4% Traffic INSANITY!!! Fixing Real Time Mod - Cities: Skylines

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Hi all - I've been having an absolute blast fixing traffic (among other things) in peoples Cities.

Before anyone gets their knickers in a twist and says Sam Bur did this sort of thing first: yes he did. I love the idea, gave him all the shoutouts etc in my first episode and started doing things with my own twist (Youtube is big enough for more than one person doing a similar thing) ;-)

If you would like me to fix your city, upload the save to steam, post the link and tell me what is broken: Traffic? You need Parks? Maybe Industry sucks or just plain no demand...let me know and I will tackle it.

- Biffa :-)

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Biffa2001 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
well I'll tell you what guys and girls this has to be one of the worst traffic cities I have ever seen and the reason why this is much worse than normal isn't necessarily just down to the way the city's designed it's because they are using the real-time mods now for those that don't know what the real real-time mod does you should be called or rush hours a different mods but did the same thing and basically for certain times of the day around the rush hour time school pickup times if there's ever any events in your city it will cause lots and lots of traffic and look at this I've got the traffic flow up on the screen when I first load you this it was a 20% it is getting worse and worse and worse and backing up further and further down the highway well now it's the 11% is backing up all the way down the highway let's go all the way through here this is where the highway hits the highway also continues down here and it's backing up from that way as well 11% how bad is this gonna get oh my goodness look at this it's literally backing up Wow I think if I left this long enough it would back up all the way out of this of the map that's the edge of the map that is not 9 percent Oh with the rush hour mod yeah because it gives you that extra boost of traffic even Road systems that could be working quite happily under normal conditions will fail with the rush hour mods aren't gonna be I'm gonna leave this running what's the time it's 10:50 - let's see if we can get past wash hour and see what happens so couple of minutes later 8% traffic that is absolutely not so it's not a huge city you've got a 43,000 population I'm gonna keep an eye on that as if it goes any lower six percent oh my goodness I just want to see how low this is gonna go before we start this video five percent Wow four percent this is absolutely nuts well I don't know whether I called it there on the video but it dropped down to three percent for a second and this is the edge of the map I just really want to see if this is gonna back up that'll be great just just so by curiosity if this is something that you would like to get involved in in having your city fix then don't forget you can send it to me on the Steam Workshop and if you're not sure how to do that let's follow this car into the city check the pinned comments below I will put some details on there and then I will take a look at your city don't send me ones that are deliberately made to be bad I won't be looking at those ones like this that are obviously nice big cities that have just got a problem in this case with the real-time mods but in other cases just because the city's got so large and I'd definitely be interested in taking a look at those and this bloomin tankers holding us right up we're off again here we go well we've almost reached the end of the map that is nuts with the traffic and it's still building up we're in the fog so it's probably hard for you to see oh my goodness me let's check what the traffic's at 4% whether we'd ever get down to zero I don't know so after allowing the city to fall to rack and ruin just so I could see how bad the traffic would get I've reloaded the savegame from the beginning and we're gonna take a bit of a look at what's going on so we've got all the traffic coming in down the highway here this highway intersection leads to this leads to nowhere it's just future planning by the look of it then all moves down into here and then also from the other direction we have the other highway coming in it all leads down into here this one Junction is taking all the traffic from both the ways in and it is the only way that I can see to get from one side to the other so we've got some industry here and let's just put this a view on to make it easy to see so yeah we've got lots of commercial lots of houses some farms light in the middle and then some more industry over here and as people want to go to work they're crossing from one side to the other and they're going through here the only other little road that there is between the two is this one tiny road here and as you can see not many people are using that so how can we try and fix this I definitely think we can make use of this Junction that we've got here maybe even this road what does that lead to down here the harbor okay so I'd like to get this connected to the highway over here and how much money do we have we have nearly eight million to spend although you're losing a lot of money because yeah problems are gonna start building up trash isn't gonna get collected there's gonna be a lot of issues so let me get a connection from here through here and we'll see what that does what we're probably gonna find is I'm gonna build up all of these connections and do different roads so some traffic it won't solve straightaway because it is so bad we'll need to let the game run for a bit we'll lose some population some other problems will happen and then the next time a rush-hour event kicks in we'll probably find things will work much better okay so I just learn a little six lane road down here round to this section because we're getting a lot of cargo traffic from this cargo setup here we actually got two cargo train stations and I think you've tried to split the traffic between them both and it hasn't really worked what you'll find is the game will only ever use the nearest one so this one here probably really not need is and yeah what I'm thinking of doing here is making this one-way can as you can see trucks are coming out going back this way and it's getting in the way of the cars that are coming in there so let's just make this one-way going in like that and then we'll have that one-way coming out and what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to connect them up let's stay above the road there we go I'm actually going to connect them up to this little four-lane road here so if they need to come onto the highway they can come ran this way if they really need to go back that way they