5 Night Wilderness Adventure

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[Music] [Music] do [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] look at a big what are you doing in the water monty it seems like it was poor decision making on your end monty come on to your little cries drip dragger munchie drip dry drip dry there you go all of all the ss one times height where's your ticket ticket ticket get oh good boy that's it that's a good ticket all right yeah give over here come over here come here come on we gotta get on good morning okay oh there you go there you go yo whippersnapper okay and we are you know monty we don't want a repeat of the what happened the last time we were at this exact spot yeah well hello ladies and gentlemen i am out with first mate pee poops mctoots right here and uh captain teeny trout and we have just embarked on a five night wilderness adventure as you can see by the clip i just inserted uh i've obviously been here before and the last time i was here wasn't so such a good memory right there so we've changed something since that time i now uh pack a bag for the car of clean clothes and dry underwear and socks because that time where that happened i had put on everything uh dry and clean and yeah then it wasn't dry and clean no more anyways we are going to be staying at a different campsite every night we're going to be catching fish hopefully cooking up some for dinner we've got a delicious meal planned tonight and uh yeah then we're gonna have a nice little adventure hoping for some good weather and we'll see what happens as you can see captain tv trout back there is uh more well-equipped than last time he's using folks boat he's got his own boat now and he is ready to become a wilderness adventure man it's currently uh about 80 degrees i wish it was a little chillier i was wearing pants the whole way here we had the ac blast and as soon as we started packing up it was just insanely hot but uh yeah it's a nice blue sky's day nice and hot captain teacher out here has already said that i can catch the most fish and the biggest fish just like last time uh we uh we brought live leeches we got these little containers it's actually really hard to find leeches this time of year but because we had such good luck last time with walleye what now we we called around and we find someone we found some was like a half hour out of the way to go get them but we got them they're they're a little small but we're definitely hoping to use them and catch some more fish i think it's gonna work out pretty well oh and i just wanted to say quick we did it ladies and gentlemen we got an early start today we are out the door at 7 00 a.m which is the time we plan to be out the door which is amazing i don't know if this ever happened if it or if it'll ever happen again but we just know we did it this once just this one time but it's just a beautiful day out of the lake what can you see who's going in here today got this porridge up in this bay sweat i think i may these suns they sure got some rays okay that vessel there is never gonna look the same after this trip i'm hoping she gets at least two quarter inch dings not a puncture just a ding get some battle scars i've got about 50 000 on mine all right portage numero uno let us do this [Music] lulu oh bunty oh look at me i'm smiling i'm sorry monty he's telling me he already doesn't believe a word i say you remember what happened last time i didn't believe what i said oh i'm getting a bite you messing with me yeah hey you got a fish you got a fish you got a fish get over here hurry hurry you got a fish [Music] i'm bringing it if you don't get over here go for it what are you doing over there went back there oh oh i can't use it left-handed what is it oh dude it's a nice chunky smallie [Applause] oh oh yeah oh dude no no see the fish it snapped your line what like a 20 inch smallie are you serious yeah i wasn't kidding oh my god dude i wasn't kidding at all no way yeah that thing was huge no i swear to god you should have said i'm dead i thought i screamed dude you got a fish and i was like i'm bringing this thing in i heard i thought you were throwing it in the wall no that was the fish splashing i got it to shore and it took off and snapped the line that i'm not even kidding no i'm not dude it snapped the line right here i was not kidding dude i was 100 sure that you were with me no your pole next time say i'm not with you well you already tried oh i thought you were so nonchalantly just like nah i was like no he's not with me i'm not falling for this [Music] oh look at oh stuffed animal with a heartbeat where is he gonna go where is he gonna go where is he gonna go in double you're trying dang navit now i have to cast i mean i don't really care if i catch the first fish i never make a big deal about it over there [Music] oh i got the first fish no no these lilies man i didn't set the hook properly oh dang i just had another bite about this stuff oh my god that was a nice mask oh my god i've never been so happy with my friend losing a fish no i've got a bird's nest or i've got a rat's nest [Music] man that was some action i don't think i got any of it on the gopro either just pointing right at my face you got to make sure your camera angles are proper my drag is way too tight first of all come on [Music] oh i cannot believe that this is not fair there it is did you lose him uh he ain't as big as the last one oh my god if you spit this hook spit it there's still time monty more cheese mighty jeez monty man let's do this yeah there is the first fish of the trip [Music] i don't even mind i never make a big deal about the first fish it doesn't bother me one bit not at all bad you okay oh there we go oh my what the heck is going on right now i gotta fish but i can't reel in [Music] what what's the deal i kid i'm gonna lose it i don't know what's going on with my rod it's something's not right what's going on here oh jeez oh jeez duh oh there we go there we go nice bubba bass something's going on i think the the lines wrapped around the tip of my rod there i couldn't reel it in i mean it worked but there we go that's a nice nice 17-inch smallie there it's it's definitely way better bigger than that for that guy's first fish there's no way it's smaller all right let's let this guy go well so far the fishing has seemed pretty good lots of bites that's my second nice fish on first one into boat so that's a good sign for the trip do you know what this tree is right here oh it's a downed tree the downed tree i missed a 74 inch pike 74 inch pike of legend i bet he's about 78 inches now how big was your bath mine was about 17. who knows how big this one is oh jeez oh this one's a this was a little guy i don't want to switch to slip bobber and leeches yet we're gonna save those since the fish are biting this already it's it's really fun they just cast for them since the bite is so good [Music] loon loan oh there we go oh yeah alone i just watched him hit that one all right bobby bass number three let's let him go how many got in two yeah nice i got three no big deal but i'm not trying to brag or anything but it's definitely one more than you got in the boat yeah the race for the that was pretty good like you had the first strike and then i cast it out and immediately got one on lost it and then you got one and i lost it we've we both gotta you know it's time to set a goal we gotta set a goal for the trip my my my trip goal is to catch a 22 inch plus walleye [Music] 22 inch anything okay i was gonna say like 22 inch pike like great great you got a minnow 28 oh man that's your goal a 28-inch walleye you want to go home disappointed yeah why would you be disappointed if you got a 28-incher no i'm saying i'm setting my goal that high because i want to go home oh okay yeah that's i'm trying to cut back on my cursing the one lady called me captain pottymouth captain bodybuilders a little pike a little pita i feel like sometimes so a little bit of stretch probably isn't the end of the world [Applause] he just slid over his first random rock oh that's good stuff well the sun's starting to set hey better find a campsite hey the sun's just about to set it's the perfect time to arrive at a campsite hey look at us who would have thought we'd find a campsite we did it okay so this is campsite numero uno [Music] nice peaceful evening out there hey monty