Why You Should Change Vehicle Spawn Points for More Realism in Cities Skylines!

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we're getting nearer and nearer to 30k and we seem to have a problem uh it's just like an alien spacecraft come to attack city what the heck is this hello everybody and welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer here in the city of tea land today we have got a target i want to get to 30 000. we haven't got that much left to go but i really need to try and expand so what i'm gonna do is come over here to this area near orlando heights and the hibiscus tea transfer and this is the best piece of land we've got for upgrading at the moment it is not too noisy which is good especially over here and yeah that's excellent so that is the plan for today i just wanted to show you something i found let's go back to this train station over here so remember in the last episode maybe the one before perhaps where i was trying to help the trains use the bypass lines that we've got through here so i don't know whether it's because i've got mods or something but not all that i mean that one is look he's got his head screwed on that one is but not all of them are using the bypass ones and it was on a different station it was this one over here wasn't it oh here we go let me show you what i've done here aha there we go he's using the bypass but he wasn't before what i had done was i'd use the vehicle restrictions and i'd turned off cargo on the outside but they still wanted to go around the outside didn't make any difference at all so what i have done is use the speed instead so if i hold shift hang on hang on over here no i don't want to do that hang on hang on i did this before and it worked perfectly fine speed hold control not shift so i'm making the internal one unlimited speed and then the external i put down to 50. like that so there's a real big difference between the two so they slow down when they come in at the stops and then these bypass ones are well used like that so that is what i want to do on the bypass they as far as i'm aware where are we over here they should do it automatically but i do have a whole load of mods and stuff so you know that's just the way it's going um this one's automatically showing them all up as separate so we do 50 for the outside and then unlimited for the inside and then that should be good there's a lot of trains coming and going which is nice which is nice but it does tend to back up a bit if i don't keep an eye on it so oh i could do the same over here as well let's get that control hang on a sec yeah that's the four lines isn't it so 50 for that one a 50 for that one and then unlimited for the middle yeah excellent so let's have a look down here and see what we're gonna do so we've got the rail line that goes through there we've got this highway access and we've got this road so i think what we're to do is just pause a sec i'm going to grab this road here excuse me and we're going to run that one down here let's get rid of that i'll have plenty of power through here momentarily don't you worry and then we're gonna see where this takes us should i just continue that straight all the way do you know what i don't see why not because what i'm going for let's just have a look here so to give some sort of difference to the island is where we've got an area like this where the roads were windy you've sort of got a different setup and like over here to try and give some sort of contrast is then i'm gonna put in a gridded area so we're going to have a nice big gridded built up with nice patterns don't worry and we've got like the river and stuff to build around and all that sort of thing so i'm thinking also over here that we go for a sort of gridded but actually now looking at this i think i'm going to curve the road round i want it to sort of come up to there yeah so if we follow my nose okay so we connected this again i'm gonna do a dedicated turn the buses aren't ever going to go down here so i'm going to take that one off there and make that a dedicated turn for getting in and also this side um we'll make that a dedicated turn everything else can carry on and we don't want the traffic lights there we'll do giveaway excellent you're struggling for power let us just solve that for you for now and then when we need did that actually work not sure that actually worked let's just try that again we'll just take it out there this time and go straight across there we go that's fine yeah i prefer that going down like that and we're gonna go for got bus lanes here but then i want cycle lanes in the area over here so we go to our bike there we go and we're going to use our two-lane road with a bicycle lane so i'm going to chuck a sort of grid in to see what it looks like to start off with and then i'm going to just change that let's go for that one and then we're going to remove some of the gridded roads let's still do the same okay we'll go with that one and see we can add an interesting pattern in as well so let's just see what we could do you know what i'm not sure i want all these gridded roads coming off of this main road because i want to keep the traffic down as much as possible so now i've said that i might instead do something like this [Music] okay i've just aligned all the nodes as well and i'm just gonna sort of smooth this out a bit let's get that height there just to make this nice and easy to build on there we go that's looking okay this one here needs to also lift up and eventually that's gonna end up going through there okay that's good yeah i think that's okay i think we could can we get two and a half thousand two thousand three hundred whatever people in here let's see what we can do so let's pop in a park to make this a nice area to come and visit something a little bit different perhaps okay so we've got the lungs of the city here which we haven't used yet so we could pop that in here we just get rid of this road and i'm gonna line that up to there um actually now put that down do you know what no i don't want that one i'll tell you what i want instead we're going to go back here and we're going to take our oppression office because i like the way that that snap to the middle here let's just grab that grab grab a grab line that