I lost my MIND...then I FIXED the Traffic in Cities Skylines!

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so what can you do if you have a small and perfectly formed City but are still getting traffic backups and pile ups and Dan your highway the traffic is all over the place well that's when you need to send it in to me and along with the power of T I will fix this traffic so sit back relax and let's fix your city hello everybody welcome back to fix your city with me Bitto we're here in the city of Springdale sent invites he bare gaming on Twitter if you would likely to take a look at your city drop me a link on Twitter to your savegame from the Steam Workshop or you can put it in the comments below traffic is pretty bad in this city I've just focused on the bit where there's no traffic at all but yeah look traffic up there all my goodness traffic up the highway you know what I mean traffic up the highway traffic down this highway wall is like going wow that is going so far I can't even get the camera out there that's nuts and in the middle here as well lots and lots of traffic and I've been doing my thing where I run the city for ages and we just getting some more people running or an unlimited money so I'm not too fussed about that 39 percent yeah she got as low as 35 before but I think some people have left so if the traffic gets better where shall we start where shall we start well the first thing that I would like to look at as we do have quite a few of them is the roundabout so let's start over here in Franklin Hills and let's just check that all the roundabouts are south correct on deer correctly inconceivable that they're set up correctly there we go we're gonna do that hold shift does the whole thing in one go and then we do this one here there we go so every Junction we're gonna say you can go through the junction but you can't if you're coming on you have to pause that's that one set up let's go oh look at this lovely big roundabouts I love it I love it I may come back to these roundabouts and check the walking paths and if I remember you've got this one set up already by the look of it but not these bits and you've got the change Lane when you come in set up that's fine you don't need to have that I normally have that now I've done the wrong one again it's good I'm talking they're not thinking I normally have that one set up if we've got like a roundabout of any a few lanes but I think we'll be okay so we'll leave that one going I saw the quick look at these two these small little roundabout so it might as well because as I've mentioned in previous videos sometimes you can set up a roundabout or change of Road junction or build somewhere or do something and it can completely change where all the traffic goes in your city and if you haven't set up other stuff to work properly miss that Junction there so we'll do that if you've got other stuff not working correctly then you know it can't handle the sudden influx of new traffic so we might as well get it right first time so that's that one a nose and then we've got this one here yet we did that's going to few that's going for you that's going through this underdog okay good I think that is all the roundabouts so what are we at thirty five percent it's gone down fantastic and then what I love wanna check is what I would like to check is the highways so let us just come along here like this let's just follow this guy and we get a bit of an idea with a quick sip of tea of what's going on here Oh lovely I mean it's a lovely city is really well built so I have to say there we go let's just speed things up a little bit hopefully is gonna stay in this Lane yeah really like you got your roads coming off okay we'll stop there so we're gonna do a bit of lane management as we go through here so we are going to use this is traffic manager by the way always get people asking me what it is where do I get it form its traffic manager enough one lane going off and then we could downgrade that to two but we'll leave it is three we've got another one going off here so you've done the thing 3-1 going off down to two but then you've gone out to three again which is then going to cause problems over here and yeah so we'll change this so two lanes that way and we're gonna have the same over here because I'm pretty sure that's the same there we go so now we've got three lanes one goes off down to two and then here you've got this Lane come back on again but you don't make it back into three lanes it's stay - which is he's not how late mathematics works so we're gonna do that and then where they come out we're gonna give them a little bit of assistance so we are gonna say let's just pause it a sec so I can see what I'm doing that one goes to there there we go and then these two are just gonna go straight on they're not gonna get in each other's way when they come out of here which is goods yeah the Lane switchin will stop once they get going and then when they come onto the highway you've got three lanes you've got three lanes that's perfectly fine coming off again here I would say make this three lanes three lanes three lanes three lanes one comes off two goes on and because you because of doing that you've automatically got one lane for coming off so that's good two lane to lane to lane to lane and then you've got two lane plus one again back into three then it's back to three lanes and off it goes there so if we just come here and just sort of watch this little area here the other downside is that we've got these all coming in as well so we've got two merging in there but I think once this gets moving that shouldn't be too much of a problem so let's focus on this as keep an eye on this and I'll be back [Music] just a little something we could do to help because obviously we're waiting for all of this traffic from down the highway here to go and there's so much of it is we could just do something here all these guys got these little funny cars and things is we could just help them with the lane switching a bit and say look because they're coming out of here in this Lane and suddenly they want to get all the way across so we're gonna say you can only switch one lane at a time so you can go there so that's gonna switch that one direction and then we're gonna have this one here and this will switch the other direction