The Most Cars I've EVER seen in Cities Skylines!

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hello everybody my name is bitter and this city has the maximum number of cars allowed in the game vehicles 99% 16384 is the capacity where for cars away from this city being absolutely filled to the brim the traffic is horrendous every single load out of the city is red everything in the city is gridlock and for a city this size to have 99% traffic is just the worst I have ever ever seen thank you very much to Thomas tech guy for sending this in and we are gonna see if we can fix all of this up so if you enjoy these videos don't forget to hit subscribe and the notification bow don't miss out on them and leave a like as well every light equals one sip of tea from me so yeah that would be good so I'm just following this traffic to see where the problems are and here are loads of issues loads of issues here and then it heads into the taxi that is heading into the city yeah heading in heading in doing the thing where they're like she's one lane look at that six lanes and they using one lane because they all want to turn left interesting interesting and they can't so my initial thought is this has got to be around about to get this moving and also we could I mean we could just try a little something here let's take a look at the lanes if we change this one lane for left one lane for straight on on one lane for right then all of these cars wouldn't use that one lane mmm which is what is happening at the moment but also yeah this just needs to be around about so we are going to use the roundabout mods and I might even just move it a little bit further down down here there we go so let's just check that's all been set up and of course using the roundabout mods you can get your Traffic Manager set up this is the way I have it so that once selected that one deselect it and then that is the way that I like it so when we click on here particular when there's lots of traffic they can go through the block Junction if they're on the roundabout but not if they're coming onto the roundabout which is good for when yeah it's all super busy that was not on because I deleted the road and rebuilt it that's fine and let's just check that they're all giving way excellent so that is gonna keep all of this moving it's gonna take a few moments for everybody to realize what the heck is going on so let's leave them thinking about that and hopefully that will start helping I want to head all the way back down here again cuz I'm pretty sure that this roundabout here is not set up no it isn't so let's do all the giveaway signs and the necessary things you've got lots of lanes going on here as well but I'll leave all the lanes that you've got and we'll just see how that goes and then also coming off the highway here yeah we've got that same thing now there's two choices you can do here if you have the mod the traffic manager mod which I'm using here you can select that loads and say one lane for off two lane for straight on you can do that or the other way you can do it if you don't have mods and you want to just do it using loads you could just downgrade this one to a two lane road and you'll notice it hasn't changed it I'll tell you why I it does that every time that's because I selected it with this and messed around with if I hadn't have done that it would have worked okay so let me come here no not that one this one let me select that there we go it would have done that automatically for me I'll tell you what I'll show you on this one let us downgrade this here so three lanes minus one that down to two lanes excellent and in this lane here yeah there we go you can see it automatically that Lane goes off and those two goes straight on so that's going to help all the cars that here some of them are just gonna come out and go straight through and head off down into this part of the city this Junction we can't get to so I saw what we're gonna do is we are gonna actually buy that Square you've got infinite money on anyway so you may as well and let's just take a bit of a look at this this has got the same thing going on let's Biff a PHY this Junction three lanes minus one down to two lanes plus one back to 3-1 back down to two again there we go and we can do that on the other side and that was sort out all of your Lane management and then all you want to do let's go back to this Junction is to make sure when the cars are coming on they're not getting in each other's way so we're gonna say you go their hat excuse me you go there look at these want to cut across each other that's what we're trying to stop and you go there so you don't drive around you stick in your lanes and that will just keep things moving and nicely and then we'll come down you have done some traffic manager stuff look I've just noticed here you've got this going on okay we'll look at that in a minute and then we do the same here where they come on we're gonna say you go there come here come here you go there and you select I think it's got in their trash and all sorts of stuff and then the same over here where they come out look at that instantly they start not getting in each other's way which is great ah is there a node in the middle here otherwise we're forcing these guys to go off you can check whether there's a node no there isn't so this is why I don't like these because there's not much space for moving around so I said what we're gonna do we're gonna delete that and I'm gonna add in a node so I'm gonna go from here to there and then there to there so now we've got a node in the middle if we have a look there we go see if they do need to change lanes they've got the option to do so it's still gonna be a bit horrible queue in there's tons of traffic but as the traffic dies down there we go that Lane switchin there will become less of a problem and that's it and this bit here this is where they're coming back on look oh I tell you what we can do the lane mathematic thing go in the other direction as well can't we there we go excellent so that's gonna just get things moving a little bit let's see what the traffic is actually on 6% Wow it is absolutely really terribly horrendous isn't it so let's look around and see where we can get some of this moving so then we're heading up here heading up