6 Nights of Fall Camping

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i'm matt poison where there's downed trees there's wood and where there's wood you'll saw it [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] so wow [Music] meat [Music] look at a big [Music] so are you guys ready for adventure or something you think you're ready to go out into this here wilderness huh all right let's get a wet butt matt and we are yes ah yes hello the wilderness it is about time we were reunited i am embracing you with open arms and i hope you are embracing me as well the rugas batugas has laid down on his own free will within five minutes of starting the trip this is just such a great win for everybody that's awesome good boy rooks well hello ladies and gentlemen i am out with first mate roly poly captain funky jugs and first mate long nose beady eyes and we've just embarked on a six night wilderness adventure uh it is fall time the colors are out uh they're not too crazy this year because there was a big drought and speaking of the drought there was fires uh as you know if you've been following the channel a couple of my trips were cancelled and here's some clips right here to just show you some of the fires we drove right by them this wasn't the worst of it but they definitely got right up to the road the fire the firefighters are working hard to take care of it and the fire is 80 minutes it's not done yet and it's even been raining but it's it's it's not going to spread any further so i want to give a quick shout out to all you firefighters out there not just the wilderness firefighters all of you guys you're essential and thank you very much for your service so the plan for this trip is to catch some fish like we always do eat some fish have a good time see some nature hopefully see a moose and uh travel to a couple different campsites so this trip might as well be known as my favorite trip of the year i'm out with my favorite peoples and my dogs are peoples um you know it's fall time my favorite absolute favorite time of year it's 50 degrees right now fahrenheit 10 celsius it's slightly overcast so there's just a slight chill in the air it's just it's perfect this is just i love this time of year you can do the portages you can wear your long sleeves you can have a hot fire and just stay warm it's just it's also good i just love this is my favorite time of the year you just you just see it out there you just wanna reach out and grab that wilderness and just take it home with you but you can yeah i'll leave it here don't believe what they say either i didn't get a late start today we got an early start that was that was due to the funk uh she was just like i don't want to arrive to camp in the dark and i was like you know i don't really have that bad of a track record for that but i see what you're saying i see what you mean let's let's start in the dark get to camp in the daylight so we had a seven eight hour drive and uh here we are we're ready to go so a couple things i want to mention right off the bat is you will not be seeing much of much of funk if it if any of punk she does not choose to be on youtube and that's all i'm going to say about that you might hear her voice but just know that she's there okay and you'll also notice that i've got first mate roly-poly in the boat with me and that's because he's still kind of a novice he's pretty good he's gotten a lot better but he's still like like that he'll just jump up and switch sides just to see what's there and it's a little more tippy and since i'm a little more experienced in the boat uh funk gets first mate poops mctoots which is just a master of the canoe he's he hasn't moved since he got in the boat he's still just laying there i can see his little beady eyes peering over the boat not his nose though just his little teeny eyes looking right at me he he heard me talk about him could you sit down please please please sit down sit maybe not okay all right i guess you can you lay down nice all right cool so enough blabbing let's toss the line in the water and just troll a little bit we're not gonna put it too far behind we don't got far to go to the portage but we're still gonna you know we we're here i i would take a cast but we want to make sure we get a nice sight okay so anyways yeah there's a little bit more paddling maybe i'll get a fish maybe i'll flip the boat and then uh yeah we'll do our first partnership trip let's get to it i like that rooks you got the wind in your your snout and your hair your fur whatever you want to call it the smell of the wilderness just the fresh water that you've already jumped in and just the possibilities are endless roots interesting my chartreuse slayer got a new uh little tail on it i wonder but let's see um i don't know where it came from luckily there's only fur on there hmm where could it have come from rogues come on let's go [Music] so if you are wondering i am making three trips per portage i am carrying my gear bag and my oars and poles first then i'm going back and getting my boat with my food bag and then i'm going and getting funk's boat because i'm a gentle man well not too gentle not too little gentle just the right amount of gentle that's right carries everything else of her own though okay she sure does she's a strong independent woman honestly i could carry the bow it's just so long i just going up and down the hills it's so long stop with the innuendos have you ever heard the wolf cry from blue moon or ask the green bobcat why he grins [Applause] oh yeah there's a family of baby loons right there let's see they submerge so they can't hear me and you can't see them so but they were there right there oh there's one oh there it is i [Music] well when you're triple carrying portages uh the time will creep up on you you know uh the sun just set yeah so we're on our lake for the evening um we're just gonna take the first campsite we find uh we're gonna quickly gather up some firewood along the way and just some pieces and then we'll process it at camp but we're kind of kind of get to a campsite quick here because we got a good meal plan for tonight and we you know we've had a long day already and we're pretty hungry so we're just going to cruise along to a site it is a beautifully still evening huh this would be a great day for fishing i'm starting to get a tidbit nipply my map's all covered in water it's the dew it's dewy ooey dewy all right we're our first campsite for the evening we've got some pieces of firewood here ready to press up it's kind of wet got our fire grate got a nice view um we gotta wait oh yeah all right we've gotta find a nice spot for the tent probably right here but uh anyways yeah it's getting kind of dark we are going to set up quick and uh yeah we'll get to processing but we we got to move here it's we're getting a little hungry and tired we're a little hangry are you hangry funk yeah i'm not angry i'm happy hungry so i would be happy happy hangry no happy angry happ angry happening we'll take that we'll take that so we are just doing camp duties uh getting things taken care of funk is setting up all of our our tent our sleeping pads everything like that she's getting it all ready i'm getting water i'm gonna start processing this wood ruger's helping me a little bit there but we've got our duties and then we've got to get them taken care of because we need some food yes we do are you laughing at my cats [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay ladies and gentlemen we've got camp set up our dogs are begging like crazy funk is working on dinner prep and uh yeah i'm gonna split this firewood not too much um so i don't know if i mentioned it or not i probably didn't but it was pretty much raining like for three four hours today right up until we actually got here was drizzling as we were setting up so everything's kind of wet so let's just split a piece here we need a couple oh yeah that's nice that's real nice so for dinner today what are we having aaron oh you're the huge what's that a nice rib eye oh a rib eye how how many pounds is that one oh i don't remember it was like one point eight three so two two two pounds well i mean that's not fair because once you cut all the fat two pounds oh that's just that was he just oh look at that oh that is a brussel right there that right there is a pile of glory like like we need to destroy some food because i want this this morning poop to be so pasty from all the ribeye and potatoes we're just