Weeklong Wilderness Canoe Adventure

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[Music] yeah dude [Music] [Music] look at a big old leech come on boy can you jump down there go ahead all right all right we are off well hello ladies and gentlemen i am out in the boat with first mate pee poops mctoots and uh my brother and my father and we have just embarked on a seven night wilderness adventure we are looking to set up camp where we're kind of gonna take it a little more easy and focus on the fishing for the first time ever on this channel for the first time ever i'm gonna use some live bait that's right we have brought leeches we want to catch many fish and cook them up deliciously we've got a good dinner plan for tonight and uh we plan on having some fun it's both my brothers and my dad's first time being out here and they haven't done a trip like this in quite some time if ever i'm not quite sure but we're looking to have a whole lot of fun we did run into some people at the put in there and uh sounds like there may not be many sites for quite a ways so we might we already did an eight hour drive and we might have quite a ways to go today we have no idea but we are taking the first available camps that we find today it's a beautiful blue sky's day and uh yeah we've gotta move quite a ways holt i'd like if there was a campsite we're just taking the first one because then we can do some fishing my brother here is using the old iron iron tanker my dad's up there using funk's boat and uh yeah josh is using the old tin can we had laying around you'll notice that i'm not wearing my brand new life vest and well my dad claimed ownership of that he has come endeared it i will also note that it is father's day weekend so it is it is a friday it is pretty busy so this is like a father's day father's sons trip yeah oh yeah this is a breeze a little bit more paddling we've got our first portage of the trip let's take care of it okay that portage took us um i think an hour and 15 minutes yeah so the reason it's taking so long is my dad is getting the father's day king michael royal treatment his two sons are taking care of him like his like his little royal jockeys and uh we're we're carrying the boat and most of the bags and you know making it nice and easy because he had a uh knee replacement not too long ago so we're definitely i mean he wants to take more weight but we're just like you know what no i don't wanna no injuries we're so we're playing it safe and we're doing most of work looking like the other both campsites on this one are taken so onward we go monty that's josh that's brother joshua we've got a we've got a frisky monty here let's get some water on come on baby boo boo baby boo boo yeah i was calling a baby boo boo and doo doo doo doo d he was looking at me like okay okay stood there and laid down [Music] you guys know what this tree is right here dad you know what this tree is right here do you know what this tree is right here what last year this spring about this time i had a 72 and a half inch pike on right here near this tree 72 and a half inch i couldn't really see it but i just knew that's how big it was 72 and a half yeah i mean if i caught that 72 and 5 8 inch pike i'd have been so happy i don't think you can top my 70 my my monster it was it was it was a definite world record i don't get it it's a pike of legend no let's get a campsite we'll come back so yeah disappointment like is living up to its name uh oh we gotta keep pressing onward it's looking like we are gonna be paddling into the night [Music] hey we didn't get too late of a start today i forgot to say i we we got an early start today i know it's crazy sounding but it was we got out the door like 6 30 a.m and uh it's just taken we're gonna have a late finish but not a late start though okay we're supposed to be out the door at six but we got like 6 45 so still a hair of a late start more than what i wanted but either way we got to keep over we got to keep trucking [Music] budget just let out a wet part how could you as the first mate you should not be letting out wet parts look on his face how you doing there you're enjoying your first night in boundary waters that's pretty sick you might have been going so unfortunately we are stuck doing what i was not expecting to have to take these guys through on their first night out here and that is paddling into the night we're gonna be arriving at camp at dark they're getting a little taste of what i actually do this is just normal for me this is totally totally normal for me well you go ahead and just do you it no choice tonight oh yeah so we've got let's see we've got one two three four probably five more portages two are super teeny um the other ones are not crazy big but it's still gonna take time and we're still getting a camp in the dark so we're lucky and fortunate that it's a very calm evening so i'm not gonna do a whole lot of cro recording here we're just gonna cruise on through to camp and maybe if we're quiet we'll see a moose you guys hear that bird what that bird i've just learned it's a white-throated sparrow he told us that last of course i didn't say it on camera oh [Music] and i swear this is true and i owe it all to you [Music] and i never felt this way [Music] before [Music] i know you can't see anything yeah it's a beaver oh beaver please yep it's dark the mosquitoes are insane and we are still trucking along we've got three more portages two are teeny tiny and one's another eighth of a mile portage a little bit more than that we're just trucking along that's a good boy it's monty one more maybe two more to go could be just one more though we'll see all right we just completed that porridge we're looking for a campsite but right when i got here a moth flew in my ear and went right into my eardrum and i could not get out we're taking the q-tip and trying to dig it out my brother took saline solution and it took like five minutes but eventually just like squirted it and got the dang thing out it was just that was oh god i couldn't hear anything drive me nuts yeah it was a long one it was a big moth anyways also my dad's boat floated over there i don't know if you can see it i think we all need to take a minute to appreciate the guy that's done the most work and that of course is monty he is uh pretty pooped from all the work he's done being the first mate isn't easy good job beep boops big toads that big little steve going for a swim always going to come hang out in my boat that's a big spider i mean look at my thumb compared to that guy i got big thick thumbs that guy's huge hey guys campsites do exist we did it it's the nicest one we're getting today it is the perfect campsite let me tell you perfect in every way it's got a fire grate and it's got spots to set up your tent it's just grade a if you want we can keep searching all right we are just setting up here these guys got this tent set up over here josh is airing out his feet we are pretty pooped i strategically placed my tent far over here because they are going to be snoring very loudly and i don't want any part of that i'll probably snore too but monty here he has not moved he is out i mean look oh we got a little reaction hey monty hey there guy he is so tired he's done lots of swimming hanging out in the boat i mean look at that overbite he's gotta he's gotta deal with that every day of his life he can never close his mouth so he's pretty pooped but anyways i'm not recording much i'm just i'm setting up over here and then i think we're going to get to firewood and we've got we've got a dinner to cook and we have no choice even though the choice is that we want to eat it so yeah we're i think we're still making a good one tonight okay so we are all set up it is very late we are having a late dinner but we are very hungry and we have been go go go so i'm gonna duct tape none of us carry he's about to duct tape his toe well it's got it's got problems it's got problems so we're just processing up some firewood here and then we're going to light up a fire these these tough guys here want to see if they can do the legendary one straight i'm going to try it tonight he thinks he can do it huh i'll probably try to try tomorrow yeah unless he can't get it then i'll try what are we having for dinner asparagus red skinned potatoes and rib eye steaks and we deserve it because we paddled for miles and miles and miles we lost one that one goes to the wolves [Music] dad you got a mosquito right on the tip of your nose [Laughter] i could still hear the loons i can't i can't see the white onion chopping dead there we go let's close up the white onion be careful with that knife you're scaring me here we go i turned my sons onto this long time ago what is it montreal are you sure i didn't show you ah no i bought this by the case he did just like a little bit on a little bit on our asparagus and then we'll save some for the stakes go for it getting close i'm hitting my knuckle on this rock oh you got to give it a good solid stroke oh what was that four four now i think so not bad too bad not too bad i think i could do it in one maybe i'll try tomorrow you can do it in one i'll try i almost i could have maybe off the well you guys spent many years takes a little practice chasing the legendary one trick fire the big question is though who's gonna catch a first fish well i had one on but i didn't catch it yeah that's that doesn't count that sounds like you could that sounds like a fishing story no it was not a fishing story i don't lie about fishing the first who's catching the first oh no who catches the first restring my