Explosive City Fix of Terrible Spaghetti Roads in Cities Skylines

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look at this you've got like a don't even know where that goes oh we didn't even look underground oh my life the tunnels and there everybody my name is bitter and today we have the most Corky is the most Balki's the most Shakalaka yes the most terrifying Spaghetti Junction amalgamation conglomerates of roads that have all been built over this lovely pristine beautiful river in the middle of the city the roads are horrendous they are awful I don't think there's enough tea in the world for me to be able to sit down and drink it all to get through fixing this and as you can see is the video rolls on the roads get worse and worse and worse there's junctions under junctions above junctions through the middle of junctions before junctions after loads in roads out loads slip lanes look at it I just I don't even know what to say about that section that is just absolutely so we are gonna fix it with roundabouts and with tea let's get stuck in so this is the city of varville sent in by bad Aulani Jules and my question to you is where do I even start with this where do I even start so we've got a reasonable sized City 187 thousand people traffic's around 20% 22% so you know not too bad it's while say much about is rubbish traffic but the city's growing the city is making money but we've got this monstrosity through the middle here and you can see where the traffic is I mean it is just all over the place and a lot of it leads through this but then a lot of this is green as well which is which is interesting but look look look look look so we've got two choices here let's just think let's just take a look at this before we dive in let's just start over here so what have we got we've got like highway roads going across we've got massive big roads coming down the middle here joining other big roads and then we've got roundabouts everybody likes to see a good roundabouts we've got like one two three four six lane roundabouts Wow you know what look at that they've got them set up really well which is good yeah I mean you know that's fine that's fine like these roundabouts here we lanes what's going on all the lanes into one small lane into another Lane I don't know what's going on there give way coming on no you haven't got yeah you see yeah I got that one set up right and you've got this one here I can just tell by looking at it it's not so quiet but where do we even go so what what I imagine has happened here never know where that goes this road comes off down there goes around under here what is this for so people come on here on - I mean I'm lost for words as to what these roundabouts would be cool is that even around about that road goes to small lanes under there joins this yeah it's not really a roundabout is it you've got like the highway then you've got like a bypass over the top and then he just connected roads to everything but the funny thing is is it sort of works I mean some of these traffic problems here I bet we could fix them up I bet we could fix them up do you know what I mean my initial thought was - knew all of this that was my initial thought but I reckon with a bit of work we could get this area free now I'm not entirely sure I'm gonna try and tackle the entire city but I reckon by getting this sorted out here we're gonna solve a lot of the main bulk of the problem so it's only one let's let's dive in let's have a look and just take a look at the roundabouts now what I normally like to do is even roundabouts where the traffic isn't too bad I check them out and make sure that they're set up correctly I mean that's a nice round about this is a a Winky wonky about we're gonna we need to come up with a whole new vocabulary let you see you've got this done right look you've got the load people going round not coming up yet you know the stuff I don't even need to finish my sentences you know what I'm gonna say are there's one there look you know what I'm gonna say how things need to be set out because you nearly done it on on all of them and have a look at this roundabout that's looking not too bad see some of these roads as well you've got like one-way roads going sort of all over the place which is a little bit weeds - no I'm just gonna leave those as they are I'm gonna leave those as they are Wow roundabouts Winky wonky about achieve this one here this is where just unclicking that can make a difference because once these cars start get going it's not gonna be all blocked out and people be able to move properly people sometimes get amazed but even one roundabout like that can bring an entire city to its knees it can happen it doesn't always happen but it can happen look there's actually a cloverleaf underneath here look you can see it you can see it okay by the way this is Traffic Manager cm PE Traffic Manager president Edition you can get it from the workshop if you're not on a PC then sucks to be you because you won't be able to get it on the workshop because you don't have access to the workshop um this little one down here or this one that's like a bad one okay let us do the giveaway signs giveaway signs not done yeah so only go through the junction if you're on the roundabout that one's fine do that one there but not that one there I'm gonna come back and look at where they join in a moment we'll check that out in a moment yeah this road here we need to fix that so I use nitpicker and I'll never get back so we'll have that one there 23 percent we've gained a percent and we're gonna upgrade this road here to keep it all the same all the way round you've got like an extra Lane I think I don't know what's going on it all looks a bit weird well we'll just go with the flow I don't