How to Fix Traffic with NO MODS! PS4 & Xbox Players Rejoice!! - Cities: Skylines PS4 Xbox One Switch

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all vanilla no mods no movie no traffic manager no nothing bad grammar we've got plenty of that can we fix the traffic in totally vanilla if you're playing on console this will help you as well watch and find out if we can do it hello everybody welcome back to City skylines fix your cities with me FIFA thank you very very much for joining me today we are doing something a little bit different we are totally vanilla no mods no assets no nothing so if you're playing on console or PC then we have got some fixes for you so this city was sent to me by Aziz one three two one three it's called grid fields and basically he's got this gridded shape which we'll have a look at he's got a huge problem with trains a huge problem with metro and traffic I mean traffic isn't too too bad if we have a look at that 59 percent I mean it's not terrible but you know we haven't got traffic manager we haven't got movie we have got nothing and so we are gonna try and fix this up let's just take a quick look around and see what we've got going on with the traffic so some of the places where it's bad you can see we've got some one-way roads coming in and out I mean it's when you see this sort of thing where it's sort of backing up like that but it's just busy that isn't too bad I would like to get that up to the 80% mark we'll see what we can do I've certainly already seen some features we can do here maybe we'll start with with this here so for instance you've got this side of the city and this side and you've got this road that crosses over which is good so it avoids the highway which is coming in you know through the middle through the middle here you've got one cross over there I got another cross over there and of course without traffic manager this is gonna start giving you some issues so let's have a look here for instance these guys want to come out and then they're backing up over here what you still do have though in vanilla is you can go to junctions here you've got traffic lights so I would say stop for those two even though it's not as good as what traffic manager gives you that's still going to give these guys right-of-way over this and then I would also go down here see this one's on stop I would change that to that way I mean this is your main way off the highway but that's the busiest way at the moment we may come back and fix that in a bit I'll tell you what I'm gonna do first before I fix those junctions is fix these junctions here so you've got coming off the highway these little roads here on and off but they don't provide a way to cross on what you might find is with these set up correctly you may not need your cross way roads here but we'll see these need to be let's just pause that there these need to be a raised roundabout that would work much better so this is gonna be interesting I can't I can't remember the last time there we go that's exactly the same it's been so long since I've done any any vanilla without mods you see I want to do a roundabout over the top otherwise I'm gonna get that to fit in there we'll see what we can do yeah I want that to stay up to there it's not gonna be perfectly round but it's definitely gonna be something so if you enjoy this series don't forget to hit subscribe maybe check out the other videos as well that I've done because there's lots of stuff going on with the fix-it stuff and everybody's loving it I've had the most views ever this past weekend a quarter of a million views which is just nuts these are just going to be bracing roads they're not gonna stay that is the most views I've ever had over a weekend which is amazing so then we want these to come out and join up here that is not too bad so that goes off and that comes up that goes off that comes up okay oh I actually I thought we'd join these two each other we'll get rid of them we'll get rid of there so that now enables people to join the highway and to get across to the other side the other roundabouts in the city that's all you've got this one here yeah you're going anti-clockwise that's fine and that will hopefully help with the crossing over to the other side as well and normally what I would do then is use traffic managers and say let's all set that you know oh yeah look we're gonna take all of these out for sure yeah although that's coming out that's coming out that's coming out what I'm gonna try and do is say for stop so anybody coming on so that would be this one you have to stop and use that as sort of a give way so coming on Oh excellent there we go all your fools reach level two glad I could do that for you as well yeah we'll go with that so you're coming on you're coming on you're coming on you're coming on so that will help hopefully move it around but what's really what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna do the other two as well and then we're gonna see how that goes I mean this is a learning curve isn't it let's see what happens okay so just while I'm building this middle one here something that I've sort of noticed is you've got the Science Center the Expo Center the colossal order offices and the software development studio all of these have visitors edom projects share pecks launch site yeah I mean they're not too bad they're these ones here these are those that you want to try and not get too much traffic on and yeah they're put right in that spot which I don't think it's a good idea so you've started to do a similar thing here you've got the on and the off mmm we'll leave that so it might be good