can and that will keep this thing moving quicker because there we go they're all gonna turn man they're not gonna get into each other's way next one yeah oh I see it's on the wrong side of the roads ah okay okay so there we go things are moving much smoother these are coming at have the whole cargo station which isn't there but these trucks will now go on in on this side and out on that side and they won't cross over from each other and what I've done is where is rather attached rather than an sash that rode through this one here because we've got a lot of backing up traffic I've let them go into in here which is just another way into this area just to try and split the traffic a bit but that means this is keeping moving nicely okay what we also want to do is give people access to this side of the city without having to go through that Junction as well so I am going to put in a junction along here there we go so something like that and just a split where they come in and where they go out I've moved it down to these two junctions again not the way I would normally do it but I'm trying to sort of work with the roads that you've got so that gives them another way into this area and in fact I would even put some more cross roads here so these guys can get over to this side and let's just do that now let's grab this road here there we go and we're gonna add let's have a look you could add a nice little cross road there so they can get from one side to the other and perhaps even one across here as well this one doesn't need to be so big we'll just go with a small four-lane road just try not to lose any of the items you've got there just to connect to that one there choose to give people other options to move about the city now what have you got going on here okay so notice you've got this monorail that's running through here but for some reason you've turned to these ones off over here and I would definitely leave these on and to go any further yeah and let's put those on as well might not be as used as other ones but what we can do then is extend the line yes we can see that you've got this one monorail line that runs here right across to the other side of the city that's good gives people options to move around I've also noticed you've got two tram lines but all they do is sort of go around in a circle here your tram actual line goes up here so and we could move your tram line routes to go around here and start picking up some of these people as well I think that would definitely be helpful okay so your tram line now goes all the way around and takes in both of these areas and also remove some of the tram stops you had them very close together so here here here here and even perhaps this one I'm like I'll leave that one in but some of them are far too close and some of them are like next to big road junctions like this I mean this one here I'd remove that one and that one you've got to stop there on a stop there but with the junction nearby you just want to maybe spread them out a bit so I can what you probably did remove them from going round here because of the traffic coming down this road which is fair enough but I think you will get more people using them as time goes by which of course will decrease your traffic okay something else I'm gonna do here to help this move a little bit quicker and this is the junction that we had coming off onto this road is I'm gonna change that to a two lane one-way roads let's just pause the game a moment I'm gonna use the lane tool here actually that's okay so that was going left or straight on and that one's going right yeah just to get things going and what I've done as this is the busier road coming in as I've given them priority over everything else ideally I'd like a roundabout there you've got so many other roads and things going on here I'm gonna let that run for a bit and see how it goes most of them are turning this way coming down this road or heading off into the cities but something else I would like to add to the city is more paths for people to get around because a lot of this civilian traffic a lot of these people you know not the trucks and things would happily walk to work like over here I mean we've got this little road over here but I think if we add some more easily accessible paths people will actually walk a very very long way even I would say from all the way over here so I've done this I've added a path highway to my cities and it works really well I'm gonna do the same here maybe even a bicycle path as well next to it I could use the mods down here like we can have a walking path and a bicycle path all the way through the city there we go alongside this road and then we're gonna connect it up to the rest of these guys down here I'm gonna bring this all the way down and we're gonna give access to the other side of the road as well I'm gonna remove that in a bit to give us some space is that just gonna squeeze through there yeah okay let me set this up and I'll come back to you like we now have a path Network which runs from all the way down here we have connections going into this part of the city over the top underneath then it runs all the way down the length of here with again at lots and lots of connections that goes all the way along here I've got to move that fire station it goes underground and loops all the way back over here and already look people are starting to use it look at that and then it connects here we have some more connections over here and then it goes round in a great big circle there we go just show you where we are back over the highway again it's a connection there a connection there and then it runs all the way down this side with again some connection so hopefully as the game goes on more people will choose to use those to get to work okay so let's take a look at this complete and utter nightmare that is the highway that is backing up all the way down there and where we've got the junctions here where the traffic is coming off and again I'm gonna upgrade those just that one piece of road so we get an extra lane for the cars turning off that is normally a good idea so if we go like that one two three and in that fourth lane is the turn off lane and the rest go on and I might just back that up a bit there so they can start laying switch in a bit early we might find that some of this traffic is actually just through Road traffic so we'll see what happens with that let's take a look at the highway the other side yet we're going to do the same the as well I'm gonna do three pieces so again we've got one lane for going off and three for going on there we go look and already you see some cars I'm actually moving on so I'm gonna select some of these nodes and say you can't Lane switch there you can't Lane switch there I want you to choose which lane