even know which is the one coming on here you're not gonna do I'm gonna do this I'm gonna use the movie mods to get that Junction move it down here like that then I'm gonna do this pick that and say you give way and then I'm gonna go back to the movie mods there we go and do control Z to undo Bing and it moves it back and then as a little trick for you and that was still keep how we set that up hey that one's fine that one's fine that one you need to give why that one's fine and I think that's it on there yeah you can't come on but you can go through that one's fine okay that's good getting a bit of traffic tale back there but well you know we'll get back to that this one I probably leave it as it is what about the roundabout itself that's fine so I think that's all the roundabouts in the middle here whoa I mean look at it he's just it makes my eyes hurt so now let's come in from this direction again and take a look at some of the places where it's tailing backs Oh somebody else you've got tons of walking paths I forgot to mention that you've got walking paths to go across the river look over the river around the river from yeah anyway so if we just sort of follow this down here where does it go nobody knows and then it all joins this roundabout okay and then oh I'm not even gonna look up there let's just have a look at this roundabout for a sec can I do that yeah let no giveaway signs or anything on there you'll find you're fine turn you off turn you off that's for line turn you off okay oh my goodness me this is just what I don't even know what to do people as people actually die in and moving out now so and then you lot are all coming in but you can't move because of this down here which is coming down here which is like it's one of those situations where it is just looping back on itself and they say oh I wasn't even going to get up into that part of the city let's just stay down here so on here yeah that should sort of done Lane mathematics you've got three four six lanes and then you've got spread to off here and some going on this is all a bit mm-hmm do you know what we're gonna I'm gonna make this work I was so determined just to nuke this whole thing and to be done with it and see if we can make this work and I want these people to be able to come in here man is this gonna be my best fix ever we're gonna see so you can all come in and you can all just merge without getting in each other's way and I'm gonna say no Lane switchin there and here I'm gonna say you can pick your lane here when you come in pick you late there we go and then down here I want you to go there I want you to many lanes you as well you go there you go there and then you two can both go there because there's just like not enough cars down there and I can't move over to do anything else and we've got the lane coming off so let's just check the lane if it's yet one lane off everybody onto everybody that's there everybody that's there wants to go down there idiotic idiotic I don't have a look at these roads I've ate all one-way roads through here it looks like it to me it looks like a one-way road anyway oh look just because they're doing that we've got things moving twenty-two percent has gone down darn it but you know we've got things moving just by doing some lane mathematics and stuff okay next Junction where they're all getting a bit confused is here yeah some of them are cutting across so what I'm gonna do is this go on this one those two should count as straight on and that should count as right there we go and keep moving we've got a bit of lane switching going on you know what that's fine wow what are we at 22% she's not changed at all okay right let's look at this bit here today all coming down here and they're all getting stuck on this roundabout it's all going along here we go another follow down to here they're all coming off let me check these lanes if you've got two lanes going off but I think is there two lanes here and then they're all trying to get into one lane my head look at it look there's just so much traffic all using only one lane to all get under here oh we didn't even look underground oh my life the tunnels look this tunnel here this one here goes all the way across the other side of the city all the way up here and joins this I mean what is this two lanes into one lane another lane joining and this is like an underground roundabout joining I tell you what I tell you what why this is all go in this is gonna go that's gonna go that's gonna go that's gonna go and that's gonna go why I've set up this roundabout here we've got the road that's coming up underneath here we go that all the cars are gonna come up and start doing in here it's still gonna back up really badly because we've got this backing up here but that is now set up as a correct roundabout not the best looking thing you've ever seen but better than it was this along here i jus dear I just want to take a quick look at this and see what's going on why are they all coming down to one lane we need some lane management here okay let's grab the lane management tools we're gonna have this one here one lane four off to four straight on and then we've got this Junction here 1/4 off to four straight on just so they're not all getting in each other's way so we're gonna start getting cars diving out all over the place this little Junction this little slip laying down here only needs to be one lane any little slip lanes like that one lane one lane one lane makes it so much easier to deal with than like massive like this where does that one go this one here look one lane that's all you need this one across here one lane there's other one too as well this one look one lane one lane that's all you need one lane this one here okay so that's gonna get moving