Backcountry Catch and Cook Camping

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello ladies and gentlemen Monty and I are back in the woods fighting off more deer flies oh they're they're relentless they're they're really more annoying than anything they just fly into your hair and it's just it's just annoying they'll bite you occasionally you let them get on your arms and stuff but they just think it'll love your hair anyways we've got we got out a little late today but you know that'll happen well we've got one mission tonight and that is to catch a fish and eat it for dinner we are doing a catch and cook and if I don't catch and eat a fish catch a fish or a couple I'm gonna have to eat a crappy little backpackers meal I don't want to do that I've got I've got big plans tonight big plans to catch a big fish and have a big old delicious gourmet meal I'm not gonna spoil what its gonna be actually I probably I might have already inserted a clip in the beginning if I did make it there but I won't spoil it anyways got Monty with me brush and all fluffy as can be but we're returning to a spot that I was actually went camping at last where I did the 4th of July you'll recognise Anna Fisher before so we're not looking to do crazy amounts of foraging and you know get super far in there but we should be secluded hopefully there'll be no one else here but like I said I got out late today I've only got one night to go camping so we're gonna return here I know there's good fishing a little bit rainy today weather was all over the board today but I'm kind of I'm kind of moving quick here because yeah I don't have a ton of time I'll have maybe three hours to fish three and a half hours of fish I think I'm gonna set up camp later I want to just get deficient cure my dinner you know you know but this is where we're heading that Lake where I did epic spring bass pike fishing I'll link it up here somewhere I've been liking to do that been linking stuff for you guys lately but anyways I'll link that and I don't think the fishing is going to be as good because that was like ideal conditions best time of year but you never know you never really know so far the water levels up again like it was when I came here last which is great that means I've only got one to big beaver dance to go over my shallow let's get it in there hey this looks familiar I think I've been here before a time or two [Music] I wasn't really expecting it to be this muggy I don't know why but it is so sticky right now it's not as hot as it's been but it is sticky very sticky my shirts sticking to my undies my pants Monte's probably warm he's more excited than anything May he was going nuts in the house today as soon as he sees me grab that dry bag he knows he knows that were bound for adventure and he starts just following me everywhere like a little like a little follows very close another thing is I'm like I said as I said before I was in a rush today and you know when you're rushing to get out here forget a couple things one thing I forgot was a fuel for my stove I realized that when I was like 20 minutes away from home I was like but luckily if you have an alcohol burning stove like I do there's a emergency then you can grab at a gas station and that is yep heat it'll work in a pinch it does leave sit on the bottom of your stove but the reason I need that today is because it does look like you could just storm at any moment and there is on the radar there was some weather coming this way so if that happens I'm gonna have to use my stove to cook up my fish and another thing that I forgot is my big old tarp yeah what a dingus eh oh it's just I just whip in the bag together we got out the door as fast I could but you know that's how she goes it's not like I'm gonna be without anything important you know I'll be able to make fire cook stuff up got knives shelter sleeping stuff want another thing I forgot since we're on the topic is I forgot Monty's sleeping pad so I'm sure it's at some point during the night that little critter this little critter here that things will be creeping onto my skating bag being all untitled and I know he's infected with sleeping pad entitlement but speed ski as we'll call it and I need to be bringing him a sleeping pad you know I'm gonna try to wean him off it I think but but now I should be bringing one because he's gonna just get on mine and then I'm not gonna be able to sleep very well oh well we should another little beaver Dom okay we're on the lake that we're staying it if there's no one on the campsite the one campsite first we need to take the cast here see if today is gonna be a great day of fishing or just subpar no you know a lot can be defined in your first couple casts this is like this is like the go front ground hogs day you know we get a bite we know it's gonna be awesome [Music] not looking good so far it's gonna be a tough day of fishing it's gonna be a tough day oh we're in for some trouble Monte alright no bites alright that means we have to work extra hard and now that means I'm gonna set up really quick so let's go see that campsite see if we're we're staying here tonight okay Oh bugs are following us the spot is open it's a nice little spot and what I'm gonna do is quickly set up the tent here right here this is a great spot someone left a little paracord that's all right and then we are gonna get on this Lake catching some fish no I'm hoping for some pan fish but I will take bobby bass to get out of here deer flies what do you think Monty all right let's set up and go fishing okay dump it all out you know dump it it's kind of fun just dumping it no compartments one big compartment so I'm excited tonight before I came out today I did a little unboxing so let's show you that what's in the box what's in the box so package from CRD Reaper oh we got some Walmart bags watch our Monty but you don't want those those aren't what you think they're all right he told me he's gonna send me this it's a mosquito repellent thermos sell portal thingy in the holster where you try this out what that was is a a thermos sell mosquito repellent device thing that was sent to me by CRD Reaper so thank you for that and we're gonna try that out tonight the mosquitoes are eating me up right now and that thing is supposed to keep away mosquitoes and black flies for like up to a 15 foot radius Mattie what are you doing in my vault huh anyways so I'm gonna test that out tonight I'm just not going to use it right now because I kind of want to see how bad the mosquitoes are before I turn it on and I can assure you they're pretty bad right now they are getting me and that's because it's been raining hard for the past like two days and it's raining a little bit today so the mosquitoes are rough right now so I don't know how long it lasts either I looked at the box that said like up to 12 hours I always things like that like repellents and stuff I always take their times with a grain of salt so we'll see but I'm definitely gonna want that I didn't bring any deep tonight so I hope it doesn't fail me and I'm gonna need to be outside for most of the cooking so if it doesn't work at all you're gonna notice me having a rough time playing up fish and cooking and if it's working great comments I'm gonna just be happy as can be you know life's great everybody's happy whoo hoo hoo hoo what are you doing Monty what are you doing huh he's just trudging around in the water right now like dude that isn't good to go swimming you're with the neck dude come on no no this nod make me swim pool the pool not right now Monty yeah it's a little muggy today so he would take forever to dry out so we're gonna avoid the water a little bit for that guy unless he really wants to swim then he he can do that if he