poles because they snapped in the damn truck who catches the first decent fish not a little tiny little no first fish is like a prestigious all right who catches the biggest fish that's good i know but the first fish you get to brag like you get to throw it in everyone's faces you got the first one i should have had that one i would have showed it to you it hurts not fishing near all those downtrends oh i know i just i was sickening it was driving me sick it was to me he's just saying he has a bad experience with it because the last time we went camping is when that happened [Music] yes dropped it twice i we brought out big rib eyes we're at where we usually go and uh uh i had the two steaks and like i took mine off it was all perfectly cooked and seasoned and just oh he did it right yeah oh yeah and then i took it off the fire and then josh as i went to move his off the fire and i dropped it right into the ash it got completely coated and then i like instead of doing the right thing and giving him mine i just handed him his steak and i was just like i'm sorry here you go all right let's get these potatoes going no i mean like i got energy because we're about to feast in a little bit here but we're gonna sleep hard yeah i'm gonna pass out after i eat here this one's yours dad light yeah just so they don't stick [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] yeah take take a good portion [Music] it's like a feast for all mankind that's that's a pretty good description i'll take it let's eat here you go monty do you want steak monty you want some of this steak and some of this fat yeah you've been a good boy all day today he just woke up from a nap i think he thinks he's dreaming right now okay that's enough steak for monty tonight we don't want to start him off he's been beating fish in this trap and all sorts of things yeah a little bit of steak a little bit more steak monty okay okay monty here you go there you go oh that's a good boy oh no i'm glad we had him tonight yeah there was a moment there when i was just like thinking about it working i was like i don't know if this is gonna happen i'm gonna for the first time ever i'm gonna eat my steak with a fork and knife out here i just i just felt like it i don't know why i'm going straight caveman caveman that's what i know that's that's usually the best way um i just like i don't know why i'm doing this it's got a really sharp knife i just i'm just so tired i can't make proper decisions um so i guess i must admit one last thing before i go to bed this is by far the like like i said i'm tired this is the latest dinner i've ever had the sun's coming up well it's not coming up for a while but it's first light out there we thought it was like maybe northern lights but no it's that late yeah i think this is a first i'm okay with it yeah i'm okay with it this is this is fine i don't think we're gonna be getting up too early tomorrow no you guys want to go morning fishing oh let's go right now well this one we're going to get a late start tomorrow there you go you know i don't wake up and see enough sunrises uh it's taking too long mind you let's go to bed here we go well ladies and gentlemen i can't tell you the last time i've stayed up this late this is an interesting start to a trip so i've got the rain fly off i'm gonna pass out to the sunrise and the sound of these birds so i'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody good morning or day i'm just sweltering in here i already let monty out hours ago he's just laying around somewhere um it's like the noon it is so hot in here even with the rain fly up i can't take it i need to get up let's do it [Music] oh it's a hot one today oh there's a downed tree over here i need to make my first cast so those guys are still sleeping um we're gonna make a big old breakfast today and uh it's pretty warm out and we brought this teeny little soft cooler we brought in everything frozen and one of the parts of it i had to put under a rock under the water here a little bit ago all right it does walk around his undies crocs socks and underwear there you go okay well we're going to start working on breakfast at least i am um yeah we've got to or that stuff's going to go bad i put the eggs under a rock in the water but it's still gonna get warm and nasty we've gotta eat for the sake of of not spoiling our food okay so in my last video if you watched it i went out with captain teeny trout and he tried he was using the jetboil and i've been using my alcohol stove forever but i decided to get the jetboil because i learned i used a whole container of fuel and he used one of these that was already used for the whole trip and that is so much weight i didn't realize how inefficient my stove was so i am making the switch and we're going to try this thing out for the first time ever the biggest thing is just the weight on fuel i didn't realize how inefficient my little alcohol burning stove was so i want to try this guy oh it starts like that oh oh it's already sizzling i'm gonna try using this thing as my mug today see how it goes i don't know if this will just float around there my little mug mate but anyways it's faster i'm not worried about the speed it's just the biggest thing for me is the fuel efficiency and saving the weight if i can get away with like one of these canisters for a week or something like that that would be awesome and i was going to get on my windscreen it took a little longer than probably it should [Music] just because it's in the windy spot but let's see how this goes this is my dad's coffee all right i'm gonna just take this thing and just kind of dip it in here and see if it'll just stay and maybe use this as my new mug and then i can drink more coffee in the morning is it easy to snap it off there yeah i just need to see if i can get this to stay without floating and tipping over oh there we go hey it works okay let's just cut up a couple things of course the white onion oh wow this morning we have nice little diced up potatoes make them small today so they cook good graham cracker and marshmallow oh that'd be so awesome i i did it last time oh yeah it was better than expected it always is s'mores are so good yeah oh oh oh that that that's good that's good let's see how it cooks this big this is the real test of this thing can it cook you have to balance that pretty you have to watch what you're doing man it looks pretty tippy we got enough butter in so that when we make our nice poops we got plenty of lube we might even give a little bit of bacon and eggs to the old monster yeah oh it all fit look at that you guys ready to eat 14 eggs yeah oh oh man oh yeah scrambled eggs almost done oh that's hot okay it's almost there oh yeah oh look at that bacon crispy delicious bacon everything's done looks pretty even here this one's got the most potatoes all right breakfast is served is that too much do you want a breakfast treat your breakfast treat you look like you're about to eat mine if i give you the go-ahead i think you're going to go for that one so i don't trust you okay go ahead good boy [Music] mm-hmm [Music] [Music] so ah burn myself that is a bruise you got that he's got a bruise horus straight walker oh no don't scratch me oh oh yes it's warm hi my tea hi hi monty oh this feels so good okay we are refreshed full of food full of energy wonderful you know morning of sleep good meal oh ready to catch some fish yeah so it's a little bit of a different trip than i normally do because i had planned on taking it easy on these guys you know i wanted to have a nice just fishing trip last night was a bit more than normal something that i do late starts and all but uh yeah it's gonna make the trip better in the end so it was a good experience but now um this trip is more about just relaxing and fishing so it's gonna be you know i'll do a lot less recording because we're gonna do a lot of chilling around at camp like we've been i mean it's already 3 30 and we're just now getting on the water so uh yeah we're just gonna go try to catch some fish and uh we're gonna set up i think we're gonna go tomorrow we're gonna set up a base camp somewhere at the next lake and then we're just gonna adventure out from there fish check out different lakes and that's how we're gonna run this one see now normally i don't bring live bait like this and my dad said he wanted to bring leeches and i was like i don't know can you keep him alive and like he's like yeah he's got this little container and i guess he has no problem and so far yeah they've been doing great and maybe if we start slaying fish here i will do this again because i know live bait works really well oh another thing i want to say is last trip i used a bait caster with my slip bobber and that was a nightmare so i brought out the old open face as my designated slip bobber pole it just kept getting rats nest after rat's nest really what was it maybe i need to go out and down a little bit more here my brother wants to go fish his channel and at the end of the channel it looks like into the other lake there might be rushing water on this side so i'm thinking we should all go head there and try for that rushing water because there's usually always fish there oop there we go it's panfish though there's some kind of panfish here i think it's the gills i would yeah go for it you can cast here don't worry about casting near me i don't care see there's another i'm getting all sorts of panfish nibbles i don't want a panfish i want a big fish if you guys are like across the lake or something you catch a big fish you have to do the international fish call or the