let's just have a quick look I wasn't even gonna know one lane off two lanes straight-armed good this one here one laying off two lanes straight on this here where they join yeah we want to just downgrade some of this I wasn't even gonna touch this side of the city and now look at me I'm over here doing all of this so three lanes what this is a slip line as well isn't it look so that only needs to be one lane this ran here goes from three down to one just don't do things like that but you've done it and the other side as well now you've obviously slipped with your with your keyboard or something and let's add that make that a1 okay good so free goes down to one so then this needs to be two and another one goes off so three two two another one goes off so this could be one lane going through here and then it adds back on again so bats are two and back on again back to three another one comes on and then technically that is four in here I think because it's a yeah so if we actually know it's like okay we'll change that to four that one there and then we can get all these Lane things and say look you can go in there you can go in there okay so we should see this start to move a little bit let's just take a look at this roundabout I'm pretty sure I've done this one already yeah that's fine what I want to do is give these an option to get onto this row without having to get in the way of everybody else having these right here is like the worst thing ever these one-way toll booths that is that the worst place to have them okay the toll booths have gone and what I've just done here is I've set this up so this Lane here goes into here and go straight off if anybody just wants to go straight off I've also got a second turning lane for anybody that's coming around the roundabout that wants to go off around here I mean this is only one lane but I don't we do want to upgrade that to two where's this one going this one's going around here underneath oh my goodness another one another one all the way across the whole city and hits over here it's just what what what what that's all I can say is walk like you're gonna come out there and that's where you're gonna go Hey look just cuz your police car doesn't are you blind I've let you just said you can only go there what you do it yeah there we go you start going through there hitting this this has to be around about surely but these all one-way roads you've got so many one-way roads this is gonna be a roundabout I don't care how many buildings we lose that's quite big let's go with that yeah let's let them all think about it for a bit so that should get these guys moving a bit better and again you've got slip lanes coming off oh my goodness you just learn to count one lane into one lane like that keep things moving and then that comes over here and this is a one lane one lane into two they're merging and they're coming around here to this roundabout where we were before yep okay so once all that gets moving this should let some of it what do you reckon the traffic's on now 25% it's going up it is going ah excellent just taking a quick look back at the spaghetti mess over here moving moving evidence moving you're moving you're moving you're any bit is this road here because I reckon there's people like Lane switchin like here block and other people out that want to come off right we're gonna do a little change here we're gonna change this road or 26% we're gonna change this way to one lane so now we've only got one lane going off and then we're gonna do our lane management here and say only one lane going off the other to go straight on and then we're gonna say no Lane switch in there no lane switch in there no lane switch in there no Lane switchin they're after me no lane switch in there no lane switch in there no lane switch in there they can lane switch they can pick actually no lane switch in there I wanted to pick their Lane all the way back here so we're gonna say as you come around this corner pick a lane and then they'll pick the lane and come in so all of these now should start moving once some of these get out the way they all should start moving and I should have all of this start moving so some are going straight on okay so this definitely needs to be around about so let's just see how that goes I think these trucks can thank you for that lovely little were fine station we're gonna move you down here as well out the way there we go and let's just see what are we at 28% it is slowly slowly slowly going up this is a far too bigger Road on here six lanes going home I don't really want to make I don't want to change the direction your roads are going so I don't know what effect that's gonna have on the game three lanes going up there is perfectly fine I think we're just gonna need to give it a little bit of time I look people are moving down here out the way we just need to give it a little bit of time to try and unclog itself and then we're gonna see where we are at it's been quite a few bits on this hokey-pokey beach area where some simple Lane mathematics has cleared up a load of the problem this was all backed up so you've got three lanes here one going off I've just made this one Lane here it's a little slip plane so one Ling plus one Lane is two lanes and I've used the traffic manager tool here so they take a lane each they don't get in each other's way then that two lanes comes land here one of those is for going off over the bridge and then one goes straight on plus these two here so 1 2 plus that is 3 and I've used that little tool as well so those two take that Lane this one takes this Lane and this is three lanes one lane goes off so this is two lanes one lane goes off I've left this as two lanes I really don't need to but I've just done it so Lane