How to Fix the TERRIBLE Golden Gate Bridge Traffic in Cities Skylines

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Oh Alcatraz how's Alcatraz carrying the prisoners have run off with the prison oh my goodness may not look at it will move so here we are we've just landed at the San Francisco International Airport and we can look over San Francisco Bay and see how bad the traffic is here and as we head into downtown into San Francisco itself across the Oakland Bay Bridge yes the Oakland Bay Bridge traffic is horrendous horrendous traffic on Treasure Island building up a little bit alcatraz how's alcatraz going there is nothing there the prisoners have run off with the prison oh my goodness me and the amazing Golden Gate Bridge look at that looks absolutely fantastic traffic all building up along here as well we're at 30% and dropping on the traffic and we are gonna fix this right up don't forget to leave a like every like means I have another sip of tea and I really need them to fix this all up so yeah I'm gonna start with a sip of tea nationally lovely right okay so let us take a look at what is going on here we are gonna follow the traffic oh my life and boom my goodness me it goes all the way out almost to the edge of the map yeah that is pretty bad so let's just follow this down here follow follow follow follow then they all want to merge into one Junction here which is gonna tell me that there's some lane hawky borginnis going on here and you've got this Lane going over the top right for a start I mean I'm assuming r30 a person I'm assuming to a certain you know certain percentage you've tried to sort of follow the actual road layout to a reasonable degree that only needs to be one so gonna do that that only needs to be one that makes it all easier merging up there and that source out the lanes here it's got one lane to go off and then two lanes to go on that should have automatically fixed itself see the yellow yes there we go they might start spreading out of it and then they're wanting to there we go look I'm starting to dive around now because there's this Lane here that they know they can use to go off and then if we continue following that down here we all get honky borginnis coming in here before we do that let's check this one and again we've got two lanes and two lanes of three lanes and they're all using this middle lane getting confused so I'm gonna change this one here to one if we go to four straight on one for easily fixed so then they come here and they all go yeah that's what they do so we're gonna do a bit of lane management and say you need to go there you need to go there you need red car stop it that's it now you can use all the lanes and I don't want your lane switch in there I want you to come in and then when you get to here I'm gonna tell you what you're gonna do so you're gonna go there and there you're gonna go there come in boy you're gonna go actually a stop from this end is it enough for two each two three four five six seven eight yes there is you're gonna go there and there so there we had these split into two lanes each now these and all the lanes on this thing and then they've got a squidge back down again when they get down here I just wondering whether or not to use this massive big one although because of the slowest speed yeah they should be okay and of course nobody's using the lanes in the middle they're all like going over here no lanes switchin lanes switchin lanes switchin only into it gene no Lane switchin no Lane switchin come in use the lanes stick in the lane spread out use all the lane I'm going to swing down here no Lane switchin lanes rich in Lane switchin so when you come in no lanes which in are to what we're gonna do here is we're gonna say you have to car there's like two lanes on another what is this Lane coming in here for the harbor sort of thing so suddenly we've got too many languages not many people coming up here so we'll just let them do the hokey-pokey and do what they need to do yep so that should use more of that that should let more of this through up here and then one forget going down this bridge it's not too bad and we follow it along what is going on with this bridge whoever built this bridge yeah we're not even gonna talk about it let me follow it along down here I mean it starts getting all walky walky again and bish bash Bosh it hits all of this but we're gonna follow this along ah okay here we go everybody's coming up they're heading into downtown San Francisco and causing issues and I bet these lanes here and what is they just not going in because they can't get in and you're not moving and you're stuck here and you're stuck there and you're stuck there and you're stuck there so it's just overall traffic it's stopping these guys from coming in what I'm gonna do is we've got this Lane being used up here I'm gonna make them a turn up there now if you're the mayor of San Francisco you might want to you know take these sort of things into account there you go so you have to go that way and you're going to end up coming down here so this will get blocked up but it'll keep them moving it a little bit and then we're going to look at these lanes here and say that our lane tall they've got the length of light a lane for right and straight on we'll just make that one right and then everything else is straight on so you're gonna start seeing all the cars diving out now saying oh actually I want to go I want to go straight on so we're gonna do that we're gonna stop them lane switch in there and that was and we'll undo that one so underground tunnel there so they need to choose further back and then they'll start moving spreading out look just like nuts over there okay so that's that little bit they're gonna take a while what are we at 34% it's got worse fantastic fantastic sometimes it takes a while doesn't it things to kick in let us find the other spots look at this this is the ends you can see that all the traffic come in there here and it hits this and they get confused oh I see cuz we need to do the lane mathematics let's change this to three lanes in the anarchy mod on there we go yeah that's it so one lane off three lanes straight on so these cars will all start diving out now the ones that want to go straight on and in the merging bit here is not much coming up here so I'm not overly concerned about the merging so here we go look look look they're all diving down the outside diving down the outside oh nice that's what I want to see okay so we're gonna leave that bit running for a while I mean it's getting pretty busy but it's going okay I might just add I want to add another little slip lane through the mountain pass up here just to give people