How to make a Bicycle Super-Highway in Your City & Why you Want To in Cities Skylines!

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hello everybody and welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer here in the city of teaport i hope you're having a fantastic weekend uh it's probably saturday isn't it so i hope you're looking forward to a good weekend i hope you've got lots of fun things planned and it's not going to be too hot and thundery we shall see so today what have we got to do so much stuff got unlocked in the last episode it was unbelievable we built our brand new area which we can see coming up in the distance on the right hand side let's speed this up a bit there we go that's what we were building there and it just unlocked a whole load of stuff because we've got high density things there we go which really beefs up the population let's just take a little overview of our city i think it's going okay so far i don't think it's looking too shabby so we've got 9 388 citizens which means we're on our way to the next one here we go which is small city of eleven thousand but last episode we unlocked busytown so trolleybuses sightseeing towards oil yeah we're not gonna get to that just yet tourism that'll be good all of these new policies and a whole ton of new roads which is absolutely brilliant and a whole ton of new buildings as well look just feast your eyeballs on all of these buildings so much stuff i've always thought it's too much just unlocks all at once but there we go and then we hit big town as well so we can get a new area we've got campuses and we do need to do something with campuses whether that'll be today or not i don't know yet it clusters another load of policies and high density that is what we were using which really really has been helping us grow so yeah brilliant look at all that fantastic so what i would like to do is we've got this little area down here and oh by the way i'm like an episode or two ahead of what you're watching um i've changed the name over here i've called this the huge huge their school but it's the hugo their school for kids that can't read good uh they can't traffic good you get the joke look at the tiny school it needs to be at least three times bigger what is that a school for ants yes that's right i've renamed that and i also had some comments as well about the road layout so just having a look at this for a second we've got um this highway that comes through the middle here we've got then a branch that comes down here so all of these have access through this roundabout up here for all these little road connections there's loads of them along here and this has a connection down here this highway may change this little bit down here at some point but it's working fine for now um and then this section up here has got access through this junction which is working fine since we fixed that all up we also have this road let's just zoom in that comes down here and connects to this road which runs sort of around the outside and there is a connection down here that connects to up here so whereas most are going to go through the highway they need to get over here some can go down here and across and then of course we've got all our public transportation we've got trams that run around walking paths trams that run around so you know it's it's all sort of taken care of at the moment people can walk everywhere as well so that always helps now what i would like to do if we go into our transport section and into our hubs we have unlocked the bus intercity bus hub what's this one up here ferry and bus exchange yeah we had that before so i want to add this one in so we're going to get into city so buses that come from outside the city and bring tourists and people into the city i think that would be a good thing to have and then we can have from that buses going at two different places that is what i would like to look at and that is always going to help our traffic what are we at 85 percent so we're doing pretty much okay this is pretty busy down here if we have a look yeah there's a bit of a q these are all parked cars here there's a little bit of a cube but it's not too bad we've got um automatic traffic lights there so i'm too worried about that now where would be a good spot for our intercity bus hub let's just take a look at the size of this thing again it's quite big um so it's gonna need to go somewhere where we can add some buses coming off of it and going around the city plus i don't want it arriving in the middle of a industrial estate welcome to our city here you are opposite the dump that is not what i want so as we've been working on this side of the city over here why not let's put it over here we could have a road coming off of here which would be fine let's add a little t-junction coming up here and thinking ahead you know keeping in mind traffic and all that sort of stuff i'm going to use this asymmetrical road by the way if you want the roads that i've got um i've got all the dlcs plus i have network extensions too there we go so that's going to give you dedicated turn lanes for each direction i'm also going to use this tool here and do control click watch these two lanes here now we have dedicated turning lanes in and i'm also going to make that give way so party through the main road and as that gets busier i'm sure that'll be handy let's then go from this little two-lane road back to a normal one of these let's use this one here thank you very much and i'm thinking we might just run that down to the end here what's going on it's sort of like sinking itself oh i see this is all on a big slope isn't it darn it that's going to make things interesting well let's see how it goes and then i'm going to run a little road off of here let's use this one and that's going to go up and along and down yeah we'll do a