ALL Traffic Tips done...still 10% Traffic in Cities Skylines!

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hello everybody welcome to the next fictional city with me before here we are in a cup of tea town sent in by a Hellcat thank you very much for sending in if you would like me to either fix your city or review your city that's something else I'm gonna be looking at then check out the description below on how to send your cities in to me make sure if you want your city reviewed that it is a well-built finished city and I will be reviewing it and letting you know what I think so let us dive into fixing this one it is a relatively small city as you can see 48 thousand people but what is the traffic percentage it is 10% yeah 10% as always we have d spawning turned off and Oh My giddy aunt what are we gonna do here let's just have a quick look around at where it's going so coming in the city going around now interestingly enough and there's lots of roundabouts which you can see and also and the personally made the city let's just pick this random roundabout here as followed I would say pretty much all of my tips on how to set things up we can see that this roundabout has been set up oh I was gonna say correctly maybe almost correctly oh I just spotted one thing that wasn't right and you know what that means now is I'm not now got to check all the roundabouts because one little mistake like that can make a city back up all over the place so the mistake I'm talking about is having both of these turned on whereas when you've got tons of traffic you're and you want this one turned on there's not that many roundabouts so we could just quickly skip through these yeah I mean these ones were aren't making any difference so actually I'm gonna leave those on because like I said when there's not that much traffic leave them on but yes I've noticed a lot of things you've done um you you really you've set this one up correctly you followed my tips and not many people get to see a city where my tips are followed do we look at this one here know where my tips are followed that there's still traffic so this is gonna be an interesting one I've already sort of glanced through this city to see and this one looks ok to see what needs to be done and I'm already scratching my head you know it's quite nice actually when a city gets sent to me and the stuff isn't done correctly because then I can I can make a few changes build some roads fix some staff and it's like we're done then what that round about there's four leave it in we've got this one here but no this one is gonna be this one it's gonna be tougher and that one's okay we've done those ones no more round about something a little Park up here I like this little hill blossom Hill Park very nice so that's all the roundabouts did I look at this one I don't gonna let me go I tell you what let's do let's do that first so we have found a couple around abouts that haven't been done okay well that might add on doing the wrong I'm doing the wrong one there we go that was teaching you incorrectly there excellent okay so that's gonna help that get moving but we can see if we sort of follow the traffic along it just literally backs up on itself so we follow this down here it comes onto the highway it goes down here comes across here comes down here hits here it just literally yeah you know I even those couple of changes has made no difference at all so that is nice to see right so it might be a little couple of roundabouts to I haven't checked yeah that one's okay and this one just needs to do in yeah a couple of errors there this might be the one that's causing all the issues we'll have to see it takes a while for things to get going once you make a few changes but we should see anyway so looking back at this we can see that this is like a main road going through the middle here and normally I would definitely have a bigger a bigger road going through here so I'm gonna upgrade this road we're just gonna go for a six Lane one which that is the same size as what you've got it may just mean I have to monkey with you around abouts a bit but let me just go down here and upgrade all of these and by the way I know you can drag the mouse to upgrade roads but sometimes what happens is you drag along and it'll upgrade the one that's on the side so I turned to talk to it carefully now something else that may help with your with your roundabouts that you've got going through here Ohan hold that thought what have I got here so we had four lanes before going down to one lane each way that's very weird okay let's change that is roads like this sometimes you can just have a bypass a little bypass road coming past them because it's slowing down all the traffic having to come through look this is already moving which is great as it messed up the giveaway signs no is it messed up the other things no that's good already this is moving just with the bigger roads nice nice okay let's have a look up here I'm gonna leave all of that I think so that's that closed through the middle there excellent so that's gonna help that then means probably we could do with upgrading the lanes on here at the minute I'm assuming you've got your crossings turned off you had because you've got some nice paths over the top excellent so as you've done that I'm gonna just upgrade these to three lanes which is just gonna give more space to get round so let me just do that okay that's all of those now of course some of these don't have any paths to get across on one side to the other so I'm just gonna add in just a few little paths just to help ye oldie people get about okay so that is all upgraded that's all done already the traffic's going down but we can see it heading away here I'm just going to make sure that you've got this main road set yeah give way almost on all the roads so let's just zoom out and hold shift there we go and that'll make sure these side roads are giving away when they come on that worked up to the roundabout so we just do that one there there we go excellent so that should may help a bit what have we got going on here you've got you coming out coming out and you coming out which is what we don't want okay so let's let that run for a little bit 33 percent we are getting there and it's gonna take a while because look at all see this traffic here that's all coming down here to feed into the city to come along here somewhere yeah it's gonna take a long time now talking about that there's something we can do up here and let's just turn that off you've got all this traffic coming down here and you've only got you've got this all that weighs joining not coming in yeah you could just have a couple a little slip lanes here just for cars that want to come down and join this area it doesn't mean that suddenly everybody's