Why Your City Won't Grow & How to Fix It in Cities Skylines!

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hello everybody welcome back to City skylines with me biffer here in the city of TBL thank you very very much for joining me it's lovely to see you so what are we gonna be doing today today I'm gonna show you how to troubleshoot your city I get a lot of comments from people saying all my city stopped growing or I've not got enough goods or I've got this problem or that problem but let's take a deeper dive into the tools that are built into the game that can help you work out what you need to do to grow your city now before we dive into that there is a few little comments that were left on the last episode to help me out on a couple of things which I always do appreciate the first thing was we were looking at let's just get an overview of our city and we were trying to grow our industry areas and by the way we've got five stars over here in Earl and Gray's stone supply and I forgot to look at this box up here which tells you what you are producing yourself so here's the or it's getting split into metals into glass then it's getting outputted some of its getting outputted straight is or summers getting put out as these two items and then we know we've got that going to our factories and but we're importing some and we're making quite a lot so I did add in here a couple of these a couple of small or underground mines and just see how much of a difference that makes as that starts producing ah there we go so that is definitely something to keep an eye on how much you're importing and when we set up our farm area over here which look is now five stars hooray we were importing I would say two-thirds or more and we weren't producing our own so I set up this little area here what I've done is I've just run a load out here over this main road which I've dipped down underneath to go underneath all the sheep in the field come by gun by and I got this load going up here and I've got a little roundabout at the end if they wish to turn round and then I've also attached it to this road here which goes up to the highway if they wish to leave I'll just put a load of these farms down here and make an orange oranges all over the place and that is working quite well and even though we do get a lot of traffic up here this little four-lane road most of the time the trucks are clever enough to not get stuck behind other ones but sometimes they just do it's the way it works they turn round and leave and I've made sure that this little section here we've got access to this road down here access to that road up there and I've got this sort of bumping into that one now I do want to change that so let us just downgrade this road here to this one there we go so you've got the one lane going on one link coming off and then these two we're going to merge over here like this little things like this keep things flowing keep things flowing good that should work quite well when trucks are coming down let's just watch this truck is it yeah good good good and then some of them head into this main area here but we've still got 84% traffic flow even though it's very busy because things are keeping moving okay so while we're on this section you may notice I've named this area because I just looking at my stats the other day 57% of my viewers and not subscribed people you're out that's nearly 60% well over half the people watching and not subscribed we're getting so close to 400,000 I'd love to hit half a million if you can help me out with that if you enjoy my videos I'm not fortunate to subscribe if you enjoy my videos then please hit the subscribe button I would very much appreciate that so this is five-star which is good so that was one tip from everybody at the other tip was when we look at the traffic I was corrected by a cop who was these red buildings here on traffic manager which is this one down here for doing the lanes and all that sort of thing you can find it on the Steam Workshop and when you go into the traffic menu any that a red mean that they haven't got access to parking I thought it was it was hard to get to I was pretty much i stops nearby no it is parking so let us do a test for that we're gonna take this one up here very busy University so let us put some parking here the assets I use for my parking are literally called parking lot that is it if I've typed the name in here that is what you need to find on Steam let us go for a big car park and we can literally have that come straight off of there I don't think that's gonna cause an issue why are people bark in here and hovering above the ground what is that all about what's this guy gonna do what what is that all about I have no idea I've no ideas oh there we go that's better I've reset the height made it all flat and look people are flooding in to use this already which is fantastic even this may not be enough parking okay so there we go we now have parking here we have walk-in access down to the building down here that needed it walking across to there so be interesting to see how quickly that makes a difference to this building here so now let's get into what we were talking about which is troubleshooting your city by the way as we're over here I forgot to mention I've named this district if you thought this figure was shocking I did that 57% don't subscribe haven't subscribed to me out of all the viewers that I have anywhere between 95 thousand and 100,000 viewers don't leave a like because I know people enjoy my videos so if you enjoy my videos please leave a like you have no idea how much of a big difference that makes to how many people get to see my videos so hundred thousand people not leaving a like oh I'll just leave that information with you you do with it what you like so yes troubleshooting your city where do we start we are going to use the tools that city skylines provides and there's some nice little tick bits that you can find in here that can really help you out now on the right hand side before we get to these tools over here I do use a mod called the watch it mod which gives me a quick access glance at some of these tools so for instance you need to click on this one to see electricity use whether it's red or green or whatever's going on and I have this one here so I can see it's in the orange which is there without even opening that one there so that's called at the watch if mod that is quite a handy one so as you go through you should get a quick glance of what is going on the first ones make plenty of sense to anyone who's played the game electricity needs water needs garbage needs education is a good one to look at so I'm again I'm using your tow budget mod so it's sort of balancing things it tends to keep it in the orange so we do have plenty of