goes in the water he's got the free will to do that oh yeah there we go alright perfect setup that's how it looks supposed to look there we go ah dear flies mosquitoes they're all getting me sometimes I just I wonder how it looks to Monty you know I'm talking to you guys you guys know I'm talking to you talking to the camera talking to the internet in YouTube but I wonder if Monty thinks that I'm talking to him the whole time because he doesn't see anybody else out here so maybe in his mind I'm just talking to him all day just he doesn't understand me and he just like dad you know I don't understand you but you can keep talking then sometimes it's like he thinks maybe at night when I'm talking to the tent then I'm reading him lullabies and he just falls asleep you like dad you're just so great you read me lullabies every night hey you know I like to I like to think stuff like it's like that you know I love when the ground is soft your stakes just go right in oh that's something that anybody any of you guys have gone to the Boundary Waters you and I'm talking about whole damn things a rock half the time the campsites are literally on a rock and you can't get your stakes in good place to have times where they just go right in it's a little bit sticky as I was saying I'm definitely get a little clammy Jaime in the pants so I think I'm gonna be free balling it before I get back on the water I'm gonna be free right Monty just like you just like you free balling it rebound halo well get that the vents already set up come on till you get in the messy but what did you eat think Monty ate something gross at some point because he's pooped a bunch he's got a little messy but he's got a messy little button I never like when my Monte's got a messy button it's never a good thing it means I gotta clean it dang it Monty I want to clean your butt right now but I don't want poop in my boat either so you know we're we're gonna wear it a spot you know where something's gotta be done about that booty okay all set up throw this crap in the tent here and get on that whatta let the fishing begin I left my sunglasses at the car surprise Dan early thing was in a turn sunny for some reason but funk said to me oh you never know if the sun's just gonna poco so I grabbed them and then I left him in the truck hey Monty oh no not a good cast so I'm gonna need to relax here for a minute let the yeah let the sweat cool down I've just been moving I'm sweating oh it's definitely sunny blue skies great not saying it's a bad thing but I forgot my sunglasses so yeah so that some people ask me what my rig is and I've mentioned it before but my go-to lure is this little guy right here an 8-ounce white jig head with a three inch white grub mr. twister single twister tail ten pound test oh I brought Montes food in the boat he's eating it ten pound test and what is this a Fuger supreme that if I you know it was gonna be an apocalypse and I had to choose one lure as long as I had a bunch of omen I would choose this little twister tail every time I catch everything on it it's my favorite lure by far which is most the time I'd say 90% of the time I'm using this unless I'm trolling I don't generally troll on it see with when I came early spring there we go this feels like a pike doesn't feel like a bass we're going for bass it's stuck on the weeds oh that's a big bass oh that's a nice monster bass oh that's a beggin oh that's a big bass [Music] there we go that is gonna be some dinner right there I think we're gonna keep this guy it's the only if I catch a few pan fish maybe I'll keep those two but we're only gonna really just one fish tonight for me and Monte and this is definitely a nice healthy bass and it's gonna be delicious well so we've got that out of the way now we can just relax and have fun oh just kidding the whole thing is all relaxing having fun all right so first things first get this guy on the stringer look at that thing that's a nice bass that's a good-sized bass I won't say 18 19 inches okey-dokey that fish is on the stringer and we're gonna just can continue to fish have some good old-fashioned fish and fun now and I can I think I might make dinner in the daylight tonight you know now I don't have to fish right till dark and maybe some of you think at all you need to keep in the first one well I've had fish release regret as any fisherman has ever had where if I let this guy go there's a chance high/low whatever chance but I don't have a single another bite and don't catch anything so no way am I gonna let that beautiful bass go when I am targeting bass and I'm targeting a fish dinner and I now I can just relax elicit somehow a big old fast snaps that straighter we're being good that's enough food for me in Monty now to be really nice to catch a couple jumbo bluegills because what I'm having for dinner tonight is does I got my fish I can reveal it but I am making gourmet fish sandwiches hmm I talked about on that one fishing video or making them tonight and they are gonna be good I didn't bring on a cooler anything so I got a few things that are just sitting out in the heat but they should be fine but uh we're gonna have we got some ciabatta buns I've got an avocado lemon cabbage brought a couple pickles and mayo so we're like kind of make a homemade tartar oh that's gonna be so good it's gonna be so good today and I'm already hungry so now that I've got that I don't even know if I'm gonna eat any of my snacks or anything probably just wait the cravings shall be strong it is nice having this breeze though the UH the deer flies aren't getting me they're not getting Monty either he's not jumping around in the back of the boat yet I'm sure once we get out of the breeze he will be he's a little stinker yeah I would I already had fish release regret if I let that thing go because I haven't got another bite I want to catch more fish come on just for fun unless you're a bluegill and then you're more dinner oh yeah but by the way for the fish sandwiches I brought out some oil we're gonna fry them up it's gonna be so good oh man have my first fish fry out in the woods in a while first one of the season I tell you is my first fish fry of the summer but that would not be true [Music] there's some pan fish I might want to put on a teeny little jig for the pan fish let's do that I'm gonna put on a teeny little jig I try to cast shallow here I got a second pole set up here so it's pretty much the same lure you can buy these little things pre-made at Walmart this is like a 1/32 of an ounce basically just cast it let it sink and they usually bite it little pan fish oh it's mini perch ya know uh you just let it sink especially if you're near the lily pads on a drop off and before it hits the bottom they'll I'll scoop it up so how you say that though 130 tooth 130 seconds no an ounce 130 tooth of an ounce that's something doesn't sound right there's gills and the shallows they're going for bugs that's a good sign your words don't sound right sometimes like that 132nd it's gotta be 132 no it just doesn't sound right doesn't sound right at all sometimes the word color gets me color when I look at it how it's spelled like color it just doesn't look right color I don't know why a little bit uh Jasper Monty I've never had a hook land on you before bite of a gill I don't even think that hook could penetrate Monty's fur do you think can you taste the fish oh there's a bite come on this get me small they can't swallow this thing they're not worth keeping nope nope nope nope and here they gilze bite nipping at the top of the water [Music] so on one of my past videos you know some of my spots I don't say where I go and the reason for that is I don't want the world to know where I'm at because it might be my little secret