gonna use it but it just mean just a little bit of help for some of your people here so even just let's go like this any cars that want to just come down here there we go it's not too steep that's fine and we could even just do one the other side as well it's a bit closer that Junction but that's fine no that's the long way round let's turn that round if we want to leave there we go and it just means they can come down through their bits houses that want to come into here houses cars that want to come to the houses and save them going all the way around everywhere at something else I want to check which I think you've already done is your lanes on the highway yeah one lane off two lanes on well done you've done that we've got a bit of the hokey-pokey merging this going on over here well that is something we can fix so we've only got two lanes coming in here so we don't need three lanes so we're just gonna change backs down to two there we go I might just leave the m23 as there is three lanes down there very good and then we're gonna say don't lane switch there but you can lane switch here which I think they would automatically yeah that's fine and then this one here we're gonna say stick to your lane there we go and stick to your lane move it underground you got an underground oh okay that's just your metro system and staff good good good so we're gonna say here if you want to go up a lane you can and then here if you want to go down a lane you can yeah we're gonna change that actually I'm not gonna have anything canary to let them do what they like there there we go so just keep this moving in here a bit better anyway that's that's the whole point and it wants to get onto the roundabout that is fine I think you're not work it all out for themselves good let's speed things up a bit just want to follow this down here so you've got a lot of roads that are actually being used as if they were a main road like this one here which as much as it's nice to have the trees and all that sort of thing it's almost being used like a secondary main road could it attaches to that main road I would certainly put in there this little four-lane four-lane roads and that's just gonna give some more access to all these other loads that you've got coming off and that will just keep things moving cuz you're gonna have dedicated lanes for turning as well we look in here now we've got a boat Elaine for left and for light so it's gonna spread the traffic out and that's gonna be the same all the way along and look already the traffic goes down look at that it's just like oh I love putting in those roads it is like instant and I'm gonna do there we go do that so everybody coming on has to give why I'm gonna do the same here so I the reason I would call this a main road is could its joining it's the one way that's coming in the one road that's coming up here onto that there we go onto that roundabout and instantly all that traffic is filtered out and it's gone what are we actually must be up to 39 percent nice so this is all cleared out that's good you do have lots of extra little roads that are going around places um yeah you've got enough lanes on there things to work in lots of abandoned buildings but they'll come back don't you worry well that's this area fixed down here you've got this little road going up so I would also call this a main road this one that goes up to there and then goes straight up to here that joins onto the main road so this is like I mean I'm sure there's technical terms for this but you've got this main road here you then I would call this feeder road probably not the right term and then it goes into your little side loads so you want to keep that one going you're gonna have the same up here as well the episode we've got this one here that's going to be four lanes all the way along and if we're doing that one you might as well do the one along the back and then do this one up here which is where they're joining the main road again and then you've got the say me other side other look of it and this one seems to go all the way through to down here there we go out all man all the people moving out they're coming back though they're coming back so that's gonna keep that off look at the speed on the highway and then this one here yeah I think that'll be fine that'll be good I'm just watching this or girl you know what once that main it goes down here this is this is pretty much solved why is this taking so long this is probably just the amount of cars that come in at up and the amount of people that are in the lane for turning light so what I might just do here and it's just slow things down a touch let's just grab this and say one lane for light two lane for straight on just along this road one lane for left two lane for straight line that just might spread these cars out a little bit you're gonna get a bit of hokey-pokey nurse first of all bats it just means there's more room for getting the cars going look and that's gonna start as soon as this bit goes that's gonna start moving you've also got I would always avoid having your metro it's good you've got Metro but avoid having it on the main road because what's gonna happen is as people come out of this metro they take their cars out of their pockets if they're gonna drive and dump it right in the middle of the roads so even just having that off a little side road just means it stops that problem but you know you've got what you've got so that's fine let's have a look at your or mass transit I forgot I did look at this off-camera and I was quite pleased with this so you've got people using your buses you don't have any trams Metro you've got a decent amount of Metro which is nice so you've got like a big loop with like a mini line going through there and then another line going through that so you pretty much covered yeah you've got it going everywhere which is nice you've got lines going in both directions yeah yeah so I wouldn't fiddle with that you've got you haven't got one going up here but I don't think the traffic up here is too bad look at that that's gone right down so we can see these guys using this is like a feeder road to then go to these roads so I again would upgrade that to the four lane motor this has basically come down to little tweaks and changes and just road upgrades to sort of think you know they're the citizens see this as a main road they're using it to get places and also with that load I think you get a speed boost so let's have a look so that's 50 as opposed to 40 so you will find more people come through that now something else we're going to look at have a quick sip of tea you've got some lows that join the areas to each other like this one here which is good so all of these people live in here don't necessarily have to go all the way around