up with the middle there we could put this road back in and we could maybe build something around this instead as a nice park yeah i think that'd be a good idea let's leave that like that let's add in our water pipes there we go that will do nicely and then of course i've got to add a few services in as well which is something i always forget to do so let us pop some of those in there we go and then let's see if we can pretty up this area a little bit here [Music] okay here we go just like a little tree park there we've got our plaza our oppression office yeah everybody needs an impression office some parking and another little blocks and trees little park there and i think that just adds something to this area which is good uh we are also going to set up a zone in here that's going gonna come all the way down there now how much of this space are we using we've still got some space down by the beach uh this road should come out a little bit further couldn't it so let us bring that out to say that this one could come out a little bit further as well excellent and then this bit down here is going to have our power coming in i think to be honest that's probably going to be okay i'm not going to bring it all the way up to there i do want to set these as self-sufficient buildings so we'll do that and i think that's everything that we need to do so i'm going to fill these all in there we go and i think that should be okay uh what i'm going to do is just attach my power if i come out the top here i just want to make sure this has all got power and let's see what we get in this area let's have a look at it this way okay we're getting there we're getting there how far away are we 28 000 not too long to go we do actually need a few more shops i'm actually going to take sorry people that have just moved in take this little section around here and add some shops in there we go and i might even just do the same around this junction here which means that house is gonna have to go and that one there there we go they've got a little enclave of commercial there commercial here and commercial over here i've added some schools in as well and i'm just wondering whether we could add some offices in because we've got some needs let's just fill this up a bit here got some need for some industry and that would mean that they could easily work around here maybe we could throw some down here along the waterfront just a few just a few maybe some behind these shops and i'm gonna take all of that out yeah leave some access to the coast i think we might be there but time they filled in and we balance this out we'll get a bit more residential and i don't think it's going to be too long and we're going to hit 30k oh i tell you what we could do actually hmm let's take a look at our bus route so let's just turn that on there we go so we've got our buses that come around here um that one there definitely could come all the way down here and that could literally stop let's have a look that side road there would be perfect and then we'll add another stop on the way out there we go so they're happy these are happy we've got access to the schools the parks the oppression office and i'm going to do the same with the red bus so that's going to go up there stop at the same store and that's going to go there as well excellent so now they've all got access to this area why does this red bus stop not stop there to give them access to this that would be handy can i put a stop inside here no okay that's fine we'll just do that and that stops over here at the bus station yeah excellent so they're gonna start upgrading which is good they've got access to oh we've got traffic lights there access to buses they've got access to cycling all right there's no cycling down this middle one is there um i don't think we've got a bus and a cycle road have we bicycle lane six lane with bicycles i mean we could sort of cheat that in and do something but i'll be honest i'll just leave it as it is that's fine we're gonna do giveaway giveaway give way give way coming out that side isn't too bad so i'll leave that giveaway i'll do that one give way there we go excellent so traffic should be perfectly fine oh oh what is going on here we've got a bit of traffic situation going on let's just have a look at this while we're waiting for the other area to build up so that's giving way uh where do they want to go let's just take a look at this road let's turn off traffic manager and then it'll work better so they all want to go right and up and over there and they're all coming off here okay so maybe we could speed that up a bit with a bit of dedicated lane goodness yeah i think that might be a good idea so what i would like let's just pause this a minute is to change this one here into an asymmetrical road i almost went to search for asymmetrical road now but now we can use this one here two plus three one plus two this one here i know one plus two no i want a two plus three one plus three there's gotta be something here one plus two one plus two it's this one i want here isn't it ah there we go two plus three one way road do you know what actually i think i was right the first time let's go for one plus two let us do that there we go that is what i want that is what i want so now we've got two lanes coming over here so this one here oh okay i guess we've got to do this little bit here as well okay let's see how this works i'll take away those yeah so that can go there and you can go there and then you don't need to give way anymore we'll just get rid of all of that and that should keep those going enough oh most of them are turning back round again to go down there oh they're coming off to go to that roundabout aren't they oh well i'll tell you what actually might be a better option let's go back to here again let's go to highway um i want a two lane highway just for that bit there that would probably work better and then we can go you go there you go there they can pick their lane there and then to be honest i'll probably just put this back to how it was before and that will work fine because most of them want to come off down here and then when they all get down here then they're all down here at this roundabout i'm pretty sure this is all set up correctly and accurately