your honor before you get to these four lanes so this part here would be where you would pick whether you're going to use the lane to come off or to go on so that is definitely going to help some of the traffic and look there we go some of the cars are moving on already we're gonna start seeing some traffic increasing it's shift s by the way to do that there we go and that's fine they can start choosing where they want to go there so once some of these cars get moving let's just delete that one now as he's trying to merge there we go some of these will carry on you're trying to merge and I think the rest of these are going to carry straight on immediately that is gonna free up some of the traffic on the highway let's just delete a couple of merging cars here that might be causing some issues just to get things going and there we go there we go the highway is moving again that is fantastic but once they come off the highway it then hits this nightmare here and trying to get into here so let's just take a look at this island and see how you have it set up so first of all let's take a look at the priority signs so you don't have any they're gonna give way so they get to move we're gonna make sure that is set all the way around which doesn't help when it's a complete standstill but we'll start keeping things moving and we also want to check our junction restrictions yep you've removed this one here which means they can enter the junction if there's space we'll do the same there and that one you've already done and let me just check these other roundabouts as well so you've got some stops and yeah we don't want that you don't want that not quite sure what's going on there you want is that one forgive why you want this one here to give why coming on although there is no other traffic going anywhere other than moving around here and then you want this one here to give way there we go let's check this one over here yeah so all things are starting to move give way you want this one that's a giveaway and that one you've already set to give away he can't get through that is a very very small road there so I'm gonna upgrade that judging by the limited space that we've got I'm just gonna put a four lane road in there just to get things moving a bit so what have we got here one to four lanes coming into that and then they hit this I mean this here he's just blocking out everything so what I would say let's just have a look we don't have traffic lights here they've all coming up here to cross over and go that way if we sent them down there and there's already enough traffic coming through here so let's see if we can keep this one moving ideally I don't want these guys coming down here and trying to get onto the highway we could do with some other slip lanes so people can get in and out where they need to go maybe we'll come back to that let's just have a quick look here what I'm gonna say is yeah we're going to leet that connection that is really not very good at all and we want these guys to have the priority of moving through so if we just take a look at our stop signs here yeah we've already got a priority going in that's good and yet you've removed the junction restriction so coming out that'll keep going coming in we'll keep moving as well let's just take a look at this Junction yet we've done the same priority we want give way on both sides there you want I mean this many this many junctions this close to each other is a bit of a no-no whoops there we go but I'm gonna try and delete not many roads that's my plan going into a city fix is try and generally work with what you've got and not you know completely remove a whole ton of stuff okay so that's hopefully gonna keep that move in a bit and then the main thing is these guys moving out again let's just try and see where they're all going if we grab at this tool here let's grab this road because that's all traffic heading in that direction when are they mainly going so some are splitting off onto the highway which is basically private vehicles look all the private vehicles are coming onto the highway and heading off and then not all the trucks are most of the trucks so some are coming up there and go into the highway that direction some are heading up over here to the cargo so can we do something to help these guys that are coming up here able to do that a bit quicker okay I want these guys coming up here to be able to get onto the highway without all the other messing around that we've got going on I'm going through all of this stuff let's just grab that road there and we'll just keep that parking lot active I'm gonna have a slip lane coming off of here so let's grab our Holloway slip lane and we're gonna see where we can make this go is probably gonna end up going underground at some points page down it's gonna go underground right here and then we can curve that around and connect so let's go and our second like this so there and we're gonna go page out no we're not we're gonna get page down to their hat then we're gonna go page up and bring that to their and I gonna have that connector there there we go so that's two lanes coming in but we'll see how that goes and then if they want to join the highway go in the other way see there's this slip lane here I'd like to get that to join straight to that but we're done space what I'm gonna do is delete these houses here again not idea or but this is what we're gonna do I'm just gonna remove all of that and of that all of that and all of that so we don't get anybody moving in is I'm gonna take this road here and we're gonna go straight underground and then we're gonna see if we can connect to there yeah and then we'll turn those around so that one and that one so if you wish to go onto the highway you can go under there up there and on that slip road and go that way that would be much much better if people would use that and already they're starting to use it so we want to maybe do something with the slip lanes here you've got hmm let's take a look man I tell you what the longer I have this running the harder it seems that we're gonna be able to fix all of this I don't want that to go straight on what that's a turn right and those two to go straight on and what is this sort of load he got it's we're turning lane thing going on I'm gonna change this road to let's have a look something a little larger maybe not that large that one there yeah let's try that and then if we take the lanes on here there we go this road here we're going to have that lane four turning right and those two straight on and then yeah hopefully that'll work better and they're already we're getting some people coming down there and I'd like them to actually choose where they're gonna go earlier so I'm also going to take this rode here and say yes I'm gonna get them just