimes i just i mean it's fine i usually can put the thought away pretty fast but like sometimes i'll think and i just get so sad i think imagine like having to be with shredder as we put him down it's like the saddest [ __ ] thing it just breaks my heart i had to go through it over the summer it was bad it's just i wish dogs live forever you know you want to get down i wish shredder would live forever um can we play that turkish fire video i assume that's what oh sure you're talking about someone paid a hundred bucks a hundred bucks to see well put it in discord because in the meantime look at who put in discord in the meantime zach made some more parody songs for ian potty all the time [Music] damn [Music] here just show ian uh just show ian dad [Music] [Music] oh [Music] he has to go now [Music] all the time party all the time party all the time are you doing that zoom down my god does he didn't even know that's happening [Music] i hope you're [Music] all the [Music] [Applause] zach you have a beautiful voice thank you we missed you again oh he's back what because he was gone yeah he's gone peeing i'm assuming [Music] you know we don't we're not live anymore so we have less enp moments but rest assured it does still happen the other day right before we went live ian went to the bathroom so it does still happen we love it almost every time almost every time apparently i'm the only one with the bladder here no you're not people there's another one you guys want to hear another one zach is that you on the guitar and everything yeah that's uh that's all me local dude that's solo wow [ __ ] sick brother [Laughter] just a regular guitar that's just an acoustic guitar and i mic it put a little chorus effect on there and yeah this one's called run into the bathroom [Music] [Applause] run into the bathroom oh wow dad look at those chops [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the show's almost over has to go no matter what shit's hard as [ __ ] run into the bathroom [Applause] [Music] on a road trip with hair but also the late great eddie van halen [Music] run into the bathroom we'll have to upload these uh [Music] we'll have to upload these to the uh highlight together like we did the last ones wow zach what a talent amazing thank you thank you yeah the last one was fitting because i mean we lost daddy van halen so i wanted to do something in here right right right right right and memoriam memorial yeah also to ian yeah ian do you have any well we're pretty much done here but ian do you want to say anything we're happy you're back out of the vortex it's really it's good to have you back i i hate to to even acknowledge this at this point um but i really do have to go and it's not a meme no i know it's been a long show so thanks for sticking it out all right well ian does have to go to the bathroom so we better just let him go but guys thank you everyone for sticking around a lot of fun i'm glad to be back ian hey this is a good sign off hey get that water flowin guys thank you everybody for watching we better wrap it up because ian has to be really bad it's been a long time [Music] night that's hot [Music] that was some dirty dubstep that was some p step that's hard man anyway we'll be back next week same as always we got four great episodes lined up for you guys next week so stick around you're listening to the hd product [Music] take maybe get a fever you ever get a fever from bad food all right guys take care we'll see you next time love you appreciate ya might drink some mayo while the incest honestly shredded will stop bopping my freighters at the suite we'll do the real raw ritual with more and e.t share my life with the ringer see y'all love jimmy lee they said we wouldn't come back but you we always do embrace from the ashes like the phoenix on the flex back to two you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 931,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, after dark
Id: g3gkFORfTZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 2sec (9482 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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