how's it going so unfortunately with this campsite uh there's not any good tent spots well there's there's just one so me and him me and mr captain team trot monty i'm gonna go right here and lucas is gonna go right here and we'll be good then we gotta get some firewood and then have a snack and we're going to get cooking and relaxing it's been a long day i think the last food i ate was 12 hours ago 12 hours ago i haven't eaten a single thing i drank a bunch of coffee yeah i'm hungry [Laughter] [Music] okay do you want some water yeah who's a good boy you want some water i would like some water oh your jungle boy everything else that was quite the groan well i'm gonna have to move the camera because the water's gonna be right in the way i can't stop the feeling i need i just started bonking into trees i got stuck [Applause] [Music] hey no get out of here no no no no no no no no no okay okay okay all right he came at me he you saw him you saw him you guys saw him over there he he came at me that was not i didn't instigate that all right we're both gonna continue setting up here get all crap in our tents and uh then we're gonna work on firewood because we've got a delicious meal to cook up to cook up tonight while i can't speak i'm just getting sleepy anyways yeah we had a delicious meal to cook up so we need some firewood whole bunch of it and then we're gonna probably spark up about fire but this it's starting to get dark so we're gonna get move a little quicker here sneaky snake i'm just gonna process the firewood monty don't mind me yeah definitely those teeth are too aggressive for like the light pines and balsams but it rips right through this stuff here we have the northern bullfrog who has recently taken a poop ew gross dang it what is going on right now dude what is going on i'm gonna give you i wanna try this other one there we go it was only two strikes [Music] i feel like they just love it more than laying on any other surface this is my territory oh my gosh that feels so wonderful we're about to cook some dinner and uh we're gonna make some kind of elaborate pasta but that no just meat [Music] hey buddy let's get some montreal there it's smoking my eyes i can't see yeah slap that meat you got a sniper meat i saw that yeah that flame came right beside you don't worry [Music] you can't do it you've come this far without him oh oh my god do you wanna why am i doing this why am i doing this it's so hot a little more bite y'all slap that meat again oh geez asparagus on there oh yeah i gotta flip these steaks again what do you got there why would you look at that you have tongs dude they'll fall apart if you're not careful why don't you tell me you had tongs wow whoa hey never seen before never hey my fingers are burning off i mean i already got burns on them those are some thick steaks oh these steaks are gonna we're gonna like put them off to the side yeah i'm gonna cook them for another minute and then these are going off the heat for a minute until this is beautiful that's a nice beer around there oh that's just how beautiful it's here look at that meat slap that meat [Music] get them out of there all right these are coming off going to the like corners yeah then we're gonna put the asparagus they still need some heat there yeah they're gonna need time still this one's cooked a little bit more than the other [Music] do you want some steak this is definitely over directly here you can take my spot all right i'm gonna get my master oh it's hot jesus oh my god just smoking my eyes oh i'm just i'm falling apart my whole life just okay you gotta slow down you gotta hurt my fingers i'm burning my eyes i think they're good i think they just need yeah give them a flip ski all right a little flipper yeah this one's a little more firm oh okay maybe maybe switch your spots this one's they're both pretty far from the heat use your expert opinion you know they're i think they're good they're definitely still cooking but i gave them cappuccino choice in the steaks they chose the better steak like a big jerk asparagus is almost ready our mashed potatoes are ready my steak's good we're about to feast okay oh we've got the ribeye steak and the asparagus here and the mashed potatoes now we just need there's somebody that's been really excited and he's gonna get a little oh this is so hot [Music] you get that whole one pound steak to yourself i gotta share with this monster dude that mouse is about to jump into your mashed potatoes i know look at this guy he is just watching whoa monty whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa there's steak involved monkey my two minutes bunji i know you saw the mouse jeez i would just thought he was about to jump into your bowl of food he was all right it is time to feast monty that is enough steak okay it's food time okay go ahead monty yeah let's just go in for a little asparagus um crunchy asparagus is so good i don't mind it but this oh it's so good it's so pink yeah these mashed potatoes are good hmm those instant potatoes are pretty good mhm at this particular moment in time the burnt fingers are worth it pain should uh be on by the morning mm-hmm hmm those are the potatoes oh yeah dude they're like lava oh i dipped right into just the heart of it nope it's hot okay i'm gonna finish devour my steak and my food and mate is probably gonna keep begging but uh i'll check back in with you guys when i'm cleaned up and uneaten and their creature go ahead oh monty you got so much crap in your tail all right go ahead stink stinky oh monty that's dang it that's fine always lay on my stuff huh you always lay on my stuff why why are you always there my stuff that was a delicious meal long long day what do we got for time okay all right it's only midnight thirty noon at night thirty monty is stinky and wet he did lots of swimming today he was just going in the water we had mice crawl all around i think there was a mouse in my bag the stars were out like crazy but i am pooped and i don't know if you can see is that captain tina trout's light right there oh yeah it's his light he's right behind me he's got his rain fly off we both got the rain we both got the rain fly off so monty is gonna move to his bag or a sleeping pad we're gonna pass out so i'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody uh [Music] hey did you sleep good yeah did i snore i didn't hear it at all did i i don't think so i don't think i snored either i didn't hear nothing what do you want you okay well we've got a beautiful blue sky's day out there i think it's time to get up let's do it all right marty don't you dare hey monty you got a pine needle on your nose what's that about yeah you gotta hold on monty monty hey monty i'm trying to help yeah see you got some stuff on your nose [Music] okay okay [Music] oh just look at that scene out there got a beautiful blue slice day blue skies okay look at my hair is if it's it is great it's just probably awesome [Music] let's kick off some coffee and oatmeal sequins oh do it [Applause] quote will this be too much water soupy way too soupy okay there you go that's a good boy oh yeah oh yeah yeah this is this is there's it's just water with chunks and flavor that's some good oatmeal soup though it's so soupy i've made it too soupy for the first time ever yeah that's a lot it's a lot of water i'm gonna have to drink down the water to get to my oatmeal it's hot water for breakfast with a little strawberries and cream flavoring all right i'm just going to finish up my breakfast here probably make a nice big old poop big ribeye poop and uh then we're going to get packed up get on that water and get paddling paddling porridge and fishing let's do it and we are off for the day and we have almost been thrown off balance and into the water for the day i've switched to a white t-shirt because today is supposed to be the hottest day of the trip and yesterday was pretty pretty unbearable with the heat so we're going with a white t-shirt back to the old white t-shirts except these are not cotton these are those quick dry they actually feel kind of nice in the uh heat he's uh he's up two fish on me because he was fishing at the campsite when we got there and i wasn't he's a cheater there we go here we go nice little bobby to start the day okay he's only one up on me now [Applause] there we go tied and that one counts because one of his fish didn't he didn't he