not lane switch there we go at all there so they'll decide a bit earlier and I also in fact thinking of removing this connection we'll see how that goes after a while hopefully people will start using it yes are coming off the highway coming down here a lot of these trucks are going up this road here to head off into this section I definitely think this needs to be a roundabout so we are going to use our roundabouts builder and we're gonna make that a little bit smaller and we're gonna pick our three lane highway three lane highway it's gonna remove some of the buildings there but tough there we go just need to remove some of these around the place and also I always suggest don't have people with their businesses right smack up I mean even these ones right on the main road maybe these ones here right gotta start at the junction anything like that right by a main road I would remove there we go let's see if we can get this one moving I'm also just going down your main high street here and removing the use of this road with this turning lane in the middle there good in certain circumstances but what's happening is especially in the busier parts of town if you can let me do that thank you very much is the cars are basically you're bunching up in the middle where they're both trying to use the turning lane so yeah I'm just gonna remove all of those and I think that it's also gonna help with the traffic flow as well I I've been letting the game run for a while let's take a look let's start at the highway that was so backed up you didn't know what to do with yourself it's going well people are using this other little Junction here not as much as I would hope probably because it's a long way around but anyway and the highway much much cleaner than it was before I mean look at that that is great still some busy spots but we're gonna work on those but as it gets here into town no not too shabby I have to say things are moving much smoother on the roundabouts very good very good happy for using our paths yeah look people are using our paths so that is definitely gonna cut down on the traffic let's have a look the main massive highway intersection that was just doing everything a lot cleaner and smoother than before still not perfect but definitely better than it was and people are using these other ways to get on and off the highway which immediately takes out a whole load of traffic from there this little roundabouts moving smoothly I would like to remove a lot of these side roads and maybe have them all come in on one big roundabout at the end or in the middle down here or something like that maybe that's something you could do yourself and I think as well some slip lanes would be very good laws right lots of people was two people were cycling to work some six lanes to get on and off the highway it would definitely work very well this is moving okay it does get busy again I would normally have a roundabout here but as the traffic isn't too bad I'm gonna leave that running let's just take a look at what the traffic is it is sixty percent so that is a pretty hefty jump from what we had before and it hasn't really taken long to get to that now as we're using the rush hour or the real-time mod I should say I'm gonna let the game run through a full day and we're gonna see whether it manages to cope with rush-hour traffic okay we're sort of jumping around the 59 62 percent mark couple of other little things I've just done on this main road through here cuz I've deleted some of these connecting roads so the one that was right next to here and then I've done sort of a every other one and then I've also upgraded this road here to a nice big four-lane road and all the way along the back here so I would even perhaps delete these ones but it's not moving too bad I don't want to push all of this traffic through to this Junction so spreading it out a bit it's going not too bad and then I did the opposite on the other side so it's a t-junction take that one out T Junction take this one out until we get down here that it was a an even number or odd number so I've made sure there's no junctions right next to the roundabout and it's moving okay the problems with trash indefinitely because of your traffic although I don't think we have enough garbage processing but I'll let you fix that but yeah and that is not too bad 64% I want to get through a rush hour in the morning and see what that's like things are definitely moving a lot smoother than they were let's just check over here yeah this is pretty bad I've removed again any connections right next to the junction like here and also any over here any industry that's right along this road I've removed all of that and on this side all the farms that have against this road I've removed so we haven't got any trucks stopping to do any deliveries on the main roads that's normally something I like to do and that helps quite a lot okay so we've gone through the busiest part of the day and nothing is backing out like it was before the highway is totally clear in both directions this Junction here is moving it's very very busy but it's moving we're now coming up towards lunchtime and just before this as well we got up to 61% so I think that is pretty good from three or four percent it was last time to up to 61% I don't think we can complain that can we let's reveal that for you there we go so what do you reckon let me know in the comments below would you have done anything differently let me know I'm sure you have some good ideas as well and what I'm going to try and do is put the before and after and saves as a link in the description so you can also come and check out the city yourself would you like me to fix your city then upload your save to the Steam Workshop share it and send me the link I would love to take a look maybe it's not traffic maybe you want more parks maybe you want a nice industry area what would you like let me know check out the other video on the screen as well that would be great and leave a like if you enjoyed it and thank you very very much for watching and I will see you very soon take care bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 2,037,033
Rating: 4.8430562 out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines real time, biffa plays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, how to fix your city, biffaplays, biffa2001, cities skylines fix it, how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, biffa, city skylines, town planning, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines rush hour, cities skylines rush hour traffic, cities skylines how to fix traffic
Id: rl5ifKY70KM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 53sec (1673 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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