Industry Traffic so Bad the 300,000 Citizens Can't Move in Cities Skylines!

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welcome back to the next episode of city skylines fix my city with me biffer and here we are in the city of axeval sent in by pippen 1001 and this is a pretty big city 300 000 population in this city it is pretty huge and as most people do you are running this city with despawning turned on so the traffic as it stands is not too bad but when we turn despawning off this traffic is going to be pretty pretty rough so we are going to do one of our normal little tests but before we do that i was just having a look around at the little islands that you've got here imagine living in one of these high rises on these cool little islands here i do like that i like that a lot it's a funky looking city got some nice little houses down here on the beach i like this one i like this one a lot very nice very nice so let's take a look at the traffic if we can just sort of zoom out like this and we'll see what the percentage is i think at the moment it's only going to be like about 70 so we've already got some hot spots where it gets pretty busy but what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go into traffic manager and i am gonna make the traffic even worse to make the job of fixing it even harder so it's currently despawning is turned on that is how the game normally works but with this mod you can toggle it so i'm going to turn that off we have no despawning hard mode bigger traffic jams and then we're going to leave it in this mode here for a few minutes and it's hard to sort of get the whole city in in one go but we're gonna see how bad the traffic gets so i will be back with you in a moment or two okey-dokey let's see what we're up to here yeah things have got a lot worse let's see what the percentage is i reckon around 38 41 well there we go that wasn't too bad i guess was it so yeah we have a few uh hot spots around here i mean things are moving moving but yeah we're getting a few chock-a-block spots that we need to work on let's have a look at that that is getting super busy coming off the highway and i know long time viewers are already spotting some things that will probably need to change so that's good that's good that means you're learning if you're spotting things as well then you're learning so let's just take a look i'm just having a look around get an overall sort of view of what's going on so we've got a lot of junctions like this sort of big t junctions where it's just stopping and see things like this let's just start here why not let's just come out of that 40 percent so what have we got here we've got nothing particular here do we have any give way signs we do now this is such a busy junction this is a big fat busy road hitting another big fat busy road that's going through what would be better is if that hit the roundabout rather than here so then all that traffic could keep moving instead of it coming into each other like that but that could move if this wasn't so blocked up which again has hit another t-junction i should have a quick look here i'm sorry guy but you're gonna get deleted so we've got dedicated turning lanes there uh we don't have them here so let's do that and i'm actually just going to put a time traffic light so with this you can do control left click and it will do an automatic time traffic light to let these people come out a bit although you can see most of them are just turning right so even though this is gonna change they're gonna have nowhere to go anyway look um so that's right i mean turning left peggy pardon so there we go now it's turn left and they can't go anyway because of this let's just see how your roundabout set up so you've got giveaway signs coming on and off just need some more dedicated turning lanes here there we go uh let's do control shift left click we've got a lot of yeah i've had a few comments about this so let's just put this one on when you do control shift left click let's put this on so you can see what i'm doing there we go oh move over there so i'm doing control shift and left click so it does give way signs speeds it up but it also does this and stops lane changing here which is what i want so when there's a lot of traffic like this i want that to happen because they can pick then their lane there there we go looks he's come out and he's used the node to pick that lane and then he's going to stay in that lane until he gets to this node then he'll change so that's what we want to see and he's gone over there somewhere rather than lane changing in the middle which will help keep things moving a little bit more and i don't want them stopping there so i'm going to say keep going through see they've used that to lane change as well what have we got yeah so i can see why you've done that what i'm going to do actually is take this one here there we go and i'm going to upgrade this one here as well there we go so we've got that as one long continuous piece so i'm going to say no lane changing in the middle they can do it when they get into this node here um you've actually got three lanes there and not three lanes here but there's not that many coming this way so that's fine and then we'll just say here go through go through and they will automatically pick their lane here so this bit is clearing up a bit already which is good so the more that clears up the more this will keep going oh auto save quick super t and then we could do the same here so we've got people blocking this up so this sort of thing don't do it everywhere some people like to do this everywhere don't do that i'm also going to remove that one so hopefully what's going to happen is this will all keep moving they'll pick their lane here and then they'll if they need to change they can pick over here as well uh unfortunately you've got a great big industrial steel plant right off of this road which isn't very good because you're gonna have cars coming in and out and causing traffic i'm just seeing whether we could possibly move that somewhere else what would be quite good actually i want to just