bit of terraforming afterwards and then we'll set that up so you can see it's got if we hover over here it's got noise pollution of 75 and that is actually overlapping these houses down here but i'll tell you what we're going to do rather than move the whole thing i'm gonna do that and then i'm gonna change these houses down here let's grab that tool get rid of all of them because we do have some need for commercial zone and we are slowly going through this area and upgrading it from low density to high density so i'm going to make this high density commercial zone along here and we'll go right to the end that should be okay and that should be okay there so that will start filling in they won't care so much about the sound that'll be fine good good good this all looks slightly weird here doesn't it the way it all sort of drops down and let's use the move it mod i'm going to grab that node that node is probably one there and this i'm going to press ctrl h which is then going to turn it white and the next node i click on it will realign the height of all of these to the height of that so that looks okay from the front from the back it looks a bit odd a little bit of terraforming we can hide that so i'm not going to worry too much about that we've got the bus intercity bus hub so we're gonna have intercity buses come in i believe they will come into this section and drop people off but we can also add let me go into here oh we still need a bus depot as well or we can have let's use the biofuel buses why not let's try and keep things oh look that'll nicely fit right there so oh that just fits in perfectly doesn't it look at that that is fantastic so we've got a biofuel buses coming out of there and then we can run here we go we can run some bus lines so we can do that in here so the buses can go up there they can go along the back turn around but we can add all the lines in how many can we add one two three four there's loads absolutely loads so where do we want these people to go yeah so looking at the layout of our city as we said before we've got lots of trams and things going around here taking people everywhere and then to get to this side they basically have to walk or drive we do have um a path here for walking over and lots of people are doing that look you can see them walking over which is good and there's another one down they can walk they can walk through here they can walk over there and there was another one down here somewhere it wasn't there did i had another walking path maybe i thought about it and i didn't but anyway there's that one there so i'm just thinking for the moment all the people coming in on the intercity buses we can just run a loop around the outside of this big main road here and just pick anybody up that wants to either come to the large shopping center they can walk through there to the park so if you bring this one around here that can stop there then we'll do one there and everybody likes this yeah that was my phone croaking everybody likes this as well it will help them upgrade and these are all high density commercial down there as well then they can walk across here and hop on a bus stop which is good and let's just bring that up yeah we'll go there one over here and then back round again there we go i think that would work quite well and here comes the first one and here we go heading around that exact road that we just spoke about we've got all the high density commercial stuff on our right hand side and there's a park over on the left which you can't see because of the trees that are there but it's within easy walking distance for our visitors which is just what we want don't drive on the curb and through other buildings some of these houses some of these drivers i mean good grief that's all i've got to say oh look at that absolutely tons of people waiting for the bus already that is brilliant i think we need to have a little think as well about more options um for yes we're turning left and now running parallel to the highway which is on the right hand side we need to think of more options for people to get from this side of the highway to the other side so at the minute the one connecting point obviously apart from cars and walking is that walking bridge so they're gonna get off the bus we're about to go over the highway junction down here in a moment there we go that's the bridge you can see in the distance just up there that goes over the the highway junction that comes in yes we need to give them some more options to get from one side to the other but we're interested to see how many people do choose to walk and there's the walking bridge look on the right hand side you can just see it there that heads across to the other side of the city and now we're going back up towards the intercity bus depot station whatever it was called so yeah i think lots of people are going to be using this let's just jump out of this view there's the bus going around let's just check this out and see i mean we've literally had it set up for two minutes uh let's just see how many people i look oh my goodness me already there's that where are these all waiting so these are all waiting right down here interesting so that would be a good place to oh also say quit zipper t that would be a good place to have some people crossing over as well and let's have a look uh this one here so 154 72 so this will be the one the other side yeah near by the walking bridge which is over there so i think we need to add a couple more walking bridges along the do you know what we could do do you know what we could do just along here and i've had people whoops mentioned this before it's have like a walk-in cycling sort of thing going through here i think that would be a good idea now i believe there is a combined bike and walking path which i don't think i have installed so i'm gonna