spot and someone had said they knew where I was at but they didn't say which I really appreciate that if you ever know where I'm at and I'm not saying on purpose please don't tell just keep it to yourself you know I like everyone's got to have little secrets you know your secret little spots where the world doesn't know about it's just not like super popular spot because then you can go out on a Friday night and not even have to travel very far and you get an entire lake to yourself in 2018 can you believe that so that's why I don't like to say where I met because there is no one here there's no one around and it's Friday in the middle of summer the peak of the season when there's usually just swarms of people camping everywhere I have a lake all to myself and that's awesome you know it's not gonna stay that way forever but for now I'm gonna embrace it so like I said if you ever you know where I met keep it to yourself and enjoy it just as I do now places like the Boundary Waters where millions of people visit every year like that's that's no big secret but it's nice to have little spots I wonder how much I don't know how much fish I should give Monty shaking barely any a whole filet no no no no no that's no no I'm frying fish tonight a unique thing happens when you fry up fish in oil with a delicious batter and I it's like a limitless pit in my stomach it's just like I I can heat infinite amounts of it I don't know what it is about delicious fried fish to a perfect golden and crisp that enables me to eat so much but it happens you know fish is fried open it's cooked up with lemon it's nice and juicy I can eat and I can enjoy it but ah I can't eat near as much as I can when it's fried sometimes I talk so good I speak real good I got real good speaking skills real good English it's real good [Music] there's times when me and funk will be watching my video and like we're just cracking up at the way I talk oh I say some just choice things sometimes Oh son is it there it's right there it's right there the Sun is bright there I know mati I know Monte you just want to go cool my bath scare the poop out of me Bobby calm down Bobby where I'm gonna put you to your room [Music] Bobby Bobby bass I don't know if we should name each of our pan fish like a perch gets a different name than a bluegill or we can just lump them all up as panties give him a name yeah I need it I need to give them a name Pepe Pepe the panty I kind of like that Pepe the perch Brad the bluegill Brad oh man oh now it's getting hot oh oh and the sky is getting really blue and pretty I don't have sunglasses what a good job and there's no wind it's about to get really beautiful and I'm not prepared oh I wish it was colder you're gonna hear me saying that every time I go psycho summer camping I wish it was colder we're not having much luck here this sure just had to come off it just got too hot too fast got way too hot oh it's just so bright why did I leave my sunglasses why is funk right once again why she's not gonna let me live it down nope come on fish come on I know you're in here where yeah where yeah all right there's got to be some gills in here how there's one some panties some Peppe perch some Bradley blue yo it doesn't really roll off the tongue very well for ad the blue yo Brad not like Bobby bass maybe in Billy Brad Brad the bluegill no it just doesn't it doesn't flow very well Pepe the perch flows pretty good Becky the bluegill we don't have any female names they're all male names what's up with that there's blue feel all over they must just not want this Little J I keep scaring them too normally they eat this thing up so I don't know what's going on maybe they don't like how slow it's moving they like the speed of the heavier jigs have to reel it in faster I don't know I don't at all don't they keep fishing for bass I'm not gonna sit here and dink around cast that little light thing and I can eat bites this fall is gonna be so interesting I've got so much that I want to do this fall I don't know how I'm gonna do it all I've got like I want to do like a nice big fat 10-day solo trip I want to do a nice fall trip with funk you know I was thinking about maybe even trying to go to our Royal and I want to build a bunch of bushcraft shelters and yeah it's gonna be I'm gonna be a busybody once September hits middle of September until the end of November and I want to go hunting that's the other thing I like to I like to get at least one deer per year hopefully Fung can get one too but you know with what all bad I'll have a pretty full plate but above all else I want to do some fall bushcraft ooh and I want to do a nice trip of funk and a solo trip and all the other things I said I want to do them all so what's what's done is done I'm gonna find a way there's not one thing that I want to not do less than the other I wanna cook good food it's also beautiful on top of there being no bugs and colder temperatures it's just so beautiful I mean the summer is green and lush and that's beautiful too but like I had though the leaves start to change I just gorgeous it's beautiful all right now it sounds perfectly behind the clouds this is great I like it a lot better when the sun's behind the clouds like this I was I was heating up right there for a minute one that one of the sun's behind the clouds like that and there's that slight breeze it's perfect out it's like it's not cold it's not blistering hot I'm not going blind Montee stops panting it's just nice and the bugs are getting us [Music] knock on wood knock on wood to that I find this lack of fish disturbing all right so we've been fishing for an hour and the only fish we've caught that we've got on the hook is the first one that's just great I think I think I'm gonna be proving myself right on the fish release regret thing is was what we're going for today possibly not gonna catch another fish I had to say something I just had to say something that's why we're not gonna catch fish but the reason we caught the one is because we brought the Monty I know it's what you guys are thinking Monty's here so you're at least he used his power oh we got something chasing dang it uses power on the one bass and now it's it's up to me to do the rest we had we had something moving the waterfall in it but in bite on oh we're getting nibbles we're getting nibbles come on Monty right here and view this got a pet your Monty had him on the butt maybe I catch a fish I should have brought my ultralite too oh that that was a bass that was a bass right there that nail beds it's funny Monty right now the the the bugs are buzzing around him and he's not snapping at her like crazy he's looking at him maybe he's just not mad at them today he was mad at I'm on my fourth of July video he was so mad at that he's just relaxing right now he's probably just an ordinary cranky oh no here he goes dang it I just had to speak of it too soon i jinxed myself those cool that he hates of oh I was thinking he was hungry and he wasn't he didn't want to eat on shore line so they find you're going on the boat and I'll just throw your food in there and then he's heard munching on it surprise surprise come on - you surprise us all the time his first time doing that I'm proud of the boy right [Music] that was a good cast while I want a fish now do it do it fight it do it you know if there's a little fish there's big fish and if there's fish you'll catch him super shallow she'll take it I saw him take it oh that's real feisty I saw him grab that Asuza hey he's feisty it's a bass feisty bass oh no how well he's hooked but he's been ripping around in these weeds let's see here [Music] monstrous but nothing not small either he's kind of fat he's a fatty oh you just got disconnected yeah it's a healthy bass