mathematics but then sometimes I don't do Lane mathematics but then here we want that to go there not to go there and you to go there so you don't get in each other's why there we go this little lane here was right opposite this bridge it was all a bit of all people key but I've got room to switch to come up there and then just at the ends here it's like one lane then it goes into two lanes here and then I've got that Lane four go in this direction that lane four go in that direction just keeps things moving what are we at 52% which is fantastic we're slowly getting there 69 70 percent I've just been removing a few little slip lanes and giving them an alternative options where to go with roundabouts and things like that we did have a little slip lane coming down here to that roundabout and it was just causing a right chock-a-block nose all the way up this road here looking you see some of the traffic still going down so instead I've added this little roundabout here so they can come down come off there and then back up again and it's clear that all our no idea one there's a big hole in the ground I can't fix it it's just there there's another one over here but yeah it will fix itself not too worried about that I keep finding things like this a three lane road going into a two lane road if I find that I'm just downgrading the road so they match and it just makes much more sense and helps the people that are driving around to get in their lanes properly and all that sort of thing and like this little road here this slip link comes up here to join this one just a really bad spot to make it join so I'm gonna join it over here instead right just taking a quick look at this Spaghetti Junction along here and mostly it's green it's mostly green things are moving there were a couple of red lines in there but it's just because they're busy but you know I can't believe I've managed to get all of this area moving and that is just absolutely fantastic I mean there was one other thing that I wanted to do with this area do you know what I thought that was gonna remove more loads than it deeds but that is probably helped the most is just getting rid of all of that let's just see what the traffic is at the moment sixty-five percent so not as bad as I thought it would be and unfortunately you just got the after-effects now of a little bit of flooding but yeah let's not worry too much about that okay we're back to the roads without you know before the meteors one more thing I want to try one more thing I want to try let's get rid of all of these roads and paths in the middle here okay there we go we've got a nice clean pallet to work with and I am gonna add something in here that we have never built before yes it's gonna be an over the water I do what I don't even know what this thing is going to be called you are gonna have to give me the name of this thing let us just get it built so what are you reckon it's my magnum opus it's the biggest oval about over water that you were ever gonna see in your entire life I've tried to connect all the loads and things that were that I disconnected before there's like no traffic on it at all of the minute where's all the cars are we they come they're starting to get back on and Joey now I've tried to connect all the roads that I can I've done no Lane management no Lane mathematics I've done nothing I've just connected every single load on here I seem to have accidentally loaded the savegame that was right before the meteors were about to hit so maybe it will maybe every single meteor is gonna miss it let's see what happens oh that would just be epic if it missed it and the whole thing survived wouldn't it look oh this bit up here I don't know what happen with this but over here I wasn't going to show you this I just commit to the whole load of those together and hope for the best look only oh okay only one piece of road got damaged on my amazing oval about thingy is this woman ever gonna stop talking let me fix up these roads so apart from the whole keyboard key water from the meteor strikes and apart from this thing over here which we're not even gonna look at it seems to be working really well I don't know why people are loving this roundabouts look now I fix this road all this traffic's going down our people love driving on it you can get it from one side of the city to the other I'm assuming it's gonna have helped traffic a little bit shall we check out what the traffic is now that we've got this thing going let us take a look what do you reckon the traffic is now let me know in the comments below now that we've got our super extra-long magnum opus oblong about over the water what can we call it I need some names I need some names what we're gonna call this thing it's got to be something to do with water as well let's check the traffic 59% but let's check the traffic on the extra-long roundabout ah apart from this bit up here because these roads got destroyed the rest of it is perfect absolutely perfect well there we go playing normally we managed to get the city up to 72 percent fictional the roads having a bit of fun at the end with all the spaghetti yeah we've just had a bit of fun so there we go what do you reckon let me know in the comments below hit subscribe if you want to see some more I am loving the sausage about I don't know names are coming to me I will see you all very soon for the next episode take care everybody bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 614,618
Rating: 4.9133773 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines expert, roundabouts, cities:skylines, cities skylines roundabouts, cities skylines traffic management
Id: 1bLyyW-VkcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2019
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