go and grab that and then we're gonna make use of that and here we go so it's called the pedestrian and bicycle path do a search for that you will find it on the workshop and let's just take a look at that there we go looks simple enough to me pedestrian on this side bicycle path on the middle i think no i think it's two-lane bicycle anyway we'll we'll work it out and i think that should be put into our city we could even try and do at like a a little highway a bicycle highway that now that would be fantastic wouldn't it we could do something like that it could run along the back here and it could branch off to come through all now now now now getting some ideas about how we could do this let's put some of this in and see where we end up so i'm thinking along here where the trees are let's turn off all the road guidelines let's put this on so this is going to be like a wiggly path through the trees so most of these trees are going to get deleted but that's fine i'm not going to make it run absolutely exactly how the highway goes can we run this underneath here i don't see any reason why we can't if we get nice and close to there and go like that that's it then it can come along here there we go and this is just the sort of path that i have seen uh i'm going to keep this running down here this sort of combines anarchy mod let me do that turn off collision i want to go through here thank you very much put collision back on again yeah this is just the sort of bicycle pedestrian combined path that i see around where i live uh probably in other parts of the uk as well and well that can continue up that way at another time can't it so let's keep that bit in mind and then what we can do we have little bits that branch off and connect so if we go straight here don't hook to no thank you very much and that can then come down here and connect to that so now they've got access to this bit here which is good and can we sneak a few more connections look we could have one down there that should connect to there yep that's fine we could then have one the other side down there there we go let's put the snap to node back on make sure it's working yeah that's good um and then oh look at that that is absolutely perfect in between there doesn't destroy anything let's put one at the end as well there we go so now they can all cycle along the bottom there which is great where else can we go i'd like to get this to go over the highway so how about we try and do something and connect it up down here are we gonna see anybody using it yet i'm interested to see we'll put some fences and things down here to make it safer uh yeah i wanna just do it alongside this bridge here so if we go here go up to that should be high enough so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna use the movement mod i'm gonna select that node and that node do the same trick control h and just make it the same height as that oh okay let's do this height this end the same height as that control h or maybe it already is control h oh there we go all it is yep that's fine and then we can just run this over the top uh anarchy turn off collision that should be plenty high enough come on now stop with all the herky jerkiness thank you very much that can go like that that'll be my phone every time you hear a frog it's my phone that's just the noise it has and then we'll go like that and then we'll go like that let's have a look yeah a nice slope to get up there and then i want this to carry along down here let's just move that move that tree move that tree and then we could just for now connect that to there like that but then we'll have a think about how we can also implement it in this side of the city as well okay so what i would like to do is try and run this little path up into this and i'm just wondering whether we do have hmm we do have roads that have bicycle lanes built in so if i just do a search for let's remove that and do bicycle there we go so we've got all these different roads we've got this one here two lane road with bicycle we've got four lane road with bicycle lanes and we do have a four four-lane road running around here although let's do that although unfortunately this one has trees in it and we don't have a four-lane road with bicycle and trees which would be nice if we did and you know what i bet the steam workshop's got something i'll be right back and for the magic of editing i'm back four lane road plus trees plus bicycle that is what i want oh what it's not giving me an upgrade option what what what the heck's going on there i want an upgrade option upgrade please why is it not doing it so if i pick this road i can upgrade all right let's see if i can find that four-lane one with trees and bicycles in in here there it is and then it gives you an upgrade okay a few that's fine so now we go i have to just turn this off again every time i restart the game so now we can upgrade this one around here to be there we go trees and bicycles and everything so let me just do that there we go fantastic so now we've got bicycle lanes we've got the bus lanes we've got the trees we've got everything we want all around here so that gives bicycle access i just want to check out the bridge look it's even got trees on the bridge little teeny tiny trees like trees here they turn to bushes on the bridge that's fine that's okay excellent and then i'm just thinking of course we've got this this highway here could we use this little dual purpose pedestrian and bicycle lane and upgrade these will that work it will oh that's fantastic well let's do that then [Music] there we go so they can now cycle down here they can pop up onto here get across to the other side look at that when you look at it from this angle it's so winky wonky that is absolutely fantastic oh brilliant and then they can get back down on here and they can cycle