didn't get it land it was just like that flopped off right at the boat but i was gonna let him go anyways so it counts and you can't tell me otherwise we're all tied up i got two no hahaha [Applause] get out of here these are these are my trees these are my downed trees i'm in title oh dang it yeah oh dang it it was the smallest little minnow it would have counted we got a pike oh and he snapped my line right at the boat i was gonna just pull him out i wasn't even gonna try to net him he was decent i think it was like 24. [Laughter] so that that one where it flopped off right before you got it in and i had one like that those count but no more if you don't like have it in your hand or like hold it up for a second it doesn't count so that pike doesn't count i have the habit of always thinking going to my right is east east west that is definitely gonna be a problem if you get lost well this weighs east because it's to my right hey we got a loon so we've got five portages today um none of them are crazy they're all pretty small we already just did one so four more and it is insanely hot and calm out there's no real wind whatsoever it's just like glass in this water so it is extra hot so i think as soon as i get to camp today i'm swimming you gonna jump in the water today yeah yeah it's it's sticky i almost want to jump in right now but i think portaging and soaking wet on these might be itchy or chafey tingly butter the sun was out just the other day i was sweating so bad i just had to say it's so damn hot sitting here outside let's get in the canoe and go for a ride and as i look to my monty it's occurred to me my boy was just like me yeah so stinky and just like me [Applause] come on there you go good boy see if we get a fish here oh geez monty monty shift oh i'm gonna take 10 10 casts probably and if i don't get a bite i'm moving on oh jeez monty you're a stinker oh sand or what is it is it a sand fly or a stable fly that's what they are or i hate them those are my least favorite fly i don't like them one bit onto your you're unruly right now nope ain't no fish in this pond let's get out of here nope if i didn't catch him there's no fish in here it's a fact hey no no no no no no no no no no no no no monday no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] just got caught in a crack that was dangerous stinky smells like poop poop [Music] [Music] so okay we are hopefully on our lake for the evening so the plan for tonight is we've got six hours of sunlight left maybe a little bit more we're gonna get to camp set up swim hang out for a while it's so hot i'm gonna probably swim multiple times uh but we're gonna do some evening fishing for these walleye and we're going for a fish fry it's just too hot and sunny right now to catch walleye i mean i'm sure you can catch them if you go deep or something but i'm gonna stick to the when i know they bite really well and that's nighttime so we're gonna go hard so let's get to a campsite huh um i don't know yeah they kind of look loony all right we just checked out the one campsite and no one's on here so we're checking out the other one got the whole place to ourselves and we're gonna let mr uh lucas over there choose whatever site he wants it's his wilderness he gets to choose okay we've got ourselves a campsite here this one looks a little familiar eh ah so we're gonna do some setting up in a minute here but uh i'm gonna do some swimming but before swimming even i'm gonna get myself a spa treatment oh yeah you'll see see in order to give yourself a spa treatment here you just take off your cracks you go step in the water okay and then and then you just wait for a minute okay [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] go get a monty go save them lifeguard mounted to the rescue oh he's coming in yeah nope oh oh it does feel good i'd say it feels warmer out here it's kind of weird it's got a hot pocket right here come here i cannot keep these shoes on my feet take care of my monty oh yeah come here monty monty hi monty hi hi come here buddy oh look at that booty look at that pit's clean yep five way to sweat oh boy you're so good but the fears are so nice let's see that was crisp die okay i'm sorry monty i'm sorry i'm sorry okay oh yes that is as good as monty what [Music] come on oh he just landed on a tree [Music] [Music] so we have been chilling for what like two three hours yeah it's all set up just relaxing uh we're about to process up some firewood here get it all set for tonight and then we'll do some night fishing we've got two hours of sunlight left yeah let's get some firewood we got a few pieces here to process up [Music] music so oh so we are just chilling [Music] uh we've got our hour 45 of sunlight left we are just enjoying a nice cup of coffee and got our wood process up for the evening and then as soon as we finish our cups of coffee we're going to get on that water and get the fishing captain tina charles down there rigging up a slip bobber i'm going to start out with slit bobber and leech i think and then troll later but we're gonna we're gonna bust out the leeches we brought them this far it's time to use them it is time to catch some walleye so you're just slip bobber in it until it gets dark yep man these are just the smallest little leeches you have your net oh you need your net don't be going for fish dinner oh oh dang it oh it's a pike i didn't want him i didn't want him dang it i just had a pike i thought it was a walleye for sure yeah we might struggle for a fish dinner tonight yeah they could be all right if i don't get one on this i'm gonna troll across and go to that channel my brother used one of these called eerie deery and he caught a 23-incher so i'm going to try them out trolling because i want to catch a 23-incher oh snagged oh yeah i forgot to mention i also i took a cast randomly at camp and i uh i felt it hit and i yanked set the hook and whatever it was was big enough to where it didn't move at all and then it snipped my line so it was a pike but it was a bigger pike it was a pike i i know what a fish bites okay don't discredit me i got something walleye it's not a monster but it's edible oh yeah we got a walleye it's not the biggest wall i've ever gotten but uh yeah we're going for fish dinner so this is about a i would say it's about a 14 inch walleye so not a monster but uh yeah i think this one's a questionable all right we actually decided we're gonna let this little guy go because he's just too small he's just a little too small [Music] it was an emergency poop and i just like i tried to dig with my foot real quick and like it was there was nothing i could do it just it was like zero to 100 so i pooped and i covered it up best i could and then i went continued moving on to find my hunting spot and do whatever and all of a sudden i turn back and monty's not with me so i start running back and i see him over where i just pooped and i ran over to it and he definitely had just eaten it and i was just like so appalled offended disgusted i was just like i i just like i couldn't believe it i was like i was like you ate my poop and there's no going back like you have eaten it it's been done okay you probably can't even see us um i don't know if you can see anything but it's getting pretty dark what we're going to do is we're going to troll those eerie deeries i'm going to probably give it one big round around the lake and if i don't catch anything uh probably go in for the night we'll just i'm just going to go all the way around and back to here along the shore and if i do catch something i probably keep trolling [Music] so [Music] so we only got the one walleye um that's not gonna feed us so uh it's spaghetti tonight he just told me how much he hates wheat noodles no they're not so bad [Music] oh i think i'm ready for the sketti we want a soupy so these oh yeah look at that schedule oh yeah okay [Music] oh [Music] look at that skinny oh yeah that's gonna burn my mouth but i don't care let's eat it oh that's hot [Music] oh man it's hot [Music] ah [Music] ah [Music] you okay over there what go ahead monty get that dirty butt in there monty yeah you just can't be like this [Music] he's a monster he's just a stinky monster look at this thing what is this thing even doing what are you doing are you swimming or something he's just he's like swimming on his bed yeah not me okay all right well i ate too much spaghetti