yeah that's fine it's all that cheering oh it's this thing here lots of people going to university fantastic and then we just got that big long queue all the way down there which i'm pretty sure will work its way down let's keep an eye on that [Music] yeah that didn't take too long it's gone down there now it's blocking up down here and why is that let's have a look i think it's just of all these new people moving in okay why are they going down here oh my goodness me look what i've spotted ah yes we now get yorkshire tea deliveries into our city did anybody spot those in the last episode i wonder if he did or not i can go back and check the timing of the comments but look at how many teas are coming in am i actually forcing people to turn down here let's just double check what's going on traffic fix so they're coming off down here and there's no lane arrows there's some there but i can change lanes at any of these and then here that's forcing to go round which they don't have to do they could change nodes here like this guy oh he's changed to come down here as well and then they're going all the way around and coming out over here hang on right let's just use the tool let's use the where are you going to we're going to pick that road okay so quite a few are going on so why are the trucks and things all coming down here to go left i'm confused let's pick that one what the heck they're coming up there to turn around to go straight on so something is wrong down here which is really weird you know what i'm gonna do even though i do like my dedicated turning lanes for things i'm gonna grab that and say you can do that as well oh it won't let me oh yeah cuz i've got that i'll turn that off there we go i'm going to say you can go straight on in that lane as well and just see whether more people want to do that but why would they come up there look to do a u-turn look that is just odds that and look and it's just causing all of this to be blocked up because of that u-turn thing huh oh it's because they're turning left and then they're turning around to go back so if i put a right hand turn on here i mean ultimately they're not going to come down here are they because i'm i'm thinking i fixed the problem but if i say to you look you can go left and right if you want let's just see what they do we're just gonna go look now they're cutting through instead yeah i think maybe there was some oddity going on with the road there and then these are all going down to the cargo and then there will come in under here to get over to our new island okay maybe that's all it is we just added too many cars coming and going from different places i'm gonna just change oh yeah and that comes right past our cargo hub doesn't it as well oh that was really bad underground road placement that was but this is cleared up look down here it's just buses and things now that's weird that cars are coming down here when they don't need to anyway i'm gonna let them work it all out which means this will go down which means this will go down we can come back and check that in a moment it might just be the huge influx of people that we've got and there we go look at that this is built up nicely loving the look of these buildings very cool very cool got some old fashiony ones in here as well do you know what that is don't you i didn't put in here self-sufficient organic and local produce but the only problem with that is if you don't have a high density organic and local produce so i can pop that on and it'll make no difference to the commercial buildings we've got here already apparently i just saw some disappear maybe i am completely wrong i am completely wrong they're going and they're coming back well blow me down with a feather i want to just come into small buildings but they're still high density um i should be because i've done it with this one here haven't i let's just delete that and put it back in again yeah oh okay so they just come into smaller looking buildings i'm happy with that that should be good for me right okay so let's just extend this to cover that area there and i'm just going to keep an eye on this traffic around this roundabout for a minute or two and it should go down yeah there we go that's not too bad it's all gone from this side over here which is good look that's all cleared up this is cleared up under here yeah because they're all getting in each other's way the only thing i might just adjust although it's only back sort of four or five cars here actually i'm gonna leave it i was gonna have an extra lane coming on here but it's all perfectly fine now and we're even closer to hitting 30k not quite enough houses here i think we could just fit a few more down here so i'm gonna grab this road here uh no i want to put that on bring that out down here like this i'm gonna lose a building but that's okay [Music] oh i do love the look of these buildings i think they look really really nice i'm just wondering we could have like a nice walking path along the beach front along here yeah maybe we'll come back to that okay yep this is all growing up nicely we're getting nearer and nearer to 30k and we seem to have a problem uh it's just like an alien spacecraft come to attack city what the heck is this i just use the move it mod to move everything up and this rock has just appeared out of nowhere uh let's just do control z undo ah is this rock here can i go is that just like the biggest rock ever no okay yeah let's let's try that again i want all of this it's gonna do it again but that's fine the same height as this here there we go and then i was going to smooth this out a bit so we'll grab that height bring it out a bit like that and then we'll just use the smooth it tool just a wall okay thank you very much just to take a little bit the edge off and then this one here um yeah we'll sink it back down again [Music] back under the ground to be found by futures civilizations okay excellent very good so yeah but 29 845 and a few more people move in we'll be done now it's been a whole another day since i recorded that segment earlier and a new mod has been released you may have seen this one i've had loads of people comment about it whether other people have made videos or not i don't know i'm just because i'll get people complaining