for its size good-sized bass all right so what do you think about this moti what the bass Monty all right let's let them go now I know I could totally keep that and uh probably devour later but I'm only keeping one bass generally one nice bass per person is how I roll that's why I kind of like a couple of gills I don't mind keeping gills but I don't want to kick keep a bunch of bass cuz they're fun to catch so I'll take one maybe two baths if they're smaller you know take a couple but I like to keep the fish population healthy so when I return here it's really good I love seeing the fish take your liver I think that one right there and you just see the white thing in the water and they just see darkness and you feel a little a little so fun it's like such an excited feeling which is like our yeah you know you're gonna set the hook good too someone was asking me how far I drive when I go fishing and you know it depends that last fishing video I did where I caught a couple little teenies beaver please anyways where I caught a couple little teeny fish T low bass that was that was near town and something like this where it's very secluded and there's nobody you got a drive at least a couple hours or something like this it's definitely not near a town but yeah there we go this one is another bass oh yeah feels like a bit oh I feel like a nice bass poop-poop gonna set the hook I don't know if I set the hook very well on that one I'll be able to see later when I watch a footage there's a beaver lurking in the weeds in front of me he's keeping a watchful eye on me ya know you gotta be careful those beavers you know beavers are are a serious hazard they uh your signature is slapping the water when you're nearby there's scares yeah and you'll flip your boat it's never happened to me but they've definitely caught me off guard once to be over there Jesus hey right behind me was that our four night adventure in the wilderness with me and funk I definitely had one slap right near me it scared the crap out of me I was just not expecting it oh it's barely hooked barely hooked I can see it always feisty heads down the pads [Music] pads there there we go that's another healthy bass health Ms that's it's not a big porky one right there we go let's let this guy go let's actioncam Oh unfortunately this is not the best territory for action cam shots I love I love those shots in the fish swimming away in the water but it's hard to do when it's like dark and wheatie if it's a sandy bottom then you can set them up real nice but oh well hopefully we have somewhere we can keep on trying one of them will be good we're bound to get one good one we're still on our same when you're you if you're ever using this setup like I do your worm just gets destroyed like I've had two rehook it like seven times already you can see it's just like falling apart but it doesn't matter to the fish as long as it stays on you know it's got that little tail I think that's all that matters it doesn't need to be pretty it just needs that a little bit echoing come peppy go Brad so hard to cast this thing without a little ultra light ten pound test does not mix well with 30 tooth oh that bass what's about you wanted my little thing I love these they're so feisty right now he's going under this little wah here come here Bobby that's a hefty fish right there oh [Music] yeah that's a nice one that's a thick bass that's a thick one alright I don't know what is that for now this one goes to show you size doesn't matter I mean look at how teeny that little jig is look at that little thing right there I'm gonna get you those big old behemoths I'm flying I'm flying let's see if we can get a quality action canvas time I see right now there just as soon as I put them in the wall there's a guy here hey you know I just want him to be like hey man thanks for putting it back in the water I'm just gonna swim away real photogenic like and you know I knew I was gonna be let back so it's all cool they're all acting like you know it's life or death switch I can't blame them for you know can't really blame them for that one you drink that water Monty you tell them tell the Beavers it's not just their water show moves boss show may not own the lake maybe they do they kind of do on the lake they build those beaver dams and that's what keeps us late Phil if those were destroyed the lake would go with it so I guess this is their leg we're gonna be careful Monty's don't drink too much water they're gonna come to our campsite tonight they're gonna find a nice tree and drop it on us and we'll be smushed like bugs like little bugs but yeah Monty bugs nice tasty bugs [Music] I'm scared Lent II don't know that beaver is scared don't see him anymore [Music] upset the beaver we don't want an angry beaver on our hands keep my eyes peeled a stable fly you stinker got my ankle it just ruins my day hey Monty Montana Moe Mon Ptolemy month et Cash Monty oh I just thought of ways the dumb cash Monty I should like take a picture of them with like a pile of dollar bills on them and like a hat and sunglasses oh that's the kind of things I think about when I'm out here silly little ideas I should totally do that though I'm gonna have to now get like a hundred dollars in one's make a sticker out of it [Music] ridiculous I don't know actually $100 might take like two or three to cover up Monty he's a pretty big dog just go to the bank just may I need to take out $300 in singles and there be like somebody's going to the strip club tonight like no it's just for my dog ooh [Music] something was right you saw that on the camera you had to pick that up right there where I'm pointing with my rod it could have been that beaver or fish I'm just gonna go ahead and say was the beaver just because they'd be like chillin you know we're being stalked by a beaver he is right next to a boat and he almost came after us but at the last second I looked his way and he just turned around I just can't believe that they're not biting this little thing they always go for this except for today interesting very very interesting so Foucault there we go all right that's not bad that's that's not super huge but it's not tiny either don't do that thing where you drop a math you all right [Music] there we go it's not a monster but uh I did want at least a killer to for my sandwich if I can get one more of these these will each make a nice sandwich with some bass and they'll have some fried bass on the side it's gonna be so good all right we're gonna we're gonna give this on the strain I'm gonna try for a couple more of these so I think what I'm gonna do is try to catch another kill here and then take Monte swimming maybe do some swimming cuz I got a little sticky he's warm I'm sure he wouldn't mind floating around on the water and the only I wasn't planning on taking him swimming but the sun's out enough he's not gonna fully dry out so what its gonna mean is I need to give him a bath oh I get home so maybe we can make it a little fun thing of it and I can just show you guys a look look Monte in the bath he doesn't like it at all but yeah we'll let him swim he deserves it we'll let him fetch the stick have some fun just just one more come on come on just do it do it bite it let the hunger flow through your veins catch you there we go there we go that's a nice Gill sunfish all right I think with that we can call it good now all right there we go we are gonna be eatin so good today that's a nice one it's not a insane monster but it's a nice one so with this what we're gonna do is I'm just going to take a couple casts of the way back but now we're gonna go do some swimming and relax and until we cook up dinner oh this is gonna be so good there goes a swan [Music] right there he's coming by stop