Reviewing a City with "Perfect" Traffic in Cities Skylines

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[Music] welcome back to review your city with me a bit like this is the city of Minneapolis sent in by mr. Plouffe and we are going to look at this city we're gonna see what's good maybe a few bad things and what you can learn for using in your cities as well [Music] you sent this city in I'm assuming it was full review because the traffic was pretty good so I didn't think it was for a traffic fix but we're gonna go through the criteria that we've set out in our previous video and see what we think now the first one is realism know what's realistic does this city look and just looking at it you know just some of a point of view like this from a long way away overall I would say pretty pretty realistic I like the way it's all spread out it's quite grid-like but then there's nothing wrong with that there's plenty of gridded cities but then you've gone for some nice roundabouts as well we'll come back to the roundabouts really pleased with those ah yes love a good roundabouts in a city but overall I would say it rate pretty high on the realism over here you've got a nice University campus that's been set up I like the way you've built this I think that looks quite cool we've got all the housing down at this area over here and you've got all the areas where they can go and get schooled get taught all the staff down here which is looking very cool there are some things though that jump out as maybe not so realistic you might be spotting though straight away big motorway junctions here right in the middle of the water think you see too many of those around like that that sort of cly's out to me breaks that breaks the realism just a little bit some of your choices with the way you built your roads as well yeah this this little road across here this little wiggly road I know why you've done it and it's good because you do have a rover traffic to get from one side to the other without going through the junction that is always something that I say you need to do rather than everybody using the main highway but some of your low choices little bit hawky balky maybe and this this sort of area here with your railway lines yeah you've got were--we lines that just die in the middle of nowhere junctions that aren't quite lined up so when you get a bit close the realism factored tend to disappear I'm wondering whether you had I'd you know I think you've got in here that's disappeared I think there's an asset they were like five or six assets that wouldn't load not on the Steam Workshop anymore I think that is what's missing from there and here as well that looks like so we won't we won't mark you down for that but I mean overall from a distance quite realistic I would say that is it's just my opinion anyway but I do like your city I mean the next the next thing we're going to look at is the mass transit so I think with the trains we're maybe gonna have a little bit of a problem like we said you've got some assets that have disappeared you lot so over here as well you look you've got this is here but you ever got it hooked up you want to hook these things up get them get them working for you [Music] so no busses tramlines no trams white land metro lines yes lots of metro lines we'll come back to those train lines well you don't have any set up anyway so even if those assets were there it would still show the lines but it would show them as being broken so with a city I would just say with the city that's this big and this spread out you could certainly have a train line coming from some of your far-flung places like this into a hub in the middle way you could get everybody to switch over maybe to metros or to the the airport or those sort of things so in a city that's spread out like this which is where the realism factor comes in certainly a train line even if it just line round the outside or I mean you've got this line coming in here and Shuman yeah it's just looking like you've got cargo trains let's just have a quick look down your train line do we have any passenger trains coming in I don't think you do so you're missing out on a load of tourists and that sort of thing so yeah so anyway train lines that summer look ferry lines no I mean which is odd because you've got all these ships you've got all this water here and you've got cruise ships so you've got cruise ships coming in which is good you've obviously got a harbour set up somewhere and I'm totally sure where that is found it is the harbor you've got a harbor tucked in over here let's just see if there is another one anywhere so they're colored yellow I think that is it that is the only harbour that you have you do have some fairly lines that you've put in here are you sort of stopped them halfway yeah you really want to be really want to be using ferries I mean that would be a fantastic way on here to have them crossing from one side to the other which would again help with any traffic problems that may come up in the future and perhaps another harbour as well yeah you've just got this one harbour over here and you could add in another one get to some of your tourists come into other parts of your city but what I do like here you've got the option for the metro which as we saw was very well used by people so these are deciding to drive into the city if they wanted to they could walk over here and you've got your path set up there which is good so they could walk and use your metro and you can see the tourists coming in there we go excellent so there we go and there's a choice coming in there little camper van Camp Caravan thing yeah so very good let's check what else you got let's go through the list so we're up to here do you have any blimps one blimp line so we can see that going across so that comes from up here at Coleridge Heights oh it sort of goes around in a big loop around your city up over here up over there so blimp lines I mean I wouldn't normally have too many blimp lines in my city just one or two just to give the look of the blimps flying over I think that's quite nice so yeah I can I can see why you've done it that way and then finally model airlines nope none of those okay so let's go back to your metro now you've got metro lines where up into almost a thousand certainly hundreds per one and look at the amount of vehicles as well that's that's nice and low sometimes they get a bit high for the amount of people that are on them that is not bad at all and if we just take a quick look at let's look at your busiest one so this is obviously going to university we have a look here there we go so we get a little bit of information here which is worth keeping in mind you want to make sure there's not too many people stood around waiting it stops so for instance here you've got a hundred and forty five beaver there's not much space left on this one let's just speed it up it's all that actually it managed