i feel real fat and sassy i'm exhausted i'm gonna pass out so i'll catch you guys in the morning good day everybody [Music] g [Applause] foreign good morning yeah that was great thunderstorm i had some technical difficulties last night yeah i had to double knight poop do you have double night poop during the thunderstorm no right before luckily i heard you get up once yeah i got up i was sitting here rolling around and like i had to fart and i was just like quick like you fell asleep instantly so it must have been after that i was just like please no please no i don't have to poop right now like 3 30 in the morning and then i was just an emergency and i had to race over there and then i pooped and i sat there for a while and i got back here laid back down got in the tent and then all of a sudden i instantly had to go again it was terrible i remember the one time you got up it was just struggling to fall back asleep me yeah i was struggling to fall back asleep i was cause then it started thunderstorming oh yeah i i was up for quite a while and then it was thunderstorming [Music] my bad working on our night poops [Music] okay well yeah it was a beautiful thunderstorm last night but let's get up what do you see monty let me see you big time here oh it's your tanky oh jeez monty okay let's get up [Music] oh look at that puppy he's happy oh that's a happy day oh geez oh hey monty hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa monty monty you're whipping it around you're scaring me you you're a frisky little critter this morning huh huh oh watch out hunty you're gonna hurt [Music] yourself [Music] okay i think it's time to start packing up and chewing the coffee and oatmeal sequins let's go they're gone no amount of oatmeal was holding my poo together last night [Music] [Music] uh soupy [Music] that's too hot that's just right well we're just going to finish up our breakfast here finish packing get on that water to fishing portion paddling captain team trunk got skunked yesterday didn't catch a fish i'm a head in the game yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] huh [Music] [Music] go get my teeth [Music] look at that little beaver [Music] ah we are off caffentine trout's working on a poo and uh i'm going to put on probably a chartreuse slayer and try go for a fish before we get off this lake yeah the night poop that'll throw off your day just it's no good why does it even have to happen can't my body just shut down the middle of the night and not need that that that sort of thing what was the consistency like pretty soft pretty soft it wasn't like hershey's syrup like mine why was mine hershey's syrup what happened hey buddy we've got a really faded uh native american pictograph here i saw this last time i was here i don't know what that is it's some kind of symbol there is some other red up here too it looks too faded to see what it is but this is like the best looking one on this rock face the only thing i can see it's definitely some kind of symbol you can see it's kind of almost like a wing and it comes to a point something some kind of symbol on these big rock faces here's some more pictographs i'm not sure what those it's like a line or triangle and then you got something here i don't know what kind of symbol that was also something here [Music] here's a couple lines and then up here there's something i don't know what these were who knows trying to fish for all you out there looking to you know make your own youtube videos and whatnot um it's always recommended to take a shirt off when you're in the canoe because it just it looks so flattering this angle it's the best angle the way to make your body look the best is to sit hunched over in a canoe letting it all hang out this lake has got larry the lake trout in it and we gonna catch him he's never caught a larry before so hopefully he can hook into one um he's gonna use a rapala i think i'm gonna do the try swivel with the two ounce jig off the bottom try to get it deeper because the water is very warm so i'm thinking they're gonna be deep but hopefully if he catches one he puts that net over the boat because if you don't this will happen i waited all day for you larry i've waited all day for you as my first castle yeah that's what happens okay i've got a set up a two ounce jig with my three snap swivels set that down and off the back i'm going with the three quarter ounce watermelon spoon and we're gonna try trolling this for some larry snag snag i had to tell him it was on he wasn't even paying attention what are you doing over there okay now he's fighting oh there he goes geez man this dude's got some fight oh he's snagged [Music] nice little little laker that's a first that's a delicious fish right there back in the water [Music] instantly just got one on that's the same thing no way check heck yeah it wasn't even out no that's larry larry the lake show oh man are we gonna have to keep these he's barely hooked they're wet with your hand there we go nice little larry beautiful little guy let's let him go loons are going crazy over there oh i'm so glad i caught a larry if captain teeny trout would have got a lariat i wouldn't have caught one i would have never heard the end of it and we would 100 eat these fish it's just that we've got to do like five portages still and it's like 75 80 out and we've got like eight hours till eight or nine hours till we'd be eating them so they would definitely be some slimy warm fish by that time because we have nothing to keep them cool so we're just letting them go we gotta catch our fish dinners on the lakes we're staying at pretty much so so [Music] well this is fine it's like three inches deep [Applause] monty says there'll be days like this there'll be days like this my monty said monty said he said once he said there'll be days like it's lovely days like this my monty said [Music] oh monty hey so that was five portages already right i think so yeah one more little teeny for today i i hope yeah we're right in the corner of the map like two maps coming together so it's hard to say that we've been like weaving on the edge oh there we go finally a little bit of a cooler breeze now that a majority of the portaging is done do i even need these sunglasses on or this hat how's my hat hair good what if i go like yeah i get long curly locks back in the day when i worked in fast food the elderly ladies used to compliment my curls were like i love your hair [Music] oh okay we are on our lake slash lakes for the evening it's uh two big lakes connected by a little channel and there is walleye in here and probably other fish too but the walleye are the ones we want so we are going to just kind of scoot along this lake and then there's a nice drop off on the next like i'd like to check out and troll past so i think we'll make our way that way and then look for sites it is just peaceful out here this is insane dead quiet yeah finally cooled off a bit yeah it's reasonable temperature nice little breeze overcast [Music] i'll take some of this uh that might have been one of those nasty wasps dude that was probably one of those wasps because those things have no boundaries yeah and i was just instantly i was like trying to be cool and like wait for it to go away and it wouldn't and i'm like all right i just started swinging the hat like i took my hat off i just started swinging like a madman and i finally clipped it and it landed on the water on his back beside the boat and i took my paddle and just crushed it with my paddle [Music] it's looking like that big old fat rain let's just hope it don't turn into a downpour so it's we're thinking that uh we got two hours of sunlight we're gonna go search for a camp get firewood get set up uh we don't our spirits are low for fish dinner tonight we we've been talking about it we we realized we probably should have kept those lake trout we have fish release regret well well well if it isn't good old poop rock we're gonna name this rock poop rock that there's poop rock coated on both sides it looks as though we've got our campsite for the evening you know what you want to move ah it's got a pretty view tired there guess what that's what yeah that's a nice view all right so it is time to set up we've been on the water for seven and a half hours uh moving all day didn't catch any well we caught a couple little fish oh even got a little bit of firewood look at