like that they can use this road but they're not really using it some are but some aren't now with a road like this I would say this is probably at let's have a look at the speed unless you've adjusted it 40 mile an hour now you can adjust it of course you can use the different speed limits but for a road like this that's just driving through the countryside you really want to use a National Road which is this one here it's got a speed of 90 just drag this all along there we go and it is the sort of road that you would have between two areas like this there we go and that's going to hit that I would even have that as your national road you can always change that later if you like that's going to encourage more people to come down here yeah I'll leave those like it is because you've got your Lane set up it's ashamed of that where does that go that goes over here so even like a little cut through like that you could have as a National Road because they need to do that she don't need it to be bigger you just need the space and then this bit here ideally what I would like is not for that to go into theirs I'm gonna do this here we're gonna go like this because you've got this roundabout here you've got some nice nose which there so I'm gonna say you come round there invalid shape you're talking about invalid shape oh there we go I'm gonna do that and then we're gonna sort it out so now we're utilizing the roundabouts so these guys don't need to stop for those guys and those guys don't need to stop that's like terrible porn out let's fix that up there we go excellent so now nobody's getting in each other's way let's just say give way and that's already set up we checked that and now look at that that is humming along that is noisy people are slowing down there to come off you could maybe just that but you're gonna find more people start using this now so let's just speed that corner up for them and go and we could even speak that go up all them have to slow down nice ok good so that is gonna get used more I am sure and if we have a look down here you've got like a road connection through here from one to the other you've got this sort of connection that sort of goes up there I mean you could maybe just have a little backstreet connection across here again it doesn't have to be big that's like a little one-way road you've got there so I'll tell you what we're gonna go any any connections you can give to help your to help your citizens down and then we'll get in any extra connections you can give to help them to drive from one place to the other it's always gonna be goods this is your industry so yeah that's not backing up what are we up to 41% nice so this is all going down how's your lanes go in there they're fine so we get into more keep walking Lane switching but when the traffic hasn't backed up that far it doesn't really matter I mean you could maybe move that a bit further back but you know I'm really not worried let's check here yet one lane off you've got some hope you're walking lanes switch in here I can already see the issue let's help these guys out of it you've done your lane mathematics which is good you've gone three lanes - one - two lanes one comes back in back to three lanes but we need to just help these guys come out a bit and I'm gonna say no Lane switchin there that was shift s by the way and I normally like to say no Lane switching like before like that and once this big bulk of traffic goes down you won't get people getting the inch other's way as much that's just gonna move much much better let's have a look up here look at all this to go oh and I bet you've got yeah let's do the same thing here there we go so I hang on up we got our no Lane mathematics that's what we've got let's get that so we want down to that's it then we also get one lane for off yeah you know how it goes excellent so let me just quickly talk about my city reviews if you would like me to review your city now I'm gonna be looking for a certain type of City I want reasonably good cities I think that's a fair thing to ask if you've literally just started the city or you know there's a load of things in that need fixing then that's not the series for you it's gonna be fixed my cities the one that you want so think about that it's are there going to be fix your city for fixing stuff or review your city if you want things of you but yeah Cho check out the description below basically you can upload it to steam and send me a link that would be fantastic we do need a few more lanes there so I'm just gonna do that but I've already got a couple of nice cities I've got a city made by another youtuber which are YouTube you may not have heard of so it's going to introduce you to somebody new hopefully help him out with his channel a bit as well which would be nice and it's a really really nice looking city I'm looking forward to to properly reviewing it I did put a post on my community there we go look he's just starting to move I did put a post on my community saying I'm just watching this while I'm talking just a couple of changes made all the difference is nice and I should change this to two lanes oh well we've got our money I didn't realize it was not unlimited money okay we need to let this game run a bit and actually earn some more money one second I'll just quickly tell you about the community post asking for the criteria for fixing things um so yeah maybe go and check that out if you haven't let's not a quick look around the city 44% I she's much better look this main load it's busy but it's clear so in a minute we're just waiting for the backlog of traffic but a few coming off there for that yeah this is just backlog or traffic now so let me let this run for a minute I'm gonna do my little money trick to get some more money now if you haven't seen this before it's basically means taxing everybody as much as I can until they stop moving into the city just to give us a money boost so we've got 300 people moving in let's go in full speed we'll start earning tons of money and then what will happen is once the traffic sorts itself out we'll be making money again you know it's the traffic that just stops everything working but I keep this running like this until this figure here stops being in a place that people are still moving in we've heard the taxes but he's got roundabouts and tea so we're gonna move in anyway well I'll be back with you in a minute I'm gonna just leave this running Oh people have stopped moving in I didn't notice I took my eye away from the screen for a few moments so let's put these back down to 12% and yeah we'll just carry on what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna carry on letting the city run and every time I need money I'm gonna do that and hopefully the traffic will continue to go down [Music] okay some time has passed and let's take a look how the highways doing not bad at all still getting a little bit of hokey-pokey Lane switching yes too bad is it they're merging okay but yeah it's just a lot of people coming down there this is getting very busy here I'm regretting putting that little road down there and wondering whether instead we should have a junction come up there and around there it's just well you've I mean look at how much look that's how it is moving all of this up here look look look it's all clear this is all clear how many people are using this little fast road lots of people using this little fast road through here what's going on down here three lanes down to two lanes or you've done that because you've got this one adding back on there I wouldn't necessarily do that but yeah it's not affecting the traffic this road of course here is very busy oh okay lots of people are coming up and taking this they're coming off the highway and going up how would they I've got in there before they would have come down here round there over there through the okay so yeah that's made this super super busy I don't know what we're gonna do is we're just gonna look at this little Junction here because we want these guys coming in and not stopping we're gonna say you give why and we've only got one lane there so we're gonna change the end of this to two lane highway there we go so now we have a lane for left and the lane for straight arm and then we use the lane tool there we go Elaine for left or later straight on our stop them lane switch in same there that's the railway line and there that's waves let's check that one out yo don't knock it's one lane into two so there you can pick where you're gonna go in fact what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make that a little bit longer down there oh it's the one way road wasn't this Qi way oh it is I'm an idiot I put the wrong road in what am I looking for here that's what I want the asymmetric road two and one there we go so you've got one load that goes up and two that's come down this way so you can have one lane four straight on one lane for turning in here and that should just if we speed that up a bit keep these guys moving down here much much quicker I mean ideally around about here perhaps it's just follow this road it connects over there I mean if I disconnect you this road from here they'd have to all use the roundabout and it would be a lot more traffic coming up this way but is backing up too badly I mean this you know I want to throw a roundabout in here I'm just wondering whether we could just leave it [Music] in gone let's just put a small roundabout in you know you want me to two-lane roads - that'll do nicely everything else it doesn't need to be there with disappear the traffic manager yeah and we just changed this one showing you after and you off turn you off go away there we go things are disappearing nicely that should just keep all of that garyun I think that's gonna be good so other than that how are we looking I mean this is busy but it's moving this is busy but it's moving backing up a little bit that's a quick look to see where all of those people want to go let's use the in-game tool pick that road there so most are coming back down here they come in like they're coming from outside then they're coming through that Junction through this Junction through that roundabout through all of that to get sort of over here so it's a shame there's not like a connection and the main road through here somewhere but maybe that's just a bit too much so yeah let me let it continue run and let this traffic go down and then I'll be back with you to see how we finish up so just a little change I made on this roundabout it's the one right near the end is this traffic was backing up coming up here to go around the roundabout just to head out the city so I'll just put a little road underneath down the back up again and we've set these up here and it's just however looks you've got one lane for going off and then you to go straight on so I've downgraded this to two Road two lanes either way roads and the same on the other side and then this one comes back on again and goes back into three lanes and it just keeps it all going make sure you have on here there we go the go straight through go straight through go straight through and the same on this side and it just keeps it all going and that traffic that's building up over here has now disappeared and this one is pretty clean that one is okay this one is okay these are okay this is all cleared up up here because this was all backing up wasn't it before I had the give way sign in the wrong way around there so everybody coming around the round if I had to stop and give way so fix that this is all looking good up here it's all moving nothing backing up the highway which is absolutely fantastic this is all clear what are we at 73% still a little bit of busyness going on here I'm just wondering whether there's a I could do with that I want these cars to come out cricket you're not I might do is just do that trick where we slow down the speed of this island and this roundabout just a bit let's go to sixty and it will just give the people coming out just a bit more of a chance to get onto the island and there we go these cars will slow down you're stopping there is there's something sort of stop sign hidden there let's just check no there isn't let's just double check the giveaway signs are all correctly they are and they're going through signs yeah so oh there we go look that's already just helped a little bit I'm baby please without 73% let's see if I can squeeze a few more out and just spotting here look the game is seeing that as a main road so I'm going to do the fix I did earlier and yeah I'll be back with you in a bit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well let's take a final look at the percentage of the traffic 80% that is pretty good I've grown the city back up to 40 to 43,000 as well there's still more coming in I am pretty pleased with the way that fix turned out what do you reckon let me know in the comments below and don't forget if you want to send me in your cities to be fixed or to be reviewed check out the description thank you for watching leave a like if you enjoyed and I'll see you very soon for the next one take care of your body bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 372,134
Rating: 4.9209661 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines expert, roundabouts, cities:skylines, cities skylines roundabouts, cities skylines traffic management
Id: ucvEiSFnU0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 57sec (1857 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 31 2019
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