international i got a fish call what's that give me your best fish call no no that's pretty good [Music] that'll work i'd control it'll work oh there we go yep yes walleye slip bobber right near this log um just a few feet uh like four four five feet right under the log oh yeah hey you guys do you need to do you do i need to teach you guys how to catch fish screw you it always feels good to be the first one to catch a fish well you want to look at that beautiful fish oh yeah nice walleye right off the bat okey dokey the people have spoken we are going for a walleye fish dinner tonight since we know there's walleye here and apparently they're biting because i got one he just had a fish on and he just had a fish on right where i just caught one so i think we might have found the ticket um where they're hiding out in this channel here so we are gonna go for a fish dinner oh nice you got a pike this is my favorite place to fish rushing water and there's walleye here just don't understand how i'm not catching a fish right now whatever it is it's pretty big looks like it's a snag huh i'm just kidding does it well i hope it is that'd be awesome [Music] ah nice fish okay we're also pretty poop from yesterday so i think we're just gonna make our way back to camp and just do some chillaxing for a bit we're just chilling out of the camp since we came back got josh over there my dad's behind me i got the hammock set up i brought it out and right now i'm kind of glad i did only reason i brought it out is because we're doing a little more chilling i got a big cup of tea and monty's over there and yeah we just had some rain going on so we got the tarp set up just a beaut beaut of a view what do you guys think of this place so far awesome it's pretty awesome pretty awesome what do you guys think about night paddling not so awesome amazing i like it yeah it was mystical look at those clouds up there oh that looks like those bubbly moments yeah the ones that have storms yeah that looks stormy whoa that was a little too so you don't think you're getting out there fishing dad not tonight josh are you yeah i'm gonna go out night fishing i mean this is just if you could if you wanted to pick the perfect conditions for a night fish on a walleye lake this would be it right after the rain yeah light rain cloudy nice and warm monty it just doesn't have a worry in the world nope me and my dad are back in the boat oh no what what i am back in devote by myself my dad and monty are hanging out at camp uh josh is gonna head out and you can see my dad hanging out on that rock there and i'm what i'm gonna do is uh we're going for the evening fish we're trying for some more walleye i've got the only walleye we had a little pike we had our subarus in there was kind of going after it but i'm gonna start by trolling the shoreline with the chartreuse slayer i'm gonna go around and just see if i can pick anything up that way kind of scout it out and then i think i'm gonna slip bobber my way back and then there's a little channel where i caught the walleye um i think i am going to cast down that with slip powers once it gets a little darker oh beaver please i've decided i want to just do slip hours and leeches i can't handle there's too many nice dead trees so [Music] oh look at a fish [Music] yes oh man he took it pretty pretty fast yes that's awesome [Music] all right look at that beauty that's a good fish perfect eater that's going on the stringer i think we're going to be having a fish dinner tonight hey what's up how you like this what how you like this nice right here okay so it is kind of deep here and what that walleye did is he bit it when it was going down and that's why i thought it was touching bottom is because a walleye just grabbed it so i'm gonna go a little deeper try that out what's up trying to catch some walleye pretty jealous you hear that bird that's echo he sound on yeah yeah you know what that bird is no it's a ron swainson's thrush ron swainson's thrush i bet in that that canal i bet they're just lurking because the water's moving there yeah we should just we should head back that way i'm just gonna try off this point real quick [Music] man sometimes i swear i've got to take on my balls i just had a bite but i think it was bluegill again oh oh you did oh i see [Music] oh there we go josh i got something yes yeah another one another walleye for the fish fry yeah we're having a fish fry tonight heck yeah okay the mosquitoes are insane right now we are gonna make our way back they're getting so bad i'm just gonna troll just bring it in yeah you got a fish it's gonna be a walleye oh yeah it's only you can see it i can see his eyes oh yeah yes yes good job yeah all right good job let me hold this beast oh my gosh there we go that's a nice walleye looking good yeah dude all right we're having food tonight high five all right successful day of walleye fishing i think we're having a fish fry tonight he caught one from camp how big was yours 11 12 inches [Laughter] so uh we've got my dad playing the fish and me and josh are uh processing up firewood getting that going and then once this is all processed up and we got that fire ripping we are going to get a fish fry going i've gotten three walleye which is this is the first time i've ever gotten three walleye that's the only fish i've caught and it's never happened out here and that's normal huh we were pretty much skunked all day yeah and we thought there was really no fish to this lake and then well now we know what's in this lake yeah we'll punch a bunch of walleye that's a ripping fire now yeah monty's holy crap he's just oh are you sure wait fuzzball mighty he's breathing he's just i don't know he always does this he's dead dog in it is what i call it where he just looks like a dead dog oh okay you're alive we just had to make sure you weren't moving much is it here guys i'm trying to do dreaming i was dreaming that i was eating a good fish dinner that's gonna be a reality buddy these are thick monty are you still there here's what you gotta try the only way to the only thing that works say do you want a t-r-e-a-t do you want a treat oh okay he's alive the monty is okay people okay ladies and gentlemen we are going to have a big old fish fry we got four walleye between three hungry poses so basically we have no fish is what i'm trying to say not enough food my dad always made us big home-cooked meals when we were kids and you always had to eat as much as fast as possible that was always the goal that's why i am the way that i am but joy's you taught us to eat it really fast no i didn't you did you just did that nuh uh i'm pretty sure i never talked to you fast what monty gets ooh that's remember last time he got all right no one is to give monty fried fish that's plenty for monty it's three nice pieces of fish he's gonna be all right i just don't want to get sick last time a little better of that fish it is time oops [Music] for a fish fry we're just gonna go with the bare minimum oil and add it as need beaks we're gonna go through this so we've all got our mashed potatoes we're all having baby red skin mashed potatoes they've got theirs already ready monty's is cooking i think my water's oh yeah oh yeah mine's ready my potatoes out be careful eating those piping hot they stay hot for so long oh yeah he's pretty good why did he got a bunch of crap in his mouth yeah he's just like it's like just got all in his mouth hmm i forgot to put them on mom oh big i really don't like feel like i was that hungry but then when i started eating like food yep yeah that's your food let me just make sure what was that draw monty okay go ahead good boy oh my god there's so much crap in your tail let's do this my [Music] this is this is unreasonable monty um uh there you are that's the spirit yeah oh yeah okay monty okay well we just devoured our fish there's a delicious fish fry we got four walleye well five combined um yeah josh is in the lead for the biggest two fish i think i've got most maybe no no tied anyways i'm satisfied i'm tired i think we're moving caps tomorrow so i'm gonna pass out now so i'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody [Music] oh good morning monty wendy's been outside for a few hours and he's just chilling under the tarp in the shade [Music] yeah because he was too hot in there and you asked to get outside did you good boy yeah good boy oh i was sweating like a pig this morning that was nasty i had to get out of the tent as soon as possible monty asked me to get out four hours ago and i let him out do i look like red or not really no why do you you're so smart you're getting up anyways we're gonna try moving camps today so uh we're gonna start packing up here and i'm gonna keep some breakfast and coffee coffee and oatmeal sequins the new the new version with the new stove let's see how it goes go [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] soupy [Music] do you like it soupy oh i like it soupy go ahead [Music] oh so soupy so good try just drinking it dad embrace the soupy oatmeal well we're going to finish packing up here get on that water and get the paddling portage which is very small and fishing and we are off okie dokies so the plan for the day is to just go over one teeny tiny teeny weeny little doesn't even really count portage and head over to the next lake and find a nice site my father has requested that we have a site that uh shows the sunset so that's we're gonna shoot for it's looking rather ominous behind us i think today was the day that kind of called for a little rain but uh you never know it's the weather it definitely looks like