that hey i'll take it but uh yeah it's time to set up now hi my tv [Music] me [Music] i'm sorry let's see i'm sorry come here come here why did you forgive me come here come here yeah oh geez you knocked me over my teeth yeah [Music] rock i almost snuck up on him no water [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] so um i don't think you're ready for this scaredy i'll be ready for this [Music] oh hot i think i'm ready for this getty i think i'm ready for the skinny it's too warm right now i don't even want this hoodie on oh yeah you start getting that hot scary up in here you're gonna be sweating yeah look at the meat sweats whoo what's hot oh it's so good i'm doing just what you were doing minutes ago seriously after a day like today it's so hard to not just shovel it in look nope oh man all right i'm just gonna finish up my spaghetti here i had to take off my sweatshirt because i'm sweating from the hot spaghetti and then we're gonna pass out so i'll check back with you guys when i'm in the tent [Music] oh [Music] oh you're stinky [Music] yeah yes you are oh yeah oh gross oh well mr stinky here i think he's ready for bed um i am uncomfortably full right now uh we ate a bunch of snacks and i had a chocolate bar that was just completely melted and just it was a caramel chocolate it was just like just a mess and i had to eat the whole thing otherwise i would have to waste it so i'm very stuffed and i'm full and i'm tired so i'm gonna pass out so i'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody so what just get out of my tent this little ninja is it my tent [Music] oh i left the door open get out i just i just felt uh yeah i just felt something crawled on me i was like what the heck i left a little gap in the door and he just crawled in he's crawling over everything [Music] great [Music] yeah there was a mouse in my house last night it was much harder than i thought to give oh he just kept running for me i hope he didn't poop or pee in here because my mice pee and stuff there's nasty diseases you can get from that stuff so i'm gonna wipe down down my cookware that is crawl over anyways we need to catch a fish dinner today so let's get up let's do it [Music] um juggle that thing you get it no night poops last night it's time to queue up the coffee and oatmeal sequins let's do it [Music] who is you actually using this oh [Music] it's almost a catastrophe [Music] subie [Music] so just eating my oatmeal and then we're going to get on the water to paddling porridge and fishing [Music] i'd love oatmeal okay and we are off for the day got the old monkeys on because we're starting today off with a big ol portage biggest of the trip half miler nothing crazy but we're gonna be sweating oh yeah i keep stroking i'm stroking on the right he's stroking on the left he's stroking to whatever side feels best he keeps stroking you think that's a canoeing song after looking at the maps again oops that was a hot one that one is definitely warm anyways after looking at the maps again we're starting with a smaller portage not the bigger port you got two today very easy day but uh yeah smaller portage today's the day we are catching fish for dinner today and if we don't we are failures and that's we're just failures so i've got a line trolling i don't even know if we're gonna keep fish at this point because we've got two portages it's warm out we got a nice cool breeze actually but we don't catch fish dinner today i just i don't know i don't know what to think you so stinky you smell like the poop that comes out of your [Music] you smell like poo why do you sleep so bad and it always is you oh my tt monty all it took was one little portage and i'm sweating up a storm whoo captain td troll with the mass on he spin it oh now it's being too light just troll the shallows oh there we go i got one mini ah ow he's gonna oh he just double hooked himself if you're counting that as one my two counters no this is this is in my hand if i wanted to eat this fish i could could you have eaten either of yours no not even if you wanted to go like a lunker hey don't be just don't be raining on a parade 10 inch long smallie oh my gosh no way is that a fish oh i think that's a fish that's got to be a fish oh yeah that's fish oh yeah oh yeah well it's a good thing we're using all our fishing luck right now oh it snapped my line dang learn how to tie a knife what the heck is that no it snapped my line that was one of my like three rapalas dang nabot [Music] yep i feel like we're just not gonna catch anything on the next leg because we're just catching all our fish here we're not having no fish dinners this trip maybe [Music] that's fish oh bobby bass i got him once once i pull him over the boat ah that's a nice baba bass there we go nice little bobby junior let's let them go so uh oh oh that's so good oh yeah oh yeah oh oh yeah you betcha don't you know i'm waiting for somebody to come back yeah there's little strands oh my gosh i feel so good monty monty [Music] monty gotta get the old sackaroo what sackaroo yeah she's getting a little sticky down there probably hey monty polish her up a bit yeah oh i made a fatal flaw watch the crotch i haven't watched my face i did my face as soon as i got in cover in my gun i always cut my balls no junk on camera i feel good any reasonable sized fish we're keeping because we won't fish dinner tonight i hope with my shirt off i don't fry in the sun too much [Applause] okay oh that's that's a nice bass what that is boom all right look at that look at that dinner right there dinner piece number one look at that look at that look at that look at that look at that look at that look at that look at that look at that look at that look at that look at that look at that look at that look at that look at that look at that look at that look at that all right we've got dinner now we'd like one or two more we are eating fish tonight oh yeah that was a big old pike was i felt him nip it and then i felt him nail it [Music] auntie you hear that eagle going crazy yeah the eagle is that he's definitely up in that channel i can see him fine oh what do we got here little bobby little bobby jr whoa come here little puppy little baby puppy [Music] oh there's a bald eagle dude look at that bald eagle just chilling you see him right there on that tree oh dude there's two eagles there's gotta be some kind of kill oh [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] [Music] we just pooped [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] huh a wild lucas is a peculiar creature look at its hat as it stares at the bald eagle perplexed by the complexity of the ego that was pretty cool we just ate some lunch by the eagles there i think they were eating a big old pike [Music] we've got about three hours of light left we're all snacked up cooled off feeling good my lips are a little chapped and i wish i would have grabbed my chapstick but i'll survive it'll be that much more relieving when we get to camp but we're just gonna fish our way to camp i'd like i'd like one or two more fish at least one more would be nice get that fish dude you're gonna lose it oh you got it good job dude another pike snap my line this is bigger whatever it is no it's the best oh yeah yeah that boy was fighting a nice one all right captain td trout caught another one so we are feasting tonight so now we're just gonna kind of paddle around we're on a big old lake and probably gonna troll our way to a campsite he gets it all figured out there all right i've got the slip bobber in leech and while i'm waiting for captain tiny trout to figure out his life i'm gonna cast because my trollers on the other pole oh that was instant instant oh geez [Music] oh no oh geez oh oh that's a piggy oh no it's a big old bass oh that guy's a chunker look at that chunky he's not that long he might be like 17 but he's got a big old fat belly there we go we're gonna measure him and let him go look at how wide he is yeah he's fat that's probably 18 oh 17 and a half wait right there okay that sounds good to me sounds like bass of the trip so far yeah that's the biggest one [Music] oh it's there it's there it's teeny whatever it is [Music] it's so small did you see it it's a walleye hey i think we're going to eat it heck yeah oh yeah i got a nice little walleye we're adding this in we need some walleye tonight we're going to cook these up like fillets it's