making a hot pasty pile tonight was weird it was a weird poop it was just like never poop in the middle of the day like rarely yeah you're a morning pooper once the morning poop is done it's done at that potato cutting action carbs and starch oh my quit my job and just cut potatoes for the rest of my life oh yeah is that garlic in there yeah oh geez oh you're using that cutting board oh this was in my camping arsenal oh why i just realized that you're using that those bendy cutting boards [Applause] that's gonna be so much better yeah i'm sitting here watching you struggle i'm just like why is it why does it seem like she doesn't like this table [Music] is that immediately better yes [Music] must get closer [Music] oh it's back foreign all right let's get these on here okay we need some where's that butt hair i see it all right we're gonna add some butt hair to the onions and potatoes and then some butt hair to the brussels we'll save a little butt hair for after for these we have got the one the only montreal steak seasoning well the spicy version why why is that funk um we both decided we didn't need montreal this trip we both decided yeah don't you put this on me i i just remembered a little bit differently hey funk did you remember to peck the montreal no matthew we never use montreal so i'm not gonna pack it on purpose because we will definitely not need it for this trip okay okay so we both are responsible it's fine because guess what we've got montreal it's true we did we got it right at the last store we could possibly get it at we remembered they were all out of the normal but you know when in doubt blame others not yourself please i don't want a bunch of spicy food wait this is on the brussels i'm just saying overall there we go that's enough butter for our arteries mix that in with a little steak fat and you're gonna have yourself a heart attack a good time why are you so fluffy like you look like a cloud with a body attached to it where's your little two-first look at those things can we get those in focus more oh yeah there we go that's some focus two first look at those things are those even real teeth monty i mean look at those twofers how come you can't close your i mean look at that gap you hungry do you want a treat do you wanna treat monday do you want some food okay let's get you some food did mama brush you guys where you can't sleep it's time for treats do a treat do you want food it's like i'm just today's been a long day there's a moose going through the water over here mighty [Music] so i don't know if i got any of those noises on camera but there was a big old bull moose there's a little we're in a little bay and right i would say like 150 feet 200 feet at the edge of the bay over there uh bull moose came right to the edge of the water and these guys weren't having it they didn't like hearing a big old animal crash trees and push through so i got my canoe and i kind of paddled over but they definitely made him not so happy but he went around the bay and he came about like another 100 feet from camp and just went by he didn't pay no mind to us but it's definitely a bull moose 100 percent i mean it just sounded like a giant break yeah just sounds like a bulldozer going through the trees just crashing the trees and he let he let out like a couple medicine veal the glorious the wonderful the magical the mystical two pound boneless ribeye oh my i mean look at that is a thick hole she thick i mean look at that that's thick that is a beautiful specimen of a steak that's damn near a roast let's just sprinkle a little spicy montreal on there there we go that's a good steak pet it good steak yes flip it a little montreal pin it spank it that's a naughty steak and now let's grill it that had some heft to it meat sweats are when you eat a massive amount of meat like this and you sweat at night it's a real thing [Music] a real man oh that burned my fingers go [Music] those are pretty good you might not like them a little firm all right you can take all the hair out of my way for my delicious meal no it's fine i just was not expecting that at all these look done oh man this is going to be i think you better have a whole other potato and uh another steak oh my god man i wish they had something that like you could like grab a really hot piece of meat on a fire and it wouldn't burn your fingers i just wish that existed oh my gosh look at that glory oh my gosh there's only one way to tell if a steak that the this bag is done and that is to poke it oh it's done i will be satisfied with whatever judgment you choose i will silently judge you but you know i get too little but you know that's just that's just how it goes that was my pain what just do you want to get smashed probably should not have set that down next to rooks look at him eyeball it he's being a very good boy he is he's going to get he's going to get his better he knows not even to think about it he's going to get his portion though so that's why he knows well i mean ooh that's pretty rare let's just oh i'm that way oh my god oh is that raw it kind of looks like it's too underdone for me it needs to be cooked a little bit more sear it just like on those sides it'll cook i mean i should have let it rest more okay you let it rust for like two minutes you're just impatient man i'm sorry just ruined it you know sometimes in life we make mistakes for those of you screaming that i destroyed the steak i didn't destroy the steak it's going to be delicious and enjoyed yeah it looks a little different than it probably should it kind of looks like chicken breasts now or little new york strips all right so at this point i don't really care yeah i'm ready i'll leave mine raw all right monty i don't know if you can tell but monty's getting real pushy that's not he's sitting nicely though he is sitting very nicely and you've been such good boys all day you gave me plenty to drill my knee monty so go ahead they're gonna eat that in two seconds and you know i'm going to give them a few more pieces so that was just i had to let my steak get cold so that they could get their treats okay that's how it works yep i had to make sure my steak got nice and cold well if you're wondering it was super delicious and everything was really hot just so you know that's so good um so um this is why we're here this is why we're here you know you can wilderness anytime you want but steak i'm sorry guys every time i look at him i need to give him another piece i think you'd have some of this like i don't like this uh super thick sinewy monty go ahead go ahead all right this is delicious and a big mess and uh they're gonna definitely get a couple more pieces but yeah i'm gonna shut off this light the stars are out it's a clear sky well at least it was we can't see anything so we're gonna check back in with you guys when we're done eating because that's a really bright light unless you want it on funk no no so i brought us out a special treat gas station cinnamon rolls hmm this is life though man to come here remember not on my stuff not on my stuff he's on my stuff with my teeth later on rooks so as you can see there is a red material over their sleeping pad that is because i did not want them to pop it so i sacrificed a sleeping bag liner to coat the sleeping bat or pad so that uh they wouldn't pop it right rooks so we are gonna pass out uh i'm full it's late so i'll catch you guys in the morning all right hey settle down no no no don't do that right on the pad lay down rooks i slept pretty good i mean this sleeping pad i got this well with all the pop pads i've had in my day i sent in them to get in their warranty system with neoair or whatever and they sent me back these and uh it's like sleeping on a water bottle it's not the best sleeping pad it's like when i roll i almost roll off one of the dogs in the middle of the night um and like monty was like well he was so mad at me last night closer like i swear to god he was like ready to get up and kick my like i was so fidgety and moving around for so long i'm trying to get comfortable and he was just like just groaning and groaning and he just kept sitting up and looking at me and then he put his head back down some of you may be asking why i've got this nice cut and i'm not giving it to funk and sharing it with her and using it myself and there's a really good explanation okay hey work those legs hey stop it clapping those legs that's enough so yeah it's a chilly day i'm gonna probably put on some layers here and