move that out the way somewhere and then put it back again is we're going to do what i was going to do but we're going to do it over here so let's just grab an asymmetric road i would say about there supposedly occupied no it's not come on it's silly now there we go that's fine we'll make sure that's got dedicated turning lanes control left click or make sure it's got give way then we'll grab an industry road this one here and we'll just continue that out we might as well just make that go in a nice straight line and we're going to move that from there to down here there we go so you can come in turn around go out and that traffic coming out won't be as bad as what's going along here certainly not as bad as what's coming along here so that'll just keep these moving and they won't have any issues hopefully and then eventually this won't be as bad we've still got let's have a look i want no lane change in there or there they can change their lane here if they want to on the node and that will just keep all of this moving to anybody turning right come back up all the way up there and then ideally you don't want these off of this main road either um so to be honest we could just move that over here there we go so that's going to hopefully keep that going a little bit better than it was before so this is coming down to here this is let's just double check how this roundabout set up yeah we've got the same there and the same there what are we at 34 so it's getting worse before it gets better we will get there we will get there i like this so you've got these sort of merging out so it's quicker and easier to get on to the roundabout you for some reason got give way on there well you don't want that what you want is carry on through and a bit if you go there so they only go this way and they only go that way you've got three lanes going into two lanes you could and three lanes there as well a little look yeah we're going to change that we're going to upgrade that to that and that to that because you might as well you've got plenty of space on the roundabout and then we'll just do this again hugo stop that so they're going to pick their lane here let's change that dedicated lanes to the kids loans everywhere yes they'll pick their lane here then they'll come around here and if they need to go right that's fine all straight on it's already look see that's cleared up right so back to this junction where we put the automatic traffic lights on there it's not helping a huge amount because i mean it's the traffic was a lot worse so it has helped a bit i suppose but this is still backing up here because this is quite slow everybody wants to get into this area with all of our industry and all buildings and all that sort of stuff we've got traffic lights at the end here which is stopping all of this um so let's just do a little bit of stuff here we're going to do dedicated lanes there and what i'm going to do is take away those traffic lights and we're going to say we really want you just to keep going don't stop here and i want anybody else along here to give way so that just keeps these going ah look there we go we need to just whoops we need to just change that to dedicated turning lanes there we go so now they'll use both the lanes which is much more what we want to see and we want this to be giveaway like that rather than traffic lights and keep on going and then just a little bit of don't change your lanes here pick it when you come in and then hopefully we just sort of keep our eye on this and this and this bit down here and that road up there that should start to clear up a little bit so let's keep an eye on that for a minute okay so this down here is definitely getting better now what is causing a bit of a hoo-ha is this section here so i'm just going to check out what's going on over here for a start so these are let's have a look yeah they're giving way well i don't really want them to give away i'd like those to keep going through but they don't need to give way they can get in here um i feel like this needs more lanes through here we've got three lanes yet we're going to make this let's pick this road here there we go we're going to upgrade this three lanes all the way through so now these are going to get more chance to get out these have got three lanes to go on to anyway and this here we'll get a dedicated turning lane so with that yeah so the idea is trying to get this traffic down here but this is all backing up on this section so let's just have a look what's happening so we've got two lanes coming in they are taking one lane each you've done that you've stopped them lane changing there they can lane change here which is fine but i think we probably need to just beef this up a little bit there we go we're going to do that so we've got three lanes going on i'm going to also do it here [Music] and let's just have a look if i do that so we get one lane going off two then go on into three which is fine three go into three and then up here it goes down into two plus one so that's three going into two so this bit here the lane mathematics doesn't quite add up but there's not that many coming down here i'm also going to do that so they go straight through and don't turn around the corner so i'm stopping any of these coming off here from lane switch and they're going to get stuck in that lane that lane that lane and then they can go into one of these but then when they come out here and they've got the nodes they're going to go through on the roundabout they can change lanes so that will help um i'm just wondering whether we could just make use of an asymmetrical road along here so if we had two lanes which we have got one of them goes off this here needs to be an asymmetrical road uh so let us just see what options we've got if i could spell it right yeah so i want this one here three and a two a bit of lame mathematics for you coming up so let's do that and that and we'll turn that one around there we go so that one comes off these two go straight on and then we've got two plus one here goes three which is what we want so we do that you can see everybody