it's at least scattered there's storm clouds everywhere there's blue skies in between but that right there looks a little stormy so we shall see you got these nice blue skies then you turn and you got that back there they probably love sunshine every day but is it bad that i'm secretly hoping we get a thunderstorm i love my rain rainy days and storms oh that looks like that could be a whole lot of fun oh man i do not hope that we have to set up in it i'm not hoping for that i'm just hoping that when we are set up we get the tarps all set up and everything we just get dumped on gotta make a move to a monty that's right gotta be our stinky stinky [Music] [Music] so bad [Music] don't worry monty will save you from that evil water [Music] that's it that's it that's a pancho monty right there [Applause] [Music] so i think we got lucky and the storm is just passing by us it's like it looks like it was downpouring over there it is rough looking up there but if you look behind us what do you see blue supplies blue skies it's going to get sunny [Music] the rain just stopped and it got completely calm you can hear ron swainson's thrush over there ron swainson's thrush that bird ron swanson does it sound like someone you know it just sounds like a name sounds like it oh did you see that straight in front of a bolt of lightning well i might as well get to line going put on a watermelon three-quarter round spoon there's lakers in here there's some larry's might as well troll while we're on a little campsite all right got a nice camp spot here got my dad walking around his underpants soaking in the wilderness josh walking around his underpants we've got this bluff up here i think we're gonna make it up there and uh cook dinner up there tonight watch the sunset hopefully we get a nice sunset but yeah we're going to get set up here eat some food and then maybe get out fishing who knows my dad has fully succumbed to the wilderness starfishing patrick how you doing dad enjoying yourself you look pretty comfortable hey it's father's day happy father's day where's my pants where are my pants well i am just going to quickly set up here um looks like rain is coming they our camps are the the campsite main parts down there so i'm up on a little rocky ledge it's not the most ideal spot that was a rumble right yeah oh geez yeah i think we're gonna get a little it's gonna be scattered all day today so we're definitely having more weather coming so i'm gonna try to set up rather quick but i gotta this this is all rock so i don't think i'm going to be able to get my stakes in so i have to use rocks and tie ropes to them so yeah i'm going to set up pretty swiftly here because i don't want to have a bunch of soaked stuff truck oh monty i'm sorry who's got funkytown stuck in their head [Music] what what why why'd you come here huh huh why'd you come here huh huh huh you're weirdo why'd you come here huh huh okay okay there you okay [Music] ah come on monty oh monkey [Music] come on monty oh it feels nice yeah oh yeah hey monty how's it going monty hey oh better get them on t lifeguard my team to the rescue lifeguard [Laughter] lifeguard monty to the rescue the other the metal ones i bet people in the winter time you could do that build like a nice ramp yeah and then just that'd be fun it would be monty are you wet talking about how this was the exact weather when this guy got me to go skydiving yeah big big clouds this guy yeah and little pockets of nothing yeah i don't know if i'll do it again yeah it was pretty intense it was awesome but yeah hey look you're taller than me for once yeah how the hell are you though i'm like six four and a half six five oh you're more than that because i'm small now we're close he's very close so i'm not sure what video i mentioned this in but i mentioned that i'm trying to try this new stuff out uh it's called vet bod it's like a surgical super glue and i've been using it for my splits and stuff and it works quite well my dad here he's got a big old split in his toe that's been hurting like crazy and we're gonna try this stuff out on it but anyways this stuff works wonders i keep it my first aid kit now and he's gonna get to see if he likes it or not it's really thin so i like to put on a couple drops and let it dry and then do another couple drops but the only two beefs i have with it is that it's super expensive it's 25 for this teeny tiny little three milliliter bottle and the the seal on the lid once you use it is not very good so my bottle is already like broken open from just slight squishing and like half of it leaked out but unfortunately still able to use it oh boy look at that you can see that it looks like it's coming right for us we got you can see the rain over on the horizon there it just ran pretty good for a minute there we are just chillaxing how you enjoying your trip so far [Applause] good you wanna peek at the maps of the rest of this lake i feel like it just stops no you can look at it it's gonna start pouring oh no oh yeah yeah yeah [Applause] all right what are you doing monty did dad did my dad put his map on your head yeah you're going here from the rain that's a good boy oh sun's back out we're just chilling had a little bit of a mishap my dad's chair broke and uh so we're down a chair so i've got we put up another tarp here so we've got a super super rain protection that we've got the hammock hung up so we're still all sitting and resting our backs at least you betcha you betcha don't you know oh hey look there's some clouds over there that's what they are there you can tell it's a cloud because of the way that it is ah oh this way monty let's go this way let's go this way oh it's time for fishing hi monty all right you ready you ready you ready oh oh oh okay all right let's go fishing [Music] i'm gonna try my try swivel thing what i'm gonna do is take i made two liters with a couple of swivels i got one longer one shorter put a spoon off the one end and a two ounce jig as a weight on the bottom end roll with three quarter ounce watermelon and this behemoth here two ounce jig i don't want to lose it and all right we're going now i just need to slowly let out line and uh get it down there we're not going to fish for long because we want to go see the sunset i'm only going to troll for like a half hour 45 here and then we're all gonna head back and catch the sunset so well that's unfortunate [Music] yes i got it free oh i thought it was gone for sure the biggest fish in your life i don't know what the hell it was was it just ripping out line it was probably a monster pike really quick but it just stopped stopped oh and then you lost it oh you're reeling to it oh yeah that was probably a big old pike today we are uh just sitting on this rock bluff up here getting ready to watch a sunset we've got a pretty epic view and we're gonna make our dinner up here oh monty's chilling [Music] [Music] oh [Music] okay [Music] oh [Music] he's nippling me oh i think he's really enjoying this you got the perfect spot yep [Music] i know you can't really see me but we got a fire going uh we're crossing up some firewood and there is a fresh hatch of mosquitoes here as soon as the sun completely set up there on that bluff they just started to swarm us up there where it's like what the heck it's like windy on a rock open rock we came down here and it's just a cloud it's crazy oh we are just making food the mosquitoes you wouldn't believe how bad they are in this breeze it's crazy it has to be a fresh hatch insane they're like my dad put deet all over his face i put this uh eucalyptus lotion and we've got permethrin spray clothes and they just don't care about any of it it's just a cloud it's in the wind gusts too like it's just yeah and it's we're in like the wind is blowing strap alike and they're just they don't care they're just swarming and like it's weird like you go and you get pockets so like right here there's none not a single mosquito but i go right there and it's a cloud it's crazy disgusting i was just going to check my food and i about stepped on this little teeny little bunny rabbit just randomly appeared at camp it was it was literally right there sitting on my little sleeping pad and i stepped over and this little thing was there that's a teeny little bunny [Music] i don't know let's see if my monty is gentle monty come here here monty hi guy hi monty come here here monty he's not hurt is he no i don't think so oh it's okay it's a party monty hey hey monty don't worry monty wasn't attacking it or anything monty's very gentle he was just trying to sniff it and when monty was excitedly sniffing it it was running so monty was like trying to sniff it harder monty you just there's a little bunny i just wanted you to smell it and not get excited and chase it dang it monty [Music] it might be a little soupy there oops soupy dinner got monty's little pumpkiny gooey slop and we've got my semi-soupy noodly thing a little little extra a little extra on the soupy but you know what i like it soupy i like a soup i got soupy life i'm all about that soupy life okay go ahead the monty ain't waiting [Music] mm-hmm oh it's hot [Music] hmm [Music] this one ain't bad it's noodles and chicken just tastes like chicken noodle soup with noodles [Music] it's funny um they're using my back up tent or my older tent that got ripped up josh actually had it repaired or he got it repaired and uh monty's getting all confused because it's the exact same tent so every time they start getting ready for bed and getting there he's just creeping up to him trying to get in their tent but yeah everyone's getting ready for