Fixing the 2% Traffic Snake of Doom in Cities Skylines!

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so here we are in the city of Babylon that sent in by Chris and oh my goodness me look at all the trucks there's so many donut trucks there I I just don't know what to do with them this city the traffic it's heading down to two percent and worse there's just huge areas of red light I just zoom out and show you the whole thing look I mean this partner city's empty down here but oh my goodness me it was on four percent when I opened it and it's just been getting worse and worse and worse I've had it running for a little while and wow it is nuts and it seems that the main issue is here to do with these cargo hubs and look see all of these are going in there and a lot of those and then what do you see where they go and look we just click on some of these we're hang on pause where are you going were you were just driving through so I don't know why you came down here I want to track we turn into facility we turn into facility where's the facility I don't know oh no traffic maker what I always called this traffic maker I was thinking what the heck was that yeah he's but it's in a name dude traffic maker so the this guy is getting stuff coming in and then these guys are will return into facility after they've delivered their goods around the city a lot of these as well we're taking those items and sending them over here yeah but it's coming from all over the city and we can see we use this tool here the vanilla traffic routes to all let's pick this road there we go that's the one that leads down the ramp that goes into here and we can see I've got the Destry ins and cyclist turned off we can see where all the trucks are coming so they're coming from here they're coming from up there they're coming from here they're coming from all the way back here over there down the main highway into their back along the highway it's not they're coming from everywhere and there is so we look like the other end of the city now look right the other end of the city and there is another cargo hub Harbor over here and they don't seem to want to use that one as much so we're gonna see what we can do to fix that up you've also put two next to each other trying to split it doesn't work when you do that it doesn't work you the ones coming from this way might use that but everybody else will just use the nearest one which is this one what I do want to do here with this roads there we go so all the cars coming down here a lot of them are trying to come off and go to different places and most of them look these purple ones are trying to go up there not down into the cargo station but they're all just getting blocked up by this this is why it's so bad and just blocking up on this highway just blocking everything else so what can we do well first of all let's try and do a bit of lane mathematics on this Junction here you've done your lane management with traffic manager yeah you've got them so they merge okay but there's a little bit of yeah hope you walking us going on so if we start from this NT we've got three lanes one lane going on so all traffic's up to ten percent who are we're then gonna drop it down to two lane like that and then another one goes off so we're gonna drop this down at to one lane there we go and then one comes back on so we're gonna go back to two lane this is there we go it like that two lanes to Knight and another one comes back on and then back to three lane then one goes off so back down to two lane and then one goes off there one goes off there so yeah we don't actually need to redo that and then that's like a national road going in both directions okay that's fine yeah we'll go with that so now what you're gonna find is these arrows here is gonna be set up one for that road one for this road and then that's gonna sort out these arrows you've got one for coming off I'm gonna take out the the lane management you've got going on there I'm gonna put some in here so we definitely know these guys are gonna stick to their lanes and they come in and they're gonna do a bit of walky walky lane switch in this one coming off here is a bit of a bummer actually what is this oh it's a cargo train terminal smack bang in the middle there um but not many people are using it I'm not gonna worry about that at the moment so we've got those coming on we've got this one coming on so let's do the same there you're for that line and you're for that line does that mean they're not going to have to switch yeah there's a place they can switch in the middle before they get there which is fine they can switch just checking no one's gonna get stuff coming off which is what we don't want that one's going off you've got a lane for each that one's going off now we've got Lane mathematics you don't need that one what you do need is this one all going over use the other Lane so let's take a look at this one as well three lanes coming along we're gonna lend downgrade to two lanes along here then one goes off so we're gonna go down to one lane and it comes back on its gonna go back to two lanes and then we're gonna just lay merge outs of three lanes and then we've got the Lane mathematics here so that's fine we'll see how that goes I mean ma'am I mean it's all backed up so far and then we just make sure that where people are coming on they stick to their Lane that's like stop guys like that look don't do that don't come across other people that's fine you got one for each and that's funny one for each it's only this one coming on which is the problem so already we can see this is moving a little bit quicker a bit of walking walking Lane switching going on but that's gonna happen now we've got more space for the cars that want to come out and come through but with the speed this is going this is always gonna be backed up like this I mean I mean I mean I mean I