This Entire City is Chock-A-Block with Traffic...HELP!!!

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hello everybody welcome back to the next fictional City where's that me biffer and here we have this city sent in by Dalton and Oh My giddy aunt look at the red roads we have in this you do have Metro which is great we can see that that red roads traffic absolutely everywhere it was 15% 14% I'll double check that in a minute this side okay thing going on there for your look at that to soak up all the extra traffic for your trucks that are coming in here but they're not being able to get in here so there isn't any trucks this is all empty so there's nothing much going on over here but then we come back over this way [Music] it is so horrendously bad what are we gonna do what are we gonna do to fix all this up that is the question that has checked the percentage in the size of the city so we're just below 50,000 and with minor 62,000 but you're playing on our unlimited money anyway and 15% so let us see what we can do to fix all this up just want to quickly show you as well it's not backing in out the city there let's go this way yeah it's all right and then once it gets into the city that's when it hits and it's like really bad so yeah let's just follow this little route along here so this Junction is okay and then it comes along here hits this Junction you've done a bit of your lane mathematics there three lanes down to two that's a three again and all that sort of thing which is good I don't think you've got any Lane connectors so like where these guys are coming out they're sort of getting in each other's way so I'm gonna control click on a node with that no you can't got a dip manually I was just wondering cuz about the new update this is now traffic manager 11 but yeah sadly nope still got to do these yourself although I believe one of the future updates might be changing something to do with this so we should see yeah let's see that guy there I didn't want to be stuck in that traffic he wanted to carry on and I was coming down here yeah we've got the same here so you've got your three lanes coming out plus 1 into 4 which is good so that means we can then do this and get everybody to have their own lane I mean they're still gonna be switching lanes a little bit further wrong getting in each other's way back when the traffic goes down that will definitely help and then we've got another one going off down to three lanes you've got this one here or we could use one of the new features look that Lane it's got straight on and right will click on there hold ctrl click on the node bish now we've got one lane for going off fantastic so now these are all keep moving and then down here again you've got a 3-1 down into two which is good and then we'll add this on by the way just thought I'd let you know it's Monday afternoon I'm recording this and we finally we had finally had snow we had the horrendous I just wanna who's this hearse well you know it doesn't matter we delete them yeah that lines [ __ ] no offence oh this one he missed the little one yeah we've had that Halle cane that's been going around the UK this weekend let's sort your lane maths here free - one down two to stuff blowing around all over the place and rain absolutely horrendous rain just looking back up the road going the other way that one you missed that one there and you haven't done this one at all let's just do this one yeah rain just talk about one thing at a time lots and lots of rain and then we had snow couldn't Adam and believe it videoed my kids looking happy sticking their thumbs up excited all that sort of stuff you've done those ones as well that is good and then literally within minutes within minutes it through it with rain again very very sad so I had to go out in the snow that was forming on the ground and I had to we've done it on that one day haven't we yeah and then they're changing right there let's shift s don't change there change further down use your brain and to go out in the garden and pick up so bear in mind you've got green grass you know what grass that's like above that we've got like a spattering of snows everything's looking white and then go along and do some of these and then hidden in amongst that see flu broken shards of plexiglass plastic whatever it's called that have been thrown into our garden from somewhere because of the horrendous weather that we've had I should have picked it up in the morning when it was just a bit of rain and you could see easily now I'm fumbling through the snow trying to find this plexiglass thinking if this snow sticks my kids are gonna be playing in this and there's gonna be shards of Plexiglas sticking up at the grass cleaned it all up then it through the rain oh but there we go that's life life of a father you see gotta think of the kids do for the kids so there we go right so let's get all this go in so I'm fixing these up even though this isn't the source of the problem as always I do all of this because later on traffic will change as we fix things and we'll be glad that we've fixed all this stuff up so what have we got here what we're gonna do here is we're gonna say you can come in and take a lane each you can have two lanes and then I'm gonna say don't switch their switch down here then we've got one lane for off probably not let's downgrade this to two lanes but a lane mass through you one off down to keep that one is - so - coming up Plus this one makes the three let's change that and then down here I'm not gonna bother changing that that's fine coming out here they're all crashing into each other but we've done that already so there shouldn't be crashing into each other like I said that's not too easy that's fine this one here little crashing into each other lots of Lane mathematics I get the opinion in my little brain that maybe you don't use traffic manager or you haven't discovered all of the functions yet so we can learn some functions together okay what have we got going on down here we've got three plus one which is going into four this can be downgraded to look so three minus one down to two and that makes this easier because now which one plus two is three Matt's with biffer are you put four lanes in there or does it meet before lanes now does it because we did the match we did the mast in ways let's do that then we can do this and that can go there a lot can go long that can go there and then we're gonna hit this thing so let's have a look what we've got going on here you've got lots of lanes so what I'm gonna do it's downgrade all of these two three fitness three already yeah there we go so we've got all the space we want then we're gonna SAP this roundabout so we're gonna do control or exchange control shift click