bed i'm just finishing up here and then i'm crawling and passing out oh all right come here that's a spirit monty so far we've had a pretty great trip you know we got that super late start it's pretty nice the first day but uh yesterday had a big old fish fry caught some walleye another beautiful day today we got a little bit of rain some storms beautiful sunset no fish today josh had that nice big one on but uh yeah so far pretty good eating done a few firsts you know no live bait bringing the hammock out who am i we're even gonna stay at a site for three nights i don't think i've ever camped at the same campsite for three nights so yeah the plan for tomorrow is to fish fish i think we're gonna do a lot of fishing tomorrow and every other day but anyways we didn't really we got to fish for like what 20 minutes today but we've been sleeping and taking it easy it's been a great trip so far so i'm gonna pass out now and uh cut it up next to this big fuzzy teddy bear so we'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody the monty accordion good night it was here that the audio stopped working suddenly for quite a while so i will do my best to recreate the conversations in the exact voices and the truth of what was said monty here is aggressively laying all over my stuff and making it difficult for me to sleep monty stinky wow oh my poop's going to be nasty oh no please don't do this why oh come on no i don't want to do this stop it let me take a picture of you matt ah yeah that's a nice picture oh that's nice picture right there get this big monty oh forget it okay this is my spot you can't have it and it's too bad if you want click team the michael is a peculiar creature we are watching closely to see what the michael will be making for breakfast i'm going to be making some pie [Music] i'm jumping in you can't stop me hey how are you back here what are you doing what are you doing dog we're just sitting here i'm just gonna eat my breakfast and we're gonna go out fishing okay it's gonna be fun oh geez oh geez what the heck god this feels good yeah hey who's there hey what are you looking at what are you doing they're heading off to do some fishing for some walleyes monty me and you are going for larry okay you ready to go out there big buddy you ready today for fishing i'm going to do the same thing i did for leg chart yesterday except i'm going to use the chartreuse slayer off the back and and on this eight pound test i'm using the same jig but a three ounce version that's right three ounces to pull this thing down so it should be as deep as i want so i need to get all right it's floating that's going to pull it right down with that three outsole like i said i've got 10 pound braid on there 8 pound fluorocarbon big old leader we're gonna see if i can get a fish with it now if i get a fish even a small fish is gonna make this whole rig pull tough and it's gonna rip out drag so if i get a decent sized fish i could lose the whole thing in all my line but that is a risk i'm willing to take you can see my line i'm paddling kind of fast right now into the wind it's still angled pretty far down so i don't have to let out a ton of line to get deep like i normally do monty just got up looked saw that we were still in the middle of a lake and then just laid back down and gave a big old groan oh what a character i just found a big old rock hump in the middle of the lake i'm gonna try jigging off it with the two ounce jig got one snag no bites anywhere so far doing either thing but i'm going back to trolling i've got a nice drop up there's a 100 foot hole and it looks like a steep drop off right near a point over here and we're going to let this thing back down pretty deep 30 40 feet and get as close to this dropout i can without snagging and we'll see see that that means fish on [Music] and it's gone oh well it works rather than paddle hard and set the hook i just turn on the camera that had to be a larry ouch ouch either this just feels heavier than usual or there's still a fish on here it kind of just feels heavier there might still be a fish on here oh my gosh there was a fish on it the whole time okay so it uh it hit it and then the weight of the lure made it look like it wasn't fighting it was on there the whole time well my brother wanted a lake trout no matter what and so we're keeping this one all right nice little eater trout awesome i'm just super happy that my little rig worked normally i'm all about the pike and bass but this trip i've caught walleye on lake trout and that's it so far that's crazy oh oh oh no oh i thought it was a fish we're just snagging bottom we got a snag no bye bye three ounce jig you caught me a lake trout you did good you caught me larry rest in peace monty did you hear the story about the dog park the treat [Music] meat so my dad caught a pike how big was your pike 23. my brother hasn't got a bite yet but my dad gets he's getting little nibbles near this tree over here and i lost three jig or three nightclub leeches so i'm putting a little fake minnow a little piece of one to see we got some like perch or something i'm just curious how shallow does it get something a crappie or no a rock bass it's got a big ol sore on its side it's got a big jelly sore pretty small i'll put it back all right goodbye another little rock bass we're gonna keep them we're gonna we're gonna see if we can catch some of these fry them up oh there we go i'm getting a nibble that was too small i think this is the first time i've ever caught panfish here okay we're just going to i'm just going to troll my way back to camp and uh i think we're heading back we're going to process up some firewood and get a fire going relax for the evening and uh save the fishing for tomorrow i don't even think i need these sunglasses oh it's still oh i've had them on for so long it's still kind of bright ah so yep or wait no it's not what the heck no i hit my button my drag went loose oh you're probably on the bottom no i hit there was something on here and then i hit my button and on accident there could still be something on here oh i think there is i can't tell anymore there's something on here oh yeah oh there's something oh yeah what is it though walleye or lake trout come on simmer down oh it's staying down whatever it is oh i missed with the net it was a lake trout it was right there i just missed it it was a good size eater oh oh no no no no no no no no why did that happen it was right it touched the boat and i hit it bad with the net and it was barely it was just barely hooked on well definitely can't say that's the first time i've lost a uh lake chart in my net i waited all day for you larry i've waited all day for you that's my first castle yep the joshua is also a peculiar creature he peeks his head out to tell us something important oh no he found us like a baby oh yeah dude i know you think you look cool sit down this rock overlook the lakey dinner but you don't okay montreal bay what are you doing stop it stop it what are you doing to me don't do that stop it stop it well i'm gonna pass out to get up in the morning for some fishing so i'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody [Music] iguana hey wilderness how's it going no no no no no no no no soupy dad yeah have you ever used a bidet yeah yeah you like them they're all right and we're off auntie oh he's squeaking already he's squeaking okie dokes the portage to the next lake that we are adventuring to today going for a walleye fish fry tonight is right up ahead so let's get this thing taken care of and get to fishing you know what i'm saying okie dokes all right first things first we need to get out into the main part of the lake see what we're dealing with what kind of lake we got we know there's walleye in here we know there's pike in here and we just saw some perch so we know there's perch in here we've gotta assess the situation and then fish the situation i'm gonna try the old slip rob on the leech set about 10 feet down out from shore because it's rather sunny today so we're gonna first see about 20 feet out from shore and that's set too deep so we're gonna shell that up a hair or maybe cast a little bit further all right let's do that let's just go out a little bit further [Music] a little shallower see what happens oh there's a little bait fish right here yeah oh it's still it's rather shallow back here oh i got something what is it i can't i think it's a pike oh yeah there we go i got a fish i thought i had a snag there we go nice little pike let's let this guy go [Music] huh still not ten feet deep all right we gotta we're gonna troll the other side oh i got a fish i got something oh it's a pike oh damn i was hopeful we were going to keep this guy because we're going for a fish fry tonight and i'd prefer not to keep pike but pike are still delicious and we want to have a nice fish fry tonight so we're keeping this guy i have another fish on i didn't even realize it oh it's a little pike another little pike this one's too small goodbye i thought it was swimming funny right off the bat as soon as i said this i thought i was hitting bottom so i decided to reel it in and there's a fish on there all right i got my flip offers up to 10 feet there's a little channel here i'm out of the wind no other bites let's see if i can reach bottom please reach bottom or just at least be able to stand i mean there we go nice it's a nice drop off then what do we got this time i bet it's a pike i bet it's a pike looks like a pike yep it's pike oh and it's gone [Music] lots of pike in here that's number four for the day okay my brother came up here uh