Is this my BEST City Fix EVER in Cities Skylines?

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the city la Creuset from calling the traffic 4% 4% don't forget it would like on the video is one sip of tea for me the word how bad the traffic gets the worse it gets the higher my voice goes all the way down here and you know what happens is I end up looking at these cities and trying to find what it is that's holding everybody back because you sort of follow the cars along and it's like these cars are going along here and they're all heading down there and these ones are all heading down there and they're all heading into hit what is it that's holding them all up and it's taken me ages to try and find the spot that's causing the problems because you look at your mound about you've done you give way signs I'm pretty sure all if you give way signs of okay you've done you you can keep going through but not you and all that sort of thing so it's coming down to I mean there's a couple of bits of there's a couple of bits of Lane mathematics type stuff that will help like this you've got three lanes coming down here one lane goes off so we may as well just change that to two lanes there we go and then your three lanes come back on again bit of there we go anarchy there and then the same over here I mean you've sort of you've sort of tried to finagle the system by making it four lanes before the one that goes off but I've changed the way I do it now and this seems to work so much better and it is something you can do on vanilla and yes on vanilla you can get the two lane highways with the mass transit DLC I'm pretty sure they came in that you've even done what if he got you got have you got four lanes down here again that's not yeah she don't need that you've got one lane plus two lanes so that can go back to three lanes one goes off we'll leave as is and then you've got extra lanes over here anyway so there's a few little things that you can do you've also I'm gonna come to the big thing I found in a minute you've also done this I assume and know you haven't but if we do this and do that yeah you're gonna stop these guys doing that you want that and then you want that and then you want that and then you don't want to Lane switchin to actually not that far down that one get them moving a little bit so that my assist but but but but but the big thing that I found let me see if I can find it again I was following all 13% it's gone up already all this traffic is coming down here all going onto the highway it's this bit here so what if we got we have got these cars coming along here a load of them coming off coming around here you've then got all of these cars coming this way is zooming around and joining in here they're all coming down here to this I didn't check this so that's giveaway giveaway right yeah we got all of those done but look look at the cars mm-hmm she's me yeah we want to stop that one and one's okay this one light yeah needs a sip of tea mmm ah that's it now I can solve all the problems yeah so that's okay but all those cars are all coming down here and also these cars want to get across here they're all coming across here and then they're all doing this look can you see what the problem is can you guess what it might be let's use the lanes all and look here straight on straight on straight on and left Bing we are gonna undo that because the game is is is correct is doing what the game does it's seeing that Lane as straight on and everybody wants to go there instead of here but using this in-game tool we've stopped that now you could use there is a way of forcing that in the game by then changing this one here to have a different amount of lanes and things like that so the game would see one lane here and then only two lanes straight on and that is what the asymmetrical roads are for there's a lot of people say ah we can't do that in the game there we go like that that would have the same effect and you can do that in the vanilla game so now the game would see two lanes are straight on and this one has to go left so that is the way you do it without mod so you can do it either way and then it goes back to three lanes down here so let me give you an example there we go that one's showing four straight on and four left so let's get the asymmetrical road hopefully there's been no let's have a quick check yeah nothing else has been added mod wise so asymmetrical road will do that right click to change it and bang did you know just that one that is now set for one left and two straight on and that just works fine and also you could actually could we do it here as well because look why aren't that's doing straight on and light if we go like that to be straight on one for life so there is tools in the game to help you do it we could do it for this one here there we go so that will sort that lane so any symmetrical roads with trees I don't think there is we're gonna do that down to there then you've got one for this way one for straight on to the lights and immediately we'll see a change as soon as these guys start moving the one thing you do need to go back a few mods for is this let's have a look because they're blocking the junction they shouldn't be let's see they're all going up here they're all merging in let's just do a little bit of hokey-pokey merging fixing we're gonna grab this and go here so there are something fixes that you can do even in I think I need to do another dedicated vanilla video so no Lane switch in there to do that you select the node shift s if you want to delete them select the node delete select the node shift s okay there we go few shortcuts and what we could say is no Lane switchin all the way down until they get to here and that would just keep all of that moving whoa I pick the wrong node I want oh okay that knows on the road underneath so what that one there and then when they get here will say when you come out you can pick your lane and then hopefully that will just ease that through a little bit but things like that can make all of the difference yeah mr. van der the loads of it there I think with some examples you need to just do it yourself probably could do we change the net load anyway anyway so let's unpause the game and when these guys stop getting in each other's way these are gonna start coming down here let's just stop them at lane switch in there and I want them to pick their lane here so we're gonna say in low lane switch in there yeah and here is where you're gonna pick your lane so we're gonna say there when you're coming through this way pick your lane when you're coming down this way pick your lane when you're coming up this way pick your lane so then that will stop that and hopefully once this guy goes bug spray van you're gone there we go these will just keep going and that will stop so much hope you're walking us along that in fact you're not I'm gonna do is I'm