gets a lane so now these guys and girls can come straight out without stopping um i have a loud lane switching here now because otherwise these will get stuck in that lane and just head up there so but that means these don't have to keep pausing like that look they can just all keep going we'll keep going and look oh look this has gone down a lot now so hopefully that will keep them moving i don't want lane switching in the middle there once you've come in you can lane switch it got the dedicated lane again and then once they've all stopped being confused hopefully i mean this turning off down here right after the roundabout is actually not good at all if i went like this they could get up there and go around and that just means we don't need this bit here that's so much better yeah i don't know why i didn't do that before so we'll pick that one there we'll upgrade this one there we go two coming in blah blah blah no lane changing in the middle he comes straight in merge there go along here this has gone down so now i'm actually thinking this could be a mini roundabout to keep all of this going let's just check out the highways looking so where they're coming off here yeah dedicated turning lane in one lane so that's fantastic so this might just be a little bit of time needed so what i'm gonna do is just watch this here i wonder whether those lights don't change often enough let's take a look okay so it's on the one that's going now which is number one we're gonna stop that we're gonna edit number one we're gonna upgrade that to i'm gonna say 15. we'll leave the minimum as it is but we'll upgrade the maximum to 15 and then we'll start that again and it will pick some other random place in the sequence to start oh there we go it's back to what we want now the game is on full speed but because we've got nearly three hundred 000 inhabitants it's running a little bit slower okay now we can see the traffic on the left here is not backing up anymore it's got one or two vehicles which is great which means this is gonna run much longer and hopefully as the traffic goes down here the lane switching in the middle here isn't going to cause as many issues because what i would like to see is all three of these lanes used but what i don't want to do is force anybody into a lane that they're not going to use but i mean this is going to take a while for all of this to back down yeah it is my lane forcing thing that i've done so what i'm going to do is i'm going to clear that one there so any of these that want to come into this lane and take this little bypass of the roundabout can do it's going to take a minute or two for the to have some space to be able to do that but we can see it's backing up less and less the more the time goes on what are we at 30 it's got a bit worse well let's find somewhere else in the city and we can always come back to spruce mineral industry and see how that's improved in a bit right so i'm just looking at this area over here and we can see this is really bad for traffic um this is a big oil industry yeah and there i'm thinking where is all your cargo going and there is down here a cargo hub you don't have the train hooked up and i'm thinking well if these guys want to get down to here where have they got to go and there's this one little one-way road here which they can go down which then means i have to go up here round the roundabout then down here back onto this which is fine because it's going one way but then i'm thinking how much of this is is blocking people up from getting down there so let's pick this in-game tool here and have a look at this road how many people are actually using it barely anybody and they're already coming down the highway so why are these guys and girls here not taking their stuff over there i really don't know and that might be to do the way this roundabout set up so i want to give that the one click quick setup that's going to stop any lane changing in the middle which is good because that was blocking things up i'm going to add an extra lane onto here so we're going to grab that load there and upgrade that just so we can get more people coming in and moving because this is sort of going in a big circle they're going up there they're getting stuck they're coming down there they're getting stuck it's not really going anywhere and i am wondering as well yeah so it's just the sheer amount of traffic which is killing all of this but where are they all coming from let's see so we picked this road they're all coming from down the highway it almost seems like they're just coming from everywhere rather than one particular spot ah coming from outside the city so that tells me maybe we're importing a lot of stuff oil products so it might be that you're just not making enough oil yeah and if we have a look at aspen oil field here you're importing what's that like two-thirds of your oil that you need to be turned into like you've got over here turned into plastics and all of that that is basically what is happening right we'll grab oil specific storage so you've got none of those that i can see in this area and will fit one one and two in here and we're gonna put those on fill so that's gonna keep the oil here and then be ready to ship over to these buildings here right so let's move away from the traffic for a few moments let's have a look at our transportation so you've got no buses no trolley buses no trams a lot of metro no train no ferry no air transport lines no monorail or anything else well let's have a look at your metro so lots of vehicles lots and lots of passengers which is fantastic let's just double check so most of these i think you've gone through and you've upped the budget haven't you quite a lot you haven't got a lot of people waiting around and you can afford to do that because you've got you're making tons of money so that's good what i'm assuming you've done is in your overall budget over here yeah you've upped your metro budget so that's good so not lots of people waiting around that's what you want to see keep the people moving i'm just checking like these ones here where you've got 11 vehicles