there's a reefer switching up oh actually now that ain't gonna work is it because we're saying they can switch one lane down and then if they get into there they're stuck in this one do you know what I think we're gonna go with that and I'll tell you why because then I'm gonna sit here you wish is already set you can just pick your lane there let's just give that a go for a moment and we might just see that that works a bit better it's just spreads the traffic out a bit more because let you can see you over here they're all going for these two lanes not many are going for that Lane mmm which like I said once the traffic goes down it won't actually be a problem because there won't be that many cars coming through all at once so it might just be that we just need to let that run and eventually it will go down I mean if you were doing this yourself at home what you could do is use the clear traffic button I don't like to do that I like to see it go down organically I find that much more fun it makes it harder so yeah then we're gonna leave that running for now and that will go down eventually it's just a law a lot of traffic so we've got traffic coming in here here do not actually might do as well I think you've already done it yeah you've set your lanes on there for one coming off and Sue's going round which is I've not done this one let's just change this one but it looks like most people there we go we'll do that this one the one coming off to them round which is why if you're going to do that you then need it in conjunction with this lane-changing thing so when they come on they can choose their lane so yeah but most of these people are coming up here one that you know is eat it itch so anyway let's see we've got this junction here doesn't have any traffic lights okay and that's sort of like a main road and so is this we're gonna change this a little bit here we are gonna say let's grab this one oh you've already done it look give why going through fantastic that's good and this one's sorted already these are going quite slow coming on because these are going through yeah you're not gonna do as well I'm gonna say if you're going through this main load just keep carrying and again once the traffic goes down that won't be so much of an issue that they're doing weird Lane switchin here as well which is a bit annoying come on give me the lane switchy thing I'm gonna say no Lane switch in there but you can lane switch when you get up here and I'm also going to do a bit of lane management to help these guys so we're gonna have because you've got left light and straight on so let's go left straight on and rights for the lanes going up I'm gonna do that on each one so we've got left straight on and rights so they'll start using all of the lanes as opposed to not let's do this one going this way so left straight on and right and I'll get that right yet just double check in so left straight on right and then left straight on and light so I think that's the last one before the roundabout yeah and then hopefully what we'll see is now start spreading out a bit and using more lanes and that will just help the traffic move but normally they've got big junctions like this coming in that would have to be a little roundabout but I think it will be okay once the major traffic dies down so we'll leave that going I mean I'm possibly thinking of sometime traffic lights here and these ones are going through these are going through these ones turning left here and never getting a chance to go on there we go so it depends how many builds up yeah let's leave that going for a bit how's this going over here yeah still building up quite a lot for down here roundabouts moving okay though let's take a quick look at these lanes one for going off there's that one for going off you got two for going off there so I'm just gonna adjust these lanes one for going off you got that one going round and not going off so the double check this one cuz I can't quite see yeah that's fine that's coming down there okay let's just leave that running how far back is the traffic go yeah see oh it's already down to here it was all the way up here wasn't it so that's not bad at all and coming down the other way let's have a look yeah that's still going really bad so where's that hitting that's coming in here and hitting this Junction here okay so that is the lanes coming off this switching off again then they're going underground and is that the one that's joining it isn't it that's the one that's joining this area down here okay so could we do a little something kill all these roads down here that they can connect to rather than at the minute everything coming this way all comes through that Junction everything coming this way all goes through that Junction and that's why this is so busy as well could we give these guys a little bit of assistance I think we can let us have a look we've got this road here so I'm gonna put some slick roads in I can see by the way that you've got your city nicely organized the way I'm going about to do the roads may not be perfect but you can of course change them but I'm gonna give you the idea I'm gonna go over the top and then we're gonna see if we can curve this one round I want that to come off of there I wanted to connect to there actually it will it will curve right round that's without any key on and then that will go in there and that will go in there right so that's gonna give them another way to come in the city we're also going to do this and say that one lane is for going up there Zippity as well so what we're gonna see is a lot of these guys coming down here we're gonna dive off and start taking these lanes and these can now head into this city down these empty roads lovely roundabouts up there we've got this one here as well which we could do the same so I'm just sort of doing it in Reverse just so I can go that's gonna go page up to that and that's gonna curve round there and that's gonna go into there and then we're just turn these around there we go so they can now come off there as well anything you can do to split the traffic and help it move around more freely is always a bonus now we've got these here now if they want to get off into this area again they've got to go all the way down there come around okay so let's give them some help so maybe get down here