comparison what you've got going on here - what we're going to end up with over here haven't finished it yet Oh traffic is backing up back it up so I'm probably gonna find something to move these two and it might sort of be a temporary move and then you can stick them where you want in your city okay well let me just get these roundabouts finished okay I've got those three set up along there and maybe this will be a good time to test out something else as well now we've got a lot of lanes switchin and things going in we've got these guys that are struggling to get out this disjunction here I wouldn't have it as close as you've got there now you did give me permission to remove and change as much as possible so I am gonna remove that and then also I'm gonna try this we're gonna have a four-lane highway there there and there so we do we have the four-lane highway with the barrier yeah because you've got the sound barriers going on all over the place so we're gonna try and do that one there so what you'll see is that one there is four going off and these are four going on it will automatically do that for you even without using traffic manager so now look we're getting a lot of these guys popping out and saying actually I want to go straight on I don't want to sit in this you've got some of them still trying to merge in we can't stop the funky merging that is just gonna be the game after a while this will clear up a bit as all those going straight on just so they don't need to sit in that Lane so we'll get the four lane you've got the one with a protective side yeah we'll go like that you know already as soon as I do that you see cars diving out of there so no I actually want to go straight on so you know they do use their brain a little bit and then what we'll do as well is will also remove nope thank you very much the stop sign coming up here and you know what I'm gonna move all the stop signs and we're relying on vanilla mechanics here don't let me down like so most of these cars are coming up here turning off this is the first roundabout of the three that we've got and going down here and then stopping because of the traffic light so we're gonna remove that it's automatically put a stop sign on here which I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing and that's just gonna get this flowing a lot quicker yeah she some of these get to here and they're like Ashley's you know I really want to go on instead of going off but I think that's just the vanilla mechanic so we'll just let this one look I'm making things worse but this is moving smoother down here and then and they're going for it look as soon as they get here they start spreading out look at that that just saves the game in like less than half a second Wow not playing with mods and assets makes the world a difference see stuff like this right I mean yeah it's not too bad I'm gonna move that over here I'm just gonna go that side let's run this road down here what I want to do is and then what I'm going to do for a slip road straight off onto there just to give them that extra way into the city this one here would aspired in that little slip road there look it's cleared up all of this they're deciding to go up here know why they're stopping why you got traffic lights in there probably we don't need traffic lights there look don't be silly very silly yes 60% it was up to 63 a second ago it's going yeah 63 so they go up there they can then choose that one I put another road in that one there it just spreads it out a bit more but that's going no he's not going too bad so let's follow this traffic down here so we've got this yeah okay we're going to have a comparison okay that's what they those that like that's what these look like so I would say in here you need at least two of these I'm not gonna put in another four okay so while waiting for the traffic to settle there we've got this little bridge it's good that you've got these cross roads going across like this other than the main one in the middle I think you could do with another one over here and we'll get to that in a minute but this one you've got you've got it curves around and a traffic starting to back up it's not moving freely there so I'm assuming you've got traffic lights yeah we're gonna take that out on we're gonna stop the two side ones just to let these guys keep moving you've got a lot of rubbish trucks in there this is snarling up quite a bit I've done the same sort of thing we've added in this little off-road here off vampyre going into a road to help people get to where they want to go it looks like most of them are coming around this side and heading off into this side of the city so what we could do as well to help bypass all of that is have a load come out of here and go down there but you've got your train line and you've got this thing I've had to move those in the middle there you did say I could move things if I needed to and I have done that I can just run that one off of the side here it goes underneath and just joins up over there so it's doing the same sort of thing but yeah hopefully more people or start using that that are coming that way they want to spread out into the other side of the city sure lot of things are actually clearing up the more the game runs the more it clears up sixty-five percent not bad there we go our first person using it bug spray van let's just see where he's going let's follow this guy there we go underneath underneath the Metro Metro something's gonna take a look at in a second up over here and off he goes excellent like the next thing you mentioned is your metro stops you said you've got thousands of people waiting