round the entire area they can then join on to the bicycle lane that goes along here and if they want to they can whiz around here to join onto this side we'll come back to that side in a moment and could we improve the bicycle access in the middle here i think we could because if we go back over here again we've got our normal two-lane road with bicycle lanes see the only thing we're gonna lose is let's just have a look here so this road connects so i'm gonna connect that now we did have this as like one-way sort of road type thing going on and you know what i'm gonna forget that so if i turn off collision there that will stop it deleting this fence and that'll be fine oh and now all the trees are gonna come back when i do that oh darn that's annoying i'll tell you what we can fix that so i'm going to go around here so it's no longer one way around here but we're getting our cycle lanes back on all those trees appearing everywhere and then what i'm gonna do is use the move it mod and we'll just grab one of the roads and go left right i'll actually return collision on again left right and it'll remove the trees but it won't remove the fences so that's a good way of doing it left right there we go we need to do like one node on each on each section there we go there we go and we'll just do that one there there we go excellent so back to normal so now did i do this one down here i don't think i did let's turn off collision again there we go and let's use the movement mod up down oh put the collision on up down there we go good so we've got all of our fences excellent yeah we've got all cycles they can now cycle through here off of the main cycle way and they can get all the way around there and i think it will change this one here as well yeah there we go so they can now get in and out of this whole area with the park that's great and then what about over here because we've got like access to the schools kids want to cycle and get everywhere so we're going to change these rows now i had initially set these up with the asymmetrical lanes and all that sort of stuff but i am not overly concerned about that so let's just do all of this around here where does that go yeah that goes to houses we'll do that we'll leave that one that's got some parking we'll leave that that's got some parking we'll do this one down here um yeah we'll do that one because we're taking away some parking options here because this road doesn't have parking in but that's fine we'll do that one we'll leave that one as it is yeah so now they can get around this big outside road they can get in the middle there and they can get in the middle there that is great and they've got access to the uh bicycle highway which now comes and connects to this side okay so what can we do over here well let's start with the main road first of all oh look we'll turn that up for a concert again oh yes people gave me some tips about this which i completely forgot about if we get this and put the prices up to matt popularity zero people absolutely hate nesta oh my goodness me if we put this up to maximum it helps increase how people like how people like them oh my goodness and they're still struggling to get in and out to drop people off oh man i'll tell you what we need to put some of the parking back on again down on this road let's do that let's do that they need places where they can drop people off let's confuse them all now [Music] oh dear and that's why it's that's why they're queueing to get in okay well we'll leave that as it is we'll just leave that as it is and we'll come back and check that a bit later um yeah so if we start with the main roads that we have going around here uh we've got like this big road down here which we've just seen um i'll do it up to the toll road because then i'll have to get out they'll have to get off their bike get their car out of their pocket oh darn it what do i just delete their a path they'll have to get their car out of their pocket drive through the toll road giving me some of that sweet money and then and then walk again the rest of the way uh let's just put that path back there sorry if i'm confusing you all yeah so let me just upgrade this road around the outside and i might is that too many trees trees and mineral trees on the outside no that's fine yep so let me do this yeah as you can see when we get along here this this sort of bridge section ends up looking a bit weird so i'm going to put that back to this that is like really low as well at some point we're going to have to change the height of that and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to use this pedestrian and bicycle path and just run it alongside here so if we just take that and run that along there and that will connect back over here again and over there that is the one isn't it yeah so they can cycle up to there get off cycle over the top and then join over here again and as you saw we still had all the problems with the there we go excellent the trees appearing in the middle so now we've got from up here all the way down along here we've got this one here that comes over so i'd like to connect that up to this area here so if i could upgrade that i can upgrade this one over the top was the zoo parts but i'm going to upgrade that now to this so that means they can cycle from there cycle onto here we just need to give them access to this bit so can i upgrade that you're not gonna upgrade all of this path along the back here there we go that goes all the way over there and then all we need to do is connect it up to this road and change that to this road here there we go let's do it with this one and try that again so it's not hovering in the air no it's still hovering in the air let's do it like is that hovering in the air looks like it is isn't it let's let's just try that again nope okay now we'll move that