to fit oh I suppose a load of people got off and then load of people got on so yeah that is balance quite well that is balance quite well so everybody's being picked up let's quickly look at the next busiest one down so that had four vehicles it was managing it this has got six vehicles some I'm assuming that's going to be pretty much okay although you've got a lot of people waiting over here 800 odds I mean these empty trains are coming through here there's a lot of people yeah oh you can see them all down there the pink that's the line color it comes the people that 1000 so I would even add on here another couple of trains just to keep these guys moving so if you add that to yeah up to 10 I mean you could even go higher but basically you want to make sure that there's hardly any people waiting at the long is that these are gonna get picked up a couple of trains go past that I'll get down to zero because there is a weight counter on how long people will wait at a stop whether it's for a train a bus a blimp whatever before they give up and do something else it's quite high but obviously you want to get people moving around as much as possible so I would suggest perhaps going through all your different lines and just making sure you've got enough trains to cover again the universe is true something like this where you've got not many people using it you've probably got trains that are really empty you don't need so many on there so for instance you could probably knock this down to just two vehicles and that would easily keep up with what you've got so that's something you can do at yourself as for your coverage of your metro you've got a nice loop there let's have a look you've got yet clockwise and anti-clockwise loops going on let's have a look over here you've got another one going around this way again clockwise and anti-clockwise you've got this big loop which goes from your airport stops off at and other airports comes to your train hub and then over here and unfortunately as we said you've got know that your multi platform end station has been turned off so even if I did have the assets loaded that were missing from your train station this isn't set up and turned on so it's good you've got it come in here but you really want lots of lines go into different parts of your city just the furthest parts of your city really because you've got Metro doing a lot of the hard work you've got another loop here another loop there you've got stops that are close to each other so we've spoken about that before so people can move look at that perfect example people moving from one loop to another that is that is just great that's what you want people to do so they can get around your city nice and easily and quickly so yeah not bad on the old Metro you've got a little stop coming up here you've got some loops over there yeah not bad at all not bad at all so for mass transit I would certainly give you a nice thumbs up of that certainly five sips of tea out of five I would say because you've got everywhere covered nicely [Music] so let's take a look at the overall traffic of your city how many red lines are there well let's just sort of take it an area at a time nice and clean there lots of red going through the middle but don't forget we've said before that just means it busy its busy doesn't necessarily mean there's loads of traffic I mean it's backing up a little bit there but the rest of these red lines are just busy this is backing up a little bit there let's just check whether you've got your roundabout set up correctly you did have despawn and turned off when you gave me the game so I've left it like that you've got your land about South correctly that's just that's just busy I think people coming down there so that's fine let's continue on there eighty-four percent so that is pretty good that is pretty good traffic for a city this size I mean even with these spawning turned off sorry even with D spawning turned on which if there's too many cars there they'll despawn I've seen worse traffic than that believe me and some of the cities are seen again this is pretty bad but it's it's okay it's moving all right yeah you've done the lane mathematics three lane minus one down to two which is really good you haven't done your merging here yeah but that's probably because we'd be spawning off your traffic never gonna get horrendous so whereas I would certainly say do this to keep things moving smoothly I don't think if you turn D spawning off things like that is where you start getting problems you've done it where they come on on this side or not that side but you can see them merging nicely yeah and some of your lanes there I mean that would that's a three lanes down to two yeah I would certainly set just that lane for going off but like I said your traffic's not a problem so things like that aren't too bad let's see let's have a quick look around again junctions like this just read just read not just busy I mean just busy not not bad traffic over here you've got a lot of traffic coming out well this is an industry area also this is such a busy road down here this is this is like that treating this as a main road I would certainly upgrade this road to the four-lane roads there we go just put it going one way the four-lane one way I don't see why not it's a lot of trucks it's a on cars but there we go keep things moving and you could do it that way as well you could just even do it to lane one way to be honest but something like that it would mean you've got lanes in the middle for keeping things moving lanes around the outside if they want to stop look already the cars are moving much quicker let's just see what's going on here what is this guy doing he wants to change lanes you don't need to do that the whole thing's okay look we've got plenty of lanes here and I would just do a little bit of lane management right here I would say you to that ended up fixing your traffic you can go around there and you can go straight on over there there we go no one's gonna get in each other's way look at that and everybody keeps moving yeah unfortunately is when you get people stopping like that never like industry right by junctions but that's not they often look Matt's cleared all that up nicely yeah this is probably your busiest segment coming through here I mean you do have junctions quite close to each other which is causing this whole keyboard your Lane switching and I would sort of maybe spread things out a bit you could even perhaps take these Lane connectors off here because they can join here and join here just spread things out a bit and it will stop this sort of traffic slowing down but apart from that I mean your traffic's okay I think if you turn D spawning off you would get a lot of problems but overall overall I would say that is not too bad at all [Music] so let us check out the overall happiness of the city and as we said in our last review the happiness factor in the