looking at me chuan I was just putting on a new jighead in Monty just farted a big old fart right he's right against the boat and it vibrated the bow a little bit then yeah he let out a couple little more toots what'd you eat Monty a little loose but you're farting you got into something they get in your Monty that's a good boy all right fine tell us do a few more casts and then we're gonna head back okay there's one right on my head [Music] set that one what do we got a pike is that a pike is that a pizza we had to go we had to catch at least one of these Pike I always prefer get off themselves [Music] we're fun that way but you guys said this before but if you put your finger you just slide it you don't touch the gills you slide it up along this and you don't put you put your finger right here in your pinch you don't go into their gills and you don't get your finger up into their mouth they can't really get you you just let them go like that nice and easy all right Monty three more cats you know how dad has an addiction to fishing and last Kassar you know it's hard to find the right time for a last cast because they're they're really just the truth be told there is no good time for a last casts someone said in the comments on their like last year was it their 12th last cast they call like a monster muskie or something like that and that's the truth that's how it is sometimes you get your biggest fish on your last last last final last cast and then sometimes you just get super skunked okay for real Monty this is my last cast right here ready alright alright alright let's head in [Music] [Music] see planes flying close I'll wave did you really actually think of that wasn't made my final cast beaver please [Music] okay back to camp all right all right all right all right mind he win you win month we're gonna go do some swimming here but I need to do something quick first set up my chair we're gonna test out that little thermo cell thing because it is eight o'clock right now I plan on being up till maybe 11 maybe not even and it says it works for four hours so if I'm up past 11 to 12 event we'll get to see how it works and the mosquitoes are getting me right now they're not insanely bad they'll get worse at night they're not terrible right now but we key check we can check it out through there remove this Oh mosquitoes are getting me oh yeah it's working okay it's on now let's see let's see what happens ladies and gentlemen well this mosquito doesn't like it doesn't seem like oh that doesn't stop that one okay so far it's getting me still but I think it's gonna take a minute for it to work wait you think Monty yeah okay you gave me this little holster here so it seems like so far it takes a minute but I don't feel them I don't hear them buzzing around me right now so it seems to be doing something I don't really see him oh there's one right there curious Oh Monty you got a punk on your face I'm gonna put this on my side and we're gonna go do some swim we're gonna walk to another lake cuz this one's pretty swampy we're actually to go back to that other lake that I did the 4th of July camping on that's got a nice spot yeah portage where we can swim so I'm gonna clip this on this side here and let's go swimmin Monte so thank you for this by the way CRD reaper appreciate it I if this thing works and I could just set this up it's really not that much weight it's a little bit bulky I guess but it's nothing crazy if this works to where you can just set it up at your campsite and you have four hours of bug protection that will be awesome so we'll see I mean it's obviously not gonna work when you're walking because what I'm thinking is it burns those pads and that's just some kind of gas that the mosquitoes don't like and I don't think it'll work as good if it's windy but then you don't need to worry about the bugs but I think we'll get to really test it out tonight near the fire or when we're cooking that's gonna be the big does this work or not moment because if I'm sitting around I give it you know 20 minutes to make a big cloud of whatever gas it's making and they're still attacking me then it doesn't work but if they don't then it works great but it's definitely it can't work when I'm walking because I'm just moving and they're getting me and these are vicious mosquitoes so it'll be a good test but I'm kind of pumped I hope it works because this is a funcle' really like this I can I might be even be yeah I might be able to get her out camping in buggier weather if this thing works which would be really awesome she doesn't like the bugs as much as I or she she doesn't put up with the bugs as much as I do I kind of let him get me and I deal with it he doesn't like him as much Monty why do you got muddy little feet huh would you do you mess up your fur Monty [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] bring your uncie bring me that stick [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] you will be her mouth hey beaver Ralph how's it going we're just coming soon with me oh just you good boy just a couple more there's a good boy hey what you doing oh okay I'm okay you know stay out here with me is that what is this hey good boy well stinky dog oh it's okay ba-dum ba-dum Monty Monty Monty Monty Monty Monty Monty Monty Monty little shark my deep or just a swim for ten fifteen minutes straight Monty I'll not even do anything to keep you out here okay that time I was mean I'm sorry I'm sorry [Music] all right Monty Monty I need to tow back in come on Monty I needed a tow come here come on Monty's towing service good boy Monty all right let me hang on good boy all right tell me back in I wonder if I just hang on it don't do anything oh yeah you'd pull me in mighty all right good boy all right let's throw you the stick a few times well I felt good that was refreshing it's so peaceful all right now good boy see if you think he's tired it's right you want me yeah okay see [Applause] weirdo all right so I'm just gonna throw this stick a couple more times for him and then we're gonna head back I got a play at the fish I got to prepare a bunch of stuff for dinner so uh yeah we've got to get to it whoa I know the size of that beaver whoa it's a weird-looking beaver out there [Music] what's he doing it's coming right at me oh man what's coming I'm so weird oh oh it's getting real close to you wet sloppy dog I'll get away from my camera No all right since I got this thermos cell thing we're gonna give it a test I'm gonna I wanted to set up or a pretty buggy spot a little swampy spot and I have a nice view of the sunset so this is where we're gonna be making dinner I'm auntie Rae Monte dinner here oh yeah so since this is gonna be our base of operations let's just set this in here really nicely Oh a Montague sit behind me we'll slip this right here and this it says it should make a 15 by 15 area free of mosquitoes and black flies so I'm gonna give it a good 20 minutes to be a bug free zone they're not really getting me right now so it kind of is working I guess maybe and so far you don't really notice other than a slight smell but anyways we've got to prepare some stuff I've got to get some water I brought this little reusable grocery bag because I don't have to do any Portage's so uh what we've got we've got some ciabatta buns and then we've got cabbage pickles oh the pickle juice got out now it's gonna be all in my Oh anyways cabbage pickles lemons Mayo get these pickles out of here I knew I should use court freezer bags to put those pickles in well we're gonna have some pickle e cabbage which is okay but we've got to start preparing stuff before I fillet the fish I want to get everything prepared for the sandwiches because I've only got the two fillet knives and I've