yeah they'll will be news there will be news and none of your metro's backed up so that is good right here we are back over in the spruce mineral industry area and that has got a lot better look this is not backing up much at all along here this is not backing up much at all which is fantastic this is all cleared up and this is all cleared up so like you see there look they're doing a bit of lane switching these guys are diving from the outside onto the inside that's fine because there's not much traffic so it is moving all along fantastic there's a little bit of lane mathematics i've spotted we can do here three lanes down to two in both directions and not 100 needed but we could just do hugo there where they come out there we go so they can merge nicely and that is working much much better and then this road down here much better this is always going to be busy you've got a lot of storage right next to each other but it's fine it's not backing up too much i mean these sort of roads along here that you've got a lot of stuff on i mean it's nice to use the industry roads but you might just find upping these ones like this to these two lane each direction these four lane roads just gives people space to go by and people space to drop off at the storage as well so that is looking really good i'm pleased with that just noticed here on the other side of the industry where everybody's coming out they're hitting this road here and they're struggling they're struggling to get out it's picked a two-lane road let's just change that to a three-lane road there we go like that and then we do a quick control shift left click there we go so hopefully that will move a little bit quicker you don't need to stop right back there you can drive up to the line okay just across the way from that industry we have our forestry area our sunnyside farm and this little set up here couple of things that we could change for some reason you've gone big road big road six lane road both directions two-lane road we don't need all of that at all let's just take this one here oh 64 fantastic like that let's just keep these roads you're not gonna get people getting in each other's way as much that is three lane highways let's just do a control shift click make sure that's all set up a couple of cars will disappear because we've suddenly changed the rules which is fine i don't mind that at all and then when we get down here these all get in all over the place because they're all trying to turn left getting each other's way but there's a roundabout right here so we can say don't turn left turn right yeah so that will keep going these will merge and then they'll probably bump into each other there and then they can pick their lane over here and go where they want to go so that'll keep all of this moving which will keep this moving which will keep these moving let's take that off that doesn't need to be on there let's yeah get that set up as it should be what i'm gonna do is just slightly amend this bit here okay so what that's going to do let's just clear that one out there there we go what that's going to do is there we go dedicated to turning lanes there's now more space between these three junctions so these people here they've got a longer space to queue but they've got more time to get out before these cars come round so hopefully let's just move these out the way hopefully that should help just perhaps one more thing i'm gonna do a lot of cars are using this as a cut through perhaps to get from here to over there which they're using this road and it's sort of getting in the way and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna use the move it mod i'm gonna move this back so anybody going through go that way and anybody wanting the cargo station will come this way so nobody coming along here should not stop in the cargo station that is the overall idea and then just up the road here in sunnyside farm we've got this road is just causing all sorts of problems but you've got a roundabout here that's not being used at all and then we'll make sure they've got i don't want them cutting across the traffic if they go this way there is another roundabout up there you can only turn right and then just keep going and then that should hopefully let's do that let's do that let's do that let's do that let's do that let's do that that should stop all this backing up look already most of the cars have gone look so any sort of really busy through rows that you've got like that this four lane road did i not do this one here i've done it now this four-lane road is like the best one to use just gives everybody room to breathe and keep moving and over in the forestry district here you've got a similar thing look this road is coming all the way up here joining here right after a roundabout and then that one's deleted already and that should then let's do that and let's take out that so that was there from before we connected the road instead of going up there which these bonus are still going to do they'll come up here instead there we go and that will keep all of this moving down here so really sort of think where you're putting your road junctions like this one i mean that you've probably got are these just trees here they are so we're going to get this road again and we are going to go there and dedicate your turning lane if i that so this junction is now not right next to that one it's all the way down here and it just spreads out the junctions even more to help things work better these guys are still trying to get out they'll get there eventually hang on hang on that goes straight across there i've got to watch for that because that's from before this road was connected so it's all confused now we get the dedicated turning lanes and everything oh look this is much better look look at that give them more lanes set it up properly and it's not as bad as it was which means this will start going down and we'll keep moving as well excellent what are we at oh another auto say quit super tea we're growing look how much money we're making people are moving back in again and we're at 68 and just another