another option to come in yes there we go excellent the mayor of San Francisco you can copy my idea here if you like and then this one here is only gonna go right sure so there's no crossing over the traffic and everybody getting in each other's way you're gonna go that way yes excellent I'm just wondering whether to make that a one-way road then we'll see anyway we'll see anyway so hopefully now yeah we'll get people diving down here let's just organize our lanes then so bit of lane management we're going for 1 2 3 4 lanes down to three lanes on this little bit here Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing that's it and then one goes off we're gonna go down to two lanes I didn't do this before Martha do it now three lanes there we go and then if we want to spread out to four lanes again that is fine I just need to put this back in and that should alleviate the traffic and again keep things moving so we check that junctions fine this one's got the lane that's fine I'm gonna say no switching there there thank you very much select the node be first to let the node there we go oh look at this all the traffic simply gone already nice I mean we've got the traffic the other side so we've probably got a similar issue here yeah we've got a straight-on on the left one lane one two three four so let's do some lane mathematics get that down to three so now the lanes are one off three straight on does that come on again the other side yes it does so we'll just do that in there bit of Lane management with our Lane mathematics so they'll all come up through not getting each other's way nice and we've got this what the heck you're coming off going down there but you're using that to get on as well that is that is just not gonna work can we give these gamers and girls another way to get on oh well if that if that's gonna be the case there what we're gonna do is let's get the moving mod we're gonna just move it a little bit give us a little tiny bit of space we're restructuring the land around San Francisco there we go and then we're gonna put a little roundabout in there just a teeny teeny tiny small one all right there we go we've got it the other way so if they're coming in they're gonna go in that way and if they're coming out they're gonna come out that way and they're not gonna get in each other's way which works a lot better and that should just keep them why are you stopping there do not stop there do not collect 202 on going and you know what we could do because technically nobody should be going across we can just say to you don't stop people and go in and to you don't stop people go in and that should just keep the whole thing moving it's very very we're gonna get a car that goes all the way around and back again I would hope in all honesty actually even a t-junction here would probably work but look that's that solve the problem looks wow this has all gone as well what are we up to what are we up to 45% noise we could probably just smooth out this little corner here anyway if you wanted to you could right so that is I'm concentrating on the main highways at the moment so let's follow this one down here right they're all coming off hitting all of this which is just a big old yuck let's just check the lanes going on here so yeah bit of lane management for us please don't go undergrad and we'll turn that 4 into a 3 and then back to a 4 again and then this is like a two-lane going off doesn't need to be two-lane or make that one lane and we'll make that make that one lane so then this has one going that way one going that way so this four one goes off this cut needs to go down to three and then one joins again back to four and another one joins again you don't need two of these but this one here oh I see why you've got it is for these people to join I can join somewhere else there's not enough traffic coming look they can go round two even join that's fine okay so that's gonna keep this moving and then because it's so so busy we're gonna say don't Lane switch right near to the junction I want you to land switch way back pass where the traffic is bad which would be down here somewhere but mmm and then let's just see when they come in in you're stopping because you're stopping because this is blocked we've got traffic lights traffic lights traffic lights gotta go go keep going keep moving I'll look at it we'll move move look at it move right we're getting a bit of yeah we've got one of these laying on laying off situations going on here but you can go around so actually yeah you don't want to go up there anyway do you know so that's move the problem on from this to here and this Junction so this Junction needs a bit of work let us take a look at this I'm gonna pause the game a minute here so you've got three lanes going each way let's try and do this so we're gonna make that one lane but one lane going off and two lanes going on but you've still got three lanes each way in the middle so we're gonna get this road here there we go so now we can do this one too here we can say you go off you go on and you go on good good good then at the other end you've got two lanes coming down here again it's just throwing everything off kilter so we're gonna change that to one lane we're gonna change that to one lane that to one lane and that won't avoid you dumped goods find out in a minute so you I want you going in so you've got this as one way going in you've probably done that at some point because the traffic was so bad well let's actually get it all working do you know do all the lane mathematics do the lane management get the junction working and you'll be fine so that's gonna go there come here you're gonna go there and then we've got the same on the other side so those wanted to go into the junction can go and you can go around the corner and then we're gonna remove the traffic light from there and there we don't need it so that should be okay but then you've got this one you've got the Omni off beyond me Oh oh yeah okay yeah yeah this we haven't done the other side every way so that should go there you should go there and usko that that's what was confusing me this bit here we don't need if you want to get into here we've got this road this bit coming off here I'll allow it let's just unpause that a second oh we need to check the lanes coming down the highway because they're all going what's going on we confused see it's just people complain about the AI in the game the AI is good if you work with it you don't need to use all the mods but even just some simple Lane mathematics will make all the difference so you like you've got four lanes coming down here one two three four and you've got some sort of shenanigans going on