we had a little snack break he's gonna go fish near those rock cliffs and my dad was just fishing over on the shore i can't see where he's at so i'm gonna go get him see if he wants to come up this way i'm gonna troll my way back so so i made a thinking got a fish [Music] i creepily followed you until i could see it sticking out of the water come over here little wet beaver with your beaver stick do you want me to throw it again okay that's yes go ahead monty um monty mighty you're getting stuff wet all right ready ready first i'm sitting here just whistling away what i got a fish [Music] i think i just heard them do the loon call it's probably another pike that seems to be all we're catching today oh yeah oh there we go there we go oh that's a monster yeah you think that's a wall mounter or a pen fryer fryer yeah so we just caught a bunch of pike all of us caught pike pike pike pike pike so uh we've got some for dinner we're just gonna head back take a breather maybe do some swimming back at camp and then i think i'm gonna go trolling for some lake trout i think one lake trout maybe two i'm not sure if josh got any pike or not that he kept i know he caught some but anyways we're heading back to camp and i just farted and it stinks one two three [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] oh after sitting at camp for a while i was a little restless and decided to go out fishing i just set my line and i think no way i just went out here to fish there's no way i gotta fish i think i got a fish already who is windy i've been out in a empty boat like this in a long time oh there's definitely a fish on here i'm going for some lake trout if i got a larry on here already i just said the line this would be crazy oh oh it's pulling oh now it's pulling oh oh lake trout awesome all right there we go we're having a little larry with our pike awesome man it is crazy how tippy your boat is when there is no weight on it in these big waves like this when it's coming at your side you know i'm used to moti in my food bag in here at the minimum but i figured since they're staying at camp might as well go with an empty boat which is just not a good idea because it sure is tippy i am currently on a mission to go get firewood we're gonna need a good amount of firewood to have a good old-fashioned fish fry tonight oh uh [Music] so ss good times more like the ss wood times all these sticks are making me itchy all right got the firewood back to camp and uh my dad's up ahead and my brother's trolling right next to me he's got we both got chartreuse slayers on he's got one from like the 1950s it's all rusty and passed down through generations of no caught fish probably never used we're going for another lake trout or two we only got the one and lake trout is his favorite fish so he requires more he won't make it until tomorrow without more lake trout i'm literally dying literally so is it still on i can't tell i don't think it is maybe it's on really yeah we got a laker on do i just keep going or yep just keep going towards you all right then just don't paddle just like drift oh we got a lake trout on a oh he did oh whatever this is staying down oh it's swimming it's a lake trout it's not a monster there we go it's a good eater though all right well i'm only allowed to keep two lakers per day so i am going to be heading in i'm gonna go to stop by my dad and see if he caught anything because he did the loon call the international uh call for fish on oh that's a big lake trout oh man did it fight too that's raining over there that's a pretty big lake trout good job that's like at least 30 inches wouldn't you say i don't know it's a pretty good one it's heavy i got myself a real nice fishy josh got the biggest pike and josh got the biggest walleye and my dad got the biggest lake trout and i got the biggest rock bass yeah oh yeah cha cha cha cha saw oh that's a really pretty sunset it's almost as pretty as your outfit i'm gonna start just fire one strap almost nope damn sticky's bugs we've got brother joshua on the batter duty he's doing a great job i think my dad's in charge of frying here he is the the fate of monty is in joshua's hand he gets to choose i think monty is going to get mostly pike today you might get a little scrap layer too yeah maybe i'm gonna need spatula yeah you ready to fry pretty close might as well start heating up that oil whoa whoa who's that bunny oh he's a bunny there's that baby bunny there's a little bunny hi [Music] that's the same bunny from yesterday well it's good to know that monty didn't terrify him this is just to show you guys that monty actually doesn't he doesn't attack animals he just sniffs them oh there he is here we go oh hey little guy little bunny i'm sorry i stuck monty on you yesterday little guy he'd be fun to just cuddle with it almost looks like a chinchilla doesn't it yeah is he oh monty monty no maybe mine's a chinchilla oh that's a little it's funny short smells something they have that instinct the rabbits to just stay still yeah monty's hey little guy monty monty you stay there monty you're gonna scare the bunny monty monty [Music] muddy be gentle this bunny is just like sitting so still monty is so close to it monty [Music] monty sees him oh monty hey monty oh oh that monty hey hey monty monty my dear it's okay it's okay monty hey monty what's he doing he's chasing the bunny stop it no no no no he's he's not gonna hurt him josh has decided to be very generous to the monty those are some hunks of meat i just really hope he doesn't throw up in my tent oh that just looks like a wonderful pile of happiness right there about to be made oh yeah look at that larry sizzle monty's been searching for the bunny for like 30 minutes i swear he's just been roaming around yeah monty the bunny's been gone for quite a while you scared him off i mean he's probably hiding on him monty can just sense him but he's just roaming around in the woods oh look at that golden brown delicious fishes and then you got monty's slop just boiling over here look at that beautiful crispy oh delicious fish we've even got a little lemon platter oh yeah cheers to fish let's go cheers oh there's no question oh delicious oh my god it is so good it's like that's not even greasy oh it's like chicken fingers but fish fingers oh most expensive fish fingers you can get yeah those are all pretty good [Music] hot fire yep yeah we gotta prepare master monty's i picked up all the bones on all the pikes fish farts auntie have you been the goodest boy do you want a tree at the dog park do you want to go for he's like just just just shut up already give me the food all right monty go ahead good boy that's a happy doggy he got about a half pound of fish right there oh this is so good that's that's all i like that stuff we've got one more batch of fish to go and we're we're we're i'm i'm slowing down we're grabbing now we're gonna get we're gonna eat it all come here biggie just right oops um yeah i'm very full that was a big fish fry that's probably the most um glorious fish fry i've ever had it was delicious i am very full and i don't know why whoops on top of all that fish i ate my potatoes so i'm stuffed and i'm breathing heavy i'm hot and bothered yeah that was another fun day i caught a bunch of pike some lake trout but i am ready to just pass out i think we're moving campus tomorrow my stomach's full so uh i'm sleepy i'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody oh well it's time to get up stinky all right it's time to get up let's do it [Music] oh geez the beautiful blue skies dave blue skies [Music] so we're gonna pack up make some breakfast get in the water paddle porridge fish let's do it [Music] [Applause] mmm biscuits and [Music] soupy [Music] all right we're pretty much all the way packed up i'm just gonna finish up my breakfast we're gonna get on the water are you ready first mate pee poo pig toots okay we are off they're already up ahead of me paddle across i'm gonna drop a line and troll so we've gotta go across this leg one more time and i want me a big old larry before we go i've got a beautiful and i know you won't let me down [Music] just under those blue skies and cotton ball clouds boy move twice oh i think this means fish on is that what that means oh my i'm stinking soul it doesn't feel like a monster but hey i'll take it oh yeah what do we got here [Music] i might not even net this one if it's a big old lake trout we'll see because i'm gonna let it go either way oh it's staying down it's a big guy i kind of have to to get the hook out especially in this wind oh what are you what are ya oh yeah it's a nice little lake trout there we go oh hello larry all right nice little laker start the day off right all right i'm gonna let this guy go we're gonna try to do a fish cam without bringing him in the boat so that's an even bigger steve let's see if he's friendly oh that's a big one look at that steve ooh oh that's a big spider do look at that one hi steve oh geez oh steve oh they're jumping into the water oh he's on my boat oh no it seems like any time there's a rock face it looks like this on these waterways there's some sort of picture graphs that used to be i was thinking there would be here because i was just like oh those are the exact rocks i always see pictographs you can see if there's some kind of figure there and there's some kind of triangle there almost looks like a tp it's the exact same as all the pictographs i've ever seen in this area same coloring same rock face so it's definitely something it's just kind of degraded this was something but it's hard to tell what it is but