I can see what you've done with these roads so I'm gonna pick this road here it lets me net bigger come on net picking out there we go thank you very much and I'm gonna continue this road up just randomly up there and then I'm gonna have this road I'm gonna have a little slip road coming off here like that but obviously when you build in this area you're gonna have roundabouts wouldn't have different roads set up so you can change it how you want but you get the idea again it's little roads coming off there we go in a one-off - straight on to give them more routes into the city look they're coming up here they're using it look at these all post vans and things look they're all coming in we're coming in down here spreading out fantastic no one's using this one yet but I'm sure they will lots are using this one fantastic fantastic okay so that's gonna bring all this traffic down and then so where did that go that went in there so that'll bring cards into this area yeah well give that a go and see how it goes and then this other one coming in here so you've done it here you've got this little slip road coming off into there so that works well doesn't it let's have a look 56 percent it is going up I was gonna see if there's anything else I could do here but what we're gonna end up with is too many lanes and have one two and then if I put this is a two-lane we're growing up with four lanes coming into here we sure don't necessarily think is a very good idea but I think what I just done is gonna stop so many coming down and go in underneath oh look at this backing up here look this was the one that was backed up the first one we did all the way out here and it's now down to here which is brilliant so that is going down nice nice nice nice now this bit here oh there was a hang on a sec before I come to that there was a little thing I was going to change because there was a roundabout that I spotted it was this yeah it's not actually that bad now though but like something like this let me just show you this you've got three lanes coming in Oh also save I could do a bit more tea three lanes coming in then you've got another one joining here but then he's done four lanes cuz you got that one going off what you could do is remove that and come actually three lanes again so you got three lanes you've got this extra one coming in it's not that busy I mean you could do the lane mathematics three going off down to two I mean why not we might as well let's do that let's go on the ground and do this bit carefully yeah there we go and it'll be the same through here as well where's it gone I stopped doing that I'll come on now yeah we do this bit through here that goes back again yep that's fine and then that extra road that you had going off up there look you've got this roundabout with a whole spare little area here so you could add you had it as a one-way thing you could just have even as a two-way roads so if we join that too there and that's not going to deform the roundabouts but it was on the nose and if we go like that another Junction added on there and they will use the roundabouts and it just saves us weird sort of laying thing you had going on there so just worth mentioning let's just fix that that one there there we go good good good let's follow this bit of Highway down here and see how far backed up it is now ah look it's barely backing up now look it's busy but it's not too bad there's a bit of lane switching going on down here but I don't think I can change that can I outside that oh I can even though it's outside the city limits but if I can see it I can change it do this one here done that one there yeah can I reach any more I think it's done even though I can't reach so I want them to change look it's only backing up to up there look just to there so that's gonna go down really soon so we should be able to see 64% things building up nicely right I'll tell you what we're gonna do is we're just gonna watch where was it coming in over here now look at that this bit is all gone this is the first bit we did we're gonna watch this for a bit see how it all works and see how this goes down let's put it like that so even this here that was backing up isn't Sabac enough now because that's gone down this bit here is backing up a bit still but let's see let's leave this running for a bit so watch this area here this area at the top and this bit down the bottom and let's see how better it gets once the traffic dies down trying to get that central here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] well I've been looking at this area here and this sort of traffic that we've got coming up here and I'm thinking because this roundabout is so busy there's always cars coming up this ropes just stopping these coming out we could put traffic lights but I really don't want to because that is that the main way into the city for all of these guys at the moment I mean we could put some other little slip lanes coming to over here which might help that but what I'm thinking of doing is changing this to be one way in no not that one this one here changing this to be one way this way which means everybody would need to use this roundabout which is far enough away from this one that it would actually get a chance to get in and out I think that might just solve the problem and just redirect the traffic further away I don't normally like to do that I've seen other traffic fixes just bang in one-way roads and do things like this but sometimes you just need to do it so if I go like that I'm not going to do it all the way down to there they can do u-turns here if they want to which I think will be automatically set up yeah they can do a u-turn there and that'll be fine and that would just mean it just redirects all of this away from this really busy junction and they'll come up here and use this instead which is pretty much dead and I think that will help and also under traffic's down to here now yeah that's fine that's this is gonna get even better let's just go on far speed for a bit 81% nice so if we just watch these cars here they're now coming around here they're all going this way where are they gonna go look at some are coming down here ah and they still can't get out because this is super busy I love it I absolutely love it so now they're gonna key down there instead what we