here down this highway and then they're all coming off to go around here and then okay so this this is interesting so they're all coming off there they're all coming round here and then they're hitting this and this is slowing them down why is this slowing them down so much and why is this around about you don't need a roundabout here do you you really don't so what we're gonna do is we're gonna just rebuild this section here there we go that's gonna get this moving a bit quicker down here and get them moving into the city which is what we need and then this little bit here where they're all doing the hokey-pokey nests all of these guys just yeah I mean eventually that will not be a problem but because it's just so busy but you can see the sort of spreading out I might stop them Lane switching down here just so we can use up if we say no lane switching no lane switching get them to come down here and then they can pick their lanes when they get down here again this is just tips for getting your traffic to go down that means they can pick another lane normally you wouldn't have to do all of that it would just be fine moving along as it is that is gonna take some time to go down that is all the traffic coming in from yeah coming in from the outside the city as well is all coming into this one little lane down here that is nuts that it's absolutely nuts I'm just wondering that we could just I mean even if I help this here it's it's still moving quite slowly isn't it Roundhead you know I might just do it's just also change the speed limit on here it's a hundred I'm gonna drop that down to fifty just to give people a chance to get out and into the city there we go one more slight change as well I've added these little bypass roads around the outside just so any cars coming down here can head on over the top and it's less likely to block all the cars coming in and if you're going to set these up you want to just get traffic manager change the speed of these outside roads to be faster than going through here which I've done I might just drop those there 250 as well there we go so if thinks 50 through there are hundred on the outside and then just use your lane connectors as well there we go to make sure these all in nicely on both sides and already look this is all cleared at this side and that means these guys can get going yeah they can move in nice and quickly and you're not gonna do just to help the traffic move down quicker I'm gonna do that there we go keep them going so let's follow it up here what are they doing they're all trying to get over into one lane we're gonna do a little bit of lane management here let's grab this lane connector one for left one for Slater on one for lights get them to use all of the lanes and keep moving after there which is good we could tell them not to lanes which are okay these are our disposal facilities right sorry these on a main road these are basically garbage or rubbish collection sites we want those somewhere else so I am gonna move those these roads down here are quite quiet so I'm gonna move those off the main roads and we're gonna tuck them let's just spread them out a bit tuck them over there out of the way can you go up here thank you very much and you as well put your van the other side a lot some of the commercial stuff there we go so we don't have all these garbage truck suddenly cutting across the traffic and all that sort of thing and that should really start helping this to go down quite quickly let's take a look at our traffic 7% it's going up right back to this roundabout that we put in earlier lots of cars are driving over the top of each other because traffic is so horrendously bad and they're all coming down here and then it's all getting a bit of honky balky down here so it looks like yeah everybody's using that lane in the middle now there's a couple of things we could do here we could just plonk in a roundabout and be done with it which may be what I end up doing but what I'm gonna do is change that lane in the middle to only be one fee now it seems like most people do want to turn right so I'm gonna have those two lanes for rides and this one lane for left and do we actually have traffic lights here we do I was gonna say I might pop some traffic lights in and oh my goodness me that traffic is noisy yeah just to see now with traffic lights sometime traffic lights might work in because we could just keep guys going lights what are we going into three lanes into a two-lane and they're coming along here ah there's traffic lights all along it right okay let's just keep this moving we want this moving along here let us make this a main road I'm gonna hold shift yeah that's going to do that so every road coming on is now give way and they will just keep on moving through and not stopping for traffic lights that'll keep the traffic moving a lot quicker I'm also gonna do our lane thing just along here I want this road here there we go so one lane for left one for straight on I'm gonna do it all the way along it just because it's a heck of a lot of junctions there we go one lane for left on the street Oh one thing for left on the straight on and I'll get them moving down there excellent so hopefully that will just keep on going mmm and then we'll just keep that running and see what happens these guys here do you know what I just think we need a roundabout god there's just so much traffic even a little teeny tiny small roundabout in here would work well three lane highway with the soundproof barriers and just make it a little bit smaller that Bosch that it's just gonna make the world of difference as to keeping order this moving and then what we're gonna do we're gonna do a little something Caswell we're gonna say one lane for off to four straight on so everyone's gonna start complaining now oh you can't do that you're forcing people to yes you can you can do that and then what you do is when you come on you say pick the lane pick a lane pick a lane and pick a lanes they pick the lane when they come on and let's just check that one's fine that one's fine that's fine yeah no not that one this one yes that's fine so they pick a lane when they come on and then they just keep moving I don't want me stopping okay so what I've done as well to keep this all moving is I'm forcing these guys to pick