game takes into consideration all the services the land value whether they've got jobs transit all this sort of thing the game takes it all into consideration and sees whether your citizens are happy living in city we've got this little happiness thing down here they'll hover over that the globe will happen it is pretty high well let us take a look at the Citizen happiness breakdown not bad at all residential happiness 87% I've seen higher I've seen higher commercial happiness is quite low so maybe you could work on these two things here I mean the overall happiness that you're getting is you know is pretty good is pretty good but you could possibly go through some of your residential and commercial areas and just see what they need a good mod that can help with that is the show.if mod this mod can show you what each person is missing what they're not quite happy with there we go coverage oh yeah that's the icon is below yes a fire watch coverage there isn't much here fire safety is quite low so maybe that is something you could work on in that area and that would increase the happiness but generally speaking generally speaking it's not too bad for a city of this size but some things you could work on there [Music] so last of all we want to check out how many roundabouts you have in your city because I love a good roundabout just taking a look at this area here you do have quite a few roundabouts dotted around now you can put roundabouts in for no reason at all or you can put them in to help with the traffic and you seem to have roundabouts seen for helping with the traffic and you've dealt with them really well let's just close in on this little section here so you've got your roundabouts set in you're using a three lane highway with the sound barrier which is good you've got all your paths going over the top so people can still walk around them which is very good same for this one here so nice along paths going from one side to the other that is always good your junctions off the highway or using roundabouts or even setting up areas we the roundabouts in the middle which I really like that is nice and let's just take a look one thing you haven't done but then I don't do this it's only you know you don't always have to do it you have your roads coming straight in sometimes for instance here with the four lanes you could split that off with a two lane one-way going that way joining the four lane and then a two lane one-way going that way coming out just to keep traffic moving quicker but as we said you've got traffic to spawning on your traffic isn't bad at all so it's it's not doing too bad but those sort of things might be something to keep in mind and if you ever turn the despawn in off like we mentioned before with the roads layout and junctions being close to each other and that sort of thing you've got some hokey-pokey about I like this one here look at this shape that is a cool shaped roundabout you've got some oblong about you've got you've got some very interesting roundabouts junctions too close to each other here this this has got a bit of rye disjunction of some nice connection rows going underneath which is good but yeah this is all a bit too close I would probably be fall over and put a nice roundabout junction in there but anyway anyway roundabouts I would certainly give you I would certainly give you a nice high score for that look at this loads around abouts everywhere a nice foot pass over the top yeah very good very good now as you know roundabouts keep things moving which is what you want in your city I like this roundabout here with the water in the middle and the little thing nice I mean there ways one thing missing I would say with all the roundabouts you've got these decorations in the middle if you look on the Steam Workshop there are quite a few if you just literally search for roundabouts there's some pops you can just place in the middle which look really nice but you can also use the plot tool to put you know flowers and things in the middle just to make them look nice maybe if even a few trees something like that really brightens things out but yeah so maybe that's something you could do and that could help increase the happiness the land value and all that sort of thing but in water because let me show you the land value in the game this is a good tip so land value by water is always higher look so over here really nice high land values not just water but it was the long side water it's got a higher value so you've got water in the middle here increases the land value all around it why don't you go through your roundabouts and put water in the middle and that will increase the land value you might help increase the happiness as well so just a little tip there may be something we go.look you've got water in this one over here and the land values really high around it nice and green a little tip there for your roundabouts also finally just wanted to mention your city is growing really wow you've got plus in the air weekly changed your citizens moving in you're making a ton of money which is really good and it's not all from really high taxes you've got ten percent nine percent so that is not bad at all you're industries is making you a nice profit which is good we know that does fluctuate but overall you're making a decent amount of money your public transportation it's very hard to get that to make you any money I very rarely see anybody using that to make money so I'm not too worried about that but overall something look actually form your monthly spend by tourists are loads of tourists coming in so that is where you're making up the deficit because basically your industry is more or less paying for your public transportation but the money you're making is all your tourists and things you know just rounding things up and down so that is not bad at all you've certainly got room to grow you've got plenty of space in your city and hopefully a few tips to help you along the way as you grow and expand your city so what do you think was there any parts of that city with you you agree with or disagree with let me know in the comments below if you would like to send me your city to either habits traffic fixed or to be reviewed choose one or the other please then send me the link to your city your savegame on the steamer workshop as well don't forget to leave a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and subscribe if you're new to my channel thank you very much for joining me and I will see you very soon for the next video take care everybody bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 867,702
Rating: 4.8592396 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines expert, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines review city, cities skylines review 2019, review your city, city builder
Id: bnXarBBURP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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