going to be delicious hey monty hi monty or stinky monty all right we've got our campsite for the evening right on the water got a beautiful view it's a nice drop-off for fishing so we can hook into that there 24-inch walleye tonight and i think i'm gonna set up my tent right here it's a little close to the fire but uh i think it's going to be a good spot [Music] come here come here i'm sorry monkey i'm gonna set up right here right on the water's edge here with this beautiful view right next to the fire probably get a few burn holes in my tar in my tent the rain fly that'll be a good it'll be good for it oh yeah what is that monty that's a good spot [Music] yes [Music] so [Music] so [Music] well that was sweet i was just going to get some water and i saw a big swirl in the water and i just moved whoa dude all these minnows are jumping out of the water out there yeah i just moved his fish and i went over there to get a thing of water for the filter and uh i just saw a big swirl in the water and there's a big old snapper that was sweet he was definitely trying to uh go for the fish because there was the scent in the water from being there and uh i can guarantee you we have to keep an eye on our fish because he'll be back he has not gone too far and i've had a snapper steal my fish before something else has got perch i don't have my waterproof case on but the snapper decided he wanted the perch and you're gonna get it buddy i just uh oh he's got a big old leech on his back look at that that's a big leech you enjoy buddy have a good day no no no no no no okay okay what is it it's a pike monty monster stuff [Applause] oh what is this [Laughter] uh [Laughter] wow so yeah it's a pretty late isn't it wow you've had those huh you had those no let me see this mango sticky rice a sweet thai delight with mango coconut black sesame seeds makes fantastic breakfast or dessert or side for a fish fry um yeah take take these big ones right here stand them on their ends and put the candles on there and then we can even put it over by us you want like wherever you want it oh yeah ooh one on each side that's nice having a ritual here we are going to be soon oh yeah it's not very very good but this well going that one's oh jeez jeez he scared me that's what i'm saying he startled me a couple times yeah here mouse hey little turd yeah he's got two of these backpackers pantries mango sticky rice he's gonna give me one that's gonna be our side for the fish so yeah this sticky rice here we're having a fish fry tonight so yeah sticky rice mango sticky rice it sounds a little better than mashed potatoes so i'm gonna batter up the fish and let's get cooking we've got our batter i'll do some of that there okay let's just oh yeah okay i always mention this every time i fillet fish you always want to keep one hand dry that goes in the dry batter and one that touches the wet fish and you never mix them otherwise your batter gets gooey in your waste so we just had a big old fat stubby tailed mouse actually steal a piece of fish off our uh cutting board and run off with it didn't think mice stole fish like that but apparently they do monty is going on here i i hope that doesn't make him puke i tried to be that's very fair that's more than he needs i'm just going to give him less dog food he's got to be careful because we don't want last time monty got a little spit test oh yeah looks good oh yeah all right let's get this fishing flip you think it's ready [Music] we're like just scared of this mouse he's trying to steal everything we've got it's the most aggressive mouse i've ever seen i'm totally ready to burn my mouth with some fish here it's so hot i do wish i had a little lemon juice yeah but it's so hot [Music] okay go ahead go ahead monty get it monty three more pieces to cook after these hmm it's way better like it's a little bit crispier yeah this is way better is this stuff not magma yet there's nothing happening oh wow still very hot holy crap hopefully that didn't do them in hopefully i don't have to wake up and clean up puke but yeah we're just finishing up here i'm gonna eat my rice as soon as it's cooled off enough and uh i will check back with you guys when we're getting ready for bed come here big guy don't be shy come here god there you go [Music] oh don't do that oh stop it you're stinky well anyways that was a delicious dinner um it was uh i thought we were gonna get a lot more full than we did but it was still delicious and i ate a ton and uh yeah we're just crawling and getting ready for bed i'm gonna pass out and do some more fishing tomorrow so i guess i'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody huh good morning i slept pretty dang good last night oh yes i did and the belly full of fish and mango sticky rice and then some chocolate and this big hot stink next to me today is the last full day of the trip it's been a pretty day good job so far we just need to catch some fish and make it all feel complete i don't know if we'll eat any fish but we'll see we'll see we get there but it seems a little windy out there it's a rain lesson okay monty okay see ya oh yeah it's a nice beautiful warden supposed to rain today that's what it said like before we left on our trip so we'll see but anyways let's get up let's do it hi monty come here [Music] oh it's just a beautiful morning little chilly perfect little cloudy little monty t let's make some breakfast chew that coffee and oatmeal secrets [Music] [Music] zooby oh [Music] um drinking my morning oats here oh [Music] okay so just doing the morning ritual here of uh casually packing up from eating breakfast and uh throwing the stick for monty [Music] so today we've got oh let's see tomorrow is the day we leave we have to do five portages in the morning tomorrow and then i have to uh because of where we parked our car in the loop we made i have to walk four miles back to the car as soon as we're done and then we gotta drive eight hours home so i'm just gonna finish up my oatmeal finish packing then we're gonna get on the water to paddling portage and fishing [Music] okay we are off so i'm looking at my little map holder here if you can see that it's falling apart because it's cheap so i'm up to get a new one of these it's uh yeah it's it's just glued together it's just kind of crappy so captain tina trout over there has got one that's it's kind of got like a little pack attached to it that sits there and it's sewed on i'll probably give that one a shot because yeah this one is like brand new i've only used it a handful of times it's already falling apart and that's just a waste that's no good i am going to set up a line and just do a little trolling might as well because if there's water there's fish and if there's fish you'll catch them you copying me i can't troll just because i'm trolling got the cat happy copy kept copy kept i made it funny i don't know if you can notice it but off in the distance right there is the burn there's definitely some burn over there we've been able to see it from our campsite it's kind of cool oh yeah i'll give you my boat with monty we should trade it for a little bit today like i've caught bigger pike that did not feel big until they get close to you and see you and then all of a sudden they're just pissed yeah i got a monster for the day ain't no getting skunked today boy yeah yeah yeah did you lose him you're getting skunked right now huh we are now entering the land of the bird it is a foreign looking desolate land fires rage through the forest making animals and humans flee alike no that seems like a nice chunker oh it seems like a nice bobby oh monty oh geez he's spitting up a fight oh oh come on he sees my net oh monty not right now buddy oh my gosh i hope so oh i got him oh that's a chunker oh look at that big old bobby holy crap he's heavy oh yeah huh let's find out oh wow that's a fatty whoops close to 20. close to 20 19 and a half yeah oh wait let's see if we can that's 20. nice that's 20 incher oh that's a big old pig of a bash right there all right let's let this big boy go [Music] i think it's been a minute since i caught a 20-inch bass that was twenty no i pinched a tail it was 20. it was 20. i saw it i'm not i'm not lying it's on camera pinch the tail tail right there right there that's 20. nice that's 20 incher it was 20. don't you even take that away so man today is just like a perfect day right now just cloudy