gonna say no Lane switchin all along here these are any other nodes in the middle that one there I want them to pick their lane when they come up here and just keep it moving off of this roundabout so if we go like that and say pick your lane and then I'm also going to take out these I don't really think we need that that is quite a lot of turning lanes and then we'll see how that goes and hopefully then now do keep on moving through so then we need to follow up Pierre and try and solve the next what are we up to dance have a quick look seventeen percent getting better let's speed the game up a bit as well so we've got things like this now this is something you need to be careful of because you're doing what I would do which is right it's helping them to merge they're normally having let's just sit like that having only one lane here for them to switch wouldn't be a problem we've got the same on the other side it normally isn't a problem when there isn't this bulk amount of traffic but unfortunately until the traffic dies down you can see it's become a less of a problem on the other side look as the traffic dies down and it's becoming less of a problem here as the traffic moves food you know what just by sitting and watching it the traffic already is rising I'm gonna leave that go in actually and not touch that for a minute because as this is moving this is moving around here more yes if it's right cleared up cleared up cleared up this is clearing out which means all of this will be clearing up oh yeah so what you've got here is you've got two lanes down to one lane I'm just noticed that yeah that's no good let's not do that let's use net picker let's pick that load there and upgrade all of this down here we want to keep these guys moving along here you know they can join there's plenty of lanes for coming in to do that keep moving yeah there we go oh man 21% we're flying just a couple of fixes and suddenly look all your highways are gonna start moving and all this Hawk your bog your Lane switchin just just white matter anymore so where's the traffic all the way up to the minute it's all the way up to here and all the way out right I tell you what we're gonna let that one we're gonna look at your mass transit bus lines you have three bus lines okay the big thing that I normally can't concentrate on is metros so you've got some decent metros going let's just take a look whoa okay so hmm where do I start you've got some interest who got stargates I've got some interest in Metro so we've got this stop goes Wow all the way up there around around around and down again down to here so you've gone for the sort of straight line yeah and then they stop there and so they swap onto this one okay I might just redo you metros because the way they are at the minute it just isn't the way I do it and it isn't the way I know other people do it which is the way sort of like the London Underground I always tend to find the loops work really well it's quick and easy to set up yes so I'll tell you what have a look let me just quickly I'm gonna pause the game I'm gonna quickly add out how many people are using your metro right now okay at the minute you've got 2,550 people using your metro lines which are one two three four five six seven spaces or no numbers are missing 14 lines so I'm gonna redo your metro into some nice loops I'm gonna let the game continue running and we're gonna see where we are at momentarily okay let's have an update on the transportation for your city we now have lots of little loops we've got a loop here a loop there a loop here and a loop there and I've tried to make sure that we've got stopped needs of places like this what's that thing called the opera house so we know that anybody wants to travel that far come and see the Opera House got the option to do so quickly we've got a line then and that goes along the bottom here so there and back again down this straight road also got one here there sort of goes up to there and back again and there near other stops over here so people on a walk over here think we probably need to put a path in there I would do that but there's a path in there to connect those two these are near together so they can switch there and these are near together so I can switch there so with a few little changes they can get from one side to the other and what you will find is more people will use it because those that want to take a quick journey around here will use it the same here the same with the other loop rather than before they got on a metro up here they travel all the way down here then all the way back again they just wouldn't use it so that's gonna take more cars off the load 57% that is a big boost very good and then up here I've just got this little loop coming down here to a ferry station a ferry terminal and you've got these little whipper cats you've got going backwards and forwards here we go from one side to the other so that will definitely help I've only literally just put that in so it's probably nobody using it yeah two people so I'm gonna let this one for a while see how things go hopefully we'll start getting more people moving in making some money and then we'll add up ham all loads of people using these so yeah I'll be back with you once the traffic is got better right just a little something we've got this roundabout here and it's causing tailbacks and I've just noticed on here you've got a lot of these lines and things set up you just don't need to do that if you've got your roundabout set up and working correctly you don't need those lines like that so I'm gonna remove all of those we're then gonna make sure that we've got all the give way signs and all that sort of things set out properly and then also this correctly as well so only people on can go through into a block Junction that's only those on the roundabout not once coming onto the roundabout there we go we'll also check for any hit and stop signs and let's just turn off flats no he didn't stop signs I'm there so that's good you've used the stop signs here to let people go through make this like a main road and already we can start see this is clearing out this is fantastic now what's happening here these are going through and blocking these and turning ah we've got the lane shenanigans here so one for left one for straight on one for lights so now people coming down here if they don't want to go straight on like this white car will go straight on and stop getting blocked a lick nearly nearly complete where are you going you've literally stopped in the streets oh there we go you've decided to do something weird yeah let's stop following you and that is now let's speed it up work in much much better now I've made a boo-boo and duck this lie here so loads of cars are coming out that is a bad thing to do so I am gonna move that probably up here out the way you don't want it like by a junction like that well I