at your metro stops and I can see your problem without even looking at your metro setup you've got one metro line there's got 3,000 passengers on let us take a look at that so let's take a look evil lines you've got 587 people waiting on this one so I'm not gonna take us to it but we're at that one already a thousand people waiting here Mamamia and we've got the vehicle at max you've got 400 waiting here yet a nearly a hundred I might as well be a thousand good gravy good gravy indeed I bet you've got your mass transit budget yeah look all at the max you still make your money it's a good City this one all at the max what is your taxis out by the way - I percent okay not bad and you've got this at the max as well so you cannot add any more trains to it and you really don't want to so if we just have a look at this you've got Metro going all over the city which is nice which is good but your line Criss crosses it goes down there out there down it yeah it just Criss crosses everywhere so we are going to change that we are gonna do a loop here a loop here and then some stations where they can cross over format one to the other so let me pause the game delete your line there we go and let's just see actually of interest these thousand passengers whether we get more people joining the line Oh everyone so unhappy boohoo so yeah I'm gonna set this up with the loops and I'll show you what I've got okay so the first section is done as you can see we've got this loop that goes around the outside and I've got two lines we've got metro line one counter-clock what our clockwise and metro line turn counterclockwise so that means nobody's gonna be getting in each other's way both of the metros can run all the time I've added a few stops oh you got an extra stop there a couple of err an extra stop on the side there those two probably just a bit too close together to be honest this one I'm gonna actually delete let's delete that one we'll see how that one goes so I'm gonna do the same for down here as well we're gonna have the loop and then I'll show you how I'm gonna connect them up like just lesson at the metro run a little bit now around your station around your city you've got a lot of these cargo Airport hubs I think I counted three one two and I mean you've got them set up reasonably well they're not sort of getting in each other's way going in and out because you've got the one-way road going through there so that is definitely a good idea these will keep stopping because of the traffic light so what I would do is remove those and put a stop sign there just to keep that going I mean you can't make this go any faster they're not getting in each other's way so that little bit there he's just gonna back up that's the way it is let's check out your other one over here you've got it going to way on that one I'm gonna make this a one-way going in like this yeah just to keep it flowing a bit better and definitely no one's gonna get in the way there and they're just gonna keep going round and this little bit should move quite happily and in the other one up here let's just have a look at that one look at that unmodeled also save is like seconds I mean that's going both ways I would just perhaps again make this one way just around here and then you've got this little road here so you just got this little roundabout loopy thing going on there just to help things move along and because that's a roundabout let's have a look at the junctions don't want now don't want that you want people coming on to stop people coming on to start beaver coming on to stop don't want that you want those to just start don't want that you want that one to stop there we go keep that flowing nicely what are we up to by the way what are we up to 63% it's gone up a teeny tiny bit since we started these are running okay and these are running okay which is good no backup on the highway let's take a look at your metro okay lots of metro let's take a lots of passengers I mean and we want to make sure there's not hundreds of people waiting well we ever had it running for that long so what I'm probably going to do is let it run and go and get myself a cup of tea and come back and check what it's like old you know what I haven't done is I haven't connected your two metros up so we've got the loop clockwise and counterclockwise on each of those yeah there we go so I've put a couple of crossways there so we've got this metro station here in here and they could walk and get over to that one yeah we've got some crossing like people are already using it they're coming in excellent and then I've just had to use this tunnel here girls getting problems getting the tunnel to go underground so that goes over there and meets over here so people can cross over and go from one to the other and look at that absolutely tons of them going from one to the other that is what you want to see and in the same this side you've got one to the other over here they can just walk around the end or cross over there that's fine and that one uses a tunnel that you already had and let's just delete that building there we don't have auto bulldoze mods and these people can cross over and use that if they wish there we go and they're doing that so let's just check out the two cross lines yet lots of people user knows once it's run a few minutes and a week just past those figures will go up and that is also going to cut down on the traffic of the cars coming across the roundabouts okay just a couple of other things I've added I've added a cross way going this way as well across the middle of the city so we've got a metro that's not connected to this outside loop line