like the perfect temperature like oh it's a good one because i'm just like you can see i've got slight goosebumps when the wind kicks up it's like it's it's got to be upper 60s today and it's just overcast it's perfect out the fishing seems to be good and i'm thinking there's a good chance for a moose today out of any day of the trip so far because it's been hot muggy sunny today is like low on the humidity nice and cool so the moose might be up moving around must be moosin only thing that would be uh more beautiful is if i could pull in a 22 inch walleye i don't mind catching bass if i can get another 20 inch bass i don't care what this guy says that was 20 inches it was every bit of 20 inches every bit nothing small nothing it did look good it looked like you got him oh my stomach is just going nice [Music] oh did you step that bird just took a [Applause] poop look at all these downed trees though beautiful beautiful down trees i don't know i'll cast where you did just in case there's a fish i'll catch him you know so snagged it's been so long i forget what it feels like to catch a fish [Music] i went dang it he did like a double bite too and it was like yeah i was like oh dang it class five rapids we were gonna try to skip this porridge here going down this little stream in these little rapids but uh i think we all know what happens when we try to skip small portages for the sake of laziness watch my fish [Applause] hello bass number 215 got a nice little bobby let's let this guy go once he settles down oh or he's just gonna do that montelia you're breaking my heart monty tttt you so stinky it's just so darn peaceful in this here wilderness you know i mean yeah it's just so dang peaceful i just can't get over it oh there's a rock it looks like a nice spot for a fish he could have swam oh hey it's one of those big white wasps turn on your camera get out of here your fart smelling poop again oh this this i know exactly what you're talking about now i'm gonna hit you with my hat you're about to get it you're going to get it you just won't stop it's a stupid wasp oh he's going for my camera oh get out of my face you get out of my face right now i'm gonna get you all right dude dude get get where the heck monty do not bite this one okay what is going on here driving me nuts he's on my boat oh oh monty no stupid thing monty do not bite this one monty don't bite him no monty no monty dude i'm coming over to you oh i hit him but i didn't get him into the water i don't hear him anymore stupid thing he had to battle a bug like that a couple days ago it was just in his face he was swinging at it and he he hit it to the water and executed it monty once he started once he started getting your monty and my if monty would have bit that that would have not been fun that's when i knew you had to go just look at how beautiful and calm this wilderness is right now i think i don't know oh i think uh yeah you definitely i saw something about you picking up a snapper you definitely told me about it i don't know if i saw it oh little bobby junior oh no not in the boat not the boat no no ah fish on baby oh it's a pike oh no it's got my line in his mouth oh i don't want to lose it okay looks like we're re-tying this line oh you turd okay [Music] this feels like a decent fish oh i don't know yet it's pulling good whatever it is it's bigger than normal i don't know i don't have any clue on its size yet other than it's it's pulling pretty good it could be foul hooked i don't know it feels like it's down there oh it's down there okay drag said good it's a pike and it's not oh it's a walleye wait is that a walleye oh yeah it's a nice walleye oh oh yes whoa oh that's a good size walleye ah 19 and a half still a nice 19 and a half yeah well we said earlier we're having no more fish fries unless we caught a walleye and that's a beautiful walleye right there so uh i think we're gonna have some more fish tonight yeah i'm gonna monti seems like he's a little warm so i'm gonna let him get out here and swim for a minute and then i'm gonna troll a couple more passes where i just caught that one alright monty go ahead go ahead go ahead okay now let's cool you off come on come hunty come on good boy yeah didn't that feel nice oh i think he wanted to swim there's not a single gripe from him it's a good boy much watch out for that log good boy monty does it feel nice [Music] all right shake one more time shake my teeth god boy all right you want to come in let's go come on t let's go come on come on come on let's go monty come on and you go come on come on come on go ahead good boy okay self-serving monty swimming i didn't even have to get out of my boat what do you think of the loons monty so it's not a bad bike though 28 28 incher not too bad [Music] nice got another one please be a walleye at the same pike so captain t trout's got something on near these loons [Music] this is another pike i'm going to lose it it's going to be a pike i already know it what he got his first walter oh yeah she's a beaut that's a that's an eye right there that's a good walter oh we're gonna eat it nice you go it looks bigger now you want to slap this on your stringer or what nope you're going to make me carry it yeah oh man it's strange i did not think in the uh it's just late afternoon that we'd be catching walleyes right when the sun pierces out on a calm day huh but there's these minnows surfacing but we've got a ways to paddle still so we could i would like to stay here and keep fishing but if we do stay here tonight we are going to be in for a very long day tomorrow super long day so we can't do that we got to keep moving but yeah we've got we've still got three portages to do they're not very big but we've got a paddle for quite some miles and we've got three hours and 45 minutes of daylight left so we better get scooting all i keep thinking when i'm seeing all these dead standing trees is just look at that delicious firewood chop it up and split it oh it splits some mess burn it could be a snack sn snag is it really itty bitty walleye [Music] that's not bad i think oh i think we got something on here if it's a walleye though i don't know if i want to take it that far i think it's a little walleye oh but it's hard to not you know what i mean oh he looks tiny he's he's skating just like yours yeah he's small small little walleye yep this guy's too small looks like you might have another one eh don't talk like that that's another walleye is it yeah captain tini trout's got another edible walleye we're having a good old-fashioned fish fry tonight oh yeah oh yeah that's good enough good job there no it's not even we've got three like three and a half hours of light left it's not even close to dark and these these walleye are just going crazy just goes to show you if there's water there's fish and if there's fish you'll catch them oh it's a teeny teeny little portage okay we just gotta do this oh yeah well that was an easy little cartridge it doesn't even count to move 10 feet i think the next one's gonna be a little bit bigger and it's right up ahead starting to look like thunderstorms are a real possibility which would be welcomed but i would prefer to be at camp first and we've got a ways to go okay the portaging for the day is done now we've got to paddle across three different lakes um there i'll show the map later if i remember but uh they're they're connected through waterways we don't have the porridge between them hopefully i don't know about these clouds rolling in here [Applause] i'm thinking that maybe we should pull out the rain gear we've got our i've got we've got our rain pants on just in case and we've got our jackets under our seats i've got monty's poncho to the ready because it did look a little ominous but it's not looking so bad now i think it's going slightly that way but we are just about done with the first lake then we've got a paddle across one more lake and then we're finding a campsite on the lake after that so continuing on we've got an hour and 15 minutes of sunlight left maybe wait how long did you say hour and a half we have an hour and a half of sunlight um um i sure hope we find a campsite soon what a gorgeous sunset so we're we're coming up on a campsite here and uh well the sun's already set as you can see so we're hoping it's open and uh yeah we're just gonna if it is we're gonna be happy we've been on the water for