could do is just make that a little bit one way but then what they would do is when we come down here the cheeky so-and-so's what I tell you what I can know that way where they're gonna go now let's watch him let us watch them they're gonna come down here coming down here yeah and they're gonna join this Junction to come and somewhere else I'll look at that look all that traffic there is all cleared up look all cleared up and that's because this traffic up here let's go over here all cleared out yeah it's just coming back into the city all cleared up all cleared out all cleared out 78% gone down a bit so I've been see what I've been moving traffic around but this SuperDuper massive Junction you've got going on in the middle here and then like these here these might be the ones no they're going down there round there I mean coming up here still going look at this roundabout there it's like they're waiting for you to use hmm it might just be a case of letting it run for a bit again and just seeing whether this clears out let's just do that and see [Music] you know what I'm gonna do I'm just looking at this here they're coming off and they sort of get in a bit stuck here because of other cars coming round so I'm gonna give these priority off the roundabout which is what I would normally say like that there we go so you give way so normally people coming off a roundabout get priority and I'm gonna keep the poverty going around there so I'm gonna say you two give way and that just means that doesn't build up here look this is all gone traffic-wise this isn't too bad this has now built up into a mess what oh my life whatever damn okay so this is all for job we could just focus on this down here and I could Photoshop a 100% over there and say look how green is everybody but no I wouldn't do that um so it's these that was already there and that wasn't me that's coming in so are they coming off here and then coming along there and going up there is that what happening but there isn't that much there okay so why is that suddenly an issue let's just take a look at it comes down there they're all turning this way these are going up there as well okay so they're all coming down here and then we'll come into this Junction right I want them to go straight on and not come through here so do you have any districts you do you've got like massive district set up oh I tell you what I'll do it this way then this road through here I am gonna burn trucks there okay I'm gonna say no trucks you can have SOS you can have garbage you can have taxis you can have buses you can have cars so now you have to go that way and I'm also gonna say no trucks here cuz I can see what you're trying to do tractor so now you have to go onto the roundabout and then down here see what you might just do is turn down this one instead so I'm gonna say no trucks down there so no trucks there no trucks there no trucks there and that might just make you go straight through or yeah get coming down here hopefully and that's what I want and then when you come down the roundabout you're going through here and it's just yeah it's just because of all these little rows but it's making it tough to get through like here why is that not going straight through it should do give Y give Y give Y give Y see you might stopped why are you stopping oh because some of the lanes I didn't we do the lanes on that road I thought we did the lanes on this road going up and going along was at another area but yeah we've got the same here look left straight on and right that's what you want left straight on and why it's like we did some of them and then some of them had change then going back the other way I must I must have just missed it before left straight on them like yeah this one here you want that straight on so they're all sitting in that middle lane and they don't need to don't know maybe I when I upgrade it'll change the road or something so that'll keep moving look there we go and then these won't have anymore trucks down here anymore because they'll all be going straight down here yeah and then what we're gonna just do is the lane management on this road as well so we haven't got people sitting in the wrong so you got left straight on and light this one here we want one left one straight on one light and the same there and I'll really help them use all the lanes that's why I'll tell you what I'm gonna do this I'm gonna let the sit you under for a bit and then we'll see how it goes and if we get any weird oddities pop up you know traffic moving to other weird places I'll come back and show you so see you in a second well I just realized we're losing a whole ton of people because you've got your water pumps a large water pumping stations right next to where your sewage goes look at that and it's all being stuck into there and that is not very nice so yeah even though you've got water treatment basins you don't want that happening so I think I'm gonna just move all of those down here but look at some of these areas and just go to this one here look all of these sick sick sick sick sick sick and that's because of the water so I'm gonna sort that out for ya and there we go that's getting much much better we're growing again 280 to 300 back up to 15,000 fantastic [Music] [Music] [Music] right let's take a look at what we are at 86% that is absolutely fantastic I'm very very pleased with the fix on that city and it's growing back as well look we're up to nearly 20,000 people absolutely brilliant if you would like me to fix your city send me the link on Twitter if you enjoyed this video then don't forget to leave a like by the way I'd be out of these little roads over the top I forgot to tell you I just did that off camera and subscribe if you're new as well and I'll see you very very soon for the next City fix thank you for watching take care of the body bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 320,875
Rating: 4.9138112 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, biffa2001, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, cities, skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines broken, cities skylines expert
Id: TbrtXFq7w_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 16sec (1696 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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