some closets but uh it's time to cool coop the coffee and oatmeal sequence and then we're going to get to packing and then we're going to get the paddling partners in and fishing so let's do it it's bad to do today [Music] that's enough water soupy holy moly that's soupy oh no that's way soupy that's like oatmeal soup soupy hey rugas hi hi little squirrely guy hey this is so liquidy there's a lot of liquids oh my he stole it look at that he just laid down him he's stolen your stick rigs what are you gonna do this is my morning breakfast entertainment i'm gonna guzzle down my uh oatmeal broth here sipping my coffee uh we're about 75 percent packed away and then once we're done i'm gonna pack away that camera we're gonna get on that water pattern portrait fishing let's do it i threw it into the thick woods and rivers having trouble bringing it back now monty's aggressively trying to take it from him bring it here rooks he's just going further and further away bring your rooks good boy come on you got it is the best spot you can do it roots good boy you can do it good boy good try come on you can do it he's giving up monty did just do a zoom hop in okie dokies so we've got five small portages today hoping to catch some fish we haven't even set any trip goals what's what's your trip goal funk to decompress all right mine is to catch a walleye a lake trout and a bass i'm not gonna say every day because well we didn't catch one yesterday we didn't really have time and then we've got this rugest and to not flip the boat that's my other goal i know can you sit rigs can you sit thank you good boy [Music] got the white twister tail on there quarter ounce jig good boy rooks [Music] soon oh and if you're wondering also why we are not using leeches on slip bobbers because we've had such good success with them it's because leeches are seasonal and when you get towards fall you can't really find them anywhere oh i'm hitting bottom but yeah we would use leeches but gets towards fall time minnows work better but i don't really bring out minnows i have a tough time keeping those things alive it's my big down tree and you can't have it don't even try wait would you just say i'm not gonna catch a fish funny aren't we so funny haha i had to take the sunglasses off so i don't screw this up we can't let funk be right no rocus [Music] [Music] hey loon you're coming right for me hi hey [Music] [Music] oh [Music] okay ruges what are you doing sit boy what is he doing back there it probably smells like farts he's like you ain't rip-eye last night i could tell [Music] oh the sun's been coming out for the portage it seems like and then cloudy for the paddle which is i wish it was cloudy for both well you know you know burger is officially a boat dog he's a he's the whipper snapper of the boat dog but he has definitely earned the title of boat dog he knows what's up he's a little shifty shifter though sometimes still still's a clipper snapper we've got some beaver homes oh lots of beaver homes [Music] ah all right get in the back nope in the back come on no no here there you go he almost went for it up here jeez that would have been really fun it's just strange there's like one red color in there [Music] but i mean look at the right shore there's like one orange tree over there one yellow you see it there's one fall color go check out the fall color the color the fall color there's only one laying down he's a good boy he's a boat dog now he's a boat dog now my [Music] [Music] look at those blue skies those caught those those cotton swab clouds for cotton ball clouds kind of ball club blue skies blues class we haven't decided uh so we might be staying at the next lake might be staying at the lake after that but either way what we're gonna what we're planning on doing is uh if we stay at the next lake tonight we're gonna just move to the lake after that tomorrow and spend two nights there because funk here likes to uh hunker down and read her book she brought out three books she wants some hammock time and book time and then i'll be able to do some hardcore fishing or maybe i'll just hammock and book it too you know who knows the possibilities are endless but that's usually how we roll when me and funk go out we'll get to a spot we'll hang out for some days and then we'll head back out we don't usually do the crazy loops we've done before but we're junk yeah funk wanted to point out that there's a fall color over there if you see it it's the little purple bush on the shore the fall color so so so [Music] all right hi monty hi you stinky puppy this is our site for the evening nice funk nice got a beautiful view may look a smidge familiar but there's nothing wrong with that we got a good old say right here so we're gonna do a little setting up a little relaxing but i think we should start off with some uh tuna tacos tuna tacos yeah okay angry beaver what's that oh beaver please he's getting right next to camp here hmm just wants to keep eyes on us got some cheese i've got some cabbage then i've got a jalapeno tuna creations packet because i'm really good at handling spice add a little hot sauce just a little there we go oh yeah bone appetit see that stick right there i said i stuck my gopro on that and there's that's the beaver home so okay me and funk are going to do something we normally don't do and that is sleep in our hammocks and since it's going to be cool enough for there's no bugs that are going to attack us or the dogs we're gonna try putting their sleeping pads here and we're just gonna sleep in our hammocks and put a tarp up over us i got a ridgeline tied okay oh perfect i'll be good you're perfectly oh what's that it's a camera my butt i mean if it rains i'm good it was like a driving rain i'd be in trouble you'd be fine i just better hope if it does rain it's not like super windy all right we're just processing up some firewood um sun's about to set i might go do an evening trawl i think funk's just going to fish from camp days just creep on by well we've got a short day tomorrow we're gonna spend some good time picking up a really nice campsite you know lazy processing is gonna work i'm gonna need to just go to him on it yeah oh he's got a fish what is it no way funko to walter nice job what do you want to do make fish tacos okay here chicken catch some more okay i've got to go out fishing because funk caught a walleye so i'm gonna go troll a luau [Music] my go-to catching lure which is the jointed floater chartreuse slayer that's what we're gonna use it is up to you we could have one taco each okay so we set up a second tarp here uh so that we'd have a little bit more room and here is our setup we've got the monty and the rogues are going to be right in between me and funk here i'm kind of right on the edge but if it rains really hard i can set mine up in the middle she moved hers over to another tree uh so it wasn't so tight but yeah the boys will just be ready we will sacrum we both the the the boys will be right between us and we both sacrifice a sleeping liner to cover the pads to keep them safe monty you guys need treats still you need treats and dinner who's hungry you want some food so [Applause] um oh [Music] i think i put too much of this [Applause] go ahead soupy i think monty's nose was made for like deeper pans so it's long i think i'm ready for this scaredy i don't think i'm ready mine is a little soupy he was just falling asleep with a stick in his mouth while my spaghetti cools i'm going to heat up my gas station cinnamon roll it's a little smash but i got one left so does funk it's pretty good pretty soupy still not too bad i've had worse that's pretty soupy spaghetti yeah soupy all right let's eat it oh that stinks big pot of spaghett soupy we're starting to get a little tired here well i guess me more than you yeah i'm getting sleeping into your like i'm gonna stuff my belly and pass out yeah um so you got the only fish of the trip i can't believe it you can't i can't you're good can you believe it it's like yes i can believe it if i can believe anything like i can believe that that i could catch the first fish of the trip it's a pretty like small achievement you know hey you know it's not small not insignificant but not hard to achieve and you know it pretty hard too cheap oh yeah [Applause] oh sorry roost oh sorry bruce oh man i am exhausted i am full with these two stinky doggies monty is sleeping right in the middle of the two pads right now and he doesn't even care he's been over here for