okay there we go control shift click this and then this one here it's all should also mostly have one lane for off Oh as part of the roundabout setup look at that not only does the give way signs not only does the you go through but not you ah no I haven't done that one don't want that one are there we go for those that don't watch this here means basic in basic terms please don't correct mean some seventy two paragraph comments no no biffer this isn't correct basically means enter don't into a block Junction this is this node here is a junction between this road in that road you want people on the roundabout to go in when traffic is this busy when traffic's not that busy do whatever the heck you like when it's this busy let's pick this one code it's got two here we go so you want this one on for these guys to keep going round excuse me and on that one off so they just stop and wait so well that's the way I do it when it's busy when it's not so busy you have them all on at them all off do whatever you like but it won't really matter because cars will merge nicely and that will help that move a bit better what I might do here yeah I'm gonna leave that normally you want more space between this node and you know two nodes like this two junctions that is far too close I can't be bothered to change it we're gonna leave that as it is now if the traffic goes down it will fix itself I'm sure so we've gone down this main road and then we've headed out the city and that's far and what you don't have is any connection between this side of the city and of this side of the city without going through this what are we at 60% ah how much work was that to gain the next % amazing so yeah it's usually a good idea to have some connections from one side to the other where they don't have to go through the junction look you've got this little roundabout here let's just get this four-lane road by the way if you want the lows that I've got on now we're down to 14% if you want the most that I've got that you don't have you're wondering where I get them you want our network extensions I thinking I'm just gonna connect that into there oh you've got a metro there ok Network extensions is the MOT so which is not going to be the most untidy Road junction ever but there we go oh good so then we'll head across there yet network extensions to is the is what I'm using we go oh yeah one lane for off what we need is one if we've got one lane for off like that when you pick a lane when they come in as well which is something you want to be careful of and I want to check on that one I set up before over here it's when they come in pick your lanes on already because Lane we need that on pick a lane we need that on pick your lane today change lane there yeah okay good why so yeah we've got a load so some of these you know there's gonna be some cars I just want to drive from there to here and they don't want to go all the way through that and that will help in other places as well I mean what you'll probably see in a minute is this will just get filled up with traffic but once everything is flowing as it should things should start working better why I will tell you what is next I have noticed on your roundabout we don't have give way signs and things set up and some of your junctions I think it was this one here has shot-caller junction stop signs set up it just closed that which really isn't good you don't want to stop signs coming on that might have been automatically placed in by something I don't know but that isn't gonna help but I tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna do a mini montage again look at all these roundabouts how many there is look loads and loads and loads down to 12% hearts getting worse just what we like fantastic I was hearing me Morty one sec just threw some tea damn a t-shirt pun intended but not intended actually did do that yeah I'm gonna go through and I'm gonna set up all these roundabouts to be correctly set up cuz they're not I mean you might me actually just see if I do you control shift click just do that and then set up this you go through malarkey so you don't on the roundabout does that one's fine that one's fine that one has to go off if we do that you might just see even a roundabout as busy as this clear up probably not so busy I don't know but I'm gonna go and do them all and then I'll be back with you let's see beforehand 13% let's see what it's like after Oh I've just realised what it says on here look right let me find a roundabout I haven't done with some lanes right every go look got Lane arrows ones going straight round ones going off if you just shift and click it will do all the give way signs if you shift control and clicks and let's clear all those out of the way just got nothing if you shift control and click it will do the giveaway signs and the lane arrows ah so you do have a choice of whether you want at one or both either or which is good excellent more choice is more better mm-hmm yeah English lessons as well fantastic okay some 99.9 percent sure I've done all the ones on this side just got a couple of three to do over here what I really enjoy is when you when you suddenly click on a roundabout set it up and all the traffic just suddenly starts moving it's just like so satisfying it ah ah my fixed it's and it's working there we go see they can get through they can start moving there's this one here and it also works on weird shapes what would you call this roundabout here I know that shape is gonna have a technical mathematical name if I'd thought of something I could have just said it with great authority and you would have all thought I knew what I was talking about right so let's just take a look at these couple of junctions at all let's see what that 32% get seeing it's going up so we've got this Junction here really close to this one we've got this really long sausage about and an oblong about down here let's see what we can do with those three to try and help things move a bit better let's set this up by roundabout so control how many lanes if we got we've got three lanes a control shift and click so we're having one lane for off to four on I want that all the way around everywhere and then I'm just gonna double check all of these junctions and turn off any the green in that little enter the block Junction thing in my jog think I'm indeed majique yeah want any of these roads good so now that you can just see these cars are now diving on the outsides because all they want to do is come off and they can just get out the way then and keep moving and then we're gonna do this other oblong abouts down here did I already do it click ctrl shift looks like it was sort of set up okay what I don't want is for them to switch there so we're gonna