their lane here with this tool saying yep pick your lane when you come around the corner and then that's it once you're in your lanes you're stuck if you want to go straight on you're in that outside lane there we go if you want to turn left you can go into these lanes to turn left but you need to pick back here just to keep everything moving and you're not I'm also gonna do it it doesn't make any difference other than visually I'm going to turn off all the parking along here because it makes it look like it's busier than it actually is and I don't think you should have parking on a main road there we go all the way along good so now that's gonna keep moving and then they're gonna come up here big chopper blackness and they're gonna hit this and this is where a load of cars are coming in so a big Junction like this you just see if she needs bigger roads and also I am going to upgrade this road a lot of people ask you where I'll get my roads for I use and network extensions so we can upgrade this one to four lanes network extensions too which gives me like this nifty little four lane small roads which is gonna speed this up look at the speed on here that is 50 and that's 40 so a little bit quicker because you can see that these guys are already viewing this as a main road so we're gonna give them the extra lanes it means you lose your trees box that's just the way it's gonna be that's gonna go all the way down to the junction there we go excellent and there was another mobile cutting through this one here we're gonna make that a four lane load as well there we go very good and then here I just think you need a teeny tiny roundabout anybody to find sympathy before I do that some places just need around them ping and arrow curves let's not worry too much about the error let's make sure it's all set up correctly all the give ways that's fine all the let you go through to the block junction all good all good let's have a look at our cars here vehicles 94% so people are able to leave the city now which is always a bonus that's why things are so bad they were trying to get in the city and leave the city and it was becoming horrendously bad so okay let's see what's happening here then they're coming down to this roundabout down here and that is just gonna keep moving as it does so as time goes by 8% it is building up it's getting better that is what we want to see okay so something else I normally like to check in a city of this size let's just take a quick look I couldn't take it so red is the use of the public transportation so let's have a look through what you've got here you have some bus lines absolutely no passengers at all with 13 stops how many buses on that four zero at four well that is weird what's going on there maybe you haven't got a bus depot no trams you have Metro which is goods and OH trains nothing else okay so let's just take a quick look at your Metro you've got like a loop going round here you've got a couple of lines going in each direction that's good so you've got this area covered here you don't have this area covered for this area covered yeah okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna set up another loop up around here and I'm gonna set up another loop covering this area and I'm gonna connect those together okay what have we got now we've got the route that you had set up down there I've got a loop here a loop here I've got a lawyer it just goes backwards and forwards at the top I've got a loop here and a loop here they can cross over there and get knee to each other I've got a path going from one side to the other here this stops near each other their stops near each other there and the last thing I want to do is put a path over this highway so if people want to get from one side to the other they can let's actually do it like this straight over page down there we go that connects there Paige down there excellent let's just move that round a little bit there we go so I want to see how many people are gonna end up using these here's my metro lines all the green ones down the bottom number seven that's a number fifteen something like this run a while we'll come back and see how many cars or so number eight number fifteen how many cars we're taking off the road well I've been letting the game run for a bit we're up to 56% traffic that is fantastic look at all the people using these metro lines some of these smaller ones not so much but 587 people on there and that will only increase as time goes by that is fantastic okay I'm also spending a bit of time going to through the junctions doing the lane mathematics three lanes one goes off down to two and all that sort of thing cheers to try and help things keep moving along and this our I hate this Junction is just awful for all the merging lanes and things like that you know what I just I can't leave it in the game it is gone thank you very much Oh 64% it's going up and down it's getting better slowly slowly it's going up 67 68 67 yeah get in there get in there I found it another little junction in over here because these cars are all coming down here all going through there and trying to get down here over into the section so I've changed this Junction for 4-way cloverleaf and added this little one on here and that's really helped and we're well over 70 percent now it's sort of been going up to 75 coming back down to sort of 69 going back up again so I am yeah not too unhappy with that it's not hardly any cars at all which is fantastic let's keep things running also been growing the city 136,000 because we had lost a lot of people so that is not too shabby either [Music] [Music] let's take a final look 80% I don't think that is too bad at all there are still some hotspots in the city but I think we've done the best we can with a lap we've got water you record let me know in the comments below don't forget to check out the next video on the screen and I will see very soon for some more fixture city take care everybody bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 821,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines expert, roundabouts, cities:skylines, cities skylines roundabouts, cities skylines traffic management, cars
Id: 0OzuLkKJIG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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