had to use both of them to Flay the fish and I don't want to slice up stuff with fish stink on it when it's not gonna get cooked you know I mean we've got some oil I've got an avocado aguacate and then a couple slices of cheap American cheese and my homemade batter there's some good stuff right here it's a dry batter so you just get your fish wet but anyways let's prepare up our all our stuff our sandwiches and then get cookin okay let's cut some stuff up here we've got to have a we've got a snack on a pickle mmm oh yeah oh good we're gonna start with is the cabbage slaw the key to making a good cabbage slaw is to slice it nice and thin we'll go once down the middle just make sure it's nice and oh yeah look at that that's that's some good stop right there [Music] we got to taste a little bit mmm I love cabbage I'll put this in my bowl now we'll go once down the middle just make sure it's nice and oh yeah look at that that's that's some good stuff right there we got to taste a little bit mmm I love cabbage I'll put this in my bowl now okay transferring now we're just gonna take I'm gonna cut my lemon here I'm gonna squeeze it all over this this is just gonna be lemon juice and cabbage that's what our slaw is and it consists of making sure to get these seeds out the deerflies are getting me the mosquitoes I don't think are getting me very much but the deerflies are found me okay there's got bunch of lemon juice on it let's taste it mmm okay that's ready oh that's good all right now we got to chop up some pickles here to make up our TARDIS we're gonna make a little tartar sauce it's not going to be I'm not going to get this to like mulch but I'll get it you know we're just going to cut it up a little bit get into little bits here little enough to mix with the Mayo all right that should be good enough little bits sunsetting I'm going to take a little thing a male here we're gonna scoop that out into here we're gonna mix that up with our pickles we're gonna need a little bit more mayo actually I'm probably have to use most of this might need a little actually extra pickles let's see yeah so I'm gonna chop up like three more pickles and add it to that and we're gonna have a little relish or a Turner okay so that thermos elf thing has been sitting there for 25 minutes now not moved and I am sitting maybe 5 feet away from it and I'm not really getting too bit up but I'm still getting bit up by a couple of mosquitoes like there's one plan right there and it seems like for the most part it kind of Ward's away the mosquitoes but then there's some pesky ones that just don't care and they're just gonna come around me no matter what I do we'll get to see more as it gets tonight that's when the the real test will come out all right well let's let's see how my these aren't chopped up is fine let's say my tartare looks now my tartare oh yeah that's some homemade backcountry tartar sauce right there really Pickler let's taste it let's taste it all right that's good I can use a little garlic but that's pretty dang delicious I've got two coming up an avocado we'll put some avocado slices on this sandwich ooh not a bad I've Akkad Oh oh yeah there we go nice avocado slices all this is gonna be so good oh yeah plenty about I need a little I need a little piece of avocado right now mmm oh yeah oh this is gonna be delicious okay now I've got one final thing to do I've got everything prepared for the most part I've just got to fry up the fish I've got a so what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna because this ground is really uneven it's kind of uncomfortable too since the Sun already set I'm gonna move and heat back by camp so I'm just gonna play the fish right now move all the stuff back to camp and then we're gonna start cooking warning this is a little bit graphic okay you've been warned so I punctured my foot a little bit dinner's on hold the moment I've gotta go clean out my foot and use my first aid kit and check out this but I'm gonna hobble over oh man that hurts so I was this is the one downfall of wearing Crocs I don't think anything stuck in my foot oh I can't remember where it is I had to be careful but I was walking just you know naughty there it is this right here that stabbed in my foot through my crock it's a beaver broke it off and yeah it punctured my foot now there's blood everywhere so I've got to clean this up and hopefully there's nothing in there but it got me good it got me real good so and I've only got crocs yeah so that's that's probably the worst thing that's ever happened to me wearing Crocs so far so I'm gonna clean this up and it's probably gonna be a little bit before dinner cuz I got an injury it's not terrible I'm just going to clean off the blood and see if it's I'm gonna stop the bleeding but there's not much I can do about it just clean it up well that's what you get for wearing Crocs folks sometimes you'll puncture your foot I mean put an injury aside isn't that just a beautiful sunset look at that so peaceful well you just love in life is dad a dingleberry sometimes it's dad a dingleberry yeah so I just I haven't fully the fish yet I'm just about to get to that but I basically so I've got really bad calluses on my feet I don't know if you noticed that from that one little shot he got but yeah that's part of my psoriasis I got pretty gnarly calluses and I couldn't find the puncture wound I it didn't go in super far I would say it punctured in like that much maybe a little bit more but not it it poked me good but not crazy amounts um so I couldn't really find the hole I could feel where it hurt so I just kind of cleaned it up as best I could you know put some triple antibiotic on there and I put a big bandage and it wouldn't really sticks I put a strap around us I got it all wrapped up and I was walking back over here to collect my stuff and I was making sure to avoid that one stick and guess what I did I stepped on another stick and poked my foot again same foot it just got me on the psychs I was walking on the side of my foot being really careful to avoid that one stick and I poked myself again on a separate stick it's not as bad but it definitely bled again pretty good but it didn't go in as far cuz I was just like what so now I've got a Flay fish and then we're gonna relax okay so I've got good and bad news good news is I only poked myself on the little sticks twice the fish is all cleaned up filleted ready to be cooked and everything and I'm relaxing the bad news is that me and Monty are getting absolutely mauled by mosquitos like just I am just getting annihilated right now and this thing Ivan Ivan seated just smoked right there I mean there's mosquitos I just put in it was a little pale the pack so I put in a brand new one just 10 minutes ago and I've been sitting here and the smoke is blowing right on me and there's mosquitoes flying in my face and I mean I think I've given this thing a thorough test it's at a 15 foot radius it is on my lap this is a 3-foot radius my body right now and I am getting mauled fresh new pack I mean I am getting just bit up right now it is not fun I didn't bring a deep so I'm gonna go ahead and say that this thing doesn't do that much I mean when the smokes blowing right at my face a little bit but I'm still getting bit up and they're all on my ankles and they're flying around I'm gonna give it a like another three minutes and if I don't stop getting bit by mosquitos altogether in the next three minutes because there's no wind I'm gonna go and cook in my best jewel because I just do not feel like dealing with this right now I know I could light a fire in everything but my foot hurts and I don't feel like going and getting a bunch of firewood and I could like I've been walking out of like I tend