scope and plenty of room the university is an interesting one even though this is quite low down we have eligible quite a lot of people and capacity was a lot lower than that and what I have done over here in our woodland State College so we want to get this gone down a star that's our bad things were but to get to the next level we're okay on academic works we're okay on campus attractiveness but we need at least 500 students and we didn't have enough capacity Oh autosave a sip of tea hmm haven't had that for a while so I added in this little building down here that we will have a closer look at once it's finished saving there we go I've added in the School of Engineering which has given us 410 capacity and so hopefully more people will be coming here we do have remember we had turned on this policy here school's out I am gonna turn that off we've done a bit of troubleshoot in there and we'll get more students going here but we'll see how that goes without making so much money there may be a policy or two we can do so I'm just wondering whether we could go for universal education why not let us do that as well you know what I might as well go for the student health care and the visiting scholars as well now I'm not gonna do that one but the other ones we're definitely gonna go for that and see whether we can get our students up so that's a bit of troubleshooting happiness so the happiness levels of residential commercial office and Industry there's a lot of things that go into the happiness of people with access to services whether the place they live in is nice and there's not too noisy all that sort of thing um a model that can help you with that so all of these are commercial but click on one of these you've got to show it more so this is the watch it mod this is the share it model we can see there's lots of red bars in here and this one here very noisy and we can see that by using one of these other indicators very very noisy is commercial they're always gonna be noisy there's not much we can do about that but certainly we could give them more access to some of these things here and that might cheer the man that is health care and death care and fire and police okay so I have a police station in here I have a fire station down here and you can see that the stats for these two have gone up making these guys happier now these are leisure specialization so they're always of the highest level so they're not gonna upgrade but they're certainly gonna be fulfilling some of their needs and hopefully making them happier get the idea particularly for residential and businesses that are upgrading that show it mod is a really handy one but you get most the information here from the happiness time the levels this is a very interesting one so you want your city to grow and it's not growing its levels tab is very handy so the lighter colors are the lower levels maybe we look at our residential we only have a few lower level houses commercial not quite a few lower level buildings offices only a few industrial a little bit more so again you can look around and see what are the needs of these different ones so there's a lot of those adventure in here let's do a little test this little section here okay these are all as commercial in there but there's also residential in there but look at some of these commercial they could do with upgrading so I'm gonna do a little test I'm gonna put healthcare at fire and police nearer to these people because that's the nearest over there for the healthcare and the death care fire coverage is terrible in this area here and police is all the way over there and let's see we can get this these people to upgrade okay but all the items in there I've had the game pause we're gonna get a few commercial grow back but let's do a little quick time-lapse and see whether we get any of you little green arrows popping up of people that there we go upgrading look upgrading upgrade in upgrading you can hear the little over the would saw noise let's come this way a little ping ping being is people upgrade in look at that so that is gonna definitely be increasing the population in our area so that is a little teeny tiny bit of troubleshoot in the even no technically I have police coverage from my police station that was all the way over here some way everything this blew it was all fine these people here wanted one that was even nearer to feel safer and to expand look at that and they're all expanding their house isn't the commercials expanding nice there we go excellent so that is another troubleshooting tip that you can dive around your city checking out your levels so there we go that's that one got wind doctor what about that pollution not to worry about that traffic we know all about that one noise pollution is one to keep an eye on because for instance like areas like this these people here are making noise these it's not that much noise fortunately this is nice and far away from over there so it's not causing too many problems to the houses you can always help with the noise by using a trees and that will help dampen the sound so again is something that's gonna stop people upgrading if there's too much noise but noise pollution from industries some things like that you really want to keep that away from the schools as much as possible generally speaking your residential houses are not going to be that bothered by the noise farm small commercial buildings so don't need to worry about that too much all right that was noise pollution again we know what the fire safety coverage does always worth keeping an eye on not too much fire safety coverage over here oh ah let's fix that why I see it because that I do like this little one is little fire house I'm gonna put it right on this or the middle road there we might see some upgrades going on there we go house has been built few upgrades going on maybe maybe they've probably got some other needs that they need Benfield transport I'm gonna do a whole nother episode on transport at some time now we're getting into the population of this city let's turn that off and go back to this one so interesting figure on here is your unemployment rates so you've got your population of how many employed how many jobs are available unemployment so what this is telling you is is we have enough jobs for all the people that we have we have an unemployment there's always going to be a little bit of a difference because of education levels what education levels people have got going with the jobs that were available and all that sort of thing so you want to keep an eye on that one and of course you can change how those sort of figures work with the things like the schools out so people won't study they will just go straight to go to jobs then you've got d what the heck was that noise