oh geez oh that's good for the old rods but this as you can see there there's some kind of line it looks like a triangle maybe a teepee of some sort or something but it used to be something we got some more pictographs over on this wall look at some kind of figure you can see it and see it's some kind of figure goes like this and then there's that there something can't tell what it is though like some kind of trident or like a bird almost or something i don't know if the camera picks it up very well because it's very faint and hard to see but yeah man these rock faces any one of them that's got the white and black strikes and their big flat surface they always have little pictographs [Music] you're a complete piece complete piece didn't think of anything that was bad nothing that's good so we just returned to the campsite we got on the first night we're all just chillaxing eating some food resting up fishing yep and then we're gonna set up camp and do some fishing [Music] uh [Music] um [Music] um [Music] um um [Music] [Music] um [Music] okay huh okay okay it is we've got two hours two two and a half till the sun sets we're heading out to do some evening fishing we've been just taking a nap relax and ate some food just having a good old relaxing day nice relaxing trip you know all around so uh my dad's already out fishing we're gonna go find him um i'm gonna troll lure across the lake here and then i'm gonna try slip bobber and leech probably go for some walleye and then when the sun sets i'm just gonna stick rolling let's catch a fish i don't know it came straight out of the water it looked like a little trout or something well that was interesting yeah i just saw a fish come clear out of the water it looked like a little trout [Music] yeah he had to catch at least a pike this liar told us he got three nice walleyes over here did you catch anything no not a bite oh you wanna go see some uh picture crafts are you sure they're pictographs yeah let's go oh no got it oh i just farted too oh my god my farts are so squeaky they're just bubbling out and just squeaking yeah every time i fart i'm like i'm trying to chance it yeah i'm definitely chancing the farts whoo huh don't come near this boat five foot radius say it again come on aries ran something like that it's a ron swainson's thrush [Music] sounds like somebody oh oh my god i don't know the fish fry is coming out in gas form oh hey steve how's it going oh steve can i pet you steve oh that's a big spider is it a walleye huh seems like he's got a big walleye one it didn't really fight that hard at the end it did look at that thing that's a nice walleye yeah nice job yeah dude that's awesome we're eating it we're eating this you see this pig i got in the same exact spot i did yesterday there must be a drop off you want to redeem yourself on the strikes i'll try it wait you hear that oh that one definitely sounded wet oof look at that nice seasoned wood look at that oh yeah thank you so getting you to spark it's okay you just keep doing the right thing you're pressing too hard into the knife there you go good job i'll do that so josh's 23-inch walleye ready to be fried oh today yeah my mountain house chicken out of the king with some delicious walleye flies eat at dinnertime oh yeah i'm going to finish up my dinner here and get ready for bed um it's a it's a fish fry fart yeah that's come on that's come on come on over here monty this is monty this let's be reasonable monty please this is mine come on come on okay no it's so stinky anyways another delicious vicious dinner well that was just like a little hors d'oeuvre or a little appetizer but uh yeah another good day another relaxing day had some fun and it's time to pass out we're going to get up early and get the move-in done early before the heat strikes it's supposed to be 82 and sunny but the weather's been changing so we don't really know but anyways i'm passing out so i'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody so [Music] so oh jeez good morning we're going to get up early today all right i slept with the rain fly off so i could catch the sunrise it was real nice and uh yeah let's get up we're gonna greet the date let's do it this is a beautiful morning complete blue sky anyways it's supposed to get really hot and be sunny all day today is what the thing he said way back when and it seems like it's holding true so far so uh we're gonna quickly pack up and get moving so let's cue coffee and oatmeal sequins go so soupy oh nice breakfast fart well i'm so fish i'm a coffee and oatmeal here and we're gonna get on that water get the paddle and hoarding and fishing oh yeah and we are off stinky he's our hero he's the stinkiest the stinkiest of heroes mom to stinky you're so stinky he makes a cloud of stinky and you can't stand it he was in front of josh in the portion josh says he could smell his just cloud of stink he's been doing lots of swimming every day and in between portages with my dad's weight he's just throwing the stick for him so it's getting nice and stinky nice and stinky he's got the big canoe big canoe canoe big pretty sweet ain't water polly monty [Applause] huh [Music] okay monty who we so another porridge bites the dust we've got like one more we're hoping to stay at the next lake call to him dad give me your loon call they might think you're a loon bread with the turkey but i think you're getting the message across i am super glad we did not have to go that way on this portage it was like straight up going this way but we came over straight down but still you have to watch your step it was pretty slick in some spots with just pine needles looks like the beavers put a beaver dam here oh yeah there's the beaver dam let's just [Applause] he just yanked his boat down his first beaver dam well here oh yeah yep all right looks like we got the site oh it's not so bad hi monty oh it feels nice oh hi monty oh monty's first oh lifeguard monty to the rescue ow i'm okay he keeps looking at me at the corner of his eye like you better not do that again [Music] come on you better save my monty lifeguard monty to the rescue [Music] is [Music] pretty sketchy well now you know [Music] who invented the hammer [Music] [Music] yeah monty really hates some horse flies [Music] oh save me monty save me oh thank you thank you lifeguard monsters so we've just been chilling at camp we went swimming like twice already haven't even set up or anything but there went fishing had some bites didn't catch anything we've just been relaxing for about like four hours now i feel like or longer wow as you can see monty's eating more horse flies or deer flies they're pretty bad [Music] okay so we have had a relaxing day multiple times of swimming just chilling literally been watching monty eat horse flies for hours my dad took a nice hammock nap he passed out i uh hammocked but i never really slept i was just kind of chilling on the sun bacon but yeah now we are out fishing the last couple hours of sunlight the goal right now is to see who can catch the biggest bass we've pretty much got my dad's got the biggest lake trout josh got the biggest walleye i got the biggest rock pass josh got the biggest pike so now one of us needs to catch a bass there's been no bass caught on this trip large or small it doesn't matter so i'm slip bobber and legion let's see if we can pick something up oh there we go oh oh it's not a big one there we go so far i've got the biggest bass nice little smile let's let this guy go nice it's a boat what do you got there a nice large mouth oh not bad we're getting my dad's first fish release camp and that's that's his fish release kim there it goes don't stop me now but don't stop me now because i'm having a good time i'm having a good time i'm like a shooting star running through the sky like a tiger defying the laws of morality you know where am i where are my pants you're gonna get this guy i can believe in you i told you the slip boppers are magic now you you got the goal right there perfect i got one you got one oh he's got one 20. 20 inches it's a nice looking bag 20 these guys with their sizes out here 20 inches 30 inch lake trout what do you got my dad's got one he's got his turkey loon call hybrid call apparently my dad's got a 25 inch smallie on i don't know about that size but we'll see he hasn't got in the boat yet but i kind of have to believe him what do you got here oh it's a piggy that's a solid 17. yeah 17 18 maybe nice all right right here look at this tree well it's a good spot it's a good spot it was a solid 17 18. oh there's a bite here we go yeah it's your story tell it how you want i missed the 67 and a half inch pike on this spring trip how did you know yeah i just know it in my heart that was like a 36 inch pike it was just like it was this long i'm not even kidding i had a 72 and a half inch pike on right here near this tree that was the biggest pike i've ever had on in my i know in my life i'm good i'm good at that no no no no no no oop there that's a fish there we go oh oh probably the same same bath oh he's putting on some theatrics for us oh geez we got ourselves a big old bobby ooh oh oh that's a nice bash right there i tell you what that's a good bobby oh now that's a piggy come check this one out oh no that's a pig it's about it's it's it's definitely bigger than yours but oh that's a chunky guy look at that thing let's let this guy go [Music] there we go oh dang it there we go oh that's a decent one there we go there we go nice bobby back big old piggy oh look at that chunky guy right there oh yeah nice bobby bass awesome oh okay sun's about to set i think i'm