to take injuries knee it was it's not as bad as it seemed but the mosquitoes are worse than they seemed at first I'm gonna give it another few minutes that's all it gets and I mean it's at 15 foot radius this thing is right on me and I'm getting bit up so anyways guys that's where at me and Monty are getting bit up that's alright we're moving to the tent Monty alright guys I've debunked the thermos L in freshly spun bad mosquito areas it's bad and it was really bad when I was playing fish so we're moving to the tent I'm moving everything I want to sit down and relax and that's what we're doing we're doing it let's do it Monty moving to the tent I try to stay I'll try to say sit like this anyways it's warm it's very warm and muggy so I had to strip down to my undies there's no wind out there those bugs were nasty so anyways I am going to do my best to a film this delicious epic meal being prepared but it's gonna be a late one had to do a little rearranging because I put the vegetable on backwards on purpose because I wanted this one was a bigger one and that messed up this I had to I had to take off the rain fly for now poop poop at least I noticed hey better than nothing so anyways guys I got a whole mess here and I'm struggling this is this is rough recording this so I just set the camera out here I'm gonna record in ten minute intervals and I've got Monty's fish cooking up first I just put it on there he's gonna get a big old fish portion and mix that with his food I gotta cook his up first so right now what I'm doing is I am going to batter up my fish so I'm gonna take off as many dead bugs and sticks and grass as I can as much as I can and then I need another piece of tinfoil here okay so take a little water keep it in this this here this thing we're just gonna roll over on it actually put a little pile oh okay that's one thing you don't want to do see how I got one hand okay so what we're gonna do is when you're doing it like this with the dry batter I almost screwed up there you want to keep one hand in the dry stuff and one on the wet because if you just put your wet hand back into your batter and then keep doing that you end up with a goop and that's no fun so I need to actually get another piece of tinfoil I know this isn't the most glamorous thing guys I'm sorry but there's a piece get it in there all right there we go now we've got the sister all right this hands gonna stay dry I keep screwing up and this hand gets wet this hand stays dry a little bit more of this Oh dry dry hand dry it okay there we go Oh so what's in my batter here my homemade batter it is 50% corn flour yellow corn flour and it is 50% no sorry 50% cornmeal yellow cornmeal and then the other 50% is white flour and then a bunch of salt and pepper and I usually go lots of salt and pepper on in the batter just so you can taste it good always tons of pepper and this this this one I actually go extra salt here we need more moisture in there it's boiled out the water like twice now he's got a little crispy fish it's pretty much done I just want to make sure well there's a nice mouth for Monty right there Malti he's definitely have some bugs in there but I don't think he's gonna mind I don't think he's gonna mind one bit so as soon as his done cooking I'm gonna get my oil going I'm gonna need to take my oil on and off or put it on and off as I cook it goes gonna get way too hot with this flame mmm those pickles are good Monty's is done in there all right yummy Monty food okay now the flame is gonna go out at some point which is fine because it's like I said it's gonna get really hot so it's totally okay if it goes out and cools down a little bit come up take it off and on anyways let's get some oil in here it's gonna be a little uneven that's better that's better Monte's we need to mix with the stick and we're gonna get spraying some fish and a little fish fry all right give her the old spit test all right we're cold I'm going to try to get enough for both my fish tacos and your sandwiches not fish tacos and then we're just gonna eat the rest a little delicious fill it's alright so let's make some room here I can get one more piece in there there we go alright we're frying some fish now okay well that's crying I'm gonna do my best kind of heat up my buns here around my stove I don't want to let them directly touch the flame because this is heat so I'll let them get licked by the flame but I do want a little bit of a toasted bun so we're gonna triangle oh that works oh that's about as good as it's gonna get that'll work that'll work alright let's give these things a flip here oh man I'm so excited for this this is gonna be so good it is all gonna be worth it everything it shall make the most delicious fish sandwich ever they're pretty much there they're about done I just wanted to get nice and crispy for the sandwiches sake but it's time to prepare oh yeah it's about done I just like it to be extra crispy when I'm putting on a sandwich [Applause] okay let's get the sandwiches prepared here okay so we need some of this stuff can you use it all oh yeah yeah it's gonna be good yeah that's gonna be good okay since it's in the way I'm just gonna do slices of avocado next I can't really access this other stuff the slaw so they get the oh well we're just gonna have some extra avocado there alright this is done this getting off to the side okay I had to get the fish off there so where were we where were we oh yeah this just slaw so let me just mix up the oh all man I am making such a mess this is just gonna be disastrous okay laws mixed up I'm just going to do this by hand we're not gonna get pretty oh it's gonna just heaping piles of the slaw oh yeah heaping piles no shame no shame okay now the Golden Delicious fish sandwich that on there oh yeah oh yeah just nice big pieces of fish okay and to finish it off we've got some cheap American cheese and I know some of you're gonna be like oh why why taint it with that stuff you know what it just adds a little bit of something right there and then we're gonna just put the bun on top oh this is gonna be so good oh I'm so excited all right it's time to eat this [Music] this is gonna be so good oh good look at that oh man all right it's time to eat just I can't look at this anymore it was all worth it because of this moment Oh Monty is drooling look at that guy's oh it's gonna be so good buddy all right go ahead go ahead eat yours all right I'm gonna just make a mess I'm gonna be a sloppy monster right now so don't judge me don't judge me hmm this is so good I've got little bonus pieces there's so many bugs in the tent right now let's mow down this I just need look at that thing oh it's so good let's get a monster monster by it I just have to glad I brought extra tinfoil that's the only reason I'm not getting coleslaw and just mail all over my temp luckily it's staying right on the actin well this guy's real interested in my sandwich well ladies and gentlemen I would say this is a great success great success this is so good and despite the injury and the bugs I'm having a blast right Mundy yeah do you want more how do you want more you literally had more fish than I had but you've watched me eat both these sandwiches and the least graceful way possible so now that is this the clock has struck midnight we bid it to midnight great my bad food smaller mouth I'm a mess right now a monster have we got enough undies time if I put my hands right does it look like I'm naked I just there does it look like I'm naked now Monty we're both naked out in the woods alright I'm gonna eat my last couple of pieces of fish and I'm going to clean up my terrible mess is bad but I'll worth it I'm gonna go clean it up and then we're gonna set up and get ready for bed because that was