mean another sort of mini solution is just to make this a lot bigger to soak up even more of this traffic that's coming up here which I hate to do but why the heck not let's do it and I know there's some people out there that be going off its before it's so unrealistic how the heck can you do stuff like that but you know sometimes you just got to do what you've got to do to get things working so that's what I'm doing I'm doing what I've got to do and then you can always take it out again once the traffic goes down if you really don't want this big monstrosity in here just take it out again you know I forgot why I'm trying to get to what am I doing here they're coming in they're going round they're going round they're going around the game randomly it's stuck in the center [Laughter] it must have connected round here somewhere or something yeah I think it did I've connected over here oh well it's gonna look weird anyway so let's just make it look really weird hello there we go they're gonna go all the way under there and then go on the ground we'll come and join this one so that is gonna hold more traffic okay so there we go that's filled up more and if we look back along here which is where it was causing all the problems now it's not backing up onto the road all of this other cargo air cargo it's not the traffic can get moving now the only other place it might cause a problem is here because we've got left and right traffic but most want to just turn right and leave the city so now we've got a lane for left and right there we go so look at that so now that that's moving this can all start moving this is a bit hawky walking Lane switchin but that'll sort itself out so that is one option and we're gonna leave that learning what are we at 14% and see how much of the city but I mean that's like a horrendous looking option and soon that is gonna fill up isn't it now the other option that you've got is using more cargo rail terminals you've got them unlocked so people aren't having to drive here that they can use these instead and then the cargo can be dropped off right by your traffic maker carga Harper's we also like to call them so overall traffic increased a little bit but then the same problem reared its ugly head once we filled out all of these roads of course it's gonna start backing up onto the highway now we've because the way we've got the lane set up people can't still come past and get off onto the other highways if they want to but yet the problem is still there so what else can we do I did mention your lack of cargo train terminals nearby now we've got this one here but it's not really close enough you've got one here which is bringing stuff in there and then basically that is it until we get to the other side that's a passenger one that's a passenger one that's a cargo one but it's all the way that there that's a passenger one and they've got a couple of cargo ones there so what we need is for everybody to have easy access to a cargo train terminal which is then dropped off by the trains over here so what I'm thinking of doing is cleaning this out it's not being used and to make some more space okay so we've cleared that out now let's remove this your traffic maker as you call it and we are going to put in there a cargo hub that also accepts train traffic so slightly different format the cargo Harbor whoa all the traffic just disappeared that was coming down here didn't expect that to happen very weird very weird it'll all be back soon don't why okay so now we've got this connected up to here I'm gonna let the game run a bit and get all this traffic built up again I had no idea it was gonna completely disappear when I deleted that but now we have options for the trains to come in and out so I've connected that up over here I'm probably gonna work on this Junction a bit but I've just put some lines in next to you and hopefully with the cargo terminal here and the ones all the way over here that will stop a lot of these cars driving all the way down there they will prioritize those overtaking slow cars and traffic and stuff through and then I've got this other one here which and some a look yeah that can also connect up to there as well that's good and sure whether you've got any lines sort of in the middle here not really sir all there's like this flower line through here so we do have options we may try and add a couple of other little cargo things in as we go along we'll see how it goes like this little hill top here you've got four living here fantastic right so let's let things run for a bit and we'll see how that is gonna go okay while we're waiting for that to work itself out we're gonna head the other way into the city down here and do a little bit more Lane mathematics on your roads here because these sort of junctions they could really do with it so just again and most people can do this on vanilla I was gonna say minecraft vanilla City skylines if you have these available roads some of these come with mass transit I think this one here the mass transit DLC so you can do that so basically it's three lanes one lane off then it goes down to two lanes like that one came off again so down to one lane one comes back on so back to two lanes along there another one back on back to three lane so that was pretty simple you can just leave it at that that will very much help with your traffic but then if you do have mods then I would go into here and use the lane connector like we did before so ones like this just to make sure they stick to their lanes there we go going along there they're going off that is fine when it comes on again making sure they stick to their lanes there we go and coming on here making sure they stick to their lanes they don't get in each other's way there we go and I'm gonna do that I think coming in the other direction as we needed and then what I might just do as I'm gonna leave it there we go