do shift s connect I want them to just to come all the way to the end and then pick their lane like that so you're not getting anywhere anyway there we go I just keep on going through going through and use that good good good good good good so that is all the roundabouts all the long about all the squish abouts although I don't know about let me know in the comments what you think that might be that is them all set up with give way signs and the correct into the junction thingies so let's while we're just letting the city run a bit let's speed things up let's take a look at your public transportation see what you've got so that's this one here I know much so plenty people using buses plain air people using Metro that is really good to see my life okay let's sort this by vehicles yet again we've got this problem too many vehicles fart and then eat light so this line is really isn't used that March I wouldn't even have more than 2 to 1 there and let's check this one here 19 vehicles let most of em t 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 30 on that one I would maybe get that down to 4 I'm gonna go through all of your lines and change that now this is something to keep in mind that as the city then starts to grow 22 vehicles as the city starts to grow and things get back to normal you want to go through and check this 1030 and one of these stops has got a load of people look I think as these as well the game is sped up these buses can never get past the traffic that's what's happening to pick up these people but 22 is still too many I'm gonna drop that down to 10 yes as your city grows you will then want to go through and just check these again because you might need some more buses so let me go through and do that and that's certainly gonna help the traffic we're gonna have 8 on there and I'll be back we do want some done it because this is boring you don't to watch me do this I'm not gonna sec can you hear those houses upgrading there's little ting ting ting ting you look like they smoke got to see some arrows popping in that is because people are getting their needs fulfilled they get in whatever they need look as a green arrow you might not seen it so they're getting what they need which makes them happy which means they then upgrade their houses so that is good to hear no it means we're doing some things right look at these buildings upgrade in fantastic fantastic 48% good good good so back where were we we did the buses Oh two people using metros you may even need some more metros on here yeah I'm gonna do the same look 200 odd people 200 people I'm gonna go through the same and adjust those back in a sec so the games just been running for a few minutes while I've been going through all your metro lines and things like that by the way you metros good you've got like a loop up here a loop around there loop in the middle that I think that one was used too much then you've got a few loops over here that cross over I mean that's good you can see it's much less read than ORS before this is running through here nicely like I said this road coming I'll say would get worse before it gets better because we've got other features we can do overall things are looking better 51% and going up so we've done roundabouts we've done the main Junction going through we could do with a couple of other crossroads although I think he do have some tunnels do you know okay well let's just take a look where else we can help so for instance these guys are coming up here you've got three different ways they can go and you've got a road coming in with only two lanes and if we just pause the game and delete this or mining trucks or Jim both of these lanes are being used for two different things so we are gonna get a nice symmetrical road out of this one here upgrade that that way rounds are three lanes into the junction two lanes coming out I'm probably gonna do the same for all of these and this one here so now if we take our lane arrows and it gives us two options on there ctrl-click separate turning lanes for entire Junction or alt-click just for a segment so all click I could just pick this segment here or control-click will do the whole lot so keep it on these road arrows ctrl-click bish bash Bosh now we have a turning lane for each direction to go which is absolutely brilliant and then what we're gonna do is say that you guys just go straight through that node and don't stop also on that corner use up that space it was do that just when you've got like an extra little load upgrade like that that one's fine what this to keep moving so what I'm thinking of doing as well he's putting some time traffic lights in here ctrl-click quick set up a new thing ah let's try that out see before we would have had a roundabout in there but now it's gonna be these let's just keep an eye on that and see whether that keeps things moving it's getting a bit blocked up because of these guys down here let's just fall over the top okay so they're whacking into this and it's causing a light who will come back to those times traffic lights in a second is they were all coming down here we're getting stuck there and then all coming down here and getting stuck I think this is like a one-way sort of sister yeah okay I'll get what you do in but now let's just change all of these to these falling loads going in each direction immediately you can see it all start moving guard yeah and then we'll just do our lane thing down here again ctrl-click ping and you could even upgrade that for three lanes like we did because they're different directions now to go let's just do that just for this one could it's so busy I'm gonna do it then we'll just do the lane click thing come on now there we go and already look that's now not built up which is good so where were we well over here so now this junctions clean that road crossing over is not so bad now and that's what I was saying before having loads crossing over from one side to the other look this one's now nice and clean stops people happen to come where would they've gone before they want you to go from here to here then we've had to come through here go over here all the way down there all the way up there fill up this Junction and then come for them fill up this Junction then come over there okay what are we at 57% exciting and exciting but I'm just wondering whether we can help this Junction al let us have a look so this has stopped here when they come how you want them to have a lane each let's do some lane mathematics like that we don't have that there so that's fine and then what you can do here we said like this is say you go there you go there and you go there and then we've got the same here just gonna do that just to stop em Lane switching in the middle and