am sorting out this problem here you did have four lanes along here three lanes go to four lanes to give you a slip lane but I've changed it all to three lanes I've got this set up here so you've got this one Lane goes into these two and those two go straight on no switch in for a few nodes just to give this room to breathe and then once the bulk of this traffic goes look and they stop doing their silly lane switching what we're gonna say is look here you can lane switch but you can also go down a lane there we go like that and then we'll say no Lane switching the one before and then this one will say you can go up a lane there we go so hopefully that just spreads that the switch in a bit or once there's less traffic coming down here not so much as all this hopefully that will work much better but you can see here starts getting spread out it does work better so it's good so you minimize see how our metro and buses and F in the house are doing so I'm gonna just add up all the figures on here and see what we've got we have got four thousand four hundred and eighty six I believe the figure that I said before was two thousand five hundred and fifty so that is a difference of 1936 and it is only going up as well and you've got 99 passengers on your ferry line that is increasing as well you could actually add if you wanted to you've got a a train line that runs down here you could run a little spur off and put a train station here maybe one over here and then one up there and one up there maybe something like that you might get some more people moving around that might be worth looking at overall things are not looking too bad you've got a couple of red hot spots so places where things are just sort of slowing down like this here but they are not just assumed out again just back it up traffic here I'll look at that environment this is red but it's all moving nicely this is red but it's all moving nicely this has gone it's traffic along here I've added one little slip lane into this section here which only people that need to come into this area are going to use but apart from that it's fine what's going on here I was like the main road of the highway hits this section I'll have a quick look at that yeah I've turned this forum you've got three lanes one going off down to two lanes and then attached that up and just set up some Lane management as well just to keep it moving and that seems to be working okay there was something weird going on in that road but yeah they play around so that's Reds that's just a zoom out again so we've checked all of it I need to check this Highway we checked all of that that's just busy which is what's gonna happen that I'll have a look at and what have we got coming down here this is okay this is all chock-a-block down here as well so let us take a look of what's going on here a little thing you've done don't do the lane mathematics that we do with three lanes one goes off down to two lanes all that sort of thing on a roundabout keep it the same all the way round so you've got sort of three lanes one goes off down to two lanes and it's causing some issues so let's just do that all the way around let's just make sure what was that delayed sound let's just make sure that has got all the giveaway signs and things on it that it needs and that these are set up so that's okay that's okay that's okay that's fine that's fine and that's fine and then maybe we just need to also give these guys some options to get into the city some other ways we've got this little four lane road up here we could just extend that ever so slightly there we go and just help those guys and girls to get in the city and then we'll just say one lane for off two oh okay weird oh I see you've got that there well let's delete that and try that again there we go one lane for off two lanes for straight on you might just get a few heading into there and avoiding all of this and just seeing where else they're gonna go yeah hopefully that I move a bit quicker so check your lanes here as well yeah that's fine the lanes are all okay so need to give that a bit of time and then this one over here which one was it coming into the city I think ah this here what's going on here let's have a look what is going on here you've got three lanes down into two lanes yep that's what's going on here so we can easily change that so let's keep that as three lanes all the way along here three lanes three lanes three lanes one goes off down to two lanes yeah you just try to do the lane mathematics got it slightly wrong so one comes back on that goes back to three lanes one goes off goes back to two lanes then back to three lanes again and I catch all the way to three lanes then you same the other way three lanes one's off two lane one back on three lane one or two lanes yeah there we go and look already that's going to just keep moving and then what we need to do is just help these guys out with what to do when they're coming on so there's a few little things like that and it's meant overall that your cities then having some issues but once all these guys get moving that'll be sorted these guys what you're doing what you're doing hang on a minute hang on a minute let's just observe what's going on we've got all the give way signs and everything is efening out all set up correctly you go but not you that normal staff yeah and then they're coming down here is there any bus stops along here that is something always worth checking I don't think there is because sometimes that can block traffic no no bus stops are we all just go into one lane it does they're all getting out and go in there okay we need more lanes down here I don't know what this road is we'll do that all the way along why not so then you might not even notice that I've changed it well out to the corner there let's just see if that helps a little bit to keep people moving so they didn't jump out AHA there we go excellent that's gonna free this up which is gonna free all of that hopefully that is the idea let's just keep an eye on this for a second there we go it's all going down that's what we want no more traffic up there excellent [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 81% of all the cars have gone 82% oh my goodness me yeah I'm really pleased with this let me know what you think in the comments below don't forget to hit subscribe as well so you don't miss out on the next episode and leave a like as well that is always greatly appreciated thank you very much for joining me enjoy your weekend I'll see you soon take care everybody
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 514,444
Rating: 4.931448 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines expert, roundabouts, cities:skylines, cities skylines roundabouts, cities skylines traffic management
Id: JyUjMeRlOQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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