a while so uh yeah uh you know we just relaxed and i didn't do a lot of fishing just paddled and soaked in the sights i'm still tired it was just a nice relaxing day with some casual moving oh and uh yeah we'll probably get monty back up on the pad here but we're gonna pass out so i'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody [Applause] [Applause] so just checking everything is your stuff good [Applause] [Music] uh good morning vegas it rained all night it was pretty comfy other than i didn't realize how cold my back would get i didn't insulate it warmer lucas what is that rooks it's a good morning for moose ow rooks you got me in the face hi yeah squirrely little devil you're happy uh i don't want it either what are you doing what do you win what are you doing let's get out of your rooms oh monkey you're putting your booty in my face monty i don't want your booty i got an idea what's this what's your butt caught on what is this there we go hey puppy you're like why have you done this why i put you in the crazy contraption but there it there's is anyways we might make some breakfast i might just sit here in my hammock and make it river's going crazy it's so calm out there it's insane the water's a glass all right so apparently i snored a little last night right funk yeah yeah she said i snored for an hour and it was so loud she spent 10 minutes trying to wake me up and i wouldn't wake up she's yelling my name [Music] oh it's a battle oh anyways we slept till noon it was pretty comfy yeah oh yeah we did catch the sunrise we watched it right from our hammocks that was really nice so uh we're gonna make some breakfast and uh pack up and get moving i'm gonna have funk's famous rice and beans for breakfast she made it herself so let's let's we might not do the old coffee q because we're having we're gonna have cappuccino too so let's just let's just make it and have it let's do it french vanilla cappuccino powder i don't know how much i need is this a great cappuccino it looks like coffee with creamer this is a cappuccino all right that'll do i'm just gonna go for a nice one one done cappuccino there's another powder left for two and it tastes a little watery homemade rice and beans i will how much water are you putting or is that too much pretty perfect a little runny okay yeah i said to make sure aaron i'm sorry you didn't believe me no i just i i like i i i live a soupy life bro where's a little turn about the sticks i threw into the water and he just swam out to get it no problem so i guess he wins not me hey that's not too soupy that's like perfect too much hot sauce oops oh jeez just burn your bum bump i feel like i could have ate more recent meats this time but that could have been my smaller portion like yesterday could have been my big portion that's why it seemed like it so much hmm that's a good funk great job yeah yeah yeah my bowl of tea is so good yeah is it let's see how my cappuccino is oh oh yeah huh anyone sip sure it's very hot so be careful going down that road today i have enough of my body parts that are hurting right now for whatever reason um we're looking at 1 30. obviously we've uh got it up early and we're moving real quick so we're going to race over to a campsite as fast as we can i thought we were going to shop i was sarcasm i've never been sarcastic before no speaking of which um in sarcasm is uh i've never made i've never told a fib on this channel i've never told a joke ever and some of you have been wondering is rogue's a boy or a girl after some some thing i said which could it was probably it was definitely the truth but if you want to find your own truth you got to do a little research go to my instagram instagram.com matthewposa and then you're gonna you're gonna look at the top and there's gonna be a little circle thing that's like my old save stories and there's gonna be one saved right there on my front page and then you can answer your own question of if ruger is a boy or a girl doggie so we're going to finish up breakfast get the paddle board of fishing let's do it the chippy yeah oh in the fireplace and ruger spotted them he's right here somewhere oh monty watch out the closest he's ever been this poor thing this thing is not having a good day hi chippy i can see he's come look right here punk [Music] [Music] so so [Music] and we are up at 3 15. that's what i'm talking about that is a hundred percent a fish i was just talking to funk about how like i'm surprised i haven't got a bite yet we just gotta hope it's a walleye [Music] come on baby um dang it it's a pike dang it where's our rooks ah i'm gonna try to just let him get free he's barely hooked [Applause] ah there he goes goodbye well that was that was painless huh ah like a 22-incher just your average snakey pike a loom hello it's cleaning itself [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] beaver please so okay we are on our lake for the evening now the sun is out there's just light little cloud coverage and we're gonna look for a nice campsite to spend three nights on so let's do it and then catch some fish right rooks oh geez you want to swim under my boat i'll give you your time to shine oh is he gonna all right we've got some nice tent pad spots we've got a nice fire pit with just this epic view over here and you've got this loon that's being a little bit looney liloon anyways there are larry's in this lake we've got this nice just sheer drop off the fish off of right from camp then if you head down this way we have got ruger chasing a squirrel so he's happy with this place already and we've got these trees right here perfect spot to set up the hammocks right here we can maybe sleep in the hammocks we're gonna be spending three nights right here and uh catching fish enjoying the sun we might jump in the water here and swim because it's sunny it's like 65 degrees out right now we can just jump right off this dive right off into the water right into that like three to three feet of water and just break our necks probably won't do that but we could if we wanted to oh that's oh that's actually not bad right there whoo funk we could jump off right here yeah it's pretty deep i mean i'm not saying to do a pencil die but you could definitely jump off this right here oh yeah i might do that i wasn't joking about the cold you have to go numb now it's not so bad i can't feel anything all right we have to go this way oh stop stop it okay okay okay okay he scared me he was standing behind me i didn't even see him there i was like where is he he was already there waiting this right here is called the triple decker with cheese you got the three mats and the cot for extra maximum comfort not so stable this is the normal sleeping mat that i like this is when it's super blown up you can see it's like i don't know two three inches of thickness and then you got this new one they sent which i do not like i mean look at that that's like what what what is this it's like a water bottle it's so just thick and not wide what i expect with this what are you doing that was my bad see in that last shot i had their open bag of dog food on the chair and i hit it and spilled over the ground so i picked up what i could and now they're just getting bonus dinner yeah my bad so so so so so so converter well that was sweet what the partridge that was uh i'm pretty sure that was the mail the one that was all like had its feathers out and that that must huh yeah it must have been um the male's version i was trying to capture the partridge drum but i think that's the females that do that i'm not 100 sure any of this but that one little move he did he didn't seem to care about me at all but there was the female partridge up in the tree and he did that little head thing that's almost like the partridge drum and then he did the little ski the little scoot that was sweet just walking over there by the woods and i just saw him standing there on a log just staring at me also if you're wondering why this style of video is just there's a lot less recording and it's just kind of cutting around the days are going by quicker it's just because when i'm out with funk or other people i like to you know enjoy the moment not record as much and just kind of you know when i'm out solo i'll tend to record a lot more but oh oh no yeah but i got it [Applause] not as deep as i thought so yeah you know i do i just i just i just record a little less and it's okay that's just how it is [Applause] so i'm matt poison where there's downed