that comes up every now and again anybody knows what that is it's like something's being placed let me know I don't know what it is and you've got the opposite where people go to school rather than go to work and if you have too much IT industry you need more educated people so you know there's a lot of things to take into consideration but 3% unemployment to be honest with outside connections right this is a very very good one to look at so we've individually looked at our industries to see whether importing goods or not we're making plenty of our own production there how does this one gone still importing a lot of trees for the needs that we have yes the other ones I know okay but with this one here we can see what goods we are importing now goods are made by normal industry and if I remember correctly the only normal ones owned industry we have is these ones here and that's a coal power plant is these ones here again look they're making fish stick some of these are making Goods some of them are making parts these are where your Goods come from let's go back to this one here it's just telling me that I am in importing a ton of goods more than 50% of the goods that I need have been imported this is where they're needed these places over here these places over here I could do with more areas actually just selling goods so let's see if I can find a little airlock and quickly turn into an industrial park and see if we can change that figure okay there we go I thought we'd put like a little industry area in here because we've got this space this side of the city I put in a little train line there with a one-way system so it comes up there trains go in there then leave the other way just because and it look nice and neat and hopefully some of these Goods can be transported down here it's not it's not huge it's not big it's not gonna suddenly fix all of our needs to import stuff but I just thought why not let's just do it there so let me fill this in and we'll see how this goes I don't know whether you can hear that all those houses and things upgrading as well let's just come out of this of you there we go look at sorry businesses I should say upgrading as well because we've got all their needs fulfilled so they're building and then they're initially well look at that straightaway shooting up to the high levels of that shows that there is a real need for this in the city and we've got good coverage of all the stuff here I love the way it looks like Kiev along by the railway line I think that looks fantastic I could even try and squeeze another road and feel like you know I might just leave it like it is all that is brilliant that is absolutely brilliant that is I love it so that little teeny tiny area hopefully won't get too busy I'm just gonna organize the end of the road here so I don't want one lane doing two things we know all about that there is a nice asymmetrical road that's got one lane in and two lanes out so let us turn those two things often upgrade the end of that there we go so now we've got a lane going each way we're gonna take out the traffic lights on this main road we're gonna use the lane arrow to control click and now we have a turning lane turning lane and then we're also gonna say that anybody coming out of here I would say give way but we'll see how it goes I think it's not gonna be that busy it should be fine are these all complain about not enough workers for a while until people come over here but that is flippin good look at that they've all shut up so still importing some goods but you want to wait until these start get garyun turning blue all products hopefully someone needs to start being Goods which would be nice exporting exported a lot of agricultural products it's weird that it does that so we're importing those we're also exporting loads why don't you just keep them just the way the game works I suppose I think that looks quite good I like that little little in Australia tucked in and that is a trick as well don't want all your industry in one big clump that is asking for disaster with traffic I've got some industry here some there of course this is quite a big area but this is specialized industry so not so bad but if for what good access a little bit of industry over here that's about it I'd probably put another little beat down here as well at some point what is next on our list so that is a big one to look at outside connections we've got our land value again if you have higher land value people will be more likely to move in lots of high land value it's always worth doing roundabouts of water in the middle because the edge by water is normally pretty good high land value as you can see all the way down here look high land value just because it's or the water's edge so roundabouts stick water in it but yeah get that nice and high and people will move in leisure now this is a good one so as well as breaking down where your unique buildings are where your parks and plazas are your park areas your public libraries and your sports arenas are you do also get this overall view of who doesn't have enough leisure so this area down here these are all high density buildings we can see most of them are sort of at level 4 level 3 and a half that sort of thing and we noticed that these were all Reds there is actually no parks in here at all so I'm just wondering whether we could squeeze in a small but quite nice park actually you know what about a floating cafe yeah here we go let's put some of these down we need to add in a few little roads for these guys I'm gonna use this little teeny tiny road here and then that can go on there and we lost a house and that had a real nice area of effect look over most of that which is really cool so what was that that was a fishing pier and you can hit here the people upgrading look people were craving upgrading upgrading upgrading so I'm getting City growth look all upgraded I'm getting City growth just by adding some of these things into our city here which is absolutely brilliant owners have this one around here's that's near enough the road anyone have one a jet ski rental why not down here yeah that's close enough to the road for it to count jet ski rental that's good fast running water who wouldn't want to rent a jet ski down there and now these buildings are being upgraded we should have some five-star buildings coming up now yeah oh there we go look five-star excellent so that is just one quick way of using that to increase your city growth as well which was this one here yep pleasure very good so like put it down here these guys no leisure let's help them out so I'd like to put a shopping center in here we need to sort out the slope to steep stuff so I'm just gonna use the move it mod upgrading look at that and that's got some noise attached to it