it's nice and close they could walk along if they wish but it goes all the way down the middle and we've got a stop there stop there stop there and stop there and I've done the same on this side stop there stop there stop there and there and one over here into this section as well I mean you could do maybe another little one up there I'll let you do that if you want and what I'm just doing at the moment is any of these main loans that come off the side of the island here's a good example I'm taking off the traffic lights and making the side roads so it just keeps this main food road moving without stopping at all that is what you want and these little smaller side roads they can just stop and wait there we go this one here is a bigger crossroad because I'm assuming that's one that goes across over one of the bridges but I would still give priority to the main road coming off the island so I'm doing that for all of these roads and hopefully that would start increasing the traffic as well we'll take a look at that in a second well I'm just halfway through doing this over seventy five seventy six percent its guessing better which is fantastic you've got like a lot of these on the side roads as well where it's like a t-junction ignore the metro going through there you don't need traffic lights you just need a stop sign on the smaller road coming out like that so that's something always worth looking at and changing I mean this is a yeah it's one of those cross Y roads again I might just leave traffic on that one traffic lights I mean it's that's a big one but yeah but it'll stop sign on the side stop sign on the side they're all done is that a big one will leave the traffic lights on that I think I've done all the roads yeah I've done that one I've done that one I've done this one that's one way I've done that one and I've done this one and this side I've done that wall I've done that one I've done that one I've done that one I've done that one and hopefully haven't missed anything so what are we at 75% so we've got a bit of traffic going on here we can't speed that up and that is just this thing going in and out and what else have we got this is still pretty busy here why are they stopping there why are they stopping there and they should oh okay there we go look who want to stop sign there Wow look terrible place to have that coming out onto this road I would actually spin that around and have it come off of this road instead let's actually delete that and even there right bang in the middle of your your city ich that is like not my favorite place to put one of those but let's maybe do you that and go in there and do that and go in there so now the traffic's the other side and not causing any extra traffic on there I am wondering about whether to have this as a big roundabout with these ones in there do you know what let's try it okay so this is now one big roundabout going round here with these little crossover mini roundabouts in there and that is actually working quite well the only thing that's causing the problem is this little bug it still thinks that this train station is here and look all of these are coming out cargo train terminal go into the shopping centers that's given us a huge amount of traffic so I'm gonna reload the game and hopefully that will stop that I've also made this one way going that way so the traffic can easily move in and out of your cargo station again I would I would suggest moving that away from the center of the city I mean I'm not quite sure where you'd put it maybe run it up over here somewhere yeah something like that and what else have I done yeah these how these buildings along the front here were all commercial buildings which give their own traffic I have a lot more traffic I've changed those two offices because you have an industrial need so I have to switch those two offices these aren't too bad here there okay these are houses along the front here so there are okay so I'm gonna be low just see but we've stopped getting this traffic coming out of here I've even deleted the darn thing that I moved to the other side and it still thinks it's there and it keeps spawning trucks which is really not helping with the traffic I'm not entirely sure what to do about that Club deleted it and reload of the game let's leave it running see if it'll disappear like let's do a quick metro check i've up upped the amount of vehicles on the line by 2 or 3 per line sort of either 2 5 or 10 or something like that nobody waiting on that one i say nobody a hundred or eighty you know not too many as a no before it was like a hundred a thousand one's okay yet that one's okay I'm sure I'm not missing any out that one's fine that's the same one number six perfectly fine number seven number eight yeah so they're fine so load people using those no problem at all and I've also gone down the route of making this around about going around that way I call it around about you know what I mean one-way roads like that around there as well it works better with this one with the crossover loads at the end and then these roundabouts in the middle so I may just slightly change this because you can see this is struggling with the traffic coming up off the highway we've is here it's sort of moving a lot smoother and it's going straight on straight off yeah I might just let it run for a minute and I just thought I'd show you this there we go this is a loop and this is a cross way going to the other side of the river and they're quite happy to walk over cross over I mean if you wanted if this wasn't on a side street you'd stick a little path over the tops are not getting the way the cars