trees there's wood and where there's wood you'll saw it so uh thanks all right monty is just like wet because we went swimming and he just the d it's so dewy out today the stars are like crazy rogues they've been ready for the tent for a while there's the essence of poo in the tent i can't tell if that's my butt leaking or the dogs maybe it's you you're right things don't add up andy's wet well anyways um yeah tomorrow is the day to focus on catching some fish we're going for larry the lake trout maybe some walter walleye and we want a little uh fish right funk you gotta repeat what you did last night like four times so anyways we're gonna pass out i'll catch you guys tomorrow good night everybody oh i'm gonna need a night poop okay so we just heard wolves howling we kind of heard him getting earlier this morning and then we heard a couple howls and then i was like yeah you know they might move along but then we just heard the howls again so i'm gonna go kind of fish around on that sherman just troll and uh we'll see if we can you know hear them up close i got my dslr we haven't heard anything in a bit though so but it's starting to get foggy look at this stuff [Music] man this fog is really rolled in oh i can barely see where camp is i think that's where camp is it's coming over the whole lake i think instead of going across i'm going to troll the edge around and we might head back i'm not hearing anything i've just been sitting over in this bay for a while made a couple moose calls nothing they probably moved along can't see anything over there oh i'm gonna need to follow the shoreline it's crazy that it was uh it was sunny when we were here in the wolf powell's it was like sunny blue clear blues blue flies uh and then this just rolled in when i decided to go out and check from and now it's gonna clear up it's probably gonna become sunny blue squies but it is chilly right now hello hot lady hey puppies come here hi puppies hi you puppies hi puppies oh which is puppies the world hi puppies oh yep don't help your brother uh don't hump your brother monty like when he gets in this mood his tail gets super fluffy it does he's circling why he cares a lot you're so tolerant now when you've got rice and beans you just want to add a touch of hot sauce oh just a touch um just a little bit of hot sauce if you like spice oh that might be a little extra but it's gonna be good let's try spicy wanted to go fishing with funk but she said she just didn't feel like fighting the wind [Music] it's crazy how uh that sounds bright it's glass out there we're gonna get some firewood we just took a nap i got my nap suit on my nap hair we're gonna get some firewood you guys got a mission okay a mission for fishing he needs dinner and so does i keep camp safe frogs you guard it well okay all right over and out yeah so we're gonna do round one of larry attempt i'm going for some larry's right now we're gonna do the tri-swivel uh line thingy and this sweatshirt needs to come off it's already too hot just just happened that's better and what we're gonna do is we're gonna run a try swivel we're gonna do the erie dairy off the bottom and we are going to use a uh gulp white twister tail for scent on this and then we are going to run off the other line the old chartreuse slayer and then hopefully we'll pick something up hopefully we get another double larry that'd be nice some loons were nearby and they said hello kind of not really where they go they went somewhere so we're gonna get this thing out slowly and do some trolling come on fishies let's try a little magic all right you ready are you ready i'm ready this always works just gotta get ready five four three two [Applause] it's embarrassing but one time it doesn't work ooh that looks like a rain cloud i think i should probably head back just in case it storms um we've got six hours of light left i'm gonna head back to camp because walleye fishing is probably not the best right now i'm not even catching lake trout or anything i've done a bunch of loops i've been fishing for a good two hours here maybe more uh yeah so no bites whatsoever uh so we're gonna go back have a snack we're gonna need a bunch of firewood because we're staying two more nights and we're gonna have a fish fry i hope worst case scenario we can always go catch pike somewhere but um i'm gonna wait for it to get like i'm gonna wait like four hours we're gonna get firewood and stuff let it get a little closer to dark and then i'll come back out and probably go for some more larry's because just the middle of the day i've never had great luck fishing you know and the sun's just bright and it's like the hottest day in a while it's like it's almost 70 out kind of i'd say it's more like 65 or less probably more like 60 i don't know it's like warm and then it's chilly when there's wind [Music] hey [Laughter] so i went out and gathered pieces and then funk was here with the hatch and she chops off the branches then we load up the boat head back to camp and then we'll process it all there whew we're sweating [Applause] [Music] you're telling me now we have to process all this stuff monty would you please just do it for us hmm oh sorry monty oh my bad funk has just made an acute observation neither of us have brought a net so if we catch all larryboy larryboy um oh what was that that was weird i might have just tangled not us no so yeah if we catch a larry it's going to be an inch we're just going to have to just right into the boat so we'll see how that goes well you've lost larry's with nuts before so yeah yeah [Music] so this is not looking good funk just had a bite but it didn't stand it was just a bite so they're they're out here there's still fish there's still hope there's still hope so five four three two one bishop it didn't work roose no there's no fish on here i was trying this other chartreuse kind of slayer no fishy for dinner tonight we are down to two days to fish rat row yeah probably we just decided ruger is officially like a good boat dog now he was sleeping back there he's sitting down on his own free will not staying the whole time he's not like a like a monty level boat dog monty's like like bruce lee or we'll never see us like again as a boat dog you know what i'm saying yeah it's starting to get tidbit nipply oh i was so close to seeing that partridge drumming dang it all right we're gonna tag team some wood here it was it did it five feet behind me i don't know if i picked it up or not [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] oh well that's just dying literally yeah you can see it oh there's ants in that one they're not happy oh there's a lot of ants oh they're all over me oh geez there's ants in my pants foreign firewood so wait wait let's there we go that's better you did really good when you caught the fish the only is hot fire hot enough i can't get over this was it a burn hole oh man so oh go ahead as you can see right here the dogs are eating their sweet potato with their food tonight we boiled sweet potato right yes right over my head they're eating it as we speak and it looks mighty delicious if i do say so myself could i ever taste my tea i don't want to taste gross spaghetti oh spaghetti oh spaghetti you look so hot spaghetti but you have sat for 40 minutes but you might burn my mouth when i put you in it um well good consistency oh that's good stuff oh yeah ah so funk's fixing up the tent because she made such a mess no i'm doing my stuff what do you mean i thought you're making it nice for me [Music] you said creatures are creatures creatures yeah they won the tent real bad rugers ruger's ahead of day they're ready for bed i really want to capture those partridge drummond i want to get that on camera i got the their little dance was actually cooler because that's something you don't see i don't even know they did that i didn't even know they did those little bird dance until i saw him do that right there but now i know they do the little he did his little and then he showed his feathers and he's like oh oh slime side shuffle monty can't do that all right we are gonna finish up spaghetti burn down this fire put it out and get ready for bed because tomorrow is the day of fish reckoning if we don't catch fish tomorrow we are going to cry and whine and complain and have regret about funk's walleye that's probably all we're going to do but we're definitely going to try hard tomorrow monty you're like burning geez anyways i'll check back in with you guys before bedtime