gonna take just a couple more casts here um and then i'm gonna head in for our last night and get some firewood because it's looking like i don't think i think it's gonna be covered by clouds but it still might glow good so i'm just gonna take a few more casts you know we're gonna head back i only have one memory of that it's when you were snoring so loud on a camping trip that i couldn't sleep and i forgot earplugs and i had to turn it to white noise white noise in my ear you that was five years ago same batteries same batteries same pattern no swear to god i haven't changed batteries since i've owned this that's crazy oh no how was it out of 10 for solidity one being just water i'd say it was about a two and a half two and a half oh boy oh look at it he's getting better i gotta go take more pictures you just oh man i didn't hold it straight there you go [Applause] i think it's time for the bug net so i've got one question for you guys [Applause] do you know james james yeah you know james my brother yeah james yeah did you ever make you his famous dish what just famous rice pudding james you've never had james rice pudding james rice pudding where'd you get it james james made it it's james rice pudding come on you never heard of james rice pudding it's world famous do you guys want it hot or cold warm you want it warm yeah definitely warm all right we're having james rice pudding tonight the camera's not even doing justice to the swarm that's around you can only see a few oh just look over yeah look at me now that picks them up a little bit better holy cow yeah they're they're pretty rough you gotta put on the bug stuff and you gotta just have long sleeves oh there we go that's now you can see the what's actually happening all around us and that's just one little spot yeah that's the whole sky it's all over they're pretty bad for dinner tonight monty is having his monty's mangled mush all right deb what are you having for dinner i'm having this is um beef stew with mashed potatoes and a little montreal on top mmm yummy all right josh what are you having i am having a spicy southwest skillet with some ramen and a little bit of montreal as well and i am having a rice and chicken mixture here extra soupy and i was going to put a ramen that josh gave me in it but i can't fit it well i could fit some oh man it's gonna fit not after it's well to the brim to the brim and of course after we're all done stuffing that down we've got a healthy serving of james rice pudding [Music] monty has been enjoying laying under this log so this might as well be breakfast in bed there you go buddy look at this mosquitoes good boy monty go ahead yeah go ahead eat your dinner go ahead monty go ahead eat it yeah [Music] let's see what we got here fruity not bad oh lord a little dry a little dry it's like traditional rice pudding there's james rice pudding well james james needs a few tips yes i wish it was more creamy more like milky i feel like i'm just eating raisin-flavored rice i think that's what you are it's cooked rice with raisins in it it tastes good essence of cinnamon okay well another fun day today um it's been a fun trip so far past few days a lot of chilling we did some moving today josh got a nice walleye yeah past few days have been pretty great doing a lot of chilling this is a definitely different pace than i'm used to and i'm loving it you know i like my hard work hard move days and trips and then this is something i haven't done in a long time which is just pick a campsite stay there for the most part not a lot of moving a lot of crazy portion and it's been great just i got to spend a lot of time in the hammock caught a lot of sun and yeah really relaxing but yeah it's been a great few days nice sunset life's so full james rice pudding really did me in but yeah we finally caught some bass i think uh i'm gonna start bringing more uh leeches because you know the fake leeches are great but live leeches are better they're really nice so we're gonna get up early and uh we're just gonna dial it on here so on that note i will catch you guys in the morning good night everybody oh i could keep sleeping but it is time to get up now and start packing for the final time oh yeah all right i'm gonna pack up the tent here swiftly back up it was raining a little bit it's not raining anymore so let's do it good morning dear stinky butt [Music] that's a good boy yes yes it is oh it's a beautiful morning out there [Music] anyways how's my hat here so no coffee no oatmeal this morning no breakfast we have got our eye on a bigger prize so what i'm going to do is since it well it doesn't look like it's going to rain anymore it's supposed to be raining this morning well raining today it rained a little last night but anyways oh so we're going to quickly get packed up and get in the water and paddle and forage and head on our way home so let's do it okay and we are off for the day for the final time i don't know this picks it up but there's an eagle perched up in this tree right here big ol eagle wait no is it it's this tree right here yeah right here there's a big ol eagle sitting in that tree so only one portage remains in the week-long father-sons boundary waterstrip you're fine it's okay it's okay hey hey hey you're fine stay there it's okay we would never leave you so don't worry monty you're you're little cries they're so sad sounding all right come over here monty right here monty right here come on we'd never leave you go ahead get in get in the back no monty get in your spot watch your first mates position no not here there you go there you go guy good job good jump all right this is it the final paddle big lake to cross pretty breezy let's do this whoa monty whoa i feel like one million dollars and one billion dollars had a baby and that baby lived a long happy life and it met another baby that was also a child of a million and trillion dollars or whatever and they grew up and they were super happy and they had a baby i'm that baby i'm that happy baby right now because i was so sweaty on that portage and i needed to jump and i just flopped into the water insulated as soon as i got done it's so muggy oh i just feeling like a million bucks right now or whatever that baby would be that's what i feel like da oh [Music] foreign feel like you've been sleeping on the ground for a week yeah all righty we've just got a short paddle to get back to the car and then our trip will be complete it's been an awesome week we caught lots of fish didn't see any moose eight very delicious had a bunch of fish fries two big fish fries one one doesn't count but definitely caught lots of larry's walters peters bobbies got em all we got we got the whole the whole smorgasbord of uh fish but uh my dad and brother they both had a blast they loved it out here i think they'll want to do it again someday and uh yeah did lots of swimming and uh all around good trip the bugs are a little bad but anyways we just got a little bit more to go and we're gonna be back at the car so as always if you like the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit the subscribe button and i will catch you guys at the next video [Music] [Music] good job monty well you want me to do nothing really i don't know if that's something oh no i'm gonna get my other pole here get my blue bag out no well i've never flipped before but monty just didn't oh i have to get my other pole well that's great that's just good job monty thanks monty [Music] so this is how you should finish every trip well at least i know what happens now if i flip my boat monty swims out and i'll lose a pole i only lost a pole you got it back though right yeah i went and got it back i'm just a little wet for my for our eight hour drive good thing i put on those clean clothes and i got my fresh pair of socks right here well this will just go to show you that no trip is over until you're out of the boat and in the car because i was five feet away from the dock when that happened well if that wasn't good enough uh we got a flat and uh my spare tire is kind of rusted on so i'm just coating it with some wd-40 and banging off the little spinny thing and hopefully we can get this thing on here and get moving eventually the mechanism was too rusted on so we couldn't get the tire off luckily some people had a little compressor that they let us borrow because it's a slow leak it was it was it was too low to ride but yeah we're just we're surviving plenty do you know what time it is do you know what time it is monty is it time to be hand fed a bacon cheeseburger yes why yes it is oh there's a good boy right there oh yeah oh you want some more you want some more all right let's get this here you can just have it all in one two okay all right making the mess there you go good job good job monty oh you got a burger patty down there good boy [Music] foreign
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 183,913
Rating: 4.9286299 out of 5
Keywords: camping, wilderness, wilderness area, camp, how to camp, adventure, adventurer, bushcraft, bushcrafter, bushcrafting, campfire cooking, cooking, campfire, fire, fire skills, fishing, canoe, canoeing, bwca, canoe camping, fall camping, fall, dog, dog training, camping dog, boundary waters, nikon d5500, canada, backpacking, survival, survival skills, gopro, going camping, wilderness adventure, winter camping, paddling, canoe paddle, canoe trip, outdoors, forest, funny, hilarious, silly, gourmet cooking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 53sec (11273 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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