so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna zone some of these in there and these will block the noise form coming into the residential area let's do that there we go is a little bit high we could probably do with a little bit of smoothing out of the terrain here we go that doesn't look too bad shopping center over looking at the cliffs over there and it's gonna have all these grow and also do with there we go look not so many red buildings there which is nice so that is a big one have a look around your city see who needs more parks to make them happy look we've got nothing over here we could do a lot of stuff with this island but we'll get to that road maintenance is a good one let's have a look the condition of all the roads are red so that means I have not put in any road maintenance building traffic manager so enable more realistic parking we've got that one on road condition has a bigger impact on vehicle speed now let's turn that one on them and that'll be an interesting one to keep an eye on but coverage you probably could do with another one up here whereas well I'm gonna pop it over here because that gives access to this load which gives access to this main road that goes through here so yeah there we go so that is worth keeping an eye on as well very good this one here traffic routes I use it all the time particularly this Junction one sorry this route one here you can select a road so that one man it shows you where all the cars are going so you've got a particularly busy street and you'll know this if you watch my traffic fixes you can see where is everybody trying to get to so for instance lots of cars coming down this highway where they get into lots of them are trying to get down to here could you perhaps add a slip plane in that would be your sort of thought oh I've got a very busy road in the middle of the city that one there's jam-packed where are they all coming from I'll look it's green it's mostly pedestrians could I add a bottom of the tip so that is how you would use that one a tourism also if you want to make lots of money you want tourists coming into your city this tells you how rich and wealthy the tourists coming in are we don't have any exchange students we can tourists so we could increase the attractiveness of our city it shows you where the tourists go into we can see where the attractiveness is if we increase that our tourists would go up we would make more money tours I don't have any tours around my city and we have lots of places have high appeal so down here we could do a bus tour over here we could do a bus tour go into these little spots up here certainly we should do a tour so I'm gonna add that to my list of things to do in the future but that is definitely worth using again to make more money park maintenance I think we're okay on the park maintenance so yeah we've got I've really got a couple of teeny tiny little parks and I don't think any of them I have any park maintenance buildings in so yeah something to keep an eye on and our industry areas so that just gives us a little run-through on how they are all working so quick overview oh look at that - five stars now just the oil and Greenleaf which are going to struggle a bit but we know about that so let me ask you do you have any other questions on how to grow your city that was a very quick one through a couple of mods the watchit mods which is a very good one to have at the shariat mod which gives these little things here again the indicators really really helpful and the main ones here at the park one and the needs and the happiness always worth taking a look at but yeah any other questions you have let me know in the comments below and I'll maybe try and pick out a few of them each episode to try and answer to help you in growing York City's house I'll train that go in here yeah no trains backing up that is good and how is our traffic going considering how busy things are getting it's still 86% still growing it's still making money which is absolutely brilliant let's check the park in so we've added this whole parking area up here and we've still got a problem with the parking how many people do we have come in here so we have 563 coming to this University I'm just wondering whether having a humongous carpark I'm gonna see we can get that down let me extend this carpark to make it absolutely massively huge talking about deleting trees from the middle of things I've had so many people about the trees in the middle of here there we go is everybody happy oh my goodness I just know I haven't even noticed these sorted off through the car park oh dear oh dear okay so we've doubled the car park there let's see how that goes hopefully that is gonna make a big difference to this so I'm gonna have to let the game run for a while see whether that does make a difference mmm interesting to see but the car parts getting lots of use anyway oh there we go it is changing color so obviously the completely huge size of this with the amount of people that are going there they needed a really big car part even though they're only using half of each one who knows who knows how it actually works but yeah that has taken that into consideration so that is definitely worth going round all the places that that's a busy road isn't it all the roads that are all the buildings I should say that are red and put some little car parks I might try and find some high-rise type car parks just one little ones you can just sort of drop in and yeah rather than these great big ones just for the little spots like this you can have a little high-rise car park there yeah I might look into something like that but we know it works we know it works whoever told me that that was to do with traffic had to do with parking they were 100% correct so what are you gonna do before you leave if you're one of the 57% of you is not subscribed maybe you'd like to consider subscribing not gonna force you of course and if you enjoy the videos if you're one of the 100,000 that don't leave a like Oh My giddy aunt that is definitely something I think you can do if you've got this far in the video I think you can leave a like and I will see you all very very soon for the next episode I hope you enjoyed this deep dive into how to fix up your cities and get them to grow and I will see you very soon take care enjoy your weekend bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 424,009
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Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, teaville biffa, teaville city skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, city planner, biffa2001, fix cities skylines no growth, fix cities skylines no demand
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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