and saying why didn't you mention this person's video i've just seen the comments in my video saying check this out and it is the spawn points fixing mod let me get the exact name for you so you know exactly what you're looking for it's building spawn points 1.0 by mcsergey and there we go look you saw that uh rubbish truck spawned from over here if we click on a building now we're getting this little building spawn points or control p i have to change it i think that might conflict with something else but that's fine and now we can see the spawn point for this building oh there we go and there's that truck what's he doing there yeah i think he just sort of stopped there for some reason but that is sort of right in the middle of where this fence is over here so we can move that spawn point so in the little pop-up box here if you mess anything up you can just delete it all you can apply whatever you do to all buildings of this type you can copy it so you can paste it somewhere else and this first box at the top here is all the information for this little spawn point here so all the trucks all the vehicles i should say that would spawn or unspawn from this spot and what you can do as well is have more than one spot so we're going to add another point and if we just use our score wheel on this x z and the a which is the degree we can move that second one there we go when you add a second one it adds it to the middle of the building so if you want to you can have one where they spawn and one where they come back and despawn aha excellent but we're not gonna do two for this one we're just gonna concentrate on this one here and rather than right by the fence here i want it right for the door instead so i'm going to move that over like this and then i'm oh hang on let's pause and then i'm going to move it in and see if we can get it right up where this sort of cargo bay is whether this one here no see he's already coming back and he's doing that one over there but maybe another one h what i want you to do this one over here uh what can we do here duplicate points no he's not gonna do it either okay i think we just need to give it a few minutes to kick in but i'm hoping they're gonna drive in there and spawn and unspawn via that little cargo bay entrance so let's just get rid of that and let's keep an eye on this for a minute or two and see what happens oh and look at that while we're waiting we've hit metropolis 30 000 citizens in new zealand ah we've got airports and cargo airports and a whole new thing we can unlock let's just pour some of the spore points spawn points at the moment and take a look if i put the city this way around this is the normal way we would look at it oh man i want to work my way up over here because our next targets are getting bigger and bigger megalopolopolis actually it's not as big as i thought 38 000. we need 8 000 more people huh so actually that has got me thinking so let's just have a look we could unlock like somewhere down here and i reckon i could fit 8 000 people in there we could unlock something down here but no problem at all and get 8 000 people in there or we could come over here do you know what what shall i do shall i have these are gonna be the options option one this square over here option two this square down there option three with the c and nothing in it no scratch that option three this one down here and my reasoning is is we could get 8 000 population into any of those squares i reckon maybe easier on this one perhaps looks interesting with the little extra islands this one down here has got some cool stuff in it one two or three and then we unlock everything so after that it's megalopolopolis and we've got efforting so there's this square this is option three wasn't it we got the lakes we could build around make that really interesting and let's put the camera mod on so then i can go over here there we go this would be two this sort of big island place here we've got access to the railway line we can expand what we've been doing for option one we've got these extra little islands we've got access to this over here yeah let me know in the little should be a roundabout sort of thing let me know in the comments below what you think right back to the oldie spawn points oh here we go there's a truck coming back and he's turned in and used the spawn point fantastic so at the time of making this video there's a slight conflict with the more effective transfer mod which i've been told that mcsergey is working on to fix so i'm sure that'll be okay here comes another one that i can see him is he coming around the corner oh there we go we just saw one coming out excellent that is so much more realistic isn't it coming through the fences there that is absolutely brilliant i'm loving that so then what you can do is we can apply that to all the other ones of the same can't we so apply to all buildings of this type do you really want to yeah that makes total sense i'm assuming that every single um waste transfer facility will now go in like that and there's some other ones that we could work on i mean i'm assuming yeah like all of these have got them as well so let's see where this guy is going to go in actually that one's lined up okay isn't it let's find another good one that we can that we can change right let's take a look at this hospital that we have here nice big hospital it's got access to roads on both sides so let's maybe adjust the spawn points on this one and just show you how the rest of the mod works so as before we've got our one spawn point here um and we're going to change that i'll just pause the game so we're going to have that as where vehicles spawn we're going to add another point so that's going to appear in the middle there and i'm going to use the mouse to scroll and we're going to have that one out the back and this will be the opposite where they unspawn and you can add all of the vehicle types like that or if i just remove all of those i just want to add so unspawn is where they come back of course i'm just going to add ambulance to that one so the ambulances and all the other actually do you know what we're going to do i'm going to change this i'm going to take garbage truck fire truck so now we're getting some warnings there we go so ambulances