look this is all gonna go down quite quickly in this direction here see things like this you're not gonna need that anymore let's get rid of that yeah let's do that let's do the same on the other side so you've got three lanes one coming off down to two one coming off down to one one coming back on again back to two one coming back on again back to three it just works nicely it works really well that's the sign of a good Junction as well of all the lane mathematics and and then where the junctions are just to make sure they stick in their lane like that that one's going off its gonna do it anyway let's make sure these stick in their lane when they come on there we go and then when they come on again there we go and there we go excellent so we just take a quick look at this this traffic going in the other direction all cleared up already let's just let this one run a little bit and see how it can't believe how well that's gone there's the traffic going the other way wasn't so much to do with this car go hard down here but wow the difference that's making already just a little tip if you get little problems like this you see where there's sort of hawky walking Lane switching in the middle there and if you're using traffic manager take this tool here shift s say don't do that and then this one over here instead of having this Lane to here and this Lane to here what you can do if we just take those off like that and then they can pick which lane they want at the junction and it just works a bit better because they can switch up switch down you can see there we've got the junction switching automatically on there and it just keeps things moving along that's working Wow we could do the lane massacre in the other way but it's not really needed you've got this roundabout setup well which is good let's just check yeah it's okay that's going okay we'll leave that like it is this one here they're sort of slowing down a bit and we've got a bit of for keyboard units coming out of here so let's have a look at this you don't want it okay Lane mathematics Lane mathematics this is this is when people say are the games AI are it's so bad no just if you use the lanes correctly this is how the AI is set up to work and to make sense of lanes that's what it does the three minus one is two minus one is one one back on is - yes nother one back on is three and that will go reasonably well and then we'll just give it a little nudge in the right direction because there's so much traffic and we'll do this now I'm gonna get loads of comments Oh lor you said the AI works fine now using mods well yeah if you build sit see this is what happens if you build cities that work really well so you don't get traffic which is something you've made then you will find yeah we'll leave that like that we're not gonna need that then you will find that your road networks will survive much better let's get rid of those yeah we'll come back to that everything is changing so there we go Oh ton of people coming down here what are these people doing here lights okay so no Lane switchin is gonna happen here you are gonna go I pick you please okay I'll pick you instead you are gonna go there you whoever it is you were gonna go there and you're gonna pick your lane when you come up here there which is already set so we'd have no whole keep walking Lane switching and there we go that was sort of that sort that out that will sort this out I mean when they get back to here do we need the lane mathematics possibly maybe they're doing okay they're doing a wine what about this little Junction here what are we hats 63% bish bash Bosh come down here so some cars are still coming in here but I am assuming we're gonna get more trains coming up here look like this which is fantastic so they're using this dropping it off let's just say everyone's happy if we just want a football match so they're gonna be using this one which will come and take a look at so that is busier differently and that is busier this is actually busier as well which is funny there we go so now they're using that one so it sort of changed the whole way the game is thinking about how to run things which is just what we want to see nice nice nice nice so cut the change is 63% brilliant let's take a look at this in roads come in here coming into the city it's all getting caught up in this Junction not a big fan of this Junction but again we could probably apply some Lane mathematics and help this thing work a lot better so everybody must come up there so let's just do the lane mathematics first so we've got three lanes with this one coming off the side here so this is gonna go to two lanes like that all the way around then you got this one coming off here so that one's gonna go to one lane then you've got these two so that's gonna go back to two lanes then this one here that's a three lane so that works out well then let's have a look let's have a look so that's going over there they're all coming around here and then coming off what I'm gonna do so we've definitely got sometimes it's hard to tell where that lanes thinking of going but this is just going to do that to help you get set up and then larva then I have them switching lanes all the way down here I'm gonna say no Lane switchin there so shift s no name switch in there no Lane switch in there I want to pick their lane when they come in and that's already set up so that will stop these guys crossing that look and instantly as soon as we do that people are diving out saying yeah I want to come down and take this Lane there we also don't want these guys getting in each other's way so let's just pause a sec to finish setting this out so that's gonna go there and that's gonna go there when they come in they're all gonna stick to a lane so you go there you go there and you go there and you know what I need is a sip of tea hold on one second and then we've gotta be careful