but to be honest it's a little side street so it's fine something else I've noticed which I think will help was I was wondering why this is running pretty smoothly and I'm wondering why is my traffic flow going down I'll come over here and look at this Junction this is your Junction off the highway it's the only highway connection coming into the middle of the city over here and the same from that side and it's one of these all four junctions I've it was all blocked up the whole thing I've added in yeah as you can see I've added in some extra lanes and stuff let's just make all of that four-way so every time another lane comes all then it's three lanes add another one four lanes I've done that all over the place it's just not enough for all the traffic in the city that's coming in that way we could definitely add some other ways into the city I mean you've got these junctions over here we could just simply one does not simply just come into this city through one Junction we could just do that over there there we go can't stop them during any weird lane changes because that is just what you have to do without a traffic manager but that's gonna split some of the traffic that's coming down into heads will cross here and sadly because it's vanilla and no mods I can't put another connection over here which just would have been fantastic all there's like a little highway aha can I get a little highway Junction in here there we go it's rough in the corner here I've managed to use a Junction like that coming into a little roundabout that is going down here and going into this summit of the city just to alleviate all the traffic coming down here and then I've also got it going into a couple of places over here and you'll find a lot of the cargo trucks and things will use that and it would just split the traffic up a little bit more I mean you could even add another one down here into this section just to help with these cargo trucks maybe coming in and out somewhere different but what he's actually joined to these roads here adjoint or nothing else oh that's just like it's only oh I've never noticed that before these roads don't join to anything so even though there's traffic there it's only coming from all of these industry things to that and then getting flown in the city interesting interesting well we've got it up to 75 percent which is not bad Oh what the heck's going on over here oh my goodness me I think we could fix something about look at that that is that is weird you've got this industry area here which is causing a heck of a lot of traffic here right by this Junction I would prefer that to go out somewhere else like over here let me just see if I can switch this up a bit 76 there was some traffic lights here causing a problem you also had this as a one-way road just going out so I've made that two way to go in and out we're so close to 80% I really want to get it to 80% hopefully some cars will start using this road just they will got a little island here that will hopefully flow quite freely we'll do that we'll do that actually we don't need that they can just move straight in actually probably don't need any stop signs there at all let's just let those go excellent and that will free up the traffic coming down here what do you reckon 77 76 this that I think it's this causing the problem but they will lane switch and it's people doing silly Lane switching I've tried to change it all to free Lane also for lay in a mixture of both if I move some of these two free Lane and you'll get the lane switching back here it's all a bit yeah it's just the AI of the game I think 77% is not far off this is moving all really smoothly I've added like a little extra Road off of there which means I probably could just delete that one so they can come off there instead this is all moving lovely and smoothly that's fine we've got the extra coming in and out here which not many are using but as you sort of build up your city you might add to that so many using this one to come over here now it's a long way round isn't it it's a long way around we've got this coming in and out there which is definitely helping we've done your metro which is fantastic you don't have people waiting for that all the time and we've got one two three four five six seven eight eight nine thousand people using it so your metros going much much better and hardly anybody waiting at all which is really good that's picking busiest one it's one here let's have a look I mean 56 people's the most people waiting so that is absolutely fantastic I think that's gone really really really really really well what do you think let me know in the comments below that was totally vanilla so if you're on console or PC with nothing but vanilla that is gonna help you subscribe check out the next video on the channel that was fun I really enjoyed that if you want me to fix your city check the pin post below follow the instructions and I will see you all very soon for the next one take care thank you for watching I've been bit far you've been great take care Oh
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 525,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, how to fix your city, biffaplays, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, biffa, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, cities skylines vanilla traffic, cities skylines no mods, cities skylines ps4, cities skylines xbox one, cities skylines fixing traffic no mods, cities skylines fixing congestion, xbox one, ps4, beating the traffic ai
Id: nyT0z1aJvZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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