are going to appear here and when they come back they're going to disappear there but it's warning us that this vehicle doesn't have a spawn point that takes care of these other vehicles so i'm going to scroll down and add another spawn point and this one we're going to add all types of vehicles but we're going to remove ambulance from the list and i'm going to say that if a hearse attacks your fire truck a garbage truck or the police arrive that they can arrive in a slightly different spot so we're going to bring that one all the way over here to the corner and i think that should be good i'm actually just going to move this one i want it to sort of come out over here somewhere when they come back so let's just use this to go this way you have to work out which way is x y and z when you're doing this there we go so when they come back they're going to go under there and when they come out that's like the front entrance door isn't it yep they're gonna drive straight out the door they're not messing oh hang on let's hold it in the right place there we go but you get the id you get the idea and then we'll come out of that and then hopefully if i just do the view like this it might take a few minutes until we get some vehicles coming and going but you'll see how that works oh there we go we saw some vehicles leaving uh maybe we'll see those coming back in a moment or two where the heck are those ambulances gone to how far away have they driven to pick the people up i want them to return home come on oh oh here we go here we go yes there we go we saw that one going in the back fantastic oh here comes another one very good very good so we know that that is working as intended so it sounds like there's a lot more to come with this mod and as i'm using the effective transfer manager mod in my city i might just not use it as much at the moment but i really like that that is going to add a whole level of extra realism to your cities thinking if you've got warehouses or things like this where you've got different road accesses coming in and out and then yeah you can work on your trucks looking more realistic with the way that they work and like this one here he appeared right by that let's fix it come on while we're here let's just do it spawn point it's just literally gonna take a few seconds i want him to appear i wanted to appear over there so let's do that oh that's the angle look you can oh i get it that's what that's for there we go and they're gonna come out of this one over here aha that was a bit weird doesn't it there he goes yeah i'm not quite sure they're like heading out of there and going straight towards the road not quite sure oh oh oh if we do that will they come go there yeah i might have to work on that one a bit more but he's taking a shortcut i tell you what we won't do that we'll do this look we'll bring it this way and then we'll turn it round that way and then they can sort of appear in the middle and head out of the gate i think that'll work much better let's go back to zero there we go there we go yay it's working fantastic okay you've got a few minutes left before the end of the episode i want to come back over here to orlando so orlando here is at level three at the moment and i would like to help that get up to the next level what do we need so we've produced many many units of resources that is perfectly fine we need to get some more workers over here but we need to have enough space to get workers up to 550. so that is going to take a while but as we're going to be expanding in this area either up there or over here then we're certainly going to have more opportunities but what i would like to add in here now that we've unlocked it is under the ore tab we have the sea bed mining vessel and we do have some ore around here so it says 8 800 units per week we could pop that right there oh that just fits in perfectly doesn't it then all it needs is a little bit of road access well we can help you with that and i'm gonna use our one new road tab uh what have we got one way road no parking we'll do the one with parking yep that's fine um and we're gonna bring that down to there i want that to come all the way down to there and then up to over here somewhere actually let's have that go a bit further and come up there yeah that's good that gives road access but i'm gonna actually use the move it mods and get that as close as possible to this as i can without it looking too odd and what i could probably do as well is use the move it mod just drop that down a tiny bit there we go i think that'll be okay if we just bring that up to there there we go more or less following the slope of the land and then we've got that coming in there and i just want to put like a little giveaway coming out there there we go excellent so that should be good so you are at the moment not enough natural resources ah do you know what i'm gonna do then i am gonna use the ground resources mod and we are going to put in some ore under here i've seen quite a few comments saying you're not going to mind every now and again if i add some of these in and we're going to need them over in this area so if i just make that a little bit bigger and just paint those in there we go so we should get a nice amount of ore coming in what's that gonna say 9592 units per week excellent and then what's that given us job-wise let's have a look so up to 445 and i think we just need to add a little bit of storage in here so we've got these bulk storage bauxite iron i think this one actually says about iron doesn't it so maybe let's see we can add that in here uh that's the iron extension that's the iron ore that's the coal oh my goodness that is just humongous no we won't be using those is there a little small storage option we can use that's massive as well what is the smallest actually you know what we've got this all storage over here which has got plenty of space in so we'll leave that going with that one but what i would like to add in is the rotary kiln plant which is now going to make iron pellets that's what i was thinking of with the iron that can be used in steel production uh whereas if we go over to our unique factories let's have a look here petroleum so does one of these use steel petroleum plastic metals uh plastic glass and metals