with this no cuz that should be just off to there this needs to go down to three lanes and it just helps the AI so much you've still got two lanes coming off let's just do this one lane for our three lanes to straight on I just said you don't use the mods and i use the mods but depending on the roads that you've used and all the messing around you've done before I can see why it was two lanes because of the turn in but anyway so that's three lanes and one goes off and then technically this should go down to two lanes so let me fall by the amounts of traffic keep everything sort of move nice and easily and then when this comes on we are going to use them all so that happy yeah this only needs to be three lanes Pingping and then why about that bit in a minute there we go so we'll say late management you - there you - they're new to that okay let's just to this sides working okay this will we'll get back to that in a minute this is all moving in good yeah got that weird thing going on there so you're gonna use the lane tool here and say wonderful left want a straight on there we go one for left on straight on one for rides use all the lanes and I'm gonna see whether they giving these guys priority and everybody else just waiting is gonna work no I've done it the long way around haven't I give you priority and everybody else wait there we go keep that moving right this should start moving okay now you're coming off and hitting this so again you've got a similar situation here with too many lanes and stuff going on something like this just needs to be a little round back there's so much traffic coming in it's gonna mean that we're gonna lose a few houses the super pharmacy fashionable fashion shop at shop E and the supermarket yep you're gonna go I'm sorry it's gonna happen nothing we can do about it okay so with a little bit of Lane mathematics and Lane management we've got this roundabout here things are moving on I've changed all the lanes to one lane you know you know how it works you know how it works so everybody can come and go easily and it's cleared up this section here other sections still get quite busy but I mean some of the road layout here is pretty bad but I'm just gonna assume that you've just copied San Francisco and that is what is like in real life and let's just take a look at our highways this highway here not going too bad still moving remember this bit we did earlier where's the other bridge let's have a look over here this bridge much better look at that much much much oh wow wow that really has gone down flipping egg that has gone right down that is nice what are we at 67% so the main highways are all sorted now it's gonna be just a case of trying an attack or some of these oh my goodness in a City Road before we do that I want to look at your mass transit I'm just gonna say I've looked at this yet even though just opened it I was going to bet there's no buses no trams no trains or anything so let's have a look you got one metro line one ferry line right where's your metro line I found the one metro line you've got Treasure Island's and you've got your ferry line that goes few different places and then it hits in you got a metro that just goes through downtown San Francisco so that is probably done I've never been to San Francisco I'm assuming that that is the case but to have a metro from there to here is an absolute complete is that SF mo ma got a bit there's people out there like it's the world famous for mower anyway um yeah so we need to definitely get some more mass transit in here so give me a second and I'm gonna do that okay let us take a look at the metro so over here in Brisbane we have the Metro starts up in the mountains goes down into the downtown sort of area goes across to here and I just down to the little road are obviously needs a water pipe we go excellent just had a little road here so passionate can come out of this one cross over to this one with no issue at all and this one here just goes in a nice loop all the way around this area this is where the last metro was it was going along here and there was one stop to stop three stop for stop five stop all that close together totally not worth doing so this one goes around in a nice big loop all the way through here and it's got a clockwise and an anti-clockwise loop now we do have some ferries going backwards and forwards as well which is good let's have a look at bloom ferries very long one ferry line yes is there but we can add more ferry zoom we've got this ferry I'm thinking we've got this one here that's your ship we've got this little Conclave of houses up here we could add some ferries into this and help these gummies and girls get across the city as well okay so we now have a fairly stop there that runs all the way down here and there we go we can see the boats going down to Treasure Island that hooks up here and it has a roof going up over to his they can come and see the buildings on fire then I've got a route from there coming under the bridge coming all the way around the coast and joining up to here and then a second roof going from there all the way round to the San Francisco Airport so we'll get some boats coming down there as well there is a metro underneath here but it's so far and so mountainous I thought that was a bit unrealistic so we will go with the boat so what I'm going to do now is let all of this one for maybe 10 or 15 minutes see how the traffic does see how our new metro and boats go and then I'll be back with you we need a prison here on our sighs I'm in baby [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just a quick look at the Metro usage it's going really well this is creeping up so that is gonna take a lot of the traffic off the row which is fantastic and speaking of traffic let's see what we're at 78% and climbing that is really really good I am pleased with that so what are you reckon to this fix if you are the mayor of San Francisco then feel free to contact me I can give you my detailed plans of how I fixed your city so there is no more traffic here at all so thank you very much for watching if you want to see some more hit the big button to subscribe and hit the notification bell watch the other video on the screen as well and I will see you all very soon for the next one take care everybody
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 268,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines expert, roundabouts, cities:skylines, cities skylines roundabouts, cities skylines traffic management
Id: 55YN3V6_KRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 38sec (1358 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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