then we're gonna say in this Junction don't stop when you're coming in so you keep going through from this direction keep going through and from this direction keep going through and already this road over the top is not so blocked up so now they're gonna come down to here pick their lane and off they go pick a lane just check there's no modes in the middle no your nodes switching in the middle no thank you or we didn't do that last little bit of road there so that's like confusing everybody there we go hopefully that's not stuck a mode in there it has so just go straight through and already look that's cleaned up that which has now helped this move better so let's follow this here so this coming down here I want to make this a main road this one going along here and everybody coming up I want them to give way so we do that one hold shift and it will do from one end to the other now it's we don't want that one there now it's go straight through give way coming on give way coming on go straight through we don't want it there we want that just need to change the end and then I'm just gonna do some lane stuff so we've got too many lanes doing too many things control-click one lane for off one lane for off that's one way that's one y one lane for off there we go so now look at that cleared up all the way through and we won't miss here so these are getting stuck down here yeah what I'm gonna do along this so this is the main road this is a four lane main road going through here so shift this one here give way signs all the way through and then just change the end so it's back to how a roundabout should be and change this end want you to give way and then every Junction along here I'm gonna do the ctrl-click for the lanes so all the lanes you've got dedicated turning lanes have a look at this over here ah cargo train terminal rides so these all of this cargo staff is all coming through here and going along here clocking things up like we want to give these guys access to the highway and your trains will clog enough as well which isn't great oh my goodness your trains have all clogged up all over the place ah that site we need to fix as well like they oh I can't even get to that over there let's just use the camera mode so I can junctions like this need to be further apart the length of a train in here I'm not saying that's the overall problem but you know what are we at let's get into the camera mods 76% ah look at that and you're watching it live folks as well that is great I'm gonna leave that one in for a few minutes 78% grab some tea because I've run out and then I'm gonna do a little bit of her troubleshooting in a few spots we're already up to 53,000 people I mean making know we're losing less money than we were at the beginning which is great so I'll be back in a second okay just a little change down here by this cargo tone that we had a little slip lane up here that goes underneath and then branches off into two want to go that one on the highway and one to go that way so if they want to leave and join the highway network without touching any of this roundabout much better I fixed this square about I'd messed up to give way signs that's fine do you know what actually do you know what I'm gonna change this I'm gonna change this yeah we're gonna put in our first roundabout we haven't done one in the whole episode and that's what we're gonna do now and we've got a metro right there in the way darn it can I shift you find that over yeah we're gonna stick it over here somewhere there we go we've got a roundabout in there all no what's that that's a police station let's actually move that to somewhere that's not so busy and there we go that'll do and then we'll make sure that that roundabout is set up correctly with all the lane arrows to give way signs the metro stop thingy there will sort itself out in a moment and I think that should be okay let's just get rid of these buildings good good good and we'll see how that goes oh look at that that's 84% so I've just done a couple of changes off camera I just made this road at the end here from three lane to two lanes you've got one dedicated Lane each way I put time traffic lights on there so everybody gets a chance of coming out because these guys on this road we're just getting stuck and as long as that keeps moving this keeps moving which means that keeps moving and so does this and now these guys have got one two three choices of getting out of this area instead of one I've also taken away your one-way roads down here and made them the four lane two-way roads this one here just to get people more options you're getting two what's the word for nicotine trying to control where the traffic goes but if you just give them loads of options and two-way roads we're setting up all the lanes along here works so much better which then mean meant I could add this so what was happening was is most of the cars are coming in here round here and that was their only way of getting to here so they're coming round there down there down there down here and then in there to this cargo harbour but now they can come down here these are two-lane roads or even quicker they can come down here around the highway off this little slip lane and straight through and that's just cleared all of that art I mean up to 83% I feel like I want to just keep going through right let me seven minutes just to look at this there we go so they want to bypass this they can just go straight over the top let's just check the speed on that sixty a hundred this is 80 I'm gonna put this at 120 just to make it more of an option for going over that should be 84% look that's all moving now it's just busy this is all moving you know what 86% I think that is an absolute win [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah it took a while that a train sorted themselves out in the end that is absolutely fantastic it's all goes between 86 84 % I mean I can't complain at that at all that is absolutely brilliant what are you reckon has that been my best fix yet let me know in the comments below thank you very very much for watching if you want to send your city in there is a forum in the description below so take a look at that and maybe subscribe as well if you enjoyed what you saw and I will see you very soon for the next one take care everybody bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 191,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines expert, roundabouts, cities:skylines, cities skylines roundabouts, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines fixing cargo
Id: rE8klrBD9O0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 22sec (1762 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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