little tip where you've got really busy roads like this remember this is where we moved this industrial steel plant to earlier don't put a load of high traffic objects like incineration plants right smack bang onto a main road like this or at least make sure it's a road that has the uh what's it called median down the middle but the best thing is just to put them off on their own road so i mean we could there's not a huge amount of traffic coming down out of here there we go dedicated turning lanes excellent so that is going to stop any cars coming across here blocking this up yeah they just get their own little lanes in and out it just works so much better doing it like that and this isn't too bad that's got access everywhere yeah fantastic there's our oil industry looking so much better than before right so the traffic is getting better we're sort of hovering around the 74 mark but we do have a few little hot spots that tend to pop up from time to time so like you've got here we've got all these junctions right by the roundabout and it's just sort of slowing down the movement in this area let's just check out how you've got this roundabout set up i think that one's okay so you've got all the giveaway signs you've got no lane changing in the middle of the node so when they get to a node they can change lanes which is good um up here i think we've got this set up right so there's no hawkey balky turning around and doing weird stuff they can go straight through i need some lame mathematics on this junction here so let us just grab this two lane one here so we've got three lanes one goes off we're making that down to two and then one comes back on again over here we're going to do that in both directions that's it and then where the lanes come out and join we can say join together like that join together like that don't really need that there anymore and let's do it this way as well so here you've done which is fine you've got two going into two um which then goes into four so yeah that's okay uh actually no we don't want that because you don't want to force people off i'm going to do that to get a dedicated turning lane there oh another auto save quit sympathy so i think a lot of the problems that you had was the planning of your roads too many junctions too close to each other and not giving people options to get to where they wanted to go you know things that probably snuck in over the course of building up your city also with your industry is really giving them options to get on and off the highway bigger roads particularly you know not using just two lane roads on every single road in your industry but giving them some of those four lane roads two lanes in each direction can really help minimize the traffic spread out those cars give them more options and also like this area here where we first started remember this big steel factory was on this main road that was coming through here all of these incinerators were on this main road as well and it was just getting far too clogged up and too busy so giving them their own little access as you can see the cars coming out of this road here there's hardly any coming out for all of these buildings um but that's instead of them driving across the road and blocking up all the traffic that works much better and also for your cargo rail hubs here as well just making sure that the route that you've set up you're going to have some cars that are going to use it as a cut through so give them an option and then make sure all of the ones that want to drop off their cargo come down here and use a separate row but this is all moving so much better because if you remember we spread out the junctions or where the roads lead onto this roundabout just to give the cars and trucks time to leave the road onto the roundabout and get on to the next road so yeah look out for that when you're setting up your roundabouts also something that's always worth doing is you're you've used these highway roads to make roundabouts right in the middle of a built up here of your city and what happens is you've got the crossings here so if somebody wants to get from this side to the other side they've got cross over stop the traffic crossover stop the traffic crossover crossover to get here we go look at this person here look slowing down the traffic actually they're going that way but you get the idea anyway so certainly upgrading these to something like this and so we're using some normal three lane roads and some pedestrian bridges over the top and you can already see all the pedestrians that are using these to cross over uh instead of stopping the traffic so that's just going to keep stuff moving much much better so let's take a quick look at what we're at we're at 73 so i think i just need to let this city run for a little bit more and hopefully we'll get to that magic number that i like to get to which is 80 and finally 81 82 which is absolutely fantastic yes there's still a couple of little red hot spots down here by the industry but that is all moving fine so yeah i'm very pleased with that so let's finish off with a little ride over the city enjoy our handiwork and just to say thank you very much for sending this city in to be fixed if you would like me to take a look at your city the link is in the description below where you can submit it be sure to fill in the form correctly give me a good picture let me know what problems need fixing and i will gladly take a look thank you very much for your continued support if you enjoyed please leave a like and i will see you all next time have a fantastic day bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 196,711
Rating: 4.9574466 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, how to start a new city, how to fix your cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, cities skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines biffa, fix your city, cities skylines industry traffic
Id: u5urxYBBXLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 36sec (1956 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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