quite a while today over nine hours of paddling and poor jen i think it's like nine and a half 10. that's a long day hey hey you did it who would have thought that we would be here right now you know oh we even got some firewood oh would you just that's just beautiful what a nice little treat okay so we are going to set up quick i'm probably not gonna record any of it um i don't know if we're gonna cook the fish over the fire i think we might just use our jet boils but yeah we're gonna need it set up quick and uh get to eating um for whatever reason the mosquitoes have been out like crazy tonight and they haven't been out at all like the entire rest of the trip they just decided to come out and it's even like breezy and cool here but uh we're just filtering water i got some pieces of firewood i'm processing up uh we're all set up so i'm just gonna zip together some firewood drink a whole bunch of water fillet to fish and then uh we're gonna get to chilling sparking up the fire and cooking a big old walter fish fry cause we's hungry he's real hungry i'm damn near hungry [Music] okay so what we're doing to give this batter a little extra flavor so i'm taking the rest of the montreal we're dumping it in there we've got our beautiful waltzer here monty's got some somewhere you want me to just yeah just sprinkle it lightly on each piece keep sprinkling me [Music] [Music] all right we've got water for mashed potatoes going we got monty's cooking we've got the oil heating up oh it's happening things are happening oh feels ready oh i think it's ready [Music] judging by your reaction [Music] boiling [Music] i might have made my little too soupy oh no i made my way too oh soupy what did i do hi [Applause] why oh whole degrees touch my finger i already gave him some food earlier so you really can't have too much right now because it was he's pretty hungry so he already ate some food we gotta be careful and he needs his fish slurry his little pumpkin monty you just asked permission you're such a good boy okay go ahead go ahead monty get it how are those taters delicious mm-hmm these look like they're gonna burn my mouth um [Music] oh hmm [Music] oh i smashed all my mashed potatoes one more batch of fresh stuff we're both pretty full um this guy's begging but i don't have to feel guilty at all you want to know why because i'm smart thought of a new thing so we gave him food when we got to camp because he was real hungry so i gave him some food then i made him his delicious fish dinner and gave him you know more food and just in case that wasn't enough i put some dry kibble in a bowl and he could eat as much as he wanted he hasn't touched it it's not good enough so that means he's totally fine he's just holding out for better things and monty i'm not giving you greasy fish because we won't know what happens last time you got fish fry fish you puked in the tent and it was terrible it was raining so yeah we're just gonna finish this up we're both pretty pooped little batch here of fish and then yeah we're gonna get in the tent and get ready for bed so i'll check back into you guys we're getting into that and get ready [Music] [Music] you wanna go bad monty [Music] oh get out of here there you go i was laying all over my stuff dude yeah you like that huh you didn't really move much in there he just let me roll around like a little potato or tater tot just flipping to one side and cook the other all right monty pretty it's just a teddy bear anyways that was some delicious food very long day i'm pooped uh we had to get up early and yeah like i've said a million times very long day tomorrow so i'm gonna pass out and i'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody as you can hear if you can hear it the wind is howling around like crazy it's super windy by far the windiest day yeah so yeah it's super early no coffee no meal but we're gonna get moving and get packing up quick here because we got five portages a bunch of palin and stuff and yeah we're just getting up for the sunrise [Music] anyways so let's get up buddy do it let's do it every time it seems we're going home we got mr captain teeny trout here the winds just pick up turn to 40 mile an hour winds [Music] [Music] yes okay so i'm just going to finish throwing my crap in my bag here getting all packed up and we're going to get on that water to paddle it and portion what are you doing no fishing today do it come on let's do it pal come on pick you up okay did we this is actually the chilliest day today i don't really think i've needed to wear my sweatshirt so far yet i don't even have it zipped up because i was so uh warm moving around but we like i said yesterday we got five portages today they're about an eighth of a mile each some of them are back to back we got a paddle just a little ways on this lake and then across one more lake i'm hoping there's not too much open uh there's not too much open lake because of how windy it is even smaller lakes are gonna be breezy right now it's just the winds have just been crazy we got blues flies nice little cotton ball clouds floating up there i'll probably get warm after we do a porridge or so but right now i'm like perfect but anyways we've got our eye on a prize of greasy cheesy goodness and uh yeah oh yeah and i got that four mile hike at the end maybe i can hitch a ride if i'm lucky but i'll probably end up having to walk it whoo one down 42 come on stinky monty let's go oh i'm thinking it looks a little breezy out there huh a little bit oh boy yeah rachel's house he just shook his head at me oh [Applause] i wonder if i can catch a fish real quick before he gets here we're about halfway oh there's a nice rock right in front oh there was one on dang it this guy over here thinks it's time for fishing we got we got bacon cheeseburgers to eat what are you doing i would never cast on the day going home we've got three portages down two to go for the trip [Music] it's here four down one more portage to go i'm going to pick you up there yeah where's the ball i just all right and that as they say is that so we've just got a little bit more paddling to do not very far at all i think i can almost see where the boat launches um i've got a four mile hike or walk whatever you want to say it's flat ground back to the car and then that's it so we had a great trip got some pretty cool wildlife experiences uh didn't get to see a moose captain team charles was pretty sad about that but we need to see a moose he'll he'll keep coming back he'll get it one of these days we caught lots of fish i got the biggest walleye in the biggest smallmouth he got the biggest pike and the biggest lake trout so we got two and two pretty dang even i'd say we caught lots of fish but uh yeah ate deliciously it was a great trip so i think that is going to wrap this one up ladies and gentlemen so as always if you like the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit that subscribe button and i will catch you guys at the next video [Music] do you think that's the way i look or where i smell get that drool tea are you drooling minty why is that do you uh do you want bacon cheeseburger hand fed big buddy oh there we go yeah okay yeah oh there's a good puppy right there oh yeah okay all right oh just a mess okay that's a good boy all right all right we're gonna get the rest okay all right that's a good boy monty [Music] [Music] um [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] monty you're so poofy i think you're all done good boy there's a good boy you're all right now monty just a good boy yeah you're super you're still filthy ah you're so fluffy now [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 256,784
Rating: 4.889246 out of 5
Keywords: camping, wilderness, wilderness area, camp, how to camp, adventure, adventurer, bushcraft, bushcrafter, bushcrafting, campfire cooking, cooking, campfire, fire, fire skills, fishing, canoe, canoeing, bwca, canoe camping, fall camping, fall, dog, dog training, camping dog, boundary waters, nikon d5500, canada, backpacking, survival, survival skills, gopro, going camping, wilderness adventure, winter camping, paddling, canoe paddle, canoe trip, outdoors, forest, funny, hilarious, silly, gourmet cooking
Id: WxiqVu4HvyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 16sec (11836 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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