come on beastlies hi little guy oh hi all right right here oops right here oh no send in the other beastly hello creature figure out your life oh that was easy for him all right creatures in all right next creature come on in this time to pass out monty and ruger have been trying to get in this tent for a long time murder's already out uh he's twitching you can see him he's out either way so it's time to pass out so i'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody good night everybody [Music] sorry i'm sorry [Music] yes huh [Music] did i sneak up on you no i thought i was being extra sneaky quirky jerky first thing in the morning [Music] let's do a quick troll session just to you know we gotta get you to need so as you wake up against fish i'm gonna go out in the water this is fish [Music] it's bright out here [Music] where's waters fish first fish i'll catch him unless you're me and you're not gonna catch him apparently so [Music] good scary huh [Applause] hmm so so good job go over there mighty go over there over there no no there you go there that way there you go oh ready [Music] so [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] oh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] okay i am back in the boat and i am going to do a troll around the entire lake um so i've got i've been trying the double lures lately and what i'm doing right now is i've got a deeper diver glass shad wrap that's kind of like the uh chartreuse layer except it's a bigger one and it's got a rattler in it and i've got that on the bottom then i've got the normal chartreuse layer on the middle part and they're swimming okay close to the boat we're going to do a big loop around here and see if it's still working but right now i'm so i'm just looking at my drag set super loose so it's slowly pulling out line they still seem to be swimming fine judging by the shake of my rod but i'm just gonna do this for another second here all right now it's starting to pull out line there we go [Music] we'll just keep that going once it lets out enough line we'll tighten up the drag but we're gonna go around the entire lake it's a big old lake we're gonna be out here for at least a couple hours we're just gonna troll around so i'm gonna do this you know around the entire lake if i don't get a single bite i don't know uh we're definitely gonna be going night fishing tonight if i don't catch enough lake trout we're getting at least two larry's minimum all right [Music] we are at a super steep drop-off the deepest in the lake i'm gonna toss a spoon for a bit here just gonna cast it off let it sink and then bring it back in see if we can pick something up that way okay so i don't have big old uh jakes that they're like an ounce or two ounces so i can't like jig off the bottom because there's a hundred foot hole here and what i want to do is i think i'm going to just drop my spoon all the way to the bottom try to find the hole and just drag with the wind and just slowly bring it in we'll see what happens [Music] so we're gonna head back to where i saw that rock come right out of the water and uh we're gonna try casting a spoon off it and then we're gonna try jigging off it somewhere over here but it's a nice enough drop-off maybe there'll be a walleye or a lake trout or something else nice something gotta catch something take it it's been out for like three maybe three and a half hours i don't even know anymore i've trolled i've jigged i've cast a spoon i drifted a spoon i uh you know done the two lures on the tri-swivel i've gone back to the old single shark truce troll around the entire edge of the lake and i'm back to arrive at camp nothing not a single fight nothing now i suck wow ain't no damn fish in this pond all right we're leaving camp behind we've got the boys we've got two and a half hours of sunlight remaining uh we're going for an evening fish we're heading one lake over um where funk got that walleye and uh yeah we're gonna go until night we're gonna go past sunset and hopefully we catch at least two one or two one of them if we caught one we could still have a nice dinner but we need more so we can feed the boys some right rooks yeah [Applause] [Music] it's a beaver eating a stick [Music] [Music] okay it is time to catch a walter or two oh masterful funk catcher of the first and best fish what do we do to catch more fish please tell me go back to camp yeah that's not gonna work okay the sun is just set we're in our nighttime clothes it's definitely getting chilly um we're gonna try trolling along the shore one more time if we don't get anything we're gonna work that channel back with our headlamps see if we uh see any eyes that we can cast on and then we're gonna troll our way back to camp if we don't catch a single fish we're gonna just we're we're never gonna fish again that's it if we don't catch a fish tonight we're never fishing ever again i'm giving away all my poles and rods all my lures [Music] take it easy funk's got one [Music] i did i got something on [Music] come on baby all right we're gonna sit down stay there be good boy come on come on doesn't really feel like anything's on there anymore i think he's off oh maybe what is going on right now yes hello walter hey funk we're having fish tacos tonight no where there's a moose call [Music] all right i'm gonna get this on the stringer it's right there it's gotta be right there how do you feel about your first voluntary night paddle how does it compare to the first one where we were in the snow how about the one where i got us lost or actually really turned around not lost but in the start of the rain definitely better which one is your least favorite night paddle probably last year's for sure it was raining and it left you on an like an island it was like the shoal of like just like the island it was just rocks yeah it was just rocks monty is just chilling like he always does just okay another day oh i guess i guess i'll just be here in the boat just uh let me know when we get back to camp okay thanks i think rugs is trying really hard to figure out what the heck is actually going on [Music] man you you can't see anything on the camera just pitch black but the stars are out like crazy we can see the horizon there's no moon in the sky so it's the stars are extra vivid wow it's crazy ruger is on high alert because mr angry beaver just decided to greet us well turtle's process funk survived her voyage across the black water sea it's horrible it was horrible she's cutting up some white onion very weirdly did you peel off all you did we're back at camp as you can see funk is cutting up we had us another potato because of that big ribeye and some white onion so we have that with our one fish to make fish tacos so she's just cutting up some veggies and then it's gonna be my turn to flay the fish and then we're gonna gets to cooking there's some more spicy montreal on there we're going to add a little olive oil throughout the butter oops oh oh oh oh i put the potatoes in there there's our beautiful walters fillets uh we're gonna fry them up one at a time so that um funk doesn't eat my fish oh that's what happened oh but we're just going to do this lazy now the boys unfortunately mount these cute little nose there they're not getting any because we don't have enough but uh we're going to work extra hard to get them fish tomorrow sweet potato they're getting yeah they're getting a good portion of sweet potato is there a sweet potato boiling at all oh yeah okay the flame would burn quite as hot got a little oil already in there give it the old spit test oh we're ready now i was heading up for two tacos they're definitely not going to be loaded but this is what you have to deal with when you only catch one fish really impressive how much food comes off of one fish that's just half oh that's looking so good there you go be careful the oil it drips off it's gonna be hot all right looks like some dang fine tacos there funk i hope mine look half as good it will got the cabbage slaw funk massaged it with their own fingers and with we put lemon juice in there we've got some sharp cheddar cheese to load on there [Music] okay delicious crispy fish on there oh no it's still good still perfect okay that's all i want it's a couple drips cutting board oh yeah there we go let's eat yes i do oh baby these are some loaded tacos here you wanted to put more fish in your tacos i meant like just having like more fish i had a lot less cheese it was good this is why we're here