spilling I'm ready to lay down now a hammer you laid up no Monteith okay cleanup time Monty's pretty upset that he's on the sleeping pad so he's just resorted to laying him I stopped oh you stay there mister you little stinky butt stink poop anyways that was how's a fun mess I was a lot of fun so what I'm going to do now is probably try to kill the million bugs that are in here there's moths and little gnats in you know hardshell bugs ants mosquitoes you name it it's in here so I'm just gonna get to that but we had a good day caught some fish had a delicious gourmet meal had a little injury you know got bitten up by some bugs it was all along a good day you know I know you guys thought that when you clicked on this video you were gonna see you know an adventure but it ended up being you know like 10 minutes of adventure and then like 40 five minutes of some dude just sitting in his underwear sweating a tent you know you get what you get oh all right I'm passing out I'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody good morning Monty Monty Monty Monty Monty Monty hey Monty Monty Monty hi don't lick my nipples don't you do that that's gross they're no good boy I slept like a rock last minute that was close oh you must if two minutes oh he's like a beautiful sunny day hmm let's feel tender the foot is oh it's a little sore it's not terrible but it's sore not gonna be breakfast or do you think this morning I've got to drive home and spend the rest of the day and editing up this video for you guys tomorrow so no time dude that too much time to waste I got a roofer yeah I sucked a little bit that's okay I slept so good last night just like a rock I don't even think I gave my dear chance to get up on the sleeping pad little stinker all right I'm getting up getting outside let's do it what a beautiful morning very calm ID yeah Mundy I might be a good boy yeah tastes like a boy good boy no potato so I guess we'll give the blur myself playing another go here I'm just limping around test that again mosquitoes are out again hmm yeah I'm just limping around this that little foot Punk pokes it's not the worst ones I've ever had I've had I've had a much worse one I was with some friends and we were doing a little fishing excursion and I was like Sean I'm out of fish and I brought him on my own spots and at the end we were gonna play the fishing up and eat it and I was like oh I'll show you how to play a fish and I was running around doing it really quickly and I I set my fillet knife I just kind of set it down when I was done and it was like a log in the ground and the ground went up and I set it against that and the knife was sticking up and I was just running around I forgot where I set it and just wasn't even thinking and I stepped on the night and I could just oh I just the fillet knife and I felt it and I lifted my foot up in the knife actually was deep enough to where it's stuck in my foot and it flung it out when I kicked my foot up that one was rough that was a very painful injury that one was deep I just put my full weight oh it gives me the heebie-jeebies thinking about that one this one's not so bad it's gonna be sore hopefully it doesn't get infected that's my biggest concern because they step on a stick twice and if there's any chunks of it up in there I'm gonna have to get them out and that won't be fun but it looked like a clean puncture is a non dead stick we'll see we'll see how it goes I'll keep it clean well that's another hot day I'm really hoping that this injury here this little foot poke the one's not so bad that I'll heal up but the bigger one and the main part of my foot I hope this heals up pretty quickly I I had a little adventure plan that I was going to go in a new spot but I've never that I've never been to in summer time and it's gonna require a decent amount of portaging and waiting up a river so my foots hurt I can't do it I can't be limping around doing something like that so I got a hope that this heals up quick here that'd be a big bummer probably take forever getting into my boat cleanly without getting my foot in the water as best I can and then we're gonna get heading back Monty I'm hobbling hobbling Monty I'm hobbling I'm a hobbled in the habit yeah you did your good boy we want next scratch you learn next crash Monty oh yeah like there's like dad yes you do oh I know you like the next scratch oh that's Monty's favorites oh yeah that's a good white take this spike me right there so it got me good in the ground to squint she here so it went down I'm gonna cut it up and hopefully it won't happen anyone else no sunglasses right oh shoot oh shoot it's a hot one I'm gonna be sticky in the car no a/c got my beater those fish sandwiches last night I would recommend trying those there's a little bit of a mess that was made worse by just my just by the bugs and sitting in the tent there's so many bugs in the tent last night but it was it was so worth it and I mean it does make it easier when like I said last night just being able to just go home right now with going over to beaver dams I just put all my crap all my tinfoil garbage just folded it up and put the bag enough like worry about it too much in my pan I just kind of you know put the oil back in the bottle and I just kind of wiped it out with the stuff I had and it's just it's kind of that bag is gonna be a little bit nasty but you don't have to take extreme measures so that's nice and it was like the perfect amount I didn't overeat I hate I both my sandwiches i I didn't want to show you guys but I slurped up all the rest of that coleslaw there was no need for you guys to see that that it a gross you out the fish breeze feels nice I slept in a little bit it was just so peaceful I had to sleep in it was I did not want to get up I slept so so I rarely sleep saw like that and I just I couldn't wake up and just leave something so good so was my teeth she looked like a rock - maybe was just we're satisfied oh yeah he was satisfied he had a bunch of bobby yeah that's what it was we're gonna chalk it up to that plenty just the best are you oh oh I messed up your Fung Shui I've hadn't you [Music] sometimes the Monty doesn't like being pet when he's in a comfortable position [Music] he's a weirdo sometimes he's just like Pat him on he's just like right there I'll sit up he's like hey why did you have to mess up the windows of my happy place so Monty I'm thinking Monty's gonna need a bath I got time today if I have time I'll post a little post trip clip of Monty in the bath but we'll see if I got time it's not there than I'm sorry no Monty bathing sticky sticky sticky bright bright bright so guys that's gonna do it for today's adventure we had a delicious meal last night we'll hiccup little bug biting but all in all I had a blast Monty had fun and I know he enjoyed his food so as always guys if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit the subscribe button and I'll catch you guys in the next video [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 151,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: catch and cook, fishing, camping, backcountry camping, wilderness camping, wild camping, how to camp, campfire cooking, cooking, food, gourmet food, catching fish, catch, angling, backcountry, wilderness area, canoe camping, camping dog, dog, dogs, funny, hilarious, educational, how to fish, buggy weather, backpacking, bushcraft, bushcrafting, bushcrafter, bushcraft skills, survival skills, survival, outdoorsman, michigan, camping in the woods, woods, forest, eating, wilderness man
Id: 2Th8tTuinpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 43sec (7423 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 15 2018
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