good that they're gonna get forced off to go round there so I might just take that off there we'll see how that goes these junctions are very close together we'll see how that goes so that's gonna get all of these guys moving down here which means this cue that Keys getting massive that key will go down and then where they're coming around here we've sort of got a bit of walkie bulkiness going on this way so I'm gonna do the lane mathematics on this Junction going the other way so 3 minus 1 is 2 minus 1 is 1 1 added back on here it goes back to 2 but then around here see we've got two lanes going into one so technically that should be one of those so we've got one lane too late and that would be one plus two is three so we could still do that there and then we could say so they're all coming out and I'm gonna say no Lane switching right after absent breathing boom low you've got all this road up here and then in this Junction here we're gonna keep them to a lane each just to keep moving and then coming all the way back up here that's fine so that then it should move out much smoother look at that and start getting rid of this massive tail back down here and then they're gonna start doing some hope you all get on switching be interesting to see where all these people want to go if we just pick this one here while I'll go in that way quite a lot of coming up there and then coming up into this section so that tells me that we could just have a little slit road off there if you wanted coming underneath and join in there like that there we go so now we've got that coming off I'm not gonna bother with the lane mathmatics there but what I am gonna do is change that to say that one lane going off there the other to go straight on and now look at that that was back that wasn't it it was coming out all the way up here it's slowly slowly going down getting much better what's going on over this way yeah just lots of traffic lots of traffic that's what's happening so that's moving okay what are we at 67% so now we know that we're gonna try and rely more on trains to get our cargo here instead of all the trucks we can then again use this in-game tool we'll grab the little load here where everybody's coming in to this area and queuing up and we can see where all the trucks are coming from some are coming from up here it's quite a lot coming down this Junction and through from this section yeah you do have a ton of commercial buildings up here and every single one on this island is gonna be driving and then connecting up onto here so we could even run just this little line here are and learn a little train station into here somewhere I mean you've got spaces here okay managed to squeeze a cargo train terminal in there the line goes underneath comes out over here and then just joins the cargo hub on the other side you could set the line up to look nicer I've just thrown it in to get it working and that should take oh can you said trying to put avoid putting a harbor here a harbor isn't your answer to everything you've got to try and get more trains going and we're gonna get people coming up here hopefully using this instead of driving all the way across town so we'll see how that goes so that some time has passed and using our traffic routes Road tool let's have a look at this Road that goes in and out of this cargo terminal that we put in so I've selected this one there and you can now see that all of the cargo from this area here is all coming in that's of this one which is fantastic even some from over here so everybody that was in there that was coming down here is now using this one here so if we can add a few more of those around that will definitely help with the traffic [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so how are things looking in the city now let's see what the traffic percentage is 78 percent as always that's without any D spawning on or anything like that I just let the game run enough to do the time-lapse which took quite a bit of time hang on I can tell ya the time-lapse took 40 minutes that's how long that one took and getting an overall look at things there's a few places that I've read it is a very busy city but overall there are no traffic jams look in and out of the cargo stations going well yeah anything that's red really is just busy rather than backed up which is absolutely fan flippin tastic down here these are all moving nice and smoothly you probably saw at the end of the time-lapse that my training trains are all backed up that's my fault this Junction here I will sort that out off-camera so now we have no need for this snake about of dude I'm gonna leave it in there just so you can have a good laugh at that but the overall fix was sprinting out our cargo train hubs about the place and having more cargo stations and that just took all the traffic away from this main road and also making good use of the traffic routes tall here picking a road seeing where the traffic is coming from where it is going to that is the way to fix your city look at all those ships taking all of your cargo everywhere around your city so thank you very much for watching if you enjoyed this super I mean I loaded this out I had no idea how I was gonna fix it I'm blown away by how well it went if you enjoyed it leave a like don't forget to subscribe as well don't miss out on the next ones and watch the next video on the screen - thank you everybody take care see you soon
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 514,756
Rating: 4.9227219 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines expert, roundabouts, cities:skylines, cities skylines roundabouts, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines fixing cargo
Id: Lw7QhbMSXcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 12sec (1572 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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