back a little bit there we go there we go there we go and then we can connect this uh if we come out straight and then curve that around and that can connect to there there we go so they can now get from this side across the road here across the highway connect to here which now if we upgrade these couple of roads which means they can get there get up there and connect to that and you know what i'm going to upgrade these all along here as well so we're losing a bit of the green in the middle but we're now giving cycle access all the way down here let's put that on yeah i don't want that on all the time otherwise you start getting tree problems darn it there we go i'll sort those out in a second so now you've got access to trees everywhere if there's another option that can stop that happening let me know all the way down to the end here and then we're going to go up to there let me just sort out the trees there we go so access across the highway to all along the front of this they can now come up here uh yeah we did that one that have access to all of this road which now gives them access to all the way up there man this is fantastic um and what we haven't upgraded is this one through here which would give them cycle access as well i think as we've done every other one we should do that one i'm going to do it with this one here with no trees because we haven't got trees on there now have we yeah we've unlocked her thing um so let's grab that out of this menu that's that one there isn't it four lane road with bicycle lanes yeah and we'll do this one there we go so they've now got access to this road this road all the way down here all the way around there they can cut across there oh this is brilliant and then we just need to upgrade this path here too so let's get that one again and go like that excellent that now gets some wood the heck is going on there [Laughter] yeah that ain't working is it let's use the movement mod i've upgraded it to a bridge piece but if i select those two nodes and then come down here and do control h put it the same height as that one yeah that just didn't work did it oh look at all the people walking over here using our networks that's fantastic there we go so we now have a cycle up there up over the top to here so i would say that is this side cycle proofed what would be the word i don't know so now they can get over to this side on their cycles do we upgrade all of this through here so what is our main row you see we've got trams and things through here i think i need a zipper t to get me brain in gear um do we add a cycle highway well i thought we could do if we get this one here we could definitely do this road along the back we're gonna at some point we're gonna have to come along and start looking at parking because we're using all these roads that don't have parking we're gonna get a load of trees up here now we're fine and uh yeah people are struggling to park but let's not worry about that right this second did i just get rid of a path i think it did and this could actually carry on all the way along the bottom to here let's put this path back in down here there we go yep still there so that's now access onto this little frontage road i'd like to get a cycle lane through here somehow to connect to this and i'm just looking at see this main road through here is a four lane that's a four-lane road and it's the four-lane at small thin road so if we change that it would have to be a two-lane road with bicycle lanes that's like the same size this isn't that busy to be honest so we could change that so let me do that actually no i'm going to leave that leave the collision on it means the house disappears but they'll come back so we could change this four-lane road down to here and then we could change this four-lane road through here up to there which means then we could change this one i'm gonna leave the bridge and then that connects to this uh four lane with bicycle lanes here as well and then i'm gonna change that one as well so now they've got access to all of that in fact i'll just change this one as well yeah that's fine we get the bridge over the top uh that one all the way down here did i do no let's do that so this is good that i've got the tram line as a separate line of what's going on there all to say quit super t it past 10 000 residents as well which is great um so yeah the fact that tram line is on a separate line means i can do stuff like this and it's not going to mess anything up um and then i'll do this four lane road here and then i'll do this four lane rose along the top here up done i'm just gonna say to myself i want to make sure i don't accidentally delete anything and then i accidentally delete something i think it was a path in here possibly uh well let's use our new path that we're using and we'll just do oh yeah there it is look there's the path oh that's okay let's upgrade this so this path we were using is now the cycle lane path good good good good good then that comes down here and then this one here i think i will leave that as a four-lane one so now they've got access to all of this by cycling goodness me this is fantastic and then we just need access to this area well let's start up here first so cycling now they can come up the end here do you know what i'm actually going to do i think this road connections are actually going to be quite busy so i'm going to grab that and change it back the cycle path ends here and ends here which is fine so what i'm going to do is grab it uh and draw it in there so i've got access there and i'll do the same over here as well there we go and i'll just bring that a little bit closer so it clips in and bring that a little bit closer so it clips in and in fact i might just connect that and that move it over like that there we go so now they can cycle down here connect onto there or