you only get to this point it makes everything worth it you know growing up childhood puberty getting that first job all was leading to this point right here everything this is the culmination of my existence right here um what's that my bad i pull out cheese in there it's sticking my throat we're gonna finish eating up here cleaning up i enjoy the stars as clear skies and uh yeah we'll check back in with you in a bit cuz it's time to just enjoy the last night at this campsite not our final night though enjoy all the hard work tomorrow late night adventure do you want food minty do you want food roots all right i got your puppy stew right here got some puppies too all right you want some puppies doing that boy all right all right little fella you want some puppies too oh yeah oh okay well how about you guys enjoy your puppies too go ahead well um knocked over the dslr accidentally and uh well that ripped off it's like it's it's skull plate got ripped off and now it's inside they're exposed oh yeah that well we'll just we'll just you know stick that back on and see if some super glue takes care of that one oh geez yeah so it still works that's good we're gonna try duct taping the camera tomorrow maybe super glue it when i get home we'll see if it can survive another winter season but uh yeah that ripped the top off that exposes the whole inside of the camera so you know not the best thing rugus is like just leave me alone i just want to sleep he's tired and then you got the old monster monty do you wanna hey he doesn't monty do you wanna go for her to the dog park do you wanna treat do you wanna he doesn't care anyways funk's giving me the uh sigh of it's time to go to bed okay so i'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody it's so bright [Laughter] now forcefully push air out of your lips when they're closed does it is that what i sound like hey you in there steady cap let's do it [Applause] hi hi good morning rough [Applause] all right so we're up uh we're packing away we're gonna make breakfast here my dslr has seen better days i got the camera kind of i put the skull cap back on the camera it's just kind of sitting there so i'm not gonna do too much recording with that dslr and it moving around so uh yeah we're not gonna really record this breakfast sequence here i'm gonna have to probably get a new camera when i get home it's been a good ride with that one but we'll try some super glue we'll see what happens we'll we'll we'll still use this guy it's it's salvageable it's a it's about it's done me good i can't just get rid of it so anyways we're gonna jeez monty we're going to make breakfast and stuff and get in the water get the packing paddle and purge the fish and stuff and because let's do it soupy [Music] get in the back come on hop on me good boy and we are uh and he's he's already laying down like a good boy he's a boat dog he knows the drill good boy you you've come a long way you're a very good boy well it's official no larry's were harmed in the making of this video and no larry's will be harmed [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] you go right here in the back get back oh boy i was very graceful [Music] beaver just mentioned a stick [Music] uh [Music] sit down hi she's a peculiar creature monty's got an overbite it's out of sight it's an overbite bite by bite [Music] see it's something i'm not used to i get to just see you from a distance now i'm used to you being in the back of the boat and have to turn around but now i get to just watch ya the whole time yeah i got you with water thank you big jerk what's wrong with you why would you do that get a monty good boy hi rogues you ready as well here ready roden good boys getting like a little swim a little bit it's a hot sunny blue sky's day as you can see i think today is supposed to be the hottest of the trip so far monty will lick whatever and whoever he wants whenever he wants he's a licky tongue creepy little tongue [Music] there we go now we're starting to see some fall colors over there look at that it's so pretty the colors are starting to come out now which is strange because they they're crazy on the way here you know oh they were nice we just haven't seen much but since we've okay so i don't know if i already mentioned it but we have got what three more portages left for the day we are heading back to the lake that we stayed the first night and this is our final full day of our fall trip it has been fun so far the fishing has been off the hook awesome we got how many fish funk we got three five nights three fish [Music] [Music] [Music] all right funk tell everyone what you just experienced um well i just headed out on my portage yeah just like you do there was a black roof with yellow eyes how close were you like 20 feet and you stared it down 10 seconds then you backed away slowly dang i'm so happy for you i came back to get you buddy it's too late i saw it for a split second when i was going by when she's like there's a wolf and i like pulled up and i just saw it standing in the middle of the trail um yeah you got to experience something most people will never ever get to experience i've never even seen something like that just like i'm happy to see like a wolf track let alone yeah yeah i can't believe it just you size each other up yes it was black and had yellow eyes that's so cool i've seen wolves before but never that close yeah especially when you're on the same level where like if he wanted to he could have messed you up that's heck yeah that's crazy well good good on you that's the second time i miss out on a big black wolf in the uh in the wilderness jake saw one a long time ago up on a ridge and he was just ahead of me and then it took off that one must have been like definitely sizing you up yeah and also my the reason she backed away and didn't just stare it down is monty was coming up right behind her and we don't we don't really want to find out what happens when monty catches sight of a wolf and yeah you'd say his his size was about the size of hachi [Music] that's how yeah like even just thinking about it now like standing on the border it's like compared to our dogs like i mean the thing had to stood like a foot taller yeah well we'll insert a little clip of hachi so you can get a picture of what she's talking about apache used to definitely intimidate people on the trail they used to think they were seeing a wolf i'm just off chasing beaver lungs getting in with the wolves all right oh that didn't work that hurt though oh there we go so [Applause] in case you didn't catch what just happened um i was moving between me and funk's boat there and uh [Music] uh her hook went into my leg a little bit and then she moved her boat and she set the hook so i had the barb stuck and then what i did was i took a piece of string or a fishing line i i looped it i made a loop in it and then i put it over the the bottom u of the hook and then i pressed down on the hook so i pushed it into my skin down like this so that the bar would set free and then i pulled or i pulled it out that way um it took me a few tries i've never done that before but i wasn't pressing down hard enough at first so i kind of just pulled and that hurt that stung a little bit when you're pulling it didn't pop out i just didn't you know you got to just go for it and then once i did that it just popped right out but that's the only second time i've ever been hooked by a barbed hook first time was when i was a little kid my brother got me right in the shoulder and my dad uh we were at some park and i just he's like we can either go to the doctor and you can get a bunch of shots and blah blah blah or we can just push it through your skin right now clip off the barb and take it out i was like let's do it and then i was just screaming bloody murder in the park people were staring [Music] now we're starting to see more fall colors there's some over there on the left there's a fall color over there on the right right up the middle and the bulls guys you're such a okay boy you like that you want little neck scratches wherever you're officially a boat dog there's no question anymore it's a fact you are a mini monty but you're your own unique and beautiful snowflake go ahead bruce go monty so [Applause] [Music] all right we are back on the lake we spent the first night on done with portages for the day but doesn't mean we're done with our mission for the day our mission is to put shame to the fish fry we had last night by