crops and glass you steal are you in a lemonade factory you can do stealing toys maybe not so much ah industrial steel plants there we go so that is just taking metals oh okay all right that's fine but yeah i definitely think we need to add this in over here somewhere so that is pretty big isn't it this is where we sort of added our other factories i'm not sure i don't really want to pop it in there look at that oh look at that noise and pollution and effort link around there is there a space over here could we just re-jigger this little bit and have it on the end here i think that might be a good idea let's just grab the move it mod um is that gonna stay there so now all of these people here whereas if you get sort of down low you might be forgiven to not even notice some of this stuff out here that sort of way out in the sea but then if you sort of look this way you've got a humongous rotary kiln plant and the area of effect well we've got a lot of water going on here went all the way over to these houses over here so i'm not entirely sure that that's gonna stay there is this water ever gonna run away i think it is yeah i don't know we'll see we'll see how they go but what i could do to try and mitigate that a little bit is just use our tree brush we're going to make that a little bit bigger and just absolutely ram this area here full of trees between the people let's just put a few more here between the people and this rotary kiln plant hoping hoping hoping let's put some down the side here why not make it not such a big ugly eyesore yeah we'll see whether these people start getting ill or not but yeah if not that's where it's going to stay and then perhaps actually these trees down here i'm going to remove these i'm not going to put trees down there i'm just going to change the road layout here a bit let's grab the movement mod again we're going to move that along there let's just pause the game so it doesn't get all bent out of shape we're going to move that to down there let's move those two over at smidge a smidge road there and i want that one coming out here let's put the anarchy mod on i want that right to the edge yeah there we go and then one a little bit of storage just sort of in this section here so let's grab our warehouses just a small small one at the side yeah something like that yeah that'll be good and then we'll have that as store and what's that going to be making metals just add another one with metals and we're going to have that as empty because they're going to be used in one of our factories we've got what i've got these these are taking all that's a fire helicopter depot that's taking all don't we have the factory over here plastic glass metals yeah there we go so obviously i'm making metals somewhere where are we making the metals metals steel production oh yeah i thought we had that in there we go yeah excellent so the more metals the better but we'll have that as like an intermediary little storage area cool and with the addition of a couple of workers ballax in this little area here along with our main building let's just pop some trees along here again just to separate these two that's a nice big tree let's get our brush size brush strength down yeah that should be okay we'll add a line of those down there yeah that should be good i'm just gonna add a line along here as well and up the side excellent i've added a load more trees in all over the place because why not trees make everything look nice so let's just see what that takes our ore zone up to orlando there we go so we have the possibility of 590 workers and if we can get to 550 which we might do actually we're sort of cruising our way up there how many got unemployed seven percent of people are unemployed so i reckon give it a few minutes and we'll hit 550. there we go excited noises now we've unlocked a load of extra cool stuff we have our car factory which i think if i remember correctly is huge and makes us tons of money the all industry maintenance building a fiberglass plant or industry storage and large or mine underground let's just have a quick look at our factories because i love those uh let's turn that one off hang on let's do that again there we go so this is our unique factories let's find a bit of empty space where we can just plop this thing down or hover it and have a look yeah carp yeah look at that cut our factory humongous so that needs plastic glass and metals and animal products of course for the leather it's not for the free hamburgers that you get with each car purchase so could we fit that in over here in our factory area or maybe with a little bit of re-jiggling we could do something with that but not today so thank you very very much for watching i've really enjoyed the builds that i've been putting in to our city the last few episodes i think this island over here is looking fantastic then we've got our ferry about little abandoned lighthouse area over here which i really really like our olympic park we did before i'm really really liking that as well and then of course our expansion that we've done over here to finally hit 30k with our oppression office and expanding our uh all industry as well which is just brilliant and just about to finish up and we've had what's new in building spawn points resolve conflict with more effective transfer manager mod so let's give that a test okay here we are back over here again with our spawn point over here and i've got the more effective transfer manager mod and it's spawning out the right place excellent thanks mcsergi so thank you very much for watching i do appreciate it if you've enjoyed this episode don't forget to leave a like and check out the next video on the screen and i'll see you very soon for the next one have a great day take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 164,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, how to start a new city, Cities Skylines best mods, cities skylines top mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines how to start your city, cities skylines train stations, cities skylines bridges and piers
Id: cbBm7ryxzqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 19sec (2659 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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