cycle there connect onto there and get into this now this bit here we do actually have tram roads going all the way around built into the roads so i'm not going to change that i'll leave that as it is i'll be interested to see where my tram stops are along here because uh tram there's one right there so they can literally cycle to the end cross the road get on a tram i think that's fine and then over here as well so they can cycle all along here then they can get on a tram there or they can walk across here and get on a tram there we're not going to change these roads because these are tram roads all the way around we could do one up the middle i'm not sure i want to touch that i like the look of this so i think i'm going to leave it like that so they can then walk you know they've got access to trams that's fine they can cycle up here and then they've got access to walk into these areas trans i think that is a pretty good cycle highway what do you reckon what do you reckon and then if we look at our city of t port and go to policies is there not a site not recycling isn't there a cycling thing that we can do in here encourage biking when the policy is active most citizens will prefer bicycles over motor vehicles now i don't know whether that also affects our mass transit use that would be something to keep in mind so 114 residents 200 and all my eyeballs i can't read that 201 i'm wondering whether that will change i'm just going to make a note of that so it's 114.114.201 and just see whether that will change over time or 315 per week there we go so let's encourage biking and they can pretty much get everywhere i want to look at this one with bikes which would just be amazing if they did i'm just wondering as well actually we've got this bike bit down here let's upgrade some of these parts along the back here as well it looks nice with this one but you know we're trying to help people get around the city there we go i'm just wondering we can add another little connection up here yeah let's do that let's grab this so we know this is all cycle roads yeah we'll just finish it there that could head off into this direction at some point and then we just want to get up and over the top somehow let's try here there we go so they've now got access over the top of the highway and they can come along here and all we need to really do is sort of make this a bit more protected i think that's going to be another episode of detailing at some point but that is absolutely brilliant let's come over here and see how many people are cycling over here well there's lots of people walking certainly and there is some cyclists as well there they go that is brilliant that is absolutely brilliant a couple of little changes i've just put a little cycle path addition over here which goes up and over and i've upgraded these roads to cycle path road to anybody coming in on the intercity bus thing if they don't want to take the bus they can jump on their bike and cycle somewhere else and i'm also probably going to change my bus routes and we only have one going around this way you know i like to do clockwise and anti-clockwise so we've got eight vehicles on this line i am going to drop that down to four or let's get that bang on fifty percent can i yeah there we go and then i'm gonna do a line going the other way around as well there we go and four lines on that one as well so now people don't have to hop on the bus here and go all the way around just to get to here they can take either of the buses brilliant so since upgrading those roads i've also noticed i need to go through and use this tool again here control click to give them all dedicated turning lanes and that is part of a time script apparently oh okay fair enough i'm not entirely sure we need that in there now let us stop that and remove that's what i'm looking for and we're gonna put a giveaway sign in there but i'm going to go around and check all of my rows that i've changed just to make sure they're all set up correctly a quick update on our festival area now we put the prices all the way up plus 12 plus four yeah i think we're going to end up easily working our way up to an average of 70 which is what we need it's going to take a while but we will get there and the past 1 million simoleons credits dollars pounds whatever you want to call it as well fan flippingtastic um before i forget just one small road edition i've added for people that want to get over here to our music area our festival area just added this little road up here it's got the bike lanes on it as well so they can cycle up there if they wish and i've just spotted one more road we can upgrade that connection there there we go so they can cycle down there cycle up there jump out get in their car get charged through the tollway booth and then they can come over here and enjoy our festival fantastic well i'll tell you what we have reached the end of this episode another particularly long one let me know what you think of our cycle super highway in our city my citizens are certainly loving it they are using it to get everywhere which is fantastic if you enjoyed this episode leave a like subscribe so you don't miss out on the next one and i will see you all very very soon have a good weekend take care everybody bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 315,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, how to start a new city, how to fix your cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, cities skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, cities skylines how to start, cities skylines how to make money, cities skylines bicycle lanes, cities skylines bicycle highway
Id: EQuSud3IDnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 29sec (2369 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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