having an even bigger better one that's right we want to catch more walters more bobbies we don't want any peters and we can't catch any larry's so all three so we're going right into the wind i'm gonna do some trolling here uh once we get into like uh out of the wind a little bit maybe i'll cast and we're gonna just troll and cast our way to a campsite and then hopefully catch some fish so hungry you hungry you want my tuna taco you will we can do one tuna taco each and still have enough for two fish tacos each i caught a fish and i didn't even know it it's huge look at that monster the size of the lure that's my first bobby bass of the trip well i think we need a fish release cam for this guy [Music] okay we are at camp for the day sitting in my hammock we're in a hammock camp tonight we got a wonderful view of the lake it's pretty windy so we're gonna put a wind block um what is that oh okay so yeah we're gonna just set up the tarp above us for the dew i don't think it's gonna rain ah we've got like two hours and five minutes of sunlight remaining so i'm gonna have a little snack here and then i'm gonna go fishing i would like more fish now i'm not gonna like go to the ends of the earth and i'm not going past sunset uh so if we catch him we do if we don't we don't i mean i caught the biggest bobby of the trip that monster i just let go so yeah uh we'll see what i catch but right now i'm feeling just like chilling but i do want to get more fish i want to have more crispy delicious fried fish and luckily we left a ton of firewood at the last site and there's firewood left here for us so it's like yeah it's great so anyways yeah we're just gonna get set up eat some snacks and i'm gonna get out and that boat gets to fishing oh yeah monty it is nice if there's firewood yes it is monty you're stinky you're so stinky monty you're stinky toe oh you get that you stink so i've decided i am probably not gonna go fishing uh it's our last night uh we've got the tarps set up oh see baby jesus hi rooks what's that i'm tired yeah we're gonna sleep in the tarps tonight or the hammocks tonight we should have went with the bigger tarp on the top tarp but it's okay it's probably not going to rain if it does oh well it was it's been a good run honestly he's probably smarter i have the big one because the wind is incredible yeah it's pretty windy coming off the lake we don't have the best view but anyways we're gonna just relax maybe play some cards chill out till dinner time and just hang out talk about life talk about that cool wolf i saw yeah i'm sick of her talking about it's all she can talk about hi bruce it's a final day final night one of those wispy little clouds up there this monty creature has been begging very aggressively while we've been laying in the hammocks monty do you want this here oh see you you think i got something you always do he's been aggressive where is that good water come on come here come on now he's just like nope you're crazy there's not enough room you'll barely turn around nuts get out of here what's the only thing hotter than a crack with socks in it two crocs with socks in it so so [Applause] you don't want me to have it you're just like don't do it matthew bye god no i feel you're gonna do it i'd rather you make me one i just want to oh i see so you want one you just don't want to do it all right all right well i'll have tune y'all i'm just kidding erin i will make you my tuna taco special hey deal salary nice to see oh oh oh yeah i forgot oh you got the boys here and we decided to not uh blow up their sleeping pads because monty was being a monster and pushing him off anyways well the ruger's twitching they're fine it's it's it's a pretty warm night actually i know i'm all bundled up but this is definitely by far the warmest night so they're not going to be cold at all it's at least 50 and it's very windy you can hear which has been pretty still every night but i don't think it's gonna rain it seems pretty clear out but it's our final night we just relaxed by the fire had a good time funk's probably ready for me to stop blabbing funky let me keep blabbing she said um so i don't know what that really means but anyways it's time to pass out i caught a really big bass today and that's that's that was the goal for the trip was to catch that big bobby so i'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody [Music] gagged a little bit oh it's morning i think the sun's rising can you see it i don't know but we're gonna get up a little earlier today because we gotta drive home um no coffee no oatmeal this morning it wasn't too chilly last night i'm pretty cozy and toasty i slept great it's fun sleeping in the hammocks underneath the tarp but sunrise i want to get out and check it out so it's time to get up and start packing and then paddling and portage and heading home let's do it oh monty keeps trying to hump ruger right in the face and ruger's had enough get him rogues get him on t get him roofs get him get him rogues get him on t get him get hey good boys you guys playing you guys playing huh you playing playing monty do you did he show you you shouldn't probably mess with them huh monkey huh you're still gonna try though aren't you yeah cause you he actually likes that that was actually fun for monty all right guys we're trying to pack up camp here all right oh nice hop roost nice job and we are off all right we got an early start to the who to the day i'm not going to tell him we're just going to let him do his own thing he'll figure it out um early start so we've just got two quarter mile portages to take care of how across a couple lakes and that's all we've got left for the trip so we're gonna get moving here uh we wanted to get a little earlier start because it was definitely a warm night last night it was it was pretty toasty so we're figuring it's gonna be a hot one today and uh it's gonna get warm quick i'm already in a t-shirt and most mornings i'd be in my thermals right now so it's going to be a hot one today so we want to knock out this first board quick so he's got a little more paddling too and then we're at the first parking and ruger has already laid down like look at that good boy look at that good good boy he did it all on his own so [Music] so so so [Applause] [Applause] get out of here oh that swim was much needed i feel refreshed now well we've just got a short little ported or paddle back to the car and then we will be done with this trip so we are going to wrap this one up we ate some good food had some good snacks we uh had one fish for dinner wish we would have more but you know we didn't fish like crazy this trip you know we i fished that one day pretty hard but we just didn't have any luck it's just how it goes sometimes uh we heard a couple moose very close funk had an epic wolf encounter the loons are going crazy out there but uh anyways yeah beautiful time here was a little warmer than expected but uh ruger officially became an official boat dog and yeah that's about it so as always guys if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit that subscribe button and i will catch you guys at the next video [Music] [Music] okay there you go toughest decision you guys have had to make all week we know what monty's going for first but what will we go go for first ready go ahead oh oh he switched the ice cream was like yeah and then he preferred the bacon cheese they both want bacon cheese we're gonna taste that ice cream though got boys oh he didn't even finish his bacon and he wants that ice cream ice cream yeah monty went straight all in on the bacon cheese first will devour this before mont even gets close good boys all right it's time for us to eat good boys [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 142,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, wilderness, wilderness area, camp, how to camp, adventure, adventurer, bushcraft, bushcrafter, bushcrafting, campfire cooking, cooking, campfire, fire, fire skills, fishing, canoe, canoeing, bwca, canoe camping, fall camping, fall, dog, dog training, camping dog, boundary waters, nikon d5500, canada, backpacking, survival, survival skills, gopro, going camping, wilderness adventure, winter camping, paddling, canoe paddle, canoe trip, outdoors, forest, funny, hilarious, silly, gourmet cooking
Id: 2XndmCx0FUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 44sec (10604 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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